#implied deamus
Hello everyone!
Just letting you know that I’ve decided to take a huge risk…
Asks are open! Flood me with prompts for microfics, I’m waiting :)
I’m mainly in the Marauders fandom and Harry Potter, but I could possibly write some Carulia (Carmen Sandiego) too, as well as Rayamaari (Raya and the Last Dragon).
Ships I usually write:
• Drarry
• Jegulus
• Deamus
• Autumnflower
Things I’d love to receive requests for:
• Jily
• Rosekiller
• Wolfstar
• Narlily
• Pandalily
• Dorlene
• Prongsfoot
• Regulily
I’m a minor, so no heavy smut. Any smut will be implied smut, or smut with not too much details of what’s going on except what’s going on on the inside (fireworks in the heart 😌). I love fluff, angst, hurt + comfort… but what do you want to see? What tropes? What stories?
Go ahead :)
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headcanonsandmore · 5 years
‘A Comforting Hand’
Here’s a cute little Linny fic I wrote, with Luna and Seamus pining after their respective best friends. 
Tagging @lytefoot @wickira and @just-a-teen-fangirl. 
Read on FFN.                                            Read on AO3. 
Luna Lovegood liked Ginny Weasley a lot.
They had become friends over the course of the past two years. Luna had never really had friends before, so she was very pleased about that. The DA had really opened up things for her. Now she knew Harry, Ron and Neville really well. She even got along well with Hermione, although they were never really bosom-buddies compared to how close Luna was with the others.
Ginny was different, though. She had been Luna’s first friend her own age, so there had always been a special bond between them.
Ginny was intelligent, witty, brave, and amazing at Quidditch. She was also kind and very nice to be around.
And beautiful. Luna couldn’t remember the first time she had thought that about Ginny, but it was true. Ginny Weasley was utterly beautiful.
At that particular moment, Ginny was chuckling to herself as the two of them walked from their shared Charms class to the great hall for lunch. Luna had been talking about Wrackspurts, and Ginny -as always- was smiling winningly at her. Whenever their eyes met, Luna’s heart gave a little thump, as if joyous about it.
That tended to happen all the time Luna was around Ginny, actually.
‘Lu; you’re one in a million. You know that, right?’
Luna felt her cheeks grow warm. She liked hearing Ginny call her that.
‘Thank you, Ginny,’ she replied, ‘that’s very sweet of you to say.’
‘I mean it!’ The redhead exclaimed, patting Luna softly on the shoulder. ‘Honestly, you’re worse than Ron when it comes to taking compliments- oh, hi, Dean!’
Dean Thomas –Ginny’s fellow Gryffindor- had appeared from behind a tapestry nearby. His eyes crinkled as he grinned at Ginny.
‘Hey, Gin,’ the Londoner said, his voice very soft. ‘Going to lunch?’
‘Yep; on our way now.’
Without hesitating, Dean reached out and enveloped his hand around Ginnys, intertwining their fingers.
Luna felt a sudden lurch in the region of her stomach. Maybe she was hungry? Possibly, but that didn’t feel like it did when she was normally hungry. And why did she feel sad all of a sudden?
At that moment, Seamus Finnegan (Dean’s best friend) emerged from the same tapestry. Upon seeing the joined hands of Ginny and Dean, the Irishman seemed to roll his eyes. But Luna could have sworn that she had seen a brief look of longing.
‘Oy! Shay! You coming to lunch or not?’
‘As long as you two don’t mind me tagging along?’
‘Course not.’
Seamus joined them as they continued along the corridor. However –as Luna walked parallel with him- she couldn’t help but notice that same longing look appear in Seamus’s eyes once Dean and Ginny had turned their heads away from him.
The Irishman stopped briefly to adjust his tie, and Luna hung back. Dean and Ginny carried on up the corridor.
‘Seamus, are you alright? You seem rather upset.’
Seamus turned his head so fast that his neck clicked. Rubbing it, he let out a long sigh.
‘Is it really that obvious?’
‘Is what obvious?’
Seamus stared at her for a second.
‘You too, huh?’
Chuckling slightly to himself, the Irishman became to walk along the corridor.
‘I guess we’re similar in that way, aren’t we?’
Luna hastened to catch up with him, still not really understanding what he had meant.
 The four of them entered the great hall. As lunchtime was more of a rush than dinner, there was far more allowance for people sitting regardless of house. This meant that no-one batted an eyelid when Luna sat down with Ginny, Dean and Seamus on the Gryffindor table.
Dean ladled a spoon of soup, and held it out to Ginny.
‘Oh, stop it, Dean’ Ginny said, looking very embarrassed. ‘I’m not a child, I can feed myself.’
Dean flashed Ginny a tentative smile, and the redhead seemed to blush slightly.
‘Fine,’ she muttered, before hurriedly gulping down the soup.
Nearby, Seamus stared moodily down at his own soup.
‘What’s wrong, Seamus? Wrong kind of soup?’
‘Nah, it’s fine,’ Seamus muttered, resting his elbow on the table as he began to blow on his soup. ‘Nevermind.’
As Dean turned back to Ginny, Luna couldn’t help but notice the sour look the Irishman gave the redhead, as if he would rather she not be there. Or… as if he’d rather be in her place.  
As she began to eat her bowl of chunky soup, Luna spotted Ronald Weasley nearby eating a sandwich. He was casting furtive glances up the table, to where Hermione Granger was sitting by herself, and playing miserably with her salad. Apparently giving up on eating, Ronald got to his feet, and wandered out of the hall.
‘Don’t tell me you still fancy Ron, Lu?’
Luna turned her head. Ginny had noticed who she was looking at.
‘No, I don’t. He’s a good friend, but I know he would never see me that way.’
Ginny chuckled.
‘You sure are perceptive.’
Luna felt her cheeks flush again.
‘Thank you.’
‘Yeah, Ron’s been bonkers for Hermione for years now,’ Dean said, amicably. ‘I hope they sort things out; I hate seeing them all miserable like this.’
‘She set a flock of birds on him, Dean!’ Ginny exclaimed, flaring up. ‘She hasn’t even tried to apologise to him! Yeah, he wasn’t behaving his best, but that doesn’t excuse it!’
‘Sorry, Gin.’
Dean put his arm around the redheads’ shoulders, and Ginny seemed to relax a bit.
Luna felt her stomach lurch again. That was most peculiar; she wasn’t hungry any more.
She once again saw the longing look on Seamus’s face, as he watched Dean slowly pat Ginny’s shoulder. But the longing wasn’t directed at Ginny at all.
‘You’re sweet, Dean. Thanks.’
‘No worries, Gin. Gotta treat my girlfriend right, haven’t I?’
And –with that- Dean leaned in and pecked Ginny softly on the lips.
Luna felt like her blood had turned to ice, and her heart seemed to slip several inches down her insides. A curious prickling was affecting her eyes.
Ginny had leaned over, looking at the blonde with concern.
‘Lu, are you okay? What’s wrong?’
‘I’m… I… I don’t know… I have to go…’
Luna pulled her bag over her shoulder, and half-sprinted towards the exit. As she left, she saw Seamus give her a look of sympathetic, as if he knew exactly what she was feeling. The thought did little to calm the blonde-haired Ravenclaw.
Luna didn’t stop running until she came to a false wall on the second floor; it was one of her favourite hiding spots, for when she wanted to get away from people.
Ducking through, she sat down on the carpeted floor, and began to cry. What on earth was wrong with her? All that had happened was Ginny being kissed by Dean, and yet Luna felt more miserable than she had felt in a very long day.
Oh, no.
She wanted to be the one kissing Ginny. Her best friend. Who she loved dearly, and who would clearly never love her in quite the same way.
‘Luna? Luna, are you okay?’
The blonde slowly opened her eyes.
Ronald Weasley was kneeling down next to her, his blue eyes full of concern. Lavender Brown was stood a couple of feet behind him, looking worried.
‘R-Ronald? I’m… I’m sorry, I’m just being silly⸺’
‘No, you’re crying. What’s wrong? Did someone upset you?’
Luna shook her head, feeling very confused.
‘Not as far as I’m aware. I just saw Dean kiss Ginny, and I started crying. I... I just…’
‘Sssshhhhh,’ Ronald said, now patting her on the arm. ‘It’s okay.’
At this point, Lavender stepped forward, and sat down next to Luna. She smelled of a sweet flowery perfume, and her smile was soft and comforting.
‘Luna, was it?’
Luna nodded.
‘It sounds like romantic tension to me. When you’re attracted to someone, you get upset when you see them with other people⸺’
‘B-but Ginny’s my best friend,’ Luna sobbed, tears running down her face. ‘I shouldn’t be getting upset just because she’s being k-k-kissed by someone…’
‘Ginny? I thought you meant… oh….’
‘What?’ Ron asked, looking confused. ‘What’s the issue?’
‘Er…’ Lavender looked slightly panicked now. ‘Well… you see…’
‘Oh, you mean that? Well, Seamus has fancied Dean for years; this sort of stuff happens.’ Ron said, before turning back to Luna. ‘So, Luna; you like Ginny a lot, then?’
Startled by this, Luna nodded.
‘I know it’s scary, Luna. But it’s gonna be okay. Ginny cares about you a lot. Even if it’s not in that way, she couldn’t stand not having you around.’
‘Course. You’re her best friend, aren’t you?’
Luna dried her tears, and nodded.  Ron grinned at her, his lopsided grin conveying warmth and compassion.
She could easily see why Lavender liked Ron so much. He really was a sweet person. Even though most people barely spared him a second thought, the youngest Weasley boy was clearly a… diamond in the rough, as Luna’s father would put it. She supposed all the Weasley family were like that. They were good people.
Maybe that’s why Luna had fallen for Ginny in the first place⸺
The blonde’s heart seemed to have leapt into her throat. Ginny Weasley had appeared through the fake wall nearby, her eyes wide with worry.
‘Ron, what’s wrong with her⸺’
‘She’s upset, Ginny. I think she wants you.’
Luna could have been mistaken, but she could have sworn that Ginny’s cheeks flushed at that last sentence as she scrambled through, kneeling down next to Ron.
‘W-well, I’m her best friend, after all.’
Ron patted Luna on the shoulder once again, before flashing a brief supportive smile, and following Lavender through the wall.
‘I’m sorry, Ginny,’ Luna mumbled, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand. ‘I’ve made you worried⸺’
Her words died in her mouth, as Ginny threw her arms around Luna, pulling the blonde into a warm, comforting hug. Ginny’s flowery scent (which Luna had always loved) filled her nostrils, and Luna felt suddenly warm and protected.
‘Don’t you dare apologise, Lu!’ Ginny said, fiercely. ‘You’re my best friend; I want to be here for you!’
Luna felt her heart race.
