#importance of data science pdf
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Shifting $677m from the banks to the people, every year, forever

I'll be in TUCSON, AZ from November 8-10: I'm the GUEST OF HONOR at the TUSCON SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION.
"Switching costs" are one of the great underappreciated evils in our world: the more it costs you to change from one product or service to another, the worse the vendor, provider, or service you're using today can treat you without risking your business.
Businesses set out to keep switching costs as high as possible. Literally. Mark Zuckerberg's capos send him memos chortling about how Facebook's new photos feature will punish anyone who leaves for a rival service with the loss of all their family photos – meaning Zuck can torment those users for profit and they'll still stick around so long as the abuse is less bad than the loss of all their cherished memories:
It's often hard to quantify switching costs. We can tell when they're high, say, if your landlord ties your internet service to your lease (splitting the profits with a shitty ISP that overcharges and underdelivers), the switching cost of getting a new internet provider is the cost of moving house. We can tell when they're low, too: you can switch from one podcatcher program to another just by exporting your list of subscriptions from the old one and importing it into the new one:
But sometimes, economists can get a rough idea of the dollar value of high switching costs. For example, a group of economists working for the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau calculated that the hassle of changing banks is costing Americans at least $677m per year (see page 526):
The CFPB economists used a very conservative methodology, so the number is likely higher, but let's stick with that figure for now. The switching costs of changing banks – determining which bank has the best deal for you, then transfering over your account histories, cards, payees, and automated bill payments – are costing everyday Americans more than half a billion dollars, every year.
Now, the CFPB wasn't gathering this data just to make you mad. They wanted to do something about all this money – to find a way to lower switching costs, and, in so doing, transfer all that money from bank shareholders and executives to the American public.
And that's just what they did. A newly finalized Personal Financial Data Rights rule will allow you to authorize third parties – other banks, comparison shopping sites, brokers, anyone who offers you a better deal, or help you find one – to request your account data from your bank. Your bank will be required to provide that data.
I loved this rule when they first proposed it:
And I like the final rule even better. They've really nailed this one, even down to the fine-grained details where interop wonks like me get very deep into the weeds. For example, a thorny problem with interop rules like this one is "who gets to decide how the interoperability works?" Where will the data-formats come from? How will we know they're fit for purpose?
This is a super-hard problem. If we put the monopolies whose power we're trying to undermine in charge of this, they can easily cheat by delivering data in uselessly obfuscated formats. For example, when I used California's privacy law to force Mailchimp to provide list of all the mailing lists I've been signed up for without my permission, they sent me thousands of folders containing more than 5,900 spreadsheets listing their internal serial numbers for the lists I'm on, with no way to find out what these lists are called or how to get off of them:
So if we're not going to let the companies decide on data formats, who should be in charge of this? One possibility is to require the use of a standard, but again, which standard? We can ask a standards body to make a new standard, which they're often very good at, but not when the stakes are high like this. Standards bodies are very weak institutions that large companies are very good at capturing:
Here's how the CFPB solved this: they listed out the characteristics of a good standards body, listed out the data types that the standard would have to encompass, and then told banks that so long as they used a standard from a good standards body that covered all the data-types, they'd be in the clear.
Once the rule is in effect, you'll be able to go to a comparison shopping site and authorize it to go to your bank for your transaction history, and then tell you which bank – out of all the banks in America – will pay you the most for your deposits and charge you the least for your debts. Then, after you open a new account, you can authorize the new bank to go back to your old bank and get all your data: payees, scheduled payments, payment history, all of it. Switching banks will be as easy as switching mobile phone carriers – just a few clicks and a few minutes' work to get your old number working on a phone with a new provider.
This will save Americans at least $677 million, every year. Which is to say, it will cost the banks at least $670 million every year.
Naturally, America's largest banks are suing to block the rule:
Of course, the banks claim that they're only suing to protect you, and the $677m annual transfer from their investors to the public has nothing to do with it. The banks claim to be worried about bank-fraud, which is a real thing that we should be worried about. They say that an interoperability rule could make it easier for scammers to get at your data and even transfer your account to a sleazy fly-by-night operation without your consent. This is also true!
It is obviously true that a bad interop rule would be bad. But it doesn't follow that every interop rule is bad, or that it's impossible to make a good one. The CFPB has made a very good one.
For starters, you can't just authorize anyone to get your data. Eligible third parties have to meet stringent criteria and vetting. These third parties are only allowed to ask for the narrowest slice of your data needed to perform the task you've set for them. They aren't allowed to use that data for anything else, and as soon as they've finished, they must delete your data. You can also revoke their access to your data at any time, for any reason, with one click – none of this "call a customer service rep and wait on hold" nonsense.
What's more, if your bank has any doubts about a request for your data, they are empowered to (temporarily) refuse to provide it, until they confirm with you that everything is on the up-and-up.
I wrote about the lawsuit this week for @[email protected]'s Deeplinks blog:
In that article, I point out the tedious, obvious ruses of securitywashing and privacywashing, where a company insists that its most abusive, exploitative, invasive conduct can't be challenged because that would expose their customers to security and privacy risks. This is such bullshit.
It's bullshit when printer companies say they can't let you use third party ink – for your own good:
It's bullshit when car companies say they can't let you use third party mechanics – for your own good:
It's bullshit when Apple says they can't let you use third party app stores – for your own good:
It's bullshit when Facebook says you can't independently monitor the paid disinformation in your feed – for your own good:
And it's bullshit when the banks say you can't change to a bank that charges you less, and pays you more – for your own good.
CFPB boss Rohit Chopra is part of a cohort of Biden enforcers who've hit upon a devastatingly effective tactic for fighting corporate power: they read the law and found out what they're allowed to do, and then did it:
The CFPB was created in 2010 with the passage of the Consumer Financial Protection Act, which specifically empowers the CFPB to make this kind of data-sharing rule. Back when the CFPA was in Congress, the banks howled about this rule, whining that they were being forced to share their data with their competitors.
But your account data isn't your bank's data. It's your data. And the CFPB is gonna let you have it, and they're gonna save you and your fellow Americans at least $677m/year – forever.
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
#pluralistic#Consumer Financial Protection Act#cfpa#Personal Financial Data Rights#rohit chopra#finance#banking#personal finance#interop#interoperability#mandated interoperability#standards development organizations#sdos#standards#switching costs#competition#cfpb#consumer finance protection bureau#click to cancel#securitywashing#oligarchy#guillotine watch
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How easy is it to fudge your scientific rank? Meet Larry, the world’s most cited cat
-Christie Wilcox
Reposting whole text cos paywall:
Larry Richardson appeared to be an early-career mathematician with potential. According to Google Scholar, he’d authored a dozen papers on topics ranging from complex algebras to the structure of mathematical objects, racking up more than 130 citations in 4 years. It would all be rather remarkable—if the studies weren’t complete gibberish. And Larry wasn’t a cat.
“It was an exercise in absurdity,” says Reese Richardson, a graduate student in metascience and computational biology at Northwestern University. Earlier this month, he and fellow research misconduct sleuth Nick Wise at the University of Cambridge cooked up Larry’s profile and engineered the feline’s scientific ascent. Their goal: to make him the world’s most highly cited cat by mimicking a tactic apparently employed by a citation-boosting service advertised on Facebook. In just 2 short weeks, the duo accomplished its mission.
The stunt will hopefully draw awareness to the growing issue of the manipulation of research metrics, says Peter Lange, a higher education consultant and emeritus professor of political science at Duke University. “I think most faculty members at the institutions I know are not even aware of such citation mills.”
As a general rule, the more a scientific paper is cited by other studies, the more important it and its authors are in a field. One shorthand is the popular “h-index”: An h-index of 10 means a person has 10 papers with at least 10 citations each, for instance.
Inflating a researcher’s citation count and h-index gives them “a tremendous advantage” in hiring and tenure decisions says Jennifer Byrne, a cancer researcher at the University of Sydney. It also drives the business model of shady organizations that promise to boost your citations in exchange for cash. “If you can just buy citations,” Byrne says, “you’re buying influence.”
