#in talking in discord severs im in more for often at least
kittusera · 1 year
therapy working because i actually want to talk to people online more
like i actually want to do so more than i fear it
but still thats pog
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tokyogruel · 10 months
Tell me more about the idea that muu is lying and not actually rich please. Ive only ever seen one other person consider that before but they never elaborated + changed their mind post INMF so im really curious. Like what do you think supports it?
im so sorry this took me a few days, work tends to drain me a lot more than id like haha
but i would be more than happy to elaborate!
unfortunately a few of my claims are based off of evidence/supportive pieces that are in a discord server i no longer have access to, so please forgive me
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to start off, it was pointed out to me at one point that muu goes to a more expensive private school, though there are grants and scholarships that allow those without the proper funding to attend these schools regardless of their financial status (i.e. haruhi in ouran high school host club). i believe muu is a very intelligent young girl who is capable of earning one of these scholarships easily
muu also has a recurring theme of "foreigner in a place that is new and scary to her" her being a blonde-haired light-eyed half-french, lesbian GNC-girl in a private school filled with dark-haired dark-eyed japanese straight feminine girls. muu is the kind of person who likely feels totally outcast by her peers.
as well, taking a peek at this conversation in after pain:
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with a very rough translation (i am not proficient in japanese, but this is the gist of the conversation)
it should be noted that muu's friends "A-" and "Sayu" appear to be talking about muu as if she is not present in the conversation, and their tone is almost mocking. muu retorts by claiming she has plenty more, and that her lipstick (which they are likely making fun of her for it being a cheap brand, though im not sure about this detail) is just an extra she had on hand. she gets defensive, and is likely lying to protect her "rich girl who has everything" image.
i would also like to point out that muu seems to have gotten nothing in return for her lipstick- and was likely lending it to her friend with no expectation. muu acts like she isnt a giving person, but genuinely seems to be thoughtful and generous towards those she cares about. this can also be seen with muu giving haruka "hand-me-down" hair clips. its a small gesture, but haruka wears and appreciates them- they keep his uncut hair out of his eyes, and its a small piece of her that he can wear. its a thoughtful gift
and secondly... doesnt anybody else think that its weird that weve seen NOTHING about her home life? with other prisoners, we see at least two aspects of their lives, if not more. haruka with his house v. the forest. yuno in the car, on the stairs, in the brothel-room, on dates. fuuta in the tunnel, the arcade, on the basketball court. shidou in his house, hospital, greenhouse. mahiru in the forest, her house, several pictures of her on outings in TIHTBILWY. kazui in his house and the bar, on the altar. amane in her house, on the street, though MAGIC primarily takes place in her "inner world". mikoto in his home and train station. kotoko in the warehouse, a bar, on the streets etc.
muu's videos take place entirely in her school. even her inner-world with the bright white walls and floors, where herself and her peers are bugs- its still her mental depiction of school. her home life is totally void in her videos. why? sure, it may not be important to her murder- but maybe, its more important than what we see in after pain and inmf
did you know that most bullies use bullying as a way to cope with lack of control in their lives? that bullies most often face harrassment at home, and that school is their only escape from abuse? those who bully their peers often mirror their own parents' actions towards them. school is likely the only place where muu has any sense of control in her life. yes, its bad that she bullied her peers, but she is a child who has no proper outlet for the pain that she faces
(i also believe that her hourglass imagery lends to a cycle of violence- that muu was likely bullied, became the bully, and lost her status only to get bullied once more)
but im going on a tangent
unfortunately at this point i am running out of steam and good examples to lend to why i believe muu is poor (please, if anyone else has any evidence to back this up, please do add on to this post! i love to hear the community's thoughts!)
but for one last, small point. let's take a look at muu's lunch. a simple bento
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this bento is very small (a side note: i am also of the opinion that muu struggles with an ED) and it consists of a few simple ingredients.
a leaf of lettuce, cherry tomatoes, rice, a small amount of sauce, a single hot dog cut in the shape of an octopus, and what appears to be a hunk of protein, like chicken
well, thats not a lot of food. certainly nothing high-quality or expensive. lets take a look at some school lunches in japan. lets search up "学校 べんと" "gakkou bento" "school bento" and look at the images
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muu's lunch certainly doesnt look all that filling. it most certainly does not look bougie and expensive
edit: i would also like to note that she parallels shidou as a partner prisoner. both feature the concept of lying and upholding a good image of oneself
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kindred-spirit-93 · 5 days
watch me wip, watch me nuh uh
excuse the awful title lol, but i was listening to the epic version of the arab nokia tune and not only does it slap, but it made me think of a very rough draft of a concept idea for a wip i had a few years ago
i hopped onto tumblr to ask a few questions and get some insight, but in the process of mentally making this post i decided i wont be able to achieve what i want the way want (in the forseeable future at least) so im discontinuing something i havent even started.
thank you for coming to my ted talk :D
curious. i like u. anyway heres what could have been if i slayed as the kids say:
the idea was a fantasy (maybe even futuristic) novel set in a place heavily influenced by the middle east and the regions history, cradle of civilisation and all. the concept idea was for two kingdoms whose rulers where raised as brothers and are very close fall into discord and disharmony after shadowy shapeshifters (bad guys) of another realm sought to divide and conquer the kingdoms and seize their assets and domains (wow this is less subtle than i thought lol)
its up to the two crown princesses of the kingdoms to uncover the evil plots schemed, weed out the traitors assassin style or sum, and reunite the two kingdoms before its too late. all of this of course while they are the most wanted on the planet. girly things amirite
the world building is very shaky and i dont have the patience nor the braincells to spare to really sit down and come up with something, but the idea was several realms that 'represent' (dont laugh at me) the primary & secondary colours, and each one has a bunch of domains that include an element and an area of knowledge, but with time and a few other factors societies merged and theres a lot of diversity and multiculturalism and its all wonderful and awesome till disaster strikes and its used against them.
for example unnamed kingdom one is the biggest producer of minerals and grain, the main colours of the kingdom are gold and green and their domain is agriculture and languages (idk dont ask)
whereas unnamed kindom two is more celestial and astronomy oriented, with colours being navy and silver (or bronze now that i think of it) and its domain is scroll keeping and cartography
now with the passage of time and the rise and fall of dynasties and all that jazz, the domains are much more mixed as a reflection of the developments of the societies (primary colours becoming seconday and tertiary and so on and so forth), many city states specialising in one area of knowledge are grouped under the rule of a kingdom. essentially the world is a big beautiful tapestry :')
like for example a kingdom being home to the worlds biggest trade route and being a melting pot of cultures and tongues and faiths, has no specific colour; all encompasing and its glorious (idk how much it fits in the current timeline & narrative but its something)
again i dont have much world building down and what little i do is very vague lol, but thats the premise. the two princessess as of now belong to these two kingdoms and are bestest best friends, mirroring the epic bromance of their fathers before them lol. they are different in nearly everyhting but they are two halves of the same soul (platonic soulmates lets go!) and fiercely love each other >:D
so yeah. 2 princesses join forces to overthrow the ultimate evil and be the awesome kickass bff queens that they are. friendship (maybe more?) saves the day and reigns supreme as it so often does, but this time theres badassery and murder involved. dark stuff and fluff too
im hesitant to put this idea up for adoption bc a big reason it came to be was me being sick of all the gross stereotypes and tropes of everything ever manufactured and perpetuated by the west and me selfishly wanting to be represented correctly in media, esp original works, so im leaving this here in a sort of grey area i guess.
suggestions question thoughts ideas asks welcome! please be my guest ^-^
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bakafurai · 3 months
I don’t usually share wips/sketches, at least on my social media accounts- discord i will often do so, but uhhhhh fuck it we ball ig
Talking abou my ocs, specifically logos, made me remember that. I have not even drawn a concept for her battle/knight armour lmao so! I did that!
