#implying that he values loyalty a lot too
stinkb0mber · 10 months
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here is hope i will actually write on that predator headcanon post today because. he has so many issues.
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himezoro · 7 months
roronoa zoro's guide to relationship
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before anything : tysm for your support on my first post!! i'm working on a long piece to celebrate starring the loml here. feel free to request anything your heart desires, i'll be happy to oblige ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
here's a headcanon of what a relationship with roronoa zoro would include in my opinion.
warning: gn reader, use of "you" and "them", sfw, but sexual intercourses implied! i'll write a dedicated nsfw one if you want to ;)
wc : 1,070k+.
being in a relationship with roronoa zoro would include :
being used as a body pillow. zoro is a heavy sleeper, and his s/o would be the best body pillow ever. he won't admit it, but he feels pretty sad when he's on watch duty and can't sleep alongside their s/o in their shared bed. if his s/o complains about being too hot, he would much prefer pouring an ice cold buck of water upon them rather than moving his body a little. his giant body won't move.
being teased about your habits. zoro is observant and likes a good laugh. so, he would pick on all the small (cute) things his s/o does that feel funny to him. you're sleeping with a stuffed bear ? he would tease you by arranging it in the most deranged scenes ever. you're hugging any of your newest purchase after buying them ? he would tease you by mimicking you with his bottle of sake. be prepared to be constantly teased on.
however, this man won't let anyone make fun of you, and would always defend your honor (even if that third party would make fun of the same things he teases you about). he would yell at luffy and usopp so bad if they dared pulling the smallest of prank on you (remember that scene where he makes luffy drink a whole glass of water at the baratie ? yeah he'll make him drink the whole ocean this time lol)
having his hand on the small of your back while you walk. when a crewmate mentions it to him, he just huffs and acts like "it's nothing". actually, he didn't even notice it himself, but the way his hand falls on your back so naturally is beyond any scientific reasonings. this gesture alone speaks volumes about his love and affection.
making you talk about the smallest of things. roronoa zoro is not the most chattery in the whole crew, but he lives for listening to the voice of their s/o. he would ask you to read a passage of the book you're reading, talk about what you liked and disliked for hours, the latest gossip on the Sunny, anything would make him happy. his head would naturally fall on your lap as he daydreams while rocking on the sound of your honey-like voice. (he would love hearing your voice in bed)
being trusted, valued and respected. zoro would give his all to his s/o. this man is so focused on his dream and his loyalty to luffy would mean so much, that choosing commitment means he would respect and value his s/o for their personality, experiences and ethics. the second he decided it was the right decision, after a lot of introspection, his heart would be left into your hands for you to do as please. he's also really careful as to not push your boundaries, and always asks for consent for anything. anyone with eyes can see how much he adores you and values your existence.
being constantly protected. even though he respects your abilities, he cannot help but keeping an eye on you anywhere, at any times, even when you're not around. he's on high alert, constantly on watch. during combat, he would go rampage if someone dared to touch you, and i'm not talking about being hurt. if that were the case, zoro would not even be able to look at you (in scared of being too "softened") before destroying the enemy with pure sadism.
being kissed all the time when you're alone. this boy hates PDAs, which could be one of the reasons why his has his hand on your back so no one can really see lol. that does not mean he won't look at you with love and adoration in public, offering you a quick and genuine smile or wink when your eyes lock. but when alone, zoro reveals himself as a passionate lover. he would kiss you endlessly until your breath runs out, and would kiss you again when he's given the "go". his kisses would be long, and he would trap you in his huge arms the whole time, running his hands through your waist, hips, legs and ass. he won't say it, but he loves it when you cup his face during the kiss or run your fingers through his green hair. bonus if you grip on his shoulders during intimate moments, where he would kiss you harder and a tad rougher. with him drinking a lot, be prepared for some amusing kissing sessions where he could kiss you with his mouth full of sake (unless you're not drinking, which he would totally respect!!)
him showing off to sanji just to fuck with him. hell, he would lick your whole face in front of the chef if that could set him on fire. that would make him laugh his ass off.
having heated arguments. zoro is stubborn and can be impulsive. if he's in a cranky mood, he may raise his voice at his s/o for nothing important, but he would be feeling so sorry after that. he would shyly apologize in what feels like a whisper, but he would give you some space for a little time before doing so.
being told "i love you" when he thinks you're sleeping. zoro is not chatty, and again, you know he loves you, and he knows he does. anyone with eyes can see that. but sometimes, when the rythme of this life gets too crazy, or when he feels the need for you to hear these magic words and for him to vocalize his feelings, he would say "i love you" in the most intimate way possible, in the crook of your neck when you're sleeping, before pressing a kiss to your temple. little did he know, you heard it every single time. he would also say it during really intimate and slow make out sessions and intercourses. however, he would often thinks "i love them", at the most random times when he's looking at his s/o : seeing them eat ? shower ? dance ? reading ? he's loving them all the time. 24/7. (he just needs the courage to say it each time he thinks it, but then he would look like sanji and he can't have that)
being his. zoro won’t admit it but he loves knowing you’re his, and having the others know it as well. he is so proud of you, and proud to have such an amazing partner. and he would have no shame in saying he’s yours.
don't start me but zoro would be the type of guy to say "i'm not taking a shower unless it's with you" lol.
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evilbihan · 8 months
Kuai Liang is not "nice"
This is technically the second part of my character analysis for Kuai Liang, so be sure to check out the first part focusing on Kuai Liang's personality, goals and his relationship with his brothers and Harumi.
This part will focus on how Kuai Liang treats other characters and upon closer inspection, the image of the "sweet wholesome guy everyone adores" that the fandom crafted for him starts to crumble very quickly.
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Kitana and Mileena:
Mileena: My bond with Kitana can't be broken. Scorpion: I'd once thought the same of mine with Bi-Han.
Why exactly is Kuai Liang trying to make Mileena doubt Kitana's loyalty to her? We have all seen Kitana's tower ending. She has gone out of her way to secure her sister's reign, she defends Mileena fiercely and is genuinely worried about her. It upsets her to see other members of the court conspiring against her sister. Kitana is nothing but loyal to Mileena, in a way Kuai Liang was never loyal to Bi-Han.
"I'm disappointed in my brother's decisions and therefore everyone else's siblings suck too." That's not a healthy or mature mindset. He's projecting his own family issues onto Mileena and Kitana, who actually share a wholesome bond, and tries to create distrust and dispute where there is none. And why? Out of jealousy? It's hard to tell, but this was uncalled for.
It's particularly awful because Kitana is actually trying to help fix Kuai Liang's relationship with his own brother while it seems Kuai Liang is trying to ruin hers with Mileena.
Kitana: You've broken Kuai Liang's heart. Sub-Zero: It won't be the only part of him I damage.
Kitana: I understand congratulations are in order. Scorpion: How did news of my marriage reach Outworld?
Kitana: Weapons. Soldiers. Whatever you -- Scorpion: I have all that I need to defeat Bi-Han.
She's also offering him her and Outworld's support and is really just being nice to him, yet he never once shows gratitude and even tries to plant doubts about her in her sister's mind behind her back.
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Scorpion: If you would only feed on lower species -- Nitara: Humans are a lower species.
"Lower species"? What species exactly is Kuai Liang talking about here? What's his definition of a lower species? Tarkatans? Netherrealmers? One could assume he means animals, but then why doesn't he say so? Instead, he's using a term that's often used in f*cist language. Who or what he's referring to isn't specified either, but it's definitely a questionable choice of words regardless.
Let's be honest, the mindset that there's "lower species" that are not deserving of life, as Kuai Liang basically implies by claiming Nitara should feed on them instead, says quite a lot about the kind of person he is. No matter what he's speaking of here, I still think this is pretty fucked up from any standpoint, especially because Kuai Liang doesn't explicitly say that he's talking about animals.
This is just my opinion, but even if he were to "only" be talking about animals here, I think it's downright wrong to say any animals are a "lower species", given the fact that we very much depend on certain animals for our own survival. Even if we give Kuai Liang the benefit of the doubt, he still sounds incredibly uneducated and ignorant. To not value the life of other creatures is not a good look on him, but then again we've seen how much he values his own brother's life so the bar is quite literally in hell.
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Scorpion: Liu Kang's revelation has shaken my faith in him. Raiden: Understandable, given what he chose to hide.
Reptile: Am I right to put faith in Liu Kang? Scorpion: He's always proven worthy of mine.
Oh, has he now?
Kuai Liang is beginning to sound two-faced. He's certainly not conflicted because he still continues to follow Liu Kang and advices others to do the same. He also doesn't openly criticize or doubt Liu Kang like Tomáš and Bi-Han do. But he himself has lost some of his faith in Liu Kang, yet he judges Bi-Han for having done the same thing? Where does any of that make sense?
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Scorpion: You would shed your brother's blood? Sub-Zero: Because you choose to stand in my way.
The first blood shed was Bi-Han's, not Kuai Liang's, but because Bi-Han doesn't bear a visible scar, no one acknowledges that.
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Kuai Liang is once again showing manipulative behavior here. Blaming everything on his brother and pretending he did nothing wrong. Guilt tripping Bi-Han for something he himself has done.
Kuai Liang's actions are not even the biggest problem here. You can somehow justify what he did with him being hurt/angry when he found out about the true circumstances of his father's death. It's the fact that he refuses to take any responsibility for what he did and acts completely innocent although he's anything but, that shows he's not who the fandom makes him out to be.
Even Bi-Han stands by what he does. Kuai Liang can't even own up to his actions.
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Liu Kang:
Liu Kang: You allow vengeance to consume you. Scorpion: I should not punish Bi-Han for his crimes?
