#imgur is a little dumb
teodyssey · 2 years
Work's being dumb and my staffers are not showing up. They are making nuisances of themselves. The patients at least are staying quiet and behaving themselves. It must be the holiday cheer making them less belligerent.
I'm all packed to head over to my boyfriends place. Though I must say that the weather doesn't looktoo accommodating of my Christmas plans. We are experiencing a polar vortex which has temperature anomalies hitting all areas of the North American continent with - 33 degrees in some areas. So we are expecting a flash freeze.
In better news I have compiled my audio-visual library on my phone. I can begin the long and laborious task of uploading my pics in earnest. Hopefully this is a new beginning that sparks a new era for my art making.
My readings have been good too! I found a neat website with free books! PDFs galore. I got Atomic Habits by James Clear, a neat little Chinese history textbook, the enchanted forest series and a bunch more. It's been a lot of fun. I have learnt a lot. I just need some time to implement some of the things I've read.
I am much happier with tumblr now that I have an entry level idea of how to operate and navigate the site. The things I have seen here are remarkable. There's so many diverse ideas casually bring thrown around. I thought I was well served by Twitter and imgur. I was wrong. This is the font of weird and wonderful truths.
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goddamnwebcomics · 11 months
Peter & Company (The Original) and P&C Exclusive: How Peter Met Seth
Woah woah, man! Don’t Woah woah, man! Don’t get ahead of yourself. You can’t just go about and end your comic dive with the Peterverse with just porn, even if it would so amuse me going back to those old pages. I was going to save these for a later date when you got through a good chunk of the comic, but since tjimmy had to go in and mention those porn comics so soon, I guess I’ll have to chime in and bring this up now. Two things you have to know.
1. This version of Peter & Company you’re reading right now is not the original one. The one you’re reading right now is the 2005 reboot version of an older version of the comic that was done in 1998 to 2004. It was an old comic strip he hosted in his high school and college years before canceling it.
2. There’s a book exclusive origin story of how Seth and Peter met. They make reference of this around 190 pages in (you’ll know when you see it).
Peter & Company (1998 to 2004):
This original version of P&C was a slice-of-life, cartoon gag-ish webcomic by Jon Ponikvar. 
As the title implies, it focuses on Peter and his titular company of friends. They go on many misadventures in their little town of Newington Forest like getting into water balloon fights, trying to scare each other, taking camping trips, accidently creating life, the usual kid stuff.
Peter, Seth, Iggy, Skin, Chelsea, Ezzy, Persephoni (nicknamed Q-Tip), Jeff, Eddy, Dr. Fritz and even the Worms make appearances in the old series with alternate roles and personalities (Seth and Skin are just normal kids, Persephoni and Eddy are just non-anthro talking animals, Peter and Ezzy aren’t related, etc) whilst keeping certain quirks for the reboot. There’s also an additional set of cast members that didn’t make it in the reboot like Chelsea’s other friends Levi and Birdy, her adopted parents Mandy Mink and Freddy Fox, Mandy’s best friend Betsy Batt, Freddy’s obsessive ex Keri the Siberian Tiger (who just looks like a G-rated Zig Zag), the junkyard animals that Eddy and Persephoni hang out with, and more. It’s an overly large and frankly one-note cast of characters, but it does make the world feel more lived in compared to its rebooted counterpart. It also suffered from a bad flow of unfocused stories, questionable (sometimes forced) comedy, and bit too wacky in certain places.
It was never re-released publicly because the author thought it was embarrassing or thought it would confuse readers from the newer version they’re reading. Personally, I think that’s a very dumb reason to hide this away from readers on a story that gives context to some things that end up in your reboot, but whatever. It’s here now. You don’t really need to read it, but it explains a few things like where the worms came from and what roles some of the cast from the 2005 version were like back then.
Peter And Company Book - Exclusive Comic #1: How Peter Met Seth:
It’s basically just what it is. An origin story showing us how miserable Peter is from being lonely, friendless, bullied, and neglected by his mother (elements that the webcomic for some reason doesn’t replicate well at all) before meeting Seth. It’s sad that this is the only time where you can actually feel bad about Peter. It does a better job at showing off our main character’s plights and introducing Seth as his Guardian. It’s more clear how pitiful he is compared to the main webcomic where it’s more comedic and he’s insufferable and unlucky.
The Old Version of the comic can be seen on E-hentai (here) and Imgur (here).
You can see the Exclusive Comic the same way through E-hentai (here) and Imgur (here).
Oh you’ve got to be SHITTING ME. When the hell did anyone mention there was a pre-reboot version of P&C? I don’t care if some of you mentioned it once. Obviously it has been years or it was part of a wall of text. The Peterverse rabbit hole never ends.
I should’ve started with the pre-reboot comic and then went into the main comic. These changes sound interesting and I almost feel like the original version does help a lot of the reboot make sense. But what’s done is done, I may target this comic before I move on to Peter and Whitney, I guess I will eventually start missing the pre-Whitney wackiness of this comic.
