#in defense of tenten
tentenarchive · 1 month
In Defense of Tenten - the Chunin Exams' Written Test and Her Mirrors
A common joke made about Tenten is how obvious her mirror and line contraption, used to share answers with Rock Lee during the written exam, is. In this post, I'll show how her solution is perfectly reasonable and why she wasn't disqualified by the ninja proctors.
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Firstly, we have to stablish what the objective of this written test is: to cheat. The written test was designed to be too difficult for ninjas of their level to be able to answer, forcing them to cheat from each other. Such is stated by Ibiki in the end of the First Phase chapters:
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Next, the proctors are all higher level shinobi, better prepared and used to seeing various tricks and jutsu. It's not an stretch to suppose they're aware of EVERY cheating attempt made by those Genin, but were responsible for judging if their technique is too sloppy, obvious or ineffective.
My theory is supported by this scene, where Izumo eliminates one of the ninjas doing the test, claiming he took "five strikes".
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It implies the competitors are allowed five errors before being disqualified, and one of the eliminated Genin makes it clear to the reader the "five strikes" are five times being caught cheating.
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Naruto is also implied to be caught almost cheating when Hinata offers him her test answers (it can be interpreted either as Naruto being closely watched or Naruto's nerves making him think like that, half the proctors' job is to scare the Genin) and even then he is not automatically removed.
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Tenten's technique may be obvious for us, as readers who have been shown by the author himself how she did it, but it's a single and successful attempt, and it's not commentated by any other characters, meaning no one caught on her besides the proctors, and they would only disqualify her if she did it more than once (which wasn't needed, she found the mole with all the answers!).
A pettier criticism i've "how isn't anyone seeing the lines?" to which the answer is very simple: manga is a visual media and the author needed the audience to understand how she was manipulating the mirror. If you take in consideration Tenten's fight with Temari in the anime - which is filler, btw, and it's up to you reading this to decide if it's a fair assessment on their abilities or not - she's shown using invisible lines to manipulate her weapons after throwing them. The lines are, conveniently, only visible when the animation needs us to understand how the weapons are moving backwards. Any other frame they're invisible.
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You can see in the panel how the lines fade out towards the bottom and only show where they're attached to the mirror.
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Finally: that's exactly what Ibiki expected the genin to do. There have been a few posts, specially on twitter, asking "how are you supposed to pass if you don't have a kekken genkai??". Like Tenten. That's how.
Kankuro and Tenten are the only characters which Kishimoto showed us cheating that didn't use an exclusive DNA super power. Kankuro and Tenten both use hidden threads, one uses chakra lines for puppetry and the last manipulates mirrors. They also pass their answers to their teammates, Temari and Lee.
(Sakura is the only confirmed character to do the entire test without cheating. Congrats Sakura!! You could argue Hinata used her byakuugan to cheat like Neji, but if you think she did it by herself, I will give you the pleasure of congratulating Hinata too. Congrats Hinata!)
Tenten's method was practical, and used her specific skill set: summoning and kunai work (where do you think the mirrors came from? a scroll, that's for sure). It was probably set up before the test started, during the commotion Team 7 created with their arrival. We're not shown it because Tenten is a tertiary character and Kishimoto wouldn't invest 2-3 panels of set up for a 3 panel sequence pay-off that works by itself very well. She is smart, did great and made sure her teammate was not left behind.
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Tenten is not even the most absurd method used in this exam, so, as a treat, i will show you, in order, the most obvious cheats shown in the manga from least to most!
Sasuke's Sharingan If you're a ninja from the Leaf Village, you know who Sasuke Uchiha is and what a Sharingan is capable of. Unfortunally for him, the Exam is being held at the Leaf Village and all the jounin and chuunin there are from the Village. Any proctor looking at his direction in a position in front of him could see clearly his eyes and know exactly what he was doing.
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Neji's Byukuugan Like the Sharigan, you can physhically see when it's activated, with the downgrade of being noticible by people sitting at up to 95º from him, as the veins are visible on the sides of his face too. A fair trade for the ability to see better than the Sharingan, even if you're not able to copy, in my personal opinion.
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Ino's Mind Transfer Jutsu The jutsu's hand signal is simple and can be missed, but it's still obvious for any Konoha ninja watching, it is a very recognizable ability. There's also the higher chance of Ino being caught since she needs to do it three times (once for getting Sakura's answers, twice to pass them to Chouji and Shikamaru). Besides, the "dropping dead on the table" thing can be disruptive in a mostly silent classroom.
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Akamaru and Kiba's communication Akamaru is barking all the way through the exam, and while the balloon used for the text is the one for thoughts, it's also the same used for whispered conversations up to this point in the manga. The anime makes the barks happen in the real world, and not in their thoughts, and as far as i could find, Kiba can understand dog language but there's no psychic talk between them. By the noise alone he could be caught. I think he wasn't expelled just because a full conversation between dog and human is a novel enough ability to not be considered by most ninjas unaware of the Inuzuka clan's special abilities.
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The Most absurd one: Kakuro and his Puppet He put an entire guy no one knows and has never been seen in a room where all the authorities are from the same village and have, at least, a vague knowledge of each other's existence. To increase the absurdity, somehow everyone let Kankuro use his own puppet to guide himself to the bathroom. I cannot express enough how unlikely it is that, in a real info gathering mission inside a single room where all the higher rank ninjas are exclusively from the same village, Kakuro's plan could work. Most decent sensors could also catch the chakra line's signature.
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I'll give it to him, making the puppet talk helps with the disguise, but it only fools his fellow attendees, not the proctors. He's too confident that he didn't raise any alarms.
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But Ibiki goes as far as insinuating he knows (and has known from the start) about the puppet's existence when Kankuro comes back from the bathroom.
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If Kankuro was able to finish the test and not get disqualified, even if he had what I consider the most obvious cheating attempt from the named characters shown, it's fair game for Tenten and all the other important cheaters. Besides, it's a single attempt at cheating, even if it required an entire prep work for it, so it doesn't matter if all the high level ninja's are aware, that's not enough to kick him out.
I cannot leave out the meta reasons why these characters weren't removed from the class: they're important to varying degrees to the story and they need to advance through the first phase to keep readers engaged.
Regardless of how absurd I think Kiba's and Kankuro's methods are, they need to go all the way to the fight tournament after the Forest of Death, where they have important roles to fill: Sasuke and Naruto are main characters and are prioritized by the narrative; Ino and Sakura will have an important character developments and flashbacks during their fight; Neji has an entire arc that only concludes all the way in his fight against Naruto; Kiba is the rival for Naruto in the surprise fighting tournament and he is one of the few characters able to match Naruto's silliness so he can win in a silly way; Kankuro and Tenten are both part of the two strongest cells present in the event, the Sand Siblings and Team Gai, both introduced as real threats to Team 7, and having anyone from these cells lose would undermine the narrative created around then. All of them would get through anyway.
Tenten losing against Temari in future parts of the Chuunin Exam has narrative importance too, a fight I will cover in the next In Defense of Tenten, but in short Tenten was introduced as a threat alongside Neji and Lee, her abilities and experience surpassing Team 7's. Having her lose against one the Sand Shinobi serves to show how big their gap in power is: if someone more experienced and well trained than them can't win against them, Team 7 has no chance. It's part of the build up for the future Naruto and Gaara fight, and the suspense about their real strength (since the fight doesn't exist in the manga, only the result is shown).
Conclusion: people are overly critical of Tenten because she's seen as a "lolcow" in the Naruto fandom, in part by the bad adaptation of her fight with Temari to the anime, which poisoned any feat of hers before and after it; but also because Naruto and Boruto don't give satisfying ends to any of the original female cast besides Hinata (she marries the man she loves and becomes a housewife away from the battlefield, an honorable decision i will never shit on, she never wanted to be a ninja and is a kind mother and wife, good for her!) so all female characters are seem as weak and useless when compared to their male peers. Naruto is a work riddled with undercover misogyny, never out right stated but always preventing the girls to achieve any meaningful resolution or permanent development.
That added to the ever expanding powerscalling abilities and fights make characters with simpler and down to earth abilities and feats outdated by its own universe. Knowing how big the Naruto fights and jutsu get in the future make people look down on crafty solutions like sealing scrolls, kunai and mirrors, when that is a perfectly respectable solution within the series and matches the powerlevel presented this early in the story.
Tenten is not weak, or bad, or useless. She's misrepresented by the most popular media consumed: the anime, and further misunderstood by the fans of said work. Large fandoms can be allergic to text interpretation and infighting is stimulated to the point fans of smaller characters are bullied off social media and forums (i.e. the forum where I got the list of all chapters Tenten is in is filled to the brim with comments about how OP should move the topic to "fan works" since no one would want to read about it in the canon work page, or how the mods shouldn't allow him to have a thread). I respect Tenten's feats, as well as other small characters', and refuse to be fed the same "uselessness" narrative this fandom always had, because i actually enjoy Naruto, even if i have many problems with it, and I take it seriously.
She did great.
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rainbowninjas · 2 years
I have this kakagai prompt where everyone speculates about Kakashi and Gai, but no one knows they are actually married, except for Tsunade (because she had access to all files when she became Hokage) the administration chunin that processed the marriage documentation…and Lee. 
He figured it out at 12 and it was confirmed by Gai himself when Lee asked him. Later, Kakashi also confirmed it and that was it. 
So years later, when some powerful nobleman comes to Konoha, ready to negotiate an arranged marriage with the Rokudaime to either his son or daughter, Lee is very confused when everyone goes into shock after he kindly reminds the nobleman that an arranged marriage will not be posible because Kakashi-sama ( “Please drop the ‘lord’ part, Lee”) is already married to Gai-sensei because, well...wasn't that common knowledge? 
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Gai: Is that a gun?! Tenten: It's not what it looks like! Kakashi: It looks like a gun. Tenten: Okay, maybe it is what it looks like, but in my defense, it doesn't have anymore bullets, so I technically can't shoot it anymore. Gai & Kakashi: ...ANYMORE?!