So, Liu Kang seems concerned with Kuai Liang's thirst for vengeance. What's even more noteworthy is that we have Kuai Liang, a mortal, speak to Liu Kang, a literal god, about punishing someone else as if he's entitled to do so? Should it not be up to Liu Kang to decide whether Bi-Han deserves forgiveness or punishment? Do we need to add a god complex to the list of Kuai Liang's flaws?
There's nothing honorable about vengeance. It's honorable to be the bigger person and to forgive.
As Chinese philosopher Confucius said:
“Love thy neighbour as thyself: Do not do to others what thou wouldst not wish be done to thyself: Forgive injuries. Forgive thy enemy, be reconciled to him, give him assistance, invoke God in his behalf.”
Kuai Liang has none of that honor he claims to value.
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Tanya: Liu Kang says we can trust you. Kuai Liang: As long as Outworld's goals don't conflict with Earthrealm's.
Let me translate it: "No, you can't. I'll stop being a reliable ally and might betray you as soon as our interests no longer align." Which is fair enough, he doesn't owe Outworld his loyalty. It's, however, funny that that's exactly what Bi-Han did with Liu Kang/Earthrealm too, but for some reason Kuai Liang is still delusional enough to think he's a more honorable man than his brother?
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Kung Lao:
Kung Lao: I bet I could be Shirai Ryu. Scorpion: First, you must learn humility.
Also Scorpion:
Ashrah: I'd do well to follow your example. Scorpion: Then start by studying my kombat.
Quan Chi: Your brother told me of all your weaknesses. Scorpion: A short conversation, sorcerer?
Kuai Liang is a hypocrite who doesn't practice what he preaches. These are just two of many dialogues in which he comes off as overly confident and boastful. He will try to force his own values and ideals onto others but will not uphold them himself. These dialogues are not even the only example of his hypocrisy, but more of that to come later.
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Smoke and the Shaolin monks:
Scorpion: Was it worth it, training with the Shaolin? Smoke: Let me show you what I learned.
Yet another example for Kuai Liang's arrogance. "Was it worth it?" What's that even supposed to mean? Admittedly, this might not sound as bad compared to everything else he's said but I invite you to go and listen to this specific intro and pay attention to the tone of his voice. To me, it very much sounds like, as a former Lin Kuei, he thinks there's nothing the monks can teach him and Tomáš anymore and therefore he sees training with them as a waste of time. Overall, Kuai Liang seems to hold little respect for his allies. He might not outright say it, but there's definitely a superiority complex there.
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Scorpion: Your mansion was unduly extravagant. Johnny Cage: It came with the megastardom. Package deal.
What gives Kuai Liang the right to judge Johnny for what he does with his money that he's earned from his movies? Judging people and acting like he has the moral high ground over them in any situation is something Kuai Liang does a lot. That alone might not automatically make him a bad person, but it's tasteless and impolite nonetheless.
Johnny Cage: With your skills you'd be a hit, Kuai Liang. Scorpion: Do I look like an entertainer?
Again, if you listen to the actual intro, the distaste in his voice is obvious. He seems to not have much respect for Johnny's profession or for most of his allies' professions, really. Remember his reaction to Tomáš training with the Shaolin monks?
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Scorpion: Like a dog, you bit the hand that fed you. Rain: You've no right to judge me, Earthrealmer.
He doesn't -- because did Kuai Liang not do the same to Bi-Han? It doesn't matter that Bi-Han chose the wrong side, Kuai Liang's oath was to his grandmaster, not to Earthrealm. Bi-Han broke his oath to Earthrealm and by breaking his own oath to his brother, Kuai Liang is no better. And as I already explained in the first part of my analysis, Kuai Liang always meant to overthrow Bi-Han, even before Bi-Han abandoned his duties to defend Earthrealm. Bi-Han gave in to corruption and became a traitor, Kuai Liang was always a traitor in disguise. Kuai Liang is yet again being a hypocrite in this situation and displays double standards.
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Scorpion: Do not let Sento become a crutch. Kenshi: I could win this fight with or without it.
Does anyone else think this comment sounds a lot like ableism? Who is he to tell a disabled man how to handle his disability? Kenshi is a badass, he's proven that countless of times and he doesn't need Kuai Liang's advice, but Kuai Liang has a habit of acting like he knows better than others.
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Bi-Han (again):
Shang Tsung: It was all too simple, pulling your brother's strings. Kuai Liang: It sickens me that he was so easily exploited.
Bi-Han fell victim to Shang Tsung's manipulation, yet here Kuai Liang is, blaming the victim. Meanwhile, Tomáš:
Smoke: I rue the day I ever met you. Quan Chi: No sense dwelling on the past, Tomáš.
Tomáš regrets ever meeting the sorcerers because he rightfully blames the people responsible for this whole mess, Shang Tsung and Quan Chi, not Bi-Han. Kuai Liang is miles away from the same level of emotional maturity Tomáš has.
Scorpion: "Bi-Han's trail has led me to Sun Do." Li Mei: "I'll abide no vigilante justice, Kuai Liang."
Scorpion: If you know where he is, tell me. General Shao: As if I would spill your brother's secrets.
Scorpion: I need help to find Bi-Han. Johnny Cage: Y'know I was only a TV detective, right?
Kuai Liang is making his own family feud everyone else's problem.
SPOILERS: At the same time, when Bi-Han will crash Kuai Liang's wedding in the dlc according to leaks, Kuai Liang will "apologize" to those who attended that they got dragged into his war with Bi-Han, once again painting his brother as the villain. Could he be any more duplicitous? I think the main reason why Smoke is not mentioned in any leaks is because the writers might deliberately not want him to be there because the way Kuai Liang acts (wanting to kill Frost, leaving Bi-Han to suffer and die) would go against everything Tomáš believes in and they can't have someone make Scorpion look bad, so they decided to just have Tomáš not be there at all. If that doesn't say it all, I don't know what will.
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Kuai Liang:
Scorpion: I won't be consumed by vengeance. Scorpion: How can your father's death not burn you.
You know it's bad when your own alternate self starts judging you and criticizing your ways.
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Scorpion: I want to see the moment my father died. Geras: You are not ready to receive that knowledge.
I wonder why Geras denied Kuai Liang's request. Is he concerned that actually witnessing the event will make Kuai Liang lose his mind completely and he will make even more of an effort to kill Bi-Han? He surely seems to think Kuai Liang is too unstable to receive that information. But then again, Kuai Liang already wants to kill Bi-Han, he already tried to do it and he already knows what happened. When will he be ready in Geras' opinion? Once he already forgave Bi-Han (which seems like it won't happen at all)? Would that not just reignite his old hatred? Could it be that there's more to the death of Kuai Liang's father than we know? Is there something Geras is trying to hide from Kuai Liang on purpose?
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Ashrah: Bi-Han can be redeemed. Scorpion: I don't see how that's possible.
It sounds a lot like Kuai Liang doesn't want it to be possible. He wants to deny his brother a chance at redemption. He's also once again acting like he knows better than everyone else. It's getting to the point where he seems self-righteous and out of touch with reality.
So, tell me again, after all that, why are we calling Kuai Liang a nice guy?
To conclude this, Kuai Liang only appears "nice" in direct comparison to Bi-Han, not necessarily because he's a better person, he's just the more agreeable one of the two. Take Bi-Han out of the picture and it's plain to see Kuai Liang is really not that nice. I also don't see how Kuai Liang is the poor, traumatized victim that never did anything wrong in his life, as fans like to describe him as. Yes, he suffered as well, but victims can also become aggressors. There are plenty of situations in which that's the case for Kuai Liang. Again, this is not hate or an attempt to completely demonize him, just to show that the fandom has a wrong idea of who Kuai Liang is and what he's like.
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mossy123302 · 4 months
I am not exactly entirely good with character or relationship analysis (A reason why my dumb fox head is aroace because I am not good w/ navigating romantic relationships)
So this is just my best effort writing the dynamic Q! Philza and Q! Missa have.
I do like to headcanon, like others, that Philza is indeed aroace, but not in a way, that like he doesn't understand what platonic or romantic means. Sure, it's funny to tease Philza about it, but it's also true that close friends could very much do so. I think Philza is quite aware of what is romantic and platonic, he knows the boundaries of it. I mean Philza is literally married to the Goddess of Death (implied) Kristin. It's more or less that Philza doesn't simply care for such labels. (I very much hc that Philza could probably be genderfluid, like me- Peeposmile)
It's something Philza even mentioned in the live stream when talking about the deities in hardcore world. It's something they don't care about and just vibe with whatever they're vibing with. They don't care and I think Philza is the same in that mindset. He just doesn't care, and will be blunt about it, if he needs to actually talk about it.
Philza seems to deeply cherish those that are ... similar to himself from what I can tell. I don't fully watch Fit or other POV to get a clear understanding of Phil's relationship w/ others so I'm sorry if I don't include them, same with Technoblade. I've recently started watching mcyt again and I don't want to talk about something I don't have a full understanding of.
Anyways, Phil deeply connects with those that share similar traits to him in some regard. Techno whose the Blood God, who clearly has an understanding of death, war and loyalty and this clearly shows via Missa too. Missa, while not a fighter, does understand death and how important it is... He literally is a gentle grim reaper. He understands death much clearly, because his mother is also a Goddess tied to Death as well. Missa is also fiercely loyal to Phil and his children, because honestly, he was so busy! He didn't have to return to Quesadilla Island but he did because he cares about Phil and his children, quickly adopted Tallulah and he hadn't even seen her yet.