‘Of course!’ ⸺Ginny pulled back slightly, so that she was staring into Luna’s eyes⸺ ‘Whenever you feel down or upset, I want to be that shoulder you can cry on, okay?!’
Luna nodded.
‘But… but what about Dean?’
Ginny paused, and Luna was shocked to realise that the redheads face was blushing a subtle shade of pink. Leaning forward so that they were only a few inches apart, Ginny stared deep into Luna’s eyes. Her hands found Luna’s, softly intertwining their fingers together.  
‘You’re more important.’
Thanks for reading, everyone! Hope you liked it! 
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"Oh my God. You're in love with her."
Harry was sitting at his desk working. Not stealing glances at Draco every chance he could get. They had just closed a case and were filling out the paperwork. Harry finished his report and looked up. Draco was staring off into space, a small smile on his face. "What are you so happy about?" Harry asked. Draco flushed. 
Before he could answer, there was a knock on the door of their shared office space. "Come in," Harry called. He made a mental note to pester Draco later about his smiling and whatnot. A woman with black hair and fancy clothes stepped in. She didn't even glance at Harry, but instead went straight to Draco's desk. Draco stood and greeted her with a smile. He gave the woman a hug and a delicate kiss on her cheek. Harry looked away. 
"Astoria," Draco said. "What are you doing here?" 
"I was out and about in the Ministry and I thought I should come see you. Is now a good time?" She asked, glancing around at the paperwork on Draco's desk. 
Harry wanted to tell her that it was most certainly not a good time. They were very busy, thank you very much, but Draco spoke before he could. "I'm almost done. Let me just finish this up and we can go get dinner?" Draco asked. 
"That'd be lovely," Astoria said. Draco looked over the report once more, wrote a few things down, then set his quill down. 
"Harry, you wouldn't mind sending this off for me, will you?" Draco asked. 
 arry grit his teeth and without looking up said, "Sure." Soon, Harry heard the door open and close. He was alone. 
He stood to grab his and Draco's reports. As he approached Draco's desk, a vase exploded behind him. Deep breaths, he told himself. Accidental magic hadn't been a problem for him for a long while. But, he supposed there were a lot of firsts today. Didn't Draco say there wasn't anyone special in his life? He always refused to meet anyone his mother wanted to set him up with. His family was desperate for an heir. Draco always refused, however. Who was that girl? 
A few months later... 
"Harry! You were completely reckless. You could've gotten yourself killed!" Draco practically yelled. His face was red and he was running his hand through his hair. He only did that when he was extremely agitated. 
"I'm fine. Look at me: not even a scratch," Harry argued. 
"You're ridiculous. That's it. I'm filing for another partner. I cannot do this anymore," Draco said. 
He turned to his desk, but Harry grabbed his arm. "Oh c'mon you don't mean that. You love me as your auror partner. The risks make it more fun," Harry joked. 
Draco huffed, "It's not funny. One of these days, you're going to get yourself killed and then I'll be left to deal with the backlash and paperwork." 
Harry nudged him on the shoulder. "Okay, okay. I promise I won't put myself in unnecessary danger anymore. It wasn't my intention to upset you. I'm sorry," Harry apologized. Draco was still facing away from him, but Harry could tell he was slightly more at ease. 
"Fine," Draco said curtly. "I'm still writing in my report that you were impetuous. Don't come crying to me when Kingsley gives you a talking down to." He turned to sit as his desk. 
Harry smiled and said, "I wouldn't expect anything less." Harry mirrored him and made it to his own desk. He began the paperwork, but was interrupted by Draco.  
"I was wondering if I could ask your advice on something," Draco said. 
"Sure," Harry said, looking up expectantly. "Well, Astoria's birthday is coming up, in September," Draco said and Harry tried not to wince, he really did. "But I don't know what to buy her. I found this bracelet, but I don't know if it's too much. Maybe I should look for rings." Harry completely froze at the word 'rings.' This could not be happening. 
Draco stood and walked to the front of Harry's desk. He ignored his feelings and said, "In September? It's July right now!" "It’s August tomorrow. I only ask you because I've never gotten gifts for... lady friends. I figured you would know with Granger and the Weaslette," Draco said. 
"Well, that's hardly the same," Harry said. They weren't dating. Sure, Ginny and him had dating once upon a time, but he never bought her a gift during that time. Buying for your friends was different than buying for your partners. 
"Isn't it?" Draco asked confusedly. 
Harry ignored him and asked, "What does the bracelet look like?" Draco brought out his wand, and a picture floated in front of Harry. It was gorgeous. There were more diamonds than Harry could count and they were all aligned in a beautiful design to form what looked to be swans. "Swans are her favorite animal. Is this too much?" Draco asked self-consciously. All Harry could feel was dreadful. It felt like a fifty ton weight was in his stomach. 
"Oh my God. You're in love with her," Harry muttered. Before Draco could answer, Harry gathered up his stuff. He couldn't look at Draco right now, he just couldn't. 
"Harry," Draco said. But Harry couldn't respond. He needed to get out of there now. "Harry wait," Draco said as Harry made his way to the door. 
"I forgot I have... plans. I need to go," Harry said hurriedly and he walked out, leaving Draco behind. He didn't see Draco's confused expression, or the patronus message he sent to Hermione. As he was traveling down the elevator, it stopped on the Magical Creature Department floor. Hermione saw him and immediately pulled him out. 
"Hermione! What are you doing?" Harry asked incredulously. He just wanted to go home and drink himself to sleep. Why couldn't people let him do that? 
"Harry, I need your help with something," Hermione said, dragging him through her floor. 
"Can't it wait until tomorrow 'Mione? I want to go home," Harry said. 
"There's an office that keeps raining. But it's not water it's raining, it's mud," Hermione said. She stopped at a closed door. It was an unoccupied office, but Harry didn't need to know. He also didn't need to know that Hermione was the one who spelled it to rain. 
Harry sighed and opened the door. Sure enough, the office was filled with mud and it was only getting worse. "I would think you'd know how to fix this, Hermione," Harry said. 
He raised his wand and cast, "Finite incantatem," not really expecting it to work. The office immediately stopped raining and Harry raised an eyebrow at Hermione. 
"Oh, I didn't think to use that spell. How silly of me," Hermione said, a blush covering her face. Harry stepped around her and said, 
"Alright Hermione, I need to get home now." Hermione waved him off. Again, as Harry had his back to her, he didn't see a message patronus, this time delivering itself to Ron. He got back into the elevator and made his way all the way to the atrium, where the floo was. 
As he stepped out, Ron stepped up to him. "Ron? What are you doing here?" Harry asked quizzically. 
"Just wanted to surprise Hermione," Ron said, holding up a bouquet of flowers in his hand. 
"Oh," Harry replied. 
"But while I got you here, I was wondering if I could get your advice on something," Ron said. Harry remembered being asked the same thing by Draco and he wanted to go home now more than ever. 
But he stayed and asked, "What's up?" 
"Er, well Hermione and I had a little argument over... the dishes. Yeah, the dishes. She said that she wants to hand wash them the muggle way, but I said spelling them clean is faster and better. It turned into a big fight. What should I do?" Ron asked. 
"Well, the flowers are a good start. I would say to er, hand wash the dishes with her. It's easy and you can get through dishes fast," Harry said. 
Ron nodded. "I'll see you," Harry said. He began to walk away but Ron grabbed his arm. 
"Wait!" Ron exclaimed. 
"What?" Harry asked, bewildered. 
"How do you hand wash dishes? I've no idea," Ron said and Harry sighed. 
"I'm sure Hermione will show you. I need to go now Ron," Harry pleaded. Why did everyone and their mother need to speak with him today? Ron let him go grudgingly and Harry stepped away. When he made it to the fireplaces, he jumped in and said his address. The familiar tugging sensation overtook him, but before he made it home, he was thrown back into the Ministry. He tried it again twice with the same results. He switched to a different fireplace, but it still didn't work. Great, he thought, now the floo isn't working. 
Ten minutes later, he was out of the Ministry and above ground. Once he found a deserted alleyway, he apparated to his apartment. A sigh of relief escaped his mouth as he walked up to steps to his door. He used his wand to unlock the door and bring down his wards. When he opened the door and turned on the light, yells of "Surprise!" rang through the house. He looked around and saw all of his friends: Hermione, Ron, Luna, Ginny, Blaise, Neville, Seamus, Dean, everyone. 
At the front was the one and only Draco. "Happy birthday Harry!" Hermione said.  
"You guys didn't really argue about dishes, did you?" Harry asked. Ron snorted and shook his head. Hermione stepped up to him and gave him a hug. He returned it. "Thank you 'Mione," Harry said. 
She shook her head and said, "Oh, don't thank me. It was all Draco's idea." Harry released her to look up at the man in question. Draco was biting his lip and looking unsure of himself. "Thanks," Harry said and Draco nodded. And the party began. It was nice for Harry to talk to his friends and drink some beer. He had wanted something stronger, but he supposed he would have to wait. 
As the night passed on he tried to not follow Draco with his gaze everywhere, but old habits died hard. Draco was seemingly trying to keep to himself. Harry knew it must have been hard for him to contact everyone to invite them. Not everyone has made the best amends with him despite how much he had changed. Everyone started to file out sometime after midnight. Most of them did have work tomorrow, after all. Harry closed the door behind Seamus and Dean, but didn't turn around. He knew who was standing behind him. He wasn't ready to face him even after all of this. Draco put a lot of effort into the party and Harry was grateful. But his heart was also shattered into a million pieces. 
"Did you like the party?" Draco asked. Harry nodded and finally turned around. 
"It was great. Thank you... Draco," Harry said and Draco beamed. Harry feigned a yawn and said, "But it was very tiring. Need rest for work tomorrow, you know." He hoped Draco would take the hint. Instead he said something completely unexpected. 
"I believe you misunderstand my and Astoria's relationship," he said. 
Harry's eyebrows raised, "Oh?" 
"We're friends. Just friends. She helped me with something, that's all. There's nothing more between us," Draco explained. Harry tired to squash the hope growing in his chest. He knew it couldn't amount to anything. 
"Why are you telling me this? Your love life has nothing to do with me," Harry said. 
Draco looked down at his feet and said, "Maybe it does."
"What?" Harry asked. 
"I didn't give you your birthday present yet," Draco said. He pulled a black box from his coat and stepped up to Harry. Hesitant hands took the box and opened it. Inside it was a beautiful watch. Lifting it, Harry looked at the back, where there was an engraving. It said, "Just in case you lose yourself in time xxx" 
"It's marvelous," Harry said. 
"Yeah it is," Draco said. Harry looked up to see Draco watching him. He was so close. His eyes flicked down to Draco's lips and back to his eyes. Harry thought he could lose himself in those eyes forever. Draco leaned in until there was only a centimeter of space between them. He looked down at Harry's lips and Harry lost it. He leaned in the rest of the way and their lips met. It was everything he ever hoped it would be. Draco's lips were soft against his own. When their tongues met, Harry almost collapsed against him with pleasure. After a few moments of this, Draco broke the kiss to murmur, "Happy birthday, Harry." Then their lips joined again. It was the best gift Harry had ever gotten.