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httpino · 3 months
hiii everyone! this is my opinion on what college majors each of the konoha 11 + sasuke n the sand siblings have :D + my general college headcanons about them. enjoy!!
p.s. this is a non massacre au so everyone is alive and well
Naruto characters in College
Naruto Uzumaki: Political Science
- he’s obvi into the whole politics thing so it seemed obvious to him to go into polisci
- unfortunate frat brother
- he’s not like the annoying weird ones but he does indulge in a bit of excessive drinking
- even when he’s hokage (think of it as like the president of everything i don’t fucking know) he’ll still do the stupid ass frat greeting if he sees a fellow brother
- barely passing but once he starts studying seriously with sakura, he’s on his grind fr
- he was never stupid, he just has adhd and no idea how to ask for help
- graduates at a decent place n continues on the higher education track (to everyone’s surprise)
Sasuke Uchiha: Business with a concentration in Finance
- he plans on taking over the family business from his older brother since he’s sick and needs to focus on his health
- does not engage in frat business no matter how much naruto begs
- he’s above it all
- he’s less fucked in the head (because his whole family was not senselessly murdered!) so he does like partying n is less antisocial
- non massacre au sasuke is a WHORE idgaf
- will entertain whoever he needs to to get laid
- this is before he starts dating sakura and then he’s like a nun, he does not look in people’s direction at all
- model student, graduates with a ridiculously high gpa
Sakura Haruno: Biology + Chemistry Double Major (pre-med)
- did anyone say overachiever
- she was told she just needed to pick a science if she wanted to do the pre-med track but she said fuck it and chose two
- bordering deranged, the constant homework is getting to her
- very efficient at studying so she’s able to have some semblance of a school-life balance but barely
- she’s spent more nights in the library crying over her homework than she cares to admit
- finds it all easier when she’s with her friends so she, naruto, ino, sasuke, shikamaru, neji, and hinata have a little study circle every night
- model student, legit is the student that her professors tell their students about years after she graduates
- goes on to med school (we love you dr.haruno)
Sai: Art
- obviously
- he’s having a good time here
- once he gets to the point where he’s having to do other art (sculpting for example) he’s losing it a bit
- he’s just a little guy who wants to draw pretty little pictures :(
- the mf who says “ugh i have a drawing due at 11:59” and then promptly gets jumped for having the audacity to complain around sakura
- doesn’t really party, if he does get dragged out, he spends the whole time drawing the scene in front of him
- he has so many drawings of drunk naruto doing stupid shit, he’s compiled it in a little booklet n adds to it
- by the end of college, he has a thick ass book of these drawings (naruto, ino, sakura, and lee being most of the drawings)
- graduates with flying colors (see what i did there) to become ino’s house husband who supports her through med school
Shikamaru Nara: International Relations
- bro did not want to go to college
- literally dragged himself through high school, why would he want to do it all over again but it’s harder???
- anyway he settles on international relations n breezes through it
- his friends wanna strangle him every time he complains about his schoolwork
- sakura’s eye is twitching, tenten is planning his untimely demise, ino is calling him a lazy idiot
- in his defense, he doesn’t really know what’s going on at any given moment
- he does his work on time but that’s only after he has to teach himself everything cause he skips class religiously
- high off his ass the entire four years
- is known around campus, not for his smarts, but because he’s been found sleeping in the oddest places
- there’s an instagram page for sightings of his naps in odd places (that was definitely not started by ino)
- graduates with decent grades and gets a job in the hokage’s office with the power of nepotism and his brain
Choji Akimichi: Culinary Arts
- he’s having a grand time really
- he’s a phenomenal cook and he already knows all the cooking techniques since his dad owns the highest rated restaurant in the country
- literally has never complained about anything a day in his life
- his to go meals are the only thing keeping his friends alive, they all have the diet of a college student which is water, tears, and a side of ramen
- always has excess food left from class so he goes around campus delivering it to the different food banks
- random people know about choji akimichi’s legendary hangover meal
- graduates with flying colors and goes on to take over his father’s restaurant and open one of his own!
Ino Yamanaka: Psychology (pre-med)
- annoying psych major who psychoanalyzes her friends
- drunk off her ass and she’s asking kiba if his attachment to his dogs comes from trying to make up for his terrible relationship with his mother
- is literally always out, no one has no idea how considering all the other psych students are fighting for their lives
- when she meets sai, she’s excited as fuck, she loves a fine ass man with a brain she can pick apart
- a little crazy
- graduates top of her major but it’s a mystery how she did such a thing 
Kiba Inuzuka: Vet science
- picked this because his dog got sick once n he was like bro what the fuck i need to never let this happen again
- actually a really good student contrary to popular belief! (hinata asked him to study with her one time n then it became a routine)
- who said FRAT BOY KIBA!!! (it’s me, i said frat boy kiba)
- chronic day drinker (bro needs to attend a.a meetings)
- gets an internship in the local vet office and he has deep beef with all the cats there
- he thinks they’re evil but the cats just smell dog on him n they do not fuck with it
- graduates at a decent place n goes to vet school (idk how that works, just pretend i do)
Shino Aburame: Entomology
- DUH!!
- bro might as well be a professor, he’s so good with the whole thing
- which is why he becomes a TA by the end of his first year (unheard of btw)
- out of everyone, he’s having the easiest time
- literally goes to class, does his little science classes, studies his little bugs, then comes home to his apartment n thinks about bugs
- he’s attended every seminar about environment so he can pipe up n say that preserving the bugs in each ecosystem could help
- graduates n goes on to get an offer to teach entomology at konoha university
Hinata Hyuga: Communication
- she has no idea what she wants to do
- this was mainly a placeholder till she figured something out
- the required public speaking course nearly took something out of her
- but after all her friends gathered to listen to her speech n cheer her on, she felt so much confidence that she got an amazing grade
- this led to her sticking with comm!
- she picks a focus on media so she ends up working at the tv station (behind the scenes, she’s not a in front of the camera type of girl)
- does great n has study circles with her friends :D
- doesn’t party, doesn’t drink, doesn’t do much of anything but she’ll go out to make sure kiba doesn’t get into a bar fight or something
Neji Hyuga: Physics
- not so sure about this one but idkkk something in my heart says he’s a physics major
- he’s not sure what he wants to do with it but it makes him sound smart when his dad brags to the other parents
- extremely paranoid about missing assignments so he does everything the moment he gets it
- has never been relaxed ever
- time management king
- he got pulled into a study circle and though he’ll NEVER admit it, it’s helped him a lot
- graduates in three years instead of four and goes on to grad school (he’s trying to avoid finding a job)
Rock Lee: Sports science
- DUH!!
- he wants to help injured athletes so why not study how a healthy body is supposed to work while exercising?
- he gets an internship with guy, who’s the athletic trainer of konoha university n he’s everyone’s favorite
- had learned not to complain about his workload around tenten (she broke down and started bawling over her homework and he freaked out)
- graduates with a good gpa and then gets a job with the athletic trainers office
Tenten: Business with a concentration in Entrepreneurship + Engineering Double Major
- this determined ass mf
- she’s been dreaming of creating a weapon that will allow for easy usage while also being tailored to the needs of the user
- so she decides on the business major part to create a business out of it and engineering so she can figure out how to do it herself
- she’s fighting for her life the entire four years of college
- turns down so many parties and invites because her homework is literally a stack the size of her
Kankuro: Political Science + Art History Double Major
- he wanted badly to do art history alone
- but he decides that maybe he does want to be employed in the future
- so he picks up political science as a side thing
- he cheats off gaara so he doesn’t have to focus too much on the polisci portion of his degree
- exchange student (obvi) n he’s indulging in konoha culture
- which is just getting black out drunk on a wednesday evening!
- finishes out college as a decent student, not exceptional but also he’s not terrible
Gaara: Political Science
- literally decides he’s gonna become the kazekage and picks up polisci immediately
- like his siblings he’s an exchange student
- literally doesn’t do any “stereotypical” college things
- doesn’t drink a drop of alcohol, doesn’t dabble in drugs, his most wild weekend is him indulging in TWO red bulls instead of one
- which is why no one is surprised when he graduates top of his class n immediately gets a job in the kazekage’s office where he works his way up
Temari: Meteorology
- just walk with me here
- exchange student from suna
- always found interest in weather patterns considering she lived in a place with such predictable patterns
- like day after day it was all sun, no rain until one random day, there was an absolute downpour before everything went back to normal
- she absolutely went WILDDDD she needed to know what had happened to cause such a thing
- she has no interest in smiling in front of the camera n giving the forecast, she wants to just study what the fuck goes on with the weather
- has a decent workload but she really doesn’t mind it, it gives her an excuse to avoid ino’s constant invites to go out
- one time, she went out n got hammered n slept with shikamaru n then she literally never did that again
- it worked cause she started dating him soon after but still… you can never be too safe
- graduates with a perfect gpa n goes on to become the best meteorologist in the world
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13as07 · 5 months
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Cats and Dogs #1
(Kiba Inuzuka)
[Artwork is not mine! Credit to Marimari999]
Requested by: Anonymous
Word Count: 3,570
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
[Reader] is a Neko (or as close as I could get with my rushed research and to go with the story line) per request
Gets heated at the end
Hair Pulling
"You look stupid, Izuno-Chan," Neji mutters, his hands buried in my hair, messing it up. "Take the dumb ears off, they're distracting."
"Stop looking at them and you'll stop being distracted, nyaa?" I counter, tilting my head, and letting my eyes fall closed. My arms wrap around the moody boy, cuddling up to him as he plays with my head. I stretch my neck out on his chest too, making sure he can feel the vibrations of my vocal cords as I spill noises of approval.
"I hate cats," he spits out, his hands falling to toy with the bell I've strung onto my village regulation headband. "Take your ears off," Neji grumbles again, tapping the bell so it softly rings every other beat.
"Why, my Lord? Are you ashamed of my heritage? Are you ashamed to have an Izuno on your squad, nyaa? Are you ashamed to have a member of the quote and quote cat clan on your team?" I tease, sliding my nails gently across his sides as I nuzzle my nose against his neck.
"Wha... what? Of course, not. And stop calling me your lord!" Neji yells, my teasing working only a moment before his hand is gripping the headband reading around my neck, using it to peel me off of him. "I don't see why you insist on touching me all the time."
"Because she's a cat, silly," Lee's voice rings out, instantly making me perk up. Neji might be my favorite squad mate to pester but Lee is my favorite to love on. Though, Tenten is a close second.
"Lee!" I chirp, struggling - but managing - to wiggle out of Neji's hold. "Lee," I repeat my tone a hiss this time instead of chirping with excitement to see him. The mixed smell of woody cologne, grass, and a hint of sweat fills my nose, the added scent of fur tipping me off the most. "Why do you smell like an Inuzuka?"