Whoever Phil trusted and guards with his life, Missa will guard that person with his life as well. Of course, unless, we talk about BadboyHalo then that's another discussion LOL. Such a mess between the demon (?) and grim reaper.
Anyways, we know how much Phil values such loyalty that, I cannot remember what Tubbo said, but he immediately locked Tubbo out of his own home because of what he said about someone and while despite implied flings with others. Philza never spoke about others the way he speaks about Missa.
Their relationship definitely...crosses the line of platonic and romantic. I can see why it would be considered queer platonic relationship, but also at the same time, it's like there is some line being breached which makes everyone raise an eyebrow cause sir, what do you mean platonic-
Philza is clearly...possessive over Missa, because the way he got so defensive when Bagi mentions Antoine (right?) and Missa should date. Philza didn't have to get so defensive, because Missa already immediately denied. Philza could have kissed anyone else, like Fit, but chose Missa instead. He even demanded Tall Missa to the admins, got jealous over any shipping fanart and acts like he's fine and doesn't miss Missa at all. *Coughs in* "I'm going to f*cking off myself. Did Missa log on again?!" (Side eye Philza)
Like he's done lots of things that makes everyone just raise an eyebrow- Philza is fooling no one but himself (& Missa)
I also enjoy the lore Missa has going on with accepting that he is indeed a part of the family and isn't alone. Missa had just lost Spreen, and suddenly, he had no one but the Angel of Death as his assigned partner. Missa must have felt so unmatched compared to Philza because what could he even offer to the family? He had nothing but his music and kind words, which is everyone that Death Family wanted. Missa brought a different change to the family that makes them be vulnerable, to not be so serious all the time and to actually just relax and be like a family that's just on vacation.
I mean, and just talking about loyalty and kindness. Missa never gave up... He fought his way back, despite getting taken away by wolves and suddenly Badboyhalo being so cruel. He always made sure his family was safe and always brought something for them.
Didn't Missa say he got lost because he tried to find a gift for Philza?! Like...the commitment to find a perfect gift for Philza, and still returning (sure, without the gift). While it's hilarious, Missa doesn't run away because of his wet cat behavior. He runs away because he doesn't want to put his family in danger, he cannot fight as well as others can. He relies on others to fight for him and then he jumps in to help, but because the time zone doesn't allow such things. Missa is forced to run.
And Missa is good at it. He will run as far as he can, if it means his family will be safe. He isn't running away from his family, but the danger because at the end of it all, he will return back to his family, no matter how long it takes.
And Missa casually admitted to Chayanne that he needs Philza more than he realized, the same way Philza realizes he needed Missa but didn't dare admit, whether it is out of fear or something else that he couldn't voice it. But Philza clearly showed it through his actions, that he brought/dragged Missa to Rose's Sanctuary before they went to sleep forever. He didn't have to do so, but he did... indicating their bond is much deeper because Rose's Sanctuary is literally a pocket dimension that no one cannot access.
Missa has access. Now he sleeps eternally with his family...
Also their whole dynamic just being Sun/Moon. Fated to never see each other at times, until an eclipse and yet...they still leave signs to let the other know that they're still remembered. This also brought to my attention how Missa is afraid of the sky, while Philza yearns for the sky/to fly.
You think The Sun (Philza) misses the Moon (Missa) so much, because of how far they are, instead of just not seeing each other. The Moon clings to Earth, because they're afraid to go beyond...to something unknown while the Sun cannot stay still, and yearns to burn and be free.
Deathduo/Pissa has me on chokehold.
I do hope this was an interesting analysis, I'm not very good at this..honestly it's probably just me rambling if anything.
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thezombieprostitute · 7 months
Changing Minds - Part 4
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Summary: Your long time work acquaintance Nick Fowler offers to take you to a fancy fundraiser as a way of cheering you up. He insists it's only as friends but when he sees you falling into the grasp of someone he knows is no good, he might change his mind on that.
Word Count: ~2.4k (definitely a big'un for my standards!)
Warnings: Implied violence and attempted murder. Please let me know if I missed any.
A/N: Reader is an older female (late 30's +). This is part of the Garbage Men AU.
Part 3 -- Part 5
Series Masterlist
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Nick’s been making sure to keep texting you. Nothing too romantic, too revealing, but still keeping in touch, keeping up the appearance of interest. He’s gotten his hands on a tennis bracelet with your favorite color gemstones. Jake was able to find a small enough tracker that could be hidden behind one of the stones. He figured it should be easy enough to offer it to you while you were at work.
But as he pulls into the parking lot he’s thrown into a mild panic at the sight of so many police vehicles and ambulances. He gets out of the car and walks as close as he can before he’s stopped by an officer.
“What’s going on,” he asks, worry etched into his face.
“There’s a bomb,” the officer responds. “We’ve got almost everyone safely out. Bomb squad is in there now.”
“What about Y/N? She’s a friend of mine who works here.”
The officer shrugs, “everyone who’s gotten out of the building is over in that section.” He points to a small group near the ambulances. Nick immediately walks over but he doesn’t see you. He recognizes one of the people who works for you, Nikki? Nicole? He can’t remember but he gets their attention.
“Where is Y/N? Why isn’t she with you?”
“The bomb was at her desk,” the young lady whispers. “It…it was activated when she sat down on her chair or something.”
For a moment, Nick can’t think. Any second now you could be dead, likely all because of him. He sees the police lights flashing and pulls out his phone, dialing Sheriff Bodecker. 
He answers after three rings, “this had better be damn important, Fowler.”
“The City Clerk office–”
“Yeah, we got our best people helpin’ out that little lady. What about it?”
“I need access.”
“No can do, Fowler. That’s a city-owned building with city employees at risk. Can’t be havin’ a civilian helpin’ on the investigation. This stays in house.”
“Bullshit,” Nick growls into the phone. “She’s my friend! She’s in danger and I need to know who the hell placed that damn thing!”
“You’ll get access to the reports the same time as every other citizen,” Lee states. “You know where my loyalties lie, Nick, but when it comes to city stuff, I got alotta protocol to follow if I want to keep my job.”
Nick angrily hangs up the phone. He knows Bodecker is right but he’s still pissed off about it. He calls up Jake to ask him to hack the security cameras but Jensen says it’s a no-go. The security cameras are all self-contained. He’d have to be in the building itself to mess with them. Nick hangs up, frustrated.
He’s trying to think of other options when his eyes spot Clark Kent near the building, talking to the police. Confused and enraged Nick stalks over to him, trying to pick up as much of the conversation as he can. He hears snippets of “oh that poor lady,” and “any resources I can offer” before Kent spots him.
“Mr. Fowler,” he greets. “I’m not surprised to see you here. Your poor friend must be a mess!”
“What are you doing here,” Nick seethed.
“I was hoping to pay the lovely Lady a visit,” he calmly answers. “I had such a lovely time talking with her and I was hoping to talk to her some more. But then this!” Kent gestures at the building, “who would do such a thing? Why would they do such a thing?”
Nick sees through the mask of concern Kent has set up. They both know the value of the records in that building and several reasons why someone would want them destroyed. But if either of them admits to it, it would only be used against them. As much as Nick wants to punch him, he knows it would only make everything worse. 
Fortunately the tension is cut with a small cheer from your coworkers. Both men look and see you being walked outside. Nick’s never seen you so scared and he tries to run to you but is stopped by the officer.
“Please,” Nick insists, “she’s my friend. Please let me go help her.”
“It’s okay, Officer,” Kent adds. “I can confirm their friendship. Please let him go to her?” The officer looks at both men and lets Nick pass, letting the officer escorting you know what’s going on. When you see Nick you reach out to him and take his hand. 
“W’ere taking her to the ambulance,” the officer tells him. “Gonna get her vitals checked. Likely in a state of shock.” Nick nods and walks with you, his hand never leaving yours. 
You find yourself leaning into him as you get to the ambulance. Your coworkers try to get closer but Nick gestures at them to stay back saying, correctly, you need air. The EMT gets to work checking everything she can. She confirms that you’re suffering from shock and either need a hospital stay overnight or to have a friend keep an eye on you at your home. You don’t argue when Nick says he’ll take care of you. You just nod.
Your coworkers give you space as Nick walks you to his car, all of them giving you well wishes. You nod and quietly thank each of them as you walk. You definitely didn’t expect to see Mr. Kent walking up to you, steel blue eyes full of concern.
“My dear Lady,” he starts, taking your free hand in both of his, “I do hope you will recover quickly.” You can’t bring yourself to say anything so you just nod and keep walking.
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Nick helps you into your apartment and let yourself slump into your favorite chair. Every time Nick has tried to speak you put up a hand to stop him. You need this. The familiarity of home and comfort before you can bring yourself to have the conversation you know you need to have with him. 
Nick has respected your request for silence but, in his need to do something, he asks, “can I get you some tea or something? If I can find the stuff.” You take a deep breath to steady yourself. Nick notices your nostrils flaring in agitation and wishes he’d kept his mouth shut.
“What I need,” you huff, “is for you to tell me what the hell is going on?” You glare at Nick and he’s taken aback at the ferocity in your eyes. 
“I don’t know anything about the bomb, I swear to you.”
“Of course it isn’t you, Nick,” you scold, your voice getting louder with each word. “We’ve been acquaintances for years with no problem. Then I’m introduced to Mr. Kent, hear your background with him, and suddenly I’m given police reports meant to make you look dangerous and have a bomb placed at my desk! He even showed up to the scene of the damn crime! It doesn’t take a genius to figure this shit out!” 
Nick finds himself stumbling over his words. He’s never seen you like this before and he’s not sure what he can do or say to help.