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Robots/armour are hard tbh so that's likely why it took me so long lmao but! Nothing wrong with making an attempt, i have a weird habit of subconsciously finalising my design for a character in my head before i draw them (either that or im just frequently satisfied with the design i have down that i really need to do concept art), but this is one of those "this design is to complicated in my head so i need to sketch smth out" but like. I have a vision but its not clear enough and i need to make several concepts or designs before my mind goes "yes there we go thats what I was going for!"
This one is definitely one of those haha, thought I'd try something new snd share here and see what peeps think ig?? I'll put more info in a read more
Ok so my basic imagery was: claw-like hands, her usual small jet wings (to mimic other fairies), one hand can turn into a sheild and the other can pull out a uhh i put extendable there but i think meant like. Collapsible??? Like its small part that builds itself into the actual sword once taken out kind of thing. The big visor on the front of her face was also part of my vision. (Yes she can see through there)
I think i got them decently well but wehh. The rest of the design was improvised. I don’t think the cape is necessary but maybe she'd have one for like. Formal events that need her knight form or smth?
Additional points:
>logos is ambidextrous, she can change which hand holds the sword and which hand turns into a Sheild
>they look weird in the sketch but the jet wings should be more attached to the back, it has markings that is meant to look similar to a actual fairy's wings.
>normally uses a kanatana that is store in the stomach area, she doesn't use it in this form but it's there for back up if needed, here though she uses a one handed sword
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cassioppenny · 1 year
🔥🔥 Why the Hatsune Miku gacha game is pretty cool actually🔥🔥
(i couldn't find the fire text generator sorry)
project sekai colorful stage ft hatsune miku is mobile idol gacha game about five groups of four teenagers each who make music together and go to therapy pocket dimensions where hatsune miku (and rin, len, luka, meiko, and kaito i guess) is real and their friend
the five groups are
leo/need a rock band made of four childhood friends who drifted apart after one of them, saki, got sick and had to stay in the hospital for all of middle school
more more jump an idol group made up of three former idols who quit because of them being treated like shit by the industry who regain their love of being performers after becoming friends with local gay disaster minori
vivid bad squad a group of street performers who wish to surpass a famous event one member's dad did
wonderlands x showtime a group of actors who perform in a theme park led by a guy named tsukasa who wishes to become famous
and finally the one im going to talk the most about because while i love the others a lot i think they have the best story out of them
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nightcord at 25:00 a group of online friends who make music together on miku discord who are all secretly depressed and learn that there is nothing worse than being a teenage girl
their story is so good if you're going to watch any of the stories i suggest at least watching theirs. im going to go in depth on each of the girlies because i need all of you to be obsessed with them like me
kanade yoisaki
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kanade is second year in high school but doesn't go to school physically but does it online so she can focus on composing songs for her group. her mother died when she was little and her father is hospitalized after being put in a coma after overworking himself. kanade blamed herself for her father's near death condition and developed a savior complex so nothing like what happened to her father will happen to anyone else she cares about. especially with her girlbestie mafuyu. her dream is to compose a song that would "save" someone from despair
she doesn't go outside often other than to visit her dad and go out to eat with the rest of n25 occasionally after the events of the main story.
mafuyu asashina
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mafuyu is a second year high school student who goes to the exclusive girl only school miyamasuzaka girls academy. she's an honors student and very popular with the other student there due to her perfect student aura. she's gifted academically and praised by her teachers, parents, and peers. she plans to become a doctor after high school. however this is all a front
mafuyu is severely depressed due to the high expectations her parents and especially her mother put onto her. she loses her sense of self as she molds herself into the perfect girl her mom wants her to be. she's basically an empty husk of who she once was. if i had to compare her to a pokemon character i'd say she's a lot like lillie if lillie stayed with lusamine and became basically an emotionless husk. this culminates in her creating her own personal world, the empty sekai
she's the lyricist of n25 who joined two years before the events of the game after kanade reached out to her after listening to one of mafuyu's songs. mafuyu felt something for the first time in a long time after listening to her song and agrees to join. however during the main story she secretly makes music by herself under the alias "OWN". own's songs are dark and hopeless in tone and is famous for their depressing lyrics. after kanade confronts mafuyu on if she's the one behind own mafuyu suddenly stops showing up on discord and everyone begins to worry.
it turns out that mafuyu wishes to disappear and stay in the empty sekai forever. however after miku (who is real in sekais btw) brings kanade, ena, and mizuki into the empty sekai to convince mafuyu to continue living.
the rest of of mafuyu's story is about her regaining her sense of self separated from her mother and it's so good. sorry i am obsessed with her
ena shinonome
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ena is a second year high school student at the public school kamiyama high and the illustrator of n25. she however takes night classes. she wishes to have people acknowledge her and her passion for art because her father's, a famous artist, constant dismissal of her work. she posts her art online but it gets no attention compared to the selfies she also posts.
she's mean and confrontational but really does care about n25. she's jealous of mafuyu's seemingly super human abilities in music making and school. kanade asked her to join after seeing some art ena posted online and was a big fan of it.
mizuki akiyama
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mizuki is a first year high school student at kamiyama high and the animator of n25. they are heavily implied to be transfem to the point that yeah it's 100% canon. they are never referred to with gendered language in the japanese version which the official translation translates as giving them they/them pronouns. this is most likely done to keep their gender vague due to them not being out yet. i will refer to them with these pronouns to be safe though
mizuki skips school a lot due to the constant transphobia they face there and only goes when necessary so they don't fail highschool. their story is about slowly feeling comfortable around n25 until they finally feel comfortable enough to come out to them
so yeah you should check out project sekai very good game stuck in gacha game prison i love my sillies very much look at these cards
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foggycuriosities · 1 year
Hi! This is Vincent and this is my roleplay blog featuring muses from several fandoms and cannons. My main goal is to have fun and interact with people in fandoms I’m passionate about! ATM I'm selective but I will interact no matter the skill level if I'm interested. I will not have more than 2-3 detailed rps at a time. But funny short rps I will have as many as I feel like juggling.
Im 22 so I prefer to interact with people 18+ sorry! If you don’t have your age in your bio or about I wont interact. I currently have muses for Dead By Daylight and Trigun! (Mostly with 98 and manga with slight influence from stampede) I do have some sideblogs that are attached to this one that I moved from my main account they are @hauntedmoonstone @wonderingduke and yes they count to the detailed rp count
I will be upfront I have a learning disability and other brain issues so there will occasionally be spelling or grammar errors in replies! 
I go over all my writing multiple times to try and ensure the best quality I can offer despite this but I ask you to be kind and understanding if I slip up a word here and there. I'm also working really hard currently to further my writing ability so you may notice the way I write changes every so often as I develop better skills and my own style.
I do have a chronic illness and may disappear for a day or two with no heads up (I'll try to give a heads up if I can tho!) If I come back and it seems like I may have forgotten our rp feel free to poke me! I really do not mind reminders at all! 
