#in space with Markiplier fanfiction
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clemblog · 1 year ago
wawawa captaineer short fic writing
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You Can’t Catch Him Now
There’s blood on the side of the ship.
The Captain stood in shock, having watched Mark. Their best friend. Go flying out the window of the ship. There was no time for mourning. The ship was crumbling. They couldn’t save him. They needed to save everyone else.
There’s scratches all over the floor.
They brushed past the markings on the floor where he’d tried to hold on but had ultimately failed. Fixing lift support went off with a breeze.
Shadows of us are still dancing.
They ignored his name on their tablet as they paged the other crew leads. This needed everyone’s assistance.
In every room and every hall,
They promised they’d tell the group what had happened to Mark once the ship was safe. It was hard to focus when they saw him everywhere. Let alone recount what had happened too..
There’s tears falling over the ship,
They explained what had happened, tears rolling down their face under their helmet. Gunther looked like he was going to cry. So did Burt. And Celci. And Tyler. This was hell. This was a nightmare.
You thought that it would wash away.
The group had worked in a sad silence as they got the ship prepared to dock at the nearby habitable planet. Working didn’t make anyone feel better about what had happened.
The bitter taste of his fury,
The Captain laid awake in bed. Tomorrow the rest of the crew would be awakened and they’d have to explain what had transpired on the ship. And who they’d lost. They feared the level of grief that’d run through the ship and any anger that may be directed towards them. They hadn’t saved him…
And all of the messes he made,
They felt guilty for stepping into his quarters. It was an organised mess that was so Mark. They just needed something.. something of his that’d get them through this day.
Yeah, we think that he got away,
It was an emotional docking day onto the planet. The engineering team was a wreck. None of the other crews were much better. They’d only just managed to pull it together to get a camp together on the planet.
But he’s in the trees, he’s in the breeze
The Captain stared fondly at the night sky, the trees covering them mostly from the breeze that played with their hair. They liked this spot. The plantation was a dark red here. Mark’s favourite colour.
His footsteps on the ground,
They found their heart beating a little faster at the sound of heavy footsteps approaching them. Reminding them of Mark. But it was never him. Always just an animal. Or a passing crew member. But more often than not, it was Chica. Their newly adopted doggy daughter.
You’ll see his face in every place,
People with dark hair. Soft brown eyes. Overarching enthusiasm. It was so Mark. They missed him so much. And seeing said individuals made them hurt so much more. But you can’t charge a person for looking like the man you loved. Yeah… The man they loved..
But you can’t catch him now,
They sighed fondly at Chica charging around a field. The Captain held a bag on their hip full of her dog toys. Ever since Mark had… passed… She’d much rather chase the breeze out in the fields and bark at the wind. She never seemed able to catch what she was wanting however. She’d pad back over to them a little downtrodden but with a new determination each time they went back out to play.
Through wading grass, the months will pass,
Chica would slowly start to play with her toys with the Captain, the two wading through the long bladed fields together. When the Captain grew tired however, she’d go back to chasing the wind.
You’ll feel it all around.
Looking after Chica and their crew was slowly healing the Captain’s wounds. Accepting help and giving help was always rewarded with slow walks in the fields and kisses against their skin from a gentle breeze, wiping away their sweat from a busy day.
He’s here, he’s there, he’s everywhere.
It was a never soft day snuggled up with Chica under the night sky for the Captain. Staring up at the sky that had taken Mark away from them. It was so cruel. Yet so beautiful. It was so… Mark.
But you can’t catch him now.
They hoped wherever the universe had laid him to rest, that he was happy there. Maybe laid in a bed of flowers. Coated in a blanket of leaves to act as the coffin he’d never get.
No, you can’t catch him now.
He was something the Captain didn’t think they’d ever get over until the day they died. Their heart ached for him everyday. But it’d finally stopped hurting at least.
Bet you thought he’d never do it.
The pain had quelled so much that they opened Engineer Park with a fond smile on their face. A statue of their beloved, stood smiling in the centre announcing him as the beloved creator of the Invincible II. The man who’d achieved the impossible. And brought them all home.
Thought it’d go over my head.
They also headed and sorted through his belongings. A lot of it they’d keep. Some would be given to friends. The rest was gifted to colonists who needed it.
I bet you figured he’d pass with the winter.
With the statue in its prized position, every colonist and crew would remember Mark and his story. Children were given first and middle names matching the great head engineers, in hopes of inspiring the same charm and intelligence in them. The Captain was glad he was held so highly in their new home. It was what he deserved after everything.
Be something easy to forget.
The Captain would chuckle fondly, looking at the list of first generation children they’d mentor with M related names. The children’s eyes were filled with wonder that they were ready to nurture and enlighten. To help them find themselves in this new exciting world.
Oh, you think he’s gone cause he left,
There would still be hard days but the Captain would just walk out to the field with Chica, their old girl. And they’d always feel better.
But he’s in the trees, he’s in the breeze,
Time would have its ups and downs. Especially when Chica finally grew too old to play in the field, the two opting to just relax out there instead. It’s where she’d eventually be laid to rest. The Captain would find the wind up there a lot stronger after such, like there were now two breezes passing through instead of the usual one.
Our footsteps on the ground.
The Captain would follow their beloved dog and dear head engineer not long after, being buried alongside their furry friend, looking up at the sky where the love of their life rested. The three united together at last.
You’ll see their faces in every place.
If you sat out in that lonesome field, you’d feel anything but alone as three separate breezes passed by your face and amongst the flowers.
But you can’t catch them now.
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theknightmarket · 2 months ago
It’s times like this when I regret not committing to animation, because…
a) ‘Get Lost’ from Moana 2 has been rattling around in my brain, with the DA (still trapped in the mirror) singing to the Captain
(Look, don’t you know how good you have it? - You’re all that’s stopping you - For me I’m stuck like static - Can you imagine a life this tragic in the gloom - You’ve got a chance so take it - I know you’re scared but life’s unfair - It’s full of choices big and small - But trust the fall and you can have it all!)
and b) so has the new Ithaca Saga from Epic the Musical, specifically 'Would You Fall in Love with Me Again', between Dark and the DA (very much in line with what I said about Twisted)
(I am not the man you fell in love with - I am not the man you once adored - I am not your kind and gentle husband - And I am not the love you knew before - Would you fall in love with me again - If you knew all I've done - The things I cannot change - Would you love me all the same - I know that you've been waiting, waiting, for love) ... (I will fall in love with over and over again - I don't care how, where, or when - No matter how long it's been, you're mine - Don't tell me you're not the same person - You're always my husband, and I've been waiting, waiting - waiting, waiting - waiting, waiting, waiting - all for you)
In fact, I have so many thoughts about them that I am going to need a lobotomy.
