#in gotham people die for being straight
murderbirds · 4 months
Happy mother's day to Gertrude Kappelput, Gotham's best mother, and Oswald Cobblepot, who taught several people that if you kill someone's mother you will end up blown up, shot to the head and betrayed or with a knife in your heart. Oswald was still the only character in that show who could break through the plot armor of the main secondary characters entirely out of spite, and that is part of the reason why he will always be my favorite of all time
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dcxdpdabbles · 17 days
Danny has been mostly straight his whole 15 years of life. No his first kiss being Tucker doesn’t count, he will deny that to the end of the world. But he’s never really tried to explore his sexuality because it’s just never been tested.
Meanwhile DAN knows better, he did however not realize Danny wasn’t at the age he figured it out yet.
So Pride rolls around and Dan pops out of Clockwork’s tower and grabs Danny like “hey it’s time for pride.” And Danny is very confused because wtf Dan goes to pride???? He ended the world and despises humans but no, Pride is where he draws the line. Where are they even going for pride???
Gotham. Dan takes them to Gotham for Pride.
-Sincerely, Bisexual Son Dan anon
Danny glances comprehensively at the crowd of colorfully dressed people just as a woman on roller skates wearing nothing but a rainbow skirt and heart pasties flies by. At once, his whole face grows warm, and he drags his eyes down to the concrete before he makes the mistake of lingering on her too much.
He doesn't want her to think he is a creep. Or a pervert. Gosh, what if she thinks he's the reason women can't wear what they like in public because of men like him?
Danny can practically feel Sam stomping on the back of his knees with her metal boots at the mere idea.
The concrete becomes ten times more interesting as he listens to the woman zip away, dodging and weaving through the crowd with a cheer. Danny chances a glance up, only to make direct eye contact with her as she twirls in an impressive circle.
Her skirt fans out, displaying colorful shorts underneath, and she offers him a wink that makes the saliva in his mouth go down the wrong tub.
Half choking Danny, he flings his head away, staring at a different part of the group. He wants to die.
Dan snorts from where he is carefully painting a heart on the entire left side of his face. The older man had yanked him into the portal with barely an explanation and then opened a handheld mirror to paint himself with.
The heart is large, dramatic, and in three colors. Danny thinks they represent something, but he has yet to learn what. "Relax, kid. She won't bite- you don't have the bits she's into."
"What? Where are we? Why did you bring me here? Whats' going on!" Danny demands, clinging to Dan's arm as the man places the final white dots on his heart.
"We are in the best place to be in all of the Realms," Dan answers, gesturing to their surroundings. "Pride in Gotham! I brought you here to enjoy the festivities before I kick your ass in a re-match. Think of this as a second Truce Day."
"Pride?" Danny repeats, confused. Why would a person responsible for the world's end care about a minor holiday like that? Then, his mind caught up to the rest of what he said, making Danny even more confused. "Why would this count as a Truce day?"
Dan hums, pulling his long hair into a braid with careful but quick movements. "In the Realms, romance is regarded as a scarred topic and will be treated with the utmost respect. Ghosts rarely get married, so worrying about what gender people date is none existing. Unless you're stuck in a punishment island, but being in an endless era means ghosts never leave them. In this world, Gotham suffers an insane amount of crime, and on holidays, it's twice as bad, except for Valentine's Day and Pride. It's the only time the Rouges work together to ensure the city can enjoy themselves. You see? It alines in the dead and living worlds!"
Danny blinks slowly, "I don't understand any of that or why we are here."
Dan finishes his hair, by adding a little rainbow bow to the end. He truns a critical eye on Danny, looking him up and down then pulling out a pack of fake eyelashes. "I have rainbow heart lashes if you want to try them on."
"Answer my questions!"
The older man sighs as if Danny is in colossal pain, which is rude, considering he was the one who had dragged Danny from the street on his way home. "We're just here to enjoy the Pride Street Market. Maybe partake in a few contests if we're feeling brave. Look at booths. Watch the parade. You know, have fun."
"We," Danny gestures aggressively between them, just barely stopping himself from stomping his foot. "Don't do things together for fun!" And why Pride of all places, I'm not even gay!"
"I don't believe that."
Danny draws up short. "Excuse me!?"
"I said I don't believe you're not gay. I remember being your age. I was you, remember? I know how you reacted to Wes Weston."
The thought of the basketball-playing ginger runs through his head, sending a strange tingle through his body. Danny has always assumed that he was wary of the one person outside his friends who knew his secret. He can't believe Dan would even suggest that it was anything but weariness. "You mean the creep that follows me, trying to take my picture mid-transformation!?"
Dan shrugs. "You have a lot of things to wise up to. You're young; you don't know yet what having your picture taken does to you."
"What does that even mean!?"
Dan shrugs, putting away all his things in a convenient portal that pops up. "It means you're young. You'll learn."
Danny frowns, ready to demand more, when a shout of his older counterpart's name draws his attention. He twists around, looking into the flow of the crowd only to be surprised again by the more people in various revealing outfits, some of which warm his face.
Walking towards them is a man in a biker jacket, built like a brick house and towering over the people he passes. He's got big, heavy stomping boots, the kind that Sam would fist fight someone for, andan attractiveg white streak in his hair.
Was he a model?
Besides the rainbow wristband, nothing indicates he's here for pride.
"Jason!" Dan greets, grabbing the other by the outstretched arm and yanking in for a one-hand hug. "How have you been man?"
"Same old, same old," Jason responds with a laugh. Danny notes that he has a charming voice. He also has bright blue eyes and a sharp jawline—even the slope of his nose seems perfect. Danny didn't even know that was possible in noses. "Just got accepted to Gotham U for their English program."
"That's great! You'll obviously go to graduate at the top. No one is better at English than you." Dan chirps. Danny is too busy staring up at Jason in awe to be embarrassed by the eagerness with which Dan speaks to his friend. It was like listening to Jazz when she met that one famous poet at a slam and was tripping over herself to ask for his number.
Jason glances down at Danny, rasing a brow. "This is?"
Dan startsles almost as if he forgot he had kidnapped someone. " Oh, right. This is my baby brother, Danny."
"Oh," Jason grins, dragging out the o sound. He turns to Danny—who actually flinches back—and holds out his hand. "Dan told me all about you. I'm Jason Todd. Nice to meet you."
"Um...I- nice to meet. My name is. I mean, it's nice to meet you too. I'm Danny Fenton." He wants to barf.
This is worse than when Wes had cornered him in the boy's locker room, clutching his camera and hissing that he intended to document every moment of Danny's day for signs of Phantom.
It did make sense that any friends of Dan's- bringers of apocalypse, destroyers of humanity- made him uneasy. He's probably evil too.
"This is Danny's first Pride," Dan tells Jason in the same tone a parent would say: This is his first day of preschool. Dannny burns in embarrassment.
"Nice. You picked the great one to start in, kid. Gotham Pride is the best in the whole country." Jason says, tilting his head towards the booths. "My brother is helping his boyfriend run an informational booth for various sexualities if you're interested"
Dan steps forward with bright eyes. "Tim and Bernard are finally official?"
"Five months strong," Jason confirms with a laugh. You think Timmy would have realized it after going on three dates with the guy. It took Bernard getting kidnapped midway by a pain cult for it to click in Tim's head.
"He's young" Dan laughs, gesturing to a stun Danny. "Like this one."
"Ah, to be young and not dead." Jason sighed, sidestepping a child who ran by with a giant rainbow balloon. It smacked against Danny, waking him from whatever trace he was under.
Danny doesn't know what to make of all this. Figuring he should escape while Dan is distracted by the model man, he steps back, attempting to activate his powers, only to be shocked when he remains solid and in sight. Dan glances at him with an evil light in his eye.
"Lady Gotham nuterlizes our powers here. You have to be normal." He says and Jason titls his head.
"He's dead too?"
"A Halfa."
"Ah" Jason looks down at Danny who was starting to panic. "You want to go grab something to eat? There is this one food truck on the other side of the plaza run by the Riddler. He makes a mean BBQ."
At this point, did Danny even have a choice? "Okay."
Pride turned out to be surprisingly fun, and he learned that the paint that Dan had colored himself with was the "pansexual" flag. Also, Jason's parents must have marinated him in hotness juice alongside his siblings before letting any of them be born.
Hot damn.
Danny accepted the pansexual flag that Dan silently handed to him as the Waynes conversed at Tim's booth.
Maybe he should text Wes when he gets back from Pride.
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Just a concept, Yandere!Dimensional traveler!Batman X Gn!reader X Platonic!Batfam, also wrote a one shot about this
Synopsis: Batman becomes obsessed with a spouse and kids that he never had.
Pairing: Yandere!Dimensional traveler!Batman X Reader; Batman X Reader; Platonic Batfam X Batparent!Reader; Yandere!Batman X Platonic!Batfam; Batman X Platonic!Batfam
Tw: English is not my first language; mentions of Alfred being dead; I'm quite new on the fandom so there might be some mistakes about facts of the original comics, but this is a fanfic so whatever; this piece is more focused on Bruce and the batfam while still mentioning reader; stalker and delusional Bruce.
Word count: 1,4k
Requested? No.
General masterlist
Yandere!Batman who is very VERY, extremely, lonely, touch starved and grim. He’s also very unlucky apparently.
He never even met Dick. Sure, he heard about what happened to The Flying Graysons, investigated it even, but he's only seem him on pictures, videos or in passing, but he wasn’t there that night, he never talked to him, or maybe he did while stopping him from killing Zuko, either way, never adopted him, our boy went straight to orphanage and was adopted shortly after by a normal and loving family.
Actually this universe’s Bruce never met nor connected with ANY of his children, all he had was Alfred, and yet… Something happened and…
Safe to say it's been long, never ending harsh years.
The only thing this Bruce knows is pain, loneliness and misery. Don’t talk to him about Alfred. Maybe he can't even look at pictures. When he realized he couldn’t remember his voice anymore… He WON’T watch videos or listen to audio of him. Yes, Alfred being gone was one more trauma to the list of traumas he will carry on his tense and burdened shoulders for the rest of his helpless existence.
This Bruce is a loser, closer to madness than any version of Bruce (aside from Batman who laughs). His Gotham is nearing it’s doom. He didn't join the Justice League because of his level of emotional masochism, pride and lack of will to get back on his feet. He is so used to suffering he thinks it's possible to die if he doesn't have such bitter companion. Safe to say, he is depressed. And hyperfocused on saving a city he’s been working in for decades, too blind by his grieving to see that he is not doing the right things. There is no social projects on Wayne Enterprises or Wayne Foundation to help people, he neglected the company decades ago. He is almost becoming Michael Keaton’s Batman in The Flash.
Somehow, one day he is sent to another universe. It can be through some disaster like Crisis in Infinite Earths, or some villain who wanted different variants of heros to fight amongst themselves to death, doesn't really matter here, what’s important is that he (after years of being a hermit on his cave) interacts with people, more specifically, he interacts with himself.
Or definitely a lucky version of himself. Maybe the luckiest. He is jealous.
During the whole event they interact and imagine how he felt when he found out that this other Batman has an Alfred. And he is so successful that he is a billionaire who uses his money to help Gotham get better (or as good as we know Gotham can get). Oh, and he has a spouse. And children. Plural. So many he lost count. And pets. Two dogs, one cat, a cow (?), a turkey (a what now?) and a fREAKING DRAGON BAT (WHAT THA FUCK IS EVEN THAT????!?!?????!).
He is also more put together (looks like he showers and doesn't skip meals). And less temperamental.
Bruce is confused. When he comes back to his universe, with a spark of hope in his heart, he does his research. He could start actually making effort on his company and thus helping Gotham, maybe even be good enough as a vigilant that he could join the Justice League and make some friends (even if the other Bruce was just as stoic, he was the only one who could see on his micro expressions while talking about them how fond he was of his colleagues, and how much he thrusts them, even with his trust issues).
He could find those damn kids and adopt them. Find the one who somehow managed to make him open up enough for a relationship.
(He could also just work on his company, philanthropism, do some therapy, make some new organic connections or whatever).
He is VERY disappointed to find out that some of those so called kids and are already adults, have lived their whole lives without him, maybe some have been arrested or even dead, they have their whole lives and families that have NOTHING to do with him. Some don't even exist (the only explanation for not a single clue in months of research). And his partner, Reader, is either living their own life that doesn't allow space for him or also dead. He lost his timing. He is old and lost his timing. He is alone. He shouldn't have hoped so much that he got blind by the improbability of the small chance. The other Batman did mention that his family started growing decades ago.
He just lost another family. This one he never got to have. He wishes he never knew about them.
He hyperfocused on them for months for nothing (hey, It was hard to find info on the ones that don't live a very civilian legal life, like Cassandra, or the ones that never even existed, like Damian, or the ones that are dead — again maybe Cassandra, or perhaps Jason. Maybe Jason joined a gang just for survival or something like that, life on the streets is harsh, and he is not very lucky. And I’m not even being specific on what could have happened to every single one of the batfam. Also Tim is probably a CEO right now). No connection and family will come from all of that. Especially because he is greedy, starved, he doesn't want bits and pieces, he wants it ALL. He wants that other Bruce's life.
Yandere!Batman is born. He drowns and gets drunk on the pit of his own madness and he can’t get out of it. Doesn't want to.
