#in all seriousness nonny
hiii wait these are my tags! is it that bad? should i really not have asked?
*gently takes your face in my hands* Are you familiar with the term "ignorance is bliss"?
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nani-nonny · 15 days
I was reminded of this moment in WDS where F!Leo teaches P!Donnie how to remove his prosthetic arm and it further instilled the idea in my heart that WDS F!Leo is my best peepaw in terms of fatherhood /hj
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enluv · 10 months
not sure if you are interested but @/cherry1sblog is being really weird about niki and writing smut for him, they said they’d “wait a while” before writing niki smut that’s so weird to me I blocked them but just wanted to tell you 😕
hi nonnie i took a look at their account and have some stuff to say about their standpoints…
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at first they got this ask asking if they’d write smut for niki and they said no/they would write something soft for him so I was confused but then I kept reading and honestly it made me kinda side eye because ???
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there’s this ask they answered talking about how no one cares about people writing smut for other maknae line members but it’s literally far from the truth? because if you actually were on tumblr when both sunoo and jungwon turned 18 then you’d know there was a LOT of backlash for people who wrote/write smut for them both literally to this day people talk about how insane it was to be on tumblr at that time…so idk what they’re talking about when you say people don’t care about the other members because you’re absolutely wrong
edit: just saw they have a nsfw audio posted for jungwon…very interesting considering what they said above.
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this ask also rubbed me wrong because yes it’s all fiction but that doesn’t mean people aren’t still openly sexualizing niki ??? this is a REAL person that you’re reading fanfiction about, no matter how you look at it writing smut for him as soon as he turns 18 is weird because he quite literally just turned “legal” this just tells me people are WAITING for him to turn legal so they can OPENLY sexualize him without consequences. that’s really freaking odd.
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finally this is the ask I think the anon is referring to, saying “I’m going to wait a while” is actually so odd because it implies you know it’s bad to write for him immediately and have decided to wait so that you don’t get backlash, and you say “if I were to write about him” but you’re defending it like your life depends on it which makes me think you definitely plan to write smut/suggestive content for him and if you don’t then fine but defending it is very weird. secondly, no one is saying they don’t like a writers work, they’re upset because people are so fucking eager to sexualize a FRESHLY turned 18 year old, if you are sitting and waiting for him to turn legal age that’s predatory as fuck, it’s also wrong because he isn’t even legal he’s still considered a minor in korea where he lives and works by the way.
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inevitably-johnlocked · 4 months
Hey Steph, I just re-watched TST so my brain is on Morstan mode. What do you think about Mary? Personally, I always liked her. I was a bit weary with the whole shot Sherlock thing but I have got to give her credit for being a fabulous character. Amanda did a great job portraying her, Mark and Steven did a great job writing her. -- I just wondered what your pov was because you are like a deity to this fandom, or at least to me.
Anonymous asked: Hey, I was just wondering, is it bad that I like Mary. I honestly love her character and I think she works great with John, only rivaled by my love for Johnlock. Of course I don't enjoy her shooting Sherlock but all-in-all, I think her character is great. Also, I think Amanda played her beautifully. I know that when Mary was first introduced, the character and actress got quite a bit of hate. Personally I don't get it. Maybe people are blinded by the shot... Personally I love her...
Hey Nonnies!
Oh gosh sorry I missed these asks, I dunno why I never replied to them... I hope y'all don't mind me putting them together since they're so similar and my answer would have been the same for both anyway.
First off, thank you for your kind words, Nonny One, I hope you're still around and I hope that I'm still worthy of your love.
Secondly, if you've both been here a long time, you'll know that I was a HUGE advocate for villain Mary Pre-S4. I was the biggest Mary stan there was because I loved the direction they were taking her character. I coined the term "the mary problem" and wrote a tonne of meta about her and her potential reveal of being the main villain, possibly working with Moriarty, because quite honestly, it was the only thing that made (and still the only thing that makes) sense with the show's narrative pre-S4, AND with all the red flags Sherlock was pointing at in TAB. You can check out some of the MANY meta I wrote about her on this page here and some on the TAB meta page here. Her character was fascinating to me, and I genuinely believed that they were going to make her a villain and that the climax for S4 was going to be epic.
