goodlucksnez · 1 year
Vic rants TW addiction and sober
I wish I could drink like damn sober life is not where it is at!
I’m sorry for complaining
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rheaswrath · 3 years
do any of you start blogs on like 10 social media sites and don’t have a single regularly updated blog, and then you despair and then the god complex hits you again and you start over only to abandon it all in a week, so life goes to shit with the waves of confidence and existential dread? no? anyways
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greenmeansgay · 5 years
acho tão bonitinho vcs ficarem fazendo posts idolatrado coisas tão fúteis que a maioria já tinha consciência a tempos
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goodlucksnez · 2 years
long post feel free to ignore
This is going to come off as really egotistical or selfish or any other fancy definition of psychology term that you want to use but I'm not happy with the content that I'm making. It could be because I'm a perfectionist, it could be because I have crippling self-hatred and doubt, but I feel like I’m not “useful” to the community anymore
When I first started this, it was a very niche community. Many people had written fanfiction of their favorite characters, but not a lot of people had voiced them so I started voicing them. I gain traction and in time I got a Fanbase, which was great, but the whole reason I started my blog wasn’t to gain a Fanbase. It was to make content because there was not content of my favorite characters. In doing so I inspired others not to make blogs and PLEASE DO NOT take this the wrong way. I am absolutely thrilled that people have come out of their shells and started recording character wavs. Something that I might have inspired them to do or at least shown that it is possible I can never feel bad that I inspired that, but as the years go on the more I see other accounts are getting traction just like I had when I first started and I am staying where I am.
here is where I’ve been struggling with my mental health, am i egotisical for wanting that recognition or am I just a human who craves some recognition because I’m lonely and have no self-esteem? It’s a very fine line and it’s very hard to navigate this line. It’s like walking a tightrope and I feel like I’m constantly being thrown to either side and falling because of that I’m not in the right mindset to create the new content I want to. I want to do make things again, I did it in the first place because they were characters whom I love that have no content for 
I don’t do this for attention, but some small part of me, which is turning into unfortunately a large portion craves that attention and you can call me a selfish attention-seeking whore. I just want to explain what is going on in my mind.
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goodlucksnez · 2 months
I know others have touched on it but I’m gonna talk about creative burnout and also perfectionism
so with the success of hazbin hotel. I do really want to do wav with the characters. I’ve done a few in the past and they were fine but for some reason, I haven’t been able to easily, make a new one. I have written at this point about five different scripts and none of them feel good enough. I just do this for fun. I’m not making content for anyone other than me and a few people who enjoy my posts but for some reason recently feels like a contest and I know it shouldn’t so I’m gonna write a script that I will enjoy and not care about what others say
Gonna try to record Monday or Tuesday after work
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goodlucksnez · 11 months
I’m going to rant about work I am so scared constantly because I feel like I mess up and my new team no one likes me and I am so scared all the time I am going to get canned
I literally did not sleep last night
I am so tired. And I go to grippy sock soon and I am scared when I come back I am going to be canned as well!! Fuck all of this I just want to lay down and relax for once in my life
I’m so scared of grippy sock as well I am basically constantly worried and I hate it so much
How are people carefree and stuff?!?
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goodlucksnez · 1 year
I have food poisoning
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goodlucksnez · 8 months
I’m going to murder the person who sat next to me today I don’t know if they bathed the lavender but fuck they need to learn the word ..I have been sneezing all day and I am congested and I am not happy.
but hey new wav coming out today for a surpise gift wav as part of my 2024 resolutions
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goodlucksnez · 10 months
Does anyone else get stress fevers?
Because my work has been kicking my ass with the year end bullshit and I have had a stress fever for the past 3/4 days
Sorry I am just complaining.
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goodlucksnez · 1 year
I love getting cursed out by people
I want to go home and huddle in blankets and sleep
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goodlucksnez · 1 year
Day 2 of cold
Stuffiness and sneezing has begun
Had a spoonful of soup and bread
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