#in love and committed to each other but not to the exclusion of some hot steamy sex with other people
anders-hawke · 2 years
in my mind there’s a sort of sequel show to The Fall in which Olivia is the main character and it’s like 2027. she’s working for a politician that’s known for supporting Irish unification and that politician (a woman) has been getting death threats that the police aren’t taking as seriously as Olivia believes they should. so in a last ditch attempt to get the situation resolved, she finds Stella all the way in London. but gasp! Reed answers the door. Olivia asks for Stella and then they talk and Olivia tries to convince Stella to come back because they’d listen to you, they remember you and she says that she’s read some of the files from Stella’s investigation into her father and that she’s talked to some of the officers and they remember how unapologetic she was about her sexuality and her antisexism. Olivia is sure that with Stella’s support and intervention, the death threats will get more attention. initially, Stella refuses to go back to Belfast, but after talking it over with Reed, she agrees to go, and Reed comes with her. this time, she’s just made a consultant, but she and Reed reconnect with some old faces—Ferrington, for one—who’s made SIO of the investigation. a few times, Olivia visits her mother, and her brother Liam’s brought in at some point as a lawyer. the point is really to get closure for the both of them—for Olivia by having someone to truly talk to about it that she remembers from that awful time in her life, and for Stella by seeing the aftermath of the investigation & being reconnected with Katie to see how she’s turned her life around and become a music teacher.
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i-yap · 4 months
Literally loving ur writing so far Bestie 🥺💙would I be able to req how the batboy would react to a fwb/situationship vibe with reader? Like they have feelings but reader is scared of commitment
Thank youuu! Im gonna be really honest, I don't think a lot of the batboys would be okay with a situationship sort of deal.. and I don't write romantic damian( at least not yet) .
Batboys x reader- Situationship headcanons
Dick grayson-
I can see a teammate or someone he works close with as a detective turns into a night of passion and now both of them cant go back to normal situation .
He says he is okay with it, and prolly keeps up that act for 4-5 months?
I think you would end the situationship. Dick is a really sought-after guy and one night he Is just upset with you about something. So when another girl flirts with him rather than his usual " I'm sorry there's someone else I'm into" line he flirts back. You see red
you either walk away angry/upset or pull him away. He follows you to an alley or a secluded area of the party.
"why are you even upset, you are the one who doesn't want us to be official?" "well that's not because I don't want you, that's because I'm scared of intimacy"
He would be really understanding once you explain your issues and fear of commitment. You guys come up with a better set of guidelines for your arrangement and he sticks to it.
if you want an open relationship, he is down. if you want to be exclusive but not yet in a relationship relationship he would be okay.
But dick does want to get married someday and have kids. So this arrangement wont last for long. he will try his hardest to help you overcome that fear of commitment but if you cant then its gonna end someday. And he makes that clear to you from the start. all cards are on the table always and communication is key and he makes sure no one gets hurt( or at least tries avoiding it as much as he can)
Jason todd
wont do it
maybe a bestfriend turned situationship scenario
you are his sanctuary , his home a safe place to come back to. and after everything he has been through he struggles with so many insecurities and he deserves a domestic life.
the moment he sees you with another guy, even if it just flirting, he is out the door. He already believes no one loves him and now you don't even want to commit to him? is he not enough?
he gets that you have issues and no one understands issues better than him. But he is in so much pain already that its best for the both of you to not get together at all.
even the fact that you from the very start didn't want to commit makes him get all in his head and even if you get ready to commit later on , he wont be able to forget that fact and will keep thinking you'll leave him or he isn't the one
he also reads a lot of classic literature and romance in books is what he wants. the concept of a situationship doesn't make sense to him and he just needs some good old domestic loving.
Tim drake
best at it
you guys are young, he is so busy. he is totally cool with a teenage dirtbagy relationship
lets meet under the bridge , get high and makeout type of shit,
Partners in crime / bestfriends that hookup
he loves it, its perfect for him
there are no expectations no responsibilities, you guys are just what the other needs . no stupid anniversaries and big fancy dinners
tim gives very "eat the rich" vibes so this situationship is another way for him to be a little rebellious .
Very very teenage dirtbag- going to grocery shops at 2am and sitting on the dirty floor trying all 20 types of slushies
spray painting the really big asshole companies buildings, going to huge rallies without having any idea what you are rallying for.
stealing the batmobile and then crashing it
the adrenaline makes you hot and bothered and it leads to more. and once its over you go to a shady Chinese place and tip 200 on a 40 dollar meal.
he gets you, you get him and you don't need labels to show your love to each other. and who needs someone else when you have everything you could want within each other? and then someday when you're ready and if you are ready, you can always make it official. its all up to you two , fuck the labels
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callmewrinkles3 · 1 month
Dan should have realized this before. Considering how well he knew Em he should have seen it before, but for some reason he didn't. Then it hit him right in the face when they were in LA and he couldn't unsee it. As part of their honeymoon, they were spending some sunny days away from everything and everyone in their house. They said their entire year would be a honeymoon split into tiny parts between work commitments, but they really didn’t mind. Dan promised Em a year off so she could relax, and spending their time without a hurry was the beginning of it. Having some time together was exactly what they needed to keep working on their relationship and themselves. Dan had to admit it was working. Some days it took tears and long talks, others it was just days in bed doing nothing but holding each other. After the most terrifying and stormy year things were good, so he was as happy as could be. After everything they went through, his Emmy was happy and smiling, so things were good. 
That morning at home it was as relaxing as it could be. He woke up his dreamy wife with kisses all over her legs, put a smile on her face as she grabbed his curls and moaned his name, then they cuddled and kissed until their breaths were even and they got hungry. Their plan was working and Dan could see it thanks to Em's smile. After breakfast between stolen kisses and cheesy words, Dan convinced his wife to go to their pool. It only took him one smile, then the next thing he knew Em was lying on the side of the pool. The coolest thing about having a pool in their LA residence wasn’t being able to cool off on really hot days, but Em’s wardrobe choices. Em's wardrobe had certain pieces reserved exclusively for Dan and Dan only. There were things she would only wear in front of her husband, and a tiny red bikini was part of that collection. Dan knew he was a lucky man. He got to live his dream and race cars as he always wanted. He had a wonderful family, incredible friends, and if that wasn’t enough, he had the best wife in the world. The sweetest, smartest, most beautiful woman with the biggest heart decided to give him a chance not once but twice, and then she decided to marry him. She was there in his arms every day and night, supporting him through thick and thin. She asked for love in return for all the sacrifices she made for them. Dan knew he was extremely lucky and thanked his lucky stars every night for his life, but especially when he got to see his Emmy like that.
The world knew Dan always got distracted when Em was in front of him. Everyone knew about the silly smiles and love sick puppy eyes that always appeared on his face when his girl was in the same room. It was even harder to focus when she looked as breathtaking as she did that day. She was laying down on the floor by the pool, her hand touching the water lazely as she sang softly to the music playing inside the house. Dan had been trying to convince her to get into the water with him for a while. However, Em insisted she was fine there as she tried to gain some color on her skin after months and months of looking too pale. She giggled every time Dan kissed or teased her. The water dripping from his body fell over her, putting a smile on her face even when she complained and called him silly. Dan didn't stop there, doing it again and again, either kissing her or just using his wet hands to let waterdrops fall all over her chest. Seeing the water move against her skin was nice, but kissing them was his favorite thing to do. Dan kissed every drop, moving from his wife's chest to her neck, and all the way down to her stomach.
It wasn't weird or new for Dan to rest his head against Em's chest or stomach to look at her. If they had it their way, they would spend hours and days there. It was normal to find them like that, just like it was normal to find Em stroking and playing with Dan's curls. It was his thing to place soft kisses over her stomach, silently praying that all their attempts to start their own family would soon work.
Dan didn’t want to let his mind go there. They both promised each other to at least try not overthink about it. He promised Em there was no pressure, that it would happen soon or later, so he didn’t want to stress about it or she would notice. Instead Dan decided to think about their plans for the future, smiling at the fact that they were there together. His girl was there with him, absolutely stunning under the LA sun, and he sometimes couldn’t understand how lucky he was. For the rest of the world the universe was that immense thing that included time, space, matter, energy, and everything in between. But for Dan, his whole universe measured one meter sixty. His planets and stars were her freckles and tattoos, and her heart was as big and warm as the sun. The definition says everything that exists is part of the universe, and they might be right, because he was absolutely part of her.
Em smiled and stroked his cheek to grab his attention while he gazed at her stunning face for a moment as she asked, "Earth calling, Mr. Ricciardo “You alright, Love?” 
“Never better.” 
“You sure?”
“Hundred percent. Sunny LA and a pool with my baby girl? Doesn’t get better than this” Dan affirmed, kissing the palm of her hand a couple times. 
“It could be better, actually.”
“Oh yeah? How?”
“I could have my little lemon water in my hand...” 
“Of course you could. Anything else?” 
“Nope, but thank you, darling.”
Dan would never say no to anything his wife asked for, so if she wanted her lemon Sanpellegrino he would run to get it for her. Not racing that year sucked, but being there with her felt like a gift. Drinking a beer on a normal Friday afternoon in the middle of the racing season felt like a privilege. Knowing he could spend the rest of the day and not have to wake up early as he would normally do on a race day somehow put a smile on his face. He wanted to be back the next year because he loved his job, but if it didn’t happen and that was his life he was happy. Waking Em up with kisses and not with an alarm ringing through the room was something they got used to too fast. Thinking about being at home with his family raising a bunch of half British half Aussie babies and seeing them running around the farm with his girl by his side made Dan smile like nothing else did. 
It only took him two minutes to grab his beer, Em’s drink and a box of strawberries. He knew it was gonna put a smile on his wife's face as it had been her favorite snack of the month. It wasn’t weird to see Em eating the same thing all day for weeks and then finding something different as a snack, so he wasn’t surprised the new thing was strawberries. He couldn’t help but smile as he stepped out and looked at his wife. He could make more than one joke about her bikini being the same color as the fruits in his hand and how she looked as eatable as them. He could laugh about his own ridiculous comments, but Em was there with her eyes closed and he somehow didn’t have the heart to interrupt her. She looked so relaxed and peaceful, almost as if she was always meant to be there. 
