floriseu · 2 months
currently 6am n i cant sleep 😁
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snarkylinda · 2 years
Really nobody:
Spencer, everytime literally anything happens to him- particularly if someone dies: I hadn't slept on 3 years :)
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yakny · 5 months
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chilned · 5 months
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Aca dibujos que hice de personajes pa una idea de un juego
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mchiti · 1 year
بعيدا عن كل رحلة لكم هي الهدف الأول إعادة لكم المذنب
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holycoco · 1 month
Learn how to Romanticise School
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
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Hi jelly beans,
I’m Mary and here’s my tips to start romanticizing this school year…✎ᝰ
౨ৎ Take melatonin for a good, long resting sleep!(It can help for my girlies with imsonia)
౨ৎ Wake up early! Having a good time to get ready can really help… You just don’t need rushing up from left to right, control is key.
You can also have extra time to read your notes, and be prepared.
౨ৎ Find a cute bag for school, you can find anything on Vinted. (Shop for real leather always, I know its not very ethical, but it lasts you decades AND its secondhand!)
౨ৎ Plan your outfits, the night before.
Save your time. This tip is also for my lazier dolls, or my girlies that don’t know what to do the night before school!
(You can also find really cute things on Vinted, ask me if you need any keywords!)
Oh and cute jackets or fur!
౨ৎ Do your skincare!
And find a cute easy makeup routine! (If you wear some)
౨ৎ Breakfast! If you’re not a morning eater like me, try to eat in a Bar or Café near school, by the time you’re at school you’ll be hungry!
If you don’t feel eating anything at all, have a warm drink, I’m a tea girly.
Try not to skip breakfast!
౨ৎ Create or find a cute gloomy/fall playlist!
(Let me know if you’d like one from me!)
౨ৎ Shows to watch after school:
Gilmore Girls and Gossip Girl are classics, but there’s a bunch of other good shows out there!
(Charmed, One Tree Hill, AHS, TVD, PLL, Salem)
౨ৎ Books! Take your books to school with you, read on the bus, on the train, break-time!
౨ৎ Cute school furniture! Do I need to say anything more?
If you have any suggestion or tips just add them!
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
love, Mary
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diahuha · 6 months
Day 18 Ramadhan
Masih Lanjut Soal Pertemanan.
Teman Sesuai Zamannya
Setiap masa ada kawannya, dan setiap kawan ada masanya.
Makin tua emang bener sih lingkar sirkel pergaulan makin menyempit, karena ya satu satu mulai sibuk dengan kehidupannya.
Dan udah mulai kefilter tuh temen kek apa yang pada akhirnya bertahan dan masih ada di sirkellu. Atau kalo akhirnya kita menemukan sirkel baru pun pasti kurang lebih punya persamaan hobi ataupun nasib.
Kalo kata postingannya mas iwet kemarin sih, temen tuh butuh dijaga sih spark2nya sesimpel lu cuma tukeran reels2 lucu di ig atau link tiktok kocak atau bahkan link shopee buat belanja2.
Semoga kita bisa merawat pertemanan ga cuma di dunia doang tapi juga sampe akhirat.
Kalo cita cita surya imsonia mah dalam pertemanan, tlg anterin gw sampe ke peristirahatan terakhir gue, lu ga usah pake baju cakep,,soalnya lu bakalan turun ke kuburan.
Kalo doa gue satu sama sahabat dan temen temen gue, please doain gue dilapangkan kelak kuburnya,,diterima amal iman islamnya.
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smokbeast · 1 year
Im a lil sads but I'm thinking about some cute ideas for my horror sans.
I might call him fang or Tar? I'm not sure,, something to do with his silly teeth. Or a meaningful name I'm not sure. But some of my headcanons for him are like:
-he acts really tough guy and creepy, but he's really just a softie. Kinda nervous when someone is genuine with him. He's not quite used to affection or friendship. Tends to avoid it out of guilt or fear of it going wrong so he's a bit cold at first impressions.
-tends to be really aloof, always staring off zoning out. He has bad dissociation episodes that become difficult to get out of but papyrus (or soma,,) helps bap him back to reality.
- has bad imsonia and when he sleeps its always nightmares that cause him to spiral his magic out of control at times in his room. Sometimes he has magic outbursts cause of the Crack and loss of his eye. Making it hurt when they happen at night.
- when a hunger drive hits him, he's lost all control of himself if he's starving. Especially when he's craving flesh. It's been difficult to adjust to the surface because of these so he tends to avoid humans completely and just stick to the shadows away. He does try to eat regularly when he can but the habit of being stuck underground starving for so long has him forgetting to eat sometimes
- he loves sweets! Candy, juice, fizzy soda. All sorts of drinkable soft drinks he'll get his claws on. His favorite food is also vegetables (anything with tomato is gonna be devoured lol) and seafood (courtesy of a fellow someone teaching him to fish and maybe out of spite,,).
-he likes to read in his spare time. Science fiction novels or research papers. Needs glasses to read cause that eye don't see too well so you'll catch him like some dad under a light on the couch reading.
