#imfact reaction
xkpopobsessedx · 5 years
Taeho smut short
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- Gif credit goes to owner / creator. 
- Smut short
“ Babe please!” Taeho begged his head falling back as he fought against the cuffs. His dark hair stuck to his forehead breathing hard as he comes down from the 3rd time I edged him.  
I hummed running my nail along the inside of his thigh leaving my mark on his pale skin.  His hard length twitching anticipating my touch.  “ Please what ?”
“ L-let me come. Please.” He sobbed hips snapping up.  
I wrapped my hand around him moving slowly at first. Taking my time, my thumb ghosting over his leaking tip. “ Look at you, begging to cum. Soon enough.”
“ Oh god.” He groaned fighting against the cuffs once more.   
I smirked bring my other hand up to rub his balls in unison with my strokes. The sound of his pants and Uh uh let me know he was about to come undone. I picked up my pace squeezing him tighter.
“ Jagi!” He yelled as his orgasm hit him. His whole body shook, cum covering my hand along with his belly.  “Damn it.”  Taeho wrapped his legs around my arm.
I stroked him a few more times as I kissed his thigh. “ How did that feel?”
He pushed away with his foot still panting. “ So good but now I'm coming after you.” He growled.
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illumose · 6 years
so the requests are open again, you can send request for : texts, scenarios, reactions, mtl, drabbles or headcanons
please check the masterlist before requesting, we might have done it before.
also, don’t forget to read the guidelines before sending your request.
— writing requests can take times. we have a life and other things to do. I started a planning which is on the masterlist where you can see when your requests will be published. i try my best to do all the requests in time.
i would like to thanks the people who support the blog and give feedback, and those who take time to read what we write. love you all - keila.
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imagineurfavs · 3 years
IMFACT Masterlist
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- nothing yet -
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emeraldbabygirl · 5 years
Imfact’s reaction to you wanting attention uwu
These are long reactions btw because my reactions are long and I don’t know why other than I’m dumb and don’t know how reactions work uwu
I’ll try to make any new reactions short as these are basically those drabble/blurb thing but it’s the same topic for each member. I’ll work on making my reactions short and to the point. Please be patient with me.
Jeup: he would be playing games in his room when you wanted him to notice you so you thought making noise would distract him from his gaming. So you opted to rolling around on the floor. “Jeup Jeup, Jeup, Jeup.” You repeated over and over again. He continued to ignore you so you slithered across the floor and began tickling his feet. He started laughing which caused him to lose focus and lose the game. He sighed turning his chair towards you who was still laying on the floor. “What do you want babe? You made me lose again.” You pouted sitting up. “I want attention.” Jeup smiled and patted his lap. “You couldn’t wait til I finished my game?” You crawled onto his lap and cuddled against his chest. “Nope.” you said causing Jeup to chuckle. He kissed you and snuggled you close.
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Jian: Jian would be in the kitchen cooking when you plopped yourself at the table sighing. You watched him go back and forth between the fridge and the stove. Usually you enjoyed watching him cook, it was always so relaxing. But today you wanted him to pay attention to you. You sighed again, this time a little louder. “Yah, Jian.” “Yes princess?” he sang. “I’m bored.” “Hi bored I’m Jian.” Usually you’d laugh at his dad jokes but today was different. You got up from your seat at the table and started picking pieces of cooked meat out of the pan. “Hey, what are you doing that stuff is hot. You could burn yourself.” Jian exclaimed pulling your hand away from the pan. You sighed again and leaned against the counter. “I’m thirsty.” “There’s juice in the fridge, it’s orange juice like you wanted.” Jian continues to stir the contents of the pan. “I’m hungry.” “I’m fixing dinner.” “Jiiiaaannn..” you whine stomping your feet like a child. Jian turns and cocks his head. “What’s wrong princess?” Without another word he reaches to turn the stove off before coming over to you and kissing your lips. He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear before cupping your cheek in his hand. You lean into his touch. he pecks you on the nose then your forehead then Jian covered your face in kisses causing you to giggle. You push him playfully. He grabs your hand and kisses it before pulling you into a hug. “You wanted attention didn’t you? I’m sorry if you feel like I’ve been ignoring you lately. I’ve been really busy. Can you help me finish dinner and then we can do whatever you like for the rest of the night.” You smiled, “horror movie marathon!” you excitedly said. Jian shuddered, “babe, you hate horror movies.” “Not as much as you.” You sang. Jian sighed, “alright, we can do that.” he said pecking your lips once more before tending back to the stove again.
