#imma make this a series now
Heyya Guys 👋
Today I am going to tell you about some 'Local gods' of Kerala (my homeland)
vishnumaya chaathan
Vishnumaya chaathan is the god of magic. Born to Shiva and koolivaka ( and avatar of Devi parvathi) , he is the youngest son of Lord Shiva after Ayyappan, soo he is the Lil guy of our Kailash family!!
Vishnumaya chaathan, is also mischevious in nature , he loves his devotees soo much and is also very protective of him.
He rides a Buffalo 🐃 (his favourite animal by the way)
And also has a stick in his hand. So...let's Know his story.
Story ✨
So one day Kirathan ( the hunter avatar of Lord Shiva) , was hunting and he saw a beautiful women, she is none other than Koolivaka , Kirathan instantly Fell in love with her and desired to Marry her , and he revealed that .
*for an extra note : this Koolivaka is not Parvathy, Koolivaka was actually a reincarnation of a sevika of Parvati, who was cursed* *Please Don't kill me for showing Shiva as a lover boy , but this is what actually happened*
Koolivaka was really nervous, as she knew he is none other than Shiva himself. But she accepted the proposal. Kirathan was very happy, and he went away for hunting.
Koolivaka was really Nervous , She didn't knew what to do , and then she got an Idea..she prayed to Devi Parvathi. Parvati appeared in front of her , and asks Koolivaka the matter . Koolivaka revealed the incidents. Parvathi became very pleased with her innocence, and she told Koolivaka Not to worry , and she herself will take the form of Koolivaka and will Marry Kirathan. Koolivaka was also happy.
And then Devi parvathi, Turned into Koolivaka's Form and Married Kirathan. And Kirathan and Koolivaka (Parvathy) had a Son.
Parvati gave The baby boy to Koolivaka to raise . And went back to Kailash.
Vishnumaya realises ✨
After many years Vishnumaya grown to a handsome teenager, He had lotus shaped eyes, black wavy hair , He loved to wear black Angavastram. Vishnumaya spent his childhood in the jungle , he loves to play an Instrument Called 'Eezara' ( a string instrument) , and loved to ride buffaloes.
After a long day , Vishnumaya came back to his little house ,and saw His mother Koolivaka lost in her thoughts, when he asked her what had happened, she revealed that He is actually the son of Lord Shiva and Parvati. Vishnumaya was shocked at the revelation, but He gave a smile and Said to Koolivaka that She will always remain as his Mother. Now Vishnumaya, had a wish...To visit Kailash and meet his REAL PARENTS.
A visit to Kailash 🏔️
Koolivaka Agreed to Vishnumaya's demand and they started leaving to the Himalayas, Several Days passed , Vishnumaya and his Mother Koolivaka , walked and walked through the stony path of the forest , the grainy and dry sands of the Desert.and finally they reached the Destination. But ..they had a problem.
Thus Named ✨❤️
Vishnumaya saw Nandi , and he knew that Nandi won't allow any Strangers to Kailash, Koolivaka nervously looked at Vishnumaya . And He got an Idea. He used his Maya (illution) and turned himself into the form of Lord Vishnu. He then walked to Nandi , and said that he had come to see Mahadev for an important reason. Nandi allowed Vishnumaya and Koolivaka inside kailash. And Vishnumaya returned to his original form. Parvati saw Vishnumaya and Hugged him, she showered her motherly affection on him. Shiva also saw him , He also showered his fatherly affection on him . Shiva said that He will be named as VISHNUMAYA , as he assumed the form of Vishnu with his Maya. Shiva was extremely protective of Vishnumaya. Shiva then told that Vishnumaya will have to stay in kailash for an Important job...
What will be the Reason??
to be continued....
*this author is actually a worshipper of Vishnumaya 😁*
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benetnvsch · 11 months
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knkdz in silly shirts I've seen recently
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25shadesoffebruary · 1 year
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I want to see you happy.
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oobbbear · 7 months
I barely animate myself but oh how I want to dissect others animation frame by frame I can talk for hours if you don’t watch animation frame by frame you’re missing out big time
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My favorite thing my warden says in combat is "Have you no concern for your own existence!?"
She says it in every fight, I love it so much. Every time I replay, Rose needs to have the wise voice, I need to hear her say her battle catchphrase a million times per playthrough.
But my favorite time she's ever said it was when we went back to Ostagar. We've got Rose, Alistair, the mabari, and Wynne all together reliving the trauma of the battle right before we head to the landsmeet. We're actually super close to the end game so tension's high.
We're fighting darkspawn, but uh oh! "Look there--a cunning trap!" over by the stairs!
I rush Rose over there to disarm the trap, only to get interrupted by the last hurlock jumping in my way... and I see Alistair step in the damn thing just as Rose shrieks, "Have you no concern for your own existence!?"
I know in my heart of hearts that she actually said that to him. Alistair cannot stop himself, if there's an obvious bear trap on the floor, my man's gonna step in it.
By the way, I wanna know other people's favorite things their warden says. I know the ladder comment is a popular one for the violent voice, but I wanna hear all the others.
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truly-morgan · 3 months
So I may or may not have binged Death By Dying and really enjoyed it. It's exactly the kind of vibe I love, crazy shit happening in a town where crazy shit is just, well, the usual. Same for Welcome To Night Vale (although I need to restart that one since I haven't listened to it in a while and had stopped far into the episodes).
