#imfact drabble
bro-atz · 8 months
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other groups masterlist:
note: this should be a given, but with any of my smuts, minors dni
not available
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♤ another world — smut (ft. ateez members)
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oneshots, headcanons, drabbles:
dpr ian: ♤ going insane — smut (ft. ateez seonghwa) dpr ian said to not go insane, but he and seonghwa made you go insane anyway. ♤ night view — smut you see christian standing by the balcony smoking, and you just have one request for him. ♤ violet crazy form — smut (ft. ateez seonghwa, mingi) dpr ian said "there was no silence, baby between you and me" and ateez added "just move however you want". imfact: ♤ crushes are hard — fluff; ungjae/sang, jian/jeup ungjae likes an upperclassman, and jeup likes the hot guy from the library. they both can't admit their crushes since crushes are hard. nct: ♤ sunday morning — fluff; doyoung you and doyoung spend a lovely sunday morning together. riize: ♤ seeing double — smut; wonbin (ft. ateez seonghwa) your complicated situationship with your upperclassman gets more complicated thanks to the feelings of an underclassman. headcanons: not available drabbles: not available
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pocket-scenarios · 4 years
#16 & 28 with IMFACT’s Jeup💕
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(Admin: Sxng, I promise once I get the number of these down I will start focusing more onto the song requests.)
16: There’s a younger girl who likes them, but they like you.
28: Late night video call
"I'll leave first," you say softly, sending a gentle smile towards the two of them.
You have seen her a few times Jeup told you that she is a trainee, under the same label as him. It does not take long for you to make your way back to your apartment. It is hard to see Jeup with someone else, even if he is not your boyfriend. You still have feelings for him. It does not take long to make it back to your apartment complex, you throw your bag onto the couch before, sitting down on it yourself. You decide to binge a show on Netflix to pass the time.
By the time you finish the show, it is dark out. Your phone rings from the coffee table, you lean forward picking it up and answering before you have the chance to pick another show.
"Why'd you leave so fast, I wanted to spend more time with you?" Jeup pouts, smiling at you, you laugh, returning his smile.
"I don't like Roa," you admit, "she just bothers me," you mumble, Jeup hums understandingly.
"Are you jealous?" He teases, "there's nothing between her and me," he reminds, "I like someone else," he trails off.
"Who?" You rush without thinking.
Jeup laughs: "It's not something I'll say over a call, ask me again in person, I'll tell you."
|| Masterlist || Submit A Request || Drabble Game ||
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http-bely · 7 years
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muselin · 2 years
This year's Kinktober?🎃
I'm really tempted to try Kinktober again this year. My learning from the previous one in 2021 was that I didn't start early enough and I put zero limits on myself in the length of the fics I put out. Also, as much as I love TXT, they were way overrepresented in the final lineup.
I know we're at the peak of big 4th gen groups right now, so I had a thought:
To help support smaller fandoms and revive dormant fandoms, what if I made Kinktober this year only for older/lesser-known groups? It would also give me a chance to write for some groups I haven't written for yet.
So it would include: Shinhwa, Super Junior, SHINee, VIXX, OnlyOneOf, Omega X and IMFACT. And to make sure I stay on schedule this time, I would focus on headcanons, reactions to different kinks, MTLs and drabbles.
Let me know if you would like to see Kinktober done this way and which of the groups I've mentioned you'd be interested in!
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emeraldbabygirl · 5 years
Imfact’s reaction to you wanting attention uwu
These are long reactions btw because my reactions are long and I don’t know why other than I’m dumb and don’t know how reactions work uwu
I’ll try to make any new reactions short as these are basically those drabble/blurb thing but it’s the same topic for each member. I’ll work on making my reactions short and to the point. Please be patient with me.
