#please let us allow at least some Targaryens siblings to be just normal siblings?
travllingbunny · 2 years
While House of the Dragon is an adaptation that presents a version of a portion of Targaryen history that is, in th source material, presented through multiple unreliable narrators in the form of questionable historical sources and rumors, with multiple versions of almost any event, relationship, characterization or character motivation, there are moments when the show puts the viewers into the roles of Mushroom and the various maesters from Fire and Blood and letting them project their interpretations on the text.
Nowhere has that been as obvious as with the way the show has been portraying the dynamic between Aegon II, Helaena and Aemond and playing with parallels to the (for the characters in HotD) future Targaryen history and the dynamic that George R.R. Martin wrote between Aegon IV the Unworthy, Naerys and Aemon the Dragonknight, or rather the perceived dynamic we hear about through various mentions in the main series and the accounts The World of Ice and Fire.
It's those parallels that are used in the fandom as an argument for supposed subtextual romantic connection or even a full blown affair between Helaena and Aemond... Which I find funny, because the story of Naerys and the Dragonknight is actually very ambiguous and a matter of perception, since we have no real insight into the real dynamic between the characters other than the rumors, stories and songs.
There are 3 diffrent ways to read the 'triangle' between Aegon the Unworthy, Naerys and the Dragonknight.
According to Aegon the Unworthy, they were having an affair. Some people believe that to be true, but the majority in-universe think that Aegon the Unworthy was simply a massive asshole who was being purposefully spiteful and politically disruptive by legitimizing his bastards while also trying to undermine his son and heir Daeron II, and the rumor of Daeron's supposed bastardy would be exploited by the Blackfyre supporters.
While some discordant voices in the ASOIAF fandom argue that Naerys and the Dragonknight did indeed have an affair which produced Daeron, because that would be 'more interesting', the popular view of Naerys and the Dragonknight's relationship in Westeros - and in the majority of the fandom - is that it was a tragic unconsummated romance, because the Dragonknight and Naerys were just too good and honorable people to give in to their desires. which is how the popular Westerosi courtly love songs portray it. (Which has also been used as an argument in the HotD fandom: since Aemond is not remembered in history as a good person - to put it mildly - it simply follows that he must have had an affair with his sister, if there's even a slightest thing that may be interpreted as a clue about that! - Right? Meanwhile Helaena's characterization isn't given much thought.)
But there is a third possibility, one that strangely gets ignored both in-universe and in the fandom, but I consider to be the most likely: that Dragonknight was simply a good brother who loved his sister in a normal brother-sister way, was upset that Aegon was treating her so badly and wanted to protect her. Which, I would say, are perfectly normal things for a sibling relationship. Call me crazy, but I would think that a brother and a sister being close and loving each other is what most people would consider normal, rather than the complete disinterest, indifference and disdain that we see between Aegon II and Helaena in the show or that Aegon the Unworthy was showing to Naerys. However, since they are Targaryens (and in everyone's view, Targaryens cannot possibly have a normal sibling relationships), and because of the rumors started by Aegon the Unworthy, everyone became convinced Naerys and Aemon the Dragonknight were in love, without any real evidence.
...Which is an amazing parallel to the HotD fandom right now and how it sees Aemond and Helaena in the show. Any sign of closeness and love, which should be normal for siblings, is romanticized. Some do it because they genuinely want to read a romance into it (with little other alternative as of season 1) and because they ship them, and others because they want to another story of a secret adulterous affair and royal bastards in orderto fit a certain narrative and serve an agenda.
It's funny HotD has ended up being so incredibly meta.
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megsironthrone · 5 years
Smuggled Away
Based on this request:  Hi! The request about a Bratheon!reader got me thinking, what if there's a similar situation where the reader's king robert's daughter or a stark or something like that and the reader ends up getting smuggled away when jamie leaves cersei in kings landing and ends up reuniting with jon snow at some point and she kinda ends up kindling a spark with jon snow and interrupts the whole jon Daenerys thing? i'm not sure if this request makes much sense or if it would be good or not > . <
Here you go, lovely! I changed it just a little and ended up making her a Lannister (mostly so I wouldn’t get this request and the Robb one confused while I was writing XD.) *Familiar characters are not mine!
Pairings/Characters: Jon Snow x fem!Lannister reader, Jaime Lannister, Sansa Stark, Daenerys Targaryen. Brief mentions of Tyrion Lannister as well. 
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You were hiding and listening when your aunt, Cersei told Jaime she had no intention of letting her army fight the Army of the Dead. You had always been disgusted with her, but now you were frightened. She cared more about the throne than the realm she was supposed to be protecting. And when she threatened to kill your Uncle Jaime, you became frightened for your life. If she would kill him, what was to stop her from killing you, the daughter of her most hated sibling?
         "Uncle Jaime!" you cried, seeing him heading for his horse. He stopped and faced you with wide eyes. "What is it?" Your eyes filled with tears. "Don't leave me here. Please. I-She might…I can't stay here." He looked at you with sympathy. "I can't take you, Y/N. Cersei would never let you leave the city. Not when she could use you as leverage."
