#in our lives we have walked some strange and lonely treks….
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compacflt · 2 years ago
Thank you so much for sharing your Tom Kazansky and related playlists because I’m obsessed with them and how perfectly the songs fit. Yesterday I cried on a plane to When All is Said and Done
uncritical support for abba and mamma mia! for providing me the perfect song with which to end my top gun fanfic series called “easier done than said”
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konmarkimageswords · 1 year ago
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Philip K. Dick (1928-82) was the kind of science-fiction writer who is read and praised by people who don’t like science fiction. His fame moved beyond the genre’s ghetto after some of his novels and short stories were turned into movies—Blade Runner (1982),  Minority Report (2002), and A Scanner Darkly (2006), to name a few. He is sometimes compared to Jorge Luis Borges, one of the finest short-story writers, and his work has influenced many authors (genre-bending Jonathan Lethem, for example) and filmmakers (the Wachowski brothers, directors of The Matrix).
Just as critics dub certain writers’ visions of the world “Orwellian” or “Kafkaesque,” some now use the awkward term “Dickian.” Dick’s paranoid vision is a unique, sad, funny, and—in its strange and sometimes very moving manner—even ennobling way to think about what we are meant to be as humans. In his later work, Dick’s outlook became deeply, even explicitly, informed by a Gnostic sense of the struggle to be fully human. Ancient Gnosticism was, among other things, concerned with the dilemma of humanity trapped in delusion, imprisoned in a world ruled by malign and unseen forces—a recurrent theme in Dick’s work.
What does science fiction have to say about human nature? For many serious readers, this is GeekCity, a corner of genre fiction inhabited by sad and lonely people who go to Star Trek conventions and collect action figures. The science-fiction writer Theodore Sturgeon is credited with what has entered the wider critical discourse as “Sturgeon’s Law.” When it was said of science fiction that “90 percent of it is crap,” his answer was, “90 percent of everything is crap.” Who can disagree? Serious science-fiction criticism finds examples of imagined alternatives that illuminate our own world in Plato’s description of Atlantis in the Timaeus, in his vision of an ideal society in The Republic, and in Thomas More’s imaginary society in Utopia. Some writers prefer another name for the genre, “speculative fiction,” since much science fiction has little to do with science. Whatever term you choose, the best examples show that one way to see our situation clearly is to imagine another, very different one. This can be done by placing a story in the remote past, an alternative present, or a near or far future. Philip K. Dick was the writer who did it best.
The animating idea behind Dick’s fiction—hardly original in itself—is that things are not as they seem. This is, of course, a major part of any religious insight—and as an Episcopalian, Dick understood this. Walker Percy’s essay “The Message in the Bottle,” for example, describes an island (this could be the beginning of a sci-fi plot) where everything is pleasant. Life seems good for all its inhabitants; then someone walking along a beach finds a bottle with the message, “Don’t despair, help is on the way.” This is what the Christian gospel says to a complacent, obtuse world, and it is not unlike one of Dick’s plots. In many of his stories, as in Gnostic theology, the world is depicted as not merely asleep, but deliberately deceived. Any remedy or salvation will therefore have to include a battle against powers that not only seem insane, but are evil. Overcoming the ruse requires special insight or special revelation that is shared by only a few.
This theme of widespread deception is woven throughout several of his plots. In The Simulacra (1964), the U.S. president is an android, but the citizenry has no idea. In The Penultimate Truth (1964), World War III starts with a fight between two superpowers. The battle begins on Mars, spreads to Earth, and is fought by robots. Humans are forced to live and work underground in huge shelters. The war ends, but the people are told that the battle rages above them on an uninhabitable surface. Meanwhile, the authorities continue to generate false war stories while they themselves live a bucolic life on the earth above. In The Zap Gun (1967), two great superpowers are at peace, and citizens of both nations are reassured that they are secure because of their side’s superior arsenal—but the weapons are designed not to function. Weapon design is, in effect, a kind of conceptual art, although the fact that the weapons do not work is kept from the masses. This is what keeps the world truly disarmed. When aliens threaten the earth, the weapon designers have to come up with something that really functions. There is an implicit Gnosticism here: only a select few know what is going on; most of humanity is sleepwalking.
This isn’t a happy point of view, to be sure. Yet what’s missing from the film adaptations of Dick’s work (of which the best are Minority Report and the director’s cut of Blade Runner) is Dick’s humor. Even his darkest stories are laced with funny moments. Another quality missing in the movies is Dick’s enduring compassion for the sadness of ordinary, confused human existence. His stories usually take place in a future, or in an alternate reality, where paranoia reigns, where appearances cannot be trusted, where people may be androids—robots made to resemble humans—and androids may be whatever human beings are, where the world we are presented with is a lie.
Dick’s life was messy. (Lawrence Sutin has written a good biography, Divine Invasions: A Life of Philip K. Dick, Carrol & Graf, 2005.) He was born inChicago in 1928 and died in 1982; his twin sister died in infancy. Dick’s parents moved toCalifornia and divorced. He lived with his mother until he matriculated at UC Berkeley for a short time, majoring in German. He was fascinated by German culture. After dropping out of college, he worked in a record store, and music plays an important part in much of his work. He was married and divorced five times, used drugs, was convinced at various points that the FBI was after him, feared for his sanity, and hoped for spiritual deliverance.
At the same time, Dick felt a keen loyalty to many friends, whose lives were often as complicated as his own. His novels are full of regular people with ordinary, often dull jobs; they struggle for decency, sometimes fail, sometimes succeed. There is always something sad, frustrating, and funny about their struggles, and I can’t think of another science-fiction writer who comes close to describing this sort of ordinary life with such compassion. The science-fiction novelist Ursula K. Le Guin once wrote that Dick’s characters reminded her of Dickens’s; sometimes you remember one and can’t place which novel he or she appears in, but the humanity remains vivid. Dick drew from his own life, sometimes quite directly, in writing his novels. A Scanner Darkly is about drug use—based in large part on his own experience—and it’s scary. It begins, “Once a guy stood all day shaking bugs from his hair.” It contains the only funny suicide scene I’ve ever read, and at the end of the novel Dick uncharacteristically explains what he has just written:
This is a novel about some people who were punished entirely too much for what they did. They wanted to have a good time, but they were like children playing in the street; they could see one after another of them being killed—run over, maimed, destroyed—but they continued to play anyhow…. Drug misuse is not a disease, it is a decision, like the decision to step out in front of a moving car. You would call that not a disease but an error in judgment. When a bunch of people begin to do it, it is a social error, a lifestyle. In this particular lifestyle the motto is “Be happy now because tomorrow you are dying,” but the dying begins almost at once, and the happiness is a memory. It is, then, only a speeding up, an intensifying, of the ordinary human existence. It is not different from your lifestyle, it is only faster.
Before movies made him known beyond science-fiction circles, Dick’s best-known work was The Man in the High Castle. It won the Hugo award (science fiction’s highest) in 1962. It describes an alternative 1962 America, in which the Nazis and the Japanese won World War II. There are some nicely imagined touches (Americans forge Wild West artifacts to sell to wealthy Japanese collectors; Germans fly rapidly around the world not in jets, but in passenger rockets), but at the center of the novel is a search for the author of The Grasshopper Lies Heavy, an alternative-world tale in which Germany and Japan were defeated. This alternative world is not the one we know, the one that really followed from the defeat of Hitler; and finally, it is suggested that the world the protagonists live in isn’t real either. The I Ching, an ancient Chinese text, figures in the book’s plot, and Dick apparently used its chance-based methods of divination in composing the story. Although Dick never alluded to it, this sense of not being able to know what reality really is reminded me of the Taoist sage Chuang Tsu’s dream that he was a butterfly: it wasn’t clear to him whether he was Chuang Tsu dreaming that he was a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming that he was Chuang Tsu.
In 1978, Dick delivered a lecture, “How to Build a Universe That Doesn’t Fall Apart Two Days Later.” In it, he said: “The two basic topics that fascinate me are ‘What is reality?’ and ‘What constitutes the authentic human being?’” This fascination went back to his first published story, “Roog,” which “had to do with a dog who imagined that the garbage men who came every Friday morning were stealing valuable food that the family had carefully stored away in a safe metal container. Every day, members of the family carried out paper sacks of nice ripe food, stuffed them into the metal container, shut the lid tightly—and when the container was full, these dreadful-looking creatures came and stole everything but the can… [T]he dog’s extrapolation was in a sense logical, given the facts at his disposal.”
Dick’s approach was not always so light. In an angry short story about abortion, “The Pre-Persons,” he wrote of a future in which the courts had decided that a person was a real human being only when capable of doing algebra. Children not yet old enough to grasp algebraic concepts lived in dread of extermination trucks that could come and take them away. Dick’s antiabortion stance led the feminist science-fiction writer Joanna Russ to send Dick a letter, “the nastiest letter I’ve ever received.” Although he later apologized for any hurt feelings, he said, “for the pre-persons’ sake, I am not sorry.”
If Dick’s early work sometimes had an implicitly Gnostic aspect, that quality became more explicit in his later writing. In 1974, Dick, recovering from minor surgery, answered his door for a delivery of painkillers. The young woman delivering the medication was wearing a fish pendant, and when he asked what it was, she told him that it was a sign worn by the early Christians. In “How to Build a Universe,” he writes,
I suddenly experienced what I later learned is called anamnesis—a Greek word meaning, literally, “loss of forgetfulness.” I remembered who I was and where I was. In an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, it all came back to me. And not only could I remember it but I could see it. The girl was a secret Christian and so was I. We lived in fear of detection by the Romans. We had to communicate with secret signs. She had just told me all this, and it was true.
For a short time, as hard as this is to believe or explain, I saw fading into view the black, prison-like contours of hatefulRome. But, of much more importance, I remembered Jesus, who had just recently been with us, and had gone temporarily away, and would very soon return. My emotion was one of joy. We were secretly preparing to welcome him back. It would not be long. And the Romans did not know. They thought he was dead, forever dead. That was our great secret, our joyous knowledge. Despite all appearances, Christ was going to return, and our delight and anticipation was boundless.
Dick was never entirely clear about what that experience meant. But he was convinced that something of great significance had happened to him, and wrote at length about his encounters with what he called “the cosmic Christ” in a free-form journal called “The Exegesis,” in which he understood Christ as part of a continuity which included Ikhnaton, Zoroaster, and Hephaestus. This syncretism is typical of Gnosticism. Dick’s efforts to explain what all this meant are less interesting than the work that came from the experience, his final three novels.
Dick’s visions and dreams coalesced in the VALIS trilogy—VALIS being an acronym for Vast Active Living Intelligence System, or God (of a sort). The most tangled, complicated, and autobiographical is the first, VALIS (1981). It is the least successful of the three, but worth reading because of its seriousness and its painful closeness to Dick’s own life. The plot of VALIS contains not only autobiographical fragments, but a movie with a secret meaning and a rock-star couple whose daughter, Sophia, is thought by some to be the returned Savior. The novel wrestles with the first question that haunted Dick—“What is reality?”—and it suggests one good answer, based on a real incident in Dick’s life. When a student asked him during a lecture for a simple definition of reality, he answered, “Reality is that which when you stop believing in it, it doesn’t go away.” Toward the end of the book Dick writes, “I lack Kevin’s faith and Fat’s madness…. I don’t know what to think. Maybe I am not required to think anything, or to have faith, or to have madness; maybe all that I need to do—all that is asked of me—is to wait. To wait and to stay awake.”
The second book of the trilogy, The Divine Invasion (1981), tells of an exiled or absent God—another Gnostic theme—trying to return to earth, which has been held captive by Belial, a fallen angel, since the fall of Masada. The novel involves a virgin birth, which perplexes the Catholic woman who is pregnant with a divine child. She says remotely, “Catholic doctrine, I never thought it would apply to me personally.” The child must struggle to awaken to his own identity. As in classic Gnostic teaching, a perverse power holds the world in its grasp, and it is represented by both the established church (the Christian-Islamic Church) and the imperial political establishment, whose members are uncomfortably but profitably allied. The Divine Invasion is an amazing story of parallel realities, redemption, and the war between good and evil, with a wonderful ending.
The final novel in the trilogy, the last Dick completed, is The Transmigration of Timothy Archer (1982). The author based Bishop Timothy Archer on Episcopalian Bishop James Pike, who went on an odd pilgrimage into the Judean desert with too little preparation and died of exposure. So does Timothy Archer, in search of the truth about Gnostic scroll fragments. Archer is a complicated character: brilliant and selfish, genuinely insightful and clueless. The novel is narrated by Archer’s daughter-in-law, Angel Archer. In Dick’s novels, the point of view frequently shifts from person to person; but here Angel is the sole narrator, and her voice carries the novel, which contains serious arguments about Gnosticism and a few genuinely funny and politically incorrect jokes.
In these and his other stories, Dick creates characters who struggle not only for salvation, for ultimate truths, but sometimes merely to be decent human beings—and the two struggles are really one. What reality is and what it means to be authentically human are intrinsically linked. Dick’s answers, such as they are, range randomly from new-age nonsense, through his own episodes of delusion and paranoia, to a Gnostic Christianity that contains more of the pain and compassion of real Christianity than most Gnostic visions. Many Gnostic writings advance an elitism that delights in being among the chosen in whom the divine light resides. Dick saw glimmers of the shattered divine light in many confused and struggling people, and he found something of cosmic significance there, both in the light and in the struggle. His finest novel, The Divine Invasion, for example, ends with the fall of Belial, the angelic dark force that held the good God at bay. Belial “lay broken everywhere, vast and lovely and destroyed. In pieces, like damaged light.”
“This is how he was once,” Linda said. “Originally. Before he fell. This was his original shape. We called him the Moth. The Moth that fell slowly, over thousands of years, intersecting the earth, like a geometrical shape descending stage by stage until nothing remained of its shape.”
Herb Asher said, “He was very beautiful.”
“He was the morning star,” Linda said. “The brightest star in the heavens. And now nothing remains of him but this….”
“Will he ever be as he once was?” Herb Asher said.
“Perhaps,” she said. “Perhaps we all may be.” And then she sang for Herb Asher one of the Dowland songs…. The most tender, the most haunting song that she had adapted from John Dowland’s lute books:
When the poor cripple by the pool did lie Full many years in misery and pain, No sooner he on Christ had set his eye, But he was well, and comfort came again.
Philip K. Dick’s fiction—perhaps because most of it was written in a genre known for conceptual risk-taking—dealt in an unembarrassed way with questions involving the ultimate meaning of our lives in a tone that was compassionate, often funny, and at some unexpected moments very moving.
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eemcintyre · 2 years ago
Mini playlist alert
A tribute to my favorite lil sweetheart of an action hero, Ethan Hunt
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"...Ready For It?", Taylor Swift
Knew he was a killer first time that I saw him. Wondered how many girls he had loved and left haunted. But if he's a ghost, then I can be a phantom holding him for ransom... Knew I was a robber first time that he saw me, stealing hearts and running off and never saying sorry. But if I'm a thief, then he can join the heist...
"Stayin' Alive", Bee Gees
Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk I'm a woman's man, no time for talk... It's alright, it's okay, I lived to see another day.
"Private Eyes", Hall and Oates
I see you and you see me. Watch you blowing the lines when you're making a scene. Oh, girl, you've got to know what my head overlooks the senses will show to my heart. When it's watching for lies, you can't escape my private eyes. They're watching you, they see your every move... Why you trying to put up a front for me? I'm a spy, but on your side, you see. Slip on into any disguise, I'll still know you.
"Everybody Wants to Rule the World", Tears for Fears
There's a room where the light won't find you, holding hands while the walls come tumbling down. When they do, I'll be right behind you.
"Getaway Car", Taylor Swift
The ties were black, the lies were white, in shades of grey and candlelight... You were driving the getaway car, we were flying but we'd never get far... Riding in the getaway car, there were sirens in the beat of your heart... I knew it from the first old-fashioned we were cursed- it hit you like a shotgun shot to the heart.
"No Time to Die", Billie Eilish
I should have known I'd leave alone. Just goes to show that the blood you bleed is just the blood you own. We were a pair, but I saw you there. Too much to bear. You were my life, but life is far from fair. Was I stupid to love you? Was I reckless to help? Was it obvious to everybody else that I'd fallen for a lie? You were never on my side.
"You Know My Name", Chris Cornell
If you take a life, do you know what you get? Odds are you won't like what it is. When the storm arrives, would you be seen with me by the merciless eyes I've deceived? I've seen angels fall from blinding heights, but you yourself are nothing so divine, just next in line. Arm yourself, because no one else here will save you.
"When All is Said and Done", ABBA
Here's to us, one more toast, and then we'll pay the bill. Deep inside, both of us can feel the autumn chill. Birds of passage, you and me, we fly instinctively when the summer's over and the dark clouds hide the sun. Neither you nor I'm to blame when all is said and done. In our lives, we have walked some strange and lonely treks. Slightly worn, but dignified and not too old for sex... It's so strange, when you're down and lying on the floor, how you rise, shake your head, get up and ask for more.
*Honorable mentions: "Hypnotic", Zella Day, "Dress", Taylor Swift, and "Holding Out for a Hero", Bonnie Tyler*
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cucumbers-and-olives · 4 years ago
When All Is Said And Done
⚠️stop! have you read part one, the winner takes it all yet? if not, click the link and read it cause idk if this will make much sense!
Summary: You slowly repair you relationship with Reggie as you get closer to the end of the show.
Category: high school au, musical au?
Fandom: JATP
Paring: Reggie x Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings/Includes: mentions of cheating
A/N: this is for @reggiepetersappreciationweek day 5? whatever yesterday was, i have a trash memory, and i forgot to post this so... whoops!
(also @williexmercer asked to be tagged in this so.... ta da?)
Mandatory Thanking of the Betas: ahhhh ty so so much @wrhen for helping me give this story the ending it deserved, i had no idea how to end it, so thank you!
AO3 link here (nope)
Please don’t repost my work without my permission, in part or whole. My work can also be found on AO3 under the same username. Thank you!
Here's to us
One more toast
And then we'll pay the bill
Closing night was always a sad thing. But after the last three months, all of the drama, and the nightmares… You could tell that the smile on Reggie’s face was his, and he was happy. Truly happy.
Deep inside
Both of us
Can feel the autumn chill
“Y/N, I’m sorry. I’ll be better. I want to explain, so I’ll be at our spot at 7 pm tomorrow.” You listened to his voicemail over and over, trying to decide if you should trust him this time. You got one of these voicemails every week on Monday. It had been a month since “the incident” and he wasn’t giving up.
“Y/N, I’m sorry. I’ll be-” You tossed your phone at the wall as hard as possible, but with your bad luck it landed on the soft white sheets of your bed and you let out a scream. It was loud and heart-wrenching, and you collapsed into the shag carpet. The soft blue carpet he had bought for you when you found out you had landed the role.
And from your spot on the floor, there was the photo of the two of you that you had framed after your second date. When you knew he was the one. He had taken you to the fair, and one of his friends had come over to take a photo of the two of you, but someone had bumped into him, and there was a ton of bright pink cotton candy in his hair. That was your favorite moment with him.
You rolled over, and like a bad omen, your phone played the voicemail again. “Y/N, I’m sorry. I’ll be better. I want to explain, so I’ll be at our spot at 7 pm tomorrow.” You had crawled onto your bed to turn it off when you heard him whisper something he hadn’t in any of the other voicemails. “I love you.”
As you lay down to sleep that night, your brain looped his words. I love you, I love you, I love you. I. Love. You.
He hadn’t ever said it before.
Birds of passage
You and me
We fly instinctively
The cast all had slight tears in their eyes. Most of them were seniors, including you and Reggie, so this was your last show at a school you had grown to love.
When the summer's over
And the dark clouds hide the sun
Neither you nor I'm to blame
“Y/N and Reggie.” Your science teacher moved on and continued calling out other pairs to work together.
He moved to where you were sitting. It seemed as if his personality had changed. He was no longer the confident, happy boy you knew, but a shy, quiet one. “I- I can ask for a different partner. You probably don’t, don’t want to work with me.” His eyes were transfixed on the desk.
You don’t know what led you to do this, but you slipped a finger under his chin and tilted his face to look at you. “We have 5 minutes left in this period, and then we have rehearsal. You have that long to come up with a convincing argument as to why I should trust you, go it?”
He nodded softly, and you released his face. Now you had that long to figure out if you should trust him again.
As the bell rang you began to pack up your stuff when a note fell out of your bag. You picked it up and began to read it.
“Y/N. I kissed him. I’m not trying to cover for him, it’s the honest truth.” You looked up at your teacher.
“Y/L/N, get to rehearsal, or at least get out of my classroom.”