If you like what I do, Buy Me a Coffee
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potterslashblog · 6 years
My First Head Canon
• When Michael Corner started dating Terry Boot, Ginny Weasley didn't think much of it. It just explained why he didn't like to kiss very much.
• When Dean started dating Seamus, she still didn't get bothered, because everyone knew that those two were soul mates, even if it took Dean some time to come around
• Then one day, Harry says they need to talk. Now that the divorce is final, he needs to tell her something. She can't even claim to be a little surprised when he strolls up to the coffee shop holding Draco Malfoy's hand.
• Will she ever find a truly straight man? Not if Luna has anything to say about it :)
Ginny Weasley, the girl with a thing for guys who like guys.
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hp-fearfest · 3 years
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HP Fear Fest Week 2 Roundup! Catch up on all the shivers and spooks you may have missed! Prompts this week include: They’ve Killed Before, They’ll Kill Again, Let’s Split Up, Gang!, Mad Scientist, Don’t Let it In, Bone Collector, and Body Horror If you wrote something for a week 2 prompt and it isn’t included on this list, but you would like it to be, send us a message!
Day 7 Prompt: They’ve Killed Before, They’ll Kill Again
i wish we'd met before they convinced you life is war by @phoebe-delia (<1k | Drarry) CW: MCD, heavy angst, accidental murder, blood, kinda ominous ending
prey animals by @corvuscrowned (<1.5k | Drarry) cw: graphic depictions of violence, murder
They've Killed Before, They'll Kill Again by @starlitsilvereyes (~1k | E | Drarry) cw: Murder, Blood and Injury, Violence, References to child abuse, Moral ambiguity, Mention of Sex, Unreliable narrator
The Righteous Choice by @m0srael (1.3k | E | Gen) CW: graphic descriptions of violence, grief and loss, murder
Days 8-12 (and more!) under the cut!
Day 8 Prompt: Let’s Split Up, Gang!
Where Have I Gone, My Star? by @starlitsilvereyes (~500 | E | Drarry) cw: Blood and Gore, Body horror, Cannibalism
Day 9 Prompt: Mad Scientist
bring him back by @shah-writes (~500 | Drarry)
Each Conflagration, a Confirmation by @m0srael (539 | T | Deamus) cw: Mentions of arson and immolation, Mention of Fiendfyre
Day 10 Prompt: Don’t Let it In
safety behind closed doors by @glitteringvoids (~1k | Drarry) cw: implied mcd, open ending, manipulation
the mimic by @steampunkserpent27 (~1k | Drarry) CW: angst, implied MCD,  spookiness
Then There Came a Tapping by @bubble-gumhead (~1k | Drarry) cw: MCD/Grief/Depression/Depiction of the Unknown
love sick by @shah-writes (<1k | Gen) cw: body horror
Day 11 Prompt: Bone Collector
Do You Like Them? by @steampunkserpent27 (~1k | Gen) cw: implied murder, serial killer, bones, furniture made of bones, general depravity
winner takes it all by @corvuscrowned (100 | Drarry) cw: violence/body parts
Day 12 Prompt: Body Horror
Full Moon by @steampunkserpent27 (~1.5K | Drarry) CW: Body horror (duh), transformation (werewolf), injury, self-injury, angst (with a good ending?), brief nudity (not described/not sexual), a wrist gets broken
Mirror, Mirror by @starlitsilvereyes for Mad Scientist, Don’t Let It In, Body Horror (<2k | E | Drarry) cw: Death, Funerals, Murder, Slashing/Stabbing, Blood, Mental instability, Self mutilation, Mild Angst, Necromancy
Previous Prompts:
Voices by @steampunkserpent27 for Haunted House (<1k | Drarry) CW: slight spookiness and the attempted murder of a plant
Slasher by @steampunkserpent27 for Final Girl (~1k | Gen) cw: Major character death x 5, Blood (lots of blood), gore, throat slitting, strangulation, stabbing, head boiling, suffering, skull crushing, various weaponry
i rose up from the dead, i do it all the time by @phoebe-delia for From Beyond the Grave (<1k | Drarry) cw: being buried alive? Kind of? Death/zombies? Idk
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messrprcngs · 4 years
SUMMARY : bucky accidentally comes across fanfiction you wrote about him on tumblr. instead of being freaked out, he’s actually quite flattered, and asks to see more of your writing. he finds that there’s a common theme with almost everything you’ve written about him, but he’s too dense to realize why that is. PAIRING : bucky barnes x reader ( implied female, kind of ? ) WARNINGS : lots of pining, as that is a given. not really angst. FLUFF ! WORD COUNT : 5.2k. this now holds the title of ‘longest fic sophie’s written’ A/N : my first bucky barnes fic !! i hope you guys like it ! inifinity war and endgame ? never saw them, didn’t happen. the avengers are all happily alive and living in the complex together (but steve is retired so sam is still the new cap) and that’s final.
"bucky, can you grab my phone from my room?” you called out from the kitchen. “i need to check my texts again to make sure i didn’t ruin this first batch of muffins!”
"sure thing, doll!” he called back from the living room. you shivered at the nickname, which you scolded yourself for immediately after. he used it all the time; you should have been used to it by now. you weren’t.
you paused your stirring, listening for the squeak of leather that indicated that bucky had pushed himself up off the couch to go retrieve your phone for you. you heard it, followed by the so-faint-it-was-barely-audible padding of his feet on the hardwood, and went back to whipping up more batter for the next batch.
you were pretty certain that you hadn’t, in fact, completely ruined your first batch of muffins. you were a better baker than that! but the new recipe you’d just gotten for killer chocolate chip muffins came straight from your aunt, a downright marvelous baker, and you didn’t want to mess anything up; they had to be perfect.
which was precisely why your first batch, which you’d popped into the oven almost twenty minutes ago, consisted of only six muffins.
you hadn’t wanted to risk wasting all your ingredients only to find out that you’d forgotten one of the tips your aunt had given you and subsequently made your muffins taste subpar in comparison to hers.
you hummed to yourself as you stirred in more chocolate chips and waited for bucky to come back. your humming stretched on for what felt like forever, and yet still no bucky.
looking up at the timer above the stove, you found that it’d already been three minutes since you’d sent bucky to get your phone, which was strange. he knew where your room was because you lived on the same floor, which was only two floors above where you were now; it wasn’t like it was hard to get there and back. besides, he had super long legs and didn’t run out of breath quickly. what the hell was taking him so long?
you took the rubber spatula you were using to smooth the batter out and set it on top of the bowl before peaking your head out into the living room from the kitchen. what you found surprised you: bucky, standing in the middle of the room, scrolling through your phone and staring down at whatever he was doing intently.
it wasn’t the simple act of him going through your phone that surprised - and confused - you. you were best friends (a title he’d been quick to assure you had more than enough room for both you and steve), after all; he knew your passcode by heart, and you his, though you generally didn’t fiddle with his phone, seeing as he still wasn’t very familiar with modern day technology and wouldn’t know how to undo anything you changed. no, you were surprised because he hadn’t come into the kitchen to make sure you checked what you needed to before stealing your phone away from you. he always made sure you checked your phone before stealing it away from you. something about this didn’t add up. 
“bucky?” you asked, and his head snapped up so quickly it gave you the impression that you’d startled him. “whatchya doin’? i need my phone to check the recipe.”
he rolled his eyes. “please, doll, i’m sure you got the recipe right. when have you not gotten a recipe right?”
you chose not to bring up the time you’d made oatmeal cookies for the team. no one needed to relive that experience.
“my phone, buck,” you whined instead, walking out into the living room.
“well, you see,” he started, and you raised an eyebrow, unsure where this was going. it was never good when bucky barnes started off a sentence with ‘well, you see’. “i actually found something pretty interesting on your phone when i opened it, y/n.”
“oh?” you said, trying to keep your voice steady, even as your lungs fell into your stomach and your heart jumped up into your throat. you hoped he wasn’t talking about what you thought he was talking about. you tried to think back to what app you’d been using before coming down to bake, if you’d closed it, if you’d clicked out of it at all or not. you didn’t remember closing it or clicking out of it, but you sure did remember what app you’d been on: tumblr.
bucky hummed in affirmation. “yep. you were open to some wonderful writing, doll.”
you gulped. oh god, he found it. “really?”
bucky tried to suppress a smile as he said, “mhm. really wonderful writing. about me.” you wanted to die. he knew. god, this was a mess. “and i know i don’t really know anythin’ about the internet, but i know enough to’ve figured out that the account it was on is yours, huh, doll?”
you knew that you weren’t really bright red right now, but you definitely felt bright red. your face was burning, and your fingers were throbbing with the force of the heat rolling down your neck and into your arms. this was a mess. bucky had found the fanfiction you’d written about him. he probably figured out that you were in love with him just from reading it, too, and was bringing it up with you now to tell you that he was both utterly creeped out and didn’t love you the way he’d discovered you desperately wanted him to.
“i, i, uh - erm -” you stammered, blinking up at him rapidly to keep the tears that were pricking at the backs of your eyes at bay. “i . . . i’m really sorry, bucky.”
you lowered your head and cast your eyes downward, feeling like a child who had just been severely scolded - except this was worse, because bucky, your best friend and the man you were in love with, had just found the one thing you never wanted him to find.
“why’re you sorry, doll? the writing’s good!” you snapped your head up immediately at that, wincing from the force of the movement.
“it’s what?” you asked, incredulous.
“it’s good, doll,” he repeated. he seemed sincere. “though i don’t remember secretly pining over anyone named ‘whyenn’.”
despite the horrifying situation you were in, you couldn’t help but laugh at how he pronounced ‘y/n’. bucky let a grin slowly take over his face at the sound of your laughter.
“that’s because it’s fanfiction, buck. nothing i wrote about in whatever piece of mine you read actually happened,” you told him. you knew he knew what fanfiction was because of the time he’d caught you crying over a deamus fic and you’d had to explain what it was to him. you’d never told him anything about reader insert fanfiction, though - for a very good reason. that reason being, of course, because it was the kind of fanfiction you wrote.
“i figured,” he said. “but i had no idea that anyone would want to write fanfiction about me. or that you were such a great writer, y/n.”
the panic that was tearing at the inside of your chest subsided a bit, both because of his compliment and because he was taking this whole thing very well considering he clearly knew how you felt about him now and clearly didn’t feel the same way.