It suddenly hit him straight in the face. 
One look at her and suddenly it was clear as the day. He knew it was ridiculous and probably impossible, he even might be hallucinating but he could see clearly as the day a bump that wasn't there before. He knew Em's body. He was the lucky man who spent the last five years of his life by her side almost every night. He knew Em's body and heart like the palm of his hand and loved it. His Emmy was his home and shelter, so he recognized something he never saw before. Dan also realized that he must be imagining things. If she was pregnant, she couldn't be more than a couple weeks. He was there holding her when her last period came and deception hit her straight in the face for another month. He held her tightly as he promised it would be fine because eventually it would happen. He knew deep down in his heart it would happen. He tried to make her smile even if just a bit by saying they could keep practicing because it was his favorite thing about trying to have a baby. He felt proud of himself when a tiny smirk appeared on his wife’s face. Making quick math, Dan realized it had been almost five weeks since then. 
It all came together like pieces in their right place. Dan knew Em’s period wasn’t perfectly timed since she quit the pill last year. He thought that was the reason she was a couple of days late. Between traveling and time zones and everything in between it wasn’t weird. But then it was the strawberries and Dan realized it wasn’t another of Em’s normal hyperfixations with something she liked, it was purely a whim. After five years by her side Dan knew her body perfectly so he knew how her boobs fit perfectly in his hands. When he held them the previous night he felt they were a bit bigger than usual. Dan told himself maybe it was simply her period about to come, that’s why he didn’t even mention it to Em. Nothing of what he thought was normal was and he could feel someone taking the air from his lungs and his heart missing a beat.
The problem wasn’t that he didn’t want that, it was exactly the contrary. He wanted it so much that if it wasn't true, his heart would break. He had no idea what he was going to do if his brain was tricking him. All he wanted for years was to be exactly like that with Em, together and happily married, but also with a baby. He still dreamed of a baby with big brown eyes and crazy brown curls. Maybe their children would have straight hair like Emmy's. There was nothing he wanted more than a mini Emmy. It didn’t matter if it was a boy or girl, he wanted a baby that was part him and part Em, looking exactly like his precious wife. They deserved it. They deserved to have their baby in their arms. He dreamed about it too many times. All Dan wanted was to see his Emmy holding their daughter or son in her arms. After all the tears and the suffering they really deserved it. 
The suffering was also the reason why Dan had no idea how to talk to Em. He couldn’t live with doubt, but if he mentioned it to her and it wasn’t true, it would break her heart too. He knew more than anyone else in the world how Em could deal with another heartbreak. She couldn’t take another deception. All the horrible things that happened in the last couple years were terrible enough, but then Michael put the cherry on top to blow things up. Dan didn’t want Em to have another bad day. He didn’t want to see her crying and having to promise again that things were going to be fine. He didn't want to promise that because he didn't know when they would be fine. They were getting there and getting better every single day. But even when they were happy and stable as they could be, sometimes they had a bad day. That's when Dan made promises, knowing the better days would come back eventually. 
“Danny? Everything alright?” Em wondered, bringing him back from the other dimension where his brain was. Shit. Shit shit shit. 
“Yeah.” He lied, walking slowly towards his wife. He couldn’t lie to her. It was impossible for him to keep anything from her, especially something like that. They said no more lies and the only exceptions were nice surprises, so he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t sit there, look at her in the eyes and act like it was all good. Em could read him like a book, so she would find out sooner or later. “Actually… Can I talk to you, baby?" 
Em nodded twice as she reached out her hand for Dan while a worried face appeared on her face. He knew that frown way too much and wanted to avoid it. "It's alright, Dimples. Just talk to me?”
Dan sat down in front of her, leaving everyone on the floor except his beer. He needed a sip, so he took a long one trying not to get any more nervous. Em’s hand over his helped more than any alcoholic drink could. His wife locking their fingers together and bringing them close to her mouth to kiss his wrist tattoos and knuckles was more effective than any breathing exercise he could apply in that moment. 
“Emmy there’s- Its there any chance you might be pregnant?” Dan asked in a whisper, looking down at their joined hands before he could have the courage to look up at her face. 
When he finally did it, Emmy’s face changed. The relaxed look she had when he left to go to the kitchen had completely vanished. It was now replaced but a mix of feelings, making her mouth open slightly and her eyes shine. Dan could see surprise, confusion, fear and panic creeping in. He could see the anxiety taking over, making him know he should have stayed in silence. 
“What?”. It was softer than a whisper, almost impossible to hear her words. He wouldn’t have been able to if he wasn’t sitting in front of her. 
"Your period is late, babe. I know it’s normal but it’s not only that. Your boobs feel different. Perfect kind of different, but different. Then you want strawberries all the time. And call me a crazy cunt, but I can see a tiny little bump that wasn’t there. I might be imagining things for how much we want it, but I don’t know, Emmy. Maybe I’m really seeing things. I’m sorry I’m throwing this at you but I had to tell you cause-“ 
“Hey, no, come here.” Dan didn't fight Em when she grabbed him between the cheeks and pressed their foreheads together. All he did for a moment was close his eyes and take a deep breath. “Don’t be sorry. Just don’t. You didn’t do anything wrong, alright?” 
"But what if it's not real?”
“My husband always says we keep trying till we get it right. Plus that’s the funniest part, right?” 
Dan always thought Em was a superwoman. He knew she was the strongest woman in the universe, but his admiration for her increased a hundredfold as he heard those words. He knew how scared she must have been in that moment. There was no way the anxiety was not skyrocketing inside her, but instead of panicking she was holding him. From all the things she could be doing in that moment, Em repeated the words Dan normally said to her while she made sure he didn’t panic. She was kissing his face, holding him close and making Dan think about how he always knew his wife was a superwoman, but she was also his hero. 
“Maybe this time he’s a bit right” Dan affirmed, kissing her lips again before hugging her, hiding his face against her neck. 
“Should we go change and get a test?”  
“I might have one. I got it some time ago. You know, just in case." His fear about Em getting mad at him was irrational, but he would have totally understood if it happened. They had a deal and it included no pregnancy tests around them. He knew his wife and she knew it would be another anxiety source for her. It would make her want to take one every month or every week. He didn't want her spiraling like that, so they said no test. If they needed it, they were going to get one. But without Em knowing, Dan got one and kept it hidden between his things. Having it there would be a lot faster than having to buy one, so he kept it there. “Sorry about that."
As he confessed it, Dan couldn't help but fear Em would be angry with him. But contrary to his fear and to remind him how much of a saint his wife was, Em just looked at him with nothing but love in her eyes. “You owe me a pizza after this.” 
“Anything you want.”
Em and Dan weren’t the kind of couple who peed in front of each other in bathrooms. They could count on one hand how many times they did it, awful covid days being most of those days. Dan has been there holding her hair and stroking her back on really sick or hangover days as Em kneeled down in front of the toilet to throw up, but that was a different story. Em did it with Dan too, but peeing was off the list of things to do in front of each other. Em always joked that they shouldn't kill romanticism by doing such a thing, but that morning they didn’t care. After Dan grabbed the pregnancy test that was carefully hidden in his suitcase, he stood alongside his wife in the bathroom. He promised to look to the other side, but he stayed there, his hand around her shoulders. 
That was one of the terrible moments when Dan had absolutely no idea what to do. He was out of words and he couldn’t help Em with anything. All he could do was stay there in silence, looking at his wife as she left the test over the sink and washed her hands. After that it was Em’s time to hide against Dan. She rested her face against his chest, taking deep breaths as they held each other. Even though he went to a Catholic school, Dan wasn’t a religious man. They didn’t have a religious ceremony and he couldn’t care less if they baptized their kids in the future. Religion wasn’t on his agenda, but as they waited inside their bathroom, Dan prayed for it to happen. He prayed to whatever was out there to let it happen to them, but especially to Em. His girl deserved all the happiness in the universe and he knew nothing would make her happier than knowing she was pregnant. There was nothing that would put a bigger smile on her face than knowing they were going to be parents and finally have their baby. Dan prayed that it was positive so he could fix all the wrong choices he made, so this time he could be there for his Emmy and their baby, not like he did all those months ago. 
When the timer on Em’s phone finally rang Dan could feel his heart beating so hard he was almost scared it would jump out of his chest. He could feel his hands starting to sweat and he didn’t want that. He couldn't be like that. He had to be Em’s rock if the result wasn’t what they wanted. He had to keep it together for his Emmy, so he took a deep breath and looked down at his wife. 
"Are you ready?" Dan asked, but the question wasn’t only for Em but also for himself. 
“Can you look first? Please?” Emmy begged, big brown eyes looking up at him. "I just can't do it. Not after last year."
“You know I love you, right? Whatever it says, I love you more than anyone or anything in the world. Nothing’s gonna change that.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead, then pulled away and smiled.
“I know. And I love you no matter what and more than anyone or anything in the whole universe. To the moon and to Saturn, right?” She smiled back and hugged him.
"To the moon and to Saturn three hundred times, baby girl." 
It was one last kiss before they did it. Dan paused, took a deep breath, kissed Em’s head and he turned slightly around, but he never let Em go. His arm stayed firmly and protectively around her waist, not only because Em needed it, but also because he needed it too. Dan needed Em as close as possible because she was his lifeline and the one thing keeping him standing there in that moment. As the last push, Dan decided to count to three, then grab the test. There was nothing complicated about it, or at least not that he could tell. It was a simple hand gesture and then the doubts would be out the window. One movement and that was all he needed to grab the test.
One. Two. Three. 
It took Dan all the courage in the world, but in return, a couple of lines said that from that moment on, their lives were changed forever. 
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formula-hamilton · 2 years
Antarctica (Lewis Hamilton x Reader)
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Lewis Hamilton x Reader
Summary: You and Lewis have been dating for some months when suddenly the video of him in Antarctica with a girl on his lap emerges. 
Word count: 3.8k
Warnings: Angst, stupid Lewis, swearing, mentions of cheating, but not really (no real infidelity), fluff.
A/N: I wrote this because I really wanted to read this type of fic as soon as I saw the hot tub video. If anyone has written anything similar, please tag me because I live for these kind of fics and I would love to read it. Also I obviously don’t know what went down in Antarctica, so this is purely fiction. No hate to the hot tub girl. 
