#in a cabin of sorts
skellydun · 7 months
who wants to lay on top of me like a weighted blanket and fix me
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insightfulllama · 1 year
The first thing Ranboo clearly says is, “It wasn’t supposed to…be like this…” They are very disoriented and confused, verging on distress.
When the mask turns on, they panic and yell “no” several times, before standing and going, “Where am I?” and “This place sure looks weird!” in the NPC voice. I believe he knew something was wrong and was able to scream, but not anything more before they took full control. 
The NPC behavior isn't as obvious as it is in "Warehouse", but I definitely see it now that I'm looking for it. Pretty unsettling. 
Ranboo checks locations they had already looked at before the mask turned on. (The door, the bookshelf, the ashes, etc)
Ranboo can see us, but with the masks influence we appear as a “weird painting”. 
When he is flipping through the magazines and waiting for chat to decide where they go, he says, “These are just old pajamas.” I think that’s what they say, I have no idea what it means. 
When Ranboo first goes to look at the window, he bends out of frame and messes with something (I think the VHS’s) and says, “Those don’t seem too important.” Pretty interesting considering he later uses a VHS to communicate with the one trying to get him out. (Showfalls influence?)
He’s complained about his head hurting twice now, I think this may become a pattern
They find a set of teeth in the drawer
The red key is IN the red bat- mirroring how the key is in Slimecicle later? Did he have to dig into a dead animal to get it here as well and we just didn’t see it because of the mask? 
Ranboo’s spacial awareness seems impaired. He doesn’t know where Slime went because he can’t directly see him. This happens again later with Sneeg, Ranboo looking the entirely wrong way when Sneeg calls out. Both Slime and Sneeg call attention to this- “It’s a house, there’s door frames! How did you get inside if you do not know what a door is?” and “How do you not hear me?...How did you look over there, man?”
JUST realized the key colors match the “characters” we’ve been introduced to. (The Savior, The Taken, The Villain)  I don’t know if there’s further symbolism connected to where the keys are found and stuff but it’s pretty neat. 
When Slime does the pinkie swear promising that Ranboo can leave after he does the cooking challenge, they have their fingers crossed behind their back. 
Slimy Guts is one of the available ingredients, bit sus considering our new knowledge. Also chinese leftovers got 0% of the votes LOL
The random cutaways are kinda strange. Don’t know what to make of them. 
Ranboo uses a pretty big knife to open a little package of slime, is instructed to “beat up” the food and call it names, and later he offers to cut Slime off the floor when he gets stuck. I think there’s a good chance ranboo stabbed someone and made a meal with their guts. Or something in that vein. (Several times Ranboo points out that these aren’t REAL ingredients and he doesn’t know how someone could eat it. What’s happening is probably so horrifying that he can’t imagine it as something normal like chicken, so his brain is substituting with stuff that’s weird but TECHNICALLY not morally reprehensible.)
Fridge says “BEHIND YOU” on it
Gummy worm was in the freezer, body parts can be kept in freezers, idk
Someone really likes mayo, cause they stopped it when it was on the turntable and gave the camera a thumbs up
Slime tries the meal but he’s really reluctant and needs specific circumstances to do it. If the theory of the meal being human guts it true, the hesitation probably didn’t have anything to do with airplane noises…
What is in the backgrounds of these cutaways? It’s so blurry idk, I can’t tell. It’s sort of purply. 
The dish in the end turns to slime with all the possible ingredients mixed in, even the ones we didn’t pick. In universe it reinforces that our choices don’t really matter, from a meta perspective it’s probably so they only had to make one slime prop. 
The timing of the marshmallow string stretching as slime tries to feed ranboo is HYSTERICAL, golden comedic timing
The mask starts blinking when ranboo gets the tape message. 
The person on tape instructs Ranboo “not to resist”. I believe this is said in the second message as well. Perhaps they don’t want Ranboo drawing attention to themself
Like in the room they woke up in, Ranboo checks areas multiple times, seemingly with no memory of the first time he checks. He does the exact same “flashlight in the eyes” gag each time he picks it up. It really enforces that in this moment he is a puppet, not making his own choices. 
“What’s over here?” NPC!Ranboo back in full swing with this dialogue. 
Ranboo did the cooking game, Sneeg didn’t. Sneeg refused to kill? Maybe cause he didn’t have a mask? Hmmm idk
The baby skull on a background shelf has a MASSIVE forehead
Light starts flickering when slime appears
What does the fight between evil sneeg and ranboo mean? Maybe they were both trapped and had a fight?? What does it mean without the obscuring mask? 