“Yeah, sorry!” You said, hurrying out of her classroom. You stepped into the hall, and you continued to read the note.
“I know it sounds like I’m covering for him. I’m not. I came into his dressing room, I kissed him. (I’ll spare you the details) But you two are an amazing couple, and he’s been a mess without you. There’s a hole in his heart that only you can fix.”
And just like the “I love you,” those last words rang in your head through rehearsal.
“There’s a hole in his heart that only you can fix.”
When all is said and done
In our lives
We have walked
Some strange and lonely treks
He crossed the stage and looked back at you. The strength it would take the entire cast to not laugh like children would be incredible.
Slightly worn
But dignified
And not too old for sex
We're still striving for the sky
No taste for humble pie
“Thank you.” He said, passing you a coke. “The pie will be out in a second.”
The booth in the back of the diner was a quiet one, but there were so many memories here. Your first date, your first kiss, Reggie asking you to be his girlfriend, and getting cast as Donna and Sam. You had found out sitting in this booth.
The waitress came over. “Two slices of apple pie, enjoy you two,” She said, with a little wink.
You took a fork and stabbed the pie like an enemy. “Talk.”
“I didn’t mean to. She came in, and she started it, I-” You shoved some pie in his mouth. His face was alarmed for a second, and then he smiled.
“Not about that, idiot, about the project. We have to present tomorrow.” You took a bite of your pie.
“I thought…” He was lost in thought for a moment and then he spoke. “I was thinking we could alternate slides? Or if you just want to do the chunks you wrote, that’s cool too!” He said, eating some more of his pie.
“That sounds good, we can alternate slides. Also, could you help me with my math homework? I’m- well, I’ve got a D. Can you help me? I brought it with me if you want to now, I have it with me, or we can do it later?” You rambled off.
“Scooch over,” He said, standing up. As you did, he sat down next to you. “Okay, pull it out, and show me what you’re struggling with. We’re not leaving till you have it down.”
He smiled at you, and you knew you were back to normal now. Or at least, a new normal.
Thanks for all your generous love
And thanks for all the fun
Neither you nor I'm to blame
As he sang that line, you both glanced into the audience where your former-best-friend-now-acquaintance sat. Your relationship had healed over the last month. He and you were clearer, and when/if anything happened, you both gave each other a chance to explain your side of the story. It was better now.
When all is said and done
It's so strange
When you're down
And lying on the floor
“Okay look up when you open your eyes,” He said, removing his hands from your face. You looked out at the beautiful rolling hills and then up. Up to the sky, and the shining stars. You gasped as you saw them, each one more beautiful than the last.
“Woah, Reggie this is so beautiful, I-” You turned around to face him. He had a picnic all laid out. There was a full apple pie and ice cream, along with a bunch of your favorite sweets and some popcorn and pretzels.
“Reggie, when did you have the time for this? It’s almost tech week,” You said as you sat down next to him. “Not that I’m ungrateful but seriously, when did you-” He cut you off as he stuck a bit of pie in your mouth.
“Did you?” He nodded. “You bought a full pie from the diner?” You smiled at him so big. And it was a wonderful night.
How you rise
Shake your head
Get up and ask for more
Clear-headed and open-eyed
With nothing left untried
Standing calmly at the crossroads
No desire to run
“I’m scared Alex.” It was Reggie’s voice you heard as you walked up to the garage. Over the past 2 and a half months, your relationship had changed, and now, it was the Saturday before tech week.
You froze outside the garage as you listened to Reggie.
“I- I, I messed it all up before, and I keep feeling like I’m gonna mess up again,” Reggie said. His voice was shaking if it was even possible for a voice to do that.
“Reg,” Alex said. “What happened wasn’t your fault. They came in and kissed you.”
“I should’ve stopped it. I should have stopped them.”
“Reggie, she forgave you. And trust me, Y/N wouldn’t be with you if she thought you had done it on purpose.”
You knocked on the garage door. “Reg, you in there? We’re gonna be late to rehearsal!”
“Yeah- yeah, I’m coming, I’ll meet you in the car babe!” He hollered back.
There's no hurry anymore
When all is said and done
Then he did something unexpected. Something unscripted. You just felt him pulling you in and dipping you down, and for a moment in one amazing kiss, the audience wasn’t there.
You pulled away, smiling and breathless as the audience cheered.
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crystalirises · 4 years ago
In The Wreckage of Exile (Safe and Sound Part I)
What was casted away... shall be found.
(An alternative take in which, Eret and Fundy find Tommy during exile, thus changing history.)
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31232840/chapters/77199998
"You really need to chart a map, son. You can't keep losing an entire country." Eret ran a hand through their disheveled hair, nearly knocking the flower crown that Fundy had given them off of their head as they peered around at the forest they had both gotten lost in. Fundy scouted ahead, sunlight casting his ginger hair with an angelic and warm glow, his fox ears twitching every so often. "We've been walking for miles now, Fundy. I'm quite sure this isn't the way to Drywaters."
In truth, Eret was quite sure that they’d gone the complete opposite way.
Fundy casted a look over his shoulder, traces of exhaustion clear on his face as he finally leaned against a tree. Eret slowly walked up to him, dark shades glancing down at the fox hybrid as they took a momentary break. Fundy's golden-flecked brown eyes traced the area they were in, coming to the horrible conclusion that yes, he had gotten them lost again. "Sorry, ren. I'm not the best when it comes to direction."
They took a deep breath, their heart aching with pain for their companion, their friend, their son. Eret didn’t mind the long trek towards the wilderness, having been the one to suggest they go to Drywaters to take Fundy’s mind away from his troubles. A walk was sufficient enough for that.
"It's alright, Fundy. You're just tired is all." Eret placed a hand on Fundy's head, caressing his hair before settling next to him. They weren't in a hurry, it would do both of them some good to rest. "Tell me when you're ready."
They watched Fundy run a hand through his hair, ginger and white strands blending in together, but he didn’t get too far before his fingers touched Eret’s hand. Fundy smiled, holding onto Eret for a moment before his eyes turned back towards the ground. There was a guilty look in Fundy’s gaze, his mouth curled into a grimace while his free hand reached down to pick at the end of his shirt. Eret tsked at the small holes at the bottom of Fundy’s clothing. It was inevitable with Fundy’s nails being so sharp, but if it helped Fundy calm down then Eret would not stop him.
"I should've made a map, ren. Now, we're lost."
They shook their head, patting Fundy on the head and scratching him behind the ears. The fox hybrid sighed, leaning into the touch with a small smile on his face. Eret smiled along with him. They’d rather not Fundy be upset, that was the opposite of their goal after all. They continued to pet Fundy until his tail was wagging, the fluffy fur of orange and white thumping against the tree’s bark. They gave Fundy one last pat, happy to see Fundy’s contented and joyful smile.
"We'll find our way to Drywaters. Think of this as an adventure. We never know what secrets lurk within the wilderness." Eret surveyed the thick foliage of the forest, not a single sign of civilization for miles. They only hoped a mob wouldn't appear out of nowhere. As they looked around, they noticed a thin line of smoke emerging from the treetops a distance away. It was a small wisp of smoke, barely visible in the brightness of day that colored the forest with its golden hue. Eret wondered who could possibly be living in the middle of nowhere, slightly worried that a familiar pinkette would appear to threaten them for being on his territory. Eret shook their head, knowing that Techno wouldn't do anything to harm them if Eret just explained that they were lost. Techno wasn't cruel enough to simply strike them for existing… unless they were orphans. "Fundy, I see smoke over there. We should try to move towards it, if we're lucky we might find the ever elusive Dream's house."
Fundy scoffed beside them, rolling his eyes until Eret could only see the whites. Without really meaning to, they reached up towards their sunglasses, adjusting them for a moment despite them having not moved at all. Fundy peered up at the wispy smoke, raising an eyebrow at it. A bittersweet smile flashed across the fox hybrid’s face, but it quickly disappeared.
"I have a slight suspicion that he doesn't even sleep, much less have a house of his own." Fundy rolled his eyes again, pushing off the tree as they both slowly made their way towards the smoke. Fundy chewed on the inside of his cheek, picking at the sleeve of his shirt as they drew closer towards what he could only hope was not a painful death trap. There weren't many people who wandered this far into the desert, fearful of what horrifying and bloodthirsty monsters lurked in places where no man dared to travel. Fundy knew firsthand how terrible the outside world could be outside the confines of the Essempy. His father was a man who travelled the world, and Fundy used to have the same urge for adventure… until he had wandered into a dark forest filled with beasts that should never see the light of day. He shook his head, tearing the memories from his mind as he followed after Eret. As they neared, he took notice of the trees, slight indentations of axe markings digging into their barks. Some marks looked fresh and horribly made, as if whoever left them was too weak to hold the axe properly. Someone was actually living here. Eret paused too, their gaze meeting Fundy's. "Uhm… You know we could always turn around—"
"I'm sure we'll be fine, Fundy."
They both stumbled into a clearing, a beachfront that overlooked a never-ending ocean. Eret took notice of the shabby white tents that had been set up, the shelters covered in grime and dirt. Nature truly was a cruel mistress, how anyone could live here was beyond Eret’s understanding. A small dirt path led up towards a poorly made cabin, if one could even call it a cabin that is. The wood was splintering and rotting at the sides, threatening to collapse on whoever dared tried to stay in it. It was a pitiful sight, clearly made with limited resources… or the person was too weak to finish it… or the person had held no desire to actually finish its construction.
They inspected the pitiful structure, noticing the lack of roof for shelter and the various holes that littered its sides. From their angle, they could just about see the numerous amounts of chests that decorated the back wall of the structure. They looked back towards Fundy, noticing the way Fundy was sniffing at the air, like he was picking up on a muted smell. Eret didn’t know what it was, but there was a familiarity in the air. A scent of past regrets and the destruction of hope…
"There's a nether portal over there, we could probably use it to head back home." Fundy walked into the clearing, seeing the familiar hue of purple against the color of dark green grass and soft yellow sand. He slowly made his way over to it, his eyes shifting towards the destroyed nether portal just below the one he was currently standing next to. Maybe he should take the obsidian… "Ren, I'm going to mine the obsidian for a sec, okay? At least we can get home with this… Gods, know where we even are by this fucking point. I want nothing more than to go home and sleep."
Eret didn't get the chance to respond before Fundy began to mine the second nether portal. They smiled, putting in a reminder in their head to make tea once they both got home. Fundy would insist on hot chocolate but Eret knew very well that Fundy was allergic. They shook their head at the thought, turning instead to look around the strange area. "I'll be right back, Fundy!"
"Don't die! Or else I'm stealing your stuff!"
"Don't burn the forest while I'm not looking, Fundy! I mean it, son!" Eret heard the indignant and insulted scoff, saw the glint of mischief in the fox hybrid's eyes before they finally headed closer towards the shack. Fundy wouldn’t dare. Even if he did, Eret knew that they had a bucket of water within their inventory. As they walked through the dirt pathway, they looked at the unlit tiki torches that they supposed lit up the path during the nighttime. It felt lonely. A lit path at night, with perhaps only one person traversing it. Eret shivered at the thought of such solace and silence. In the far distance, they saw what appeared to be a roughly put-together Christmas tree decorated with bits of broken glass and fraying pieces of dyed wool. It looked like a mess.
Yet it felt painful to look at. They glanced at the poorly placed pieces of wool on the lanky tree, Eret could only hope that it didn’t decide to collapse the moment Eret looked away. Someone had placed the wools on the tree’s rotting branches, pieces of string barely holding them up while others had already collapsed to the ground. The pieces of glass glinted underneath the sunlight, casting the ground with shimmers of golden light. At night, Eret thought, it probably decorated the ground with the silver glow of the moon and stars. They weren’t colored glass, but shards that looked like they came from smashed bottles. Eret turned away from the sight. Their heart was beginning to ache for the poor soul who had tried to feel some semblance of Christmas joy.
They stopped at the shack's small entrance, barely big enough for anyone to truly fit through. Eret glanced inside, finally seeing those rows of chests within the small cabin. They turned away, heading over towards one of the tents.
Eret paused midway.
Their eyes widened for a moment, their feet carrying them towards a particular spot on the ground. Eret blinked, mouth hanging open for a second. Someone was here. Someone was here and they needed help. Eret stood by the edge, eyes casted low. They couldn’t really believe what they were seeing. A hand reached up to clutch at their chest, fingers shaking despite themselves. Eret forced themself to keep calm, breathing in through their nose. They felt nausea bubble up from within, but they forced their sickness down. It wasn’t that the sight was anything new, but it certainly was not one that they thought they’d ever see again. Not in this lifetime, at least.
There was a pit in the ground, scorch marks tainting the sides as though a fire had been set in the middle of the hole. Eret peered down, seeing small chunks of metal sticking out from the burnt earth. They crouched beside it, fingers touching the sides. The ground still felt warm, a residue of gunpowder in the air as Eret slowly backed away from what they now saw as a crater. What had happened here? They couldn't see blood anywhere, but someone has just recently been here. The smell of ash was too strong, the earth too hot for it to not be recent. Eret didn’t understand it. Why would anyone throw explosives down a hole in the ground? Something felt wrong here.
"Boo!" Eret nearly fell in as Fundy suddenly appeared behind them, cackling as Eret tried to keep their balance. They gave Fundy a look, one that just made the fox hybrid grin as he finally took a glance at what Eret was inspecting. Fundy tilted his head, his eyebrows drawn together in thought. "I know I burn forests down when I get upset, but this is a bit excessive. Dangerous too since it looks like someone dug a hole and just, ya know, plonked an explosive inside. They must have had a lot of shitty stuff if they really wanted to get rid of it all… wait… is that… are those armor pieces?"
"It seems so. Though why anyone would waste such precious resources out here in the wilderness is quite confusing." Eret looked over at the tent nearby, wondering if this area's tenant was inside. Fundy looked over, a questioning look in his eyes as though he were thinking the same thing. It wouldn't hurt to check. After all, the person living there might be injured from the explosion. They needed to check. "I'll go ahead. Stay behind me, Fundy. We have no idea or clue if the person who lives here is friendly or… not. It would be best if we did not take our chances."
"Thanks for volunteering for death first." Fundy mumbled beneath his breath, following after Eret as they slowly edged their way towards the tent. He held out his hand, his trusty axe materializing in his hold. "This is such a shitty situation, why can’t we just leave and forget this place…? But if you insist on imminent death, then okay… but… be careful, ren. I mean it."
"When have I never been careful?"
They reached the entrance to the tent, stopping as they heard shuffling from within. Eret heard labored breathing from inside, a stuttering inhale of breath as whoever it was began to move away from them and into the back of the tent. Eret pursed their lips together, worried that the stranger might run off into the woods. They wouldn't want to chase some poor soul out into the wilderness to be at the mercy of the mobs. Eret tried to peek through the small slit in the middle of the tent, seeing nothing but a moving shadow. They could see the faint outline of blonde hair at the corner, though that didn't give Eret enough information. "Hello? Is anyone here? We apologize for stumbling into your home, but we noticed the smoke from the forest and came to investigate. Are you alright? We saw the crater and wanted to see if anyone was injured."
"Eret?" They froze, a familiar voice reaching their eyes. Neither they nor Fundy hesitated before quickly entering the small tent. Fundy bit back a gasp as dull blue eyes stared at them from the corner, disbelief dancing in Tommy's gaze as he glanced at the two of them. Tears sprung from the boy's eyes as his breath stuttered into gasping sobs. Eret stood still, surprise still filtering through their veins. Tommy was here, and he looked like a mess. Even with only a sliver of light, Eret could see the tattered clothes that Tommy wore, his hair disheveled and long from what must've been months of isolation. He looked thin… too thin. Eret felt a pang in their heart. How could they have left Tommy like this? "No. No. Please. Why can't the visions just go away. Just go away. This isn't true. This isn't true. Go the fuck away you fucking bastards. Dream, if this is some sick joke of yours, just fuck off… please… I fucked up, I know! Please, leave me alone…”
"Tommy… it's us, man. Eret and Fundy!" Fundy took the first step, his boot crunching against the grass which caused Tommy to curl deeper into himself. Fundy paused before slowly crouching down until he was at the same height as Tommy. Fundy's hand hovered a bit closer as he bit the inside of his cheek, he didn't want Tommy to go into a panic the moment he tried to touch him. "Tommy, it's us! Look, I'm going to tap you on the arm, okay?"
Eret watched as Fundy moved a bit closer, tapping Tommy with one finger. Tommy stilled, confusion flitting through those his dead blue eyes as realization finally dawned upon him. "You're real… you're… you're actually here."
"We're here, Tommy. It's okay. You're safe."
Tommy's gaze suddenly turned to Eret, and for once Eret didn't see a single trace of malice in them. Tommy had never quite forgiven them for what they had done during the first war, regarding as a traitor for the rest of Eret's days. It had stung, but Eret knew that they deserved it. Guilt gnawed at their chest as they wondered if it was their fault that Tommy was in such a state. If it was their fault that it had come to this. Tommy would be happy in L'Manburg if Eret hadn't given in to the temptation of power. Tommy would be okay, Wilbur would be alive, Tubbo wouldn't have been forced into the presidency… Fundy… Fundy wouldn't have been an orphan. So many things gone wrong, and all with the press of a button. Fundy caught their eyes, a warning in them as though Fundy could hear the despicable thoughts that races through Eret's head. A weak voice brought them back to the present, "Eret… I—"
Fundy quickly caught Tommy before he could drop to the ground, the teen collapsing in utter exhaustion. He glanced at over Eret who had raced to Tommy's side, looking over for any injury that could have caused the sudden faint. Fundy sighed as Eret moved away, slight relief on their faces. Tommy must have collapsed from exhaustion. That was probably it. Fundy held onto his uncle's unconscious form, frightened by how he could feel the bones beneath his hands as he tried to hold Tommy in a comfortable position. What had Dream done to him? Fundy felt a searing anger bubble in his veins, but he didn't know who was to blame. Was it Dream for lying to them about Tommy's condition? Or was it Fundy for not stepping in to stop his uncle's exile?
"It wasn't your fault either, Fundy. We made our mistakes but we are not to blame for Tommy's condition." Eret spoke before Fundy's thoughts could go deeper. Fundy bit his bottom lip, but didn't argue, knowing that Eret could tell when he was upset. Fundy shifted his hold, one arm supporting Tommy's back and another supporting the back of his knees. Tommy's head rested against his shoulder, and Fundy wished Dream was nearby so he could take one of the man's lives, for even in sleep Tommy looked absolutely miserable. It wasn't fair. Tommy shouldn't have been left alone like this. Dream shouldn't have dared to do this. Fundy had no doubt that the crater outside was Dream's doing… Tommy wouldn't do such a thing, destroy armor for the sake of it. Fundy let out a growl, ears pressed against the top of his head as he slowly stood up. Eret followed after him, their mouth set into a thin line as they both left the tent. "We can't leave Tommy here. I don't… we shouldn't leave him here. We need to go before Dream decides to come back."
"We could take Tommy to Drywaters, I never told Dream about it. He shouldn't be able to find us there." At least, that's what Fundy hoped. He never saw the purpose of telling his ex-fiance where he planned to live. Why should he? He didn't want Dream knocking at his door one day to apologize for a relationship he probably was never invested in. Tommy would be safe at Drywaters. He and Eret could help Tommy recover there and once things have settled down, they could tell Tubbo and Phil about Tommy's whereabouts. Fundy looked over at Eret who nodded, a smile forming on their face as they began to head towards the nether portal. They could only hope they didn't bump into a familiar masked man during their trek through the nether. Fundy shivered as he realized they'd have to cross New L'Manburg to get to Drywaters. If anyone caught them… well, they were completely and utterly fucked . It was time to be sneaky. He slowed down, trying to match Eret's pace as he realized he has accidentally been walking too fast. "Do you think… Do you think Dream would try to look for Tommy?"
"Dream has a goal in mind. I have a suspicion that he needs Tommy under his complete command for it. That man is a bastard , one could never tell what his true motivations are." Eret shook their head, remembering those piercing green eyes that glared at them when they had tried to protest. "We can only hope he doesn't find us."
"If he does… I'll fucking kill him." Fundy held Tommy closer, still sick at the thought of Tommy being left alone with no one but that tyrant's company. They both finally reach the portal, the harsh sounds of the nether reaching their ears as they both take one final look at Tommy's base. Tommy lived here… for months. Poor kid, not a soul to speak to other than that despicable Dream. "I'm not letting him near, Tommy. Over my dead fucking body."