"Now just listen for a moment, okay?" He starts, hands up in defense and his eyes bouncing around the street. "Sensei and I ran into squad eight on the way here. It's no big deal, Gai-Sensei just agreed to have dinner with them and I told you the cologne wouldn't work!" Lee's tone rises as he attempts to slowly back away. By the end he's dashing down the street with me hot on his heels as he yells at Sensei, I assume.
The chase is afoot. Lee running for his life screaming, me running after him as I yell about him being a trader, Sensei chasing after the both of us insisting that I stop or that Lee let me tackle him, and Neji taking up the rear as he complains about us embarrassing him. When our path crosses Tenten's, who was on the way to meet all of us, she joins in, jogging alongside Neji.
Well, the chase is afoot until the sound of Kakashi and Naruto plotting to stop us filters into my ears. Lee might be able to squirm out of Naruto's hold but I know I can't do the same with Kakashi, a disappointing end to my Cat and Mouse game.
As planned, when Lee and I pass by, Naruto jumps at Lee and Kakashi springs forward, his hands scooping me up under my arms and dangling like a... well, a cat. "Hello," the older man says, his head resting against mine.
"Kakashi," I hiss, my eyes slit as I glare at the pile of Lee and Naruto wrestling on the ground. "Put me down."
"Why? So you can join the cat-fight?" He hums, one of his arms swooping down to hold my legs, shifting me so my weight is evened out in his hold better. "Wouldn't cuddles and watching those two go at it be better?"
"You're trying to distract me," I fizz out, trying to ignore the older man rubbing his forehead against mine. "It's not going to work, nyaa," I add, my eyes slowly going back to normal as they flicker between Kakashi and the boys fighting. I trying my best to hold on to my territorial anger but it's not working so well.
"Except it is," the teacher points out, pulling away so the both of us can watch Gai-Sensei attempt to pull Lee and Naruto away from their playful sparring match. "Tell me cat, why is Lee your mouse today?"
"Lee isn't a mouse," a monotone voice says, tugging my sight toward the corner Kakashi and Naruto were hiding around. An off-brand-looking Sasuke slithers out from the corner, looking ghostly pale as he heads towards us. "Nor is she a cat," he adds, standing next to Kashi.
"Don't argue with your Sensei, Sai. I assure you she's as close to a cat as a person can get. See?" Kakashi answers, two fingertips settling on my top jaw, pushing my mouth open to show off my canines. "Not to mention the claws Gai's kitten tends to walk around with and her slitted eyes that give her sight advantages. Her sense of hearing and smell is excellent as well." As he educates his student, I'm poked and prodded at, the teacher showing off my perfectly maintained nails and messing with me enough to make my eyes slit in response.
"That’s enough," Neji intervenes, snatching me from the older man and setting me on my feet, making sure to keep a grip on me so I can't jump Gai-Sensei and Lee. "If you piss her off, I have to deal with it."
The Sai guy looks me over, a weird smile on his face as he hums. "So she's like Kiba?"
"What?!" I yell, shoving my elbow into Neji as I squirm in his hold, sights set on tearing Kakashi's newest student to shreds. "I am nothing like that dumb, smelly dog!"
"You have to be kidding me," Neji grumbles, grasping at me just as quickly as he loses his hold.
"My pretty kitty!" Gai sings out, sweeping me off my feet in a similar way to his friend. I don't get why everyone insists on holding me all the time. It's annoying and an invasion of my space. I swear I'm going to bite the next person who picks me up.
I sulk in his arms, sending my annoyed look toward Tenten who giggles in response. "Put me down, Sensei."
"Why are you always so mean to me, Izuno-Chan? You let Neji hold you," Sensei whines, trying to nuzzle up to me.
I shift around in his hold, shoving him away from me as I try to squeeze out of his arms. "Ya, well Neji smells like honeysuckles. You smell like sweat and Kakashi's annoying mutts all the time."
"My dogs aren't annoying," the other teacher murmurs, looking a little deflated from my words. I swear I hate dog people more than I hate dogs.
     "Izuno-Chan, let's try a smile please," Sensei cheers, using his fingers to showcase the shape of one as he smiles at me. "We're having dinner with our coworkers. You don't have to be friends but please be nice."
     "I can smell him and his ratty little mutt from here," I grumble, my eyes unwillingly slit as they slide over the ground, picking up on every paw and shoe print. It's true, I can smell Kiba and Akamaru from here but surprisingly, for once they don't smell half bad. Maybe their Sensei made them wash the wet dog smell out of their coats.
"It'll be okay, Izuno-Chan! I'll get some of that herbal tea you like to smell so you can't smell Kiba and his dog, okay?" Lee chirps, his hand gripping my shoulders as he bounces around behind me.
     As we walk into the restaurant, his hands jump up, toying with my ears and the hair surrounding them. It's a nice relaxer but doesn't do the job of completely calming me down. The closer to the table we get, the more it feels like my hair is standing on end. I hate dogs, I hate Inuzukas, and I hate this stupid dinner hangout Gai-Sensei planned.
     Why is he and Kurenai so hell-bent on Kiba and me getting along? Don't they know cats and dogs are mortal enemies? All dumb dogs do is bark and chase. Would it kill them to take a chill pill now and again?
     As if to solidify my thoughts, Kiba's laughter echoes throughout the room, his little mutt - who isn't so little anymore - barking as if to laugh too. Akamaru is a lot bigger than the last time I saw him, putting me even more on edge.
     When we're a foot or two away from the table, said dog takes notice. His ears shift back, his tail still between his legs, and his head low. "Dumb dog," I grumble, barring my teeth just enough for the tips of my canines to poke out.
     "Says the sneaky feline," Kiba mutters, his eyes a bit slit as he glares at me. "What? Still no tail to go with the ears?"
     "What? Still no girl to dump your litter into?" I retaliated, causing my Sensei to jump forward, his hand sliding over my mouth to shut me up.
     Gai-Sensei and Kurenai apologize back and forth on our behalf, Kiba and I glaring at each other the whole time as our squad mates start to mingle among each other. Dumb dog. "You're one to talk. Last time I checked you don't have a partner either. Though, it's no surprise you haven't managed to sink your claws into a man yet," Kiba mumbles, both me and his teacher picking up on his rant.
     Kurenai shoots a warning glare at her student, a silent lecture spilling from her eyes. The smugness I feel only lasts a moment or two, my lecture quickly following. "Be nice, Izuno-Chan, or I swear I'll let Kakashi borrow you to help Sai understand the animalistic traits many clans of our village have. Am I understand?" Sensei's tone is soft and cheery in my ear, though the threat still pokes through the sugary coat it's wearing.
     "Yes sir," I huff, shifting my sight away from Kiba's and my staring contest.
     "Good, now go sit down," Sensei orders, a thumb sliding over the back of my ears as his other fingers massage my scalp. Great, now my hair is going to smell like Kakashi's mutts too.
     When Gai-Sensei pulls away, I let my eyes skirt back towards the table. I can sit next to the dogs... or between Tenten and Neji, which would leave me directly in the middle of their confused flirting situation. Why can't they just sit next to each other? Or admit their feelings to each other?
     Dogs or third wheel? Dogs or third wheel? Neji's head snaps away, his cheeks dusted in pink embarrassment from whatever Tenten just said. Dogs it is.
     Reluctantly I slide into the seat next to Kiba, both our Senseis not so secretly excited about my choice. Sadly for Lee, he's stuck between the two love birds. At least he's oblivious enough not to notice I guess.
     Akamaru bares his teeth as I settle in place, a soft growl spilling from his muzzle. My eyes shoot down, slit and warning as I stare at the mutt. I hiss back at him, my teeth showing off just as much. The fleabag grumbles, walking along the underside of the table twice before crawling under his master's chair to lie down.
     Kiba leans towards me, an exaggerated smile on his face. "I hope Akamaru bites you," he whispers, quite pleased with himself.
     I smile back at the personified dog, leaning closer so he can smell the citrus oil I put on before this dreaded super. The curled distaste of his nose is enough to add a hint of truth to my smile. "I hope it's not too late for your mother to get you fixed."
     "Pussy," he growls, his jaw clenching as he continues to smile, eyes flickering towards the Senseis that are whispering among themselves, their own eyes flickering towards us.
     "Well isn't this going to be fun," Tenten mutters next to me, rolling her eyes at the two of us as she looks over the menu.
     "At least we get free entertainment," Hinata adds, the two girls giggling at Kiba and me bickering.
     Kiba's foot slides around under the table, quickly finding the leg of my chair. Once he's sure it is my chair, he kicks it, making the chair and me jerk. I swear to the Lord above, I. Hate. Dogs.
     "Knock it off!" I hiss, swatting at Kiba once again tonight, causing him to howl with laughter.
     The mangy mutt has been tugging on my ears all night. If it's not my ears he's messing with, it's the bell on my headband. "If you don't want me tugging on them, you shouldn't wear them."
     I let out a huff, scanning the street again. Neji and Hinata left dinner early to help their chief with something. Tenten and Shino agreed to help set up the school dance tonight so they left a few minutes ago. Lee just straight-up vanished sometime during dinner. He probably scurried off to help Neji and Chief Hyuga with whatever it was they had to do.
     All that has left me alone outside, sadly with Kiba and his dog, as we wait for our Senseis. Gai-Sensei insisted on - more like ordered - walking me home, as ever the gentleman he is. Kiba argued about walking his Sensei home too, insisting she is too far along in her pregnancy to be left unattended. Dogs might be the dumbest beings on Earth, but all beasts have their good qualities, even dumb mutts. It just so happens that loyalty is their only redeeming quality.
     Akamaru impatiently does another lap, running a few paces away before turning around and running back to his master. I don't know why it's taking Gai so long to pay the damn bill. Actually, I do. He's probably inside fighting with Kurenai over who's going to pay. Gai is too much of a gentleman to let her pay and Kurenai is too stubborn to let him pay. I swear I can't wait for this obnoxious night to end.
     Out of the corner of my eye, I see Kiba shift again, his hand slowly inching towards my ears for the hundredth time. "Kiba," I hiss, my eyes trailing his every movement. "I swear," I try to warn, turning my head to fully glare at him. "If you pull my ears again, I'm going to hurt you."
     "Sure you will, Pussy Cat. I'm trembling with fear," he chuckles, lunging forward, his fingers cling to my ears, tugging on them rougher than before.
“Kiba!” I wail, one hand jumping up to pull his hand away, the other one shooting forward, slapping his face. My nails dig into his cheek, leaving four shallow scratch marks on his skin. They’re shallow but blood still melts out from the wounds, starting to spill down his face in thin red lines.