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Ungjae: You and Ungjae were supposed to be on a date. But it didn’t feel like one when he was on his phone the whole time. You knew he was very busy but you thought he could direct his attention to you for a couple hours. “I’m done eating, can we walk through the park?” you asked leaning back in your chair. If you weren’t desperate for Ungjae’s attention you would’ve scarfed down your whole burger and ordered a second. It was quiet for awhile except the clicking coming from Ungjae’s phone. “In the dark?” he finally spoke up. The first words you heard from him all evening. He didn’t even notice you stole all his french fries. “Yes,” you stated, “I like the night breeze and seeing all the street lights lit up.” you hoped a walk would get Ungjae off his phone. “I suppose.” he said. As you left the restaurant ready to hold his hand it was attached to his phone, his eyes glued to the screen. As you walked towards the park you decided to break the silence. “What are you doing that’s more important than on the date night that we both agreed on?” You slipped that last bit in there hoping he would notice and say something. “Emails.” was all he said. You sighed loud and walked past him to the park. You both walked side by side but it sure didn’t feel like you were even together. You kicked up some leaves in the path before finding a rock and kicking it. It hit a metal garbage can making a clang noise causing Ungjae to look up. And then he was back to his phone. You let out a groan. “Ungjaaaaeee.” You dropped to the ground. You were frustrated that he thought emails were more important than his date with you. He let out a sigh and dropped to the ground in front of you. “I’m sorry I ruined our date night,” he began. You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “If you were busy why didn’t you just cancel?” Ungjae helped you to your feet, his eyes meeting yours. “I got one email as we arrived at the restaurant and I thought I could respond real quick but it ended up being a group email from all my colleagues about the upcoming project happening in the spring and they wanted to discuss it right then. I’m sorry sweetie.” Ungjae cupped your face with his hands and brought a kiss to your forehead. “It’s done now, let’s enjoy our night walk hmm? I promise I’ll make it up to you.” Ungjae rejoined your side and held your hand tightly in his and you two continued down the lit path in the park.
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Lee Sang: Sang had a few days of which meant you two could spend some time together. But as soon as you woke up the next day he was nowhere to be found. You assumed he was still sleeping as it was only 7:30 so you went about your daily routine until about 2 in the afternoon. Sang still hadn’t come out of the bedroom yet. You wondered why so you made your way to his room. Seeing the door shut you knocked before opening it a crack. You poked your expecting him to be working on his computer but nope. He was sleeping but fully clothed on top of the covers. You let yourself in his room, tip-toeing across the hardwood floor and crawled onto his bed. You sat on your knees next to his sleeping figure. He was always so cute when he was asleep. “Baby,” you whispered. After no response you poked his cheek. Still nothing. You booped his nose. Nothing. You blew in his face, stuck your finger up his nose, covered his face in kisses, tickled his feet, tickled his stomach, licked his face and whacked him with a pillow. But nothing worked. He seemed to be in a deep sleep. So you did the unexpected. You sat on him. Then you grabbed his arms and shook them as you pretended to ride a horse. “Giddy up yeehaw!” You shouted. Still nothing. You couldn’t believe he was sleeping through all this. Was he dead? You lowered your body to lay your head on his chest. His heart was still beating strong. You went to get off of him when a pair of arms wrapped around you. You looked up to see Lee Sang smiling at you but his eyes were closed. “Great, he’s dreaming and I’m stuck.” you thought to yourself. You attempted to wiggle out of his arms but that only caused his grip to tighten. “Ok, I know you’re awake now.” you said. Lee Sang opened his eyes and freed you from his arms. You sat up still straddling his torso. “You big dummy. How come you didn’t say anything.” Lee Sang held your hands and smiled. “Because I wanted to see what all you might do.” You began to blush at these new words coming out of Sang’s mouth. It caught you off guard which was the perfect opportunity for Sang to roll you over so he was on top of you. Your heart sped up at his action, your face turning bright red. Lee Sang looked at you for a second before laughing and rolling off of you. He pulled you into his arms and kissed your lips. “Was that the attention you wanted?” he said smiling. “It’s definitely not what I was expecting that’s for sure.” You reached up and kissed his lips. “I love you Sang.” you said looking into his eyes. he smiled and returned the kiss. “I love you too.” He said pulling you closer to him. You both feel asleep in each other’s arms and were out for the rest of the afternoon.
