#in the future any historical material will be on main
onelungmcclung · 27 days
mine: —things I've made —ao3
shows: —band of brothers —the pacific —masters of the air —generation kill
historical: —vintage photography —ww2 history —reading —the veterans
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hocuspocusbabyy · 4 months
A ring of bright light: Chapter 1. ‘It’s happening again.’
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Eloise Bridgerton x Female OC.
Description: Eloise Bridgeton is to marry Lord Brennan this upcoming season, following a residency at her familiar home Aubery House. Their betrothal is to be announced in two months. If all goes to plan…
Warnings: None?
Word count: 1k (just an opener don’t panic loves.)
Next Chapter
Eloise tightened her gloved hands on the balcony wall, partially to resist the temptation to leap ahead and greet those who waited on the other side and partially to wake herself from the nightmare to come.
Winter air cools against her skin, the long gown doing little against the harsh country noir exterior that was Aubrey House at night. Buried deeply into the evergreen stitch of her corset, her heartbeat ragged against the confinement. If birds were not built for cages, surely the same logic would be applied to herself? Bare feet making a swift sloshing sound aggravating the gravel below, debris digging into the pads of flesh deeper than any weapon she had known before.
The gardens seemed alive with light as every inch of ground bubbled with people and for a fleeting moment, as more carriages approached the castle. A warmth raised within her chest as undeniable anxiety, familiarity. Turning her back to the on coming guests, the small of her back pressed deadly against the barrier. Shadows filtered through the historic windows, as the dust licked walls still seemed to cling onto the fleeting light of Friday as though an old friend they had yet to have finished talking to. A shaking breath escaped the mouth, caught in a brief moment of admiration towards the dripping sun - for out of all the fires she had seen this hideously biblical form was one she had grown fond of; or rather the flashes of red from within its last moments as through snippets of the passing day mere memories now. Only the future night was imminent.
She was running unusually late, she could tell by the main entrance to the building growing peacefully desolate; as the other inhibitors congregated within the ballroom. Her eyes squeezed shut, desperately clinging to those final moments of silence.
“You’re not considering jumping are you?” A voice asked the approaching footsteps drew closer, heart edging to her throat.
“What would that help? Death has no use for me yet, although I do wish he would.”
“What makes you so sure death is a man?” The voice asked again, their body finding rest beside Eloise.
“Surely only a man could be so cruel, as to hover such a fate in my peripherals.”
“I see.” The voice hummed as though mulling the conversation, “And clearly you see so much with your eyes practically melted closed.” Eloise’s laughter was a welcome sight to her visitor, the brunette's eyes finally opening as her head found rest against the woman’s shoulder. Her mother – Violet. A buoyant woman; complimented heavily by her Angelically crow-like features - coils of ash tamed in a formal updo so different to the style had grown accustomed to as she usually pottered away her hours within the castle greenhouse. Fingers never without the soil beneath them, a relationship with a ghastly old nail brush that lay upon the kitchen sink heavily established. She'd always lecture upon the importance of soil, on how each particle of the earth somehow held its own story and origins - for soil had seen more love, more pain than any human. As she'd place lumps of the material within their hands "Rub it in then the memories never leave you".
It was reminiscent of her father, of his death. Violet hadn’t allowed anyone to tend to the lilacs since.
“Is everyone here?” Eloise asked after a moment, basking in the comfort of her material figure.
“All the ducks are in rows my dear, now they await a leader.”
“You’re their leader.” mumbled the familiar scent of gardenia flowing past her, upon the open air.
“Now for long my little swan.” Violet sighed, a perfectly delicate hand raising to card its way through the princess’ hair.
“Is he here?”
“Your suitor? Yes dear unfortunately for you he has shown” The queen laughed hoping to lighten her daughters mood.
"We have a nasty habit involving men in this family" her mother would often say whilst winking at her father Edmund across the room. He had passed on almost ten years ago; he'd been the best hug giver and secret magician, never failing to pull a coin from an awaiting child's ear. A sometimes overbearingly traditional yet progressive man, his head still surprisingly full of hair till the day of his early demise. Collins is seemingly thinning already.
His passing had wrecked the family. His wife, all the more scornful and ironically loving; the clone of her mothers, and the replica of herself - Lady Violet was no elementary being, her voice like bathwater, every syllable effortless and wise. She played the piano as though it were second nature to breathe air; embraced few but loved many under the guise of something to be feared. Eloise’s most loved and favoured person in the entire world… unless you asked Benedict.
Then there was Eloise, Lou and 'Flower' on the not too rare occasion, for as her mother was prone to say and the people continued, was the "one of the most precious examples of life to ever grow within these gardens.” with her uncontrollable ripples of dark hair, ill radiance and sea filled eyes, the procurement of two fine specimens to create the most poorly formed swan the world was ever to behold.
“I wish he were here.” Eloise mumbled gently, Violet’s lips falling to kiss the crown of her head.
“I know my dear, as do I.”
Father had died in these very Gardens during her seventh year. Leaving behind Anthony as the elder brother to ascend the house.
“Come now. Best to hit the ground running, keeping your guests waiting is a terrible introduction.” Violet stated, stepping towards the balcony doors.
The set of grand doors that almost shook with vigour with the level of presence behind it, the noise and voice of many locked behind it. Eloise came to her mother’s side – she could not run from this, this was her home.
The doors were opened with one swift movement of the awaiting footmen, revealing a ballroom, many familiar inhibitors of the neighbouring families huddled around in festivities, laughing. Drinks not far from hand, and children in clear scheming mode begging their respective guardians to stay up late; while others could be seen playing games in each corner, the low light shining on each face – new and old.
“Introducing The Dowager Viscountess Bridgerton and Miss Eloise Bridgerton.”
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estherax · 1 year
Generating plasm and stacking matchboxes: how to build a better future through collective consciousness.
Alternatively - Steban and Ulixes were building Tatlin's Tower so I have to talk about the symbolism or I will explode!!
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While completing the communist vision quest you get an opportunity to build a model of "The Tower of History", depicted on the last page of "A Brief Look at Infra-Materialism": a leaning tower wrapped in a dramatic helix. The scale model you make is a mirror image of Tatlin's Tower - a design for a grand monumental building to the Third International: the government organization advocating for world communism.
The main idea of the monument was to produce a new type of structure, uniting a purely creative form with a utilitarian form. Meaning it would function as an office building while also serving as a symbol of cultural significance. And let me tell you, this bad boy can fit so much symbolism in it.
Tatlin was commissioned to develop a design in 1919, after the 1917 February Revolution - a parallel to Disco Elysium's Insulinde we're witnessing post-Antecentennial Revolution.