         "Please, Uncle Jaime. My father hardly knows me. He kept his distance if only to protect me. She will kill me. Please." Jaime glanced around to make sure no one was around before he threw a cloak over your shoulders. "Keep the hood up and your head down. I'm no smuggler, but I will do my best." You tied the cloak and put the hood up as he hoisted you up onto his horse. You knew you were riding North, but you gave no thought to the fact that you and your former love would be reunited once more.
         You stood behind Jaime with shaking knees. You kept your eyes on his back even though you wanted desperately to look at the faces of those people who would decide your fate. "Lady Brienne speaks highly of you, Ser Jaime. I say you should stay," Sansa said, making you breathe a sigh of relief. If they were willing to keep Jaime alive, maybe there was hope for you. After all, you hadn't done anything other than being a Lannister.
         "Thank you, my lady. And, what of my niece?" At that, you finally looked up at Sansa and Daenerys. "And why should we allow your sister's daughter to remain? She could be a spy." You narrowed your eyes slightly. You did not like this woman. Not one bit. And you especially did not like the way she kept looking at Jon. Still, you knew you had to say something. Anything to convince her to let you stay.
         "I beg your pardon, Your Grace. But I am NOT Cersei's daughter. Tyrion Lannister is my father. My mother, his first wife, bore me in secret to protect me from Cersei and Tywin. It has only been the last few years that I have come to know my family. Would you punish a young woman for the sins of her family the way Robert Baratheon punished you for the sins of your father? Uncle Jaime smuggled me out of King's Landing to protect me. If you turn me away, then I shall return to my aunt's keeping as I have nowhere else to go. But then my blood will be on your hands."
         The whole room went still and quiet as they watched with bated breath to see what Daenerys would say. You took that opportunity to glance at Jon for the first time since you'd arrived. Your own breath caught in your throat when you saw his eyes already on you. His lips were turned into a slight frown, but that was normal for him. And his eyes held a hint of the boy you used to know. The boy you had fallen in love with was now a young man. A handsome one too.
         "I do not agree with allowing Lannisters into our midst. Lord Tyrion has proven himself loyal. The two of you have not. You have proven time and again that your loyalty is to Cersei." Daenerys said. She and Sansa exchanged glares before looking to Jon to keep the peace. Without taking his eyes off you, Jon replied, "I agree…with Sansa. We need every sword we can get in the fight." With that, he rose and left the room.
         Daenerys looked heartbroken and more than a little angry. She got up and left the room in the opposite direction while Sansa came over to you. "Come. I'm certain you're freezing. Let's get you a bath and some dry clothes." You gave her a grateful smile as you followed her out. As you trailed behind her, Sansa spoke. "You know, of all the Lannisters I've met, you are by far my favorite. You aren't like your family."
         "Perhaps because I was not raised by them, my lady." Sansa smiled and laughed softly. For a few seconds, she didn't speak. Then she said, "I believe you and Jon would be good together." You nearly tripped on the hem of your wet, dirty dress. "I-I…I don't know what you mean, my lady." Sansa giggled again, something that seemed out of place in her otherwise somber countenance.
         "Everyone saw how Jon was looking at you in there. And I remember how close you were all those years ago. You loved Jon and I think you still do." You let out a sigh. "Of course I do. Even though I knew there was never any hope for us. The Imp's daughter and Ned Stark's bastard? As soon as my identity was discovered, I was shipped off to King's Landing to learn to be a proper lady and Jon was destined for the Wall. We were doomed before we even met."
         "Now you sound like him," Sansa said with a sigh. She turned to look at you as you stopped outside one of the doors. "After you are cleaned up, you should talk to him." She opened the door and ushered you inside. As soon as you were settled, Sansa left and you enjoyed a warm bath. You let out a groan as the warmth began seeping into your sore muscles. You hadn't known how badly you needed to relax.
         You heard the door open and sighed. You thought it was a handmaiden or someone that Sansa sent with a new dress, without opening your eyes, you said, "I can dress myself, thank you. Please just put the dress on the bed." For a moment, there was no response. Your brows furrowed and you were about to speak again when someone beat you to it.
         "I think you have me mistaken for someone else." Your eyes flew open and you looked over at the door where Jon was still standing. He was a respectful distance away so he couldn't see anything, but you felt your skin heat up anyway. "J-Jon…the door." Jon's own face turned red. "I'll come back once you've finished." He turned to leave.
         "Jon, I just meant you should close the door. The last thing I want is for someone I don't know to see me like this." Jon slowly closed the door and turned back to you. Silence came over the two of you again. You simply stared into each other's eyes from across the room. Then you spoke at the same time, saying each other's names. You giggled as you motioned for Jon to continue.
         "I've missed you. At the Wall thoughts of you kept me up nights." You felt yourself flush again. You cleared your throat. "It seems you didn't miss me nearly as much as I missed you." At Jon's confused look, you went on, "Daenerys. I saw the way she looked at you. Like she's got you wrapped around her finger." Jon was by your side, kneeling next to the tub, in an instant.
         "It was one time. And I never felt for her the depth of feeling I have always had for you." You looked into his dark eyes, which were still on your face despite how close he was. "Do you mean that?" His lips turned up slightly into a small smile. "I do. Y/N, no one could ever compare to you. I have already told Daenerys that nothing will come of our time together. She isn't you."
