#important rpc
purple-stitchings · 2 years
I understand wanting insight on your character and how Alucard sees them but please do not spam send other character based asks. You're a lot more obvious than you think and it's genuinely started to get annoying and I've begun deleting them. Same with threads, I will not always respond quickly and there's no need to reblog them again and again.
When making a character you have to understand that not all characters follow your canon, some may not want your character to have the presumed relationship you established, that is okay, they can still be friends or whatever else you and the other mun may intent, you just have to communicate that. Do not assume things of other characters, do not try to start drama that the other mun doesn't want, don't try and copy dynamics of another writer (without permission), do not spam asks about your character, and just do research on the dos and donts of roleplay, I can promise you there are posts to let you know what is accepted by the rpc and what is not.
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mcflymemes · 1 year
please don't mistake silence for hatred. please don't mistake unanswered plotting messages as indifference, or a lack of enthusiasm towards you. considering the ages of most roleplayers, many of us have bills to pay, families to take care of, medical conditions to treat, appointments to make, classes to take, homes to clean, and lives to live away from the computer that are far, far more important than writing on tumblr — life has a tendency to get in the way of hobbies and fun things like this. be patient with your fellow writers. if it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. of course you can set your boundaries, keep your space comfortable, and softblock whoever you wish, but do so while recognizing it's probably not hatred or apathy that keeps them from leaping into your dms with message after message. they probably love this hobby just as much as you... but sometimes life gets in the way.
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PSA regarding a Recent String of Anons
So there's at least one user going around, they're sending anonymous messages that are typically disgusting or cruel to those who have the Anonymous feature on. They tag URLs in them, but the anons are more than likely NOT coming from the url being tagged. This is especially true if you're not following or mutuals with the blog in question.
Be careful. The best course of action you can take, rather than answering the anons is to REPORT and BLOCK them. Tumblr will take it from there so long as enough people report and block the anonymous messages. The real culprit WILL eventually get caught.
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rpc-cafe · 2 months
a post for whoever needs it
hi there! hope you're well. i'm here to say that i am so glad you're around. you are valued, important, and so very special.
please, if you have one, take a moment to reflect on this: in a world that desperately needs light and imagination, here you are weaving stories and building characters. you are made of the same elements that used to be parts of old stars. you are formed out of ancient supernova explosions and nebulous gases and other beautiful, powerful forces. you continue creating just as the cosmos did and i personally think there is something beautiful about that.
here you are, my friend, and i am so happy because of it. whatever you create is made of stardust and pieces of you. that is more than good enough. keep shining.
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crownmemes · 1 month
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Advice; About Pages vs Rules Pages
About Pages
An about page is where you describe information about your muse. It allows potential writing partners to see who they are and decide if they're interested in writing with them. An about page should ideally consist of the following:
Basic bio information (name, age, etc)
A short physical description (this is useful even if you have a fc image because you can describe how they may differ from the image!)
A short paragraph describing what they're like as a person
Any relevant history information
Of course, the more information the better, so you could write more than this if you wanted to! If you have a really long about page, having a short, condensed paragraph summary at the top of the page is a good idea.
An about page is also a good place to put any AUs you may have for your muse (or you could create a separate verses page!). For AU information, you should describe how your muse is different from their main verse.
You need an about page if you are writing an OC. Your OC is an original character, so you need to give potential writing partners that information so they can see what your OC is like. If your muse is canon divergent or AU based, you should also have an about page because people will want to know how your muse differs from canon before deciding to write with you.
If your muse is a canon character, you should still consider having an about page. This is because you're likely to have headcanons that differ from canon, so writing them down prevents confusion later on. It also allows people who aren't familiar with the character to learn about them so they can write with you too - this is especially important if you write for a small fandom!
If you're a new blog, writing about pages also demonstrates your writing ability and style, which can help you get your first interactions!
If you're struggling to write an about page, I have prompts for basic character information here.