- he likes jokes but hasn't really told any in a while. The pun love has kinda shit itself out the window over the rough years but you'll know when you real close to him when he starts cracking a bunch of puns near you. He only ever does that with people he likes and trusts.
- is very patient and a good listener. Loves hearing people he cares about talk about their day or interest. You'll catch him smiling at some point as you ramble away and he's absolutely still listening, just enthralled at how happy it makes the person to talk about things.
-will literally pick you up if your tired without second guessing to take you to the nearest couch or bed.
-very protective of others, being the oldest between his au counterparts. Horror sees sans and fell like younger versions of himself (they are tbh,, he's in his late thirties). He'll always keep an eye on them even when they try to fight other. Mostly fell when he starts it. He reminds him of papyrus when he was an Itty bitty kid so he feels big brother mode the most on fell, sans is like the middle brother he never thought he wanted. The guy makes his day with the jokes and it has horror smiling to know sand got thr good ending and fell too.
-will kill for papyrus no questions asked. That's his brother he'll protect and do his best for..
-Soma Soma Soma. Oh God Soma, what's there to say.
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sparklecryptid · 6 months
Aman knows about Imsonia? Would the Valar consider them Edain? Another species? They can travel to each other so easily? Should the Valar be curious of their powers?
I don’t think that it’s easy to pop from one world to the next but I do think that the Ainur spent like six hundred odd years trying to figure out how to find where the souls of three high kings fucked off too and upon finding out that they were not on Arda spent the next three hundred years attempting to figure out how to either get those souls back or shoving someone through the cracks between worlds to go and get said souls back.
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neptunes-sol-angel · 1 year
🧜🏽‍♀️✧*:・゚Imsonia Mermaid✧*:・゚🧜🏽‍♀️
This is a reiki infused post to help you sleep, reblog to share the magic and help your fellow Tumblr catch some 💤 's.
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verte-vae · 8 months
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Always have your imsonia boyfriend to alarm you up 👍🏻
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Caeruleo sanguine
The blood of the cursed
This post may contain upseting or sensitive themes that arent for everyone,specially medicaly centered themes that can be acurrate or be off point.
Aswell this is to remember you that this is a FICTIONAL illness that should not be used or taken as something serious,specially since im not a profesional in any of the media used as base and i can get something wrong.
Discreation is adviced,read this under your own risk.
Stages from 0 to 20
STAGE 0: infecion
As name suggest the stage 0 is were it all beggins and the infecion starts.
Said infecion happens in the exact moment a droplet of blood from an already infected irken enters inside a wound or via consumsion from a non infected irken.
afther a couple of days the first stage starts to manifest
STAGE 1:blood coloration starts turning blue
As mentioned the color of the newly infected irkens blood starts turning from the normal reddish magenta into a shiny and almost flourescent light almost turquoise color.
this makes blood transfusions complicated since is needed that another infected irken gives its blood.
STAGE 2:anemia
The level of blood cells on the irken starts decrease agresively making the irkens weaker and more pale,this also increases the probabilitys of them getting sick.
they also may need a blood transfusion once in a time and as a try to recompose them special pills or medicines in tries to recover them from this affection.
STAGE 3:fevers|frequently sick
The irken starts to fall in bed frequently with really high fevers that can drive to halucinations or deliriums,also really bad illnesscan stick to them more easy since their defense sistem is a disaster.
STAGE 4:fatigue and insomnia
Intense imsonia starts to manifest said imsonia making it imposible to sleep in periods as long as months that eventually cause intense fatigue due to the lack of sleep.
STAGE 5:narcolepsy
This one is attached to the previous stage,the subject starts to fall sleep afther a long imsonia period.
Happening wherever and whenever in any given moment they could end up asleep in the same position they were this including standing or the position they chose to sleep.
STAGE 6:involuntary weight loss|almost no weight gain
As name of this stage may sujest the irken infected suddenly starts losing inmense amounts of weight out of nowhere,weight wich they cannot recover easily despite over eating.
STAGE 7:permanent hunger|over eating
The subject is always in a permanent state of hunger that cannot be fulled causing them to over eat but due to stage 6 they gain no weight and instead of gaining it they loose it.
STAGE 8:aggressivness|emotional dysfunction
Irkens on this stage become emotionaly unstable and potentially dangerous due to them suddenly becoming agresive towards anyone around them or even to themself.
other emotions apart from anger surge such as dispair,sadness and anguish burning fierciely till they manifest agresive responses from them.
STAGE 9:burning cronic pain
Patients describe it as being wraped in burning red barbed wire in all their body or as being burned alive.
this pain dosen´t disapear no matter what and it suddenly comes in burst,pain killers can fight it for a short time but not for forever,not taking in count that strong painkillers are needed for the task.
STAGE 10:cardiac and breating problems
The tittle kinda expalins by itself but,the irkens start experimenting chest pain and fast heart beats as well great dificulty breating without help of a mask or air filter.
STAGE 11:fainting out of nowhere
Irkens start fainting out of their sences in the most random of moments during this stage,they just faint or black out in any given moment like if they were computers that were disconected of the wall.
Tho they can faint in dangerous situacions pting their life at risk if they are in a complicated zone in wich they can fall unconcious at any given moment without warning.