Tatlin's work was inspired by high revolutionary goals, which are evident in the visual direction of the tower as well, expressing the ideological strive for achieving something that has never been done before, overcoming the odds. The structure "oscillates like a steel snake, constrained and organized by the one general movement of all the parts, to raise itself above the earth. The form wants to overcome the material and the force of gravity..."
The tower has meaning packed even in the materials. For example, the glass structures (marked A, B, C on the architectural rendering) were meant to serve legislative, executive and informative initiatives while rotating around their axes at different speeds. The material signified the purity of initiatives, their liberation from material constraints and their ideal qualities.
But here's the best part. The spirals.
"The spiral is the movement of liberated humanity. The spiral is the ideal expression of liberation: with its base set in the earth, it flees from the ground and becomes a symbol of the suspension of all (...) earthy interests." They are "the most elastic and rapid lines which the world knows" that represent movement and aspiration, continuing the themes of progress and freedom, but they also refer to something else.
In the process of building the matchbox model Rhetoric points out: "It's almost exactly as Nilsen's sketch imagined, a physical manifestation of the dialectical spiral of history."
The shape of the tower is a representation of dialectical development of history, first visualized as a spiral by G. W. F. Hegel. He pictured transformational change as "both linear and circular in order to be short-term responsive, i.e. possibly negating itself, and long-term strategic, i.e. a process of development."
Hegel's dialectics would later be reinterpreted through the prism of materialism by Marx and Engels to create dialectical materialism - the basis for historical materialism.
"Still, this idea, as formulated by Marx and Engels on the basis of Hegels’ philosophy, is far more comprehensive and far richer in content than the current idea of evolution is. A development that repeats, as it were, stages that have already been passed, but repeats them in a different way, on a higher basis, (...) a development, so to speak, that proceeds in spirals, not in a straight line; a development by leaps, catastrophes, and revolutions; (...) the interdependence and the closest and indissoluble connection between all aspects of any phenomenon (history constantly revealing ever new aspects), a connection that provides a uniform, and universal process of motion, one that follows definite laws - these are some of the features of dialectics as a doctrine of development that is richer than the conventional one."
The tower embodies progress in materialist understanding of history while also indicating the connection to ideological plasm, a manifestation of "the proletariat's embrace of historical materialism", necessary to create a better future.
According to Nilsen, the proletariat of a revolutionary state can generate enough plasm to create extra-physical architecture that "disregards the laws of 'bourgeois physics' and instead relies on the revolutionary faith of the people for structural integrity."
This function of plasm implies that The Tower of History can be created only under revolutionary circumstances - without a sufficient amount of plasm even the matchbox model didn't stay up. The exact same sentiment is expressed about Tatlin's Tower: "We maintain that only the full power of the multimillion strong proletarian consciousness could bring into the world the idea of this monument and its forms. The monument must be realized by the muscles of this power, because we have an ideal, living and classical expression the pure and creative form of the international union of the workers of the whole world."
Nilsen called it "the highest expression of Communist principles, a society whose literal foundation is the faith of its people."
Tatlin's Tower was a symbol of faith in the revolutionary future, the global triumph of Marxist socialism. A monument "made of iron, glass and revolution."
It was never built in real life, and neither was The Tower of History in the world of Elysium.
But you can try to see if there's enough plasm between the three of you. And the matchbox tower stays up for a long moment, quivering with an improbable energy. You believe it can say up - and it does.
So you have to believe; whether it's for collective action or generating ideological plasm. Then, together, maybe you'll be able to build as much as 0.0002% of communism.
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Writing Notes: Two Views of Culture
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There are 2 main perspectives about culture:
global or universal (etic) or
seen as culturally specific (emic).
Cultural universals are psychological processes that exist in every human culture and includes attributes such as values and modes of behavior.
These are often the areas of focus and study in psychology.
Some examples of cultural universals in psychology are:
Language and cognition
Group membership
The idea that specific aspects of culture are common to all human cultures is contrary to the emic perspective which focuses on cultural differences and culturally specific processes that shape thinking and behavior.
Research using an emic perspective is often considered to be an ‘insider’s’ perspective but can be biased if the participant or researcher is a member of the culture they are studying. 
A participant-researcher may fail to consider how the culture and cultural practices might be perceived by others and valuable information might be left out.
Products of Culture
In cultural psychology, material culture refers to the objects or belongings of a group including food, fashion, architecture or physical structures.
These objects reflect the historical, geographic, and social conditions of the culture.
Example: The clothes that you are wearing right now might tell researchers of the future about the fashions of today.
Is subjective.
Consists of the ideas, attitudes, and beliefs of a society.
Are things that are considered normal, appropriate, or ordinary for a particular group of people and guide members on how they should behave in a given context.
Example: In Western cultures, wearing dark clothing and appearing solemn are normative behaviors at a funeral. In certain cultures, they reflect the values of respect and support of friends and family.
Are related to the norms of a culture, but they are more global and abstract than norms.
Norms are rules for behavior in specific situations, while values identify what should be judged as good or evil.
Example: Flying the national flag on a holiday is a norm, but it exhibits patriotism, which is a value.
The way people think the universe operates.
Can be religious or secular.
They can refer to any aspect of life.
Example: Many people in the United States believe that hard work is the key to success, while in other countries your success is determined by fate.
Norms, values, and beliefs are all deeply interconnected. Together, they provide a way to understand culture.
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teshadraws · 7 days
Nia references Trubbish and Garboder in one of the earlier chapters when counterin Tobias' argument about the oddities of the human world…
How could such a species even exist if humans never naturally came to be in this Pokemon world of Seekers?
One of Trubbish' Pokedex entries says, "... was created when garbage and industrial waste mixed, causing a reaction that generated Trubbish."
Unless you may have an entirely different origin in mind for them, lmao.
Same goes for both forms of Muk and Grimer.
… Do Kantonian Voltorb and Electrode exist in Seekers? I can't remember if either have ever appeared...
And I guess the regional forms directly affected by humankind's actions (i.e. Alolan Ratata and Raticate, Alolan Meowth and Persian, Galarian Weezing, Galarian Meowth and Perrserker, Hisuian Zorua and Zoroark) could technically have unique ways of comin to existence due to certain historical or cultural events in the past.
Apparently the Vanillish and Klink lines came first and are what inspired the creation of ice cream and gears…
What about Golett and Golurk and Baltoy and Claydoll? Both lines were created by ancient civilizations… Same POSSIBLY goes for Bronzong and Bronzor.