Stupid. So stupid.
That was how you felt as you sat at your desk at work staring at your phone. Just almost wanted to roll your eyes at your stupidity. Instead you closed your eyes and tried to hold back the tears you felt prickling behind your eyelids. 
You were supposed to leave work early this Friday. Lewis was going to fly you out to LA to celebrate his birthday Saturday and then you were going to stay with him for the coming week. He was going to introduce you to his friends. A few you had already met, but he insisted that it was time for you to meet the rest of them. 
You’re gonna love them, I just know it.
No need to be nervous about it baby, I’ve told them loads about you and they already love you.
He would always beam with excitement when talking about them. His smile would hold so much pride. 
You felt stupid for assuming. For being naïve. You never talked about being exclusive. Meeting friends, meeting family, you assumed that the two of you were serious about each other. That you were on the path to making your relationship official. Sitting at your desk you came to the realization that this thing wasn’t a relationship. It was clearly just a situationship and honestly that wasn’t what you were looking to find yourself in.
Maybe this is how it is dating someone not normal, you thought. Maybe there are different rules to follow. You hadn’t realized this before, but clearly the two of you were living in two different realities. 
For Christmas he brought you on his family’s ski trip. Just for a few days as you had your own commitments for the holidays. But he brought you, introduced you to everyone, held your hand in front of his family, kissed you in front of his family, called you his when you were in bed at night. He never called you his girlfriend and that didn’t bother you until now. You didn’t even spare it a thought until now. When you were younger, you and your friends always joked that if you kissed someone in public in daylight, it meant that you were official. If meeting family wasn’t enough to make a relationship official, to make it exclusive, you really didn’t know what it would take. 
24 years old. The woman, if you could even call her that, was 24 years old. That was all everyone talked about. Apparently this was not unusual for Lewis. Apparently she was just his type. Young and beautiful and a model. But still, Twitter was going crazy. 
Normally you didn’t indulge in gossip surrounding Lewis and F1 in general. You didn’t even seek out this piece of information yourself. Your younger sister sent you the video on Instagram. You almost missed the ending where Lewis sat in the hot tub having the time of his life with someone sitting on his lap. 
You wish you could erase it from your brain. Go back to the fantasy in your head. But you couldn’t. Instead you found yourself dug down in a Twitter hole trying to soak in every single detail possible. What stuck to you the most was how they apparently used to see each other in the past. If that wasn’t proof enough, you don’t know what was. You normally thought it was crazy how people found so much information about celebrities. You and Lewis always joked about it. Joked about how the fans would make great detectives. And then you would laugh about how none of them had any clue about the two of you. 
You were a very well kept secret. You both liked it that way. It made everything easier. Made the whole “getting to know each other” stage more simple. Obviously, people close to you knew, but the public didn’t. You couldn’t help but wonder if this was part of Lewis’ grand plan. By keeping his flings secret he could have one in every city he visited. Maybe you were just his London bed warmer. 
Silly of you to think that dating in your thirties would bring more maturity to the table. Honestly, the men were just as immature and on top of that, they brought all the baggage from shitty relationships in their twenties. For some reason you thought Lewis was different. Your heart ached for him to be different. 
You almost jumped out of your chair when you heard a knock on the door. Fuck. You quickly blinked the tears away and sat up straight before calling for the person to enter. Your boss poked his head in.
“I didn’t expect to see you here still, don’t you have a flight to catch?” He asked. 
“Yeah, but I have quite a lot of work to do so I think I might just stay a bit longer,” you said while trying to smile without it looking forced. You must have looked weird because he looked worriedly at you. “Really. It’s no trouble. I still have time before I have to leave for the airport, and if not I can always take a later flight.”
“Well, do whatever suits you, but remember to relax during your vacation. You deserve it,” he said while smiling. As he left, you slumped back down in your chair. You looked up at the ceiling while massaging your temples. What the fuck am I gonna do? You thought. 
It was clear to you that going to LA wasn’t an option. You didn’t want to continue whatever the two of you had going on. You didn’t want a casual thing. You had even told Lewis that. Told him that you were finally content with your career and was ready to pursue a serious relationship. You had shared your thoughts and your dreams for the future. You thought that he wanted the same things even though you hadn’t explicitly talked about in the context of your relationship.  
You knew that you were falling for him. You thought that he was falling for you as well. Stupid of you to assume when none of you had said the words. 
Your phone buzzed on the table. It was a text from him. You quickly opened it. 
Have a safe flight baby. Looking forward to seeing you again x 
Your eyes narrowed as you read the text again and again. Surely he must have seen the things being said about him in Antarctica. Or someone must have told him. His lack of explanation annoyed you immensely. It proofed to you that he didn’t even view it as mistake as you had maybe hoped he would. Clearly you were the one on the wrong page. 
You wiped a few angry tears that had escaped and typed out a reply. 
I have decided against going. Sorry for the late call, but I’ve realized we clearly want different things and I think it would be a mistake going knowing it would just postpone the inevitable. I hope you enjoy your birthday. All the best. 
As you hit send you noticed your shaking hands. You hastily turned off your phone and shut down your computer before grabbing your coat and bag. You almost ran out the office and decided to walk home instead of taking the tube. The thought of the tube right now was almost enough to send you into a full blown panic attack. You needed fresh air and to clear your head. 
As you shut the door behind you to your flat, you almost stumbled over your packed suitcase. “What a fucking shitty day, for fuck’s sake,” you mumbled to yourself, as you pushed the suitcase away and kicked off your shoes. Finally, you reached your destination, your bed. You told yourself that you would spent the weekend indulging in self-pity and then Monday you would try to find something to do for the rest of your stupid work break. 
But of course the tears wouldn’t come now that you were finally in the safety of your own home. You decided that they needed a little push and therefore turned on your phone again and found a playlist on Spotify named “Sad songs”. Perfect, hopefully that would get the job done. The messages popping in on your phone didn’t go unnoticed by you, but you chose to ignore them. Instead you opted to go to Instagram again to speed up the pity party. 
After taking a quick scroll through her Instagram you decided to spare yourself for further damages. There was no need to start comparing the two of you, that would only make matters worse. This was about Lewis. It wasn’t her fault that he couldn’t commit. Whilst putting down your phone, you finally felt the tears making their way. As you sobbed your way to sleep that night, you kept wishing that this would all just be a bad dream. 
When you woke up the next morning you had an awful headache from clenching your jaw too tight all night. Rolling to your side, you grabbed your phone. 8AM the display read. You’d slept for almost 12 hours. You couldn’t ignore all the notifications anymore. You quickly answered your sister that you were okay and that you had ended things with Lewis. Some of your friends had texted you and wished you a nice trip. You chose to ignore those messages. You would fill them in at a later time. Lastly, you got to Lewis’ texts. He had also called you numerous times. 
Please pick up the phone
Has something happened? I’m really worried. Pls call me
I just wanna talk to you to make sure you’re alright. I’m sure we can fix it baby
I just saw the video. I’m so sorry, it isn’t what it looks like. Just let me explain
Nothing happened with her, I promise you. I would never do that. Just pick up the phone so we can talk
You tossed your phone to the bottom of your bed. You were so angry. Both at him and at yourself. You were angry about his excuses. You had heard them all before and in the end it always turned out to be true. Where there’s smoke there’s fire, your past experiences told you. You were angry at yourself for trusting him, for letting him into your life. For hoping that what you had was genuine. It had all been too good to be true. 
As the days went by, you got better and better. You were hoping to book a vacation for somewhere sunny, but they were all too expensive because it was so last minute. Instead you found yourself content with living in your bed and catching up on all your favorite tv shows. Lewis kept calling and you kept ignoring his calls. You almost felt bad about it because of his birthday Saturday, but then you decided he could fuck off. If this had affected his birthday it was his own fault. Monday afternoon you were dozing off while watching the newest season of Grey’s Anatomy. Suddenly the doorbell woke you up. You hurriedly wiped some droll from your chin and tried to fix your hair in a ponytail before waddling to the door. 
As you opened the door Lewis appeared with the biggest bouquet of flowers you had ever seen in your life. You almost wanted to shut the door on his face and just go back to sleep. As if he could read your mind he stepped forward just enough for you to be unable to close the door.
“Please let me in baby. Let me explain everything,” he quietly pleaded. He looked like a wounded puppy. Dark circles under his big sad eyes. You had never seen him like this before. Always happy and positive Lewis. Sometimes too positive, you had thought before. Seeing him like this made you realize that you’d rather see him disgustedly positive, than this sad ever again. 
Deep in your mind you had a feeling he might show up like this. You were now wishing that you had just picked up the phone so you could be spared this interaction with him. Nevertheless, you gestured for him to enter your home. You noticed how he glanced at the forgotten suitcase in the entryway. 
“So, explain away,” you told him as you both stood in your living room. You with crossed arms and him with that ridiculously big bouquet in his arms. 
“I’m really sorry about that video,” Lewis began slowly, as if he wanted to test the waters. You scoffed and cut him off. 
“You’re sorry about the video? What the fuck Lewis? Did you expect me to not find out or what? Or did you think I wouldn’t care?” You angrily said. “Fuck the video, I’m glad I saw it. I probably never would have known if your friend wasn’t stupid enough to share it. I’m glad that guy was so stupid. At least he spared me wasting any more time on you, on us. I can’t believe I thought there was an us.” You felt the tears were about to appear once again and wiped them away with your shaking hands before it got too bad. 
“You know what? I kept feeling stupid and angry at myself for thinking we were something real. But I realized I’m in my full right to feel angry at you and not at myself. I don’t know what delusional celebrity world you’re living in, but in the real world, stuff don’t work like that. Bringing someone round for Christmas kinda means that you are not fucking some Instagram model the week after in Antarctica!” You yelled at ham. You had never yelled at him before and Lewis wished for you to never do it ever again. He hadn’t understood the seriousness of the whole situation before now. 
“I, I didn’t. I didn’t sleep with her,” Lewis said with eyes so wide it looked like they might pop out. If it wasn’t such and awful situation you might have laughed. He took a few breaths and seemed to collect his thoughts. 