"No. It'll be over mine." Fundy tossed Eret a look, raising a brow at Eret's statement. It held truth, an undeniable one. Eret didn't know much about Dream, but a part of them knew the man had attachments. They'd seen the way Dream would pause at an empty castle hallway when he thought no one was looking. How he'd bring out a diamond ring from the inside of his sweater pocket, pressing a soft kiss on it before quickly placing it back into the safety of clothes. Eret didn't quite know what had caused the sudden break-up a few days before the scheduled wedding, but they knew Dream cared. If Dream were to ever find them, Eret would be the only to lose a life. It was alright. They had two lives to spare, and they'd gladly toss them all away -even their final life - if it meant giving Fundy and Tommy a chance to escape. Fundy could protect Tommy from then on after, but as long as Eret breathed, they wouldn't let Dream near their son and Tommy. Eret wrapped an arm around Fundy, holding him closer as they brought a sword. "No. If Dream comes for us, I want you to run. Don't look back. You have to promise me you won't look back. Tommy needs one of us to stay alive for him, and I am not letting Dream kill you. Now, do you promise to run if he comes to attack us?"
"I'm not promising that, ren. I'm not leaving you with Dream of all people. I'm staying by your side. I'm not losing another parent figure." Fundy rolled his eyes, inhaling as he tried to shake away the tears. He knew Tommy needed them both, needed someone who could actually serve as a parent instead of a confused nephew who didn't know what to do. Tommy needed Eret. "I can't lose you, ren. And Tommy can't lose you too. We both need you."
"I know, son, but Dream is a stubborn man." Eret gripped Fundy a bit closer, wishing that Fundy would just promise them that. Fundy held his ground, a smug grin on his face. "I suppose, you of all people should know that. Son, you know what could happen if we come across him. You know. He’s dangerous when it comes to his goals. Can you please just promise me that—"
"No. Insert heart here."
Eret laughed at Fundy's antics. Fine. If Fundy wouldn't promise them that then Eret would just have to fight hard enough to keep them all alive. Dream wouldn't know what hit him. At least, Eret could hope that they’d have the element of surprise over the man. Still, it was a long trek home and the nether is not a place one wishes to be trapped in while being hunted. Before they could get home, they needed to survive the nether first… and perhaps even Dream.
"Are you ready?"
"Let's go home."
Eret glanced down at Tommy, giving him a gentle smile.
“Don’t worry, Tommy. We’re getting you out of here.”
“And Dream can suck it!”
Eret sighed, chuckling.
Eret could only hope and pray that Dream wouldn’t find them.
They stepped into the portal, leaving behind the traces of bad memories and misery.
Goodbye Logstedshire, you won't be missed.
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captainsolare · 4 years ago
Todoroki with childhood friends to lovers and high school AU please! Thank you! :)
A/N: Thanks for requesting! 🥰🥰🥰
High School AU + Childhood friends to lovers + Shouto Todoroki 
The cafeteria was bustling as you entered, students chatting with their friends, some playing cards, others looking like they'd rather be anywhere else. Your eyes scanned the room until you found a head of red and white hair. "There he is,that’s  my favorite white boy!" You exclaimed, sitting next to Todoroki and ruffling his hair. He frowned as he put a hand up to fix it, "but Y/N I'm not even white." 
"I know that, I was just teasing you. You're still my favorite though." To everyone's surprise, Todoroki smiled at the compliment. "Good, I love being your favorite." You smiled back, knowing you were his favorite also. Being third years, your other friends were used to your antics. No matter how close any of them were, they’d never be closer than Todoroki to you, or you to Todoroki.  
He really did love being your favorite. Looking back on a cool winter day, snow was gently falling; that's when you first met him. He was alone in the schoolyard, leaning against the wall like the world itself was too boring to interact with. He was aloof, angry, stubborn, but you were stubborn too, perhaps even more so, and you were determined to make him your friend. 
Eventually your stubbornness prevailed, and a cautious friendship was born that turned into an easy friendship once he let you in. Regardless, these years with you had truly changed him. There were points of light in the dark life he was born into, and you were that light. When he looked at you even now he saw it; it was as if you were bathed in it. 
He watched the familiar way your eyes crinkled as you smiled and joked around with your other friends at the table and it was like he was seeing you for the first time. In a dark and lonely world you were his sunshine, you were his warmth and he wanted more. He wanted to bask in that light forever not just days and moments captured in the few minutes he saw you in the hallways. 
But, he stopped himself, was he allowed to want more? Did he deserve to have you, as something more than a good friend? Should he allow his selfish feelings to ruin your friendship? 
The bell rang and he walked you to your next class, even though his was across the building. "Thanks Shouto, I'll catch you later!" 
When he saw you after school on the way to his club, it was like he couldn't breathe. You had your hands on your hips as you were chatting with one of the other members in the photography club. He couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was, but there was something different about you, and it made his chest feel strange. You looked so serious as you instructed the underclassman on camera settings, and setting up the perfect shot. Your face brightened when you noticed him, the camera hanging from your neck bouncing as you jogged to his side. 
“Hey! How was your day?” You asked, smile warm as ever. “It was fine.” He replied, hoping you hadn’t noticed the way his breath was catching in his throat. You got a thoughtful look on your face and Todoroki cocked his head, that was your ‘I have a question but I don’t know how to ask it’ face. “What are you wondering about Y/N?” You shook your head with a smile, “Nothing ever gets past you. We’re working with the yearbook club and I was wondering if I could take pictures of you and the other boys on the track and field team at practice today” 
“Sure, if you think we’re worthy.” You lightly tapped his cheek with your hand, eyes lingering for a bit too long, “Of course you are. Be there in 15, make sure to let the team know, captain.” He nodded and ran to the field, hand stuck on the spot you’d just touched him. “You okay Todoroki?” a member of the team asked. He snapped out of his thoughts long enough to nod, and the team got to work on drills. 
You stretched, reveling in the early evening sunshine. “Hey Y/N.” Your friend said, a teasing tone in her voice. Frowning you turned to them, “What? Don’t tell me you’re going to tease me about Shouto again. Like I’ve told you before we’re just friends.” Defensively they put their hands up, “Look, all I’m saying is that friends don’t look at each other like that.” As you trekked to the field you tried to push their words aside. You were just friends, weren’t you? It was normal to feel like you couldn’t breathe around your longtime friend, right? There were no feelings there, so why? Why couldn’t you shake this feeling from your head? 
You called out to him and he waved his hand to gather the team. “Alright guys, today the photography club is going to take pictures for the yearbook. So practice as normal but you might get pulled aside for solo shots.” You tucked your hands behind your back, “Care to be the first solo shot captain?” His heart sped up, he’d modeled for you plenty of times before, and he’d gotten a lot more confident about his looks, but nonetheless, today felt different. He felt nervous. “Sure.” He couldn’t resist the pleading look in your eyes, he’d never been able to. 
You led him to a spot on the hill where he’d be facing the sun. Your breath hitched as you peered at him through the camera, the sun lit up his features, “Beautiful.” You said breathlessly, he looked almost ethereal in this light, red hair ablaze, white hair shining. Your comment made his skin heat up, he was sure he was bright red. He looked at you, backlit by the setting sun. You looked like an angel, surrounded by light. He swallowed thickly, “You too.” The words were soft, almost too quiet to hear, but you heard them and it made your heartbeat quicken. 
You let your camera drop and it thudded against your chest. “W-what did you say?” Your words came out in a stammer, your mind racing too much to speak coherently. Shouto’s cheeks were on fire, “I said, you’re beautiful too.” The words sent your heart to your stomach. “Why would you say something like that?” 
He bit his lip, unable to bring himself to look into your eyes. “I’m sorry. I hate to do this but--” 
You frowned, “Hate to do what? You’re not making sense Shouto.” He swallowed, clamping his eyes shut. “I hate to ruin our friendship but I think I’m in love with you.” He forced out. Sighing defeatedly, he brought a hand to his knee, trying to find something, anything to ground him in this moment when he felt so out of control. Your eyes were wide, “Shouto of course you love me, we’ve been friends for--” 
He looked up and met your eyes, a look you had never seen before in his two-toned eyes. “No. It’s more than that. Friends don’t want to spend the rest of their lives together. Friends' eyes don’t linger too long, not the way ours do. Friends don’t fall asleep hoping to see your face in the morning. Friends don’t make me feel the way you do.” You blinked, he surely couldn’t be serious, right? This was real life, not some romcom where you got the boy you wanted. You sighed, hands falling to your lap. “Your right. They don’t, so maybe we need to talk about it.” 
Blue and gray eyes met yours, and you reached forward, hands intertwining with his. “I think-- Gosh this is so embarrassing. When did our lives turn into a bad romantic comedy?” You chuckled, eyes crinkling in that way he loved. “Well, let’s make the ending a happy one?” He said hopefully, peering at you through long lashes. You smiled, heart warm as the light hitting your back. “Sure.” You sat like that for a while, yearbook photos long forgotten, until you heard a camera shutter. 
Your friend giggled as they ran away, “Aha! I have evidence!” You began to stand up to give chase. “Delete it!” You yelled, but Todoroki lightly tugged your hand so you’d sit down again. “Let them keep it, hell, let them put it in the yearbook. It’ll help everyone know you’re mine.” You rolled your eyes, and sat next to him in the grass. “When was that ever a question?” He rested your head on your shoulder, “Never.” 
As you watched the sunset, practice long forgotten, you tried not to laugh. Somehow, your life had turned into a childhood friends to lovers romcom, but really, you could live with that.
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fallenrepublick · 5 years ago
If these are still open... can I request a part 2 of our Feral family? Possibly with Maul and his reaction to seeing this other brother of his and also that he actually has a family of his own? We get to see more interaction between Savage and Feral's children as the boys just adore their uncle? While, of course, Feral is making them a nice home meal to let his pregnant wife relax with their coming daughter. I love this family and they shall live on!!
This ended up long as fUck but it was cute, so whatever
Here is the first part.
Warnings: A screwy timeline
“Did I not tell him to stay with the ship…”
Having thoroughly scoped out the land and finding it annoyingly peaceful, Maul had returned to where he had landed with Savage hours later only to find the ship… empty. It was unlike him to wander around anywhere without reason, but even more unlikely that the over two meters tall Zabrak had been captured, especially not by people like these. The only reasonable conclusion, Maul decided, was that something had caught his brother’s eye and he had chosen to follow it.
He turned in the direction of the nearby village, the faces of the houses and buildings obstructed by thick forest life and plants taller than any natural greenery Maul had ever been in the presence of. He trekked forward, unsteady footing slowing down his pace, and pushed through the vines and leaves that blocked his path. Mumbling to himself as he walked, he dearly hoped, for Savage’s sake, that whatever he had followed was worth it.
The forest ended at the edge of the village, loud lively, many residents having taken to the streets enthralled in conversation and tasks, some children running to fro as they played. It hadn’t seemed like Savage had been through there, but then again, one could never be too sure.
As he began walking amongst the people, his vision glazed over the people largely too interested in their own business to notice a stranger traveling within their midst. Faces of various colors blurred together in a haze of surreal memories. He understood, at least a little, the appeal of this planet, the rainbow of appearances that spanned not only through the population but also the environment kept everything interesting, preventing its natives from falling into the dangers of monotony.
The noise of the bustling town didn’t interest him, but one single voice stood out from the others. Though it wasn’t one he knew, there was a strange familiarity to it, as if it was one he was supposed to.
To his right stood a lone house, modest in size, but no less pretty, with multiple figures moving in the front, backlit by the lowering sun. The voice had come from there, light and cheerful, the primary trait an airiness that he hadn’t heard in a long time. Upon venturing closer, hesitance slowing his pace, he could more clearly see the family in question and the source of his curiosity.
Savage stood with the family, arms crossed in deep consideration. Beside him was yet another Zabrak, similar in color, but lighter, soft brown tattoos framing his face less intrusive than his own. He was smaller, younger, more innocent than Maul or Savage, but he held himself assuredly, as if the cruelty of reality hadn’t quite hit him yet. Or maybe it had and he had just chosen to ignore it.
Three children, varying in height, were beginning to be herded together, directed towards the house as the smaller Zabrak continued his conversation.
“-but to this day I still don’t know where the ship came from. But you know how we were, always ready to fight outsiders when the goings got tough!” His laugh was just as cheerful, ringing in everyone’s ears like bells from a clocktower in the mornings. As he spoke, he lightly elbowed Savage, who himself was smiling at his companion, more pleased than Maul had ever seen him.
Though the conversation halted when Maul approached, Savage’s smile fading as he remembered what he had even come for, and Feral’s eyes widening in surprise at the new visitor.
“Is this-” Feral began, gesturing towards Maul, who’s annoyance had faded into simple confusion when he had fully processed the scene in front of him. Savage simply nodded in response, and it wasn’t long that Feral was hurrying over to Maul, a grin plastered on his face.
“We haven’t formally met, yet!” His hand was outstretched, eager to make contact. “I’m Feral. I’m not sure how much you know about me, but I’m your brother!”
Maul took the hand, albeit reluctantly, and nodded. “I’ve heard… only a small amount. Though I was under the impression you were-”
“Dead?” Feral shot Savage a glance. “I might’ve been, if I didn’t have help along the way… Oh well, both of you should come in! I cook around here most of the time, so we can catch up while I feed the monsters.”
Savage smiled at the thought, watching as Feral led them back to the house. Maul however, remained wary, uncertain of how his brother had come to build such a comfortable life while he still struggled to get more than three hours of sleep each night.
“You look so concerned…” Savage mentioned as Maul came up beside him, brow furrowed. “I’ve known him our whole lives. Nothing bad will happen.”
Maul shook his head. “It’s not that. I just don’t understand it. How can he come from a planet like ours and still be able to maintain such… domesticity?”
“Feral was always more tame than the rest of us. I wouldn’t call it weakness, just… an aversion to the violence he was born into.” He stopped a moment, sighing as he watched his nephews race to get into the house first. “I always worried for him, hoping he wouldn’t be targeted as defective if he didn’t adapt to the harshness. He found a way, though.”
Maul said nothing, mind still contemplating the strangeness of it all. He had never considered the possibility of anything other than the power he was raised to believe in, yet here was one of his own kin, living out a life free from that constant struggle. It didn’t sit right.
Still, both followed their brother inside, the children wrestling in the living room and a female Togruta laying on the plush couch. The colors on the interior were light and natural, soft on the eyes and fitting for the natural aura of the village.
Already, Feral had prepared drinks for the company, setting cups on the wooden table outside the kitchen. His brothers sat, Savage visibly more comfortable than Maul was.
The oldest child had seemed to take a liking to Savage, lingering around him as often as possible. He couldn’t have been older than ten, head-tails still very short, encircled by budding horns that were placed more like Savage’s than Feral’s. His skin was a lighter brown, as were the stripes on his head-tails, and he carried himself with more authority than his siblings, prepared to remind him of his elder status at any moment.
“You know,” he said to Savage, leaning forward on the table’s edge, restlessly kicking up his legs. “I’m gonna be like you when I get older. I’m the biggest and the strongest of my brothers, and I’m going to make sure it stays that way!”
“It’s ah… not an easy task…” Savage replied, not wanting to admit that he effectively cheated. Maul snickered. “You’ll have to train for years if you want that to happen.”
“I don’t care!” He leapt up, arms crossing and chest puffing out. “I look kinda like you anyways, so I’m already halfway there!” Well, that’s good, at least he was aware of it.
Feral piped up as he filled a pot with water. “Terren, you’re still not done with school. Please wait until you can long divide before you do that.”
Maul felt something on his leg. It was the youngest, about two, tapping on the metal casing. Rounder and softer in features than his older brother, he was a deep green, like his mother, but the horns that just barely poked out from the area around his head tails bore a strange, uncomfortable resemblance to Maul’s when he was that age. Remarkably curious, he was easy to please as long as he got the answers he sought. And at that moment, he was seeking answers about the being in front of him that he was certain was a droid.
“Fake?” His nails tapped again, harder. Maul didn’t like children in any situation, but what he liked even less was that he found this one mildly charming. He moved his foot back, just to see what would happen, fully expecting the child to cry. But no, he simply scooched himself back with it, gaining an even closer look. “Fake.” He nodded, having determined his hypothesis correct, and placed both hands directly on top of Maul’s foot in confidence.
He really wanted to pick this kid up.
Against his better judgement and personality, he reached down and lifted the child up to eye-level, not sure what he was looking for, yet searching nonetheless. Upon seeing his uncle’s face for the first time, as he was much too small to have noticed it before, the child’s expression hardened into intense concentration. This being was certainly not a droid, and it was unfortunate that now he’d have to go back to the drawing board to discover the truth once more.
“Oh that’s Uta…” Feral said, noticing his brother holding up the young child like a small sack of potatoes. “He’s… a handful.” He laughed as he said it, the sounds of cooking food blending with his smooth voice.
Uta was still frowning, having earned his spot standing on Maul’s lap, and very clearly trying to reason out why he had been tricked before. “Real.” He pointed at Savage. “Real?” He turned to look up at Maul, whose expression was difficult to read. “Fake?”
“It’s about half and half…” Maul offered, hoping to relieve the child of what might’ve been the most stressful situation of his mini life.
“Half-av?” He considered a moment, letting the newly learned word sizzle in his mind a second. Feral tried to choke down his laugh. Uta finally nodded. “Half-av.” The answer was acceptable.
And in came the middle child, mother in tow, who was still discussing an old legend about Nautolans as he entered the room. Stalky and narrow, he was the researcher of the family. He looked most like Feral, with kind eyes turned down at the edges, his mild yellow colors dimmer than his siblings and a slight air of nervousness surrounding him like a cloud, but that didn’t stop him from opening up to his family in ways few would understand or expect. Madin was nodding thoughtfully as she listened to him, pulling out a chair so that she could also sit with everyone else.
“I, for one, don’t understand the Anselmi’s goals in the long run.” He leaned against the table’s edge closest to the kitchen as he finished his explanation. “Oh hey, I’m Forta.” He gave Maul a small two-fingered salute as his introduction.
“Out of the way, out of the way,” Feral chuckled as he waved his kids away with one arm and set down a large serving platter with another. Forta scurried over to Savage’s side, where he marveled at the sturdiness of his uncle’s armor. He began going on about various materials found throughout the galaxy, and was gushing about Beskar, while Terren tried to convince him that no one wanted to hear his boring facts.
Sitting down beside his wife, Feral rubbed Madin’s back while the three boys hurried to their seats across from them.
“You know…” he began slowly, considering the environment. “I didn’t think this sort of thing was possible, getting off of Dathomir… having something more than what we were told was allowed.” He glanced over at Savage, who met his eyes and looked down. “But I get to have all of this… and I’m so glad that you two get to be a part of that now, too. So… I guess what I’m trying to say is… Thank you. For everything.”
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rosedavid · 5 years ago
Ooh ... Childhood toy for the Merthur prompt please
Thank you for the prompt!!! I got too carried away on this one so I posted it on AO3
Here’s the link
however, in case someone wants to read it on tumblr, I’ll post it here too :)
Merlin heaves up the final crateful of his stuff. He looks over the tiny, ramshackle room fondly, a smile gracing his lips. It’s strange seeing it completely bare again, just like the day he first arrived in Camelot. Things were so different back then. Merlin never would have expected to be where he is today in his wildest dreams, yet here he is moving into the King’s bedchambers not as a servant, but as a companion. Despite his happiness about officially moving in with Arthur, leaving his old room is bittersweet. So many memories were made in this little room, from trying to turn a stone dog into a real one to clumsily trying to hide his spell book when Arthur came rampaging in unannounced. With one last glance and a deep breath, Merlin closes the door for the last time.
Merlin runs into Gwen on his way to Arthur’s (or, he supposes, his and Arthur’s) chambers. She’s long been promoted as a key advisor to the King, a position well deserved. Her affections have been stolen by Lancelot once again, and the two have been courting for quite some time. It’s obvious to everyone how besotted they are for each other.
“Finished moving in yet?” Gwen asks.
“Last crate,” Merlin responds. “Shouldn’t you still be in the council meeting?”
“Shouldn’t you?”
Technically, Merlin is supposed to be at the meeting. As Court Sorcerer, attending all meetings and royal functions is in his job descriptions. However, he skives off enough so that when a meeting is particularly boring, Arthur doesn’t even nag him into going realizing it’s a futile effort. Not to mention, today’s meeting was supposed to be especially dull. Arthur constantly reprimands him about his complaints, saying that “All meetings are equally important to the King.” Of course, they both know that’s not true, especially when Arthur continuously sends looks at Merlin throughout the meeting.
“Well, you know me,” Merlin shrugs. “But I actually have permission from the Royal Prat today. I’ve been so busy recently with these new magic laws that I’ve hardly had time for a break, let alone to move all my things into Arthur’s chambers.”
