#in my wesper feels rn
theloverislost · 4 months
listening to strawberry mentos (by leanna firestone) and thinking about wesper
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vanveronicango · 5 months
okay yall i'm def going to liveblog my soc/crooked kingdom read WEEEEEE (feel free to blacklist '#andie reads six of crows' and '#andie reads crooked kingdom' if you don't wanna be sick of me or see any spoilers)
let me just get some thoughts out from the almost-130 pages i've read so far because i got em!!:
the kaz/wylan parallels already!! like i've read some opinions that they're two sides of the same coin but the fact there was already something before wylan was even introduced... at the end of his meeting with jan, jan says "i do wonder what a boy of your intelligence might have amounted to under different circumstances." this is literally the exact opposite of how he feels about wylan. from what i've seen other readers say, at least, he sees wylan as inherently stupid in his illiteracy, and it doesn't matter that his circumstances were 'perfect', he absolutely doesn't belong to the van eck empire. it's almost like, in this line alone, jan - somewhere subconsciously, at least - wonders what it would have been like to have someone like kaz as a son instead. leigh the things you've already made me feel
kaz's personality. already i absolutely love his characterization: he's a dick, an asshole to those around him, but he also has this snarky, almost silly side where he doesn't feel above occasionally joining in on his dregs' banter, while simultaneously being secretive and completely rigid in his own arrogance. he's both unlikeable and charming, and already he's feeling so layered and developed and interesting. i'm going to be honest: usually i'm not a huge fan of fan-favorite male characters that are dicks with extensive skills and massive egos hiding insecurities underneath. i think it's overdone and i'm not interested in it. but there is something about kaz that just completely flips the trope on its head for me and i can't quite place my finger on why that is but i'll be sure to bring it up when i finally figure it out lmao
BOOK NINA BOOK NINA BOOK NINA. i already absolutely adored her in the show, but only from the bit i've read, book nina is on another level. her work at the white rose, the way she completely shifts in her personality for that work but is also so so confident in who she is. the FLIRTING. the HEARTBREAK when she finally meets matthias again. she is so wonderfully written and such a joy to read
matthias is absolutely breaking my heart fr like... when he was forced to kill the wolves... the way he went from feral animal in the ring to tears... damn. damn. the way he's written it's like he's literally at war with his own mind, just being ping-ponged between sheer, violent rage towards nina interspersed with flashes of... oh her skin is so soft... the dreams about loving her hurt more than the ones where i kill her... he must be so tired :(
the kaz & wylan relationship. i knowwww that he's fully using him and everything he does is a means to an end like I KNOW THAT but the way he defended wylan when the rest of the crows were calling him stupid and less talented :( "hidden depths" "marketable skills" OH MYYYYYYY gosh :(((((((((( their relationship is so special to me already.. like kaz is extremely upfront (well as much as kaz brekker can be lol) to wylan about why he's there ("why do you think i'm keeping you around" "i'm good at demo" "you're passable at demo. you're excellent at hostage") which i actually do appreciate, but right now he's also objectively the only one on wylan's side rn, even if it's all bc of ulterior motives
wesper. OH. OH BOOK WESPER. my absolute beloved already. the way jesper can't stand him. the way wylan doesn't back down when jesper comes at him. their bickering means literally everything to me. am i absolutely heartbroken that he literally called wylan useless? you're damn right i am :((( but man their growth is gonna HIT i can feel it now. i see how different book & show wesper are now (i've heard but actually reading it is a whole other thing) and both are so special to me... it's like alternate universes bless em. i'm so excited to read more of them (they are my favorite couple and i will be commenting on them a lot okay)
i really wonder how this book would be if i had literally zero spoilers BUT. reading wylan say "i'm not useless" when everyone is attacking him for just being there (jesper calling him useless and nina calling him stupid got me feeling a little feral)... he's so used to being belittled and treated like a fool by everyone around him but he still tries :( he still puts his all into helping. he tries to make everyone understand that he should be there and that he is talented at what he does and that he's not useless. i think he's trying to convince himself, too
i'm so excited for more jesper pov. i absolutely love this man and i wanna get into his head gdi that beautiful insane little sharpshooter brain
inej... so far she's giving the p much the same vibe as the show so i don't yet have much to comment here (i just love her. anyone who feels anything less than unwavering adoration for inej ghafa is not to be trusted) EXCEPT honorable mention for the absolute thirst that comes over her watching kaz get half naked and bathing himself. the way she just gazes at the water running down his body and his HANDDDSSSS miss ghafa has a hand fetish confirmed good for her good for her good for her
okay okay that's enough for now, i'll be more specific as i go further but i had to get my thoughts so far out somewhere lol anyways im about to continue reading so i'll see ya in the next post~
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lunarthecorvus · 16 hours
yes soc is awesome im on like a 3rd reread rn
actually i came here because of that asks reblog thingie to ask you something like what's your fav colour or shir
okay you gotta tell me your fav scene. also did you read the books or watched the show
Heyy! First I have to apologise for being so late with this- I can be good at answering asks or just awful at answering them on time-
I have read the books and watched the show. I watched the show first then got hyperfixated on the crows and needed to consume the books so I listened to the audiobooks! I adore the audiobooks and all the voices BUT I have a complaint about the pronunciation of words being different each time I heard them- even the same voice actors would pronounce the same word differently ahsha
Show wise I have quite a few favourite scenes and one of them is the one where all the crows (minus Matthias </3) were in that cafe discussing plans. Another one is the one where Jesper says that Jes means Suli for friendship, I loved the moment where the train expolded, the irony was just funny and I loved Jesper in that scene.