Jeup: he would be playing games in his room when you wanted him to notice you so you thought making noise would distract him from his gaming. So you opted to rolling around on the floor. “Jeup Jeup, Jeup, Jeup.” You repeated over and over again. He continued to ignore you so you slithered across the floor and began tickling his feet. He started laughing which caused him to lose focus and lose the game. He sighed turning his chair towards you who was still laying on the floor. “What do you want babe? You made me lose again.” You pouted sitting up. “I want attention.” Jeup smiled and patted his lap. “You couldn’t wait til I finished my game?” You crawled onto his lap and cuddled against his chest. “Nope.” you said causing Jeup to chuckle. He kissed you and snuggled you close.
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Jian: Jian would be in the kitchen cooking when you plopped yourself at the table sighing. You watched him go back and forth between the fridge and the stove. Usually you enjoyed watching him cook, it was always so relaxing. But today you wanted him to pay attention to you. You sighed again, this time a little louder. “Yah, Jian.” “Yes princess?” he sang. “I’m bored.” “Hi bored I’m Jian.” Usually you’d laugh at his dad jokes but today was different. You got up from your seat at the table and started picking pieces of cooked meat out of the pan. “Hey, what are you doing that stuff is hot. You could burn yourself.” Jian exclaimed pulling your hand away from the pan. You sighed again and leaned against the counter. “I’m thirsty.” “There’s juice in the fridge, it’s orange juice like you wanted.” Jian continues to stir the contents of the pan. “I’m hungry.” “I’m fixing dinner.” “Jiiiaaannn..” you whine stomping your feet like a child. Jian turns and cocks his head. “What’s wrong princess?” Without another word he reaches to turn the stove off before coming over to you and kissing your lips. He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear before cupping your cheek in his hand. You lean into his touch. he pecks you on the nose then your forehead then Jian covered your face in kisses causing you to giggle. You push him playfully. He grabs your hand and kisses it before pulling you into a hug. “You wanted attention didn’t you? I’m sorry if you feel like I’ve been ignoring you lately. I’ve been really busy. Can you help me finish dinner and then we can do whatever you like for the rest of the night.” You smiled, “horror movie marathon!” you excitedly said. Jian shuddered, “babe, you hate horror movies.” “Not as much as you.” You sang. Jian sighed, “alright, we can do that.” he said pecking your lips once more before tending back to the stove again.
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Ungjae: You and Ungjae were supposed to be on a date. But it didn’t feel like one when he was on his phone the whole time. You knew he was very busy but you thought he could direct his attention to you for a couple hours. “I’m done eating, can we walk through the park?” you asked leaning back in your chair. If you weren’t desperate for Ungjae’s attention you would’ve scarfed down your whole burger and ordered a second. It was quiet for awhile except the clicking coming from Ungjae’s phone. “In the dark?” he finally spoke up. The first words you heard from him all evening. He didn’t even notice you stole all his french fries. “Yes,” you stated, “I like the night breeze and seeing all the street lights lit up.” you hoped a walk would get Ungjae off his phone. “I suppose.” he said. As you left the restaurant ready to hold his hand it was attached to his phone, his eyes glued to the screen. As you walked towards the park you decided to break the silence. “What are you doing that’s more important than on the date night that we both agreed on?” You slipped that last bit in there hoping he would notice and say something. “Emails.” was all he said. You sighed loud and walked past him to the park. You both walked side by side but it sure didn’t feel like you were even together. You kicked up some leaves in the path before finding a rock and kicking it. It hit a metal garbage can making a clang noise causing Ungjae to look up. And then he was back to his phone. You let out a groan. “Ungjaaaaeee.” You dropped to the ground. You were frustrated that he thought emails were more important than his date with you. He let out a sigh and dropped to the ground in front of you. “I’m sorry I ruined our date night,” he began. You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “If you were busy why didn’t you just cancel?” Ungjae helped you to your feet, his eyes meeting yours. “I got one email as we arrived at the restaurant and I thought I could respond real quick but it ended up being a group email from all my colleagues about the upcoming project happening in the spring and they wanted to discuss it right then. I’m sorry sweetie.” Ungjae cupped your face with his hands and brought a kiss to your forehead. “It’s done now, let’s enjoy our night walk hmm? I promise I’ll make it up to you.” Ungjae rejoined your side and held your hand tightly in his and you two continued down the lit path in the park.