“Don’t you dare tell me you don’t know anything,” you scold him. “You got me into this damn mess, you’re going to either get me out of it or keep me safe!”
“Yes, ma’am,” Nick whispers in awe of your anger. He’s very glad he didn’t get you that cup of tea as he’s pretty sure he’d be covered in burn marks from you throwing it in his face. 
“And you’re going to call whatever people you’re associated with and get me some more secure locks on my door and maybe even a fucking panic button I can press if I need help. Hell, maybe even a tracker in case I get kidnapped!” Nick ducks his head in shame at that one. “You actually have something already, don’t you,” you chide. “Well, let’s see it!”
Nick pulls out the jewelry box with the tennis bracelet and hands it to you. Your eyes widen in surprise at how pretty it is. “So this is why you wanted to know things like my favorite color?” He nods. “Alright, show me where the tracker is so that I can make sure it doesn’t get damaged or something.” He quietly shows you everything and you put on the necklace. He shows you the locator app on his phone and you feel a little relief. At least now there’s a chance someone would find your body.
While his phone is out he calls someone named “Barnes”. He tries to walk to another room to have a quiet conversation but you refuse to let him leave you alone. If he says anything that downplays his role in your current situation you will make sure this Barnes fellow hears your counter argument. 
The entire conversation he feels the burn of your glare on him. He had no idea you could possess such rage. He wonders if this is how people feel when he’s angry at them. He feels like he needs to confess every bad thing he’s ever done just to get you to stop looking at him like that. 
He hangs up the phone and tells you a couple of people will be there to beef up your security around the apartment and talk to you about other security options.
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After a couple of hours Nick tells you the “guests” are here and there’s a knock at the door right after. He checks the peephole and opens the door. Inside walks a tall, broad man with a dark beard, blue eyes, wearing a beanie and carrying a toolbag. With him is a curvy woman who approaches you with a gentle smile and says, “you can call me Teach. This is Curtis, he’s going to make sure your apartment door and windows are all reinforced with stronger locks.” Curtis grunts acknowledgement as the door closes and he immediately gets to work.
Nick tries to approach and stand next to you as you start talking with Teach but you give him a glare and he ends up sitting at the far end of your couch. You’d laugh at how much he looks like a petulant child if you weren’t still angry at him. Teach definitely picks up on your animosity and asks “would you like someone else on your security detail?”
“I’m not sure,” you quietly admit. 
“If it helps at all he is one of the best three in terms of personal security.”
You nod, “but will having him around just make it worse for me?”
“Quite possibly,” Teach admits. “It feels like the closer you and Nick appear to be, the worse it’ll be for you. On the other hand, if he’s not around, it leaves you open and vulnerable. We just don’t know enough to know if Kent’s people will leave you alone if the two of you have a falling out or if he’ll try something anyways just to further hurt Nick. Considering the options, it’s likely safer for you to keep him around.”
Sighing, you concede to her logic, “I suppose we can keep up the friendship and fake dating thing until we know how Kent will react to a breakup.”
“Oh good,” Teach says. “Nick did tell you it was a platonic date.”
“No he didn’t,” you shake your head and her eyes widen. “He didn’t need to,” you scoff. “Nick isn’t as good at hiding his feelings as he likes to think.”
Teach seems to consider your words, “or you’re just that good at reading him. He’s a regular winner at the monthly poker games.” She shakes her head, “but that’s neither here nor there. He’ll be assigned to your security under the premise of dating. We’ll make sure to get you some additional coverage in the form of surveillance. We’ve got eyes on nearby security cameras for your apartment and your office. I’ll give you my contact information so that, if you think of other security measures you’d like, you can ask me.”
“Thank you, Teach, sincerely. How can I repay you?”
She gets a sly smile, “make sure Nick doesn’t get off easy? He fucked up big time and you’re paying the price.”
“He only took me to that event to try to cheer me up.”
“And yet,” she whispers, “from what I’ve heard, he didn’t even try to play it cool in separating you from Kent. If he’d been more casual, let you spend the evening with Kent, maybe there wouldn’t be such a big target on your back. Seriously, for as good as Nick can be about hiding his feelings, he seems to be unable to mask up around you.” 
You ponder on that while Curtis finishes up the reinforcement measures for your apartment. He and Teach head out and move to stand in front of Nick, who hasn’t moved from his spot on the couch.
Clearing your throat to get his attention your heart softens when you see the pain in his eyes. “We need to discuss the rules and get our story straight,” you tell him. He nods and you continue, “we can actually use the emotional trauma of the bomb and say that was the catalyst that moved us from friends to dating.” Again, a silent nod from him. “Every time you’re at my apartment you will sleep on the couch. Every time you see me you will bring me a flower or some other small gift. Every time we go out, we will keep PDA to a minimum.” For each requirement you bring up he silently nods.
“Do you have anything to say,” you chide.
“I’m…I’m sorry,” he starts. “I…I shouldn’t have…I’m just...so sorry.” Your feel deflated as the last of your anger dissipates at his sincere apology.
Sighing, you tell him, “I need to get some sleep. Feel free to familiarize yourself with the kitchen. You are allowed to roam my apartment but not my bedroom.” You start walking towards your bed and mutter under your breath, “that’s reserved for people actually interested in me.”
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Part 3 -- Part 5
Series Masterlist
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ntaras · 1 year
Bi-Han Analysis
Though the primary focus of this analysis is Bi-Han, I also do analyze Kuai Liang a bit. This analysis is also mostly for me to put my general thoughts together, so the formatting is a bit hard to read and messy. 
This analysis is not written with the datamined dlc story in mind, so for the love of god do not bring that up if you want to respond to this post. I also hate the way the brothers and the Sub-Zero vs. Scorpion rivalry was presented, but I’m writing this analysis with an attempt at avoiding placing criticism in the center (because I do have a lot of criticism that does conflict with this analysis.) 
Also, this is not meant to prove Bi-Han as “not evil”, because no, he isn’t, but he’s still an antagonist who’s making very bad choices. Also I talk about my own speculation regarding Bi-Han’s relationship with his father, and I want to make clear that I’m not trying to paint their father in a bad light because he is not canonically presented as abusive or evil. It comes off like that, but that’s not my intention. I’m too lazy to rewrite that portion of the analysis so this is just a heads up. 
Bi-Han is a walking self-sabotaging tragedy, and with Kuai Liang as Scorpion, they were doomed from the start for their relationship to shatter. You have the eldest brother: Sub-Zero, who feels forced into submission and forced to conceal his “true worth”. You have the younger brother: Scorpion, who watches his older brother be consumed by his desperation to be something, and stands unsure of how to help him. 
Bi-Han’s desire for power is the highlight of his character. His and the Lin Kuei’s role as Earthrealm’s defenders isn’t something that satisfies him- it isn’t something that shows his worth. He thinks he’s worth more than simply hiding in the shadows, waiting, and waiting for threats to emerge. Defending Earthrealm brings him no value, but perhaps taking part in ruling it would give him value (Sub-Zero: “You wield the power I aspire to be” Sindel: “Too bad you’re unfit for it, Sub-Zero.”) He wants to bring the Lin Kuei to the light, show that his clan is deserving of power. (From his bio: “Under his leadership, the Lin Kuei will come out of the shadows and fight for its place as one of Earthrealm’s great nations.”) 
I’m really emphasizing the word “shadow”. It’s an obvious reference to Noob Saibot, and it seems like the story is going for the route that Bi-Han is already someone in the dark, yet he doesn’t view himself to be in the dark. (Scorpion: “A shadow’s fallen on your soul.” Sub-Zero: “No, brother. I’ve seen the light.”) As the darkness envelops Bi-Han, he can only see that darkness as the light. 
Bi-Han refuses to see himself in the wrong, and even says his ambition is confused for evil. (Ashrah: “There are many in the Netherrealm just like you.” Sub-Zero: “You conflate ambition with evil, Ashrah.”) That dialogue also implies that Bi-Han does not believe he will end up in the Netherrealm for his actions, because he doesn’t view himself or his actions as “evil”. Everything he’s done has been for the better- has been for the good of the Lin Kuei. 
I wondered why Bi-Han was so loyal to the Lin Kuei in this timeline, as in previous timelines Bi-Han’s loyalty to his clan was because he was kidnapped by that clan, and conditioned to be their warrior (but still agreed to help Raiden and save Earthrealm.) So why is Bi-Han so loyal to the Lin Kuei in this timeline? 
This is more speculation than an analysis I can support with hard evidence, but if you’re asking what I personally think, I’d like the case to be that there was something deeper going on. That somehow, his father put so much pressure on Bi-Han (not intentional pressure) as the future Grandmaster and a protector of Earthrealm, Bi-Han ending up warping that role as “protector of Earthrealm” into his own desire for the Lin Kuei to show all their true ability is to not defend Earthrealm- but govern Earthrealm. Why must their efforts go unrecognized if their role is so important? Also this plays into his role as the first born son, the eldest child who ends up being the one responsible for their younger siblings. As the eldest, he knows what is best for his siblings. As Grandmaster, he knows what is best for the Lin Kuei. 
All the dialogue regarding their father paints him in a good light- even dialogue from Bi-Han. Bi-Han never once accuses his father as being abusive in some manner, but only as weak and lacking vision. So, there is no denying that he was a good man, but he’s still a man of mistakes, such as being the man indirectly responsible for the murder of Tomas’s family. The fact that that murder happened in the first place does raise a lot of questions about the inner workings of the Lin Kuei and how their father led the Lin Kuei.  
