#in every regard not just art
quibbs126 · 1 month
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*sigh* screw it, I just want to complain more
So I’ve been trying to draw Menos (he is said favorite character above) yet again today, but it just keeps not working. I don’t really even know what I’m doing wrong, though at the same time I don’t really know how to do it right either
He’s just so difficult for me to draw for some reason. Actually no, I know the reason. It’s because he’s big and buff and has a different body shape to the rest of the main cast, and I don’t really know how to draw that. Also, there’s that godforsaken neck chain of his, that for some reason is impossible for me to draw
It doesn’t look that hard to draw in the game’s concept art, hell he doesn’t look hard to draw, especially considering his clothes are awfully simplistic compared to his companions and other characters
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It’s literally just that he’s buff, I swear. But I just can’t draw him!
And this summer, I actually did somehow manage to make a sketch of a character with his body type this summer, and I keep looking at it for reference, but it just ends up looking trash
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I don’t know how I did it that first time!
I know you people don’t really see my art of him that often, mostly just Ceres (though in all honesty I have been drawing a lot of her recently), but that’s because I either keep deleting it or I don’t post the never to be finished page that I drew him on, and only my Discord server that’s for Cookie Run and not this gets subjected to it. I have been trying and failing to draw him so much, including today
Speaking of today’s drawings, I actually did manage to make something halfway decent today, that being this
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I’ve previously mentioned being at the dentist today, and drawing this while waiting (not entirely sure what I was waiting for, other than the thing to fill my cavities I guess? Since we were finished drilling holes in my teeth. Ah well, not important). I wanted to recreate the style drawing thing I had done above, while also maybe attempting to give them eyes closer to their canon designs
And quite honestly, I think they turned out pretty well! Maybe not the best, and I really don’t know what Ceres is doing with her arms, but it’s still not horrible
Then later today, I was trying to draw Menos similarly. And it crashed and burned (I’ve already erased what I was drawing, so I can’t show you). I’ve also been kind of trying to draw something else on the page, but it just isn’t working
I think I can only draw decently when I’m not at home, like when I’m at the dentist. Because it just isn’t working for some reason. I mean, I guess I won’t have much longer to wait, since I go back to school one week from now, and I always do my best work during lecture. Which isn’t great since I need to pay attention in lecture, but I at least will be able to draw outside of my house, and presumably do better
And yeah, I was able to draw that Dark Cacao and Choco picture yesterday, and it turned out pretty fine. And also, I’m a Cookie Run artist, I should just stop complaining about all this, making it a bigger deal than it is, and just go back to what I can do relatively well
But for one thing, I’m still stuck on this quest to draw Menos good, and I still haven’t gotten there, because I literally don’t know how to achieve it
And second, quite honestly it’s those Cookies’ fault I can’t draw these guys anymore!