He could… He could get rid of the people on their lives, brainwash them and make them a happy family. They aren’t vigilantes, they don't have his abilities, they don't have his intellect, it won't be hard.
Of course, Batman doesn't kill, but this Batman is looking for a change.
But they aren't what lucky-billionaire-put-together Bruce had.
Don't get me wrong. He is not just petty and jealous, nor resents Bruce for his privileges and better decisions, or whatever.
Okay, maybe a little. Why? Just why ones life was perfect (hello? Didn't you hear the part where he told you his own problems? Not even about the DEAD RESURRECTED CRIME LORD SON?) while the others had to draw the short stick?
But majorly he is just desperate, foaming at the mouth for a happy ending, and projected all of that on that poor random bat.
Now, enough brooding, back to solutions.
He could clone them.
Could work. Not exactly easy but he could just hack onto Luthor archives until he found how he cloned Superman and made that Superboy, Superman, or whatever he goes by now.
Again, not the same as the original ones. The ones he craves. The ones he wants.
Alfred is screaming in his grave about how Bruce, please, needs to realize that no one will fill the expectations he puts on them, not even the “original ones”.
Another hard, but better fitted solution is to… Simply… Find a way to go to that other universe, or one similar enough, stalk and study their whole lives until he can perfectly replicate “lucky” Bruce’s persona, and just… Get rid of him and take his place. Hello Alfred, hello honey, hello kids, daddy’s home.
Looks like he finally got luck on his side, maybe the sun will rise tomorrow.
Yandere!Bruce won't just brush aside that he is rusty and definitely not a better Batman then the other one, but he's got time. He will developt patience. But can he learn enough to trick his perfect vigilant kids though? Is he seriously thinking straight? I mean, the batkids are dope though. They learned from the best. As a proud (wannabe) father he knows they will be better than him one day, perhaps already are.
How much of watching their lives, everything that he craves, can he take until he snaps? How much of watching Bruce's interactions with them can he take? He swears he won't take them for granted when he has them, he will take care of them, protect them, be a family, be happy.
Can he really keep his distance?
Looks like another supervillain just arrived in Gotham for the batfamily to battle against, he is quite persistent though.
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prongsx · 2 days
Lazy Sundays
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warning: fluff, f!reader, Jason being a cute guy. English its not my first language. established relationship.
Jason had always been an alert person. It was tiring, but he couldn't help it. Life forced him to never rest.
It started when he was still young, he had to be alert so he wouldn't die in the alley of crime, if he made a false move he could end up in a web of crimes and murders. He had to be alert to keep his own mother from self-destruction, had to be constantly checking her breathing, if she had eaten, if she hadn't used her subsistence money for drugs. He learned that being a heavy sleeper was dangerous when his house was shot at and he had to hide under the table, eyes full of tears.
Then Bruce adopted him, but he had already lost part of his ability to be a child, never carefree. And now he had the burden of showing Bruce that he was good enough, that he wasn't wasting his time training a boy with too many emotions. Always alert. He had too many emotions, he knew that. His love was wide and deep, but so was his anger. His sadness was like sharp claws scratching his skin from the inside out. He needed to stay alert to keep his emotions in check, because they could consume him.
Being Robin kept him alert, he needed to take care of himself and Batman's back. Even Dick, who had years of training, found Jason too vigilant, his eyes never seemed genuinely relaxed and Dick found out the hard way. He went to play a prank on Jason, waking him up in the middle of the night, but the boy reacted in the worst way and before Dick could react, there was a knife pressed against his neck.
When Jason died and came back with Red Hood, his sense of survival became stronger. There were too many people wanting to kill him, the anti-hero had twice as many enemies, sleeping in peace was not an option. He had so many knives and hidden weapons that he would get scared when he went to brush his teeth and found an AK 47 in the bathroom cabinet. He needed to be like that to survive.
Then he met you. And his knees got weak, his heart raced faster than when he had a gun pointed straight at the vigilante's heart. After much difficulty, you started dating, even though Jason warned you that dating him was a death sentence.
You didn't listen to his warnings, forcing him to stop self-deprecating and start acting like a functional adult (as much as possible) to be in a relationship. Jason was right, he was too busy with his double life. He almost never relaxed, worried about taking care of you and protecting you from his enemies.
After a few fights, you decided that for the relationship to work, you would have at least one day a week to be lazy. You started it: Sunday morning. You needed to know that at least one day a week you would have Jason completely. It was hard to live with the distance his night shift required. So he committed to keeping up this new tradition.
"I'm hungry," Jason just mumbled in response to your plea. It was 10 am on a Sunday morning and neither of you were willing to get up, just like you forced them to. Your legs were intertwined, a thin sheet covering you, Jason's hands holding you tightly against him, his soft lips against your shoulder. The sun was coming in through the curtains, Gotham seemed silent, the only noise that mattered to you was each other's breathing.
"The bakery should be delivering by now," Jason replied, sighing contentedly as you drew patterns on his arm. One of the rules of Sunday morning was to make no effort, even cooking. You knew Jason liked to cook and take care of you, but at least one day a week you allowed yourself the luxury of eating ready-made food.
"It should be at the door by now," you mumble, finally opening your eyes and finding your boyfriend's beautiful face. Jason imitated your action, his sapphire eyes seemed clouded with sleep, which pleased you. Yesterday you had gone out to dinner and stayed up late watching movies and kissing on the couch, which explained how tired they both were.
"Let's get it then," Jason's voice was still hoarse, his black hair cutely messy. He let out a groan of complaint when you pulled away from him to get up, causing you to laugh.
As soon as you established lazy Sunday, it was as if a switch had turned in Jason's head. It was impressive to admire how beautiful Jason looked relaxed, his shoulders without all that tension, his features less marked and even his scars relaxed.
Peace would suit Jason, you thought.
The two of you shuffled into the kitchen, talking in whispers, your hands never leaving each other. Jason walked close behind you, his large hands holding your hips close to his body.
Your boyfriend had a silly smile on his lips, the joy of being with you leaving him on cloud nine. He noticed how beautiful you looked in your sweat shorts and with his shirt, you smelled of comfort and love.
"So, our only commitment is to have coffee and kisses at the counter, right?" Jason hummed, a huge smile on his lips, the sun seemed brighter. Then clouds appeared in the glorious sky of the lazy Sunday.
The clouds came in the shapes of three known people invading your window, the largest of them smiling happily. You thought Jason was really sleepy and relaxed, because he didn't even raise a gun towards the intruders, which was customary.
"Good morning, couple." Dick Grayson greeted, closing the window when Damian entered last. You raised an eyebrow, while Jason gave a slight growl behind you. Your hands came up to lightly stroke his hair, urging him to stay calm, he relaxed into your touch, your lazy Sunday Jason returning.
"Okay, Todd, we got some information from that case we were working on." Damian said, being the rude little punk that he is, throwing work papers on their kitchen table. Tim Drake followed suit, leaning against their counter, where Jason planned to kiss you until you forgot your name.
"Boys," you called out to them, clearing your throat. Three pairs of eyes stared at you. "Today is Sunday."
You sighed when none of them reacted. Damn workaholic sons of Bruce Wayne. Your feet shuffled to the kitchen door to get breakfast, leaving Jason to take care of his brothers.
"Jason, we need those other documents you saved." Dick said, sitting down next to Damian. Jason let out a long sigh, he still felt numb from being in bed with you. He wouldn't let his brothers ruin his favorite day of the week.
"Can we fix this tomorrow?" The three brothers stared at Jason, their eyes equally wide. The fearsome red hood's posture was so relaxed, his pajama top slightly torn and loose. His hips leaned on the counter and his blue eyes seemed clearer, almost serene. His hair really looked like a mess, the white lock falling over his forehead in a cute sort of way.
"Jason, did you hear us? It's the case you've been working on for months." Tim said, still looking perplexed. Jason sighed, his features still marked by prolonged sleep.
"Yeah, yeah. So?" He grumbled, a smile appearing on his lips when you came back with the breakfast bag. Handing him a cup and pouring coffee. He whispered a quick, "Thank you, honey."
Damian was the first to recover from the shock, his hands holding a particularly suspicious photo that would solve half of Jason's case.
"Todd, big drug case! You spent months bugging everyone for clues."
Jason just shrugged, sipping his coffee and resting his face on your shoulder, humming with joy.
"One day more, one day less."You could have laughed at how Dick looked like he had been slapped in the face. Your heart was bursting with pride for your boyfriend, who had finally learned the meaning of being at peace and lazy.
"Who are you and what have you done with little wing?" Dick said, blinking those big blue eyes slowly.
You turned your back on the little argument again, not wanting to interfere in the family dynamics, busying yourself with taking your breakfast out of the bag from your favorite bakery.
"Take those papers off the table, let's have breakfast." Jason replied with just that, making Tim's eyes pop out. He looked like a different Jason, without his characteristic sarcastic smile or the tense shoulders.
"Todd, we need to figure this out!"
"Jason, it won't take long..."
Jason let out a louder sigh now, leaving the Wonder Woman mug in the corner and turning to his brothers, his tone of voice still soft compared to normal. "Today is Sunday." He repeated, pinching his nose slightly to keep his temper from rising. "I'm staying with my girlfriend. I'll figure this out with you guys tomorrow."
He turned to you, almost as if he expected to receive a proud smile, and he got one. Damian let out a snort.
"Todd, be a man for once in your life and stand up for yourself."
"He's too tangled up in the leash." Tim joined in the provocation, unable to contain himself.
"Wrong choice of words, boys," you whispered, knowing what was coming next.
The three of them were startled when Jason's hand slammed on the table they were at.
"I'm only going to say this once. It's Sunday morning. If you little shits are unhappy and girlfriendless, that's your problem. Either you're going to leave now with these papers or I'm going to use the gun I have hidden behind the fridge."
Jason's blue eyes were that darker shade that screamed: danger! It didn't take much more, the three guards took the papers and left muttering, you heard a few words that sounded like "this will come back, Todd" and "I'll tell him where he can stick that gun."
You turned to Jason, your hands going to his tense shoulders.
"Honey, it's okay, I'll accept if you want to help them."
He let out a snort, pulling you against his chest, smoothing the skin under your shirt.
"No. It's our lazy Sunday."You smiled, ridiculously content, pulling him into a lazy kiss.
"Speaking of which, gun behind the fridge?"
He distracted you with a kiss at the base of your neck, a small chuckle leaving his lips. Bastard.
It was a good lazy Sunday.
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alyakthedorklord · 2 years
Chiroptophobia: the Fear of Bats.
Bruce Wayne is Scared of Bats. This is a Canon Fact.
In a difference from canon, Batman pretends to actually BE a bat man.
(Again, “Loading and Aspect Ratio” by JUBE514 situation with fake wings. Please go read it I love it so much.)
Bruce turns himself into a physical manifestation of his personal worst nightmares, and sets out to be a street cryptid. People see him flinching from bright lights and loud noises (he hasn’t slept in three days and he really hates guns) twitching weirdly (testing his wings function/stimming) not fully understanding human social niceties (you cannot tell me this man isn't Autistic) and, duh, wings, and go ah yes this being is Inhuman.
However, people KNOW Brucie Wayne™ is petrified of bats. There was an incident at a party when one flew through a window, another at a zoo, there was this one time Manbat showed up and he practically teleported away. No one saw him for a whole month, even after Batman had captured Manbat. (He got injured in the fight.)
By extension, this means that Bruce Wayne is afraid of Batman. Just- absolutely terrified of him. No ones seen them in the same place. Ever. Bruce Wayne actually publicly refuses to even believe in the cryptid for YEARS past when he's already been proven to exist.
When the Justice League gets called in to protect Bruce and his smattering of children from some plot (batman conspicuously absent, despite Gotham being his territory) Bruce straight up tells the league that he doesn’t believe in Batman, and he feels much safer with “real heroes” rather than “a urban legend spawned from overdramatic furries and gang wars.”
The justice league is, obviously, confused.
Certified little shits Dick, Jason, and Tim, (because we’re going with JUBE514’s canon and jason doesn’t die they’re all brothers f off-)
ANYWAYS: Certified Little Shits Dick, Jason, and Tim, ready for chaos/solidifying secret identities: “Don’t worry! We believe in batman! We saw him!” :D
They then proceed to tell the justice league that Bruce HAS met Batman, but he has a phobia of bats, so when Batman saved them at a gala Bruce screamed so loud and shrill he threw off the bat-hearing and then punched batman in the face so hard he knocked him out cold, grabbed then-baby Jason and ran. (Nightwing and the second Robin had to HEROICALLY rescue a dazed Batman, Dick saw it with his own eyes!)
Bruce was so scared of the bat coming to take revenge that he jumped at every shadow for a whole month. Why, Jason, (who was younger then) had slept in Bruce's bed to keep him safe! (Dick is crooning about his cute little brother. Jason, who is hitting his growth spurt and not a little kid anymore, is infinitely embarrassed.) Right now, Brucie has settled into firmly denying Batman’s entire existence so that he can sleep soundly at night.
“Why is he so scared of bats?” The Justice League is wondering. Oh, they are so glad they asked!