It does feel like their father’s death is still not fully revealed. His death is only referred to as an “accident” and not delved into further besides Bi-Han allowing him to die. (Scorpion: “I want to see the moment my father died.” Geras: “You are not ready to receive that knowledge.”) That could mean that there is more to his death, Kuai Liang isn’t ready to see that moment because he’d get all raged up, or it could mean nothing because that’s how a lot of dialogue is. 
The way their father led the Lin Kuei- and how the Lin Kuei has always been in this new era, was by teaching them to be submissive (to follow rather than lead.) And in Bi-Han’s eyes: weak. 
The fact that Bi-Han didn’t kill his father, but instead let him die, is fascinating. We can also compare that act, to how Bi-Han is submissive to Liu Kang until he’s away from Liu Kang and listens to Shang Tsung. ALSO, it’s interesting how Bi-Han doesn’t listen to Shang Tsung’s offer until he is in chains. Even if he let his father die, Bi-Han still was loyal to Liu Kang nor did he change the Lin Kuei in any way (we also do not know how recently their father died, so he may have not even had the time yet to drastically change the Lin Kuei on his own, but I think that’s besides the point). He aches for the right moment to “step up”- to separate himself from what he believes binds him. 
We see Liu Kang keep Bi-Han from being “too antagonistic”. After Liu Kang calls Bi-Han and Kuai Liang over in chapter 1, we see Bi-Han get hostile towards Kung Lao and try to advance towards him, but is stopped by Liu Kang. He glances at Liu Kang, wanting to bark back, but keeps quiet. In chapter 2, Liu Kang looks at Bi-Han when he yells “enough!” and Bi-Han quickly bows in apology. 
He keeps that loyalty to Liu Kang, until he is physically in chains, until he is physically shackled. He does not want to be prisoner to that loyalty of submission anymore. 
His submission to his father’s ruling of the Lin Kuei and Liu Kang’s Godhood is something he doesn’t want, because he feels like he is worth more than submission. He doesn’t want to be treated “so lowly".” He wants recognition for his skills- he’s eager to show himself off and prove that yes, he is a warrior.
If Liu Kang had chosen Bi-Han to be champion, then mayhaps this desire for power and self-sabotage Bi-Han participates in would have been avoided. However, it’s understandable why Liu Kang didn’t choose Bi-Han to be champion despite clearly having the talent to be one: Bi-Han always dies at a tournament. He didn’t want to risk Bi-Han’s death, and then the resurrection of Noob Saibot (or a falling out between Kuai Liang- Scorpion- and Bi-Han that resulted in Kuai Liang killing Bi-Han). But, it seems Bi-Han set himself down that dark path anyways. 
Now, onto Kuai Liang and a brief look into the relationship between the three brothers. 
The story fails at showing us that the three brothers do care about each other, but it’s just barely there. 
In Kuai Liang’s bio, it states two things: “...though he took pride in knowing that his brother, Sub-Zero, would succeed their father as the Lin Kuei's Grandmaster.” and “...he fears that may one day have to battle his brother for control of the Lin Kuei’s legacy.” He views Bi-Han as Grandmaster with pride, and is scared of having to fight him- scared of choosing duty over his brother. 
Kuai Liang verbally tells Bi-Han multiple times to “watch himself”- reminding Bi-Han of his duty (honoring their father) and questioning Bi-Han’s roughness with Johnny Cage. You do see Kuai Liang keeping an eye out on Bi-Han (as he states later in the game, he was aware of Bi-Han’s frustrations). Kuai Liang doesn’t even mind Bi-Han’s ambitions, as evident in the scene where they enter the treasure chamber. “There will be spoils in this war,” says Bi-Han as Kuai Liang does not chastise him for wanting those “spoils”, but responds with “let us win it first, brother.” 
If I’m being honest, I don’t even think Bi-Han was referring to the actual treasure as “spoils”, but rather the glory that treasure holds. Bi-Han doesn’t really have a desire for treasure, especially a bunch of coins, so I couldn’t really view him as having an actual desire for some coins and gems. And I think Kuai Liang’s response was him answering Bi-Han’s hidden desires- that Bi-Han can achieve his desire to “shine” after they finish their job. For Bi-Han to achieve his ambitions, he must earn it first. 
Up until the reveal of Bi-Han letting their father die, Kuai Liang is incredibly patient with Bi-Han. 
Regarding Tomas and Bi-Han’s relationship: Bi-Han doesn’t hate Tomas! Their relationship is complex with Tomas being the youngest brother and being adopted into the family, but it’s not wrong to say Bi-Han does care about him (as clearly evident by the “You are both unharmed?” comment).
I really do think Bi-Han being the eldest sibling is important to his character. It’s a role that brings him frustration as he cannot get his younger siblings to listen to him (them “abandoning” him and the LIn Kuei), and loses control over them. His anger is harsh towards Tomas, as is “what he gets” for being the younger brother, yet Tomas still cares for Bi-Han despite Bi-Han stating Tomas is not Lin Kuei. 
Bi-Han, in all his cruelness and frustration, cares about his brothers. And they care about Bi-Han. It’s evident in the fact that the brothers are so adamant on being the ones to kill/capture the other, not allowing anyone else “the privilege”. They are deeply hurt by the others' betrayal, and any hatred that comes from them is out of a broken heart. 
Kuai Liang did try to kill Bi-Han. After Bi-Han reveals that he allowed their father to die, Kuai Liang loses it, and knocks Bi-Han down, and you see him raise his chains ready to kill Bi-Han. Kuai Liang would have regretted it. He was in a moment of seering, blind rage, allowing his emotions to fully take over him. You know he would have regretted it, because in their confrontation outside the temple, Kuai Liang doesn’t kill Bi-Han. And if I’m being honest, I don’t even think that Kuai Liang knew he almost killed Bi-Han. 
“You are my Grandmaster no longer.” Not, “you are my brother no longer.” Kuai Liang disowns Bi-Han as his leader, but not as his brother. Even if Bi-Han shed his own brother’s blood, Kuai Liang cannot truly renounce his own blood. It’s their bond and their curse as brothers- as Sub-Zero and Scorpion: they are forever connected by rivalry and siblinghood. 
Their love is deep, but their hatred is even deeper. But is it not the same when it comes to siblings? Is that cruelty not the same as a loving embrace?
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imagined-by-simp · 7 months
"Obey me!" characters and their Hogwarts House - Part 1 of 3
(Contains: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan and Satan)
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As you may know, the thing with the selection of your house goes beyond your personality: they look for your core values. That's the whole reason why Hermione was a Gryffindor even as she is a nerd, and the reason Harry could be a Slytherin. So that was also my process for choosing each of their houses:
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Yeah, hot take: Lucifer is a Hufflepuff.
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Ok, hear me out before screaming about him being Slytherin!
The core values of Hufflepuff are: Loyalty, patience, hard work, and fair play.
The only thing that is above his pride (as a demon, because that's his sin and he was shaped after it), is his loyalty to his family. He said so after falling and giving his loyalty to Diavolo: anything for his family, even if that breaks him in the process.
He also praises MC when they work hard and he is a workaholic. Another thing that can break his walls of pride is his loyalty to Diavolo and MC... because those things mean more to him than his own sin.
He is incredibly tolerant and has great patience with his brothers, MC, Diavolo, and Barbatos. He also tries to play fair (although his fairness is more into the eye-for-an-eye).
He can also be incredibly dependent on his brothers, even if he tries hard to be independent. He just can't see a life without them (to the point that when they are looking for Thirteen it's implied that he was tempted hearing MC and his brothers' voice. He is the only one, along Mammon, that is tempted with MC).
Is also pretty clear he is not driven by ambition or seek of power. If he tries to be flawless and be powerful is because he thinks it is the best way to protect his brothers, not for his own desire. In fact, it's quite clear in some chapters that he does get tired of that facade. So yeah, he can't be Slytherin at the core.
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The core values of Gryffindor are: Bravery, helping others, and chivalry.
Mammon gives everything he has to help others, even if it's not his family or friends: a child with the witches, a puppy he found, MC when they were new in the Devildom, and he is the whole reason why his brothers and himself are the seven lords of the Devildom. He was even tempted by the grim reapers' house by hearing MC's voice and go with them.
Even if he has wishes, he can be really unselfish and put his wishes under the ones of others. Buy MC things even if he wanted to buy something for himself? Yup, he does that a lot.
He also is very brave, he was the one who stood up against Lucifer, Diavolo, and even God (he was the second hand of Lucifer for a reason). He is so brave that he can watch horror movies even if he becomes a baby and he wishes to fight his inner fears for the sake of others.
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The core values of Hufflepuff are: Loyalty, patience, hard work, and fair play.
Levithan has as the top priority the concept of friendship and the loyalty towards it.
Even if he doesn't have a lot of "I care for them" in his list, when you are in it, it's hard to be out of it.
He also accepts challenges if he feels like it would be a fair one and he actually accepted the end of that test with MC in the first season. That was what it was, even if he didn't like it.
He puts a lot of effort into his cosplays and games and he is really grateful when someone tries hard for him, too.
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The core values of Ravenclaw are: Intelligence, creativity, knowledge, planning ahead, and wit. 
Satan is all about looking for knowledge (because he is traumatized lmao). He has books and spells for almost everything and he actually seeks who he is beyond his sin and the wrath of Lucifer.
He thinks the best way to resolve any conflict is to think of ways to prevent them and if they are happening, look for solutions on knowledge.
He also loves to play with ideas and schemes, even if he ends up not doing them.
He seems to really look down on people who aren't interested in learning and growing. He thinks of Lucifer as stubborn and way too must-do-it-in-this-way and that makes him angry, but he can give him his respects when Lucifer does something clever. He respects his brothers when they are creative or witty, and that's one of the reasons why he liked Belphie from the very beginning.