I rp on Discord as well so if you’d rather do an rp there for whatever reason feel free to add me! Or even if you just wish to plan and such over Discord rather than dms/asks here on tumblr my user is bimbobarbie! 
All common triggers will be tagged in the post as tw: trigger and also just the word without the tw: if any replies have extreme violence/gore/mature themes there will be a warning above the reply and the reply under a read more. Very minor violence etc will not be under a read more. If I miss a tag or if you need an uncommon trigger tagged let me know and I will fix it asap.
This is a multishipping/multiverse blog so don't expect if our muses get in a relationship that they will be just shipped with your muse.  Though unless discussed assume all ships take place in a different timeline (basically everything is the same but they date person B instead of person A.)  
Ask memes do not expire but I request that you send the full ask meme if its older than a day or two instead of just the emoji etc. I’m willing to rp smut (another reason my blog is mdni) but we have to have done at least one meaningful thread with said characters and talked about them ooc some as well before I will do any smut threads.
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foreigndistance · 2 years
Happy Birthday, Mizuki Kawashima!!
I spent a good amount of time (several months) writing about how I came to became her Producer, and how it had caused irreparable damage to my tantou-related decisions.
Unfortunately, this is also the most I’ve ever written about a single character so... Enjoy.
“I choose who I produce.”
This has been a mantra that has been stuck in my head for a while ever since I’ve decided on a main tantou in Cinderella Girls. And that phrase popped up again when I decided on another CG tantou. For a long time since I got into the franchise in 2018, I didn’t have a no. 1 favorite idol in CG I was fully comfortable with, especially compared with how I found my main favorites in other branches.
I thought I could produce one type or be split between producing who I want… until I fell in love with a certain woman’s charm. This is a story of how I got to that point.
For a bit of background: I have been stuck in IM@S hell since 2018, as I started peeking into 765Pro and Cinderella Girls for a little bit but ended up focusing more on the latter’s shenanigans (and Million Live!, by extension) for a long while. I eventually started looking into more stuff outside of 765Pro in 2019 and gained some favorites from CG, SideM, and Shiny Colors by then. Entering early 2020, I had strong interest towards SideM and Million Live! so much that I focused heavily on these two branches for a good amount of time, but also got further into Shiny Colors and CG up to the point when I even tried all the active mobile games at the time. Alongside that, I started following Cinderella Girls more closely starting with getting into Deresute in April 2020, but I still looked at it from a mostly semi-casual perspective despite considering myself as a multi-branch producer. At some point I wondered if I would ever find a 20+ idol (outside of SideM) that I would gain strong interest in very strongly, in a similar way to what I felt about my main tantou (SideM’s Michio, in that case) by that point.
Here’s the first starting point: it was January 2021, I was peeking at parts of a conversation with some people on Discord. The guys were talking about CG at that time and one of the members posted a then-ongoing thread about her. I couldn’t fully remember what happened after but I looked into the thread and I just… understood. The more I read about her, the more she started to stand out among the idols I’ve been interested in so far.
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Messages sent before disaster.
It was later within that month when I decided to just… simply produce her.
Since that conversation, I had been casually producing her alongside the rest of my CG favorites. My tantou lineup kept fluctuating over that year until I eventually stuck with a tantou trio of my no. 1 favorite per attribute: Uzuki for Cute, Mizuki for Cool, and Takumi for Passion.
My memories from that era feel like a blur today, but I remembered listening to her second solo, “Dreaming of you” and it resonated with me quite a lot. A thing I noted to myself was that if a character’s solo gets me interested in an idol in IM@S, this is a warning sign. That had only happened once to me before with SideM’s Michio… and it had happened again there in CG, of all places.
Another point that happened was that I waited for her bridal SSR to come home partially because I wanted to have at least one SSR of my top five CG girls at the time, and I got her after two 10-pulls when her rerun banner finally dropped. It was the first SSR I animated via the Premium Cut Film and I would often see the pink petals flying with the wind and her lovely blue dress flowing in the awakened card illustration. I also vaguely remembered even looking into her Memorial Commus in Deresute at some point later on.
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My producing activities in CG were a more casual experience compared to how I treated my tantous in other branches, and I still couldn’t make up my mind on a true no. 1 favorite in CG by then.
Over a year passed by, and the day that could potentially ruin my life came: April 2, 2022, the first day of the CG 10th Anniversary tour's final leg. No one knew who was coming there when the cast list was a surprise until the day itself. I had the chance to watch the whole 4-hour long performance with some friends on another server and saw each voice actress of our favorite idols show up one by one. I watched Ayaka Ohashi (Uzuki) and Yuko Hara (Takumi) appearing excitedly during their respective first appearances.
Then she came on stage. “Orgel no Kobako” started playing. We had already seen the other performer (Chiyo Ousaki, Koume’s VA) earlier, but beside her was the woman behind Mizuki's voice: Nao Toyama.
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I was tagged in that server while the other members talked about her during the show. Funnily enough, I didn’t initially know how much of an impact that performance would leave on me, but I did see so much of that brilliance in her stage presence and vocals that I wrote this to the chat and onto Twitter: “I have simply passed away.”
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She may have only shown up on the first day but it didn’t matter too much. Both days of those performances went well and everything reaffirmed that I just grew to love the branch even more than before… especially Day 1’s performance.
As the following days passed, things began to sink in. I knew Mizuki had been peeking for a while – both as a character I didn’t look into at first and as a tantou early on – and Naobou’s performance was the final nail in the coffin. Looking back on the past few years up to that point, I just kept hearing people talk about Mizuki and the voice actress behind her in various places, but didn’t see people that truly consider her as a “tantou” among my circles. The days following that night had me constantly pondering why I was mesmerized by her in the first place, even up to the point where I jokingly said that I would be a Mizuki main temporarily due to the brain rot having a strong grip on me. By April 15, 2022, I finally found my no. 1 favorite CG idol and truly called myself a MizukiP.
Over the next several months, I thought of this phrase, “I choose who I produce,” when I reflected back on my tantou choices as I finally brought Kaede from just a regular favorite to a proper tantou. I chose who I produce not just because they appeal to me on the fly or serve, but because enough time was spent for them to grow on me as well, and over time they've left hints and signs that I think that some of them have grown on me over time. At that time, it applied to not just Kaede, but to all of my tantous as well… even Mizuki herself. There were some fleeting aspects and hints that I failed to mention – like how I started playing Deresute 1-2 months after her last event (Gaze and Gaze) happened, how the game’s 5th Anniversary (in which she was included in the lineup) was the first Deresute anniversary I partook in, and a few other things. I finally became a KaedeP and fully considered Tomoe as a fukutan – two idols associated with her that I’ve known since 2018 – partly because of her.
I often looked back at that live performance and thought a lot about not only finding a proper main tantou, but also how much it left an impact on me as a Producer and somehow finding a new favorite voice actress in the franchise (which is another story of its own). Of course, I did have my regrets over not starting things a little earlier, but I am just relieved that I now have a clearer direction in where I want to go with the game and this branch… and with her. More than ever before.
So yeah, I ended up loving and appreciating her more over the past several months up to the point where she could rival my other main tantou, Michio, in many ways. I started out not fully knowing who my true favorite in CG was but now my tantou lineup in this branch has never felt this comfy.