As for the exclusive, I feel like that could be riffed after the pre-reboot but before Peter and Whitney as sort of a curtain call to the original wackier era of the comic, so the order of the Peterverse riff would be Peter and Company -> Peter and Company Original Version -> How Peter met Seth -> Peter and Whitney -> Peter and Whitney Porn
Man, E-hentai is a bigger blessing to webcomic preservation than Internet Archive. They deserve some sort of a medal.
That bing said I wouldn’t be surprised if when I wake up tomorrow, someone is already suggesting me to riff Peter and Company: The Musical.
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just started reading and the au looks cool! my one question is why all the music links are broken, they all have unneeded spaces that make them not work anymore.
oh it's simple! you see i put the links in as normal and then, because imgur is a very silly and wacky website decides it needs to break the link and there's literally nothing i can do about it! i understand it's like so... people don't go clicking on unsafe links or whatever and you need to have a certain number of website points to use it properly but it's just so annoying to deal with sometimes and yeah i can't do anything about it, you simply just need to copy and paste the links and get rid of the like 2-3 spaces it adds and it should work
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sailorspazz · 4 years
10 Dance Special Booklet - Taboo and Habanera [English Translation]
I present to you my project of the last few weeks: an English version of the comics that came with the Japanese special edition of vol. 4. (Thanks to @words-unleashed​ for providing cleaned scans!) Since it’s definitely not Tumblr Safe, the full scanlation can be found at imgur. com/a/HgbwYk1 (sorry to write it out weird, but Tumblr hides posts with external links when you tag search, so just copy and delete the extra spacing and you should be able to access it).
As a bonus, I also made a subtitled version of the track from the drama CDs that includes the “Taboo” portion of the story. The dialogue is mostly the same, with some additions/deletions, but if you want to hear all the steamy action as well as read it, definitely check that out, too. Since it was long, I had to split the video on Tumblr; start with the first half here (or escape this hell site and go to YouTube, where it’s all in one part: youtu.be/ B95vNjt-e6M , again need to copy and delete extra spacing)
Recently, I’ve been working on serious summaries of the chapters that have been released since vol. 5 (starting with #29 part 1). My true nature, though, is to be more snarky and make dumb commentary, so click below if you want a summary of these bonus comics (along with select Tumblr Safe images) where I just poke fun and be thirsty.
So after several volumes of the Shinyas making out without sexing each other, I guess the manga artist was like, “you know what, I’m not gonna have these guys fuck anytime soon (or ever, lol just kidding...or am I?), so I guess I’ll throw some smut crumbs to the poor, deprived shippers.” And we’ll take it and enjoy it, because we’re desperate.
The first story, called “Taboo: Just a bit” continues immediately after chapter 21, where Suzuki said that he’s okay with kissing, but no more! To which Sugiki’s immediate reaction seems to be, “Cool, cool...I’mma go ahead and find a way around that.” Also, he may be a bit insecure about the size of his nipples.
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Note: Sugiki’s nipples are important to the plot of this story. I’m dead serious.
Sugiki wonders about Suzuki not seeming to be bothered by him saying he’s adorable, but apparently Suzuki gets called that all the time. And in one of the greatest leaps in logic in history, Sugiki says that, since everyone always found you so precious, surely you and your male friends all touched each other’s naughty bits when you were kids, right? Suzuki’s like, UMM, NO, WHAT THE FU-okay, yeah. yeah, we did. And he assumes, oh, since Sugiki brought this up, he probably did the same thing.
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“lol, no, I didn’t do that. But I made you admit that you did.”
Sugiki’s closest experience to something like that was when he was in high school and another boy insulted him, beat him up, and then paid him and said he wanted to suck Sugiki off (quite the roller coaster, but okay). Suzuki’s like, oh shit, that sounds super fucked up, sorry to make you remember that, but Sugiki actually used the situation to his advantage by using the boy to develop his own skills. Those skills involved whipping the other kid with a stick, and teasing him with the fact that he never actually agreed to what he proposed.
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Baby sadist in training.
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Look at this man. That is all.
So as Sugiki uses their childhood experiences as a flimsy excuse to propose some dick touching, Suzuki notices something shocking: Sugiki’s nipples are hard!
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Suzuki Needs An Adult after making this discovery. And he’s so distracted by those sexy nips that he isn’t able to stop Sugiki from making a grab at his dick. Which, as it turns out, is a bit stiff.
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Top 10 Manga Betrayals: Suzuki’s dick getting hard from man nips.
Suzuki stays in panic mode for a bit, and when he snaps out of it he finds that his dick is no longer in his pants, but in Sugiki’s hand.
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He protests a bit, but then is like, fine, I guess I’ll let you jerk me off. And goes back to thinking about those nips and how bad he wants to bite them and squeeze them, and also how he’d really like to just fuck Sugiki for good measure, too.