         You beamed at him as tears pricked your eyes. At least there was something good coming from all the bad in this. You had Jon. "I should go. I have a war to plan for." You nodded. "I'd ask you to join me in the bath first, but I'm afraid this Northern air has the water already cold," you said with a shiver." Jon chuckled before he kissed your forehead.
         "It wouldn't be proper anyway." You arched a brow. "Jon, you are kneeling next to the bath where I am sitting. Naked, I might add. I don't think propriety is the issue here." Jon's face flushed again and you couldn't help but laugh. When your laughter died down, you caught Jon looking at you again. You reached over and ran your fingers over the beard covering his jaw.
          "I love you, Jon." He rested his forehead against yours. "And I love you." With a grin, you reached up, wrapped your arm around his neck, and pulled him into the tub with you. Jon's laughter joined your own just before he brought his lips to yours. Water splashed to the floor as Jon tried to get up, only to slip and splash again. The winter winds blew outside and you could hear the logs crackling in the hearth, but nothing kept you as warm, as comfortable, or as loved as having Jon there with you.  
(a/n: I really hope you like it. I tried to make it so the reader could dislike Daenerys without making Dany really hateful, if that makes sense.)
Forever Tags: @fizzyxcustard​ @brewsthespirit-blog​ @princessofthefandomrealm​ @ghostie-writes​ @smalltownbigheart​ @littlemisscaptainfandom​ @etherealpotter​ @line-viper​ @frozenhuntress67​ @cd1242​ @gruffle1​ @gameofthronesfics​ @igotmadskills​
Jon Snow Tags: @multi-fandom-imagines8​
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tidustargaryen · 5 years
Blood of the Dragon
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Sorry the quality is not great on Tumblr. It’s better on Ao3.
Chapter 3 - A Dance with the Shadow Dragon
"My sister won't marry this savage. We can take a boat at the south dock, it's less guarded. ”
"You have no choice but to receive this khal, they will sack the city and many people will die, and those who remain alive will be enslaved. "Oberyn replied to Viserys with reproach.
"It is out of the question to risk the lives of anyone here. After all you have done for us, Mistress Ilissa, I cannot allow it." Answered the princess.
They had all gathered in the Mistress's private residence to see how they would handle the horde, the place was huge and so sumptuous that it was difficult to concentrate on the conversation without taking a look at the portraits hanging on the walls or at the shining chandeliers that dominated the rooms.
"I knew the risks involved in housing the last two Targaryens, and I'm proud that Oberyn trusted me to take care of you both."
Ilissa Naeraar was a middle-aged woman, very beautiful even though time had left its mark on her face, which was tinted with one of the most beautiful browns she had ever seen. She also had one of the sweetest and rarest hearts that it was unthinkable that someone so rich and with so much influence would want to help others. But Daenerys trusted Oberyn, and it was he who had entrusted them to the Mistress' care. Her husband had succumbed to a fever after one of his many journeys, but Ilissa had taken over the estate with dignity and ran her late husband's business in a much more prosperous way. She had managed to pay off all his debts and had become richer since then. She had never remarried, but was enjoying life in the same way as Oberyn, whom she had known as her lover a long time ago.
"And I can never thank you enough for all you've done, but I refuse to let them ruin this town because of me." Ilissa took Dany's hand in hers and looked at her with disconcerting affection, she was the closest thing to a mother for Daenerys, she has no children but never failed to bring all her love to her servants and her two hosts. "Oberyn, where's the priestess?"
"It's too dangerous, something emanates from her, I don't trust her and nothing is ever free with them. And it's not a thing you pay with gold..."
"I ask for nothing..." She had subtly introduced herself into the room without arousing the senses. Oberyn was right, something was emanating from her, something strange and dark. She was also a beautiful woman, her gaze was mesmerizing, she seemed to have bewitched her brother who could have been drooling right now, he was so suspicious of strangers, normally. Oberyn, on the other hand, hadn't let himself be seduced, he had only one desire and that was to impale this woman on his spear.
"How could you...? I locked you in the cage with the piglets, you were tied to the trough!"
"What... what? Safety before comfort, you'll see when she tries to set your precious silver curls on fire." Oberyn then approached Viserys to give him the same kind of warning. "The future king that you are should avoid that kind of devil, or you risk losing parts of yourself that you love so much, and the kingdom will need heirs..."
"I wish the princess no harm, on the contrary, I am here to guide you, dragon girl." She replied while completely ignoring the future king who did not really appreciated the offense. Her brother was very sensitive but she had no time to ease his feelings.
"Very well, but first you will help us, you said you could repel the Dothraki, how?"
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Somewhere, at a certain time
The burning sand was a real torture for her feet, which she had not been able to cover in order to facilitate her training, the stifling heat made her skin redden and covered it with a film of sweat. She was in a desert in the middle of nowhere with Oberyn, he had brought her and her brother to Lys, he had paid the expenses for the boat and they embarked after spending a few more weeks in Myr before the Dornish got tired of the courtesans.