I did finally find my own Cinderella… and I understand, truly. Happy birthday, Mizuki.
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f4y3w00d5 · 3 months
Well it looks like it is nearly time to talk to my 11 yr old sister about devices
Shes about to get her first phone (obviously heavily monitored, its cos shes starting grade 7 soon and she needs a phone cos she'll take the bus), and ofc next year she gets a laptop, and so she needs to know how to do what i do without getting caught.
Basically that is: Keep anything and everything incriminating off your phone. Pictures, texts, apps, all that shit. No looking stuff up on your phone either- hell, not on her google account. Just keep everything on your phone PG. Try to avoid texts.
On the laptop theres a bit more freedom, but she'll need to use incognito for anything, and avoid shit like discord and quotev which will be banned. Also avoid incriminating photos, but thats her school account and mum wont check it. At least not often, so hide anything. Dont make a google account and open google with it, thats just...dumb. She'll see it, and she'll see everything. If she so much as walks in the room, delete any tabs with shit you dont want her seeing on it. I made that mistake in grade 6, and lost quotev.
Do NOT tell any counsellors or therapists about online activities, they may snitch. If you do, wait until you trust them and then simply never mention what platform, or usernames either. I made that mistake, and lost discord. Thankfully my SCHOOL counsellor backed me up in that the therapist was lying (she wasnt) and so, i didnt get in trouble. (Except severe depression until i found tumblr)
And ill not let her get Tumblr or the other things i like to use, as if she gets caught on this we'll BOTH lose it, and then im absolutely fucked. By the time the youngest is old enough to get a phone (3 years), ill hopefully be out of here, so i wont have to worry about that. And even not, i'll be over 18 and they cannot control what i do on devices at that age.
Now I just need to find a time where I have her alone that I can tell her all this.
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burncdheart · 5 months
I've noticed that my rules on the carrd might be quite hard to read for people with bad sight. So I decided to post them here again with a bigger font.
Put unter read more because, wwwhhh, it's quite long :'D
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01. interacting & rp.
* english isn't my first language, so forgive me if i got anything wrong and feel free to correct me whenever needed ♥
* exclusives are only a very rare occassion and currently only applies to mira's chuuya nakahara (@diverse-hearts) as he's taru's father.
* do not tell me with who i can interact. i know that hate is too common in the rp-community and i rather see for myself.
* as always - no metagaming, god modding or such, unless its small actions that are important for the thread to move forward.
* ims are open for everyone while i prefer discord to be for mutuals only. if there should be any problems or such, feel free to tell me there ♥
* i turn asks into threads pretty often. if it bothers you, please tell me. just like this, you too are more than welcome to do the same. even if we don't know where it goes, even if it's just our muses randomly talking and it goes nowhere. rp doesn't have to be all about action! it can just be something cozy too.
* i also welcome the idea of alternative unvierses (aus). so don't fret to throw them at me c:<
* please keep in mind that taru is meant to be a villain. so no, she won't always be nice.
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02. shipping & relationships.
* i will only do romantic ships with chemistry and never with muns or muses that are under the age of 18.
* my muse is multiship, with every ship being in its own verse - unless plotted otherwise. in terms of ship i won't do exclusive ever.
* sexual topics will only happen there and then - once again, not with anyone under 18.
* though i love shipping, i honestly feel most comfortable about it, when things are at least roughly planned.
* pre-established relationships are totally welcome! be it that they have met once before or even several times.
* please always feel free to dm me about potential ships!
* i welcome all kind of relationships! our muses hate each other? something simple and platonic? they just simply have to work together? be my guest!
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03. following & triggers.
* i’m not going to follow everyone back. but i most likely will, as long as you have rules, as multimuse a muse list and as oc blog a bio about your chara.
* however, if i do, it means that i really want to interact & rp with you.
* i’m oc friendly and will also follow muses that got crossovers of verses i roleplay in. (plz throw your ocs at me tho. i love fellow ocs ♥♥)
* i will try to send in passwords, fill out your interest checker ( once we are mutuals ) and i will always look at your rules before following.
* this blog contains heavy topics. gore, blood, murder, traumatising things, you name it
.* triggers will be tagged with trigger tw.
* my own trigger are pictures of jellyfish and spiders
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04. everything else.
* none of the art is mine, unless stated otherwise. i will also only use any official art. if any art is spotted that is not official, please feel free to tell me! i will take it down.
* icons are mostly made by me, unless stated otherwise.
* credits can be found underneath the rules.
* i’m not affilated with mihoyo, bones, nor anything else related to the fandoms my muse is in.
* my oc is made by my own imagination and her faceclaim is a way to show how i imagine her.
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kk4pups · 8 months
hi. i am a person that saw your tags out there and wants to ask you about your vocaloid playlists. go wild have fun <3 have a good time
hi. i love you. i have mental illness. lets talk about it
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theres 22 right now........... some of them have silly names but i am not changing that for this post. i had to put emojis on all of them because i started having trouble finding my playlists at a glance. big al is my favorite (105 songs/covers but like 10 are privated so more like 95) but he actually doesnt get new additions to his playlist that often because no one gaf about big al (and im unreasonably picky about how people tune him given how little content he gets too) but i did add one (1) cover last night so thats awesome
my brain rot playlist is the biggest sitting at 855 songs/covers atm, probably an Unreasonable percent of that is covers because most of my favs (big al, piko, fukase, etc) dont Get originals very often for various reasons. but honestly even in the case of favs who get plenty of originals (len, flower) i still have lots of covers for them too i feel like this is somehow a funny reflection of my tastes which i think are kind of unconventional in terms of the selection of synths i enjoy. but at the same time, my dex playlist has literally 3 songs in it because i just found out i had a dex playlist (i forgot) so all of them are various levels of filled out.
the oliver playlist is particularly sparse (8 songs/covers) which i am sad about because oliver is in my top 5-6 vocaloids but i Rarely find things i like with him (because a lot of people use him for ballads and i am incapable of enjoying ballads 99% of the time even if i can appreciate their beauty. i get bored) and im praying to god that maghni will save me from this terrible fate of empty playlist
my rin playlist is pathetic though because probably at least half of it is rin/len duets but this is not the case for my len playlist so my bias is 100% there unfortunately my matsudappoiyo playlist (66 songs/covers) probably sees the most activity in recent days because i listened to just a few covers for him and it was then the only thing youtube would recommend for several months. ron keine is incidental because people ship him with matsudappoiyo so he just kept Showing Up during this period (14 songs/covers. actually since these are two are utau they might all be covers) but ive grown to like him so i actually listen to it frequently and want to add to it my misc utau playlist doesnt have an emoji right now because what the hell emoji do you use for that. the 🇺 emoji isnt a real emoji outside of discord it just converts to unicode do you know how mad i am about that. open to suggestions on this issue i want to make one for kiyoteru but i probably have less than 10 songs for him right now. maybe less than 5. and every time i make a new playlist i have to wrestle youtube to load my 855 song playlist in its entirety, so that i can find all the songs i have for that specific vocaloid, but is so laggy that its actually a problem, i dont know what to do about it. but ive also seen people with 2000+ song vocaloid playlists so i have no idea what im going to do when i get to that point which given enough time i Will but also its taken 7 (?) years to Passively get to this point so i dont think its an immediate concern either (? unless i go insane? which is not an unrealistic possibility at this point) also im open to vocaloid song suggestions always, and it really does not matter who the vocaloid is because i like all vocaloids (yes all of them. yes even that one) in a perfect world i would make a playlist for every vocaloid, but i think if i made an active effort to do so i would literally die, and its something that can only occur if it happened naturally, which it probably wont because even if i am happy to listen to any vocaloid i Do only actively seek out my favs i really need to make more playlists. but like i am already in this position lol
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vigilantdesert · 2 years
What is the muse that you write for the longest?