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lostcybertronian · 5 months ago
Egotober - Day 5
Prompts by @tracobuttons
Prompt: Calm
It felt like forever before he was finally able to squeeze himself into the tiny booth, the guard– Manny, a nice enough guy, not too bright– relieving him of his handcuffs so he could sit comfortably, and answer the phone if you showed up.
Yancy fought to keep himself calm. Today was the day. He could feel it in his bones. It was the third Sunday, the day for outside visitors, and you would be in line to visit him, and he could finally, finally tell you the big news.
He fidgeted in his seat, leaning forward to press his face to the glass. The makeshift booth on the other side of the thick, bullet-proof barrier prevented him from catching a good glimpse of anybody waiting, so he gave an impatient huff and sat back. 
Time passed. The clock ticked. Visiting hours were drawing to a close. 
Behind him, Manny heaved a sigh. He wanted to go to chow. But Yancy turned and shot him a scathing glare and he straightened, avoiding direct eye contact. Newbie.
But he was getting hungry, too. He’d give it a couple more minutes before–
On the other side of the glass, a whirlpool of blue-black blossomed into existence, and you stumbled out, dressed to the nines in a fancy-looking space-suit, complete with blacked-out helmet. Yancy couldn’t see your face, but he’d recognize you anywhere.
He beamed.
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soupgoose · 2 months ago
New Year's Kiss
Just some simple, sweet Captaineer fluff to start off the New Year!
Word Count: 979
A/N at the end.
The old ship was full of life for the first time in nearly a year. Colorful lights were strung across its hull, hanging limply as its former passengers cheered all around and inside it. 
The colony had long since outgrown the ship, leaving it docked in the center of their established city; And while very few still needed their old offices and work spaces, the Invincible was well taken care of. 
She hadn’t seen the majority of her passengers for months, and now, as the live-streamed feed of Earth’s New Year’s countdown filled almost every screen aboard, each and every one stood somewhere inside or around her. 
The joy and excitement surrounding the Invincible was palpable and warm. They’d have their own celebration here in a couple months, marking the colonies first full rotation around their new star on their new home.
Many years had passed on Earth throughout the Invincibles journey, including a couple more as the colony had struggled to establish solid and instant wide-spread communication with their home planet.
However, at the moment, everyone was excited to celebrate the New Year; despite having not been on Earth for decades, they knew where they came from. Where home was.
Laughter and music filled the hall, the sound flooding in as Gunther slammed open the door, Mark cringing at the abuse of its automatic opening mechanism.
“Are y'all joinin’ us or what?! Midnight’s comin’ in fast!” 
The gaggle of his lackeys chimed excitedly in agreement behind him, holding what looked to be a concerning amount of explosives.
“We’ll be there in a second! We’re just finishing up this meeting you were supposed to come to.”
Celci retorted, rolling her eyes at the man’s usual disregard for professional occasions, as Burt shook his head in similar disappointment. 
The Captain’s short laughter pulled their attention back to their end of the table. “Oh hush! it’s alright you two; we can reconvene later.” 
“Are you sure, Cap’n?” Burt asked, surprised.
“Yes! Now, get out of here! Go enjoy yourselves, get some drinks! Enjoy the holiday!” The warmth in their Captain’s voice was enough to ease any lingering hesitation; and, for better or worse, only encouraged whatever inane plans Gunther and his lackeys had in store; Their crazed laughter could be heard as they disappeared down the hall.
Celci and Burt groaned tiredly, worried for their immediate future, before bidding their Captain a Happy New Year and following the group.
The Captain watched proudly as their closest friends left, seeing a solid happiness in their eyes. 
“Well, Captain? Are we heading out too then?” Mark mussed from behind them, his hand resting against their shoulder as he approached.
Pulling the rest of his arm across their body, and leaning into his side, the Captain chuckled. 
“Nah- We’ll join them in a bit- Let Gunther get the majority of his pyromania out before I have to deal with it.”
“Before we deal with it. After all-” He gently reminded them, taking their hand in his “-We’re partners aren't we?”
They chuckled again before agreeing warmly, squeezing the engineer’s hand back comfortingly, “That’s right.”
The countdown neared closer to 0 on the deck’s console screen, the cheering both outside and in growing louder with excitement. The Captain’s eyes lit up happily, watching the scene playout outside on the deck below. The two could almost make out Gunther’s voice from the deck as he happily barked orders at the people below.
A large ring around an impressive display of explosives formed, the distance between the people and the center set by Gunther’s group. 
10! The crowd exclaimed, beginning the final countdown.
“I think,” the Captain began slowly, “Yes, this might be my first New Year’s.” they hummed. 
“Here- Like this I mean.”
9! The people prepared their party crackers and sparklers.
“Yeah? Hmm, yeah me too. I think so anyways.”
8! Gunther finished fiddling with the makeshift display. 
“Considering everything, I think everything’s finally working itself out.” Mark’s tone grew slightly sadder, a melancholy smile taking place across his lips.
7! Celci watched worriedly from a safe distance away with Burt, chewing at the inside of her lip. 
The Captain smiled, nodding into his embrace. “I think we’ve done just fine, Mark.”
6! The fuse sparked to light as the gunner dashed away, a crazed look in his eyes.
They turned in his arms, standing face to face as they wrapped their forearms around his neck.
5! The spark disappeared into the cardboard casing as Gunther dashed away.
Their eyes met, filled with adoration and pride. A smile pulling at their lips. 
4! Gunther appeared at the sides of his coworkers; Laughing happily as he shook the shoulders of the shorter woman.
“We’ve done just fine.”
A soft blush dusted their cheeks as their foreheads rested against each other.
After millions of attempts, countless lives, and endless searches for the other- 
They had finally done it right. This was finally it.
Happy New Year!!! 
A collection of booms and crackles erupted violently from outside, lighting the dark sky with vibrant colors. The main deck of the ship was illuminated by the display, silhouetting the forms of the Captain and their Head Engineer.
Their lips met his, soft and warm. A gentle pull to their reality. One unbothered by the USA or converging timelines. One where no one was to blame for things outside of their control. One where everyone was safe and sound on their new planet. 
One where they were in each other's arms. For good this time.
They pulled apart after a moment, laughing warmly to themselves as they did.