I tried to learn how to draw the Cookie Run characters in a style similar to how they’re officially drawn. It took me a while, but I can pull it off I think pretty well, or at least decently (it just depends on how lazy I feel with the designs). But in the process, I have forgotten how to draw human characters properly/other beings with similar proportions. I may be able to draw them and it look semi decent by the end, but I don’t actually know what I’m doing in the sketch layer, and it feels like far more of an ordeal than it should be, and that quite honestly, I don’t have the skill anymore. I’m sure you can see it with how limited the poses of most human-ish characters I’ve drawn recently tend to be. Or at least, I’ve noticed it in drawings that I’ve done but haven’t posted because they weren’t done or I didn’t like them
And I struggle with applying what I’ve learned from Cookie Run to these human designs, because in my mind at least, they aren’t applicable here, because the proportions are all different and they have hands and necks now, and it’s all completely different so how do I apply it? Not to mention the fact that I’m semi-remembering how I used to do it and trying to copy what I used to do, but not knowing how I’m supposed to actually do it, so everything becomes a jumbled mess, and I get something that might look decent out of pure luck. I want an actual stable process for drawing human characters that looks good, but because of Cookie Run, I don’t have that anymore
And I can’t just draw in the Cookie Run style, because that’s basically like a Chibi art style, and that just wouldn’t look proper when it’s entirely different from the actual art of the game. Cookie Run you can get away with since that’s the canon art style and also just what the characters look like, being living gingerbread people. But I can’t do that with Evoland 2, it’s just not true to the game and quite frankly would just look embarrassing
What was I talking about again? Right, being unable to draw Menos. Well, that’s why you have to deal with this right now, because Cookie Run is in some way the reason that I am having this problem. Also, I really like Menos and want to draw him, but I can’t and it’s so endlessly frustrating
Yeah there’s the other characters, but I want to draw him specifically, since he’s the one on my mind most of the time, along with his family and also Velvet. It’s mostly Fina and Kuro who aren’t on my mind that often. But even then, I struggle with drawing the other characters too. Though that might be because I run out of steam by the time I decide to draw them, and so I just don’t want to draw them. I don’t know
I hate that I’m an artist who’s whole purpose is to draw, and yet I cannot draw my favorite character, who frankly isn’t that difficult to draw, all because I currently lack the ability to
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yhwcomeback · 2 months
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The Master of Fire.
poster on redbubble
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bitter and angry recent mortal bishops vs got family therapy and settled as mortals bishops
not pictured is lamb’s shamura spraying goat’s shamura with a spray bottle as they hiss
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roaringwish · 5 months
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Inari Ookami!
Commission info
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csoisoi · 1 year
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ifrit's tail makes delicious food
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shinjiist · 2 months
interesting…looks like in that first apocalypse au art Callie has scars in the same place as some of her zombie-isms. Does this mean Callie is cured? Or is that first art taking place before Callie is infected?
YES i was hoping someone would ask about this
Iif you are infected, the disease is curable up to a certain threshold. The longer it progresses untreated, there will be health effects related to infection (ex. with Callie, the affected eye "grew" back, but she's now severely visually impaired and photosensitive in that eye). Both eyes are more sensitive in general because they are less protected from UV rays (lost melanin).
Most people assume that once you're infected it's game over, and the cure is difficult to synthesize, never mind distribute.
Tacking on some more information because I was doing some more writing a while ago regarding the disease and its origin and I like talking
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Old sketch mostly for color and concept
Retconned some stuff surrounding Marina and the details of the settlements bc it was kind of broad, the timeline is pushed back a bit further into the past.
Marina and Pearl are still together but since I changed how the disease itself works as well as the timeframe, I don't think they're quite in a spot to open the doors of their compound to outsiders. Marina is still studying the disease and Pearl is infected. Her treatments consist of sitting in a medicated ink solution to slow the progression of the disease and the presentation of symptoms.
Also note their states of dress here. Pearl stays inside mostly because the disease is causing chronic fatigue, but Marina seems hardly equipped to be coming face-to-face with shamblers and definitely not to prevent injuries or micro-abrasions ....
The disease is actually an octarian bioweapon :3 Marina is unable to become sick from it. It wasn't intended to be used just yet. Octolings can be carriers (as I hc they and inklings to be similar species, but it's more of a horse + donkey situation).
I haven't been drawing all that much for the au, so I don't have anything else to attach rn (I've been busy writing a different au and the doc has ~11k words atm). I drafted this a while ago and hoped to have more to share but not yet
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bonebabbles · 6 months
Since Ginga's a little topic right now I do just want to be clear it was like, incredibly formative to my personality and remains one of my favorite action animes. If I speak harshly about it, it's entirely because I have such a personal affection for it.
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... i need a phone background that's just. a collage of a bunch of cropped images of Murderbot and ART with like. flowers and flower crowns and space aesthetics and quotes from the books and those candy hearts with the little messages and stuff. you know what im saying? people used to make them ALL THE TIME back in 2012-2016 and i haven't seen them in ages but i really really need one now....