In what style did you start to write (First person, third person, *-style or novel-style?)
Is there anything you would have changed when you started writing now that you have more experience?
Happy Mundaymas - Accepting
What is the muse that you write for the longest?
Mrs. Nellie Lovett, of Sweeney Todd fame! She was the second character I ever picked up, the first canon character I ever played, and a muse I carried for something like 10 years? That's non-continuous, of course, there were gaps here and there, but I was generally playing her with someone, even if it was on discord or a private server. I brought her through so many format changes, from YouTube comments to Rolepages to IMs/Skype/Google Chat/Discord to a multimuse Tumblr Blog. I have talked about her before, both in this munday round and several before, but it's hard for me to really express how fond I am of her. I stopped playing her for two reasons - I became burned out on roleplay in general after a few bad bouts of out of character drama and life beating me down, and also I believed I had done everything I could with the character. She came with me through so many writing phases, had several dozen interpretations of her family, went through at least three momentous backstory changes, and stayed with me during one of the most tumultuous roleplay partnerships I'd ever had. I doubt I'll ever pick her up again, both because I've completed her story and because I've grown in ways such that I don't need her the same way, but I'll always remember the way those partnerships impacted me.
In what style did you start to write (First person, third person, *-style or novel-style?)
Jesus uhhhhh I don't know if we even did asterisks at first, I'm not going to lie to you all. We were bare bones basic bitches back in those Youtube Days. If we had actions (we usually didn't) it ended up just being a different sentence, not de-marked from dialogue at all. We did switch to asterisks soon after I started, though, it became too confusing otherwise.
Is there anything you would have changed when you started writing now that you have more experience?
This isn't quite so much about my writing and more about me as a person, but God I wish I had more self-esteem/boundaries at the time. I didn't have a ton of friends when I started roleplaying, I had fewer good ones (Most of them would grow up to be fine, but we were in middle school and middle-schoolers, myself included, are awful). The ones I did have often felt like charity on their part, since my teachers had a rule that you couldn't sit alone at lunch, so people got assigned/got "helper tasks" if they sat with the lonely kids as lunch. Trust me when I say it did not help bullying and frankly made it worse for the kids who did sit alone because we all knew that they got paid off to do it. The point is, I didn't know where I should draw the line if I felt uncomfortable, and I let myself get into a couple of really manipulative partnerships for the first four or five years. I did finally cut them out and even though I definitely did have my fair share of drama after that, my overall experience was so much better it was ridiculous.
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gb-patch · 3 years
Ask Answers: May 15th Part 1
It’s been longer than usual since our last answer session, so I’m answering a ton of questions today! It’s so big I split it into two parts. Thank you for the patience on getting a response to these.
Thanks for reaching out to us with your questions and kind words ^^!
Sorry if this has been asked before or isn't something you can say but is there anyway for Cove to confess in step 4? I wanted him to confess in step 3 and followed all the steps to make him do it but ended up texting my family instead of Cove at the end.
Yeah, Cove can confess in Step 4!
Hello! I heard that Cove is on the spectrum, albeit undiagnosed. As someone who is ND, this makes me UNBELIEVABLY happy. I literally was brought to tears! Thank you for that!
Out of curiosity, will Cove be diagnosed in Step 4? I have a strong feeling y’all won’t make it a HUGE deal/make it out to be negative, so I’m not worried about that whatsoever! I’m just curious just he’ll off handedly mention it? Or will it just not be touched upon at all (which is ok!)?
Either way is ok, I’m just curious!
I’m happy it made you happy! Admittedly, Cove simply being someone with autism that grew up not being diagnosed was something I included for myself. I didn’t really think anyone would notice or ask about it, aha. But players did start to have questions about his traits, so I started to talk about it outside of the game. It’s great to see it get such a positive response and now I do feel like having it be a non-topic may have been the wrong choice and bringing it up would’ve been good in terms of having positive representation for that. I don’t know if I’ll find a way to mention it in Step 4 now, with how far along the game is, but I am at least thinking about it when originally it wasn’t something I really even considered.
Hey!  Just wanted to say thank you for Our Life.  It's been a bright spot and a needed escape in what's otherwise been a crummy year.  I know you just did a Q&A post but I figured I'd ask anyway.  Was just curious about Step 4.  Will it be similar to the other Steps in that it consists of several different moments or will it just be one long sequence?
Step 4 is shorter than the prior Steps because it’s just an epilogue rather than a full arc of a story. It’ll consist of scenes that all happen in a set row one after the other. There won’t be a collection of Moments to choose from. But it’ll still be very sweet and fun.
¡hola!, you see, first I want to say that I love Our Life! (°◡°♡) and I have 2 important questions, would Cove cry watching titanic? and what is the saddest part according to him? (sorry for my english) 
Titanic would make him cry. He’d probably think the parts showing people who aren’t able to make it to the life boats/are choosing to stay and go down with the ship were the saddest.
Hello, I wanted to ask how much you earn with creating games? Like is it possible to make a living? Thank you >< <3 
How much I earn varies a lot month to month based on Steam sales, Patreon backers, and how many projects are in full production at the time. It’s also hard to say how much I make historically, since that also changes dramatically year by year. But I do earn enough to work on these games full time! I really appreciate all the support that allows me to do that.
Hey!! I was wondering for the 18+ Our Life moment, will there be an emphasis on safety/comfort for all involved? I feel like there  would be just going off of what the rest of the game is like, but I wanted to ask 
Yes! Cove is a nervous boy himself and also super cautious about doing anything the MC doesn’t like, so clear consent from both is absolutely needed for anything to happen. It’s a conversational sexy times Moment with stops/starts so the two can talk about how they’re feeling, rather than a heat of the moment just going for it kind of thing.
Hey!! I was wondering how long the wedding dlc would be? Will it be broken up into moments, or just one big event? 
It’s one long series of scenes all in a row rather than a collection of Moments to pick from. It’s the shortest and the least expensive of all the DLCs. It’s not super crucial to get and those who aren’t into big weddings can totally skip it without worry.
HELLO AMAZING DEVS 👋 i am hopelessly in love with the worst guy ever (jeremy king) and because of this i have a really stupid question: does he really hate people who are nice to him? TvT he’s too cute to be mean to istg it’s a miracle JB held the urge to be consistently nice to him bc just look at his FACE he is so cute! thank you for jeremy’s route it’s so lovely (and awful bc he’s scum 11/10) it gave me so much laughs LMAO i hope you guys have a good day!! 
Haha, thank you. He doesn’t hate them but he’s certainly not pleased with them. Jeremy is either uncomfortable with or annoyed by people being sweet on him, depending on how they approach it. He’s far more comfortable with jerkiness. It lets him relax and he can be himself without it being a problem, since he’s also a jerk. He feels a level of guilt being such a little punk to kind people, not enough to be a better person but still.
Has Cove dated or been interested in someone other than MC? 