A hopeful sparkle shone in the Engineer’s eyes as they looked at them.
“Happy New Year. Captain.”
A soft look filled their eyes, their smile widening across their face as they returned their forehead to his.
“Happy New Year, Mark.”
Happy New Year everyone! I hope this year brings good fortune and happiness to your life.
I won't make any grand promises of posting more, but it is one of my goals to make more time for writing more often, so take that as you will!
Side note, it appears that I've gotten a few asks but I can't view them, neither on desktop or on mobile so I hope I haven't missed anyone. If I have please feel free to send me a DM! Life is pretty busy in collage but I will try my best to get to them.
That being said, Happy New Years and I wish all an amazing 2025! Thanks for reading!
-Soup :]
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vampiric-plays-games · 4 months ago
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So... guess what I turned into a physical book.
You can of course read my work here! ^^
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thebowieconstricker · 3 months ago
Aight everyone my Markiplier brainrot is all-consuming and I have an idea for a Hee-Hoo x reader fic where he’s a cryptid:
- Camp Unus Annus was founded by a Mark Iplier and Ethan Crank
- Founded in 2020, it’s been going strong for four years until… the incident.
- During a hiking trip, Mark led some of the campers a bit too far out into the woods and everyone got lost.
- Mark told them to stay in place while he wandered around the woods calling for help.
- He was gone all day and, eventually, the campers were found by Ethan.
- After getting them back to safety, Ethan searched for Mark, but he was never found (or was he?)
- A year later, You (yes, you!) are a new counselor at Camp Unus Annus!
- There are strange rumors of Mark’s ghost haunting the camp, but even stranger rumors of a Bigfoot-like creature in the woods, nicknamed “Hee-Hoo” by the campers.
- Fed up by everyone’s fear, you organize a camp-out in the woods with some of your campers that are particularly scared, in an effort to show them that there’s nothing to be afraid of.
- That night, you hear footsteps walking around your tent… even though everyone is sleeping safely inside the tent.
- You investigate, grabbing your gear (including your tactical shovel) and heading out into the woods.
- It’s a quiet night, yet you hear twigs snapping in the distance. You follow the noise silently, attempting to sneak up on whatever it is is walking away from you.
- Suddenly, you trip on a branch and fall flat on your face. You hear a grunt as you fall, not from you, but from something else.
- As your heart thuds, you frantically try to stand yourself up, but the forest floor is cluttered and you’re only drawing more attention to yourself.
- Whatever it is is running at you now. You can hear it’s heavy breathing. You’re losing time.
- In a moment of clarity, you grab your flashlight, switching it on and pointing it in front of you.
- To your surprise, you see… a human face. It’s dirty, with an overgrown hair and beard, but it’s certainly human.
- At the light, the person freezes, as if it’s been stunned.
- You stare at each other in silence for a moment. Whoever this person was, they have a feral glint on their eyes, so why aren’t they attacking?
- Possibly, you think, it doesn’t see you as a threat, as you’re so low to the ground.
- Slowly, untangling yourself from the leaves and vines around you, you stay low, and the person watches.
- Eventually, you say something.
- “…Heeeeeeey there, guy.”
- That was ridiculously stupid.
- The person’s expression scrunches up, looking confused. Does it not know English?
- It’s still squinting in the beam of the flashlight, so you turn it off. A peace offering. You guess it accepts it, as it’s still not attacking you.
- You slowly stand, the arm holding your flashlight still out. The human lets out what sounds like a growl.
- “Hey, it’s okay, I’m not gonna hurt you.”
- You can’t tell in the light of the moon, but you could swear that it’s staring into your eyes.
- Your heart swells with compassion for whoever this was. You want to help him, to give him something. Then, it hits you.
- You reach into your bag and pull out a plastic bag of snacks. The only one you could grab before you left was Takis, but you figure it’s fine.
- You offer it to the human and its eyes widen in recognition.
- It snatches the bag from your hand and pops it, sloppily devouring the treats inside.
- Or… wait, is it just licking it?
- You know what, whatever, it’s distracted and you need to get back to your campers.
- As it eats, you sneak away, internally coming up with a plan to tell your boss, Ethan, that a feral man is roaming on his campground.
- And you have a thought.
- He kinda looks like that Mark guy…
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samuel-is-an-idiot · 1 year ago
Hello people, so I have like 0 influence but this is tumblr so y'know we never know.
I was rewatching some old fangames videos from @markiplier and I decided to stop on Markiplier's Aventures 2 (here's the link to the video:
AND after it I decided to look for any updates from JeffKyler14 because the game is very touching and I found out that he was struggling heavily with the release of the game because life and his team let him go.
So I just wanted to try and get at least one person to go look at his channel because he's passionate but he is loosing hope and his dream is starting to feel impossible to him!
He needs HELP from code monkeys, from game designers, support, financial support. He made a game that impacted @markiplier, and that impacted all of the fans who watched the videos, as a community even as a community of fans of some youtuber we should stick together in some way and if not to help John then to help Mark see that even after years; We are still a community, we still love him and we still show him that.
I honestly think that Markiplier's Adventure 3 would be the best way to show him that, because it already has, and even though Mark is growing and our community is growing but the roots remain!
TLDR: Get Markiplier's Adventure 3 back in the works and help someone see that his work and talents are not wasted and that his dream is ABSOLUTELY at his reach
Here's a link to JeffKyler14 ' s youtube channel:
(I don't know if I'm still up to date, I'm hoping I am, but the game is important)
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angel-ixily · 2 months ago
The Loss of My Life (1/4)
Pairing: Darkiplier x GN!Reader
Fandom: Markiplier Cinematic Universe
Warnings: Mentions of Actor!Mark, slight manipulation, cursing, crying. That’s about it? Nothing too crazy guys
A/N: I went on a deep dive of the entire Markiplier Universe again, and I’ve been meaning to write a Darkiplier fanfic for SOOO long because he’s literally everything, so here’s part 1 of 4!
Summary: After another one of Mark’s “adventures”, Darkiplier finds you once more to wake you up. Only this time is different.
I stared into the mirror for a moment, watching my reflection. I looked like a dog, a literal dog. My face was a dog’s face, yet when I touched it, I didn’t feel fur, I only felt skin. Human skin. I didn’t understand. I moved closer, the dog in the mirror moving closer as well.
And then I saw it.