“Are you nervous?”
A few months ago, Merlin may have said yes. Despite him and Arthur being as close as they were for so long, a romantic relationship brought with it a lot more awkwardness and learning than either of them expected. It took some trial and error before they got back into a rhythm again and felt completely comfortable around each other. Now, though, Merlin can safely say that he’s not nervous about moving in with Arthur officially. It just feels…right.
“No, I’m not,” Merlin replies. “Although, I’m not looking forward to Arthur’s inevitable complaints about my stuff sharing his space.”
Gwen stifles a laugh. “He’ll get used to it, but he’ll never stop complaining.”
“Exactly. But you still haven’t answered my question. Did you leave because the council meeting is over?”
“Just about. I made an excuse of having a headache, which was about to be true if I stayed in there for any longer.”
“I bet Lancelot tried to carry you down to Gaius himself,” Merlin teases.
“I had to swear to him that I would go straight there multiple times before he let me out of his sight.”
They laugh together. Merlin adjusts his grip on the crate as it begins to slip out of his arms.
“Oh! I’m sorry. I totally forgot that you were still carrying that.”
“I’m strong Gwen, remember?” Merlin jokes. “Don’t worry about it. I always like talking to you. We need to catch up soon.”
“I’ll hold you to that.”
They part ways. Merlin finishes his trek, a trek that he’s taken so many times before. Still, this time feels different. This time, he’s entering his room as well. He doesn’t have to worry about knocking or barging in unexpectedly (not that he ever worried about that before). Merlin kicks open the door with his foot, nodding at the guard that’s stationed outside.
He drops the crate with a thud next to the bed and looks around. Arthur’s chambers don’t look much different even with Merlin moved in. Merlin never had much stuff to begin with. In fact, most of his things came from Arthur eventually. A new wardrobe, nicer blankets and pillows, and even a magic book he came across while traveling. Still, his stuff is nothing compared to the grandeur of Arthur’s possessions. Of course, it doesn’t bother Merlin. He has everything he needs as long as they’re together.
Merlin finishes unpacking the crate, storing some books away and folding some cloaks. Then, suddenly, that’s it; he’s all moved in. He lives with Arthur. He gets to go to sleep and wake up every morning at Arthur’s side. They can eat breakfast together without Merlin having to walk across the castle and meet him every morning.
The door opens behind him. He turns and sees Arthur dressed regally, cape flowing behind him. He looks brave and fearless and powerful, as any King should. When he looks at Merlin, though, his expression melts into one of softness and adoration.
“Is that the last of it?” Arthur asks.
“Yup. I’m officially moved in! You’re stuck with me,” Merlin says, poking his side.
“Hmm,” Arthur contemplates. “Are you sure it’s too late?”
“Too late.”
“Well, then, I guess I’ll just have to make the most of it.”
With that, Arthur swoops in and kisses Merlin. A gloved hand cups Merlin’s face, while Arthur’s other hand sneaks down to the dip in his spine, tracing over it. Merlin’s hands fly up to Arthur’s hair, knotting his fingers in the tresses. Arthur’s mouth tastes like the watered down wine the castle staff serves during most meetings. Soon, Arthur starts backing Merlin toward the bed, and Merlin giggles when the back of his knees hit the frame. Arthur starts trailing kisses down his neck, just about to push Merlin down onto the bed when he suddenly stops, staring at something behind Merlin.
“Arthur? What’s wrong?”
“What is that thing?” Arthur asks incredulously, pointing toward their bed.  Merlin cranes his neck behind him to see what Arthur is pointing at.
It’s Merlin’s stuffed bear. Beary, to be precise. Merlin has had him since he was a baby. According to his mum, the stuffed bear was always Merlin’s favorite toy. He remembers toting it around with him everywhere, especially before he met Will. It was a comfort object, something to keep him company when he felt most lonely. It helped him through a lot of dark times. Many nights, he remembers crying himself to sleep after being constantly rejected by the rest of the village. He would hold the bear tight to his chest all night long, refusing to let go. Now, it’s more of a comfort just to have it near. He brought it to Camelot with hardly any hesitation, as it was something familiar in a completely new place. He’s never thought to get rid of it, despite it being completely worn down and falling apart He’s had to resew Beary numerous times, yet the stuffing inside of him always seems to come out, and the button eyes always seem to be missing.
“That’s Beary, my childhood toy,” Merlin says simply.
“And why pray tell is it on our bed?”
“He is on our bed because he that’s where he belongs.”
Arthur stares at him. “You’re kidding, right? Why do you even have that thing, anyway?”
“He was my favorite toy when I was a child, Arthur,” Merlin explains, picking Beary up gently. “He always brought me comfort when I most needed it. I don’t know if you knew this, but I didn’t really have friends growing up besides Will. I was pretty much ostracized from the rest of the village. I guess you could say he was a friend of sorts.”
“And you brought him to Camelot.”
Merlin shrugs. “He still brings me comfort, when I look of him, and he reminds me of Ealdor and my mum. Plenty of people still have their childhood toys.”
“Girls, maybe.”
“Hey! Toys are for everyone. Didn’t you have a favorite toy when you were little?”
Merlin sits down on the bed and puts his bear back in the center against the pillows. Arthur sits down next to Merlin, so close that their shoulders and thighs touch.
“I did have a toy sword,” Arthur muses. “Father wanted me to start training to be a knight as early as possible.”
Merlin’s eyebrow furrows. “You didn’t have any stuffed animals? Or blocks? Or puppets?”
“I had books on Camelot and royal etiquette.”
Suddenly, Merlin feels a bit guilty. Although he knows Arthur’s life has been anything but easy, oftentimes he forgets some of the struggles he’s had to deal with. Merlin’s childhood was nothing to boast about, but he was relatively happy. He had his mother by his side, a loving and caring figure. He had his needs taken care of, as well as they could be for a peasant. He eventually came to have Will, his best friend. Back then, Merlin knew nothing about his destiny. Arthur, on the other hand, has known about his destiny to become King since the day he was born. And Uther was anything but a sweet, loving father. Arthur has told him stories before about leading raids as a teenager, killing while he himself was still a boy. Yet somehow, Merlin never considered that he didn’t ever have a childhood even though it makes sense.
“Well, since you’re sharing your chambers with me, I can share Beary,” Merlin offers with a grin.
“I’ll pass,” Arthur says dryly.
“Come on! He’ll be your beary best friend!”
“You’re ridiculous,” Arthur laughs.
“I’m sorry, Arthur, but Beary and I are a package deal. You can’t have one without the other.”
Arthur suddenly tackles Merlin against the bed, playfighting with him as they laugh. It doesn’t take long for them to eventually tire, though, leaving Arthur to collapse beside Merlin as they lean up against the pillows.
“I think the bear is more appealing at this point,” Arthur jokes.
Merlin mock frowns, reaching over Arthur to pick Beary back up. He nuzzles the bear’s face against Arthur’s neck, pouting at Arthur’s previous expression.
“Well I think you’re unbearable,” Merlin huffs, unable to keep a straight face for long. Arthur snorts, grinning with him.
Beary is then taken carefully from his hands and brought under Arthur’s scrutinizing gaze. “Why in the world would you name him Beary? That’s the worst possible name I could think of!”
“I can think of one worse name.”
“You’re just so funny, Merlin.”
Arthur then takes the bear in his hands and places it face down on his nightstand. He pulls Merlin’s body flush against his own. Thankfully, Arthur has forgone his armor for the afternoon, making it much more comfortable.
“Why did you do that?” Merlin asks, referring to his bear.
“Because I don’t want him to see this next part,” Arthur grins, causing Merlin to blush. He joins lips with Merlin again breathily, but Merlin pulls back before they can do much else.
“Does that mean Beary can stay?” Merlin asks smugly.
Arthur rolls his eyes, but it’s followed with a smile.
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meganshinsou-tm · 5 years ago
Vermilion. (m)
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↳ chapter twelve: two very stupid boys
❧ genre:  pro-hero’s bakugou/kirishima, poly, happy ending
❧ chapter warnings: none
[multi-chap masterlist] [previous chapter - next chapter]
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It had been over a week since you had your first day as a sidekick and you and Bakugou had your first falling out. You were quick to forgive him though and he was more than grateful for it. Since then, things had become normal again between the two of you, while things also started to escalate between the three of you. 
Escalate in a good way though, more and more each day you grew closer to the two heroes. Exchanging kisses every chance you got with each of them all around your shared home, becoming playful and more handsy inside their bedrooms. You were all adults and each one of you had needs, desires - so you fulfilled them. There was never anything more than wondering hands and mouths, fervent grinding and groping, hushed moans and sighs in the night and mornings - but every now and then both the men would let you get out one good intoxicating sound, both always smiling so proudly when it happened as if they were in some sort of twisted contest with the other that would no doubt hear from the opposite end of the hall.
It was a strange arrangement but so far there was no bad blood, no glares of disapproval or even a hint of either Kirishima nor Bakugou being upset or bothered by what was obviously going on with you. More and more you grew to figure out that these two were fucking weird and got along way to well for what was happening. There was no worry in your heart that things would go downhill anytime soon but there was something, you didn’t know what, always screaming in the back of your mind that this wasn’t right. But there was no evidence from either man that it was wrong, they were both the same as usual and still like the best of friends. So to say the least, shit was just confusing to you sometimes but whatever floats their boats right?
Then there were the times where the shitty area of your brain would try to make you think that this was all a game between Bakugou and Kirishima, that they didn’t want you, not like that. They just wanted you as an outlet to blow off steam, let out their pent up energy and then brag about it to each other behind your back. But you knew those two, you knew that they would never, ever do something so cruel to you. 
Kirishima was the epitome of sunshine, of perfect and chivalrous. Bakugou, yeah he could be an ass but he was a good ass, if that made sense. The guy nearly ripped off someone’s head in the grocery store one day for grabbing the last watermelon you wanted, so there was no way in hell he’d do such a terrible thing to you of his own volition, he’d kick his own ass.
No. Everything was fine. Everything was fucking peachy! 
You were just tired is all, since being thrown into literal action you never sat behind a desk again and you just weren’t used to having to actually work this much on the job, that was all. A nice and long weekend of doing nothing but relaxing and resting would put all this nonsense behind you.
At the moment you and Kiri were hanging out in the break-room waiting on Bakugou to change out of his hero suit, always taking longer than you because of all the extra shit he had. It was a Friday, thankfully, and the three of you had off together. You and the red-head were giggling at memes when your boss walked in.
"Kirishima, when Bakugou gets done, I need the two of you to meet me in my office for a few minutes before heading home."
The red-head nodded and gave your boss a ‘yes sir’ for confirmation. The boss looked at you, sitting across Kiri’s lap and smiling.
"(Y/N), great job these past two weeks. You're shaping up to be one of our best new heroes! Enjoy your weekend off and get some rest!"
You smiled and thanked him, once he was out of view Kirishima gave you a high five and pulled you close to him, placing sweet and loving kisses on your face.
"Look at you mama, kicking ass and taking names! Showing em how it's done!"
You giggled and did a terrible happy dance with the hero from your seat.
"What the fuck are you idiots doing?"
Bakugou's brash voice cut through your laughing and made you both look at him as he walked towards you. Kirishima flashed him a sharp toothed grin as his hand rested on your back.
"The boss just came over and said that our girl here was one of the best newcomers we have!"
Katsuki smirked and cracked his neck before rubbing it, "Well of course she is! Now, let's go home!"
"Wait a second man, the boss wants to see us before we head out, it should only take a second!"
You smiled and hopped off Kiri’s lap to let him stand up.
"We'll be back, it shouldn't take long!" The red-head placed a kiss on your cheek and took off towards the boss's office.
You looked at Katsuki and grinned, tilting your head to expose the un-kissed cheek. The blonde scoffed and rolled his eyes but quickly pecked your cheek as well and followed his friend shoving his hands into his pockets. He wanted nothing more than to get this shit over with fast so he could go home, curl up with you and his friend on the couch with drinks, food and a movie and sit on your asses all weekend.
"We need you to go on a mission for the weekend, you're expected to come back on Sunday but it could wrap up Saturday depending on how hard you work to get it done. I understand that since Miss (L/N) has moved in with the both of you, the three of you have developed some type of relationship which is your business not mine. But I also know that neither of you feel comfortable leaving her to stay home alone, even though I'm sure she's very capable of taking care of herself, but I am giving you the choice to either go together as a team, or just one of you. If you choose to go solo, then we'll arrange for another hero to tag along. So, what will it be?"
So much for a weekend off.
The two looked at each other and shrugged, it was true, if they were asked to go on an out of town mission they preferred one of them stay behind to make sure you weren't completely alone, at least until it got to the point where you were asked to tag along. Bakugou smirked and turned back to his boss.
"I'll go, Red stayed behind last time and worked until the morning. It's my turn this time. When do I leave?"
A few minutes later Kirishima returned from the boss's office, he gave you a soft smile and kissed your forehead while telling you to go meet Bakugou in the locker room and that he'd wait for you to come out. Once you found Bakugou he seemed to be packing his hero suit into a bag and a few extra clothes that he kept stashed in his locker just in case of last minute missions.
"Suki, are you going somewhere?" You asked softly as you walked closer to him and stood by his locker.
"I have to go on a mission this weekend, it's only until Sunday but I'm gonna try to be back sooner. I have to leave tonight."
You looked down at the ground and pouted. It bummed you out that Bakugou would be leaving you and Kiri, even if it was only for a day or two. You've worked with the duo for four months now, two of those months you've lived with them, and in that time you've become extremely attached to them and hated being apart from either one.
"Stop pouting like a fucking baby, I'll be back in no time. Plus, it's not like you'll be lonely, you and Shitty Hair always have fun together!"
The blonde was now standing in front of you, his hands on either side of your head on the lockers. You looked up into his ruby eyes and smiled as he smirked at you.
"I know, but I just like having you both around me though." You cooed, hands coming up to rest on his chest as your lashes batted in his direction.
This made Bakugou smile, he had to admit he liked you pouting and confessing how much you'd miss him, it showed him that you did want him and Kiri equally. His lips kissed yours before trekking down your chin and to your neck, making you purr and dig your fingers into the fabric of his shirt.
"How about this you big baby, when I get back we'll both take you out," he said with a gruff voice as he started to bite and lick your skin while his hands made their way to your hips and pulled you against him, eliciting a pretty sigh from your lips.
"L-Like a date?"
The blonde rolled his eyes and looked at you, cheeks flushed and your lip between your teeth. He had gotten pretty good at restraining himself lately when fooling around with you, but that look you'd give him just made it harder and harder each time. Katsuki nodded, "If that's what you want to fucking call it, sure whatever!"
You gave him a goofy smile and nodded eagerly, "It’s a date then! I'll miss you Suki, please be careful and don't get too fucking cocky!"
You smirked and pressed your knee between his legs, making his fingers dig into the skin of your hips as he growled. Bakugou kissed your lips roughly, his hands hooking under your knees and picking you up, pushing you against the lockers. You chuckled and wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck as you continued to make out with him feverishly. He nibbled on your lip and down to your neck. One of his hands pulled down the strap on your tank top to expose your cleavage, he kissed the skin of your left breast and bit down, sucking harshly, making you gasp and moan.
Bakugou released your flesh and kissed the dark purple mark that now adorned your skin, "Don't tell me what to do princess! Now, get the fuck out of here before I ruin you!"
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An empty pizza box and open bags of candy were strewn across the living room floor where you and Kiri were cuddled on a fluffy pallet while you had a Lord of the Rings movie marathon. You'd switch between actually being into the movie, to talking and joking around with each other. Right now he was sitting between your legs with his back flushed against you and his head laying on your chest as you played with his soft and relaxed red locks, his strong arms rested on your thighs and rubbed your soft skin. As much as you loved spending time with Bakugou, rough housing, teasing each other and annoying him with all your affection, you loved spending time with Kiri as well. He loved your affection towards him plus he always returned it tenfold! It was tooth rotting how damn sweet he could be and you also adored how you could be a total nerd and idiot around him.
"Hey Kiri, is your hair naturally this red?"
You asked as your fingers played around and brushed through the mop of hair.
The man in question leaned his head back more and looked up at you smiling, "Actually no, my natural hair color is black!"
Your jaw dropped and you looked closer at the strands between your fingers, there was no way this man ever had black hair.
"Bullshit, your eyebrows are red too!"
Kirishima chuckled and placed a finger on your chin shutting it.
"I dye those too sweetheart. Here come on, I'll show you!"
The faux red-head leaned forward and stood up before turning around reaching out a hand for you, you took it happily and let him lead you upstairs. Even if you knew where it was you were going, your hands never broke from their grasps. Kiri loved holding your hand more than anything. 
Once at his rooms door, he opened it and let you walk in first like the gentleman that he is. You plopped down onto his bed on your stomach, your feet swaying in the air as he looked through his bedside drawer and gathered what looked like pictures. Kirishima smirked and made himself comfortable beside you, laying on his side and giving you the photos.
"Oh my god, Eiji!"
You awed and cooed over pictures of him as a toddler with black locks, also a few middle school pictures of him. It was definitely him, you'd notice those captivating crimson hues anywhere, they were so much more endearing behind pitch black tresses.
"So you didn't always spike your hair? Why the drastic change?"
Kiri half-smiled at you before turning to look at the pictures, you noticed his change in mood and quickly told him that if it was a sore subject he didn't have to explain himself to you. He protested though with a reassuring expression, letting you know that it wasn't exactly a sore subject but in fact a very pivotal moment in his life. 
Kirishima proceeded to tell you his story about his middle school days before he was the manly guy he was now. How he doubted his own quirk at one point because he couldn't seem to save people but instead just stand by and watch someone else do it and how he just gave up on even considering UA as an option for him until something found him in his time of despair and completely changed his life. Once he found out he made it into the hero course at UA, he gave himself a makeover and became a new person.
Once Kirishima finished you couldn't help but kiss him with every ounce of love your body had, to think that this wonderful and amazing friend of yours once thought that he wasn't 'manly' or good enough to be a hero to people blew your mind. Of course that wasn't his mindset now, he knew his worth and went above and beyond it each day and now more than ever you were proud of him.
Your kisses made him melt and you soon found yourself underneath him as he hovered over you and peppered your face with those goofy kisses you adored.
"Hey Kiri, if it means anything, you're my hero!"
Your words made his famous sharp-toothed grin that made his eyes crinkle appear, he nuzzled his face into your neck as he hugged you to his chest and kissed your cheek.
"It means more than you know (Y/N). As long as I can be that for you, I'm content!"
You smiled and almost teared up - god you were falling head over heels for this man fast.
Deciding to lighten the mood more, your hands started to wander over Kirishima’s thick and hard chest, making him look at you and smirk before planting his lips on yours. You kissed back, causing the sweet peck to turn into a hot lingering kiss as you rolled his bottom lip between your teeth and sucked on it hungrily. Kirishima let a playful growl escape his throat as you released him, giving his sharp teeth a chance to nip at your own soft lips.
"So, you have me all to yourself this weekend, what do you wanna do handsome?" You smiled wickedly and hung your arms around his neck, placing kisses on his cheek and jaw that made the massive hero weak in the knees.
Kirishima gripped at the covers beneath you, thoughts becoming muddled and his eyes becoming hooded. He nuzzled his face back in your neck where he placed open mouthed kisses and licked, his wet tongue burning your cool skin in the best way.
"Kiri,” you whined and tilted your head, giving him more ground to cover.
He chuckled and continued across your shoulder, tasting you and teeth lightly nipping your skin and making you gasp as you wrapped a leg around him. Lust was boiling in your veins and making you roll your hips against the hero, followed by him grinding into you. Kirishima’s knuckles were turning white from how hard he gripped at the covers, trying to restrain himself.
Of course he never thought that resisting your advances to go further than you usually did would become easier but shit -  this was fucking torture! As badly as he wanted to fulfill your silent request, he couldn't - not yet, not without his friend.
"Mmm, I could think of a couple of things,” he breathed out, brushing his lips across your collarbone, “But we’re both pretty beat yeah? Maybe we should go finish the movie and go to bed?”
Of course Kirishima was always a gentle as he could be when rejecting your requests for just a little more action but for some reason tonight, it stung much worse. All over again that dumb part of your brain started to work up again, making you question now if something was wrong with you because it wasn’t only Kirishima that would turn you down, so did Bakugou. It was like a double rejection.
The feeling of Kirishima brushing the pad of his thumb across your cheek grabbed your attention, making you look at him as a half smile crossed his face. He obviously didn't notice the struggle you were having on the inside and you honestly didn't want him to. You looked away and bit at your lip, body unconsciously shrinking underneath him.