“I know what it looks like, but nothing happened. She sat on my lap because there wasn’t other seats. I didn’t think, we were all drinking, and I didn’t think anything about it. I can see now how it looks from the outside, but that was the closest I was to her the whole week. I know that people are saying the she was my guest, but I didn’t invite her for the trip. She was with some other guy. I didn’t want to hurt her feelings by pushing her away. I know you probably know about our history and I didn’t wanna be an asshole to her, but it was wrong of me to have her sitting on my lap like she was my girl.” The tears welled in Lewis’ eyes. He felt absolutely awful for the way he had made you feel. 
“I understand if it’s over between us, but it’s very important for me that you know I didn’t cheat on you. I know that’s your worst fear in a relationship and I would never ever do that to you,” Lewis finished and tried to make eye contact with you. Tried to get a sense of what was going on in your head. You looked down at your feet and closed your eyes. Trying to think of what to say. What to believe. You wanted to believe ham, but a part of you wasn’t ready to let go of the doubt. 
“You looked very comfortable with her sitting there. Very happy.” You finally looked up and your eyes met. Only for a second though. This time Lewis was the one to look down. 
“I wasn’t. I was happy with my friends, but I wasn’t happy with her sitting there. As soon as there was a free seat I pushed her off me and she sat there instead. I am so sorry that I let her sit there in the first place, but I promise you, nothing more happened between us.” Lewis felt his tears well over and run down his cheeks. He tried to wipe them with his shoulder seeing as his hands were full, but it didn’t really work. 
“Bringing you to meet my family was so special to me. I haven’t introduced anyone to my family in years. This isn’t something I just do with anybody. Since we met in September you have become such an important part of my life and I haven’t opened my heart to anyone like this before. I’m so sorry for hurting you and making you think you’re stupid. I’m the only one stupid here. This wasn’t how I wanted to tell you, but I’m in love with you. I’m so sorry that these are the circumstances I’m telling you under, but you deserve to know, ” Lewis looked in your eyes and tried to read your feelings. His eyes were filled with hope. You just stared at him while nibbling on your bottom lip and he couldn’t decipher what you were thinking. He decided to break the silence. 
“These are for you,” he said while handing you the flowers. “I hope that you can find it in yourself to forgive me, but I’m gonna leave you to it. Once again, I just wanna say how sorry I am.” As you stood there with the bouquet, Lewis slipped out of your living room and out of your flat. Out of your life, just as you had wanted. 
You stood and watched the flowers in front of you. Thoughts running wild in your head. Thoughts about how people always brought baggage from previous relationships. You never thought it applied to you. Yes, Lewis had made a mistake, but you didn’t have any reason to not believe his words. He hadn’t given you any reason to believe that he was like your exes. It wasn’t right of you to let past trust issues follow you into this thing with him. You had finally made a decision.
The flowers got thrown on the table and you ran to the suitcase in the entryway. Zipping it open, you threw the clothes on the floor until you finally found what you were looking for. A little box wrapped in green gift wrap with small bulldogs on it, tied up with little gold bow. You slipped on some sandals and ran down the stairs. The cold January air hit you hard as you ran to the street. You were only wearing sweats and a t-shirt. You looked around you, trying to search for Lewis. Hoping he hadn’t already left. You jogged down the street and frantically tried to see if you could spot him. 
As you crossed the street, you finally spotted his car. Parked, just a couple of cars in front of you. You let out a breath of relief and slowly walked towards it. As you got closer you could see Lewis sitting in the driver’s seat with his head in his hands. It was obvious that he was crying and you felt a deep sting in your chest. Carefully, you knocked on the window to the passenger seat, trying not to startle him. You didn’t succeed as he jumped slightly in his seat. When he looked at you, you smiled softly and give him a small wave. He leaned over and pulled the handle on the door for you.
As you sat down just rested your hands in your lap and held the small gift on your thigh. 
“I’m in love with you too Lewis. These past four months with you have been the most amazing months in my life. I’ve been so happy, but I’m also so scared to get hurt again. Obviously I don’t approve of the hot tub situation, but I know it was wrong of me to shut you out like that. It’s difficult for me to trust people, but I already trust you so much even though we haven’t known each other for that long.” You took a deep breath. “What I wanna say is, I forgive you and I wanna give us a go. Officially.”
Your hands reached out to Lewis’ face. You wanted to wipe his tears away, to wipe away any sadness he might feel in the future. He looked at you with the kindest eyes you had ever seen in your life. You had never seen eyes as beautiful as his before. As your fingers stroked his cheeks you hesitantly leaned in. Noticing what you were trying to achieve, Lewis did the same and met you halfway. When your lips finally touched after being apart for two weeks, you knew that this was the right decision. One of Lewis’ hands found your hair while the other found your thigh. Nothing had ever felt so right in your life. 
Remembering the gift, you pulled away from Lewis. 
“I have something for you. For your birthday.” You handed him the small box.
“You shouldn’t have.”
“I know. I wanted to.”
Lewis smiled at your choice of wrapping paper. He carefully tore off the paper. Inside was a small jewelry box. Inside the box was a necklace with a small moon pendant. 
“Remember the moon on our second date?” You asked and he nodded, smiling so big he thought his face might break in two. 
“Of course I remember baby. The moon was so bright that night. You looked so beautiful in the moonlight.”
“You looked so handsome as well and I remember thinking already back then that you were someone special. Someone I wanted in my life. And then you later told me to always look at the moon when I’m missing you. That that was what you did when you missed me and I just thought that was so sweet. Every time I miss you I look at the moon and I instantly feel better. So I wanted to give you something so you always have me with you when we’re not together. Your own little moon,” you told him while smiling.
“Thank you so much sweetheart, this is the best birthday gift I ever could have wished for,” Lewis beamed while pulling you into his chest. You crawled onto his lap and straddled him. He took your face in his hands. “I really love you,” he told you before connecting his lips to yours once again. His tongue swiped across your bottom lip and you instantly gave him access to your mouth. As you started to grind down on him, he interrupted the two of you.  
“Come on, let’s go upstairs again baby. I wanna show you how much I’ve missed you,” Lewis said with a smirk as he pulled you off him. You let out a small whine at the loss of contact, but eventually gave in. You held hands with swinging arms and you both laughed as you ran back to your flat. 
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bird-inacage · 1 year
Only Friends: Episode 3 Preview (aka Boston's Reign of Madness)
So this week's upcoming instalment is where this train to hot-mess-ville is well and truly about to kick off. Boston is really gunning for first prize in the chaotic red flag olympics for fuckery and shit-stirring. We get a brief but loaded glimpse into the many possible showdowns and throwdowns.
Boston VS Mew (Competition)
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In Episode 2, Boston pointedly stares at a photo he took of Mew and Ray. From what we see, he chooses to incriminate his two best friends purely in a bid to drive a wedge between Mew and Top.
I really can't decipher what Boston's end goal is here. Is this purely, 100% egotistical, petty jealousy due to Mew 'one-upping' him for once, when he's usually the person who gets all the action? I don't necessarily think Boston wants a boyfriend in Top, so this is a lot of chaos to cause for very little, especially as Top seems rather indifferent about Boston other than sexually. I think Boston's absolutely right in that he and Top are two peas in a pod - they love being at the 'top' of their game, and they hate being bested. If he thinks this is going to get him exclusivity rights to Top junior, he's insane. He's clearly not bothered that his two best friends may end up as collateral in the process.
Top VS Ray (Rivalry)
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This is a classic case of we both hate each other but we're trying to keep it on the downlow for Mew's sake. Ray's jealousy is more valid, because it's partly fuelled by genuine concern around Top's motives. Whereas Top's jealousy feels possessive. The way he interacts with Ray is a clear indication to 'back off, you're stepping on my property'. With Boston's false intel, he's only going to feel more justified to be combative with Ray.
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Top also makes a comment about Sand's band which sounded derogatory. Either a snide little dig at Ray (already knowing he invited Sand), or just a plain dig nonetheless. If so, I'd highly welcome Ray to defend his boyfriend's honour. This is an altercation I would truly love to see. I want Ray to go full feral on this man. Because I swear to god Top, if you try to hurt my son, I will yeet you into the goddamn sun. (Force is doing a stellar job of plastering that incredibly punchable smug-ass expression across his face. My hands are itching to smack him one).
Sand & Ray (Friends or Boyfriends?)
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The preview is cut to look like Nick finds Ray and Sand kissing in the car. But the shot of Nick is at the hostel. Whereas Ray and Sand are kissing in the garage outside Sand's apartment. It's unlikely anyone is watching them at that location.
Ray drives Sand home after being slighted by Top, and tries to seduce him (and unsurprisingly succeeds). This is also the scene where Sand says "I'll never take someone like you as my boyfriend". (Pretty presumptuous of you to assume Ray would want to take you as a boyfriend, unless he's the one to suggest it? Unlikely). If Ray's proposition breaks his personal rule of "I've never slept with anyone who's not my lover more than once", then in Sand's head he's going to start thinking of them that way, even if he agrees to just 'one more time'. This conversation is potentially where the two really muddy the waters on what on earth this is.
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It's also going to get more interesting when someone from the group finds out about their relationship. Worst case scenario would be Boston finding out. Because the last thing we need is for him to have more leverage to pull strings in this tangled web.
Boston & Top (Lust)
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Notoriously, we're going to get our two resident red flags committing adultery together. This happens the same night as the pool party. Something happens between Top leading Mew away from Ray, to Top vouching for some rigorous car seat action with Boston. Mew is seen taking a call in the preview, and it wouldn't surprise me if Boston has something to do with this. He sees Top lead Mew away, and potentially intercedes with a ploy.
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Can we talk about how Boston is acting all sweet with Nick and kisses him on the cheek (in the same car) earlier in the day and then proceeds to bounce the living daylights out of Top that same night (in the SAME car)?? This boy doesn't give a shit.
Nick VS Top ('The Favourite')
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Nick finds the photobooth strip of Boston and Top. Now if I was Nick, this does speak volumes. Boston comes across as very blasé about his sexual partnerships. He takes a lot of photos of other people (including Nick), but from what we've seen, he's always the one behind the camera. Which also maintains this unconscious power dynamic he exerts over most of his lovers. Whereas the photobooth shots feature Boston with someone else. He's not the observer, he's the subject. The fact that he's kept this memento, with the caption 'hot night' means it was so memorable that he held onto it. This is pretty clear proof that no, Nick is not 'his favourite' as he was led to believe. And yes, Nick is slightly naïve to believe that in the first place, but he's seeing through rose-tinted glasses.
