#imayoshi male reader
sirhyst · 2 years
Can i get more imayoshi x male reader fluff please 🥲
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tetsunabouquet · 1 year
Hello again and sorry if i ask you so much 💞😖can i request GoM + Imayoshi headcannons to how they would react to their partner with asthma having a respiratory attack on the court while practicing with the team and they would be scared not knowing that the reader suffered from asthma, I have been kicked from several teams due to this already Either because they discriminate against me or they don't see me capable and many times I hide my illness due to criticism :(
A/N: Baby, I want requests! It's okay to ask, that's why my askbox is open ;). Trust me, I get the drama. I was born with GERD, which is an chronic illness that can also cause the development of other illnesses. Thanks to it, I developped IBS (the radiology appointment I mentioned at the start of the summer was due to that) and you can also develop asthma from it. I actually did became more sensitive to things like fumes and smoking people due to it, so asthma is probably next on my comorbidity bingo card.
When I was a kid, my teachers would always treat me like I was over-exaggerating during P.E and I'll never forget the time when I was like 9, I wasn't feeling too great and a ball was thrown with extreme intensity into my chest by this upperclassmen in a game of dodgeball. Instinctively, I ran to the shower to puke it out, and my teacher's response was to get back in the game and to stop making such a fuss. So I had to, and I remember not trying to burst into tears for the rest of the game. I ended up developping a hatred for working out, and that's the reason I ended up developping a shoulder injury when I finally dared to follow my dreams and sign up for acrobatic classes. Because I exercised less then the other girls outside of our classes which was a shame as I did have talent actually. If only my teachers had taken me seriously on the moments I was too sick to exercise, I wouldn't have been skipping P.E by the time I hit my puberty.
So trust me, I get how painful this topic can be. Because basketball is a single sex sport, I'll be writing this male coded.
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-Him. Him not knowing his s/o's chronic illness? Not happening. This boy has only been pretending not to know because he's waiting for the day that you'll open up about it yourself. -When the attack happens, this boy's thinking is going at the speed of light. -He does everything according to the book, knowing how to help you. -He's a perfect gentleman throughout the event. -Your coach knows better then to reprimand you or to kick you off the team, feeling Akashi's intense aura even from that distance. -Everyone is too scared to even crack a ligh-hearted joke about it to you in the locker room, they're too scared Akashi will hire hoodlums to set their homes afire.
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-He actually also secretly knows. This boy might be dense about other people's social lives, he's not that way about his s/o. He cares so deeply about you, he wants to know everything about you. But he always plays dumb because he doesn't wants to be exposed as your secret stalker. -When the attack happens, this future doctor knows exactly what to do. -He's not simply good at knowing what to do, oh no, this is the one area where he beats Akashi. -Midorima even carries around a small pouch in his schoolbag that contains various tea blends that he read work wonderful after a respiratory attack. After you've finished up in the locker room after practise, this boy will start preparing some iced tea with the flavor you picked before you can blink. -You're not the one receiving criticism, or the butt of the joke. Midorima, and his secret nursing pouch is. -Shutoku's coach is a bit worried about you, but considering Midorima is less selfish around you, he's willing to forget this happened as he can recognize you improve the team.
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-This guy, and a medical emergency? Oh, it's hopeless. -First he stands around, just gawking at the scene. -Then he fumbles around, wondering what to do. Himuro is honestly the one directing his actions with instructions. -Coach Araki might be a strong willed bad-ass, but I bet she can have a motherly side to her, so she's worried but supportive of you. After this, she developped a bit of a soft spot that depending on the type of person you are might be a bit annoying, but you understand it's coming from a good place so you shrug her off with a smile.
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-Similar to Murasakibara, but for a different reason. -Like, first you have a short pause where he gawks at you, and then he shoots into panic mode. Kise is trying to be supportive by hyperventilating. -The entire team has to pause the game to help you and get Kise to calm down. -Kise won't calm down until you have recovered and waved your hands in his face telling him to shut up, to which he responses with kissing you. -The coach refrains from making any criticizing comment towards you, fearing another Kise tantrum but he does make the mental notes to be more strict when he was seeing signs of an attack coming up.
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-This guy is known for not being so sensitive about these things, and thus I think he would have the worst reaction out of everyone. -For one, it needs time with this fucker to sink in that it's serious. -It takes Momoi rushing to you and checking up on you on the edge of a panic attack for Aomine to notice you. -He tries to help, but he's incredibly clumsy about it in a cute way though. -The coach lets this incident go by, I mean, this asshole just ignores Aomine and potentially Sakurai's mental health issues, so I can imagine him to just downright ignore a player's physical health issues as well.
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-Honestly terrified. -But he does manage to keep a cool head and not to go straight into panic zone. -Doesn't knows what the fuck to do but he's willing to learn. -He's very caring when you're trying to recover and practically never stops with petting your shoulder. -Considering he's on the same team as Aomine, the coach's reaction will still be the same. He doesn't gives a fuck about it.
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(eta: that's supposed to say fluff not flush but i can't edit the poll)
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insomniacinserts · 3 years
I’m 💀💀💀 I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead.
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This man.
Him ^ that one up there ^
Yeah the one that wants you to call him sir while you fuck yourself on his dick.
The one that unties his shoelace and tells you to tie it in public when he gets jealous.
The one who will give you the best blowjob of your life then spit your own cum into your mouth and make you swallow it.
The one that will brutally fuck your face until your on the brink of vomiting only to pull you off and do it again.
Him? Yeah, the one that gives you scratches, bruises, hickeys, and makes you bleed.
The one who won’t stop fucking you until you’ve got tears streaming down your face and can’t breathe.
Oh, him. Yeah he’s kinda cute, I think I wanna kiss him.
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Hello, glad to see you ok. Can i ask for headcanons or whatever you prefer with Imayoshi, Akashi and Himuro? They male crush approached them with "Hey, I think you killed my heterosexuality. Take responsibility and go on a date with me... please?" Sorry if it's sounds confusing. Take care and have a nice day!
HI there! It’s not confusing at all ^^ I hope you like these :D (Male!reader)
Akashi: He finds himself unable to answer right away, despite wanting to respond accordingly. Although you appear confident, he could see your hesitation, hear the stutter in your voice, and everything just seems to click.. Like he has control over every movement you make.. He lets out a soft chuckle, standing up to loom over your figure, before cupping your cheek.
“You’ll have to ask nicer than that, ____-kun..”
Himuro: The situation is humorous, and Himuro can’t help but laugh when you make such an accusation.. He knows there’s been a slew of men who would approach him for a date.. But he didn’t think you would be one of his ‘fans’. It makes his heart skip a beat, though he keeps a good facade, watching cautiously.
“Making such an accusation.. You’re daring ____... I like that.. so I’ll take you out..”
Imayoshi: His eyebrow arches, wondering where the confidence came from. Imayoshi is amused, very much and he wants to express it.. But watching you squirm under his gaze is more interesting to watch, and he chooses to stay silent for a few seconds. Just when he senses your impatience, he slams the book shut, pushing up his glasses and stands. He leans in, lips against your ear, as he whispers,
“You’re so demanding, ___-kun.. But since you asked nicely, I’ll make an exception. Just be prepared, because I take my responsibilities seriously.”
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angelsdevils · 3 years
Imayoshi x Reader
Title: Tutoring Fluff No Warning
Imayoshi watched as you did your homework. He had a huge crush on you and he wanted to get closer to you, the only thing was he hardly got the chance too. Between basketball after school and you always around your best friend, (friends/name). This was his chance though, since it was the last bell of the day, study period and your friend was sick. 
He got up and gathered everything of his before walking to you. He was going to speak, but he realized you had headphones in, so he tapped your shoulder. You looked up and took your headphones out and tilted your head to the side. He fought back a blush that wanted to appear on his cheeks.
“She is really cute….” He said, he meant to say it in his head but that wasn’t exactly what happened. 
“W-What?” Once he realized what he said that out loud, he turned a bright red. 
“I-I mean, can I sit with you?” 
“Oh, yeah sure.” You said with a small blush, but you still flashed him a kind smile. He set his stuff down and sat across from you, you put one ear bud in and went back to doing your homework. He watched as you struggled with a math problem, he tapped your notebook and leaned over it. 
“That’s not right, here is the correct formula…” He wrote the formula down for you and your eyes widened as he easily explained it to you.
“Oh, I get it now. Thank you Imayoshi, so it’s like this?” You worked on the next problem and he watched.
“Close, you missed a step.” He compared the two formulas and you blinked slightly. 
“Oh right…” You fixed the problem and he nodded his head.
“Yep, you got it right now.” 
“Awesome, thank you… Hey, do you think you can tutor me in math?” You asked, Imayoshi perked up a bit with a smirk. He didn’t plan on tutoring you, but it definitely would help him grow closer to you. 
“Yeah, it would have to be after basketball practice though.” 
“Of course, I understand. You are the best, I could just hug you right now.” You said feeling relieved, and he laughed softly. This had worked out better than he thought. 
“Well, I can take that hug anytime…” He said and you blushed slightly. He reached over and stroke your blushing cheeks, he was tempted to lean over and kiss you. 
“W-Well, let me give you a hug then…” You said with a small blush and walked over to him. He wrapped his arms around you tightly, returning the hug. He buried his face into your neck before pulling you into his lap. You squeaked softly and he didn’t move, though you just sat there trying to avoid eye contact with him or anyone else for that matter. 
Once the bell rung, you and Imayoshi got up from your position, and began to gather your stuff. He gently grabbed your hand after you were ready to go.
“You are really cute when you blush by the way. I can take in that sight all the time.” He hummed and you nudged him slightly.
“Stop that, it’s embarrassing Imayoshi.” You said hiding your face with your hair. He removed the hair out of your face, and quickly kissed your cheek as you guys arrived at the gym. You stared at him wide eyed as he went to the boys locker room to change. Your heart rate began to increase in speed as you had taken in the last few minutes. 