Lys was the perfect place for debauchery, her brother seemed to think so too, but today Oberyn dedicated his time to training. It had been a few weeks since he put a sword in Dany's hands, Viserys protested, of course, she was too young for that, but above all, she was a woman, and a woman's role was to be a good wife who would bear beautiful heirs. Oberyn didn't care, women fought just as much in Dorne, he told them that he had eight bastard daughters, for the moment, he winked, and that he taught all the older ones to fight so that they could defend themselves.
Daenerys had great difficulty holding the sword, her arm was numb and her legs threatened to abandon her at any moment. She didn't like the training, the idea of being able to defend herself was nice, but the idea of killing much less. Her brother was much less scrupulous, but rather lazy about training and didn't like the Dornish prince. It was also a game for some children, with Oberyn, it was not.
"If you refuse to fight, I'll have to make you spend the rest of the day standing on one leg under the blazing sun and you'll spend the night cleaning swords and spears and all our clothes."
"Please Oberyn, I'm just a child and Viserys isn't even here, he's the future king!"
"Your brother is an idiot but he is the future king as you say, it would be easier to make a snake dance than to train him when he decides to spend the day in a brothel. And you're the right age, but not the right will."
She spent a lot of time with the Dornishman, they often spoke, and although Daenerys was young, he explained many realities of this world to her. She had to learn how to fight, for life had not yet offered her all the misfortunes it could. He blamed his brother, who spent his time brooding over his anger and dreaming of his kingdom rather than doing what it took to win it. The world was not kind to children, and it would be even worse for adults, and much worse for a woman. That's what Oberyn told her, the same thing he told his daughters. But any blow they took, they could return, and that's why Dany had to learn, he wasn't just teaching her how to hold a sword, he was also training her body to withstand pain. On several occasions he asked her to bring him back a random object in a very short time, it was a game for the princess, a fun game she was playing with her brother, but very quickly, the fun had given way to exhaustion. Her feet were damaged and sore, her legs were hurting and hardening, her body, so thin before, was beginning to change, she was gaining a little more strength every day.
The worst was when she had to spend the night without sleeping, looking at the passers-by through her window, she had to count them and differentiate between women and men, sometimes he would ask her a few more details about their clothes, what they were doing outside and when there were the least people on the street. When she had the audacity to tell him that it was no use to her training, Oberyn made her spend the day cleaning the inn where they were staying, and she only had a meal when it was over, very late at night. He then explained to her that training her mind was just as important as training her body, it was essential that she had good concentration and that she could spot all the details and memorize them.
His daughters' training was much easier, but they had not lacked food for so many years, their bodies were stronger, better prepared. The young princess was much more comfortable with books, she had learned a lot from the stories her brother had taught her and enjoyed learning more from Oberyn. Dany didn't like the training, but despite a few complaints, she never missed any of them, and never used her title to avoid them.
Oberyn was strict, and felt no remorse at seeing the princess exhausted, he didn't have much time and she had to learn fast. But sometimes he would change his plans and arrange a day off to go for a walk with the Targaryens, he liked to see the girl marvel at the beauties of the world, she deserved a little joy, she deserved to smile, to laugh, her life had been so sad and dark. Her brother was much more reserved, and had only two obsessions, the throne, and revenge, which he had in common with Oberyn, they could agree on that, at least.
The Dornishman was two sides of the same coin for Daenerys, he was both stern and demanding about education and training, but he was also the most affectionate and smiling man she had known since her knight. He had offered her many things since they had known each other, food above all, a roof and a bed to sleep in, but also toys, his time, his wisdom and a lot of joy. And even though he was jealous and cranky, she also knew that Viserys appreciated Dorne's help, he was proud of it, despite his condition, a great kingdom was loyal to him, but he didn't appreciate the man and began to spend a little more time with his sister, reading books to her, telling her stories, taking her on his lap until she fell asleep on him. Oberyn's arrival had, in a way, allowed Daenerys to recover a brother.
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After training, they met Viserys at the inn in good company, he dismissed the women and followed his two companions to their room. Oberyn had not planned such a long journey and money was running out, so he took a room for the three of them and, while the siblings slept together in bed, he requisitioned the chair.
"I'll have to go back to Dorne, give news to my brother and make a plan to take King's Landing. You'll be staying with a faithful friend for the time being, I trust him, but you'll have to be very careful when you go out, Lys attracts a lot of people. I want you to continue training, you'll be taught by a preceptor here, much less demanding than I am, so enjoy."
The news hit the young princess, after a day together, Oberyn didn’t tell her he was leaving. And he was leaving tonight, leaving them with strangers. Dany held back her tears as the two men continued the discussion.
"Doran's going to want to know the terms of our arrangement, he still believes you'll marry my niece. ”
"I'll marry my sister, it's non-negotiable. My house must rise from its ashes, but marriages between Targaryens and Martells can still be made. I will offer my heir, the future king after me, to one of your princesses of his age. And for the delay this will cause you, my council will also need loyalists who have supported and helped me, many benefits will be granted to House Martell, if your brother wishes, he can still make requests. If you help House Targaryen, if through you we obtain vengeance, then House Martell will be the second power in Westeros, and nothing will threaten us, no more Dornish daughters will suffer, and the Lannisters, Baratheons and Starks will see their Houses humiliated, destroyed and forgotten."