Nick's jealousy is tricky, because he's backed himself into a corner by trying to play it cool and going along with being just a 'fuck buddy' and nothing else. He knows he'll risk affronting Boston almost immediately if he starts demanding for more.
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goldenkisscs · 6 days
after a long hiatus, i am looking to get back into rp !! i only do discord 1x1. below the cut i will list some plots i am interested in doing and some fc's i am interested in using (i do have a muse page that's a WIP but am always up for making new muses!!) if anything below interests you, please read my rules here and either like this post or shoot me a message ! they are pretty general so we can customize everything and scheme together <3 if none of these interest you but you still want to plot together, feel free to reach out still !! i love plotting all the little details and screaming headcanons about plots, so if that interests you then let's get to plotting !!
muse a and muse b have been best friends since they were kids. while muse a went off and became a famous musician, muse b stayed behind in their small town. they have remained the best of friends despite all of muse a's fame and everything that comes with that. they also happen to hook up anytime muse a comes home or muse b goes to visit muse a. the catch? they always act like it never happened and pretend that they're just friends.
muse a and muse b hooked up this past summer and were hot 'n heavy. muse a thought things were great and they were getting serious, only to be blindsided when muse b broke things off to get back together with their ex. muse a pretended they weren't upset and they pair never talked about things again. except, muse b is single again and muse a? well, they just can't resist going back to their bad habit.
muse a and muse b are famous singers. they were always in each other's social circle, and always laughed it off when fans would ship them together. everything changed one night when they shared a drunken kiss. ever since then, muse a has been completely smitten with muse b. and while muse b knows they have muse a wrapped around their finger, they try their best not to take advantage of them - too much. their relationship is currently under wraps, but how will they be able to handle it when they finally go public?
muse a and muse b are polar opposites - muse a has always been a goody two shoes while muse b has been a troublemaker for as long as anyone can remember. proving opposites attract to be true, the pair can't stay away from each other and soon get together. muse a's friends are constantly warning them that muse b is just going to break their heart, but muse a doesn't want to hear it. meanwhile, muse b is constantly torn between treating and caring for muse a the way they know they deserve and proving muse a's friends right. can muse b truly change their ways?
muse a and muse b met when they were in college. a drunken hook up turned into a pregnancy, and due to pressure from both their families to "do the right thing" end up getting married. they aren't in love with each other, but they do grow to love each other and their little family a lot. over the years, muse a realizes that they have actually fallen in love with muse b, and decide they're finally going to tell them. the only issue? the same night they decide to break the news, muse b tells muse a they feel they've been "missing out" and want a divorce.
muse a and muse b are both famous celebrities in their own right. they've been fuck buddies for a couple of years, and they both had the understanding that they were just friends and the other could date/hook up with whoever they wanted. while that's still true, muse b has started to realize that they have deep feelings for muse a and want to become exclusive. the only problem is muse a has been burned in many relationships before and is too scared to commit to muse b.
fc's i want to use/have muses for (but am open to suggestions): cindy kimberly, sabrina carpenter, avan jogia, mason gooding, nailea devora, janet guzman, thomas doherty, laura harrier, nico hiraga, luke mitchell, mia goth, gemma chan, henry golding, adria arjona, charles melton, camila morrone, diane guerrero, priscilla quintana, sydney sweeney, madelyn cline, cillian murphy, emily ratajkowski, phoebe tonkin, alexa demie.
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quinobiweek · 1 year
QuinObi Fic Rec List
QuinObi week isn't until October, but I thought I'd get everyone's inspiration warmed up by sharing some of my favorite fics. This list is not exhaustive at all, just a starter, but I hope you'll enjoy!
Reach For My Hand by jelucan: Quinlan was presumed dead but it turns out he wasn't. He and Obi-Wan wander through Coruscant and have feelings. This is one of my personal fave fics for these two.
On Your Best Behavior by wanderingjedihistorian: Obi-Wan and Quinlan accidentally get married on a mission. Why not have a wedding night?
Shaking From Holding You Back by @ashinaburrito: Obi-Wan rips Tarkin a new one when he's rude to Cody, and Quinlan thinks that's hot. Smut ensues in a closet.
Counting to Coruscant by @fanfic-phoenix. This whole series is WONDERFUL and has everything from Padawan Obi-Wan and Quinlan to their lives during the war (and the moments of romance they're able to snag) to the aftermath of Rako Hardeen. Super super recommend!
Red and Orange Beacons Go Forth by @ashinaburrito: Quinlan gets caught in a psychometric vision and Aayla calls Obi-Wan for help.
Betrayal by @brachiosaurus-on: Obi-Wan and Quinlan reunite in the OWK show era. Beautiful, Beatiful fic.
Ride Around the Moon for a Velvet Kiss by blackkat: Snarky and wonderfully in character smut set during the Clone Wars.
Stumbling on the Way Home by CapGirlCanuck: a comics based one-shot that pays homage to Obi-Wan and Quinlan's long friendship. Lovely.
Liability by KCKenobi: Quinlan takes care of Obi-Wan after Qui-Gon's death.
I'm going to be annoying and include a few of my own QuinObi fics (there are many because I love these two but I won't list them all):
Shoulder the Sky Verse: My RoTS Fix-It verse, including the initial RoTS AU of the same name, and it's sequel, Whispers from the Dead, as well as several one-shots. STS features QuinObi friends-with-benefits-to-exclusivity and WFTD has them in a committed relationship (and said relationship is a big part of the fic).
Always a Little in Love: Post-Geonosis. Quinlan bursts into Obi-Wan's room to yell at him for almost getting killed. Obi-Wan wants to forget about the war in it's infancy. Feelsy smut ensues.
A Crack Down the Heart: Quinlan races home from the Outer Rim after Qui-Gon's death.
I Want to Witness the Beauty of Your Repair: Set in my Shoulder the Sky Verse can be read alone. With Palpatine dead and the war over, Obi-Wan and Quinlan commit to each other. Smut with feelings.
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seblaineaddict · 11 months
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You Kissed My Flaws...& Made Them Perfect
In a world where every single person has a Soulmate bearing their identical Soulmark and is bound by law to pursue a life with their Soulmate once located, Sebastian and Blaine are gay as a rainbow men from very different countries, who have never met....yet.
Sebastian Smythe is a charming, devilishly handsome (and doesn't he know it!) 30 year-old commitment-phobe still living in his native Paris, where he is an LGBTQ+ Rights Lawyer. He is highly promiscuous, enjoys the finer things in life, especially very expensive Wines and Spirits and First Edition Science Fiction novels, comes from old and new money, and is a bit of a risk taker, to boot.
As far as his 'love life' goes, he pretty exclusively prefers hookups and shuns anything serious, to which end he has never sought out his Soulmate. He really doesn’t see the point, is 100% against people being forced into 'unnatural' liaisons with someone they have never met, just because they share some unremovable (believe me he has tried to remove it - many times!) permanent Body Art that's branded into their skin.. somewhere...on their bodies, and he is determined to challenge, then ultimately overthrow, the Law that decrees you will become bound to your Soulmate from the very second you locate them.
29 year-old jaded (hopeless!) romantic Blaine Anderson is an equally gorgeous (though with a much more dapper and sweet side) Broadway star who lives in Upper Manhattan, New York, and is currently playing Elder Cunningham in The Book Of Mormon. He has had a similarly privileged upbringing to Sebastian, albeit in the US, and is not in the best place in himself. when our story begins
He (spectacularly!) failed to find his Soulmate after a long, long, long and arduous quest to do so, then gave up on men completely after his Fiancé Kurt, with whom he shared a tumultuous, unequal and in truth pretty freaking toxic six year long relationship, finally broke off their engagement. His heart is bruised and battered, and his self-esteem is in tatters, after Kurt slowly but surely eroded the very essence of Blaine and dulled the shine of everything about him that made him so unique and so vibrant….
...then fucked Blaine's co-star and ran off into the sunset with him…
What will happen when (via Grindr - of course!) these two polar opposites discover they are intrinsically and irreversibly linked? Can twin flames bound by law to meet, then pursue a life together, no matter how much the Fates seem to be weighted against them, make a go of things without killing each other in the process? Can an arranged (by law!) relationship ultimately beat the odds and lead to a happy ever after?
Well..you're going to have to read their story to find that out, but rest assured it will not be short on drama, heartache, pining, Angst, laughter, happiness, many hilarious and absolutely NOT so hilarious misunderstandings, and of course…a great deal of good old fashioned…
…hot sex! Oh, yes, and romance and Love of course, too! 😏😉
The unexpected news is - this is actually going to be turned into a fic! Yes..despite still having been unable to update my three ongoing Longfics, due to my increased commitments, I sat down last night to write a short bio to accompany this graphic, and..it took on arms and legs. So yes. A fic it shall become. Either a One-Shot or at most four chapters, but definitely a fic. Soon... And now that I have managed to make time to write, I'm determined to update my other three fics by New Year's Eve! 
Wishing everyone a fantastic 10 Days Of Seblaine, and also an amazing 12th (ahhhhh!) Seblainiversary on 8th November!
10 Days Of Seblaine 2023
6th November 2023 : Day 1: Soulmates/Soulmarks
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—✧ Day One: Villains ✧—
Wanda finds herself in Westview after her magic saved her from being crushed by Mount Wundagore
She wakes up to discover Agnes has been tending to her for a few days while she had been out cold
For a few weeks, she allows this to continue
But Agatha's voice has been steadily growing louder in her mind
So she releases the Agnes spell, after casting runes to prevent Agatha from immediately attacking her
I won't say I'm sorry, but I can promise to make it up to you, if you swear your allegiance to me.
Only if you swear the same to me, buttercup
They essentially married each other and neither of them have realized it
Agatha still has a lot of FeelingsTM and EmotionsTM about Wanda's treatment of her
She needs an outlet
Wanda, in a stroke of brilliance, points her in the direction of Dr. Strange
Your goals and my goals aren't mutually exclusive. I want my boys, you want to make up for your past mistakes. And he'll try to stop both of us.