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Taeho: You were shopping with Taeho which was a thing you two did a lot. However a normal shopping trip with Taeho consisted of going out to eat and holding hands during the trip. Today though Taeho never once touched your hand. And you’d been walking around for hours and you still hadn’t stopped to grab a bite to eat. You wondered if he was alright but you assumed if he wasn’t you wouldn’t have gone shopping. “Taeho, are you okay?” You asked. You were at the next store and Taeho was walking around the same manaquin for the fifth time. “Yeah.” Was all he said. He walked over to where the jackets were and looked through them. You watched as his eyebrows furrowed, a frown grew on his face. You sighed wondering what was going on. “Baby,” You gently spoke up reaching for Taeho’s hand. “What’s going through your mind? Please tell me, you look upset.” You rubbed your thumb over the back of his hand. He let out a big sigh before looking at you. “I just have a lot on my mind. I’m sorry.” He gave a small smile and squeezed your hand. “It’s alright baby, let’s go get something to eat?” Taeho smiled wider before pecking you on the lips. “That sounds great.” You held hands on the way to the food court and Taeho unloaded some of his thoughts. “Thank you for listening. I know I haven’t been giving you much attention but I just have a lot on my mind right now.” He said as you two shared a shake. “It’s alright baby. I’m glad you came to me though.” You smile kissing Taeho on the lips before digging into the fries.
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can u pls do the 'cross gene reacting to find out u dont want kids' for imfact? thank you :]
you got it!!
Jeup: Would be a bit taken aback, and maybe a little disappointed, but would respect your decision and promise you that he’d never pressure you to do otherwise. “You know that you and your happiness is the most important thing to me, always.”
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Taeho: This wouldn’t be news to him, he would have anticipated that all along and would be very cute to you to calm you down from how nervous you were to tell him. “Come on, you think I don’t know you well? Of course I knew that~ So silly~”
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Jian: He would laugh and wrap you up in a hug, if he was disappointed at all he certainly wouldn’t show it. “I’ve already got four kids to raise, what makes you think I wanted more?!”
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Lee Sang: He would be relieved because he felt the same way but had been too nervous to tell you. Of course, he wouldn’t let you know that part, and would try and play it cool instead. “Me and you both, babe.”
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Ungjae: Is pretty startled that you even thought that far ahead, but realizes that it doesn’t really matter to him much anyway. “That’s okay, but if I do end up feeling super paternal someday, can we get a puppy or something?” (As if he isn’t already a puppy himself…)
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thatleroybrown · 5 years
IMFACT reacting to you crying because you’re afraid of loud noises
summary: IMFACT reacts to you crying since you hate loud noises.
This is my first imagine and I did it because I was inspired. I don’t think it’ll be really accurate, but since I cherish IMFACT that much, I thought it would be nice. If you don’t like it or you consider something is offensive (I didn’t write this with that purpose), please, don’t be rude and express your opinion in a polite way.  Some are shorter and some are longer, but I wrote as inspiration came to me. I’m sorry if there’s any problem with my English. Enjoy!
disclaimer: I don’t own the gifs. The credits go to their owners.
warnings: none
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You two decided to do something special since you've been busy recently, so you decided to go to a play at the theater. Unfortunately, your seats were quite close to the speakers, but you decided to pull yourself together and be brave since you didn't want to give him a hard time. The play started and loud noises began. Although Jian was enjoying every line and every scene, you couldn't focus. All you tried to do was not to cry. But you cried. In order to hide your tears, you put your hand on the side of your face and tried to keep a poker face but, despite your attempt, your body started trembling and you started sobbing. Jian noticed it right away, looking at you worried while holding your hand, so he could see your tears.