Nope! He stays single over the course of the game if he’s not with the MC.
Is Step 4 more mature? Or it's gonna be set in similar atmosphere as Step 3? 
Step 4 is a similar atmosphere as Step 3. Though, it’s actually kind of less mature-topic heavy than Step 3 since it’s just a ‘hey, let’s check in on the gang to see what they’re up to’ style epilogue rather than a story arc with serious issues.
will there be new music for now and forever?? or will the old our life music be reused? 
It’s gonna be a brand new soundtrack. We’ll be opening up a job position for that soon.
Hi, is it okay if we use the assets in Our Life (like the sprites) for fanworks or fan content content, like edits? 
Sure! Just as long as you don’t use the assets made by those artists to make money.
Quick clarification on Step 3 choices: I hope I didn't come off rude (because I LOVE the game, really!!), I was just curious because the intro threw me off at times. For example, you could choose how you felt about Elizabeth in Step 2 (Dinner), but during the Step 3 intro, it says that you got closer to Liz and I didn't get a choice in it. 
For the example, it can’t be helped that you’re closer to Liz in Step 3 than you were in Step 2 because she’s inherently closer to the MC regardless of whether you liked her or not in Step 2. Her feelings are out of your control and the game isn’t so dramatic that you can push her affection away and not let her bond with you, haha. But ‘being closer’ can still be relative. For some people maybe that means you’re best buds now and for others it might just mean you’re not fighting all the time any more. If there’s other parts you want to mention, feel free to let us know.
Did the illustrator for Our Life change? 
We have many OL artists! The main artists who set the game’s style haven’t changed, but there’s multiple other artists who help finish assets.
So Miranda's type is confident and outgoing, huh? So...does that mean Terri's her type?? 👀 
Haha, sorry for the late reply on this. As you might’ve seen in our post yesterday- yeah that is her type.
Hey! First, I just want to say I've really enjoyed how detailed OL got with gender identity and sexuality and how respectful the topics were handled! It's been so wonderful to play since the experiences could be close to my own (I'd be lying if I said I didn't tear up at parts). Second, I was wondering, would future games explore the topic of polyamory? I'd love to see more visual novels allow room for that and I saw you've explored the topic before.
Keep up the amazing work! ♡
Thank you! We do want to include polyamory in at least some of our future projects. Floret Bond, which might be what you’re referring to when mentioning how we’ve explored the topic before, is on hold unfortunately. So right now I’m not sure when something might release or what will be the first game of ours to come out with poly relationships (we might do something else before FB is done). We’ll have see how things ends up coming together.
Hey um. I feel like im not allowed to ask this on the private discord cuz people will yell at me but why is there so much focus on OL2 and not finishing OL1 stuff? I like the new people but i kind of want to finish cove's story and get derek and baxter stuff first. didn't people pay for it? 
I’m sorry, I don’t understand entirely what’s making that situation a concern. There’s a channel in the discord for critique where no one is allowed to comment back. People can voice things they’re worried about without any way for others to push back on it. And the two teams working on the OL games are different. We try to post pretty often about how we’re hiring brand new people to start on Our Life: Now & Forever. The OL1 team is all still working on OL1 like normal. There’s only more updates on the Patreon for OL2 because the expansions to the first game are mostly script-based at this point while OL2 is just starting to get all its art, which means there’s a lot more to show off as previews.
Also, there was a Kickstarter for the first Our Life, if that’s what you mean by people paying for it. But one of the stretch goals was to start Our Life 2 early, before fully completing Our Life 1, so that the new game could be out sooner. It wouldn’t make sense to stop doing OL2 work because that would be going against what backers were promised. Maybe you didn’t get the full story before and hopefully this clears it up!
Hello! I know it's up to every player but.. What is your recommendation for playing order? Did you ever had any timeline  events planned? 
I didn’t make the events with a planned timeline. The events got made simply as I had ideas for them and then I just kind of organized them from left to right on the screen in an order to space out more dramatic ones between more lighthearted ones. Any order the player wants to go with is totally valid!
Hi! It's Step 4 a paid dlc or update? And how long it's planned to be? Ps. Love the game! 
The Step 4 epilogue is free! The Cove Wedding DLC does cost money, though. Those are planned to be shorter than the usual Steps/DLCs.
Will we have options for what sort of job the MC might have by the time step 4 takes place? 
Yeah, you can. It’s not super exact or detailed, but there are options about it.
Is there a pandemic in Our Life world, or is it just in a better timeline with no pestilence? 
Our Life is pandemic-free! That didn’t exist when we began working on the project and it’s not something we’d like to feature in this story now that it has unfortunately come along, aha.
Hi, you said that you can play tic-tac-toe or hangman with Cove in Boating if you're sick/scared but I keep getting tic-tac-toe. Am I doing something wrong?
After being sick/scared you have to continue to be upset/unwell. If you calm down and decide to just chill you’ll end up playing tic-tac-toe.
Hi, GB Patch! Since Lee was initially commissioned to only appear in two Steps does this mean she won't appear in the Wedding DLC? I really like her character so it'll be a little weird to not have our cousin at our wedding, aha.
She is gonna be in Step 4/the wedding DLC after all! We’re still working with her creator to make sure it fits with what they wanted.
Is Sunset Bird based on a real place? Asking for a friend, not trying to move there or anything. 👀
It’s based on small beach towns in So-Cal, but not one specific town you could go see in real life, I’m afraid. It’d be nice if it was real, though.
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We released a new FAQ! It answers common questions and we’ll keep adding more to it. Please check there before sending an ask. FAQ   Also, if you prefer to just see the main posts without all the asks/reblogs, feel free to follow our side account instead: GB Patch Updates Blog
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yrbutchgf · 3 years
what are soft butch and hard femme? i really like the aesthetics but i know that's not what butch/femme is about in its whole so i wonder if those descriptors are made up about looks or if they actually come from the culture and i know that butch/femme isn't a sliding scale of masculinity and femininity but sometimes its hard to feel that i can be femme bc i like alt styles and am not hyperfeminine so the so called hard femme label feels like it fits idk
soft butch is its own can of worms -- suffice it to say many butches, including me, dislike the term soft butch for the implications it casts on butches who don't identify themselves as "soft." there's a LOT to talk about there, though, so honestly i'll save that for another post, if anyone's interested in hearing about it. hard femme, on the other hand, is a different story!
while femme and butch are not solely aesthetic descriptors, sometimes the variants you see of the terms, like hard femme especially, can be very aesthetic-focused, even though they are from the culture themselves! from what i've run into, hard femme is exactly the kind of thing you're describing -- rough and tumble femmes who adopt alt, punkish and gnc fashion and may come off as somewhat of tomboys, but who still base themselves steadfastly in femmeness. i asked about hard femme identity in the butch/femme discord i'm in, and one hard femme, iggy (19, she/he/they), had this to say on the subject:
just note its my personal opinion/the meaning ive found in the term, i havent done a ton of research so its not the objective definition or anything lol.
For me at least its about embracing things that arent traditionally feminine while still keeping ur feminine identity. Not to say other fems have to be traditional/conformist, we're just different types of femininity. So Im not a gentle person, Im not a nurturing person, Im not a soft and tender person. I was a tomboy growing up so what someone said earlier about tomboy fem resonates too. All these things and more Im having trouble describing make me feel like i couldnt traditionally be feminine/a woman. But hard fem feels like it gives me space to be all that and still present and relate to others how I like. Its almost like having a 'butch' personality but preferring fem presentation? Thats the best way i can describe it, like yes theres an aesthetic part but its a reflection of a deeper energy.