"Oh uh – yeah, yeah that's cool. But uh I’m not exactly up for finishing the movie, actually I think I’ll go shower real quick," you placed a quick peck to Kirishima’s cheek, “So can you let me up big guy?”
Kirishima’s red brows furrowed and he nodded before sitting up, hesitantly, on his knees. You faked the best smile you could and sat up. swinging your legs over the side of the bed and standing to your feet like a rocket. You wanted to get out of that bedroom, away, not wanting to let Kirishima see you looking any less than happy. Before you could escape though his hand caught your wrist.
"Hey, are you okay? If it's about just now, I'm sorry, it's just –"
He was cut off as you shook your head, hand waving and your body turning back to him quickly to kiss his lips. You ruffled his hair playfully and smirked.
"Don't worry about it Red, it’s all good," you replied with a somewhat strained voice before turning and walking out of the room, leaving Kirishima on the bed unconvinced.
As you showered, Kiri went back downstairs and cleaned up the mess of food that still lay on the floor. He replayed what happened over and over in his head, your mood changed so suddenly. You seemed, hurt?
It wasn't until then that he realized what the problem was and man did he feel fucking stupid. Of course you were hurt, Kirishima had straight up rejected you, no matter how easy he let you down it was still rejection. It wasn’t just tonight either, it was all the other nights, and from Bakugou as well, he knew that. It was their agreement, fooling around was okay but full on sex wasn’t, not without the other. 
However that was an agreement you weren’t in on, you knew nothing about what the two had going on behind your back, how they were 110% on board with full on sharing you in every way possible and both waiting on you to catch on but the thing was - how could you catch on when you were left in the dark? How could they be so dumb to think that this would go well without any problem, any stress or damage to you.
At first it seemed like a good idea to keep it between themselves, but now that he could see that it was starting to affect you he was sure that him and Bakugou would have to move forward with things, which meant sitting you down and having that talk with you.
"Man, someone needs to kick my ass for this dumb shit!"
Kirishima pulled out his phone and found Katsuki's number and called it, walking to the stairs and listening close to make sure the shower was still on before walking outside the front door.
The phone picked up and Katsuki's raspy, tired voice answered, "I was almost asleep you asshole!"
Kiri rolled his eyes, "To bad, we need to talk! It’s about (Y/N)"
The sound of Bakugou shooting up in his bed could be heard through the speaker, even the sound of his hand gripping the device tighter was clear as day.
“What the fuck happened? Is she okay?”
Worry was thick in the blondes voice and Kirishima scratched the back of his neck with a sigh.
“Physically yes, of course, you know that man. Mentally though, I’m not so sure. I think this thing is starting to get to her and to be honest I’m getting tired of keeping this secret from her any longer. We need to nut up and get this fucking show on the road.”
Bakugou let out of breath of relief. “Tell me everything.”
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l-sincline · 5 years ago
Cybernetics- Cyberpunk!Sonic AU- Chapter 8
Amy Rose has been working tirelessly at her broken down booth for as long as she can imagine. Ever since Tails left their work to join forces with the revered hero of Mobius, ‘The Blue Blur’, she’s grown lonely and desperate to make her life exciting. A strange customer comes in one day asking her to fix his cyborg arm, what she didn’t know was that he would be the catalyst for a brand new life.
AO3 Tags:
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Amy Rose/Shadow the Hedgehog, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog), Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog, Miles “Tails” Prower, Dr. Eggman | Dr. Robotnik, Rouge the Bat, Whisper the Wolf, Cream the Rabbit, Knuckles the Echidna, Badnik (Sonic the Hedgehog), E-123 Omega, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Cyberpunk, Angst, Slow Burn, Partners in Crime
AO3 Link
Bugs buzzed monotonously by her ear, body truly screaming at her to stop moving and lay down now.
“We’re almost there.” He’d promised quite a few times.
She’d at one point exasperatedly asked how he made this trek. He pointed out that he had the chip, and that also when he chose not to use the chip, he had the shoes. Amy supposed she’d have to figure something out. But until then, she was stuck feeling like death while the sun slowly left them less and less light. Her feet felt about ready to fall off, and at this point she wouldn’t be opposed to it, then she would have to lay down and take a break until her feet got replaced by cyborg parts. Unfortunately, unless there was a saw around here, she got the feeling that though they hurt, her feet were firmly attached to the rest of her for many years to come. She stopped when she bumped her head on Shadow’s shoulder blade on accident, not realizing that he had stopped. She looked up and saw him glancing back at her, silently pointing to the building ahead of them. The outside looked just as old as the rest of the buildings, vines and moss grew up the side, but the difference would be that this building had no cracks, no holes, and even had glass in the windows. The thick vines had been pushed away to grow around the doorway, which held a black, steel door.
“This is it?” She whispered. Shadow nodded and beckoned her to follow once more, stepping up to the door and opening up the scanner attached to it, allowing it to scan his face. Once it had, she heard the soft clicking of the mechanism allowing it to unlock, and soon she was following him inside.
The inside was clean, fixed up just like he’d said. The floor was tiled and a round, maroon carpet sat in the middle of it. To the right was a couch with two love seats and a coffee table, as well as a large ProjScreen attached to the wall, the furniture sat on top of a rectangle rug that was the same color as the round one. To the left there was kitchen, complete with an island and any appliances one would need to cook as well as a fridge- she had no idea how they got any power out here, but she’d ask about that later. Lights dotted the ceiling to make up for the lack of windows on the first floor, and in the middle of the back wall there was a staircase leading up. Amy looked over to see Shadow had taken off his cloak and hung it on a hook on the wall.
“Shadow! Watch out!” A voice cried from the steps, and Amy found herself being tackled and pinned to the ground. She cried out in pain, she wasn’t sure how much more of a beating her body was to take today, but she hoped it wasn’t much more as clenched her teeth and squinted in pain.
“Rouge! She’s no danger- get off.” He demanded exasperatedly.
‘Rouge’s weight left her and she opened her eyes, taking Shadows hand that he offered and allowing herself to be pulled up. Then, she looked over to see who exactly ‘Rouge’ was.
She was... an Android. White metal, bright blue, glowing eyes. Equipped with fake lashes and makeup. Two wings protruded from her back and her ears gave away that she was modeled to look like a bat mobian. She currently wore a robe- it looked soft, and it was pink, matching slippers she wore on her feet. Aside from all that, she was much curvier than your typical Android would be, at least from what Amy had seen before.
“Rouge, this is Amy. She’s coming on board as our mechanic.” Shadow introduced her. Amy held out a hand.
“It’s nice to meet you...” She spoke softly, and cautiously, not wanting to incite any more anger from the Android woman. Rouge was silent, studying her up and down. Judging her. Amy couldn’t tell what the Android was thinking- it was strange, Androids tended to be easier to read because they weren’t actually mobians.
“I like your pants.” She said suddenly, crouching down to grasp one of the straps. “They’re practical and yet, very stylish.” Rouge observed before standing back up to look at Amy. Her facial expression didn’t give much away, but her body language told Amy that for now, Rouge would leave her be.
Amy let out a breath of relief as Rouge turned to look at Shadow.
“Does that mean Omega can finally be fixed...?” She asked hopefully.
“I do believe so.” He replied.
“Omega?” Amy wondered aloud.
“Don’t worry about it for now, you need to rest up, you’ve been smacked around a bit more than I think you’re used to today.” Shadow nodded to Rouge, and the bat android stepped forward and lifted Amy’s bag from her shoulder.
“I’ll take this to your room and get everything ready for you.” She explained before turning and spreading her wings, flying up the stairs. Shadow chuckled.
“What’s funny?” Amy asked.
“I think she’s excited to have another girl in the house.”
She ‘ooh’ed quietly, following Shadow as he walked over to the kitchen.
“Sit.” He gestured to one of the stools that sat at the island. Amy sat down gingerly and put her hands in her lap, watching him open the fridge and stare at it absentmindedly. She couldn’t imagine it was easy to get food out here, but then she remembered his teleporting trick and supposed that it was quite possible that he... went grocery shopping? That would be a funny sight to see. He shut the fridge door and leaned down to the freezer door, pulling it open and selecting something from it before tossing it on the table. He pulled out a toaster from next to the fridge and plugged it in before getting to work on unwrapping the food while beginning to speak to her once more.
“The room won’t be great, but you can start to get your own stuff to put in there once you... adjust to our living style.” He explained, popping what she now saw were frozen waffles into the toaster. “ProjScreen- on.” He called, louder than he had been talking to her previously, and she shifted slightly to turn and watch the ProjScreen as he continued to shuffle around in the kitchen. What she saw made her stomach turn.
“-from what we can see, this woman and her partner made a complete fool of the Blue Blur.” The female cat gossip show anchor chided.
“While we up here in the neon city aren’t exactly big fans of any criminal, watching these two lay waste to the Blue Blur is exceptionally funny.” The male deer replied, partially to the camera. The woman laughed.
“As part of our ‘down with the Blue Blur’ campaign, I just want to play that absolutely humiliating clip again!” She cried joyfully, clapping her hands together before turning in her chair to watch the screen behind them.
The screen showed a projection from the angle of what seemed to be a surveillance camera. It was a slow-mo shot of her rolling and shoving herself off the Blue Blur, immediately followed by Shadow’s cyborg hand appearing on screen and hitting the Blue Blur square in the back, sending him tumbling forward and scraping on the ground. Thank god the camera panned towards the blue hedgehog instead of her and Shadow, or else there’d be video proof of them just disappearing. But instead it zoomed in on the Blue Blur, who struggled to get up before collapsing. The video cut off just as Tail’s feet came in frame.
“Now that is just too funny!” The cat woman cried again, smile wide on her face.
“I have to agree with you there- but now we have to get to the more interesting topic- who was that woman?” He asked enthusiastically as a grainy, zoomed in projection of her face from when she was falling came up behind them.
“Now, thanks to some intelligence we do know she ran a shop in the outer ring, but the real question is how did she get wrapped up in all this drama? I mean, Mobius’ most famous vigilante scooping her up and trying to take her away from the mystery cyborg man- what do you think happened?” She questioned her cohost.
Amy grimaced, they were making it out to be some sort of romantic triangle from what she could tell, and before she could hear what the deer had to say, Shadow cut in.
“ProjScreen- off.” He called out. “Sorry, I don’t know why Rouge watches that crap. It was probably uncomfortable to see your face like that.” He apologized gruffly as she turned back around, watching him slide a plate across to her.
“It’s fine.” She reassured, “It was honestly kind of interesting to see how they talked about me- us. They... liked that we knocked down the Blue Blur.”
“Of course they did.” He snorted. “Inner ring folk hate him.” Amy shrugged in response, not knowing what more to say on the topic.
“So, what have you made for me, chef?”
“Toaster waffles with peanut butter on them for protein, plus some apple slices for some good sugar and vitamin intake. Just something to get you through the night, there’ll be something better in the morning.”
“Thank you.” She smiled slightly, glad to be digging in to the food. The waffles were a bit stale and the apples were a bit mushy, but it was better than what she usually ate, so she continued to munch on it happily as Shadow walked over to the living room half of the bottom floor. By the time she was finishing up, she heard Rouge land on the tile at the bottom of the stairs.
“Your room is ready.”
Amy looked over with a tired smile, standing and putting the plate by the sink she had spotted earlier before walking over to Rouge.
“Thank you... for all this.” She turned back to Shadow before stepping up the stairs. “I know this is weird... for both of us, but thank you for giving me this chance and keeping me from getting arrested.” He merely grunted in response and Amy assumed that was the best she was going to get and followed Rouge up the stairs.
They went up two floors before stepping out of the stairs and into a hallway, Rouge passed one door on the left before coming to one slightly past it on the right and pushing it open.
“Here you go, call me if you need anything- I’m a floor down.” She explained as Amy stepped in the room, closing the door behind the pink hedgehog. Amy could hear her slippered feet walking away.
Too tired to care about what the room looked like, Amy leaned against the wall and unlaced her boots, kicking them off before walking over to and collapsing in the bed. She let out a deep sigh before almost immediately falling asleep, too exhausted physically and mentally to even consider what her day had been.
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Love and War - Poe Dameron
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Fic #16 of the Mamma Mia! Prompts Song: When All is Said and Done
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader Word Count: 1,219 Synopsis: The reader starts to have doubts about their life with Poe after the war against the First Order finally comes to an end. A/N: I really don’t like this song so this was a challenge! It’s always fun to write for Poe, though! The last two MM! fics will be posted tomorrow! I hope you enjoy (have enjoyed this entire celebration)! Anyways, enjoy some Poe fluff and happy birthday to me!
“Earlier today, I accepted the unconditional surrender of The First Order, which means that this war is officially over,” Leia announced to a crowd of cheering rebels. You cheered along with them. She had called you all to celebrate, knowing that the war was coming to an end, but you had no idea it would be this soon. 
Poe was still off with Rey, Finn, and a group of other brave rebels. It had been a few days since word of the defeat of Kylo Ren reached base, and you couldn’t wait for his return. Leia seemed to sense this need in you, and brought you to her side once she finished her speech.
“Looking for someone special in the crowd?” she asked as you gave a once over of the people exiting a newly landed ship.
“Oh, just looking for a certain boyfriend of mine,” you said, smiling back at her. 
“Of course, this is still classified information, I have reason to believe that he will be returning this evening.”
“Wait? Really?” you asked, not interested in playing in her game. She laughed and nodded her head.
“Yes, then we can get our lives back to normal again.” You let out a deep breath.
“I’m not sure I know what normal is any more.” Leia looked at you curiously. “I’m thrilled that the war is over, of course, I just don’t remember what it’s like to have a life without the constant, looming presence of death.” 
“Well, why don’t you start by saying hello,” she said, nodding across the room. At the entrance, Rey, Finn, and Poe walked in, with the former of whom looking around the room quizzically. His eyes found yours and you both smiled at the same time. 
“Excuse me,” you said to Leia, but she was already walking away. You laughed as you walked towards Poe. Anticipation couldn’t keep you back as you started to run into his arms. He spun you around in a tight hug before kissing you tenderly.
“Hi,” he said, brushing a lock of hair out of your face.
“Hi,” you said, smiling up at him. He kissed you again, this time deeper and longer. When you finally pulled away, you stepped back to take him in. “You look good. No injuries?”
“Nothing too bad,” he said, pulling you back into his chest. “You look good, too, by the way.” He raised his eyebrow devilishly at you, making you laugh. 
“Thanks.” You kissed him once more before resting your head on his chest. You took in the party, feeling serene in his strong arms. 
“You know, I feel a little underdressed in this jumpsuit,” Poe said, making you look up at him. 
“Let’s get you changed for the celebration, then,” you said, pulling him out of the ever-crowding room. Once you were in the quiet hallway he stopped you, keeping your hands in his. “What?” you asked, smiling softly.
“I just want to really look at you. I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you, too.”
“Are you alright?” he asked softly, pulling you closer to him. 
“Of course I’m alright. The war is done and you’re home.” He smiled and bit his lip, looking at you seriously.
“It’s okay to be not alright, you know?” You opened your mouth to respond but then stopped. “Y/N/N.”
“I just don’t know what’s going to happen. The entire time we’ve been together we’ve been at war. What if-” you stopped with a sigh and shook your head. You continued your walk back to your room as Poe ran to catch up with you.
“Wait, wait, wait! What if what?” he asked.
“What if we were together because of the war?” Poe shook his head and laughed.
“And what? Now that it’s over I don’t love you anymore?” You rolled your eyes and walked away from him.
“It’s stupid, just forget about it,” you called. You pushed open the door to your room and started rifling through your things to find something more appropriate for a party for Poe.
“Y/N, forget about the clothes for a minute.”
“Why?” you asked, still staring into your closet.
“Because I want to talk to you.”
“About?” you asked, looking back at him. He was sitting on your bed, smiling at you. You rolled your eyes as he held out a hand and reluctantly walked over to him. He kissed your hand and sat you down next to him.
“Leia wants me to give a speech tonight, and I was wondering if I could run it by you.”
“Sure,” you said, glad that he didn’t want to talk about your fear of losing him. 
“Alright,” he said, sitting up straight. He cleared his throat loudly, making you laugh. “Imagine I have a champagne glass.”
“I’m imagining. Now go.”
“Here’s to all of us, one last toast, before we pay the bill. Deep inside all of us, we all can feel the chill. The First Order is finally gone. Dark clouds hid the sun, but we brought the light back. In all of our lives, we have walked some strange and lonely treks, we’re slightly worn, but dignified, and not too old for sex.” You looked at him curiously and snorted.
“No interrupting!” he said, smacking your knee playfully.
“Sorry, continue.”
 “We’re still striving for the sky, with no taste for humble pie. There’ll be a cheer there,” he added with a smile. “It’s so strange when you’re down and lying on the floor, how you rise, shake your head, and get up and ask for more. Being a part of this fight, I’ve learned a lot, but the most important thing it has taught me is the importance of the people you surround yourself with. In times of war, in times of peace, the ones you love and trust will always be there for you. Clear-headed and open-eyed, with nothing left untried, we can all stand calmly at any crossroads knowing that no matter what we do, the ones we’ve met today will always be with us.” 
“You just made that up,” you said, rubbing his thigh.
“Maybe. Did you like it?”
“Yes,” you said, leaning in to kiss him softly. “I’m so lucky to have you.”
“Me too.”
“Don’t leave me,” you whispered, wrapping an arm around his neck. 
“Wouldn’t even dream of it. You’re too important to me.” You kissed him happily, smiling as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you against him. He started to lean back, but you shot up quickly. “What?” he asked with a frown.
“I really liked your speech, but I have one critique.”
“I mean I kind of just made it up on the fly-”
“Regardless,” you brushed off, “The sex part was a little weird.” Poe laughed and sat up, touching your arm gingerly.
“That was only there to remind you that we aren’t too old for sex.”
“Was there ever any doubt?” you asked, wrapping your arm around his waist.
“It has been a long war,” he said, falling back slowly on the bed with you. 
“Too long.” 
“Way too long,” he said, pulling you in impossibly close, kissing your neck. 
“I love you.”
“I love you, too,” he said, looking you in the eye before kissing your lips with all the love in the galaxy.
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savage-rhi · 5 years ago
Sky of Atoms: Death Stranding Fanfic-Ch. 3
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GENE 2.0
For as lanky the loner appeared to be, Gene was surprised he was able to carry her all the while scaling the monolith of rocks and debris in the area. Occasionally, he’d hit a snag or would land too rough causing her to shake and grunt. Gene’s grip tightened around the loner’s neck, causing him to let out a small gasp as his voice hitched.
“As much as I’m into that, I don’t think choking me out is a good idea right now considering the circumstances.” His tone was drooling with flirtation, causing Gene to go red in the back as she gave him a swift kick to the side, not enough to hurt but to get the idea across she wasn’t in the mood for games.
“Ouch. Did they teach you that in charm school?” He retorted, chuckling like a kid toying around with another. Gene sighed into the back of his neck before resting her head against the loners body as he continued to carry her off. For a loner, and given how dirty his face looked, he smelled clean like he took care of himself rather well.
“You might want to tone it down being a horn dog before your brain overheats and gives us both away to the MULE’s and Homo Demens.” Gene forewarned.
“Hm, could always chisel some ice off your heart to cool me down.”
“I’m this close to dropping off your back and taking my chances.” Gene said firmly as the grip the loner had on her legs grew tighter.
“Now that won’t do us any good, and you know it. Besides, isn’t it nice catching a break from doing all the walking? I bet a porter like you never had to deliver a body to an incinerator much less haul a live person on your back.”
“Am I supposed to feel bad for you carrying me all of a sudden?”
“You could be a little more grateful. I’m saving both our asses.” He said as a matter of fact, and Gene, being tired and feeling the pain ebbing more in her foot decided to digress. She was in no position to argue, much less give more comebacks and retorts. The loner was an odd one, and had circumstances been different, Gene wouldn’t be riding on his back right now. It was drilled into Brisk HARPY employees to not trust most folks unless it was clearly obvious they were porters themselves. The man carrying her was a Lone Dog as the colonists would call them; people who didn’t fit in with the communities or were not part of the UCA either due to personal reasons or otherwise. In the back of Gene’s mind, despite how helpful he was being, knew it was just as risky to be putting her life in the hands of a Lone Dog as much as it would be if she were caught by the MULE’s or Homo Demens. She dreaded when this would be over, wondering what he’d do to her once he got her out of the way with whatever he intended on doing to the groups.