“Alfred told us a story once,” Dick says, eyes wide and innocent as he prepares to lie through his fucking teeth, “that when Bruce was little, really little, he got trapped in a cave filled with bats, and his dad had to come rescue him. Apparently, Little Bruce had been crying about a massive bat, even bigger than he was, with glowing red eyes and human hands and (gasp) wait oh my goodness gracious what if that was the BATMAN :0”
“The baby batman.” Jadon adds.
“Batboy?” Tim wonders.
“Alfred, do you think Bruce met Batman when they were little?” Dick asks.
“I believe,” Alfred “the greatest enabler” Pennyworth hums, offering fresh baked scones to thier gleeful audience, “that Master Bruce referred to what he saw as ‘the bat king’ and reported seeing him outside his window several times over the years.”
“Maybe it really was him! Will you ask Batman for us?” Tim asks, already planning to hack the watchtower cameras and set up some popcorn with his brothers.
The Justice League, who have learned more about the Batman in one conversation than they have over MANY years of working together, tell the Wayne children that it will be their Genuine Pleasure to quiz batman on his interactions with BRUCIE WAYNE who has, apparently, laid batman out cold with one punch.
Alfred adds on that he personally thinks the Batman is being rather courteous to Master Bruce, as “bat king” sightings were after “difficult times” and he doesn’t come near the manor otherwise, as robin had been the one to return some family heirlooms that one time they were stolen. He calls the batman and his robins “polite young gentlemen” and then leaves.
But now the gears are turning in the justice leagues heads. Batman? Courteous? Polite? Batman is not Courteous or Polite. Not unless something else is going on.
Now. From their point of view. Batman lives in the cave systems under the richest houses in Gotham, Phantom of the Opera style, hiding his meta form (because this batman is playing cryptid really well. Maybe he was a mutant baby of some Rich Gothamites, who threw him into the caves in shame!) He’s been watching Bruce Wayne, likely as he struggled with the highly reported on demise of his parents, seeing the effects that crime had on the boy that fell into his cave all those years ago. Batman has always been so protective of children, so hateful of guns, obviously the Wayne tragedy is part of what motivates him. He loves Gotham dearly, territorial of it to the point of keeping other heroes out, and yet he breaks that rule here, for Gotham's prince, solely for Bruce’s comfort.
Bruce, another person who obviously loves the city of Gotham just as much, putting millions into charity and relief efforts. Who is clearly very protective of his children, even if he usually has no spine, to the point of attacking his greatest fear to keep then safe, and good enough to land a hit, even. (Bruce Wayne is also considerably attractive.)
Its all so clear to the Justice League: Batman is madly in love with Bruce Wayne. Has been for years. To the point of watching him sleep, on occasion. How very tragic! Batman, in love with someone he can never be with! Not only would it paint a massive target on Bruce’s back if they ever did get together- there’s no questioning what Gotham villains would do if they discovered this, (and denying himself love out of an attempt to keep others safe is EXACTLY the kind of self-sacrificing nonsense Batman would pull) But Batman can’t even truly see the man he’s in love with without Brucie running away in terror! Well, the poor guy… how sad…
This conclusion can be supported by the following evidence-
Batman being the one to catch the guy who put the hit out on Bruce. He sent them to babysit/make sure Bruce was safe while dealt with the actual threat. (Bruce had a suspiciously long bathroom break/a nap)
Batman’s first appearance being right after Bruce Wayne returned to Gotham. Was the bat following him to protect him in those missing years? Or maybe he decided to clean up the city now that his beloved had returned?
Batman always being seen near where Bruce is. He’s never once been at the watchtower when Bruce has a public appearance- he must be watching over him, a silent guardian in case someone gets it in their head to kidnap Gotham’s Prince.
Batman insisting that Bruce is innocent in a corporate scheme, despite evidence to the contrary. (Hes right in the end, of course, but they’ve never seen him ignore evidence so clear.)
Batman casually referencing Wayne Tech/Foundation inner workings- he keeps an eye on them, of course. (If he can’t be close to the object of his affections, the league reasons, of course he’d make sure that Bruce’s company and projects are on the right track)
Nightwing, when asked, confirms the Bruce Punching Batman story. He says “honestly I think B was impressed! Caught him off guard!” (Since when does Batman lower his guard? Only when he’d be… distracted, perhaps…)
Superman saves Bruce, who thanks him with a kiss on the cheek. Later, justice league was teasing Clark, batman huffs and leaves the room. He’s CLEARLY jealous! Superman feels just awful!
Batman inexplicably knowing social dances/high society manners- he must have learned by watching (stalking) bruce! He can navigate high profile talk if he wants to, he just doesn’t want to most of the time. but if the situation calls for it he can talk like the Richest of Pricks in a way that only comes with observation.
Batman bristling when some of the league members start making Comments on Brucie Wayne’s Physical Attributes. (Jealousy? Defensiveness? Perhaps… embarrassment at GL’s detailed explanation on what he’d do with a chance in bed with Brucie.)
Batman absolutely freezing up when confronted with any of the above evidence. (He’s trying SO HARD not to laugh/go tell his kids)
Dick/Jason being big enough to wear the Bat-wings rather than thier own and be convincing- they save Bruce, though the man passes out (from fear? Blood loss from an injury? Perhaps- he is faking) and Dick/Jason, either out of genuine concern for their dad or general “how can i stir the pot” chaos, gently strokes his hair away from his face in an act of compassion that the cameras just so happen to catch. (There’s a few tears shed in the justice league- poor batman! He can’t be with his love!)
The robins (in both identities) telling the justice league that they've seen batman watching him.
“oh yeah he does background checks on aaaaaall bruces conquests. Had a conniption when brucie found a mafia boss that one time.”
“And when he found out Bruce and Two-face had a fling!”
(The league notes that often, if a criminal gets too close to Brucie, they’re put away not long after. B is usually collecting evidence in his civilian ID. But it looks like angry Batman wanted them to get the hell away from his mans.)
The Justice League is swooning over this tragic, forbidden love story. Batman is a little creepy but hey. He apparently grew up in a cave system. Its a wonder he's as well adjusted as he is. Batman has their sympathy, he seems less unflappable/untouchable, they’re a little more understanding with him now. Superman is all too happy to be a rebound, if needed. There are magic users offering glamour spells. Green Lantern is making exposure therapy innuendos.
The robins can’t believe how lucky they got. They’re def grounded but B can’t be too mad bc his secret identity is FUKIN SET.
Alfred is rather proud of Batman's new nickname in the league being “the bat king” and keeps sending batman along with cookies. The league thinks Batman is checking up on bruce with his butler. Its a mess.
Eventually, Batman loses a bet to one of his kids. Committing to the Bit with an exasperated sigh (he’s definitely not having fun, shut up jason.)
He admits to his crush.
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deadsetobsessions · 9 months
Between the whole “clone trying to kill her original version” thing and the whole “trying to find herself after being freed from the millionaire fruit loop halfa” thing, Danielle “Ellie” Phantom figured that she’d fit right in with Gotham.
They’ve got shades, a concerning amount of undead, and the people there seem to have traumatic backstories galore. Perfect.
Danny might die again if she told him where she’s staying, though. So she won’t tell him!
Ellie touched down in an alley near the first bus stop into Gotham, returning to the visible spectrum and returning her intangibility. She wanted to explore everything, and where better to start than the entrance of Gotham?
She slips out of the alley, walking past the terrified looking tourists. Ellie ignores the smell of soot they gave off, attributing correctly that it came from the explosion she heard before she approached Gotham. The city, like any other major city, was littered with trash and odd bits of metal. There’s graffiti too, but less so than the sunnier cities. The clouds- and smog, because Ellie could smell it miles away from the city- that obscured the sky left the city in a chilling atmosphere. Hazy. Like, a graveyard at dawn. Perfect for someone like Ellie.
It’s so different from Amity, stone where she dreaded plaster, gloom and doom where she dreaded seeing sunshine she couldn’t reach. 
Ellie wandered, under bridges, and in between paths. She danced through shootouts, glides past brawls, laughs when pick pockets find their hands empty after bumping into her.
She gets a coffee and one of those delicious lemon bars, with Vlad’s money. Hers, now that Tucker’s gotten his hands on Vlad’s inner systems. The barista gives her a suspicious look, but she brings out her strongest midwestern accent and the look melts into exasperation. And pity, but Ellie doesn’t really care about that. She “ooh’s and ahh’s” at the grimy stone, the gothic inspired architecture that Sam would kill to experience, goggles at the boarded up buildings. There’s a cathedral or two or five, she doesn’t remember, but the pretty glass seems to be broken at most of them. She wonders what happened. Then she remembers that there are vigilantes here, and concludes that she has to remember to look up more often. A giant clock-tower. A district with less people and fancier homes. A university! She might apply after she’s done traveling around and have gotten her GED.
Her shoes pound the pavement, something about the effort it takes to take a step burns in her soul. Yes, this is what it means to be free. She kicks the knees of two would be robbers in as she passes them on her way to purchasing three bars of the best chocolates she’s had in her short existence.
The cashier looks at her like she’s odd. Oh, well.
And then night falls. Ancients, does the city truly come alive. There are screams and sirens and surges in ectoplasm that balances her essence of being out. Ellie, with a new pep in her step, follows the trail of ectoplasm right into an area called “Crime Alley.”
“It feels almost like… a haunt…?”
Ellie hums and keeps walking. Maybe this is the territory of one of the undead Gothamites…?
She’s got a bit of Danny’s saving people thing after all, because the three bars of candy on her is gone in minutes to children with hollow cheek and dead eyes. 
Ellie startles backwards as a body slams onto the pavement in front of her, barely missing the risen steps of the building they were in front of.
“Oh.” She says. Because this is one of the Undead. And he’s Red Hood. Danny is going to flip.
“Run- run, kid.”
Ellie tilts her head. “And why would I do that?”
“You’re gonna get hurt, brat!” The man barks, and winces as his ribs shuttered. The red helmet’s tinny voice doesn’t intimidate her nor does it hide the concern and fear bleeding into the guy’s body language.
“Not really?”
And with that, Ellie slams her elbow into Goon 1, knocking him straight into another building. Goon 2 tries to grab her and she phases out of his reach, floating upwards and slamming her fist into his face. He joins Goon 1 in decorating that building��s new mural, called the two dumbasses that picked a fight with a wandering Ellie.
Hood watches her, cradling his ribs.
“You a meta?” He grumbled at her, wheezing as she crouched down and poked his sides. He smacks her hand away.
Ellie, who has clearly spent too much time near Danny, replies, “Being dead is a medical condition.” without missing a single beat.
Hood, on the other hand, misses several beats.
Ellie barrels on, amused at his fumble. “Did you know you died?”
Hood looks at her and Ellie swears she can see the dumbfounded expression.
Ellie laughs, free and sharp. Yes, Gotham is nothing like Amity.
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favoritebatfam · 2 months
OK, do you know how there’s so much age Fuckery in Canon?
I’m thinking that’s because no one actually has that many legal documents.
Dick Grayson was born in a circus. I don’t know if he was born in a hospital or if it was at homebirth, but it is also kind of likely and (I read it in a fic somewhere) where his parents lied about his age so that he could get away with performing.
Jason Todd was a crime Alley kid who is unceremoniously adopted. He is also still legally dead, and I feel like it is heavily debated in the family if you can count those months that he was dead as him living, or if they shifted his birthday somehow. Bonus points if you think about the post floating around that age resets after you end up in the pit so Jason is now the youngest.
Tim Drake uns so many secret identity scams, that I will not be surprised if he’s genuinely forgotten how old he is. I mean, Janet and Jack could’ve also done the same thing that the Grayson‘s dead and lie about ages so their son would be taken more seriously as an adult and just never remember afterward.
Damian Wayne tends to have more consistent ages, but I still think that his aging might be a little messed up due to the fact he was grown inside of a tube. This is straight from the comics. We don’t know if he came out as a baby, or he came out as a toddler. For all we know, he came out as like a five-year-old because Ra Al Ghul didn’t want to have to deal with his heir being weak.
With Bruce and Alfred, it’s a little hard to justify the age fuckery, but I’ve come up with some ideas things that might help.
I think that Bruce kind of stopped celebrating his birthday after his parents died. He might’ve picked up celebrating again after he adopted dick, but he probably doesn’t put any candles on a cake or anything or at least any number candle. Probably a lot of people have also forgotten how old he is, and a lot of the family are trying to look through newspapers to find out about Bruce’s birth. There could also be some sort of thing where there’s a debate about time travel counting towards his age and if he is older than he is supposed to be or younger or whatever.
Alfred just straight up immortal. he’s done so much in his life that it’s kind of hard to figure out how old or young he could be. I’ve seen a couple different theories floating around where He got blessed by some being, or if you go with the Gotham is sentient theory, Gotham is slowing both his and Bruce’s aging. Also, Alfred is very strong and has to be very fast in order to be able to clean all of the manner and not get sick or die.
Actually, this is kind of pointing towards maybe the bat family having so much to do with the general curses of Gotham or maybe even blessings from being safe, helped that they probably have fucked up ages. I genuinely don’t know. I am sleep deprived and very curious now and will probably make a skit later after I take a nap or look through more Tumblr posts.
Enjoy my ramblings.