Rules Pages
A rules page is where you write the rules for writing with you. Common rules are:
No godmodding (controlling your writing partner's character)
Age restrictions
The length of replies you want to write
Any topics you don't want to write
Some people also include a brief description of themselves here. It is a good idea to include whether you are under 18, 18+ or 21+ as many people have age restrictions in their rules.
Making a rules page is important because it allows you to set restrictions that potential writing partners can check before interacting with you. It also allows potential writing partners to check that you are compatible with them.
It's important to read a partner's rule page before interacting with them. It's surprisingly easy to tell if somebody hasn't read your rules, and people are unlikely to want to write with somebody who hasn't read them.
See suggestions of where to make about/rules pages here.
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lcverrpc · 1 year
voodoo , witchcraft and the rpc
or  why you should think before including voodoo in your roleplay . ( this will contain discussions of slavery and racism , for my own comfort i will not be going into true detail of these and the other dark topics surrounded with the stereotypes )
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now , i would like to preface this by saying i am not a practitioner or follower of the voodoo ( vodou but for the sake of this post we'll use voodoo ) religion , however i am black ( caribbean specifically ) and after seeing an uptick of voodoo in the rpc lately , it's occurred to me that this puts me in the position to say something . so lets get into it .
witches and magic have been a staple of both the horror and supernatural genres for years and voodoo has worked its way into the entertainment industry alongside this but lets get into what vodoo actually is : a religion with its own spiritual hierarchies , ritual ceremonies, customs and practises .
a closed religion at that .
unless you are invited into it , you can not and should not practise it . it was developed by african slaves - it's entire foundation incorporates blended religions , cultures and sufferings of african slaves . it's commonly known that enslaved people were separated from their religious and spiritual identities , the only way that this knowledge and religion still exists is from being passed down from generation to generation .
'what if my muse was invited into it?' in my opinion , you as a mun who has not been invited into this religion who does not practise it , can not fully understand the weight , traditions and complexities of it . even with research , you will be missing pieces of the information .
closed religion aside , lets now talk about the stereotypes surrounding voodoo and magic .
the term black magic was often used in regards to african spirituality and in media it's not uncommon to see voodoo be used and misrepresented as something backwards , perverse and downright evil . where does this come from ? well as simple as i can make it , it's racism . voodoo and hoodoo were used to further demonise black people , it gave us the reputation that we could enslave you , that we would take away your will and autonomy and force good innocent white people into doing things they didn't want to do ( ironic isn't it ) think of media such as ahs or even princess and the frog for modern examples of how this stereotype continues .
when portraying black witches who dabble in the stereotyped portrayal of 'voodoo' , or white characters with 'voodoo' superpowers it's important to be aware of the history and of the image you will be projecting with your character .
this is not to say you can't play black characters as witches or other magical species , but you can do so in a way that doesn't enforce damaging stereotypes and tropes . ( bonnie bennet from tvd is a witch the same as her many white counterparts , the most recent reboot of charmed features black female leads as powerful witches - although both of these are not perfect depictions )
tldr : this is no where as detailed as i wanted it to be as im saving my energy and i can't tell you what to do but voodoo is a closed religion that should not be used in roleplays as a source of magic or witchcraft . please respect it and it's roots . if you want to play a black character with magic , do so the same way you would their white counterparts but be aware of stereotypes ( particularly the magical n*gro stereotype )
as always im open to questions and comments on this . my knowledge is not absolute so i'm happy to amend things in this post . keep discussions civil and polite pretty please and remember that people of colour do not owe you education , especially at their own expense so be patient and listen .
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black-plumbob · 8 months
I've confirmed that I still don't like Sims 3, so I'm not even going to try playing anymore lol. Anyway, I've just gotten things set up on my win7, so I'm about to test it out. If things go well, I'm going to create some additional users so I can separate my CC folders easier (I want to make a user for my Victorian saves, then I may venture into a medieval save).