“The hell did you just do?” He barks, his hands pulling away from my ears like I wanted. One of his hands grips my hair, snapping my head back so it’s pressed against the brick wall of the restaurant. His other hand grips my wrist, pressing it against the wall above my head.
My eyes are slit, picking up on every whisper of a movement. Kiba’s teeth are bared, hisses of breath spilling out between them as he looks down at me. My breath is as thick as his, but I’m doing a better job at hiding it… I think. “Kiba?” I whisper, my free hand sliding against the one he has buried in my hair.
“I asked you a goddamn question. What the hell do you think you’re doing scratching me?” He repeats, leaning further down, his sharp teeth sliding against my ear as he speaks. “I hate cats. Especially nasty sneaky ones like you.”
“I’m sorry, Kiba. I didn’t mean to, it was just an instinct reaction, I swear,” I murmur, my eyes scanning for a way out.
I can’t tell if I hate or like this. Kiba smells like a gross dog, but his teeth sliding against my ear sends shivers down my spine. His husky tone adds to the shivers, but him towering over me, pressing me against the wall is a bit scary… and hot. Though his cockiness is ticking me off. What a dumb dog. I could scratch him again, that might work or it could make everything worse. “Let me go.”
“Or what? You’ll scratch me again?” He chuckles in my ear, his canines nicking my ear, threatening to bubble out a noise I don’t want him to hear. “Fine, I’ll let you go.” Oh, thank the Lord. “Under one condition.” Dumb bully of a dog.
“Let me go, Mutt,” I hiss again, trying to puff myself up to seem bigger. I try tugging his hold off too, hoping to get my wrist or at the very least my hair loose; it doesn’t work.
“How cute. The pretty kitten thinks puffing herself up will scare me off. I promise my condition isn’t that bad, kitty cat.”
My eyes snap around the street, scanning for an out that I once again don’t find. “Alright, fine. What’s your condition?”
“You marked me with an instinctive reaction so it’s only fair if I mark you with one too.”
“Kiba,” I try to hiss, his name coming out more as fear than as the headstrong tone I was trying. “What does that mean?”
“Just a small bite, it’ll hurt less than those sharp little claws of yours,” he murmurs, his head slowly shifting down from my ear, his nose sliding over my skin as he tumbles down. “I can’t believe you’re petty enough to dose yourself in citrus,” Kiba whispers against my neck, causing shivers to twirl around my spine again. “You know, I think next we’re forced to hang out I’ll coat myself in peppermint,” he adds, his tongue slithering out to slide over my neck.
“Nyaa,” the sound spills out of me before I can stop it, my eyes - which I didn’t notice were closed - snap open, being met with the cocky smile smeared on Kiba’s lips. “That’s… that’s not a bite,” I push out, baring my teeth as I tug on his wrists again.
“No, it’s not. Are you going to mew when I bite you too?” He asks, words drowning in cockiness. The dumb mutt slides his tongue over my neck a couple more times, tempting me to spill another noise. Luckily, I don’t, which chips away at Kiba’s attitude. “What a shame,” he starts whispering into my skin, tightening his hold on my hair and tugging my head further back. “Oh well, at least you won’t taste like citrus now.”
The dumb dog tests his jaw against my neck, barely resting his teeth against my skin. His teeth leave my skin, only for a second, before they latch onto my skin again. “Nyaa!” The sound rips from my throat, coming out a lot louder than last time.
Kiba giggles, his teeth sharp and deep in my skin this time, threatening to draw blood. “Keep meowing, kitty,” he orders, his words coming out muffled as he sinks his teeth deeper.
“Meow,” he orders again, his canines finally breaking my skin, the warmth of my blood trickling out from around his teeth.
“Nyaa, nyaa, nyaa. Kiba, let me go. Nyaa,” I cave, tugging on his hold again.
Chuckles spill from the man as he pulls away, a drop or two of my blood dripping from his sharp teeth. “What a dumb cat.”
“Stupid mutt,” I hiss, rolling my wrist that was pinned against the wall as my other hand jumps up to press against the bite mark shoved into my skin.
Silence falls between us for a moment, Kiba grinning ear to ear as he rubs his fingertips over the scratches stamped into his cheek. I shoot my glare at our feet, tracing the outline of his teeth left on my neck. I hate dogs, I hate how cheery they are, how cocky they can be. Dumb dogs. Dumb Kiba.
“Dear Lord,” my Sensei’s voice cuts through the silence, tugging both of our attentions toward him. “Will you two ever stop fighting? If you won’t, can’t you guys at least keep it verbal?”
Kurenai laughs, her hands rubbing over her round belly. “What do you expect, Gai? Inuzukas and Izunos fight like cats and dogs. It’s in their blood to hate each other.”
“Oh, ya. I hate cats all the way down to my DNA,” Kiba seconds, leaning down as he walks past, his nose brushing mine for a second until his steps force him to part from me again. “See ya, wouldn’t want to be ya,” he calls over his shoulder, looping his arm through his Sensei’s before they head down the street, his dog following close behind.
My eyes trail after him, hating him even more with every step he takes. “I hate dogs,” I grumble, softening my eyes when I shift them towards Gai-Sensei.
“I know,” he chuckles, his fingertips sliding over my ears. “And they hate you.”
I know they do… I think.
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hyuganejiswife · 2 years
beauty | neji hyuga x gn reader
drabble | fluff, angst?, pining if I miss something let me know. I could probably write a part 2 to this
word count: 1,086
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Defined as a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.
Beauty was such a strange concept. Its definition was broad and the concept itself was vague. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Everyone had a different definition of beauty.
For Naruto, you’d assume that a bowl of ramen would be next to the word in the dictionary.
For Sasuke, perhaps revenge is equated with that very word.
For Shikamaru, a long nap.
For you?
Neji Hyuga of the well known Hyuga clan.
Maybe that’s where you made your mistake.
You’d admired the man since you’d met him during the exams. He was intimidating to say the least. Just a year above you and yet he was perhaps one of the strongest and most powerful ninjas you’d ever met apart from Sasuke.
He never once acknowledged your existence, but you didn’t mind. Being in his presence was more than enough to sustain you.
But of course, this was years ago.
At the very least now, the two of you spoke quite often, yet you never seemed to make it past “acquaintance.” You didn’t mind, because once again, at least he knew you existed. That was more than enough for you… At least in the past it was.
More and more, do you notice the effects of just barely being acknowledged by the man. It started to take its toll and you found yourself having to force yourself away from the man whenever you found your paths crossed. You couldn’t allow yourself to be distracted by silly feelings that would never be returned.
“Earth to Y/N.” A snap of his fingers has you jumping and Shikamaru holds his hands up in defense. “Woah… Never seen you so jumpy before. Usually it’s Choji overthere.”
You hum unamused at your teammate, dropping your gaze to your glass of water while you wait for your sensei to come join you.
Shikamaru frowns, his brows furrowed as he tries to break down what had gotten you so under the weather in just a matter of moments. “What’s up with you? You know we can’t have you distracted, so whatever it is, you need to handle it like yesterday. We’ll be out on a mission for a month, we need our healer in pique condition.”
“Hopefully you won’t need me at all.”
“That’s besides the point!”
Choji looks up from his appetizers, his eyes flickering between the two of you. He swallows his mouthful, “Honestly, please don’t fight. The last thing we need is tension before the mission too. Just… Try to stay calm.”
“Tell him that.”
“I am calm! What’s that supposed to mean?” Shikamaru immediately gets defensive and once he realizes the point you’d made, he drops his hands to his lap, sighing. “Whatever. This is lame anyway. I’m here if you decide you wanna talk to whatever.”
“Gee, thanks.”
The next morning, after a well needed night of sleep and escape from your thoughts about Neji Hyuga, you find your way to the gates, only pausing mid step when you see the man who’d been consuming your thoughts, illuminated by the glow of the sunrise. He’s there with Rock Lee and TenTen, and you can’t help the fluttering feeling in your chest. You knew it was silly to believe that they’d be seeing you off, let alone Neji himself, but one could hope.
You and Choji come to a stop, surprised to find that Shikamaru wasn’t far behind you, plopping himself down at the foot of a tree as he waited for your sensei to arrive and send the three of you off on your own.
“Hey!” Rock Lee is the first to greet you, rather excitedly, might you add. “Haven’t seen you in ages! How’ve you been?” You can’t help but smile at him. He’s always been so sweet and often offered to train you. In fact, the last you saw each other was just a few days ago for a short sparring session.
“We saw each other on Friday, Lee.” The man goes wide eyed and then taps his chin as if he had to recall that long ago.
“Exactly. Ages.” He grins again and you simply smile, tearing your gaze away to greet his teammates.
“You three heading out?” Your gaze flickers between the two remaining teammates. Neji’s gaze remains unwavering as you look at him. As serious as ever.
TenTen nods, the two of you have never really spoken much before, so it doesn’t surprise you that she keeps her answer short and simple, “Delivering scrolls…”
“Us too. We’re going towards the sound village…”
This seems to get a reaction from Neji but before you can question anything, your sensei shows himself. Funny how he decides to be on time today when last night he was late. You sigh, sparing one last glance at Neji. Now the man doesn’t take his eyes off of you, watching as Asuma greets the three of you. Even when TenTen nudges him, he’s taking in your form, getting a sense of whether you were ready for this mission or not.
At least that’s what he tells himself.
That’s what he’s told himself for years. He was simply checking your chakra, watching your form. And if someone ever told him that he was staring, he was simply examining the competition he had to become the best ninja. He had tried to convince himself for ages that nothing was actually taking place. That he wasn’t conflicted when he saw how close you and his own teammate were together, let alone yourself and Shikamaru. He didn’t even want to think about that.
“You’re staring.”
That’s all he needs to tear his gaze away. His cheeks are flushed and he growls softly, “I was examining their form and chakra. If they didn’t sleep well last night then they’ll end up getting themselves killed and their team killed.”
“Y/N knows what they’re doing. They’d never intentionally do anything to put their team in danger. You and I both know Neji.”
You take one last glance over your shoulder and Neji finds that his heart is racing and he wants nothing more than for your mission to end soon and for you to come back safely.
In Neji Hyuga’s dictionary, the word beauty could once been defined by being accepted by his clan.
Today, Neji was beginning to wonder why he was seeing you more and more as something beautiful.
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kankuroplease · 1 year
What is Michi like as a parent?