“You okay up there anyhow?” The loner asked in a calm sigh, showing some form of concern as Gene grunted from him making a jump towards a big rock that needed to be climbed carefully. She tried not to grip around his neck too tight like before, deciding to put more pressure on his sides instead with her legs so she could stay on him. It was painful nonetheless, and her wounded foot made sure to let her know given the pulses of nerves firing off all over.
“Yeah, I’m hanging in there. No pun intended.” Gene said in a playful tone, getting the loner to let out a small laugh. She wasn’t sure what to make of him still. He seemed to flip flop, one moment being flirty and condescending, the next giving a crap. That spelled danger and then some due to the unpredictable nature he already displayed, but Gene had to hope despite how creepy he came across that his intentions were good. They were so far.
“What’s your name?” Gene asked quietly as the loner made it up to the top of the rock, pausing for a bit to not only catch his breath but to scan the area. There was a long pause of hesitation before he replied to her, as if he were nervous as to how she’d react.
“Higgs,” he said then started to get a move on once more. “May I ask why a porter such as yourself is all the way out West in this area?”
Gene had nothing to hide. She decided to tell him as much, figuring it would be boring anyhow. “I had a delivery run to some of the colonies. They needed medicine because of a flu outbreak. I had to be quick so I took this route. I’ve gone through here before, but with better planning and luck.”
“Strange.” Higgs said.
“How so?” Gene asked curiously.
“I come through this neck of the woods often looking for things. I figured I would have bumped into you or another porter. Sides’ I never heard of Brisk HARPY, they new?” Higgs asked as he jumped down a small cliff, landing firmly while looking around before continuing his trek.
Gene found it odd he never heard of her employers. Sure, they were not popular compared to the likes of Fragile Express or Bridges, but they were well known in the West at this point. Was he that much out of the loop? She thought to herself, knowing that preppers were well known for that, but Lone Dogs normally kept up with the times regardless of staying away from folks.
“Brisk HARPY has been around since the BTs and the Timefall left. We take care of shipments and deliveries going out West to colonies and those that have yet to join the UCA.”
“Yet to join,” Higgs repeated in a condescending tone as Gene’s pulse began to rise from the reaction. “Sounds like they aren’t giving folks much choice these days to live the lives they want.”
“No one is forcing them, but at this point not joining the UCA is kind of like shooting yourself in the foot.” Gene explained.
“Much like what you did not too long ago?” Higgs countered with a chuckle as Gene growled at the remark.
“I already feel stupid enough as it is. This delivery wasn’t my first rodeo, but I know I fucked up good. You don’t have to rub salt in the wound.”
“I question if this wound is your foot were talking about or your ego little miss.”
Damn, he’s fucking insufferable. Gene thought to herself, and decided not to grace him with anymore small talk. It was probably for the best anyway considering they were still within the valley floor and the MULE’s and Homo Demens were out looking for them.
Sixty minutes of silence later, and Gene found herself below another set of steep rocks and a cliff with a small creek running alongside. There was a long rope and a ladder already in place, no doubt she figured Higgs had this set up a long time ago. The ladder looked worn out, but sturdy enough to hold them. Gene recognized the creek and realized Higgs and her went around the MULE’s and Homo Demens and were on the other side of the valley floor. She was amazed at how quick Higgs gotten them both there. Had nothing happened to her foot, Gene knew it would take her a few hours especially with scaling the rock formations that Higgs did in a breeze with her in tow. Some part of her was a little jealous of his endurance, but mostly she was filled with curiosity as to how he got that good.
“It’s going to be a bit tricky climbing up with you being the backseat driver. Do you think you can do this part yourself?” He asked, all the while kneeling down so Gene could get off his back. Gene limped on her injured foot upon getting off of Higgs’s back, careful not to have the sole touch the ground for fear of causing more harm to the injury. Her eyes gazed up, studying the rope and ladder.
“I think I got it in a bag as long as I’m careful with where I put my left leg.” Gene said, feeling confident at the very least she’d be able to pull it off. Sure, she couldn’t run without Higgs’s help, but she could still climb. Her upper body strength was decent due to her life as a porter.
“Better get to it then, I’ll be right behind you.” Higgs said as he gestured an arm out, giving a tilt with his head towards the ladder telling Gene to go for it. Gene didn’t hesitate and limped her way over, making sure her grip was secure as she began to climb. The ladder was a good one hundred and twenty feet high with another fifty being where the rope started. The cliff itself was almost two hundred feet up. It was going to be a hell of a climb, but it’s not like she had much choice in the matter.
Gene was about a quarter way up the ladder when she heard a commotion below. She looked down, seeing Higgs with his hands raised as a couple of MULE’s had weapons pointed towards him. Her eyes widened, not recalling the MULE’s in this area being too heavily armed before. They had to have gotten the weapons from Homo Demens. Speaking of which, one of the members showed up. The fog from the morning was drifting into the valley floor at this hour, allowing Gene to see where she was climbing but her vision of what was transpiring below was impaired. She swallowed nervously, not sure if she should continue or not. She also worried about Higgs. He didn’t appear to be armed at all, and at this point was as good as dead given how outnumbered he was.
“Well, I’ll be a son of a bitch! Didn’t expect to see you here Higgs. How is it going living the life of a slumdog?” The Homo Demens member replied with poisonous enthusiasm. The greeting was loud enough that Gene could hear from where she was positioned.
How the hell did they know Higgs? The loner seemed to be many things, but affiliated with terrorists seemed a little out of character even having known him for a short time. Then again, perhaps she was too gullible to think Higgs was just a rag tag Lone Dog that had one too many flirtatious quips.
“Oh, David. I didn’t see you there! I can’t complain. It pays the bills.” Gene saw Higgs shrug and could imagine he was giving a smile towards the Homo Demens member. “You still taking orders from Deeter?”
“Of course. He was more-- competent than you could hope to become.”
“At least I’m still adorable.” Higgs quipped.
“Not for long,” David cocked his weapon and pointed it straight at Higgs and began walking closer towards him. “Shoulda done this to you a long time ago.”
“Well, I’m open for business.” Higgs said so quietly that Gene could barely hear him as his arms spread out, seemingly accepting his fate. Right before David pulled the trigger, Gene found herself instinctively leaping from the ladder, falling down towards Higgs and David. She could feel the air pulling back at her skin painfully before David looked up at the last second, only to meet Gene’s right foot kicking him at the side of the head. Both he and her went tumbling as Higgs took the opportunity to teleport around, knocking out the MULE’s and dismantling their weapons.
Gene struggled to get up, the stunt she pulled to save Higgs having knocked the wind out of her, but she had no time to waste as David quickly got up with his gun at the ready and strode over towards her. He attempted to give Gene a return kick, only to get blocked by one of her cargo holders she pulled out at the last second. Still on the ground, Gene took advantage of where she was at and grabbed a hold of David’s legs, shoving him down so he was at her level. Both of them began to wrestle each other for the gun.
Gene took several punches to the face, but managed to equally return the favor. Adrenaline kept her from stalling for too long as she eventually managed to get on top of him, pinning his body with her legs as her thumbs jabbed at his eyes, trying to dig them out. David screamed as he uncontrollably faltered around, squirming like a fish out of water while trying to shove Gene off of him. As soon as he gripped her shoulders and attempted to fling her off, Gene moved her hands and went for his throat, squeezing as hard as she could while lifting David’s head and bashing it into the nearest sharp rock nearby. Over and over she went, yelling all the while like an animal until her clothes were battered in warm blood and David’s head was a pulp of red, oozing fluids and flesh. He was still alive, but barely able to respond, right eye dangling out from the socket as Gene fell over and crawled onto her feet. She limped over to the gun and grabbed it and aimed right at the temple of David’s head as he tried to look up at her, feeling the end of barrel staring him down.
Gene was enraged and had been in similar situations before, but she couldn’t bring herself to kill the idiot. There was nothing sporting about killing a guy while he was down, regardless if a terrorist like him wouldn’t extend the same courtesy to her had the roles been switched. Gene had killed before to protect herself on delivery routes, and it wasn’t something she took lightly. There was always a time and place, and instinct told her now was not the time. Running away and getting further back from the danger was always the best option, especially for a porter.
Gene dismantled the gun, throwing the pieces around and stomping on some of the key components so it couldn’t be pieced together. Her eyes glanced about, the fog was more prominent than before and she couldn’t make heads or tails as to where Higgs and the other MULE’s went off to. A trickle of fear went down her spine as she swallowed, then heard panting coming from behind her. Higgs’s form began to emerge as the hood that covered his face was now down. He too had blood on him, splotches on his cheeks and clothes as he looked winded, like someone had knocked the air out of his stomach. Gene watched as Higgs bent forward, resting his hands on his knees while he took in deep breaths before he looked up and saw David on the ground and the damage he had taken from Gene’s attack.
“Shit, you’re a mean bitch aren’t you?” Higgs said as Gene let out a huffed laugh at the borderline compliment.
“I can be when the occasion calls for it.” Gene said proudly, her tone strained from the scuffle. She could feel the adrenaline beginning to wean some in her body.  “How are you holding up, did you take every one of them down--”
Excruciating  pain throbbed throughout Gene’s entire body as she was stunned into shock from a MULE that happened to have an electro prod on his person. The nerves in Gene’s body fired off a million miles, and she could feel her body contorting while the pulses of electricity ravaged her. It felt like a hundred hornets bit her at once and were not letting up. The pain was unbearable that her brain started to turn itself off to avoid anything further, and she felt her body collapse. The last thing Gene heard was a yell, followed by a crunching noise as she fell against something warm and could smell blood. Her ears rang as she felt her body being adjusted. She looked up towards the foggy sky, seeing Higgs looking down at her and saying something before her world went black.
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heroicadventurists · 5 years ago
Comic Con @ Home panel and exhibitor list (so far)
Source: Comic-Con@Home
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Source: SDCC unofficial blog
TV & Movies
American Dad: Ever wanted to learn how to draw one of your favorite AD! characters? Now is your chance, join show Supervising Director, Brent Woods, as he teaches the cast and executive producers how to draw Roger! Grab a sketchbook & pens and learn to draw everyone’s favorite alien alongside Rachael MacFarlane (Hayley), Wendy Schaal (Francine), Scott Grimes (Steve), Dee Bradley Baker (Klaus) and EPs Nic Wegener and Joe Chandler as they chat about the current season and look toward the series’ 300th episode airing on TBS this fall.
[NEW] Archer (July 24 at 5PM PT): with Aisha Tyler, Chris Parnell, Judy Greer, Lucky Yates, Amber Nash, and moderated by Casey Willis.
The Blacklist
Bill & Ted Face the Music: with stars Alex Winter and Keanu Reeves, as well as Wyld Stallyns, Samara Weaving, Brigette Lundy-Paine, William Sadler, and director Dean Parisot and writers Ed Solomon and Chris Matheson. Moderated by Kevin Smith.
[NEW] Blast Off with Disney+’s The Right Stuff (July 25 at 1PM PT).
Bless the Harts: Join the Harts, in quarantine of course, for a Paint & Sip! Watch Kristen Wiig (Jenny Hart), Maya Rudolph (Betty Hart), Ike Barinholtz (Wayne Edwards), Jillian Bell (Violet Hart) and Fortune Feimster (Brenda) with executive producers Phil Lord, Chris Miller and Andy Bobrow try to recreate Bless The Harts characters while chatting about their favorite moments from season one, what they’re looking forward to in season two on FOX this Fall and how they’ve kept busy during quarantine while drinking the show’s favorite drink – boxed wine!
Bob’s Burgers: The Emmy Award-winning animated FOX series “Bob’s Burgers” invites fans into their homes for a virtual panel with all of the laughs and surprises they generally bring to the Indigo Ballroom. Creator and executive producer Loren Bouchard will break news about the upcoming season, and the always entertaining cast including H. Jon Benjamin, John Roberts, Kristen Schaal, Eugene Mirman, Dan Mintz and Larry Murphy will have you howling with laughter with never-before-seen footage, followed by a lively panel discussion and fan Q&A.
Constantine: 15th Anniversary Reunion: with Keanu Reeves, director Francis Lawrence, and Akiva Goldsman.
Crossing Swords: Hulu Original Crossing Swordsfollows Patrick, a good hearted peasant who lands a coveted squire position at the royal castle. His dream job quickly turns into a nightmare when he learns his beloved kingdom is run by a hornet’s nest of horny monarchs, crooks and charlatans. Even worse, Patrick’s valor made him the black sheep in his family, and now his criminal siblings have returned to make his life hell. War, murder, full frontal nudity—who knew brightly colored peg people led such exciting lives? With Scott Mantz, Seth Green, Alanna Ubach, Tara Strong, Yvette Nicole Brown, Adam Pally, Tom Root, John Harvatine IV, and Adam Ray.
A Conversation with Nathan Fillion: Showrunner Alexi Hawley (“The Rookie”) talks with Nathan Fillion (“Firefly,” “Castle,” “The Rookie”) about his career in film and television. With special appearances by Joss Whedon, Alan Tudyk, Gina Torres, Mekia Cox, Molly Quinn, Seamus Dever and Jon Huertas.
Director’s on Directing: with Robert Rodriguez, Colin Trevorrow, and Joseph Kosinski.
The Dragon Prince: with creators Aaron Ehasz and Justin Richmond, as well as voice cast Jack Desena, Paula Burrows, Sasha Rojen, Erik Todd Dellums, Jason Simpson, Jesse Inocalla, and Racquel Belmonte
Duncanville: Join executive producers Mike & Julie Scully, executive producer and star, Amy Poehler, along with stars Ty Burrell, Riki Lindhome, Joy Osmanski, Yassir Lester, Betsy Sodaro and guest stars Rashida Jones and Wiz Khalifa for an exclusive first look at the upcoming second season; returning next Spring on FOX.
Emily the Strange: with creator Rob Reger and illustrator Buzz Parker
Family Guy: Join cast Seth MacFarlane, Alex Borstein, Mila Kunis, Seth Green and executive producers Rich Appel, Alec Sulkin and Kara Vallow from FOX’s hit animated comedy “Family Guy” as we celebrate 350 episodes with a virtual table read! After, we’ll take a look back at some of our favorite moments from the last 18 seasons, plus a special sneak peek at the hilarity and hi-jinx coming up in our 19th season premiering this fall on FOX!
Fear the Walking Dead: Fear the Walking Dead will present a panel for the series’ upcoming sixth season, premiering later this year. Moderated by Hardwick, the panel will feature Gimple, Showrunners and Executive Producers Andrew Chambliss and Ian Goldberg and cast members Lennie James, Alycia Debnam-Carey, Colman Domingo, Danay Garcia, Karen David, Jenna Elfman and Rubén Blades.
G-Loc: with director Tom Paton, and stars Stephen Moyer, Tala Gouveia, Casper Van Dien, and John Rhys-Davies. Moderated by Jacob Oller.
The Goldbergs: with cast members Wendi McLendon-Covey, Sean Giambrone, Troy Gentile, George Segal, Hayley Orrantia, and Sam Lerner
Helstrom: As the son and daughter of a mysterious and powerful serial killer, Hulu Original Helstrom follows Daimon (Tom Austen) and Ana Helstrom (Sydney Lemmon), and their complicated dynamic, as they track down the worst of humanity — each with their own attitude and skills.
HOOPS: The star-studded voice cast of “Hoops,” a new adult animated series for Netflix launching this summer from 20th Century Fox Television (“The Simpsons,” “Family Guy,” “Bob’s Burgers”), gathered for an irreverent-in-the-best-way conversation about coming together to make this show that follows a foul-mouthed high school basketball coach who is sure he’ll hit the big leagues if he can only turn his terrible team around. Voice stars Jake Johnson, Rob Riggle, Ron Funches, Natasha Leggero, Cleo King and A.D. Miles join creator and executive producer Ben Hoffman and moderator/ guest voice star Max Greenfield (Johnson’s former “New Girl” co-star) for a truly wild and hilarious Q&A. Fans will be treated to an exclusive first look at footage from the premiere episode. “Hoops” comes from writer-comedian Ben Hoffman (“The Late Late Show with James Corden,” “Archer”), Phil Lord and Chris Miller (“The Lego Movie”), with animation produced by Bento Box (“Bob’s Burgers”).
Kevin Smith: You know what this is.
LGBTQ Representation on TV: with Jamie Chung (Once Upon A Time), Jamie Clayton (Roswell: New Mexico), Wilson Cruz (Star Trek: Discovery), Tatiana Maslany (Perry Mason, Orphan Black), Anthony Rapp (Star Trek: Discovery), J. August Richards (Council of Dads, Angel, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), Harry Shum, Jr. (Shadowhunters) and Brian Michael Smith (9-1-1: Lone Star). The panel will be moderated by TV Guide Magazine West Coast Bureau Chief Jim Halterman.
[NEW] A Look Inside Marvel’s 616 on Disney+ (July 23 at 1PM PT).
Motherland: Fort Salen: TBA
NEXT: Coming to FOX in Fall 2020, “NEXT” arrives at Comic-Con@Home with a sneak peek of the thrilling opening scene of the propulsive, fact-based thriller about the emergence of a deadly, rogue artificial intelligence that combines pulse-pounding action with an examination of how technology is invading our lives and transforming us in ways we don’t yet understand. “NEXT” stars John Slattery (“Mad Men”) as a Silicon Valley pioneer, who teams with cybercrime agent Fernanda Andrade (“The First”), to fight a villain unlike anything we’ve ever seen. Panelists will include creator and executive producer Manny Coto (“24”), John Slattery, Fernanda Andrade, Michael Mosley (“Ozark”), Jason Butler Harner (“Ozark”) and Eve Harlow (“Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”) for a fascinating conversation about the new series and how AI and technology infiltrates all of our lives, moderated by Thrillist’s Esther Zuckerman.
NOS4A2: Moderated by Entertainment Weekly’s Clark Collis, the panel will feature Showrunner and Executive Producer Jami O’Brien, Executive Producer Joe Hill and cast member Zachary Quinto.
[NEW] Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Candace Against the Universe (12PM PT).
Rooster Teeth: Yssa Badiola, Torrian Crawford, Barbara Dunkelman, Fiona Nova, Kerry Shawcross, and special guest F.J. DeSanto are going to virtually smack you in the face with exclusive reveals and new information about Recorded by Arizal, Red vs. Blue Zero, RWBY Volume 8, and Transformers War For Cybertron: Siege.
The Simpsons: They’ll never stop The Simpsons!…from appearing at Comic-Con; this time on zoom. Join Al Jean, Matt Selman, David Silverman, Carolyn Omine, Mike B. Anderson and moderator Yeardley Smith. Find out how the show has surmounted social distancing and turbulent times en route to season 32!
Solar Opposites: Your favorite Shlorpians are getting together for Comic-Con at Home! As Hulu’s most-watched original comedy premiere to date, “Solar Opposites” centers around a team of four aliens who escape their exploding home world only to crash land into a move-in ready home in suburban America. They are evenly split on whether Earth is awful or awesome, while protecting the Pupa, a living super computer that will one day evolve into its true form, consume them and terraform the Earth… Join Justin Roiland (“Korvo”), Thomas Middleditch (“Terry”), Sean Giambrone (“Yumyulack”), Mary Mack (“Jesse”) and executive producers Mike McMahan and Josh Bycel for all things “Solar Opposites” including an exclusive clip from the upcoming second season!
Stumptown: with cast members Jake Johnson, Cobie Smulders, and Michael Ealy
TV Guide Magazine’s Fan Favorites: Hale Appleman (The Magicians), Chris Chalk (Gotham, Perry Mason), Robbie Amell (Upload), Kennedy McMann (Nancy Drew), Jeri Ryan (Star Trek: Picard), Richard Harmon (The 100), Lindsey Morgan (The 100), Harvey Guillen (What We Do in the Shadows), and Alex Newell (Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist)
The Walking Dead: The Walking Dead will make its 11th San Diego Comic-Con appearance with a panel spotlighting the Season 10 Finale episode, “A Certain Doom,” which will air as a standalone episode later this year. Moderated by Hardwick, the panel will feature Gimple, Showrunner and Executive Producer Angela Kang, Executive Producer Greg Nicotero, who directed the season finale, and cast members Norman Reedus, Melissa McBride, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Lauren Cohan, Josh McDermitt and Paola Lazaro, among others.
The Walking Dead: World Beyond: The Walking Dead: World Beyond makes its Comic-Con International debut as the third series in wildly successful The Walking Dead Universe. Moderated by Hardwick, the series’ panel will feature Gimple, Showrunner and Executive Producer Matt Negrete and cast members Aliyah Royale, Alexa Mansour, Hal Cumpston, Nicholas Cantu, Nico Tortorella, Julia Ormond and Joe Holt.