The reflection I was staring at flickered. I tilted my head, furrowed my eyebrows, and squinted my eyes. The dog was flickering in and out of view. An actual human-like appearance began to form until eventually I stared into the mirror into a black figure with red eyes. An aura of blue and red on the outside of it.
Nothing was said at first as I stared into the mirror. That wasn’t me. It couldn’t of been. I leaned back, unable to walk away when it spoke.
“You need to wake up.”
Black. Everything went black. I tried looking around into the darkness to see if there was any sight of anything. I was too afraid to move. It felt like I was standing in a puddle of water.
“Hello.” I whipped around, almost losing my balance at the fast paced movement. There stood a man in a black suit. His black hair covering the right side of his forehead, and his midnight black eyes piercing in my soul. He looked serious. Very serious. Like the mirror, he had a red and blue aura around him.
I then relaxed a little, realizing that it was just Mark. My heartbeat began to calm down. “Mark. You would not believe the crazy things I’ve been through. I saw.. I saw a man with a dramatic mustache and then… I looked in the mirror and saw I was a dog, but-” Mark cut me off.
“I’m not Mark!” He yelled. I saw “Mark” glitch. Another version of him came out of his body and yelled before going right back into him. His body was surrounded by red. My eyes widened, and I took a step back.
“What?” I asked. It’s all I could muster up. He looked just like him. If this wasn’t Mark, then who the fuck was he?
Not Mark cracked his neck, straightening his posture and fixing his suit jacket. “Over, and over, and over again we’ve had this same conversation. We’ve talked many times before, you just simply can’t remember. It’s because of his manipulation that you don’t even realize that we talked only a little while ago.” He began walking towards me. I took a step back. He stopped, looking me up and down. “Huh.” He muttered.
“I… I don’t understand. I… you.. and then..” I couldn’t get my thoughts straight. I didn’t know what he was talking about. I didn’t know what was going on. Where was Mark? Where was I?
“Your questions will be answered. You just have to see the truth first. Not the lies he’s told you. The truth.” He glitched again, a smirk landed on his face. I stared between both of his eyes and shook my head slowly.
“What truth? What lies? Who’s he? And who are you?” I pushed further. His smirk widened into a toothy grin. He leaned forward, putting his hands behind his back.
“Finally… you’re asking the right questions.” He leaned back and cracked his neck again. His grin fell. Another version of him came out and glitched back and forth. “But as I said. The truth. You have to see it before you can understand. You’ll get your answers. You just…” He glanced to the left and into the darkness. “You have to let me in.” He slowly looked back to me. I furrowed my eyebrows.
“Let you in? What? I don’t even know you! Who are you? Take me home!” I demanded, taking more steps back. I immediately fell back into a chair, and all of a sudden there was a desk in front of me. A dark wooden desk that he was walking behind.
“I don’t think you understand what I just said. In order to know the answers to your questions and curiosities, you have to let me in.” He sat behind the desk, folding his hands. He tilted his head.
I looked down at the chair that I was sitting in. I looked back up to him to see him sitting on top of the desk. I blinked quickly. “I don’t… I want to leave. Don’t I get a choice in this?” I asked him. I blinked again and he was nowhere to be found. He was no longer in front of me.
“Haven’t you ever wondered where you are?” He asked. I yelped in surprise. He was right next to me. Bent over, and his face leaning into me. “How you can’t seem to grasp who you are? Why you can’t remember anything before your last adventure?” He asked me. I stared up at him through my lashes, pursing my lips.
“I know who I am. And I know my memories!” I declared, standing up to face him. He was close to me, standing inches away. He stared down at me.
“Humor me, then. Tell me where you were before your “date?” He responded. The corners of his mouth lifted into a wicked grin.
“Okay! I…” I paused for a moment. “I was…” I was at a loss for words for a moment, breaking eye contact with him. “Oh yes! I was at… with… I… no, wait! Mark and I! We…” my heartbeat began to speed up. My breathing became irregular. My mind was spinning. He pursed his lips and made a tsk sound. “I can’t remember… why can’t I remember?” I asked him. I sat down again, freaking out. I put a hand over my heart. He leaned over me.
“What about your home? Do you remember where you live?” He asked. I looked down to the floor, feeling tears prick my eyes. They were stinging from me holding them back. I shook my head no. He exhaled and walked behind his desk again.
“I’m not the only one who can manipulate reality. Your dear friend Mark has a habit of doing it as well. It’s why you can’t remember. It’s why we’ve been here an infinite amount times before. It why you need to let me in. I can give you what you need.” He sat down and leaned forward, staring into my tear-filled eyes.
“I just want to go home…” I felt a few tears go down my cheeks, and I started sniffling. For the first time I saw a flicker of remorse on his face before going back to his normal seriousness.
“This time you don’t have a choice. There’s no home to go back to.” He stayed. I shook my head.
“There’s always a choice.” I cried. More tears began to fall. He leaned back in his chair.
“Life is ours to choose…” He mumbled. He was silent for a moment. “Fine then. I’ll give you 2 choices. You can go back to your original life. Your memory will restart and you’ll go back to having no memories. We’ll play this little game over and over again. Starting over with every new reality Mark puts you in. Or you can let me in. You can let me give you the option to choose whatever you want, know whatever you want. You can make an infinite amount of choices, not just the choices he gives you.” He said. He glitched and another version of him stood behind him.
“Why would Mark do that? He’s… my friend? Or date? I don’t know at this point.” I saw the red aura on him rise again. An annoyed sneer appeared. He closed his eyes, bringing the red around him down.
“He’s nothing but the same snake who sheds different skin with every story he takes you to. If you just.. let me in I’ll show you that!” He seemed desperate. His eyebrows were furrowed. This time the blue around him rose. “Please.” He begged. The blue still stayed. His own chest was rising and falling at a fast pace.
I sniffled one more time before wiping it away with my sleeve. I looked at his desk. “If I let you in… I’ll know?” I asked him. He nodded once.
“Yes. I promise.” He didn’t break eye contact. I closed my eyes, letting a tear break free from my eye.
“How do I do that?” I asked him. I lifted my head and opened my eyes. He was right in front of me. His face inches away from mine again. I could breathe him in. He smelled rich. Elegant. He tilted his head to the right.
“Just relax. Let me in.” He leaned in closer. I looked at his eyes to his lips. He was centimeters away now, his lips barely brushing mine. As if he was asking for permission. I tilted my head to the left slightly. I fluttered my eyes closed.