You shook your head quickly, knowing that you were falling for the slanted eye male. You had a huge crush on him since the beginning of the year. But now your heart was doing flips after the kiss to the cheek, could he possibly like you? You stood off to the side watching as practice started. 
The team knew Imayoshi was trying to impress you and it was working. You never saw them play a game, because you were always busy studying. Whenever Imayoshi scored, he would glance at you with a proud smirk. You flashed him a smile he would go back to focusing on practice again. 
Practice had lasted for a few hours, and you had decided to go sit down. When it finally ended, Imayoshi went to change before coming to get you again.
“Ready (L/N)?” 
“Yeah, I am.” He grabbed your hand walking out of the gym, ignoring his teammates. 
“You were amazing Imayoshi…”
“Thank you, have you never been to our games?” 
“No, I was always studying.” 
“Let me guess, math?” 
“Well, you have me now. So come to our games and cheer me on.” 
“Alright, I will.” You said and Imayoshi smiled as he led you to his home. The walk was quiet, but it wasn’t awkward. In fact you both enjoyed the silence, just being in the other’s presence. 
After walking for about fifteen minutes, he unlocked the door and allowed you in first. You both removed your shoes before going to his bedroom. You began to get nervous realizing you guys were completely alone. He walked past you and sat on his bed, before he looked over at you. 
“Come, you can sit beside me.” He patted the spot next to him on the bed and you nervously walked closer to him.
“Don’t be nervous, I won’t do anything that you are uncomfortable with.” You felt a bit more at ease and sat beside him, taking out your math books. You both began to focus on the homework and studying for any upcoming tests. By the time you both were done studying, it was already much later than you expected. Somewhere a long the study session, Imayoshi had his head on your lap and you were again the headboard. You finally closed your math book, massaging your temples. 
“Thanks to you, I think I am starting to understand it.” You said and he adjusted his glasses.
“It’s no problem really. It gave me an opportunity to become this close to you.” 
“What?” You were confused, and he slowly sat up but in a way that he was right in front of your face. 
“I like you a lot (L/N), it was hard to get close because your best friend was glued to your side during school, and after school I had basketball practice. So when you asked if I could tutor you, it was the perfect opportunity.” His confidence went down a bit, but you smiled. 
“Imayoshi, I had liked you since the beginning of the school year.” He smiled slightly and cupped your cheeks gently.
“Can I kiss you?” 
“Of course…” You had a small blush, but you were smiling. He soon placed his lips on top of yours gently. Your eyes fluttered close and you both could feel fireworks exploding in your chest. You began to kiss back, and Imayoshi wrapped his arms around your waist so you were flushed against his body. He gently laid you down on your back, careful so you wouldn’t hit your head against the headboard. You wrapped your arms around his neck, as the kiss continued on. He licked your bottom lip asking for entrance, and you quickly gave him access. 
Imayoshi slipped his tongue past your lips, and easily dominated your mouth. He explored the foreign territory and he grew addicted to the kiss. He sucked on your tongue causing a small moan to escape your lips. The sound caused you to blush a deep red, and Imayoshi enjoyed the sound. Soon you both parted from the kiss panting, breathless from it all. 
“Wow, that was amazing.” You said and he smirked, pecking your lips.
“God, I love you so much (Y/N)…” 
“I love you too…” He leaned back down and captured your lips again causing you to laugh softly. 
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shoichee · 4 years
☀︎︎ 𝗠 𝗔 𝗦 𝗧 𝗘 𝗥 𝗟 𝗜 𝗦 𝗧 ☀︎︎
ᴋᴜʀᴏᴋᴏ ᴛᴇᴛsᴜʏᴀ
Idyllic [Kuroko’s mom!reader]
ᴋɪsᴇ ʀʏᴏ̄ᴛᴀ
My Knight [Pun Fest!]
Scintillating [Writer!S/O]
19. “I think I’m in love with you, and that scares the crap out of me” [100 Followers]
1. “We’re not just friends and you fucking know it” [100 Followers]
Rose-Tinted [fake dating!au, happy-ending angst]
25. “You’re mine. I don’t share” [100 Followers, Valentine Special]
Paradox [soulmate!au, enemies to lovers!au] Chapters 1-2 | 3-4 | TBC
ᴍɪᴅᴏʀɪᴍᴀ sʜɪɴᴛᴀʀᴏ̄
Star-crossed [Hanahaki!au]
Lucky Bucket [All Hallows’ Eve]
19. “I think I’m in love with you, and that scares the crap out of me” [100 Followers]
ᴀᴏᴍɪɴᴇ ᴅᴀɪᴋɪ
Aomine x Reader [song fic, bittersweet]
Aomine x f!Reader [angst, unrequited love]
ᴍᴜʀᴀsᴀᴋɪʙᴀʀᴀ ᴀᴛsᴜsʜɪ
Strawberry Jam [Pun Fest!]
Sweet Sample [Shy, Introverted!S/O]
34. “You come to my room and wake me up at 4am, to cuddle?” [100 Followers]
39. “Please come home, I miss you” [100 Followers]
Handling S/O’s Pregnancy Pain
Post-Jabberwock Game [Doting!S/O]
ᴀᴋᴀsʜɪ sᴇiᴊᴜ̄ʀᴏ̄
Red Rose [Pun Fest!]
15. “Stop pretending you’re okay, cause I know you’re not.” [100 Followers]
ᴍᴏᴍᴏɪ sᴀᴛsᴜᴋɪ
ᴋᴀɢᴀᴍɪ ᴛᴀɪɢᴀ
34. “You come to my room and wake me up at 4am, to cuddle?” [100 Followers]
ᴋᴀsᴀᴍᴀᴛsᴜ ʏᴜᴋɪᴏ
27. “If we get caught, I’m blaming you” [100 Followers]
ɪᴍᴀʏᴏsʜɪ sʜᴏ̄ɪᴄʜɪ
28. “Make me” [100 Followers]
ʜɪᴍᴜʀᴏ ᴛᴀᴛsᴜʏᴀ
5. “Well. Yell, scream, say something. Anything” [100 Followers]
sʜᴏ̄ɢᴏ ʜᴀɪᴢᴀᴋɪ
Haizaki x F!reader [FWB, Mutual Pining]
GoM + Kagami as Persona Users
GoM + Kagami, Hanamiya, Teppei as Pokémon Trainers
GoM + Kagami, Teppei with S/O just having braces taken off
GoM with Potential Negative, Toxic Traits
GoM + Kagami with Instagram
ᴋᴜʀᴏᴋᴏ ᴛᴇᴛsᴜʏᴀ
Persona 5 x KNB Crossover
How to Annoy Kuroko [crack!headcanon]
Kasamatsu, Kise, Kuroko have a crush on dancer f!reader
ᴋɪsᴇ ʀʏᴏ̄ᴛᴀ
Persona 5 x KNB Crossover [Part 2]
How to Annoy Kise [crack!headcanon]
Kasamatsu, Kise, Kuroko have a crush on dancer f!reader
ᴍɪᴅᴏʀɪᴍᴀ sʜɪɴᴛᴀʀᴏ̄
Persona 5 x KNB Crossover
Pregnant S/O with Midorima, Murasakibara
Midorima introducing his shy!S/O to Shūtoku
ᴀᴏᴍɪɴᴇ ᴅᴀɪᴋɪ
Aomine has a crush on oblivious!reader
Persona 5 x KNB Crossover
Akashi, Aomine, Imayoshi on S/O having a male best friend
Aomine x F!Tennis Player
Aomine, Murasakibara, Akashi seeing S/O with Haizaki
How Their Crush Flusters Them
ᴍᴜʀᴀsᴀᴋɪʙᴀʀᴀ ᴀᴛsᴜsʜɪ
Persona 5 x KNB Crossover [Part 3]
Pregnant S/O with Midorima, Murasakibara
Aomine, Murasakibara, Akashi seeing S/O with Haizaki
ᴀᴋᴀsʜɪ sᴇɪᴊᴜ̄ʀᴏ̄
Persona 5 x KNB Crossover
Pregnant S/O with Akashi, Hayama, Imayoshi
Akashi, Aomine, Imayoshi on S/O having a male best friend
Jealous F!S/O
Detailed F!Teiko Manager HCs [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
Aomine, Murasakibara, Akashi seeing S/O with Haizaki
Akashi Teasing Short F!S/O
How Their Crush Flusters Them
ᴍᴏᴍᴏɪ sᴀᴛsᴜᴋɪ
Persona 5 x KNB Crossover [Part 2]
How Their Crush Flusters Them
ᴋᴀɢᴀᴍɪ ᴛᴀɪɢᴀ
GoM + Kagami as Persona Users
GoM + Kagami, Hanamiya, Teppei as Pokémon Trainers
GoM + Kagami, Teppei with S/O just having braces taken off
GoM + Kagami with Instagram
ᴋɪʏᴏsʜɪ ᴛᴇᴘᴘᴇɪ
Persona 5 x KNB Crossover
GoM + Kagami, Hanamiya, Teppei as Pokémon Trainers
GoM + Kagami, Teppei with S/O just having braces taken off
ᴋᴀsᴀᴍᴀᴛsᴜ ʏᴜᴋɪᴏ
Kasamatsu, Kise, Kuroko have a crush on dancer f!reader
Hugging HCs with their S/O
ᴍᴏʀɪʏᴀᴍᴀ ʏᴏsʜɪᴛᴀᴋᴀ
Hugging HCs with their S/O
ʜᴀʏᴀᴋᴀᴡᴀ ᴍɪᴛsᴜʜɪʀᴏ
Hugging HCs with their S/O
ʜᴀɴᴀᴍɪʏᴀ ᴍᴀᴋᴏᴛᴏ
Persona 5 x KNB Crossover [Part 2]
GoM + Kagami, Hanamiya, Teppei as Pokémon Trainers
Imayoshi, Haizaki, Hanamiya w/ Tough f!Reader
ɪᴍᴀʏᴏsʜɪ sʜᴏ̄ɪᴄʜɪ
Pregnant S/O with Akashi, Hayama, Imayoshi
Akashi, Aomine, Imayoshi on S/O having a male best friend
Meeting Imayoshi’s Sister
Imayoshi, Haizaki, Hanamiya w/ Tough f!Reader
sʜᴏ̄ɢᴏ ʜᴀɪᴢᴀᴋɪ
Imayoshi, Haizaki, Hanamiya w/ Tough f!Reader
F!Russian (Foreigner) Rakuzan Manager HCs
ʜᴀʏᴀᴍᴀ ᴋᴏ̄ᴛᴀʀᴏ
Pregnant S/O with Akashi, Hayama, Imayoshi
ᴋᴜʀᴏᴋᴏ ᴛᴇᴛsᴜʏᴀ
ᴋɪsᴇ ʀʏᴏ̄ᴛᴀ
S/O hits a powerful, high note
ᴍɪᴅᴏʀɪᴍᴀ sʜɪɴᴛᴀʀᴏ̄
S/O hits a powerful, high note
f!S/O kisses him in public
ᴀᴏᴍɪɴᴇ ᴅᴀɪᴋɪ
ᴍᴜʀᴀsᴀᴋɪʙᴀʀᴀ ᴀᴛsᴜsʜɪ
S/O wants attention and cuddles
ᴀᴋᴀsʜɪ sᴇɪᴊᴜ̄ʀᴏ̄
S/O hits a powerful, high note
ᴍᴏᴍᴏɪ sᴀᴛsᴜᴋɪ
ᴋᴀɢᴀᴍɪ ᴛᴀɪɢᴀ
S/O wants attention and cuddles
ᴛᴀᴋᴀᴏ ᴋᴀᴢᴜɴᴀʀɪ
S/O hits a powerful, high note
ʜᴀɴᴀᴍɪʏᴀ ᴍᴀᴋᴏᴛᴏ
S/O wants attention and cuddles
ɪᴍᴀʏᴏsʜɪ sʜᴏ̄ɪᴄʜɪ
S/O wants attention and cuddles
Hortensias [KNB Secret Santa 2020]
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mhynvxii · 3 years
Hey ! I’m gonna update this post from time to time from now on to reassures everyone who sent something in my ask box and waiting for their request !
