#implied/referenced rape/non-con tw
artfulacrostic · 1 year
whumptober begins!!
flying headfirst into fate
Dick let go. He'd fallen farther before, he was sure, but in the moment, as his grapple gun snagged on one of his gloves and sent him tipping sideways, he couldn't remember when.
OR: Five times in Dick Grayson's life that there was no safety net, and one time that there was.
Whumptober 2023 Day No. 1: “But now this room is spinning while I’m trying just to fill in all the gaps.” Safety Net
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angellesword · 1 month
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Summary: Drowning in debt and blood, Jeon Jungkook knows he's better off alone, lest he brings people down with him.
But one drunken night changes everything.
In a blink of an eye, Jungkook found himself drowning not only in debt and blood, but also in dirty diapers and judgmental stares from you, a.k.a his long-lost love and the guardian of the son he didn't even know existed.
Genre and warnings: best friends to lovers, co-parenting, idiots in love, slow burn—really slow burn, mutual pining, angst, fluff, implied smut, kissing, minor character death, slight getting back together, cursing, blood, stabbing, loan sharks, OC cusses excessively so watch out, hurt/comfort, implied/referenced gang rape/non-con, non-graphic rape/non-con, non-consensual drug use, sexual violence, physical violence, vomiting, food poisoning.
Pairing: dad! Jungkook x adoptive mom!Reader
Word Count: 8k
← Previous Chapter (13) | Next Chapter (15) →
Jungkook woke up feeling wet kisses splaying on his face. He begrudgingly opened his eyes, neck stiff because of his unforgivable sleeping position across your bedroom door.
"Mornin' Kookie~," 
"Hmm?" Jungkook blinked. His brain had yet to catch up on what was happening, but his blurry eyes could already make out the tiny figure of his son.
He saw Soobin waving his little hand and smiling down at him.
"Soobin?" Jungkook blinked. Soobin beamed at him in response, prompting Jungkook's sleepiness to be washed away. He unconsciously wrapped his arms around Soobin's body to pull him closer.
"Kookie, hello!" 
Jungkook winced when his son embraced his neck and tried to climb over his shoulders. It's true that children had the energy of Olympians. Jungkook wasn't able to protest when Soobin decisively climbed his shoulder, using it as a foundation to reach for the doorknob.
Soobin didn't hesitate. With a twist, the door flew open.
Jungkook was caught off guard. He was leaning on the closed door, so he and Soobin fell sideways when it opened. Thankfully, he immediately caught his son and protected his head from colliding on the tiled floor.
Jungkook breathed a sigh of relief. That was close. Hell would break loose if you saw even a small bruise on Soobin's skin.
"What's wrong with you two?" Your voice sent shivers down Jungkook's spine. Speak of the person, and they shall appear. His decelerating heartbeat spiked up again at the sound of your pissed-off voice.
Jungkook was forced to flick his gaze on you. He was surprised to see you on the ground. 
You appeared to just have been woken up, too. You scratched the back of your head and yawned.
"Did you sleep on the floor near the door?" Jungkook couldn't help but ask. He sat up and helped Soobin get on his feet, wanting to check if his son got injured. But before Jungkook could do so, Soobin was already jumping into your arms.
"Ma!" Soobin pulled at your neck, visibly making you cringe. It solidified Jungkook's conjecture that you also dozed off on the floor.
However, you vehemently denied it.
"Soobin, no hugging for now. Your Mama got a stiff neck from sleeping against the door."
"I did not sleep here!" You growled at Jungkook as you fought a yawn. This was in contrast to how softly you whispered to Soobin to lay low with the hugs.
Jungkook dramatically gasped, acting all scandalized. "It's not good to lie in front of your kid, you know~."
For some reason, Jungkook was in a good mood. You, sleeping on the floor and against the door, hinted that you weren’t as unaffected by what had happened a few hours before. You probably listened to Jungkook's speech with your ears against the door.
Perhaps you went as far as almost opening the door for Jungkook—this was dangerous wishful thinking, though. Jungkook had to force himself to shake the thought away. There was another way to see if you intended to allow him to stay.
Call him selfish, but Jungkook wanted to test that theory. He licked his lower lips, eyes ogling at you, who was unconsciously mumbling that your neck only hurt because you cracked it the wrong way.
"I know how to relieve stiffed necks." Jungkook started before trailing off. He couldn't stop himself from staring at your neck.
Jungkook forced himself to clear his throat.
"Do you want me to massage your neck?"
The thought of physical contact would make you recoil if you were disgusted by an ex-convict. Jungkook's hands were clammy. It was his idea to test the waters with you, but it didn't mean he wasn't nervous. He had only developed the habit of smiling, joking, and thinking about sexual stuff when things were making him anxious. It was his coping mechanism.
A few seconds had passed now. Jungkook was half expecting you to reject him, already content with the thought of feeling your neck pulse.
At least you were alive, Jungkook thought. You were alive and near him. This should beenough. You also hadn't explicitly told him to go, so he could—
Jungkook's train of thought paused at that. He didn't know if he ever whipped his head so fast it felt like it almost snapped.
He didn't care. Jungkook had to look at you and confirm if he heard you right:
He did.
"You can massage my neck later." You carried your son and stood up. You unconsciously purred when Soobin kissed your cheeks and requested omurice for breakfast.
You looked pointedly at Jungkook. "You heard your kid. He wants to eat. Chop, chop, Kook."
You didn't wait for a response and just went straight out of the bedroom and to the kitchen.
Jungkook breathed out, suddenly feeling hollow. But in a good way. The anxiousness filling his heart was emptied.
He smiled to himself. Omurice sounded good for breakfast.
The neck massage was scheduled another time even though your neck was stiff now. Blame it on your phone, which had been ringing nonstop.
"It's the team." You rolled your eyes, though one could see that you weren’t annoyed. It was more of a fond gesture.
It was lunchtime now. Your breakfast went well. You and Jungkook dropped Soobin off at the daycare. The kid's schedule was packed since it was the school's foundation day. Jungkook didn't want to leave Soobin alone, but the teacher advised that kids Soobin's age should learn how to adjust and be more independent.
You had no choice but to drag Jungkook away from the school premises. You had other things to do, anyway. Your beeping phone was one of your agenda.
"The team's calling to know if you've accepted our job offer."
Jungkook stopped licking his ice cream in a cone, head twisting to look at you to see any sign of mirth.
You were dead serious. You furrowed your brows at Jungkook. "What."
"Nothing," Jungkook bit his ice cream until his teeth ached. "I just thought you've retracted the offer."
"Why would I do that." You frowned and offered Jungkook a tissue. What a disgusting asshole. His hands were covered with melted ice cream.
Jungkook took the tissue to cover the sight of his trembling lips. He wanted to throw the ice cream as he couldn't bear the cold. However, he didn't have the heart to waste food. He was constantly reminded of what he had to endure as kids threw ice cream at him while wearing the clown costume.
Those days felt like a lifetime ago, yet Jungkook was still here. It didn't change the fact that he felt like shit.
"You read the paper I handed you," it wasn't a question. Jungkook knew you knew of his past now. There was no way you would stay still after knowing that the person who babysat your son used to be in prison.
Frankly, even until now, Jungkook was waiting for you to drop the news to him—that he would have to leave sooner or later. You showed mercy earlier, but who's to say you wouldn't change your mind?
"I didn't." You surprised Jungkook by this admission. You squared your shoulders and snatched the ice cream cone from your best friend. You threw it in the trash can. Jungkook was about to protest, but you shushed him.
"You look stupid trying to finish that ice cream. You should have thrown it away if you didn't want it." It was Soobin's dessert in the first place. The kid handed it to Jungkook earlier before you left. Soobin thought his father wouldn't miss him so much if he had ice cream with him. "And wipe your goddamn mouth and shut it, will you? Don't look too surprised that I didn't read the paper. I told you I was shocked and needed time, but you didn't exactly give me time to process shit with your cheesy line last night."
"I'm sorry." Jungkook's cheeks heat up. He dodged your gaze, but it didn't take long for him to look at you again. You were scoffing at him.
"Now you're actin' all shy? I'm telling you now, bastard. If what you said last night was shit, I swear I will fucking—"
"It's true." Jungkook cut you off. "I mean it."
It was only then that Jungkook noticed your frozen body. Your shoulders sagged in relief upon hearing Jungkook's confirmation.
"Good." You held your head high, "Because I'd rather hear the truth from you than that paper. Do you still want to have dinner with me?"
"Lunch." Jungkook looked at the wristwatch you had gifted him. You had time before Soobin got off school. "Let's have lunch. In our usual place."
Jungkook realized he didn't want to bare his heart out in a fancy restaurant where people acted all stiff and fancy. He wanted to be in a safe and familiar environment where he knew there would be no judgment on whatever he did. No one would eavesdrop as everyone was busy in their own world.
It's the ADA. Jungkook hadn't been here in years. Many things had changed, but sadly, the one thing Jungkook hated the most remained.
Natsume--the fortuneteller who sang his prediction, was still in business. Jungkook met Natsume's teasing gaze. He started playing his guitar, ready to piss off the brunet. Luckily, you had come prepared. You immediately pulled Jungkook inside the ADA restaurant.
"I warned you earlier that Natsume still sings. You said you don't mind." You gave Jungkook a warning look. "Don't fight him. We didn't go here for that. You have a responsibility to me."
Jungkook clicked his tongue and wriggled out of your iron grip. He sighed, "Fine."
You chose a table far from the window. You couldn't have Jungkook distracted because of Natsume. Thankfully, Jungkook didn't talk about the fortuneteller anymore. He looked deep in thought. Jungkook wasn't sure where to start. The paper he gave you last night was the summary of his criminal case. Jungkook envisioned you reading that paper and bombarding him with questions.
The thing was, you were feeling generous to him. You didn't immediately go straight to questioning, opting to order food first. You didn't have to ask Jungkook. You knew he liked crab spring rolls. They were perfect with a bottle of soju.
You almost ordered the alcohol but stopped when you remembered Jungkook didn't drink anymore.
"Let's not drink. Soobin is fussy when he smells alcohol." You thanked the server after he placed your order. What you said to Jungkook was an excuse and the truth. Your son would scrunch up his nose whenever he got a whiff of your favorite wine. Jungkook knew of your intention. He smiled nonetheless.
"You're a good mom," Jungkook said sincerely, and with a quick snap, he broke the chopsticks apart to start eating the complimentary edamame. It felt nostalgic to eat this, giving Jungkook the illusion that you two were high school students whose only worry was how to earn money. 
Your lives were way more complicated than that now. You could never go back. You had Soobin and other things to consider when making decisions.
You weren’t sure whether to nod or shake your head. You settled with a subtle cough.
"I try to be. It wasn't easy at first..." You trailed off and shook your head. "Anyway, there were lots of challenges. You're doing better than me. Soobin warmed up to you fast."
Soobin liked Jang Min and Lee Sung, though it took him some time to get used to meeting up with them. But with Jungkook, things were different. You wondered if it had something to do with their biological relationship.
Jungkook couldn't use that fully as an excuse. He thanked the server for bringing in their food before answering you. "I told you before, didn't I? I've experienced handling kids."
You briefly remembered that as you felt your neck turning crimson. Jungkook had a phase where he was obsessed with getting you pregnant. You never really got the chance to know where Jungkook's fetish started. It was his cue to tell you how things started.
With a warm meal before you two, Jungkook told you how he messed up his life.
Nine Years Ago, 2014:
The thought of dropping out of university had been on Jungkook's mind for a long time, though he never gave it much thought.
That was until Jimin asked Jungkook to accompany him in social work. Jungkook didn't get it at first. Jimin was his promising senior who talked money as Francis, his business-minded boyfriend, greatly influenced him.
Jimin recently graduated college, but he was still in touch with Jungkook. As his hubae, Jungkook looked up to his Jimin-hyung. The latter usually talked about improving life, and that was all Jungkook wanted.
He longed to give you a life where you wouldn't have to struggle. You could pursue whatever studies you wanted without having to think about money.
Money talked, so Jungkook didn't understand why Jimin wasted his time entertaining illegal immigrants. It was on the outskirts of Incheon. These foreigners lived underground with their families. Jimin and some other kindhearted people visited them to feed them and offer them some minor work to get them through one day's meal.
Jungkook frowned at this. Jimin was just starting a small business. He often asked for help from the immigrants to run his business. Jungkook thought Jimin was better off with other people who were far more competent than these illegal settlers.
Jungkook didn't even want to be here. Jimin urged him, saying that if Jungkook really wanted to be business partners with him, he had to first see the kind of work Jimin was doing.
Jungkook didn't think interacting with these immigrants would convince him, but his perspective changed when a kid clung to his leg.
The kid was very small and obviously malnourished. He didn't seem to understand the danger his body was in. A carefree smile decorated his lips.
"Hyung, thank you." The kid's teeth were black and yellow. In normal circumstances, Jungkook would subtly kick the child or say something to make him go away.
But something in this child's smile softened Jungkook's heart for some reason.
"You and the other hyung there help my mom earn money!" The kid pointed at Jimin, who was busy talking to a woman. Jungkook figured that the woman was probably this kid's mother.
"We haven't eaten in days. I thought we'd have to get beaten up first."
"What?" Jungkook was taken aback. He was sometimes mean, but he didn't go around hurting people. What did this kid mean when he mentioned getting beaten up...?
The kid showed his bruised arms; he didn't have to explain for Jungkook to understand what was happening:
The kids and the people living underground were exploited. 
Jungkook clenched his jaw. The memory of younger you working in a bar lit up in his head, making him clench his hands into fists.
The indignation that abruptly clogged his veins was too much to bear, acting like a big block stopping his heart from beating.
His vision doubled. It was too much. These kids had gone through so much at a young age.
Just like you.
"I'm sorry." Jungkook dropped to his knees to look at the kid in the eyes. It was not fair. This kid was still smiling despite life being cruel to him. He didn't understand why the innocent had to suffer when far worse people were walking this planet.
"Why?" The kid caressed Jungkook's hand on his cheek. "You saved us! We want to thank you!"
After the kid said this, the other children went up to hug Jungkook. They kept calling him hyung to offer their thank you. Jungkook couldn't accept their gratitude, knowing that this was Jimin's work.
Their pleasant smile should be directed to Jimin and not him. However, when Jungkook looked at his friend, Jimin stood there, offering him a small smile and encouraging him to appreciate this moment.
Jungkook's heart throbbed painfully in his chest, and when he cast his gaze back at the kids, the pain he felt subsided, and it was quickly replaced with pride.
Jungkook smiled with only one thought in mind: I will make these kids proud.
Present, 2023:
You always knew Jungkook was closed off. He was not the type of person who would share personal experiences like this. When Jungkook told you before that he would drop out of college, you thought he was making a mistake—that he was blinded by money and pride. You never knew Jungkook's catalyst to venturing with Jimin was those kids.
The children made Jungkook want to do better, but it was also them who became his downfall.
Six Years Ago, 2017:
Things had already escalated, so Jungkook was forced to retreat to a corner, his back pressed on a cold wall with no way of stepping back.
He fucked up.
He fucked up so badly with business the same way he fucked up with you when he slept with your Jisoo-unnie.
There was no room for regret after that night. Not when he didn't have time to process things. Jungkook had to rush Jisoo to the hospital when they woke up naked on the couch.