This seemed familiar, as strange as that sounded. This felt like something I was supposed to do. So I leaned in, pushing my lips onto his. At first it was just a kiss. He pushed further, exhaling into the kiss as if he had been relieved. Our lips moved against each other, fitting perfectly until I gasped.
It all came back. My name. My memories. Who I was. What happened. The party. It was supposed to be poker. Mark… died. Abe made me his partner. We tried finding out who did it. Damien. William shot Abe. William shot me. Damien and Celene.. A mirror. All of the adventures I’d ever been in. Mark.. did this? But Damien… Darkiplier?
I gasped for air and my eyes shot open. Darkiplier was nowhere to be found. I was no longer in a chair.
“Damien…” I mumbled before I passed out.
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drunkonaheistinspace · 1 year ago
three almost kisses and the one time nothing could interrupt
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originally published: December 3rd, 2023
Pairing: Illinois x gn!Reader
Rating: General Audience
Tags: fluff, friendship, first kiss, slight angst
When Illinois proudly announced that the two of you would be attending an auction again, flashbacks from last time hit you like a tsunami. Luckily for you, you were informed of his plans two weeks in advance and not hours in advance like last time, giving you plenty of time to prepare.
The first thing you did was insist that you wear your outfit from last time and he didn't have to buy you a new one. You accidentally found out how much he paid for it, which nearly gave you a heart attack. The only reason you still had it was Illinois's argument that it was a birthday present and you didn't want to be rude. And yes, you even kept the overpriced ring that could possibly be an ancient relic. The second was to find out more information about the auction. This time it was about a deceased collector whose collection is being liquidated so that the family can pay off the mountain of debt that the deceased had left them. It looks like you might even find it this time as the deceased specialized in ancient artifacts and judging by the thumbnails were the kind of artifacts you're after.
The sight of Illinois in a suit was something you could never get used to. It was just wrong. But it gave you the opportunity to tie his bow tie, which in turn gave you an excuse to get close to him. "Let's go over the rules again," you said as you straightened the bow tie. "Why are we going to the auction?" Illinois sighed. "To find potential pieces for my collection." "What don't we do?" "Do not purchase artifacts of unknown and/or questionable origin." "And?" "And don't give my partner any gifts that cost me more than fifty dollars." The fifty dollars was still a compromise. You wanted to go lower than ten bucks, after all he was still your boss and after all he was obligated to pay you and he paid you well above average, which is why you didn't see the point of expensive gifts. But he insisted that there should be at least fifty. He referred to this as a bonus for excellent work performance.
A look out of the window told you that the limousine had already arrived and was now waiting for you. You went to grab your coat, but Illinois grabbed your arm. You looked at him in surprise. “After the auction...would you like to go out for dinner afterward? It doesn't have to be expensive! We can also just make a detour to McDonald's and get something there.” A gentle smile graced your face. Illinois was always so cute when he was shy. This was a side of him that only you got to see. "I'd love to have dinner with you." You stood in absolute silence for a moment, looking at each other before Illinois slowly walked towards you and leaned towards you. You closed your eyes in anticipation but your lips didn't touch. Instead, you were startled by loud impatient horns. "The limo is waiting," you said, heart racing, and grabbed your coat. "Yeah, we should go now," he agreed, running his fingers through his hair.
In the end, the auction was canceled because two idiots broke in and took a large part of the collection. Instead, you spent the night in the parking lot behind a McDonald's watching the stars while sharing a helping of chicken nuggets.
You had asked Illinois for a single day at the beach several times in the past. Just to relax. Well, your wish has finally been granted after a long time, but unfortunately not in the way you would like. Yes, you just found yourself on a beach at sunset, but instead of sipping colorful cocktails and enjoying the view, you were stuck on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere with a treasure map that made no sense.
"I give up! The map is useless!" you called to your boss who had climbed up one of the palm trees hoping to get a better view of the island. You, on the other hand, had the map in your hand and tried to make sense of the scribble. "I'm afraid I have to agree with you there," Illinois admitted while clambering down the palm tree. "I'm not even sure if we're on the right island anymore." You sit down on the sand and bury your face in your hands. The adventurer sat next to you and fanned the cool air with his hat. "At least we can enjoy the sunset." With a sigh, you looked up and you had to admit that the sunset here was particularly beautiful. At least there was a nice moment you could share with Illinois. "We should take a vacation and just go somewhere that isn't dangerous," you murmur as you rest your head on his shoulder. Illinois said nothing and just silently took your hand and gently squeezed it.
You just sat there and watched the sunset without saying a word. You couldn't remember who turned around first, but suddenly you were looking at each other and your faces got closer and closer. Your lips were only a few millimeters from touching. You were just a head movement away from what you both longed for. At the same time, a cannonball hit the water just meters in front of you, drenching you both in seawater. You looked up in surprise and saw a ship on the horizon.
"Please tell me that's not who I think it is," you moaned in annoyance and frustration. "Captain Magnum," Illinois confirmed. "Maybe we should flee inland before he actually hits us." As if on cue, you saw another cannonball being fired and you ran into the dense jungle hoping to escape the pirate.
You ran through the dark maze-like corridors. You've been running for quite a while and you're not exactly sure where you are right now. Everything looks the same and the fear that you've been going in circles the whole time overcomes you. The worst thing about the whole thing, however, was the fact that you didn't even know who you were running from or where exactly you were going. The day started out so harmless.
It was a beautiful summer day and you and Illinois were “on vacation” so to speak. Maybe vacation wasn't the right word. It was much more of a break between adventures because your plane broke down and your flight was delayed by two days. You were in no hurry and instead chose to take this as a sign that you really needed some time off. This included sitting in cute little cafes, drinking coffee and talking about possible new goals. Buy new work boots. Arguing with Illi about why you don't need a 200 euro jacket. In the end you decided to visit an art exhibition.
The exhibition included several different pieces by well-known local artists. You didn't know any of them, but that didn't stop you from marveling at the countless works. Illinois seemed to feel the same way because he would stand in front of a work for a long time complementing both the composition and the technique and all you could do was listen in silence and marvel at how much this man knew about art.
Then it happened. Illinois was laughing. Everything was good. Everything was wonderful. Then he noticed something in the distance. His laughter stopped. His smile vanished. He looked like he had seen a demon. Then everything happened quickly. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards the exit, but something forced him to change direction and you ran deeper into the gallery. You couldn't see who or what was doing this to Illinois, but you were sure of one thing. You've never seen him so scared. Eventually he drags you through a door with a staircase leading down. Once you got to the bottom you saw two hallways and Illinois turned to you with a worried look.