"Y/N, are you okay...? Oh, right. You are afraid of loud noises, aren't you? Let's head out and go to somewhere quiet" .
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You two were just fooling around at home. Laughing, making weird faces and telling bad jokes about everything. Trying to light up the mood even more, Jeup played some music on the stereo. At the beginning was fine, but then the volume started rising up and up. Jeup was too into the rhythm and you started to get scared.
"Jeup... could you turn down the music, please?"
He didn't listen.
"Jeup, please" you rised your voice, but the music volume also rised up.
"You know I'm scared of loud noises..." 
"I KnOW" he shouted, trying to freak you out.
And he did it. You didn't want to lose against Jeup, but your fear was bigger than your pride. As soon as he saw tears going down your cheeks, he rushed to you.
"Nononono, Y/N, don't you cry, okay? Please" he turned down the volume and hugged you as fast as he could.
"If you don't do that again, I won't cry" laughed in a soft voice, still sobbing.
"Okay, okay..." agreed. "Crybaby" murmured while smiling slightly.
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You two were walking down the street while laughing and imaginating funny situations. In one of them, Taeho started imaginating what would be to communicate with you like if one of you were deaf.
"I suppose I would have to TalK LiKE ThIS" he staretd shouting.
At first it was funny due to his funny and cute faces, but then he got closer.
"WouLdN't iT Be FunNY?"
"WoULd yOU GeT NerVOus??" He got closer
"YoU hATe iT ThAT MuCH???" he was just right next to your ear.
You didn't know it, but two little tears started to appear and going down your cheeks. Taeho didn't realise untill your hands started shaking.
"Y/N no... I didn't mean... No, please. We're outside. No..." he hugged you, while you hid your face on his shoulder. Little by little, you calmed down and kept talking so cheerfully, pretending that nothing happened.
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Sang was a soft boy and he wouldn't do anything that would make you feel bad. At least, on purpose.
After a tiring day, you two decided to lay on the sofa and chill while watching an horror movie. It wasn't that scary since you didn't mind them, so Sang took the chance and turned up the volume at its maximum (he really wanted you to get scared, so he could "protect" you and make sure you stayed with him all night). It was true that you weren't actually scared of the movie itself. It was pretty lame, indeed. But there was one thing that actually scared you to death: all those screams and "terrorific" noises were loud. Really loud. Too loud. You just wanted it to end so you could calm down a little. You also didn't want to walk away since Sang might get worried, so you decided to stay.
Bad idea.
Non-stop loud noises actually scared you quite a lot, so you decided to get closer to Sang.
"Are you scared?" he asked with mocking voice "Didn't you say that horror movies were boring?"
You didn't listen to him but stayed there, buring your face on his arm, so you could hide your tears while Sang kept mocking. But after a while it stopped being funny.
"Y/N, are you really okay...?"
It took him a while to remember, but he did. Picking up the remote, he turned down the volume, you still covering your tears with his arm.
"I'm sorry... I didn't reali- I'm so sorry..." he didn't know what to say so you would calm down.
As you heard the screams and loud noises were fading out, you heart felt less and less heavy, so all Sang could see was your watery eyes.
"I'm sorry... I won't forget again, I promise" he said while cleaning your face from the tears, as you couldn't help smiling at that sweet scene of the boyfriend of yours.
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The world was so noisy. It was really bothersome almost everyday, but that day was too noisy for you to handle. Traffic jam, street music, neighbors arguing... All you wanted to do was to disappear or become deaf, but none of the options were possible.
As soon as you got home you tried to keep your mind busy doing other things so you wouldn't notice the noise all around, but it was the World against you, so the World ended up winning.
Calmly, step by step, you aproached the bed. Taking the sheets up to your head, you tried to calm down.