“a lot of people want to write fanfiction about you, bucky,” you told him. “you’re kind of a big thing on sites that are popular for fanfiction. so’s the rest of the team.” why were you telling him this? oh, that’s right: because you just never knew when to shut up.
both of bucky’s eyebrow’s raised at that. “oh really?” he was still grinning. “do you write stuff about the rest of the team, too?”
you looked away. “sometimes, yeah. but you can’t tell them!” you conveniently failed to mention that it was generally only when your readers sent in requests for something with another member of the team that you wrote for them.
“i mostly write stuff about you, though,” you added, before you could stop yourself. god, how you wanted the floor to tear open and swallow you whole right then.
“yeah?” the amusement was plain in bucky’s voice. “i won’t tell them, but am i your favorite member of the team, doll?”
you moved your eyes back to his before saying earnestly, “you are, bucky. really. it’s easiest to write things about you. because you’re my best friend,” you added quickly. maybe if you said it enough, you could distract him from the fact he’d discovered that you saw him as much, much more than just a best friend.
“easier to write about me?” he echoed, cocking his head to right like an adorable puppy.
“well, yeah,” you said, avoiding his eyes again. “i know you. i know how you talk and how you react to things and how sweet and caring and lovable you are. i know how much time it took for you to get to where you are now, to be in a place where you’re not constantly sad and . . . and terrified. i know everything about you, buck. it’s easy to translate that into writing.”
your eyes met again as you finished, and for a terribly drawn out moment, it appeared as if you’d rendered him speechless.
“wow, doll,” he breathed finally, his eyes soft. “i don’t know what to say other than i love you.”
now it was your turn to be left speechless. “i, you - what? do you really?” you tried not to get your hopes up, but it was hard when bucky was standing in front of you, looking so at ease and so, so breathtakingly beautiful.
for a second you thought you’d seen bucky’s eyes widen ever so slightly, but you blinked and they were normally sized once again, and bucky’s brow had furrowed. “well yeah,” he said. “you’re my best friend - of course i love you.”
you swallowed all that hope and let it sink miserably down to the pit of your stomach. of course. of course that was what he meant. you knew that you’d just said the same thing, but how could he say that he loved you when he clearly knew how you felt. unless . . .
no. you couldn’t entertain the thought that maybe he hadn’t realized just how much you loved him. it was glaringly obvious in everything you wrote about him. bucky was smart; there was no way he hadn’t figured it out.
you opened your mouth as if to speak, though you had no idea what to say. luckily, though, bucky cut in before it could become obvious to him that you weren’t, in fact, going to say anything. “do you mind if i read some more?”
“you - if you . . . what?”
“read more, doll,” he said again, smiling. “your writing’s good! i want to read more of it.”
“you want to read more . . . of my fanfiction . . . about you?” you asked, disbelieving. he laughed at the look on your face.
“yes, doll. that’s exactly what i want.”
you shifted your weight from one leg to the other uneasily. did you really want to let him read more of your writing? you knew if you said no, he’d respect your decision and leave it alone. but where was the harm, really? he’d already read one piece of yours, a one shot, probably. bucky was always sweet and kind, and thankfully hadn’t mentioned the painfully obvious: that you were very, incredibly, wholeheartedly in love with him. what else did you have to lose?
“sure, buck,” you said hesitantly. you couldn’t believe you were agreeing to this. “you can read more of what i wrote.”
bucky gave a cheerful shout, and you couldn’t help but smile; his happiness was contagious, even in the most minute of ways.
“BUT,” you added, matching his volume momentarily before taking it back down. “i need my phone back to check on this recipe first.”
bucky rolled his eyes, but handed you your phone anyway. “fine,” he said, a mock pout gracing his lips.
you unlocked your phone and quickly clicked out of tumblr before you could rethink your decision. you opened your texts as you turned around and made your way back to the kitchen, bucky following close behind. you scrolled through the conversation with your aunt to find the tips she’d given you, and mentally checked off the ones you’d done as you went down the list.
when you were finished, all the tips had been mentally checked off, and you smiled, pleased with yourself. you turned to face bucky, who was already looking at you expectantly, and handed him back your phone.
though he looked like he wanted to run off right then and there with the device, he stayed a moment to ask, “so? did you do everything right?”
you nodded, the little proud smile still on your face. he grinned at you. “see, what’d i tell you, doll?” he said. “now if you’ll excuse me, i’ll be in the living room, reading.” he turned on his heel and walked briskly out of the kitchen.
you sighed and let yourself lean against the counter. hopefully this wouldn’t blow up in your face.
twenty minutes later and your first batch of muffins were cooling on top of the stove as you popped two more full sheets into the oven.
when you were finished, you wiped your hands on a dish towel and inhaled a deep, deep breath, before letting the air out in a heavy sigh. your next batch of muffins wouldn’t be done for another 40 minutes, and there was no need to make more batter, because you already had plenty ready for the third batch (because lord knows the team wouldn’t be satisfied with just twenty-four chocolate chip muffins).
your only other option was to go out into the living room and face bucky.
setting the dish towel down and steeling yourself, you walked out into the living room, where you found bucky sitting on one of the couches, fully engrossed in whatever he was reading on your phone (or rather, which of your fanfictions he was reading on your phone, you reminded yourself).
as you drew closer, you were able to make out fading tear tracks on bucky’s cheeks, and you nearly choked on your own spit. had he found the rest of your writing so horrible that he’d cried over it?
bucky tore his eyes away from the screen like it was the hardest thing he had ever had to do and looked up at you, his wide eyes full of a peculiar mix of heartbreak and wonder, with a dash of something you couldn’t quite place.
“how could you kill her, y/n?” was the first thing he said to you, his voice very close to a whimper. he looked absolutely devastated.
while you knew he had to be talking about something you’d written, you couldn’t help but say, “what?” in response.
“you killed her,” bucky said, as if that cleared everything up. “you killed her when i’d just gotten her back and, and - and i promised to marry her, y/n! marry her! and you still killed her! how could you do this to me, y/n?”
you blinked. “bucky,” you said, very slowly, “are you talking about 'good grief’?”
“‘am i talking about ‘good grief’’,” bucky mimicked. “of course i’m talking about ‘good grief’! what else would i be talking about?”
‘good grief’ was a series you were in the middle of working on, with a central plot point - and the series title - coming from bastille’s song of the same name. it was an au in which bucky hadn’t been taken by hydra, and it was one of your best-written pieces in your own opinion. it appeared that bucky thought so, too, if he was getting this worked up about the reader insert’s apparent death.
“so i take it you like it, then?”
bucky straightened up. “like it?” he asked. “no, i don’t like it. i absolutely hate it!”
hearing that immediately made you feel sick. god, how stupid to were you to think that bucky would actually like what you’d written, whether he thought whatever he’d read first had been good or not. before you could say anything, bucky continued.
“my heart is broken! utterly and entirely shattered, doll. how could you do this to me? your writing is so, so, so . . .” he appeared as if he were struggling to find the right words. “gut-wrenchingly beautiful and my heart is real fuckin’ hurt, doll.”
you were startled by his outburst. “i - what? you think my writing’s beautiful?”
bucky rolled his eyes, suddenly exasperated. “yes, doll, i think your writing’s beautiful. it’s wonderful. how many times do i have to tell you that?”
“as many times as you’d like,” you said before you could stop yourself. you were rewarded by the quirking down of the corners of bucky’s lips that indicated he was trying to suppress a smile.
“then i’ll tell you all the time, y/n/n.”
“how . . . how much did you read?” you asked fiddling with your fingers as an excuse to not make eye contact.
“everything,” he said immediately, and you looked up, shocked. you hadn’t expected him to want to read your writing that much.
“er, everything about me,” he clarified. somehow, that was infinitely worse.
“oh,” was all you said as you went back to avoiding eye contact.
“actually, i had a question about your writing, doll.”
you looked up at that. “oh?” you gulped, preparing for the worst.
“yeah,” bucky said. “why is everything you write about me full of longing?”
you were stunned. “i - what?”
“well it’s just,” bucky continued, “that while i was reading, i noticed that the topic of pining is really prevalent in what you write about me. even when it’s not central to the plot, like in those - what are they called? ‘one shots’? yeah - one shots, you always mention pining and longing.”
you didn’t know what to say. you knew bucky, and you knew when he was genuinely asking a question he didn’t know the answer to (he wasn’t a very good actor). which was why you knew that his question was sincere, that he really had no idea why you included near-excessive pining in everything you wrote about him. had no idea that you included it because you were pining after him just as hopelessly as your reader inserts were.
and that meant . . . that meant that he really didn’t know that you were in love with him. he hadn’t been avoiding bringing it up to spare you the embarrassment; he hadn’t realized in the first place!
a huge wave of relief built up inside you, washing away the panic that was still tucked into your chest, but with it came an equally sized wave of disappointment. part of you, you supposed, had hoped that bucky would take you in his arms after reading the rest of your fanfiction and kiss you senseless before telling you that he’d always loved you just the same way you loved him. that he’d always been in love with you.
but of course, that was just a fantasy, too much like fanfiction to ever have a hope of becoming a reality.
you didn’t know what to say, but there bucky was, blinking up at you oh so innocently from his seat on the couch as he patiently waited for an answer, and so you said the only thing you could say: the truth.
“there’s so much . . . pining and longing because . . . i have a lot of experience with pining.”
well, as much of the truth as you could bear to reveal to him, anyway.
“but um, unlike . . . in my writing, the person i’m pining after doesn’t love me back.”
maybe it was a trick of the light, but you could have sworn something dark and hurting passed over bucky’s eyes when you said that, but a second later the look was gone. instead, bucky was cocking his head to the side as his brow furrowed. “what do you mean, doll?”
you sighed. “i mean,” you started as you sat down next to him on the couch, “exactly what i said. i love someone, but they don’t love me back.” you paused and thought for a moment before continuing. “well, i shouldn’t say that. i know he loves me. but just . . . not the way i want him to.”
when you’d sat down, your eyes had focused themselves on the edge of the accent rug that lay in front of the couch, and as you lifted them to meet bucky’s after your pseudo-confession, you found his whole body turned towards you.
bucky was still sporting that confused look on his face when he said, “how could anyone not love you like that?” so soft and breathless, as if he hadn’t meant to say it out loud at all. his eyes searched your face as if he were looking for an answer to his question and all you could do was stare at him, silent and frozen.
god, if he kept this stuff up, you were going to explode from all the yearning that was building up inside of you.
bucky’s gaze connected with yours again, and it was as if something in your eyes had snapped him out of whatever haze he’d been in, because a millisecond later he was looking away and clearing his throat.
“so that’s why -” he said, as if whatever had just happened hadn’t happened, “- you write in so much pining when you’re writing about me?”
god, he was so clueless. and as much as you wanted to tell him that the person you were in love with was him, that it would always be him because he was strong and brave and kind and so, so breathtakingly beautiful, you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. you didn’t think you could stand to be in the same room with him ever again if you told him and he smiled that pretty smile at you, all soft and sweet and pitiful, right before letting you down gently and saying that he’d always want you as his best friend no matter what happened. which really fucking sucked, because you didn’t know what you’d do without bucky.