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Lee Sang: Sang had a few days of which meant you two could spend some time together. But as soon as you woke up the next day he was nowhere to be found. You assumed he was still sleeping as it was only 7:30 so you went about your daily routine until about 2 in the afternoon. Sang still hadn’t come out of the bedroom yet. You wondered why so you made your way to his room. Seeing the door shut you knocked before opening it a crack. You poked your expecting him to be working on his computer but nope. He was sleeping but fully clothed on top of the covers. You let yourself in his room, tip-toeing across the hardwood floor and crawled onto his bed. You sat on your knees next to his sleeping figure. He was always so cute when he was asleep. “Baby,” you whispered. After no response you poked his cheek. Still nothing. You booped his nose. Nothing. You blew in his face, stuck your finger up his nose, covered his face in kisses, tickled his feet, tickled his stomach, licked his face and whacked him with a pillow. But nothing worked. He seemed to be in a deep sleep. So you did the unexpected. You sat on him. Then you grabbed his arms and shook them as you pretended to ride a horse. “Giddy up yeehaw!” You shouted. Still nothing. You couldn’t believe he was sleeping through all this. Was he dead? You lowered your body to lay your head on his chest. His heart was still beating strong. You went to get off of him when a pair of arms wrapped around you. You looked up to see Lee Sang smiling at you but his eyes were closed. “Great, he’s dreaming and I’m stuck.” you thought to yourself. You attempted to wiggle out of his arms but that only caused his grip to tighten. “Ok, I know you’re awake now.” you said. Lee Sang opened his eyes and freed you from his arms. You sat up still straddling his torso. “You big dummy. How come you didn’t say anything.” Lee Sang held your hands and smiled. “Because I wanted to see what all you might do.” You began to blush at these new words coming out of Sang’s mouth. It caught you off guard which was the perfect opportunity for Sang to roll you over so he was on top of you. Your heart sped up at his action, your face turning bright red. Lee Sang looked at you for a second before laughing and rolling off of you. He pulled you into his arms and kissed your lips. “Was that the attention you wanted?” he said smiling. “It’s definitely not what I was expecting that’s for sure.” You reached up and kissed his lips. “I love you Sang.” you said looking into his eyes. he smiled and returned the kiss. “I love you too.” He said pulling you closer to him. You both feel asleep in each other’s arms and were out for the rest of the afternoon.
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Taeho: You were shopping with Taeho which was a thing you two did a lot. However a normal shopping trip with Taeho consisted of going out to eat and holding hands during the trip. Today though Taeho never once touched your hand. And you’d been walking around for hours and you still hadn’t stopped to grab a bite to eat. You wondered if he was alright but you assumed if he wasn’t you wouldn’t have gone shopping. “Taeho, are you okay?” You asked. You were at the next store and Taeho was walking around the same manaquin for the fifth time. “Yeah.” Was all he said. He walked over to where the jackets were and looked through them. You watched as his eyebrows furrowed, a frown grew on his face. You sighed wondering what was going on. “Baby,” You gently spoke up reaching for Taeho’s hand. “What’s going through your mind? Please tell me, you look upset.” You rubbed your thumb over the back of his hand. He let out a big sigh before looking at you. “I just have a lot on my mind. I’m sorry.” He gave a small smile and squeezed your hand. “It’s alright baby, let’s go get something to eat?” Taeho smiled wider before pecking you on the lips. “That sounds great.” You held hands on the way to the food court and Taeho unloaded some of his thoughts. “Thank you for listening. I know I haven’t been giving you much attention but I just have a lot on my mind right now.” He said as you two shared a shake. “It’s alright baby. I’m glad you came to me though.” You smile kissing Taeho on the lips before digging into the fries.