Jisoo couldn't breathe. She was vomiting blood. The doctors said it was anxiety and her sickness acting up. Jisoo was advised not to do strenuous activity. Their tacit agreement to relieve their agony was more harmful than helpful.
Jisoo was in a daze. Looking at her made Jungkook's stomach cramp. The silence was suffocating him, too. Jungkook knew how to butter her up regarding business, but outside you, their pain, and Bighit, Jungkook and Jisoo didn't have much in common.
They were strangers who loved the same person and shared similar problems. What happened last night changed it for the worse.
Jungkook couldn't handle it anymore. He spoke.
"I'm gonna tell her."
The braid of promise from last night was combed just like that. Jisoo slowly turned her head to Jungkook, her eyes dead, and her lips were parted slightly.
Jisoo didn't say anything. She simply cupped her stomach before gently lying in bed. She turned her back to Jungkook, sick of his face already. She got what she wanted.
Jungkook sighed. He stayed in Jisoo-unnie's room for hours until he got the signal from the nurse that Jisoo could go home.
Jisoo didn't want to go home. There was no going back now. Not for Jungkook, though. He had problems he had to face, so he went home.
His home no longer felt safe after what he and Jisoo did. Jungkook couldn't bring himself to sleep, the panic and grief catching up to him every time he closed his eyes.
He avoided you like the plague, thinking that things were better off when he was alone. After all, you wouldn't understand what he was going through.
You hadn't met those immigrant kids. You didn't know what Jungkook and Jimin were fighting for. Most importantly, you didn't know what it felt like to be on top and to suddenly fall from grace.
Jungkook could almost taste it: the venom in your voice when he told you his business with Jimin had failed. He could imagine the ‘I told you so’ look painting your eyes. He could also imagine you telling him he should have just stuck to university.
Jungkook didn't really want to see you. He didn't want to see and hear about yourdisappointment in him.
But Jungkook ended up hearing it—only that with a different reason. Jungkook wasn't expecting you to show up at Bighit’s board meeting. He underestimated your capability to get what you wanted. It never occurred to him that you would buy Ango's share just so you could legally attend the meeting.
It was ridiculous. At that moment, Jungkook thought you had come to rub salt in his wound. Why else would you show up there? There was no reason for you to buy a losing share. Jungkook knew you. You would never bet your money on something risky. You didn't even want to invest in the Bighit in the first place. You only did so to appease Jungkook after your previous fight from before.
When you showed up at the meeting, Jungkook made himself think that you had bad intentions, so he hurt you first. He told you he slept with your Jisoo-unnie just because he didn't want to hear you talk shit about Bighit’s downfall.
He thought his belief was warranted because when things truly started going down, you were nowhere to be found.
It was all good at first. Jungkook thought it was better this way. Because more than anything, and despite Jungkook being fucked in the head for betraying you, Jungkook wanted you safe and worry-free. This was why he and Jisoo sought solace in each other's body. They didn't want to involve you in a mess.
In their own fucked up way, Jungkook and Jisoo loved you.
Jungkook never heard from you again after confessing his betrayal. He tried to reach you, but the case of Bighit was beyond saving. Jungkook, along with Jimin, was facing the consequences:
"When will Mushitaro arrive, Jimin-hyung?" Jungkook's skin felt itchy. The unforgiving cold wall rubbed his body, only proving to him that their current predicament was truly pitiful. He and Jimin were both grown men forced to be cramped into a small jail cell. It smelt rotten here.
Jimin couldn't do anything to appease his friend, though. He scratched his skin and was also getting agitated by the overall atmosphere of the place. "I'm not sure, Jungkook-ssi."
Three hours had passed since the police officers arrested Jimin and Jungkook. They were two different people, but Jimin said they would be having a joint lawyer. Mushitaro, their chosen representative, had yet to arrive after Jimin contacted him earlier. The law enforcers refused to let them call again.
Jungkook was antsy and feeling aggrieved. Though Mushitaro was representing him too, he still had the right to call someone—you. It was unfortunate that the officers were treating him like shit. Jungkook couldn't complain. This wasn't like the last time the police invited them over. They had an arrest warrant now, leaving him and Jimin no choice but to have their hands cuffed. It had been a few days since their last board meeting. Their other board members flew out of the country, but it didn't matter. Almost all of Bighit’s operations were handled by Jungkook and Jimin. They couldn't escape liability even if they wanted to.
This was made clear a few hours later when Mushitaro finally arrived. The lawyer knew what he was doing. Jungkook and Jimin were transferred into a much bigger room, and they were given a cup of cold water to cool down.
Jungkook normally kept his cool. He was a manipulator at best. Surely, he had thought of a way to get out of this mess. Unfortunately, the laws were difficult to circumvent as Bighit’s operation extended to illegal immigrants.
"Piercing the what?" You interrupted Jungkook's storytelling when you didn't understand the legal terms. Jungkook was at the part where he was repeating what Mushitaro had told him years ago.
Jungkook took a bite of his crab spring rolls as he responded to you, "Piercing the corporate veil."
You struggled to listen to him. Jungkook explained that companies usually had limited liability, meaning that their obligations couldn't be passed down to their board directors and stockholders. In short, if the assets of the company reached zero in value but still had some liabilities, the creditors couldn't run after stockholders like him and Jisoo.
However, with the piercing of the corporate veil, the general rule would not apply. Jungkook and Jimin were going to prison.
"The probability of Jimin-hyung and I being convicted at that time was high. That's how piercing the corporate veil works. We are both board members who oversee the operations of Bighit. We can't argue that we don't know what's happening in our company when our signatures are mostly needed in our transactions."
Jimin's boyfriend, Francis Fitzgerald, was also a board member of Bighit. Francis was a certified public accountant, so naturally, he dealt with the company's financial statements. Unbeknownst to Jungkook and the others, Francis used the company's money for his own gain and concealed the fact that the Bighit was incurring debt.
"But why are you affected by it? Isn't it solely that son of a bitch Francis' fault?" You questioned. Jungkook's chest heaved as he repeated to you what Mushitaro had said. This whole thing was still painful to talk about, but:
Generally, Jungkook and Jimin were not liable since corporations like Bighit, weren't similar to partnerships where the board members had a fiduciary relationship. Jungkook might not be the one who orchestrated the fraud, but he concealed it after finding out the truth.
You scoffed at this. But in Jungkook's defense, he and Jimin only concealed the fraud because they were trying to protect their employees.
Bighit was a business process outsourcing organization. The people they hired to take calls and be in the customer service department were the same illegal immigrants underground. Jungkook and Jimin wanted to give these people a chance at living, so they helped fake their documents and hire them.
They were good at their jobs. Jungkook never hesitated to give them a profit share and higher benefits, especially for their retirement fund. Fitzgerald embezzled the money that was supposed to be for the employees. Even their legal reserves that weren't allowed to be used or to be distributed were gone.
Jimin signed documents and trusted the auditors Fitzgerald hired. Meanwhile, Jungkook blindly followed where Jimin was going. He was getting billions of money in the beginning, so he didn't mind. What more could he ask for, knowing that their employees and their families were basically worshipping Jungkook?
When things started going downhill, Jungkook was caught off guard. He was imprisoned with Jimin, and all his assets had been frozen. Mushitaro did his best to defend them, but this was a case that enraged the public. He also couldn't milk enough money from his clients so in the end, he did the bare minimum just to have the case closed.
It was difficult. Mushitaro was being harassed by Bighit’s employees too. Most of them were deported, while the other went into hiding. They threatened the lawyer to pass their messages to his clients, saying that they wished Jungkook and Jimin to both rot in hell and that they made their lives worse. They were doing okay underground, but now they couldn't even spend time with their deported family members, and they were hiding much stricter under the police's noses.
The employees said they wanted their backpay and promised retirement funds. Once, Jungkook was visited by someone in prison. The police officer said his visitor went by your name, so Jungkook cleaned himself up for the first time in days and immediately went to see you.
But you were nowhere to be seen. Jungkook came face to face with a Bighit employee instead. No one knew how the immigrant managed to bring a knife with him, but he did. He was raging when he slashed Jungkook's eyes with a knife.
The officers were quick to seize the immigrant while some of the guards went to attend to Jungkook. He was obviously shocked. He covered his eye, feeling the blood trickling down his hand. He heard loudly how the immigrant cursed and told him to die.
That was the beginning of Jungkook covering his eye with a bandage and the hell he'd face in prison.
"Wait." You grabbed your best friend's hand to get him to stop talking. It was all in the past now, yet you couldn't seem to take it. You also had too many questions.
"Y-You went to jail after I flew to France? Where..." You stuttered a breath and trailed off, feeling your heart clench tightly in your chest. Your ramen had gone cold now. You didn't have the stomach to eat it. All you could think about while looking at your spicy red broth was the blood cascading down Jungkook's eye from before.
Regret poked at the pit of your stomach. You wanted to vomit, but you couldn't. This wasn't about you. It was about Jungkook. You bit your lip and forced yourself to ask, "Where was Jisoo-unnie...? She....she didn't help you?"
Didn't she tell you I was gone? Despite leaving and not wanting to deal with bullshit, you made sure to leave traces so that Jungkook and Jisoo would know where you went off to. Sue you for being a hypocrite, but you were desperate then. You wanted your best friend and sister to see you thriving in spite of their absences in your life. You were pretty sure Jisoo managed to find your address in France because of the clues you left.
You hated your sister, but at the same time, you craved her validation and longed to see the pain in her eyes as you hurt her back.
Why didn't Jisoo tell the convicted Jungkook about your whereabouts?
"Jisoo-noona and I never talked to each other again after...." Jungkook didn't complete his statement, yet you understood it. After we betrayed you. Their last proper conversation was when Jungkook told you that he slept with Jisoo.
They didn't exactly talk at the hospital when Jungkook brought Jisoo there. However, Jisoo showed up at Jungkook's door a few days after you left. She brought a bottle of wine and soju.
Jungkook resolutely refused the offer, almost slamming the door in the older woman's face.
"I can't, Jisoo-noona," he held the doorknob tightly. "I'm not going to drink anymore." Not after what happened. Not after we fucked up. Not in this lifetime.
Jisoo understood what he meant, though she still deflated. Her pain was too much. Her body felt like deteriorating. Her chest was hollow. She begged, "We're not going to do something stupid, Jungkook. I'm just lonely. My little girl isn't answering any of my phone calls."
She had the audacity to get sad after what she had done, but Jisoo was just human, after all. She couldn't take the separation from her sister. She missed you despite everything. Talking to Jungkook gave Jisoo the illusion that you were still within reach.
Jungkook couldn't deny it, either. He missed his best friend, too, but he knew he messed up. He had a lot on his plate right now and couldn't be bothered to carry more burden and guilt by hanging out with Jisoo.
Besides, Jungkook knew his free days were numbered. He couldn't keep involving your sister in this mess, so days after his arrest and that immigrant slashing his eye, Jungkook wrote to Jisoo. He told her not to visit or associate with him as many of Bighit’s employees were indignant with him and would lash out at anyone close to him. Jungkook also told her to extend the same explanation to you.
Jungkook wrote to you every day, yet he didn't get any response. He assumed you really didn't want anything to do with him anymore. It was both a relief and a shame.
Despite everything, Jungkook continued writing to you. It wasn't to get you to visit him or anything. His days in prison became slightly bearable every time he let out his emotions through his letters.
The messages were mostly nonsensical—at least, this was how it started. Jungkook would reminisce about your moments together, tell you about his life in prison--how he was coping with his Jimin-hyung there, and how much he missed you.
Jungkook thought it wasn't that bad until he started receiving letters from people underground. The immigrants were still feeling resentful toward him and Jimin. They detailed how worst their lives had become after being deported. Those who were hiding in South Korea managed to hide their identity, but the blame and pressure were palpable in their letters.
Even the kid who clung to Jungkook’s legs before sent him an alarming message:
My mother hanged herself. I alone now. Blame you giving false hope. You break me. The letter was written childishly. The kid forced himself to write in Korean despite knowing too little about the language. Jungkook took the letter to heart. He couldn’t sleep nor eat. And it wasn’t like there was something to fill his stomach with.
New prisoners were treated like garbage. Jungkook spent his days two cells away from Jimin. He got away from the immigrants wanting to hurt him, but the people in prison were much worse.
“You stink,” Jungkook’s cellmate spat on his face. He hadn’t eaten in two days, his mouth smelling like rotten fish and acid. Jungkook managed to get a small cup of miso soup by massaging the kitchen head’s feet for two hours. Unfortunately, Jimin didn’t know how to navigate a life in prison. He was too righteous, igniting the anger of most prisoners. He wasn’t given any ration, so Jungkook set aside his hunger and gave Jimin-hyung the soup.
“Pardon me, boss.” Jungkook didn’t wipe the spit on his cheek and just bowed his head obediently. “I’ll stay in the corner, but you can call me any time you need something. I will do anything for you.”
It was the lowest of the low, but Jungkook had to swallow his pride. This person he called boss had a lot of food stash. He was quite popular in this place. Many prisoners tried to curry favor with him. Thankfully, it wasn’t hard to please him. People like him got an ego boost whenever they thought they were being worshipped. True enough, he clicked his tongue and threw a KitKat bar to Jungkook.
“Eat that for now. Come sit with me at the table during lunchtime. Ya gotta eat, your breath will kill me.”
“Thank you, boss.” Jungkook ate half of the chocolate and saved the other half for Jimin. The boss shook his head disapprovingly. He thought Jungkook was stupid. He used the little money he had to buy papers so he could write a letter for someone outside the prison, and yet. The boss shook his head one more time, and yet he never received a response.
“I didn’t receive any of your letters.” You interrupted the storytelling again. “Where did you send them? How…” How stupid are you to think I could ever bear to see you suffer? Do you really think it would take me more than two letters to respond to you? But you didn’t say any of this. It would break Jungkook’s heart more. You changed your question, “What did you write to me?”
Jungkook didn’t have any appetite anymore, either. But reminiscing his life in prison made him want to stuff all the food before him in his mouth.
“I was told you got my letters.”
Life in prison started to get better when Jungkook started buttering up Fukuchi—the boss, though he had to face some initiation at first.
Jungkook couldn’t refute anything. He was tired of deep diving in the sea of the prison’s garbage truck just to get him and Jimin something to eat. Jimin joined his food-searching quest, but he wasn’t much of a help.
“You’re making this harder for me, Jiminnie-hyung ~ Can you just sit there and watch out for the prison guard, hmm~?” Jungkook maintained his sweet tone in spite of his exhaustion. He had to remind himself that Jimin-hyung was hurt; hence, he couldn’t move fast. His cellmates had beaten him up again. They said they didn’t like the way Jimin looked when they admitted to using his toothbrush to clean the floor. His cellmate's exact words were, “You should be thankful we’re cleaning our space with your damn toothbrush. Aren’t you acting all pure and shit? Your saliva is our holy water. Save us, Saint Jiminnie.”
The precious nickname Jungkook made up for Jimin was now tainted. They laughed and kicked Jimin when the latter told the officer what his cellmates did to his toothbrush.
Jungkook couldn’t bring himself to tell Jimin to just let it go. But at the same time, he felt like Jimin-hyung should have known better than to fight those idiotic cellmates of his. He was both frustrated and empathetic toward his friend. All he could do for Jimin was search for some food on his behalf.