“yeah,” you said. “like i said, it’s just . . . so much easier to write things when they’re about you. easier to . . . transfer my feelings to someone else when that someone else is . . . you.” you winced at the lie, but if bucky noticed, he didn’t mention it.
in fact, he was quiet for what felt like a long, long time before looking up at you and saying, “well, doll, whoever this guy is, he’s an idiot for not loving you. for not being in love with you.”
you gave him a soft smile that was tinged with melancholy. “thanks, buck.”
he nodded. “who is he?”
“what?” you hadn’t expected that. you probably should have, though, given how much bucky cared about your life and your feelings, but the extent to which he cared still surprised you sometimes; you didn’t really think you deserved it.
“who is he?” bucky repeated, eyes alight with curiosity and that other emotion you still couldn’t name. “i want to know who the guy is that’s got my best friend all hopelessly in love.”
“i . . . don’t know, buck . . .”
“you don’t want to tell me?”
“it’s not that i . . . don’t want to tell you, i just . . .” you were lost, searching for anything to say that would get bucky to lay off. “i don’t like thinking about it, is all.”
for some reason, that seemed to anger bucky. “oh, so you can think about it when you use it for writing inspiration all you want, but when your best friend wants to know, you suddenly can’t bring yourself to think about it? is that it?” he asked, eyes suddenly cold.
“no, that’s not it,” you tried to assure him, though you knew that that was exactly what you were implying. “bucky, it’s alright. it’s just a friend. you don’t know him.”
this just angered him all the more.
“i know all your friends, though, y/n. are you telling me you’re hiding this fella away from me, doll?” he asked with furrowed eyebrows and that cold, hard stare. “too afraid he won’t like me? or too afraid he won’t like you when he finds out just how well you really know me?”
you were shocked by bucky’s questions. where had this come from?
“what? absolutely not. i’m not ashamed of you, bucky.”
“oh, aren’t you?” he snapped.
you stared at him from where you were on the edge of the couch, incredulous. how could he think that you were ashamed of him?
“no, i’m NOT, bucky. and besides, it’s none of your business! you don’t have to know all of my friends!”
“as your best friend, it is my business! but haha, right, i can’t really be your best friend if you’re ashamed of me!”
“bucky barnes, i AM NOT ASHAMED OF YOU! how could i ever be ashamed of you? i love you!” you were barely containing yourself then, and had to force your voice down after it’d gotten far louder than you’d wanted it to.
bucky, though, it seemed, either didn’t have the same control that you did or simply didn’t care, because the next thing you knew he was shouting, “then TELL ME WHO HE IS!”
“LEAVE IT ALONE, BUCKY,” you yelled back, propelling yourself off the couch so you could match his volume.
a second later and bucky was on his own feet, too, right in front of you. “NO! I WANT TO KNOW!”
“BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!” he roared.
as quickly as it had come, your anger vanished. and suddenly, as if it had been the only thing keeping you up, your whole body sagged. all of the anger that had been overflowing inside of you had left you thoroughly exhausted, and your outrage at bucky’s own outrage was quickly replaced by a growing sense of disbelief. he’d told you he loved you before, of course - he’d said it near the beginning of your conversation! - but there was something in his voice, something in the way he said it, that made you think he meant it differently this time. that he meant it the way you did.
“wha - what?”
“i love you. i’m in love with you.”
there were tears stinging the backs of your eyes as you said, in a voice barely above a whisper, “don’t play with me, bucky.” you were looking up at him, eyes wide and equal parts hopeful and horrified.
“i’m not playing with you,” came bucky’s reply, his own voice soft. “i would never play with you like that, doll.”
you searched his eyes, which were glossed over with unshed tears the same way you knew yours were, and found only sincerity in his intense stare. sincerity, and that something else you’d seen before, which you were recognizing now as . . . adoration. still, you couldn’t believe what you were hearing.
“but, bucky, i’m . . .”
“in love with someone else? i know. i figured as much when i read everything you wrote.” he looked away and stepped back.
“you what?” it seemed that all you’d been asking today was ‘what?’
“knew you were in love with someone else when i was reading all that stuff you wrote about me. there’s no way you would’ve been writing all that yearning crap with me originally in mind, doll. i know that. and yet, i . . . i couldn’t stop thinking about that whyenn character being you.”
you stared at him. and stared, and stared, and stared. you felt the tears dripping down your face, but didn’t move to wipe them away. instead, you continued to stare, until finally bucky looked up at you, looking as devastated as you’d ever seen him.
“you’re so dense, bucky. oblivious. a moron. an absolute imbecile,” you whispered.
for a moment, anger flashed across bucky’s face as his eyebrows furrowed, before being replaced by an even deeper hurt. “god, doll, i know you don’t feel that way about me, but you don’t have to -”
“i lied,” you said quickly, cutting him off. “i lied. it’s not someone you don’t know. i’m not in love with someone you don’t know, buck.”
bucky blinked. “listen, doll, i really don’t want to hear about how you’re actually in love with steve or sam and just wrote stuff about me in case they -”
“jesus, bucky, i’m talking about you!” you cried. “i’m in love with you!”
bucky’s mouth dropped open, and all he could do is stare at you. “i - you - what?”
“i’m in love with you, and i have been for so, so long. else c’mon, buck. why else would i write all that ‘yearning crap' about you?”
bucky, still gaping like a fish, said, “i don’t . . . i mean, it never occurred to me that you could . . . actually think of me like that . . .”
“and i thought you knew! i thought you’d figured it out the second i realized what you were reading! it was so obvious!”
bucky huffed. “clearly not obvious enough.”
a huffed laugh spilled past your lips. “you’re so oblivious.”
bucky gave you a small, sweet smile as he took a step closer to you. “so you’ve said, doll.”
you stood there, silently staring into each others eyes until: “can i kiss you, doll?” bucky’s voice was cautious and impossibly soft, and positively it made you melt.
“of course,” you whispered, and as soon as the words had left your lips he was there, his lips on yours as his hands came up to cradle your face gently. your eyes slid closed, and you moved your hands up to get a grip his shirt and pull him closer. you could hardly think straight because of how good finally getting to kiss bucky felt, but one thought kept running through your head as if on loop: his lips felt absolutely perfect on yours. like he was made for you.
the two of you broke away for air, and as your eyes fluttered open and met his, something else was clear in your jumbled brain: bucky barnes had effectively ruined you for anyone else.
the spell that you were under was broken, though, when bucky wrapped his arms around your waist and said, “all those feelings you wrote into your fanfiction were about me. that sure is a lot of pining and longing for one person, doll.”
“oh, shut up!”
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fandomtrashoe · 4 years
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Harry Potter ships as colors (11/?) - Deamus
Brown - The color brown relates to quality in everything - a comfortable home, the best food and drink and loyal companionship. It is a color of physical comfort, simplicity and quality. From a negative perspective it can also give the impression of cheapness and stinginess in certain circumstances. Brown is friendly and approachable. It is loyal, trustworthy and dependable in a practical and realistic way. In color psychology, brown is honest, genuine and sincere. It relates to the hardworking, the industrious and reliable, with both feet planted firmly on the ground. It is sensual, sensitive and warm, engulfing one in a feeling of calmness and comfort. It is a practical and sensible color which implies common sense. It hides the dirt!The color brown is associated with wholesome, natural and organic produce and anything related to the great outdoors, agriculture and farming. Brown suppresses the emotions, creating a safe haven from the stresses of the outside world within which problems can be contemplated and solved. Brown is a color of structure, although by no means does it encourage perfectionism - rather it encourages orderliness and organization. The color brown gives reassurance. It is quietly confident but never the life of the party! Brown does not seek attention - it prefers to stay in the background, allowing other colors around it to shine. Brown is solid with strength and maturity. It prefers to function in its own safe little world - it is not carefree and spontaneous and doesn’t like surprises. (source)
More ships as colors!
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2019 Fic List
This is gonna get a little awkward since I have 3 AO3 accounts, I’m not gonna bother specifying which is which here, just know that all the linked fics/accounts here are mine. 
In terms of past years, 2019 was a terrible year for me, my worst yet (me judging myself against my personal expectations for myself, not a statement about what is or isn’t a good year in general for anyone else), but seeing it all summarised helps me deal with feeling crap about that, even if it’s mostly all really short stuff, it’s still a lot of fics, and I’m still learning how my chronic illness affects my writing and how to work around it and trying to adjust my own expectations =)
This is a very long post (114 fics), so most of this is below a cut =)
Note: All explicit rated fics on my main AO3 account are behind an account lock, that means only logged in AO3 users can read them. This is for a couple of reasons, but a big one is because those fics are the ones that I find reposted the most frequently. Don’t repost my fics.
Most Popular Fics Posted in 2019:
Highest Kudos: No More Waiting (19 Days, Tianshan, 604 kudos, Posted June) Highest Hit Count: Time to Think, Time to Doubt, Time to Know (HP, Drarry, 4,400 hits, Posted June) Highest Commented: A Ribbon of the Finest Silk (MDZS, Wangxian, 48 comments, Posted November)
Before the fic links, some milestones and stats, and fandom/ship list:
Milestones this year:
Reached 1 million words on main AO3 account Wrote for 2 new fandoms (19 Days, MDZS) Wrote many new ships Completed Femslash February for HP (on time too) Submitted 2 fics for HP Drizzle Fest Submitted 1 fic for Chubby Neville Fest
Total number of fics posted: 114 Total word count posted: 175,178 Total number of fandoms: 4 Total number of ships: 36
Month with the most fics: February (30) Month with the least fics: March (0)
Most written fandom: Harry Potter (109) Least written fandom 19 Days (1)
Most written ship: Drarry (26/114 fics)
Longest (complete) fic: Stay Calm and Ride It out (HP, Drarry, 9.9k) Shortest fic: Feels like a Home Now (HP, Drarry, 100 words)
Fandoms herein: Harry Potter (109), Mo Dao Zu Shi/The Untamed (2), Voltron (2), 19 Days (1)
Ships herein:  HP: Blairon, Blinny, Charlie/Harry, Cho/Ginny, Deamus, Draco/Harry/Ron, Drarry, Drarry/Tentacles, Drarryville, Dreville, Dron, Fleur/Ginny, Flonks, Ginmione, Ginny/Tonks, Ginsy, Hermione/Millicent, Hermione/Pansy/Tracey, Hermione/Tracey, Kittyhawk, Linny, Lunsy, Nottbottom, Nottpott, Pansmione, Parkgrass, Parvansy, Piers/Theodore, Pottbottom, Rarry VLD: Klance, Keith/Tentacle Creature (Anyone who goes looking at that account, be aware I’m a multi-shipper and Klance is actually one of my least written VLD ships) 19 Days: Tianshan MDZS: Sangxian, Wangxian
And with that out of the way, here are the fics, no summaries tho because ugh, this already took long enough, fandom, ship, rating and word count will have to suffice.