And I can see Rotom existin... they jus can't inhabit appliances because those jus don't exist in Seekers' pokeworld.
And what of the Magnemite line? Castform? Castform was shockinly actually artificially created in Hoenn to help predict weather! I could see them existin somehow through natural means (clouds that became sentient through mystical means).
What about Deoxys? Deoxys simply came from space when its virus inside a meteorite mutates in the planet's atmosphere… Not from any manmade means.
Does Spiritomb exist and would it be comprised of 108 Pokemon spirits?
The ones I can def rule out from previous asks and convos are Mewtwo, Porygon line, Genesect, Megearna, Type: Null/Silvally, the Galarian fossilmon, Future Paradox Pokemon… And that would also go for Past Parodox Pokemon as well.
I'm also guessin that rules out Meltan and Melmetal as well (can't remember if you mentioned that).
And ya said Ultrabeasts don't exist purely because of no Ultra Wormholes, so no Lunala, Necrozma, Solgaleo, Cosmog, nor Cosmeon. (Though someone made a point in the server about that tombstone possibly havin a depiction of Lunala on it…) I do like the idea that Lunala and Solgaleo have existed once in this world, but someday jus... vanished.
Eternatus is said to be from another world as well… I'm guessin it doesn't exist, or maybe it does to some compacity? Do Zacian and Zamazenta exist in some shape or form?
And since gimmicks like Z-Moves, Dynamax, Gigantamax, and Mega Evolution also don't exist, it'd only make sense the Terrastalization phenomenon also doesn't exist, so no Teragapos either… (Maybe they did at one time but have all vanished or gone extinct).
Could the Treasures of Ruin (Chien-Pao, Wo-Chien, Chi-Yu, and Ting-Lu) also exist in some capacity? It could've been some long forgotten or scarcely known Legendary crafted the items they possess and planted them as precious artifacts across rhe world that intrepid explorers or passersby found and the resultin avarice of whomever owned the treasures caused their curses to bring them to life and take on their corporeal forms as a form of punishment or some sick pleasure from that Legendary? I dunno, I jus really love this quartet! They're so fascinatin and I myself have actually found a way to incorporate them into my PMD EOS AU lore!!
I know this is an enormously long ask, but thanks tons if ya take the time to comb through this and offer some answers! I know a lot of this is reachin and not really pertinant to Seekers' main plot, but it'd be really cool supplementary material! Sorta like what ya guessed for Zekrom and Reshiram.
Oh dang, this is a beefy ask, haha! Here we go.
The Pokemon in Seekers still create waste, even if most of it isn't nearly as manufactured and toxic as the human world's! Plus, the runoff from natural poison types like the gulpin and clodsire lines contributes to the natural poison waste in the environment. I will say that poison types like trubbish and grimer are much less common in Seekers than in the mainline Pokemon worlds, though!
Kantonian voltorb and electrode exist as a natural steel-type offshoot of the Hisuian variant! They just happen to look a lot like the pokeballs of other Pokemon worlds. :]
Hm...I'm going to say the golett/baltoy/bronzor lines just came from ancient Pokemon civilizations' artifacts, rather than human ones!
Magnemite aren't artificially created, so they're present in the Seekers world! I agree that castform could exist through different means, but it's likely a rare occurrence since they would have to come together through a sort of "freak accident" of weather phenomena.
Deoxys isn't currently present in Seekers, but they would have the potential to show up at some point if the space virus made its way to the planet!
Spiritomb does exist, but it's Pokemon spirits instead of human ones as is usually implied in Pokemon's canon.
The meltan/melmetal line exists, though they're rare! They're not manmade and are born from natural steel components.
Whoops. Forgot that I mentioned Lunala on the crobat's tombstone, haha!!! 😅 Let's say that Lunala and Solgaleo are largely considered legends, then, even more so than other Legendary Pokemon. They were thought to exist once, but have long since returned to their own dimensions and are no longer present in the Seekers canon.
Similar to Deoxys, Eternatus isn't currently present in the Seekers world, but could potentially show up if the meteorite it was born from in canon showed up in the world!
Zacian and Zamazenta exist, just without the same lore from Sword and Shield (so no Darkest Day). Instead, they simply guard their territory from threats. I don't think they'll be considered Legendary in Seekers, though. They feel more like regular (albeit powerful) Pokemon to me. I don't have an area in mind for where they dwell, though! 
Terapagos probably exists, but its ambient power isn't enough to cause terrastalization in other Pokemon. No game gimmicks here.
The Treasures of Ruin might exist, but that's another quartet that I wouldn't really consider "Legendaries" in Seekers canon! I'd say they're lying dormant in their shrines throughout the Seekers world, but I don't have any lore currently on who sealed them away. They were sealed away due to being dangerous, though, since they were created from negative emotions! Not that that nixes the possibility for redemption down the line. 👀
Hope that satisfies some of your curiosity!
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enlitment · 2 months
Books tag game time! Thanks @marcusagrippa for the tag ✨
Last book I read: Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Confessions
Confessions... not going to go into it in this post. It's a wild ride for sure. But if you're interested in mental health (issues) in the 1700s, it's a fairly interesting source material.
Book I recommend:
I've recently finished Carlo Ginzuburg's Cheese and Worms. It's an absolute classic! It's also a fairly quick read. I'd recommend it to anyone who's curious to see how modern historical research doesn't have to just be about famous kings or medieval battles (or if you want to read about an unhinged oddly progressive 16th century Italian miller. Menocchio is the best and I adore him!)
Book I couldn't put down:
That usually happens with murder mysteries, since I want to keep reading until I find out what happened. One of them is Umberto Eco's The Name of the Rose (also a classic, and definitely an interesting spin on the genre),
the other is Stuart Turton's The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle. Nothing to do with history but it's so unique and so good! The best way I can describe it is that reading it feels like playing a video game, in the best way possible. It also opens up some interesting philosophical questions at the end. I've been (unsuccessfully) trying to convince my friends to read it for a year now 🙃
Book I've read twice:
I've read a lot of books multiple times for my final high school exams, but the two I know I've read twice for reasons unrelated are Anthony Burgess' A Clockwork Orange (I rant about it any time I get a book ask, so I'll refrain from it here) and George Orwell's 1984 (I was obsessed with it in my early teens for some reason).
There are a lot of books I loved in my teens that I would be curious to read once again, to see if my perception has changed. It did happen for 1984 and Hamlet, so it would be interesting to see if it's the same case for other works as well!
