112 posts
I've lost my mind đŸ€­ Still that soupy goose, I swear I'm not dead.
Last active 2 hours ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
soupgoose · 15 days ago
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Happy late v-day <3 
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soupgoose · 23 days ago
some fucking resources for all ur writing fuckin needs
* body language masterlist
* a translator that doesn’t eat ass like google translate does
* a reverse dictionary for when ur brain freezes
* 550 words to say instead of fuckin said
* 638 character traits for when ur brain freezes again
* some more body language help
(hope this helps some ppl)
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soupgoose · 26 days ago
I'm rewatching New Girl and all I can think about is the Captain and Engineer Mark with the dynamic of Jess and Nick 😭😭😭
Like this is the vibe:
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soupgoose · 27 days ago
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soupgoose · 28 days ago
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"Sorry, I gave up on parole."
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soupgoose · 30 days ago
When will you come back
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soupgoose · 1 month ago
burning text gif maker
heart locket gif maker
minecraft advancement maker
minecraft logo font text generator w/assorted textures and pride flags
windows error message maker (win1.0-win11)
FromSoftware image macro generator (elden ring Noun Verbed text)
image to 3d effect gif
vaporwave image generator
microsoft wordart maker (REALLY annoying to use on mobile)
you're welcome
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soupgoose · 1 month ago
to those of you who are moving here from tiktok, from someone whos used both tiktok and tumbr for years...
1. DO NOT censor your posts
dont censor sex, abuse, suicide, dont censor it. we dont have censors like tiktok does, you wont be banned for talking about these things and tagging them properly helps people avoid them (also, we dont have shadowbanning here)
2. we dont really have an algorithm
you follow who you follow, and you see posts from who you follow or what you search. the 'for you page' is basically useless here. this also brings me to my next two points
3. dont crosstag
we get it, on tiktok you have to crosstag for reach, but thats not really a thing here. just tag your posts properly (also posters often leave more info about the post in the tags!! and when you reblog stuff you can leave your own notes in the tags, kind of like the old "repost comments" on tiktok)
4. dont expect to go viral/be famous
"viral" isnt really a thing on here (at least not for the average blogger). your posts will probably get 2-10 likes and you wont get nearly as many followers than on tiktok. thats just how tumblr is
5. blocking is your best friend
tiktok is VERY discussion based, and while tumblr is much more discussion based than other social medias, its still not a good place for ragebait/discourse. dont interact, itll make your experience worse in the end, just block and move on
6. you cant go into someone elses house and start rearranging their furniture
this is tumblr, not tiktok. dont diss old tumblr users for how they use the site or try to change them, thats like going into someone elses house and trying to rearrange their furniture. we've been here longer and we're familiar with the site and its culture, either find your niche, adapt, or find a different app
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soupgoose · 2 months ago
Mark is calling on the community to help donate toward LA Wildfire Relief!
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Please donate if you are safely able to and/or spread the word!
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soupgoose · 2 months ago
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This is so stupid I’m sorry
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soupgoose · 2 months ago
my earnest hope for 2025 is that everyone embraces being a little weirder and freakier and less judgmental bc we will all be better off for it like to charge reblog to cast
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soupgoose · 2 months ago
New Year's Kiss
Just some simple, sweet Captaineer fluff to start off the New Year!
Word Count: 979
A/N at the end.
The old ship was full of life for the first time in nearly a year. Colorful lights were strung across its hull, hanging limply as its former passengers cheered all around and inside it. 
The colony had long since outgrown the ship, leaving it docked in the center of their established city; And while very few still needed their old offices and work spaces, the Invincible was well taken care of. 
She hadn’t seen the majority of her passengers for months, and now, as the live-streamed feed of Earth’s New Year’s countdown filled almost every screen aboard, each and every one stood somewhere inside or around her. 
The joy and excitement surrounding the Invincible was palpable and warm. They’d have their own celebration here in a couple months, marking the colonies first full rotation around their new star on their new home.
Many years had passed on Earth throughout the Invincibles journey, including a couple more as the colony had struggled to establish solid and instant wide-spread communication with their home planet.
However, at the moment, everyone was excited to celebrate the New Year; despite having not been on Earth for decades, they knew where they came from. Where home was.
Laughter and music filled the hall, the sound flooding in as Gunther slammed open the door, Mark cringing at the abuse of its automatic opening mechanism.
“Are y'all joinin’ us or what?! Midnight’s comin’ in fast!” 
The gaggle of his lackeys chimed excitedly in agreement behind him, holding what looked to be a concerning amount of explosives.