Thankfully, Jimin listened and watched out for guards as Jungkook swam in the sea of garbage. He found a half-eaten pudding and handed it to Jimin.
“It’s expired,” Jimin said. They weren’t in the position to be picky, so Jungkook only beamed at him.
“I haven’t met anyone who died because of expired food. Come on, Jiminnie-hyung.~ That would do.” Jimin was on the verge of passing out. His face was pale, and his lips were chapped. He needed to eat something. With a few more coaxing from Jungkook, Jimin finally swallowed the expired pudding.
He felt a little better for a while, but Jungkook had terrible luck—his words were jinxed a few hours later. Someone from Jimin’s cell banged the gate, calling the officer’s attention to report Jimin’s state.
“Heyo! Anybody there? The blond lad right here is dyin'. We don’t want his rotten corpse in here. Help!”
Jungkook jolted awake at that. He desperately stuck his head on his cell gate, hoping to see Jimin-hyung. His action was for nought, so he helped bang the gate to get the officers’ attention, too. Fortunately, the guards appeared and were able to bring Jimin to the hospital. Jungkook would never forget the image of his friend curled into a ball while clenching his stomach. He was vomiting as he got food poisoning from eating the expired pudding.
It was a blessing in disguise, though. Jimin was able to eat slightly better food at the hospital. Jungkook swore he would never let his friend suffer again. His choice led to some drastic consequences, but he couldn’t care less:
He sought Fukuchi’s protection for his and Jimin’s sake. The initiation was hell. To Jungkook’s horror, even the correctional officers licked Fukuchi’s bottom. Everyone turned into a slave when money and power were involved. They did not bat an eyelash when Jungkook ran around the prison hallway. A group of prisoners chased after him while the others stayed locked up in their cells, watching menacingly through the crack of the gated cell how moronically Jungkook ran.
Jungkook was in the shower room. He slipped and fell because of the wet tiles marred by mold. The prisoners caught up to him. They dragged Jungkook’s already fragile body to the ground.
"Don't make trouble." Someone pressed Jungkook’s face to the floor until he couldn't breathe properly, and then he felt that person grabbing his hand, his fingertips caressing Jungkook's wrist. "It'll hurt more if you resist."
The brunet felt the syringe sinking deep into his skin. It hurt at first— but soon, it only tickled. His heart started beating so loudly that he thought it would burst inside his ribcage. His vision was doubling, too, but the euphoria pumping through his veins made him lose his inhibitions. Every emotion was amplified. Jungkook giggled when someone took off his pants, spreading his legs wide until he felt a police baton sinking deep into his hole.
Jungkook screeched. There was blood everywhere, yet the prisoners did not stop. He lost count of how many times the syringe corrupted his bloodstream. Every hole of his body (his ears, nose, mouth, and even eyes) was coated with the sticky liquid coming from those men.
His body was painted with nasty teeth marks. The shades of blue, purple, and green were such a sore in the eyes that Jungkook had to cover his body with bandages even after months of the attack. It fucked him so badly, but he could only swallow his grievances for his and Jimin’s sake.
At least now, they were not treated like trash. They had full meals now, and Fukuchi grew more satisfied with Jungkook’s mind. One day, Fukuchi introduced him to someone outside the prison.
“Lee Sung.” The outsider offered his hand for a shake. Jungkook was forced to accept the greeting. Lee Sung was a sadist at heart, though. A blade was hidden in his palm. It slashed Jungkook’s skin when they shook hands.
“You look alive. Aren’t you using the dead apple?” Lee Sung let go of the brunet’s hand, acting as if he hadn’t just caused Jungkook’s hand to trickle down with blood.
Jungkook was unfazed. He gently wiped his bloodied hand in his pants. He lied through his teeth, “Well, someone has to be sober for this, don’t you think, Lee Sung-san~? We can’t all be Snow White.”
‘Dead Apple’ was the drug injected into Jungkook on the day of his initiation. The effect of the drug was unapparelled, bringing the user into a different universe because of the ‘high’ feeling. It was called Dead Apple because the users would often lose consciousness or act like hypnotized zombies who would do your bidding as long as you hit something inside of them. For example, Jungkook saw Jimin through rose-colored glasses, so one of the prisoners who injected him with Dead Apple pretended to be Jimin and Jungkook, under the effect of the drug, fell into this pretense and didn’t question whatever those men did to him. It was only after some hours after the assault did he come back to his senses. 
Coming to his senses didn’t necessarily mean he would forget the assault. He remembered it all too well, and nothing—not even the unadulterated euphoria would convince Jungkook to try it again. He associated that drug with his loss of freedom and more hatred for his already wretched body. One could call him a hypocrite because despite knowing the deadly effect of Dead Apple, it did not stop him from letting other people have access to it.
Life, especially in prison, was not like a fairytale. The initiation he had to be part of Decay of Angels—Fukuchi’s group, wasn’t enough to prove he was worthy. Jungkook had to strategize to keep Fukuchi’s business prospering. He was in charge of thinking of ways to supply the other inmates with drugs while making sure the higher-ups would not suspect a thing. Some officers were part of this scheme, but not all of them could turn a blind eye. Truthfully, Jungkook had been devising plans to get the officers already in this plan to keep supporting them.
Fukuchi soon realized how essential Jungkook was to this whole ordeal, so from being a chess piece, Jungkook was promoted to king. He had the privilege now to meet members of Decay of Angels who were not in prison.
Lee Sung was present at this meeting. He was tasked to get a feel of the king in prison. One look and Lee Sung already knew Jungkook was dangerous. Lee Sung had to find a way to break him.
“And how does staying sober benefit the Decay of Angel, Jungkook-ah?”
Jungkook tilted his head as he raised his hand to show his five fingers, “Five percent.”
Lee Sung was quick to snort at the number. Fukuchi came to the rescue, “Lee Sung, I know it sounds insignificant, but do note that Jungkook-ssi right here has been in this game for only a few days.” He also explained that the officer who had been eyeing the Decay of Angels had been transferred to another jurisdiction, all thanks to Jungkook’s effort.
Now, the drug dealing in Incheon was much more free. 
Lee Sung finally looked pleased because of this. He jutted his chin out, “Very well, then, Jungkook-ah.~ Just tell me what prize you want, I can give it to you.~”
Jungkook jumped into the offer at once. He wrote a name on a piece of paper and handed it to Lee Sung. The latter laughed, thinking that Jungkook wanted someone killed. That could easily be arranged, but the brunet was enigmatic. Lee Sung never would have thought that someone could be this stupidly sweet.
“Consider it done,” Lee Sung stood up and saluted. Sometime later, Jungkook received a letter from Gogol. It contained printed photos of a kid smiling while holding hands with his adopted parents.
Choi Yeonjun. Did you like his new name, Jungkook-ah? The bottom of the letter said.
Jungkook breathed a sigh of relief. The kid who clung to his leg was okay now. Jungkook couldn’t stop with just this, though. Every time he did something for the benefit of the Decay of Angels, he would ask Lee Sung to grant him the favor of helping the previous employees of Bighit. Unfortunately, his efforts were not enough. He slowly incurred a lot of debt to Lee Sung. The latter said it wasn’t his money. It was his boss who lent Jungkook the money.
The death threats toward him and Jimin lessened, too. Of course, this didn’t go unnoticed by Jimin. He confronted Jungkook about it, knowing well that his friend was behind this. Jungkook had always been one step ahead of everything. Sadly, he was not one to make rational choices.
It was easy for Jimin to figure it all out. Jungkook would sometimes joke that Jimin could see the future, therefore giving him the ability of flawless. “Your conjecture has always been flawless, Jiminnie-hyung~!” Jungkook used to tell him.
It wasn’t any different now. Jungkook was being treated like a God in prison these days. He had the privilege to sit beside Fukuchi, and Jimin was not blind not to see the rampant spread of Dead Apple. In fact, one of his cellmates offered him to try the drug. Jimin firmly refused. He easily connected the dots, and when his conjecture had truly become ‘flawless,’ he then confronted Jungkook.
“This is dangerous, Jungkook. You have to stop.” Jimin was not one to resort to violence, but he couldn’t help but grab the younger man’s shirt and slam him against the wall. “You are dealing with illegal drugs, for Pete’s sake. Aren’t you afraid? You only have a few months in your sentence. Don’t make a decision that would harm you.”
I’m doing this for you. Jungkook wanted to shake Jimin. I’m doing this for the people who used to believe in us. I can’t abandon them. You said they’re important to you. I just want to make you happy, Jimin-hyung.
However, vulnerability and truth didn’t sit well with Jungkook. He wriggled out of Jimin’s grasp. “Just trust me, Jiminnie-hyung.”
Jungkook was in too deep. He needed to pay his debts to Lee Sung’s boss, save some money for himself, and start all over again. Their sentence was only reduced because the Decay of Angels paid some of his dues. They were billions of yen as their case impacted the Korean economy.
Jungkook wanted to reclaim his life and maybe…maybe see you again.
You still hadn’t responded to any of Jungkook’s letters, but he didn’t plan on giving up. He tripled the letter he sent, hoping that you would find it annoying and finally reply to him. He would take anything from you, even if it was just pure hatred.
Everything would be okay in no time. He would be out in prison with Jimin soon, so he smiled at his friend, thinking that Jimin understood him.
Except that he didn’t. 
Jungkook had no one else to blame—
Only himself.
He should have known Jimin wouldn’t keep his mouth shut. He wouldn’t blindly trust Jungkook when the well-being of other people was involved. It didn’t matter if they were prisoners. Jimin wouldn’t want these people to harm themselves more.
Jimin was righteous. He couldn’t just watch Jungkook destroy himself and the others, so he did what he thought was right: he told a police officer about the drug scheme in prison.
What a joke.
Did he really think he could make a difference? The police officer nodded along with Jimin, even escorting him to where he could report such a crime.
Jimin sighed in relief. He thought he could sleep well that night, but he couldn’t.
Jimin wasn’t escorted to report the crime. He was stuck in the giant walk-in freezer in the prison’s kitchen.
At five twenty-four in the morning, Park Jimin was found dead. 
A/N: Hello. It's been almost a month since I last updated. I hope you still remember this fic ~~
I know this chapter is upsetting. :(( I'm sorry, there might...? be more to come.
Also, a little update: life is being a total bitch to me. I have a hard time adjusting at work, and would sometimes use the little free time I have to just cry. It was a public holiday in my country last Friday and this coming Monday, but being in accounting means having no break. I still need to work :// My health is being compromised lately as I am working the night shift. It's super stressful because almost everyone around me keeps saying that I am losing too much weight. I KNOW it already :((( anyway, I'm rambling. Please tell me your thoughts about this chapter.
If you feel like dropping this fic, please do so! But please be kind in the comment or don't tell me at all.
Thank you ~~ See you next time! (Hopefully soon, but damn it's quarter close next month, so I will probably be busy waahhh)
Got more suggestions about the tag/warnings? Feel free to tell me. The goal here is to be more mindful.
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blackveine · 2 years
Language: English
Chapters: 6/6
Words: 39973
Fandom: Critical Role (Web Series), The Legend of Vox Machina (Cartoon)
Rating: Mature
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Relationships: Percival “Percy” Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III/Vax’ildan
Character(s): Percival “Percy” Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III, Vax’ildan, Scanlan Shorthalt
Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-Con, not between any of the main characters but important to be aware of, Pre-Stream, minimal spoilers for canon events, Mutual Pining, not actual unrequited crush, Slow Burn, it’s all about the romantic tension, Developing Friendships, Pre-Relationship
Series: Vox Machina Fics, Pelor’s Harvest
Summary: Sequel to Pelor’s Harvest. The morning after introduces even more complications—a kidnapping plot that lured the group from Emon, an alchemist who’s been making an aphrodisiac, and a truly incredible amount of mutual pining.
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disgutinggirlreads · 30 days
MY FAVORITE (LONG) FICS - Wincest Edition
I will not be placing them in any specific order. Also, a long-fic in my definition is anything above 50k words.
Pine Sweat by Goshen (applecrumbledore)
Sam watched Dean hack up firewood with his hatchet. The magically-induced heat wave had his shirt soaked with sweat.
“Did you ever have a, uh… experimental phase?” Sam smacked his lips, trying to think of a diplomatic way to phrase it. “That kid—by which I mean you—has been staring. At me. Kind of a lot.”
(Sam and Dean get sent back to 1996 and go on a hunt with their teenaged selves. The kids don't know who they are.)
This one is so sweet and funny and the plot is so good!! I usually don't go for time-travel stories, but that's a comfort one for me, I really love teenage Dean and Sam in this one.
10 chapters (105,324k words)
TW: Canon-Typical Violence, Animal Death (brief), Mild Gore (not many TW, that's a mostly wholesome one)
To Sound The Depths by Pendragony
Dean has always set aside his needs, repressing his instincts for the sake of Sam. Sometimes he thinks he doesn’t even know how to be an Omega any more. When the brothers pose as a couple to investigate a spate of drowned Alphas, Dean starts to get back in touch with his Omega self. But when the heat is on, will Dean still be able to protect Sam?
a fake dating ABO AU that I love so much. Fake dating for a case is one of my favorite plots in Wincest fics.
15 chapters (66,460k words)
TW: Slight Dub-Con, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Past Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Attempted Sexual Assault
Suave & Complicated by OldToadWoman
Sam and Dean discover a useful, little, magical artifact. No one is forcing them to do anything. No one is going to die if they don't. They don't even feel a strange compulsion. But… it would be really helpful if they powered up the magical stone… and… all they have to do is kiss.
This one is so damm funny. It seens almost like a crack-fic, but the plot is good, and the smut is still hot. Dean is so oblivious in this one, poor dumb thing lol
11 chapters (56,923k words)
TW: Canon-Typical Violence (it's just a really wholesome one)
The Truth In The Lie by flawedamythyst
Sam and Dean pretend to be gay lovers while they hunt a monster on a bus tour of Nova Scotia.
Another fake dating for a case. Also, that was the first wincest fic I've read!
13 chapters (62,264k words)
TW: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Canon-Typical Violence (only TW's is what usually already happens on the show, soooo)
Kill The Lights by silver9mm
Less than a minute had passed since Sam had killed the guard and then five more people. This man’s speech had lasted maybe twenty seconds, but Sam had been separated from Dean for three hundred and sixteen days and nine hours, which made the total time of his life without Dean nearly five complete years, and the thought of listening to this fucker talk for one more second instead of getting his brother and getting the fuck out was unendurable.
I think that's the darkest wincest fic I have read so far. This one wins the most-fucked-up-fic-award in this post. It's really hot, though, and I really enjoyed this one.
35 chapters (143k words)
TW: Extremely Dubious Consent,Rape/Non-con, Bad BDSM Etiquette (really bad guys, lol), Unhappy Ending, Implied Bestiality (really only implied, there's no graphic scenes)
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wangxianficfinder · 10 months
Tumblr media
In the mood for...
1. ITMF a fic where the Lans or the neis or the cultivation world in general find out about the abuse wwx takes at jiang sect and the other sects trying to help him @zerokogane
Warming up (to him) by barisan (T, 9k, LQR & WWX, WangXian, Hypothermia, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Temporary Character Death, Medical Inaccuracies, YZY Abuses WWX, JFM Bashing, pre-wangxian, Good Uncle LQR, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort) I have recommendations for the 1st one where Lan Qiren steps in!