The scene where we had Inej, Zoya and Nina is the same frame was perfectt. Alina telling the Darkling she can deal with it hersekf and handle the people coming after her, also her killing the Darkling was amazing because I despise that creepy man. Inej doing the cool jump and slicing the shadow demon, iconnn. Honestly I almost wrote about that whole scene, I just love it all.
Seeing Kaz, Jesper and Nikolai be in the same room (the scene where Jesper and Kaz are arrested), I also loved.
Ooo and the scene where Inej is surrounded and goes 'the question is will I waste my prayers tonight after gutting you all' that was INEJ FUCKING GHAFA, shes so powerfulll. Then her and Nina interacting (I know not for long but stilll) and Nina speaking Suli, YESS. I wish that scene was longer.
Book wise, I could go on forever and in more detail about but I don't want this to be too long, so if you want to know more about why I love these scenes, feel to send an ask and i might get to it this year hopefully ahhsdh-
Inej being injured in the ship and Nina taking care of her. Just reading Nina care for Inej and them just being best friends and just talking was so nice to read, those girls deserve the worlddd, also their friendship means so much to mee.
Jesper and Wylan when they're breaking the chain because thats when I really realised how much I loved book!wesper and them interacting was so niceee. Also we just got see more of a newer side of Wylan and Jesper, it's one of my favouritee wesper scenee.
Kaz and Inej 'I would come for you' scene, when I tell you I was shocked at this scene, two people guarded like those two. Especially admitting that he would come for her not matter what was happening to either of them, he would come for herrr.
I was going to include just one but the other scene is the scene where Kaz says is my tie straight and Inej laughs, its them being in love and just being soft for a moment AHHHH, then when she goes to her parents and when she goes 'her heart was a river and it carried her to the sea', the fact that she gets to reunte with her parents hunt slavers and work with Kaz to take them down on land sometimes as well, JUST I LOVE HER and am happy for her. Her saying she thinks he's worth saving AAAAA.
Honourary mention is when she said the 'I will have you without armour or I will not have you at all' she set boundries as she should despite the fact that she knew she had feelings for him and wasn't willing to throw her life away and basically said that he needs to be willing to work on himself, Y E S.
Matthias and Nina, the kiss scene where he spins her around, I SQUEALED when I read that. I adore them both and was so happy when they actually finally broke down all the tensity and gave innn.
Nina being on Parem, I know that its sad because of what it did to her BUT she was just so powerful and commanding in that scene I just ahhhhhh love it. Also I love how Nina just manages to flirt her way through stuff and is an incredible spy, NINAAAA, shes so impressive
Wylan, ooo this one, its when Wylan was first disguised as Kuwei and watched his dad be fine with killing him, as well as just being face to face with his abusive piece of shit father. As someone who has/had a Dad like that when I heard that I was so FREAKING PROUD of him, he was face to face and watched his father do that and managed to boast to him about knowing he'd that and fooling him, Y E S. I was so impressed and knew the strength it would take to even face him, I'm still so proud of him to this
Inej, there are so many scenes but one is the 'when the world owed you nothing, you demanded something of it anyway.' just hit the feels, she's writing her own fate after other people writing it for her and knowing that unlike Dunyasha she didn't have some special protection when she was taken, but she will hold herself up because she has survived and she is INEJ GHAFA. Another scene like this I loved was the incinerator scene because it felt so just AHHH, she finally chose that she was going to survive and finally live, it just hitss. And she released she was going to do it herself and not for work for anybody and help people like her.
There are so many more Inej scenes but this post is already too long that I don't want to make it so much longer, I wanted to include scenes for Kaz, Jesper and Matthias but I saw this post was just so long so for now I'm ending it here, if you want me to write about those scenes just send me another ask about it and I'll include them :)
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cancelmecowards · 2 years
firstly i feel like the experience of watching the show wouldn't be as good to people who haven't read the books? or i might be completely off. because it was. SUPER rushed, obviously. but now that I'm thinking of it maybe having it be an entirely different plotline might have sorta helped i suppose. idk people who haven't read the books yet please tell me your thoughts.
secondly. i wasn't really a fan of a lot of the things and how they really crammed everything up until the end???? like damn???? im intrigued now???? it really is a whole new plotline and I'm living for it let's fucking GO. also. loved the malina conclusion. i REALLY hope Nikolai and Alina don't become a thing.