If in the 24hr or 2 days you don’t see your request here : I probably didn’t receive it because I deny request I don’t want to do.
Last updated : 27/03/2022/ 03:21
Edit n3 : I was to lazy to update this in the delay and I may admit I was confused with some request but it’s okay now.
Edit n•4 : Edit n3 is still valid.
Request in drafts :
GOM+ Kuroko and Kagami x male reader fic. « Departure and Reunion. »
GOM+Kuroko, Kasamatsu and Hyuuga being locked up with their crush in a school room for a night and caught hugging them in the morning.
GOM + Kuroko, Kagami and Momoi flirting with you at the night club when they’re hanging out all together.
Momoi Satsuki analysis
Everything with 💙 is what I am very likely to work on soon.
Bunch of smut ideas, I’m ashamed.
Useless opinions of mine and ramblings.
💙 Personnal presentation
Kise x fem!reader one shot : « Gender envy. »
💙 Akashi, Aomine, Kise and Nash being a part of a mediatic scandal fall in love for their lawyer.
💙 Aomine, Kise, Kagami and Kasamatsu sleeping in your embrace before practice.
💙 GOM+ Kuroko, Kagami and Momoi morning headcanons.
Aomine, Kise, Murasakibara, Teppei and Kagami with a black!fem reader with insecurities.
Haizaki introduction to black culture headcanons.
University headcanons and NBA career headcanons GOM+Kagami.
💙 Murasakibara, Himuro, Aomine, Midorima and Kise having a gamer! girlfriend.
💙 Yandere general headcanons : GOM+ Momoi, Kuroko, Kagami and Himuro.
What’s in my inbox :
GOM x fem! INTP reader with an abusive dad. ( I’m hesitant to separate the ask in two : making general headcanons about them dating an INTP and another scenario about the abusive dad.)
GOM + Imayoshi, Haizaki and Kagami with a gn! s/o who knows martial art but is a big softie.
Kagami, Teppei and Murasakibara with an agender s/o.
Akashi being low-key jealous and deceived of his s/o imodeling with Kise hanging out with him too much.
GOM accidentally hurting you when playing basketball.
Kikuro headcannons.
Teppei, Hyuga, Kagami and Murasakibara with a gender neutral s/o who has heart palpitations when anxious.
Akashi seeing his s/o getting a confession from a senpai.
Seirin trivia headcannons
Momoi and Aomine friendship and how it will end.
New additions :
Murasakibara, Teppei, Hyuga and Kagami with a s/o who has heart palpitations when anxious.
GOM hurting their girlfriend when playing on accident.
Midorima, Kise and Aomine walking on their girlfriend changing on accident.
Akashi ANGST x reader proposing to a reader already in a relationship with Kagami.
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pillow-anime-talk · 4 years
too kind.
request ; @wrinkledoldbat​: hellou! its very nice to meet you since its my first time requesting anything from you. i was going to ask if i can get jason and imayoshi (knb), aone (haikyuu) with a very (idk how to put this) “forgive and forget” kind of s/o? like, the s/o would let people walk over them if necessary to not get in a conflict or a fight. i’m sorry if this is too specific, you dont have to do this if you dont want to tho! have a nice week💖
# tags: headcanons; current relationship; bullying; romance; light!drama & light!angst; but some fluff too; rather sfw i think
includes: gender neutral reader ft. jason silver & shouichi imayoshi {knb} + takanobu aone {hq!!}
author’s note: thank you so much! 
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↘ You were the complete opposite of your boyfriend. He was arrogant and explosive, while you were definitely submissive and calm. Of course it wasn’t a problem for the two of you, but sometimes... Jason was getting really hard to control. Especially when you get hurt.
↘ It was because you were the first, really serious partner in his life. You’re more than a one-night stand that an eighteen-year-old would quickly forget.
↘ Therefore, seeing you picking up papers scattered on the ground and a man in a suit who screaming at you, his fists clenched and his lip twitched in angery. He immediately moved towards you to help you.
↘ “Watch out you dumb bitch! You could get my suit dirty. Do you think you have money for something so expensive like this?” The male over his thirty was raising his voice all the time, causing other people to look at you. You lowered your head, apologizing to him once again, but the man wouldn’t listen to you. Instead, he stamped on one of your CV pages, insulting you again under his breath.
↘ “Got a problem, man?” Jason’s voice reached both your ears and the businessman's ears.
↘ “Yes, that little bitch almost destroyed my...” The guy turned around. Seeing the basketball player standing (or rather his muscular chest because – you know – Silver is huge and tall as fuck), he immediately swallowed and took a step back.
↘ “Yo, finish what you started saying. I’d love to hear what you have to say.” He smirked as he grabbed the older man by the shirt. “So?”
↘ ‘Oh my God. Please, no.’ You thought, quickly picking up the last papers, then standing up and grabbing Jason’s big hand. “It’s okay, Jason. Let’s get out of here.”
↘ “No, I don’t think it’s ‘okay’.”
↘ “Babe, please.” You said calmly, gripping his hand tighter. “I have a delicious dinner at home, let’s eat together today.” You smiled warmly and your boyfriend let go of man’s shirt, letting the biznesmen fall onto the hard pavement. “Thank you. Let’s go.”
↘ Probably thanks to you the number of fights between Jason and other people has dropped by 70%.
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↘ This tsundere mf with you will surely be more clingy and nice. But for you and only you, not for other people who, for example, are your classmates or even best friends. He’ll still be sarcastic and arrogant towards others.
↘ Therefore, when he accidentally sees someone from your class push you and then laughs at you along with the others, saying that you are a silly and clumsy, he won’t leave it without consequences. He will come closer, putting his hand politely on one of the student’s shoulder, and then ask in a low voice if he can help with something.
↘ Someone will probably start to say to him that to you ‘should learn to walk correctly’, but when the same person notices whom he replied, he’ll apologize immediately and run away with the others people. After that, Imayoshi will look at your face and pat you on the head, saying that you shouldn’t be so good-natured to others and that you should reply to them sometimes or ask him for some help.
↘ “... I don’t want to get into unnecessary arguments, Shou. Anyway, this is my last year at Touou High School, so it’s okay. There is no point to worrying about it.” You smiled as you grabbed his hand. “Also, I should also be looking at my feet and where I am going.”
↘ “Stupid.” He muttered under his breath. “If something happened and someone bullying you, tell me about it. I’ll explain everything on your behalf.”
↘ “It’s alright Shou-kun, really. Let’s go, the lesson will begin soon.”
↘ People really should be grateful to you and to the fact that you always calm your boyfriend down because if not you... then surely everyone would live in big fear.
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↘ Aone is a really peaceful type of person who also doesn’t like arguments and conflicts between people. You two are a truly calm and balanced pair of lovers.
↘ However, when something bad happens to you, he’s always worried and leaves everything to take care of you.
↘ Like now, when he came out of the gym after training and noticed that one of girls from another class was shouting at you and saying that you shouldn’t get close to the volleyball team, much less Futakuchi, whom she described as ‘her future boyfriend’. Of course you apologized to her saying you weren’t going to take brunet from her and he’s just your friend, but she instead lifted her hand and swung at you.
↘ Fortunately, the tall, middle blocker took her hand in right time, thanks to which nothing bad happened to you (like I said before).
↘ “Why are you raising your hand on Y/N?” He asked in a calm tone, at the same time making that the student’s face became pale. “You cannot use violence to others.” He added softly, releasing her fingers, then grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to his body. “Plus, I doubt Kenji would like a girl who is mean to other people.”
↘ “Taka-kun, it’s okay, let’s go to home.” You smiled gently as you tried to pull him away from the second-grader.
↘ “Y/N, I need to explain that... You can’t do things like that.” He said to you and then to the teenager.