A book on my TBR:
Gosh, so many. But one is Plutarch's Parallel Lives! I'm so curious about it but still haven't gotten around to actually reading it. I've only read short passages so far and I want to fix that! (Though good news is my grandparents actually have a copy in their library so I'll just snatch... um, borrow it at some point)
A book I've put down:
It used to happen quite a lot, but ever since I've started basing my reading on Tumblr... no okay, in all honesty, I've put down C. S. Forester's Hornblower and didn't get back to it for years. Although I love the tv series, I just couldn't get into the book. But I still kind of want to give it a go at some point in the future.
A book on my wishlist:
I've been obsessed with the Introducing Graphic Guides recently and I just want to collect them like Pokemon cards!!
They are very digestible and so, so good! I read one on Rousseau and Machiavelli, I bought one on the Enlightenment which I'm saving as a treat, but I need Žižek as well... and Foucault... and Romanticism...
A favourite book from childhood:
I know there recently was a movie that was... not good, but I loved Philip Reeve's Mortal Engines. It was this sort of steampunk-esque fantasy book which had a really interesting female protagonist. I mean I'm only just now realising how subversive it was that the main heroine was fairly unlikeable and very flawed but still someone you were meant to ultimately root for?
There was also a parallel about social darwinism – the world of the book had cities flying in the skies that were devouring smaller cities, robbing them blind and enslaving their populations. The governments had a flimsy quasi-philosophical justification for all this, but the heroes of the books were fighting against the status quo. Looking back, I still think the series was pretty cool!
A book you would give to a friend:
Recently borrowed Émilie du Châtelet's Discourse on Happiness to my friend after she went through a break-up. I'm hoping É's words of wisdom might help her!
A book of poetry/lyrics you own:
Catullus (a Czech and an English translation) of course!
I've also recently bought Ovid's Letters of Heroines in a second-hand bookshop and I'm looking forward to getting into it.
A non-fiction book you own:
A fair amount of biographies of old white dudes, to the surprise of noone...
but to give a little more interesting answer, I do own all the books by Jon Ronson. He's a British journalist writing about current issues and I find him to be both really funny and really insightful!
His books about the psychiatric industry (The Psychopath Test) and modern-day ostracism (So You've Been Publically Shamed) are especially good and I'd recommend them to everyone!
Currently reading:
Voltaire's biography - Roger Pearon's Voltaire Almighty. It may not be a prefect academic source, but his writing style is great and I'm really enjoying it so far!
I'm also on-and-off with Hilary Mantel's A Place of Greater Safety. I think I'll save it for once I start uni again.
Planning on reading next:
Denis Diderot's The Nun! I'm super curious because it sounds like a really interesting book for understanding sexuality and gender in the enlightenment era.
tagging @chaotic-history @my-deer-friend @theghostofbean and @iron--and--blood ! No pressure of course ✨
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lonestarbattleship · 2 years
February 19, 2023 Update from the Battleship Texas Foundation.
(my apologies, I forgot to post this earlier. It's been a busy week for me.)
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Another beautiful day at Gulf Copper!
Yes, we’re still running dry dock tours! We have dates posted until April 2023. For more information please visit: battleshiptexas.org/drydock
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TORPEDO BLISTERS (Yes, new torpedo blisters ARE going back on) - The addition of new framing for the torpedo blisters has stopped on the ship’s starboard side. Any new frames will be done with modules that will consist of about 9 frames each. They are produced off of the dock and will be brought on and attached to the ship’s hull. We now have the first two modules installed on the ship.
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The plated up portions of the blisters are comprised of two blister modules, more to follow.
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The forward starboard blister is nearly complete, the rest of the starboard blister will be built as modules rather than assembled on the ship as individual frames and plates.
Modules are being made in the shipyard’s fabrication shop.
More of the blister plate is going on the forward section on the starboard side. The forward sections are almost entirely plated up.
The blisters will be of a slightly different design and square off at the bottom below the waterline. This design change will make the new blisters easier to maintain. Workers have removed most of the aft and midship portions of the port torpedo blister.
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The exposed end of a blister module. Note the flat bottom, this is the main modification that we are making to their design. The original blisters curved under the ship and created maintenance problems because of it.
FOAM REMOVAL - Foam removal on the port side blisters is complete.
HULL - As work continues moving aft, any holes in the ship’s original hull (including areas under the blisters) are being repaired. New plates are added to thinner areas and smaller pin holes are welded up. The ship’s hull on the starboard side is now being primed temporarily. Sandblasting is almost complete on the starboard side.
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The midship section of the port side blister is largely removed, as well as the lower portions of about 3/4ths of the port side blister.
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Progress on the port side blister will soon reach the forward most section.
STERN - New plating continues being paced onto the ship’s stern. As the new plates go on, they are welded to the repaired framing done while the ship was still at San Jacinto Battleground State Historic Site in 2013-2014.
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More steel on the stern, there is a large open section behind the scaffolding awaiting new steel.
SCRAP STEEL - Any steel that comes off the ship (and is deemed worthy) will be used in future fundraising. We have already started making prototypes of the new products we will be offering on our store.
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The scrap pile grows, rest assured that this material will be made into items available soon on battleshiptexas.org/donate
Thank you all for the support and,
Come on Texas!"
Posted on the Battleship Texas Foundation Group Facebook page: link
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Do you believe in doing outlines in academic writing? If so, do you have any hot tips?
Jesus Christ, yes, please, please make outlines for your academic writing, at least if it's a paper of any decent length (i.e. 20 pages or more) or covers a topic in any complexity or detail. If it's just a 5- or 6-page undergraduate paper, you don't need to, but if you're writing a senior thesis, master's thesis, PhD dissertation, journal article, or anything else that represents a significant effort and unfolds in multiple parts, then you will absolutely need to outline it.
First: establish the main chapters or sections of your paper, sub-sections or main topics within each section, and what order makes the most sense for the content to go in. For example, if you're writing about the US Civil War, you can't leap right into the major battles or the aftermath/Lincoln's assassination/Reconstruction if you don't first establish the historical background and major events leading up to it. It might also be worth listing the sources that you expect to be most useful in each section.
Second: since, as exemplified by the Great Citation Debacle of 2022, both myself and pretty much every single academic in existence have strong opinions on citation, reference, and bibliography systems, it is worth drawing up a rough draft/working bibliography as part of your outlining process. You can organize your sources topically, thematically, chronologically, etc., but make sure you have all the information that will be required for a bibliography entry, as this will save you many headaches, and double-check which citation method you will be using. Download style sheets if necessary.