Wanda doesn't think she's ever seen anything as hot as Agatha in midsts of magical battle
She actively decides then and there I want to make her worse
World domination, people. She plots world domination.
And for Agatha's part, there's just something oddly appealing about Wanda with a spark of cruelty and deviousness behind her eyes.
She wants to kiss her so bad
They're an unstoppable force, with Wanda's sheer magical power, and Agatha's hundreds of years of magical knowledge
The first time they fuck it's on a battlefield, they've just successfully decimated another country's entire military.
Agatha initiated, but she quickly finds herself on her knees
She had idolized the Scarlet Witch when she was younger, and now that she's older, she knows that she had been right to
Wanda is a proper goddess born of Earth and of humanity, but has ascended and become something more, something beyond. Something ethereal and eldritch, and Agatha craves her in a way she never has craved anything else
The destruction and chaos she wields... Is it any wonder Agatha has found herself as willing a plaything as she could be?
Wanda's expression always softens, just a bit, whenever Agatha submits to her
She knows that to control the dark being on her knees before her is a single found rarity that only she has been gifted with
They get off on being violent, and egg each other on to commit some the worst acts of inhumanity anyone has ever bore witness to
Their fingers stain darker and darker, until it's crept up past their elbows, until they live and breathe darkness
Unhinged dark wives fr fr
The Scarlet Witch's destiny is either to destroy or rule
Why not both? Agatha whispers in her ear. Why can't we have it all, after everything that has been taken and stolen from us?
Agatha's destiny is to stand side by side the most powerful being the universe has ever seen
They're hella possessive of each other too
Constantly marking the other up, constantly wearing hickies and love bites as badges of honor, of pride, of she chose me over everyone else
Their love for one another is twisted and warped, but it's stronger than anything the world or universe has seen
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ao3-oner · 10 days
hello! I know you've been talking about We Keep Falling Apart AU (which I also love) but would you have any more hcs or snippets you can share for Summoner Id (Your Name on My Lips)? I really really love it! It was so funny but also so heartfelt?? And all the characters and sideships were so great!! Zeus' reaction to "babe" had me on the floor laughing (just like Kanavi), Jihoon and Sanghyeok slowly and slowly being more open with their feelings, Kanavi being an overall boss. I loved it!
Hi, and thanks for the ask!
I'm super glad to hear that you liked Summoner Id! I honestly really like that fic, too - shoutout to my friend who gave me the encouragement I needed to go through with writing it when I was uncertain about whether I should! Like you said, I feel like this fic allowed me to combine a lot of the things I really like to incorporate in my writing - humor, angst, romance - all kind of rolled up into one giant mess, and I'm really glad that it turned out to be such a fun story.
With that said, I didn't really plan out a full AU for it - I know a few people initially assumed it was part of the WKFA universe, but it's not - so when it comes to hcs or snippets I guess I can just think about it now?
I mean, several of my WKFA headcanons still apply to this fic's universe, too - RuLehends were exclusive fwbs during '22, Kanavi-Chovy-Lehends have been besties since Griffin days, etc. - so I suppose the most unique part would be the other side relationships featured in the fic, i.e. the Choker, GuKe and OZ. My thoughts on those can best be described as... situationships. Situationships everywhere. Primarily due to the fact that none of these players can communicate about their emotions for shit.
GuKe (as usual) are the ones who are the most together (other than CanMaker, who did get a subtle nod, but I digress) - like Ruler observes in the fic, they definitely have a couple-esque relationship, and everyone knows they've spoken for each other. They haven't quite put an official label on what they have yet, though, mostly because Keria doesn't really feel the need to, and that has been giving our possessive king Guma a smidge of anxiety. For the most part, they're doing everything a committed couple would do, from the pet names to the physicality to the quality time.
I think that Choker is very much still trying to figure out where they stand with each other - I mean we hear from Faker first-hand in the fic how he's trying to navigate how he feels about Chovy (since he's never really felt this way about anyone before), whereas Chovy openly flirts with him but internally is still very starstruck, very "what do you mean I could actually bag the Lee Sanghyuk". I hc that they first met up for lunch 1-on-1 at Worlds '22, and since then they've discovered that they enjoy each other's company and have been going out for "appointments" together throughout the '23 spring split. It's still very new to both of them, which is exciting, but also kind of terrifying, especially for Sanghyuk, since everyone expects him to be a paragon in all things.
OZ... lmao these nerds... Their current status is Zeus constantly googling "my stupid hot jungler keeps calling me his 'girlfriend' and teasing me and now we're sleeping together... help??" and the only response he's getting is missing pings. Oner thinks they're dating. Zeus thinks that Oner's straight and is just being a bro/fucking with him. Not an ounce of communication is going on. It's a time, but isn't it always.
So, yeah, those are some of my thoughts! Feel free to send another message if there's anything more specific you're curious about - I am always happy to chat.
Thanks again for reaching out, and have a good one!
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emmersreads · 9 months
My Top 5 Worst Books of 2023
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I read 119 books in 2023. Some of the were great, most of them were fine, but some of them were real stinkers. Here are my top five worst books of the year.
This year I didn't read any books that I expected to be bad. Each of these is a book with an interesting premise or perspective but that bungles the execution so badly that I hated the time I spent on it.
You can also read the whole thing on my blog!
Honourable Mention:
To Shape a Dragon’s Breath - Moniquill Blackgoose
You can feel extremely strongly about the themes in your book and still churn out absolute pure dogshit. This entry foreshadows a consistent theme to this year’s worst list but only places as an honourable mention because it’s the only book this year that I dnf’ed. To Shape a Dragon’s Breath takes the intriguing premise in the 18th century colonization of east coast North America but also everyone has dragons and then mangles it with the colonizers being a weird combination of the English and the Vikings. The novel interrogates the idea of ‘civilizing’ the indigenous people but without the underlying motivations of Christian and European supremacy and manifest destiny the messaging is confusing and weak. In addition to a coherent message, To Shape a Dragon’s Breath also lacks multidimensional characters and any plot at all. I dnf’ed at 85% completion when I realized that the book wasn’t going to generate a plot at that late hour.
Fifth Place:
Monsters: A Fan’s Dilemma - Claire Dederer
I began Monsters with high hopes. There is a lot of meat on the bone of how to love art by the truly reprehensible. Unfortunately it falls victim to a problem shared by all memoirs: in order to be good, the subject has to be interesting. Claire Dederer’s genuinely pretty good discussion of Woody Allen and Roman Polanski devolves into condescending platitudes about why teens like J.K. Rowling, genuinely reprehensible comments about whether getting an abortion makes a woman a monster, and finally into outsourcing her final conclusion to Pearl Cleage’s Mad at Miles. You might as well just read that one instead. Some of Dederer’s commentary is bad because it is poorly researched (Nabokov, J.K. Rowling), but what really bothered me about this book was the nauseating suggesting that women’s monstrousness is exclusively their behaviour as parents, as if being a parent is the primary imperative, at least for women. But else could be described as ‘bad motherhood’? Suicide? Yes! Having an abortion? Absolutely! Not devoting full attention and effort to your children at every moment of your life? Why, you’re just like Woody Allen. The inclusion of some arguments are heinous and the exclusion of others undermines the value of the discussions that do scan. Where’s Kanye West? Surely there’s more to his career than a few lyrics about how his fans don’t know the read him… surely… Sure, committing suicide is super duper monstrous because you’re basically abandoning your kids (heavy sarcasm implied), but what of women like Nicki Minaj? At least for me, a big lesson of the recognition of Problematic Artists is that we don’t actually need to hear from everyone in the name of fairness. Dederer should learn that too.
Fourth Place:
The Idiot - Elif Bartuman
Spicy Hot Take Alert: The Idiot by Elif Bartuman sucks and I am judging you for liking it. I want to be clear about this: I did put this book on the worst list rather than the blandest specifically because it’s so popular. This book is all the more unbearably pretentious because it has nothing to say. It’s fatally boring and exhaustingly incurious. I’ve seen it described on bookstagram as about ‘the formation of the self’ and I suppose corporate middle managers need a formation of the self too. That doesn’t make it book-worthy. Also what the hell are ya’ll talking about this book being relatable?? When I was eighteen I knew fucking everything. Sorry, but I’m different.
Third Place:
The Cheerleaders - Kara Thomas
The Cheerleaders was the first book I finished in 2023 but the memory is not distant enough. For me this was a failure because it seems to hate its own genre. What is the point of a girl detective mystery where it turns out there was no interesting conspiracy behind the deaths and the protagonist doesn’t even pursue the case exhaustively enough to find this out. Sure, maybe its more realistic to suggest that a girl grieving the too-early death of her older sister might be making things up, but I’m not in this genre for the realism. The Cheerleaders doesn’t feel like it has anything interesting to say about subverting the conspiracy-murder, just that it wanted to have a subversion and then couldn’t figure out how to execute that, resorting instead to a deus ex omniscient narrator. It’s like if instead of Sherlock Holmes solving the case through deduction, Arthur Conan Doyle emerged from behind the curtain and told you to go fuck yourself. Read the full review on my website!
Second Place:
Disorientation - Elaine Hsieh Chou
Yellowface by R.F. Kuang was the darling of 2023 but it is not the first novel about a yellowface-ing author who fools the white literary establishment by selling them exactly the kind of bland and easily digestible Asian stories they are comfortable hearing. But it’s a good thing Yellowface did come out because Disorientation needed more time in the fucking oven. Like Yellowface this book attempts a comedic tone, but it chooses pure cringe comedy goofiness over irony and as a consequence rather than being a humourous reflection of Shit White People Do it’s more Making Up A Guy to Get Mad At. It’s greatest asset is an attempt at a discussion of the intriguing topic of sexual politics. Since white men demonstrably do fetsishize Asian women, is it possible to have an individual relationship that is not based on fetishization? Unfortunately, Disorientation doesn’t actually have anything to say about it and so just wibbles along to a nothing of an ending. It’s a scream of rage to be sure, but not all screams of rage are coherent. This is the second entry on this list that undermines its message because it couldn’t bear to kill a few of its darlings, but not the last!