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fragmented-tales · 27 days
// sorry for another OOC post but- I figured I should update y'all on some things:
I'm still working through drafts on all my blogs, and iirc have a few responses queued up on the main blog for Sky.
I'm going to start only liking threads and answered asks - this is because I don't want to clog up anyone's notifications (whoops, sorry guys). Also on the topic of liking; I will unlike a thread and re-like your most recent reply. This is because I may not answer right away but I do want you to know I've seen it and have it drafted.
Over the next few weeks, muse might be weak for multi paragraph threads because I plan to work on detailed sheets for more muses, like what some of them (ex. Aluecard, Moira, Twilight) already have. I'll note who gets updated with whatever posts at the time in the tags.
I have a handful of meme starters in the queue, so if none of the currently posted memes interest you, you're welcome to ask me if there's anything queued I think would fit between our muses.
I am always fine with being randomly tagged!! Whether it's for memes, posts you think fit our muses, random starters, anything!!! I'm nervous to interact with anyone beyond a select four people, two of which were my friends before I started rping here, one is a friend I made through one of those friends, and one is one I just instantly kinda clicked with (in my perspective, at least) so interacting with me first is HIGHLY recommended!
I'd usually subscript a post like this but it was cutting letters weirdly on mobile??? Sorry- //
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quillheel · 11 months
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// hi this is a lil notification that I have a k//fi ( in source ) & do icon commissions and, for mutuals, other graphics on a case-by-case pricing basis depending on whats wanted. I also do art comms ( captaincomms.carrd.co ). financially i am having a Rough time rn which is why i'm bringing this up at all bc usually I don't like to here but Things Aren't The Best so if you wanna support me I would deeply appreciate that /gen
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wingsofachampion · 1 year
It's come to my attention that there's been some pkmn irl blogs trying to interact with Pokemon RPC blogs.
While I love the enthusiasm, that's a completely different community, with its own seperate rules. You can't jump in and make an in-universe tumblr post responding to an in-person thread. That's a quick way to get blocked.
So, I'm making a guide to how to interact with Pokemon RPC blogs!
First, though, Shiro made an excellent post here that details the dos and don'ts for interacting with most Pokemon RPC blogs. I recommend checking it out!
Rex also made a good post about this here! I agree with a lot of the points here, and I recommend checking it out, too!
What is the Pokemon RPC?
It's kinda similar to pkmn irl, but only in the sense that we're all RPing Pokemon stuff. Posts are near-universally in-person there, rather than usually being in-universe online like here.
It's a completely different feel, but still a lot of fun! Though interacting with our pkmn irl blogs as-is is heavily discouraged.
Why can't I interact?
Well, first, nearly every RPC blog has a rules page, that you must read before interacting. They also almost all have an about page, that detail the character(s) of the blog.
But most importantly, the formats aren't really compatible.
Imagine you're writing a book with someone else. Then someone walks in and treats it as if it's a social media page.
Doesn't make sense, right? Well, that's basically what happens when a pkmn irl blog tries to interact with a Pokemon RPC one.
Also, in the RPC, reblogging headcanon posts and RP threads you're no involved in is heavily discouraged, so please don't do that.
But I want to interact!
Good news, you can! But you'll have to play by RPC rules. In-person threads, a detailed rules page, and a detailed about page for your character(s). Though it'd be really confusing to do both on one blog.
So I have a suggestion. Make a RPC sideblog! Make a sideblog, but instead of it following the pkmn irl format, it follows the RPC format.
I do this myself! @achampionswings is my RPC blog for Tropius.
Don't be discouraged if some people don't want to interact with you, though. Some people here in pkmn irl don't want to interact with sentient Pokemon blogs, and that's ok, so we shouldn't judge, either. Nobody's going to be interacting with literally every Pokemon RPC blog.
The pkmn irl community is still very new. It only started getting big less than a year ago.
The Pokemon RPC is ages old, and I believe it's nearly as old as tumblr itself.