Rediscovery, Reconstruction by ExtraPenguin (M, 27k, JFM/WWX, LQR & WWX, WWX/OC(s), rape/non-con, underage, Childhood Sexual Abuse, Rape Recovery, bildungsroman, Self-Discovery) tw for csa and rape, this one makes the abuse even worse but it's a wonderful fic about Lan Qiren stepping in to save Wei Wuxian (also has wwx/original character)
Blooming Bruises on my Soul and Body by xxxMiaHikarixxx (T, 13k, WangXian, Living on Streets, psychological abuse, WWX being a protective brother, JC being a protective brother, Good brother JC, Good brother LXC, Happy Ending, Angst With Some Comfort, Physical Abuse, Neglect, LXC is a Wangxian supporter, LWJ is whipped, Hate Crimes, multiple POVs)
🔒💙 Holding shreds by barisan (T, 5k, WangXian, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, No Sunshot Campaign, Body Swap, Not for sexy shenanigans, Chronic Pain, Hurt WWX, Hurt LWJ, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Abusive YZY, Bad Parent YZY,  Bad Parent JFM, Good Uncle LQR, Hurt/Comfort, Medical Inaccuracies, POV WWX, Angst with a Happy Ending, Jiāng Family Bashing, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Getting Together, Smart WWX)
2. Hi! Now that I finished my exams 😭, I'm ready to read a lot of new Wangxian fics! ❤️
So, for the next ITMF, I was thinking in fics about:
A) The Lans (LQ, LXC, LWJ or any Lan) looking for WWX in the burial mounds after he saved the Wens, bc they need his help. And then the Lans decided to help WWX after watching the truth.
B) Or the Lans visiting WWX bc LWJ said WWX didn't have any army and when they understand the truth, they decided to help WWX and the Wens.
Plus if there is a Wangxian weeding 😍. Please happy ending in both cases. 🙏
Thank you so much!! Love this blog 🤗💜
Weep You No More, Sad Fountains by athena_crikey (T, 59k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Fix-it fic, Whump, Curses, Fever, Delirium, Stabbing, Loneliness, Confessions, LXC realising sympathy is not support, LQR Being an Asshole)
Discordant Rhapsody by nirejseki (T, 49k, LQR & WWX, wangxian, JC & WWX, WQ & WWX & WN, LWJ & LQR & LXC, canon divergence, fix-it, hurt/comfort, trauma, politics, protective LQR, protective LWJ, protective WWX, LQR centric, whump, angst)
🔒 the thread may stretch or tangle but it will never break by RoseThorne (E, 91k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Soulmates, Self-Esteem Issues, Fix-It, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Nightmares, PTSD, Handfasting, Panic Attacks, Getting Together, First Time, Aftercare, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, /Referenced Torture, Scars, Chronic Pain, Golden Core Reveal, First Time, Switching, sex-related injury, LWJ Stays at the Burial Mounds, LSZ is a Wèi, Good Sibling JC, Dissociation, Burial Mounds Settlement Days)
3. hii! i hope you guys are doing well <3! I've been in a nhs mood, and I was wondering if you have any recs with nhs and wwx friendship, fix it, canon, anything works! i read the one in your last itmf i think, and I'm just craving more of those two! thank you in advance! @flexible-racoon
4. ITMF a dead dove focusing on CQL nieyao's age gap @crypticidentity
5. Itmf canon-compliant ish fics (not modern setting) where the first thing Wei Wuxian does after coming back from the dead is run straight to Lan Zhan? Thank you!
6. HIII is there any good arranged married Wwx and Lwj? Or maybe they're married fr and they have A-yuan as their son? @naoenowa
True Gold Fears No Fire by defractum (nyargles) (M, 69k, WIP, WangXian,  Royalty AU, Ancient China, Wuxia, Historical Inaccuracy, Arranged Marriage, Identity Porn, Mutual Pining, Emperor!LWJ, empress!wwx, Eventual Happy Ending, Misunderstandings)
Into the Oubliette by Ruixx (M, 124k, WIP, WangXian, Growing Up, Fix-It of Sorts, Arranged Marriage, Time Travel, Sibling Bonding, Adopted Sibling Relationship, Canon Divergence, Light BDSM, Breathplay, Wwx protection squad, Sunshot Campaign, War Politics, Hostage JYL, Visions, LXC Redemption, general lwj, Internal Sect, Politics, Good Uncle LQR, Lan OC’s, No Golden Core Transfer, Empire Building)
🧡 hypothetically, of course by johnnyfucksup (G, 22k, WangXian, Arranged Marriage, Character Study, Kinda, Inter-sect politics, a little bit, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Strangers to Lovers, Getting to Know Each Other, Falling In Love, The Mortifying Ordeal of Falling In Love With Your Betrothed, Getting Together, Happy Ending, Love Confessions, very awkward ones at that, Slow Burn Speedrun)
A Wonderful (business) Arrangement by Orchidaisy_55 (E, 58k, wangxian, JC/NHS, LXC/JGY, JYL/JZX, Arranged Marriage, Modern, A/B/O, True Love, First Love, Mpreg, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Domestic Fluff, WWX is LSZ's Parent, mentions of miscarrage, Anal Sex, secondary sex characteristics, Slow Build, Slow Burn, Unplanned Pregnancy)
The Ties That Bind by silverclaw (G, 43k, wangxian, A/B/O, Arranged Marriage, Modern, Alpha WWX, Omega LWJ, past toxic relationship, Slow Burn, husbandiest of husband material WWX, mention of mpreg in relation to side-character, hurt LWJ, WWX falls first AND harder, No Smut)
After I Met You by Amandyalmonds (M, 78k, wangxian, Dragon LWJ, Fox Spirit WWX, Canon Divergence, Royalty AU, Slow Burn, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Madam Yu's A+ Parenting, Protective WQ, Protective LWJ, Canon-Typical Violence, Unreliable Narrator WWX, Arranged Marriage, Miscommunication, Autistic LWJ, WIP)
Cultivator Lan's Wedding by squishh (Not Rated, 14k, wangxian, LXC/QS, Arranged Marriage, hidden identity, Nobleman Ryu's Wedding AU, slightly more based in historical reality, still xianxia tho, Wife swap, Slow Burn, Bisexual WWX, Demisexual LWJ, No War AU, No Yīn Iron, WWX's canonical backstory - mostly, YZY is slightly less abusive, still abusive tho, JYL not engaged to JZX, Canon-Typical Violence, No homophobia as a form of self-care to the author, Happy Ending, JC and WWX have a much better relationship here, POV Alternating, POV LWJ, POV WWX, Crossdressing, Historical Fantasy, WIP)
🔒 it's just a little white lie by MohnDoe (T, 1k, wangxian, Inspired by a Reddit Post, Modern Setting, Arranged Marriage, WIP)
Not Lost, Just Undiscovered by anancites (E, 107k, wangxian, Modern, Arranged Marriage, Friends to Lovers, Fluff and Angst, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Idiots in Love, Mildly Dubious Consent)
7. Fics which go with the lyrics: " These days, I'm way too lonely
I'm missing out, I know
These days, I'm way too alone And I'm known for giving love away, but
I want someone who love me
I need someone who needs me
'Cause it don't feel right when it's late at night
And it's just me in my dreams So I want someone to love, that's what I fucking want "
Song: that's what I want, by Lil nas x
All the ways that you remain by Spodumene (G, 23k, WangXian, Modern AU, Canada, Romance, First Meetings, Cottagecore, There Was Only One Bed, Mention of Parent Death, Getting Together)
8. itmf fics where wwx hurts lwj (emotionally or physically)
Over the Rotted Bridge by vailkagami (T, 314k, WangXian, Temporary Character Death, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, LWJ dies, Wei Wuxian doesn’t die, neither do (most of) the wens, JYL also lives, Original Character(s), outside pov, YLLZ WWX, Canon Divergence, CQL Verse, Illustrated, Grief/Mourning, Non-Consensual Resurrection, mute LWJ, Hurt LWJ, Slow Burn, canonical death of a child (mentioned), Survivor Guilt, PTSD)
9. ITMF heavy angst BUT I don't want it to be whump
Twin Demons of Mò by XiaoFeiFei (ArfBarkWoof) (M, 358k, MXY & WWX, wangxian, JL & MXY, XY & MXY, JGY & MXY, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Injury, Abuse, Death, Twin Demons of Mo AU, MXY Lives, Major Character Injury, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Minor Character Death, Angst with a Happy Ending, Character Death, Minor Implied/Referenced Incest, Implied/Referenced Torture, Near Death, Near Death Experiences, Canon Divergence, Self-Harm, Found Family, Sexual Abuse, Rape/Non-con Elements, POV Alternating)
10. ITMF a fic where wwx died in the past and then lwj waits for him to reincarnate and lives into the modern world where they meet again but wwx doesn't remember until later (or its fine if he remembers too )
based on a photo on Pinterest whose link ill paste cos I can't attach photos for some reason in the ask
Thanks again! Ly guys! @maurader--here
All Old Things are New Again by The Feels Whale (miscellea) (M, 51k, WangXian, XuanLi, ChengQing, Reincarnation, Modern AU, canon still happened, extreme post canon, Sugar Daddy, Kink Negotiation, gentle dom!LWJ, canonical levels of consent play, Modern Cultivators)
the recluse at the end of the moonlit path by beesinspades (T, 28k, WangXian, Modern AU, Reincarnation, Post-Canon, Jack of All Trades Artist WWX, Immortal! LWJ, Mutual Pining, Light Angst, Reunions, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Implied Sexual Content, Asexual Character, good vibes, [Podfic] the recluse at the end of the moonlit path by b_ofdale by Beria1021)
🧡 We Were Never Strangers by NeverEnoughWangxian (M, 36k, WangXian, Reincarnation, Modern AU, POV WWX, (mostly), College Student WWX, Rogue Cultivator WWX, Immortal LWJ, Immortal LSZ, Dreams, Pining, Sharing a Bed, Getting Together, Happy Ending, Sexual Tension, Sexual Content)
11. Hello! Any fics where LWJ is shown to bond with animals?
No specific animal, just that it treats LWJ a bit specially or listens to him etc.
Thank you for your work!
in the arms of the angel by ScarlettStorm (E, 37k, WangXian, Modern AU with Magic, Fox WWX, animal rescuer LWJ, Comedy, Smut, Getting Together, Hurt/Comfort, Adhd WWX, the mortifying ordeal of getting your head stuck in a peanut butter jar) it sort of fits bc lwj is in animal rescue & has some powers to make the animals feel calm & safe!
Lan Zhan's University Days (JAFFY) by sami (T, 10k, WangXian, Modern AU, Kinda, cultivated to immortality, University, outsider pov, Wei Wuxian is a chaos gremlin, ridiculous future bullshit wwx vs Local Culture) Sami's Lan Zhan's University Days from ridiculous future bull series. The cows in the farm and in later rfb glimpses with various baby animals
12. IMTF: I recently finished the WIP “Horseshoes and Hand Grenades” by Phantomhill which was amazing and hilarious. I’m now itmf any fics with the same premise of bringing the original Yiling Patriarch forward into the modern era, preferably without relying on reincarnation for the other characters. Any ships acceptable except self-insert. Thanks! @jensownzoo
结局难更改 (the ending is hard to change) Series by PorcupineGirl (G, 50k, WangXian, Time Travel, Modern with Magic, Modern Cultivators AU, Canon Divergence, Time Traveler WWX, discussion of canonical character deaths, conveniently localized fires, Discussion of Canonical Suicide Attempt, mostly happy but slightly bittersweet ending, Reincarnation, LWJ POV, Established Relationship, Aromantic JC) might fit as it involves WWX ending up in the future instead of falling to his death
13. Hello all, sorry if this ask is too explicit 😳
I’m looking for fics where Wei Wuxian has a small penis and Lan Wangji has a big one 🍆
Love me some size difference
Thanx in advance
The Damage You Do by stiricide (E, 104k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, Dom/Sub, Dark LWJ, Mobster LWJ, Possessive LWJ, Sex Worker WWX, Sugar Baby WWX, WWX adopts LSZ, Dubious Consent, each chapter has sex tag notes on it, BDSM, Sounding, Panic Attacks, Angst with a Happy Ending)
14. Do you have Yunmeng bros reconciliation fics that have reverse golden core reveals (wwx finding out about jc getting captured in his place). Angst is fine :)
Thank you!!!! &lt;;3 @twlaei
15. For the next ITMF can i get fics where LZ plays their song before an audience while wy watches speechless? It could be a recital, it could be a party, it could be a wedding...it just has to have lz playing his heart out for WY while an audience is present.
LZ could be singing or playing any instruments like violin, guqin, piano etc.
For example, drag my teeth across your chest (by ana_cp) - violin. // last part in a FF post ~Mod L @imstillthinkingaboutithmm
Talisman by Witch_Nova221 (M, 192k, WangXian, Modern AU, Eventual Romance, Theatre, Rock Band, Childhood Friends, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Spousal Abuse, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff and Angst, Stalking, Minor Character Death, Friends to Lovers, Orphans, Mutual Pining)
16. ITMF for...
Fics when either WangXian or any other pairing (bonus if it's a rarepair or the Juniors are involved) are discovered by someone walking in on them? Even more bonus if WangXian are together and it's them walking in on someone! Thank you! @fomalhaut48
I spy by Anonymous (E, 9k, wangxian, Voyeurism, Masturbation, Rough Sex, of the wangxian kind, Pseudo-Incest, is it uuuuh incest if one spies on their adoptive parents, the juniors get more than they bargained for, Blow Jobs, Face-Fucking)
Countless Roads by SunBlueSun (E, 5k, wangxian, Accidental Voyeurism, Switching, Versatile | Switch Wangxian, Porn with Feelings, Minor Original Character(s), Love, hanguang jun has flowers in his hair, POV Outsider)
Friends with Great Benefits by FrameofMind, Jo Lasalle (Jo_Lasalle) (E, 15k, wangxian, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, First Time, virgins, Voyeurism, Accidental Voyeurism, Semi-accidental voyeurism, WWX's canonical heteronormative assumptions, cutsleeve awakenings, Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, (it depends on who you ask))
a new light by museaway (T, 2k, wangxian, Accidental Voyeurism, Post-Canon, Established Relationship, POV Outsider, Canon Compliant)
17. Itmf wwx is in a slump, depressed, burnt out, breaking down, etc and lwj swoops in with tender loving care to pull him from his slump.
12 Hours In Hell and Paradise (Or: Lan Zhan’s Distinguished Guide to Seasonal Depression) by demonicsalad (T, 4k, wangxian, Modern, Friends to Lovers, Developing Relationship, Mental Health Issues, Neurodiversity, Love Confessions, POV LWJ) Not quite what OP on 17 asked for, it's from LWJ's pov and primarily his struggles, but it is cute fic about both sides of WX battling seasonal depression and comforting each other
总有一天; a place to hide (can’t find one near) by yiqie (E, 76k, WangXian, Modern AU, Pianist, Getting Together, Mental Health Issues, Suicide Attempt, Suicidal Thoughts, Depression, Hospitals, Overdosing, Eventual Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Additional Warnings In Author's Note)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
133 notes · View notes
wolftheawoo · 4 days
Chapter IV - How things go.