Worst Book of 2023:
The Bone Witch - Rin Chupeco
We live in an era where ‘wish-fulfillment’ and ‘self-indulgent’ are no longer automatic condemnations, which is all well and good for the people writing them but what of me, the discerning reader? One detects great love and passion in this book but unfortunately that’s no replacement for writing ability. The Bone Witch is haunted above all by the knowledge that the author must have a truly colossal lore bible for this thing. It feels like every chapter the book treats itself of an extended tangent about the political system of one of its half-dozen fantasy nations, none of which are actually important to this book, and damningly, none of which are even well explained. As you might imagine, this leaves precious little time for boring things like plot or characters. The plot is little more than disconnected scenes that the author clearly thought would be cool but didn’t think about how they would link together, meaning that the last quarter acceleration to the climax is occupied by a sitcom b-plot ass arc about helping a friend get into the very special dance recital. The characters are even worse with none of them rising beyond an outlining epithet: angsty protagonist, broody love interest, gay best friend. The attempt at a dark and moody tone is childish and goofy. I found the Geisha theming to be overdone and appropriative, and the use of gay characters to be offensive. The only time the book threatens to have promise is with its beginning, where the protagonist accidentally raises her brother from the dead; however, The Bone Witch is quick to inform us that this changed nothing about him or about their relationship, wouldn’t we rather think about how stylish kimonos are?
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dawsmark · 1 year
The Hot Box -- Chapter 1
I’m sooo horny right now. 
The Wizards were getting their asses kicked. There was no need to watch the basketball game any further.  So, dick hard as a rock, I reached for the phone and called Deanna. 
It’s been a while since I’d seen her.  The last time I had, I had her pinned against the wall inside of Room 419 of the Sheraton Blue, her legs wrapped around my waist.  She had asked for us to see each other exclusively, but as fine as she was, a sex goddess on so many levels, I just couldn’t yet commit. 
Further, I needed to ask her about something.  
Something I found out earlier this week.
The phone rang six times before she  answered. “Hello?”  
“Hey, knockout,” I whispered. She took in a breath.  I chuckled inside.  “What’re you up to?”
“Nothing.”  She sounded like a sweet bird.
“Nothing, huh?  Same here.”  The fierce autumn wind rattled my window.  “I was thinking maybe, you know, if I could come—" 
“Yes.  All over me.”
Damn that was quick.
I laughed out loud.  She did too. 
“See you in a bit,” I said, and hung up.
I sprang from the couch, and headed straight for the shower. I stripped down in front of the mirror and was a little shocked at how solid my muscles were looking.  For the past eight weeks, I had been training for the Maryland Physique Pro and the diet I was on was finally working its magic.  Last checked, my bodyfat was around twelve percent, but according to some, I needed to come down another four if I wanted to place, another six if I wanted to win.  Everyone said this one was going to be mine, that I was robbed at the last show, and I couldn’t agree with them more. 
Having done this for the past three years, I’ve become numb to it.  That, and the scrutiny.  To the average person on the street, I’m a stud. But on stage, with dozens of other guys who think they’re studs too, eyes are like hawks.  Judges really zero in on your flaws: from the way you stand, to the shape of the teardrop in your quads, to the separation between your pecs. 
For a long time, it was hard being told you ain’t shit, you don’t measure up.  They’d say you need more balance in your back (like, what the fuck?) or you need to come in with more conditioning (what the hell does that mean?).  You just want to go down to the judges' table and flip that motherfucker over. 
So why do I do this?  Why did I put myself under such scrutiny?
Because I loved this shit.  If I get it right, the little details that others don’t see, I’d be perfect. 
I mean, I already got the perfect dick, why not the body to go with it?
My dick.
There it was.  Long. Thick. Straight as a sword. With a mind and face of its own, waiting to dive into Deanna’s hot box.  
I kept my hands away, because the last thing I wanted was to be drained senseless before actually feeling warm woman skin.   As quick as I could, I stepped under a cold shower.
Beads of ice water hit my body like bullets, subsiding the beast within, and turning the water to temperature to hot, I was able to lather, wipe and scrub soap all over me in lascivious-free peace.
Ten minutes later and feeling steam-fresh, I strutted to my bedroom like Ric Flair. 
Crazy Ric Flair. 
My daddy put me on to him when I was little.  If you want to be the man, you got to beat the man.  I’m a high-flying, limousine-riding, diamond-wearing son-of-a-gun!  Wooo!
I slipped into some sweatpants, no underwear, hoping to give Deanna a treat.  I love the way her eyes slides down to the bulge while I’m trying to have a conversation with her; Me standing there acting like, what’re you looking at?
I put on my shirt and kicks, grabbed my phone and keys and headed out the door.
Life sure was good.
Last week, Allison.  Week before, Lindsey.  This week, Deanna.
“Heyyy, Kevin,” as soon as I got out the door.  It was Ms. Howard sashaying from across the street. The leaves flew up from the pavement and swirled around her as she came.  I couldn’t get to my truck fast enough. She caught me just before I could put the vehicle into drive. 
“Hey, Ms. Howard, how you doing?”
“Hm.  Why you say it like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like I’m some sort of a disease?”
Ms. Howard was fifty-plus, my aunt’s age, with long Jamaican locs and strands of gray around the ears.  Her earrings were large and plastic in the shape of African dancers.  She made mad bank working for Lockheed Martin but couldn’t keep a man for shit.  Her husband, a downtown tort lawyer, left her a long time ago. 
It was obvious she wanted me to give her the D, but I wasn’t doing it.  Nope.  No way.  Nada. 
She darted her eyes over my upper body, “Wanted to know if you’d like to come to my barbecue this weekend.  My grandson’s football team made it to States so we’re gonna party.  He’d love to see you again.”
I hated that li’l nigga.  I believe he stole one of my rings that time I had him over my house, trying to be a mentor and shit.                                                                     
“Me?  Why?”
“’You know why.  How often does a young man get to actually be around a pro football player.”
“I only did two seasons.”
“Two more than anybody I know.  And him either.  You could’ve been a benchwarmer for all he cares.”
And I thought, Really?  Because last time I remember, he called me a scrub, kept throwing my stats up in my face, and kept comparing me to Devin Jones, one of the best D-backs in the league.
“Um…let me get back to you.” 
“Get back?”  She playfully gave me side eye.  “Uh-huh…”
“Don’t do that, Ms. Howard.  Please don’t do that, I know what you’re thinking.”
“What I’m thinking?”
“That I’m too good for y’all.”
“I ain’t say nothing.”
“You don’t have to say nothing.”
“Well…Are you? Big-time football player too important to hang out with us colored folks anymore?”
“Come on now, Ms. Howard.  You know I like that corn bread, sweet potato pie and ribs you be making.”
“Yeah, right.  Never no time for us.  Where you off to this time?  To see one of your little white girls?”
“Now, now, Ms. Howard, you know it’s not like that.  Look, I got to go.”
She sucked her teeth. “Gone then,” and let me get on my way.  But not before she reached out to touch my bicep I had hanging in the window.  She gave it a delicate squeeze.  My eyes followed her hand and then lifted back to her with a silent, What are you doing?  Sensing she went too far, her hand slid off.
She said, “You better come.  If you don’t, I’m coming over here and drag you over.”
“I hear you,” I said, and drove off, giving her the peace sign.
She called after me, “Saturday. 5 o’clock.”
I beeped the horn.
Glancing in the rearview mirror, I saw her sashay back to her side of the street.  I then turned on some music and looked to the bleak October sky.
…I wasn’t going to her raggedy cookout.
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pinksilvace · 6 months
Deepest hope for season two: that all three of the Vee's get a song together
YEAH. I've been thinking about that a lot.
One of the strangest things about the Vees in s1 is that we never really get to see all of them together apart from a few scattered scenes in the finale, in which Velvette is largely third wheeling/detached from Vox and Val. Because of that, I can't really figure out what I would want for a song about them, but these are a few options that have floated through my head:
SEASON TWO OPENER. please this would be so funny. We've gotten confirmation that they're supposed to be the main antagonists for s2, and I think it would be so in-character for them to show up and say, "Hey :) this is our show now :))) welcome to OUR party :))))"
A song where they're all talking over each other. This isn't really exclusive from the other possibilities - I just think it'd be neat to see their individual qualities capitalized on. Give them each a verse! Maybe each of their different parts has a different tempo or style that comes together for the end of the song! Give the viewer whiplash! The VAs for these three are all wildly talented, and I'd LOVE to see at least an attempt at a harmony.
A fracture song. I don't think I really want this one, but I can imagine it happening near the end of the season. There are some obvious areas of strain between these three, so it's not impossible that they would break apart or forming a rift, but I could see it happening in several ways. These are just a few: 1) Velvette's disconnect with the other two grows more profound if VoxVal becomes a real thing; as the backbone and glue of the team, she could try to strike out on her own or seize advantage of their distraction. 2) Vox, being committed to evolution and growth, makes some sort of deal with the hotel to take advantage of the frontier it represents, and this would go against the wishes of his colleagues (not to mention how much the hotel's occupants despise Val). 3) Vox, being committed to evolution and growth, reaches further than he can control; maybe he tries to expand his business ventures into a different ring or, more boldly, into Heaven. idk. Something something "trust us" is the motto but he goes too far and his own hubris turns everybody's trust against him. (I don't think this one is as likely, seeing as a character like Alastor would probably make for a more compelling ultimate antagonist, but who's to say?). Regardless of what happens, a song where they're all yelling at one another could end up being really hot.
No matter how it happens, I think it's likely we'll get at least one featuring all three.
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Hello storm I want to clear something.. I always see Jkkrs saying JK didn't wanted anyone to touch the hickey and moved away when Jin tried to touch it. But it's wrong. He moves away because Jin told he's going to bite the other side.
So we get 2 conclusion from it :
1. JK moved away coz Jin tried to bite him
2. Maybe biting is not anything special for Bangtan and us thinking Jkk hickey is special is wrong. Because otherwise why would Jin say he'll also bite JK ?
It reminded me of last performance. Jin saying he'll kiss Jimin there if he keeps on looking at him. Why he would say it if Jimin is committed that too infront of his bf ? Who even get possesive over some perila leaves ? Doesn't add up.
