horrorlesbians · 10 months
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since everyone is suddenly freaking out about tumblr dying might as well do a little promo. my instagram, youtube, tiktok and spotify are @/horrorlesbians, my pinterest is @/horrorlesbians2 and my letterboxd is deathhaul
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meowburgerz · 11 months
Raye, you already know how to draw beautifully !!!! And I know that the process of learning anything can be tedious but you can always do it your way adding your own spice baly ass baly ass baly ass
Don't be so hard on yourself and take breaks ♡
sniffles... i love you sm..... ueeeee....... tthank you so mush.... licks you gently....
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jupesoupiter · 1 year
hi there im jupiter and this is where i make the burgers
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chorus-cat · 2 years
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this guy
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mrswhymrhow · 2 years
there has to be a way to stop using social media but also have a way to see little images. where can i find beautiful art from random artists thro out histiry and the world nf that page thats like i love the poet in you i gope you love the accountant in me
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angeltism · 7 months
dont worry, im pining for you . . ~ ^_^
WOAHTHER . OH OKAY!! areyou sure rhough like reaaaly sure . sure sure . /silly j .
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sanfielle · 2 years
you're super nice and i wish i could talk more to u but im.shy. but i enjoy being mutuals with you ^_^
send me an anon about me and i cannot reply.
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that anon is wrong being in the same room as someone counts as parallel play you are hanging out and being a good friend dont worry
im nkt i need to be doign more im neverr good enuogh thsts why kermit doesnt liek me anymore im a bad friend im bad km bad imbad im bad
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sharpbutsoft · 1 month
i get ur post abt being turned off by that and i agree but i think ppl do it cause they see just the act of posting a fic as like, being confident that what ur writing is great, so then they try to play it off like that to come across as more humble/shield themselves against criticism. tho i agree it kinda makes me pause and be like well dont tell me im not gonna like it before i even read it!!! also as a sidenote i really dislike when the summary is “Lol imbad at writing summaries but i swear the fic is better than the summary haha” like dont. talk to ME in ur summary i wanna see a description or put a preview of the fic! gimme 2-3 lines from the fic that show me the tone/plot and im fine u dont have to write an elaborate summary to make me click! anyway sorry i just wanted to join in on the convo u dont have to respond if u dont want this discussion on ur blog lol just know that i see u and i agree haha
Anon yeah like that’s p much it
& i dont wanna knock other fic writers because it’s hard and it’s a very vulnerable thing to do - to write something and share it with the world is nothing to scoff at, truly
It just makes me sad because for someone to pour their heart & soul & energy into their writing, and then devalue that with a snarky “oh idek what this is it’s probably full of plot holes cause i couldn’t be assed to proofread it” is like… okay well why should I value the time you spent writing this if you don’t?
And they’re protecting their feelings, but when their fic gets little interaction/feedback they’ll learn the wrong lesson & think its not worth being sincere & putting yourself & your writin out there when the opposite is true!
Sorry this kinda got away from me but yeah
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narcitism · 6 months
what is narc supply?
OK GOOD QUESTION ACTUALLY!1 uhh imbad at wods if anyone can explain it better pls do!!!! anyways uhm its basically uhhh like... yay attention and stuff and it makes narcs feel good (please dear god someone xplain it better i'mbad with words)
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delphientropy · 4 months
i have a question regarding ocpd
i am very much a perfectionist. at least i believe so. im literally overthinking if my symptom of being a perfectionist is perfect and supplies to everything i do ever and that the only way it can be valid is if im a perfectionist with EVERYTHING EVER and what even is a perfectionist and my perfectionist symptom MUST be perfect
anyway uh
like yes i strive things to look perfect in my view or just. exactly how i want it to be. but i also procrastinate or abandon things/leave them unfinished due to adhd. im constantly thinking "i need to be doing work. i need to do this, and i need to make it perfect or else." and i just..cant. i hacent finished an artwork ive been meaning to do for MONTHS because its not perfect and i keep procrastinating to do it later. i have to make everything perfect in my eyes or else. and this greatly hinders how long it takes to do tasks, especially schoolwork. it takes me longer to do things for SO many reasons, because it takes me longer to process, longer to write down or finish, longer to make it exactly how i want it, and constantly disappointed that things i create dont look exactly how i envisioned in my head
but maybe im overthinking things? it feels wrong to keep grabbing at disorders to desperately try and explain myself, but ive always known there was SOMETHING wrong that wasnt related to my others. maybe its overlap or how these disorders interact with one another and maybe i dont have a PD but i hate not knowing everything about myself and having the perfect symptoms and perfect knowledge of all of my disorders and symptoms and perfectly know exactly who i am.