Enter Larry the cat. His tale began a few weeks ago, when Wise saw a Facebook ad offering “citation & h-index boosting.” It wasn’t the first promo he and Richardson had seen for such services. (The going rate seems to be about $10 per citation.) But this one linked to screenshots of Google Scholar profiles of real scientists. That meant the duo could see just which citations were driving up the numbers.
The citations, it turned out, often belonged to papers full of nonsense text authored by long-dead mathematicians such as Pythagoras. The studies had been uploaded as PDFs to the academic social platform ResearchGate and then subsequently deleted, obscuring their nature. (Wise and Richardson had to dig into Google’s cache to read the documents.) “We were like, ‘Wow, this procedure is incredibly easy,’” Richardson recalls. “All you have to do is put some fake papers on ResearchGate.”
It’s so easy, Wise noted at the time, that a quickly written script to pump out plausible-sounding papers could make anyone highly cited—even a cat. “I don’t know if he was being serious,” Richardson says. “But I certainly took that as a challenge.” And he knew just the cat to beat: F.D.C. Willard. In 1975, theoretical physicist Jack Hetherington added his Siamese to one of his single-author papers so the references to “we” would make more sense. As of this year, “Felis Domesticus Chester Willard” has 107 citations.
To break that record, Richardson turned to his grandmother’s cat Larry. In about an hour he created 12 fake papers authored by Larry and 12 others that cited each of Larry’s works. That would amount to 12 papers with 12 citations each, for a total citation count of 144 and an h-index of 12. Richardson uploaded the manuscripts to a ResearchGate profile he created for the feline. Then, he and Wise waited for Google Scholar to automatically scrape the fake data.
On 17 July, Larry’s papers and 132 citations appeared on the site. (Google Scholar failed to catch one spurious study, Wise notes.) And, thus, Larry became the world’s most highly cited cat. “I asked Larry what his reaction was over the phone,” Richardson told Science. “I can only assume he was too stunned to speak.”
Although Larry’s profile might seem obviously fake, finding manipulated ones usually isn’t easy, says Talal Rahwan, a computer scientist at New York University Abu Dhabi. Earlier this year, he and Yasir Zaki, a computer scientist at the same institution, and their colleagues scanned more than 1 million Google Scholar profiles to look for anomalous citation counts. They found at least 114 with “highly irregular citation patterns,” according to a paper posted in February on the arXiv preprint server. “The vast majority had at least some of their dubious citations from ResearchGate,” Zaki says.
ResearchGate is “of course aware of the growing research integrity issues in the global research community,” says the company’s CEO, Ijad Madisch. “[We] are continually reviewing our policies and processes to ensure the best experience for our millions of researcher users.” In this case, he says, the company was unaware that citation mills delete content after indexing, apparently to cover their tracks—intel that may help ResearchGate develop better monitoring systems. “We appreciate Science reporting this particular situation to us and we will be using this report to review and adapt our processes as required.”
Google Scholar removed Larry’s citations about 1 week after they appeared, so he has lost his unofficial title. However, his profile still exists, and the dubious citations in the profiles that were in the advertisement remain. So, “They haven’t fixed the problem,” Wise says. Google Scholar did not respond to requests for comment.
It’s not the first time somebody has manipulated Google Scholar by posting fake papers. In 2010, Cyril Labbé, a computer scientist at Grenoble Alpes University, invented a researcher named Ike Antkare (“I can’t care”), and made him the sixth most cited computer scientist on the service by posting fake publications to Labbé institutional website. “Impersonating a fake scientist in a cat is very cute,” Labbé says. “If it can be done for a cat, it can easily be done for a real person.”
For that reason, many researchers would like to see less emphasis on h-index and other metrics that have “the undue glow of quantification,” as Lange puts it. As long as the benefits of manipulating these systems outweigh the risks and costs, Wise says, people are going to continue to try to hack them. “How can you create a metric that can’t be gamed? I’m sure the answer is: You can’t.”
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Please Start Archiving in the US
With current events, I think it is prudent that everyone, that is able to, needs start archiving shit. I am a former library worker but I do not know much about cybersecurity. If you do want to go down that route please research and keep you and your archive safe :). The more copies that are preserved, then the more likely it is that the media will survive. Even if you save only 2 files that is still important!
First, I will list how to create an computer archive and best practices, then I will provide a list of known targets and suggested materials to add.
You need somewhere to store your data most people will use their computer's storage drive but you need to have backups! Do not rely on cloud storage solutions, they require internet connection are vulnerable to data breaches, and the companies that store that data must follow any laws that the government may decide to pass. USBs or external hardrives are best options. CDs can be used in a pinch, but are more likely to degrade as well as having lower storage capacity then the previous options. Use whatever you have lying around, you do not need to spend money if you don't want to.
When saving data use file formats that are common and able to be read without use of a special software. (that means no .docx) PDF/A is the gold standard for archiving. It is a subtype of pdf that contains metadata, such as typefaces and graphical info, that ensure the files are read properly in the future. Adobe Acrobat is able to save and convert documents into PDF/A. PDFTron, DocuPub, and Ghostscript are all free or have free versions that create pdf/a files. PNG, JPEG2000, .txt, MP3, wav, are other common file types that the Smithsonian recommends for data storage. For a full list of types to use and avoid, see the sources cited at the bottom.
What are we archiving?
Please gather both fiction and nonfiction resources. Nonfiction collection ideas: Current news clips, local history of marginalized communities, interviews, biographies, memoirs, zines, and art pieces. Saving scientific research is incredibly important! In 1933, one of the first places they targeted was the Institute of Sexual Science. Lots of what was stored there was never recovered. Environmental science, trans and intersex health, and minority history will likely be targeted first. For fiction, the most commonly challenged books last year were: 1) GenderQueer by Maia Kobabe 2) All Boys Aren't Blue by George Johnson 3) This Book is Gay by Juno Dawson 4) The of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky 5) Flamer by Mike Curato 6) The Bluest Eyes by Toni Morrison 7) Me and Earl and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews 8) Tricks by Ellen Hopkins 9) Let's Talk about it (Teen guide to sex, relationships, and being a human) by Erika Moen and Matthew Nolan 10) Sold by Patricia McCormick I present this list so you have an idea of what is normally targeted. Books that describe racism and queer identities are most common, but other targets include any depictions of violence, drugs, sex. Use your personal archive to accumulate data that you personally are passionate about. The more niche a topic the more likely it is that other people will not have it in their storage.
Lastly, please remember as an archivist you are not there to determine if a piece is worthy of being saved. Just because you do not like or agree with the message does not mean it will be saved from being banned. All artworks amateur or professional are worthy of being archived.
Sources: ALA 2023 Banned Books https://www.ala.org/bbooks/frequentlychallengedbooks/top10
How to create a PDF/A file https://www.research.gov/common/attachment/Desktop/How_do_I_create_a_PDF-A_file.pdf
Smithsonian Data Management Best Practices and File Formats https://siarchives.si.edu/what-we-do/digital-curation/recommended-preservation-formats-electronic-records https://library.si.edu/research/best-practices-storing-archiving-and-preserving-data
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I think we as a society need to realise that one of the most dangerous jobs is being a stay at home mom.
trigger warnings below the cut.
tw for femicide and domestic violence mentions.
You're risking your financial wellbeing/future and you're risking your life having a baby. And unfortunately women are much more likely to be killed or hurt by someone they know in their own home than anyone else.
"Women and girls account for only one tenth of all homicide victims perpetrated in the public sphere, yet they bear a disproportionate burden of lethal violence perpetrated in the home: in 58 per cent of all killings perpetrated by intimate partners or other family members, the victim was a woman or girl." https://www.unodc.org/documents/data-and-analysis/statistics/crime/UN_BriefFem_251121.pdf
And unfortunately when I say "risking your life to have a baby" I don't mostly mean from pregnancy complications. Pregnant women and pregnant people are more likely to be murdered then people who aren't pregnant.
"Women in the U.S. who are pregnant or who have recently given birth are more likely to be murdered than to die from obstetric causes—and these homicides are linked to a deadly mix of intimate partner violence and firearms, according to researchers from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health." https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/homicide-leading-cause-of-death-for-pregnant-women-in-u-s/
"In 2020, the risk of homicide was 35% higher for pregnant or postpartum women, compared to women of reproductive age who were not pregnant or postpartum."