But as for the eternal question of who would be fucking who, Sugiki tries slipping a finger in to test the waters.
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Which results in a big fat NOPE from Suzuki, so Sugiki just keeps jerking him until he gets off, getting just a mini facial as a splash lands near his mouth (we don’t see him lick it...but you know he wanted to).
As they’re getting ready to leave the studio, Suzuki brings up the “adorable” conversation from before, saying he’d imagine no one calls Sugiki that. Sugiki confirms that’s true, and Suzuki responds with:
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Look at this man. That is all (again).
The second story, called Habanera, shows us what the Shinyas do when they’re each home alone. Suzuki, in a desperate attempt to prove his straightness to himself, is planning a porn marathon.
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Meanwhile, Sugiki plans to watch a special DVD that features Suzuki doing a Q&A session. Which, for him, we can assume is the equivalent of watching porn.
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A look at Suzuki’s selections. Bruh, I don’t mean to kinkshame, but...pig farm?
Just as he’s about to get started, he gets a call from some random chick he used to bang. He has no desire to chat, though, and hangs up on her, but while jabbing at his phone, he accidentally hits Sugiki’s speed dial, and quickly disconnects in a panic.
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Rocking the Winnie the Pooh look here with his red shirt and no pants. Also, there are helpful warnings throughout the story whenever his (heavily mosaiced) dick is on panel.
Meanwhile, Sugiki is watching DVD-Suzuki talk about how to wink while dancing, and it’s making him feel A Lot Of Things
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Back at the fap shack, Suzuki claims that just seeing Sugiki’s name made him go limp, because, you know, he’s Definitely Not Attracted To Him. He talks to his dick, trying to get it to firm up again. His dick has a girl’s name (Machiko) and is shown in some shots as having a face and wearing a little bow (yes, it’s as weird as it sounds. no, I can’t show it here).
The next video he has queued up starts, and well, I guess this is that pig farm stuff he’s into (which really just seems to be a domme lady berating the viewer)
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Back at Sugiki’s, DVD-Suzuki has moved on to teaching how to blow kisses.
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Yeah, this is definitely porn for Sugiki. And as he watches this he’s a bit miffed that it seems like Suzuki acts a lot cooler when they’re not together.
Meanwhile, Suzuki’s fantasizing about the sexy lady dominating him...except, the person in his fantasy starts to change from a porn star to...
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Oh look, the man he’s Definitely Not Attracted To happens to show up in his fantasy while he’s beating off. He tries to make the image go away, but then eventually settles for keeping the face but having the rest of the body be the porn star.
Sugiki is practicing his kiss-blowing with DVD-Suzuki as his imaginary partner. And when he finds out that there are other DVDs like this one, he quickly starts searching for the back issues of these pornographic very educational videos.
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After Suzuki shamefully blows his load to the thought of the Sugiki-faced female porn star, his phone starts ringing. It’s Sugiki, returning the call he accidentally placed earlier. Though to Suzuki, the timing feels suspiciously like Sugiki had been watching him or something...
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lmanberg · 4 years
Already screen recorded it before I saw I couldn’t anonymously donate a video, so here is an imgur link, feel free to post just the video :]
(My little hamster muffin)
Ahhh them and their dumb little nicknames
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wakraya · 4 years
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Hello everyone! With some people having been showing interest in my art lately, I thought I’d get my stuff straight with Art Commissions and Pricing! I have a variety of styles, so bear with me.
I’m open to draw a variety of topics, not just Homestuck, and like designing characters and OCs, but I do reserve the right to turn a Commission if the topic makes me uncomfortable. 
You can find examples of my art Here, Here and Here, in This Imgur Album, as well as below the Read Me!
If you’re interested, you can contact me here on Tumblr, or at Wakraya#4164 on Discord.
Commission Slots Filled: 1/4
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The MSPA Style is pixel-based, reminiscent of the style used for Homestuck. It’s simple and generally line-less. The usual size for these is a 500x500px canvas, but depending on the complexity, they can easily go bigger.
- Partial Shots (Bust, from the Waist-Up...) come up to 10-15$ per character, depending on complexity of the pose, while Full Body Shots would be 15-20$, again, depending on the complexity of the pose.
- More Complex composite shots, positions, backgrounds, etc., will be priced on a case by case basis- That is to say, tell me what exactly you want and I will see what I can do.
- The Basic Background for this style is simply a solid grey or a few tones of grey to represent the background. Room furniture, outdoors detail, etc, all count as more complex Backgrounds. (See above)
- I can do some Basic Animation in this Style! Snappy sprite movement, tail wagging or ear twitching. Once more, entirely dependent on complexity, parting from the Basic Prices listed above.