Ranboo is able to get sneeg out of slimes influence, and sneeg says a few times afterward that he’s immune now. Ranboo can help people get out of Showfalls influence? (The gooey hat does bring Sneeg out of the influence later, extension of that Ranboo effect?)
When Sneeg looks to see if Slime is in the box, there is a “shhhh” sound effect
Sneeg says Frank is his eyes and ears- was Frank a whistleblower, feeding information about Showfall to the outside? Unsure
Goo chest- possibly full of human bits? Corpse in a trunk is a pretty common trope
Jello on the shelves of Slime’s room
Same picture that was on the fridge is in a frame on the table
Ranboo looks at the mirror the same way twice, reinforcing the NPC vibes
Another false choice- the story only progresses if you go to sleep. Talking to Sneeg only gets some more NPC dialogue. Most of sneeg’s other dialogue sounds genuine, so this is strange.
Sneeg seems unable to move or act while ranboo is asleep
Could the eight hours that passed be literal? If things are obstructed by the mask it very well could be
“You would have known had you been awake!” Before the reveal of the mask making things look different I thought the streams were going to be revealed to be a dream. Clearly it’s not entirely a dream, but this dialogue is still fun. 
SHARK PICKLE LOBSTER TIME!! What would this be in real life? An actual human experiment? Security dogs? Full on hallucination?
This is a pretty funny way to promote the merch honestly lol (referring to ranboo using his merch to trick the thing into cage)
Ranboo seems baffled by his idle fighting animation for a second. He says, “Why am I just standing here? What’s going…” and when the camera pulls back the mask is flickering. 
When Slime sends his ghouls to grab Ranboo I believe he tries to move out of the way. They kind of jerk a bit, like they're trying to move their feet, before saying, “Why can’t I just- get out of here? I just need to get out of here-” The mask is once again flickering during this
After the fight the mask starts flickering a LOT, plus the other lights in the cabin. Tv comes back on. 
The TV man is named Hetch? He says, “My name is-” I think he says Hetch? Unsure
Mans gets drugged up at the end, rip
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iamrizaka · 9 months
Apollo cabin is know for its archers, musicians and healers.
Every kid gets claimed within three days. No one is born during summer. Apollo meets his mortal lovers during summer, and their kids are born max in May.
Being a healer means you sing an anthem for your father and use your energy. You almost never miss.
Lee Fletcher was the best archer and could shoot ten arrows at once, never missing the target. He could play piano, guitar and violin. He was known for being one of the most caring people in the Camp. He looked a lot like Apollo, with blond curls and green eyes.
Michael Yew was different. Along with Lee, he was also the best archer, having to compete with the former multiple times. Unlike Lee, he could play only one instrument, but he still held the title of being the head of infirmary. He was hot-headed, but still kind.
Will Solace is Apollo's every gift and every fear. Will can't use a bow to save a life and has a voice of a dying seagull. He gets easily annoyed, he spent too much time with Hermes cabin and the Stolls and Luke, and is convinced that he would be a bad counselor.
He fights with a sword, with a knife and with his fists and everything in him. He fights fiercely, looking at the opponent with a smirk and Python-like look in his eyes. He definitely feels himself like one, when he knows he's won.
He looks a lot like Apollo, so it was easy to understand why Lee always watched over him. Watching Luke look out for the boy was okay, too, since Will was in his cabin for a long time and also the youngest camper at that time. But when Clarisse decided that yeah, she likes this guy, the Camp fell into a panic mode.
Will was claimed a year later after his arrival, so people were of course confused on what took Apollo so long. In the end, Cabin 7 was happy for their new little brother.
Unlike his many siblings, his birthday was on the last day of summer.
He excelled in medicine, being the best healer in three hundred years on Chiron's memory. The healers were rare, but the ones who could heal without their parent's help was unheard of.
He also, as it turned out much, much later, has a power to glow and to cause plagues of various types. Another interesting thing - he was causing plagues way before he was healing anyone.
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thestarstoasun · 3 months
Will stared at the sight before him with hardly restrained tears glistening in his blue eyes. He was in the infirmary office, a place he spent countless hours of his days, but it was different. Sitting in the chair he normally occupied was his older brother Lee...who had died 3 years ago in the Battle of the Labyrinth.