But then S4 actually happened. She was still a villain but now more deplorable and unlikeable than ever because Mofftiss tried SO hard to convince us she wasn't and to just ignore everything before S4. They ruined her character, just like S4 did for all the characters. I suspect some behind-the-scenes shenanigans with a petty AA went down – and this is ALL hearsay and my speculation so just take it with the teeniest grain of salt. I think it pissed me off more because they tried to redeem this irredeemable character who abandoned her husband and child and subsequently put all of them in danger. The flip was so out of left field and made NO fucking sense.
S4 is a clusterfuck of bad writing and bad ideas and plot holes.
My feelings these days about Mary are complicated right now. I like what she COULD have been, not what she inevitably became because of bitterness behind-the-scenes.
Again, my speculations and nothing more.
Cheers, Nonnies, and thank you for your questions.
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sassenach082 · 2 years
10k of smut? We appreciate your service!
We also appreciate Carrie and Viper’s service lol
Viper: Carrie, I think Bradley probably missed them and wants to sleep at home tonight-
Carrie, cutting him off midsentence: Bradley, honey, sleepover at our house!! We'll make caramel corn and watch movies and build pillow forts, how does that sound!?
Bradley, screeching the screech of a delighted five year old: THAT SOUNDS AWESOME
Viper: But don't you think Pete and Tom-
Carrie: Michael you cannot be this dense
Viper: But-
Viper, flustered: Well we send the kids to your mom's to...
Carrie, watching him trail off as his cheeks pink: Yeah, uh-huh, which is why we are taking Bradley for the weekend
Tom in the background, amused, to Pete: do you think they know we can hear them?
Pete: Nope but we should run now before they change their minds
Tom, nodding agreement: I like the way you think Mitchell
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threewaysdivided · 9 months
Hey ! i'm a longtime follower of your blog and I've read a lot of your YJ analysis and why the latter seasons totally flopped. I haven't seen you comment on Young Justice Phantoms, although I guess your opinion remains the same. However I'd love to read it one day.
PS : I do think Greg Weisman is a decent writer, but not that good at characterization and desperatly needs editors and not enablers *sigh*
Hey nonnie!
Glad you’ve found my YJ writing critiques interesting. 
The reason why I haven’t commented on Young Justice: Phantoms (or the final Targets comic) is that I haven’t watched it, haven’t read a synopsis and have no plans to ever do so.  My interest in the series went pretty cold as far back as Invasion but at the time I was willing to give the showrunners good faith on their claims that they had a plan to bring things together and that the problems were mostly production issues.  However, after how bad Outsiders was (and having seen similar awfulness from Greg Weisman in other franchises) I don’t have any good faith or trust left to give them.
I talked at length about how Outsiders left the show with no compelling narrative as part of this big Invasion breakdown (grumpier TL:DR version here), but here are the most relevant sections:
In terms of the Central Conflict, the Light are proved utterly correct: by Outsiders the Original Team are callous, hollow husks of their former selves, who have replicated a worse version of the same status quo the Team originally formed in response to. Dick, Kaldur and M’gann’s Anti-Light are a new upper echelon of older heroes who keep even more secrets from the next generations, who exclude the new generations far more strongly from knowing their plans, who give them even less reason to trust or communicate with them, and who do so for less just, less honest and less narratively justified reasons than their own mentors’ understandable (if condescending) desire to shield the proteges from the parts of the Life they may not yet have been equipped to face. Not only that but their constant lying with the intent to control others, and refusal to hold themselves accountable for those actions goes directly against both the League’s stated heroic ideals of “Truth, Liberty and Justice” and Red Tornado’s conclusion that caring is “the human thing to do”. By the end of Outsiders, even the existence of the Team itself is undone; decommissioned into the exact kind of safe training space that the Season 1 characters were desperate for it never to be. […] With Outsiders, any actual narrative set by Young Justice Season 1 is over. By their own standards the Team have lost, and lost entirely.