We're two different communities, and that's ok. It'd be a complicated mess if they were one and the same.
The pkmn irl community is still growing. We're still finding our footing. We're coming into a stage where people are starting to notice us, and that comes with knowing the proper etiquitte on how to interact with other communities like us.
We can do this, though. We've made it this far.
Just respect the rules and etiquitte of these other communities, and I think everything will be fine.
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mcflymemes · 1 year
just spotted that rant complaining about shipping in the rpc (the one using an ableist slur as an insult, which already discredits the post's validity in my eyes) and i just wanted to offer my two cents.
"remember when people wrote with you nonstop, bombed your DMs with headcanons and gushings, tagged aesthetics that reminded them of the shipped muses? remember when people actually knew how to juggle and be a partner? it was a double effort and we had loads of fun."
i just did a poll on this blog to determine how long people have been in the rpc... and 66% of the people that voted have been here for 8+ years. do you know what that means? it means "back in the day" when we were "writing nonstop" or when we "knew how to juggle and be a partner" many of us were younger. a lot of us were in high school or college, or we didn't have jobs, or we weren't old enough for huge responsibilities. many didn't have families or kids. we didn't have the responsibilities 8 years ago that we do now.
many of us have busy irl lives with travel, work, children, spouses, family members to look after, animals to care for, money troubles, schoolwork, medical issues. homes to look after, groceries to buy, mental health struggles, irl friends to visit with, etc. as much as we all love this hobby, and we want to find people who are passionate about our characters or our writing as much as we are... you are not owed this. you were never owed this. it was simply easier a few years ago.
you are owed kindness, basic human decency, and a respect for your blog rules. you are not owed ships. you are not owed someone's passion or their constant enthusiasm or their time away from irl events. you are not owed their daily messages, their instant replies, their eternal passion for your ship.
"i long for the days that when someone said they wanted to ship with your muse, they meant it."
they still mean it. unfortunately... they don't always have the time. our lives have evolved and with that, the rpc has evolved into something with less pressure, less demand, less of an obligation. and that's okay, because we have irl things to worry about. this is a hobby. this is not a job. more important things in our lives have taken priority. the rpc has changed... and that's okay.
finally, and most importantly, you should know better than to use the term "spastic" as a derogatory term in your quest to insult these people.
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rpc-cafe · 2 years
a gentle reminder for those who may be struggling...
you being here and having fun writing with others is enough to be in the rpc. you are enough just by virtue of being present. you are loved, you will find your crowd, and you have so many stories to write. don't compare yourself with others - instead focus on doing what brings you happiness and fulfillment.
i'm so glad you're here. i'm so glad you're alive. 💕
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queen-of-the-mad · 4 months
me: *creates a blog to write Keaton’s Batman to curb my Batmuse*
Me: *immediately gets the urge to write West’s Batman*
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espectres · 2 months
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just realized espectres gonna be 1 year old in 2 months WAAAAH !!!!!!
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deathdxnces · 10 months
are you ever overwhelmed with love and affection and gratitude for the friends you made by making a silly little rp blog on tumblr..
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shiroi---kumo · 9 months
🦄 the best thing that's happened to me in roleplay this year
My experience in the RPC || Accepting
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This man right here. @aquaticsoul and theo's entire fucking blog for him. Firstly, Sielu is one of my proudest designs, if not my proudest.
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Secondly the way Theo has breathed this man to life is nothing short of amazing. Misterica is four times as big as it used to be and because of this, it's just become even more alive. Theo has helped me branch out so much of Misterica and the Stars have become even better as OCs and so much lore happened because of talking things out with Theo and because Sielu exists.
This man is quintessential to Kumo's existence and character. He could not be who he is today without Sielu and ignoring Sielu and basically any of the Stars is basically ignoring a huge section of not only Kumo's life but who he is as a person. If you don't know the Stars, it is hard to know Kumo at this point. They are such a huge part of his life.
I love Sielu so much. He's canon in my heart.
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