Women of color and teenage girls are the most at risk. "Of the 189 pregnancy-associated homicides in 2020, 55% of victims were non-Hispanic Black women, and 45% were aged 24 years or younger..... According to the study, these trends mirror previous years, with adolescents and Black women experiencing the highest rates of pregnancy-associated homicide."
And when you say you're a stay at home mom, people will assume you've had it so easy. You'll have a harder time finding jobs because society assumes you didn't do anything during the "gap" in your resume. Meanwhile your partner's retirement fund and career is booming, and their kids have been raised for them.
So we as a society need to change how we see stay at home moms. We need better support and rights for them. They're people, and they're raising the next generations of our society. That's an incredibly important job.
This is a dangerous job that needs to be given that kind of consideration, and we need more protections in place for SAHMs. I don't know as many statistics for stay at home dads, especially trans dads, but I think exercising some caution would be good for you guys too. Stay safe out there.
#women's rights#intersectional feminism#trans rights#children's rights#this affects teenage girls especially unfortunately
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Best regards
The Total Solar Eclipse Proves The Sun Rays Is Created By The Gravitational Waves Motions And Not By The Sun Nuclear Fusion
Let's remember my theory
This Is Extraordinary: Gravity Can Create Light, All on Its Own
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsnHYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"ei=83
This new article tells - the gravitational waves can move by high velocity motion and can produce A Light Beam–
The article tells- the gravitational waves can move by speed of light (C=300000 km/s) and that enables the gravitational waves to produce the value (C^2) and produce A Light Beam!
I claim the sun rays are produced by this method and not by any nuclear fusion,
Means, The Sun Is NOT Doing Nuclear Fusion To Produce Its Rays, instead, the sun rays are produced by the gravitational waves motions energies
Here is important moment of the science history, No longer the nuclear fusion process will be used as the reason for the star rays production- instead- the gravitational waves motions will be used in place of it –
Let's ask
If the sun rays is produced by the gravitational waves motion energies and Not by the sun nuclear fusion process , what's The Essential Requirement to do this process?
To answer we need to answer
How Can The Light Beam Be Produced From The Gravitational Waves?
First, the gravitational waves should move by speed of light (C=300000 km/s) and by the energy reflection, the velocities be squared and by that the speed of light (C) will be squared and produce (C^2) from this value the light beam will be created
That means-
The cornerstone here is to enable the gravitational wave to move by speed of light,
It's A Relative Motion
Let's suppose there are two neighbor points in Space, Point (A) and Point (B)
Now, the gravitational wave moves by speed of light (relative to the point A) but the same gravitational wave moves by (50% of the speed of light) relative to the Point (B), in this case what would happen?
The light beam will be created in point (A) and NOT in point (B)
Because, It's A Relative Motion,
Means, specific point moves relative to specific point
I try to show that, the sun position in the sky is defined based on geometrical design and with mathematical calculations because if the sun position in the sky is changed- the relative motion will be canceled and the process can NOT be done and NO light beam can be created.
In following I add the total solar eclipse data to show how accurate definition is used to define the sun position in the sky
4900 million km = 1.392 mkm x 3475 km = 406000 km x 12104 km = 384000 km x 12756 km = 363000 x 2 x 6792 km = 51118 km x 49528 km x 2 (Max error 3%) where
4900 million km = Jupiter Orbital Circumference
1.392 million km = The Sun Diameter
3475 km = The Moon Diameter
12104 km = Venus Diameter
12756 km = The Earth Diameter
6792 km = Mars Diameter
406000 km = The Moon Orbital Apogee Radius
384000 km = The Moon Orbital Distance
363000 km = The Moon Orbital Perigee Radius
The sun diameter / the moon diameter = Earth orbital distance / Earth moon distance
Data No. (2) shows why we see the sun disc = the moon disc and
data No.(1) shows there's even more complex and accurate system behind is found to support this result
The proportionality not only between the sun and the moon data but also all inner planets, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune all of them are players in this same proportionality proves that we see the sun disc equal the moon disc based on a accurate geometrical design found because of the sun creation process needed it
The Conclusion
The Sun Is Created After All Planets Creation And Motion
Thanks a lot – please read
Can The Gravitational Waves Produce A Light Beam?
Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty
Peoples' Friendship university of Russia – Moscow (2010-2013)
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#физика#астрофизика#Crash-Diät#Diät#Energiegewinnung#Ernährungsberater#Ernährungsplan#Fettdepot#Fettspeicher#Fettstoffwechsel#Grundumsatz#Intramuskuläre Speicher#Kalorienzufuhr#Kohlenhydratspeicher#lebensbedrohliche Gefahr#Leistungsfähigkeit#Leistungsumsatz#Mangelernährung#Schutzmechanismus#Team#Unterversorgung
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I made this pdf that contains all necessary information regarding Trans and Enby people
I have also linked all the sources
Please use this when you are arguing with a transphobe
It contains all the essentials:
Difference between sex and gender :
Brain scans of trans women :
Detransitiong rates :
Among younger people:
0.0186% of Trans teenagers aged 13-17 have had genital surgery :
No of Trans teenagers in USA
Gender fluidity :
Neurobiology of Gender Identity :
Harmful rumours :
Bathroom :
Homosexuality is Natural :
There's no particular cause of homosexuality but biological ones are favored over social ones:
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The Importance of Uncertainty in Scientific Measurements
In the scientific field, measurement precision is crucial for obtaining reliable results. However, every measurement involves a certain degree of uncertainty, whether due to the accuracy of the instrument used or the observer’s skill.
This practice allows us to understand how uncertainty influences data precision and the importance of considering it when analyzing experimental results (Física y Matemáticas para Ingeniería, 2021). We will learn to determine significant figures based on the obtained uncertainty, which is essential for communicating results accurately and professionally (Borroto et al., 2017).
In science, the concept of magnitude refers to “anything that can be measured.” To achieve this, various measuring instruments are used, whose purpose is to determine the value of a specific magnitude, known as the measurand, which is the quantifiable attribute of a phenomenon, body, or substance (CENAM, 2000). However, all instruments have some degree of uncertainty and may be subject to calibration or systematic errors.
Over time, different measurement methods have been developed, such as direct and indirect methods. Although instruments offer varying levels of precision and accuracy, there will always be a margin of uncertainty, defined as the degree of error or imprecision in a measurement (Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad del Cusco, 2013).
Practical Example of Uncertainty in Measurements
Let's say we measure the length of a table using a ruler with millimeter divisions. If the reading is 125.3 cm, but the last digit is subject to the instrument's precision, we can express the measurement as:
125.3±0.1 cm
This means that the actual length is within the range 125.2 cm to 125.4 cm. If we use a less precise measuring tape with 1 cm divisions, the uncertainty increases, and the measurement might be 125 ± 1 cm, indicating a broader range of possible values.
This example illustrates how the choice of instrument affects measurement uncertainty and precision.
In this practice, only direct methods were used, where the magnitude’s value is obtained directly without requiring additional calculations based on other measurements (Perez-Montiel, 2020).
Borroto, H., Becquer, M., & Amaya, O. S. C. (2017). Evaluación de la Incertidumbre en la medición en el laboratorio introductorio de Física. Latin American Journal Of Physics Education, 11(3), 5. https://dialnet.unirioja.es/descarga/articulo/6364300.pdf
Física y Matemáticas para Ingeniería. (2021). Incertidumbre y cifras significativas [Vídeo]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZPmz-Eez4U
Perez-Montiel, H. (2020). Física general. Grupo Editorial Patria.
Schimd, W., & Lagos-Martinez, R. J. (2000). Guia para Estimar la Incertidumbre de la Medición. Centro Nacional de Meteorología. https://paginaspersonales.unam.mx/app/webroot/files/5404/GUIAPARAESTIMARLAINCERTIDUMBRE%28CENAM%29_26566.pdf?u
Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad del Cusco. (2013). Medición e incertidumbre.