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Michi is very gentle natured, that wouldn’t change much as a parent
She would have baby in her room for convenience for feedings and she just wants him there. So no point in a nursery for the first year
Co-sleeps. She tries not to do it too often because it’s not the safest thing when he’s so little. But he does have a travel bassinet she can place him in on the bed
Does more baby wearing than putting him in a stroller. The only time he’s in a stroller is if she’s jogging
Calls Madara for advice if Mugen is being particularly fussy because he’s strangely knows a lot of baby things
She believes “it takes a village”, so she’d make sure everyone in their lives is familiar with Mugen and he respects them.
Sets up times to visit all four grandparents
Never expects him to be perfect but ask that he always tries his best
Doesn’t correct people when they think he’s a girl. She doesn’t care what others think, he looks cute
Does yoga with him
Cuddles and hugs him a lot
Tells him his beauty mark on his forehead is an angel kiss from grandfather Hizashi while the one on his mouth was to remind him to use his voice in life.
Let’s him run around barefoot and self dressed despite disapproval from some of the older Hyuga. “He’s a little kid. lighten up.”
Very enthusiastic about the horrid little kid drawings he makes for her
Brings Mugen to visit Neji, Hinata, and Hanabi
Also takes him to parks regularly for fresh air and wild life
Has some issues speaking up for herself, but tries hard to be heard for Mugen’s sake.
Definitely has a bag filled with everything from snacks to bandaids and more. She doesn’t want to be unprepared for things.
As he grows she’d mark his height on a doorframe sort of forced Tenten, Neji, and Lee (and the rest of Neji’s men) to get measured too so Mugen can see how tall everyone is and muses with him how tall he’ll be one day
She’s signing him up for jui-jitsu at an early age because learning martial arts gave her a lot more confidence and it’s a good form of self discipline/defense
Tells him to respect his elders but, they should be be respectful him too. It goes both ways
Encourages him to be nice to his classmates and friends
She’d teach him how to skateboard with Chiha and Tenten. This is their little secret because grandfather Hiashi might actually have a heart attack
Also let him work out with Lee and Neji
Plays restaurant with him and thinks it’s so cute how he tries so hard to be a waiter and gets huff if she or anyone else says something about their “order”
Once he starts at the academy, she’ll cry. HE’S JUST A BABY (he’s literally 4)
Also crying happily at all his accomplishments
Preteen - teen would be hard on her. Not because he’s a bad kid, he’d be a very respectable young man, he’s just really not a baby anymore and very independent. He also is a genius and would end up graduating early. Sending her young teen to college wasn’t on her bingo card 🥲
Still makes him his lunches and ruffles his hair.
Probably does that embarrassing face cleaning thing some moms do still
Definitely the “who’s your friend?” “You should ask them out!😃” mom if she sees he’s expressing interest in anyone.
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Anon, I have a list with most (?) of the recent AUs so I hope this helps :D
Unnamed: team seven has their own genin teams
- Okay but if team seven eventually had genin teams of their own?
- And imagine Sasuke having his various outfit choices criticized by three teenaged girls everyday for the rest of his life.
- the day they all come to training in orange
- naruto is awful at shogi
Unnamed: hokage naruto and sasuke take chunin exam and adopt a bunch of kids
- A record number of genin are promoted and every single one of them are hanging off the literal Hokage
- Naruto just “I am your father now” to everyone he sees.
- The world needs more good dad naruto :D
- Their third is a naruto clone transformed into a fox and controlled by Kurama
My Brothers Keeper Au: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/my%20brother%E2%80%99s%20keeper%20au/chrono
- Ride or die sasuke
- sasuke slashes his kunai
Pakkun Sensei: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/pakkun%20sensei/chrono
Little Trickster AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/little%20trickster%20au/chrono
Bodyguard AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/bodyguard%20au/chrono
Alpha Shika: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/alpha%20shika/chrono
Buff Tenten: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/buff%20tenten/chrono
Green Pens and Vigilante Justice: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/green%20pens%20and%20vigilante%20justice/chrono
Bard Zuku: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/bard%20zuku/chrono
- They would take one look at this feral child that fights with their words and just yoink Izuku so fast.
- Don’t know if I want it to be Izuku or an OC but mha character whose quirk is basically vicious mockery/other bard spells.
- The embodiment of that one Stiles quote. They are a hundred pounds soaking wet and like 5’5” sarcasm is their only defense.
Cataclysm AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/cataclysm%20au/chrono
- there was a tornado. That was on fire. With water whips attached.
- Naruto has a wind affinity and a proclivity for being yeeted
- Flying squirrel Naruto is killing me like this man makes the first version of a wind suit so he can go farther.
- Just Kakashi’s little cataclysms
Ghosts and Greenery: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged ghosts%20and%20greenery/chrono
Omega Naruto: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/omega%20naruto/chrono
- Aged up Kakanaru could be fun
- If sasuke tried to leave the village and omega naruto was there
Omega Izuku: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/omega%20izuku/chrono
- But with shindeku everyone would assume
BirdZuku AU:
- molting would suck in the dorms
- Izuku with fragile little bird bones
- Concept: Tokoyami doing the toothless
- I’m imaging a very much Bird Crush
Fox in Wolf’s Clothing AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/fox%20in%20wolf%E2%80%99s%20clothing%20au/chrono
Idol AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/idol%20au/chrono
- First post: Gaara is known for a more Rock
Cowboy Sand Sibs: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/cowboy%20sand%20sibs/chrono
How to Woo an Uchiha: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/how%20to%20woo%20an%20uchiha/chrono
- AU with no Uchiha Massacre where Naruto is Sasuke’s
- My mother says I have Uzu eyes
Red Lights and Fox Fire Au: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/red%20lights%20and%20fox%20fire%20au/chrono
Unnamed: kitsune naruto
- Naruto curses himself for not learning more
- Naruto would be so precious with fox summons
Hot For Teacher AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/hot%20for%20teacher%20au/chrono
Song of the Sea AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/song%20of%20the%20sea%20au/chrono
Timeloop AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/timeloop%20au/chrono
Symbol of Safety AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/symbol%20of%20safety%20au/chrono
Hatake Clan AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/hatake%20clan%20au/chrono
- Note: Some Hatake Clan lore is untagged and can be found separately by searching…
- “I wanted to share this Kakashi AU in fic format”
- “The image of the Hatake’s walking through a field”.
- “I decided to rewrite and expand on some things :))”
- “The Hatake were not always as they are”.
- “Kakashi is so goddamn stressed out he turns his ancestors hair gray”
- Idk if these were meant to be untagged but I included it anyway:
- “The rest of the pack just watching/scoring”
- “They meet up with Guy all the time to swap the stories”
- “Pakkun is a crotchety old man trapped in the body of a pug”
- “Tsume: They really need to do something”
- I hear what you’re saying but what it sounds like is Kakashi basically Jack O posing to box with a fucking pug
- Pakkun would find it more insulting if he didn’t look so hilarious doing it
- minato watching nearby
- kakashi would never shut up about it either.
Venomous Naruto: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/venomous%20naruto/chrono
Venomous Naruto: The Breaking of Team Seven: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/venomous%20naruto:%20the%20breaking%20of%20team%20seven/chrono
Naruto Uzumaki Protection Squad: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/naruto%20uzumaki%20protection%20squad/chrono
- Note: first 2 post are not tagged; can both be found by searching “slacker squad”.
- Additional note: second post is tagged #Naruto protection squad instead of #Naruto Uzumaki protection squad
Shinobi Babysitter’s Club AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/Shinobi%20babysitter%E2%80%99s%20club%20au/chrono
- Note: The first post was a kakashi simp/appreciation ask from me but it could be added to the tag for full coverage since it sets the scene of the au. Can be found by searching “Aizawa energy”
Kakashi’s Mom: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/Kakashi%E2%80%99s%20mom%20au/chrono
Unnamed: there’s this kinda au you made with Naruto thinking the fourth hokage is boring and preferring Hashi or Tobi but it doesn’t have a tag. Screen shots included in next ask so u can just tag that
Unnamed: Shikamaru finds out naruto is the son of the fourth hokage.
- Note: Second post can be found by searching “my tumblr keeps crashing” and the first by searching #brilliance.
- There is also 2 other people find out posts that can be found by searching “it happens in the middle of class” and “Are there just no pictures of the Fourth Hokage other than the whole mountain thing”
Unnamed: another orochimaru time travel. Less of an au and more of a prompt. Post can be found under #Oro-Sasuke is redefining emotionally repressed
Tree of Youth: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/tree%20of%20youth%20au/chrono
Color Blind Naruto: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/color%20blind%20naruto/chrono
Ohana AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/ohana%20au/chrono
- Some posts are untagged so you can find them by searching:
- “Both are amazing. I could see them doing both tbh”
- “I mean Naruto is definitely his own level of Too Much”
Foxy Naru: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/foxy%20naru/chrono
- Unincluded post can be found by searching:
- “Give me night shine and predator instincts”
- “The fist time Shikaku woke up his son and got growled at”
Vigilante Deku: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/vigilante%20deku/chrono
- Note: I included post can be found by searching “They’re honestly thankful for their mask so he can’t see how flustered they are”
Hunter Au: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/hunter%20au/chrono
Ya boy ye ally needs to go through and start naming things and organizing tags. Big rip
Also bless you I adore you
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izvmimi · 2 years
WSB (and WSHB) - Chapter V
cw: serious melodrama (kdrama level tbh).
The car stops in the parking garage just outside of the Hero Agency, and there’s a pause as Tessa turns off the engine, then glances at you, twisting her mouth to the side. She’s been trying very hard to be supportive the entire drive here, you can tell by the way she grips the steering wheel, but she clearly is not on board with this decision in the slightest.
She sighs and you brace yourself for the scolding.
“I still don’t think you should be doing this just because of Midoriya.”
Tessa turns to you, a pout on her lips in anticipation of your defense. Instead you offer none, opening the car door and making your way out, your letter clutched in your hand. Annoyed, she follows you into the building, crossing the distance quickly. There are a few interns that watch with bated breath as they see you enter, before one has the good manners to wave and give you a warm welcome. You continue to march straight to the supervisor’s office, to ensure that your resolve doesn’t waver. Your heart thumps repeatedly in your chest, as fast as Tessa’s footsteps behind you.
“Don’t do this,” she says again, more like a plea.
I was never meant for this stuff anyway. Midoriya has been dragging me along since high school, you want to say to her. The back of your eyes start to burn and you shake your head to prevent tears from forming. A formal resignation should be professional, not dramatic.
