#imsorry guy
goodlucksnez · 2 years
long post feel free to ignore
This is going to come off as really egotistical or selfish or any other fancy definition of psychology term that you want to use but I'm not happy with the content that I'm making. It could be because I'm a perfectionist, it could be because I have crippling self-hatred and doubt, but I feel like I’m not “useful” to the community anymore
When I first started this, it was a very niche community. Many people had written fanfiction of their favorite characters, but not a lot of people had voiced them so I started voicing them. I gain traction and in time I got a Fanbase, which was great, but the whole reason I started my blog wasn’t to gain a Fanbase. It was to make content because there was not content of my favorite characters. In doing so I inspired others not to make blogs and PLEASE DO NOT take this the wrong way. I am absolutely thrilled that people have come out of their shells and started recording character wavs. Something that I might have inspired them to do or at least shown that it is possible I can never feel bad that I inspired that, but as the years go on the more I see other accounts are getting traction just like I had when I first started and I am staying where I am.
here is where I’ve been struggling with my mental health, am i egotisical for wanting that recognition or am I just a human who craves some recognition because I’m lonely and have no self-esteem? It’s a very fine line and it’s very hard to navigate this line. It’s like walking a tightrope and I feel like I’m constantly being thrown to either side and falling because of that I’m not in the right mindset to create the new content I want to. I want to do make things again, I did it in the first place because they were characters whom I love that have no content for 
I don’t do this for attention, but some small part of me, which is turning into unfortunately a large portion craves that attention and you can call me a selfish attention-seeking whore. I just want to explain what is going on in my mind.
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lesbianviolet · 2 years
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lord of frenzied fail
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my0vershareworld · 5 months
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diaphene · 3 months
so many options to choose from ......
shadow ... apex ... hunter ...
but you choose ...
sylva ?
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skelekins · 1 year
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peye is v concerned about meeting a massive predator
soma belongs to @smokbeast
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acertainperson · 1 year
Has Billy Lenz ever seen Brahms' face? probably Billy thought that Brahms had bacon instead of a face, since there is a burnt part in the side of the neck
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Yeah and I don't think he'd care much...
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mauveberries · 7 months
i love voldemort's red eyes 🥰🥰 they're like the reddest, sparkliest, prettiest rubies 🥰🥰
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lanternlightss · 20 days
Silly doodle I made based on the tags you left on the ask answer (in case it’s visually confusing the bottom textbox is read first)
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(decarabian design by @gr3yart because both this design and the king have longass hair and “hide” their face in some way)
I was originally imagining if those two ever met, the king would be a similar height to how he was at (act 5? act 6? the point at which you actually defeat him for good and he’s frozen in time) and he’s tall but not floor-to-ceiling tall but this is funnier. Deca being very tall by human standards compared to. The King. Deca constantly yapping about The Divorce while those two have a serious conversation about how to most effectively make things stay the same forever. I am sosososososoosossoo normal :) (resisting the urge to draw and/or write an old mond and isat crossover)
this is AMAZING oh my god i love this so much. decarabian just standing in front of the king, fully in “(sigh…) i miss my wife, tails. i miss her a lot.” mode is making me lose it 😭😭 AND HIM CONTINUING TO YAP ABOUT THE DIVORCE AT ANY OPPORTUNITY HEJSHDHD like the imagery of the king carefully trying to preserve a specific memory and here comes deca, who recognizes it for something else, and is just like my wife did that once …. i did not understand at the time why, but looking back, looking at this …. :(
and oh ??? that would be such a fun idea, esp if the king hasn’t fully committed to the. freeze everyone in time decision yet. on the edge of it, about to enact the nightmare …. decarabian getting to know about the universe too and how it deals with wishes would be 👁👁
these two would be on celestia’s “watch OUT” list So Fast.
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squidboyart · 1 year
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if you’re cold they’re cold… let that lovecraftian horror madly in love with you inside today!
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lumimis · 9 months
guys faec revael i hope you accept me
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bungholio37 · 1 year
dance with me on thursday. the world will end its my fault im sorry
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yumeyumeappleo · 8 months
my friends are absolutely insane i love you guys
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rivalkieran · 1 year
if frye doesnt win this fest I'll kill someone I think
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ziggysgender · 1 year
if you could, would you want to be a werewolf? or another creature perhaps?
um YEA. doggymode engage.......
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^ me as a ferocious werewolf
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snakeater · 1 year
i hate to be like this in front of all my normal and cool mutuals but sometimes certain measures must be taken
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sasukeless · 2 years
yk that tumblr posts "you ever see a ship so hyped and then get in the actual media and see nothing at all" thats me with akngel rn sorry. its all over my fyp and wish i could see what you guys see but i dont
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