[NEW] What We Do in the Shadows (July 25 at 5PM PT): with Kayvan Novak, Matt Berry, Natasia Demetriou, Mark Proksch, Harvey Guillen, Paul Simms, Stefani Robinson, and moderated by Haley Joel Osment.
Wynonna Earp.
Celebrating 80 Years of The Spirit: Moderated by Danny Fingeroth.
Decoding the Kirby/Lee Relationship: with Danny Fingeroth.
[NEW] Howard Cruse: The Godfather of Queer Comics.
In Conversation with Robert Kirkman: Creator Robert Kirkman answers fan questions on his titles including THE WALKING DEAD, INVINCIBLE, FIRE POWER, OBLIVION SONG, and more!
[NEW] LGBTQ Comics and Popular Media for Young People.
[NEW] Out in Comics 33: Virtually Yours.
[NEW] Marvel Comics: Next Big Thing: Friday, July 24, 11:00 AM PST
[NEW] MARVEL HQ: Thursday, July 23, 4:00 PM PST
Skybound Presents: Comics & Creators: A panel of Skybound’s comic book creators including Robert Kirkman, the team behind EXCELLENCE, and more come together to discuss their latest projects.
Tribute to Dennis O’Neil: with Danny Fingeroth.
The Wonderful, Horrible History of E.C. Comics: Moderated by Danny Fingeroth.
The Art of Collaboration: Duos Behind Top Films, TV Shows, & Video Games.
California Browncoats.
Creative Renaissance: How to Thrive When it’s Hard to Survive. The continued need for social distancing has brought about a creative renaissance in the digital space. Join the conversation with Joe Barrette (Creators, Assemble!), Phil Jimenez (Creators4Comics), Alonso Nunez (Little Fish Comic Book Studio), and Kit Steinaway (Book Industry Charitable Fund) to hear how nonprofit organizations are working with comics creators to support each other and their communities during these challenging times. You will hear about new learning opportunities, collaborations, how to forge new creative friendships in a time of global disconnect and what it means to find your tribe through fandom and shared passion. Moderated by Dan Wood (Comics librarian, EPL).
From Script to Screen: Behind-the-Scenes of Your Favorite Film & TV Shows.
The Future of Entertainment.
GirlsDrawinGirls Presents Industry Professional Women Artists in Quarantine: Balancing Work, Art, Homeschooling, and Life: With Melody Severns, Debbie Mahan, Sherry Delorme, Rehana Khan-Tarin, Aisling Harbert-Phillips, and Christine Chang.
The Legal Geeks.
Making a Living Being Creative: with Lee Kohse, Brendan Hay, Lex Cassar, and Johnny Kolasinski.
Masters of the Illustrated Film Poster.
Music for Animation.
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lyssala · 5 years ago
Future Masters
Paring: Terra/Aqua, Kingdom Hearts
Setting: Pre-Birth By Sleep; Terra is 16, Aqua is 14
Rating: K
Notes:  A little snapshot of younger years <3 When I thought of future masters I thought of some young idealistic teenagers dreaming of the day they'd share their dreams together.
“Wait, Terra,” Aqua breathed from somewhere behind him. “Slow down a little.”
He would’ve if he hadn’t heard the amusement in her voice telling him she was more surprised than actually tired. Instead, he just held onto her hand tighter, pulling her up the familiar mountain path. Okay, he couldn’t really blame her. He was sort of the one who bounded into the library, dragging her away from her studying and outside with no explanation despite her pleas to tell her what was going on.
It rained for about a week meaning they had to wait at least another week before trekking up the hiking paths they knew so well. It also meant he didn’t know the path quite as well since heavy rain would dislodge new rocks, show new roots, make parts of the path wider, make some paths impassible. Maybe that’s why he liked coming up after the rain, it was like a new adventure.
Terra also knew Aqua liked it too or she would’ve dug her heels in the ground and refused to move; something she pulled a lot when they were younger and she thought Terra had a bad idea. In her defense he usually had bad idea as a kid that normally got them in trouble but he liked to think at sixteen he was a little bit better at it. Also now he was strong enough to just pick her up and take her with him if he wanted; something she pretended she didn’t like when he did it but her laughter gave her away every time.
“Terra!” That was a little exasperated but he could almost hear the smile on her lips so he knew he could push it a little further before she got really mad at him.
“C’mon, c’mon,” he said, tugging her around a rock that fell in the path and hoping she noticed him jump over a loose branch; she did.
“What are you so excited about?”
He supposed he shouldn’t have been surprised she saw through him. While it wasn’t the first time he dragged her off on an adventure with no warning, there was no one who new him better than Aqua did. She knew him better than even Master did, of course she’d know when Terra was in a good mood even if he tried not to show it.
“You’ll see,” he said instead, bounding around a corner that sent some nearby birds flying up into the morning sky.
“I’ll see,” she snorted, still sounding breathless though he knew she could probably out run him if she tried. “What? The top of the mountain. I know that.”
That one got him a swat to his arm. “You’re being so cryptic.”
“Terra.” There was a whine in his name that time that made him grin even if he couldn’t see her.
“You’re supposed to the patient one.”
“I think we all know…” she paused to jump over something in the trail. “You’re the patient one not me.”
“I know, I was just being nice.”
“I’m going to push you off this mountain.”
“No, you won’t.”
“Oh, you just watch me.”
The trailed evened out, and the trees started to clear leading to the opening towards the top of the mountain. It wasn’t quite the top since that path continued up farther and was more dangerous. Master still only let them go up there when he was with them and only for physical endurance training, otherwise they were free to come to this clearing whenever they wanted. They did, especially whenever they wanted to talk without risk of anyone over hearing them.
Terra let go of her hand, ignoring how sweaty his probably was from dragging her from the castle all the way up the mountain, so he could walk over the edge. It was still fairly early in the morning, the clouds slightly orange from the sunrise. The cliff edge scared him when he was a kid, still thinking he’d fall if he got too close to it even if Master Eraqus was there. Now Terra could bring his toes to the cliff, looking down at the vast forests and rocky cliffs that surrounded the castle and fields down below.
“Are you finally going to tell me what was so important?”
Yeah, she was the impatient one for sure. He felt her walk up next to him, toes up to the edge too as her shoulder brushed up against his arm. It was strange though, she was the same height as him for as long as he could remember; today he noticed he had to look down at her to meet her eyes. In any regard, she was never afraid of heights. She was fearless in that regard, though it was another story when she screamed at a bug crawling up her leg during a hike.
Terra took a few (large) steps backward just to be safe, Aqua following him with her eyes. “I overheard something this morning.”
She crossed her arms but she couldn’t hide the curiosity in her eyes. “Overheard or eavesdropped?”
“Overhead,” he huffed.
Aqua arched her eyebrows.
“Its questionable. Regardless, I heard Master talking about something.”
She dropped all façade of chastising him because like he assumed, she wanted to know. “About what?”
“About us,” he said, crossing his arms to mimic her position.
“Oh, you are driving me crazy this morning.” She reached out to grab onto his arm, shaking him and making him laugh. “What are you keeping from me?”
“Okay, okay,” he said, reaching his hands down to place on her shoulders so she’d stop. “I heard Master say he’s going to start preparing us for the Mark of Mastery exam.”
Aqua blinked at him. “You’re lying.”
He laughed again, this time though because he felt the excitement he kept contained since when he first heard the conversation. “Why would I lie about this?”
“You’re serious?”
“I’m serious.”
Aqua let out almost a shriek of joy as she reached up to throw her arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around her, picking her right up off the ground.
“I can’t believe it,” she gasped, giving him a squeeze before kicking her legs some, a signal she wanted to be put down.
Terra let her go so she could jump back to the ground, though the wind seemed to cut through him a little more with her backing away from him. She spun around; the skirts of her outfit spinning out and catching the sunlight that made them look really befitting her name.
“I mean,” she said, looking back to him. “Its to be expected as this is what we’ve been working for but we’re still so young! The youngest right?”
“We could be,” he shrugged, unable to keep a grin off his face as he watched hers absolutely glow. “To be fair it’ll probably still be a while before we can take the test but-”
“But talking about it means preparing for it,” she cut him off, taking the words literally out of his mouth. Not that he was surprised, he did say she knew him best. “And that means its in the near future.”
“Absolutely,” he said.
“It means we’ve been doing so good with our training.”
For the first time Terra felt himself falter. Sure he trained and he studied and he tried so hard to achieve what he wanted but Aqua…she was the faster learner and he knew it. Maybe Master was only talking about her and not him.
He blinked and she was standing in front of him again, forehead furrowed as she watched him. “Hmm?”
“You looked really sad for a moment.” She paused to let him speak but cut him off before he could. “And don’t try and tell me it was nothing, I know it wasn’t.”
“It was nothing,” he said shaking his head. “Just a…dumb thought.”
She didn’t look like she believed him, considering he didn’t even believe himself he couldn’t blame her. Still, she put a smile back on. “What are you gonna do when you’re a master?”
Terra had to grin again, it was almost impossible not to when she looked at him like there was no where else she wanted to be but on this mountain top with him. “See the worlds.”
“You can do that without being a master,” she tutted, walking backwards from him again. “Tell me what you really want to do.”
It wasn’t like they hadn’t been talking about this since they were kids, since they would lay under the stars and dream aloud until they fell asleep. Terra knew what she was doing though and he was more than happy to push the knots from his stomach to humor her; which was what she wanted.
“Take care of the worlds,” he said instead.
“Yeah,” she hummed, jumping up to sit on a nearby boulder. “Keep the peace, make people happy.”
“See the worlds,” he said again, starting to walk towards her. “Without a chaperone.”
“Risky,” Aqua teased. “Sure you’ll be okay?”
He snorted. “Of course but that doesn’t mean I’d always go alone.”
“Oh? Gonna take Master out with you as a treat to him?”
“I’d take you, dummy.” He reached up to flick her on the nose, making her laugh as she swatted his hand away.
“Me? Sure you wouldn’t get sick of me?”
“Well, when you put it like that.”
She tried to kick him but he ducked out of the way, moving to lean up against the rock next to her. The sun was rising higher in the blue sky. It was going to get warm soon and Master would probably notice they were missing. Who was Terra kidding, Master Eraqus probably already knew.
“I wouldn’t get sick of you,” Terra said. “Why wouldn’t I want to see the worlds with you?”
Aqua shrugged but when he glanced over she was grinning down at her fingers in her lap. He wasn’t sure why it made him feel a warmth in his chest but it did; he liked to see her happy.
“Would you get sick of me?” he asked.
“No,” she said, shaking her head. “I think I’d be lonely without you, like I was lonely before I came to live here.”
“Me too.” In fact, Terra didn’t even remember a time before Aqua; it was like she was always here. He didn’t want to imagine a world where she wasn’t there with him.
“Okay,” she said, sticking her hand out to him, pinky extended. “Promise we’ll become masters together and travel all the worlds together.”
“What if I start to get sick of you before we’re masters?”
She kicked him again but it was lacking any force.
“I’m kidding relax.” He stuck his finger out, wrap it around hers before she pulled away; sealing their promise like they did since they were kids. “Well, do it together, just like always.”
“Always,” she repeated.
“Where would we go first?”
“Some place with a beach.”
“Oh, yeah, peace keeping is always most helpful at the beach where you can go swimming and not do any work.”
She laughed and it sort of reminded him of bells almost, bright and clear, something he didn’t want to forget. “We keep the peace and then we go swimming.”
“I can get behind that.”
“Who said being a master was hard work.”
“I do hope that’s not a critique on my methods.”
Terra nearly jumped at the sudden but familiar voice, where Aqua did jump, losing her balance on the rock. As on instinct, Terra reached out to catch her before she fell, letting her feet hit the ground before her face.
“Master,” she gasped, quickly straightening herself up. “How did you know we were here?”
Despite the early morning, Master Eraqus looked as at ease and calm as he always did, complete with smile under his mustache to let his students know he wasn’t mad they snuck off. He pointed back to the trail. “You didn’t go that great of a job hiding your tracks today.”
That was…fair. Terra hadn’t exactly been thinking about that as he was running up the mountain with Aqua in tow.
“We were just…” he started, trying to find a good way to put it. He used to just say they wanted to be alone but somehow that phrase stuck a sharp bolt of embarrassment through him instead.
“Watching the sunrise,” Aqua finished.
Master Eraqus nodded though Terra didn’t quite think the older man believed them. Not that it was a big deal, him and Aqua were always together, and them being alone together was no big deal. They were best friends, nothing wrong with that.
“Well, I was concerned when you both ran off before breakfast even.”
Aqua glanced over to Terra, her eyes clearly noting the flaw in his excited plan to sneak away to talk.
“Well, after the hike I’m hungry now,” he said, rubbing his hands together.
Eraqus eyed them for a moment, before he nodded, gesturing back down. “You should probably get back down before it gets cold then.”
The thought of cold eggs made Terra’s stomach turn, but Aqua merely shrugged, brushing by him to lead the way. He went to follow, at least going down was easier than going up, but Eraqus chuckled. Not that it was uncommon but something struck him about it enough to turn back around.
“What’s funny?” he asked, trying not to sound too curious or too accusatory.
“I can’t remember the last time you woke up early enough to watch the sunset. Maybe when you were ten.”
Terra shrugged, though Master was absolutely right. Even this morning the sun was already rising when Terra rolled out of bed. “Aqua likes it,” he said, which wasn’t a lie; she could get up in time for the sunrise but she didn’t like coming up the mountain alone that early.
Eraqus hummed as he walked past Terra, Aqua still hopping happily down the path in front of them. “The next time you’d like to talk to her, my boy, you don’t have to drag yourselves all the way up the mountain.”
“I don’t understand what you mean.” Though Terra already felt his face starting to heat up because he didn’t know which was more embarrassing; the fact Master might know that Terra over heard the conversation or that he brought Aqua all the way up here just to talk to her alone. Granted, both were true so both were pretty bad.
“There’s places close by I don’t have my ear on should you find them.”
Terra really wasn’t sure what that was supposed to mean but he found it hard to find his footing through some soft dirt after that.
“Terra!” Aqua called from farther down as she waved her arms over her head. “Race you down! Loser has to eat all the cold eggs!”
“Gross,” he said, and even though his face still felt way too warm not to be noticeable it was hard not to smile. “Only if you don’t get a head start, that’s cheating.”
She giggled but she nodded, pausing to wait for him.
“Don’t worry to grow up too fast, Terra,” Eraqus said. Even though it was almost a call out that he knew what Terra overheard, it wasn’t accusatory. It was almost…sad in a way but why he had no idea. “It’s inevitable, so remember to savor these moments too.”
He wasn’t even sure how to respond so he merely nodded.
“Hurry up, slow poke!”
“Will you relax,” Terra said, rolling his eyes. “I’m coming.” He waited till he was closer to her before he broke out in a run, racing by her as she scrambled to catch up.
“You are such a cheater. I’m going to get you for that!” she breathed as she raced up behind him.
He focused on the path, remembering what he saw when he came up to make sure that he didn’t trip or have to slow down but it was impossible not to feel Aqua running next to him. Her strides were shorter than his but she was still quick, keeping up at every turn. Despite the desire to win and not eat gross eggs, he had a warm feeling in his stomach knowing she was with him every step of the way. It once was a bitter competition when they were kids and not used to how each other operated, but now it was different. It was fun.  
As much as he wanted the freedom and responsibility to be a master, he also knew Eraqus was right. This was its own sort of freedom, and it was better with her.
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seenashwrite · 6 years ago
The Last Job
Word Count: 3.5K   Category: One-shot; Behind-the-scenes canon-compliant; Family; Life choices Rating: Teen & Up Character(s): References to familiar people/places Pairing(s): N/A Warnings: Mild coarse language Author’s Note(s):  *This is a re-post minus tags and links, in an effort to get it to show up in searches*; While this little vignette can be read as a stand-a-lone, highly recommend you check out “Hello, I’m Gone” (linked in Master Post) if you haven’t already, but if you *have* and found something to like about it, then I suspect you’ll find something to enjoy in this one, too. Overall Summary: A long-time client gives a contractor his final assignment.
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The sky was different in Texas. He couldn’t speak to Arizona or Colorado or Nevada, or even Mexico, but he knew what he knew. It was something about the way the sun cut through, something about the tint of the blue.  
He traveled, albeit limited distances and for limited amounts of time. Texas was a big state, though not so big as to be gone long enough for his wife to fret. His work was no-nonsense and he was extra appreciated amongst his current clientele for his frugality, his efficiency.  
They’d initially claimed to have no care for messy versus clean, but he knew better. They’d rather keep unknown, to where few a souls on earth as possible would even suspect they existed. Everything worked better for them this way; seemed they had no desire to be summoned all over the globe.  
He could see that - he’d lived in the lone star state all his life, and had no pull to elsewhere. The constant position of the dials on public radios and televisions to the news channels that catered to the aptitudes of the lowest common denominator was vexing. He imagined the future would be the same way. Nothing ever seemed to change in Texas. Blessing or curse, depending on your perspective.
Less vexing, but still annoying, was how the vast number of gun-carrying, bravado-swinging, cowboy hat-and-boot wearers had no practical, economical, life reasons for doing so. Dropped into a middle-of-nowhere scenario, they’d perish quickly. But all that posturing comforted them, and the conclusion he’d arrived at many moons ago was that for him, this was fortunate, to be surrounded by so many who were content. Unaware. Placid. Stereotypical.
And in a similar vein, he’d already been informed his last job was exactly that - basic. In and out. He’d actually hoped for more, hoped for a challenge, hoped for perhaps the comfort of a one-last-hoorah scenario where maybe, just maybe, it’d get a little messy for once and he’d get taken out in the process.
He wasn’t having suicidal ideations; he was being pragmatic. Anonymous body in another town, filed in a line of cold cases, and his family would move on, eventually. They wouldn’t have to suffer through it, watching him fade away.
Weeks ago, on a chilly morning in a park near, but not too near, his home, the designated attaché had appeared seemingly from nowhere. This was, as they say, par for the course. He was used to it, the air of strangeness accompanying his best customer. Rather, customers - seemed to be an alignment of at least two parties, far as he could tell. 
He found it easier to just think of the one at hand as the client versus dwelling too long on how many of them were really behind the curtain. It was supposed to go that the same one would never come twice, though he was pretty sure it’d happened a couple times and they were just outfitted differently. Maybe their ranks were thinning.
It wasn’t often his sort of folk actually got contracted for jobs. Come to think, he’d never even heard of such a proposition, not in his entire life. Somebody would’ve ran their mouth about it, to be sure. He chewed on the thought that perhaps he was a bit of a pioneer in that respect, if such arrangements would keep on long after he was gone.
Rewards and acknowledgment in his line of work were few and far between, some of his ilk never seeing either at all in their lifetimes. And so in that respect, these employers of his were the best, foremost because they paid. But to be fair, he supposed it was more than that.
He was always given clear, precise locations and times, so on-the-nose he had no idea how they were doing it. And no paper trail, just how he liked it. Instruction came verbally, read from a small, rectangular device they all kept in their pockets that lit up at the touch of a finger.
He’d never gotten a good look at it, would simply commit to memory what they said. He’d never asked to look at it, and they’d never offered. Besides, it was too Star Trek. His eldest loved that old show, got his little brother into watching the reruns. He couldn’t hardly stand the thought of things like that, not for going on eight months now.  
The well-dressed man - sporting what his wife would’ve kindly described as an “interesting” haircut - had walked towards the bench, removing a pair of reflective-lens aviators, letting out a low whistle, eyeing him up and down.  
“Jesus. You’re eaten up with it.”
He’d shrugged, said that last part was true, but then informed his very last client there was no savior to be found here.
The client had laughed a little too hard. “Yeah, yeah, no God in the streets, no church in the wild, I got it.”
He’d assumed those statements referred to something but had no clue what, so he’d offered a tight-lipped trace of a smile in acknowledgment.  
A reply in the form of a sigh floated over as his visitor took a seat at the other end of the bench. “Always aaaall business with you,” the client commented, beginning to remove what he knew would be a fat envelope from the inside pocket of the pinstripe suit jacket. Then there was a pause - the arm extended in his direction, a finger raised. “You need a tune up first?  I can -–”
He’d interrupted, refused.  
The client’s eyes had grown dark and icy. “I’m not offering for your comfort. I have bosses to report to. I need to know the job’s gonna get done and you’re not gonna get all shaky, or go blind, or collapse. Get it?”
He could always tell from which faction of his clientele the dispatcher hailed, these messengers sent like clockwork every other Wednesday of every month to meet with him for around fifteen years now. The one down the bench was amongst those who dressed to the nines, walked with swagger, were more conversational and witty. The others tended to dress in a random array of seemingly whatever they could manage, had stiff gaits, impersonal to the point of being flat and rude.