The meta-narrative of Young Justice Animated is that of a show that started with a promising initial season and strong sense of narrative identity, only to discard every part of that identity.  With Invasion the show discarded its original characterisations, themes and ideologies; replacing them with contradictory and often antithetical ones.  Outsiders would then shed even the surface trappings of its aesthetic (in favour of the more generic “modern DC” art-style) and mission-based narrative structure.  There is nothing left, save for some superficial proper nouns and call-back references: the textbook definition of an In Name Only Sequel.
I didn’t bother with Phantoms (and am frankly a little artistically insulted by its existence) because I knew it was doomed from the start to be a narrative stillbirth.  Having actively abandoned its original identity, Young Justice was left desperately scrambling to forge a new one, by clawing at the one thing it had left: people’s nostalgic attachment to the Season 1 iterations of the cast.  But this could never work because every season since has been engaged in a performative pretense of not acknowledging the character-breaking contradictions and hypocrisies forced upon the original cast by the poor writing decisions.  Phantoms would have to thread an impossible needle: wanting to be about the “journey” of the original cast for nostalgia reasons, while not being able to acknowledge that the last two seasons (and attaché comics) have resulted in all of them either actively failing or being tragically soft-locked out of their explicit character arcs without breaking that kayfabe of performative ignorance.  And, in trying to tell a story without engaging with that story's content or how broken it had become, what would they have left but to fall back yet again on canonical filler, sidequests and references held loosely together by contrivance? 
It could only ever be a zombie-fic of itself: having long-since concluded or abandoned any remaining character or plot threads, driven forward solely by the stream-of-consciousness compulsive-writing of a production team desperate to remain present, relevant and profitable.  And from the feedback I’ve heard from the general community and fandom friends who kept watching, it seems like Phantoms did indeed pull down the curtain on that empty, directionless, hollow-automaton-filled narrative for a lot of people.
As for Greg Weisman himself, while I agree that he is a particularly poor character-writer, I will respectfully but firmly disagree that he’s otherwise decent.  I think the fact that we have to caveat “he’s a decent writer” with the condition “so long as he’s surrounded by a team of strong editors and directors to keep him from being awful” kind of reveals that he isn’t.   I also don’t really accept the premise that the main fault lies with the people around him for not stopping that.  They certainly haven’t helped but he’s a grown adult who can make his own decisions. Enablers don’t generally induce behaviours; they simply amplify or become complicit in the behaviours that are already there.
In the video Plagiarism and You(tube), Hbomberguy did a great job of laying out the difference between “honest mistakes” – which can be easily cleared up by good-faith apologies and explanations – and “dishonest behaviour” – where the person(s) is aware that what they are doing is not appropriate and falls back on reputation-protecting deflections and “non-apologies” to avoid consequences when caught.  Weisman would not so-frequently disrespect his colleagues’ work with contradictions, or write patterns of misogyny, queerphobia, casual racism/ableism and abuse apologism into his stories if he did not fundamentally feel entitled to do so, was not comfortable and in agreement with those beliefs, or did not think he could get away with it.  And the way he has routinely responded to even gentle, good-faith comments by fans expressing frustration/confusion with inconsistent characterisation/structure indicates someone who knows he has done the wrong thing but resents being questioned or held accountable.  And then we see him continuing the same behaviours.  A “decent writer” should not need an editor to hold their hand and explain why directly contracting explicitly-stated characterisation is bad practice.  A “good ally” should not need someone to tell them that disproportionately subjecting queer/non-white characters to shock-value violence, writing minority characters to be dirty/dangerous/less valid in their identities, erasing/demonising/misgendering AFAB trans and bisexual identities, rewriting strong female characters to need motherhood or men to “tell them who they are”, writing gay men to be secretly misogynistic/racist, and framing victims as being equally responsible for their abuse is offensive.  All of which he has either directly done or tacitly allowed under his lead.  Multiple times.  Across multiple series.