January (3 fics, 5,199 words):
It Was the Yelp (HP, Harry/Ron, Mature, 386 words,)
Don’t Drink and Transfigure (HP, Hermione/Pansy, Teen, 1,595 words)
The Perks of Skin Care (Voltron, Keith/Lance, Explicit, 3,218)
February (30 fics, 43,171 words):
Femslash February overall series link with prompt list
Opposites Day (HP, Hermione/Pansy, Teen, 921 words)
Better Than Any Boy (HP, Cho/Fleur, Teen, 577 words)
What’s Missing Is Not Lost (HP, Ginny/Luna, Teen, 1,269 words)
Cafe Reunion (HP, Hermione/Pansy, Teen, 1,265 words)
The Things We Don’t Know About Each Other (HP, Pansy/Parvati, Explicit, 1,379 words)
Minding the Wolf (HP, Ginny/Pansy, G rated, 1,043 words)
Less like a Joke and More like the Truth (But She’ll Worry About That Later) (HP, Hermione/Pansy, Mature, 1,286 words)
Love Waits (HP, Ginny/Pansy, Teen, 2,154 words)
Better Naked and Cold Than Covered in Lavender (HP, Ginny/Tonks, Teen, 1,035 words)
Third Time Lucky (HP, Pansy/Parvati, Teen, 1,511 words)
Fast or Slow? (HP, Ginny/Luna, Explicit, 1,099 words)
One Step at a Time (HP, Ginny/Hermione, G rated, 370 words)
For the Sake of Concerned Muggles (HP, Fleur/Tonks, G rated, 496)
A Perfect Picnic (HP, Cho/Fleur, Teen, 1,557 words)
Sharing Is Caring (HP, Hermione/Pansy, Teen, 984 words)
Why so Blue? (HP, Fleur/Tonks, Teen, 809 words)
Damned on Our Own Terms (HP, Daphne/Pansy, Mature, 1,300 words)
Anything to Make Her Feel Safe Again, (HP, Hermione/Pansy, Teen, 922 words)
More Familiar Than You Think (HP, Hermione/Pansy, Teen, 676 words)
Loss of Surety (Hermione/Pansy, Mature, 770 words)
Collecting Feathers and Finding Wings, (HP, Cho/Fleur, Teen, 5,055 words)
Shopping with Hermione (HP, Hermione/Pansy, Teen, 438 words)
Live a Little (HP, Hermione/Pansy, Mature, 1,521 words)
Daydreaming at the Wrong Moment (HP, Fleur/Tonks, Teen, 1,232 words)
Unexpected Gratitude (HP, Pansy/Parvati, Teen, 851 words)
Midnight Serenade (HP, Ginny/Hermione, G rated, 708 words)
No Such Thing as Too Close (HP, Luna/Pansy, Teen, 1,010 words)
Work and Reward (HP, Hermione/Pansy, Teen, 808 words)
Harry Potter the Christmas Tree (HP, Draco/Harry, Teen, 218 words)
Stay Calm and Ride It Out (HP, Draco/Harry, Draco/Harry/Tentacles, Explicit, 9,907 words)
March (0)
April (1 fic, 100 words):
Feels like a Home Now (HP, Draco/Harry, G rated, 100 words)
May (7 fics, 21,904):
Worth the Waiting (HP, Draco/Harry, Mature, 101 words)
Harry Potter and the Maudlin Merman (#1) (HP, Draco/Harry, Teen, 3,210 words)
Try Again, with More Conviction (Lacking Conviction #1) (HP, Draco/Harry, Explicit, 3,523 words)
Testing the Waters (Harry Potter and the Maudlin Merman #2) (HP, Draco/Harry, Mature, 5,736, 2 Ch)
Ron Deserves Hazard Pay (HP, Draco/Harry, Teen, 394 words)
Still Lacking Conviction (Lacking Conviction #2) (HP, Draco/Harry, Explicit, 6,512 words)
Sharing Beauty in a Storm (HP, Draco/Neville, Teen, 2,428 words)
June (15 fics, 23,343 words): 
Dragon’s Clover (and Other Discoveries) (HP, Draco/Neville, Teen, 5,889 words)
A Decent Start to Things (HP, Hermione/Pansy, Implied Draco/Harry, Teen, 6,825 words)
No More Waiting (19 Days, He Tian/Mo Guan Shan, Teen, 2,136 words)
The Toothbrush of Commitment (HP, Draco/Harry, Teen, 372 words)
Watch out for Hermione (HP, Draco/Harry, Mature, 168 words)
It’s Not an Autobiography (HP, Draco/Harry, Teen, 619 words)
All Thanks to Seamus (HP, Draco/Harry, Teen, 439 words)
Five More Minutes (HP, Ginny/Luna, Teen, 139 words)
Too Cute to Resist (HP, Draco/Harry, Teen, 274 words)
Well Matched, Poorly Matched (HP, Draco/Harry, Teen, 891 words)
A Better Idea (HP, Draco/Harry, Teen, 881 words)
Ignore the Chicken (HP, Draco/Harry, Teen, 759 words)
Time to Think, Time to Doubt, Time to Know (HP, Draco/Harry, Teen, 2,862 words)
Required Watching (HP, Draco/Harry, Teen, 414 words)
To Save Those Tippy Toes (HP, Harry/Ron, Mature, 675 words)
July (29 fics, 12,135 words):
Only For Him (HP, Draco/Harry, Explicit, 6,033 words)
It Should Say ‘Girlfriend’ (HP, Hermione/Pansy, Teen, 800 words)
Collapse (HP, Harry/Ron, Teen, 517 words)
When He Isn’t Looking (HP, Draco/Harry, Teen, 482 words)
23 more in Prompted Microfics - July ‘19 (HP, Draco/Harry(6), Cho/Fleur, Harry/Ron, Hermione/Pansy, Draco/Ron(2), Blaise/Ginny, Draco/Harry/Neville, Ginny/Pansy, Dean/Seamus, Neville/Theodore(2), Blaise/Ron, Piers/Theodore, Draco/Harry/Ron, Draco/Neville(2), Charlie/Harry, Highest rating: Mature, 3,480 words)
Too Small (HP, Draco/Harry, Teen, 236 words)
Technicalities (HP, Hermione/Pansy, Teen, 587 words)
August (7 fics, 7,293 words):
The Point of Having a Key (HP, Harry/Theodore, Teen, 665 words)
An Unexpected House Guest (HP, Draco/Harry, Teen, 184 words)
The Strategic Application of Rain (HP, Draco/Harry, Teen, 372 words)
Battleships (HP, Draco/Harry, Teen, 226 words)
In Search of Better Sleep (HP, Harry/Theodore, Teen, 442 words)
Friday Night by the Fire (HP, Harry/Neville, Teen, 583 words)
Happy Consequences (HP, Draco/Neville, Draco/Harry/Neville, Explicit, 4,821)
September (14 fics, 30,978 words):
(Sapphic September was a bit fail this year...series link here)
Bartering for a Kiss (HP, Ginny/Pansy, Teen, 1,489 words)
When the Wife’s Away, the Cat Will Play (HP, Minerva/Rolanda, G rated, 834 words)
Soft and Warm (HP, Hermione/Pansy/Tracey, Teen, 1,246 words)
Time Moves Slow (HP, Hermione/Pansy, Teen, 1,689 words)
Boredom in Potions (HP, Pansy/Parvati, Teen, 1,635 words)
Minding One’s Limits (HP, Cho/Ginny, G rated, 1,548 words)
Healing What’s Left (HP, Daphne/Pansy, Teen, 2,066 words)
A Perfectly Innocent Conversation, of Course (HP, Minerva/Rolanda, Teen, 1,232 words)
Not Bad for a First Talk (HP, Hermione/Millcent, Teen, 4,301 words)
Choosing What Makes Her Happiest (HP, Hermione/Tracey, Teen, 1,254 words)
Early Morning Flight (HP, Cho/Ginny, Teen, 2,426 words, for HP Drizzle ‘19)
Hair Ties Are for Chumps (HP, Ginny/Luna, Teen, 1,090 words)
A Conversation Long Overdue (HP, Draco/Ron, Mature, 6,570 words, for HP Drizzle ‘19)
The Benefits of Curiosity (Voltron, Keith/Tentacle Creature, Explicit, 3,598)
October (3 fics, 8,064 words): 
A Howling Good Time (HP, Draco/Harry, Explicit, 5,819 words, 2 Ch)
Three Days That Never End (HP, Draco/Harry, Teen, 518 words)
Making an Already Lovely Day Even Better (HP, Fleur/Ginny, Teen, 1,727 words)
November (4 fics, 22,013 words):
Getting Comfortable (Harry Potter and the Maudlin Merman #3) (HP, Draco/Harry, Mature, 3,520 words)
Restraint (ver. 2.0) (HP, Draco/Harry, George/Harry, Explicit, 10,288, 1/? Ch)
A New Book, a New Experience (MDZS, Nie Huaisang/Wei Wuxian, Teen, 4,318 words)
A Ribbon of the Finest Silk (MDZS, Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian, Teen, 3,887 words)
December (1 fic, 978 words):
Shirts and Scarves (HP, Ginny/Pansy, Teen, 978 words)
-You know, after all of that, I’m most surprised that there was only 1 month I didn’t post anything. I really thought it would be more than that. It’s been such a terrible year for me (relative to other years, I know I still get a lot done, I’m only judging myself against myself and my past performance here), but doing stuff like this is always good cos I can’t argue with numbers. My health and mental health was so bad this year, I just have to remember that writing anything at all is a win, past Zoe was a freak with how much fic she pushed out, I’ll never get to that 2016/2017 level again, I gotta learn to accept that.
-I’m still blown away that my fics in other fandoms got more reader engagement this year than HP/Drarry in most cases 👀 that was unexpected and a lovely surprise considering I have no established reader base for them.
-I will get that Sapphic September prompt list done eventually, I have 2 pre-written too but they’re later days and I want to post in order XD
-And I still have a bunch of prompts gathered through my google prompt form that I’ll get to eventually as well, sorry to everyone still waiting (whoever remembers they’re waiting XD). Tbh, aside from just struggling with writing in general lately, a lot of the prompts are exactly the same/similar but with different ships (or just straight up several of the same prompt with the same ship) and it’s a bit of a buzzkill.
We’ll see how 2020 goes. 
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Why Scorbus Should be Canon
The one thing that bothers me about the Cursed Child is how Scorbus isn’t canon. 
There are so many reasons why Scorbus could/should be canon. Firstly, I feel like Harry Potter needs at least one more canon gay ship. 