I'm not sure about the terms coinage or if theres a more official definition. Afaik it was actually in reaction to soft butch, seeing it as being insulting to other butches and almost making butch more palatable to people outside the community. And we said ok fuck you we're hard fem. I personally think anti-assimilationist politics are another important part of hard femme. It generally refuses to be confined or made to conform.
I have more to say bc its like my whole identity but i gotta get to work so i hope that essay is enough lmfao
he also said that vander von odd often calls themself a hard femme. here's a pic of vampira/maila nurmi, another hard femme, as well as a pic of kay kaos @revoltpunx on ig, which several people in the server identified as a great example of hard femme presentation:
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so yeah, hard femme means pretty much exactly what you identified it as :) to me, it sounds like you probably are a hard femme, and if you are, welcome to a long and storied history of kickass femmes that absolutely wreck house!
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latespriings · 3 years
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CIRINA KIR-KHASAR a twenty-eight year old human. she is a noblewoman and is known as the primadonna. they are known to be sophisticated and sanctimonious and vaguely resemble ni ni.
hello, lovelies! this really is just an introduction to cirina, just to get the ball rolling— that means a proper bio post will be up soon enough! anyways, this really will just be all in bullet points, just so you get a general understanding of her backstory and such. if you wanna talk to me re: plotting and all, don’t be afraid to slide into my ims or hmu on discord spinch#8782 ! 
trigger warnings: mentions of death and drowning!
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she doesn’t remember her real last name, though that was hardly an uncommon thing in the orphanage in emmeldaal, a small town on the southeastern-most end of kerch, near the land bridge that once connected it to shu han.
all the orphans had been taken under the care of one khasar yul-altan, a kerch nobleman originally from shu han, who had taken pity on the orphans who often wandered into emmeldaal and its neighboring towns — and oftentimes, these orphans from his homeland themselves.
there was talk that khasar yul-altan crossed the land bridge himself, before the council of the tides flooded it, but that was all just rumors. one thing was true, though: all the orphans took the name of their beneficiary, following traditional shu naming conventions, thus cirina adopted the surname “kir-khasar” or, in shu, daughter of khasar.
she was nine when her family attempted to cross the small strip of the true sea that separated shu han from kerch, but like most of the orphans she grew up with, that had been how they’d found themselves in emmeldaal anyway. they had mostly come from families with grisha children, who they didn’t want experimented on by the shu or recruited into ravka’s second army, who had taken the risk to smuggle themselves to kerch in search of a better life. but the safety of a stowaway is never guaranteed, and most families found themselves in small ships that were never made for travel through the true sea.
that’s how cirina ended up in khasar’s orphanage, coughing out water on the shores of emmeldaal, having swam to safety from the wreck of the boat that had capsized, the same boat that had carried her family. the same boat that had carried her mother and father and little sister, who could make fire sing and dance, who had been the reason why they’d boarded the boat in the first place.
cirina adapted easily into life at the orphanage. she had been one of the eldest when she arrived, thus she was tasked with taking care of the younger children, tucking them in at night and reading them bedtime stories from a country long forgotten by their memory.
a lot of the children at the orphanage had been grisha, too, and once the testers came to whisk them away to a life at the little palace, a life filled with even more luxury, the numbers eventually dwindled.
she was one of khasar yul-altan’s favorites, and while they were all considered his children (at least, by surname), cirina was treated as though she was his own daughter. maybe it was because she stayed while the others left, khasar was always known to have wanted children, that was why he started the orphanage in the first place, but his wife ( a sickly woman, kaelish with bright orange hair that grew duller as her sickness took more and more of her; cirina remembers her faintly, but she had died weeks after cirina had arrived at the orphanage ) was barren.
when khasar yul-altan decided to close up the orphanage and move to ketterdam, cirina and another orphan came along with him, posing as his children, and when he was offered the opportunity to serve as the kerch ambassador to ravka a few years later, they had gone with him too.
that was several years ago. cirina had been fourteen when they had left emmeldaal for ketterdam, and twenty-four when she had left ketterdam for os alta, and in the years that passed, cirina grew more and more comfortable to her title as a noblewoman, practically forgetting her early childhood in the process.
she had developed a taste for the finer things in life, and why wouldn’t she? she had stopped fighting to survive when she was adopted by yul-altan, and the five years in ketterdam — living in the geldstraat, no less — surely strengthened her love for all things expensive. this has grown increasingly more with her move to os alta, surrounded by luxury and riches.
if one would meet her now, they would have never expected her to have come from the sea, coughing and fighting and surviving, and cirina made sure of that. to the members of os alta’s high society, she was of noble blood, just like they were. she can speak kerch and ravkan fluently, as well as easily adapted to the ins and outs of ravkan high society.
cirina is sophisticated and a bit spoiled, yes, and these overshadow how cunning she truly is. people forget that she spent a decade in ketterdam, and while she had spent most of that decade in the . . . finer areas of the city, she still learned vital life lessons from her time there, even having frequented some of the casinos and clubs in the east stave.
wanted connections.
CIRINA KIR-KHASAR is is trying to find their ADOPTIVE SIBLING. they are around 22-26 and may look like remy hii, natasha liu bordizzo, li qin, xiao zhan, any fc as long as they are chinese/part-chinese. you do need to contact the player before applying. ( another child from the orphanage who khasar yul-altan adopted as his own. they are relatively close to cirina, despite never being biologically related, and cirina is highly protective of them, even now as they reside in os alta ).
CIRINA KIR-KHASAR is is trying to find their BETROTHED.  they are around 30-34 and may look like (no faceclaim preference). you do not need to contact the player before applying. ( it is no secret that khasar yul-altan isn’t getting any younger, and fearing of the lives of his children after the events of his death, khasar made the decision to arrange marriages between his children and members of ravka’s high society. her adoptive father means well, she knows this, but cirina had no intention of marrying into ravkan nobility in the first place. still, she begrudgingly agrees to the arrangement, even if the other party may not be too eager to rush into marriage, either. ).
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roselightfairy · 3 years
Last 20 Stories: First Lines
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag [up to] 10 authors! (Feel free to link your fics in the titles.)
Tagged by @unnamedelement - thank you!
Going Viral (this is a cowritten fic, so I picked the first line I personally wrote): Signing out for the day was one of the things Gimli did miss from in-person teaching – there was just something less satisfying about closing the Zâram window, rather than his usual routine of chatting with any stragglers while he packed up his things and actually locking up and leaving his office.
Living Conditions: Rostinnariel finished tucking in her covers and frowned down at her newly-made bed.
Heals All Wounds: Time passes strangely in Valinor.
Nothing You Can Give: “Laerwen.”
Not in Service: So many times, over that long, strange Willowless summer, Buffy finds herself wanting to call Tara.
the hunter’s heart, the hunter’s mouth: The sun is setting.
Ripples in the long, long stream - this is a collection of ficlets, but I’m pretty sure at least the last three are in the latest 20 fics I’ve written, so I’ll include those here:
The sun in Minas Tirith was hotter than in Mirkwood. (ch. 18)
Gimli’s head ached. (ch. 17)
The rain started in the early evening, after they had retired for the day. (ch. 16)
Insufficient Appreciation: In the back of Rivendell’s great Hall of Fire, listening to a long droning lament in a language he did not speak, Gimli hid a yawn behind his hand.