i have to know the perfect way to do things, step by step exactly how to do simple tasks like chores. i hate the word perfect, actually, exactly for this reason. i hate the word perfect because nothing is perfect and i know this and yet i cant help but NEED things to be PERFECT. i need things to be EXACTLY how i envision them
and i need to know that im not crazy. i need to know that this is even perfectionism because. my room is a mess. my handwriting is a mess. so many of my things and actions arent perfect and i always say "good enough" even though its NOT good enough. imbad at wording things and thats awful for me because i want my explanations to be perfect and my wording to be perfect. perfect perfect perfect ive said the word so many times in this post it may as well have no meaning and yet it means EVERYTHING to me. i even have to force myself not to correct people.
the thing is i dont feel as much of an intense need for my friends to be perfect. i love my friends and i love my boyfriend even if they arent perfect, because no one is perfect, but sometimes i catch myself thinking "thats not the perfect way to do things, i need to correct them" or "this reaction isnt perfect or how i want it to be" but i try my very best not to say it. im not even angry at my friend for not being perfect or having it perfect im just angry that the action or word or whatever isnt perfect. i want to correct them and help them so they can strive to be the best and im happy with that. its okay if my friends are imperfect, but i need to be perfect and i need our relationship itself to be perfect and never have misunderstandings or disagreements.
and oh my god, im so stubborn with critisism. from what i know this is definitely with my RAD and autism, but even with that they arent perfect explanations. i dont hate critism ONLY because the person talks down to me like an authority because thats not always the case. its the fact that im offended by the fact of critisism at all. some days im WAY better with it, by thinking "i was wrong about this and that was an imperfection, now i am correct and i am more perfect and this is good," but if the tone is even slightly rude or condensing or whatever i shut off, especially if its a stranger. i WANT critisism and i WANT to be better but sometimes i dont know what is better or anything is slightly imperfect and im stubborn i hate you dont you DARE call me imperfect. i never realized how obsessed i was with this perfection because i refused to use the word perfect and i know that not everything is perfect but that never supresses the NEED.
i dont know anymore. am i the textbook definition of perfectionist is this even what perfection can look like or am i crazy. i swear im not crazy. does anything in this post even make sense.
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Not to be corny but godg I love this website so much everyone is so nice to me and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside its so good imbad at words but u all are so cool and I hope youhave a good holidays AAAAA ok I go sleepy now
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amg2 · 3 months
i just got a simplifies rundown of it and im off artblock so im good
i just dont understand the sending part like
do you have to chat with people then post art
or just post art itself when looking at their ocs
im sory
imbad at understanding
but i really wanna join it considering i have nothing to do over the summer
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klausie · 1 year
imbad at building in the sims
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
heyits that luke [the ritual] from a few [a lot] days ago shit has not gotten alot better . hutch i am .so sorry . imbad with words but you meant sosoo much to me nd you still do nd .aaaghh . dom i know we werent that good of friends but im hoping so hard you didnt hate me before . It . happened bplease tell me oyu dont hate me . i couldve saved you i am so sorrh . phil i dont remember you that much but i care about you ihope youre doing good out there . rob Oh My God its completely my fault evrryrhing happened i couldve saved you you wouldntve died nd we wouldnt be anywhere near that fuckingf forest and everything would be Fine aaaasggdgdhdbbd idek what im trying to say everyone you guys mean so much to me i just wish everything went different yk .augh Sorry . ive come here to make an announcement moder is a bitch ass motherfucker . -luke, the ritual [specifically movie version]
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sneefsnorf · 2 years
iam!!: waiting for buss. and in pain for some reason < imean not whole body in pain. just like lower part of my stomach ig. idunno imbad at describing pain
tummy pain :(( dunno how to deal with that sorry hope it gets better <3
i am about to sleep!!
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