Would anyone have any podcast with similar vibes to this one? I took notes from a couple of titles already, but am open to more suggestions in case maybe I don't get as hooked on those other ones.
-Where The Star Fell -I Am In Eskew -Neighbourly -Mayfair Watchers Society
also, due to the crossover with dbd I found that the SCP Archive could be interesting, but imma have to see how it looks.
Anyway, if anyone has suggestions with other podcasts that are similarly vibed as those, where the crazy and weirdness is just normal. Or something with some comedy horror. Am in a bit of a writing binge, but podcasts make for a great background when I draw and do other things.
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ravensmadreads · 11 months
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muckmagister · 1 year
sweet dreams!!! take care of yourself 🌇
:> ..okie goodnight !
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majimassqueaktoy · 2 years
I have issues with how the ladies in this series get treated I really, really do but every time I see a take that says /every single female character/ in this series is boring or terrible or not interesting I'm just like. Oh. So you have no taste? Okay. That's fine. You're allowed to have bad taste. I'm not trying to explode you with my mind rn I promise. It's chill.
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iguessitsjustme · 2 years
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Don’t mind that scream you hear off in the distance, it’s just me.
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yourroyalhoneyness · 1 year
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Transformers rise of the Beast full movie now out on Paramount to stream the guys it was supposed to be streaming by September it's July they released it ahead of time
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gokufangirl · 2 years
so, last month i had, like an entire month of break and me being oh so wise and with nothing better to do, have scoured the deep ends and trudged through the marshes of the chi-chi/son goku tag on ao3 AND ffn and discovered oh so many lovely little treasures and have now returned with a whole treasure trove of gochi fanfics which i shall kindly share with you all just because
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secludedsunflower · 1 year
Remus: Science Olympiad is so punk rock! Sirius: Interesting.
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redwinterroses · 2 years
Agreed agreed agreed! I really hope Impulse's stream goes well!
Also that tag about HP being vilified from the other side earlier on is so true, I remember at church as a kid there was always someone complaining about how it was about "evil magic and witches" and even though my family was more reasonable and I always knew it was okay to read fantasy, I still never got into the series until later, and almost immediately after I bought the books and started getting into the fandom I found out about the author's awful tweets and stuff, it really feels like there was about a one-day window of okay-ness for me to get into it lol!
LOL, I WAS that kid for several years, to my everlasting embarrassment. Didn't read it until college, at which point I was in a group of friends who ALSO felt that way so my one friend who convinced me to read it and I referred to it as "the book about the boy on the train."
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unripe-lemon · 5 months
Since i know no one will see this:
1 note and i will email my therapist
ok so for this one,, like since then i have emailed my therapist?? that counts right????? tbh i dont even know what to talk abt anymore, but i do have a session with her so dw
2 notes and ill put my laundry away
ugh….. stupid. internet.. making me do things that will make my life easier…. gugh yeah i put my laundry away!!!!! everyone clap now
5 notes and ill try to brush my teeth more often
ok so like for this one i found this video https://youtu.be/pvutTiPY7q8?si=PASnBmUXZ0xiHzWM imma sing this song to myself every tike i dont feel like brushing my teeth
6 notes and ill try to put on cream for my dermatitis (anxiety hives!!! yayyy!!!!) more often
just did it hehe :) tho it is getting a little worse and my kitten scratched me on top of it 😭
10 notes and ill attempt to learn my timestables
11 notes and ill study for my exams
my exams are over!!!! so idk what to do for this one? maybe ill go do my homework instead
20 notes and ill try to go one day without using my pc/phone
30 notes and ill vaccum (more bc we just adopted kittens) my room entirely
40 notes and ill try to explain my depression to my mom again
50 notes and ill clean my locker out at school
imma do this tmr!!!
i forgot 😭 someone remind me
80 notes and ill fix the posters that are falling off of my wall and are probably going to rip soon
doing this rn! taking dinner break
100 notes and ill REALLY unpack everything with my therapist
maybe tmr?
we talked about medication and kittens, also exams so like success??
200 notes and ill ask my mom if we can go to my go and get! me! medicated!
ill discuss w therapist tmr
discussed with therapist, we are now getting the conversation started with my mom and are going to see what my gp says after that!! :) ty to everyone in the notes rooting for meds
300 notes and ill re organise my bookshelf
400 notes and ill clean all of the mold off of my wall
damn 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 ion wannaaaaaaaa
this is a weekend activity tbh, and idk if its even going to BE this weekend :P
500 notes and ill clean the mold off of my roof
600 notes and ill try sewing some new clothes
i crocheted a scarf!!! does that count?
700 notes and ill buy some new shoes
800 notes and ill check out dnd club at school (im scared)
900 notes and ill come up with more goals
edit: bro……. 😭
so im gonna take my time w these bc there is a lot to go thru!! i will try my best to remember to update!!! ty for notes :)
- random internet stranger
ok so like i have to come up with more goals now???
1500 and ill start taking study notes with a study method (rb with study method that is your fav eg cornell method)
1700 and ill attempt to hype myself up enough to eat at school (long story, germs)
2000 notes and ill start whatever book wins this poll:
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