THE CROWS. MY DARLING BABY CROWS. again, was not a fan with how they incorporated elements from fucking CROOKED KINGDOM!!! but at the same time i get WHY they did it. and for that I'm grateful (like if the show doesn't get renewed hey we atleast for wesper!!! and the 'i will have you without armour' and KAZ ABSOLUTELY DESTROYING PEKKA??? FREDDY CARTER I LOVE YOU FOR THAT) am i happy they speedran NO but am i happy i got to see it YES???? LIKE WESPER OMG "wait we haven't really put labels on it" we all got it wrong the series is actually about wylan and jesper trying to be Functional Boyfriends™ everything else is secondary plot.
(Inej!!! wielding neshyenyer!!!! did not know i needed that!!!! also inej just being a badass in general i just uGH)
i have a LOT of questions though??? if the show DOES get renewed hooowwww the fuck do they plan to move forward???? like uh??? six of crows? why was the cut dark when alina used it is it some merzost thing??? and alina still has?? her powers??? inej isn't with the crows rn??? are they going to integrate king of scars??? what the fuck is??? Alina doing????
absolutely unhinged i am living for this.
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saywha413 · 8 months
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Heyyy there it’s me!! Name’s Sarah, he/she/they! Bi, ace, demiromantic, genderqueer, and agendary :) pronouns page I primarily blog abt pokemon, but there’s some cookie run, and other things!!
If you know me from discord, then you’ll know abt my silly usernames lol. If you want to call me Arven/Hugh/Felix/Kaeya/Eugene/Rolf go ahead.
also I’m a big oc guy. if you don’t like oc/canon or self insert/canon please dni. other than that, basic dni! you know who you are
Asks are always open! Feel free to ask me about anything you want!!
(please look through the “keep reading” before interacting!)
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i am the mod several blogs! Ones in the same universe will be marked with the same colored emoji !
Pokemon Ask Blogs 💕 @ask-sarah-and-co 💎🎸 (inbox: 22)
Pokemon Irl Blogs 🌸 @arven-x-drayster-4ever🥪🐉 (temp. hiatus)
🌺 @icy-chill ❄️ (eeby/faller, temp. hiatus)
🌷 @pens-and-coins 🔮🪙 (lore blog, temp. hiatus)
🎀 @silvallyandweavile 🌘🪶 (temp. hiatus)
💐 @perrins-portfolio 📸 (temp. hiatus)
🦩 @g-max-wildfire 🎇 (temp. hiatus)
💗 @suckerpunch-n-toxic 🎶 (temp. hiatus)
💧 @glacial-waltzes ❄️ (faller, active)
Daily Drawing Blog (also kinda on hiatus (at least while I work on other stuff)) @sarahs-daily-malewives
Although I’d prefer questions on those blogs specifically, feel free to ask about them here too :)
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I have a whole bunch of pokemon ships, so here’s a list (which I update every once in a while)
and if you’re looking for the old pinned (where I drew 12 ships) that’s here :) (individual drawings here)
here’s my old banner! linking to save for myself mostly lol
art tag is #my art writing tag is #my writing
random links: ao3 / artfight / toyhouse / pinterest / pokefarm / flight rising (I am very inactive on pokefarm and flight rising. I only check occasionally)
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Interests + favorite /r ships, favorite /p ships, & fave char (if they apply) !
Major! (I talk/think about them a lot)
Pokemon (games + anime (fixated on jn but never finished it, interested in hz but never started it)). just check the ship list linked above (or oc/hugh if that counts). Silver & Hugh & Gladion are so friends to me. Hugh
Cookie run (kingdom). Crunchyvelvet/Velvetchip. Red Velvet and my hc for his cousins, Black Raisin & Crowberry & Prune Juice. Red Velvet
Mythology (specifically Greek, but I like all of them!). Athena
Cats. generally.
Cassette beasts. Eugene/oc. Eugene
Unicorn overlord (I am insane abt this rn). Alain x Rolf x Aubin x Aramis x Ithilion. Alain & Lex. Rolf I think
Minor! (I do post about them, just not as much!)
Octopath traveler 1. Olberus/Eisenbright, Olberic/Erhardt. My current party (H’aanit, Therion, Olberic, Cyrus) is so found family to me (two gay dads and their lesbian daughter/gay son. I LOVE THEM). H’aanit, Therion
Fire emblem (three houses). Felileth/Bylix. Byleth & Black Eagles. Felix
Dislyte. Lufal. Falken
Monster hunter (stories (2)). Alwin/oc. Alwin & Navirou & Protag. Alwin
Dragon quest (xi). Luminerik, Henjasp. Erik
Animal crossing (new horizons). It feels weird to say I have ac ships but I’m a Bianca/Audie and Freya/Fang truther. Raymond
Afk journey. Valen x Merlin/oc ig. Valen
Background! (I like these things, just don’t rlly talk abt them! Feel free to ask abt them though!)