“We’ll be there in a second! We’re just finishing up this meeting you were supposed to come to.”
Celci retorted, rolling her eyes at the man’s usual disregard for professional occasions, as Burt shook his head in similar disappointment. 
The Captain’s short laughter pulled their attention back to their end of the table. “Oh hush! it’s alright you two; we can reconvene later.” 
“Are you sure, Cap’n?” Burt asked, surprised.
“Yes! Now, get out of here! Go enjoy yourselves, get some drinks! Enjoy the holiday!” The warmth in their Captain’s voice was enough to ease any lingering hesitation; and, for better or worse, only encouraged whatever inane plans Gunther and his lackeys had in store; Their crazed laughter could be heard as they disappeared down the hall.
Celci and Burt groaned tiredly, worried for their immediate future, before bidding their Captain a Happy New Year and following the group.
The Captain watched proudly as their closest friends left, seeing a solid happiness in their eyes. 
“Well, Captain? Are we heading out too then?” Mark mussed from behind them, his hand resting against their shoulder as he approached.
Pulling the rest of his arm across their body, and leaning into his side, the Captain chuckled. 
“Nah- We’ll join them in a bit- Let Gunther get the majority of his pyromania out before I have to deal with it.”
“Before we deal with it. After all-” He gently reminded them, taking their hand in his “-We’re partners aren't we?”
They chuckled again before agreeing warmly, squeezing the engineer’s hand back comfortingly, “That’s right.”
The countdown neared closer to 0 on the deck’s console screen, the cheering both outside and in growing louder with excitement. The Captain’s eyes lit up happily, watching the scene playout outside on the deck below. The two could almost make out Gunther’s voice from the deck as he happily barked orders at the people below.
A large ring around an impressive display of explosives formed, the distance between the people and the center set by Gunther’s group. 
10! The crowd exclaimed, beginning the final countdown.
“I think,” the Captain began slowly, “Yes, this might be my first New Year’s.” they hummed. 
“Here- Like this I mean.”
9! The people prepared their party crackers and sparklers.
“Yeah? Hmm, yeah me too. I think so anyways.”
8! Gunther finished fiddling with the makeshift display. 
“Considering everything, I think everything’s finally working itself out.” Mark’s tone grew slightly sadder, a melancholy smile taking place across his lips.
7! Celci watched worriedly from a safe distance away with Burt, chewing at the inside of her lip. 
The Captain smiled, nodding into his embrace. “I think we’ve done just fine, Mark.”
6! The fuse sparked to light as the gunner dashed away, a crazed look in his eyes.
They turned in his arms, standing face to face as they wrapped their forearms around his neck.
5! The spark disappeared into the cardboard casing as Gunther dashed away.
Their eyes met, filled with adoration and pride. A smile pulling at their lips. 
4! Gunther appeared at the sides of his coworkers; Laughing happily as he shook the shoulders of the shorter woman.
“We’ve done just fine.”
A soft blush dusted their cheeks as their foreheads rested against each other.
After millions of attempts, countless lives, and endless searches for the other- 
They had finally done it right. This was finally it.
Happy New Year!!! 
A collection of booms and crackles erupted violently from outside, lighting the dark sky with vibrant colors. The main deck of the ship was illuminated by the display, silhouetting the forms of the Captain and their Head Engineer.
Their lips met his, soft and warm. A gentle pull to their reality. One unbothered by the USA or converging timelines. One where no one was to blame for things outside of their control. One where everyone was safe and sound on their new planet. 
One where they were in each other's arms. For good this time.
They pulled apart after a moment, laughing warmly to themselves as they did.
A hopeful sparkle shone in the Engineer’s eyes as they looked at them.
“Happy New Year. Captain.”
A soft look filled their eyes, their smile widening across their face as they returned their forehead to his.
“Happy New Year, Mark.”
Happy New Year everyone! I hope this year brings good fortune and happiness to your life.
I won't make any grand promises of posting more, but it is one of my goals to make more time for writing more often, so take that as you will!
Side note, it appears that I've gotten a few asks but I can't view them, neither on desktop or on mobile so I hope I haven't missed anyone. If I have please feel free to send me a DM! Life is pretty busy in collage but I will try my best to get to them.
That being said, Happy New Years and I wish all an amazing 2025! Thanks for reading!
-Soup :]
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soupgoose · 2 months ago
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I REDREW the old drawing bc i felt i could make it better o7 hello yancy nation [og here x]
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soupgoose · 2 months ago
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soupgoose · 2 months ago
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happy holidays!
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soupgoose · 2 months ago
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soupgoose · 3 months ago
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