- Once the base is done, Extra Edits can be done to the pictures, such as, using the same base but giving the character different clothes, or changing the position of the limbs/facial expression. Very minor edits like, a version with a White Sprite and another with a Skin tone, are free. Basic Edits are 5$ each, and more Complex ones will be once more a case by case basis.
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The Standard Style is just my normal drawing style. The canvas are generally 1000px or higher in size, which makes it more elaborate and slow.
- Rough Sketches are usually what I do first to get a clear idea of how the overall piece is going to look like once inked, but more elaborate Rough Sketches can look quite good as well. A Rough Bust would come up to 10$ per Character, 15 around Waist, and 20$ for a Full Body Rough Sketch.
- Inked Sketches are more refined, and ready for coloring if needed, but obviously need more time. An Inked Bust would come up to 20$ per Character, 35 around the waist, and 50$ for a Full Body Inked Sketch.
- Basic Coloring depends on the size of the piece, but will usually come up to about 5-15$ per Character, depending on the amount of detail.
- Other details like the Complexity of the Piece itself, or Background Detail, may add to the final price, but will be calculated on a case by case basis when discussing the full piece/s.
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Chibi little dolls/charms that look really cute! This is a relatively recent style, and the Chibis themselves are about 400x250px.
- A Sketched Chibi Doll with no Color will come up to 15$, 20 if their pose is particularly complex, or they’d have some detail with them like some item or weapon.
- Adding Basic Color to them will be an extra 5$, or 10 for particularly complex ones, although considering the Chibi Style, I struggle to think what would qualify as ‘Complex Coloring’.
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Pixel Sprites! These are good for character reference, like a D&D Sheet. These sprites are proportional- 5′6″ being equivalent to around 150px tall, and may range from fairy-sized to 8+ feet tall. Even if you don’t care about the proportional size, have it in mind to request a Bigger or Smaller Sprite for pricing purposes!
- Standard Pose Sprites are the cheapest, a standard base in a neutral stance. These are 20$ for the Average-Height Sprites (And for the Tiny Sizes that require a Zoom), but may range from 16 to 24 for smaller and larger sizes and depending on complexity.
- Basic Pose Sprites are slightly more expensive, but can give the sprite more personality than the neutral stance. These are 30$ for the Average-Height Sprites and Tiny Sizes, but may range from 25 to 35 for smaller and larger sizes and depending on complexity.
- Complex Pose Sprites are much more dynamic and unique, but require a lot more time to deal with. These are 40$ for the Average-Height Sprites and Tiny Sizes, but may range from 32 to 48 for smaller sizes and depending on complexity.
- Objects like Weapons, or Non-Human Anatomy may come with extras. Things like, Ears or Tails shouldn’t be much of an issue, but Wings or a Digitigrade Pose will require time and work. These extras will be a case by case thing, depending on the specifics of the Sprite.
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I do Other Stuff, too, which ranges from the experimental to the silly. I don’t have set prices for anything like this, but hey, if you’re interested, I am capable of doing the following:
- Iconography & Symbology, stuff like this. I even did a Tattoo for myself once.
- Landscapes. Very out of practice with these, and I’m not even that particularly good, but I know I can draw general scenarios with nice vibes.
- Maps. Note, I haven’t drawn any in a while, but I have done some stuff in the past.
- Dumb Memes and Emotes. I doubt anyone would be interested in something like this, but hey, if I’m exposing all of my work, I may as well showcase the sillier of the bunch as well.
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andimlonely · 4 years
What are your headcanons on what Makoto, Komaeda, Gundham, Mikan, and Kirumi's handwriting looks like?
Very interesting question, anon ♡
Makoto: I have a hard time imagining he has anything but slightly to very messy handwriting, and the main reason is kind of dumb honestly, haha. Makoto just reminds me of a few friends and classmates I had in high school who were quite smart, but when you look at their handwriting, you’re surprised to find you have a hard time reading their work. I think if he really took his time, he would write more clearly, but he doesn’t really care to do that - I think he would definitely prefer to type things. Something like this but messier (photo credit to NoisyMufu on imgur):
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Nagito: One thing I can imagine for sure for Nagito is that his writing would be distinct in some way and have a clear personal style to it. I think his letters would definitely have a bit of a drag to them and he would connect his letters a lot regardless of whether he was writing in cursive or print. I think his print would be a little messy but his cursive would be somewhat neater and pretty nice. Overall, I can imagine a number of styles that he might write with. I’m not sure why, but a lot that I’ve seen in my search that aren’t even similar could reasonably suit him. Here’s one example:
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Gundham: Exclusively writes in red, black, or purple ink. He loves to write and much prefers it to typing, and is fond of sending hand-written letters to people. I think he would adopt a distinct but nice style of cursive, and pretty much only write in cursive unless he absolutely needs to write in print. He also likes writing in older font styles, such as Old English. Ref: (oddacious, reddit) (I know I use this ref again but this particular style really suits Gundham imo and I couldn’t find another example better than this one)
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Mikan: I think her writing is on the smaller side, in terms of size, but not tiny either. I think she has a cute style of writing for sure.  When talking to friends or a loved one, she would dot her i’s with hearts. When she’s nervous, she would write a little messier than usual. I think she prefers to write with pencil, since she makes mistakes often and would rather erase than cross things out. When she uses pen, she likes to use colorful/sparkly gel pens.
