#implied byler
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sabbathbloodysabbeth · 2 years ago
I’m going to toss my hand in and try something new let me know if it makes sense. Also, I wasn’t sure what to tag so I tagged a little bit of everything lol.
Gareth was on book return duty. Taking a book from the over-growing pile of books, opening the back to check when it was taken out. Before going to the persons name and stamping that they returned the book.
Moving his ringed fingers up he swooped his hair off to the side a bit. Not sure if he enjoyed the middle part yet, deciding to give up on the product and just let it fall loosely down the sides of his face.
Moving he picks up the hobbit next. Tapping his fingers to the rhythm of a Black Sabbath song. While Eddie seemed to be going through a hard core Metallica phase Gareth was enjoying the stonerish vibes of early Black Sabbath. While he preferred Ozzy, Eddie enjoyed Dio more. If the Dio shirt sewn on the back his vest said anything.
Flipping the book over, a piece of paper falls out of the book. Groaning Gareth rolls his eyes as he moves bending down and picking up the face down page that had landed itself on the carpet. Kids really needed to fucking learn how to remember to pull shit out of their books before returning them because Gareth was not going to go on a witch hunt to return shit.
Glancing down he raises a eyebrow feeling rather impressed with the drawing in front of him. Looking around he was curious to see if who ever returned this book would still be here. He moves rolling back to the desk quickly as he checks who had the book last.
Will Byers.
The kid must have forgotten to pull it out, using it as a book mark. It was a pretty sick drawing of a boy. Who after a moment or staring Gareth recognizes as Mike. He snaps his fingers as he spins in a celebratory circle of knowing who it was. It was a very detailed piece of work, a little sad as he looks closer. Noticing scratch marks from where the pencil dug into the page a little to much, leaving not only scratches but little idents as well.
He carefully folds it back up, hoping that it wasn’t to weird to be carrying around a fellow hellfire club members portrait. Gareth had heard Will also played but it seemed like he was avoiding the club.
Who knows and who fucking cares.
Gareth decides to make an acception just this once. It would be a pity if this drawing was thrown away. So he uses his library access to look up the kids locker number. Abusing his powers if you will, as the stupid thing makes a soft beeping noise as it loads up. Rolling his eyes he slams the side of the computer a little before groaning loudly when he realizes he’s only made it go much slower.
Huffing to himself he begins to work on returning the other books. Forgetting about the whole thing until he went to shut the computer off. Quickly scribbling the number down and sliding that along with the drawing as he gets ready to leave. Picking up his flannel vest and sliding it over his shoulders as he picks his bag up and starts to leave. On a mission to get this drawing slid into the locker. But his plans are forgotten as Eddie stumbles in a run, nearly knocking him over in the process.
“What the fuck Eddie!” He sounds annoyed, glaring his best resting bitch face at the other who simply grins. Softening Gareth’s reaction just a smidge as he shakes his head trying to stay annoyed with the other as he begins to close the library doors. School had been let out almost a hour ago, so why was Eddie still in the school.
“I need your help, I have this friend right. And I’m trying to get him to read the hobbit. And well he has this problem. Where he can’t see the tiny words … and read at all because the words move. I heard there were talking books. Hypothetically where would I get one of those Gare bear.” His ringed hands are clamped shut, in a sign of pleading. He’s pretty sure the guy was going to drop to his knees and start begging for his help.
Gareth rolls his eyes as he pops the library key in his pocket. Forgetting about the two papers inside as he raises a eyebrow. “You mean audiobooks?” His tone is a smidge patronizing but that was just Gareths lack of self awareness when it comes to tone.
“Yes that!” Eddie snaps his finger as he moves to wrap his arm around Gareths shoulder, slowly beginning to move him around a bit. Ignoring the uncomfortable look the other has just for a second before quickly pulling back when he realizes his mistake. “Sorry Gary, wasn’t thinking.”
“Kind of hard to do that with no brain.” Gareth says in a slightly dull tone. He was exhausted and ready to go home. Curl up in a ball and watch Voltron or something that was really easy to digest because there was no working brain cell in his head right now. Something that was very typical of him after reading so many names in one sitting.
“Oh you pain me Care Bear. You pain me so.” Eddie dramatically tosses his head back before he straightens up a bit more serious. “Though where would I find these ‘audiobooks’?” He puts quotations around the name as he does a side shuffle down the hall so he could keep looking at Gareth.