Reverse Fall(s) - Twisted Realities
Relationships: Bill Cipher/Ford Pines, Will Cipher | Reverse Bill Cipher/Ford Gleeful | Reverse Ford Pines, Will Cipher | Reverse Bill Cipher/Dipper Gleeful | Reverse Dipper Pines, Will Cipher | Reverse Bill Cipher/Mabel Gleeful | Reverse Mabel Pines, Bill Cipher & Will Cipher | Reverse Bill Cipher, Dipper Gleeful | Reverse Dipper Pines & Mabel Gleeful | Reverse Mabel Pines, Dipper Gleeful/Ford Gleeful, Mabel Gleeful/Ford Gleeful, Bud Pines/Gideon Pines, Mabel Gleeful | Reverse Mabel Pines/Pacifica Southeast | Reverse Pacifica Northwest TAGS/TW: DDDNE, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Rape/Non-con Elements, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Rape, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Underage Rape/Non-con, Underage Sex, Consensual Underage Sex, Underage Drinking, Underage Smoking, Implied/Referenced Underage Sex, Underage Kissing, Anal Sex, Anal Gaping, Piss, Vomiting, Object Insertion, Gore, Visceral, Violence, Reverse Falls, Alternate Universe - Reverse Portal (Gravity Falls), Alternate Universe - Reverse Falls | Reverse Pines (Gravity Falls), Reverse Pines Family (Gravity Falls), Ford is sadic as fuck here, Dipper and Mabel are very very bad, there will be blood, Bill is a spectator and voyeur, Voyeurism, Mabel suck his grunkle to get what she wants, Incest, Sibling Incest, Uncle/Nephew Incest, Uncle/Niece Incest, Stancest, pinecest, Spanking, Non-Consensual Spanking, Non-Consensual Touching, Non-Consensual Body Modification, Non-Consensual Oral Sex
Bill Cipher, the most chaotic triangular demon in the universe, is about to discover that not all cosmic power is hole-proof. Stumbling into a dimensional rift, he plummets straight into the universe of Reverse Falls, where everything is twisted, sinister, and a little more broken than he remembered. Instead of looking for a way back, Bill decides to do what he does best: turn this chaos into his personal playground. With constant misfortune and characters darker than ever, he plunges headlong into a universe where nothing makes sense, but everything is potential for fun. For Bill Cipher, the more wrong the situation, the better. And in the end, he may even discover that the chaos of Reverse Falls is where he really belongs.
Chaos, acid humor and a lot of misfortune guaranteed. After all, for Bill, hell is an amusement park.
(⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧ NOTES: Grenda and Pacifica, Mabel and Stanley, Will and Dipper... yeah, this chapter is full of people having intercourse. NOTES 2: I'd like to thank everyone who's been following my fanfic, and for all the kind comments and Kudos. You're all in my heart. Thank you very much.
Pacifica's body shook violently as Grenda thrust inside her. She was bigger than Candy had imagined, and watching what was happening made her wet, even though she didn't want to admit it. Mabel had told them both to clean up the place, but she hadn't said they couldn't have a little fun first. As Grenda drove her cock deeper and deeper into Pacifica, blonde strands stuck to her face and saliva dripped from her mouth; her legs spasmed slightly and her insides tightened. Southeast's small womb was brutally beaten by Granda who, close to the climax, grabbed Pacifica and held her body in her arms, crushing her until she heard her bones crack and, inside her canal, emptied herself until not a single drop of semen remained. Candy was perplexed and very excited, and as Grenda pulled out of Pacifica, her seed ran down the girl's legs who, when she was released, only fell to the floor in her own urine.
Mabel's two friends, as ordered, cleaned the bathroom of any residue that might have remained from the "game". They mopped it with the janitor's mop, and used a lot of toilet paper to leave everything clean. Pacifica, on the other hand, was left a mess of saliva, tears and cum.
“What do we do with her?” said the Asian girl, fixing her glasses.
“We leave her here. She must be too embarrassed to go out like this, and even more embarrassed to tell anyone.”
“Yes, you’re right…” and crouching down in front of the blonde, Candy smiled mischievously: “If she tells anyone, I doubt they’ll believe her. It’s easier to think she did it because she wanted to.”
Bill, in the little corner he had taken, stayed there the whole time Pacifica was fucked by Grenda. He had liked the way those girls were... they reminded him of his own henchmen who carried out his orders without question, but who were still his friends. The band of misfits and exiles from their own planets and universes. The gang of forgotten and despised people. Just like the six-fingered one who, if he wasn't so altruistic, might have been on his side. In any case, the triangle stuck around to see what the girl would do. And the two girls were right: she was too embarrassed. There was blood, urine, and all sorts of fluids on her body, running, dripping, dirtying her. When she tried to get up, her legs gave way and she fell miserably to the floor, and with her, the tears fell. She was pitiful.
With a restrained sob, Pacifica clung to the walls and, on shaky legs, got up to go to the sink where she turned on the water and began to clean herself. She took her hand between her own legs and touched it, rubbing her fingers against her vagina to remove the excess semen. When she looked at her own hand, her face twisted in a mixture of disgust and sadness. The smell, she contested, was horrible, and she almost vomited. In fact, she regurgitated some of what she had eaten in the canteen into the sink and, completely dazed, washed her hand under the cold running water. As if she had turned on autopilot, she did the same thing a few more times: she used her wet hand to wipe her pussy and then washed her hand in the sink, and repeated this until she felt clean and there was nothing left on her palm.
Then it was time for the legs, and the body. At least, the places Mabel had scribbled on. She rubbed the pieces of paper she'd torn from the dispenser until her skin turned red, and when blood balls were forming under her dermis, she stopped. Leaning against the sink, she lowered her head, letting the strands of hair cover her face. As curious as Bill was, he didn't have to move to notice that Pacifica was crying copiously and the more she cried, the more she trembled. She was on the verge of a breakdown: she threw, pushed, hit, punched, kicked and finally sat down. She punched the wall, kicked the garbage cans, knocked over the soap dispensers, threw paper rolls away and pushed open the cabin doors, then let herself fall to the floor to cry and cry.
It was a long time. Long and tortuous minutes until the bell finally rang, telling them to return to their classrooms. Two more bells rang before Southeast had enough courage to get up. She was more or less dry now, and finished drying herself with toilet paper. She washed her face to uselessly hide her tears and reduce the swelling a little, and, taking a deep breath, smiled at the mirror before leaving. She had to grab her backpack, and she did so, telling the teacher that she wasn't feeling well and needed to go home. Sent to the nurse's office, the poor woman who attended to the students there let Pacifica call her parents, noticing the girl's visible emotional distress. She needed her home. She needed her mother's lap. She needed to go back, that's all.
Mabel wrapped her legs around her great-uncle's waist as the thrusts became more intense and less spaced out. The girl's thighs pressed against his sides and her heels on the older man's lower back squeezed him enough for his fat, hard cock to enter his grandniece's little pussy completely, making even more of the juice that wet her drip. He was so close to cumming inside her that his moans became even hoarser and lower, close to the girl's ear, who felt shivers run down her spine. The pleasure was overflowing just as was the liquid that dripped from her tight entrance, and as Stan thrust his cock deeper and deeper, Mabel let her voice be heard more and more, moaning like the little slut she was.
"Ohhh, darling... like that, like that... my god, what a delicious pussy... and all wet like that for your great-uncle... what would they think of you if they knew you were my personal little whore?"
The laugh that came from his throat made Mabel arch her back and groan. The girl couldn't think clearly, much less contain herself. Meaningless words left her mouth as her nails dug into Stanley's back and served as an incentive for him to hold Mabel's waist in his arms, lifting her hips off the bed, lifting her so he could fuck her harder and faster. He was going to cum, he was sure he was going to cum because she was squeezing him tightly, and when he reached her womb, the walls of her vagina contracted and crushed him inside.
Stanley's belly rubbed against Mabel's thin abdomen, and his hair tickled the girl. He was sweating like a soccer player on top of the girl, and the strong smell coming from his old body was masculine; a mix of wood, aftershave, cheap perfume and manly body. That delicious body smell that men produce when they work out. Mabel was so horny for it that she would sink her face into Stanley's neck, chest and sometimes armpits just to smell him while she was being fucked hard by him. The rogue's fat cock gave another three thrusts before he buried his cock as deep as he could in his grandniece, making her moan and melt all over his cock as his testicles contracted and he spilled his sperm inside her, filling her up. They didn't usually use condoms, and Mabel loved that. She liked it when she was full, full of cum. She liked it when she put on her panties and, in no time at all, she'd get her entire panties soiled with her uncle's sperm. She liked to feel it running down her legs, and to force it out, and she liked it even more when Stanley decided to fuck her with his fingers, pulling the cum out before shoving the same fingers he'd used in her vagina into her mouth. And Mabel sucked; she sucked with pleasure, moaning and delighting in Stanley's thick, rough fingers.
“Ugghn... yeah, like that... good girl, good girl...”
When he pulled out his still dripping cock, Mabel's pussy was throbbing. She hadn't cum yet, so the old man slipped two of his fingers inside her, bringing his mouth closer to her clitoris and sucking on it. Gleeful wriggled on the bed and tried to push the old man's head away, to no avail: he licked and rubbed his mouth on her, sucking on the labia minora and smacking his lips on the girl's sensitive little button, as she moaned Stan's name. She even grabbed him by the hair, but as he was bigger and stronger, he wrapped both of Mabel's wrists in one hand and held her like that, still, trapped and receiving a pleasurable oral while he lasciviously fucked her little hole with his fingers.
The orgasm came when Stan stuck his index finger up Mabel's already trained urethra and she spasmed and urinated all over the bed, soiling not only her grandfather's hand but also the mattress. The orgasm had been so intense that afterwards she didn't even have the strength to move or clean herself up. Stanley just laughed at the situation, slapping his niece's pussy, teasing her about being a pisser; and he absolutely loved it. He loved knowing that he was making her piss herself with pleasure. He loved knowing that he was making her almost pass out from exhaustion. He loved being able to empty his sack into her and have her beg for more. Mabel was his sex toy, and as much as he loved it, she loved it too.
The girl's calls for Will to go to her room and clean up the mess while she showered were in vain, as Dipper was already busy with the blue triangle demon of that universe.
Stanford wanted to be left alone, as was often the case. He dismissed Will who, still wondering how he was going to find the extra-dimensional being, found himself pacing back and forth until Dipper called out to him.
“I need your help,” he said, grabbing the thick chain that was welded to the metal collar around Will's neck. Tugging hard just for the fun of watching the demon stumble, Dipper dragged him into the very room he affectionately called his laboratory. It was there that he trained his spells and, when he managed to steal Ford's books, studied them to understand more about science and the weirdness of the Falls. As they entered the place that Will already knew with the palm of his hand, Dipper pulled the chain so that Will was forced to kneel down, hitting his knees on the wooden floor, making a loud sound. The wooden door closed and Dipper sat down, staring at Will.
“About this creature you sensed... what else can you tell me?” The way the boy crossed his legs and leaned his head on his hand, that... was typical of Ford. Furthermore, not only did he imitate the posture, but he also kept the chain in his free hand tensioned, forcing Will downwards the whole time. “Answer, slave.”
“I only know that it was as powerful as me, if not, more...”
“And that's possible?”
“...but of course it is.”
A tug was given, and Dipper clenched his jaw. With the back of his hand, he slapped Will across the face. It was never as strong as Ford's slaps.
“Sir! You refer to me as sir!”
“Yes, sir”
“Well? Is it possible?”
“Yes, sir, it's possible”
“Well... there are many universes. Many beings in countless timelines, dimensions and alternative realities. The time baby, for example, is very powerful. Just like me, who came from a place with beings from a very different dimension to yours... where I come from, people are 2D, whereas your reality is completely 3D... sir.”
“...I understand. And this being? What is it?”
“I'm not sure, sir... but... if you want, I can find out.”
“Not only can you, but you will.”
“Yes, I will, sir.”
“With you by my side, Mabel doesn't stand a chance. I order you, while we're hunting this creature, to obey only my orders.”
“...but your uncle...”
“My uncle won't mind. He didn't say anything about us not being able to use you. And I'm sure he'll be too busy studying or doing whatever it is he does in his spare time.”
“Yes, sir...”
“Good boy, Will. You're a great dog.”
Despite wanting to, Will held back the urge to roll his eye. The more Dipper tried to look like Ford, the less respectable he seemed. Still... he wanted to please him a little. That's how he got the things he wanted when it was with Dipper.
“Sir...” the boy muttered, crawling across the floor towards Dipper. “Let me... look after you... you look tense.”
As much as he hated it, he crawled towards the boy and, when he was very close, knelt down in front of him. Carefully and with great caution, he slid his velvety fingers up Gleeful's legs and untangled them, placing himself between them.
“When we find this creature together, your uncle will be so proud... and as a wish, perhaps you could ask him to give me to you, to serve you only and exclusively, what do you think?... Or maybe he could give you this creature... and it will be yours. Your first acquisition.” As Dipper's eyes glazed over at the thought of being noticed, Will deftly and quickly unzipped his pants. It wasn't long before he had the boy's meat out, and wrapping his hand around it, he began to stimulate it with slow movements. It was noticeable when he shivered, and when he locked a moan in his throat, since Ford would never moan. “Still... Mabel could get in our way... don't you think it would be more useful if I looked for this creature while you distract her?”
He was careful with his words so that there would be no suspicion. If he looked for the being on his own, and if he found it on his own, he might be able to hand it over on his own. Without Dipper, without Mabel. He would be the one to give Ford what he wanted, and receive the desire in return. The movements were slow, and puberty was brimming through the boy; his erection was already beginning to form, and he clutched gently at the swivel chair he was sitting in, panting softly.
“If we look together...” he started to say, and before he could finish, Will took him in one go, putting the length of Dipper's cock in his mouth. He didn't want him to finish his thought. He couldn't let him think clearly. He had to clear his head. The boy contracted and, moaning low, grabbed onto the blue hair of the tanned-skinned demon with both hands. Will's mouth was warm, welcoming and moist. He'd spent too many years sucking cock at Ford's behest, and had acquired enough experience to provide excellent blowjobs. Dipper's cucumber was nothing compared to Stanley's thick cock or Fiddleford's long dick. When Cipher had swallowed it, he touched his lips to the boy's waist and sucked on it, even smacking his lips around it.
There, he began to move his head, sucking him, slurping him, causing Mason to lay his head back and open his mouth, letting the hot breath escape. Will looked up to see Gleeful fully flushed, with his jaw clenched to stop him moaning and wriggling, twitching, close to cumming. Yes, he was fast, and that was great as it meant Will wouldn't have to keep his jaw sore. Pulling his mouth away from Dipper's cock, Will sighed, jerking him off with one hand while the other stroked the boy's testicles.
“Mabel can get in our way... she has Stanley, Fiddleford and Soos on her side... and you have me... if you can distract her, I'll find this extra-dimensional being and bring him to you, and then you can do whatever you want... Master Stanford will give you what you ask for, and it can be anything. Anything,” he said emphatically, noticing that Dipper was so close to cumming that he couldn't answer. He therefore decreased the frequency of his masturbation, “What do you say, Master Dipper?”
'Master Dipper', that had been his last card. Mason couldn't think with two hands so soft and so skillful caressing his cock and balls at the same time, and in his urgency to cum, with his ego softened: “Fine! So be it!”