These are not isolated incidents of “good-faith mistakes” from a newcomer learning the ropes (if they were, it wouldn’t bother me like this).  Weisman has had multiple seasons - multiple franchises even - and decades to show himself to be the kind of sincere ally and visionary artist of integrity that myself and his fans wanted him to be… and that he has so benefited from presenting himself as.  He has chosen not to. Say what you want about their stories, but you can’t claim that marginalised creators like ND Stevenson, Rebecca Sugar, Dana Terrace and allies like Neil Gaiman didn’t push back hard against their own publishers and make a lot of careful compromises in order to tell those stories in a way they felt was respectful. Weisman is in a very privileged position, with a resume that carries a decent amount of clout. He could have held himself to the creative standards he publicly expresses; could have worked improve his craft, could have examined his own biases and actually learned from the communities his stories speak about/over.  But he didn’t – because obviously it's easier and more comfortable to keep being lazy, keep relying on his colleagues to carry him, to not question his own biases/privileges and then lie when caught.  And with the money he makes, and all the second chances and new jobs he keeps getting handed, what incentive does he have to change that behaviour? 
So, personally I don’t buy his attempts to position himself as an UwU Nice Guy Ally whose haters are taking him out of context and whose nasty publishers keep forcing him to do incoherent bigotry.  He’s a grown-up, who can own his own behaviour.  And, even with a generous reading, this is at best the behaviour of a fair-weather sell-out who is willing to abandon his principles at the slightest hint of pressure from above.  That is not what respect looks like.  I wanted to give him good faith, but in light of all this, I find I can no longer trust him to keep his word or be honest about his intentions.
This is kind of the other reason why I choose not to support or engage with YJ Phantoms (or the revival in general): on top of being utterly disinterested, I just don’t want to incentivise this kind of creative behaviour with more money or attention.  I also can’t ignore what could be a pattern where Weisman makes grand promises that he likely never has a plan or intent to fulfill, then deliberately leaves holes/timeskips/inconsistencies in his narratives in order to generate ongoing demand for separate-purchase side content which promises to “fill those gaps”… but which never does because there isn’t actually a plan to facilitate that (thus creating an endless cycle of demand and profit).  To me that cuts a little too close to the potential for a privileged creator to be exploiting their clout and the good-faith belief of their fanbase in order to grift those fans out of their time and money.  I don’t find that acceptable.
So, yeah.  Not to deploy the GIF again but:
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It'll be a big, fat doughnut on YJ Phantoms content from me 🍩. Sorry!
#Young Justice#Young Justice Revival#Young Justice Phantoms#Young Justice Criticism#Anti Young Justice Revival#Anti Young Justice Phantoms#Greg Weisman#Anti Greg Weisman#YJ Essays collection#3WD Answers#Anonymous#Hope this doesn't sound cross nonnie#I'm not mad at you or anything#I just spent way too many years down a rabbit-hole of accidentally finding out MORE BAD STUFF about Greg Weisman#so he's kind of a sore point for me#I went off him as far back as Invasion because of the disingenuous non-answers but the revival really cemented my dislike for his writing#I fundamentally don't agree with or accept his creative ethos or rhetoric. It's so antithetical to everything I believe about storytelling#his resentment at being held accountable is something that bled through into the writing from S2+ and made the characters unsympathetic#and then I TRIPPED AND FELL into a bunch of former Gargoyles and MtG fans who had similar (and sometimes WORSE) patterns to report#One day I might document all those findings in detail (for posterity) but honestly I think he's had far too much of my time and oxygen as-i#(Seriously there is some potentially DEEPLY CURSED stuff in his creative closet and I hate that I am aware of it. Don't do it. Don't look.)#I wrote these essays because I needed to SOLVE why YJS2+ was so infuriating. And I found my answer. So I don't really need to keep watchin#So yeah - YJ Phantoms and any other revival stuff will be a hard skip from me#I'm a Season 1 only gal and my brain is much healthier for it
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dreamingofep · 1 year
Your vampire Elvis series gives me life. Thank you for writing it. Seriously, it's my favorite. You write so well!