Third: once you have hammered out the rough order of your paper as noted in step one, you can refine the arrangement of sections, add more sub-topics, or other important content that you will need to cover. You can use different text colors if it helps you to visually differentiate which parts go where. Your paper will generally go something like:
Introduction (Opening, State of the Field, Thesis Statement, Literature Review, Formulation of the Problem, Proposed Answer, Outline of Contents, Expected Conclusion)
Chapter One (Chapter Intro -- Main Section 1, Subsections 1, 2, 3 -- Main Section 2, Subsections 1, 2, 3 -- Main Section 3, Subsection 1, Sub-subsections a, b, c, Subsections 2, 3 -- Chapter Conclusion)
Etc etc for other chapters/sections;
Conclusion (Recap of Methods and Sources, Repeat of Thesis Statement, Answer of Problem, Explanation of Results, Implications for Future Research)
Your references/notes may be incorporated into the body of the paper or placed at the end, but that's an overall pretty basic and foolproof way to start drawing up what you will need to do. Working with the material beforehand, especially identifying your most relevant sources and topic arrangement, will allow you to be more familiar and fluent with what you need when it comes time to do the actual writing.
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Well it was a good finalfest this one, I'm glad team grandpas won this time. It's like an echo of the original Past vs Future, lol.
Unprofreshional Splat 3 nagging incoming, but first, I'll link my other stuff for anyone that stumbles on this blog.
Main Blog: @thegoldendoorknob
Twitter: Petitemask
Deviantart: Chibilightsage
OC Comic: Wishway
Comic Askblog: @wishwaycrew
First off- unfinished plotlines.
Had plans to elaborate more on Salmonid lore. In this verse, the apocalypse was partially mass natural destruction, and part zombie apocalypse via the Salmonids. Jones was originally a regular salmonid that was tested in a research lab before escaping and starting the whole death-of-humanity thing.
Also, there was a surviving human moonbase where the rich and famous lived. They gradually replaced parts of their bodies with mechanical parts to live longer than usual, but it took an expected toll on their sanity. That's what I was going to connect the Side Order plot to, initially.
T going evil for a bit bc of the aforementioned Jones thing.
I have a very write-as-I-go mentality with ask blogs so I could go to and from these kinds of ideas, but those were some of the core ones.
Ok long rant time sorry
So I've ran 2 other ask blogs in the past, and I came to recognize one of the things that can keep me in a fandom for over 7 years like Splatoon is engaging with the game itself. It's one thing to just scroll through the wiki pages 10 times over, but actually playing the games is what gives them so much staying power. Not only does it let me theorize about all the loose ends stated in the plot, but I can consider the fun and technicalities of how the gameplay can tie-in with the plot.
If I didn't play the games, I wouldn't be coming up with ideas like the Respawn March, Ink Eggs, Cuttlefish making zapfish doll batteries on repeat levels, the tentacle amps in Octavio's arena being another Octoweapon, human reanimation, moon colonies...
All of that wouldn't happen if I just read the wiki and called it a day. And that's why it kind of pains me to say Splatoon 3 just.. didn't give me any lasting material to work with. I did like deep cut (especially Frye) but they showed up like.. a whopping 2 times in the actual story, and there's no real lasting impression they make outside of their idol career or supplementary material.
-And that wouldn't be too big of a deal, because the opener of Splatoon 2 ALSO sucked, and gave us table scraps for plot, but I was still able to engage with the story because the new salmon run mode was fun to play, and I still had a little breathing room with the new players before the meta scene REALLY kicked in with X-rank.
I'm not even going to get started with X-rank, or it's little brother S-rank's introduction in 1, but during my time playing I definitely got hit by the hard shift from casual to pro gameplay between these games. Splat 3 was a game that felt like it was made with the purest intention to please pro gamers, but in doing that, it really alienated any casual players from sticking around.
I have a difficult relationship with the shift in meta, because I started with Splat1 back in 2015. Splat1 was extremely defensive, and almost completely dominated by chargers, rollers, and sloshers. You'll never guess what my 3 favorite weapons were in that title I ended up spending.. I think upwards of 5 months figuring out how to play the splat charger, because I ran a Cap'n blog, and Cap'n was a historic bamboozler main. What kind of blog would I be if I didn't at least try to learn grandpa's main? Lol.
So then comes Splat2, and because of all the heckling they were getting over the hyperdefensive gameplay, they decided to shift to a hyperoffensive meta instead. Heaven forbid we got another Moray Towers or triggerfish, so they started to crack down on the level design to make it harder to lock a game down for 3 minutes with one really good charger.
So, my matches got spawncamped by blasters and shooters instead ♡
Because of that, it kind of hurt to come from being a skilled A+ rank charger at the time back into a B- level nobody who sullies their characters. But my friends were still able to play Splat2, and wanted to play splat 2, so it wasn't that hard to deal with.
Splatoon 3, however, no one wanted to play. Within almost 3 months of it's release, my mutuals were already done with it, and if I wanted to engage with it at all, I'd have to play it through solo matches. So I was already running on fumes, and then the main plot involved characters I never played, and plot that only really benefitted human lore. So, this blog's activity continued to stagnate until I couldn't find it in me to let it spiral into my human plot any further.
But it's ok sage, they reassured, because Splat2 plot also sucked, but OE pulled it out of the ashes! Just wait an entire year, and we'll show you how good this dlc is going to be!
Nope! More characters that you don't play and an average story!
I don't have a lot of hope for my relationship with a 4th game, because 2 and 3 gave me a general idea of where they want to go with the series now. I've just fallen too far behind from 2015 sage to 2024 sage that I know that the gameplay is no longer made for players like me. It's made for official tournaments and promotional material, and nintendo is going to make that bank because it's the logical choice. 3 Regulars will probably have it easiest, there.
Realistically, the easiest way for me to return to the series is if they made the map terrain "fun" again, or at least fixed the matchmaking to better pair people with similar skilled rooms (I'll wait those 20 minutes if I can be put in the right room, dammit!). But for now.. I'm sorry to return to the original character hermit shell I lived in, but the lack of community outside of my 4 mutuals isn't strong enough to keep me here when the gameplay can't.
So.. I'm glad Splat3's grand festival ended this on a bang, because I can say nice things about that. It finally gave me a fully positive impression, it just took the end of the game's lifetime to get here. I feel a little bad at the lack of an OE reference outside of Acht, but that more or less confirms to me Tartar is probably pretty dead in canon.
At least BOTH GRANDPAS MADE IT TO THE STANDS! I've had to eat crumbs for years and they reward me with a slice of toast. Maybe 4 could give all of us grandpa fans the balanced breakfast they crave, who knows.