But here’s proof that was literally WRITTEN into the script that, for innocent minds, can be perceived as ‘just friends’ but for potterheads or people who know what OTP stands for, it’s clues that could ultimately lead to Scorbus (and some of them are pretty major. Like, bruh.)
The following aren’t in a very particular order. Just the order I thought of them and then managed to find them on the internet, so...
1) Albus is telling Scorpius how kind he is. How he thinks that Scorpius is a really, truly nice person. Okay, they could just be really good friends (which they are) but it could also be the beginning of Albus’s feelings. 
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2) An article from Odyssey explains Scorpius’s jealousy. Part of him doesn’t like his friend talking to a girl... that is a major clue. Like, c’mon man, you’re jealous that Delphi is talking to Albus and not you. Obviously Scorpius probably isn’t thinking about his sexuality at this point, as he’s busy trying to save Cedric Diggory and ultimately not die, but this jealously is one of the major hints that prod at Scorpus throughout the play. 
“"SCORPIUS appears at the back of the stage. He looks at his friend talking to a girl -- and part of him likes it and part of him doesn't" (p. 74). The jealousy just keeps on brewing, "SCORPIUS isn't enjoying the DELPHI-ALBUS double act" (p. 75)”
3) HUGS. Albus and Scorpius hug 3 times throughout the play. The article from odyssey, link here: https://www.theodysseyonline.com/albus-scorpius gives when each hug happens (so for the sake of others, I will now list all the hugs.)
- Hug #1:  "ALBUS hugs his friend. With fierceness. They hold for a beat. SCORPIUS is surprised by this" (p. 43). 
This hug seems like Scorpius is surprised yet not reluctant, so...
- Hug #2: “SCORPIUS: You have no idea how good it is to see you again."ALBUS: You just saw me two minutes ago. "SCORPIUS hugs ALBUS in the water, a difficult task. "SCORPIUS: A lot has happened since then" (p. 145). 
Scorpius, in this moment, is hugging Albus back, firstly, as well as doing it in the water which is supposedly difficult, according to the script. But also, his best friend just popped back into existence (and if he like Albus, it would explain it even more). 
- Hug #3: "ALBUS: I know, I think it's a bonding thing or something similarly vomit-inducing. Still, you know, I think I'll go."SCORPIUS reaches in and hugs ALBUS."ALBUS: What's this? I thought we decided we don't hug."SCORPIUS: I wasn't sure. Whether we should. In this new version of us -- I had in my head" (p. 215). 
Okay, here Scorpius is visualizing them in his HEAD. I mean, c’mon, what else do you need?
4) Scorpius thinks of Albus when defending himself against dementors.  
"SNAPE: Listen to me, Scorpius. Think about Albus. You're giving up your kingdom for Albus, right?
"SCORPIUS is helpless. Consumed by all the dementor is making him feel.
"One person. All it takes is one person. I couldn't save Harry for Lily. So now I give my allegiance to the cause she believed in. And it's possible -- that along the way I started belieing in it myself.
"SCORPIUS smiles at SNAPE. He steps decisively away from the dementor" (p. 143). 
In addition to thinking of Albus, later Scorpius talks to Albus about the face. odyssey wrote a very punctuated paragraph, saying, “"When the dementors were -- inside my head -- Severus Snape told me to think of you" (p. 155). And it worked! Scorpius was able to get away from the dementors unscathed, thanks to him being helplessly in love with Albus er-- friends with Albus.”
Anyways, those are all the main reasons I have. I really recommend going and reading that odyssey article because it’s really good and it has a section on Queer Baiting, about when the producers will imply a possibly relationship that could be found, but then won’t go through with it. 
I really wish there was another LGBTQIA+ character in the Harry Potter franchise, apart from Dumbledore and Grindelwald (technically Deamus is fanon, not canon). But unfortunately, unless JK Rowling writes another book in the Harry Potter franchise, maybe one adding on to the cursed child, or says that Scorbus is canon, confirms it, Scorbus will still be only fanon, no matter how much the play script says otherwise. 
(BTW the play is really good, I recommend). 
Also, here's a list of Scorbus fanfictions on Wattpad, they’re ranked, #1 - #567
So here’s the link to the list of 557 Scorbus stories (not my pick on any, but I know there are a bunch that are good, and some that are not so good..) https://www.wattpad.com/stories/scorbus/hot 
But yeah, I really wish that Scorbus was canon, but I guess I can settle for it being fanon because I ship it either way!
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drarrymylove · 6 years
#32 for Deamus :)) (also I love reading your writing!)
“I want to break up,” Seamus said, breaking the silence of the library.
Dean dropped his quill and stared at him across the table, “Why?”
“I just, I don’t know, won’t it be easier if we do this now?”
“I didn’t realize we were on a time restraint,” Dean said, trying to gauge where this conversation was going.
“You don’t see it?  Once we’re out of here, done with school, we’ve got different plans.  I can’t expect you to drop you goals to follow me while I work toward mine, or the other way around,” Seamus said.
“So you’ve been thinking this all along?  You never wanted to make this work?”
Seamus rubbed his eyes before looking back up at Dean.  “Of course, I did.  But won’t it hurt that much worse if we just keep waiting?”
“Where did this come from?  What do you mean won’t it hurt worse?  I’m pretty damn hurt right now,” Dean said, doing his best to keep his voice down.
“I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified,” Seamus said.  “I don’t want to spend the next few months falling more in love with you only for us to drift apart.  Neither of us can just give up on our own plans and just follow the other.  It’s not right.”
“No, it’s not right, but you do realize that we’re kind of an exception,” Dean said, reaching for Seamus’ hand. “Not everyone gets to share a room with someone for almost ten months out of the year until they fall in love.  Most people have some space.  And you do realize you’re a wizard, right?  We literally have the magical equivalent of teleportation.  We can be together in an instant if we wanted.  We could use the floo network, or hell, even Skype.  Go muggle on it.  I’m not going to fall out of love with you just because you’re not in my face every day.”
“More like your shoulder,” Seamus said, attempting a smile.
“I only reach your shoulder.  I’m tiny,” Seamus said.
“You’re not tiny everywhere,” Dean said, winking at him.
“You just implied that you’re in love with me, too.”
“Oh thank god, you caught that,” Dean said, with an exaggerated sigh of relief.
“You really want this?  You want to try to make this work?” Seamus asked.
“That was my goal all along.”
Neither of them noticed Madam Pince standing over them until she cleared her throat, effectively scaring the life from both of them.  “If you two can’t have your amorous epiphanies any more quietly, you’ll need to leave,” she said before stalking away.
With barely an awkward pause, Dean asked, “Wanna leave.”
Seamus was already pink cheeked and gathering his things, “Oh, yeah.”
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ao3feed-deamus · 6 years
something about a failure
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2QRrifr
by sadie18
ron feels like a bit of a single loser the couple that visits often doesn't feel that way at all. - alternatively, ron works the counter at a dingy store, and hermione and viktor seem to take an interest to him
Words: 1758, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Viktor Krum, Neville Longbottom
Relationships: Hermione Granger/Viktor Krum/Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger/Viktor Krum, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Viktor Krum/Ron Weasley, Marcus Flint/Oliver Wood, Seamus Finnigan/Dean Thomas
Additional Tags: AU, Alternate Universe - Muggle, Muggle Life, Athletes, implied flintwood, Implied Deamus, Crushes, Polyamory, Threesome - F/M/M, Fluff, Flirting, Awkward Flirting
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2QRrifr
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Late Nights Part 2
Part One Here
6:44 p.m: Harry is wrapping up his report for his last case. He should be finished soon so he can go home to Draco like he said he would. It had been a long time since they had a quiet night to themselves. 
7:03 p.m: He finished the last sentence of the report. Slowly, he stood and cracked his back. A lot of hours were spent at his desk today. He was thankful that the end was near and soon he’d be in the arms of Draco. 
7:10 p.m: As he walked down the hallway so he can turn the report in, he sees Hermione. 
7:12 p.m: When he approached her, he saw that she was a wreck. There was tear tracks down her cheeks and her whole body was shaking. When he asked her what was wrong, she tried to speak but couldn’t. Instead she shook her head and a sob escaped her. Harry moved in to hug her and she cried into his shoulder. 
7:45 p.m: They were both sitting in his office. The couch they were sitting on was meant to comfort victims and their families. But for now, it helped to comfort the broken girl beside him. She still hadn’t explained what had happened. All she could do was cry and stare blankly at the wall. Harry was there for her. He tried to avoid looking at the clock. He knew he had to get home, but he could’t leave Hermione. Not like that.
8:37 p.m: Hermione started to explain what happened. Harry finds out that her and Ron are getting a divorce. Apparently, Hermione had started to have a “little stupid useless crush” on someone else and Ron threw it out of proportion. He had called her some nasty words that Hermione didn’t feel like repeating. 
9:10 p.m: Harry tried to comfort Hermione. She doesn’t know what she’s supposed to do now. There’s no where for her to stay. Harry says he’ll talk to Draco about letting her stay with them for a while. Draco…
10:21 p.m: As she’s talking, Hermione yawned. He suggested that she needs to stay with someone for tonight, but she doesn’t know who. He firecalled Seamus and Dean. When they came into the living room to answer in just their pajama pants, Harry hoped he didn’t interrupt anything. When he asked if Hermione could stay with them, they were more than willing to help out. 
10:32 p.m: After final goodbyes and thank-yous, Hermione flooed to their flat. Quickly, Harry checked the time and moved to floo. Before he could leave, however, a knock sounded at his office door. Checking the time, Harry knew it could only be one person. Sure enough, when he opened the door, a familiar red head was standing there. 
10:43 p.m: After greetings, Ron started to talk. At first, it was about work and friends. But soon, the conversation shifted to Hermione. Harry could tell there was a lot of anger behind his words. After a quick sniff, it was easy to know that Ron was about one beer away from being completely pissed. 
11:02 p.m: Harry checked the clock on his wall and anxiously suggested that Ron should get home. When Ron said he’d apparate, Harry argued against it. He offered to help Ron floo home. Ron agreed. 
11:11 p.m: Usually people make wishes at this time, but not Harry. No, he was dragging a drunk Ron out of the floo and onto the couch of his and Hermione’s flat. I guess it’s not Ron and Hermione’s flat anymore, Harry thought to himself. 
11:38 p.m: Ron truly was helpless when drunk. Harry somehow got him into bed. Making sure there was a glass of water and hangover potion on the night stand, he turned to leave. Before he could, Ron called after him. He asked Harry if he thought Hermione would ever cheat on him. Harry told him that Hermione was a better person than that. Ron finally fell asleep. 
11:42 p.m: Just as Harry grabbed floo powder from the jar on the mantle, he heard a scream coming from Ron’s bedroom. With one wistful look at the clock, he quickly made his way back to Ron’s side. 