Oberyn had without looking back, he spoke one last time with their host and left Essos for an indefinite period. The princess cried after his departure, Viserys mocked her weakness and sent her to bed without telling her that he saw the Dornishman shed a tear as he boarded the ship. Plans were constantly being made, and none of them were ever going as planned, none of them had any certainty that they would see each other again. The Targaryens were always in great danger, especially so close to Westeros.
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Everything had been prepared for the arrival of the khal, it had taken only a short time in truth, the Dothraki were a simple folk, who ate simply, dried horses in the great majority and who did not do the politeness to bend to the rules of the place where they were. And the Magister brought so much food with him that they didn't need to cook anything else. Daenerys didn't bother to dress to receive them, after all, the women of this folk were also dressed in trousers. They had agreed not to bring weapons, but the princess discreetly placed a dagger on her belt, just in case, Oberyn always told her. The khal was not the kind of man to keep to a schedule either, Dany chose to wait next to the dragon eggs that had been offered to her by the Magister, she had not yet moved them to her room, this place was better protected, and what was in that trunk was too important.
The eggs fascinated her, she didn't know why, they were only stone, would never be dragons and were just breathtakingly beautiful. Her brother had already made it known that they would cost a fortune, and the Magister, that they would only be hers as wedding gifts...
Daenerys wanted to keep them, no matter their values, they belonged to her House, they were its symbol, and the remains of a wonderful time when the dragons colored the sky. Their values were priceless. Then she thought back to her dream, and to the priestess, she had to have a private conversation with her, after all this she must understand, why she had this dream, why the heat of her bath was always hotter than that of others, and why the egg she had in her hands seemed to be warm and alive when no one else had noticed it. The woman was potentially dangerous, probably even, and she knew that listening to Oberyn was the right thing to do, but she at least had to talk to her, just one conversation.
A maid came to warn her that Viserys has sent for her. After carefully arranging her eggs out of sight, Daenerys joined her brother at the entrance to the estate where a welcome decoration had been erected. The meeting was so solemn for such a primitive people, and Dany kept clutching the fabric of her tunic of nervousness, all their safety rested on this red priestess still unknown the day before, when the princess would refuse the offer of the Horse Lord. And none of them even trusted her...
"You could have dressed up, dear sister, you represent our House."
"Our sigil is on my tunic, I represent our House as much as you, dear brother." She answered condescendingly.
Ilissa stood beside Daenerys as if to comfort her and assure her that she would never let them take her away, but the princess wouldn't let so many people die just to get out of this marriage, and if that priestess had lied, then she would marry the khal so the horde would leave Selhorys in peace. Oberyn had returned to the Targaryens' private home with the red priestess to watch over her, patiently waiting the time to come for her to intervene.
The sound of several hooves trampling the ground resounded in the air and soon, four horsemen were in front of them letting their mounts sing their greetings for them. They were very imposing, and knew how to hold the attention of their audience, their skins were coloured and signs were painted on them, specific to their culture, their hair was deep black and all braided with one or more bells hung on it. They were all bare-chested and their musculature was imposing, her brother seemed frail and insignificant in comparison, one of them was ahead of the others and his gaze was directed straight at her. It’s him, Khal Drogo, a beast, much stronger, taller and with much longer hair than the others, the most frightening man she had seen, and living in the streets she had seen many of them, but this one was of a different kind. If she were to be his wife, she would disappear completely between his arms, this man's thigh was almost as big as the width of her abdomen, it would be like mating a mare and an elephant... No, I can't marry him, he will break me in half as soon as he takes my hand... and I doubt he is that tender...
The man came closer and looked at her body from top to bottom, then from bottom to top, stopping for a moment on her breasts, he seemed to be torn between satisfaction and annoyance while Daenerys was simply indignant. He glanced at his companions and one of them left the scene. The Magister spoken in Dothraki to the khal and talked to Ilissa before they all entered her house for further conversation. Other Dothraki arrived afterwards, as did the Westerosi knight as they went through the tables full of food. The khal was seated next to her and threw himself on his food while the Magister explained the origins of it, her brother was on the other side and seemed disgusted by this people who, for the most part, remained standing and smelled with curiosity the dishes that were before their eyes. The Westerosi was sitting next to her brother and she could feel his gaze falling on her quite often. She was not really comfortable here and kept thinking about the drama that might unfold before her eyes, what would they do if she killed their chef right in front of their eyes? And could she do it? She had never killed a man before, but no, she would certainly condemn everyone to death, no people would let their king or queen die in front of their eyes without any consequences for the murderer...
"What is this impostor priestess doing? I can't stand those animals anymore." Viserys whispered in her ear right in the middle of his unpleasant tasting of his dried piece of horse. The Magister then stood up and placed himself before the table of the Targaryens.
"The khal wishes to know when the wedding can take place, he'd like it to be as soon as possible, the journey to Vaes Dothrak will be long and, forgive my next words, he'd like his heir to be in your womb before the horde joins the Dosh Khaleen."