“Hawkins free library, should be a small pile. If they don’t have the hobbit then you’re going to have to read it to this person.” Gareth says, grin pulling its way to his face as he watches Eddie grow flustered.
“No can’t do that, um- okay! Thank you Sir Gare’alot, you’re character shall have many rewards if this pans out.” Eddie salutes before he’s stumbling backwards and sprinting down the halls before a teacher caught him.
Gareth rolls his eyes as he leaves the school, forgetting all about the drawing until it fell out on his bedroom floor. Pinching his eyebrows together he groans as he realizes that he was going to have to return it first thing in the morning or else it was never going to be returned.
Which he does as he fiddles with his drumsticks in one hand and carry’s the folded paper with the other. Grumbling under his breath as he realizes the boy was currently at his locker. Silently pulling books from the top shelf as he gets ready for first class. Gareth should be to but this was something he had to do, his brain was refusing to let him back out.
Sliding up against the lockers he tries to muster his best Eddie impression but instead he ends up seemingly more bitchy then before. “Think you forgot this in your library return.” He says tilting his head a little as he holds the paper out between his two fingers. Watching the shy boys eyes grow wide, face blooming red as he snatches it quickly and hides it in his locker. Hands shaking and he looks like he’s about to piss himself.
Gareth realizes now that this situation could be misread, he really should start to look out for every outcome possible as he groans. Pulling his flannel out like a drug dealer with a trench-coat. Revealing the little rainbow pin that hides itself on his belt loop. Wills shoulders relax a bit as Gareth moves awkwardly patting his back.
“It’s cool man, but Mike fucking Wheeler?” He teases with a amused smile. “Way more sheep in the sea or whatever,” he grumbles a little with a soft flush to his cheeks as he stumbles over his words with the way the other looks at him.
“Freak!” A fit of laughter is heard right before Gareth is slammed into the locker. Groaning as he glared at the guy who did it. Moving to throw his drum stick at the back of the assholes head before Will stops him. Hand barley wrapped around his wrist to stop him.
“Not worth it man, only going to get your stick broken.” Will says gently as he lets go of his hand before stepping back a little closing his locker door. Gareth felt so embarrassed, heart racing as he wished he could meet someone new without some asshole ruining it for him.
“So, freak huh?” Will asks gently with a soft smile. “I don’t know if you’ve heard but I’m Zombie boy.” He awkwardly holds his hand out for the other to shake.
Gareth furrows his eyebrows before he decides the other wasn’t picking on him. Wrapping his hand around the other in a shake as he grins gently. “Sounds like we are from some marvel comic, freak and zombie boy.” He jokes. Watching the way the others eyes bright up with excitement.
The damn breaking as they both start to talk about everything and anything they can within ten minutes. Info dumping as much as possible.
So I set this up to where that it could be purely platonic greatwise with byler in the background or romantic greatwise with one sided byler. It’s up to interpretation (: for that, I just wanted Will to make a friend.
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jacksaton · 3 months ago
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Based on a post i saw on twitter
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urthefartmike · 2 months ago
finn wolfhard gets asked a question on milkvan: “i mean they’re definitely a couple GOING INTO season 5 but that’s all i can say there.”
noah schnapp gets asked a question on byler: “oh my god you guys are gonna get me in so much trouble i don’t wanna say anything because it’s spoilers!”
well it’s really interesting that questions about s5 milkvan are perfectly fine to briefly discuss but literally anything about s5 byler is deemed as a big ol’ spoiler.
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soniclion92 · 1 year ago
This took ages but it was worth it i think
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curiositydoorunlocked · 3 months ago
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Stranger Things 4 + The Onion headlines
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fruitbythefoot7 · 5 months ago
bylerween day 3: graveyard & zombies, haunt, young byler & old byler (ish) 
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and what if will never came back?