↘ “S-Sorry! I’m so sorry! I have to go!” The girl bowed down and then ran away from you and your boyfriend. Instantly you lifted your head up and laugh.
↘ “You shouldn’t be so peaceful. I could talk to her so that she wouldn’t come up to you again.” You stroked his cheek, smile again and then kissed his thin lips.
↘ You were honestly surprised that your big boy said so many different words to the other person that day.
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cherryonigiri · 4 years
Hello! May I ask headcanons for Kiseki no Sedai? Their reaction to their girl being cool and sexually dancing (something like k-pop girl group cover dance, if you know it) with her dance team at a school festival (or something like that).
A/N: Since my character limit is five I chose to do hcs for Akashi, Aomine, Kise, Murasakibara and Midorima, hope that’s fine with you! I immediately thought of Loona’s dance cover of Cherry Bomb by NCT 127 (https://youtu.be/s7kxoMYg3l8) which is so BADASS (both the song and choreography) and Move by Taemin (inspired by Twice’s cover: https://youtu.be/QTfzryUBlO0). Reader is in a group that dances to both in one set! Also I’m assuming the reader is in the school’s dance club/group that decided to do a cover of a lit K-pop song for some kind of school festival!
Akashi Seijuro
Since he is president of the student council, he is backstage helping ensure the performances/festival runs smoothly
Has timings of each performance down to the second — and he knows exactly when you and your dance group is slated to perform
Since your dance group had to submit the songs + a short clip of your performance to the student council, Akashi already knows what songs you are going to perform
Was going to do some more research on what the choreography involved, but you begged him not to because you wanted to surprise him at the festival
Doesn’t stop him from listening to the songs and familiarizing himself with the melodies and lyrics - k-pop is something you are passionate about and he always want to learn more about his girlfriend
While you and your group are on deck and getting ready to go on stage (he knows there are still two more acts before you) he stands next to you
Maybe kisses your forehead I AM SO SOFT FOR FOREHEAD KISSES FIGHT ME
“I’d say good luck, but I don’t think you’ll need it darling” afjaofe;ja;feka
You’re Akashi fucking Seijuro’s girlfriend - he has high standards and probably would date someone who is equally as hardworking + high achieving as him 
Besides, outside of basketball he knows Rakuzan has an equally formidable dance program so the boy knows you are talented
Is so impressed when you start dancing to Cherry Bomb - the choreography is intense and requires so much synchronization as you switch between all the complex formations - he thinks you could teach the basketball team a thing or two about teamwork
You go HARD with the tutting at the end before you start doing edging your feet out until you’re almost doing the splits - Akashi respects how much strength and training went into performing the dance break + ending flawlessly
When the music changes to Move he is STARING at you - eyes are glued to your form as you perform
The moves are so sensual and he can see how you intensely look out into the audience - he can sense the sexual tension that fills the room 
At the same time is awed by how much control you have over your body - he can see how every movement is planned, from the position of your hands to the way you shift your weight between each dance move
As your hands glide along your body, he can’t help but get slightly turned on
Also glares at all the male members of the student body who are looking at you a little too intently
When you finish your set he calmly hands you a water bottle while smiling proudly
May ask you for a private encore later
Aomine Daiki
You mention the performance in passing, probably while you and Aomine are having lunch on the roof 
Despite his nonchalant response, Aomine remembers that you’re performing in the back of his mind - although he does get the occasional reminder from Momoi or teasing remark from Imayoshi 
Doesn’t really want to get too involved in the school festival - it’s far too rowdy and he thinks the idea his class came up with for the festival is a hassle (imagine if it was a butler cafe LMAO poor Aomine) 
Probably sneaks away from his shift managing his classroom’s booth or to find you and wish you luck (or uses you as an excuse to ditch his shift for a couple of minutes)
He knows you’re good at dance - he’s seen how many hours you spend rehearsing and how much you love dancing (and Kpop) 
Will sneak into the auditorium and probably stand in the middle of the crowd - probably doesn’t see the point of cramming in the crowded area right in front of the stage
Impatiently waits for you to come up on stage, he’s bored and is sick of the skits that other groups are putting on 
When it’s finally your turn he’s focusing intently on the stage. The instant you come out in a badass outfit with dark makeup and a black crop top he grins because you look AMAZING
The music starts and you launch into an intense sequence of tutting and formations shifts that has his eyes widening in surprise 
now he understands why you always felt the need to drill the choreography into your muscle memory, because remembering moves on top of switching spots with everyone else makes the performance that much more impressive
Proud of his badass girlfriend
When Move comes on he smirks - although you can’t see him, he watches you move your hips and trace the outline of your figure 
Can appreciate the sensual yet serious expression on your face that makes you look gorgeous, but definitely does not appreciate the dumbass boys in the audience who are drooling over your body 
After the performance he finds you and kisses you before wrapping his arm around your shoulders
Scowling at the now intimidated boys from before, he says “Gotta remind those idiots that you’re mine”
Will definitely invite you over to his place to spend the night for some “quality time” 
Kise Ryouta
Kise knows you’ll be performing a kpop dance at the school festival and is super excited
He probably helped style you and your team for each song - pulling out some leather jackets and ripped jeans for Cherry Bomb and picking out a diverse all black ensemble + accessories for your cover of Move
He hypes you up all day about the showcase: sends you good luck texts and gives you a hug before you have to go backstage + will keep you company when you do your make up before hand
Is not afraid to elbow his way through the audience so he can have a front row seat to your performance
Made the entire Kaijo basketball team come with him and instructs them to cheer loudly for your performance 
He’s pretty up to date with current music trends and listens to a fair amount k-pop himself so he’d probably recognize the songs you were dancing to + be somewhat familiar with the choreography
When you come on stage he’s already shouting “Go y/n-chii!!!” which makes you smile and you manage to make brief eye contact with him right before you get into your starting pose
It’s like a switch is flicked - you went from being his cute and smiley girlfriend to a serious BADASS - your expressions are so intense and serious Kise can’t help but be drawn in
When he hears the opening line of Cherry Bomb he’s thinking oh shit because damn that choreography is tough
From the tutting, to moving in sync with all the other members, to all the different formation changes - he knows this is a challenging piece to perform
Gave you his leather jacket (he probably got it from a modelling gig or something) to wear and seeing you dance in his jacket is just *chef’s kiss* stunning 
and it lets all the other annoying boys in the crowd know that you’re his because it has his jersey number embroidered on the back 
If people start shouting the fanchants he’ll join in because anything to support his amazing girlfriend
When you all change outfits and switch to move he is dying
He’s right in front of you and you are making very direct and SENSUAL eye contact with your boyfriend while you move your hips into another body roll
Kise smirks back and will pin you with an equally intense and lustful stare
When he sees you after the performance he immediately strides towards you and pulls you into a fierce kiss 
Spends the rest of the festival with his arm around you, bragging about his amazing girlfriend to anyone who will listen, then he’ll take you home and ;) 
May take advantage of perfect copy and learn a duet/routine with you sometime in the future
Midorima Shintaro
MY CARROT BOI — I swear I am taking this seriously
Midorima probably doesn’t listen to too much kpop - he prefers being able to enjoy the lyrics of a song and listening to Japanese music means he won’t have to look up lyric translations
Maybe has heard some Japanese versions of kpop songs on the radio, but is overall unfamiliar with the genre (context: Since Japan has such a huge market for K-pop, it’s not uncommon for groups to release Japanese albums where they sing the the in Japanese) 
When you first mention that your club is going to be performing at the school festival, he probably pictures some cutesy, bubblegum pop girl group song 
Is putting this into his calendar and making sure he sets reminders because he is NOT about to miss his girlfriend’s performance
Secretly happy because you are putting in extra practice for the rehearsal which means you stay late at school. Since basketball practice always runs late he’s glad he now has the chance to walk you home
Day of: checks your Oha-Asa horoscope and makes sure that you have your lucky item - he will buy it himself if necessary 
Knows you worked super hard on this performance so he knows you’re going to be fine
This tsundere carrot shyly wishes you good luck before you head backstage: “Good luck y/n, not that you’ll need it! Nanodayo…” with a slight blush on his cheeks 
Makes his way back to the audience - he made Takao save him a spot
Somehow Takao got his hands on a setlist/hear rumors and figured out what you were performing and is secretly filming Midorima’s reaction because your boyfriend is about to COMBUST
Cherry Bomb comes up and Midorima immediately realizes this is NOT the cute girl group dance he was envisioning
Is probably watching your performance intently - he never realized that your choreography would be this intense and physical 
Probably not as blushy during this one, just entranced and absorbed into your performance (will refuse to admit that he stared at you the entire time, even though Takao teases him about it later)
But when you transition to the cover of Move, oh gosh, this boy goes from stony faced to bright red tomato
Is 100% blushing and gaping at you while you perform the sensual routine, especially when your hands move across your body and you purposefully make eye contact with him
Realizing holy shit my girlfriend is so sexy holy shit you thought he was staring at you during Cherry Bomb his eyes are glued to your figure during Move
Probably rushes up to you awkwardly and gives you a surprise hug before whispering “Give me a little warning next time y/n.” 