Her brother rose angrily, the alcohol he ingested was probably responsible for such bold behavior, but he seemed to want to cut the Magister in half with the knife in his hand, and given the difference in size between the person and the object, it would probably take longer than they had.
"I never gave any consent to this marriage. What did you tell to make him think my sister would carry his horseshit?"
The Magister seemed caught off guard by the prince's reaction. "But... you have accepted my gift and I don't think it's reasonable for you to refuse..."
"You dare to threaten us?"
"Not me, of course, but the khal will not take no for an answer, their traditions are very important to them, he will make the princess his wife, and if blood must be shed for that, then the marriage will be all the more successful for the Dothraki."
"So let it be your blood, but my sister will never become his broodmare." Viserys took her hand and wanted to leave the room when the khal stood up, grabbed Dany's arm and pushed her brother brutally to the ground. Daenerys shouted a cry of surprise and tried to go and help him but the man grabbed her face so that she could look at him. His other hand went to the opening of her tunic, and when he tried to look inside, the princess grabbed her dagger and tried to stab him but the khal stopped her hand as the blade scratched his skin. The wound seemed to amuse him and he pressed a little harder on her hand so that the blade would dig a little deeper.
"Yer anni. Yer anni khaleesi."
The situation was now as she had feared, her brother was being held down by another Dothraki and the rest of them were ransacking the place. Ilissa and some of the maidservants were seized by the men who were about to rape them when flames higher than them burst out of the braziers and from the mouths of the stone statues. The room darkened and shadows danced on the walls, they represented horses that succumbed in the middle of a battle, the beasts were howling and their riders were forced to fight on the ground, the shadows represented flames devouring everything in their path. The priestess stood behind the Targaryens and repeated words in a language well known to Daenerys, High Valyrian. The khal let her go and seemed angry as his gaze fell on the priestess, the rest of his people let the women go before abusing them and looked at the shadows with fear.
The khal tried to approach her but other flames burst around her, her eyes shone bright red as she repeated the same words over and over again, smiling at her opponent. The flames were now dancing, threatening the Dothraki to burn them alive, Illyrio Mopatis had taken refuge under a table and was trembling with fear, Oberyn appeared in the opening of the entrance and have witnessed the whole scene apparently, she was hoping that he would not awaken the Magister's attention. The priestess was now speaking to the khal, in his language, the shadows on the ceiling turned into a great dragon flying over the room from side to side, and each of its breaths fanned the flames on the floor even more, and its howling was as icy as its shadow fire was burning.
The khal looked at Daenerys one last time before leaving the room followed by his men. The people remaining in the room were all shocked by what they just witnessed, the magic of the red priestesses was well known, but seeing it was far more confusing. No one dared to speak for a long time before their hostess walked over to the priestess to thank her.
"No need for that, honour your word and follow me. I'm counting on you Daenerys Stormborn."
She then left the room to join Oberyn outside, her brother followed shortly afterwards with a quick movement and Daenerys went towards the maids still in shock. She helped them up, brought them water and some comforting words before turning to the Magister who was trying to regain what little dignity he had left after the scene of weakness he had offered. Swelling his chest and clearing his throat, he addressed the princess and their hostess.
"It would have been wiser to accept the agreement with the Dothraki, this... woman will not always be there to protect you. I'm sorry I came all this way for nothing, I still wish to support the Targaryen's cause, if you'll try to be more reasonable. In the meantime, please return the dragon eggs to me, as I told you, they're yours only if you're married."
Daenerys didn't like this man, he didn't inspire her confidence, but after his words, it was now anger and impatience that she felt, did he threaten her? She thanked silently, whoever could hear her, that her brother wasn't there, or her ears would surely have suffered from a tone that was too loud and insulting.
"This is not my house, it's not for me to tell you to leave, and yet I will. You come here as a guest and you impose your laws, your banquets, your slaves, whom you treat even worse than the flies around you. You insult not only me, but also House Targaryen by thinking for a moment that I am for sale, and that you, as rich as you can be, will be the merchant who will arrange the transaction and that thanks to this, you could obtain a place of choice in our future kingdom. I am not one of your spices, I am not one of your slaves, and I am not negotiable, I already have a future husband, there will be a wedding, I am keeping the eggs so, respecting your conditions. Now I kindly advise you to return home, as soon as possible."The Magister seemed surprised by the words of the princess, he turned his eyes to Ilissa who smiled proudly towards Daenerys.
"I'm afraid, Magister, I can no longer welcome you in my house. I thank you for your gifts, and the kindness you have shown in allowing us to discover foreign specialties. It has been a...real pleasure to have you with us."
Words worthy of a snake wrapped in an angel's voice and a deceitful smile, Oberyn had told her about Ilissa. She had not succeeded and built up the whole business by being kind and welcoming of course, she could have been Dornish in another life, again, according to the words of her dear friend. The Magister soon left the place, while adding last words, of thanks but also of prevention, was it possible that the Dothraki would come back and attack Selhorys, or him with an army of mercenaries to avenge the offense? Daenerys had to apologize for bringing so much trouble into this house, but that's when she noticed that the Westerosi knight was still present. He stepped forward and, to her surprise, knelt down before her.