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blizzardfluffykpop · 5 years
Other Groups Masterlist
Old writing style: 🖤 (It’s because I never edited in the beginning and now my new writing is edited :) 
Everything unmarked is fluff
Updated: 8/20/24
I don’t actively write for these groups
Newly added groups have their masterlists linked to their name. And those groups are; Astro, BTS, Day6, NCT (All Units), and Stray Kids. 
Main Masterlist
Day 25 Prompt 37 🖤
Day 9 Prompt 16 [Drinking, Drug use and Smut] (Female Reader) 🖤
Cha Eunwoo:
Warmth [Royal AU]
Day 36 Prompt 12 🖤
Day 27 Prompt 31 [Very Small Mentions of Getting High] 🖤
Day 15 Prompt 32 [Mentions of Depression] 🖤
Big Bang:
Day 20 Prompt 21 [Suggestive] (Female Reader)🖤
Day 32 Prompt 29 🖤
Block B:
Day 29 Prompt 26 🖤
Day 14 Prompt 17 [Angst and Smut] (Female Reader) 🖤
Poly BTS:
Sope x Reader 🖤
Namjoon (RM):
I’ll Be Home for Christmas🖤
Seokjin (Jin):
Yoongi (Suga):
Day 2 Prompt 11 [Smut] 🖤
Daycare Days🖤
Snowglobes [Smidgen of angst]🖤
Hoseok (J-Hope):
Day 17 Prompt 35 🖤
The Best Present 🖤
Taehyung (V):
Day 26 Prompt 18 [Smut] 🖤
Two Sweethearts🖤
Common [Soulmate AU] 🖤
Hufflepuff! Sungjin and Gryffindor! Reader 🖤
Small Tree 🖤
Jaehyung (Jae):
Gryffindor!Jae X Slytherin!Reader 🖤
Day 34 Prompt 24 🖤
Younghyun (Young K):
Slytherin! Young K and Gryffindor Reader 🖤
Day 1 Prompt 1 [Smut] (Female Reader) 🖤
Stupid Christmas Gifts
Slytherin! Wonpil and Hufflepuff! Reader 🖤
Not-So-Secret Santa 🖤
Ravenclaw! Dowoon and Ravenclaw! Reader 🖤
Day 18 Prompt 20 🖤
A Gingerbread Success?
Day 16 Prompt 8 🖤
Family Dinners Huh? [Smut] (Female Reader) 🖤
Day 6 Prompt 6 [Smut] (Female Reader) 🖤
Mechanic Shop
Golden Child:
Day 35 Prompt 27 🖤
Day 8 Prompt 19 🖤
Day 24 Prompt 13 [Smut] (Female Reader) 🖤
Day 31 Prompt 33 [Smut] (Female Reader) 🖤
Day 33 Prompt 22 🖤
More and more [Smut] (Female Reader) 🖤
NCT (All Units):
Flowers (Soulmate AU) 🖤
Snowman 🖤
Move Along [Toxic Relationship] [Cheating] [Divorce] [Ends on a soft note]
Vermont [A little sad but nothing major]
Yukhei (Lucas):
Cotton Snow
Friends? Lovers. 🖤
Married Christmas 🖤
Secret Santa 🖤
Cuddle With Me 🖤
Tooth Fairy [Dad! Jaemin]
Candy Canes [Platonic] 🖤
Nine Percent:
Pirates huh? 🖤
First Impressions 🖤
Hanakai AU (Angst?)