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Kirumi: Definitely has several styles of handwriting. Because she plays such a large and important role in her country, but also has to keep it a secret, I view her as someone who’s taught herself several styles, particularly one she uses as Prime Minister, one she uses as a maid, and others she uses to fulfill any tasks given to her that might require her to disguise her penmanship (so she can’t be traced). I think her personal handwriting would be very elegant, and neat - one you might see from a poet during the romantic era, or something. I think the third one here would be similar to her personal style (oddacious, reddit):
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humansoulsarg · 4 years
December 2018 Previously Unsolved Posts (now Solved)
After the flurry of posts that we put on this blog in January 2021, which included some old puzzles which appeared to lead to no-dead IMGUR links, Pangent reached out to Taurtine via DM to let us know some plans:
4We’re planning to rework “Mel B vs Piers Morgan,” “Crypto Cube,” “Design with Garfield,” and “Meredith Brooks” [due to Imgur issues]. I think that’s it, unless you’re having other troubles. This is going to delay things a little.
Look at December 2018 in the Pangent archive, and March 2019 in the HumanSoulsARG archive.
At this point Timescape was very understandably burnt out from carrying the project almost alone for so long, and said so privately to me.
A lot of content went unsolved around the same time, none of it especially important.
My notes from Dec 2018 state that we did six puzzles at once, including Crypto Cube, which were simply the raw level layouts for Super Spice World X.
None of those were important really, and I don’t think any of them got solved
My notes say: (crypto cube?) [penney] ** (sleigh ride?) ** (pepsi spice can) ** (Garfield Design) ** (Spice cards Goodbye) ** so that’s what those were.
We’ve now solved all of them, finding 4 Super Spice World X levels (one had already been found as intended to help with solving the Super Spice World X video), and 2 of them are now broken imgur links, as mentioned by Pangent.
The ‘broken’ puzzles were reworked into reblogs, which will be posted in a separate Solves post, so this post deals with the ones which didn’t have any problems.
JC Penny Catalog (Spice Dolls)
This post is about wanting a set of specific Spice Girls dolls:
Hello Santa. I have attached a clipping of what I want this year, from the 1997 JC Penney catalog. I have been good all year by my own personal standards, the finer details of which are confidential..
Interestingly, these dolls turned up in person at Pangent, years later:
It’s the same dolls. Even with the little stuff, Pangent is playing the long game here.
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The little notebook in the corner of the ad has a punch-card-looking design.
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The bars at the top were a little confusing as they didn’t appear to line up to  punch-card formats we were familiar with, but assuming the top bar means 'numbers’ and the lower bar means 'letters’ we can map the dots:
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69 6D 67 75 72 48 44 73 77 67 65 56
which is hex for:
leading to the imgur link https://imgur.com/HDswgeV
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Providing this image for one of the levels of Super Spice World X.
This one already had 75 views when we 'rediscovered’ it so we likely solved it before (and we had faint memories of solving it before, but couldn’t seem to find the records.) But we eventually did find the solution, and confirmed that this image (or a reupload of it to imgur) was used in the Super Spice World X solve:
fore the others, since we didn’t solve the related puzzles at the time, we had to patch together screenshots from YouTube like a crazed animal. It appears now, in retrospect, that these posts were intended by Pangent to provide assistance and/or clarification of possibly ambiguous or difficult to recreate scenes from the Supuer Spice World X gameplay video. Would have been really nice to have had them back then!
Sleigh Ride:
The “Sleigh Ride” picture contains a small barcode at top in the blue channel only
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If we try A1-PF, we get very bad hex due to the 'Z’s in there… 272B25333Z5Z4Z463657512C
very bad hex for:'+%30P@F6WQ,
IMGUR in hex is 696d677572 or 494d475552, I’m trying to kind of reverse engineer it and see what a solve would look like
looks a little like the second one if you add 2 to each?
barcode: BGBLBECCCZEZDZDFCFEGEABM Caesar by 2 (Vig with 'Y') DIDNDGEEEBGBFBFHEHGIGCDO A1-PF 494D4755527262685879734E Hex IMGURrbhXysN
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Another Super Spice World X 'clean’ image.
Cryptocube and Garfield Design were mentioned as needing to be reworked, so we’ll skip those in this post.
Trees (Spice Card Goodbye) https://pangenttechnologies.tumblr.com/post/181168056852
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On the trees, the 'almost red’ ornaments looked suspicious, so after a somewhat roundabout set of efforts by the team, we ended up with a solution.