Plenty: “Hot apples – with cinnamon?”
Drink-Drowned: “Gimli! Gimli!”
Chiropteran: “Stay close.”
Loose Ends: The sun was sinking, gold light searing through the window and streaking Gimli’s vision, and still Legolas had not returned home.
Strange Favors: “Suki. Can I talk to you for a minute?”
Light into Gray: Aragorn comes to fetch him in the smithy when it happens.
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: This, Gimli thought gloomily, staring down at the bed he had been given in Rivendell, was a quandary he had not anticipated.
Roads Converged: Early autumn was the most pleasant time to travel in Rohan.
(the next three in my AO3 are unfinished WIPs from several years ago, so I’m skipping over them)
Acceptable Losses: The arguing voices are the first sound to reach Gimli’s ears – the muffled sound of discord an awakening that would not be gentle, could he hear more clearly through the haze around his mind.
Full Moon: There were times that Gimli wished arranging to meet his secret lover were as simple as slipping away at night: tiptoeing out of his apartments in his parents’ manor and hurrying off down the hall, his only concern being silent enough to escape notice.
Well. This isn’t exactly news to me, but I have three main trends:
starting in media res, with the main character just doing something
starting with dialogue (which I suppose is sort of a subset of the first one)
starting with some short, environmental/situational-overview sentence that will lead into a longer, more atmospheric scene-setting paragraph (usually, though not exclusively, happens in present-tense stories)
This task mostly reveals, I suppose, that the strength of my writing is not really in the opening line, even the ones that I try to make sound snappy. Or rather, that the opening line is often very heavily dependent on what comes after it, and doesn’t stand on its own very well.
Oh, also, that I skew towards Gimli POV, which I have noted elsewhere as well.
Favorite opening line?
Oof. Well, none of these really stands on their own, I think - a lot of them need the line that follows to really get the context. (Given just these as hooks, I don’t know if I’d read any of them!) I suppose the one that hooks me the most is Between a Rock and a Hard Place - “This, Gimli thought gloomily, staring down at the bed he had been given in Rivendell, was a quandary he had not anticipated.” I think this line indicates at least a little of the true hilarity that is to follow. But also, because Im in a craving-Gimli-whump place, I might have to go with Acceptable Losses - “The arguing voices are the first sound to reach Gimli’s ears – the muffled sound of discord an awakening that would not be gentle, could he hear more clearly through the haze around his mind.”
Tag other writers!
UnnamedElement already tagged most of the people I would have wanted to tag, but I’m going to do some repeat-tagging anyway just for fun - so if you’re tagged twice, you only have to do it once! But I’ll tag @deheerkonijn (since you now have 20 fics to do this with and also I wanna pick on you to do some self-bragging), @enide-s-dear, @katajainen, @the-dwelf-ao3, and anyone else who wants to do it! But please, no pressure!
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ofcamerasflashing · 4 years
thank you for the tutorials, what things should you include in your rules?
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Rules are a big must have on your blog.  How you do it is up to you from using carrd,  google docs, a post that you pin, or a page but it is something that everyone is going to look for.  I’m someone that likes detailed rules with a bullet point system at top as well.  The reason I say this is because I’ve ad people that 1) don’t read rules 2) go IT”S NOT IN YOUR RULES even if it was a common thing to expect.  I will personally take a page that has three rules over no page at all.  This whole thing is very much a rough guide and you can pick and choose what you prefer to have on your rules page but hopefully this helps get your wheels turning inside of your head on what you want to add into your page.
 Your penname,  age,  timezone, and pronouns.  If you feel comfortable sharing ethnicity and place that you live in (state / country ) than put that there as well.  
Triggers:  How do you tag your triggering content?  remember that fancy tags with // or anything might not pick up on the blacklister.  Do you have any triggers yourself  (Please know there is a difference between a trigger and something that just makes you uncomfortable).
What content makes you uncomfortable and would prefer if you don’t be approached for plots like this.
Smutting:  Do you smut?  Are there any rules about smutting that go into place when it comes to this content?  Maybe you are someone that will only rp it on discord,  with close friends, etc.  Also a good time to mention if you use the read more feature and if you tag it  (Which you should tag it in my opinion).
Banned fcs:  Any faceclaims that you won’t write with?  You aren’t required to state the reason you won’t rp with a certain face on your rules doc. 
Banned characters / tv shows:  This is really helpful and for me as an example the show I would ban is 13reasonswhy for several reasons although I do believe the whole big excitement level for those has died down so having it in my rules isn’t needed for me personally.
DNI:  If you’ve had a bad experience with someone in the past I’ve seen people use one of these.  Do not interact is what DNI stands for.  This means if you are friends with, write with, etc then following this blog is a no go.  I have personally never used one of these 
OCS and Relationships with your character:  Are you fine with original characters? What makes you comfortable interacting with an original character?  The second part is really a good idea if you play a canon character to a tv show.  If you aren’t comfortable with something tell the document.  So say I’m playing Klaus Mikaelson and I’m uncomfortable with original character children that I have not heavily plotted with that would be there. 
Formatting:  How do you format your text?  Is there a certain aesthetic that gives you a headache?  Does aesthetic matter to you?
Threads:  Do you like certain thread lengths?  How about how long it takes for you to normally to write a response back?  Is there a type of thread you can’t do / don’t want to rp? For some people the idea of smutting is a turn off and won’t be written.  This can also really go in the smutting section as well if that is the case.  
What are you looking for in a partner:  Are you more into rping with people that match length?  What about the age limit of your partner? In the fandom that I’m in a lot of people are +20 meaning the comfort level is to only write with players that are 20 years old or above.  
Posting:  Is there a certain time of day that you will likely be posting in?  Is your blog queue based?  Do you post your replies as soon as you finish them? Tell everyone that sort of information if you feel it is needed.
Ask memes:  Are you a reblog from the source? Are you the type of person that prefers to have a plot before someone sends in a meme? How many memes is too many for a partner to send in at a time?
Credits:  Did you make your icons?  Did you make the psd? is there a base you use on something?  Did you borrow inspiration from another blog (with permission)? 
Contact information:  I’m not saying that you need to put your facebook information there,  a picture of yourself, or anything for that matter.  I’m talking ims,  discord, anything like that.  I often times just put my discord information right there because I’m not overly concerned with getting requests from strange people I haven’t followed back.  I put that when I add you that you should tell me who you are so I know.
Status:  Are you private? exclusive? mutuals only?  Not picky at all and will write with everyone?  Put that all here because it is helpful information to gather.
Mains and exclusives:  Who is a main for you? Who are you solely only ever going to write with this fc or character with?  How do you go about getting mains and exclusives?  Any rules on that to help someone know what is okay and what isn’t.
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Currently looking to make a mini series full of questions, guides, and more to help people learn about the indie rp world.  If you have any questions,  requests,  etc feel free to drop them into my ask box.  Please note that this is just my opinion on things and from my experience and there is no right or wrong way to do this.  I’ve only ever written in the fandom / canon character fanbase but that still provides with a lot of information to help others. Been writing in the indie world of rp since at least 2013 and been on tumblr since 2012.
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