Ohhh, but the happiness Cipher felt was great enough to bury his mouth once again, this time with real enthusiasm, in Gleeful's cock. He sucked and licked it, making noises with his mouth, so excited was he. Dipper, for his part, grabbed his slave's blue strands and pushed his head against his own intimacy, contracting his testicles as the seed filled Will's mouth, who, in turn, swallowed it without hesitation. In the end, Mason was limp in the chair, his pants down, and Will, licking his lips, helped him get dressed and clean himself up with wet wipes. It was only at the end that he heard Mabel's calls, and when he got to her room, he realized what had happened. She wouldn't be waking up any time soon, so he left everything clean so that he could start his search.
Was it possible? Could everything have turned out so well?
That night, Mabel slept like a baby, not even waking up to drink water. Dipper spent the night making plans on how he could keep his sister occupied, one of which involved drugging Stanley with enough Viagra to keep his cock hard. Pacifica cried when she ate dinner in her room, unable to eat without throwing up afterwards. She cried in the shower, scrubbing herself until bruises formed on her body. She cried herself to sleep in bed, and had a strange dream about a yellow triangle offering a deal. Gideon went home without his best friend, and his father counted the money his strange friend always gave him when he wanted to see the white-haired boy. And Will? Well... Will went off in search of the creature that had shaken the structures of that world with its presence.
If only Axolotl could see him now.
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aftgficrec · 5 months
My favorite fics are soft andriel, and teen andriel.
Here’s my recs:
Raised on little light by maqicien
Falling is a lot like drowning by chaoticas_hell
This wasn’t in the prophecy (series) by Arirmis
(Account locked) Raise me up so you can watch me fall by Yes_No_ofcourse
And this last one is angst and dark but I do love it
Hiding scars under exy gear By rinz
Wow, that’s a lot of recs in one submission!  Usually we just get one or two 🤣. - S
You can find some of those fics here:
‘Raised on Little Light’ here (since updated)
‘Falling Is A Lot Like Drowning’ here (since updated)
‘Raise me up so you can watch me fall’ here (locked, now complete)
This wasn’t in the prophecy by Arirmis [Rated T/M, 73294 words, incomplete, last updated Feb 2024]
Percy Jackson AU where all of the foxes are demigods, Andrew meets Neil shortly after his mom dies, and joins him on the run instead of going back to camp. Part one spans from their first meeting to their first kiss; Part two will take place a few years later, when certain circumstances force them to return to camp, and Andrew has to deal with what he left behind, on top of their current problem. While both fics should be able to be read individually, it does make more sense if you read them in order :)
Part 1:  Cross your fingers, here we go (T, 25037 words, complete)
Millport is a horrible, dry as fuck little town in the vast nothingness of the dust hole that is Arizona, and Andrew hates it with vigor.  He has been tracking a horde of Manticores for weeks now, and isn’t that something? A half-blood having to chase after the monsters. He is starting to feel like one of Renee’s hunters, when Andrew is pretty sure the nasty scorpion-cats should want to kill him more then he wants to kill them.  Or, Andrew expected to find all sorts of things on his first quest. He didn’t expect a twitchy, blue-eyed half-blood with monsters on his heels, and he surely didn’t expect to fall in love with him.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced rape/non-con, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: child neglect, tw: assumed character death
Part 2: Mortal Bodies, Timeless Souls (M, 48257 words, incomplete)
„Minyard! Get your ass up and put some armor on! Abby, Greene, get the infirmary in shape, border control just spotted a motherfucking Drakon in the woods!“ As if Wymack’s order triggered it, a ear grating screech echoes all the way to the big house. The camp counselor curses. „Move it people, there are half-bloods out there that need to get to safety!“  Or, for two and a half years, Aaron has been grieving the brother he buried, only to learn now, that Andrew is very much alive. He also has a scarred little shithead in tow, that Aaron wants to punch in the face regularily. Life is fun like that.
tw: blood, tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced rape/non-con, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: child neglect, tw: assumed character death, tw: vomit
Hiding scars (under exy gear) by rinz [Rated M, 34309 words, incomplete, last updated March 2024]
Juggling a mobster serial killer household and high school is harder than Neil had anticipated. and that goth kid on the roof really needs to mind his own business. OR a high school AU where neil and mary never run from nathan and neil meets the foxes in private high school instead.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: imlied/referenced torture, tw: graphic violence
48 notes · View notes
secret-gallavich · 11 months
Shameless Whumptober Masterlist
just a list of all the shameless whump fics i wrote in october
Safety Net
tw suicidal thoughts
Mickey has always been there for Ian, even when he's in Mexico and Ian wants to jump off a bridge.
Solitary Confinement
tw mistreatment of mental illness
Ian’s meds were bound to get out of whack at some point in their prison stay.
Made To Watch
tw implied/referenced rape/non-con, implied/referenced child abuse
Ian and Mickey go to a couple’s therapist once a month.
tw implied/referenced rape/non-con , implied/referenced underage sex , child abuse
Laura Milkovich is 19 years old when she gives birth to her third baby, Mikhailo. It’s the 10th of August in 1994, her husband is in jail and she’s a mother once again
You Said You'd Never Leave
tw suicidal thoughts
Ian comes home from the hospital and Mickey isn't there.
Mickey thought he was just having trouble adjusting to the new surroundings of living in the Westside. He’s not used to the quietness, he’s feeling homesick or the moon is too fucking bright.
Mickey’s never felt…normal when it comes to Ian. Ian makes him weird and do things he’d never normally do. Like get a tattoo of his name on his chest in prison.
Makeshift Bandages
Mickey hides an injury from Ian while working at the Kash 'N' Grab
Leave Me Alone
tw horror, mistreatment of mental illness, murder, dead dove: do not eat, paranormal, major character death
Ian's convinced something is haunting their apartment. Mickey realises he's telling the truth when it's too late.
tw drugged, date rape drug
Mickey’s started going to the club with Ian just to make sure no one takes advantage of him. He lets Ian do his thing, give out lapdances, sweet talk them for some extra cash but he’s always stepping in when they go too far.
Floral Bouquet
tw major character death
Ian passes by a flower shop every day on his morning runs but can't bring himself to go inside.
You Will Regret Touching Them
tw implied/referenced child abuse
S03E06 but it goes differently.
Mickey feels like he’s going to throw up at any second.
He’s got a boy spending the night with him. Not just any boy, Ian. Ian is staying the night and he’s trying to play it casual but he can’t stop glancing over at the red head just to make sure he’s really there.
Don't Move
Mickey is allergic to bees and fucking hates spring
Who's There?
tw thriller, horror
Mickey is home alone and starts hearing noises outside the house.
tw implied/referenced rape, child abuse, internalised homophobia
Mickey's feeling post S03E06.
The hooker is still here, looking just as scared as he is and putting her purple dress back on under Terry’s watchful eyes. He throws her a bag of coke and she fumbles to catch it. Terry won’t stop glaring at her and Mickey takes it as his chance to look at Ian’s empty spot. He’d taken his clothes, wasn’t sure if Ian was allowed to get changed here or if he left in his boxers.
You Look Awful
tw gay bashing, hatecrime
Ian laughs next to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and tugging him close and Mickey laughs back and turns his body into Ian’s. Adrenaline is running through his body and he feels so fucking good right now, it’s the best high he’s ever had.
Mickey's feelings post coming out
Bloody Knife
Ian wasn’t expecting their little trip back to the Southside to end up like this.
‘This’ being the emergency room because Mickey somehow got himself stabbed.
Borrowed Clothes
tw suicidal thoughts, psych ward
The first 24 hours are the hardest.
It’s full of regret on his own behalf, self-loathing and running thoughts of ‘what if’. What if he had been paying more attention, what if he wasn’t so focused on work, what if Mickey had been a good husband?
Body Modifications
tw implied/referenced child abuse
Mickey's always had a love hate relationship with his knuckle tattoos
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baldurs-writers-3 · 6 months
Angst: A BG3 Rec List
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This week, we have Angst!  Check under the cut for 12 fics that include a lot of that oh so tasty pain (both emotional and physical!), and as always, comment and kudos if you like them!
The lick of poison by astarionfreak (4994,Explicit) Warnings: Sex pollen, fuck or die, dubious consent, forced orgasm Pairings: Astarion/Naenia (Fem!Tav)
This is a sex pollen/fuck or die fic. Naenia is the only one affected. Astarion has some complex feelings about consent. It's set in Act 1 in the Underdark.
Reccer says: I liked it!
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Daisies On My Nightstand by Thedrowlock on AO3 and bhaalbabebardlock on tumblr (158000,Explicit) Warnings: PLEASE be mindful of all tags and chapter notes especially as you progress through the story. This fic takes a hard, hard dive into dead dove territory at chapter sixty and stays there (the angst stays too). This is an ongoing, updates almost daily longfic. Part one is almost complete. Pairings: Named Dark Urge (Ilara)/Astarion; Ilara/Gortash, Ilara/Shadowheart, Ilara & Raphael, Ilara/A!Astarion
The story of a Bhaal-spawn who only ever wanted her freedom, and how far she'll go to find it.
Reccer says: I liked it!
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In Another Life (I Found You) by grovyrosegirl (74380,Mature) Warnings: Violence, Death, Grief, Kidnapping, Emotional/Psychological Abuse Pairings: Gale/Tav
Five years after the Netherbrain’s defeat, Gale and Connie (Tav)’s happy married life is interrupted when Connie is suddenly kidnapped by a mysterious intruder. This intruder turns out to be another Gale, from a world where he claimed the Crown of Karsus.
Reccer says: I liked it!
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Deo volente by cyranonic (33529,Mature) Warnings: astarion's past is mentioned, so i guess TW: Astarion :( Pairings: Astarion/Gale
Astarion is having a shitty time post game, miserable without the sun. Gale is having a miserable time as well. Watch them drag each other down even worse!
Reccer says: a darker look than many fics at what could occur after the game is over, with some characters feeling abandoned. Super well written in general, great Astarion voice.
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Oathbreaker by Mellybaggins (173240,Explicit) Warnings: Major character death, rape/non-con, religious trauma, some dead dove content Pairings: Tav/Astarion, Tav/Halsin, Tav/OC
A longfic about an oathbreaker paladin navigating the events of the game, and working through her own memories of why she broke her oath.
Reccer says: It seems like a standard Tav fic at first, but takes a sharp turn into OC territory when Raphael messes with her memories.
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jackrabbit by tomorrowsrain (15589,Teen) Warnings: past abuse (really, CW: Astarion :( ) Pairings: Astarion & Karlach, Astarion & Wyll
Astarion wakes up on the beach in the sun and realizes he has a chance at becoming a person again. Maybe.
Reccer says: Seriously one of the best examinations of Astarion's transformation during the game from the start of act 1 to mid act 2 that is out there. A treasure to read.
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You'll hate me (make love) by astarionfreak (5305,Explicit) Warnings: Character About to Die, Smut, Sad and Sweet, Angst, Bittersweet Pairings: Astarion/Tav
Ascended Astarion pretends to be his spawn self as Tav's dying wish and they fuck on his grave.
Reccer says: I liked it!
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Diary of a Dark Consort by NottaBear (8,619 and growing ,Mature) Warnings: Implied/Referenced sexual assault, emotional manipulation Pairings: Named Tav/Ascended Astarion
A found diary style story following the life of a Vampire Lords consort.
Reccer says: I liked it!
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i still want to live by fetch_me_penguins (7750,Explicit) Warnings: None Pairings: Astarion/Tav, Astarion & Jaheira, Tav & Jaheira
An angsty take on the premise of Cazador kidnapping Tav to replace the spawn she killed on the Ascension ritual and to teach Astarion a lesson on obedience.
Reccer says: I liked it!
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Ruin. by Thedrowlock (3859,Explicit) Warnings: Major character death, smut Pairings: Astarion/f! reader
It's been five years since you left The Vampire Ascendant and everything he offered you, but now you're back to handle him. Why is that so hard?
Reccer says: I liked it!
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Stolen Futures by onlymine139 (2530,General) Warnings: Major character death Pairings: Gale/Tav
Gale and Tav journey to Waterdeep to start their new life together, only to be interrupted by a devastating realization.
Reccer says: Just some good old fashioned heartbreak.
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when the work needs doing, she will see it done by vampireposter (7940,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: The Dark Urge & Jaheira
A small neglected and abused child attempts to assassinate Jaheira, so she adopts her about it
Reccer says:
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The above fanfic recommendations were pulled from our community for this weekly event. Have any questions about what this is? Check out the FAQ! 
Next week, we’ll be back with Fluff Fics!
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sadiecoocoo · 5 months
TCW: Dead From Your Poison
relationships - CT-7567 | Rex/Anakin Skywalker, CT-5597 | Jesse & CT-7567 | Rex, CT-5597 | Jesse & Anakin Skywalker, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo & CT-7567 | Rex
characters - CT-7567 | Rex, Anakin Skywalker, CT-5597 | Jesse, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo, Clone Trooper Hunter (Star Wars), Omega (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Clone Trooper Wrecker (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Tech (Star Wars), Royce Hemlock
tags/warnings - Graphic depictions of violence, Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Clone Troopers Deserve Better (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Reconditioning (Star Wars), Post-Order 66 (Star Wars), CT-7567 | Rex Whump, CT-7567 | Rex Needs a Hug, Hurt CT-7567 | Rex, Anakin Skywalker Needs a Hug, Protective Anakin Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker Doesn't Turn to the Dark Side, Memory Alteration, Memory Loss, Mind Manipulation, Angst, past rape/non-con, implied/referenced rape/non-con, i'll put a TW on the chp, it happens pretty late and doesn't go into detail, but it's still there.
summary - It’s been over a month since the Empire took over and killed the Jedi. Over a Month Since Anakin had to leave Rex behind. The former Jedi only has two goals now, find Rex, and get him back. Though he never expected to find Rex a loyal soldier to the galaxy's greatest blight.
Or, time skip from the ending of Surrender Your Mind where Anakin is trying to find Rex and Rex is trying to kill Anakin… again :)
chapters - 12/12
current word count - 21,319
link -
Full Series - Surrender Your Mind
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scribblertown · 1 year
Fates of the Fateless Masterlist
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A time travel Arthur Morgan x Reader Romance (Ongoing)
Browsing the many articles and advertisements that described an incredibly dated way of life. And as much as you tried to convince yourself of all the excuses to explain your twisted journey up to this point. The number 1891 burned in your mind with a sickly feeling this wasn’t any sort of rural community.
All our fates are intertwined, but it seems yours needed a slight shift several hundred years into the past. A time travel romance Inspired by "A Single Frayed Rope" by thejamesoldier
Updates are sporadic due to school, work, and cycling hyperfixations.
ao3 wattpad
This story is mature so obviously expect mature themes.
TW: Sexual assault, sexism, misogyny, attempted rape/non-con, violence against women, graphic depictions of violence/corpses/gore, verbal abuse, physical abuse, implications of rape/non-con, implied/referenced suicide, thoughts of suicide (will add to as needed).