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theokusgallery · 9 months
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Ma no pandora 🌟
i am. completely incoherent
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random-kido · 1 year
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pov: your husbands a little fucked up actually
(it’s ok so are you)
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bandtrees · 7 months
for the warriors ask game :D
🗺 : first map you ever watched?
🖼 : first amv/pmv you ever watched?
(I used to watch MAPs religiously those are my jam)
yay thank you! warriors ask game except the questions are all weird and niche as hell!
know: my memory is bad. i've been into wc for... well over a decade now, so these are probably not accurate xP my first warriors video was i believe a spoof video about ashfur and squirrelflight, but my first map and amv? uhhh unsure!
🗺 : first map you ever watched? - i didn't actively watch maps as a small kid, or at least i don't think i did? the first map that i entirely remember watching was during my second major warriors phase by the time i was closer to... 15 maybe?? as opposed to my earliest memories of wc which are from when i was 10 or younger lol. little fang, which is making me genuinely super misty eyed to rewatch, it's just so so good, from the style to the designs to how well it gets into jayfeather and his family with only animation and music, the composition of every part is so good, the designs, all of it. the sole reason little fang is one of my favorite songs to this day it might, miiight, have also been evelyn evelyn? that one was certainly one of the first maps i ever watched that stuck with me. the dovewing kinnie has entered chat
🖼 : first amv/pmv you ever watched? - i cannot remember. i watched sooo many amvs as a kid. not my FIRST amv, probably, but one of the earliest i recall is ashfur's revenge, which is delighting me so much to rewatch. this one was formative for me, i miss the style of flash-animated warriors amvs that (obviously:() aren't around anymore. i also have such a soft spot for tigerclaw is not one of thunderclan, one i was thinking about the Entire Time i was writing the exile scene in spottedfur's pride lol. i still love it so much, this is my first time rewatching it in like... a decade, im sure. its so good. im kind of blown away as i rewatch these that they ARE as good as they are, cuz i feel like it's common in the warriors fandom to treat old amvs as some cringeworthy lost art (in general i have strong opinions on how (unintentionally)cruel the internet starts being to things as soon as they enter "nostalgia" territory) - but there's still, like, genuine talent in these. there's a reason these amvs were as popular as they were, and not because we were all cringe 10 year olds who didn't know better, lol. also reminds me of tigerstar and the dog pack(be prepared) - which is one i have the most vivid memory of watching on my family computer, hehe. in general i love corvus katana's stuff, past and current oh my god i will never get this ask posted because i keep remembering ones that helped, like, form a lobe of my brain growing up. HOW TO SAVE BLUESTAR'S LIFE YOU WILL ALWAYS BE FAMOUS!!!! I AM TOTALLY NOT CRYING REWATCHING IT. YOU ARE. YOU ARE. cant believe i had a phase where i hated bluestar - i think everyone did because they spontaneously realized she was imperfect, immoral even at times, and made mistakes but hadn't developed the media comprehension to realize she was... actually meant to be complex and troubled and not just a perfect leader. god. bluestar. god. god. g (im also gonna use this question as a chance to gush about old amvs that i remember that are unfortunately lost to time: a hollyleaf one to hurricane by thirty seconds to mars (!!!! THIS ONE WAS SO FORMATIVE BUT IM LIKE 80% SURE ITS LOST MEDIA), bluestar heart heart head (PLEASE tell me im not the only one who remembers this one!!! i was devastated to learn it wasn't iconic or reuploaded anywhere (as much as i also think, again, in the nostalgia-sense, people act entitled to things like old amvs or people's art or whatever else)), NIGHTCLOUD GIRL WITH ONE EYE CHANGED MY LIFE?and... probably more of course that aren't coming to me now xP
i. didnt expect to ramble as much as i did with this? i just can't put into enough words how formative warriors amvs and the like were for me growing up :'DD they were my major start for digital art and animation (something i did a lot when i was younger but fell out of over time, but god i'd love to animate again, maybe do a classic wc amv to spottedfur's pride or something lol)
thank you for the question! I am so incredibly normal about warrior cats.