You giggle a bit, not mentioning the routine you’re learning on your own (Dally by Hyolyn: https://youtu.be/b75eENj0WCQ) surprise him with it in the future hehehehehehe)
Murasakibara Atsuhi
Murasakibara is hanging out in your dorm room when you mention that you have an upcoming performance
“Ohh y/n-chan that sounds fun”
Lowkey pouty baby because he wanted to laze around during the festival and just spend the day trying all the food with you
Now he won’t have his girlfriend to keep him company for the whole day 
When you ask him if he’s going to come and watch, he’ll agree, because it’s at the school and it isn’t too much of a hassle and he knows you put in a lot of practice so he wants to support
Tatsuya probably still has to remind him about the performance on the day of
On the morning of your performance you wake up to find a bag of your favorite snacks and candies hanging on your doorknob
Murasakibara probably went to the nearby convenience store and bought you a bunch of “good luck” snacks to surprise you
Tatsuya and him walk into the auditorium, is kind of disappointed to see that it’s already packed so he has to settle for a seat farther away than what he liked
Thankfully he’s tall AF so he still gets a clear view of the stage 
Snacks through the other performances/skits and gets pretty bored, he’s here to see you and you only
Finally, they announce your club - Murasakibara immediately perks up with interest
Your group has a badass entrance before you start performing Cherry Bomb
You decided to temporarily dye your hair red for the performance and Murasakibara is surprised when you whip off the hat you were wearing to reveal bright cherry tinted hair
He’s watched you practice the moves several time and knows you struggled to master some of them - super proud when he sees you slay those hard bits of choreography on stage
Move comes on the speaker and he immediately can sense that this is definitely a very sensual dance
Like damn, watching you move your hips to the beat and confidently gazing into the crowd, he is very turned on definitely wants an encore from you in private
When you hit the last pose and the lights dim he is IMMEDIATELY walking out of the auditorium to find you 
Sees that you’re surrounded by some newly acquired fanboys and casually steps in behind you to wrap an arm around your waist
Towers over the guys surrounding at you, a scowl from him scares them off
You giggle at his antics because he’s cute when he’s jealous: “You don’t need to be that mean to them Atsushi” 
“Y/n-chaaaan, can we go get food now?” - probably buys you all the snacks you want because he is proud 
Also suggests that you dye your hair to match his purple locks just because
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sirhyst · 2 years
Maybe I’ll write shorts for imayoshi x male reader, because I have not written specifically fanfiction in ages 😅.
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tetsunabouquet · 11 months
kasamatsu and imayoshi with a reader who while playing on the court looks rough and serious but one time they discover him playing the electric guitar while listening to a soft song (duvet-boa electric guitar version) (u need to hear that it sounds so pretty ) and the reader also dresses very softly, such as knee-high stockings, shorts and a pink shirt, for example. This would be a male reader who looks tough but is really a soft boy who loves pink (sorry, I don't know how to explain it) in a few words I think I described myself lol (I saw your response to my previous request and I want to tell you that thank you 💞 you made me feel good about myself even with my medical condition and everything that happened because of it and I just want to say that you are a wonderful person and I am proud of you and I hope that the world gives you everything nice because you deserve it) sorry if its so long :(
A/N: I am happy to hear I made you feel good about your condition, truly and neither do I mind it being so long. Words of solidarity and kindness can never be too little in a world as cruel as this one which is why I show people they are not alone and that I can understand. Emotional warmth is like bread to the soul, if that makes sense.
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Today was an unusual day, of sorts, at To-oh Academy. For this one week, everyone was allowed to come to school in their usual clothes instead of their uniform if they wanted to. It had something to do with self-expression but he hadn't been able to listen to the details with his classmates yapping through the explanation. He could hear the sound of a plectrum gently scraping against the strand of a guitar and the melody before he could actually see you. Imayoshi, trying to not disturb the guitar player, tried to walk as lightly as he could and make no sound. It would be rude to interrupt whoever was practising, and Imayoshi hated to be impolite. Still, he couldn't help but be curious at who was playing. Imayoshi peeked inside of the music room, to spot you sitting in a corner, playing a metallic magenta colored electric guitar. The sheen of the instrument said it was well-kept. He did not know wether it was one of the school's guitars or if you simply kept your own instrument stored in the music room like the bassguitar of his classsmate Chikako-san who had the permission to do so after one of her younger sibling's had damaged one of the snares. He didn't interrupt you, but merely listened to how you played wonderfully. It was such a stark contrast with how you usually appeared at school, how strong you were on the court. He didn't think your usual choice of clothing was on the softer, feminine side. He found himself surprisingly fond of it, the way it brought out a different side of you. It was like getting to know a little secret, one out of the countless ones that were kept by lack of bonds and time. Every trivia that was uncovered inching him closer to your heart. You looked up once the song finished, and caught sight of the listening Imayoshi. He smiled kindly as he looked at you, "That was rather wonderful, I couldn't help but stop and listen." You returned his smile with one that felt warm but gentle and it made Imayoshi's heart race more then he would ever have admitted to his friends, because he was enough of a gentleman to realize these words should be reserved for you and you alone. Someday he'd have the nerve to confess, but until then, he would just like the listen and observe every little trivia like the lovesick fool you turnt him into.
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Kasamatsu grumbled and ran a hand through his hair. He had been dragged to a party by Moriyama, who had the most hopeless crush on your sister- she was holding a big party after she got her driver's license and Moriyama aimed to impress her. Which wasn't going well so far, but that was to be expected. Kasamatsu really didn't feel like being here, and only had allowed himself to be dragged to this place by Moriyama because the little voice in his head had gushed about how you would be here, and that was the only reason why he was getting annoyed at Moriyama's constant failing. Because Kasamatsu couldn't spot you anywhere. It irritated him beyond belief, and he tried very hard not to storm out of the place or drag Moriyama to a corner where he could hiss his frustrations at his friend. He decided to go to the toilet, not because he actually needed to go, but just so he could have a moment to himself to clear his head of the disappointment and annoyance. Kasamatsu went up the stairs, leaving the party behind. Well, mostly, there was this couple kissing heatedly at the top of the staircase, and Kasamatsu just opened the nearest door in the hope he could escape the gross noises. It wasn't the toilet, but your room. You looked up at the intrusion, and stopped playing immediately. Kasamatsu looked at you, taking in your outfit as he had never seen you in non-sports related clothes or your uniform. He took in the electric guitar on your lap, and the speakers in the corner. Not knowing how to start the conversation, he said, "Wow, I didn't heard you playing at all." "My room's been soundproofed, so I can play to my heart's content," You said and smiled at him. "Didn't thought to see you here Captain." "Well you know how Moriyama is with your sister. I decided to keep an eye on him but his lame attempts at flirting is beginnining to irk me." You chuckled, and Kasamatsu couldn't help but notice how your pink shirt was exactly the shade of your lips. He tried very hard not to think about it, when you placed your guitar down on its stand. "Well, if the party is getting too much for you, we could hang out here if you want?" Your voice was more soft and hesitant then he had ever heard it on the court and it made his heart do all kinds of backflips. "I'd like that."
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dessiekarma · 5 years
My Harem is Entirely Bad Boy Types (Kirisaki Daiichi x Reader) Pt. 11
Warning for mention of assault and abuse.
Chapter 11: I Guess Her Type was the Cute-Type All Along…Not That it Matters Anymore…
“(Y/N), please I really need to talk to you.”
 “I don’t think it’s a good idea to talk to you alone.” (Y/N) said keeping her head down as she jogged ahead of Yamazaki and into the school building.
 “Please, don’t be afraid to talk to me. I know I was so wrong but I would never physically hurt you! I never should have told Mei any of that stuff.” Yamazaki caught up with her and watched her tug off her outdoor shoes. “I was jealous because I really like you an-”
 His words were cut off as (Y/N) gasped. Out of her shoe locker spilled what was probably 100 pregnancy tests; marker used to make them appear positive. A note stuck to the door of the locker read:
 Not your first experience with these huh?
Yamazaki didn’t know how to react to the situation, but he didn’t need to as his former friend turned quickly towards him and lashed out with her words.
 “This why you were waiting outside my house this morning? What were you supposed to film me to show Mei?!”
 “(Y/N), no! I didn’t know anything about this. I really just want to apologi-”
 “No, cut the bullshit! You’re so fucking fake.” (Y/N) tried to keep her face firm but Yamazaki saw the obvious quiver in her lips. Everyone around was staring. “Tell Mei she wins. You deserve her and besides…I wouldn’t want you anymore anyway.”
 Not even giving him the chance to reply, the young woman slammed her locker shut and made her way further into the school ignoring the points and stares.
 Every now and then someone directed a comment at her but she kept her head down just focusing on getting to the gym. She could feel Yamazaki hot on her trail and his own voice was mixing with everyone else’s.
 “Hey (Y/N), who woulda guessed the sugar baby has her own baby huh?”
 “Another illegitimate child? No wonder your family’s been hiding you.”
 “Do you even know who the father is?”
 “You’re not just easy but stupid too!”
 (Y/N) was so close to the gym, she could hear the squeak of tennis shoes. The words of others kept coming into her brain despite there being nobody around anymore. She could feel her head spinning and a nauseous feeling in her gut before a sense of floating overwhelmed her and her knees gave out from under her.
 Yamazaki, who had thankfully been following her closely was able to hook his arms under hers before she collapsed. Quickly slinging an arm under her leg, the male was carrying her past the gym and towards the infirmary.
 Walking straight passed the open gymnasium door didn’t go unnoticed by a certain brown-haired basketball player.
 “Hey!” Seto called out quickly taking in what was happening. The other team members looked up at the sound of his voice. “What do you think you’re doing!? What’s going on!”
 Yamazaki didn’t blame him for the accusatory tone in his voice and shook it off.
 “(Y/N) was heading in here but she collapsed. I don’t know why, I think she might have had a panic attack or something!”
 “Well, don’t just stand there.” Hanamiya replied coolly though his eyes never left (Y/N)’s flushed face. “The main infirmary is too far and she’s heavy as shit. Bring her into the gym’s.”
 The orange-haired male nodded and followed everyone through the open doors. Needless to say it was tense. Seto was already preparing a cold damp cloth, Hara was prepping the small cot refusing to even look in Yamazaki’s direction, and Furuhashi sounded as if he was making a call for a doctor visit.
 Yamazaki took special notice that Hanamiya hadn’t left his side. But not for him…no. One of his hands was rested on the top of (Y/N)’s head, his gaze checking for any reaction she would give.
  “So, what exactly did you do to her, to make her pass out?” Hara spat out, still not looking up as (Y/N) was lowered on to the cot.
 “Mei put a bunch of pregnancy tests in her locker. Everyone kept taunting her in the hallway. I don’t think this is just poking fun at her…experience. (Y/N) was more upset then I’ve ever seen her. Like maybe it’s true.”