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fairydust-stuff · 9 months
More Shen Jiu fanfiction thoughts
I've never been a fan of the Shen Jiu Goes Nuts and Kills the Other Peak Lords fics. i've read some but its just sighs!
I know he's a bad person but it is so hard for me to imagine him laying a finger on Yue Qingyuan. He thinks the guy abandoned him and still tries to save him from LBG. I repeat, he thinks Yue doesn't value him at that time.
I know a lot of fans go too far and make Shen Jiu some misunderstand saint. But I also think a lot of Shen Jiu fics, ignore that loyalty is a strong quality of his. He's stingy with it due to trust issues being petty over slights.
However, when someone has it SJ has a really hard time turning it off. I honestly think Yue could turn him over to LBG, a thousand times and he'd still try to push him away to keep hm safe.
Also, he tried to save Liu Qingge twice. He might not get along with the other peak lords. But I think he might actually care about them. I think its kinda implied their the closest thing he's got to family. Cang Qiong Mountain is the only home he's ever known.
Also, people think SJ who doesn't even value himself, and who didn't speak up at his trial. Hates the Peak Lords for turning him over? SJ's hate sink is reserved for innocent kids who remind him too much of himself (LBH) and actual slave masters/ his abusers. He gave himself up with the Peak on the line.
Also it misses the point of Svsss when you just swap Binghee and Shen Jiu's roles, because its just playing that rightious revenge power fantasy straight. Which is the opposite of the message of the story.
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sang8262 · 4 months
okay i've been trying to keep thoughts about Bison MOSTLY reserved until we get more details in game, but seeing as we got blasted with his trailer, gameplay, and theme... behold! thoughts:
SF6 is my first SF, even though i've been playing fighting games for a while. So my nostalgia for the series is non-existent. But I was vaguely aware of the story / characters enough to know some stuff about Bison. All that said, I think the direction they're taking him in this game is super interesting, and I NEED, HIS STORY, IN WT, NOW, AGH Anyway, since I like JP, I'm obviously going to be looking for as many connections there.
Bison is shorter than him!!! 182 cm (6'0) to JP's 191 cm (6'3). But he's definitely more muscular, weighing 112 kg (247 lbs) to JP's 97 kg (214 lbs).
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I wasn't expecting this cause Bison has such an intimidating presence and build. Also just shows how tall JP is I guess (????) But I think it's kinda cute tee hee
Bison's winquote at JP!
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All I can muster is a more literal translation: "If you're someone who is useful, I shall make use of you."
And I CANNOT tell what this implies at all about JP's stance towards Bison, at least, not until we see his win quote, and also WT hopefully. I expect JP to show up in it, I mean, at least a name drop I think.
Based on Famitsu interviews with the devs about the upcoming content and Bison's character specifically, I REALLY REALLY hope that they keep what makes JP so different and interesting for me as a villain. Namely, how he doesn't actually swear such undying loyalty to Lord Bison, as someone such as FANG would.
I can see JP put on an act of reverence, to take advantage of Bison's amnesia (which btw, really suspicious that JP's most notorious special is named Amnesia, as is the cyber terrorist group he heads with the same name, Amnesia...).
But I feel like it'd be redundant to have JP also sacrifice everything to revive/ return Bison as leader of Shadaloo. And the whole thing with Ed being the new leader: something that JP seemingly supports enthusiastically. He also seems to be testing Ed (as per Ed's arcade mode banter with him), perhaps to see if Ed is fit to lead? Or perhaps the strength and quality of his Psycho Power?
I kind of hope Bison as he is currently, has no interest in Shadaloo politics, not really wanting to lead but more keen on taming his strength and pursuing great power. FANG, I'm curious if he'd support Bison no matter what, or if FANG has his own idea of what 'Lord Bison' should be like... and try to get him to remember the glory days. Try to get him to reclaim his throne, revive the organization...
Again kinda boiling down to "we have no idea what JP actually wants as a villain", which I do hope gets cleared up with Bison's story!!! Because now Bison is here: what will happen with Ed sorta-kinda leading Neo Shadaloo... but not in service of JP? If JP tries to get on Bison's good side... for WHY would he do that/ what goal?? Oh I'm also worried about potential reveals on why JP joined Shadaloo/ wanted Psycho Power. It'll be really cliche if he pulls some sob pity origin story.. though, I can also see him saying shit like that as a deliberate lie.
I think that's the biggest thing to keep in mind, is that JP is an unreliable narrator and deceiver. It's hard to take what he says and claims at face value.. But also, the writers/ devs intentionally put certain things in story so. I just think that's why it's so fun to pick apart JP in particular, and I fear they might ruin what makes him an interesting character (for me, but, apparently for a lot of other fans too. Seeing comments on Twitter wtih similar sentiments of "please keep JP the way he is").
but yea i'm going insane over here waiting for more details help
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allergictocolor · 4 months
Character Profile - Morticia Addams
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“The real head of the house and moving force behind it. Low-voiced, incisive, and subtle; smiles are rare. This ruined beauty has a romantic side, too, and is given to low-keyed rhapsodies about her garden of deadly nightshade, henbane and dwarf’s hair. Generally indulgent [of] the often sinister activities of the children, but feels that Uncle Fester has to be held in check. Her costume is always the same - the form-fitting black gown, tattered or cut to ribbons at the elbows and feet. Occasionally, she will wear a shawl. Her voice is never raised, but has great range. Contemptuous and original and with a fierce family loyalty. She never uses a cliché except to be funny. She is a thoughtful hostess in her way and, if a guest needs anything, he is advised to scream for it. The children are instructed to observe the amenities and always kick Daddy good night.” - Chas Addams
Charles Addams claimed to have thought up her name while leafing through the yellow pages in a phone book (they used to deliver books full of local phone numbers to our houses!) when he stumbled upon the listings for Morticians. People speculated as to whether she was based on any of his three wives, but he denied that vehemently. He just happened to love thin, pale women with dark hair, and managed to marry the woman of his dreams three times. Though he did marry his third wife in an Addams family-themed wedding in a pet cemetery, so make of that what you will.
Carolyn Jones was cast in the 1964 TV series, despite not being taller than their Gomez, John Astin. He wasn’t a tall man by any account, so I’m assuming she was the best Morticia in the auditions and had the best chemistry with their leading man. Their chemistry on screen was excellent, but also the right amount of comical. While Gomez was frequently overcome with passion whenever Morticia spoke French, or any other foreign language, Morticia often brushed him off. There were other things to do. They could get carried away later.
She called him “Querido”, “Mon Cherie”, and “Bubele”, a yiddish nickname that wasn’t continued with subsequent Morticias. The show established that Morticia held Gomez in the palm of her hand (left, below). Unfortunately, both because it was a sitcom and because it was the 1960s, there had to be hilarious misunderstandings that undercut her power over him somewhat. In more than one episode, she was given reason to doubt that Gomez really loved her, and was driven into the trope of the worried housewife, fretting over what to do. It always worked out in the end, of course. Sitcoms always do.
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The TV show is where Morticia started the habit of cutting the heads off of roses, making bouquets of only the stems (right, above). She spent a lot of time tending her various plants. She had an African strangler named Cleopatra, which continued in other incarnations later on. In the show, she fed it “hamburger meat”. On camera, it looked like meatballs or very small burgers. It threatened to eat a few people, but Morticia assured them that humans gave Cleopatra heartburn.
1960s Morticia indulged in painting more than later versions of her. They didn’t always show what she was painting, but often showed her behind an easel, working on something. When they did show the painting, it was something unusual. More frequently, they simply said what she was painting.
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She was also seen knitting frequently. Sometimes she would be knitting a scarf that was well over 20 feet long, looping around the living room furniture. Other times, it would be a sweater with a very long neck or extra limbs, likely a reference to the comic below, which was also referenced in the 1993 movie Addams Family Values.
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While her mother, Hester Frump, was played by Margaret Hamilton (the wicked witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz), and Morticia herself was described as a witch in the series, the witchcraft was mostly implied. She was shown “smoking”, producing smoke by simply crossing her arms and concentrating, but she didn’t tell fortunes or mix potions like her mother-in-law Grandmama Addams does. Once they got to 1991, Anjelica Huston’s Morticia stated that she was a witch, and that in school she majored in “spells and hexes”.
Huston’s Morticia is level-headed and fully assured of herself. When things go badly for the family, she’s the one who holds everything together. Like her co-star Raul Julia, she is my generation’s gold standard for the character.
I think Morticia takes a little step backwards in the musical, suddenly being unsure of herself because she’s showing a few wrinkles. Bebe Neuwirth was amazing on Broadway, but Gomez would never be bothered by his wife showing her age. He loves everything, and he loves his wife even more. She should know that.
The 2019 animated version of Morticia is wickedly wonderful. Here, she does show some kind of magical powers, unless producing thousands of spiders to make a walkable bridge is just gross and not actually magical. She also talks to her deceased parents on a crystal ball, a form of communication repeated in the 2022 Netflix series.
In the Netflix series, Catherine Zeta-Jones’ Morticia is a side character so far, so we only see her in a few episodes. We know she has psychic visions that are positive, the polar opposite of her pessimistic daughter, but we haven’t seen any of her visions. She’s also madly in love with Gomez and as easily carried away as he is, which is a problem for their embarrassed children. We’ve been told we’ll get a better look into Wednesday’s home life in season 2, so it’s likely there will be even more of Morticia there. Maybe we’ll even see Cleopatra!