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Data Visualization Market 2025 Report: Key Findings and Industry Analysis
The recently released Fortune Business Insights research on the Global Data Visualization Market survey report provides facts and statistics regarding market structure and size. Global Data Visualization Market Size 2025 Research report presents an in-depth analysis of the Global Market size, growth, share, segments, manufacturers, and forecast, competition landscape and growth opportunity. The research’s goal is to provide market data and strategic insights to help decision-makers make educated investment decisions while also identifying potential gaps and development possibilities.
Get Sample PDF Brochure: https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/enquiry/request-sample-pdf/103259
Companies Profiled in the Global Data Visualization Market:
Adaptive Insights (Subsidiary of Workday, Inc.) (California, United States)
Alteryx, Inc. (California, United States)
ChartBlocks Ltd. (New York, United States)
Cluvio GmbH (Berlin, Germany)
Domo, Inc. (Utah, United States)
Dundas Data Visualization, Inc. (Toronto, Canada)
Highsoft AS (Sogn, Norway)
IBM Corporation (New York, United States)
Looker Data Sciences, Inc. (California, United States)
Microsoft Corporation (Washington, United States)
QlikTech International AB (Pennsylvania, United States)
SAP SE (Walldorf, Germany)
Sisense, Inc. (New York, United States)
Tableau Software, LLC (California, United States)
Visually, Inc. (California, United States)
Acceptance of Visualization for Structured Data Will Enable Speedy Market Expansion
Over the past few years, the data collected from the internet was cluttered and unstructured, resulting in inconveniency for organizations to streamline data. To gain structured data analysis and insights on the market, business organizations are increasingly adopting the technology to plan their activities and estimate their upcoming product launch or strategy. The visualization technology incorporates artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies to map out a detailed data-based report for the organizations. It provides personalization to the firms to understand statistics.
For example, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Ltd announced a public data visualization using advanced technologies such as AI, ML, and blockchain to provide informative data. Further, companies are acquiring other players to enhance their technology. For example, Alphabet Inc. announced that Google LLC had planned the acquisition of data analysis software Looker Data Sciences in June 2019 for approximately USD 2.60 billion for providing a platform that enables to connect, visualize, and collect statistics from several platforms. The rising adoption of the software by major companies because of the advanced technology is expected to drive the data visualization market for the forecast period.
However, higher cost for the adoption of visualization system is expected to hinder the market growth.
What exactly is included in the Report?
– Industry Trends and Developments: In this section, the authors of the research discuss the significant trends and developments that are occurring in the Data Visualization Market place, as well as their expected impact on the overall growth.
– Analysis of the industry’s size and forecast: The industry analysts have provided information on the size of the industry from both a value and volume standpoint, including historical, present and projected figures.
– Future Prospects: In this portion of the study market participants are presented with information about the prospects that the Data Visualization Market is likely to supply them with.
– The Competitive Landscape: This section of the study sheds light on the competitive landscape of the Data Visualization Market by examining the important strategies implemented by vendors to strengthen their position in the global market.
– Study on Industry Segmentation: This section of the study contains a detailed overview of the important Data Visualization Market segments, which include product type, application, and vertical, among others.
– In-Depth Regional Analysis: Vendors are provided with in-depth information about high-growth regions and their particular countries, allowing them to place their money in more profitable areas.
This Report Answers the Following Questions:
What are the Data Visualization Market growth drivers, hindrances, and dynamics?
Which companies would lead the market by generating the largest revenue?
How will the companies surge the processes adoption amid the COVID-19 pandemic?
Which region and segment would dominate the Data Visualization Market in the coming years?
Data Visualization Market Segments:
By Component
On Premise
Consulting Services
Support Services
By Solution
Standalone Visualization Software
Embedded Data Visualization Module
By Enterprise Size
Small Enterprises
Medium Enterprises
Large Enterprises
By Industry
Construction and Real Estate
Consumer Goods
Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals
Information Technology, Services, and Telecommunications
Retail and E-commerce
Transportation and Logistics
Others (Veterinary, Environmental Services, Non-Profit Organization Management, and others.)
Table Of Content:
1. Introduction 1.1. Research Scope 1.2. Market Segmentation 1.3. Research Methodology 1.4. Definitions and Assumptions
2. Executive Summary
3. Market Dynamics 3.1. Market Drivers 3.2. Market Restraints 3.3. Market Opportunities
4. Key Insights 4.1 Global Statistics — Key Countries 4.2 New Product Launches 4.3 Pipeline Analysis 4.4 Regulatory Scenario — Key Countries 4.5 Recent Industry Developments — Partnerships, Mergers & Acquisitions
5. Global Data Visualization Market Analysis, Insights and Forecast 5.1. Key Findings/ Summary 5.2. Market Analysis — By Product Type 5.3. Market Analysis — By Distribution Channel 5.4. Market Analysis — By Countries/Sub-regions
11. Competitive Analysis 11.1. Key Industry Developments 11.2. Global Market Share Analysis 11.3. Competition Dashboard 11.4. Comparative Analysis — Major Players
12. Company Profiles
12.1 Overview 12.2 Products & Services 12.3 SWOT Analysis 12.4 Recent developments 12.5 Major Investments 12.6 Regional Market Size and Demand
13. Strategic Recommendations
TOC Continued……………….
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Introduction to Food Allergen Testing: Importance and Methods
The global food allergen testing market size reached USD 760.7 Million in 2022 and is expected to register a rapid revenue CAGR of 6.9% during the forecast period. Rising allergic reactions among consumers is a key factor driving market revenue growth. Food allergies develop when the immune system overreacts to normally harmless foods and can cause stomachache, diarrhea, dizziness, asthma, rashes, and stinging or tingling in the mouth. Food allergy testing helps to determine whether the individual is allergic to a particular food. According to research, every year around 200,000 people in the U.S. require emergency medical care for allergic reactions to food.
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Competitive Terrain:
The global Food Allergen Testing industry is highly consolidated owing to the presence of renowned companies operating across several international and local segments of the market. These players dominate the industry in terms of their strong geographical reach and a large number of production facilities. The companies are intensely competitive against one another and excel in their individual technological capabilities, as well as product development, innovation, and product pricing strategies.
The leading market contenders listed in the report are:
Intertek Group plc, SGS Société Générale de Surveillance SA, Bureau Veritas, Eurofins Scientific, Neogen Corporation, AsureQuality, Charm Sciences, Premier Analytics Servies, AES Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., and EnviroLogix
Key market aspects studied in the report:
Market Scope: The report explains the scope of various commercial possibilities in the global Food Allergen Testing market over the upcoming years. The estimated revenue build-up over the forecast years has been included in the report. The report analyzes the key market segments and sub-segments and provides deep insights into the market to assist readers with the formulation of lucrative strategies for business expansion.
Competitive Outlook: The leading companies operating in the Food Allergen Testing market have been enumerated in this report. This section of the report lays emphasis on the geographical reach and production facilities of these companies. To get ahead of their rivals, the leading players are focusing more on offering products at competitive prices, according to our analysts.
Report Objective: The primary objective of this report is to provide the manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, and buyers engaged in this sector with access to a deeper and improved understanding of the global Food Allergen Testing market.
Emergen Research is Offering Limited Time Discount (Grab a Copy at Discounted Price Now)@ https://www.emergenresearch.com/request-discount/2350
Market Segmentations of the Food Allergen Testing Market
This market is segmented based on Types, Applications, and Regions. The growth of each segment provides accurate forecasts related to production and sales by Types and Applications, in terms of volume and value for the period between 2022 and 2030. This analysis can help readers looking to expand their business by targeting emerging and niche markets. Market share data is given on both global and regional levels. Regions covered in the report are North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. Research analysts assess the market positions of the leading competitors and provide competitive analysis for each company. For this study, this report segments the global Food Allergen Testing market on the basis of product, application, and region:
Segments Covered in this report are:
Source Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2019–2032)
Peanut & Soy
Tree nut
Technology Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2019–2032)
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)-Based
Immunoassay Based
Food Tested Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2019–2032)
Bakery & Confectionery
Packaged Food
Dairy Products & Alternatives
Seafood & Meat Products
Browse Full Report Description + Research Methodology + Table of Content + Infographics@ https://www.emergenresearch.com/industry-report/food-allergen-testing-market
Major Geographies Analyzed in the Report:
North America (U.S., Canada)
Europe (U.K., Italy, Germany, France, Rest of EU)
Asia Pacific (India, Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, Rest of APAC)
Latin America (Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America)
Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., South Africa, Rest of MEA)
ToC of the report:
Chapter 1: Market overview and scope
Chapter 2: Market outlook
Chapter 3: Impact analysis of COVID-19 pandemic
Chapter 4: Competitive Landscape
Chapter 5: Drivers, Constraints, Opportunities, Limitations
Chapter 6: Key manufacturers of the industry
Chapter 7: Regional analysis
Chapter 8: Market segmentation based on type applications
Chapter 9: Current and Future Trends
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Emergen Research is a market research and consulting company that provides syndicated research reports, customized research reports, and consulting services. Our solutions purely focus on your purpose to locate, target, and analyse consumer behavior shifts across demographics, across industries, and help clients make smarter business decisions. We offer market intelligence studies ensuring relevant and fact-based research across multiple industries, including Healthcare, Touch Points, Chemicals, Types, and Energy. We consistently update our research offerings to ensure our clients are aware of the latest trends existent in the market. Emergen Research has a strong base of experienced analysts from varied areas of expertise. Our industry experience and ability to develop a concrete solution to any research problems provides our clients with the ability to secure an edge over their respective competitors.