"This is not gonna get over me" you repeated time after time, so it would make sense to you.
You didn't want this to freak you out. You didn't want to feel any kind of weakness. But sometimes the human being needs it. Sometimes people need to cry. And so you did.
Just some minutes later, Ungjae arrived home. Noises were still out there and as loud as one hour ago.
Ungjae looked for you all over the house till he realised a round little thing under the sheets. It was you.
"Is Y/N home?" he tried to joke, but he stopped as soon as he heard you crying. "This is all too much, right...?" he kept talking, trying to empatize with you. "Don't worry, I'm here..." he rubbed your back. "Just cry as much as you need".
And he stood there all the time, making sure crying helped you to calm down while rubbing your back and leaving little kisses on your head through the sheets.
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nctiscool · 4 years
New Kpop Reaction Page!
Hey y’all
We’re new here, and will take requests (one-shots, reactions, imagines, etc.) for the following groups: (We will write smut, but not for those under the 2000 line!) (We also will not write romantic pieces about members that are in relationships)
NCT (all units including WayV)
EXO (ot12)
Park Jihoon
The Boyz (ot12)
Stray Kids (ot9)
Day6 (ot6)
24K (ot13)
Infinite (ot7)
We are willing to write about other groups, just send us an ask! ~Madi & Allie
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jimadere · 5 years
Who is you Imfact bias?
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myrandomkpopblog · 6 years
Friend: what kind of music to you like?
Me: kpop
Friend: oh exo or bts?
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morrggzz · 5 years
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Get your wallets out IFS! StudioPAV is out here saving lives with these money saving tickets!
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My Top 99 Songs of 2018:
Love Scenario - iKON
Killing Me - iKON
Cocktail - iKON
Senorita - VAV
She’s Mine - VAV
Give It To Me - VAV
Sorry For My English - IN2IT
Piece Of Work - Villain
She’s In The Rain - The Rose
Insomnia - The Rose
Yellow - Lee HongKi
Gone - Lee Changsub
Take Me Higher - A.C.E
I Feel So Lucky - H.cue ft A.C.E
Make Up - Sam Kim
Pirate King - ATEEZ
Who Am I - FTIsland
Always You - ASTRO
Fake Love - BTS
Magic Shop - BTS
Serendipity - JIMIN(BTS)
Like A Flower - N.Flying
How R U Today - N.Flying
Now or Never - SF9
Who Waits For Love - SHINee
Countless - SHINee
Blue - ONEW
Only One You Need - Jonghyun
Take The Dive - Jonghyun
Blue Rose - UP10TION
Chaser - UP10TION
New Hero’s - TEN
Voices - Stray Kids
Awaken - Stray Kids
Lay Your Head On Me - Crush
Stop The Rain - DAY6
Shoot Me - DAY6
Beautiful Pain - BTOB
The Eve - EXO
Love Shot - EXO
Dinner - Suho ft Jang Jane
Upside Down - BigFlo
Good Morning - Penomeco
The Light - James
Spring Breeze - Wanna One
Awake - Wanna One
Light - Wanna One
Loved - Highlight
Kiss Me Like That - Shinhwa
403 - Drug Restaurant
Jealously - Monsta X
Fallin - Monsta X
Destroyer - Monsta X
Shoot Out - Monsta X
DDU- DU DDU-DU - Black Pink
Starry Night - MAMAMOO
Wind Flower - MAMAMOO
Black Dress - CLC
Dystopia - Cross Gene
Touch It - Cross Gene
You & I - DreamCatcher
Lose You - Eric Nam
Potion - Eric Nam ft Woodie Gochild
I Love You - EXID
Lady - EXID
All I Need - Flowsik ft. Jessi
Look - GOT7
Lullaby - GOT7
Sunrise - JB
Fine - Yugyeom
Made It - Jackson
Fendiman - Jackson
Monster - Henry
I Hate You - HotShot
O. M. G. - HALO
Tell Me - Inifinte
Forget About Tomorrow - Jay Park
Upside Down - Jay Park
Call Your Name - JBJ
My Flower - JBJ
Be Joyful - JBJ
Baby It’s You - Jeong Sewoon
Close Over - Jeong Sewoon
20 Something - Jeong Sewoon
Dive - Jooyoung
Wine - Jooyoung
She Bad - MYTEEN
Baby Don’t Stop - NCT U
Boss - NCT U
Airplane Mode - NOIR
Stealer - D-Crunch
Crush - Weki Meki
Good Night Kiss - Kim Dong Han
Escape - TraxX
Grand Bleu - 100%
Heart - 100%
Seoul Night - Teen Top
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illumose · 6 years
hello, from today the requests are open, feel free to request : a drabble, a scenario, a reaction, an headcanon, a text or ship for BTS, GOT7, NCT, MONSTA X, STRAY KIDS, BIG BANG or IMFACT !