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cutebat · 5 months
This is my first request ever, and sorry if it's not really something you feel like writing, but I really live your writing style and I think that you write the boys the best! (And this thoughts been eating away at my brain for a bit)
So what if the bat's take in a little reader who seems super innocent and she (it doesn't have to be a she if ya don't want) has Deadpool's healing abilities. Like she just casually gets a limb cut off in a fight trying to protect one of the boys and she acts like nothing really is wrong- or she gets shot in the head and sits up a minute later and straight up laughs seeing everyone's sheer panic because she has the same mindset as a gremlin wanting to thrive in the chaos. Do ya think the boys will let her go on missions with them due to her not being able to die? Or will they try (and probably fail) to lock her away in the manor for her own good?
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Warnings: Yandere, manipulation, a little bit of blood, accidentally hurting someone, using powers for the wrong people
Spoilers for my original Batgirl story!
After your father was banished and your mother imprisoned, you were now under the roof of the League of Assassins, living with Lady Shiva. Throughout your life, you've been treated like an outcast by basically everyone at that exact area she had to spend your childhood at.
During those times, something felt strange about you.
Whenever one of the assassins came back injured, you curiously stepped forward them and placed your hand onto their wound. The next second, it was gone. The wound.
The next thing happening is you being in the medical bay, in the room full of injured assassins.
One of them told you to touch an injured assassin with a damaged leg. You were hesitant, but you were forced to step forward and place your hand onto the leg. The next second, it was healed.
You were then tested to see what kind of symptoms you have, and the results turned out that you have the ability to heal any kind of injury once you touch it.
Every time when an injured assassin comes back from a job, Shiva would make you stop what you are doing and quickly place your hand on that bloody part of their body, disgusting or not.
However, there are some side effects to your special abilities.
Each time you heal a person, your energy will decrease rapidly, which means you can't heal more and more people.
Eventually, you grew of being used like this. So, you decided to run away.
It was basically a risk of your life, but you eventually made it out of the city of 'Eth Alth'eban and tried to find yourself a new home.
As soon as you landed in Gotham City, you were basically trying to hide yourself from the world. You tried hiding yourself in various abandoned buildings, alleyways, etc.
Until you found a tall figure looming over your crouched form.
"Are you alright?"
The deep voice asks as he reaches out to you, which makes you jolt away and hide behind some trash bags.
However, the figure pulled your small frame out of your hiding spot and held you like an injured kitten.
"It seems that you've been out here for quite a long time. Come on, let me bring you home."
He tells you before he walks off with you, shaking in his arms as he makes a call.
"Alfred, bring everyone back at the manor. We finally found her."
I'm sorry if this was too short!
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e-nonsense · 1 month
─── 𝘴𝘰 𝘐’𝘭𝘭 𝘸𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘳 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺
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pairing. littleprince!jason todd x witch!reader
summary. royal au. insane, you were crazy and jason loved you for it. so if you were willing to wage war on gotham he was more than ready to stand by you. (previous part)
warnings. pet names: little pet, darling. depictions of witchcraft, war/violence (medieval), death, declaration of war
a/n. picture above is what i imagine the described ‘castle’ to be. lmao the lore has expanded
wc. 1.4k not proofread.
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The doors to the castle slammed open, creating a loud echoing noise that startled everyone in the vicinity. Knights were on guard, stepping in front of the royal family as maids scrambled away.
At the door stood a group of strangely dressed people, with pointy ears and purple eyes shining dangerously, and in the centre stood you. Fingers clenched around your blade, as you stepped forwards.
“How dare you,” your voice echoed dauntingly , cold and icy, eyes filled with venom as you stared straight at Bruce. “You killed a child, Wayne.”
Bruce merely scoffed, “that was no child. The one with scales and a tail? A monster.” Eyes flickering to the limp body carried in the arms of the tall beast behind you.
“I warned you, one foot out of line and that is it.” You reply, John’s eyes snap to you, a sense of dread settling in his stomach.
“Kid—” the older man whispered, cutting himself off at the sight of your eyes.
“Then mark today the end of peace,” you speak, hood falling off, your hair streaked with gold. “I’ve tried to keep peace, but ever since your father’s reign my people have not known peace.”
Jason stood to his father’s left, looking between you and Bruce.
“From this day forth, neither will yours.” Just as those words are spoken screams and the smell of smoke come from afar.
“No,” Bruce mutter, eyes widening as he rushes past people and you to look outside at the village of innocent people and a large blue dragon spitting black fire onto the village.
“Stop— stop this madness.” Bruce hisses, grabbing you by the collar, hissing as he feels his hand burn at the touch. “Impure, stop it.”
You only laugh at him, eyes filled with madness as your people stand behind you protecting you from the knights, “my madness has only just begun.”
“You’re sure about this?” Nicola, a young siren asked, her head peeping out of the water. “If you’re sure we’ll help,” she adds.
“I’m tired of standing by and letting our people die,” you murmur, eyes downcast, staring at the young mer-children swimming around the large lake that leads out to the ocean.
“Then we’re with you, I’ll tell my father of your decision. We’ll keep them off the water.” She reassures, placing a gentle hand on your knee. “Thank you for fighting for us.” She whispers before ducking under the water and swimming off, the younger merpeople swimming after her.
You stood up, boots making a satisfying click against the wooden pier as you walked towards the forest to warn the creatures that lived there of the oncoming war.
“You declared war?” The old centaur asked, he knew you weren’t one to resort to violence.
“I was fueled by my rage, Chiron.” You mutter, “you didn’t see it. They killed him because he looked different. His mother, you didn’t see it, the cries and screams. But i understand if you want to leave.”
Chiron nods in understanding, placing a hand on your shoulder, “its okay.”
“If any of the others want to leave be by the statue at sunrise tomorrow. We’ll be sending those who don’t want to fight away, but if you decide to stay go to the mountain tops, the council is being reforged.”
He nodded, looking past the trees to the beautiful large abandoned castle sitting atop the mountain, a bridge built around it that allowed the water to fall freely off the mountain.
“I’ll tell them, save me a seat at your council.” He smiles before heading back, deeper into the forest.
Your fingers quivered with unease, stepping onto the abandoned land, the castle preserved with your ancestors magic, the magical pushed back against your touch, the magic only sensed as if it were a sixth sense for you.
You placed your hands firmly against the invisible wall, fingers glowing gold as your magic illuminated the barrier in gold before the gold shattered against your palms, sparks of ashy magic, over a thousand years old falling to pieces. The preservation spell destroyed.
Other mythical creatures watched in awe as the stone dragon in the courtyard cracked, revealing the golden scales beneath it and a pair of beady gold eyes as its wing shot out and everyone stumbled back as the dragon growled. It’s eyes locking on you and it steps forward, leaning its head down to look at you curiously before nudging your body with its enormous head and growling again.
Chiron chuckled, recognising the dragon from a thousand years ago. “You waited for her,” he muttered curiously, watching as the dragon nudged you again.
Her. By her, the old centaur didn’t mean you. No he meant the warrior from a thousand lives ago. Reborn time and time again. Even death wouldn’t be able to seperate friends like them.
The dragon grumbled, acting more like a puppy than a beast as it pushed you forward to the castles grand gold doors.
“This way?” You raise a brow as the dragon leads you past the courtyard to the large doors, the dragon huffs , nudging the doors to open them for you.
The interior of the palace is dark, not a spec of dust fallen anywhere, floors marble floors cracked and filled in with gold. And the walls painted grey. The people gathered behind you, gaping at the infrastructure with wonder.
“Let’s get started.”
War plans. Planning for war. Murder. Bloodshed. Jason. Sleep escaped you, your friends all tucked away around the castle. Snoozing away as you continued to stare at the papers in front of you.
So far your search for a plan was coming back with nothing. Dragons, sure. What would the humans do? Shoot them down with their monstrous contraptions.
The sirens? Pirates have been hunting them for years, nets and fire would do to easily kill them. Fairies and pixies, squashed like bugs. Witches, hunted like animals.
“Thought you’d be asleep by now, but I should’ve known better than to assume you’d actually sleep.” A voice cuts out, causing you to snap your head up, the air leaving your lungs as you feel yourself fall apart finally.
“Jason,” I whisper softly. Standing up and barrelling into his arms, the bigger man barely moving as you do so.
“Hey sweetheart,” he mumbles, kissing the top of your head. His arms wind around your hips, holding you against him, “my pretty, crazy sweetheart.” He teases.
“You came, I thought—” he cuts you off almost immediately.
“That I’d stay with Bruce and let him try and kill you?” Jason finishes, “hell no, baby. I’m on your side.. no matter how psycho your side might get.”
You chuckle at that, still not moving an inch out of his arms. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he whispers gently, a stark contrast to his usual brazen self. “What the hell is that?”
You hum, tilting your head to look at the dragon. “Ignore her, she’s possessive.” You mutter and Jason raises a brow sceptically, “uh huh..”
“Let’s go inside.. away from the creepy dragon.” Jason suggests, holding you tighter and pulling you inside, away from the balcony.
The morning started with an argument. Your friends and allies voicing their distrust in your human companion, irritating you further. “I trust him, and you trust me, no?” You question those around you, Jason stood protectively at your side. Murmurs of agreement followed your question, a few of them nodding. “Then believe me when i tell you he won’t betray us.” More grumbled responses followed.
“Lovely, now. We have a war to prepare for, and if we’re not ready lord knows what’ll happen.”
And so the war plan began, arguments ensued about the strategy.
You started with the plans for training the people for war, who would train each segment of creatures and what they’d teach. Then it was decided, that training would be spilt into groups of each magical being and each of them would learn how to work with each other. Because one mistake could cost the war.
The people here looked to you, for safety, hope, they looked at you like they were ready to put their lives in your hands and it scared you. Having so many people believe in you when you can’t believe in yourself.
“Breathe,” Jason whispers in your ear, his hand finding its way to your thigh. “Breathe with me, you’re not alone. Look around, we all stand with you.”
Jason presses a kiss against your jaw, “I’ll never leave your side again.”
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© e-nonsense. do no copy/steal/translate. do it and I’ll bite your toes off
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
TW for mild unreality
So in a lot of DP x DC crossovers I notice that everyone instantly makes the connection of infinite realms = ghosts. But what if they didn't? I mean, to most humans ghost equals dead person. Not everyone in the infinite realms is dead.
Instead, what if everyone thought it was a realm similar to the Fae Realms? A place where everything is only as real as you want it to be, where the land itself lives and breathes and changes it's form every which when. Perhaps that's why the Fentons think of ghosts as mischievous semi-sentient tricksters, they misread some older texts talking about them.
And they could be right in a way. What if dead ghosts are actually the souls of people who caught the attention of the realms/someone in them and so the realms grabbed their soul upon death to keep. If liminality means you're a guaranteed ghost then maybe that's the realms' way of keeping track of Interesting People so they know when they're up for grabs (they were patient and let you live out your life without interference, it's only polite).
But then, why are ghosts so quick to jump to fistfights now instead of battles of wit? Well that's because of Pariah Dark. The older kings were all the cleverest, the smartest, and perhaps Pariah was clever in a way (he turned a battle of wits he would surely lose into a battle of power after all, and that takes some wit in and of itself) but he valued power and physical might more and so the realms changed to reflect that. And then Danny came along. A small baby child who beat Pariah AT HIS OWN GAME. A child who employs both might and wit in equal measure because he knows the value of both. That small child, king of Ice and Snow, Little Prince, Boy King, a Strategist, a Warrior, that tiny kid is now the King. And the realms change once more to reflect that.
So when Danny is crowned King the ghost zone goes back to being similar to Faerie, only with more fights because Danny is not afraid to straight up punch someone (he's kinda feral like that).
So on the DC side of things maybe there's a summoning (accidental or cult induced), or Danny ends up in the watchtower/Gotham/important place, or maybe the League decide they have enough time to scout out Amity Park and figure out what's going on. They meet Danny, who calls himself a ghost, and are like "You're not like the other ghosts I've met but I don't know enough to refute that" and eventually it gets back to Constantine about this "ghost" boy, and he FREAKS OUT. This is an Infinite Realms denizen, a people similar to Unseelie Sidhe in all the legends, him being a ghost just means he was (or would be, time likes to wander in the realms. Sometimes the present is the future and that past has Not Yet Occurred) interesting enough to nab when he died! And they've been TALKING to him?? That's how you get their attention! You don't want their attention! It's bad enough that Red Hood has a guaranteed fast track there with the sheer amount of Realms Energy swirling around him ever since his resurrection he doesn't need any more people putting up massive I AM HERE signs willy nilly! Just because most denizens are willing to wait until you die to try and steal you away, that doesn't mean that all of them are. And now that Pariah Dark is gone, and the New King is perfectly willing to entertain wit and humor in his court once more, well. It's free real estate.
TLDR the Infinite Realms are Fae-Adjacent and Constantine is Terrified.
this is just incredible. I have no words. I am in awe.
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jasmines-library · 11 months
Ask Again Later
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WHUMPTOBER DAY 31. Prompt: Forced to choose.
Fandom: Batfam.
Summary: You are being flooded with threats. Text after text after text or headings about how your brothers were going to die if you didn’t make a descision. It was simple. Your life, or theirs.
Warnings: Blood, death, grief.
Word count: 1.1k (I know it’s short I’m sorry but it’s angsty!)