"Lee?" His voice cracked around the named as a tear slid from his face. The boy, who had the same blonde hair as Will, turned to face him. When Lee was alive, most people joked that if it wasn't for Will's unruly curls and Lee's forest green eyes, they could get away with lying to people that they shared a mother as well.
"Will...what are you doing in here? Shouldn't you be at archery with the others? You've been insistent on Michael helping you get better." His brothers words were so genuinely curious with that concerned tone all of the Apollo kids had called his "fatherly nature."
Will squeezed his eyes shut, forcing a few tears down his face, and shook his head back and forth. "That's not...it's not p-possible." His bottom lip trembled as he clutched onto his orange camp tee-shirt.
Lee gave a sad, caring smile. Will refused to open his eyes. He didn't feel like it would even matter if he did, considering the tears he had been fighting, although not too well, would only blur his vision anyway. "Why isn't it?"
Suddenly, there were two arms wrapped around Will's torso. He threw his arms around his big brother's neck and hid his face. "You're a-all dead...everyone e-except Kayla and Aus-stin." His body trembled as his sobs echoed through the empty infirmary.
Will could hear Lee's sigh and felt the kiss on his forehead moments later. "I know, Sunflower. None of this is real...it's all you."
"Why? This isn't like my nightmares...you're alive.."
"Sunflower, you're dying...you have to make a choice. You could come stay with me, Michael, and our siblings in Elysium-"
Will took a deep breath. That sounded nice. To be with family again. To not have to shoulder all of the responsibilities of being head counselor. To be able to see his big brothers again.
"Or you could go back. You have people to go back to, Will. Kayla, Austin, your mom, Nico."
And the guilt of wishing to cross over kicked in almost instantly at the sound of his sound of his boyfriend's name. "I can't stay with you guys. I can't see you again yet. I have to get back to Nico. He must be so worried."
Lee laughed and pressed his lips to Will's forehead. "All you have to do is wake up, Sunflower. We will all be waiting for you when it's your time, but I'd rather not see my baby brother join Elysium so young."
"I miss you so much. Even if you aren't real, I feel like you are.."
"Wake up, Will."
And blue eyes blinked open to meet worried dark ones.
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bread-stickk · 6 months
I think someone should have taken Sparrow to Great Wolf Lodge when he was in his love wolf phase
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existentiol · 8 months
something that pisses me off in RA is that Flanagan will occasionally hype up Pauline as this super important and prominent figure in Will’s life, even treat her as a proxy for the mother he never knew, and yet will just refuse to show it beyond the like. two or three (personal) conversations that they have in canon. I get that he was attempting to make her an important person in Will’s life but why not do that by actually making her an important person in Will’s life
#hey Flanagan I hate to tell u but just because she’s married to Will’s father figure does not automatically make her his mom figure#what REALLY annoys me is how easy it would have been for him to connect her & will#like hey. if only there were a pretty clear gap in Will’s education that halt couldn’t fulfill - say for example mmmm diplomacy?#(​cause we all know how gifted halt is at conflict resolution)#then he’d have a valid reason to seek out a master of diplomacy for lessons in negotiating compromises & treaties#but no I guess not. Will’s just naturally good at diplomacy despite never really being exposed to it#yk what extra sucks?#if Pauline HAD taught will about treaties & stuff then him receiving the last name treaty wouldve been 1000x more meaningful#it would’ve spoken to her influence on him and solidified her as a sort of parental figure in her own right#AND as an extra extra bonus: if she came to the cabin to teach will about negotiation tactics and such#then we could’ve gotten more halt/Pauline interactions. as in: we could’ve actually seen them being in love ON SCREEN instead of just being#told that they loved each other#will could’ve had a chance to see how much the two of them mean to each other. and then he would’ve had some actual basis for a speech#at their wedding or whatever#but yeah no why do that when we can just imply that will & Pauline got super close off screen? same effect right?????#ranger’s apprentice#pauline dulacy#halt o’carrick#will treaty#I love these books so so much don’t get me wrong. but there are just some things……#anyway.#jackie rambles
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Instead of sorting characters into Hogwarts houses, because that's already been done before and also fuck jk rowling, we can sort them into PJO Cabins!!!!!!!
Ok so uh here we go.