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livsmessydoodles · 2 years ago
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someone who gets it
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phoebebuggers · 1 month ago
i no longer think mike is getting 'vecna'd' in season 5
i know this was just a long-held fan theory post s4 and it wasn't something people were necessarily counting on anyways but it seems pretty unlikely to me atp for a couple reasons
we know vecna isn't targeting people with the vecna's curse like he did in season 4 anymore, and one of the major reasons we thought mike was a target had to do with how that curse involved characters, always teens, who were vulnerable or had something they were struggling with (abuse, guilt, grief, etc) that vecna could use against them. mike dealing with his repressed feelings would have fit right in. however if the leaks are true we can assume vecna is targeting young kids at the creel house this season, going as mr. whatsit...he's also definitely targeting will (and probably el?) in some way separate from whatever's going on with holly
i am curious how mike's feelings for will and internalized homophobia (assuming byler is canon🕯️🕯️🕯️) will be explored if vecna isn't involved...the reason a lot of people predicted mike being vecna'd was because of just how repressed he most likely is. he doesn't even understand how he feels and having some outside supernatural force seems almost necessary to making him face reality head on. if this force isn't present, i really am curious how mike's feelings and self-discovery will be sold to the audience...lots to think about
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imactuallyreallycool · 1 year ago
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Day 1 of @bylerween2023 Ghosts & Hauntings
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sleepymrshmllow · 2 years ago
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insp 🌸
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somesaintiam · 5 months ago
@bylerween Day 1: Demo Creatures, Summon
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Backstory Below!!
During the apocalypse, Mike and Will had to seek refuge in a barn. Little did both of them know- they were not alone in the farm building. Will begins perceiving a new Demo Creature even he has never seen. The creature has a set of layered teeth, tentacles, and possesses a gaping mouth. Mike is unable to see it.
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years ago
Welcome to a series I'm calling:
Yes, that scene did foreshadow Mike's monologue was disingenuous
Because you'd be surprised how many times the show (even prior to s4) has poked fun at Mike's monologue in the most random ways.
The Bingham's Beautiful Performance
First we have Suzie's sister on the floor, bedazzled and sporting a veil all while her brother is filming. This is basically the kids attempting to present a tale of a romance ending in gruesome tragedy.
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Our bride here is El. The edition of the veil could be a nod to the loud majority's series long assumption that Mike and El are going to end the show together, preferably getting married.
Unfortunately, this is the closest thing they'll ever get to it, with the acknowledgement of that possibility in and of itself being mocked.
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This next shot makes the likelihood that these scenes are connected pretty much indisputable, that being the edition of the record player behind the bride's head.
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The only reason they made a point of having Will push the radio out of El's way, was to subtly connect this moment in Surfer boy to the beautiful performance we saw at the Bingham's only a few episodes prior (scenes that are widely known to be filled with foreshadowing for the season's ending).
A few bylers have already talked about these parallels, so this isn't new knowledge per say. But I do know some have dropped it altogether as possible foreshadowing for whatever reason, while most fans outside of the byler fandom insist it only foreshadowed Eddie's death. However, I think there are too many details that equally, if not more connect it to Mike's monologue than to Eddie's death.
Some fans have also noticed how Will was missing in quite a few shots at the Bingham's, which is interesting, but not all that surprising. Especially in this case...
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Will. Will is the director
Will directed the monologue when he used his feelings to inspire Mike, with the reminder of it (literally in the moment) directing Mike to confess to El, just like Suzie's brother directed that beautiful performance. Both performances convincingly left its audience thinking that the performers feelings in that moment were believable and...
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parkitaco · 5 months ago
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ok wip wednesday is over in four minutes but i just wrote this and i fear it fucks severely
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smalltownduck · 2 months ago
the fact that they had dustin's (likely) first crush on someone older -
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who was both a major inspo for his dream girl concept (witty, smart, badass, cool nerd)-
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and the one who reassured him he will love and will be loved in the future, even when he thought that might be a hopeless pursuit for him, the way the world works-
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(couldn't find a gif with the line "Girls this age are... dumb. But when they get a little older and wise up, you're gonna drive them nuts.")
be the older sister of one of his best friends, nancy wheeler, will never not be funny.
i mean
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It’s wild how they try to make us feel crazy and delusional for believing Byler will happen when Byler is literally a plot line set up by the show. Like it’s not some kind of chronically online conspiracy or based on queer “vibes.”
Will is canonically in love with Mike and made a veiled love confession through a painting that serves as a concrete, narrative Chekhov’s gun moving into the final season. The only thing they can cling onto is that Mlvn is currently canon, but that doesn’t prove anything when Byler is within the show’s text as well.
Like, why would it be delulu to believe something semi-canon will be fully canon? Mike’s perceived heterosexuality is a thin wall of glass that prevents people from recognizing what would otherwise be a straightforward love triangle situation that no one would be able to call us delusional for, even with Mike’s infamous monologue in the pizza shop.
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byleriscanon · 5 months ago
daily post of me pondering what the fuck was this about
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