Note: Annd with that the whumptober season has come to an end. I just want to say a huge thank you. You guys are all incredible and the support I have gotten from you all is insane. I’m looking forward to working on requests now and to keep writing my own little fantasies for you all.
🕸 ⋆ ⁶𖤐⁶ ࣪⋆🕸
You were stuck. A life threatening decision looming over your head like a dark cloud about five minutes before it is about to rain. Your foot bounced anxiously against the floor as you stared at your phone, rolling it around in your hand. You hadn’t moved much since the first one came through. It buzzed again. With trembling fingers you scanned the words on the screen.
‘Tick Tock, little Bat.’
You weren’t sure entirely how you had ended up in this predicament. One minute you were just going about your business in the manor and the next you found yourself locked up in your room with the message glowing brightly on your screen.
The message was dark and foreboding and no matter how hard you tried to shake it from your mind it came back. They were threatening to kill your brothers. One text after the next filled to the brim of details of how they wanted to carve them to pieces. Fear stuck you like a hammer as they continued to flood in, text after text after text each ending with the same haunting line.
‘It’s up to you whether they live or die. Choose wisely, Wayne. Your time is running out.’
In theory, the choice was simple. It was your life for theirs. And you knew what you were supposed to choose… but there were so many complexities woven within the situation that made it hard to think straight. In hindsight, you would have made the choice in a heartbeat. You would have given your life for theirs any day, but you couldn’t leave them like this not so suddenly. The four of them were away on patrol. Halloween was a busy night for the Bats. With so many people out, it took as many hands as possible to ensure Gotham’s safety. It was your job to monitor the screens, but you were too preoccupied with the text messages.
It was when the picture of Damian came flashing though that things shifted. This was no joke. They had eyes on you and your brothers and had the power to end you all with a with a snap of their fingers
You sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of your nose as you pondered. You knew you would have to make the decision soon, but it was a double negative. Stay, and risk the lives of your brothers, or go and send them into a spiral of sudden grief. It felt so cruel to leave them without an explanation, but it felt even cruller to let them die when you had the power to stop such things occurring.
You always took pleasure in the little details. The way that Damian hid his little smile behind his hand after he had pretended he wasn’t interested. The way that Dick always seemed to hum the same song over and over for days on end until finally he would move into the next and the cycle would begin again. And then there was Jason’s hair that was always just a little bit too long so that it dangled over his eyes and he constantly had to brush it out of his face. You would miss the little moments deeply. Spending time with your brothers was something that you cherished deeply, even if they more often than not contained childish bickering. You smiled at the memories but it quickly morphed into a deep frown.
You had made your decision.
Pushing the chair out from under the table with a groan as it shifted beneath your weight, you reached for a pen and paper and began to write, not bothering to wipe your tears as you scrawled across the page. You wrote six notes. One for each of your brothers, one for Bruce and Alfred.
After you had done that you slid them beneath the respective doors and shrugged in your coat. You sniffled taking one last look at your home before disappearing into the night to seal your fate.
The wind howled against your skin, whipping around your body as you trudged. You had to pull your coat up to hide your face. You knew that if you were seen there was no going back. Your brothers would be able to convince you to turn back. But you knew that wasn’t an option. As your drew nearer to the rendezvous point, your heart dropped.
Then the hooded figure appeared from the building and froze. Taking them in completely. You took a shuddering breath, sending the other two spill in from behind you to surround you. There was no going back now.
Their grip was harsh on your arm as they dragged you through the twisting corridors. They had searched your body for weapons, stripping you of the small dagger you had tucked away in your boot.
They led to a room lit by flickering golden candlelight. The three of them inched you into the middle of the room before dropping their cloaks.
“Begin.” One of them hissed from behind a mask.
And suddenly your body was consumed in a pain so violent that you were forced to your knees.
“Y/N?” Jason called out. It was unusually quiet in the manor. The lights were out and there was no sign that you were around besides a lukewarm mug of coffee discarded by the computer.
Tim bumped into his brother as he turned the corner. “Have you seen her?” He asked. “I can’t find her anywhere.”
Jason shook his head, concern bubbling up in his stomach. “No.”
“Maybe she’s in her room?”
The two of them barged up the stairs and turned into your room only to find Damian slipping out of your room. The lights were off. You weren’t home.
It was at that fateful moment that Dick came out of his room with shaky hands. He was holding the folded, tear stained paper. He had found the letter. With bloodshot eyes he turned to his younger brothers. “She’s gone.”
The Manor wept that night. No body slept as their body wracked with sobs that wailed throughout the walls. The was a dark hole left that your light had filled. It was as though someone had sniffed out a candle, stripping the vigilantes of any joy and light that they once had. You were gone, and with you your spirit and hope and the Wayne’s would never be the same again.
🕸 ⋆ ⁶𖤐⁶ ࣪⋆🕸
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dairy-farmer · 2 months
Another soulmate au ask lol
Theres a lot of angst and drama potential for bats stealing eachothers soulmates (Tim ofc). Especially considering how often they die/fake their death/fake being evil/straight up alienates everyone they care about
Jaytim is a tragic example. Never even got to know eachother and then his dad or brother swoops in to *comfort* Jasons grieving kid soulmate? Cue typical Red Hood shenanigans when Jason returns. Maybe in his rage he feels he has to punish his soulmate, or maybe he just wants to kill anyone who touched him. Either way, he's stealing him away. (Also it would really fuck with Jasons inferiority complex if even his literal soulmate seemingly fell for perfect Dick Grayson)
Bruce has abandoned his kids plenty of times, like when he was accused of murder or when he made JPV batman. Plenty of opportunity Dick to snatch up Bruce's poor neglected soulmate. Dick doesn't have one. And really, Tim should be Dick's, considering how they met and how Dick shaped Tim's whole world.
The Brucequest/Red Robin era is a good time for Jason to snatch up Tim (from whoever he belongs to in this scenario). He could also suceed in either seducing Tim, or claiming Tim by force during the battle of the cowl.
Alternatively, since there is such an age-difference vetween Tim and his soulmate (either Dick or Bruce), Tim and Jason (pre-death) organically fall in love instead. His soulmate just has to bitterly stand by and try to not sabotage his son/brother's happiness.
I also like a reverse robin version of this where either Bruce or Damian is Tim's soulmate. Tim is some jaded Red Hood type of vigilante and having any kind of relationship with those two is out of the question if he can help it (no matter how hard they try to win him back). But who can resist the sunshine of a persistent young Dick Grayson? All Tim did was help him get justice for his parents.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THE BATS STEALING EACH OTHERS SOULMATE IS SOOOO GOOD!!!!😍😍😍😍😍😍!!!!!
the dicktim one especially!!!! the idea of dick NOT having a soulmate makes so much sense- his bad luck with love, the way it always fizzles out, the way he's on and off again with girlfriends but never able to really lock it down.
in many ways people see dick as just a "fun time" rather than a serious partner. afterall why would they want dick when they already have their soulmates destined for them.
not dick though. dick doesn't have a soulmate. and while it's not particularly rare it is very uncommon. there are support groups of course, blogs with people living life eternally without a soulmate, trying to make it seem like its not so bad. and most days dick tries not to get too down about it. but its hard.
he's tried not to be resentful towards bruce about it.
bruce, unlike dick, DID have a soulmate. in fact he had two.
his cup floweth over and dick tried so hard not to think badly of bruce because of it because it really seemed that things ALWAYS worked out for bruce. being born handsome, a billionaire, and an overflow of soulmates.
he doesn't learn tim is bruce's other soulmates until he's been robin for awhile.
it's pretty widely acknowledged by gotham and everyone that selina kyle is bruce wayne's soulmate and the two of them gallivant through galas and rooftops whenever the two are in the middle of one of their affairs that comes like a seasonal bout of depression.
as a teenager dick had always quietly pitied bruce's other unnamed soulmate who'd be competing against selina for the scraps of a place in bruce's heart.
never did dick expect to be spending a saturday night hanging out with them while bruce was out with catwoman given the rumors she'd blown back into town.
dick feels a sort of...heaviness sitting with tim and sorting through the manor's dvd collection while tim's soulmate was out messing around.
of course nothing between bruce and tim could happen- tim was thirteen. but still....it was a matter of respect.
dick didn't feel good knowing bruce was blatantly messing around in front of his soulmates face it just felt...wrong.
but dick does not say this. does not confront bruce about it because he already knows what bruce would say. something cutting and deep because the two of them aren't on the best of terms.
bruce could be so unthinkingly cruel and dick just knew he'd use the sore spot of dick not having a soulmate to question what right dick had to accuse bruce of being cruel to his soulmate.
and maybe he was right. maybe bruce's past behavior with him or with jason had no bearing on how he'd treat tim.
dick should've known he'd be wrong.
bruce drops tim at the slightest inconvenience, foisting him onto dick or onto alfred.
often times dick patrols with tim while bruce is off on one of his lone quests.
dick knows that things between tim and bruce are...weird.
the whole fact that they're soulmates also doesn't help.
but dick notices the stuff. notices how bruce has incredibly...strict expectations of tim.
and dick knows it's partly because of the loss of jason but also he's almost certain that tim's role as his soulmate also plays a role.
dick knows that the reason bruce and selina have frequent fallouts is because bruce wants selina to be a certain way and she adamantly refuses to be.
but tim....if bruce asked him to jump tim would beg to know how high. tim bleeds a need to be useful to bruce, to meet his expectations.
often that's what he and tim talk about, tim asking dick how he can be a better robin.
and dick, god. he pities the poor thing for having bruce for a soulmate. for being eternally tied to someone who would always find him wanting no matter how hard he tried.
dick should know. he'd been in tim's shoes.
so dick...tries to be nice. that's it that's all he tried to do at first.
opening his home, offering warm meals, kindness, affection. the sort of thing dick would have liked someone to do for him.
dick doesn't even realize he's trying to poach tim away from bruce until he's spending an afternoon just quietly thinking of tim.
he and tim are tied together in such remarkable ways. tim was there, on that night the day dick lost everything and his life changed forever.
tim was there, has been there, in the backgrounds and shadows all of dick's life. dick once goes into tim's room and sees his posters and 'flying graysons!' memorabilia still hanging, and it sticks in his head for days.
tim is soft and sweet and he soaks up dick's attention. he plays with dick and rough houses, laughs, and makes fun of him and he's...so easy to love.
and tim is young and he's so unsure of the bigger 'adult' world that bruce has locked him out of as a soulmate and so...when he comes to dick curious and full of questions...dick helps.
and afterward while he's lying in bed naked with tim fast asleep on top of him he doesn't feel...bad about it.
dick feels no guilt over fucking bruce's soulmate, he should.
yet dick finds it so easy to do. again and again.
sex with tim is good, it's perfect, its better than anything that dick has ever felt before.
maybe it's because tim is so new at it and adorably clumsy. the way he straddles dick's hips and bounces up and down, struggling to find a good rhythm of fucking himself on dick's cock. tim fits like a glove around dick, it's like his little cunt was made for him.
dick marvels at tim's adorable tits, so small and so pink and easily distressed when dick gropes one to keep tim's body pinned as he kneels between his legs and fucks all the way into tim's warm, velvety hole. tim's cunt gets so red and throbs from the friction of dick taking him over and over but tim never once complains.
only moaning and whining, arching and making sweet little sounds to ask for more, to ask for him to keep going.
kids, dick couldn't help but chuckle.
tim is young and puberty is a killer so more often than not tim is writing on him and trying slip their clothes off because he's a budding little nymph.
and dick well...it's the first time he's had a partner who can actually satiate his sexual appetite.
things with tim are good. bruce is barely even a thought to either of them.
dick is breathing hard with an iron grip on tim's waist, snapping his hips hard and fast against tim to bury his cock as deep as it will go while tim makes softly gutted noises. dick is basically operating on a purely primal, animal brain when his detective senses tell him he's being watched.
it's not enough for him to stop though. but to avoid tim noticing and panicking dick pulls him into a deep kiss, swallowing his sweet noises as he slows his thrusts into a grind. he gently fucks tim's tender hole, groaning at tim weakly clenching around him, he sweet attempts to help dick cum.
the feeling of eyes on the back of his head intensifies.
dick has an idea of who's watching them but wants to save tim from the confrontation so he puts his back into it.
he speeds up, punching his cock into tim at a punishing pace, staring down at the pink, wet twitching seam swallowing him and letting a wad of spit fall out of his mouth and land directly on tim's baby clit.
dick's fingers are calloused and rough and tim can't help the startled bunny noise he makes when dick starts pressing down on his clit at the same time as he grinds in. the friction has tim's body trembling.
dick is not a sweet and kind lover. he is hard and fast and often times cruel with the way he bends and fucks and plays.
but tim never denies him not even in inch of his body to do with as he pleases.
and as thanks dick fucks tim so hard his eyes roll to the back of his skull when he passes out.
dick finishes quickly afterwards, muffling his grunts behind bitten lips as he wetly slaps his hips together with tim's after every wave of his orgams.
tim's poor pussy is still twitching when he pulls out, red like a freshly spanked bottom and puffy. dick delightedly watches fresh cum drip out in thick spurts for a few seconds before pulling out a plush blanket and covering tim's nude body.
then he makes his way to the fire escape window by his kitchen where bruce is waiting for him, his lips pressed so tightly together they're white.
it's hard to keep their voices down, bruce half dragging dick out so they can talk freely on the roof.
dick knows why bruce is upset. it's probably not a good feeling to walk in on your soulmate getting fucked by your son.