"I do not wish to follow the Dothraki, they are not my people, I want to help you, in the reconquest of Westeros, I want to serve you, my princess. ”
The young woman remained speechless for a few moments, then asked the knight to rise.
"It's not for me to decide this, my brother is the future king, speak to him. But I thank you for your words and your allegiance. ”
A former knight was a great asset to them, as was Oberyn, but where she had complete confidence in one, she could not say the same about the other. She left "the bear" with Ilissa to join her brother. Outside, there was already no trace of the Dothraki, except for some rubbish left here and there. She crossed the gardens quickly before entering her house where Viserys was calling out to the priestess.
"I don't know what you want with my sister, but it is out of the question that we follow you, you have made this decision without my agreement. Your shadows may frighten these savages, but not me. ”
A little lie my brother, Daenerys thought. She had seen the fear on his face, even Oberyn had been surprised and worried. He was sitting at a table, sharpening his dagger and drinking his wine, waiting for Viserys to keep quiet, but it was Dany who stopped him.
"Leave us alone. I want to talk to her." Before Viserys could reply she said "Please brother, I'm safe, she just saved us all and I'm not hiding anything from you, I just need to talk to her in private."
Without you being there to interrupt me, or her, at every moment... It was better not to add those words... Viserys gave the priestess an icy glance before leaving the room, grumbling imperceptibly. Oberyn followed while playing with his dagger, perhaps he thought he would frighten the priestess, but after witnessing such magic, she doubted he would succeed. The woman was always in a fixed, upright position, her hands folded over her belly, half a smile clinging to her face, that hypnotic, disquieting look and unreal beauty that emanated from her. She looked at Daenerys as if she knew who she was, her past, her future, and it was very confusing for the young woman, especially since she had appeared in her dream, before she met her.
"You don't seem to want us bad, but do you want us good? I don't know, and if you do, then why now? I've needed help for years, we've needed help, we could have died hundreds, thousands of times when we were on the street. I could have died at the same time as my mother, or at the hand of the traitors on Dragonstone who wanted a title from the usurper. ”
"Things aren't so simple, magic doesn't fix everything, you're not alone in this world, we didn't know, and we had to find you. The Lord of Light sends me visions into the flames, it's not always easy to interpret, I can't tell you what I don't know."
"The Lord of Light... R'hllor...?"
"Indeed... But you're making a mistake, we don't want to help you, we need your help. I just need to guide you. You must embrace your destiny, Daenerys Stormborn, it is far more important than you think, it is not limited to regaining your power and influence of your House, you must lead, you must also serve, serve our Master, and serve this world. ”
Her words fogged her mind even more, she had nothing particularly special, except the patience she had shown in putting up with her brother, she was far behind Oberyn when it came to fighting, and as a leader she would have little power after she becomes the queen.
"Why me? My brother will be king, he will rule."
"It is not him I saw in the flames, it is not him who dreams of the future, he is not the bride of fire, the daughter of fire, the daughter of dragons. It is not in your lineage, it is not in your claim to the throne, it is in your blood, in your heart, in your soul. It's not a choice, it's a destiny. But you can still choose your current life, you will never go home, you will live free, until this world is no more, but if you follow our way, your life will no longer belong to you, you will be the instrument of the Master who will bring back the Dawn, and you will save millions of lives. I can't force you, but you promised me, Daenerys."
The princess had been sitting on a chair and looking at the floor for some time now, the words of the priestess really disturbed her and she was still wondering if all this was possible, was it still a dream? The same words resounded constantly in her mind, why me? Why... ? When she looked up, she realized that the priestess still hadn’t moved, still that half smile and impassive attitude, as if she hadn't just shaken her whole life and that of her brother. What was she going to tell him anyway ? Did following this woman mean that they would have to be separated? She had only him, had known only him for so many years, he was her only real family, and without him she would not be here before this priestess who claims she has to save the world... But it is true that she made a promise. She had stupidly promised a stranger to get rid of a more urgent danger and she had to assume, even if she had to leave her brother for good, because she had no idea where she would have to go, or if she would come back. But this dream had been so real, her mother too, perhaps she had a chance to see her again, and if all was true? She must have known, because it wasn't the first dream she had, there had been dozens before that, she was too young to understand and had forgotten their content, but they were still connected to her House, to magic and dragons.
"I will follow you."
"Yer anni. Yer anni khaleesi." : You are mine. You are my khaleesi.
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asoiafdrabbles · 4 years
Rheagar greets his new son.
Rhaegar/Elia (Rhaegar Won AU)
A son. He had another son.
Rhaegar took the boy from the wetnurse, staring down at his long face. He already had tufts of dark hair and his eyes were very dark, though they seemed more grey than purple. Lyanna's son.
She'd jokingly told him it would be a boy more than once, but he'd dismissed it, sure of his interpretations of the prophecies.
He'd been wrong before, thinking he was the Prince That Was Promised and he has been wrong again, thinking the three heads of the dragon would perfectly mirror the Aegon I and his sister-wives.