It’s not because of him anyway, you repeat to yourself in your head. You need to devote more time to the clinic, where you belong and it doesn’t help to constantly have your phone buzzing with assignments. They’d probably end up firing you first anyway.
Tessa mutters something under her breath about being lonely at work and you consider rolling your eyes, knowing full well that she and Bakugou are doing more than just having lunch at their joint lunch breaks. It must be nice to be loved unconditionally and without reservations, you want to say, the rest of us have to -
Your heart stops and you turn involuntarily towards his voice. Izuku now stands by Tessa, and he looks absolutely awful.
Not in a physical way, of course. Izuku is always unnervingly handsome, especially in his form-fitting costume, and his green locks are tousled in a way that you’ve always thought was cute since you met him years ago. But there’s much less charity behind his eyes, like he’s seen enough in the past few days and is tired of it all, and there’s a subtle but genuine pallor behind his freckled cheeks. His lips are pressed thin.
How dare he look more upset than you? you think indignantly.
“What?” You can’t help but hissing. It’s the first word you’ve spoken to each other in over three months and it’s said harshly with venom that’s accrued over the weeks. Yet somehow it’s also stale, without bite, as though the poison has lost a bit of its potency.
Nevertheless Izuku flinches for a moment at your reply, as if he’s no longer used to your voice. Or maybe just not in this way. You were crying when you broke up, not angry. He opens his mouth and closes it.
“Can I help you?” You press again, your fist clenching around the envelope in your hand. Izuku’s eyes travel to your right hand then back to your eyes.
“I want to talk to you,” he says slowly and deliberately.
Something turns in your stomach.
“I have to do something first,” you insist. Quit the premier Hero Agency in the country and kiss this nonsense goodbye.
“Please let’s just talk first-” Izuku steps closer and reaches for your arm and -
“Don’t fucking touch me!” Your voice comes out in a shrill cry that surprises even you. When you look back at him, that same pallor subtle in his cheeks is now full blown, and his skin is almost paper white. You can see him swallow hard and your heart sways just a little for him at how embarrassing this might be for him. There are eyes all over you that aren’t just Tessa’s, but the rest of the agency which probably knows how Pro Hero Deku has utterly shamed you on top of the betrayal. Maybe you feel a little less bad.
Your eyes dart around. It’s almost 9 am, Tessa shouldn’t be standing here, she should be going to the Monday morning debrief. These pencil pushers shouldn’t be gawking at the three of you, watching you shake as you compose yourself and making judgements and opinions they can sell to reporters. If someone pulls out their phone, you swear you’ll end up in jail.
Izuku shouldn’t be here either. He should be off with Tessa to hear the roundup of the intel gained last week so that this week goes smoothly. He rarely frequents this end of the building anyway, where Human Resources and the rest of the administrative people live, reminding this company that they’re truly just a company at the end of the day
You were supposed to be in and out, and now you’re causing a scene.
“Please.” Izuku repeats, his voice cracking. It’s smaller than you remember ever hearing it. His hands are now nervously clasped together to remind himself not to touch you. There’s a part of you that absolutely does not want to hear out anything he has to say but another part of you misses him terribly.
You’ll probably regret it.
True to the finely polished professional he is, Izuku starts off exactly as you expect him to.
“I’m sorry.”
You sit perfectly still in your chair across from him in a too-sunny corner of the one of the outdoor break spaces, trying to control the welling up of emotions in your chest. Unlike within the confines of your workplace just earlier, this location is a lot more open and you’re more acutely aware of your surroundings. Embarrassing yourself and/or crying will only be more fodder for the tabloids; speaking to him in public is already too much of a risk.
His words come out far too sanitized to account for the pain you feel and bile rises in your throat. However, you smile at him in a way that’s unnerving, more a baring of the teeth than anything else.
“What for?” You ask, sweetly. Your hands grip gently at the fabric of your slacks as you wait for him to reply. You don’t want an apology. You want him to take all the hurt back, which would mean he and you and her and everything that entangles you three just ceasing to exist.
“Everything,” he says.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you lie through clenched teeth. You should really stop trying to smile. Izuku makes a sudden movement, as though to reach for your hand, then reconsiders. However you catch the action and it makes your stomach turn.
The two of you sit in silence, as though in a standoff, deciding where to go next. This - whatever this is - could end in tears, or screams, or worse, depending on the words either of you use next. Izuku is always slightly more controlled over his emotions than you are, but even he has his limits, and he has wanted to scream for the past week knowing that you, somewhere, were hurt enough by him to run into Shoto’s arms. He’d even tried to call after weeks of polite silence, only to realize you’d blocked his phone number and any other routes of social media. If you’d allowed him to know where you lived now, he would have shown up at your doorstep days ago. He could still do so, but to admit that you’ve cut him out so cleanly he’d have to ask someone where you lived… he had some pride.
He says, “I didn’t mean to-” and you lose all sense of restraint. You rise so quickly the chair tips over backwards, but does not fall, and you hiss back at him.
“You accidentally fucked her? You accidentally made a child?”
You can see Izuku’s Adam’s apple bob as he swallows hard.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
Angry tears prick at your eyeballs.
“Who says I’m hurt, you piece of-” You bite your lip, holding back a sob. Your body is starting to shake and you need to leave. But your legs won’t work, and you’re pinned to the very ground you stand on. You need to quit and go home and compose yourself and launch yourself back into your work and apply to that fellowship and-
“I love you,” he croaks out.
The words stun you still, and you look at him gaping like a fish. He takes a deep breath that you can hear run through his body but as he exhales you can see his eyes start to redden too, and his next words also crack ever so slightly under pressure.
“I-I never stopped, I don’t know what to do either, I wish it hadn’t happened, I-”
The hard slap you deal across his face has him speechless.
The two of you pause as you shake out your wrist and consider hitting him again. He stares at you in complete shock, watching as hot, angry tears run down your face. You look hideous in all your anger, the red under the hue of your skin and your face twisted in rage. He raises his hand to his cheek slowly as he watches you tremble, almost in disbelief of the sting in his cheek. You would never raise your hand against someone purely in anger, no one, especially not him.
“You…” you inhale deeply, “... don’t do this to someone you love.”
His voice is barely a whisper again.
“I’m… sorry…”
He begins to cry, for real this time, and you want to kick him in the groin so hard he can never reproduce again but also hold him close to stop the tears because you love him but your own won’t stop flowing.
In that moment, you are just two grown human beings. Professional Heroes. Crying in broad daylight like children, over problems that only adults can have.
And in that moment, you wish you were teenagers again, a boy and a girl who have just met, introducing yourselves to each other politely as classmates and expecting no more than collegiality. To graduate and to chase your dreams.
To do anything but hurt others, or each other.
You didn’t end up resigning that day. Instead you drove to the nearest park, got out of your car and started running.
You ran for so long, trying desperately to clear your head, that by the time the sun beat overhead, it had been over an hour you’d been on the trail, and exhausted, you dropped down on the beaten path, breathing heavily as you lay in a heap.
Izuku loves you.
He said it with his own mouth, and you know he wouldn’t lie.
Your pants turn to coughs and sputters as you swallow wrong, and you sit up quickly, but you pull your knees close to your chest and sit by the side of the road, willing yourself to keep running, or at least to get back to your car.
Izuku loves you still.
And you love him.
You love him so much it hurts as much as your lungs do right now, begging for air.
But despite loving you, you’re still where you are right now.
You don’t want to love him back, not at all. Not when all you can think of is Ochaco under him and him holding her, kissing her, cumming inside her, creating a life.
You want to vomit. Their child would be so cute. Rosy red cheeks and green, maybe brown curly hair? Freckles? A baby who always laughs?
Is it laughing at you? It’s an awful thought to think of, the three of them as a happy family, and you, alone, loveless, a poser. Someone who constantly and consistently flew too close to the sun. After all, since high school, Ochaco had always been the better option.
Plus, she had always loved him first. Things were just balancing out the way they were supposed to. Maybe it was a weird sort of twisted karma for stealing him away all these years.
You sigh and stretch out your arms. The grass is warm underneath you, and you dig in your hands to the soft soil, and remember not to tear out the blades. Your fingers uncurl.
It will be okay.
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tentenarchive · 2 months
Tenten Archive Intro ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
Hello! Tenten Archive is run by Tenten-Lover, a college student whose favorite all-time character is the Weapon Mistress, Tenten!
Tenten Archive is a fan-page, not an official or complete archive. I'll try my best to find and catalog all Tenten media in my free time during the next years, but I'll also post my own fanart and creations about Tenten, as well as reblog and share fan media about her. All Tenten ships, headcanons, redesigns and AUs are respected here. Updates may vary a lot in consistency.
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Welcome to all my fellow Tenten enjoyers! ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
— Tenten-Lover ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎
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!! Currently posting all Tenten's manga panels in chronological order !!
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Manga appearances:
chapter 36: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 chapter 39: 1 chapter 41: 1 / 2 chapter 43: 1 chapter 45: 1 chapter 46: 1 chapter 50: 1 / 2 / 3
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In Defense of Tenten:
1. The Chunin Exams' written test and her Mirrors
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Archival Tags:
tenten canon - canon events in the Naruto series, as written by Masashi Kishimoto on the manga tenten filler - extra episodes and content for the anime and licensed fiction tenten fanart - all reblogged fanart about Tenten, quick and easy for you to find tenten manga - manga panels and covers with Tenten on it tenten anime - content from the Naruto, Naruto Shippudden anime not tenten - content that isn't about Tenten, or doesn't directly include her (i.e. implied mentions of her by other characters) rb - short for reblog, any posts that weren't made by me tenten archive - posts about the blog itself, its management and updates tenten lover post - posts about my experience with character, my original tenten art, opinions and analysis to be deleted - temporary posts, they will be removed when they become obsolete in defense of tenten - my series analysing Tenten, her appearances, character traits, design etc., explaining and defending her against the most common criticisms
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My Sources:
!! Attention! This blog uses other fanmade sites, wikis and archives !! This is a collective contribution to the fandom and Tenten-Lover is NOT solely responsible for it !!