Trees hex color of the ornaments transcript in a Z pattern. Your guess is as good as mine though d64071 d64144 d64067 d65065 d65062 d66143 d63070 d65141 d66064 d63061 d66141 d63062
take the last three of each:
071 144 067 065 062 143 070 141 064 061 141 062 9d752c8a41a2 as octal, and there's progress?
Okay, this is dumb and I officially hate this puzzle now, but add the third digit of each, in front of the octal decode, and you get:
49 4d 47 55 52 6c 38 5a 64 31 6a 32
which is hex for
that is NOT a sensible way to encode this information
I would NOT have gotten that if I didn’t know it was an IMGUR
what’s not sensible about 'skip two characters, pull one character as hex, pull last three, decode as octal, then interpret as second hex character, then decode the hex byte as ASCII’?
So all that to say we were helped by looking for IMGUR, and managed to find the link to this image:
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Whew! made it. Another Super Spice World X Level.
Pepsi Holiday Spice
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Colors along the bottom, decode to: imgurJQp0om6
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All right, another Super Spice World X level.
And the December 2018 Forgotten posts are in the books. Except for the reblogged stuff. Coming soon to a Solves blog near you.
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mandelene · 5 years
First things first: wow you are allergic to literally fucking EVERYTHING. Good thing is that you're a pretty strong person. Best wishes to you. Next: maybe you can upload the image on imgur if you're fine with showing it to us? I am morbidly curious. Also: can you explain why steroids (aka that prednisone thing) help with pneumonia and itching? Never knew that steroids can be used to like, fix non-man parts or man related stuff. I'm medically illiterate 😅😅. Last: good luck for this semester💕!
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Yep, I'm really allergy-prone. That's why when I get an allergic reaction to something, I don't want to immediately blame others. I'm not gonna sue them. An allergic reaction is a nuisance for a week or two but not worth the legal fees lol. It'll heal and I won't have lasting damage or "substantial harm" as lawyers say. If my surgeon cut one of the nerves in my wrist or nearly killed me during surgery -- that'd be a different situation lol. I will likely file a complaint though.
To give the full story and clarify since I only clarified in the comments of the last post, when my surgeon came in yesterday and asked how I'm doing, I said, "I was totally fine until I noticed I'm having an allergic reaction to something. I think maybe it's the tape."
He was like, "What tape? We didn't put any tape on you. You have an allergy to Steri-strips, don't you?"
And I said yes, and before I could say anything else, he was cutting me out of the cast and bandages and was pretty exasperated when he saw the tape. That's when he said, "Wow, you're really allergic. I'm so sorry" and explained that it should have never happened and that it should be in my chart that I'm allergic to Steri-strips so why would anyone put any medical adhesives on me?
And I wasn't sure if he did it and was just playing dumb or trying to mislead me, but he sounded genuine and genuinely pissed off and confused. I consulted my mom later and she confirmed that doctors typically don't do the dressings: nurses or physician assistants do. The doctor just puts the sutures in. And I didn't have any tape put on me after the first surgery -- he put Steri-strips on me only after I had my stitches taken out, and that was when I found out I was allergic to adhesives in the first place. So I find it hard to believe that he would just randomly decide to put tape on me directly after surgery this time, with my stitches still in, for the same exact procedure with the same kind of incision, especially since he brought up my Steri-strip allergy without even looking at my chart and without me bringing it up, so he obviously remembers.
When he gently tried to rip the tape off, part of my skin peeled off and I was ready to die. Kudos to my surgeon for being very calm and attempting to be reassuring about it. I was ready to burst into tears lol.
Once I feel better from all of this, I can think about filing a formal complaint with the hospital. I was asleep before everyone else even came in so idk who else was in the room besides my surgeon, the anesthesiologist and one RN (and I remember what she looked like). I just want to make sure no one else gets hurt in the future so at least my suffering isn't in vain. The person who did it should know they fucked up so they can be more careful with others -- that's all I want. I'm not out to get anyone.
So yeah, I had adhesive on me for 12 days and now I look like I have a bad second degree burn. I've been itchy since the first few days after surgery, but I figured it was just from the incision healing and that it was normal. NOPE, adhesive was eating my skin and giving me a chemical burn lol.
I don't mind posting a pic on imgur. Here's the link. http://imgur.com/a/vpQrQzT
This was after Benadryl and Prednisone so it actually looks a little better here believe it or not. The tiny red, blistery hives were the ones that were going up to as far as my shoulder. A word of warning that it might be a little upsetting and graphic. I didn't want people to have to see that on their dashboards. You can't even really see my incision -- the blister/sore covers most of the bottom part of it.
Prednisone is a steroid that's used to primarily treat inflammation, so you can use it to decrease inflammation in the lungs during an asthma exacerbation or pneumonia. It's also used in low doses to treat joint pain/arthritis. And, you can also use it for bad contact dermatitis.