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aevris · 2 years
watching all the other social media platforms i use for art crumble until the only viable option is this irradiated cockroach of a website
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cosmicdenro · 2 years
hope u guys don't mind me being a little queer sometimes and talking to myself in the tags, it helps clear my head since people can filter out rant posts easily
#bc i had not used this place in a while until late 2022 ive absolutely forgotten if i used to talk to myself in tags here before or not#i say this bc i now have people who actively see my art here n just throwing random rants here would be very rude so i prefer tags help#feels safer here too LOL#also feels a little scary but im sure that's normal for many that there are ppl who read all tags mein gott#NOT A BAD THING THAT PPL READ TAGS i wouldn't be writing anything if i wanted to kill people for reading tags lol#just stating observations aheem aheem#its like writing on a public bathroom's walls and people passing by to be like “damn bitch ok” /funny#also do not worry at all about how i express myself i do apologize if my words sometimes sound like im on the brink but like#violence is the only way i love to be expressive HELP#watch me be on the government watchlist for the shit ive said gootbyeeeeeeee#but do not feel worried i will be ok eventually every time. sometimes i just gotta explode oh so violently to deflate and feel normal again#WISH I COULD USE EMOJIS ON THIS DAMN PC#anyway the person im trying my damned to avoid is Sure Making It Difficult#at least the people i wanted to know why i was autotune crying baby for a while heard me out n im alive in that regard finally smile emoji#how long can you keep gently hinting you want to distance yourself from somebody until you lose your goddam mind and feel sweet relief when#they actually leave said group themselves after getting my blunt hints help help#oh i sound so fucking rude with just my side but mein gott i don't care bc it was never a serious thing to begin with#just shot my anger thru the roof for good reason and finalliegh im getting mutual distance from that person lol#never get close with ur fave artists worst mistake of my life /hj for real#u start off loving seeing them every time and then boom youre sad how things turned out every time you see them my god#also make sure ur minor friends dont feel like they need to mend things for the adults i feel so fucking sad for someone bc of this rn but#i talked to them n hopefully they understand aouhg.#anyway back to queer posting thats enough soup for today good god#ranting
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thecherrygod · 2 years
i havent been into it for too long but im kinda surprised i havent seen a harrykim good ol classic florist and tattoo artist au
like yeah im not so sure how the logic of either of them being in those proffessions would work but im talking mostly aesthetics here
like. harry being a florist just. does something to me. like when kim is like he needs hobbies if you get the gardening gloves he suggest gardening is just very good. maybe its a bit of like instead of becoming a teacher first hes a florist first and stays there. or when he was a teacher they had some of a garden in there and he learned and then maybe got a part time job at a florist to support him on his teacher salary bc those usually arent enough. also i think he still has at least some of his adiction issues but not necesarily to the in game level (maybe amphetamines to be able to keep up with his lifestyle also maybe he grows weed but less relevant until later). and maybe he actually got to marry dora and is actually divorced here. working too much, not making enough money, and when back at home hes still an addict, maybe the relationship lasted more but still it never got good enough to keep.