 “Maybe what’s true?” Furuhashi asked.
 “I don’t know maybe she’s pregnant or something?”
 An awkward silence hung throughout the room. There was a look in all the guys’ eyes, but it was hard to tell which were looks of suspicion and which were looks of possible guilt.
 “Don’t worry I’m not pregnant.” Came a whispered voice from the cot.
 The whole team turned to see (Y/N)’s face looking scrunched in pain, her eyes closed tightly. Even with her eyes closed a tear still managed to escape down her temple.
 “Its not a rumour either….He wasn’t supposed to tell.” The break in the girl’s voice echoed to fill the small room.
 “I know Mei was planning on going to Touou…do you think your ex told her something?” Yamazaki asked sounding like he legitimately felt bad for her.
 The young girl nodded before lifting both hands to press over her eyes. None of the guys knew what to do as she started sobbing. This whole time whether her eyes were closed, covered, or averted she refused to look at any of them.
 “Why would he tell her THAT if all things? He promised! Did he really want to hurt me that badly?! We didn’t even let most of our team know! It was between me, Ryo and Shoichi.”
 “(Y/N), no matter what happened…I’m going to be here for you.” Furuhashi said, suddenly by her side trying to pull her hands away from her eyes. “Do you have a baby?”
 Five sets of ears were listening, prepared for any answer.
 “Did you give it up for adoption? Is that why you left Touou?” Seto pressed on. “…Did you lose-”
 “No! I was in highschool and pregnant…and I didn’t want to be. That’s all.”
 “Did he make you choose that?” Hanamiya sounded gravely serious. “Is that what YOU wanted?”
 “We decided together. It wasn’t what either of us wanted but it was what was best. I have so much I want to do, I don’t know that I’d have been able to do that with a baby. And him…he has big dreams too, he wants to be a famous mangaka. I knew that he wouldn’t be able to do it with a family right out of high school. I couldn’t do that to him, or to some poor kid that we dragged into this world only to feel like a burden to their parents.”
 “Well then that’s that.” Hara said sitting heavily onto the cot besides his manager. “What’s in the past can’t be changed. If you aren’t bothered by it then it’s not really a big deal.”
 “My mom had the same operation done once.” Furuhashi chimed in with a shrug of the shoulders.
 “Joo-Won’s ex-girlfriend did too.” Seto threw in casually.
 (Y/N) finally sat up and opened her eyes. They were red and glassy from crying. But what scared them the most was just how much the light behind them faded. In the past their words and encouragement would rekindle that spark. Now it was almost as if none of that mattered.
 “Thank you for carrying me in here.” The girl addressed to Yamazaki, who had been hanging back just far enough.
 “It’s no problem! Really I just want to talk with you and apol-”
 “Not right now okay? We have a game against Fukuda Sogo tonight and we should be preparing for that.”
 “We aren’t just gonna brush your situation aside to play a game!” Hara exclaimed only to be taken aback by (Y/N)’s smiling face.
 “Of course, we are. If everyone already knows what else can I do? Honestly, I’m upset because I thought I could trust a secret like that with someone I consider my first love. I don’t care what people are saying.”
 “Well now I do recall once telling you ‘Three can keep a secret if two are dead.’” A smooth voice called out from the door.
 All six turned their heads only to be filled with confusion, anger or surprise. Imayoshi was frowning deeply as he looked at the girl lying in the bed. Surprising everyone there it was Seto who made the first move, walking up to Imayoshi and grabbing him by the collar of the shirt.
 “You’ve got some fucking nerve showing up here!”
 “Well after what’s happened, I had to check on my darling (Y/N).”
Furuhashi turned to gauge (Y/N)’s reaction and was unsurprised by the tears but was floored when she opened her arms up to the intruding male. Imayoshi pushed past Seto and sat beside the girl, embracing her tightly as she sobbed into his shoulder.
 “He told, Shoi-chan! He told, when he promised me! Why would he do that?”
 “Shh it’s okay. I know, Momoi called to tell me what happened.” The dark-haired male was stroking (Y/N)’s hair and finally getting a glimpse of his eyes the guys could tell he was just as furious as they had been over the situation.
 “We thought it was Imayoshi who told Mei about…you know.” Yamazaki said trying to get some clarification for all involved.
 “No! Why would he even have done that? It was my stupid fucking ex!” (Y/N) wiped at her eyes and sniffled a bit seeming to switch from sadness to anger.
 Five different brains lagged for a second, fighting their assumptions and the narrative they had created in their minds for the better part of the school year.
 “We thought Imayoshi was your ex!” All of them exclaimed loudly.
 “He even said he was!” Hara pointed an accusing finger at the bespeckled male who was now fighting a smirk.
 “I don’t quite recall making that statement. Though I do remember you boys making that assumption and perhaps I saw no need to correct you at the time. Undoubtly I am one of the most important people in her life and she was in fact mine before anyone, here in Japan.” Imayoshi chuckled and turned to (Y/N). “See even your team thinks we should date. So, what do you say?”
 “I say the same thing I’ve been saying since you were ten! ‘Gross, you’re my goddamn cousin!”
 “Yeah but I’m your first cousin. You know you have your ‘cousins’ and then you have your ‘first cousins’ and-”
 “Wait so this guy is the cousin you always talk about.” Hanamiya interrupted. “Shoko’s son right?”
 “Hold on who’s Shoko?” Furuhashi questioned.
 “My late aunt and yes, he is.”
 “How does Hanamiya know that?!” Hara exclaimed again. “Did she tell you her tragic backstory after all!? No fair!”
 Imayoshi’s face was unreadable but inside a heavy weight that had been sitting in his stomach suddenly deflated. When he’d heard about what (Y/N) was going through he feared that she was dealing with it alone but it seemed he might have underestimated her support system at KiriDai.
 “So then who is your ex?” Furuhashi asked. “Since only one other person knew then your ex must be-”
 “Sakurai Ryo, the reason I’m here.” Imayoshi interjected. “(Y/N), he’s been calling me all morning saying he can’t reach you.”
 “Of course that asshole can’t! I blocked him after….look I blocked him a while ago. What’s he even trying to reach me for!? He already told all of Tokyo that he got me pregnant, what else does he want!?”
 “I’d assume to apologize. Momoi and Aomine have been filling me in. Apparently, he said that if he can’t contact you by the end of the school day that he’s coming down to KiriDai to find you.”
 “Who the hell does he think he is!?”
 “Sakurai? I don’t even know who the fuck that is.” Hara said finally processing all this new information.
 “Timid little brown-haired kid, always apologizing. That being said, (Y/N), maybe you should hear him out. Ryo doesn’t seem like the kind of boy to do something like that without some sort of manipulation or maybe it was an accident.” Imayoshi explained.
 “Fuck that.” Hanamiya finally spoke up. “Sure manipulation is a thing but that doesn’t erase someone’s personal responsibility. The point isn’t WHY he told it’s the fact that he DID. Lots of things sway people and manipulate their choices but in the end you’re the one that makes the decisions and you’re the person who deals with the aftermath of those decisions.”
 “Hanamiya’s right and right now all I want to know is (Y/N)’s decision.” Seto added turning towards the girl. “Do you want to see your ex? Do you want to call? Do you want us to go down to Touou and beat his ass? Because all of these options are on the table right now.”
 “I want to get through the day. I want to go to our game and win. I want to move on to the next round of the Winter Cup.” For just a moment the guys thought they saw the sparkle in her eyes rekindle. Looking up at all of them that sparkle quickly pooled on her lashes and slid down her face. “I want everything to be the way it was a few months ago.”
 “I mean hiding a pregnancy, sure. But she had to have had an abortion, no way you can hide a whole kid.”
 “From the sounds of it her mother hid her. Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”
 “Hey shut the fuck up!” Hara hissed at the gossiping pair in the back of the class.
 “Ahh see I told you he was the father! Pay up!” One of the girls smirked at her friends like it was all some funny game.
 “It was last year, so before I even met Kazu-chan.” (Y/N) voice whispered in a deadpan tone, as she flipped through her math book.
 “So then it must have been with one of your paid dating guys, right?!”
 “It was with my ex at Touou.”
 “(Y/N), you don’t have to answer to anybody!”
 “If they don’t get the real answer from me they’ll just make up one of their own.”
 “Okay class, have a nice lunch and hopefully when you come back you’ll be feeling less chatty.” Their teacher announced with a glare directed at (Y/N) and Hara.
 The girl didn’t flinch or falter as her dead eyes bore into the teacher’s, until it was him that turned away. She began gathering her stuff and lifted her phone to see what seemed to be 20+ missed calls from her mother, no doubt having heard about this incident at school.
 “Hey come on, the guys are probably already waiting for us at the table.” Hara said as the room cleared out. (Y/N) smirked as she saw him fiddling with the bolts on the legs of the gossipers’ chairs.
 “You go on. I need to call my mom.”
 “Yeah about that…not really fair that only Hanamiya knows your story, don’tcha think? I mean it would make more sense to all of us. Imayoshi didn’t really give us more info before you sent him back to his university. We’re not trying to be nosy at this point but I think it would help us understand you a little better.”
 “Fair enough. I’m more than sure Hanamiya is willing to fill you guys in with what he can. I guess I don’t really have anything to hide anymore.”
 (Y/N) continued to force her smile until her friend was out of the room. Nails tapped nervously on the desk as the phone in her hands rang over and over again.
 Maybe if she was lucky her mother wouldn’t even want to speak with her right now. But it would seem the only luck she had any more of was bad.
 “I already spoke with your mother. She knew, said you came to her when the incident occurred.  I can’t believe you two were stupid enough to think you could have kept something like this from me.” A harsh male voice whipped through the phone. “I told her from the very start that she couldn’t be the mother Shoko asked her to be! But she insisted on keeping that silly deathbed promise and tried to be in your life. Had I raised you alone none of this would have been an issue! She was trying to prove something to me but all she’s proved is how incompetent she is!”