Chapter 1: A Slight Shift
Chapter 2: First impressions Matter
Chapter 3: But Second Impressions are What Really Matter
Chapter 4: Suspicions in Sarsaparilla
Chapter 5: A Broken Mystery (Camp Interaction)
Chapter 6: New Faces New Places and a Horse
Chapter 7: Idle Gossips (Camp Interaction)
Chapter 8: Welcome Party, Unwelcome Discovery
Chapter 9: Outlaw's Staple (Camp Interaction)
Chapter 10: Service with a Grimace
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the-delta-42 · 3 months
The Walking Dead Game What Ifs: What if all of the Ericson’s survivors were captured?
[First] [Previous] [Next]
What if all of the Ericson’s survivors were captured? TW: Implied/Referenced Torture and Rape/Non-Con.
Clementine ran her hand down her face. She heard Mitch let out a groan, before he sat up.
“What happened?” Asked Mitch, looking around.
The group was split in two, the older boys in one cell and the girls and younger boys in the other.
“Well, Tenn got caught, you tried to save him, got knocked out, Willy, Omar and Aasim got caught, Louis, Violet and Ruby got knocked out, AJ was captured, and I got shot.” Said Clementine, looking at the guard, “What?”
“Minnie.” Gasped Violet, hurrying forwards.
Clementine sighed, of course Lilly would send Violet’s girlfriend.
“Lilly wants to talk to you.” Said Minerva, getting a huff from Clementine, “Hey!”
“Hmm, what?” Clementine looked up, “Wait, you’re talking to me?”
Minerva glared at Clementine, “Who else would Lilly want to talk to?”
“I dunno,” Snarked Clementine, “you look like you have the intelligence of a goldfish.”
Minerva flushed, her face curling into a sneer.
“Minerva.” A dark-skinned woman stepped in, “Get her to Lilly.”
Minerva huffed, before wrenching the cell door open, grabbed Clementine and hauled her out of the cell.
“Where are you taking her?!” Yelled Louis, rushing towards his cell’s door, only to get the butt of a rifle to the face.
“She’s alive.” Everyone looked at Violet, “Minnie’s alive.”
“Violet.” Mitch got to his feet, “I think we have more important things to worry about.”
The group sat up, hearing someone approaching, all sat up. They saw Minerva shove someone into the girl’s cell. Ruby gasped, rushing towards the person.
“Clementine!” Ruby helped her up, “What happened?”
“I,” Clementine coughed, “I ran my mouth, I think.”
“You think?!” Ruby glared at Clementine, “What did they want?”
“They,” Clementine coughed, “they wanted information on the New Frontier, the group they’re at ‘war’ with. Lilly heard I used to be part of them, wanted me to,” Clementine let out a throaty cough, “to get them to lower their defences.”
“Why didn’t you?” Asked Violet, “We could get killed.”
“I’m not really open to people choking me for information.” Spat Clementine, wincing as she shifted.
“What’d they do?” Asked Mitch, frowning.
“Oh, the usual.” Clementine winced as Ruby prodded a bruise, “Beatings, cuts, the of threat of rape.”
Everyone looked at her, “What?”
“How the hell are you so casual about this?”
“Well,” Clementine scowled, “threats become a lot less frightening when you’ve already experienced them.”
Clementine opted to ignore the horrified looks from the others.
They watched Clementine get hauled off again, with AJ attempting to bite one of the guards, and get backhanded for his efforts. As soon as they were gone, Mitch looked at Louis, “We need to find a way out of here.”
“How?” Asked Louis, frustrated, “We don’t have any way to get the lock open.”
“Minnie can help us.” Said Violet, getting a scowl from Aasim.
“Violet, I know you’re excited to see her,” Said Aasim, “but if she wanted to help us, she would’ve done it by now!”
“You don’t know that!” Snapped Violet.
“Then why hasn’t she!” Demanded Aasim, “Why didn’t she escape? Why is she alone?”
“What’s going on?” They heard Minerva’s voice.
“Minnie.” Everyone heard Violet’s tone change.
“Where’s Clementine?!” Demanded Louis, banging on the cell’s door.
Minerva ignored him, instead focusing on Violet, “Lilly said I can take you out of here.”
Violet looked conflicted, glancing around, “W-what about the others?”
“They’ll get out too, when they stop fighting back.” Answered Minerva, opening the cell door, “Tenn can come out too.”
Eleanor frowned, Javi had sent her and Conrad with Clint and a group to meet representatives of the Delta. They’d unexpectedly gotten in contact with them, requesting a meeting. Javi suspected it might be a trap, so the small group was secretly reinforced by a larger group hidden in the surrounding area.
“Hello?!” They heard a voice.
Eleanor was vaguely aware of Max aiming his rifle in the direction of the voice.
“Hello?!” The voice repeated, as a ratty looking man appeared, “The name’s Abel. I’m here representing the Delta.”
“What do you want?” Demanded Conrad, glaring at Abel.
“A trade.” Said Abel, “You’ve got one of ours, Raphael, and we’ve got one of yours.”
As he said that, Abel threw something at Conrad’s feet. Frowning, Eleanor picked the object. She froze, recognising Clementine’s hat.
“She’s alive,” Promised Abel, “for now.”
“She left.” Dismissed Max, “She’s not one of ours.”
“Neither are the people we caught her with,” Said Abel, “but, I doubt you’d want her boy to suffer like she has.”
“AJ’s alive?” Max looked at Eleanor.
“For now.” Said Abel, “You’ve got other prisoners we want back.”
Eleanor sighed, before looking down, “We’ll see.”
Javi looked at Clementine’s hat, frowning.
“Are you sure it’s Clem’s?” Asked Kate, looking at him.
“Positive.” Answered Eleanor, “They mentioned that they had AJ too.”
“Did they say what they were doing to her?” Asked Javi, looking at Max.
“No.” Max shook his head, “You don’t think they’ll hurt AJ?”
“I wouldn’t put it past them.” Sighed Javi, looking around, “So, what do we do?”
“What do you mean?” Asked Kate, frowning.
“We might like Clem, but can we really justify letting people go, just to save someone who left us?” Asked Javi.
Everyone was silent.
“If we don’t,” Said Eleanor, “they might kill her and AJ.”
“But, if we let Raphael and his friends loose,” Said Max, “dozens more could die.”
The group fell into an uneasy silence.
Clementine grunted as the guard threw her back into her shared cell.
“Clem!” Louis rushed forwards, “Are you alright?”
“What’d they do?” Asked Ruby, helping Clementine up.
“I,” Clementine swallowed, “I don’t want to talk about it.”
She let out another groan as Ruby helped her into a sitting position, “They,” she coughed, “they said the contacted the New Frontier.”
“S-so, we’re getting out of here?” Willy sounded hopeful.
Clementine ran a hand down her face, “No. Even with their new management, they wouldn’t risk losing their people to get one person.”
The sound of someone approaching the cells drew their attention. They saw Violet and Minerva walking behind Delta member.
“Remember your instructions.” Said the Delta member, before walking away.
Clementine straightened up, “Vio-” Clementine was cut off by Violet punching her. Clementine grunted as she hit the floor, with one of the girls landing a kick in her side.
“What the fuck?!” Screamed Louis, “Stop!”
Minerva took a step back, allowing Violet to take fully control of Clementine’s…interrogation. Minerva watched as Violet broke Clementine’s leg, hand and arm. After landing more kicks in Clementine’s side, Violet stepped back.
“That,” Clementine coughed, before glaring up at Violet and snarling, “was pathetic.”
Violet landed a kick to Clementine’s face, as Minerva spoke, “Michael said she isn’t going to need clothes for the next part.”
Violet hesitated, before grabbing Clementine’s jacket and pulling it off.
Clementine groaned as they left, leaving her and the rest of the Ericson’s group alone.
“Clem?” Ruby hesitantly approached hr, “Are you okay?”
“I’ll be honest, I didn’t wake up and expect to be raped in front of everyone.” Clementine voice was tired and hoarse, “Did anyone see where they put my clothes?”
“You’re…” Ruby trailed off, “You’re remarkably calm about this.”
“I’ve seen and experienced it all before.” Clementine winced as she shrugged, “I really hope my arm and leg aren’t screwed.”
Clementine looked over at the other cell, James had been caught shortly after them, “How’s James?”
“He still out.” Said Aasim, looking away from Clementine, “He’s still alive though.”
Louis managed to hook Clementine’s clothes with his foot, before bundling them up and tossing them towards Ruby, “Here.”
Ruby nodded, before helping Clementine get dressed, before resetting her broken bones.
“Clem,” Mitch got her attention, “when there were moving you, did you see anything that could help us escape?”
“No,” Clementine winced, “they’ve got all obvious escapes blocked off, I heard from one of them that they’re near Richmond, but, other than that, there’s no way off this boat.”
“Do you think Rosie’s okay?” Asked Tenn, speaking for the first time since he’d been thrown back into the cells.
“Hopefully.” Said Aasim, letting his mind wander back to the dog.
“I can’t believe we’re actually doing this.” Javi decided to ignore Max, they’d made a rudimentary blockade around the ship, as well as massed a massive group to seize it.
“I didn’t hear you complaining when we were planning it.” Javi smirked at Ava’s voice, she limped up to Richmond’s gate shortly after Clementine left, having survived her fall.
Conrad slinking towards them got them to go silent, “They’ve got a dog chained up in that Lilly person’s office. Clementine and her group are down in the cells.”
“Javi,” Eleanor murmured, “they, they said that Clementine had been… ‘passed around’. They said they planned on doing the same to her boy.”
Javi felt a wave of disgust run through him, “Okay,” he unhooked his bat from his back, “let’s go.”
Clementine winced as Ruby reset her fingers.
“What’s that noise?” Asked Omar, looking around.
“It sounds like…gun fire?” Louis frowned, “What’s going on out there?”
They received their answer when the door to the brig burst open and Minerva was being held at gunpoint.
“Max, get those doors open.” Clementine froze, she recognised the voice, but found she couldn’t remember the name. She spotted Max rushing to open the doors, with Louis surging past him and wrenching Clementine’s cell door open. Before he could reach her, Clementine saw Eleanor push past him.
“What are her injuries?” Eleanor looked at a heavyset red-haired girl.
“B-broken arm, leg and right hand, bruising and some fractures, I think.” The girl stuttered, as Ava joined them and helped Clementine up, getting her to release a groan.
“Dislocated shoulder.” Hissed Clementine, as Ava helped her walk.
“Ha!” Everyone looked at Louis, before he proudly held up ‘Chair-les’, “I thought they got rid of it.”
“Charming.” Said the owner of the familiar yet unfamiliar voice, “Clem, where’d you find these guys?”
Clementine winced, before looking at the woman, trying to put a name to the face, “…Christa?”
Christa let out a huffing laugh, “Nice of you to remember me, I only looked after you for two years.”
“…I thought you were dead.”
Christa sighed, “That’s fair.”
“We need to get them out of here.” Said Eleanor, interrupting the reunion, “I want to get her some proper medical treatment.”
The others silently agreed, “Javi and the others are rounding up prisoners now.” Said Ava, as she moved past the group.
“Yeah,” Called a man, “That guard dog Conrad saw was harmless.”
“Rosie!” Gasped Tenn, as the dog ran up to them.
Clementine winced, the painkillers Lingard had given her had worn off, they’d put her broken limbs in casts. Javi had told them that Lilly had killed Gabe when they captured her, part of her was heartbroken, she supposed that she still held some feelings for the dork. Louis had dropped by, mentioning that the group had decided to stay in Richmond, Clementine had suggested to Javi that some people go out and establish a foothold in the school.
“How’re you feeling, Clem?” Asked Eleanor, checking in on her.
“I’m alright,” Clementine shrugged, “still feeling a bit sick, but the dizziness has gone.”
“That’s good.” Eleanor nodded, “Look, Clem, I know you might not take this well, but we’re going to do a pregnancy test, just to be on the safe side.”
Clementine felt a surge of panic fill her, before she swallowed, “Okay.”
Eleanor sighed, before leaving the room. Meanwhile, down in the makeshift prison Richmond had, Violet sat quietly, despondent to her surroundings. Louis had given her grief for ‘betraying’ them; Violet couldn’t think of an excuse. They knew Minne longer? Minnie had murdered Sophie. Everything fell apart because of Clementine? The raiders were coming for them anyway. Louis had brought up that she was one of the three that wanted to keep Clementine and AJ around, Clementine had gotten shot while trying to save her, and Violet had turned on her like it was nothing.
Part of Violet wanted Minnie, she always knew the right thing to say, to do. AJ didn’t want to see her; Louis only came to talk to her because Clementine asked him. She remembered Clementine’s promise, when they tried to take AJ, promising to kill her if she touched him. Violet wanted to say she didn’t know what made her stop, but she did. She stopped because she knew Clementine wasn’t bluffing. She stopped because she knew that if she took AJ, she would’ve lost her friend. She stopped because she still cared. Clementine had made herself AJ’s shield, and while that didn’t excuse how Violet had aided in the beatings and, in a miniscule way, the rapes, Clementine placed herself as a barrier for her boy and, after they’d been captured, the rest of their group.
Clementine heard them talking about cutting out Louis’s tongue, so she ran her mouth, insulted them, called them weak for targeting someone’s voice. Violet remembered seeing the bite mark on Minnie’s arm, finding out Clementine had bitten her when they mentioned targeting Tenn.
“Hey.” Violet looked up when someone banged on her cell door, seeing Clementine being supported by Louis, “I could hear you grinding your teeth from the hospital.”
“Why are you here?” Asked Violet, trying to make herself angry.
“To talk to you, dumbass.” Answered Clementine, “I’ve spoken to Javi about getting you and Minerva some help.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Demanded Violet, glaring up at them.
“The two of you were brainwashed.” Shrugged Clementine, “I’ve seen it before, met a guy who was full on drinking the Saviours Kool-Aid. They used someone you loved to get you to see things their way.”
“I’m not brainwashed!” Yelled Violet, jumping up, “Whatever plan you came up with would’ve gotten us killed!”
Clementine gave her a flat look, “You do realise you’ve just proved my point, right?”
Violet glared at her, making Clementine sigh and gesture for Louis to help her out of the prison. Leaving Violet alone with her thoughts.
Next Story: What if Carver attacked Clementine at the Cabin? (TW: Violence against a child)
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blackveine · 2 years
Language: English
Chapters: 2/2
Words: 14210
Fandom: The Legend of Vox Machina (Cartoon), Critical Role (Web Series)
Rating: Mature
Warning(s): Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Relationships: Percival “Percy” Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III/Vax’ildan
Character(s): Percival “Percy” Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III, Vax’ildan
Additional Tags: Dubious Consent, Vax is being very careful but still to keep in mind, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-Con, Hurt/Comfort, Pre-Relationship, could be read as gen but mutual attraction is strongly implied, there is no sex in this to be clear, just a ridiculous amount of cuddling, Pre-Briarwood Arc, this was not supposed to be this long, i did not expect to ship this as hard as i do, not as dark as the premise might suggest, minimal spoilers, i’ve added a second chapter that is more explicit, Platonic cuddling is only applicable to chapter one, 11 pages of build up to a hand job?, Explicit Consent
Series: Vox Machina Fics, Pelor’s Harvest
Summary: Percy is drugged at a tavern. Vax helps.
AKA: A story with a magical aphrodisiac called Pelor’s Harvest, a ridiculous amount of cuddling, and no sex.