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mejomonster · 1 year
I'm Watching episode 5
It's so fucking funny fang duobing is like I live here now. I'm your partner now. I'm not leaving. I ran from my aunt yeah, they took my servant home yeah, I have no money but I WILL PROTECT YOU. We will be friends in the wide world (li lianhua: I'm not in the wide martial world and do NOT want friends) anyway as I was saying this food is mine this table is OURS I'm moving in yeah. (It's so funny fang duobings trying to pitch "heroes who travel together in the jianghu" to a guy who clearly is not trying to be in that life lmao).
It's also so funny Fang Duobing is simply. Clinging. I mean yeah from a logic standpoint he's both broke with no options except this guy he knows is easy to cling to Because he's not a skilled fighter, and also he's an entitled rich bitch young master who wouldn't take no for an answer easily even IF li lianhua was able to sword fight him out of the house
Di feisheng really is ;-; oh man. He's like I had one rival, li xianyi, now that he's gone I have no one. Real Yu Liang from Hikaru No Go energy. Also really genuine, almost noble energy? I'm really glad (so far) he's not the demon sect stereotype character. He values loyalty and honesty, he doesn't like betrayers. I'm surprised he killed li xianyis sworn brother, given he doesn't seem to enjoy underhanded means. He disliked a military win using bombs that hurt his own people. He disliked Winning by only half a move. He seems too honest and noble to kill a sworn brother to simply provoke his enemy, it's too underhanded. My theory at present is either: sworn brother wasn't a good guy and was actually betraying li xianyi but li xianyi still doesn't know that. Which is my favorite theory, since that guy was rude to his nephew fang duobing, sucky enough that fang duobings mom may well hate the martial world Because Of him, would cause maximum angst for li xianyi to find out his most beloved person didn't care about him back and would actively hurt him/the sect etc, and mean di feisheng ultimately was trying to protect/help his rival so they'd be on equal footing... And did not mean to hurt li xianyi by killing the guy. Other theories: the girl in red killed sworn brother of li xianyi, or the medicine demon.
Girl in red: I love her a LOT. I get vibes she's likely to be more like this shows "villain" but honestly if she's the villain I'm gonna be very engaged. I'm intrigued by both her loyalty and how her possessiveness strikes as perhaps the most terrifying element in her entire clan. She wants di feisheng like a trophy, like a pet, like a weapon to use for herself. She deserves the role of leader she got, to be fair, because she did do a Great job leading the sect while he was gone. But based on her private behavior? I'm assuming maybe di feisheng was actually in charge 10 years ago because he may well be a better leader... as in less power hungry, more concerned for the well being of the group, caring about the entire sect before himself. Which is why he does give the role of leader to her in this episode: he is aware he's stuck in the past, aware he's not thinking like a leader, and knows she's done a good job fulfilling the role. So he's leaving the role in her care where he knows his hang ups won't affect things. I am also predicting... much like li xianyi, he might be tired of being the leader. He probably had a shitty of a time being leader as li xianyi, to a degree. He blames himself for the deaths in the battle 10 years ago, for the violent choices of his own subordinates that got their own people killed. There's a sense he also doesn't want to be the person everyone puts on a pedestal and blames and has to be Perfect somehow anyway to be a good leader.
Again I'm just. Very impressed di feisheng isn't being painted like say the wen clan in The Untamed, the demonic cultivating sects in Love and Redemption, the demon clan in Eternal Love. In fact, their entire wuxia setup here doesn't even (so far) imply the demonic sect does anything particularly wrong. Just that, they're in an on and off conflict with the sects that call themselves "just." With a leader like di feisheng, at least so far, he doesn't seem to have particularly cruel intent. He wants payback on sects that attack his, and wants increased power in the jianghu for his sect (at least he did 10 years ago if we guess by how his sect has acted since). But the same could be said of the sigu sect from what we know so far. The "detectives" group is a little more noble, since they have a legal set of laws and some kind of investigation and court process. But the Bai detectives group is not a sect specifically increasing power anywhere so much as they feel more like a "generally broadly respected" independent unit through the area. (I could be wrong later as we learn more though... for all I know, later we will find out they're like The Untamed Jin sect and oppressing all areas they operate in, who knows).
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kaiistheguy · 11 months
Pricilla: an honest review
I saw this movie in theaters today and I have a lot of words, so I'd like to put them here.
Overall Opinions
So, first in line as much as I hate to say it, this movie was much better than I thought it would be as far as loyalty to the book and entertainment value.
However, speaking of loyalty to the book as good as it was, it got a good amount incorrect. For example (and correct me if I'm wrong) in the movie, Elvis's father and grandmother lived with him in Germany, I'm almost certain that this is not how it went.
CINEMATOGRAPHY: This isn't getting its own category because it really wasn't anything all that special except for some of the costumes looking... in accurate, to say the least, I.E. the wedding scene and the International Hotel scene. Oh! Graceland looked like hot garbage as well.
Was Elvis the villain?
It certainly doesn't seem like it. He acted like he did in the 2022 movie with the exception of some focus on his anger issues and mood swings.
I think that Pricilla whispered too much, and for the first half, she talked in a really high and Child-like voice (for obvious reasons)
They really focused on Pricilla's schooling for the first half of the movie, I assume, to make the age gap clearer.
As a teenager myself, I put myself in the shoes of a kid her age at the time, and I found myself thinking "I sure wish that was me right now" more than I would like to admit. Even with them trying to make out Elvis negatively, I was still jealous of this girl.
They really glossed over this, and I mean on Elvis' part. They only brought up 2 of his co-stars, and even they made it look like it was nothing more than a lie made up by the newspapers.
Pricillas cheating: This was also glossed over, and it was more implied than outright stated.
I think Jacob Eldori talked incoherently, and I found his impression rather annoying.
For a movie that focuses so much on telephone calls they sure sound like shit
The pacing was SO. SLOW. And then it sped up towards the end
Final thoughts
I honestly enjoyed the movie way more than I thought I would. It wasn't 100 percent accurate, but then neither was Elvis (2022), which I still like much better. Don't worry
Everybody can have their own opinions, but I honestly have found a new respect for Pricilla, and if you watch it maybe you will to, or maybe you'll hate her even more, I don't know, that's your business.
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knight-a3 · 2 years
I can't say I expected Tech development in this week's episode of Bad Batch because he usually gets ignored, but I'm happy to see it. He's been the most interesting to me because of how reserved and detached he tends to be.
I don't really have anywhere I'm going with this, I just wanted to spit out some thoughts I've been having about Tech and what this episode has confirmed for me.
I've seen a lot of autistic headcanons for Tech. I don't necessarily disagree with all of them, but when it comes to character analysis, I don’t find it helpful to look at it from a lens of nuerodivergency or mental illness. Instead of increasing understanding of a character, it can lead to people inserting their own preconceived notions about said conditions (either due to stereotypes or personal experiences) and forgetting about the actual character. Or even being disappointed when he doesn't match that expectation of what autism "should" be. People are so eager to be represented that they treat the character as a stand-in for themselves, or a stand-in for the group they think he represents, when that does a disservice to the character and the narrative role that is played.
Whether or not Tech has autism is up to interpretation. Regardless, Tech does not represent autism; that's a broad range of characteristics, and it's not fair to expect him to represent all of that. He is simply himself and he has a few quirks. Autism-coded and autism representation are different things, and that's okay. Besides, I'm not sure how effective it is to imply that he got autism due to prenatal genetic manipulation specifically designed to give him advanced cognitive capabilities...
Some of the headcanons I've seen include Tech struggling to adapt to change, which is a common autistic trait. But it was something he has shown no indication of. If anything, everything he's done has shown the opposite. He's analytical and practical. He prioritizes the situation at hand and remains calm(life support is not affected, we're fine. He says as chaos surrounds them). He takes everything at face value and considers them with the resources at hand, so when complications arise, he's very quick to adapt to a change in plans. He takes in the new information and immediately recalibrates his worldview to accommodate. Facts are facts and reality is reality. He's like a Star Wars Vulcan, in a way. Very logical and practical.
Another headcanon I've seen is an aversion to touch, which Tech has never actually seemed particularly sensitive to. Not any more than the others, at least. He doesn't seem to struggle with any sensory overstimulation issues. If his ability to walk on a broken femur(something that should be completely debilitating) is any indication, I'd say he is unnaturally capable of ignoring sensory input.
Where he struggles is understanding emotions in decision making. Why they let pesky sentimentality get in the way of practicality. He can understand it in a theoretical sense, but it's not something he can really wrap his head around the same way he can with facts and numbers and information and probabilities. Emotions are nebulous and unreliable, so relying on them to make critical decisions is counterintuitive to him. He didn't riot race to save Cid because of any feelings of loyalty to her; he did it because Omega got them wrapped up in her debt problem too. If he didn't race, they would owe money they did not have and suffer the consequences as well. Practical problems.
He has feelings, yes, he just doesn't know how to factor them into solutions or articulate them. And, being the type to use the longest and most technical way to describe things, that's probably deeply frustrating to him. In 2.02, when asked if he was okay, his response was to list his physical condition rather than just say yes or no. (My left femur has been fractured by approximately 150 kilograms of pressure. So... no.) He needed to articulate his reasoning for saying no. He had to process it more like taking stock of his condition before determining whether he qualified as okay. He doesn't trust emotions to determine what is factually true.
He can't understand why Omega is upset about missing Echo, when how he shows he cares is by respecting that choice(understanding you doesn't mean I agree). Because wanting something different than what Echo chose seems counterintuitive to the goal of caring about Echo, in Tech's eyes. Particularly when Echo had logical desires and reasoning that Tech can comprehend.