"what is the matter with you?" bruce asks, voice deep and ragged like a bear's. "tim is a child-"
and dick doesn't try to stop the scoff that rips out of him. tim's age is hardly a factor. plenty of soulmates with age gaps start fucking out of the gate.
bruce quietly stares at him, the air around them heavy.
"tim is not your soulmate."
and that dick adamantly denies. because he is. he IS.
dick can feel it. he knows it like he knows his own hands.
what he and tim have is real. and dick was not going to stop just because bruce was unhappy that dick was giving his spare the time of day.
at that bruce's jaw tightens. and dick can tell he's restraining himself from doing or saying something.
bruce says nothing.
so dick turns to leave. he can feel this won't be the last time they'll have this conversation. dick can feel it.
but for the moment it doesn't matter.
dick's soulmate is wating for him.
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khthonic-echo · 11 months
I am from the bottom of my heart begging batfans who have never read a Green Lantern comic in their lives to get their shit straight about Hal Jordan
Hal Jordan and Batman do not hate each other. And if they did, it wouldn’t solely be because Hal is an arrogant ass. If anything they are BOTH pricks in ways literally designed to grate on each other!
Hal and Bruce are thematic opposites. GL= light, emotion & color. Bats= darkness & cold logic. Hal is a rebel who distrusts authority and Bruce is an uncommunicative control freak. They are mutually responsible and valid for their dynamic.
Hal is not just some loudmouth flyboy. He’s ADHD as fuck and does dumb shit sometimes, but he’s actually matured a lot since the Silver Age; specifically being betrayed by Sinestro and/or violated by Parallax can be considered The sobering events for his character.
Hal’s not a womanizer. In the past 30 years I can count his love interests on one hand. Oliver once asked him where to find a good time and Hal offered his gd chess board (and then Ollie rightfully ditched him for being a square).
Hal has canonically dated an alien that was like 80% tentacles. He is an open-minded man alright, and he has seen shit in outer space that rivals anything in Gotham.
The other Corpsmen are full-throttle ride or die for Hal for a reason. Kyle, Guy, and John are 3 very different men with different standards and baggage, and they all will (and have!) take on Batman for Hal’s honor.
I also feel compelled to add that Hal has bottom energy in most of his relationships. Dude is legit drawn to people who can and will step on him.
I know it’s not that deep when all these quirky JLA reaction fics and fake quote posts want an outsider character for the Bats to clown on. But I personally need these folks to know that they do not know who or what Green Lantern is.
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thiawen · 1 year
DC Fic Idea -
So I’ve seen a few fics where the real reason Bruce doesn’t kill the Joker after Jason’s death is because he knows it wouldn’t stick. The Joker has died before and he just comes back. He can’t die permanently so there’s no point. And often Jason is horrified and/or heartbroken that he’ll never get proper vengeance and that Joker will haunt them forever etc.
Respectfully, I would like to offer an alternative.
Jason finds out that the Joker doesn’t stay dead and instead of being terrified by this news like the rest of Gotham he is absolutely delighted.
Batman: You can’t kill the Joker.
Jason: The hell I can’t.
Batman: No. I mean it’s not possible. Not permanently. He just comes back.
Jason: And? That just means I get to kill him again. And again and again and again. This is the best thing ever.
Jason had a whole damn journal full of revenge ideas and trying to pick just one was honestly the hardest decision in his life. He’d ended up having to number them all and then drew the winning number out of a hat. Now? He get’s to do them all. Hell, he gets to come up with even more ideas! All his previous ones were mostly painful or poetic. He starts a whole new journal. 1001 ways for Joker to die a stupid death.
Jason has never been so happy and well adjusted. Who needs therapy when you can just go blow Joker the fuck up? And he starts recording them all to share because he figures it would be therapeutic for the rest of the city too. Gothamites are delighted. Someone makes a compilation of their favorites that looks like something straight out of Loony Tunes.
One time Jason decides to raise money for charity by letting people pay for votes on how he next kills Joker. Whichever method raises the most money wins. It’s the most successful event in Gotham’s history.
Batman: What are you doing?!
Jason: An experiment. How many tick bites does it take for a person to die from blood loss?
Batman: We don’t kill!
Jason: Does he look dead to you?
Jason: If it’s not permanent, it doesn’t count.
Batman: This is murder.
Jason: I’m recording the results. So, actually, it’s science. I’ve already got a publishing deal with Gotham University.
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 years
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GENERAL CW/TW: Spoilers for Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse. Typical Yandere themes of stalking, violence, and whatnot.
PART SPECIFIC CW/TW: Soft, awfully wholesome scene with your father. Like seriously it’s like the third time I watched the whole movie but this particular scene still breaks me
current status: unedited
summary: you get replaced by peter last minute as the one that plugs in the goober. but you won’t let that happen. not when he still has a whole life to get back to.
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“Aye, Getting old they doubted us, makes it that more marvelous. Sign ‘em up cause I’m on this vibes and I get synonymous.
What’s up, danger?
Aye, don’t be a stranger!”
Look, because of the Spiderman: Miles Morales game I’m a bit biased.
I don’t want uncle Aaron to die damn it. But yeah the Prowler does exist and you have been keeping contact with him.
But for the sake of keeping the dude alive though he’ll only physically come in act 2 of this series, we gucci?
Although this means you lose a lot of the development Miles gets from his death. I’ll try my best to make the events as natural as possible
Anyways, you come back to the spider gang hanging out at Jason and Roy’s apartment.
The gang essentially jumpscares you (thank god for spider sense) with a suit of your own.
Except it was one size too big.
And there were holes at the eye sockets for you to actually see through.
“Ehrm . . . Thanks ?”
“You don’t gotta pretend you like it, kid.”
“It’ll fit eventually.”
You begin sweating quite a bit. Something felt so off here.
You notice that Jason was looking straight at you.
Which I mean, anyone would be m e l t i n g if someone like Red Hood was staring right at them so it’s a miracle you aren’t a puddle at the moment.
Perhaps it’s cause you spent so much time with your crush, Gwen, that you’ve pretty much gotten used to hot people looking at you directly.
Still, you turn away and hide your face. Utterly clueless as to how react in this type of situation.
The relatively peaceful circumstance doesn’t last long as everyone’s spider sense is alerted and the door bell rings. A mechanical tentacle shoots through the lock, completely shattering it.
“Cute place. Real homey.”
Oh great, it’s Liv.
“Get out of here, kid.”
“For the last time I’m a legal adult—“
“Mira todas estas arañitas. (Well, look at these little spiders.)”
Two more of Kingpin’s men show up, Tombstone and Scorpion.
God, fucking damn it—
Olivia spots the new flashdrive Peni made around Peter’s neck and grins.
“Oh, I think I’ll be taking that.”
You hold in your attraction to the woman and duck as a fight ensues.
Scorpion takes notice of you.
“Niñito dale. (Go ahead, little one.)”
“Prepárate a morir (Prepare to die) — Ah, man stupid pillows!”
Before you could get your body bashed in by the cyborg, Red Hood takes a shot his tail just in time.
“You good?”
Your spider senses were all over the place just like with Damian. What is it with black haired hot guys and their danger levels-
You manage to slip away, flashdrive in hand, courtesy of invisibility finally working in your favor.
“All vehicles in the area we have a disturbance involving multiple spider . . . people ?”
“On my way.”
Dick wasn’t the type to spend Christmas in Gotham.
But the tone of his brother’s voice — how broken and desperate it was — alarmed him.
It seemed that his baby brother finally fell in love.
It was about time really.
Although he was terribly curious as to who the person the Damian Wayne had fallen for.
You couldn’t just be a normal student from school right?
He finds around the scene looking terrified and scared.
A perfect opportunity to get to know you a little better.
“You alright there citizen?”
“Huh? Yeah I’m fine.”
“You seem pretty calm despite being in a police car and all.”
“My dad’s a cop. He gives me rides in one plenty of times.”
“Jefferson Davis, right?”
“You know him?”
“Well, it’s hard not knowing the guy who’s been looking all over for you. He spread the news to several police departments.”
“That . . . sounds a lot like him . . . “
“You don’t have to worry. I won’t tell him where you are. You need some space, right?”
Nothing outstanding so far. You were cute albeit awkward. But he could see that you were going through things at the moment. Early adulthood is a bitch after all.
You kept quiet most of the ride.
You were so distracted that you didn’t even question how he knew what school you went to and the location of your dorms.
“Hey, I’m a little curious, why don’t you have his last name? Family problems?”
“No, it’s something with my grandfather. I don’t think it’s within my place to share.”
“Well alright.”
You two arrive at your dormitory and you make sure to give the place a good old scan just in case you were getting followed.
“I’ll see ya when I see ya, [Y/N]. Give me a call if you ever need help.”
“Got ya.”
You realize that you don’t even know the man’s name much less a way to contact him.
But as you look back, the car he was in had already driven away.
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Time wasn’t going to wait for you.
You knew that. You were trying your darn hardest to chase after it.
But you weren’t fast enough.
“[Y/N]. We came to say goodbye.”
“Goodbye? We can say goodbye at the collider.”
“You’re not getting it. You’re staying here.”
“I need to be there, so you can all go home.”
“They are going home [Y/N]. I’m the only one staying.”
“You’re taking my place.”
Your voice trembled as you say those words. And unbeknownst to you, Jason (and to be fair the rest of the spider-people are out there eavesdropping too) shivered as he heard your words.
“If you stay here you’ll die.”
“I’m doing what needs to be done. I just wanted you to hear it from me.”
“What about MJ?”
“Not everything works out, kid. I need the goober.”
“That’s not fair! You gotta tell them I can do this.”
It took Jason all his might to not reach out and embrace you.
He knew how it felt to be replaced. Circumstances differ but still, a connection was made.
Although he couldn’t be there for you now as you had to grow into the Spiderman you had to be, he promised to himself that he will in the future.
After all, if you two were partners in another universe, what stops it from happening in this one as well?
“It wasn’t their decision.”
“I’m ready, I promise— ah—!”
Peter knocks you down, jumping to the ceiling and dangling you by a web.
Jason clenched his teeth. As much as this man knew so much about him and his vulnerabilities, and how he knew this was completely necessary it still ached to see his destined partner getting thrown around.
“Then venom strike me right now or turn invisible on command so you can get past me.”
Peter webs your entire body and sticks you to the chair your roommate always used.
“Look I know how much you want this kid. But you don’t have it yet. I’m sorry.”
“When will I know I’m ready?!”
He then webs your mouth and takes the goober from your hands.
“You won’t. It’s a leap of faith. That’s all it is [Y/N]. A leap of faith.”
And you’re left alone, stuck with webs all over your body. Unable to move or talk.
You hear a knock to your door.
“[Y/N]. . . ! Uh . . . [Y/N] it’s your dad. Please open the door.”
Unfortunately you couldn’t so you just use thrust your body closer to him.
“[Y/N] I can see your shadow moving around.”
“Yeah okay I get it. I get it yes… still ignoring me. Look can we talk for a minute?”
You nod. Internally facepalming after realizing he can’t see you doing so.
“Look sometimes people drift apart [Y/N] and I don’t want that to happen to us, okay? I know I don’t always do what you need me to do or say what you need me to say but I’m…”
“But I see this - this — spark in you, it’s - it’s amazing. It’s why I push you but . . . it’s yours and whatever you choose to do with it you’d be great.”
You feel tears falling from your face as your father spoke.
All those days feeling the pressure of everyone’s expectations on you
As [Y/N], as the Spiderman of this universe.
You were an adult in age, yes. But in the face of all these events your youth and inexperience slapped you in your face.
You wanted to run away. You wanted everything to be over and done with.
But you realize, you were the only one who could do this. For the sake of the spider-gang. For Gotham.
You didn’t know if you were going to succeed but wasn’t that what life was?
A leap of faith.
“Look, call me when you can.”
“I love you. You don’t have to say it back though.”
And your father leaves.
You close your eyes. Thinking back to all the moments you’ve failed, all the times you’ve broken a bone or two trying to learn.
Time wasn’t going to wait for you. But why run after it when you can web-sling it up?
You use your venom powers to get rid of the webs and do you best to get to Jason’s place. He had to have an extra, better suit lying around right? Anything was better than what the gang gave you.
You ring the bell to his house completely expecting him to not be there and potentially having to break in.
But you stand corrected.
“Took you long enough.”
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taglist: @vanessa-boo @w31rdg1rl @zlatolait-writes @ice-cream-writes-stuff @hakudaru @violet2507 @sleepy-maenad @yell0wdreams @humanoid606 @holybatflapexpert
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Idk if you have done this before but a Morpheus x reader one where Dream has been recently set freed and is so touched deprived that when he met up with reader once mode after being separated for a century he can't control himself and it leads to some sexy stuff in which it leads to them breaking the bed (kinda like the honeymoon scene in twilight 🤭)
Just straight up desperate needy Morpheus hours 🫶🏻
Dream of the Endless x Demon Hunter!Reader
Summary: Dream has made himself believe that he is alone in the world, nothing has further solidified this that being imprisoner for a century. Who'd have thought he'd find warmth in one of the coldest people alive.