 “Grandfather, it was quite some time ago. We handled it.”
 “No, child. Handling it would have meant it was never heard of again. I should have handled your mother and she should have handled you!”
 (Y/N) flinched at the man’s raised voice and she couldn’t stop the tears from coming yet again.
 “Though I give credit where credit is due. I’m grateful you are more aware of your own body than your mother was. In spite of the social faux pas, you were at least smart enough not to bring another unwanted child into this world.”
 Those words echoed in (Y/N)’s head over and over drowning out anything else the man was saying to her. She really had been unwanted. By her mother, her grandfather, her classmates, apparently her ex.
 Her father accepted her but…truthfully he hadn’t wanted her either. Even this team had more or less been forced to accept her because of the assignment with Hara. When she’d first become the manager said male, had made it abundantly clear that he wanted another partner. Hanamiya was never shy in saying he never intended for her to stay.
 Her body was shivering, and she could feel her breath growing more and more shallow before the phone was pulled out of her hands. Looking up she could see Furuhashi glare at the screen.
 “What a disgusting way to speak to your family.” The male retorted loud and clear before hitting end. Shoving the phone into his pocket the male extended his hand out to (Y/N). “I assumed you’d come to lunch with Hara but when I saw him walking alone in the hall, I knew you’d still be in here. Come with me.”
 “Where?” She said, taking his hand anyway and following him out of the classroom.
 “The roof.”
 “The roof? What the hell are we going to do on the roof? Hey if this is a Hara roof joke, I don’t really appreciate it at this point.” (Y/N) said with an annoyed expression but continued to climb the stairs with her friend.
 “No joke. Confessions should happen on the roof.”
 “Yeah I guess if you’re in an anime….wait confession?”
 “I mean it shouldn’t be a surprise, right? With everything we’ve done and been through?”
 “Well I guess not but you really don’t seem like the type of guy to do the whole love confession shtick.”
 “No but I am the type of guy that is used to getting what he wants. And if this is how I get it then so be it.” Furuhashi squeezed her hands gently and (Y/N) could feel a blush form on her cheeks. She continued to let him pull her to the final door but both were drowned in an awkward silence as the male jiggled the handle.
 “It’s locked.”
 (Y/N) couldn’t help but let out a giggle at the look of genuine dismay on the guys’s face. He blinked at her unamusedly.
 “I’m sorry Furu! It’s just that these anime tropes haven’t really worked out very well for any of us!”
 “…Why don’t you call me Kojiro? You call Hara by his first name and I’ve even heard you called Seto, Ken.”
 “Huh? Well I guess it’s because first names are like really personal right?”
 “Then do you feel closer to the other guys than me? You called me Kojiro once…it was nice.”
 “I just…the other guys are more laid back than you. It’s not a bad thing though I promise! You’re just really hard to read and I wouldn’t know if you were okay with something like that.”
 “I’m hard to read?”
 “Honestly, yeah a little.”
 “Then maybe everything I’ve done til now has been pointless. If that’s the case let me lay everything out here and now and be sure I’m clear.”
 (Y/N) noticed how he moved closer to her slowly as if gauging her reaction. One hand moved to lean against the wall beside her head and the other moved under her chin to tilt her head up. She could push him away at any point if she wanted to.
 But did she want to?
 “I have never met anyone quite like you. Everyone has either told me things were black or white. I’m either supposed to follow my mother’s every whim or reject every suggestion. You understood just how difficult that truly was, being the sole heiress to your own company. And even being so similar to me you never made it about yourself or about what you would do. You cared about what I wanted and how my decisions affected me.”
 (Y/N) was looking into Furuhashi’s eyes and for the first time realized how much emotion they could truly hold.
 “It’s going to be hard because I won’t give up my company for anyone. But…(Y/N) I won’t give you up for anything either. Your grandfather was wrong. You’re wanted…I want you.”
 Furuhashi felt almost a static shock as his lips brushed against her softly. Almost as quickly as he felt their touch she turned her red face away.
 “I…I need to think about some things. I have a lot going on right now and-”
 “I understand.” Furuhashi gave her a tiny but genuine smile. He rested his hand on her head softly. This didn’t feel like a rejection, she probably really did need some time to figure things out. “You have some time…just try to give me your answer before it turns into an objection at my wedding.”
 “I can’t believe you confessed to her without telling us, bastard!” Hara scowled Furuhashi as the team walked into the stadium.
 “Not my fault you guys were all busy stuffing your faces while I was moving the chess pieces further along.”
 “Ugh so you get the first confession, Hara has first guys status of knowing her before us and Hanamiya knew her backstory. What advantage does that leave me exactly?” Seto grumbled sleepily.
 “Well technically, according to (Y/N), Yamazaki confessed first. But I’m pretty sure he’s been dropped from the harem.” Hanamiya commented before the sight of his manager walking ahead of the group. “Hey!”
 The girl turned her head and smiled widely at the boys before seeming to wince and suddenly grew sheepish. Sprinting over to them she tried to put on her best game face.
 “What’s with all the makeup?” Hara asked noticing she had a full face on that she didn’t have this morning. “Don’t tell me your emergency stop at home was just to get all pretty for a basketball game?!”
 “Mind your own business!” The girl snapped with just a little more fierceness than sarcasm would intend. “My face looked really gross from crying earlier.”
 “Aww babygirl, I doubt a sexy girl like you could ever be described as gross.”
 Could a voice be described as greasy? Because this was it.
 (Y/N) turned with an unimpressed look on her face. Sure enough she recognized the guy as Haizaki Shogo, the ace and pain in the ass of Fukuda Sogo. Not wanting to deal with any bullshit the girl rolled her eyes and turned an ignoring back to him.
 It came as no surprise but was still plenty annoying when an unwelcome arm was slung around her shoulder.
 “Come on princess that’s a bit rude. You looked mixed, must be American right?”
 (Y/N)’s face grew red out of anger and embarrassment as he began spewing lewd words and phrases at her in Japanese.
 “I can speak Japanese, you dick! Which you obviously knew considering you heard me speaking it when you walked up to me with your bullshit!”
 “Hmm? Awesome you can teach me to talk dirty in English then.”
 “Yeah thanks but no thanks, Post Malone.” (Y/N) ducked under his arm and sauntered inside the building, not bothering to look back. “Come on guys.”
 Haizaki practically growled as the girl before finally taking notice of the team she was walking with. He smiled to himself and decided he was going to head inside too.
 “Ahh Ken-chan what are you doing here? You need to be warming up!” (Y/N) said trying to usher the man out of the locker room.
 “I know.” The taller male knew she didn’t really have a chance of moving him an inch and in defiance slumped into the locker room bench. “I just uhh wanted to talk to you.”
 His voice was trying to find its footing in not sounding accusatory, angry, upset or any other tone beyond casual.
 “Huh me? About?”
 “It’s just uhh Joo-won called me earlier.”
 “Oh! How’s he doing!? Good I hope!” (Y/N) responded back excitedly, unknowingly making Seto’s heart clench.
 “Yeah good. Anyway, he said that he hasn’t been able to reach you all day but wanted to tell you ‘yes’?”
 “Oh my gosh really!? That’s amazing! Oh my god Joo-won is the best!”
 Seto would have been happy to see the girl’s eyes light up had his brother not been the reason for it. He didn’t even know that Joo-won had (Y/N)’s number. And what exactly had he agreed to? He knew deep down it was a bad idea to introduce her to his more attractive brother. It wasn’t the first time it happened, so it was his own fault really.
 “(Y/N), I need an honest answer!” His voice came out as firm and commanding as he could will it.
 “Sure, Ken-chan.”
 “Do I have a chance or don’t I?”
 “Uhmm what?”
 “I just…that night when we…you confuse me. It’s like sometimes I think that you’re still in love with your ex, the next I’m sure you’re gonna run off with one of my teammates. And finally, when I start thinking that maybe I have a chance you’re secretly talking with my brother.”
 (Y/N)’s face grew red and warm all over again.
 “I’m not talking to Joo-won like that! It’s just a business relationship I promise!”
 “Yeah but still… at the risk of just straight up asking ‘what are we?’ I need to know your feelings for me. I know that isn’t fair to ask you right now when you have everything to deal with. And after two of my teammates confessed to you and undoubtedly the other two will soon. I just need to know if I’m even a contender in whatever the hell this is. I don’t like wasting my time or energy. Not that caring about you is a chore or something.”
 “You care about me, Ken-chan?”
 “Well that should have been obvious. Come on (Y/N) I like you because you’re not an airhead so don’t start acting like one. You know I care about you.” Seto stood up and stretched a bit before turning back to her with a small smile. Cupping her face softly he knelt down and was seemingly about to place a kiss on her lips but pressed his mouth to her forehead. “In fact, I suppose I care about you enough to not demand an answer from you right away. But I do expect one eventually.”
 The young woman watched her friend make his way out of the locker room and smiled to herself. However, the ringing in her pocket pulled her from any thoughts she was having. With the knowledge that Joo-won had been calling all day she decided to finally look at her phone.
 Momoi Satsuki
 “(Y/N)! Please don’t hang up! I went searching at Kirisaki Daiichi but they said your team had already taken off! I’m so sorry and if you just let me explain-” Sakurai Ryo was cut off.
 “Don’t fucking call me again.” With that the girl hung up.
 “That was harsh, babygirl.” Haizaki’s voice came from the doorway.
 “Who fucking asked you? And don’t call me babygirl.”
 “You American girls like that though, don’t you? I prefer Onii-chan but I think I can get used to being called Daddy.”
 “Well not from me.” (Y/N) said trying to move past him and get to the door. She felt her heartbeat quicken as he stepped in front of her. “Excuse me.”
 “Oh cute you’re getting nice and polite for me now? I should warn you I don’t have much money. Though I can probably pay you with good sex, I’m much better than all those old men you whored yourself out to.”
 “What did you say to me?!”
 “Lots of people have heard of Kirisaki Daiichi’s slutty little manager. I’m kinda jealous of them.”