Pick Me (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) [Smut] {Male Reader} 🖤 *completed*
Dream Girl [Smut] [Drinking] {Male Reader} 🖤
Day 19 Prompt 7 (37 days of Christmas) [Smut] {Male Reader} 🖤 *completed*
Red Velvet:
Fifteen Minutes (Female Reader)
Pizza, Monopoly, and Pop (Female Reader) 🖤
Fake Texts:
A Little Help From My Friends (Part II) *Discontinued* 🖤
My Best Friend’s Brother Cliche 🖤
CHRISTOPHER! {Drabble} 🖤
Parties (Female Reader) 🖤
Home Life (Male Reader) [This work has rather dark topics!] 🖤
Minho (Lee Know):
Showed in Your Eyes (Minho x Jisung) [Gang Au (Knocking out someone(s), kidnapping, selling drugs, hacking, I guess I did mention stabbing, but no deaths!)]  🖤
Mini You 🖤
Stairway Mistletoe
Christmas Light Display
Mistletoe?  [Seungmin X Hyunjin (Best friend Reader)] 🖤
Yellow Ribbon
Jisung (Han):
Youngblood M/V (Based off it) 🖤
Showed in Your Eyes (Minho x Jisung) [Gang Au (Knocking out someone(s), kidnapping, selling drugs, hacking, I guess I did mention stabbing, but no deaths!)] 🖤
Sled Snow
Chancing It
Planted 🖤
Thousand Suns [Best Friend! Felix]
Mistletoe?  [Seungmin X Hyunjin (Best friend Reader)] 🖤
Jeongin (I.N):
Give Love a Try (Seungmin’s POV of the relationship) [Slight angst]
Like-Like [Bartender Reader]
Triple H:
Poly Relationship (Female Reader) 🖤
Wanna One:
Day 30 Prompt 30 🖤
Day 28 Prompt 5 [Suggestive]🖤
Day 10 Prompt 2 🖤
Solo Artists/K-Hip Hop Artists:
Jay Park:
Push Love (Part II) [Smut] 🖤 *completed*
Day 37 Prompt 28 [Smut]🖤
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notbythesun · 4 years
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guidelines — drabble list — groups — about
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a.c.e | astro | ateez | b.a.p | bts | cix | cravity | day 6 |dkb | exo | golden child | got7 | imfact | jbj | kard |mcnd | monsta x | nct | pentagon | seventeen | sf9 |shinee | stray kids | superm | the boyz | the rose | wanna one | vav | w24 | x1 | 1team
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apink | april | blackpink | clc | dreamcatcher | everglow | g-idle | gwsn | i.o.i | itzy | loona | mamamoo | momoland | twice | red velvet
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﹝🍀﹞— CO-ED
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excusemyobsessions · 5 years
(I happened to delete the previous post but eventually decided to open requests for a little longer)
Requests are open so come and request whatever you may want. Below is the list of artists I write for and the ones that already have pieces written for them will be linked to my masterlist (which is organized alphabetically). Requesting rules are there as well.
You may request scenarios (smaller, less elaborate texts of specific situations), one shots (more elaborate texts, usually not meant to be continued but may have a second part if I feel like it) (please send a scenario along with requests for one shots), reactions (pretty self explanatory), or drabbles (texts based on a quote from this list or your own quote, if you can’t find anything in that list) or you can request stuff from this Two-part Drabble Game.
Here are the artists I write for:
Groups I write for: 1TEAM, B.A.P., Block B, DAY6, GreatGuys, GOT7, HOTSHOT, IMFACT, IN2IT (OT7), KARD, KNK, Monsta X, PENTAGON, The Rose, TREI, VAV, Victon, VIXX
Solo artists I write for: Crush, Christian Yu, DPR LIVE, Gaho, G.Soul aka GLND, Gray, #GUN, Hyolyn, Jooyoung, June, Jung Jinwoo, Junoflo, Katie, Moti, SAAY, Sam Kim, Villain
(Just in case you’re curious, I currently have requests for I.M(MX), Lou(VAV), Jihun(KNK), Inpyo(IN2IT), Dowon(DAY6) and GOT7. You can still request stuff for those as well, especially since some of them are loose requests with no scenario)
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with1team · 5 years
HELLO AND WELCOME! I decided to make this page to post my writings for 1team! I I came across them a while ago and fell in love. They are so adorable! So here I’ll be posting my (not so good) writings dedicated to them. I hope you’ll enjoy!
ABOUT ME! I am soon to be sixteen year-old girl. English is not my first language so I apologize for all the mistakes I might make. I really enjoy writing, both in my mother tongue and in English. I have had a writing blog dedicated to Imfact before, but Tumblr deleted it for some reason and I never got it back. I am not totally familiar with how Tumblr works so I am sorry if my links don’t work etc.
PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SEND ME REQUESTS! I really hope you will be sending me requests since I enjoy making them! I will be mostly writing blurbs and drabbles/other longer texts, since I enjoy those the most. But feel free to request other stuff too and I will see what will come out of it. Please don't request smut, since I am not comfortable writing nor reading that. Please note that I am allowed to refuse your request if I’m uncomfortable with it.  
WHEN REQUESTING! When you request, please tell which member you would want me to write about and tell me if you’d like any particular details in it or if you’d like it to be angst etc. In case of blurbs, please add a timestamp you’d like.
Thank you so much for reading this and I hope you’ll enjoy my writings. I am not that good, but I aspire to improve. Feel free to send me anything you want to ask or say to me. I appreciate all of you <3
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illumose · 6 years
hello, from today the requests are open, feel free to request : a drabble, a scenario, a reaction, an headcanon, a text or ship for BTS, GOT7, NCT, MONSTA X, STRAY KIDS, BIG BANG or IMFACT !
we do ships, if you want to request one give us :
• your name
• a small description of yourself
• what you like/hate
• your passion, your hobby
• and maybe two or three things about you
don’t forget to tell us which with group you want it!
check the guidelines before sending your request!
check the masterlist before requesting, it may already had been done
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chcrrybombwinwin · 7 years
How to Request
You can send in requests through PM or my inbox (ask).
I do scenarios, fics, texts, snapchats, fake subs, reactions, etc. so don’t be afraid to ask!
Drabble Games: one , two
Groups I write for:
NCT + Ji Hansol
Monsta X
Red Velvet
Block B
Berry Good
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choibeomgogi · 7 years
I need more kpop content to follow so reblog/like this if you post or rb any of these. (desperate for the groups in bold) Also, please please PLEASE rb/like this post if you do reactions, drabbles, etc.
• B.I.G (Boys in Groove)
• Longguo & Shihyun
• Imfact
• Up10tion
• 24k
• Got7
• Boys24
• Uniq
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pocket-scenarios · 5 years
2 + 13 with Yonghee from CIX & Ungjae
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(Admin: Guiiying)
2: They confess their feelings for you.
13: Your friends tease the two of you.
“Oh, the two of you are showing up together,” one of your mutual friends teases.
You and Yonghee let out small laughs, you slide into the booth next to the friend that made the comment while Yonghee goes to the other side. Yonghee helps grill meat upon request of the person next to him. Conversation flows naturally between all of you. Your friend Hyunggu calls out to you passing you a shot of soju.
“Y’N can’t drink because of her medicine,” Yonghee mutters placing a piece of pork belly onto your plate.
“Thank you,” you say softly, referring to the food he placed.
Of course, his comment makes the teasing start up again. The group telling him to drink it for you, which he does. You laugh shaking your head at the cheers from the rest of your friends, Yonghee laughs returning to grilling meat. The outing past this is relatively normal, most of the group gets drunker than they probably should. Yonghee, of course, does not drink any more than the shot that was given to you since he usually helps make sure everyone gets into a cab and sent home. You and Yonghee eventually do manage to get Hyunggu into a cab, him being the last and most difficult.
“Y’N, I’ve been meaning to tell you something,” Yonghee’s confidence lowers the longer he speaks, you nod encouraging him to continue, “I’ve had feelings for you for a while now,” he trails off.
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(Admin: Guiiying)
Same Numbers
Everyone could tell that something is different between you and Ungjae. The way both of you react to the teasing comments is different from before. When Ungjae confessed to you, you were surprised, it is not that you do not like him. It is just difficult to move from being friends to something more because that can cause problems that make your head spin just thinking about them. Ungjae shows up and sits in the seat next to your own.
The teasing that always occurs when the two of you are together, of course, begins and both of you do your best to act the way you normally would. The two others with you in the cafe are the mutual friends you met through, the two of them are getting married. Your friend asked you to be a bridesmaid and Ungjae is the groom’s best man. The four of you talk about the preparations for the wedding for a while before the couple leaves.