and kim... theres a few options. either undercover just being on the tattoo shop somehow which is like. not the most sense making but still a possibility. or.. he never became a cop, either, got too disappoined by the system early on, noticed the injustice, but realized that it didnt matter what he did it wouldnt be enough. or he did join the rcm for a bit and then quit bc of that, maybe also eyes died in here too and that was the last straw for him leaving. maybe hes not necesarily the guy doing the tattoos, but more of the designs and piercings (i assume its a million times easier doing piercings than tattoos. i dont mean that it doesnt require a technique too tho but getting a needle through skin for a piercing seems easier than having the pulse to work on a permanent piece in someones skin with specific pressure with consistence, and if he was a cop and quit maybe he has shakier hands.... idk. i dont know how stuff like this works generally ngl. also idk. can you have a tattoo.. parlor? and do designs but not the tattoos themselves? id assume you can but no idea)
ok yeah something like that maybe. and also the shops are either side by side or right across the street. i can imagine harry walking through the tattoo parlor and looking at the designs and looking at a few plant based designs and liking them and just. going in. not exactly for a tattoo or anything but more to like. know how it is and maybe meet the artist and then he sees kim which i imagine with a lot of tattoos and piercings which is sort of whats fueling this at this point bc i wasnt gonna think about it for too long but now im too deep into it and like i imagine this kim as.. kind of distant as he tends to be, will try to hide the fact he was a cop bc at this point hes not proud of that, he just likes making designs while listening to speedfreaks fm, which you can hear from outside the parlor while walking on the streets, but he is cool, and if you talk to him he will talk to you, hes just maybe awkward but also he is kinda weird (which has harry like 👉👈)
and this was just going to be me saying "man i havent seen any of this" and instead i sort of made my take on it and it got longer than i expected. anyways!!!
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pivsketch · 2 years
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we started a new type of morning art activity at work, which is "stream a movie and then pause every once in a while for everyone to do a 5 min composition study together". so far we are like 20 minutes into blade runner 2049 (one of my faves!) and will probably be doing these for the rest of the week and then some 'til we finish the movie
hardest part is managing level of detail w.r.t. the 5 min time constraint. second hardest part is trying to correctly eyeball the placement of everything in the still image. even though i specifically matched my canvas' aspect ratio to the movie's, i swear my canvas doesnt look wide enough. its like dealing with an optical illusion... very distracting
i also need to figure out a better solution for exporting and collating these frames. if i was using photoshop itd be trivial to export all the layers/groups out all at once by selecting them and doing a right click -> export layers, but im using clip. next time im gonna try and use the animation system so i can easily export out an image sequence, but im not looking forward to dealing with the animation timeline. as for arranging them onto one image, im not even gonna bother figuring out an independent solution and im just going to use photoshop's file -> automate -> contact sheet ii.
the toughest part about trying to remove photoshop from my workflow is that ive spent over 2 decades working in it so im extremely familiar with its many obscure features 😔 i dearly miss smart objects, layer comps (personally i use the frame timeline for this functionality), how it treats layer masks (a grayscale layer you can colorpick transparency from / step inside to edit in isolation and paste stuff), and probably like a zillion other small things i bump into. the layer mask thing i relied on soooo much it was such a huge loss for me when i moved to clip. but i simply did not want to continue paying to use photoshop on my home computer
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But yes. Yeah. I cannot believe I'm acting this unhinged over a little ant-sized guy milling about but I am. The ahoge is very much the key, but it also feels like... it disappears depending on the frame? That's why I'm not confident, aside from being unable to make out the nose. IMO he also has very distinctive ears, as do most RGG characters (that's partly how I was able to identify RGGO Joon-gi before he was revealed), so it sucks not being able to line those up.
It is possible I shouldn't have used Hijikata or wasn't able to line everything up perfectly though, because there definitely are differences; I would say Mine's features are a bit more delicate and youthful. So seconding that you're not crazy!
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Also you Can and Must say he's dressing like a dweeb, his initial concept art was rejected for being "unbelievably garish" for a reason! This is half the fun and I say it with nothing but affection. (Miura pics for context)
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I actually WAS gonna make a comment about the ears but I didn't want to sound too deranged (that's partially where my jaw hypothesizing came from as the length of the jaw could also skew the ears lining up). In any case, whether it is him or not, I'm absolutely super invested to find out who this is when LaD8 comes out (whether it turns out to actually be Mine or if it really is some random guy Kashiwagi decided to hire).
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