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To Be Seen
https://archiveofourown.org/works/55872985 by HorrorFishy A year after Endgame and Peter has yet to recover from the major life changes that have been thrown at him. Tony has a daughter, May moved on with a man he hates, she has two children of her own, they're in a new apartment, his friends' lives are just as chaotic, and he can't seem to find a corner to turn to. Feeling overwhelmed, alone, and hurt, he finds solace in unconventional, unhealthy ways thanks to one Harry Osborn. Read the tags and notes. The warning is light, and explained more in the notes. Words: 2040, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Peter Angst/Whump Fandoms: Spider-Man - All Media Types, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Multi, Other Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Avengers Team Members (Marvel), Other Avengers, Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Harry Osborn, Original Male Character(s) Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Natasha Romanov, Avengers Team Members & Peter Parker, Harry Osborn/Peter Parker, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Michelle Jones & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Original Male Character(s) Additional Tags: tw, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Alcohol, Drug Use, Recreational Drug Use, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Drugs, Drug Addiction, Depression, Anxiety, References to Depression, Abuse, Domestic Violence, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Rape/Non-con Elements, Recovery read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/55872985
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wangxianficfinder · 1 year
F/F WangXian
splash;; by defractum (nyargles) (E, 11k, wangxian, modern w/ cultivation, gender changes, F/F, merpeople, rule 63, smut)
Like the sea loves the shore by Say (E, 15k, wangxian, LQY & WWX, implied/referenced WWX/WC, F/F, rule 63, dark LWJ, protective LWJ, sirens, childhood friends to lovers, fluff, angst w/ happy ending, eventual smut, human WWX, siren LWJ, age difference, non-human genitalia, minor character death)
make me whole, make me new by occultings (microcomets) (E, 24k, WangXian, Rule 63, Cisswap, Femslash, Modern AU, College/University, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Misunderstandings, (briefly), Pining, Jealousy, Compulsory Heterosexuality, Light Humiliation, Bathing/Washing, Bath Sex, as is the wangxian way, Hurt/Comfort, kind of, Lesbian Sex, Getting Together, First Time)
The Flower Blooms in Day and Night by TheRedFig (T, 46k, WIP, WangXian, Rule 63, Lesbian AU, Period-Typical Sexism, Fem!WWX, Fem!LWJ, Pining, Sexuality Crisis, Internalized Misogyny, Sexual Harassment, Happy Ending, Heteronormativity, Spoilers for Novel, Implied Sexual Content, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, NOT for the main pair, Genderswap, TW in the beginning of each chapter, Unreliable Narrator)
Beautiful mess, a colourful wreck by covalentbonds (Not Rated, 11k, WangXian, Modern AU, Fluff and Humor, Mild Smut, Rule 63, 3zun | Venerated Triad Feels, Shameless LWJ, Female LWJ, Female WWX, Now featuring for some reason the insanely underrated LWJ-JZX-JC bitchiness potentia,l Childhood Friends, First Meetings)
Pull out game weak by 74243 (E, 22k, WangXian, Modern AU, Dom/sub, Sexting, Nudes, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Strap-Ons, Mistaken Identity, JC character assassination, Even when its not omegaverse lwj is still an alpha dyke, Subdrop)
the hard way by dustyloves (E, 9k, WangXian, A/B/O Dynamics, Modern AU, College/University, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Gender Changes, Cisswap, PWP, Dubious Consent, WWX Has a Breeding Kink, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Female NHS)
Ghost in the Machine by DizziDreams (M, 65k, wangxian, rule 63, F/F, transistor au, case fic, horror elements, character death, scifi au)  
i glow pink, blossoming over you by Anonymous (E, 11k, wangxian, rule 63, F/F, modern w/ magic, cherry magic au, dom/sub undertones, hand feeding, acespec WWX, demisexual LWJ, smut)
The life and times of a bad idea bear series by houselesbian (T, 21k, wangxian, F/F, modern, highschool setting, relationship talk, humor, angst, rabbits)
Happy for Now by ScarlettStorm (E, 80k, wangxian, F/F, modern, there was only one bed, romance author au, adhd WWX, service top LWJ, pining, smut, comedy, angst, Shenanigans ™)
The Yiling Matriarch by Lusern (Not rated, 69k, wangxian, F/F, coming out story, character study, WIP)
your grave, a garden; a barrow, your bed by twinagonies (E, 31k, wangxian, F/F, YLLZ WWX, BDSM, power play, bondage, impact play, smut, switching, porn with plot, golden core reveal, mental health issues, wen remnants live)
Immortals at Magpie Bridge by Starlitverses (Not rated, 28k, wangxian, F/F, women being awesome, canon divergence, not everyone dies au, forbidden love, WIP)
Creamy Peaches by An0therWerid0 (E, 26k, wangxian, F/F, modern, overstimulation, PWP, age difference, camgirl WWX, WIP)
everything’s going to be discovered by everythingispoetry (M, 98k, wangxian, F/F, modern w/ magic, reunions, soft wangxian, family feels, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, disability)
And they were roommates… by harriet_vane (M, 41k, wangxian, F/F, modern, college/university au)
Paler Than Grass by Lusern (T, 36k, wangxian, F/F, modern, schoolteacher au, fluff, cottagecore lesbians)
Out of your system by mimilamp (E, 20k, WangXian, Modern AU, Rule 63, Sexual Content, Strap-Ons, jealous wwx, lwj FUCKS, mention of Lan Zhan/others, Y E A R N I N G, Additional Warnings In Author’s Note)
A Touch To Calm This Aching Heart by Multifacetedinterests (E, 12k, WangXian, Genderswap, Dragon LWJ, Huli Jing WWX, War Prize WWX, Possessive LWJ, Bad Parent YZY, Abusive YZY, Face Slapping, Emotional Manipulation, Fear of Being Fucked to Death, Dead JFM, Touch-Starved, hidden identity, Enemies to Lovers, Miscommunication, Compulsory Heterosexuality, Hurt/Comfort, Dom/sub Undertones, Non-Consensual Collar Usage, Vaginal Fingering, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Exhibitionism, Dubcon adjacent)
Flowers in the Palace series by stiltonbasket (T, 21k, Female WangXian, NieLan, Female LXC, Emperor NMJ, Empress LXC, Happy Ending, Misunderstandings, Getting together, Harem, Concubine WWX, Consort LWJ)
if your body’s into me by plonk (Not Rated, 13k, Modern with Magic, Gender Changes)
nobody compares by tongzhi (E, 16k, WangXian, Modern AU, Gender Changes, Rule 63, PWP, Porn with Feelings, Lesbian Sex, comp het lwj, very light dom/sub undertones, Friends to Lovers, Cisswap, Getting Together, sexuality realization, (but no external homophobia), Pining while fucking)
Finding the love of my life on douyin! by countingcr0ws (E, 12k, WangXian, Modern AU, Rule 63, LWJ Has Large Breasts, Social Media, Romance, Fluff, Cunnilingus, Nipple Licking, Female WWX, Female LWJ, Online Friendship, Friends to Lovers, Smut, TikTok, Footnotes, BAMF WWX)
pov: you give your crush a makeover by grapesoda (T, 7k, WangXian, F/F, Modern AU, Social Media, tiktok au, Female LWJ, Female WWX, Misunderstandings, Miscommunication, Getting Together, Humor, Makeovers, alt tiktok wwx, makeup artist lwj, lapslock)
Make My Wish Come True by justpeace (T, 9k, wangxian, modern cultivation, gender changes, fem wangxian, Christmas, fake/pretend relationship, sharing a bed, case fic, getting together, angst, butch LWJ)
i could bite my tongue by astrolesbian (M, 3k, wangxian, gender changes, fem wangxian, first time, anxiety, communication, aftercare)
a polishing of mirrors by occultings (microcomets) (M, 7k, wangxian, gender changes, fem wangxian, canon compliant, cloud recesses study era, sex pollen, aphrosidiacs, getting together, swimming, kissing)
Come into the water by feyburner (E, 4k, wangxian, modern, gender changes, fem wangxian, PWP, established relationship, first time)
Swing Me by airinshaw (E, 3k, wangxian, modern, gender changes, fem wangxian, public sex)
Kissing is Gross but Wei Ying is Perfectly Kissable by stiricide (E, 7k, wangxian, WWX/others, modern, gender changes, fem wangxian, past relationships, lingerie, mildly dubious consent, exhibitionism, voyeurism, dom/sub undertones, compulsory heterosexuality, explicit consent, getting together, friends to lovers, multiple orgasms, WWX has ADHD)
Glass walls by eatmyass (E, 9k, wangxian, modern, gender changes, fem wangxian, PWP, friends to lovers, exhibitionism, voyeurism, under-negotiated kink, dirty talk, slut shaming, humiliation)
Keep Me by wingsofbadass (E, 58k, wangxian, modern, gender changes, fem wangxian, friends to lovers, compulsory heterosexuality, explicit sexual content, sexuality discovery, straight girl WWX, minor WWX/WX, LWJ fucks)
Body Language by Scourge Daughter (scourgedaughter) (E, 33k, wangxian, modern, office au, ABO, gender changes, fem wangxian, office romance, hacking, cybersecurity, alpha/alpha wangxian, arranged marriage, wangxian endgame, happy ending, YZY A+ parenting, canonical character death, sexual harrasment, drunk LWJ, switch wangxian)
Let’s Get Real, Baby by vesna (mrsronweasley) (E, 22k, wangxian, modern, gender changes, disaster lesbians, best bud MM, karaoke, drinking, smut)
breathe me in by vesna (mrsronweasley) (E, 5k, wangxian, PWP, gender changes, fem wangxian)
Homecoming by vesna (mrsronweasley) (E, 2k, wangxian, PWP, gender changes, fem wangxian)
sweet talker by vesna (mrsronweasley) (E, 19k, wangxian, modern, gender changes, fem wangxian, butch dyke LWJ, “straight” girl WWX, sexuality exploration, barely there wangxian-typical dub con)
all that by vesna (mrsronweasley) (E, 19k, wangxian, modern, gender changes, fem wangxian, butch dyke LWJ, smut, coming out)
sideways by vesna (mrsronweasley) (E, 20k, wangxian, modern, gender changes, fem wangxian, butch dyke LWJ, casual and not-so-casual sex, smut, WWX getting wrecked, “straight” girl WWX)
a history of the body by northofallmusic (tofsla) (E, 13k, wangxian, modern, gender changes, fem wangxian, massage, getting together, sex toys, past serious injuries, chronic pain, domesticity, friends to lovers)
take me in by thelastdboy (E, 2k, Female WangXian, POV LWJ, PWP, Rule 63, WWX Uses Bìchén Inappropriately, Inappropriate Use of Bìchén, Object Insertion, Vaginal Sex, Masturbation, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Light Masochism, Nipple Play, Temperature Play, Light Sadism, Female Ejaculation, Multiple Orgasms, Established Relationship, Post-Canon, Body Worship, Vaginal Fisting, Cunnilingus, Face-Sitting, Aftercare, Fluff and Smut)
End Racism in the OTW by Deastar (M, 2k, wangxian, F/F, modern, ABO, non-traditional ABO dynamics, alpha LWJ, omega WWX, fluff, rule 63)
Line of sight by deliciousblizzardshark (T, 8k, wangxian, F/F, pre-relationship, always different sex au, plucky heroines, misogyny, enemies to friends, WWX has ADHD)
you can always find me here by ScarlettStorm (E, 15k, wangxian, F/F, post-canon, getting together, genderswap, cisswap, trans woman LWJ, cis woman WWX, first time, vaginal fingering, oral sex)
A Heart in Ribbons by Alliandra (E, 8k, wangxian, F/F, gender or sex swap, canon divergence, war lord LWJ, darkish LWJ, powercouple wangxian, dub con, finger fucking, cunnilingus)
smoke gets in your eyes by Hi_Hello_smile (T, <1k, wangxian, F/F, modern, chef WWX, WIP)
Hello, My Fire by GhostySword (E, 25k, wangxian, F/F, rule 63, modern cultivation, BAMF wangxian, violence against vacuums, pining, getting together, there was only one bed, switching, light bondage, sex toys, tattoo parlor au, humor, adventure)
Pocket Too Deep for Play by bigamma (E, 57k, WangXian, F/F, Modern AU, College/University, Vibrators, Easter Eggs, Sex Toys, Autistic LWJ, Female WWX, Female LWJ, WWX Has ADHD, Lacrosse, Christian Themes, Sports Medicine, YZY’s A+ Parenting, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Christian Holidays, Easter Egg Hunt, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Bible Quotes (Abrahamic Religions), Cunnilingus)
Perfect shot by sunandseas (E, 10k, Female WangXian, Modern AU, Fashion & Models, Mutual Pining, Hand & Finger Kink, Mildly Dubious Consent, LWJ has big tits, Dom/sub Undertones, lwj insults wwx and they fuck about it, pussy-drunk wwx, Come Eating, PWP, Strap-Ons, Spanking)
an inch away from more (than just friends) by occultings (microcomets) (E, 15k, Female WangXian, Modern AU, Rule 63, Femslash, Lesbian Sex, Genderbending, Pining while fucking, sexuality exploration, Compulsory Heterosexuality, Friends to Lovers, Masturbation, Kissing, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Fingering, Getting Together, Swim Team, Diving, Pool Sex, Outdoor Sex, Jealousy)
Are you gonna be my girl by 74243 (E, 14k, Female WangXian, Modern AU, Established Relationship, Forced Feminization, Sadism, Dom/sub, Slut Shaming, Internalized Misogyny.... but like.... Make It Sexy, Humiliation, Semi-Public Sex, Exhibitionism, Painplay, Cock Warming, Genderplay, Vague sugardaddy LWJ vibes)
lately, blooming by chibilwj (thelogicoftaste) (M, 34k, Female WangXian, Modern AU, Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Slice of Life, Light Angst)
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ao3feed-tf2ships · 3 months
The wind blew me away, but you caught me
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/56783917
by Sakura_Teas
TW/CW for past rape (not explicit but the scene is vaguely described ) and rape recovery! Please support victims! I want to say this: UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS RAPE OR ANYTHING OF THE SORT OKAY! Please be kind to others, people have feelings deep down no matter how little you know them! I hope this comes out okay, considering my grammar is very bad late at night, but hopefully you guys like this! Have a good timezone, be kind and good to others! -Sakura
Words: 1718, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 9 of Sakura’s fics :D
Fandoms: Team Fortress 2
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con
Categories: M/M
Characters: Sniper (Team Fortress 2), Scout (Team Fortress 2), Spy (Team Fortress 2), Soldier (Team Fortress 2), Demoman (Team Fortress 2), Medic (Team Fortress 2), Heavy (Team Fortress 2), Pyro (Team Fortress 2), Engineer (Team Fortress 2)
Relationships: Scout/Sniper (Team Fortress 2), Scout & Spy (Team Fortress 2), Engineer & Scout (Team Fortress 2)
Additional Tags: Rape Recovery, Rape Aftermath, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Sniper comforts Scout and we love him for that, spy beats up somebody, THEY DESERVE IT, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Angst with a Happy Ending, Comfort, Please support those who need it, Scout Has Issues (Team Fortress 2), Hurt Scout (Team Fortress 2), Parent Spy (Team Fortress 2), Good Parent Spy (Team Fortress 2), Sniper Has Anxiety (Team Fortress 2), written accents, Medic is actually doing his job
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/56783917
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