STAGE 12:bleedings
During this stage the patient starts bleeding out in diferent way like starting to cough,throwing up their blood in big or small amounts,aswell they bleed through their eyes as if they were criying.
This can happen ramdomly and without warning specially the eye bleeding since theres no way of controling it similar to the blood coughing,while puking the blood will give certain sings to be prepared before it happens.
STAGE 13:paranoia
Irkens on this stage start feeling like they were being watched or followed everywhere they go making them feel anxious and unsafe at wherever they are even in their own house or even if they are completly alone,this makes them to be always alert and tense.
This sometimes can get worse under high levels of stress and can lead to them having a panic attack or a mental breakdown due to the paranoia increasing till is unvearable.
Special meds might be requiered.
STAGE 14:visual and auditive halucinations
At this stage the infected start at first hearing whispers and seing shadow figures at the corner of their eye,but it rapidly goes intense since from whispers they become clear voices that can shout loudly and visions of clear beings that can roam frealy on the vision of the irken.
The hallucinations can involve personal things such as memories long forgotten,nightmares and things happened in the routine,the sounds can be gentle or angry voices aswell loud or quiet sounds of objects fallng or moving.
Special meds might be requiered.
STAGE 15:inhability to feel external pain
The irken becomes unable to feel any form of damage that comes from outside the own body like being stabbed,they do not feel the stabbing perce but they later do feel the pain of the burning of a open wound provoqued naturally by the body.
This can be dangerous since they are unable to notice if they are injured as esily as other more normal irkens do,since their pain percepcion is screwed.
STAGE 16:hability to spreed the illness
At this point the blood is totally that bright blue and if they touch someone in an open wound while bleading or someone consumes their blood they will become infected and will end up just like them.
so at this point they try their best for no one except themselfs to touch their wounds.
STAGE 17:psicosis
During this stage theres certain probability that the irkens start experiencing psicotic attacks that result in them usually attacking others or their own selfs since they at this point may go berserk and don´t recognize their own body.
During s psicotic attack they can eviscerate their own eyes in the middle of the psicotic attack pluking them off or stabbing them with their claws so is remomended to try and put them down before they do this.
Special meds might be requiered.
STAGE 18:disociative amnesia
In this poitn the irkens might loose part of their most tresusred or important memories,this involucrating their own name or the name of their loved ones,their age or who they are.
They can also forget total things such as crusial parts of their past and some of their present,aswell they can replace some memories for others or accidentaly distord already stablished memories and belive they are the actual ones.
STAGE 19:suicidal attitudes
This explains a bit by its own,but the irkens start showing suicidal thoughts and attitudes that lead them into going straight into dangerous sittuacions in hopes to be killed,they can also attempt to end their lifes so is advised that they arent left alone.
Special meds might be requiered in order to try and fight their desires to end their lifes tho they arent always needed.
STAGE 20:death
Arriving this stage irkens get weaker and weaker trough the process of a whole year and soon hits a total malfunction in all the body that leads to a coma that afther a month ends in the dead of the irken.
Reference images
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Potential origin and posible patient cero
The origins of this sickness are still discused and deeply unknown but there are certain theories about how this sickness reached the irkens.
The first one is that it comes from the golden era of explorers,in wich in an expedition explorers fell into a planet infected by this illness and that one of them got infected with it tranmiting it to the others eventually.
This theory is the most belivable since this sickness was pretty common beyond the explorers so its posible this is the true answer.
Other theory propoces that its one of the only illness that survived in the irkens like the common flu did and that despite all the years of cloning it didn´t disapear.
The patient zero of this second theory is always a random smeet that was born with this affection and wich later transmited the illness around.
Irkens infected in between my ocs
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Ikarus was an explorer thing thatgot her infected at a young age,she died around her 30´s when mis and his twins were 5 and take 3,she killed herself afther a psicotic attack in wich she almost killed her older son mis suiciding right in front of his eyes.
Mis and Ael
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Mis and Ael got both infected at the age of 5 via a open wound his mother caused them both witnesing her die,they are both currently on stage 19 and are close to reaching stage 20,both are patiently wainting till their end.
thats all for today have a nice day,touch some grass and drink some water.
Fox out
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ghostlyplacetobe · 9 months
We cannot sleep, imsonia is so funny
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lottiechaos · 2 years
Its hilarious how people from Twitter are now flocking over here like if tumblr were a honey groove when in reality tumblr is just a fever dream run by crackhead gremlins with roachy hands plotting world chaos and 12 year old poetry potty humor and running on imsonia and fumes like its the dark ages in camelot
Not to mention most of us forgot we had A ceo or didnt know we had one when the guy left
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insomnia88tbr · 3 months
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INSOMNIA88 adalah agen resmi slot IMSONIA 88 yang menjamin pembayaran berapapun kemenangan member. Bergabunglah sekarang dan nikmati berbagai permainan slot gacor winrate tinggi 99% hanya di INSOMNIA88.
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jubyeanny · 6 months
Fuck imsonia and anxiety and stomach aches i just want to stop thinking about it, but here am in the hospital again for the second time in a month for a panic attack I'm not welllllllll
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