HD Naruto manga for free: here info about publication, manga chapters' and anime episode's names: here Forum post with a list of all chapters Tenten is in (the inspo to this blog): here
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gerardwayissexah · 11 months
20 fic author questions nobody asked me
Sorry if this comes off as overly self-indulgent, when I’m not nearly popular enough as a writer for people to ask me stuff like this. But it’s my platform…so yeah. :) The list of questions is not mine. It’s one of several lists of fic author questions that’s made the rounds on Tumblr and I have no idea who created this one. If you made the list and would like credit, just let me know!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I’m at 39, last I checked.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
This one’s a point of pride and embarrassment, in equal amounts. I’ve posted 360,000+ words since late 2022. I have over 100,000 words of fic that’s written, but hasn’t made it to publication yet.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now, Naruto and others, when I participate in multi fandom fic exchanges.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
“Bird in a Gilded Cage” — Neji x Original Hyuga character romance and family drama. I should say this one skews the statistics because it has so many more chapters than anything else I’ve posted.
2. “Walk You Home” — short, fluffy SasuSaku oneshot set during part 1 of Naruto.
3. “These Hollow Vows” — short multi-chapter Neji x Tenten, smut with plot. Again, I think the chapter count skews the raw statistics.
4. “The Ultimate Defense” — short multi-chapter NejiTen set before, during and after the chunin exams.
5. “Between the Lines” — NejiTen smut oneshot with a heavy helping of angst.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why? Why not?
Always, unless it’s a flamer. I have few enough comments (0-5 per week) that I can afford to answer every one with at least a “thank you!” I know getting responses from authors encourages me to comment, and I want to thank my readers for choosing my stories when there’s so many out there. Especially those who keep coming back.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?.
I don’t do outright unhappy endings. I’d say the ending to the Neji joins the Akatsuki AU I started will be rather angsty. As for stories I’ve already published, the ending to “Wildflowers for Hinata” has a good bit of unresolved familial angst, but things are trending in a good direction for the characters.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
“These Hollow Vows” has a pretty standard storybook ending with Neji and Tenten married in all but name, with a child. There’s no bittersweetness or lingering angst in that ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Outright hate? Nothing recently. I had one anonymous flamer who made me cry when I was 13. Sorry my fic gave you AIDS but stopping was always an option, friend.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, but it’s only around 1/3 of what I write and post. I exclusively write M/F, without any hard kinks. Most of what I’ve written is Neji x Tenten (Naruto). I like writing scenes in the context of romantic relationships, or showing the love and trust between characters. I’m not interested in writing smut without feelings.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No, and I’ve never written one. I do think Sasuke Uchiha and Arya Stark would make a good crossover crack ship.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Thankfully never!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Never, but anyone can feel free. It would be a huge honor if it ever happens!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, and I’m not sure I’d be a great co-writer. I’m too protective of my own style and I have very set ideas of how some characters would behave.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
The first ship I ever passionately loved was Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter. I was a weird kid who had few friends (shocker, I know), so I liked the idea of two losers finding love and acceptance with each other. Unfortunately for me, the ship has never been all that popular — too vanilla, perhaps? I’m not into Harry Potter much anymore, but maybe I’ll write it one day.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I’m not going to count myself out yet. I’m working on them all, slowly in some cases, but I don’t let myself start new fics if I have too many outstanding WIPs. Edit: I totally forgot about the Rock Lee harem fic I wrote 2,000 words of, before the cringe got too bad and I never finished! It was pure crack about Lee receiving a pair of leg weights that imbues him with infinite sexiness to all women.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Obviously “good writing” is highly subjective when it comes to fiction, but I’d probably say romance and family dynamics. I’d hope those are my strengths because I practice writing that kind of story the most, and I get to draw from personal experience when writing.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I’m not good with fight scenes and political intrigue in stories. High-concept worldbuilding also isn’t my forte. Too little smooching involved.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It’s jarring when I read it, and not something I incorporate.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The Hunger Games. It was a 300-ish word oneshot from the perspective of Foxface as she dies. I thought 300 words was such an epic amount — and now I’ve worked up to where I can write that amount in 15 minutes. Did she eat those berries by accident? Or maybe not? :0
20. Favourite fics you’ve written?
“Bird in a Gilded Cage” has a special place in my heart because it’s been my longest and most ambitious fic project to date. It’s also the first longfic I’ve finished.
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kiigan · 2 months
random sentence starters @historias-multorum/Tenten said: “You’re so cute when you pout like that!”
I am not pouting,
ㅤis what rests right at the very tip of his tongue, but it doesn't come out. Because... it is undeniable that he is, indeed, pouting. Pouty and grumpy and sleepy, like a toddler who decided to skip the afternoon nap and is stubbornly fighting to stay awake. 
ㅤIn his defense, he's not had a semblance of rest within the past twenty-something-many hours, but the reason for said stubbornness is simple enough: the next mission is scheduled for next morning already, and going to sleep implies spending very little time in Tenten's company while he still can. And, to Itachi, the choice between sleep and his girlfriend is a very easy one.
ㅤEven if his head is currently comfortably nestled in the crease of her neck and his complaint is coming out in a drowsy tone, basically a big cat curled up by her side and kind-of using her as improvised pillow.
«...No, I'm not.»
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madara-fate · 2 years
Would Sakura having a kekkei genkai that was wasn't aware of initally and found out later completely ruin her character arc? Like an ability that would allow her to be more tanky on the frontlines without having to rely on the seal, kind of similar to what Kirishima has in MHA?
I know having her fight and do more in part 2 would have helped her as the main heroine a lot, but Naruto and Sasuke got so many abilities that it's hard for her with her current skills set to even keep up with them, and there's this thing called Japanese spirit where you must have the spirit to overcome the impossible, resolve that is unshakeable, and an innate gift that you are born with...which is where I think a lot of disconnect with us in the West is for Naruto's own development (saying this not as a native Japanese speaker, just something I saw online), so I think for Sakura, to better fill her role as the main heroine, would probably need to discover some innate talent, or if it's her Chakra control, then have that showcased better for her fighting ability (I know, I know. She has the seal and that should count, but it's also temporary so maybe there's other jutsu she can only do because of her control).
I also feel that the ordinary to extraordinary story could have been done well with Lee and Tenten if they had been used at all in Part 2, so that wouldn't have to be Sakura's role in the story if we're already discussing how Part 2 could have been improved.
Anyway, what are your thoughts on it?
Would Sakura having a kekkei genkai that was wasn't aware of initally and found out later completely ruin her character arc? Like an ability that would allow her to be more tanky on the frontlines without having to rely on the seal, kind of similar to what Kirishima has in MHA?
It wouldn't necessarily ruin her character arc as long as she still had to train very hard in order to master it. It's actually very funny that you should mention Sakura having such an ability in an alternate universe, because a little while ago I asked myself that if I could make each member of the Konoha 12 learn any existing technique, what would I make them learn? And for Sakura, I decided on Kakuzu's Earth Style: Earth Spear technique, precisely because it would make her a literal tank on the battlefield by greatly increasing her defense:
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This combined with her chakra enhanced strength would make her a real force to be reckoned with, and she would therefore only have to resort to the accelerated healing of the Seal as a last resort, since it shortens her lifespan every time she uses that ability.
I know having her fight and do more in part 2 would have helped her as the main heroine a lot, but Naruto and Sasuke got so many abilities that it's hard for her with her current skills set to even keep up with them
I don't think Sakura keeping up with Naruto and Sasuke was ever necessary, just her having more fights in general would have sufficed. She was literally one of the strongest people in the village by the War arc, and yet she had so little opportunities to showcase what she was truly capable of.
So I think for Sakura, to better fill her role as the main heroine, would probably need to discover some innate talent, or if it's her Chakra control, then have that showcased better for her fighting ability
Yes her innate talent would be her chakra control, and similar to the last point I made, this should indeed have been showcased better in terms of her combat prowess.
I also feel that the ordinary to extraordinary story could have been done well with Lee and Tenten if they had been used at all in Part 2, so that wouldn't have to be Sakura's role in the story if we're already discussing how Part 2 could have been improved.
Yes, but Sakura is the one who best fits that description out of every member of her generation, not even just the Konoha 12, so changing that aspect of the story would open too many doors for speculation. Also, at least regarding Lee, the "ordinary to extraordinary" aspect of his story had already concluded by the end of his fight with Gaara, because he was already considered a splendid ninja by that point. With Sakura though, gaining that recognition took a while longer.
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leportraitducadavre · 10 months
But isn't it at this point just defensive and not offensive? What would the uzumaki power for attacks be?
Listen, I appreciate you wanting my opinion on the matter, but I've replied to four questions about the Uzumaki clan; are you writing a fanfiction? I'll recommend this page: Here. Be warned, some things are headcanons, not facts.
Sealing techniques can be used in both ways, Tenten uses scrolls to release weapons and hit their targets and, like I've said, sealing a tailed beast inside a vessel is an offensive tactic, as they're used as weapons, the adamantine chakra chains are also a form on fuinjutsu (x)
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silentmagi · 1 year
Hey, what kind of DND characters do you think the rest of the Konoha 12 would make?
I think Kiba would want to play something like a Werewolf Shifter, Beast Master Ranger, not to dissimilar to himself and his abilities. The boy knows what he’s all about.
On the other hand, I think Shino would want to play a Bard, simply to live out the fantasy of being a charming person who people adore and pay attention to.
That's a good question, and to be honest, I'm not a hundred percent certain. These are just instinctual choices.
Kiba - I'm kinda leaning towards Blood Hunter Werewolf. If you watch Critical Role, Chetney would be a good template for how he'd play fast and loose. Minus the years.
Shino - As you stated, he is hard to say. If we're going based off him, himself, a Circle of the Swarm Druid would be most excellent, he could still be a charismatic one, Beeguiling and a buzz with attention.
Hinata - I kinda see her being a combat medic (Monk/Cleric). I see her do what I did... start to lose patience and smack the healing into people.
Tenten - Weapons Master Fighter. Not a question in my mind.
Neji - I kinda see him being a Monk/Warlock mix.
Shikamaru - I'm kinda thinking he'd be a rogue, like a shadow walker assassin, alternatively a sorcerer.
Ino - Psionic wizard, possibly a dragonborn of gem lineage. I'd also be tempted to go with a sorceress like Imogen, but I think she'd have more fun with more powers.
Choji - I'm thinking he'd be a high defense fighter, possibly a dwarven defender build... but I could also see him being a warrior cook from some of the expansion books.
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whitelilynh · 2 years
NejiHina week 2022 Day one: Choose me.
Prompts used: Choose me.
Several months had been gone since the day Hiashi-sama finally agreed to allow him to propose to Hinata, nine to be exact. The Hyuga patriarch, who was initially reluctant somehow, now seemed upset at the delay.