"Listen to me. We have to split up! He's most likely after me and I doubt he'll hurt you as long as you stay away from me!" "But-" you tried to protest, but he placed a finger on your lips, silencing you. "No buts! For once, I want you to listen to me and do what I tell you. This is solely for your good.” He removed his finger and instead took your face in his hands. “We will find each other again. I promise it." You wanted to protest again, but the look in his eyes tells you that he won't accept any complaints. You took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay. I trust you." He gave you one final affirmative smile before you walked in different directions.
And so you found yourself in the endless dark labyrinth that sucked every hope out of you with every passing second. Your legs hurt from running and you were exhausted, but you couldn't afford a break. Not unless you knew where the adventurer was. Every step you took felt like you were pulling a heavy load behind you, and a tightness that settled in your chest heralded the onset of a panic attack. It was difficult for you to see in the dimly lit hallways and you felt like it was getting darker with every step. How much time has passed since you broke up?
You turned a corner and instead of finding another endless corridor ahead of you, you ran into what you initially thought was a wall. Only the wall was warm, muscular and difficult to breathe. Two strong hands rested on your shoulders, providing the necessary support that kept you from collapsing like a cheap folding chair on a hot summer afternoon. "Thank God! You're fine!" did you hear the living Adonis statue say You were too exhausted to say anything. Instead, the hands moved away from your shoulders and you were pulled into a tight hug. "I know I have some explaining to do, and I'll do it once we get out of here," Illinois still held you tight, afraid someone would pull you away from him. “I promise you that we will then be a month – no, two months! oh you know what Let's take the rest of the year off and just relax!" The support that the adventurer gave you finally let you relax and catch your breath. Over time, your mind became clearer and the hallway you are in became brighter. You take a deep breath. The familiar smell of leather and linen gave you another piece of security. Your limbs were heavy as lead, but you somehow managed to raise your arm and squeeze Illinois' biceps, after which he released you.
You didn't realize your vision was blurry until you tried to look the adventurer in the face. You feel his warm hands on your cheeks and a light pressure on your forehead. You blink a few times and as your vision cleared you noticed his forehead was pressed against yours. His eyes were closed, his sun-tanned skin was glistening with sweat, and you could smell the faint whiff of coffee on his breath. "I promise nothing will happen to you," he whispered more to himself than to you. “You survived until now. You survived longer than anyone else." He opened his eyes. "You mean too much to me to let him take you away." You stared into each other's eyes for a long time. The corridor was long forgotten. All your senses were taken over by him. The warmth radiating from him. The smell of him clouding your mind like a potent drug. His breath on your face. His eyes that looked straight into your soul. It was like a spell that you couldn't break.
Slowly he closed his eyes again and tilted his head. His lips were only a few millimeters from yours. You inhale his breath and close your eyes. This was the moment. But before you could lean forward and fully surrender to the spell, a door next to you was violently thrown open. You both jumped aside in shock and panic. Was the door here all along? "There you are!" exclaimed Wilford. You both looked at him in horror, but neither of you was able to say or do anything. “You two are extremely late for your interview! Well, come on in!" Wilford grabbed you both by the wrist and yanked you through the door.
You didn't talk about what happened in the corridor. Neither of you could.
It's mid-August. The sky was painted yellow and pink from the setting sun. Illinois kept his promise. Since the Gallery incident, you've stayed away from adventures and settled in a small town. He gave you you room to breath by giving you a small house on the outskirts of town. Under normal circumstances you would insist on getting an apartment, but since the incident you just needed some alone time. Time to think. Time to understand your own feelings. His house wasn't far. A few minutes walk. He gave you a key. You were welcome at any time. And yet you haven't seen each other in two months.
Those two months were the first time you could really think. Overthink. Losing yourself in your own mind. You realized three things: 1. The carpet in your living room was exceptionally soft and perfect for staring at the ceiling for hours. 2. You miss the smell of leather and canvas. 3. Illinois' entire existence was like a siren song and you struggled every day to resist it.
You only now realized that you had been under his spell since the first time you met and every time you tried to leave, you somehow found a way back to him. You had lost your heart and it was now part of his collection. The only thing that stopped him from possessing both your body and your soul was a single kiss.
One kiss and there will be no turning back.
A kiss to seal the deal.
A kiss to become his holy grail.
Every time you opened your front door and looked out, you could see his house. So far and yet so close. There was nothing standing in your way except your own pride and sanity. But today you were weak.
You didn't bother putting on shoes. You looked up at the sky and noticed that the colorful play of colors from before was replaced by dark rain clouds. You felt the first drops on your face and closed your eyes. It didn't take long for the light drizzle to turn into a storm. The rain soaked your clothes and your hair was wet and stuck to your face. This was the perfect weather.
Your legs moved of their own accord, carrying you down the street until you stood in front of his house. Lightning and thunder joined the rain and the wind became more ruthless. But you didn't care. Three steps and you were standing at his door. You take three deep breaths. You knock on the door three times.
You heard the footsteps behind the door. Your heart was racing and you felt the adrenaline rushing through your veins. You heard the door unlock and you held your breath. The door swung open and you took the first step. Illinois didn't have time to react as your arms wrapped around his neck and cold lips pressed against his. He stumbled backwards until his back was pressed against a wall. Only when he realized it was you kissing him did he allow himself to close his eyes and return the kiss. Only when he wrapped his arms around you and felt how wet your clothes were did he force himself to break the kiss. He grabbed your shoulders and pushed you away. You were surprised at his sudden abruptness, but the sight that greeted you made every bit of anger in you fade away. His otherwise perfect hair hung over his face, his cheeks red, his lips swollen and his eyes dark. You wanted to lunge at him once more and steal another kiss, but his grip was iron, keeping you at arm's length.
“What happened?” he asked, struggling to keep you at a safe distance. “Why are you wet?” “I couldn’t take it anymore,” you replied while breathing heavily. "I need to see you, feel you, you..." “And that’s why you walked through the rain?” He looked you up and down again. “And that barefoot?!” You rolled your eyes. “How dare I walk barefoot in the rain! This is worse than the time I had to jump off a cliff into the sea! Or the time I had to fight a mutant killer bunny!” Now it was Illinois who rolled his eyes.