I have a masterlist. I do. It's there. The posts are there. When did I ever say biting was exclusive. And yall need to let the word special go. You exchange it for exclusive all the damn time. Non exclusive, does not mean non special. Non exclusive and special can and do coexist. Yall exhaust me honestly.
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Anyway. Here is my post about maknae line biting each other and their hyungs. It's cute. Because I'm cute and make cute posts over bts being cute and being cute together 😍
And here is your hickey clip that I'm providing for you since you didn't have one. You're welcome btw 🥰
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Notice, Jimin reaching out and cupping and rubbing his hickey before pretending to bite JK again. Notice JK not caring. Notice Jin looking at them horribly confused before cracking a teasing joke at their expense. Look at how AS he goes to say that he doesn't reach for JK or JKs neck, but for the hickey in the same way Jimin just had. Not the "other side" and note how Jin moved to go look like he would pretend to bite JK just as Jimin had just pretended to bite him again. And JK moved. He didn't let Jin touch his neck. When we know he doesn't otherwise have problems with general touches on his neck/chest/face from whoever nor does he have a problem with his members biting and kissing on him or vice versa. But the hickey? Nope. That wasn't happening. Why would Jin joke about that? Idk because that's clearly the kind of friendship BTS have with each other? They giggle and joke about giving kisses for birthdays and tease jikook about the shit they do together all the time.
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And because I can I guess. Here is another post. (Also on my masterlist everyone ignores 😭) where I explain the difference between bts love bites and kisses vs jikook, which is mostly just about rosebowl but honestly, counts here too
And here is a post about maknae line kissing on each other and their hyungs! Just like the biting post. Cuteness overload.
AND AND Just so that we can say I covered my bases here with your post (even though I already had and you just ignored my masterlist which is heartbreaking, save me)
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Here is a post where I talk about Jin saying he will kiss Jimin and I call them gay as fuck together. Lol because they are. And jokes about your friends looking hot doesn't equate to you actually wanting to kiss them. I'm sorry your friends don't flirt with you in a fun joking way.
But that's why it's important to remember that everyone has different boundaries and expectations in friendship, group culture and relationships. And just because you are projecting yours onto everyone else, doesn't make others "not add up" or less valid. Which I discuss in this post here
For example. I call my husband "my love" all the time. I also call my children "my loves" among other things. And I also call my best friend "my love" among other things. You think I mean all those in the exact same way???? Absolutely not friend. It's the same "nickname" with vastly different connotations while still expressing that all these people are ones I love and are special to me. One being romantic, one being familial and one being platonic. Go ahead and guess if this message was to my husband or bestie? Lol
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And I'll also just link my masterlist as a whole here too. Because honestly. Every single post above is already there. Plus others. And I just honestly think my masterlist is really pretty and put together fairly well. Even if it is large and has so much that it can still be hard to find specific things sometimes. But I'm always happy to help if you need it!
In MY opinion, none of these concerns are worth being concerns or talking about. And so I disagree with you. But that's fine. We are free to disagree and you can continue to think I'm wrong or whatever else you want as well. For me though, your math isn't adding up. But that's okay! It's no skin off my back to think differently than you or if you disagree with me, or anyone else either. But regardless, these are my thoughts over all that. Since you asked. Sort of. Not really much of a question here. Just you stating your opinions. But since you gave them to me, I'll return my own!
Anyways.... hope everyone has a wonderful rest of your day!! You too anon 💜💜💜
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natteryaktoad · 11 months
Sorority, Day 84, Part 8
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Sadie: Thanks for coming over. I guess we should talk...
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Ellie: I'm sorry I freaked out when I saw you two on a date. I guess I knew in my head that we were all dating each other, but knowing it in my heart's a different matter. I'm sorry I've been a bitch about it.
Clover: And Sadie, I'm sorry if you thought you saw anything between me and that cow mascot-
Ellie: That's not a proper apology, Clo.
Clover: Fine. I'm sorry for anything that happened between me and that cow. I promise it didn't mean anything - I was just being friendly.
Sadie: Apologies accepted.
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Clover: Now I guess we have to figure out where we go from here.
Ellie: I think we all need to be really open and upfront about what we want and need. This won't work if we're not.
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Ellie: Sadie? Why don't you go first?
Sadie: Okay... I want someone to put me first. I know that sounds selfish, but... No one's ever put me first. My mother never did - she spent all her time competing for Father's attention. Father... I was always suprised when he knew my name.; he had so many kids and he only really cared about Arun and October. All my siblings have got their own stuff going on. The person I was closed to was always Jess, or maybe Niamh, but she's dead, and Jess... Jess has got his own life these days. And then with you guys... I just don't feel like I've got anyone who'll put me first, and I really want that... but I don't want to lose either of you. I know that sounds dumb-
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Ellie: It doesn't sound dumb, or selfish.
Sadie: And when I imagine my future, I imagine living with someone, married maybe, some pets, maybe even kids... a committed, stable relationship. That's what I want.
Clover: Ellie?
Ellie: I guess maybe the same... I'm not a kid anymore, I'm thinking about the future, I'd like some stability. I want to be settled in a relationship after I'm graduated, not still dating around. I want that... stable domestic life. What about you, Clo? That's not what you want, is it?
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Clover: No... I'm not ready to grow up yet. I like keeping my options open and having lots of different dates. I love both of you, but when I think about my future, it doesn't have an exclusive relationship in it. I don't want to have to pick, which I know sounds selfish.
Ellie: Hey, you want what you want. We'd be selfish if we tried to change you. And you'd be unhappy, probably. I want us all to be happy.
Sadie: I just don't know if that can happen if we all want conflicting things. Especially when we want things that conflict with the things we want ourselves... that doesn't make sense... I mean like I want to be in a committed relationship, but I also want both of you, and those two things don't exactly work together.
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Ellie: I've got an idea.
Sadie: Yeah? Gonna rub a magic lamp and make it all perfect?
Ellie: I'm gonna try... Sadie, I love you. We both want that committed relationship, and I want it with you. We could be girlfriends, in a committed relationship, that's closed, just us two, apart from Clover. We can both date you, Clover, when you're free - because you'll be seeing other people too - but our primary relationship is with each other. I put you first, Sadie, and you put me first. I know that means you come second, Clo-
Clover: I'm cool with that if you are. It means things don't really change for me, which is how I want them, really. I get to date whoever, including you two. And I've just met this hot chick with purple hair-
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Sadie: You're insatiable, Clover!
Clover: Guilty. Well, I'm game for this if you are, Sadie.
Ellie: What do you think?
Sadie: ... yeah. You'd really do that, Ellie? You'd really want that, want... me?
Ellie: Of course! I wouldn't've suggested it if I didn't. You're wonderful, Sadie. It's about time you started believing that. Its about time I helped you believe that.
Sadie: ... Okay... Do you two both want to pledge? I know you were going to, Clover. There's four rooms, so we could each have our own room-
Ellie: Or you and I could share.
Sadie: You'd want that?
Ellie: Yep. I want that. I want you. I want you to be my girlfriend. I'll keep telling you til you believe it!
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And then they all had anti-jealousy potions!
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female-buckets · 1 year
This is why BG bought a new house in Phoenix:
The Phoenix Suns and Mercury are making seismic moves to the tune of $100-plus million investment from their team owner.
Mat Ishbia plans to build a 123,000 square foot “campus” that’ll feature a business headquarters for the Suns and Mercury and an exclusive practice facility for the WNBA franchise.
“It’s going to be the best of the best,” Suns and Mercury CEO Josh Bartelstein said.
The facility is scheduled to be completed by next spring. Ishbia confirmed he’s financing the $100-plus million campus that will not require taxpayer’s money.
The campus will be located three blocks from Footprint Center on Lincoln Street within Phoenix’s Warehouse District.
“Being right down the street is great because we can walk there,” CEO Josh Bartelstein said.
“We’ve set a date,” Ishbia said. “This is not like a plan and you see some renderings and you’re like, oh, it’s going to come out in four years. This thing is coming out spring of next year. I think this going to be great.”
The Mercury and Suns have shared the $45-milllion practice facility that was completed going into the 2020-21 season, but Ishbia noted how the Suns and Mercury will no longer have to schedule around each other to practice.
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“Especially in the playoffs,” Ishbia said. “The Mercury’s season starts in May. That’s May, June. We’re going to be hopefully playing a lot of (playoff) basketball.”
The Suns are one of the favorites to win an NBA championship this season with their Big 3 of Devin Booker, Kevin Durant and Bradley Beal leading the way.
“On the flipside, the Mercury didn’t make the playoffs this year,” Ishbia continued. “Don’t plan on that happening again. They’d be in the playoffs right now and we have the Suns practicing. Let’s go dominate. Let’s build the best Mercury, the best Suns. Let’s dominate together.”
Robert Sarver was the Suns team owner when the $45-million practice facility opened before the season the Suns reached the finals.
Ishbia loves it, he but he pointed out how the Suns locker room and the Mercury locker room aren’t the same size. Ishbia bought the Suns and Mercury from Sarver for a record $4 billion.
“It’s not the same environment,” Ishbia said. “That’s not going on with the way we do things. Think about this, this is a great practice facility. It’s one of the best in the league right now that’s going to be just for the Suns. We’re going to do the exact same thing just for the Mercury."
The Mercury practice facility will have 24/7 access for players and coaches, two practice courts with 10 baskets and several amenities: an “expansive” locker room with “state-of-art technology,” a dedicated chef and kitchen, film, fitness and massage rooms with hydrotherapy including hot and cold pools and underwater treadmills, and a player and family lounge.
“We’re going to create the best environment for the Mercury so it can be on the same pedestal just like the Suns, doing great things and investing in them so we can have the best chance to win WNBA championships by opening it up for the Mercury and making it a great place,” Ishbia said.
The Mercury finished with the WNBA’s worst record last season at 9-31, but having their own facility is a step towards getting the three-time league champions back to familiar winning ways.
“It’s going to be curated towards them,” Bartelstein said. “Anything you could ever need as a player, they’re going to have. From the minute they step in, everything is intentional. That’s their home. That’s where they come every single day. We want our players to be here in-season, out of season getting better and there’s going to be no place better. That’s Mat’s commitment. We’re going to go look at everything. Bring the best of the best here and have players who are going to love going to work every single day.”   
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