12:06 a.m: Harry finally got Ron to calm down and go back to bed. Since the war, all of them have had nightmares. Ron’s had calmed down, but whenever he drank or was really upset, they made a reappearance. Tonight he was both of those things. 
12:11 a.m: Harry was finally back at the fireplace. He rubbed his hand over his face and then moved it to his pocket. His pocket was empty. After a brief moment of panic, he remembered he left it at the office. After a deep sigh of agitation, he grabbed some floo powder and went back to the office once again. 
12:29 a.m: After arriving and rummaging through some drawers, he finally found what he was looking for. With relief, he returned it to his pocket. Now, he could go home. Thinking of Draco brought a smile to his face. Today was one of those days where he really just needed to hold him in his arms. 
12:31 a.m: As he held his arm over the fireplace to drop the powder in, he heard a tap of a beak on his door. He clenched his jaw and moved to open the door for the owl. It was a letter from Pansy, surprisingly enough. They talked, but only because her and Draco were close. Since they all joined the same circle of friends, she was closer to Hermione and Neville (especially considering that he was dating Blaise) than him. She had never written a letter to him, let alone this late at night. 
12:43 a.m: He fed the owl a treat from a jar on his desk. After telling it he would send a response later, it flew out of his office. He considered reading and writing a response now, but he needed to get home to Draco. If he didn’t he might just explode. 
12:47 a.m: He was about to step into green flames when another tapping came from behind him. This time when he turned, he recognized Seamus’ owl. After he took the letter from its beak, it flew away, not expecting a response. He tore into the envelope and read it swiftly. In Dean’s neat handwriting, it told him that Hermione was okay and she was asleep. A wave of relief washed over him. Hopefully, everything would be alright soon. 
12:58 a.m: Finally, with no interruptions, Harry was able to floo home. As he stepped out, the familiar scent of his home and the thought of Draco made a smile grow on his face. Now, he all he needed to do was find Draco. 
Part 3 Here
If you like what I do, Buy Me a Coffee
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Chapters: 16/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Characters: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Teddy Lupin, Andromeda Black Tonks Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, HP: EWE, Post-War, Aurors, College, University, University Student Harry, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Draco Malfoy Has Issues, Draco Malfoy in the Muggle World, Harry Potter Has PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Drug Abuse, Drug Addiction, Mental Health Issues, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Eating Disorders, Slow Burn, Extreme slow burn, Original Character(s), black!harry, POC!Harry, Muslim!Harry, Vietnamese!Neville, black!Hermione, Deamus, Minor Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley Summary:
Following the events of the Second Wizarding War, Harry decides to enroll in auror training with several friends; however, after a year he realizes that the wizarding world is still too complicated for him and matriculates at the University of Manchester. Although soon, he encounters old rival Draco Malfoy.
This work is a reworking of Someone Old, No One New, as such there are many plot differences. However, overarching story details remain the same. This is partially in Draco Malfoy's POV as well as Harry Potter's. All triggers will be announced at the beginning of a chapter or just before a particularly jarring event.
Editor and beta-reader is AnarchyIII.
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What is with bitches talking about "Dumbledore is a horrible person because he scolded Harry for/discouraged Harry from helping that poor little baby Tom Riddle who was in the same position he was in!" Stop! Stop, just STOP! Because it's a lie! Dumbledore NEVER said "Don't help that "baby", don't feel sorry for him!" He never says "Don't help!" He literally only said "We CANNOT help." Dumbledore only told the truth, that Harry couldn't help Tom, not that he shouldn't! Harry looks back at Tom's soul fragment twice, and Dumbledore says nothing. He literally could have done anything he wanted, but he didn't because he knew that there was nothing he could do. And is it really so bad? Why would Harry feel fucking sympathy for the guy who orphaned him and ruined his life? Who tried to MURDER HIM for YEARS, I certainly wouldn't feel sorry for that guy. And Harry did feel some pity for him, I wouldn't. But since Harry is a much better person than me I would have been "Fuck you" and kept it moving. There was this post also about how homophobic JK supposedly is for saying that "gay will turn you evil", and putting Deamus in the closet (Deamus isn't canon tho. It's hardly implied that it is) and talking about how Dumbledore "supposedly" cared for Hogwarts but that was debatable given how "manipulative, cold, cruel and inconsiderate" he is. Dumbledore is manipulative, sometimes cold but he's not inconsiderate, unless you count those that don't deserve consideration. This guy is even considerate to his ENEMIES, and he's inconsiderate?! For real?! And he's far from cruel, so I don't know where you get that from. So he didn't "swear off love" after Grindelwald. Uh, but HE DID THO. By swearing off love, JKR meant ROMANTIC love. Not platonic love, you can't swear that off because any human being would go crazy without affection. It's in the hierarchy of needs, seriously. So stop twisting people's words to bash Dumbledore and Joanne, it's not cute.
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"Please! Stop it! All of you!"
Thanks to McGonagall's goal of house unity, Harry was sitting in a room full of gryffindors, ravenclaws, hufflepuffs, and slytherins. After one too many fights between himself and Malfoy, McGonagall declared a party between all the upperclassmen (Years 6 and up). It was meant to be an innocent, let's stop trying to kill each other, party. That changed when someone brought alcohol into the mix. 
Everyone should know alcohol and gryffindors do not mix. Seamus was on a table with his shirt off, dancing to music that wasn't there. On the side you could see Dean watching him with a glazed look on his face. Lavender was going around kissing every person, regardless of house or gender. Ron was giving a piggyback ride to a giggling Hermione. They kept swaying back and forth and Harry thought it might be a good idea to stop them before they got hurt. 
As he got up to do just that, he heard something behind him that made him feel a chill that ran to his bones. "They may as well just bring people straight from Azkaban to this school. Letting death-eater scum like you in," a boy said. Harry thought it sounded awfully like Micheal Corner. 
He turned to see Malfoy staring down Micheal with his teeth clenched. His heart ached at the sight. Micheal shoved Malfoy slightly back, and before Harry knew it, he was stalking up to them and drawing his wand. In a blink of an eye, Micheal was laying on the floor, a full body binding curse keeping him in place. Malfoy looked down at his body and then up again to meet Harry's face. 
If possible, his face became harder than it was before. Harry gulped as Malfoy stepped up to him. "I can handle myself, Potter," Malfoy spat. Anger was swimming in his eyes and for a moment, Harry couldn't look away. 
"I'm sure you can, Malfoy. I've wanted to do that to that little git since fifth year. It isn't about you," Harry snapped back. He let his jaw clench and his hands formed fists at his sides. 
 Pansy stepped up next to Malfoy and said, "Leave us alone Potter. None of us want to see your 'heroics' tonight." Harry could feel a crowd forming. He was regretting making such a scene. 
"Is there a problem, Harry?" Dean asked. He had stepped in to back Harry up, along with Seamus (still shirtless), Ron, Ginny, and Luna. Though, Luna didn't seem to notice the tension; Harry assumed she was just following her girlfriend, Ginny. 
Harry opened his mouth to say 'No,' but someone else spoke before he could. "There wouldn't be if Savior boy would just mind his own damn business," a new voice, Blaise Zabini, said. Harry looked back to Malfoy to see apprehension clouding his gaze. Neither of them wanted this. There were more slytherins and gryffindors coming up to face each other. Alcohol had made everyone more confrontational it seemed. 
Harry wasn't sure who casted first, but soon hexes and jinxes were flying throughout the room. Instinctively, Harry cast a Protego charm to surround him and Draco. Draco who had wide eyes and a look of fear in his face. "Hey," Harry said softly. 
"Harry," Draco said in an apologetic tone. Harry nodded in understanding. He took down the protective shield and held his wand up. They began to cast spells at each other, all "missing" their intended target. 
"Expelliarmus!" Harry cast and Draco's wand shot out of his hand and towards him. Harry gave a small apologetic smile that only Draco could see and then turned to see the utter chaos around them. Distracted, he didn't see Draco move towards him. He reached for his wand and then they were struggling. They were so close. If Harry moved just a little closer... but no, he couldn't do that. Right as Draco regained contour of his wand, Hermione's voice sprung out into the room, 
"Please! Stop it! All of you!" Everyone froze at the witches words. No one wanted to cross the brightest with of their age. As everyone stared at Hermione, Harry and Draco stared at each other. Millions of thoughts and emotions running across both their faces. Harry wished with all he had that he could just move and close the small gap between them. It was only a couple of inches. They stared into each other's eyes and Harry saw Draco give the smallest of nods. 
"You guys act like you're five years old! The war is over, if you haven't noticed. We all need to grow up and move on. No more animosity. It's childish and-" Hermione cut off with a gasp, staring at Harry who was snogging Draco Malfoy on the other side of the room. Everyone followed her gaze. Their was an eruption of disgusted sounds, exclamations, and even cheers. Harry and Draco didn't stop. 
"Alright everyone," Hermione called, gaining everyone's attention once more. "I think it's time to go to our dormitories and get some sleep." To everyone's dismay, she filed everyone out and placed a quick silencing charm on the room they just exited. 
"Harry," Draco gasped, breaking the kiss. They stared at each other in disbelief for a few seconds. Looking around, they saw that they were alone. 
"I think we just came out to everyone," Harry said. Draco's eyes widened in realization. 
"Oh god," he let out. His breathing was becoming shallow and Harry quickly released him. 
"Hey breathe," Harry said. "Count with me by threes: 3, 6, 9..." Draco counted with him all the way to 100 and then 200. His heart was till beating rapidly, but his breathing was slowly returning to normal. 
"Do we need to try something else?" Harry asked. Draco nodded fervently and Harry took a calming breath. "Okay let's breath in long and slow," Harry said and Draco did. "Feel the tension in your muscles." Draco focused on the tenseness of his body. "Now breathe out slowly, allowing the tension to leave your body. Tell your body to relax and focus on loosening your body," Harry said. He did it as Draco did. "Do this until you feel better," Harry instructed and Draco followed through everything again. After about five times, his body felt more relaxed. His breathing was normal and although his heartbeat wasn't exactly normal, it was slower. 
"Better?" Harry asked. Draco nodded and moved towards him. His arms opened to accommodate Draco and they embraced. "Everything will be okay. It'll be crazy at first, but soon they'll get another piece of gossip and leave us alone," Harry soothed. Draco hummed. "It'll be okay," Harry said. Crazily enough, it was okay, because they were together.
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ao3feed-deamus · 6 years
Deamus Drabble #1
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2MxHeQT
by Dexiha
Well, this is a 870 words ficlet, so the tag "getting together" should be enough to summarise the entire content...
Words: 871, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Michael Corner, Neville Longbottom
Relationships: Seamus Finnigan/Dean Thomas
Additional Tags: Getting Together, Hogwarts Eighth Year, Implied Draco/Harry - Freeform, Implied Neville/Michael Corner
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2MxHeQT
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