Zelda (botw/totk). Sidlink, Revalink. Link & Zelda Link
Hades game. Thanzag. Zagreus & anyone (I love his silly ahh banter). Zagreus
Stardew valley. Leah x farmer, Sambastian. Leah & Abigail. Leah
Mario. Bowser
The owl house (and the shows you would kinda associate with it? amphibia, the ghost and molly mcgee, she-ra, etc). Goldric/Huntric, Willumity. Luz & Hunter. Luz, Hunter
Encanto. Luisa
riordanverse or whatever it’s called (specifically pjo, hoo, and magnus chase)
Grishaverse (specifically soc duology). The crows. Wesper.
Sims 4
Omori (got into it from a yt playthrough, never played it myself). Heromari
I’m not really into these fandoms, but there’s probably like one ship I really like in there lol
Sonic the hedgehog. Sonuckles, Blazamy. Sonic & Tails & Knuckles. Knuckles
Kingdom hearts. Soriku. Sora & Riku & Kairi. Riku
Disney descendants. Jaylos. Core four
Star vs the forces of evil. Tomco, Janstarkie.
Ace attorney. Wrightworth
Miraculous. I actually hate the show (even though I watched the whole thing (it was like so bad I couldn’t tear my eyes from it)) but alas. I do like Lukadrien and Zoegaminette.
dunmeshi. Labru, kinda also Farcille. (I could watch it. but like. it’s only subbed afaik and I cannot watch anything without eng vas bc I basically just listen to things while I play video games or draw or smth. I do want to watch it though and I might at some point))
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if we are besties (read: mutuals), feel free to ask for discord/switch friend code! I have the right to politely decline if I feel we’re not close enough though! (no need to worry though. there’s a good chance I accept)
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divider credit: x / x icon/banner/header credit: x pokemon sprites: x
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sparrowmoth · 1 year
Tagged by @momokyuzu to post 5 things that make me happy! 💕
My dog, the absolute light and love of my life. I've had him for just a little over a year now and if anything happened to him, I would enter my supervillain era. He is everything to me. I love him sm.
Friends!!! What would I do without my lovely friends? I've met so many wonderful new friends since founding the Wesper Fic Club and the little community we've built makes me happy every day.
Wesperrrrr, the OTP of all time. 🥺 I get so much serotonin from these two. I'm obsessed with them. They've inspired me to push myself harder with my art and writing and I'm so fucking thrilled with the progress I've seen happening this year because of it. <3
Tattoos!! Ahhhh, I'm never getting over my crows tattoo. It's so, so pretty and my artist did such an amazing job with it. Crazy how a new tattoo improves body confidence by at least 20% too djakgjk
Dolls....... why lie lmao, I'm really hyperfixated on dolls rn. I hated them so much growing up, but something about realizing they can't make me a girl in a way that matters is so utterly freeing. They're just like!! little people-shaped things!! It's really neat.
Tagging (no pressure): @everfairestar @finitevoid @cyanoceans @daggery @fizzysugarwater @jazzythursday @stormkpr @tinyarmedtrex @waterloou @wespertilionidae and anyone else who wants to do this!! Feel free to say I tagged you. <3
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artemis-lynn · 6 months
*spawns* Wassup
Nickname: Artemis/Artie
Newsie name: Pepper!
Age: A number that exists
Hobbies: Drawing, acting, reading, role-playing, scrolling, avoiding sleep, drinking caffeine, singing, writing
Fave musicals: Newsies & West Side Story
Favorite role: -Ensemble member in Matilda
*-Firm believer that theatre is a sport-*
Dream Roles: -Spot Conlon (Newsies) -Racetrack Higgins (Newsies) -Riff (West Side Story) -Anita (West Side Story)
Fave musical songs: First Burn (Hamilton) Dear Theodosia (Hamilton) Candy Store (Heathers) Sincerely Me (Dear Evan Hansen) Requiem (Dear Evan Hansen) Santa Fe (Newsies, BOTH VERSIONS of the song but especially Christian Bale's), Letters from the Refuge (Newsies) Brooklyn's Here (Newsies) Once and For All (Newsies) Gee Officer Krupke (West Side Story 2021) I Feel Pretty (West Side Story 2021) America (West Side Story 2021) Tonight (Quintet) (West Side Story 2021)
Fave non-musical songs as of rn: Long Live (T.Swift) When Emma Falls in Love (T.Swift) Never Grow Up (T.Swift) Dorothea (T.Swift) Champagne Problems (T.Swift) (I'M A SWIFTIE SHHHHH)
Fave movies: Newsies (1992), West Side Story (2021), The Princess Bride, Cruella, The Amazing Spiderman 2, Across the Spiderverse, Wonder Woman (2017)
Fave TV show: High School Musical the Musical The Series
Fave books: I Must Betray You (Ruta Sepetys) The Princess Bride (William Goldman) The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise (Dan Giemenhart) Alone (Megan Freeman) Dark stalker (Tui T Sutherland)
Fave characters: Spot Conlon (Newsies) Blink (Newsies) Racetrack Higgins (Newsies) Sarah Jacobs (Newsies) Riff (WSS) Anita (WSS) Valentina (WSS) Kaz Brekker (SoC) Inej Ghafa (SoC) Nina Zenik (SoC) Jesper Fahey (SoC)
Fave ships: Sprace (Spot x Race, Newsies) Blush (Mush x Blink, Newsies) SPARAH (Spot x Sarah, Newsies) Riff x Tony (WSS) Anita x Bernardo (WSS) Kanej (Kaz x Inej, SoC) Helnik (Nina x Matthias, SoC) Wesper (Wylan x Jesper, SoC)
"If any of you survives, make sure I get an open casket at my funeral. The world deserves a few more moments with THIS face."-Jesper Fahey, Six of Crows
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livvyofthelake · 1 year
speak now taylor’s version as a grishaverse concept album: a post.