Thanks for the well wishes! 😘
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furbyq · 5 years
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i post a lot of pictures on dreamwidth. and god i hate it. but over time, i’ve figured out the most efficient way to do so (that i know of) and i’ll pass that on to anyone who needs help.
what this tutorial does: makes posting pictures on dreamwidth 80% less annoying.
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you always gotta like. start with the cropping and shit. those borders are ugly as fuck.
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here’s a little look into what editing my pics looks like. 
steps: copy image, resize image, paste image. noodle it in the frame until it looks right. run a simple brightness/contrast and cooling filter over it. i like cool tones what can i say.
important step after you edit: use a program, such as bulk rename utility, to rename your files. they need to be alphabetical or numerical so that they sort into the correct order.
typically i put all the pictures in a folder and sort by the order i took them in. then i change their names to something like “bakelite-legacy-3-3-000″ but i use sequential numbering. the 000 image is typically my header.
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upload all your shit to imgur. put it in a nice little folder. it takes a while, so set them to upload and do something for 5-10 minutes.
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change “view image info” to “generate image links”
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change the sort from “album order” to “original filename”. this is why you rename them!
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select the images you want to upload all at once. it can be any amount. i’ve done upwards of 200.
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if you hit done, a little box will pop up.
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select all the images and change the type from “link” to “html image”
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copy them.
next, paste them into a text document. i use notepad++ but i think you can also use regular old notepad.
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make sure that the window is wide enough to display each line. this makes spacing them out less clunky.
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using find and replace (under the edit tab), replace the following:
title=“source: imgur.com”
with an empty space. this way you don’t get that hover text shit.
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fuck yeah
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next, space your links. if you put your cursor right before the second link, you can alternatingly press space and the down arrow key to accomplish this.
there may be a way to do this with less effort. autospacing or something. idk i like the spacing part.
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paste it into the html tab on your dreamwidth post!
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and presto! 100+ images instantaneously appear in the rich text tab. with a space between them for dumb comments and the like too.
after placing your commentary, select the entire post and delink it if you want to make the pictures unclickable. or leave them if you don’t care. i usually keep the links because i can’t fucking remember to unlink them.
downside of this tutorial is... you have to use imgur. upside is, no posting links one at a time! :D happy posting!
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shirohibiki · 5 years
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this thing took an insanely long time, omfg. it’s so dumb but i’m kinda a little proud of it ngl. this isn’t the full resolution... the actual canvas is like 9500x7000 so like nothing would let me upload it?? so i cut down the resolution a bit to upload it to imgur, then cut it down by half to upload it to tumblr because tumblr sucks. i linked the imgur version to the pic so y’all can see it in slightly better quality :/
here’s my summer picture! and it’s on time, too! yay me! my spongebob/pokemon crossover AU is really fun to play with. spongebob’s primarina is named viva, and squidward’s milotic is named valentino :D they’re having a fun day at the beach, and valentino and squidward are secretly admiring viva and spongebob respectively from afar B) i think they live in the alolan region, or close to it or something... i haven’t decided entirely yet how things work. i’ll see. i’ll try to work it out by the time i’m done that pokemon AU comic. for now, here, have this lmao
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wanderingcas · 5 years
imgur [.] com /a/ J0cVPZw just read about you fainting?? i hope you're okay! please take care of yourself -greenheart
oh wow this is AWESOME! i can’t believe the detail on those bricks - gosh you’re a great artist. and yes it’s okay!! just a little incident in the gym, me being dumb, no big deal. i’m fine :)
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Have you noticed that links in comic parts are spaced out?
you mean on imgur? how the links to everything has spaces between one of the dots? yeah that's imgur's fault i can't fix it, you need to like have a certain rating or something to post links and since the account i have for it is only about sensetale which are all private comics so only people with a link can see them, i don't think that is something i can ever fix sadly, just delete the spaces in the link and they should work fine - tammy
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foxgirlchorix · 5 years
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alright, ladies and anyone else reading this, that’s right. its time to tlak about the ijoker movey. by which i mean this horrendous subway map. (the first one, not the second. the second is at least realistic, by way of being real.)
so, objections in no particular order - what happens to the H and the K when they get together? same question for the 8 and the 9
- what is up with that A spur? is that what the local A does??