And vampire!E makes my knees weak 🥵🫠🤤
Anon you made my whole day! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
I’m so glad you’re loving this series! It’s also one of my favorites I’ve written so far and am having so much fun seeing everyone’s reactions.
I completely get you, vampire!Elvis makes me so weak and desperate for him😝 I need him to suck on my neck and drive me insane too.
I can’t wait to put the next part out!
I must leave you with some of my favorite vampire!Elvis pictures that make me have quite the ✨thoughts✨😏 Him in velvet GOD TAKE ME NOW🥴🫠😈😈😈🩸🩸🩸
If any of you wanna read from the beginning, you can read it here.
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zestys-stuff · 1 year
Tell me... how do you draw handsome boys pepes without having the urge to masturbate every other second ?!😩😳
Girl, your Lo'ak Art and his hairy Pubic Area got me on a real mental thing here... So hot I swear OML
I wasn't ready. AT ALL
Worth my 50 dollars... telling you !
So what's your secret ?🤔😉😏
Other than that, sending lots of Love !!🤲🏻❤💕💫
LMAO, girl!! Thank you so much!!
I’m so happy you enjoyed my artworks, love🙈❤️ So glad to have you guys as my audience to provide for, my pookies! Ily all💕💕💕
PS: I’m guessing you’re a Lo’ak girl hmm? So i know what to draw in the future hehe 🤭👌🏻
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yooniesim · 1 year
it’s really fun when i leave a joke on a popular simblr’s post and they don’t respond 😃 and then another popular simblr comments a similar joke 😃 and OP thinks it’s the funniest shit ever and makes sure to respond to them 😃
rip 😭 I'm sorry nonny that's never fun 😔
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sunnibits · 1 year
I wish i had brown eyes 😭
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writhe with envy then
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quiveringdeer · 2 years
"I'm an easygoing guy. Nothing phases me too much." - Jean Kirstein, a few days after he almost called 911 because you drank water down the wrong pipe.
Eeeeeee my JeanBo!!!! He's so ridiculous and dramatic, I love him!
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You come down with the sniffles and he's got soup, hot tea and multiple medicines ready in a flash! Gods forbid it turns into something a tad more serious, like having a temp just shy of a fever and migraine or cough. Either you're getting put on bedrest or getting taken to the ER.
Like Jean, honey, please take a chill pill my love! He just cares so much!
.....damn, memory just hit me, from the OVA with his backstory, wasn't his mom pretty sick at one point and he had to take care of her?
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askthehiddencaste · 10 months
Am I crazy or have we not seen those other new fellows? where are they? or at least one? I'd like to say hi!
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"well aren't we sharp~ they will come around in time. After all, everyone winds up in the library at some point...."
Kat why are you being cryptic again? I just haven't brought them on the blog yet.
"oh your no fun. Plus, I'm allowed to be as mysterious as I want. I'm an omnipotent space cat~ this library belongs to me~"
Whatever Kat. Anon I'll be bringing them around once I get a bit more comfortable with the new characters and relationships that I've already got going. Not to mention the brainrot for those relationships that haven't been shown yet. Instead of worrying about them, why not come and bother a few of the trolls (or the snippy neko) that are already around? Hell you can even ask Kat here a few things if you're interested in secrets the others may not answer~
"I did not agree to that!! "
Shut up Kat.
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thesilliestofgals · 10 months
Idk how else to send it but this tiktok reminds me of you :P
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strebcrarchivess · 1 year
Why are your takes so good?
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Beacuse my brain is big and my ass is fat 😔
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tachimichishrine · 10 months
Your writing is soooooooo good, I am in love with it.
WRONG. you are in love with me, and I'm in love with you so come off of anon we can make out passionately.
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bakatenshii · 1 year
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