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Transforming STM and Educational Content Distribution with End-to-End Digital Publishing
In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, the need for streamlined, efficient, and innovative solutions in digital publishing is more critical than ever. For sectors like STM (Science, Technology, and Medicine) and education, digital publishing plays a pivotal role in disseminating information, fostering learning, and supporting research and knowledge sharing. End-to-end digital publishing solutions have emerged as an essential tool for organizations, providing a comprehensive approach to creating, managing, and distributing digital content effectively.
What Are End-to-End Digital Publishing Solutions?
End-to-end digital publishing solutions refer to a complete system that supports the entire lifecycle of content creation, management, and distribution. These solutions incorporate tools, platforms, and technologies that allow publishers to handle everything from content creation to the final output, whether it’s in the form of eBooks, journals, interactive content, or educational materials. These solutions are designed to cater to the specific needs of industries like STM and education, where accuracy, speed, and accessibility are paramount.
Key Components of End-to-End Digital Publishing Solutions
Content Creation The foundation of any digital publishing effort begins with content creation. For STM and educational publishers, content can range from research articles, journals, textbooks, and online courses, to multimedia-rich educational resources. Advanced tools for content creation include word processors, LaTeX integration, image editing tools, and video creation platforms. Content can be created by multiple authors across different geographical locations, with integrated cloud collaboration tools that enable real-time updates and feedback.
Content Management and Collaboration Managing a large volume of content is no easy task, especially when content is continuously being updated, reviewed, or revised. A centralized content management system (CMS) allows publishers to track and manage content, ensuring a seamless workflow between authors, editors, and production teams. Collaboration tools within a CMS are particularly useful in the STM field, where multiple experts often need to provide feedback and make revisions. Educational publishers benefit similarly, as multiple stakeholders—teachers, instructional designers, and technologists—can collaborate on the content and structure of materials.
Metadata and SEO Optimization For STM and educational publishers, metadata plays a crucial role in ensuring that digital content is easily discoverable by readers, researchers, and students. An end-to-end publishing solution incorporates metadata management, which ensures that each piece of content is properly tagged, categorized, and searchable. This is vital for STM publishers, whose content needs to be highly accurate and discoverable for research purposes. Additionally, SEO optimization ensures that educational content reaches the right audience via search engines.
Content Formatting and Conversion The next step in the digital publishing process is formatting and conversion. For STM publishers, content needs to be formatted for various platforms such as academic journals, PDFs, or eBooks. Educational content may need to be converted into e-learning modules or interactive PDFs. End-to-end solutions automate the conversion process into multiple formats while ensuring the integrity of the content remains intact. This is especially important in STEM, where visual clarity and data accuracy are critical.
Interactive and Multimedia Integration Modern digital publishing in education requires the integration of multimedia elements such as video lectures, interactive quizzes, and virtual labs. These elements engage learners and enhance the learning experience. In STM, interactive graphs, datasets, and simulations are often embedded into content to allow readers to interact with complex information. End-to-end solutions support seamless integration of these multimedia elements, providing educational content with interactivity and engagement while maintaining scientific accuracy.
Digital Distribution Once content is created, managed, and formatted, the next step is distribution. An end-to-end digital publishing solution ensures that content is accessible across various digital platforms—websites, mobile apps, learning management systems (LMS), and even e-commerce platforms. For STM publishers, digital libraries and repositories (such as PubMed and JSTOR) are essential for distributing research and scholarly work to global audiences. Educational publishers rely on distribution through e-learning platforms, school portals, and academic bookstores to reach students and instructors.
Analytics and Reporting Analytics and reporting are key components of a comprehensive publishing solution. By integrating real-time data and user analytics, STM and educational publishers can assess how their content is being consumed, identify popular articles or textbooks, and gather feedback on how educational materials are helping students learn. This data-driven approach allows publishers to refine their offerings, improve user engagement, and better serve their target audience.
Monetization and Licensing For both STM and educational publishers, monetization plays a significant role in the digital publishing process. End-to-end solutions incorporate tools for subscription management, pay-per-view access, licensing, and rights management. For STM publishers, this can involve licensing research papers, journals, or patents, while educational publishers might offer paid course content, digital textbooks, or training modules. These systems help streamline revenue generation through content while ensuring compliance with intellectual property laws.
The Benefits of End-to-End Digital Publishing Solutions for STM and Education
Improved Efficiency and Workflow By integrating all stages of the publishing process into one unified solution, publishers can automate repetitive tasks, reduce manual intervention, and speed up the time it takes to publish new content. This results in faster distribution of research findings, educational materials, and academic publications.
Scalability As both the STM and education sectors continue to expand digitally, scalability is critical. End-to-end solutions are designed to grow alongside these industries, accommodating the increasing volume of content, users, and platforms. They can easily handle a growing repository of research papers, educational materials, and multimedia content.
Enhanced Accessibility Accessibility is a core value in both education and scientific communication. End-to-end solutions ensure that content is easily accessible to users across the globe, regardless of their device, location, or internet connection. These platforms also offer features like text-to-speech, closed captioning, and language localization, making content more inclusive.
Data-Driven Insights Analytics features integrated into digital publishing solutions help publishers track content performance and make data-driven decisions to optimize their offerings. Understanding how users interact with content allows STM and educational publishers to refine their strategies, improve engagement, and enhance the quality of their resources.
Cost-Effective Solutions Traditional publishing methods often require heavy investment in printing, distribution, and physical storage. By going digital, publishers reduce these costs significantly. An end-to-end digital publishing solution streamlines the process, leading to cost-effective solutions for both content creation and distribution.
In the rapidly evolving world of STM and education publishing, end-to-end digital publishing solutions are essential for staying competitive and relevant. By providing a comprehensive framework for content creation, management, distribution, and monetization, these solutions offer organizations the tools they need to meet the demands of their audiences and stay ahead of the curve. Whether it’s streamlining research distribution, enhancing e-learning experiences, or driving engagement, end-to-end solutions are key to the future of digital publishing in these industries.
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Published Paper of Advances in Vision Computing: An International Journal (AVC)
Paper Title:
Rahul kumar, Anurag Jain and Chetan Agrawal
Department of CSE Radharaman Institute of Technology and Science, Bhopal, M.P, India
Assistant Prof. Department of CSE Radharaman Institute of Technology and Science, India
The World Wide Web is the largest collection of data today and it continues increasing day by day. A web crawler is a program from the huge downloading of web pages from World Wide Web and this process is called Web crawling. To collect the web pages from www a search engine uses web crawler and the web crawler collects this by web crawling. Due to limitations of network bandwidth, time-consuming and hardware's a Web crawler cannot download all the pages, it is important to select the most important ones as early as possible during the crawling process and avoid downloading and visiting many irrelevant pages. This paper reviews help the researches on web crawling methods used for searching.