Cosette: Artemis cabin
Enjolras: Apollo cabin (obviously)
Marius: Aphrodite cabin (obviously)
Eponine, Gavroche, Courf: Hermes cabin
Fantine, Valjean: Demeter cabin
Javert: Hera cabin/ or Athena cabin
Grantaire: Dionysus cabin (obviously)
That's all for now I might update this later tho
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nikikikiko · 3 months
know bc of the afk arena lore channel on disc i am BARELY holding back from writing a small oneshot abt Eugene’s true form, and his personal feelings towards it (plus a little bit of exploration on Gavus’s feeling towards it too)
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mystery-star · 1 year
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Russell Crowe as Jack Aubrey in Master and Commander (2003)
Prompt: Jack Aubrey + Outfits (for @thekenobee)
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Monster of the Week: Blight of the Living Dead Question:
Because it came up in the prologue comments and I thought it would be fun to talk about here.
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"What kind of monsters can we expect in future stories?"
Future stories will depend on how this one goes. I have a good idea for this being a "five episode season" meaning this is the "pilot" and I have a rough idea for four more but I need to get to the end of this one first! SCOM main story is such a BIG scope, I want to try something that's a little more like the stories you mentioned (kids going up against monsters, shenanigans, some interpersonal and school drama that ties into the confrontations etc.) I got to do a bit of it in Stranger Tides. Monster of the week stuff is expansive, so all I can say for sure is that I hope this "pilot takes off" so I can explore the other ideas!
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unwillingprince · 6 months
Rabbit stared. Almost five years out here by himself, and he'd never found himself in such a lucky position. This season had been rough on him, and with the start of the cold weather, he'd been getting a little nervous about the state of his stockpile. If he wanted things to go smoothly until spring, he'd need more food. And here it was.
Lowering his bow, he quietly took a step out from behind the brush he was using to hide. A fully grown stag was caught by the leg in one of his snare traps. He watched it breathe-- Hot fog slipped from the creature's black nose, swirling in the cool air. Rabbit took a hesitant step closer and watched with curious eyes. No matter how long he'd been out here, getting this close to the animals was always fascinating.
He was beautiful. His grey and tawny coat was in beautiful shape, his black eyes were wet and alert despite the stress it must've been under. Rabbit watched it lift its head to let out an injured bleat and felt the guilt start to seep in. Closing his eyes, he frowned at himself and rubbed at the side of his neck. If he sucked it up and finished the job, he'd have enough meat to dry and freeze for a long time. But he'd always had a bleeding heart when it came to the suffering of animals. If he'd been hunting, it would've been different. A quick shot with his bow was a fast death that he could stomach. He could do the same now, but how could he shoot the poor thing when it was already down? That wasn't fair. He didn't want to gather his food that way.
Brows twitching, he sighed and set the bow down in the grass. Rabbit moved slowly, hands up as he crossed the small clearing to approach the beast. When he was close enough, he met its nervous gaze with one of his own, but hoped it'd stay calm enough to let him undo the snare. He didn't want to hurt it anymore than it already was, and he didn't want to spook it into attacking him.
"...Stay still." He said softly, his voice a rough whisper. Lowering himself, Rabbit undid the spring lock and grunted as he yanked the two sides of the snare apart. Once it was opened, he pulled it away and quickly stumbled back just in case the buck had the idea to defend itself. Throwing his arms up, he covered his head and waited for it to get up and run.
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kassiedoodles-xo · 5 months
Yuki, my oc, as different personality quiz results!
Soldier, poet, king:
Percy jackson cabin:
Cabin 6 - Athena
Hogwarts House:
King Cobra
Spirit Animal:
I used quizes and I answered them as Yuki, I highly suggest doing this as it helps get in tune with your characters!
All quizes are linked above 🫶
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seafleece · 1 year
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a recipe for a good meal
my secret samol piece for @inventorpaige !! sorry i’m posting this a little late…..
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sweetnnaivete · 2 months
athena kids and hephaestus kids would be an unstoppable force
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msnihilist · 6 months
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One might also say it's counter-productive. Or hypocritical. Incompatible, even.
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moodyseal · 1 year
I can't understand for the life of me how the demigods figured out that Gracie, Jerry and Yan were Apollo's children without him claiming them. Did all the other gods send a "Not mine" sign from the heavens in solidarity? Did the campers start guessing this type of thing, still humiliated by not recognizing that Percy "I made a pipe explode because I was upset" Jackson was a son of Poseidon? Did Apollo keep using his powers subconsciously for the sole purpose of claiming all the kids he had around the globe? Do Apollo kids have some sort of weirdly specific feature that only other Apollo kids can recognize, like zebras with their stripes?
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