- the “these lines change when it’s not rush hour” thing is different on the noticeboard and on the map itself- it has an extra level
- why is the only distinguishing factor of express stops bolding? this is an issue with the original vignelli that this is an attempt to duplicate but it’s still dumb af
- in their rush to copy the vignelli, they decided they would distinguish between the Gotham City EXP K, 8, 0, A, and 9... and the Gotham City EXP 8, 9, 0, A, and K. theres a reason BMT, IND, and IRT are marked separately and even for the IRT use an entirely different system of naming. this doesn’t even say anything about the H line
- several stations are unnamed, the rest are easter eggs or just ripped from the actual nyc subway- there are even 2 grand central stations
- what does the 0 even do? on the rollsign used on that poor R32 in the actual film, it says it’s the 0 local to old gotham at all times (it brushes by poor underserved old gotham and goes on for a while afterwards) and that, if it’s similar to real rollsigns, that its other end is downtown and tricorner. the 0 doesn’t go to either of those
- why are the AHK group and the 089 group distinguished? they all mingle freely, unlike numbered vs lettered in NYC. this stems from gauge differences but is ultimately up to the companies being different, so it might not be that bad
- why is the best-served line up in a random peninsula somewhere? the best-served actual area is right in the middle, which works... sorta
- why are there no trunk lines? the 0 alternately joins with the H and the 9, but doesn’t adopt the color of either of them like as would be in nyc
- why are there so few lines? note how the vignelli distinguishes 24 non-shuttle lines and 12 setups like “8th avenue local/express”, while this map distinguishes 6 lines with 10 nonsensical setups. 
now yeah these are forgivable- it’s window dressing on window dressing on window dressing at best. that’s probably also why this was the only high-ish quality image i could find of this- i found 3 huge images from a deleted imgur page too, but they were of little bits of it
this is a little cinema sins-y, i suppose, but i’m fasting and trying to distract myself from the hunger. 
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finalskies · 6 years
You seem to be good at this, so I thought I'd ask: any tips for making quick little arts like you do sometimes?
Tip 1: Have a lot of references on hand
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Like, a lot. All kinds of characters, all kinds of poses, all kinds of expressions. I tend to use The Movie more for references now, but show style is still good too. Also guides and stuff from other artists too. This way you can swiftly morph together a few poses, slap an expression on it, and bam you got yourself an original drawing. Having a bunch of references really helps streamline the process. No need to spend time hunting for them (unless there’s something very specific you’re missing), and just having a reference in the first place makes starting the drawing much easier imo
Tip 2: Find good motivation to practice frequently
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For me, it was “drawn responses.” I used to do tons of them on reddit, imgur, derpibooru, etc. Depending on the context, it could force me to draw all kinds of wacky things, which I feel like can be good practice too. They’re just simple lil’ doodles that would make people’s day. And that would make my day.
 But everyone is different. I think probably the best method would be joining in on those “30 minute challenge” blogs. You literally have no choice but to go fast!
Tip 3: Let it be fun, let it be imperfect. You don’t gotta worry about making every drawing totally awesome, especially little sketches. Keep it loose. Just focus on getting the broad strokes correct. If it’s something you’d wanna post (something like, my dumb little cartoons lol), I’d say put 80% of the effort into the main focus of the drawing. Like, if it’s a “reaction image” drawing, put that 80% into the facial expression. Whatever you think people will look at first, that’s what you focus on.
And finally, friendly reminder that I’m a trash artist, and this is just what works for me personally.
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unconqueredfun · 6 years
Have to admit I’m a little surprised to see that there’s not really any posts going around about the copyright reforms the EU is currently working on. So let’s break it down Tumblr style, it works for Americans right?
Here’s a bit of a snippet of Article 11 and 13 which are quite dumb and should be evident why it’s not only dumb but also just plain doesn’t work.
Article 11.
“Anyone using snippets of journalistic online content must first get a license from the publisher. This new right for publishers would apply for 20 years after publication. “
This includes posting it on social media. And every repost of that post. Basic internet savvyness should at this point tell “That is incredibly dumb and how the fuck are you even going to get that work?” Well you won’t simply put. It could in theory benefit large news organizations. But a consequence is that real news would have a much harder time to spread and leave a vacuum for false stuff to fill. Because lord knows we need to leave the goal open to troll farms.
But let’s look at something even dumber.
Article 13.
“Internet platforms hosting “large amounts” of user-uploaded content must monitor user behavior and filter their contributions to identify and prevent copyright infringement. “
So stuff like Imgur would have to scan for infringement, identify it and prevent it. Because we all know that Youtube’s copyright infringement system works so well.
Both of these hits social media pretty hard. Would have serious negative effects on startups and really hurt freedom of expression. And they have even been tried throughout europe already and FAILED. Hard.
Pretty much anyone with basic internet knowledge, IT experts, humanitarian groups and free speech advocate organizations are against this loudly. EFF who is usually based in the US made a Brussels office to throw a wrench into this. But you know what the real kicker is here? The EU parliament is pretty good about listening to people. Even if this has kindof flown under a radar for a lot of people enough of a wrench was thrown to slow down the process and cause pretty intense debates.
So what can you do who happens to live in the EU and not be particularly happy about these things. Well here are two links for online petitions. The first is for “the link tax” and the other is about the “censorship machines”, the latter of which is very memey.
This could very well also include the UK.
Save the meme will advice you to call your MEP (Member of European Parliament) and it would not be a bad idea to read up a bit on what you’re complaining about. This is a pretty easy to digest read. https://juliareda.eu/eu-copyright-reform/
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