mine. at first i was like. this is a kanej song… and then i was like no it’s too sweet for kanej this is a wesper song. and i stand by that. you made a rebel if a careless man’s careful. son. i guess. whatever
sparks fly. now THIS is kanej!! and you stood there in front of me just close enough to touch!! close enough to hope you couldn’t see what i was thinking of!!!
back to december. genya about alina for real…. genya goes back to december all the time…. wishing she realized what she had when alina was hers….. whatEVER though.
speak now. mal!!!!! can be him about alina marrying blondie for political reasons or about alina being close to the darkling that time he came to the little palace to report on the stag. he is a jealous bitch!! we love it
dear john. do i even need to say it. literally alina about the darkling. he’s an expert at sorry and keeping lines blurry never impressed by her aceing his tests. he’ll add her name to a long list of traitors who don’t understand and she’ll look back and regret she ignored when they said run as fast as you can. don’t you think she was too young to be messed with. she stole his matches before fire could catch her so don’t look now she’s shining like fireworks over his sad empty town!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he needs to kill himself
mean. he would hate me saying this but. kaz about pekka rollins…. someday i’ll be living in a big old city and all you’re ever gonna be is mean!!!
the story of us. veryyyy kanej. tbh. um you held your pride like you should have held me. why are we pretending this is nothing. she’s standing alone in a crowded room and they’re not speaking. the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now….. I WOULD LAT MY ARMOR DOWN IF YOU SAY YOU’D RATHER LOVE THAN FIGHT. so many things that you wish i knew but the story of us might be ending soon!!!!!! i don’t even care that much whatever.
never grow up. ok well like fuck this song first of all. cried. idk why i thought i wouldn’t like girl you KNOW you’re in an emotionally vulnerable place rn jesus. this one defies blorboification because it’s so crazy but also it’s about alina in the sense that alina is also about me. ok sorry that when i saw alina finally get to the little palace and her new room completely alien to her with nothing familiar but the scars on her body and she’s finally alone for the first time since everything changed overnight and she just immediately breaks down sobbing crying keeling over i immediately was like ummmm she’s gonna be huge for me rn and then i cried so hard i almost threw up and now i’m here. ok. well whatever. you know how sometimes you go to a family reunion and you see your cousin who got married when you were in third grade and you wore a pink tie die sundress and matching pink flip flops and the reception was in a cool barn with little lights all around and there was a weird decorative edible flower on your plate at dinner that you didn’t eat because you were 8 and you thought that was weird and your cousin (the one who just got married) wanted to dance with you and you were 8 so you didn’t want to and you still kinda feel bad about the fact that you were in a bad mood at a wedding when you were 8 but you can’t really do anything about it now and anyway that’s hardly the point if anything because he’s got two daughters now and the youngest is only 5 and she has the same little haircut you had when you were a kid and the same blue eyes and the same shy demeanor and she’s wearing the cutest pink outfit and you just want to cry when you look at her and then your cousin asks you if you would paint her nails because she hasn’t been playing with the other kids there that much and she feels left out and she liked your nails and so you do it and her hands are so little because she’s only five and she’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen in your life and she reminds you of yourself way too much and you just want to cry because you were also the kid at the family reunion that didn’t really get included in playing with the other kids but now you can look at her and do something nice for her and smile at her and be someone for her that no one was for you and like i’m so fucking normal guys i’m not even crying at all lol. lmao even. fuck you taylor
enchanted. ok well. genyalina. what if i said i thought genya helped stop alina from communicating with mal in part because she was jealous that alina loved him.
better than revenge. alina core. she hates women sometimes but don’t worry it’s just because she’s gay and doesn’t know. anyway her about zoya but like literally nothing happened she’s just insane <3
innocent. i’m going to be honest i have never heard this song in full and i’m not about to start now. who cares
haunted. kanej!!!! they walk a fragile line….
last kiss. well i’m not qualified to speak on this but i imagine when mal and alina had to separate in the show this is them. again. i don’t know what i’m saying. anyway it’s also nina and matthias i guess but who cares about them
long live. it was not within me to listen to this tonight but like i know the song and it’s about alina……….. also the crows….. (actually this song has always been about my friends the pevensies but we are making this a grishaverse concept album tonight and we aren’t talking about them rn. but just letting you know there is a deeper priority here. peace and love)
ours. malina!!!!!! don’t you worry your pretty little mind people throw rocks at things that shine and life makes love look hard the stakes are high the waters rough but this love is ours!!!! 🫶🫶🫶🫶
superman. mal…. go save the world i’ll be around…. etc.