Word Count: 5k+
Warnings: Fem!reader, smut (biting, marking, dom/sub dynamic, hair pulling, vaginal penetration, oral [m receiving], edging ig?, unprotected sex, brat!dream idk it just happened, praise kink [uh... reader talks to him like a god during sexy time so]), hurt/comfort ig, reader's so angry HAHAHH T_T, fluff, etc.
A/N: im not in the mood for smut but i might be when i write this. update MINORS DNI hello nonnie i am finally in the mood for smut HAHHAAHHA and i am in the mood to ruin dream's life (: i took a lot of creative liberties i have no idea why i made this so long so i hope you enjoy it my dear <3 another day another 5k smut fml Also i invented a lot of stuff for reader, like giving Morpheus a Roman name so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just just just roll with it along with my most definitely wrong google translated Latin ok? ok. Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @deniixlovezelda @shadow-pancake9 @sloanexx anOTHER one (continuation) "Petty And Yours"
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"You know," I swirled a watermelon lollipop in my mouth, "you're so pathetic for that."
A breeze blew back my maxi dress and I crossed my arms at the fact I was being ignored by the uncharacteristically warmly dressed man.
The park bench he was sat in the middle off had some fallen leaves that were slowly tumbling down to the ground with the push of the wind. I give him a moment to respond. I huff at his continued silence.
"Earth to Dream?" I call louder.
Still nothing.
"Somnium Regem?"
A bird makes a sound as a large piece of bread is gobbled down its throat.
"Hey! Sulky trench coat man!" I bark.
Finally, the man feeding pigeons turns to me.
His eyes are dull and bright all at once, a shade of glistening blue that had no life behind them. I raise my brows, lips pulling upward in distaste, "you remind me of that bat in Gotham. So emo for no reason," I scoff, straightening my arms, "everyone's parents die at some point."
"Why are you here, demon hunter?" the being grips his baguette.
I scoff again, "I'm here because I like you, baby."
He turns away from me, tearing up bread, haphazardly then dropping it in front of small creatures. I grimace as the birds flock over to the bread like they had nothing better to do-- which they don't.
"I do not enjoy your bitter sarcasm, eight," Dream says pointedly.
I roll my eyes, walking over to him, fingers rolling the lollipop stick sticking by the side of my mouth, "well, if you didn't ask me stupid-" I push his legs together so that I can sit next to him, "-fucking questions, then maybe I wouldn't want to constantly drop kick you."
Dream hastily moves to the side as I plop down next to him, crossing my legs as I lean back and stretch my arm out on the backrest. I look at him as he looks at me. Wind blows at both of our hair. I move his dark strands along with the breeze so that I would not poke at his already glassy eyes.
He blankly stares.
I shrug in expectance, "Domina told me you've been sulking, and that I'd find you here, just like how she found you here days ago."
Dream blinks, "my sister should not have troubled you with needless concerns."
I furrow my brows at his response. I roll my eyes incredulously, "you are so fucking stupid."
He gives me side eye before turning back to his pigeons.
"You know, for someone who should have a profound understanding of the world, you clearly don't know anything."
The Endless hisses under his breath, "silence."
"What?" I give him a look, "don't like that?"
I can see him almost going against himself as not to sneer at my grilling.
I pout exaggeratedly and speak as though I was a child, "wha' you gon' do 'bout it? You gon' kill me now?" I raise my hands and monotonously hark, "oh no help, I'm so scared."
"I do not know why Death sent for you," he quips, breaking his gaze from the birds to narrow his eyes at me. He continues crumbling bread onto the ground.
I resist the urge to roll my eyes as I straighten and face forward, "that's because I'm the most irritating bondservant she has," I prop my elbows on my legs, "which is effective for making people want to do my bidding in return for me shutting up."
"I shall not leave," he looks to the feeding animals, "I am keeping the pigeons company," he mutters, "they appear... lonesome."
I wipe my hands on my face, pulling the lollipop out of my mouth as I sigh, "intenta et tenera domina." My eyes twitch in annoyance when I muttered 'the attentive and tender lady' in my mother tongue. "I should have known we were playing therapist today."
I shake my head, popping the candy back in my mouth, grabbing the bread from his hand. He turns to me, helplessly watching, unable to fight against me; he knows I'd bite his finger off if he touches me.
"Ever heard of projecting, Somnia?" I hiss, chucking his baguette as far off as I can.
He watches the projectile disappear into a bush.
He glares at me.
Goosebumps form on my skin when he speaks, "visne noctes noctes te affligere?"
Admittedly, the roll and click of his tongue speaking Latin did make me stiffen, though, 'do you want nightmares to plague you tonight?' was a threat so empty to me.
I sniffle, retorting in the same language, "I haven't visited your nightmarish domain since its castle walls began to crumble."
Dream takes his turn to freeze.
I tilt my head, crushing the lollipop between my teeth, "personally," I pull the stick out my mouth, tucking it in Dream's pocket, who does nothing when I do so, "I take enough trips to hell to not want to visit something that mirrors it so well. Not when I'm supposed to be dreaming of heaven."
I can see how my words strike through him.
I notice how his stoic and pale face hardens and loses its color even more.
I continue to egg him on, "I feel bad for your dreamers who think the drab ones the have at night are the best you can do."
I can almost hear the gloom radiate off him.
I purse my lips and stand, "speaking of nightmares, I caught your nightmare once," I place my hands on my hips, "I thought the gruesome serial killing was demonic in nature, so I tracked the killer, only to find it was no other than your Corinthian."
Dream looks at me, expressionless, as I raise my brows, "did you handle him, Somnium Regem?"
The Dream King looks like he does not want to talk to me at all now. I give him a challenging look and needlessly straighten out his coat for effect.
He straightens up, then brings his hands in his pocket, pulling out a skull that had teeth where his eye sockets should have been.
I look at the thing, feeling a swirl in my stomach, "poor In Oculis."
Dream visibly reacts to the Corinthian's old Latin name, The Eyeless.
He remnant of his creation disappears from the palm of his hand, "how long have you gone without sleep?"
I turn away from him, shrugging at his U-turn back into that conversation, "does it matter? I won't die."
"It matters because Somnium Regem is inquiring this of you."
I turn to him and repeat my answer, "I told you, ever since your castle began to crumble, it's just be me, myself, and coffee."
Somnia stands, towering over me, uncharacteristically high, "you have not slept in a hundred years?"
I look up at him with knit brows, "has anyone slept in a hundred years?"
"Then at once you must-"
"I'm not here-" I grab his collar, tugging him down slightly closer to me, "-to talk about my sleep pattern, Somnia. I'm here to make you stop sulking."
"That is not your forte, demon hunter," he brings his face close to mine, "perhaps if you were from the fifth."
"Fuck you," I snap, getting on my tiptoes to near his stupidly high face, "I'm good at everything."
Somnia grumbles something under his breath.
I release my grip on his coat and snap my fingers, "and besides," I raise my arms out to the side. I take one step back and allow myself to fall backwards. I then dip into the portal I conjured in the ground, swinging up until I was standing on the other side.
I turn over my shoulder, finding Dream was already standing there behind me. I grin, "I'm the only person who knows what it's like to be trapped for a hundred years."
Now in the confines of my home, I strut over to my sofa where an axe was placed and consecutively forgotten, "though, mine was eight hundred."
I turn to Dream, who suddenly looked uncomfortable.
I laugh at him, "wow. You finally feel bad for me? You used to be so indifferent when I mentioned that to you."
My eyes zero in on the note on my axe, hissing at the reminder that I meant to put it away last week. I grab the piece of paper, instinctively crumpling it. I instantly regret my innate inclination to destroy, cursing under my breath, then flattening out the thing.
"Make yourself at home, Morpheus," I rub the paper in my hand, "let me just put this thing back where it came from."
I grab the axe and prop it on my shoulder.
Dream does not make himself at home; he instead follows me as I walk to the weapons room. I give him a look, "I guess you can feed the gremlins in the basement if you want."
"I would rather follow you."
I shrug, "ok then."
I make my way down the hall, and open the light in room once I enter, revealing the age old trinkets and gadgets my family has been using since the first generation. I bring the note to a chamber that then seals the object with the rest of the artifacts like it.
Dream further scrutinizes the thing as I walk to the axe holders. "Constantine?" he says after reading what was written on the note.
I grunt as I put away the borrowed item, "the idiot wanted to borrow this," I motion to the axe in my grip, "I told her she can't touch it, touched it anyway, didn't die" I huff, after securing the axe back in its place. I place my hands on my hips as I turn to Dream, "and now I got a thank you note in return."
Dream turns back to the note that read: Thxxx -Constantine.
"Items of gratitude are the best bait for a soul suckers," I say, then pointing to a bunch of dark hued orbs on a shelf before walking over to him, "almost as good as nightmares."
I reach his side as he looks out to his gift to the sixth, the sixth generation of my family, Nightmare Marbles. They were largish glass spheres that harnesses the darkness of nightmares; a demon's equivalent to chocolate bars.
"And you relived your worst nightmare to procure so much bait, eight?" Dream whispers, turning to me with a tense expression.
I give him a look, "didn't you say my grandma from the third generation was also a sucker for punishment?"
"She did not go through her worst nightmare 78 times to make nightmare marbles."
I turn to the shelf, "damn, you managed to count all that so quickly?"
"Eight, this is-"
"What? I'm genuinely impressed!"
I freeze when he calls out my actual name. He rarely did that. In fact, there were only a few people who knew my real name and did not call me eight. Eight, as in I am from the eighth generation of demon hunters from my family. It became my name because, well, I was the only left, which was why I could not die.
I feel my belly roll at the sound. I clear my throat, weakly speaking, "what?"
"I did not gift that to your grandparents only to have you use it to punish yourself."
"Why would I want to punish myself?" I mutters, "I'm not you."
Dream is silent.
I sigh, walking out of the room, "after living out eight hundred years in hell in one fucking day, you tend to instinctively get fucked up in the brain."
I make my way down the hall, and at the end, Dream was there, already waiting for me. I give him a quick look as I pass him, "the nightmare doesn't hurt me anymore."
"Eight," he calls. I do not stop on this account. I do, however, when he asks, "why are you lying to me?"
I suck in a breath, keeping it deep in my lungs. I feel him walk up to me. I feel him take my hand.
I turn to him, sighing and brows knitting at his affection. He is still towering over me, and don't feel like craning my neck up so I don't look at him. I tighten my grip on his hand, "why are you lying to me?"
When I finally look up at him, he releases a breath. I release his hand and get on my tip toes to grab his cheeks. It was as though his glassy eyes were waiting for this moment to allow the tears to fall.
I knit my brows at the unexpected reaction. I sigh at the sight of him.
"I did not lie to you," he responds like a secret.
"Really?" I speak in disbelief as I wipe tears on his cheeks, "was it the pigeons that were lonesome, or you?"
"... both..."
I fall back onto my feet, hands trailing down to his chest, "you're right. I suck at... comfort..." I take the lapels of his coat between my fingers, "only cause I'm rough around the edges. Sorta like you," I hum, raising a brow at him, "except I can admit to it, whereas you-"
I push his chest, making him walk back all the way to the sofa my axe was moments ago. I force him down, and down he goes, bouncing on the cushion. He looks up at me as I pull away and give him a soft smile, "you need that coaxed out of you."
I was meant walk away from him, but he grabs my thigh before I can.
"Non potes exspectare dicere tale quid me derelinquas."
You cannot expect to say such a thing then leave me.
I look at the hand hooked behind my thigh. I raise my brow quizzically, "I have work."
"I am your work," he says, other hand coming to my other thigh, "your Lady commanded you to take care of me."
I snort, grabbing his chin, "no, she told me to make you stop sulking."
"Yes, she did," he hums, hands trailing down my legs, grabbing the ends of my skirt.
"You were literally crying a moment ago."
"You're a tear in my heart."
"That's a twenty one pilots song."
"And I am eager for you to make me stop sulking."
Dream's eyes are fixed on me s he leans in and begins bunching up the fabric in his palms, slowly bringing them up with his hands.
I release a sigh when his hands make it back where it was before, though perhaps a bit higher this time. I place my hands on his arms, stopping him from continuing. He turns stills like a statue before me.
I nibble my lower lip before speaking, "if we're going to do this, we do this in my terms."
His lips instantly curve up in response. He nods slowly, "in imperio tuo."
On your command.
I push him back upon hearing that, a lump in my throat forming at the words from my mother tongue. I quickly climb on to him, straddling his legs, fingers combing into the roots of his hair by his nape.
I immediately lock his lips with mine. His hands work much quickly this time around, ripping my skirt all the way up, making me raise my hands so that he can pull my dress off me.
I moan against him when his hands begin to scratch up my back. He moans against me when I grind down on him.
I pull away, catching my breath so I could take my turn in undressing him. He moves to help me rid of his ridiculous coat and when he grips his shirt, I hiss at him, giving him a stern look, "don't spoil my fun."
I then push myself off him and bunch up his shirt in my hand, dragging him all the way back to my bedroom.
Once we're there, I push him onto my bed and crawl on top of him, perching on top of his groin, slowly digging my hands into his sides, underneath his clothes.
I reveal his stomach to me, pressing my fingers down the middle of his skin, "so pretty."