Web crawler, Web Crawling Algorithms, Search Engine
Volume URL: https://airccse.org/journal/avc/vol3.html
Pdf URL: https://aircconline.com/avc/V3N3/3316avc01.pdf
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Should I Send My SAT Scores? What To Know About Testing & Test Optional Policies

As students prepare to submit their first applications this season, there is ongoing confusion about how to navigate test optional policies. If you are wondering when to send scores, when to opt out, and how to make it all happen, read on for everything you need to know about testing and the admissions process. Know when to submit your scores When colleges have a test optional policy, it can be difficult to know what to do. In general, there are a few key things to know: ○ The best way to determine if you should send your scores is to examine how your scores compare to the typical admitted applicant profile. Most colleges make recent data available via the Common Data Set. If your scores fall within or above the middle 50% of admitted student scores, then it’s to your benefit to submit your scores as part of your application.
○ If your scores are below this middle 50% range, it is likely to your benefit to submit your application under the test optional policy.
Not all majors are created equal
The major interest you indicate on your application has a bearing on how important test scores will be to your admissions review.
○ Students applying in Business and STEM may find that test scores are particularly important to admissions readers looking for quantitative evidence of a student’s readiness to succeed in these programs. This includes computer science, engineering, and any of the majors commonly considered as pathways to medical school such as chemistry and biology.
○ Students should be prepared that the SAT and ACT score expectations for students admitted into these programs may be substantially higher than the published middle 50% for all applicants to the university. If you are worried that scores may be a weak link in your application, your best course of action is to adjust or broaden your college list to include colleges that better match your profile.
Research how colleges want to receive scores
Visit a college’s website to learn how they will accept your scores for review with your application. Make a list for yourself of the requirements and process for each school and take action early; don’t wait until the last minute to get organized about this part of your process. While some colleges will allow you to simply add those scores to the Common App, others want them sent directly from the testing agency.
Self-Reported Scores: Colleges that accept self-reported scores will allow you to enter your scores into the testing section of the Common App or the college specific application. This is an ‘honor system’ and colleges are trusting students to honestly and accurately report testing information. All colleges that accept self-reported scores will ask students to submit official score reports along with their final transcripts in the enrollment process.
○ Official Score Reports: Colleges that require official score reports want students to visit their account on the testing agency’s website, College Board or ACT, and officially request and send scores to the college from the testing agency. Know that these can take several weeks to arrive to colleges, and can have fees associated with them.
Pay attention to what you share & how you respond to testing questions on the application
If you are opting to apply to a college test optional, be sure that you’ve carefully read the questions about this in the college’s application or member section of the Common App to indicate that you do not wish to have your scores considered with your application. When you take this route, be sure to remove testing information from the testing section of your Common Application prior to submission to this college. If you have other schools where you do intend to share your scores, carefully review your Common App prior to submission to be sure you have added the correct information back into your testing section.
○ The Common App is submitted as a PDF to each college individually, so the information the college will receive is static at the time of submission. If you have additional scores to report after submission, you will need to contact that college directly to share your update.
TBU Advisors are experienced in supporting students to navigate their college choices and personal best fit, and TBU Essay & Application specialists are experts at supporting students to craft their most compelling, authentic work. If you’d like to explore working with a TBU Advisor, now is the time. Get in touch here and we will look forward to connecting with you.
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Spectroscopy Market Report Includes Dynamics, Products, and Application 2024 – 2034

The Spectroscopy market is a dynamic and crucial segment in the field of scientific analysis, serving applications across various industries, including pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, environmental testing, and materials science. Spectroscopy involves the study of how light interacts with matter, and it helps in identifying and quantifying chemical compounds, understanding material structures, and studying molecular dynamics.
The size of the spectroscopy market was estimated at USD 15.0 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.5% to reach approximately USD 28.5 billion in 2030. The spectroscopy market is expected to be driven over the years by the increased use of the spectroscopic method for analysis purposes, as well as rising laboratory demands for cutting-edge technology and expanding markets.
Get a Sample Copy of Report, Click Here: https://wemarketresearch.com/reports/request-free-sample-pdf/spectroscopy-market/844
Spectroscopy Market Drivers
Growing Demand in Pharmaceuticals and Biotech: The need for high-precision drug analysis and development is propelling the adoption of spectroscopy in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors.
Environmental Monitoring and Compliance: Governments and agencies worldwide are increasing regulations for environmental protection, which is driving the use of spectroscopy for testing soil, water, and air quality.
Technological Advancements: Innovations like portable and handheld spectrometers, coupled with automation and AI integration, are making spectroscopy more accessible and efficient.
Rising Applications in Food and Beverage Industry: Spectroscopy plays a role in quality control and safety testing of food products, ensuring compliance with standards and detecting contaminants.
Key Spectroscopy Techniques
Mass Spectroscopy (MS): Widely used in pharmaceuticals for drug testing, MS allows for precise molecular analysis, making it essential in quality control and research and development (R&D).
Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy: Important in environmental testing, IR spectroscopy helps detect pollutants and contaminants by identifying the vibrational characteristics of molecules.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy: Utilized in both academic and industrial research, NMR spectroscopy is critical in analyzing the structure of organic compounds, especially in drug discovery.
Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-Vis) Spectroscopy: Common in laboratories, UV-Vis is used for quantifying organic compounds and pollutants, making it valuable in environmental and food safety testing.
Spectroscopy Market Challenges
High Initial Costs: The cost of acquiring and maintaining advanced spectroscopy equipment can be a barrier for smaller laboratories and institutions.
Complexity in Data Analysis: Spectroscopy produces complex data that often requires specialized expertise to interpret, posing a challenge for non-expert users.
Regulatory Standards and Compliance: Different regions have varying standards for spectroscopy-based testing, especially in pharmaceuticals and environmental sectors, which can be difficult to navigate.
Spectroscopy Market Future Trends
Miniaturization of Spectrometers: Portable and handheld spectrometers are making inroads, allowing on-site testing and analysis in remote locations, such as field environmental monitoring.
Integration of AI and Machine Learning: AI is being integrated with spectroscopy tools to enhance data interpretation, automate processes, and improve the accuracy of results.
Rise in Metabolomics and Proteomics Research: In life sciences, especially for understanding complex biological systems, spectroscopy is increasingly used in metabolomics and proteomics, helping drive discoveries in personalized medicine.
Key companies profiled in this research study are,
• Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.
• PerkinElmer, Inc.
• Agilent Technologies
• Kaiser Optical System
• Waters Corporation
• Shimadzu Corporation
• Bruker Corporation
• JEOL Ltd.
• FLIR Systems, Inc.
• Endress+Hauser Group
• MKS Instruments, Inc.
• Sartorius AG
• Danaher
• Horiba Ltd.
• Kore Technology
• Kett Electric Laboratory
• Other players
Spectroscopy Market Segmentation,
By Technology
• Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy
o Continuous-wave (CW) NMR Spectroscopy
o Fourier-transform NMR Spectroscopy
o Solid-state NMR Spectroscopy(SSNMR)
• UV- visible spectroscopy
o Single-beam UV-visible spectroscopy
o Dual-beam UV-visible spectroscopy
o Array-based UV-visible spectroscopy
• Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy
By Component
• Hardware
• Software
By Application
• Pharmaceutical Application
• Biotechnology & Biopharmaceutical Application
• Food & Beverage Testing
• Environment Testing
• Academic Research
• Other Applications
By End User
• Government & Academic Institutions
• Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Companies
• Others
Regional Insights
North America: A major market due to extensive R&D investment, especially in pharmaceuticals, healthcare, and environmental science. The U.S. leads with strong infrastructure for technological advancements.
Europe: Strong demand for spectroscopy in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and environmental protection, with countries like Germany and the U.K. at the forefront.
Asia-Pacific: Rapidly growing market with increasing demand in biotechnology, food safety, and environmental monitoring. China and India are notable growth drivers, fueled by expanding research facilities and pharmaceutical industries.
The spectroscopy market is poised for robust growth as it becomes increasingly essential across diverse fields, including pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, environmental science, and food safety. With ongoing technological advancements, such as miniaturization, AI integration, and enhanced precision, spectroscopy continues to evolve, offering more accessible and efficient solutions. Despite challenges like high initial costs and the need for specialized expertise, the expanding applications and rising regulatory standards are driving demand globally. As industries strive for greater accuracy and compliance, spectroscopy will remain a key tool for analysis, shaping the future of scientific discovery and industrial quality assurance.