electric touch. MAL AND ALINA. HER ELECTRIC TOUCH COULD FILL THIS GHOST TOWN UP WITH LIFE. also it’s kinda lucie and jesse core but we’re not talking about that rn. also i guess it could be a jesper and wylan song but like. alina literally has an electric touch. in a way.
when emma falls in love. nina is soooo emma…. inej is the narrator also
i can see you. this is so kanej i could throw up. i didn’t even finish the song it was too much but just trust me it’s kanej
castles crumbling. ALINAAAAAAAAA
foolish one. oh this one’s EASY. book wylan about jesper and also show inej about kaz. duh. except the bridge which is about blondie wanting to fuck mal so bad it makes him look stupid.
timeless. first of all this is so loved you before by peach prc core. secondly malina core. thirdly beronica core frankly. whatever.
also if if this was a movie was on the correct album i would be saying it was about malina i guess but taylor decided to be ultra lame.
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arillusionist · 11 months
shadow and bone s2e1 reaction - i said i would watch this episode on sunday but i lied. haha
they should've put 6 crows in the sky are they dumb
kaz gave them papers?? when?? he probably did it offscreen i swear i didnt forget the last episode that quickly
ok oh my god by the way. they better have fixed malina in this season too because i'm halfway through siege and storm and i literally want to kill mal hes so fucking annoying and literally SO toxic. i miss the soc relationships they were all so well written
fuck this after i finish the s&b triology im rereading soc
ooh nice map
YAYY WE'RE IN KETTERDAM i hope they have more episodes here this season. aka more than 2
i have a feeling this is where they meet wylan... or nina maybe
"are you saying we have no home" ?? what about the slat
thats how you pronounce inej's last name?? my whole life is a lie wtf
"she does that" aw he sounds so proud
stop this is like that one scene from soc except if he faints inej's voice wont be there to ground him when he wakes up ☹️
omg thats nikolai/sturmhond right
take your damn shoes off
ok they better tell him where shes going because while theyre on the verge of going to prison shes just making out with her boyfriend
i love alina but am i supposed to feel bad for her?? bc i dont
yayy he told him but good thing inej isnt here
Kaz side eye 2.0
theyre revealing the jesper grisha thing already...? interesting
omg novyi zem looks exactly like how i imagined it "these fugitives are wanted for crimes against our country" this isnt your country dawg
i can already tell theyre toyla and tamar
is this ketterdam again is that inej
so they kill heleen ofscreen. and inej has literally no reaction to it.
I am so confused rn didnt kaz buy inej's indenture??
"im not leaving you. not now" ☹️☹️☹️☹️
tf is he waffling about
talking about pekka btw
if theyre doing the whole pekka plot now what did they leave for the spinoff?? ik its probably not happening but they thought it was gonna happen and they wrote the scripts but what even are in those scripts
then again i think they only wrote the scripts for the first book
but what were they planning on putting in it for the second book if they got it 💀
so he already had wylan employed (??) or whatever interesting
"funny guns and angry hat" speaking of hats can kaz please stop wearing one it looks so fucking ugly
aww nina talking to inej in suli
all the crows in one episode this is crazy
and they've been onscreen for 9 whole minutes?? even crazier
i spoke too soon 💀💀
is this a cult
i need to stop doing that everytime a character i like shows up
but seriously i just need zoya now and i'll be so happy
is he a fucking cannibal
WESPER MEETING!!!! i wasnt excepting it this episode but yay
ALL THE CROWS IN ONE PLACEE except matthias but ik thats not happening this season
"in truth hes the love of my life" kaz im sure you know so much about that
"he does this" "does he" lmfaooo
omg its the iconic scene i've seen in way too many edits
Inej in the middle i knew she was the main main character 😍😍
ughhhh i thought the episode would end with the crows but ofc not
ok now it ended
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Episode 4 thoughts
Also nikolais mum is really pushing the whole he’s legitimate thing isn’t she
“It would bring me some comfort to know that you’re with me” my kanej heart is being fed
Kaz just wanting Inej to be safe if he dies versus Inej just wanting to get revenge for Kaz if he dies
The patron Saint of brewers
We like to keep our expectations low!
Nina bestie don’t knock out Kaz
Also there’s no way we’re getting a soc spin off for crooked kingdom cause they’re using half the plotline
David’s little wave 😭I love him
Oh god David feels so bad about genya
Whoever I saw on here that called the sword a round of applause for you
So know nikolais gonna hire the crows right?