we do ships, if you want to request one give us :
• your name
• a small description of yourself
• what you like/hate
• your passion, your hobby
• and maybe two or three things about you
don’t forget to tell us which with group you want it!
check the guidelines before sending your request!
check the masterlist before requesting, it may already had been done
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loucamentekpopper · 3 years
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kpop-sprite · 6 years
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The purest
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emeraldbabygirl · 5 years
Imfact scenario: Snowboarding on the first date
I wanna do something a little different then a reaction and I watched when they all went snowboarding for the first time and I wanted to do a reaction type thing.
Jian: When Jian told you he was taking you to the ski resort you were both really excited. That was until he remembered you had to take the ski lift to the top of the mountain. He was nervous but the whole way up you were joking and talking about whatever to keep his mind off of his fear of heights. “I’m glad we came up here.” Jian said holding you close to him. “It’s actually really pretty, everyone looks like ants.”
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Ungjae: Ungjae had been thinking of first date ideas for months and he decided since the weather was getting colder it would be romantic to bundle up in warm clothes and go snowboarding. Since it was his first time as well you both started out rocky but he got the hang of it real quick. You however struggled, and he made sure to always laugh every time you fell over. “You’ll get the hang of it soon. let’s go together.” he said holding your hand as you went down the mountain.
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Lee Sang: Lee Sang wasn’t nervous at all about your first date together. However you had multiple thoughts running through your head. ‘what if you fall over a lot and embarrass yourself?’ ‘what if he doesn’t show up?’ “Hey y/n you ready?” You turned around to meet Lee Sang. He was in the fluffiest jacket you had ever seen. He handed you a snowboard, his smile brighter than the sun. “I’m actually a bit nervous.” you mumbled. “It’s alright, let’s just have fun and enjoy the snow.” He grabbed your hand and you two made your way to the ski lift.
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Taeho: Taeho was giggling watching you try to keep yourself upright. You had fallen over multiple times and the amount or snow you’d accidentally eaten was more than enough to have a snowball fight with. “It’s not funny!” you yelled at Taeho who was rolling around in the snow laughing. “Eat this!” you said chucking a snowball at him. You burst out laughing at his surprised expression. The next ten minutes consisted of a snowball fight with both of you falling to the ground at the end laughing. “You wanna get some hot chocolate?” Taeho asked staring to get up. He holds his hand out to help you up “Sounds great.” you say grabbing his hand.
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Jeup: Jeup and you waited for the ski trainer to arrive when turned to peck your cheek. “Thank you for coming up here on our first date. I was really nervous you wouldn’t want to come.” you laughed at his silly talk. As soon as you started down the mountain Jeup was a natural. If you didn’t know any better you would’ve thought he was a professional snowboarder. When he joined you at the bottom of the mountain you clapped for him and ran to give him a hug. “That was amazing!” you said. Jeup giggled, “Thank you.” 
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I wanted gifs of them from the snowboard vlive but I don’t have enough space to screen record the bits that I want so I hope these gifs are fine. I’m worried about my boys, I sent them all messages on Insta and Youtube. I hope they’ll be alright :( I love them and don’t want anything to happen to them. 
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maemaebme · 6 years
IMFACT's "나나나" Teaser to be released August 16th
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