You felt his grip on your shoulders loosen and you took the opportunity to approach him again. He didn't do anything to stop you and so you wrapped your arms around him again and hid your face in his neck. Strong arms wrapped around your wet form, pushing you closer to him. “I want to be more than your partner,” you whisper into his skin. In response, he kissed you on the temple. “Were you thinking about a spring wedding or would you prefer fall?” You gave him a light kick to the leg. “Not so fast, my dear! We haven’t seen each other for two months and we have to make up for that time first.” “Whatever you want, treasure!”
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colby-jac-cheese · 11 months ago
Cringe is real but shame is dead! I made cover art for my fanfic series of connected one shots!
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Fun details!
Whyin (the district attorney aka Y/N) has no shadow! This is on purpose to show their simi-separate from the others! Their pose is also simi-lifted to show they are more puppet like than the others! The eyes behind them have 3 specific lines of sight! First is actor himself, then is themself and CM, and then is the viewer!
CM (copy mark) is front stage with them as Co-Star on all adventures! You can tell he plays many roles because of his many branching shadows! (Aka: Yancy, Illinois, Engineer, Barrel and Date Mark) his expression is a more welcoming mirror of the actors, because he is everything the actor pretends to be! he's beckoning the viewer to join him! As always!
Actor! His skin is more of a yellowish hue because he took over Damian's dead body! There's also the ball of red string to mimic the branching looping Timeline of the series! It's done in a cat's cradle to show he's weaving it by hand! The strings controlling the others all come from him!
Dark is attempting to choke actor out, but you can only see his hands because he always works from the shadows! He's also reaching through the silhouette of the mirror frame!
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clemblog · 8 months ago
Clem’s Markiplier Oneshots
Mack wants his partner, Y/N, to take a break. Mack always gets his way.
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lostcybertronian · 10 months ago
prompts 5 and 34 for engineer mark please?
Love me some angst. Post-ISWM pt. 2
Prompt: “I can’t sleep. Can I sleep here?” / “It’s just you and me.”
You didn’t go down to the planet like the others, preferring to stay on the Invincible II where you could see it and protect it. It had been some days since you’d last seen a wormhole, but the creeping feeling that you’d be sucked into another dimension at any moment had yet to fade. You couldn’t eat. You couldn’t sleep. But you could pace the bridge, staring into (literal) space, pretending you were okay.
You turned. Mark stood at the door, refusing to meet your eye. He shifted his weight back and forth, shuffling his feet. “I can’t sleep,” he blurted out, when you didn’t say anything. He gestured to his cryopod, just to the right of the door. “Can I sleep in there? I’m . . . more comfortable there.”
You kept your expression carefully blank even as a maelstrom of thoughts crashed into your mind; Mark here, for decades, entire lifetimes, with nothing but himself and the ship, looking for a solution. Looking for you to be a solution.
“Captain?” Mark asked, and you cleared your throat; you’d been silent too long.
“Of course,” you said, hoping your voice was steady. “You can sleep wherever you want.”
For a moment Mark looked so intensely grateful that you had to avert your eyes. You heard his quiet footsteps as he plodded to his cryopod, and thought even those footsteps were exhausted.
“Do you ever-”
You turned. Mark had the cryopod door open and was half-in, leaning out to talk to you. 
“Do you ever think about how it’s just you and me?” He asked. “Just you and me who know, I mean. What happened.”
Of course you did. It was all you thought about.
You paused a moment to compose your answer. Mark’s stare remained on you, unwavering. 
“It is just you and me,” you said carefully. “But it is you and me. You’ll never be alone with what happened because I know, too.”
For the first time since you’d destroyed the universe, Mark smiled. “Thank you, Captain.” He said. “That makes me feel better.”
He climbed fully into the cryopod, its interior glowing faintly as it booted up. As the door shut and latched you turned back out to look at the massive planet below, glad Mark found your words comforting but wishing you felt the same.
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bookwormscififan · 1 year ago
I (Don't) Wanna Be Free
Read on AO3!
A/N: Was there ever a time before we met him that Yancy wanted to be free? Mayhaps it involved a certain murder man?
Dear Y/N,
Have I ever told youse why I didn’t want to be free?
Not the musical, not the song and dance, not the dumb things I said to youse when we first met.
Did I ever tell youse the real reason I didn’t want to be free?
Well, it all started when I first got a new cellmate…
“Hey, Ohio! You’ve got a cellmate,” Murder-Slaughter called, opening the door to Yancy’s cell and ushering someone inside. The prisoner looked up from his book, sizing up the newcomer with a bored gaze.
“My bed’s top bunk,” was all he said that day, watching the new man settle in silently.
“Are you not even going to ask what I did to get in here?”
It had been a week since Yancy had received his new cellmate, who had been respectfully quiet until that moment. Yancy held back an eyeroll, putting his notebook down and leaning his forearm on it.
“Let me guess. Youse murdered someone.” He didn’t suppress his grin at the newcomer’s shocked expression, “They usually try to lump a murderer in my cell with me. Because I killed some people too.”
“I’m Murdock,” the man stated, offering a hand after he’d recovered from his shock. Yancy snorted, taking Murdock’s hand and shaking it firmly.
“I know. And youse know my name too. Yancy.”
“So…” Murdock trailed one night, lying in his bunk, staring at Yancy’s mattress above him and waiting for his cellmate to sigh before continuing, “Who did you kill?”
“My parents. Youse?” Murdock closed his eyes, wishing he had his trademark gloves or glasses to cover his face.
“Many, many people.” He rolled onto his side, yearning for the feeling of his knife in his hand again, listening to Yancy shuffling around above him before falling asleep.
“Hey, Murdock, youse wanna break out with me?” The mass murder frowned into his bowl of slop, looking at Yancy as the musician sat opposite him at the cafeteria table.
“Why would anyone wanna break out?” He mumbled, shovelling another spoonful into his mouth. He paused when Yancy slid an item across the table to him: a pair of black leather gloves, creases showing signs of wear, with a familiar black ‘M’ embossed into the bottom edge.
“Where did you find these?” Murdock whispered, slowly reaching for the gloves as if afraid to touch them, afraid they would disappear.
“I know a lot of secret passages in this place.” There was no denying the smug tone in Yancy’s voice, and Murdock snatched the gloves off the table before he could think twice.
“And if I do agree to break out with you,” he began, voice low, “What’s in it for me?” Yancy grinned, leaning forward on the table and pushing Murdock’s bowl away from him.
“I’ll make sure youse never get caught again.”
It didn’t take long for Murdock to figure out his own escape route. It took even less time for him to devise an escape plan that didn’t involve Yancy, and no time at all for him to execute the plan.