Even the council of elders would every now and then ask him when was he going to finally propose. Even Tokuma and Ko had made their annoying bet on how much longer it would take him to gather the courage.
What was more upsetting, even the people of Konoha was gossiping about when and if the Hyuga pair was tying the knot. Last month the wedding of Lee and Tenten was celebrated, and the next month Sai and Ino’s wedding was to be held, making him and Hinata the only ones on their age group (besides bachelor Shino) that remained unmarried.
But as much as he tried to think of the perfect way to ask her, he could not come up with a good idea.
He was so stressed at this point he accepted Lee’s invitation to go for some drinks. Well, Lee had invited him, but he knew quite well his teammate was not drinking (unless they were ready to stop the fuss) yet the other guys would be making the heavy duty. Desperate, he took the chance that was offered; it was so improper of him to ask for advice, but at this point he would do whatever it takes.
Naively, Neji thought that having the other guys distracted by their drunk chat would give him the perfect opportunity to ask to sober Lee about the matter, but of course even a genius forgets sometimes, and he forgot who he was going to ask for advice.
-So… how did you ask Tenten to marry you? –The hyuga tried to seem uninterested as he even added a mumbled “not that I’m curious or something like that”.
-Hmm? –Lee tilted his head backwards as if remembering –Did I asked her, or did she ask me? How could I say it…
-Didn’t you propose? –Neji was irritated. It was beyond his comprehension that a man would not have the delicacy to propose to his intended wife.
-Well, well, Neji, is Tenten we’re talking about! –Lee held his hands open to the front in a defensive gesture –You know how she gets, is not like I had much of a choice…. -Embarrassed, Lee scratched his head showing an apologetic smile –Oh! Are you going to propose to Hinata-san?! –Lee’s eyes sparkled.
-Wha-what are you talking about? –Neji switched his face to the side, eyebrows furred and mouth pouting, to avoid the question. He clenched his fists, this was too embarrassing.
So drawn on his own embarrassment was the genius ninja, that he forgot this was Lee, and Lee had never characterized by being a low-key person. At his effusive question and facial expression, the other shinobis picked an interest on the topic.
-Woooah! Neji Hyuga is trying to propose! –Annoying as always, Kiba was ready to make a fuss out of it –You better do that right Hyuga! Hinata will be very disappointed if you don’t –He tried to sound menacing.
Neji’s eyebrow started tremble in irritation. As if he didn’t know Hinata deserved the best.
-Yes! –Lee agitated his fists on the air, overexcited –Let’s give our best to aid our friend in need! Let the bright flame of young love burn!
-Tssk, poor fool! –Shikamaru chuckled at Neji’s current situation.
-You are right into asking us, Neji-san, that is…because we are your friends –Shino added.
-Whoooa! Don’t suddenly appear like that, Shino! –Naruto scolded him, but in truth it was him the one that had forgotten the Aburame was next to him.
-The best way to get to a woman’s heart… is by the stomach! –Choji exclaimed as he was pilling food on his plate –You take her to a nice place to dine, have some chat over the appetizers, enjoy a delicious entrance, follow with a tasty main dish and when dessert comes… voila! The ring is in the middle of the cake! –He started munching his own food –She’ll be sweetly surprised!
Neji, who felt a bit nauseous at the way Choji gobbled up all that food, refused –Yeah… I don’t think so.
-Listen, Neji –Naruto hung his arm on Neji’s neck while he used his remaining arm to magnify the space in front of them –Go big or go home! You should project the big question with lights all over Konoha!
Lee’s eyes burned like flames with excitement as he joined the suggestion –Better yet, write it as a message on the sky!
-That is…scandalous –Neji took Naruto’s arm off of him –Something more private would do.
Disappointed, both hyper-energetic shinobis lowered their faces in defeat.
-Nothing better than your furry friend! –Kiba intervened –Akamaru could take an envelope with the question and the ring straight into Hinata’s hands, right Akamaru?!
-Wouldn’t it seem like the proposal comes from you then? –Questioningly, Shikamaru remarked.
-Is that genius? Then what would do you suggest? –Angered, Kiba challenged Shikamaru.
-Ugh! How troublesome –The aforementioned sighed –What if you record it on a video and give it to her?
-How…boring. –Everyone looked at Shikamaru in contempt at his lack of creativity.
-What about art, Neji-san? –Sai said, getting everyone’s attention –You could paint a masterpiece depicting your intentions, a house, a family and a pet… books say girls find that romantic… -Neji lifted an eyebrow… how was that this book-freak was going to marry Ino, while he wasn’t able to think of a good way to propose?  Maybe Ino proposed…
-If you want privacy… -Shino started, and Neji felt kind of hopeful. There was no doubt that Shino knew about being low-key… -The best way to do it is in the nature. When you are both in the forest, you can take advantage of the season and take her to watch the Anoplophora glabripennis… such interesting view might distract her, so she’ll be surprised when you propose!
Neji’s gaze showed his disgust. Now he knew why the Aburame remained as the only one single among them –I… don’t think Hinata would appreciate bug-watching…
Walking back home, Neji sighed in defeat. Not only everyone had found out about his intentions to propose, but it all had resulted futile. He was surrounded by such freaks, it was hard to imagine how they were all married or soon to be.
The next morning, when he walked in front of the Yamanaka shop on his way back from the Hokage’s office, Neji was intercepted by an enthusiastic blonde.
-Hey, Neji! –Ino waved her hand effusively at him –We were talking about you!
No, please. This couldn’t be happening to him.
-I’m sorry… I’m busy. –He tried to flee.
-So… won’t you hear the feminine opinion on the proposal matter? –Ino lured his curiosity intentionally –What a waste! –She shrugged.
-Well then –Unwillingly, Neji joined the girls gathered.
-To be honest, I was surprised you were openly asking for advice, Neji –Tenten casted a questioning gaze at him –Well, I guess even you can have your doubts.
-I wasn’t openly asking –Irritated, Neji tried to defend himself –It was Lee’s lack of discretion!
-Well, whatever. Fear not because we are now here to your aid! –Ino’s eyes were sparkling.
-Oh really? –Neji sarcastically remarked –What do you suggest?
-A trip, of course! Take Hinata to some beautiful thermal baths! –Ino held her pretty face with both her hands –Fill your room with lots of floral bouquets, lay some red rose petals on the ground leading to the bed where they will form a heart shape, have it lit by aromatic candles… -She looked at him intentionally –Just set the mood for after she accepts. Have the question written on the mirror, so she will jump in your arms! –The blonde jumped on her place, so confident on the geniality of her idea.
But Neji’s face flushed at her suggestion, and what was implicit on it. That was not going to happen! He would not disrespect Hinata!
-Isn’t that too much? –Sakura criticized Ino and Neji was glad by the help. Ino’s face dimed.
-Yep! The best way to do it is with music! Have a string quartet to play some romantic music for you two, then surprise her with a bouquet of flowers and some chocolates and pop the question! –Tenten closed her eyes while smiling sweetly, convinced she was such a romantic creature.
-Is that how you proposed to Lee? –Playfully, Neji asked her.
-Tssk! Look how you thank my help –She grumbled –That’s none of your business!
The remaining girls laughed at the former teammates subtle fight.
-Still, knowing Hinata, I think something simpler would suit her better. She’s a shy and romantic person –Sakura reflexed, catching Neji’s attention –I think you should take her to the place where you first met and propose there…
Neji raised an eyebrow –At the gates of the Hyuga main house in front of the clan? –Sarcastically, he remarked.
-Oh well, I forgot this weird clan of yours… Maybe the place where you first confessed to her? –Sakura modified her suggestion.
Neji tilted his head to the side, remembering. It would be complicated to recreate the scene, but actually, for once, this idea wasn’t as bad.
-Mmm –Ino looked at his focused face for a few seconds before getting inside the shop and out again, holding a single red tulip wrapped in cellophane –Here! –She smiled politely at him, handing him the flower.
-Uh?! –Neji took the offered flower but still was confused by it.
-Endless love and devotion, sincere love –She closed her eyes deepening the smile –You’ll know what to do!
Neji wandered nervously from side to side, walking down the hall over and over again while he awaited for Hinata.
It was the hall on the back of the dojo on the Hyuga main house, the same exact spot where many years ago his young self had vowed to little Hinata to protect her with his life when in need.
He smiled. To think that four year old Neji had it all figured already… it was bittersweet to remember all what they had been through from there up to this point, but he was certain of his decision and could only wish she was ready to accept him too.
It was dark and chilly, a full moon grazing the sky. Under its light, Hinata looked even more mesmerizing on her pale lavender yukata once she appeared. Neji had to remember himself how to breathe. He was about to scold her for wearing only a yukata on a November night out, but he was wearing the same, except his was on gray color.
Hinata smiled at him. –This place is…all those years ago, you made me blush as well –She remembered the scene –You know, Neji? This is embarrassing… That day I felt like a fairytale princess! You making an oath and all, it was so sweet! –She took her hand to her lips and giggled in a cute way.
-Is that so? –He shortened the distance between them and held her cheek on one hand –So that makes me your prince? –His voice was soft and low.
-Ajam! –She nodded –Who else would that be? –She blushed slightly.
He smiled.
-I hope you’re sure of what you said, Hinata-hime, because you won’t be able to get rid of me! –jokingly, he placed the free fist over his chest, imitating the way a knight would talk to his princess.
-Of course I am! I’d choose you forever! –She giggled again.
-Will you? –Neji looked at her, tenderness and indescribable love in his eyes –Will you really choose me forever?
Hinata’s lips parted but she could not find the words, her mind wandering far away as she was caught on the sweet way his eyes were focused on her.
Neji let go of her cheek and swiftly kneeled in front of her, taking the red tulip Ino had given him and an elegant white gold ring with a single, discrete raw-cut diamond in the middle, out of his yukata.
-If you allow me to be your knight, I promise I’ll not only give my life to save yours, but I will deliver it to you to do as you please. To make you happy every day for the rest of your life is going to be my most important mission, my princess. –He felt the embarrassment fill his body all the way up to his face, but he held her gaze –Please, Hinata. If you choose me forever, please, be my wife.
-Yes… always yes! -Hinata started crying tears of joy and the biggest, sweetest smile lit her face.
Neji smiled wholeheartedly as he raised on his feet and placed the ring on Hinata’s fine left hand, on her ring finger.
He would never say, but he shed tears of joy as well.
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