Mal calling Nikolai out on the third person
Nina bestie stop it. He’s probably just gonna kill you anyway
Can’t really blame Kaz for Nina not being loyal they’ve known each other a week
Yes Inej slay
This is how she’s gonna find her purpose
She’s not gonna get her ship at the end of this season is she? She might
This is when Kaz is gonna bring up his son ain’t it
See they’ve already used the plague thing so we literally cannot get a crooked kingdom spin off
Ahah that where the shiner comes from
Omg no not Jordie already having the plague when the sirens went off
Slay Kaz
Ngl kinda prefer when Kaz didn’t use his name cause then pekka was just being gullible
Calling pekka weak as if he’s not in love with Inej
Also shout out to whoever said Kaz was gonna use alby in every monstrous thing
Kaz saying all of this with blood running down his face really makes it
Nina and Jesper just watching this shitshow go down
He better get on his knees
ngl I kinda forgot they were being framed for murder
Omg yeah the bitch is dead
Ok but this means that he didn’t liquidate all his assets to free her
It also means they can’t really do six of crows either cause heleens the one who recognises them at the ice court
Thick as thieves, lol
Where was Inej in that scene with pekka though?
Shit okay vasily really wanted rid of mal
Alinas dress looks gorgeous
Slay Alina
Bitch you talking a hell of a lot for someone who gets himself killed
Also I forgot vasily proposed 😭
We love Alina wiping her hand on her dress
What’s actually in the grave though
Hahahahahaha alby
We better get the just girls scene in a flashback or something
My heart is beating so fucking fast right now
Wait hold up does wylan know about the stablehand?!
Jesus that is a big rock
‘If my mother was as put off by commoners as she claimed I wouldn’t be here now would I?”
Lol vasilys dead
Darkling honestly needs to die already
Genya smashing things as she deserves
I did not expect that to be the context of ‘I’ll destroy the only thing you have left’ and honestly im a bit disappointed she wasn’t threatening him
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whimperandabang · 1 year
1, 10, 15 for Grishaverse ask game?
thanks for the ask!!
1 - who’s your favorite character?
inej ghafa always <3
10 - do you want there to be a third six of crows book?
tbh? nah. i didn’t love the direction of king of scars/rule of wolves, though i did quite like getting to spend more time with nikolai since he’s my favorite character from the grisha trilogy, and i don’t really see soc3 as having nearly as much potential as the original soc duo did. kos/row is largely a case of wasted potential, and soc3 doesn’t have all that much to begin with, soooooo. yeah. i would much rather read post-canon novellas (or even full length novels maybe, but they seem more suited to something a little shorter) about the crows’ futures (inej’s pirate adventures, a heist or other criminal venture kaz pulls off with the remaining dregs, kanej’s future relationship developments (though i also do LOVE post canon kanej fic so it’s entirely possible i would just be disappointed by anything made canon) wesper dealing with merchant council drama and trying to enact reform, nina… idk i want a better arc for nina in general than what she got in kos/row but i guess if i had to go with what’s canon i might appreciate something that shows how difficult it is to enact change in fjerda kinda like what i’m envisioning for wesper) than soc3. it’s never gonna happen but that’s my dream in terms of getting more books.
15 - what’s your favorite fantasy world?
i’m gonna assume that this is talking about the different grishaverse countries, since this is a gv ask game? kerch all the way. maybe this is bc the grishaverse as it stands rn peaked with six of crows but i think kerch is a really neat setting. ketterdam feels almost alive, a character itself in the way it’s shaped the crows’ lives. it’s a really vibrant city in all its awfulness. we don’t get much of southern kerch, but to me that’s a setting with a TON of potential. i’ve seen some great headcanons for it. (and one of my wips, the sower, takes place largely in southern kerch! it’s pretty slow going at the moment but i’m really hoping to pick it back up again soon. my sideblog for my fics/writing is @tealquills :))
also, i really liked what they did with novyi zem in season two of shadow and bone. it definitely doesn’t overtake kerch as a favorite, but i thought the cultural elements were really neat.
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archiveofourcrows · 1 year
ah an ask game!! been a second since i got to do one of these!
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better. Or not. No pressure.
tagged by @waterloou! thanks for the tag <3
three ships: wesper (soc), andreil (aftg), and solangelo (pjo)
first ever ship: probably padme and anakin when i was like 6, but knowing what shipping was it was destiel unfortunately...
last song:
last movie: the little mermaid
currently reading: trials of apollo book 3
currently watching: nothing rn! last show was school spirits though
currently consuming: just finished my soda 😔
currently craving: a sub sandwich... or some good dim sum since i haven't had it in years.. or cookies
tagging: i don't have anyone to tag... if you want to do this feel free :)
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jackwolfes · 2 years
Hello! What are your wesper wips atm?:)
there's a surprisingly low amount atm!!! because ive been making longer things & deliberately tried to tick off my list of outstanding WIPs ive held back on actually starting new ones!!
feel free to ask me more about any of them if you like
arranged marriage (i've been working on extra bonus chaps!!)
prince wylan fic (which is also kylan/kawesper, but ch3&4 are going to be wesper)
wintery patisserie chef wylan pwp (it's t4t!!!! and christmassy so should be up next week tbh)
mystery holiday porn fic for a winter gift exchange that i can't talk about bc i think the recepient follows me on tumblr lol
sugar baby au (aiming for end of 2023 maybe 😂)
wedding florist au (florist wylan thinks jesper is marrying kaz because he's stupid)
band au PWP (nothing to add really its just horny bdsm sex and shotgunning)
cowboy au (motivation ebbs and flows but its still. such a treat.)