Tech is focused on the practical problems. The squad is down some manpower, but they can manage. They lost their ship, but they can get another. By stating as much, he may have thought he was being reassuring. Why mourn a brother who isn't lost? What is a home beyond a place you reside? He doesn't understand what he said that was wrong, because factually he is right.
I'm not sure what conclusion I am trying to come to. I'm just feeling validated in my assessment of his character thanks to this episode. He takes change in stride, doesn't know how to articulate feelings, and focuses on solving practical problems.
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galvanizedfriend · 2 years
it's so interesting how klaus handles his romances. taking the loyalty from stephan when he wouldn't give it willingly. and then when it came to caroline when he craved her loyalty as well instead this time he confessed he adored her and would wait until the end of time for her to give it to him. which is just a wild jump from one end to the other. this man truly only works in extremes.
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No but fr. I was watching more episodes and having thinky thoughts about this. Sorry took me a bit to get back to you, nonnie! I think when Klaus decided to pursue Caroline, he thought he might stick around for the long run. His mother was back, his whole family was there, Mikael was gone. They were all about starting over or whatever. I think in that very naive moment, he thought he might actually settle down in Mystic Falls for a bit and try to rebuild what he'd lost in New Orleans, so he tried a different approach with Caroline, seeing as things with Stefan had kinda gone all sorts of wrong.
You can see he loses his shit a few times, but then holds back just before he does something rash. It was pretty clear things wouldn't work with Caroline the way they did with Stefan before. She wasn't gonna fall for his bad attitude, wasn't gonna let his bs slide and was also not gonna join the dark side of the force with him. And I think he respected Caroline for that. He always saw how strong she was, how much character she had, and that was truly what drew him to her. Klaus may be whatever Klaus may be, but I don't think he would've ruined something he thought was beautiful (in every sense of the way). He *fancied* her, as he said. It was more than just physical attraction, he genuinely thought she was interesting. If he tried to compel her loyalty, he would kill everything he liked about her. So he didn't.
But I also think there might be a thing there to be said about honesty. He liked that Caroline was not just honest, but unafraid to speak her truth, which is something not a lot of people did in front of Klaus. Not even Stefan back in the 20s. Stefan was sly AF. He was there for a good time, not for any realness. And if you consider Klaus' whole fear of abandonment issues, the way he treated his family, how he wanted to build himself a hybrid army to surround himself with undestructible immortals, it implies he was a very lonely person, and in spite of his bravado and the face he put forward, how he wanted people to believe he was above all these things, it wasn't something he appreciated. Seeing the Scooby gang fighting for each other, seeing Rebekah and Elijah becoming tight again and hating on him, seeing how totally devoted to Elena Stefan was, and also how Caroline was just willing to fight for her friends, I think Klaus might have envied that. He probably wanted to have that too, people who would fight tooth and nail for him because they wanted, not because he compelled them to, or because they were sired to him. He valued family a lot, and that's what family was. So I also think there might have been a part of him that wished Caroline would come to feel that way for him, and knew that he would never have it if he tried to pry it from her by force.
For all his mistakes and flaws, Klaus was very generous towards Caroline, in a way. He saw her, understood her, knew there was a part of her that longed for more than the small town life, but also knew that she was a very young vampire who still had some human life to burn before she was truly free. And he was just willing to wait for her to be ready.
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jounosparticles · 9 months
hello jumps up and down I wanna add some stuff to the background
it's more of just me.... responding but WHATEVER I have... a brain.
with fukuchi I believe that he didn't get that much education/didn't value it as a kid but as he got older he was like "hey this is sick" and just went DEEP into it. like he got into the military and as he lived on the base he started getting into Knowledge and Education more and. yeah. idk it might just be personal to me but also... yeah.
untapped comedy potential with teruko in restaurants. "hey why is this six year old ordering a 40 dollar 4 pound steak."
uh WITH JOUNO!!! with his sight I saw that someone thought that his blindness came with the side effects of the surgeries but again we don't really know... we don't know what the surgeries entail or what his whole background is. only god, asagiri, and hurakawa know.
anyway. with jounos personality me n my friend have an idea that it's a "superiority complex covering up an inferiority complex." his blindness could been an insecurity he has but again. we don't really know. AND!!! ROUGH ADJUSTMENT!!! from being an executive in a crime ring with the mindset of "there is a strict hierarchy and you are above your subordinates" to the military's "there is a strict hierarchy but you all work as one unit. cooperate or die" had to be a weird adjustment.
and tecchou! I don't really have much to add but I do believe that tecchou is a soldier through n through. just how he acts and his almost blind loyalty/obedience it just... .... hrrr yknow.
another thing about tecchou: I also don't think he liked school that much 😭 I. don't know why I think this it's just kinda. yeah.
anyway! sorry if I butchered anyone that's probably from me just. forgetting details. and I'm tired.
ALSO SORRY FOR ALWAYS SENDING LONG ASKS?? I have a lot to say and I don't realize that I send a whole WALL of text to you I apologize for your eyes 😭
hi jazzy!!! i am so sorry it took me a billion years to respond . i was waiting for the time to type out a long answer then kept forgetting i am so sorry. never be sorry for sending long asks!! i genuinely love getting them :)
i like what you are saying for fukuchi!! i’d love to see his passion kick in while he’s working in the military. from the few flashbacks we have seen we definitely know he has the potential for passion but was likely very distracted by his ultimate goal. i’d love to see more of his behind-the-scenes planning over time. he said he got the sign 36 years prior which would make him a kid, i wonder if he didn’t know what it meant until he was given the amenogozen? hmm. not sure. that’s a ramble for another time. but i’d like to see more about him studying and stuff as well!!
and YOURE SO RIGHT about there being hidden potential for teruko. she’s definitely gotten so many "kids _____ free" things because of it. she’s very lucky for that aspect
and about jouno. i’d want to say he lost his sight before joining the hunting dogs? since the one flashback panel we seen his eyes were still closed. if we take into account that his heightened senses were caused by going blind (he said "i can see a lot more now that i’ve lost my sight" to dazai in his intro scene); i’d assume the surgeries don’t do all the enhancement.
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the wording here implies he already had his senses prior to becoming a hunting dog. that’s not to say the surgeries don’t enhance them further though.
i’d love to see jouno learn to adjust to the hunting dogs environment. like that would make me so happy it’s the thing i want most in bsd right now. i’m actually writing my own interpretation of it soon hehe. anyway i imagine he accepted the offer as to avoid punishment for his crimes, i want to see the change in mentality he gets over time so badly. idk i just. love jouno so much i want more focus on him.
i like your complex idea as well! never really thought too deep into it. maybe jouno feels less than the other hunting dogs because he wasn’t always good? i wonder if fukuchi’s words will get to him and he will feel lesser because of it. i want more character development for him please omg. i want him to be reassured that he is good now by tetchou please omg.
i kinda agree with the tetchou bit as well. he’s not fantastic socially from what we’ve seen, it probably made connecting to people at school hard. he was probably easy to get along with but not overly close with anyone. that’s how i felt about him at least!!
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seraandthebees · 1 year
Wip Wednesday
Tagged by @mxkelsifer to share my writings! Since I’m a bit late on the draw I won’t tag anyone this week but I’ll be more on it next time around!
I’m back on my Medici bullshit so that’s what you’re getting this week! This is pretty late in the story I have so far (though probably around the midway to two-thirds point of the fic proper). Hopefully it’s not too tricky to understand without context, but just in case:
Piero is Cosimo’s son
Marco is Cosimo’s long term friend (and a friend of the family)
Ugo is the Medici accountant (employed by the family)
Donatello is in fact the artist, and an acquaintance of Cosimo’s from his youth
“Where did Marco get that letter from?” he realised, verbalising the thought as it came into his head. Raising his head to see Rinaldo’s face, he could easily tell the other man’s suspicions were immediately raised. He could not blame him, especially given the circumstances. Besides, he could tell that Rinaldo did not like Marco very much for whatever reason. As far as Cosimo could tell, he never had.
“How long have you known him?”
“Eighteen years," he responded. “Marco would not do this. Even when he goes against my wishes, he has my family’s best interests in mind. This makes no sense for him.”
“I don’t know,” Rinaldo countered. “It is a lot of money, even if he is sharing it with an accomplice.”
Silence fell as he considered how best to respond. He could not consider that Marco might have been involved until he was left with no other choice. He had done more for this family than was ever asked of him and likely more than he would ever know. Why would he suddenly change his mind? He valued Cosimo’s company as well as the luxury his wealth afforded him, Cosimo was certain of it. Surely it would require more than that to buy his loyalty and for him to give up his way of life.
That was, unless he had discovered Cosimo’s newfound relationship with Rinaldo. Marco never gave the impression that he would be bothered by such matters but then again perhaps Cosimo was looking for understanding where it simply did not exist. Just because Marco was not a man of particular faith, it did not mean he did not agree with any of its teachings. There was nothing to say that his implied understanding of Cosimo’s tendencies was anything other than acknowledgement and tolerance which could only last as long as he refrained from acting on those feelings.
That said, he thought he might have caught Marco gazing at Donatello when he had cause to come to Florence a number of years ago. He had thought perhaps… but that was idle speculation and would get him nowhere.
“I will not place the blame at my friend’s feet without proof,” he declared. “We should investigate other avenues first.”
Rinaldo was evidently displeased with his answer, but did not fight him on it any further. He let his hand drop from Cosimo’s shoulder, stepping back with a sigh. Rinaldo’s frustration went unseen by his lover though who turned to focus on just how much he would have to give up in order to make up the vast amount thousand florins remaining to pay for Piero’s return. He needed to speak with Ugo urgently for a comprehensive understanding of where their finances currently stood.
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