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NVIDIA AI Blueprints For Build Visual AI Data In Any Sector

NVIDIA AI Blueprints
Businesses and government agencies worldwide are creating AI agents to improve the skills of workers who depend on visual data from an increasing number of devices, such as cameras, Internet of Things sensors, and automobiles.
Developers in almost any industry will be able to create visual AI agents that analyze image and video information with the help of a new NVIDIA AI Blueprints for video search and summarization. These agents are able to provide summaries, respond to customer inquiries, and activate alerts for particular situations.
The blueprint is a configurable workflow that integrates NVIDIA computer vision and generative AI technologies and is a component of NVIDIA Metropolis, a suite of developer tools for creating vision AI applications.
The NVIDIA AI Blueprints for visual search and summarization is being brought to businesses and cities around the world by global systems integrators and technology solutions providers like Accenture, Dell Technologies, and Lenovo. This is launching the next wave of AI applications that can be used to increase productivity and safety in factories, warehouses, shops, airports, traffic intersections, and more.
The NVIDIA AI Blueprint, which was unveiled prior to the Smart City Expo World Congress, provides visual computing developers with a comprehensive set of optimized tools for creating and implementing generative AI-powered agents that are capable of consuming and comprehending enormous amounts of data archives or live video feeds.
Deploying virtual assistants across sectors and smart city applications is made easier by the fact that users can modify these visual AI agents using natural language prompts rather than strict software code.
NVIDIA AI Blueprint Harnesses Vision Language Models
Vision language models (VLMs), a subclass of generative AI models, enable visual AI agents to perceive the physical world and carry out reasoning tasks by fusing language comprehension and computer vision.
NVIDIA NIM microservices for VLMs like NVIDIA VILA, LLMs like Meta’s Llama 3.1 405B, and AI models for GPU-accelerated question answering and context-aware retrieval-augmented generation may all be used to configure the NVIDIA AI Blueprint for video search and summarization. The NVIDIA NeMo platform makes it simple for developers to modify other VLMs, LLMs, and graph databases to suit their particular use cases and settings.
By using the NVIDIA AI Blueprints, developers may be able to avoid spending months researching and refining generative AI models for use in smart city applications. It can significantly speed up the process of searching through video archives to find important moments when installed on NVIDIA GPUs at the edge, on-site, or in the cloud.
An AI agent developed using this methodology could notify employees in a warehouse setting if safety procedures are broken. An AI bot could detect traffic accidents at busy crossroads and provide reports to support emergency response activities. Additionally, to promote preventative maintenance in the realm of public infrastructure, maintenance personnel could request AI agents to analyze overhead imagery and spot deteriorating roads, train tracks, or bridges.
In addition to smart places, visual AI agents could be used to automatically create video summaries for visually impaired individuals, classify large visual datasets for training other AI models, and summarize videos for those with visual impairments.
The workflow for video search and summarization is part of a set of NVIDIA AI blueprints that facilitate the creation of digital avatars driven by AI, the development of virtual assistants for individualized customer support, and the extraction of enterprise insights from PDF data.
With NVIDIA AI Enterprise, an end-to-end software platform that speeds up data science pipelines and simplifies the development and deployment of generative AI, developers can test and download NVIDIA AI Blueprints for free. These blueprints can then be implemented in production across accelerated data centers and clouds.
AI Agents to Deliver Insights From Warehouses to World Capitals
With the assistance of NVIDIA’s partner ecosystem, enterprise and public sector clients can also utilize the entire library of NVIDIA AI Blueprints.
With its Accenture AI Refinery, which is based on NVIDIA AI Foundry and allows clients to create custom AI models trained on enterprise data, the multinational professional services firm Accenture has integrated NVIDIA AI Blueprints.
For smart city and intelligent transportation applications, global systems integrators in Southeast Asia, such as ITMAX in Malaysia and FPT in Vietnam, are developing AI agents based on the NVIDIA AI Blueprint for video search and summarization.
Using computing, networking, and software from international server manufacturers, developers can also create and implement NVIDIA AI Blueprints on NVIDIA AI systems.
In order to improve current edge AI applications and develop new edge AI-enabled capabilities, Dell will combine VLM and agent techniques with its NativeEdge platform. VLM capabilities in specialized AI workflows for data center, edge, and on-premises multimodal corporate use cases will be supported by the NVIDIA AI Blueprint for video search and summarization and the Dell Reference Designs for the Dell AI Factory with NVIDIA.
Lenovo Hybrid AI solutions powered by NVIDIA also utilize NVIDIA AI blueprints.
The new NVIDIA AI Blueprint will be used by businesses such as K2K, a smart city application supplier in the NVIDIA Metropolis ecosystem, to create AI agents that can evaluate real-time traffic camera data. City officials will be able to inquire about street activities and get suggestions on how to make things better with to this. Additionally, the company is utilizing NIM microservices and NVIDIA AI blueprints to deploy visual AI agents in collaboration with city traffic management in Palermo, Italy.
NVIDIA booth at the Smart Cities Expo World Congress, which is being held in Barcelona until November 7, to learn more about the NVIDIA AI Blueprints for video search and summarization.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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The steps that need to be taken to become a hacker are not easy. This article will give you few of the most important steps essential to be a hacker. The article will focus on skills and attitude that is required to become a hacker. Breaking the security system and entering into the system is not the only thing a hacker does. A relentless attitude and pristine skill-sets are two cornerstones for being a master hacker. Knowledge of wide variety of computer science topics is required, however knowing things at great depth is the key to a hackers success. Therefore having a positive attitude toward learning is essential in the journey of learning to become a hacker. Below is the step by step guide I have created to teach you how to be a hacker: Step 0: Read The Hacking Manifesto It is not an easy task to be a hacker. As a hacker, you need to have an attitude and curiosity. Reading the hacking manifesto can teach you the attitude of a hacker. Nurturing the hacker attitude is more about developing competence in the languages rather than having a stereotypical attitude. Though a lot of people consider that a hacker is a criminal; However in real life, they are hired by big companies for protecting information and minimizing potential damage. The act of hacking actually is that of being an over-curious and outwitting authority. As a hacker, you should be hell-bent on breaching authoritarian rules, secrecy, and censorship. Deception is another arsenal which will allow you to dodge the vigilant eyes of authority. The act of stealing something or doing harm to someone is not hacking. Such people are commonly called crackers in the community. Crackers are involved in illegal activities and I will not recommend you to get involved in such activities. Step 1: Learn To Program In C C programming is one of the most powerful languages in computer programming, It is necessary to really master this language. This programming language was invented by Denise Ritchie in between the years 1969 and 1973 at AT& T Bell Labs. C programming will essentially help you divide the task in smaller pieces and these pieces can be expressed by a sequence of commands. Try writing some program on your own by assessing the logic. There are hundreds of Free C Programming PDF & tutorials available on web to learn, however I would recommend you to start with a simple and well written c programming book of your choice and then read this book (C Programming LanguageBy Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie) to understand the real power of c language.This book is not an easy read however its a must read the book to get an in-depth understanding for C Programming. Step 2: Learn More Than One Programming Language When you are trying to become a hacker, it is very important to learn other modern computer programming languages such as Java, Perl, PHP, and Python. One of the best ways to learn these is by reading books from experts. It will also help to know about markup languages like XML, HTML and data formats such as JSON, Protobuf, and others which are a common way to transfer data between client and server. Java is one of the most popular programming languages. It has been claimed that it's also very secure. Knowing Java security model will empower you to understand how this language achieves security. Learn about the security loopholes in Java language and related frameworks. Pick and read from many free PDF, tutorials and ebooks available to learn java online. Perl is a general purpose dynamic programming language, which is a high level and can be interpreted. This language borrows some features of C language. On the other hand, JAVA is concurrent, class-based and objects oriented programming language. Python is really handy when you are trying to automate some repetitive tasks. HTML is the markup language based on which the web pages are designed, created and displayed. The web browsers read the HTML code to display the web page. Python is best language for web