“I’ll drive you home,” Ungjae suggests, you hum pulling yourself up from the seat.
You decide to make yourself clear to Ungjae despite the uneasy feeling in your stomach: “Ungjae when you confessed to me-”
“-You don’t have to force yourself,” Ungjae interjects.
“I’m not,” you say with a sigh, “I like you too, it’s just I can’t help but imagine something going wrong,” you admit.
|| Masterlist || Submit A Request || Drabble Game ||
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http-bely · 5 years
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Drabbles... Tom & Jerry Moments - Momento #09: Mimado (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/r03QRE4p1Z Título del drabble: "Tom & Jerry Moments" Pareja: Ungjae x Taeho (IMFACT) Autora: HeeChan Tipo: Yaoi Género: Fluff, Romántico, Comedia Clasificación: PG Advertencia: Quizás mas adelante haya algo de lemon. Comentario del Autora: Se trata de pequeños drabbles que estaré publicando bajo este titulo, ya que todos tratan de momentos de la pareja. Se supone que esto iba a ser un shot, pero no resulto de esta forma. Los pequeños drabbles están inspirados en fotos, los live del grupo, algún comentario o quote que haya leído. Espero les guste la idea, disfruten la lectura.
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Hi💙 May I have a selca ship with KNK and Imfact? Thank youuuu~
@supportknk I would be more than happy to! :))
KNK: Inseong I think you two would just have a lot of fun. You would go out on adventures, and explore new places, and try new things. He would love you very much and take very good care of you, as you would love and support him in all he did.
Imfact: Jeup (I’m not familiar with the group so I hope the drabble comes out okay) He liked to cuddle you and spend his days off relaxing with you or going on walks with you. He really liked your voice and wanted to just talk with you as much as he could.
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emeraldbabygirl · 5 years
A small update on my fanfics
I have an assload of fanfic ideas written out on a word doc but there’s so many cringey BTS one’s I had to delete them omg. There are cute Monsta-X, Astro and Yoongi oneshots that I made tho. And I have a few with a mix of idols. It literally used to be all BTS and now it’s all VAV except I have some ideas for reactions that are underrated groups or members uwu.
I started on a cute cafe/dinner one with Monsta-X and I started a oneshot with N. If I move all I have written down in my notes on my phone I can move them to the doc and then decide which ones to keep and which to get rid of.
It’ll take awhile because there’s a lot but if I change the members or groups I use I’ll have more of a variety. As far as what I have saved in my drafts, I’ve got more VAV content, a cute Shownu oneshot, a cute ATEEZ reaction, 2 Dongin blurbs/drabbles (I’m still trying to learn the difference between the two), a Wonho thing, a spicy Zuho fanfic and a lil Teen Top thing.
As for other ideas that I’ve had, idols include:
Yijeong and Kyungil
I think it’s Christian Yu, Dongwoo and Wonho?
Jay Park, Junhyuk, and C.A.P
Hwasa, Hyuna, Zico, CNU, Jay Park and Umji,
Hyungwon, Jungshin, Dongwoo Namjoon and Yoongi
Baekho and St.Van
There’s a spicy St.Van, ACE and Baron one
Yoongi, Wonho and Kyungil
And then there was gonna be this big mashup? of members from Monsta-X, Got7, Seventeen, B.A.P, BTS, Block B, KARD, Girls Generation and ikon
I also made one with Jin, Jungkook and Jimin? I think with Jennie, Tiffany and Jo Kwon
There’s a short but cute? CNU one, there’s a Heecheon one, a cute Jian one, there’s one with all the members of Imfact
And then there are 2 that have to do with a boy band and girl group I made up but that would be a series and I’m not good at series’s because I had one with SF9, Jungkook and Tzuyu as characters and that derailed fast uwu
Basically I have to go through which ideas I want to keep or trash and actually start writing them
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