So I'll be on hiatus for a bit, y'all can send asks at your leisure and if the fandom bug gets me again, there's a chance I could probably answer 'em in the future if splatoon 4 actually slaps. I just wanted to lay these motivation problems out so there isn't any will-they won't-they confusion that I've gotten from many other abandoned or deleted blogs.
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script-a-world · 11 months
Submitted via Google Form:
I want to build a world where the air is very toxic and all the population lives underground in shelters and if they're on the surface, they require lots of gear. I'm running into the issue of how toxic, how long this has been going on, how people even adapt (both technogically and physically). Especially the adaption part. Because this cannot be people who naturally evolved in such an environment when they lacked tech to survive it, and well, even with tech, there are still going to be random biological adaptions after quite a long time. I've been toying with the idea of between 3-5 thousand years but... Also if it HAD been that long, what might prevent them from eliminating the toxic air or something if it had so long.
Tex: Earth’s current air is already heavily toxic from manufacturing processes and other sources, to debilitating effects on one’s health (Wikipedia). Human DNA, at minimum, has already been altered by this (Google Scholar), and politics is a changing variable historically. One of the main issues in building a world with heavy pollution is that pollution doesn’t stay in one place, or one biome. Air pollution becomes water pollution, becomes soil pollution, and can become folded into geological strata over time, leaching pollutants to be literally unearthed in the future. Simply living underground is not necessarily going to stop this, particularly over the time span of thousands of years - materials break down, and need repair, which requires a manufacturing industry to create materials for such repairs. Survival, in this instance, becomes a sliding scale of definition  - the parameters for healthy will look different, and genetic-induced illnesses will culminate from environmentally-induced illnesses, so even if the environment is completely cleaned, the remnants of its effects will last for many generations.
Utuabzu: Tex is right, pollution has a rather nasty habit of traveling. But if you want the surface uninhabitable, you do have quite a few options. Nuclear winter, massive nasty pollution, supervolcanic eruption, planet kicked out of its orbit and surviving only on internal heat as a rogue planet, another planet already hostile to human life. Others I'm not really able to think of right now. But 3-5 thousand years is definitely not enough time for humans to meaningfully evolve any serious adaptations, especially not with the level of technology that would be required to survive at all. The best you'd manage is maybe people getting a bit paler and a bit smaller from living in light-poor and cramped conditions, and some dietary adaptations. Even that's debatable given that a culture technologically advanced enough to build these shelters is also going to be advanced enough to supplement vitamin d and ensure proper nutrition.
Rogue Planet is, to me, probably the most interesting option and the one that will be totally unfixable. The others would resolve themselves over time - the high atmospheric debris from a nuclear war or supervolcano would fall back to Earth (or whatever planet this is) within a few years, and both radioactive materials and most toxins do break down over time. You can't just wait out the cold of interstellar space. The planet's surface would cool continuously, and after a few decades would become so cold that the atmosphere precipitates out and forms a layer of liquid nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide. Then, it gets even colder and this freezes into a shell of N2-O2-CO2 ice. But, internal heat, from the planet's molten core and supplemented by tidal heating from any large satellites, could allow for subterranean habitats to be viable for millions of years. But you could never go to the surface without a full spacesuit.
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official-saul-goodman · 4 months
another banger post i’m afraid, not recognizing horror as sociopolitical in nature is a brain dead take i wish people would abandon.
i’m horrible at summarizing thoughts but i will TRY keeping things short- (after writing edit: did not keep things short)
horror to anyone should not simply be glorified gore or even something that makes you just a bit squeamish, something about horror for the sake of being ‘scared’ and not ‘horrified’ always rubs me the wrong way. some people who see the genre for the value it brings already fight against the praise of any cheap jumpscare, but that always feels like the main argument, that it should be ‘genuinely scary’ but not make them too uncomfortable, so it feels like people seem to just entirely and constantly miss the point of what horror is as an entire genre and mode of storytelling.
like i think horror isn’t supposed to just scare you, it is supposed to horrify you, just like you said!! most of the time when it comes to These White People who absolutely hate anything that isn’t digestible theres simply no ability- or even want- to sit with and untangle the discomfort. i always view horror as something cannot and never will escape the reality behind it, why it was made and what it’s doing and the feelings it evokes, so neither can the viewer, and mostly white people just have the choice of dismissing it and putting it out of mind.
also i just have an opinion that if someone cannot deal with the idea and discomfort of Real Things being depicted to them through layers of separation via fiction and narrative, it near 100% reflects just how disconnected from the real world issue being tackled they are, usually willingly so.
in the realm of media there’s this push from mostly white people that resists any depiction of racism as objectively bad and horrifying, or even any depictions of racism at all (historical/present/future even). it feels like everyone just wants oppression/anti-blackness/colorism/etc as very concepts to drift into silence somehow and disappear and not be an issue to think about. like somehow if we don’t depict racism ever at all in media then it’ll just… stop existing?? always feels like an undeniable mix of willful ignorance and no desire to learn literally anything other than what gets handed to them.
BIGGEST and final thoughts. a black and gay man becoming the face of IWTV trampled on what Louis’ character used to be- in the source materials he’s a plantation owner before a vampire. i genuinely don’t think i need to lay out how this is deeply intentional, or how even on a surface level this change is important to the adaptation, but i will sign off on the note that it’s a change that speaks to how the show is deliberately trying to speak about things in the present day, not just do a horror show about vampires, but a horror show that reflects more reality than Anne Rice’s book or the movie version following Louis and Lestat never had, what with the literal plantation owner protagonist doing the “woe is me and my white guilt” routine. dissolving into incoherent hatred for Anne Rice. ppl need to internalize why the story originated how it did, and why it had to be changed, how it’s stronger for those changes. overall, just how much more genuinely horrifying it is. i could keep going on about this forever actually, simply have to cut myself off here or i will send a full blown essay
I love that you started this ask off with 'another banger of a post I'm afraid' like I legit love that.
Also, all of this is true. Horror is meant to horrify not just scare, people need to understand that and learn to watch things that make them feel uncomfortable - especially when what's making them uncomfortable is the confrontation with the politics of racism. Like there's a reason why Louis was written as a black man in the show.
Fuck whatever the fuck Anne Rice wants we don't care about her or the preservation of her ideals cause she's just another insignificant racist white woman piece of shit.
Love you Peej!! Thanks for sending me essays always :)
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nerooooooo · 5 months
True Narratives are factual transcripts about specific events or experiences that took place often presented in a storytelling format. Its goal is to portray real-life events without any hint of fictional embellishments. Examples of True Narratives are as follows: biographies, autobiographies, historical events, and documentaries.