Yancy woke up to find the bunk under him empty. While not an unusual occurrence, this time Yancy had woken earlier than usual, expecting to wake Murdock and drag him out himself.
Instead he found a crumpled piece of paper sitting atop Murdock’s pillow.
Will come back for you.
Yancy held onto that written promise like a lifeline.
He never came back, Y/N.
Never wrote.
Never called.
Disappeared, just like that.
All of my being was waiting for him to come back and get me out of Happy Trails, but he never came back.
It took a lot of time and effort, but eventually I got back on my feet and decided the penitentiary was the place for me. It was better to be somewhere that wanted me, than to be waiting on someone who wasn’t showing.
What’s that song from that band? How’s it go? “Waiting on a train that’ll never come”? That was me and Murdock.
If and when I ever find him again, I’m going to show him what he did.
My review’s coming up soon.
We’ll see if I get parole.
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warped-au · 4 months ago
OC in 15: Captain Liska
Saw this post/tag game where you give 15 lines or less of dialog that encapsulates your OC's personality! You know I got some for Captain Liska! 1. “Are we the same? The same ones who left Earth burning? The ones with all these memories of our lives? [...] Or are we just what’s left?”
2.“If I had known there would be this much paperwork involved I would have considered the death penalty a little more seriously,”
3."You know, I can't tell if you want to eat me or fuck me,"
4.‘Goddamnit! If my life wasn’t in danger this would be so hot!’
5. “Heh,” she said in a hoarse voice, squinting up at the monster’s snarling and drooling muzzle. “If you wanted to mount me this bad, you could have just asked,”
6. "I most definitely didn’t sleep with the chief’s daughter," the Captain scoffed. She then thought for a second before adding. "I'm like 90% sure I didn't sleep with her," 
7."I can't help if trouble is attracted to me,"
8.'Aw, fuck, did I break the Universe again!?'
9.[“Settled yer business did ya?”] “We’re in our enemies to lovers arc,”
10.["I'm sorry Captain, I do not have the patience nor the crayons to explain astrophysics to you,”]  “Hey! Rude! First of all, I use colored pencils, thank you very much!”
11.“It probably does seem like I’m not thinking things through. And you’d be half right,” 
12.“Uh so, the datapad was suggesting that these things here were dicking parts, I-I mean docking parts!”
13.“And let's be honest,” she continued in a quiet tone “I'd be dead if I wasn't good at my job,”
14.[ "This has to be cruel and unusual punishment!" Mark protested. "I brought you coffee, damnit!"]  The Captain raised her cup to him as a thanks. "You also bring me headaches. Now go. I have a hangover to nurse," 
15.["It's literally in their files, Captain!" Tyler tapped his datapad on his arm.] "Do you really think I read those!? That's why I have you!" [[I tag anyone else who wants to do this :)]]
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han-the-vampiricyoshi · 4 months ago
Chapters: 7/7 Fandom: In Space With Markiplier (Web Series) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Head Engineer Mark & Y/N | The Captain (In Space With Markiplier) Characters: Head Engineer Mark (In Space with Markiplier), Y/N | The Captain (In Space with Markiplier), Gunther B. Gunnerson, Celcionna "CC" F. Kelvina, Burt (In Space with Markiplier), Mack | Theory Crew (In Space with Markiplier), First Mate (In Space with Markiplier), Chef | The Chef (Who Killed Markiplier?), Wilford Warfstache | William J. Barnum | The Colonel, Y/N | The District Attorney (Who Killed Markiplier?) Additional Tags: Canon Non-Binary Character, They/Them Pronouns for Y/N | The Captain (In Space with Markiplier), Non-verbal Y/N | The Captain (In Space with Markiplier), (You choose how they communicate; nothing is in quotes), Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Canon Compliant, Post canon, the Captain experienced every loop, Canon Suicide, (but no one stays dead - i promise), no AI, do not copy to another site, featuring an OC who's not really an OC but more of a cut character I added back in, the captain is the district attorney Summary:
After keeping a hold of Mark, the Captain navigates their way through leading the new colony and making up for the infinite mistakes that were made.
“All those mistakes – all those lifetimes – all those people…” Mark’s breath shuddered. “I guess I lost hope.” He looked back at them with wet eyes.
Another bang. The room rumbled and dust broke free from the crevices in the ceiling. The emergency lights flickered. “But you didn’t,” Mark said with a sad smile. “You never did.”
They wanted to tell him he was wrong. They did lose hope. He wasn’t even awake the first time they did, despite only being feet away in the other cryo-pod. They tried to settle into the colony life so many times, but it never stuck no matter what they did. Hope was thin and cracked whenever they lost him, or whenever he wasn’t there.
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thebowieconstricker · 3 months ago
Here’s a snippet of an angsty Darkiplier one shot I’m writing from the perspective of a Captain that found peace with Engineer Mark in a safe universe! I know you didn’t ask but here it is anyways!
The Captain enjoyed a warm mug of hot chocolate, lounging on their leather couch in front of the fireplace. Mark was putting the finishing touches on some sort of festive treat. He’d been talking it up all day, claiming to be an “expert” at baking and swearing that his latest concoction would knock the Captain’s socks off. The Captain simply laughed at his enthusiasm and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Mark would blush, shut up for a moment, and then pivot to another topic. After listening to his rants all day, the Captain enjoyed the peaceful ambiance of the crackling fire in front of them. They smiled at the warm mug they held in front of them. Mark had lovingly added several tiny marshmallows that were melting in the chocolate-y goodness. “Just because I love you so much,” he had said.
As the Captain took a sip, they heard a knock on the door. They didn’t have the faintest clue who it could be, as they weren’t expecting company this evening. Had Mark invited Gunter over?
“Who’s that, Cap’n?” Mark called from the kitchen.
The Captain mentally crossed out their initial idea.
“I’ll see, don’t worry.” They stood up from the couch, putting down their mug. Now standing, they took a deep breath. They adjusted their attire, attempting to smooth out the wrinkles and brush away the crumbs from snacks they had eaten earlier. Yes, it had been years since the Invincible II had landed on their new home planet, but the Captain knew that their community still looked up to them. They had to present an up-kept appearance at all times.
The Captain walked over to their front door, placing a hand on the doorknob and giving it a twist. They pulled the door open.
Their eyes widened.
They registered the figure in front of them.
Mark’s height, Mark’s hair, Mark’s eyes. But not him, no.
The Captain would recognize him anywhere.
“Y/N.” Darkiplier spoke, staring the Captain down with pitch black eyes.
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