So the shot across the bow was a little unexpected. Either way, he hadn’t ever been intimidated by any of them. This continued to be the case, especially now.
Call someone else then, he’d replied calmly.  And he’d held up his dominant hand. Steady as a rock.
The client nodded, handed over the envelope. It didn’t take long to relate the details. And then he watched as the client stood, re-buttoned the pristinely tailored jacket, adjusted a skinny tie, returned the shiny sunglasses to what always seemed to be a smirking face.  
Fidgety bastard, he’d thought as he watched the preening. Then he’d spoken one last time before his client zipped away. He wanted to know why the one standing before him - or another of the unique members making up the collective - weren’t handling it themselves. It seemed a little too simple. Too easy.
“It just may be. But they’d see me coming. Any of my kind. Or our partners. You? They won’t even notice.”
He supposed so, and shrugged his reply, because it was true - no one ever had.
A sly grin, a curt nod. “That’s why we like you, Buck. Might even miss you.”  
Now that was off-putting. The use of his nickname. No one outside of his wife - and his dearly departeds - should’ve known. None of his work associates, past nor present, ever knew this nickname.
His real name was something of an eye-roller, “old-timey” as his wife might’ve said. He thought it was cringe-worthy, never felt right on him. All the first-born boys in the family, back as far as they knew, had carried it. He - and everyone else up the line, at least back to his triple-great-granddaddy - had all had taken on nicknames. His own eldest was just called “Junior”.
He had been known in the family as simply “Buck” since he was born, and his father had become “Big Buck” following that day. Even after the man’s death that’s what everybody still called him, and he’d heard the story more than once. How, even as a kid, there was no tradition, no “that’s how we’ve always done things”, that Big Buck didn’t like to question. 
Bucking the system - that was the both of them, boiled down to a nutshell. His father had liked carrying that mantle, and so did he. Shame it wouldn’t be on his tombstone. 
And while he was pondering, just like that, the client was gone. Not that he’d have expected the truth, should he have made the inquiry. Not that it mattered anymore.
He made sure to switch over to his other self during the short walk to the truck and the drive back out to the house. Jovial and kind, kidding and chuckling with the bag boy at the supermarket. He was supposed to bring home a few things to complete supper later.
Most hunters didn’t bother with a ruse, but most hunters didn’t have families to consider like his always had. Like the legacy of the name, his line had all kept families. Defying the system as it were, long before the big and little Bucks came on the scene, marrying within their own community of like-minded folks and keeping up the family business. 
Which is how every last one of them had been wiped out.
He wasn’t going to make the same mistake. Married a sweet gal he’d met at a sock-hop and never looked back. Kept her and the boys in the dark for their own good.
She’d made too much for just the two of them, as usual. He’d still eat every bite served. He’d tried for awhile to reduce his girth, but his face got skinny and he thought his baseball caps didn’t sit the same way. His knees had felt better, and he’d briefly missed that barely-owned muscle car. 
All that was of no import now. Besides, his wife had been tickled pink that he’d gone back to second helpings of her comfort food. He wondered if he’d be able to recall her smile and her hugs and her kisses once he was gone. 
Junior was at a girlfriend’s house for dinner that evening, first time meeting the parents and such. He’d loaned the kid his church tie, even, so he knew his son must’ve really liked this one. The “kid” was out of his teens, and more than anxious to be out of the nest, though his mother was fighting it tooth and nail. Their youngest wouldn’t be home for awhile yet still; basketball practice always seemed to run long these days.
He looked through the mail while sitting at the table and smelling the fried chicken cooking. He’d have to feign some good-natured annoyance at the bills. He briefly thought on her reaction, if she’d be angry at the sizable chunk of money she’d have after he was gone. 
It’d be when she went to put the safety deposit boxes in just her name, likely dig through them while she was there. He’d made it seem like they had to survive on paltry Social Security and his equally dismal railroad pension. And of course, the bit of money from what she thought were under-the-table long-hauls he’d occasionally take on for the extra cash.  
Amongst the usual items, there was the annual Christmas card they’d consistently received, from that little girl they’d sold the Impala to several years back. She’d moved on from Kansas to Montana, with her new husband. The first card they’d gotten was just after the move - barely mentioned it, though, since it was filled up with apologies for selling the car. Neither he nor his wife cared. She was safe, and she was happy, and they were happy for her.
She’d gotten up to three kids now, according to the picture inside, looked to be that she’d had them back-to-back-to-back. Two boys and a girl. It actually gave him a genuine smile, before it hit him again: he’d never have grandbabies. Figured he’d give a go at pretending she was his daughter and those pretty, chubby-cheeked cherubs were his never-to-bes, maybe coax a dream when he tried to sleep.
That creepy sumbitch she’d been married to had actually come out from Dallas, tracked her all the way to Lubbock somehow. He’d already looked into who the dirtbag was, on a job that had taken him to that area. Later on, after good old-fashioned laziness caused an end to the jerk’s pursuit, he’d found the louse in a dive bar, just as he’d been promised.
It was the only favor he’d ever asked of his clients, asked it of one of the more drab contacts. The snotty ones would’ve wanted to make a deal of some sort for the information. They had, before, when his wife had gotten in a bad way. It’d been almost a decade prior. All the docs had given her six months. But he’d already let one of the messengers know, two jobs back, that his own ticket would likely be punched before his bill came due. They’d shrugged.
That business with the rescued girl was the only time he’d made an exception, taking care of something personal, something on the side. Something purely human. Not exactly his usual lot.
He’d taken care of it after the job, of course. Somehow wouldn’t have seemed appropriate not to. It never made the news, he’d checked. That pathetic excuse for a man only’d had one person to bother with him for awhile now, and she was in another life, long gone.
Marrying his wife, being a father, and looking out for that girl often seemed like the only noble things he’d done. Didn’t matter that perhaps these new sort of hunts were saving innocents on the back end. To him it was killing, and it had always been killing. 
It gave him a measure of peace, selling her the car for cheap. He’d slept like a baby for the rest of that summer. Til the next job came around, of course.
His assigned targets weren’t yet bumps in the night. His client had proven their eerily predictive skills to him. They’d given him several folks to watch over the course of a month, all those years ago, when he’d first been approached.
Down to the minute, they’d been right about when bites would occur, when the vengeance of unfinished business would begin. Reminded him how he’d been out of the game too long and was too old and out of shape to take on beasts. To prevent the transformations themselves. 
But perhaps he could still prevent the suffering of countless others by beating monsters to the punch with one long-distance shot. They’d shown him with those first few examples that his marks would be the most vicious. These were the sort who would wreak the most havoc upon their unholy conversions. 
He’d witnessed it. The first year, his employers had insisted he simply surveil, and these freshman nightcrawlers had indeed left miles of misery in their wake. Other hunters could take care of what got them that way, it was explained; the risk of these particular folks getting turned, whether today or tomorrow, was just too big a gamble any way you sliced it. 
It had somehow made for a twisted sort of logic at the time.
This last job was to happen in five days. A married couple. He’d taken care of women before, didn’t violate what sliver of a moral code he still possessed. The emotionless fellow who’d brought that first one to him had actually shown a touch of surprise when he didn’t even blink.  
He woke his wife and the boys just after dawn, kissing them all goodbye. He’d just be popping up to Kansas, he reminded them, be back in a few days. They understood - he’d made sure to do some extra complaining about the mortgage over the days prior, so it’d seem like sense, his making an exception to the no-out-of-state hauls rule. He’d pull extra cash from the box on his way back home to make the story stick.
“Bye, Pops,” the boys had mumbled with yawns and stretches.
“Love you, Buck, you be good,” his wife had sleepily said.
The tall, pretty blonde was out on the front porch putting up Christmas lights, then moving on to hanging a sparse wreath on the door. It looked homemade. The tail of one of the strings of lights fell and he could see her sigh as she pulled the little step stool back over and climbed up again. She moved slowly and carefully, that huge belly clearly impacting her balance.
His commissioners had neglected to mention this particular detail.
He kept watching as a shiny black Impala not unlike his old one pulled up right at sunset. The woman and God and everybody for a square mile had to have known about the arrival, that deep growl of an engine heralding the approach. She met her husband on the porch, gave as big a hug as her belly would allow, and she received an equally loving embrace right back, unwashed greased-stained hands be damned. She didn’t seem to care when some of it smudged off onto her cream-colored sweater when her belly got a rub.
He followed the strapping, jet-haired husband the next morning, sitting far enough away to go unnoticed but still close enough to watch through the garage’s open doors, drinking coffee from his beat up thermos, the one that, a lifetime ago, only held distilled water and a crucifix.  His targets were not far short of children in his eyes, this half just a boy - a kid not unlike Junior, he thought. But a hard worker, no doubt; whipped through four cars and had started on the fifth by the time lunch rolled around. Smiled and chatted with the other mechanics all along the way.
Then the engine whisperer sat on a nearby curb, eating a sack lunch the wife must’ve packed. Good time to leave, check on what she was up to. Wanted to give her enough time to ease into her day. He recalled the slow starts that came with being so close to giving birth. And he knew from experience how close she was; the baby would arrive before February rolled around, he’d bet money.
She left the house after lunch, looked like a friend had come to pick her up. Her eyebrows knit and her nose crinkled as she passed by her handiwork from the evening prior. That same ornery tail of tiny sparkles had come loose again, apparently not agreeing with the nail he’d watched her hammer into the front of the porch’s overhang.
The roof didn’t look all that good. He was curious as to whether she or her husband realized their desperate need for new shingles. Paint was chipping all over the exterior. He’d have a look around inside later, once he was sure she was occupied, but he suspected he’d find more of the same - they were young, they had a baby to plan for, and they hardly had anything but each other.
He remembered those days clear as a bell. His mind hadn’t gone yet. Curse or blessing, depending on your perspective.
She and the friend had gone to a little consignment shop. They browsed, he browsed. Looked like she purchased some bedding for the crib he imagined was ready to go inside their house, given her husband’s work ethic. Then they stopped by a garage sale. She bought an angel figurine. He found it both sweet and futile, all at the same time. All dicks, far as he’d been able to tell.
But resolved, both the unfeathered and the shark-eyed bastards alike. They’d send others to the modest house on Robintree; could be they already had. Maybe they’d be successful next time they tried. For now, they could go to hell.
Which is what he said aloud while he was driving back home. Just passed through Oklahoma City when the same messenger who’d delivered the assignment popped into the truck’s cab without warning. Looked more than simply irritated - seemed pretty beat down. Perhaps their little jaunts to come see him wore them out more than they’d let on.
Seeing as how he hadn’t gotten his last hurrah, the warning he expected was issued. About a month left on the clock. The payment was returned - minus the chunk that now resided in the Impala’s glove box, wrapped in a brief note that implied they should just accept they had their own secret Santa. There was a roll of darkened eyes, followed by as abrupt an exit as the arrival.
He made sure he was out of state again, staying in a dingy motel in a bad part of the random city he’d selected. And he thought hard on the couple he’d chosen to spare as he laid quietly atop the stained bedspread, eyes closed and smiling. Even when he heard the dogs begin to howl.
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petri808 · 6 years ago
@zenoobsessed  I’m mostly a Hakyona fic writer but I hope you like it ^^  Happy Easter!
As the group begins to pack up their belongings, the village elder walks into the hut that had been provided for them that winter.  Yona looks up, welcoming the man.
“Huizong, is there something you needed help with before we leave?”
“No, no,” he waves a hand, “you and your friends have done so much for us already.  I’ve come instead to request you stay another day.”  As the dragons, Hak, and Yun gather behind Yona, intrigued by this sudden request, the man continues on.  “Each spring when the flowers bloom once more, we celebrate it with the Haru Saku Matsuri taking place tomorrow.”
Everyone turns to Hak for a response, but it is Yona who speaks up, “we would be honored to stay,” her eyes crinkling in a smile.  “Huizong, if there is anything we can do to help prepare, please let us know.”
“I wouldn’t have it,” the man responds.  “It was a blessing that you came to our village this winter.  Had it not been for Yun’s medicines and warming techniques, we would have lost several children to illness and for that we owe a great debt. Please, as our guests of honor, I simply ask you to enjoy yourselves.”
“As you wish,” Yona bows lightly.
As soon as the village elder leaves the hut, everyone starts talking excitedly about what they are looking forward to at the festival.  Zeno and Shin-ah, well mostly Zeno, raves about all the wonderful foods they’ll probably be serving.  Yun and Kija wonder what kind of amusements, maybe dancing or music that might be performed. Hak and Jae-ha hope to get their hands on some fine baijiu’s or soju’s, maybe the elders secret stash.  But Yona carries on like nothing special had just happened, grabbing her bathing supplies, ready to make the short trek to the natural hot springs that drew them to this village in the first place.
Ever the faithful and observant guardian, Hak follows behind at a slight distance to make sure no one bothered her or dared to take a peak.  He settles on some nearby boulders with his back to the pond and waits.  
Yona lets out an exhale the moment her body submerges and the balmy waters, warm her through and through. The last 3 months have been like a dream she didn’t want to wake up from.  So peaceful, just living the life of a normal villager, well as normal as it could get being surrounded constantly by an entourage of six guys. She chuckles inwardly, yes, it was always the odd spectacle to many a passerby of the lone young girl with a reverse harem.    
Some days she almost forgot she was once the Princess of this Kingdom.  Too caught up in just surviving or just too busy to remember.  It wasn’t that Yona didn’t want to stay in the village, of course she wanted to stay.  It was just the idea of a spring festival brought back memories of Hiryuu Castle that could just as easily stay buried right now.
“Is everything okay Princess?” Hak opened his eyes as Yona came closer and turned to look at her. He made no immediate move to get off the boulder, choosing to stay seated with his arms lightly crossed as if he had just awoken from a nap.  
Yona stops walking, “mmhmm,” she hugs her supplies to her chest, “why do you ask?”
“You didn’t seem so excited to stick around.”  Hak finally stands up and jumps down next to her.  “If you want to go, we can go.  We don’t have to stay.”
“No, it’s okay I want to stay,” she smiles a little forlornly, “it’s just, Hak do you remember the cherry blossom festival back home?”  He nods.  “Those were some of my fondest memories growing up each spring.”
“I used to pick you up and carry you on my shoulders so you could reach the higher blossoms,” he chuckles at his own memories.  Yona nods, a slight smile upon her lips, but averting her eyes to the ground to hide some of the moisture developing in them.  “Hey,” Hak steps closer, tilting her face back up, “you’ll see it again someday, I promise you that.”
“Will you…” a slight rouge tinting her cheeks, “will you carry me on your shoulders again too?”
Hak smiles, “I’ll make sure you can reach the best of the blossoms.”  He sticks out his hand, “come on, we should get back to the hut before it gets too dark.  Yun probably has dinner made by now.”  With a nod, she takes his hand and lets him lead.
It was as if the village had timed it to perfection or that maybe the Gods really favored them for the morning of the festival, all the trees in the area were covered in flowers! Her eyes scanned the area hoping that there would be a cherry blossom in the scatter but no such luck.  ‘Oh well,’ she takes a deep breath as her sadness withers away.  This may not be Hiryuu Castle…  she watches her friends, so animated and alive as they rush to all the different booths.  But this, she smiled, was even better.
“Princess?!”  Yona turns to the voice of Kija waiving her down. “Let’s go see, they’re about to perform a skit!”
“Sure,” she beams.
Yun and Zeno join them and the four make their way over to a makeshift stage area.  As they walk, Kija fills them in about what the locals have told him about the story.  Typical bad guys versus good guy story line where the hero defended the townsfolk from invaders.  But there were a few strange details that weren’t so common.
“That sounds ridiculous,” Yun crosses his arms and rolls his eyes, “whoever heard of a caped crusader running around with a mask and no pants?”
“I think it sounds like a fun outfit!” Zeno claps his hands together and begins to bounce up and down excitedly.  “Can we wear masks too?!”
“No,” Yoon shakes his head, “I am not making you a mask.”
Zeno pouts, “Aww!”
“We’ve already got one guy in a mask and one that wears a cape in our strange bunch, that’s enough.”
Yona mumbles under her breath, “Well I wouldn’t mind seeing one of this bunch in no pants…”
“Did you say something miss?” Zeno and Yun look at her with curiosity.
“Huh?”  She waves her arms, “no, no, I didn’t.”  Pushing them along and changing the subject, “oh look, there’s a lot of people, we should find a seat quickly and I see Shin-ah’s already here.”
A few of the townsfolk upon seeing Yun and the others arrive, hustle them to the front by the stage. The group does their best to politely decline, wanting to simply watch from the back but the villagers insist.  Just as the others settle down ready for the play, Yona sees Hak standing near the edge motioning to her with his finger.  She huffs a little annoyed but stands up and goes over to him.  
“The play is about to start Hak…”
“I know but you’ll like this better I promise.  Besides, you live in a hero story already, isn’t that enough?”
Well hell, he was right about that.  She rolls her eyes exaggeratedly anyways, “it’s still fun to watch a play.”
Hak takes her hand, “if we hurry you can still see the end.”  
He takes Yona below the village, not far, maybe a 5-minute walk just through the forests borderline when he stops and crouches down.  Yona looks down at him confused.  “What are you doing?”
Wrapping his arms around her legs, “lifting you up,” and hefting her onto his right shoulder before she can respond.  “Just look up Princess.”
Yona gasps, how did she not notice this?!  “Cherry Blossoms!”
“Told you, you’d like it.”
It had to be an older tree, tall with a trunk slightly gnarled and twisted.  Cherry blossom season was barely beginning and this one only had a spattering of blossoms along its branches.  But it was still beautiful to her, as a few rays shone through, bouncing off of the light pink blooms.  She reaches out to the nearest branch, running her ringers over the delicate petals. It was one of her mother’s favorite flowers and her father had made sure to have them growing around the castle grounds.
“How did you find this tree Hak?”
“I mentioned how much you loved cherry blossoms to the elder and he told me where to find it.  Pick a couple if you like, for your hair.”
“Mmm,” Yona shakes her head, “I think it’s pretty just where it is.  You know, after the harsh winters,” she touches another bloom, “it’s amazing how life just renews itself.”  Smiling down at Hak, “don’t you think?”
He laughs, smiling back at her, “whatever you say Princess.”    
A loud scream rings out from the direction of the village snapping them both to attention.  “Was that Kija?  Put me down Hak,” she taps his head, “we should go back.”
He does as he’s told, grumbling under his breath about how that idiot ruined a moment.  Sure enough, two minutes later after they’d run back to the scene of the play, they find Kija bawling and being consoled by Zeno and Yun.  Shin-ah and Jae-ha are attending to another man in a costume.
“What happened?” Hak and Yona both speak at the same time though in opposite tones.  She emphatic, and he annoyed.  
“Kija panicked when he saw the guy in the costume over there,” Yun answers, pointing towards where Jae-ha and Shin-ah are standing.  “The actor guy is fine, just in shock from Kija freaking out and screaming like he’d seen a ghost.”
“Spider!” Kija perks up, waving his arms.  “It was a spider!  I thought he had a huge spider crawling on his chest!”  
“Oh, brother,” Hak rolls his eyes, “bugs, we ran back here because you thought you saw a bug.  We were having such a... ahh!  Never mind.”  
“It was just a symbol on the guys costume,” Yun explains, “remember the hero stuff, it’s like the villager’s mascot or something.”
“I…” running a hand down his face, “I need a drink,” Hak walks away from the group towards their hut.
Yona calls out several times at his retreating image but the young man never turns around.  “Maybe I should go check on him?”  Why was Hak so upset?  The whole thing with Kija was funnier than upsetting, and kind of odd.  Or maybe he was mad because he had wanted to spend more time at the tree?  She had to admit, sharing those peaceful moments with him alone were always nice.
“Yona…  Yona…”  
Yun shakes her again. “Yona?”
She opens her eyes, “Yes Yun?”
“You should get up already, it’s time for breakfast.”
“Breakfast?”  Yona sits up confused for a moment when she realizes she’s back in the hut on her sleeping roll.  “Did I fall asleep at the festival?  H-How did I get back here?”
Yun places the back of his hand against her forehead.  “You don’t have a fever, don’t seem sick.  I’m not sure what you’re talking about Yona, cause it’s the morning of the festival.”
Yona blinks, “so we didn’t go to it yet?”
“No,” the young boy smiles.
She plops back onto her bedroll, “wow, that was all just a dream…”
lol I think the Easter eggs are kinda easy to figure out, but I had fun writing it in to the story :)    
Haru Saku Matsuri (Spring Blooming Festival) 
Baiju- an ancient Chinese alcoholic drink
Soju- Korean or Japanese alcoholic drink
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