Testimonies, on the other hand, are a declaration of truth and facts. These are based on one's experience in a particular matter or a significant occurrence that they witnessed first-hand. Testimonies are frequently used in legal settings often by witnesses. Testimonies are also correlated with sharing one's story of religion and spiritual journey in faith.
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A prime example of what a true narrative should look like is Mitch Albom's "tuesdays with Morrie."
1.) Introduction - The title of the book is "tuesdays with Morrie" and it is a true narrative written by author Mitch Albom. His story tells us about the reality of death and its inevitability through the life of his professor, Morrie Schwartz. That those who have realized the significance and absurdity of life in this world are guaranteed the certainty of the mystery of life itself.
2.) Summary - The author's purpose is to provide a more-than-one perspective on how a person should tackle on life. One of main points brought up in the story is that we'd bought into society's lie about what a meaningful life entailed, that we fail to take our time to just sit back and enjoy what's most meaningful to us. Mitch also specified Morrie's take on material objects—that it wasn't the nicest television, the latest fashion, or trendy cars that mattered, but the years of love and connection that gave him true joy and meaning in his days. To be able to turn away from a culture that does not make for a fulfilling life, and instead create a new meaning and purpose for us. It could mean spending precious time with loved ones rather than working endless hours that loses its meaning after the job is done.
3.) Evaluation - It seems the author is someone who has truly learned about life's greatest lesson and is eager to share it with the whole world. The words that came from a dying old man who is still full of passion for those around him was able to move hearts and touch souls full of doubts and insecurities of the future. Everyone is just so distracted with their everyday lives so much to the point where we developed a society where everyone is anxious, depressed, unbelieving, and lacked the energy to experience the essence of simple living. Thanks to Albom's masterpiece, we are reminded of what really matters in life. The things that we should hold on to and value with our whole lives. So that we will not be regretful, rather we'll get to experience the blessing of living to the utmost.
4.) Conclusion - I started reading tuesdays with Morrie with an expectation that it would be in someway a tear-jerker, but that turned out to be the understatement of the century. It was successful in making me contemplate and pause multiple times in between the pages of his narrative. I am confident enough to say that this book does indeed has in it, the greatest life lessons one could ever learn. It was able to bring me fresh perspectives about living that I have never considered before. I more than agreed with what came out of a seasoned individual, and I made sure to emulate his teachings in his memory. Overall, this book by Mitch Albom is a book that everyone should read at least once in their life. It evokes for change to happen in a person. It is capable of redefining how people view life in general. Giving more value to the little things and moments in life is what this book found the most meaning in and I could not agree more.
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ravenmold · 10 months
How do you go about picking which fic to read next?
I've decided I'm going to take this opportunity to rant about my favourite AO3 tags some. And also about how a great summary can absolutely sell a fic.
So I've got two modes, as I'm sure most of us fanfic readers have: reading and rereading. Rereading I do a LOT of, I've got so many comfort fics, and the mood for them strikes when I'm stressed or when I'm having a normal Thursday and suddenly the memory of that one specific moment surges up and I have to go find it again (this is a lie my brain tells me. I will read the whole thing again - granted it's under 150k words).
But for new stuff?? Hmm, here follows a few of my favourite things:
For fic authors I'm not familiar with:
General fic things: A nice name. Bonus points if I find out several chapters in that it connects thematically with the plot! No Archive warnings - I'm not the biggest fan of character death etc. If you know me, this doesn't come as a surprise, I like my fics like I like my pets. Fluffy and exciting and comforting. (I will not expand on this simile any more because I realize now it has some major flaws) A sweet spot for words would be >10k and <80k. Not necessary for it to be finished, but I do tend to check finished fics first.
Tags that would definitely reel me in: mutual pining, temporary amnesia, slow burn, fake/pretend relationship, royalty or historical au, time travel/time loops, identity porn, marriage of convenience, workplace au's for some reason, epistolary, kid fic (DONE RIGHT), cheesy romcom crossovers, future fics/time skips, used to date/exes (this is a big one), space operas/sci fi au's, magic and crossovers with other pairings I like. Yeah I guess I like putting my Guys into Situations, no surprise there. Also zombie or apocalypse fics can be fun, if they're not too heavy on the angst. Unless I write it myself.
Summaries: This is the main thing that catches my eye. Probably also not unique there 😂 I like when they're more than two sentences and actually set up the tone and the inciting incident of the fic pretty well. I love a "quirky" premise, if you're like "so character A got cursed to be forgettable and the entire plot happens because of this" I'd be like Hell Yeah I wanna see how that happens!! 😂 I do also like when summaries, combined with the tags, give me an idea of at least like 80% of the fic. I'm not the biggest fan of when an author considers it spoilers if they drop hints about more than the first two scenes. That's what makes fic different from just picking up a random book, imo, and I like to know what I'm in for. That's why I also expect the focus of the summary to be the focus of the fic's main plot. I only find this out later, of course, but we're talking ideal circumstances here.
For fic authors I know/enjoy:
Honestly, same as above but if you manage to hit any one or two elements I'd be interested. I follow a few authors, but not a ton, as I tend to forget to unsub when they move on to new fandoms and then I just live with the emails on random pairings I get 😅
Overall, how I choose new reading material is usually by seeing if my new hyperfixation has my preferred tropes and tags. And by being intrigued by an interesting summary and setup. Once I've worked through all of those, I'll go through the bookmarks of people who've read and enjoyed my favourite fics, and then I've pretty much never dried up on content so far.
Thanks for the ask! This has been really fun to talk about. And I can look back on it in a few and see if my tastes have changed through the years 😊
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travllingbunny · 2 years
While House of the Dragon is an adaptation that presents a version of a portion of Targaryen history that is, in th source material, presented through multiple unreliable narrators in the form of questionable historical sources and rumors, with multiple versions of almost any event, relationship, characterization or character motivation, there are moments when the show puts the viewers into the roles of Mushroom and the various maesters from Fire and Blood and letting them project their interpretations on the text.
Nowhere has that been as obvious as with the way the show has been portraying the dynamic between Aegon II, Helaena and Aemond and playing with parallels to the (for the characters in HotD) future Targaryen history and the dynamic that George R.R. Martin wrote between Aegon IV the Unworthy, Naerys and Aemon the Dragonknight, or rather the perceived dynamic we hear about through various mentions in the main series and the accounts The World of Ice and Fire.