development and favorite language of a lot of programmers due to its simplicity and quick turn around. A lot of people use Python to do simple and complex automation. For more programming language tutorials check - best programming tutorials. Step 3: Learn UNIX UNIX is a multi-tasking and multi-user computer operating system that is designed to provide good security to the systems.This operating system was developed by some employees of AT&T in Bell Labs.The best way to learn it is to get into an open-source version (e.g. centos) and install/run the same on your own. You can operate internet without learning UNIX, but it is not possible for you to be an internet hacker without understanding UNIX. If you have not used Unix operating system yet, a few essential linux commands will make your comfortable in getting quickly started. Unix in a Nutshell by Arnold Robbins is a good way to start. This book will teach you how to use Unix. The next thing you need to know is the internals of this operating system. I recommendThe Design of the UNIX Operating System by Maurice J. Bach for getting in-depth understanding of Unix operating system. A large number of web servers are hosted on Unix based servers and knowing internals of this operating system is going to be really a big boost in your skills. Step 4: Learn More Than One Operating Systems There are many other operating systems apart from UNIX. Windows operating system is one of the most commonly compromised systems, hence it is good to learn hacking Microsoft systems, which are closed-source systems. According to the National Vulnerability Database, Microsoft operating systems have a large number of vulnerabilities. Windows OS installers are distributed in binary, therefore it is not easy for you to read the code. Binary code is basically the digital representation of text and data that computer understands. However, knowing how programs are written for windows and how different applications behave on this operating system will help. One of the recent vulnerabilities of a popular OS was that Java Web Start applications get launched automatically even if the Java plug-ins are disabled. How to be a hacker is about knowing the weaknesses of these operating systems and targeting them systematically. Step 5: Learn Networking Concepts The networking concept needs to be sharp when you want to be a hacker. Understanding how the networks are created is important, however, you need to know the differences between different types are networks. Having a clear understanding of TCP/IP and UDP protocol is a must to be able to exploit the vulnerabilities on the world wide web. Understand what is subnet, LAN, WAN, and VPN. I recommend Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach By James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross The networking commands to do an HTTP request needs to be on your fingertips. The HTTP protocol is the gateway through which one enters the internet world. Hence it is necessary to learn this protocol in order to break the barriers. The hackers often use the HTTP gateway to breach the security of the system and take control over it. Apache Httpd is one of the most commonly used web servers and knowing in and out of it is going to empower you on any HTTP or other application layer protocol related endeavors. Nmap is a powerful network scanning tool that is used by hackers and security professional across the world to identify vulnerable hosts. However, to effectively start using it you must understand the networking basics. To get advanced skills on NMap you can refer the book by creators - Nmap Network Scanning: The Official Nmap Project Guide to Network Discovery and Security Scanning Step 6: Start Simple: Read Some Tutorials About Hacking This is the simple and best way to start. Read as many tutorials as possible that are meant for hacking. These articles will give you insight and help you develop the attitude to be a hacker. Some tutorials will initiate you with Nmap, Nessus and SuperScan, some of the hacking programs or tools that hackers generally use.
These tutorials are readily available over the internet; Both text and video tutorials are available for you to answer your question how to be a hacker. Step 7: Learn Cryptography As an expert hacker, you need to understand and master the art of cryptography. The technology of cryptography and encryption is very important for internet and networking. It is the practice and study of techniques that are used for secure communication in the presence of third parties. The encryption is done for various aspects of information security such as confidentiality of the data, the integrity of the data and authentication. Moreover, the technology of cryptography is extensively used in ATM cards, computer passwords and e-commerce. While hacking, these encrypted codes need to be broken, which is called decryption. Cryptography is heavily used in SSL based internet communication. An expert hacker should be able to understand how SSL works and what is the importance of cryptography in keeping SSL secure. Try reading about various encryption algorithms and see why they are difficult to decrypt. Participate in challenges for decrypting powerful encryption. An expert hacker will be able to demonstrate weaknesses in an encryption algorithm and should be able to write a program that can show how decryption can be performed without much information about keys. Understand various techniques used for password cracking. There are dozens of tools available to do password cracking, and using it is not hacking. To be an expert at hacking its important for you to understand how to create a program that can crack a password from ciphertext. I recommend this free Cryptography Course By Dan Boneh from Stanford University at Coursera Step 8: Experiment A Lot This is an important step for setting yourself up as an expert hacker. Setup a laboratory on your own to experiment the learning on the practical applications. The simplest lab will have your computer, however, once you advance you may want to add more and more computers and required hardware for your experiments. It is good to try experimenting on your own computers, where you can rectify if you have done any mistake. Many hackers initially start off by downloading virtual lab applications such as Oracle VirtualBox. You require at least 3 GB of RAM and a comparatively powerful processor to carry out your hacking experiments. Setting up the virtual machine is crucial, as it will allow you to test virus, applications, and different servers without affecting your own PC. Some of the things you may need to keep in mind when doing experiments Keep a backup before any experiment. Start small and have check points. Know when to stop. Document your progress Keep improvising Automate repetitive tasks Step 9: Read Some Good Books From Experts Reading will always enhance your knowledge. Try to read as many books and articles as possible written by the experts in the field of ethical hacking and enterprise security Reading a lot about anything related is so important in a hackers world that you must also consider enhancing your reading speed. If your reading speed is slow then you may not be able to progress fast in this field. Practice speed reading techniques like skimming, chunk reading, etc. When it comes to reading a lot, it's also important to know that a majority of content on the web is not worth your time. Many people use search engine tricks to attract traffic but have little value in it. If you skim thru an article within seconds and decide not to read that is going to save you a lot of time for some really well-researched content. The Art of Exploitation by Jon Erickson is an excellent book to teach you become an advanced hacker. Step 10: Participate In Hacking Challenges Regular participation in hacking challenges can help you learn more and sharpen your knowledge. There are several companies that organize these challenges in order to check the vulnerability of their software products. The most common
hacking challenge includes breaching the security system of the software and taking control of the third party computer systems. Apart from that, there are some websites listed below that regularly offer hacking challenges online. hacking-lab.com www.trythis0ne.com www.hackchallenge.net hackquest.de hacktissite.org Step 11: Go Next Level: Write Vulnerability The vulnerability of a program is the weakness of the program. It is a good approach to look for the vulnerability of an existing program and share the same with others. In this way you will have the option to collect varied opinions from different sources, enabling you to hone your current skill set. The examples of computer vulnerabilities include memory safety violation, input validation error, privilege confusion bugs and user interface failure. For instance, Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 11 had the vulnerability bug in its preview version which several hackers exploited. Identifying a new weakness in any software is the real work any expert hackers would perform. Step 12: Contribute To Open Source Security Projects Contributing to an open-source computer security project is a great platform to test your skills. This is not everyone’s cup of tea. Many organizations like Mozilla and Apache offer these types of open source projects. Try to be a part of these projects and add a valuable contribution to the benefit of the community. Participating in the open source security projects such as anti-spam, anti-virus, firewall and data removals help you augment your dexterity as a hacker. Contribute your vulnerability findings to the global vulnerability databases and give back to the community. Remember that it does not matter if your contribution is small, as long as you participate and add value it helps. Step 13: Continue Learning And Keep Listening To Security Talks The key to success in hacking career is continuous learning. Reading blogs for hacking available at sites such as hackerfactor blog and IKEA hacker blog; participating in the forums such as hackforums.net and elite hack are great ways to refresh your knowledge as a hacker. The online video forums like TED or TechTalk are good sources to know more about the emergent hacking techniques and technologies that are being deployed. You should also try following the posts of famous hackers such as Adrian Lamo, Kevin Mitnick, Kevin Poulsen and Robert Tappan Morris. Summary Above are a few exhaustive steps that can teach you how to be a hacker and help you walk the road of being an expert hacker. However, you should be a responsible citizen and be selective, ensuring you don’t use this skill to breach the security of important institutions, as it may land you in dire straits. You should always remember, for every hacking tool, there is always a counter-hacking tool. Therefore, be a smart hacker and more importantly, be a responsible hacker. Article Updates Article Updated on March 2023, fixed broken links and validated relevance of article in this year. Article Updated on August 2021. Some HTTP links are updated to HTTPS. Updated broken links with latest URLs. Some minor text updates done. Content validated and updated for relevance in 2021.
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