summery cabin fluff/porn fic (too summery for me to write rn bc it's as cold as a snowman's nipple where i live)
domx for hire wylan (im so determined to finish this but it's kind of on hiatus atm)
dead jesper fic (makes me sad so i dont work on this a lot lol)
enby wylan fic (mostly a character study but there's wesper in it)
2x angsty character studies that i don't think i'll finish any time soon but am determined to 😂
there are also loads of things i've started/written part of but have just put out of mind till i work on these!!! so if ive mentioned smth before and it's dropped off the list it still might show up one day
i can also put my other soc ship/fandom WIPs in a list if there's interest but i never know what people care about 😅
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madtangledblues · 2 years
tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better!! tysm @declanscunt for tagging me <3
3 ships: honestly ive been kind of having a big bluesey moment recently since ive been doing my trc reread. jordeclan is always and forever OBVS but has been exacerbated in the wake of greywaren release. ig i’ve been also having a wesper moment bc of all the s&b s2 stuff so that’s where im at rn
first ever ship: percabeth 🤭🤭🤭
last song: love, try not to let go by julia jacklin. i love love LOVE julia jacklin and this song is just so me.
last movie: i was having a christmas romcom moment while packing for my trip so i did a double feature of something from tiffany’s and last christmas. which side note is an absolutely wild movie??????? still thinking about it i can’t believe that was an actual theatrical release
currently reading: i packed everything i know about love and gideon the ninth as my travel reads and i just started gideon. so far it is absolutely slaying i love it !!
currently watching: honestly nothing???? give me good show recs i feel like i never watch tv
currently consuming: the last piece of chocolate from my advent calendar :))
currently craving: a nice, good rice dish. i dont even care what so much but i want to eat rice
i tag @kazbiter @thegreatwhore @rock-n-rollin-bitch @tearbiscuits and anyone else who wants to do this !! <3
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gambitandrogues · 2 years
Mischa and Jesper for the ask game!
platonically giving you a little kiss anon
Mischa Bachinski Sexuality Headcanon: He's bi, he told me himself but if we're really projecting, biromantic asexual Gender Headcanon: Hmm I think he'd use he/him? Maybe? idk A ship I have with said character: Mischalia can be pried from my cold dead hands A BROTP I have with said character: A Mischa and Penny friendship is everything to me A NOTP I have with said character: I forget the ship name rn, but I'm not a huge fan of him and Ocean. And absolutely no hate to the people who like it, ofc, it's just not my cup of tea A random headcanon: Autistic Mischa autistic Mischa autistic Mischa General Opinion over said character: I love him very much <33
Jesper Fahey Sexuality Headcanon: canon bisexual babyyy Gender Headcanon: Jes gives me he/they vibes, maybe demiboy? A ship I have with said character: Wesper <33 A BROTP I have with said character: Literally him and everyone, but especially his friendships with Kaz and Inej A NOTP I have with said character: Idk, I feel like he's kind of shippable with everyone lmfao A random headcanon: I like to think that, at some point, Jesper tries to play the flute to impress Wylan. It doesn't go well. (Kaz almost smacks him with his cane) General Opinion over said character: Also love him very much, blorbo from my books and show fr
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sixofsol · 1 year
Hey Yolanda!
🧿what steps do you take to not take things personally if a fic doesn't do well, or if your writing/posting/sharing experience isn't going how you'd like it to?
🎙️which one of your fics would you like someone to make a pod-fic of?
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
hello rae !! thank you for helping me procrastinate bless ur heart
🧿what steps do you take to not take things personally if a fic doesn't do well, or if your writing/posting/sharing experience isn't going how you'd like it to?
I just think about the fact that there’s a million reasons that play into wether people klick on/give kudos/leave comments. Ive def been guilty of reading a fic and been like wow this is great and then later been like…. did I remember to leave kudos ? and also just try and think about that every single kudos is a person. like thats 20 people saying I liked this ! its ofc always gonna be sad when im like omg I love this fic then it end up being my least popular ever, but im also like.. whatever. hope the next one goes better! Ive sorta come to terms that most of the time when I finish a fic and go ehh idk about this one it’ll do much better than the ones I feel like wow I loved this !!
🎙️which one of your fics would you like someone to make a pod-fic of?
hmmm maybe sight of the sun ?? Its very chill but features the whole crow cast which I think would be fun to hear a lil voice acting for haha !
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
the only thing im actively working on rn is my little wesper uni dorm mates au which is so fun !! It was sorta meant to be wylan centric from the start, but then I realized to tell the story I wanted to tell it had to be from Jespers pov and suddenly its very jesper centric. which is a bit of a challenge for me, as I tend to steer towards writing wylans pov and that has been very fun! Its also gonna be my longest fic ever on ao3, which isn’t that big of a deal since my longest is like 11k but im still excited!! Ignore the glee fanfic I wrote 2014 and its the longest thing ive published ! So that’s all fun !!
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