His hand trail up my thighs, kneading at the flesh, humming, "yes," he tugs at my panties, "you are quite exquisite."
I chuckle, lips curving into a smile, "aww, you're going to make me blush," I swat at his hands, "hands off."
He reluctantly obeys.
At this point, I rid him off his shirt and his hands immediately move to come back to my thighs. I swat him away again, to crawl down and begin to attentively kiss his chest.
I sigh against him as his hands come to my sides. I feel the purr-like sounds he produces as I suck and graze my teeth on his muscly pec. I hum in approval when I pull away and see the blazing red mark I left on his burning white skin, "if you morph my art off your body, I will give you nightmares."
I begin working on his skin again when he laughs at my words. I feel the vibration on my lips. He rubs my shoulder with his hand, "a titillating thought."
I look at him from where he was looking down at me and bite down on the side of his ribcage. He grunts in response. I raise a brow at him, "it's a threat, Somnia."
His eyes darken, where mine sparkle.
Without warning, he pulls my head back by my hair, and pushes himself up by his other arm, "who do you think you're threatening, child?"
I wince, chuckling under my breath, "clearly this wanton creature beneath me."
He pulls me back by my hair more as he sits up all the way. I make a sound as he grabs my thigh and skids me closer on him.
Dream brings his face close to mine, nostrils flaring, as if in warning.
I chuckle, licking his lips, "remember, sweetling," I tug on his lower lip, releasing it to say, "on my command."
He sucks in a deep breath.
I raise a brow, "you wouldn't want me to leave you, now do you?"
He sighs, releasing my hair.
I push him back down, clicking my tongue as I do so, "naughty boy," I chastise, "wanting to take the reins so badly."
I begin to undo his pants, holding in my laugh at the visible imprint on him, "maybe I should take precautions before undoing you, hmm?"
I push myself off him and leaning to my side. His hands take hold of my waist as I grab something from my bedside table. I look down on him with a grin as his hands knead at me. I shake my head, "off."
Dream stills.
"Get your hands off me, Dream."
He obeys and so I take both his wrists in front of me. The golden serpent bracelet begins to then slither around his wrists. He watches this contraption shackle him and grunts, "you mock me, demon hunter."
I chuckle, moving off him, "well, you're being quite difficult."
Dream helplessly watches as I get off the bed and walk to the side of the room. I hear him try to rip at his cuffs. I laugh as I grab a silver spear, "that was a gift from Jupiter. Try not break it."
I then plummet my spear at the base of my bed. I wiggle a finger at Dream, beckoning him over, "now come over, beloved Somnia."
He does not struggle as he crawls over to me with bound hands.
"On your back," I say, "hands up."
Dream does just that, rolling on his back, bringing his bound wrists to the spear where the serpent then begins to constrict itself.
"Very good, my king."
The king makes a sound of distaste, which I heartily laugh at.
I waste no more time and quickly go to him, ridding him of his remaining clothing like a kid on Christmas morning.
My lips involuntarily part at the size of him, "fuck. I forgot you made yourself... bigger."
I find offence when he chuckles and croons, "will this be a problem?"
"No," I quip quickly.
"Very good, then," he smiles.
I mock, "very good then."
Once it was now just me, him, and his pulsing length, I begin my ministrations. I crawl back on him and grin, grabbing his hardened member, "not quite a watermelon lollipop but-" I cut myself off and take him in my mouth.
He heavily breathes out and shuts his eye. I giggle in approval over his reactions, one hand coming to my core, already slickened with arousal.
I lap my tongue around him before taking him deeper. I press both my hands on his thighs when his legs begin to stir.
I dig my nails into his hips and slowly constrict my teeth around him as I bob my head up and down him. In a sort of challenge for myself, I make an attempt to take him all. The moment he hits the back of my throat however, I begin to struggle and will myself to relax to further take him in.
When I begin to gag, I pull myself off and catch my breath, leaning my weight into, "you did this on purpose," I scoff, "you knew this would happen."
"I am not omniscient," he laughs, "I did not foresee this-"
"Oh fuck you," I cut him off, "I'm going to fucking make you cry."
Oh, you can bet that he found that funny.
His laughter was cut off when I removed my underwear, chucking my panties and bra to where ever, then mounted myself on him. I am glad I am wet enough to take him in but I cannot withhold the whine that I tried to conceal as I did so. Fuck him and his magnum cock.
Well... that was what I was doing.
Once I am on him, he lets out a moan and the pulls at his shackles, making the snake bracelet glow and constrict tighter on him.
I take my turn to laugh this time around, and my core, which was still busy adjusting to the size of him, flutters around him. I don't say it as self-satisfied as I wanted to, "serves you right."
He calls out my name. It makes my stomach roll.
I fell him slowly rock his hips into me and I push down on his chest, whining at his attempts, "stop! Stop! Give me a fucking chance."
He instantly stops and looks up at me with a worried look, "I apologize, I-"
"Shut the fuck up," I shake my head, "the more you speak, the more I want to fuck you up."
Dream presses his lips into a thin line, but he obeys.
After a while, I allow myself to ride him like an eager jockey.
I rock myself on him at a slow pace. I heave in and out at the overwhelming feel of him. My toes curl at the bundle of nerves he hits every time he fills me up to to my fucking stomach.
I sigh as I rub on my sensitive nub as I press my weight forward. I close my eyes and chew on my lip at the sensations. I drag my flesh out of my teeth as I begin to feel pressure build within me.
"More," Dream whines, craning his head up to look at me.
I look down on him, narrowing my eyes, "pretty boys like you don't ask," I mutter, "they beg."
I push my hands on his chest and lean down to give him a kiss, all while keeping the slow pace of my thrusts. When he meets me halfway to take my lips in his, I dodge him, then rub my nose on his, "I said beg. Beg for me."
He moves his head closer to catch my lips, and I pull all the way back, sitting up again to look down on him in disappointment. He whines, pulling his arms, making my contraption glow and constrict all over.
He drops his head in defeat. I chuckle.
"Beg," I call out louder.
Dream gulps, "please."
"Please, what?" I cease the roll of my hips, "please stop?"
He heaves, lifting his head back up, ripping at his wrist, "please don't stop."
"Mmm," I nod, "but I'm a little confused, my lord," I massage my breasts, "what exactly should I be doing?"
He watches my hands for a moment. I'm amused it actually distracts him. I chuckle, "Earth to Dream?"
Dream sighs.
"Somnia?" I drag out.
"Move your hips," he says breathlessly.
I hum, pretending to debate his words.
"Please," he adds, making me smile.
I rub my wetness on him, "you mean like this?"
Dream sighs, gulping roughly, "no."
"Oh, I'm so sorry, but I have no idea what you mean, my king," I pout, making no attempt to give him what he so clearly wanted.
"Thrust into me," he sputters, "ride me like an eager jockey."
I snort, breaking into a laugh. I feel a rush shoot through me. My hands come up to my cheeks, "you heard that?" I giggle, "dirty, dirty boy, listening to my thoughts."
"Please," he strains, pulling at his binds again. He drops his head, huffing, "please move."
"Well, now that you're asking me so nicely," I muse, shifting on him, hands falling back on his chest. I begin to move up and down, slow and steady, emptying out and getting filled right back in with his stiffened length.
He moans in approval, eyes closing in pleasure. I sigh and lick my upturned lips, "better, baby?"
"Yes," he drags out a breath, "yes, thank you."
I groan at his words, moving a bit faster, "oh fuck, that's hot. Am I making you feel good?"
"Yes. Very good."
I whine, "fuck."
As I move on him, I savor his feel, how he's deliciously stretching me out and how my insides were sucking him in.
I momentarily slow when I hear a strained crackling sound in front of me. What the fuck was that?
It takes me about two seconds to realize it was my bracelet. Oh fuck.
I feel my inside flutter at the possible threat literally about to unravel before me. I lick my lips, "you enjoying yourself, Dream?"
He only moans in response.
"That's not an answer, darling?" I hum, slowing down all over again.
His eyes break open and his jaw tenses. I hear a fucking cracking sound. Is that my spear or my bracelet?
"Come on, use your words, Prince of Stories."
"I want you to move faster," he mutters gutturally.
What the fuck, is that my floor?
I dig into the side of his ribs and give in to his pleas. He moans and shuts his eyes again, but the strain on my bracelet does not waver. I watch as the object burns brighter.
I whimper when Dream begins to move beneath me. I tear my gaze from his wrists to his face, scowling at him, "behave."
To my surprise, he obeys, then whispers, "please kiss me."
I coo at his sentiment, feeling my core for him. I lean over and plant my lips on him. I moan at the feel of his tongue sneaking into my mouth.
I bring my grip onto the mattress and begin moving faster than I have yet. I whine and pull away from him to catch my breath, "giddy fucking up horsey."
It takes me a second to realize what I just fucking said.
The next moment, I grunt and find myself giggling. I crack myself up with how wholeheartedly stupid and dick delirious I've become. As I continue to laugh, I find myself slowing to prioritize my amusement while I screw my eyes shut.
I was soon very clear that it was a poor choice.
All at once, there was a loud snapping sound. The moment I opened my eyes, I behold a broken bracelet and a bent spear. Oh, yeah, and he unamused Dream of the Endless that was now slowly sitting up in front of me.
I release a final chuckle.
My sounds go dry as his hands take my hips and he brings his face closer to me, "I do not appreciate the fact you're so easily distracted while making love to me, my dear."
I grunt when he bucks into me. My arms wrap around his shoulders as my voice hikes up with his movements. I wrap my legs around his torso as I mumble halfheartedly, "we're not making love, we're... we're fucking."
He groans at that, moving in to kiss me feverously. I whine when his fingers rub at my core. Dream pulls away, forehead resting on mine, "you mock me so readily."
"Yeah," I huff, "well you deserve-"
I choke on my next words as I plummet back into my bed where Dream takes the reins fully, rocking into at a tempo that pleased him, and, well, me.
I mindlessly call his name, legs and arms wrapping around him as he moderately fucks into me. My bed creaks at his force.
It doesn't take long for him to speed up.
I whine and screw my eyes shut.
"Is this a good pace? Am I pleasing you?" he mutters against my neck.
I open at the sound of his words. He did not speak with the same taunting tone I had. He asks me this in genuine inquiry, genuinely intent on finding out if he was, in fact, pleasing me.
I pepper his jaw with kisses then nibble on his earlobe before replying, "yes, my sweet boy," I moan, "you can move a little faster if you want to."
"I want to," he quickly responds.
I sigh, "then faster, baby."
He moans and kisses me in response. His movements rip out a deep cry from deep within me as he hastens.
"That's it," I struggle, one hand digging into his unruly hair, pulling at it, "you're doing so good for me. So good."
The king growls against me, sucking at my neck, just below my jaw.
"Fuck," I sigh, "dulcis somnium meum."
My sweet dream.
He adjusts me beneath him, hands coming to thighs, squeezing the area as he presses deeper, "you feel so good around me."
My toes curl at his words and my skin breaks out in goosebumps at his hot breath.
"Pretiosum venatorem," Dream dictates 'my precious hunter,' sucking on the base of my throat, "such beautiful sounds."
My breath quickens with his actions. I roll my head back as my fingers dig into his spine.
"Dic quomodo sentio," he breathes against me, "quaeso."
Tell me how I make you feel... please.
"Good," I whimper, "great," I whine, "et stupri magna." So fucking great.
"Beautiful," he retorts, "so beautiful like this, so beautiful beneath me."
I feel myself coil up around him. He seems to feel it too, since his one hand leaves my thigh to rub at my pulsing heat.
He muses to me in Latin. He speaks poetry to me in my native tongue, praising my lips, my breath, my warmth, and how I was taking him so well.
I return his poetry with deep grunts and age old curses that would make the Roman deities shun me in sore displeasure.
And yet Somnia kisses me, practically eating up my vile words like honey and delivers me into pure adoration, pure fucking ecstasy.
I yelp when I break beneath him. I whine and rip at him, teeth digging into his shoulder, legs constricting around him tighter. The sensation is further intensified when I feel him release into me, pace now maddeningly fast, brutal, and delicious.
"Yes, Dream!" I call, helplessly spiraling under him. "Praise to the Dream Lord," I find myself whining in Latin as I ride out my high and quiver out all the breath that's left in my lungs.
He moans, kissing my cheek, replying in the same language, "I accept you adoration." He takes a moment before dragging out my name from his lips. It makes my stomach roll even further and my body tense tighter.
The Dream Lord takes my thighs into his hands again as he rides the both of us through our peaks, brutal yet caring all at once.
I melt into a bag of boneless flesh the next moment.
When he eventually relents, I catch my breath against his jaw, rubbing my nose on his skin affectionally.
Once he is stagnant above me, he turns to me and places kiss on my lips. After a moment, he pulls away and opens his mouth to speak. He doesn't get to however, as suddenly my bed creaks and all at once, one leg snaps and I squeal as we both slide roughly down to the floor.
I cling onto him for dear life as he pushes up against me, both keeping us from falling any further and poking into the root of my womanhood. My mouth releases a lewd cry in response.
I catch my breath as he lifts his head up and surveys the damage.
"Did you," I pant, "fucking break my bed?"
Dream turns to me, lips barely parting, "I..." he starts, "my apologies."
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