Perhaps it was Rhaenys who was the promised one, meant to turn Westeros on its head by marrying her two brothers? He did not know, perhaps would never know, what having a second son meant.
Half-brothers were often trouble in their family's history, though the same could be said about full-siblings, he supposed. Certainly comparisons to Daemon Blackfyre would not be allowed, or valid, as Rhaegar had married Lyanna before the High Septon himself and he would not be favoring this boy over his heir nor allowing any rumors to fester that Aegon wasn't legitimate.
"We've been calling him Jon, your grace. Lyanna...she...wasn't sure what to name him."
Rhaegar looked back up at the other adults, eyes locking on the cold face of Eddard Stark. He'd gone to fetch his sister and instead found her dying. Rhaegar had only lost his father to the war (and that was a beneficial loss that few would mourn), he could not imagine what Lord Stark was going through.
"Jon? Is there a reason for that?" Certainly his Jon, Lord Connington, on his way back from exile in Essos, could be a namesake.
"For Jon Arryn, your grace, and King Jon Stark, our ancestor."
Naming a Targaryen prince who looked like a Stark after a King of Winter didn't really sit well with Rhaegar. His son was ice and fire, would be needed in the coming war, but he could never be allowed to forget he was a dragon.
"I do not know if it would be wise to name him such, my lord. Though certainly as a nickname it could suffice."
Lord Stark gave no indication as to whether that displeased him, though there was some unnameable emotion in his eyes whenever he looked at the babe.
"You will, of course, be welcome to visit to know him as he grows, and his other uncle and future cousins, as well."
That gained a shaky nod. "My thanks, your grace." Stark looked behind him, at the exhausted looking band of Northerners and Kingsguard. "If it pleases you, we could all use a chance to clean and rest."
"Of course." Rhaegar waved them on, exchanging a glance with Arthur that meant they had much to talk of, then retreated to the nursery.
Rhaenys was most likely with her mother or perhaps having an adventure with her caretakers, but Aegon was resting fitfully in his crib.
"I bring you your little brother, my son," Rhaegar murmured, holding the babe in his arms out to his curious heir.
After a bit of poking and prodding, which Lyanna's son took as stoically as he had everything else, Aegon seemed content to simply grip the babe's foot and watch them.
"I think I shall name him Aemon, after our uncle, would you like that?" Neither of them gave any response. "Many Aegon's have had an Aemon for a brother and many Aemon's have been great brothers at that." He hoped their relationship would be far different than Aegon IV and the Dragonknight's, but even that Aemon had sacrificed himself for his king.
"That's Lyanna's child?" Elia's voice startled him and he turned, pulling Aemon away from Aegon and causing the older boy to whine. "Yes, I can already tell how much he takes after her."
Rhaenys was there now, too, and she demanded to hold her newest brother. Once they'd gotten her seated, Rhaegar carefully set him on her lap and went to speak to his first wife, a nursemaid watching over the children.
"Your third head of the dragon. I thought you wanted a girl." There was an edge to her voice and he winced.
"Lyanna thought she was having a boy. She was right, as she normally was with these things."
"Would that it was men that died from childbirth and she and I could rule together."
The humor was dark, wry, hiding the grief in Elia's eyes. She had only met Lyanna briefly, but she had liked her, more than Rhaegar himself had. To him, she was the ice to his fire, the woman he was destined to have a child with. Elia had accused him of not seeing her as a person, as a naive child, and it was only now, knowing her bones laid in a box traveling North and her child would grow up never knowing her that he knew Elia was right.
He'd thought their grand destiny meant Lyanna would be here with them, but he'd also thought it meant she would give him a daughter.
"It will be good for Aegon to have a brother so close to his age. It is difficult to make friends, as heir to the throne."
Elia nodded, collecting her son and watching her daughter and step-son. "We will need to tell him of Lyanna, others won't let him grow up thinking I am his birth mother."
"But you will be a mother to him?"
She gave him a scathing look, the one that always made him feel as though her family sigil was close to the truth, as well. "We already agreed to that. Lyanna and I had agreed we would work together. I will not go back on my promises to her."
Not because you've ruined everything, went unsaid.
Rhaegar simply nodded, stroking Aegon's hair one last time before seeing himself out. He still had to meet with Arthur and the others, find out all the details of what happened, and...and hear of Lyanna's final days. She had been a Queen for a time, even if she'd never gone through the coronation, and she deserved the respect that entailed.
Notes: While there are plenty of them that I like, I tend to get annoyed at the seemingly accepted premise that Rhaegar would be disappointed Lyanna had a son instead of a daughter. Even if there was a prophecy pushing for him to have a second daughter, he'd canonically readjusted his views on prophecies at least once before with the PTWP. Anyway, I think he would have just rolled with it.
I also find it hard to believe he, who was seemingly at least somewhat political savvy, wouldn't have gotten some sort of agreement from Elia about having a mistress, if not a second wife. And she, who surely must have been politically savvy herself given her mother and siblings, would have probably known when it's better to give in to have leverage later. And Lyanna was like fifteen and Elia doesn't sound like a monster, and a Dornishwoman would surely know to blame the married, older, way more powerful dude instead of the weaker, younger girl.
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