It's those parallels that are used in the fandom as an argument for supposed subtextual romantic connection or even a full blown affair between Helaena and Aemond... Which I find funny, because the story of Naerys and the Dragonknight is actually very ambiguous and a matter of perception, since we have no real insight into the real dynamic between the characters other than the rumors, stories and songs.
There are 3 diffrent ways to read the 'triangle' between Aegon the Unworthy, Naerys and the Dragonknight.
According to Aegon the Unworthy, they were having an affair. Some people believe that to be true, but the majority in-universe think that Aegon the Unworthy was simply a massive asshole who was being purposefully spiteful and politically disruptive by legitimizing his bastards while also trying to undermine his son and heir Daeron II, and the rumor of Daeron's supposed bastardy would be exploited by the Blackfyre supporters.
While some discordant voices in the ASOIAF fandom argue that Naerys and the Dragonknight did indeed have an affair which produced Daeron, because that would be 'more interesting', the popular view of Naerys and the Dragonknight's relationship in Westeros - and in the majority of the fandom - is that it was a tragic unconsummated romance, because the Dragonknight and Naerys were just too good and honorable people to give in to their desires. which is how the popular Westerosi courtly love songs portray it. (Which has also been used as an argument in the HotD fandom: since Aemond is not remembered in history as a good person - to put it mildly - it simply follows that he must have had an affair with his sister, if there's even a slightest thing that may be interpreted as a clue about that! - Right? Meanwhile Helaena's characterization isn't given much thought.)
But there is a third possibility, one that strangely gets ignored both in-universe and in the fandom, but I consider to be the most likely: that Dragonknight was simply a good brother who loved his sister in a normal brother-sister way, was upset that Aegon was treating her so badly and wanted to protect her. Which, I would say, are perfectly normal things for a sibling relationship. Call me crazy, but I would think that a brother and a sister being close and loving each other is what most people would consider normal, rather than the complete disinterest, indifference and disdain that we see between Aegon II and Helaena in the show or that Aegon the Unworthy was showing to Naerys. However, since they are Targaryens (and in everyone's view, Targaryens cannot possibly have a normal sibling relationships), and because of the rumors started by Aegon the Unworthy, everyone became convinced Naerys and Aemon the Dragonknight were in love, without any real evidence.
...Which is an amazing parallel to the HotD fandom right now and how it sees Aemond and Helaena in the show. Any sign of closeness and love, which should be normal for siblings, is romanticized. Some do it because they genuinely want to read a romance into it (with little other alternative as of season 1) and because they ship them, and others because they want to another story of a secret adulterous affair and royal bastards in orderto fit a certain narrative and serve an agenda.
It's funny HotD has ended up being so incredibly meta.
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agentrouka-blog · 2 years
According to asoiaf, Belthasar Bolton participated in Rape of Three Sisters. He made a Pink Pavilion with flayed skins of Sistermen. Do you think it's foreshadowing for Ramsey?
Hi there!
I don't think you can use the word foreshadowing for it. The Pink Pavillion is not mentioned in the book series proper, it's in "The World of Ice and Fire", published in 2014, while ADWD was released much earlier in 2011, meaning the role of Ramsay as far as it exists in canon was already presented to the reader. Flaying, rape, murder and all.
The mention of cannibalism and child murder certainly invokes a parallel to the happenings in the North with the Boltons, the Freys, their victims (Jeyne and Theon, the ironborn at Moat Cailin) and their opponents, especially Wyman Manderly.
These depredations finally led the Kings of Winter to send their own war fleets to seek dominion over the Sisters—for whoever holds the Three Sisters holds the Bite.
The Rape of the Three Sisters is the name by which the Northern conquest of the islands is best known. The Chronicles of Longsister ascribe many horrors to that conquest: wild Northmen killing children to fill their cooking pots, soldiers drawing the entrails from living men to wind them about spits, the executions of three thousand warriors in a single day at the Headman's Mount, Belthasar Bolton's Pink Pavilion made from the flayed skins of a hundred Sistermen...
How far these tales can be trusted is uncertain, but it is worth noting that these atrocities, whilst oft mentioned in accounts of the war written by men from the Vale, go largely unmentioned in Northern chronicles. It cannot be denied, however, that the rule of the Northmen was onerous enough to the Sistermen for them to send their surviving lords scurrying to the Eyrie to plead for help from the King of Mountain and Vale. 
(The World of Ice and Fire - The Vale)
I’d say this paragraph, alongside what happens in ADWD establishes that the Northerners are absolutely not morally superior to any other region. The first enemy to House Stark outside of the hidden machinations of Littlefinger is their own House Bolton.
It’s reasonable that much of this “historical account” is exaggeration. But it probably contains a lot of truth, as well. We certainly see its small-scale equivalent in the current canon events live on the page. As is likely GRRM’s intention.
If House Bolton is mentioned here in particular, and especially in the context of the Rape of the Sisters, it makes sense to consider that the “Sisters” in question were able to throw off the Northern reign with the help of the Vale. 
So I’d expect if there’s foreshadowing for the main series in this bit of the supplementary material, I’d say it points to the future involvement of the Knights of the Vale in defeating the rule of the Boltons, especially Ramsay, over those they have cruelly subjugated, as well as the fact that one “Sister” is currently sheltered in the Vale. 
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mejomonster · 2 years
I looked up Three Body Problem on ao3 and was shocked to find only like 200 fanfiction and none in english. What are people doing? Its a best seller in english! I know its not a story type that pushes any romance, but like neither are modern marvel movies but look how many fanfictions they have ToT
I would’ve thought at least 1 fanfic with the main scientist and policeman from book 1 would exist. They’re basically wu xie/pangzi and the guys from beyond evil in Dynamic. I am 90% sure when the donghua releases they WILL be shipped, if people aren’t cowards and refuse to ship a fat man. They’re the buddy-cop blueprint duo of the first book, they’re the easiest material to grab for ship potential.
I did see two of the commanders from the space force shipped from book 2 on ao3, which... fair. They also have some particular details connecting them that makes shipping quite doable.
Three Body Problem series has such cool mechanics though like... you could easily delve into trisolaris and just make really fascinating fanfiction exploring so much, the whole Game mechanic set on the planet of three suns with players acting like they’re ‘historical figures’ also lends itself to very cool Star Trek episode like plots if one were inclined. There’s definitely space for some general sci fi fanfiction.
Then again, its kind of one of those situations where. The source material is so good people just aren’t writing much fanfiction. Because they’re like ‘well what do I even add to this? It’s already so satisfying.’ And I get that. But on the other hand the story brings up Such interesting ideas about the past, present, and future, it would be very cool to see the themes explored more by varied reader’s interpretations.
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