#pico (the mun) has nothing to do with our writing. molly snd alucard aswell as this pico are im completely different verses
purple-stitchings · 2 years
I understand wanting insight on your character and how Alucard sees them but please do not spam send other character based asks. You're a lot more obvious than you think and it's genuinely started to get annoying and I've begun deleting them. Same with threads, I will not always respond quickly and there's no need to reblog them again and again.
When making a character you have to understand that not all characters follow your canon, some may not want your character to have the presumed relationship you established, that is okay, they can still be friends or whatever else you and the other mun may intent, you just have to communicate that. Do not assume things of other characters, do not try to start drama that the other mun doesn't want, don't try and copy dynamics of another writer (without permission), do not spam asks about your character, and just do research on the dos and donts of roleplay, I can promise you there are posts to let you know what is accepted by the rpc and what is not.
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