 “You don’t know what you’re talking about!” (Y/N) made a break for the door only for the much bigger and stronger male to trap her against it, one hand restraining her wrists the other clenching her throat.
 “Don’t worry babygirl, I’m not judging you for it. In fact, if you were my girl, we could make lots of money together. You got the goods and I know just how to market it.”
 (Y/N) glared at the male as he drew closer to her. Hacking loudly, she spit right in his face.
 “Like hell I’m gonna let some wannabe Miracle, ‘Emergence’ me!”
 “What the hell does that even mean you, stupid bitch!?” Haizaki grabbed a fistful of her hair and (Y/N) screamed out. “You should be thankful someone even still wants your used-up ass. I’m not asking you to do anything you haven’t already done a hundred times before. You let your team take turns, what’s one more guy?”
 “Get off me!”
 It seemed to happen so fast. One-minute Haizaki’s lips were on hers, then the door was being pulled open making them both fall. She could taste blood in her mouth, she could hear a familiar voice shouting, and felt a familiar embrace tugging at her.
 Fighting out of the restraint her fists were quickly pounding into her attacker’s face. Blood was pooling out of his mouth fast, letting her know she’d bitten his tongue deep enough to need stitches. Unlike the last time this guy was fighting back. But also, unlike the last time this wasn’t simple rage.
 “You think you fucking know me because of some rumours!?” The girl shouted as a flash of orange was quickly trying to pull the male off of her. “Do you know how many times I went along with stuff I didn’t wanna do because I was too young and naïve to realize their threats were bullshit?”
 She could hear the male scoffing at her and knew he didn’t give two shits about her sob story. But telling it right now, it was almost as if she could picture the faces of everyone who had ever taken advantage of her. When he punched at her cheek, she bit down on his hand harshly, relishing in the snap she felt.
 “Hara, Makoto! Guys come in here!” The voice attempting to hold her back called out. The sound of shoes squeaking grew louder and suddenly more hands were on her, pulling her away.
 “And when I finally stopped letting these things happen to me do you think that stopped anyone from trying to use physical force instead!? Do you think I would never learn how to fight off assholes like you!? I hate men like you!”
 Almost as quickly as all the fuss began, did the room suddenly go still. Finally letting her eyes focus the girl could make out the faces of her team as well as the sport complex’s security. The person still holding her was giving the security guards a brief description of what happened.
 Everything around the girl was still blurry and a high pitched whistle was drowning everything out. Haizaki was screaming something at her or about her as he was removed from the locker room.
 “(Y/N)! (Y/N) can you hear us? Are you okay?”
 Finally looking at the person holding on to her she was surprised to see Yamazaki’s concerned face.
 “I came to see the game but when I was walking by I heard you yelling and opened the door. I guess you really didn’t need my help beating the guy up but I flagged down the team and security. They got that guy out of here but oh god are you okay? Who am I kidding of course you aren’t okay! This is all my fucking fault!” Yamazaki was ranting and to (Y/N)’s surprise crying. “I heard what that asshole said! He attacked you because of the rumours he heard! Rumours I helped spread. I’m so sorry! I never thought something like this was going to happen.”
 The girl was listening but not quite. It had all been building up to this. She didn’t even have it in her to cry anymore.
 “God look at this bruise on your face.” Furuhashi said kneeling down to examine the girl. “I’ll fucking kill him.”
 “That one wasn’t Haizaki.” The girl deadpanned.
 All the males looked at each other in concern and question. That was the real reason she showed up in so much makeup? She wasn’t safe at school and apparently not even in the comfort of her own house.
 “(Y/N), what do you need?” Hara asked, now crouching by her side. “What do you want us to do?”
 The girl swallowed a thick lump in her throat. It was a long time coming but with recent things falling into place the way they did…her mind thought to a private conversation she had with Imayoshi earlier.
 “Is your team going to take that well?”
 “Makoto told me I should do what’s best for me.”
 “Probably because you haven’t shown a track record of doing so, he doesn’t believe you actually will.”
 “Shoi-chan, please. I need to know before I make this jump. Are you all in or not because I can’t do it without you?”
 “I never have been able to tell you no. I’ll willingly be your pawn in this game so long you’re sure you can win.”
 (Y/N) was shaking at the thought of stepping away from everyone. But if she didn’t…maybe she would stay in the same place her whole life.
 “I wanna go home.”
 “I’ll call my driver.” Furuhashi began only to see (Y/N) shake her head.
 “No…my real home.”
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insomniacinserts · 3 years
Hey if you guys wanna request some smut shots with the following characters I’m down:)
Yukio Okumura
Tsukishima kei
66 notes · View notes
bokutosbiceps · 6 years
aomine daiki
NSFW: being dominated 
NSFW: first time w s/o
s/o who smokes weed 
older brother!aomine 
w s/o who loves to bake 
s/o who has homemade decorations 
crazy car ride 
NSFW: w sub male!s/o 
cautious ex!s/o
as a dad
@supern-a-vengers​ quirk headcanons
xmas special
s/o asks to carry them bridal style
w a timid s/o who wants to dominate him
s/o puts makeup on him
s/o with small boobs
w kuroko’s older bro!reader
w s/o who always get in detention w male!bff
lyric imagine: womanizer
prompt: “Me? Who would ever have a crush on me?” 
NSFW: midnight sex
love triangle w kise
NSFW: valetine’s day
NSFW: pregnant!s/o
mini drabble: aomine+first love
aomine as a dad
drabble: saying “i love you” for the first time
imayoshi shouichi
as a dad 
@supern-a-vengers​ quirk headcanons
xmas special
what makes him uncomfortable
sfw + nsfw relationship hcs w a school nurse!s/o
what makes him jealous
sakurai ryou
as a dad 
@supern-a-vengers​ quirk headcanons
xmas special
s/o blows kiss @ him during performance/event
wakamatsu kousuke
as a dad 
@supern-a-vengers​ quirk headcanons
xmas special
s/o blows kiss @ him during performance/event
prompt: “ I never meant to hurt you.”
61 notes · View notes
angelsdevils · 3 years
Imayoshi x Reader
Title: First love 1/2 Fluff No Warning
Imayoshi never expected himself to fall hard for you, especially since he didn’t even know your name. It was kind of cliche if you thought about it because the moment you passed by him in the library, it was like flowers fell around you. Everything had moved in slow motion and he couldn’t focus on his studies. It was only when Susa had called you over and had a full conversation with you that he learned your name.
“How are you settling in (L/N)?”
“Call me (Y/N), I cringe when called my last name. I am doing okay though, its different my Japanese is not the best right now.” 
“Well, if you ever need help. I can help since we are in the same class. Plus English is my best subject.”
“That would be amazing~Susa right.”
“Yep, oh this is Imayoshi. He is the same year as us.” 
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you.” Imayoshi cleared his throat, and gave you a smirk like smile.
“The pleasure is mine, did you want to sit with us to study,”
“Sure, I got nothing else to do,” you sat beside Susa since you knew him better than Imayoshi. Imayoshi couldn’t help but feel a little bit jealous but it didn’t show on his face.
“Oh (L/N), you should come to the party tonight. I think that would help your social circle he~” he trailed off as you grimaced at the mention of a party.
“Social circle? I need one of those?” Imayoshi cracked a smile and Susa laughed slightly.
“Sorry, I just~”
“I will go as long as the two of you don’t leave me alone. Once my social battery runs out I poof into thin air.” 
“Fair enough, if you give one of us your address we can pick you up.” Susa said and you wrote down your address and number giving it to the both of them. 
“Just text me when you are here, don’t knock. For the love of all things holy do NOT knock. The last thing any of us want is my dad and brothers giving us the talk…” 
“Alright…” They said in unison, Imayoshi glanced at Susa, and Susa knew that Imayoshi wanted to pick you up.
“Well, I should go. I need to change out of this, and into something more comfortable.”
“Alright, I will text when I am around the corner.” Imayoshi stated and you gave him a thumbs up.
“Seems good to me.” You were then gone, and Susa turned his attention to his friend and teammate.
“You like her?”
“Is it that obvious?”
“Yeah, for a brief moment, I could sense you got jealous when she sat next to me.”
“Ah, sorry… it just it came out of no where.” 
“It’s fine, she oddly suits you.” Susa said going back to his studying and Imayoshi smiled to himself. 
You had decided to dress comfortable, which consisted of ripped jeans, a tank top with a flannel on top and converse. You added a beanie to top the look off, and as on cue you received a messaged from an unknown number. 
To: (L/N) (Y/N)
From: Unknown
‘I am around the corner’
You knew exactly who it was and messaged him a quick ‘k’ and grabbed your key before leaving.
“I am heading out dad.”
“Wait before you do…”
“Your brother is staying at a friends house and I was called into work over night. Money for food is gonna be in your dresser, keep all doors locked and windows locked when you come home. If you need me call my work phone so I will answer immediately.”
“Alright love you dad.” 
“Have fun sweety… stay away from boys, they are disgusting little beasts.”
“Right, like you were with mom.”
“Exactly! So stay away from them!” 
“Alright, whatever you say. Bye dad!” You rushed out and jogged to meet with Imayoshi, and quickly pulled him so you were far away from your house.
“Why the rush?”
“My dad, that’s the rush.”
“Ahh…” He glanced down at your hand and he felt a tint of red on his cheeks. Once you guys were far enough you let his hand go.
“Susa said he will meet us there.” 
“Alright, so what is the occasion?”
“After midterms, just a small get together.”
“Makes sense.” You smiled at him and he looked ahead adjusting his glasses as he led the way to the house. Once you both arrived, he let you in first and Susa was by your side already introducing you to everyone. Your social battery was at about 3/4 so you hoped you could make it through the night. 
“Yo~” You waved and two dudes, one with red hair and one with a freckle under his eye came to you.
“You aren’t from here…”
“No sir I am not, what gave it away? My accent?”
“Yeah, I am Himuro that is Kagami.”
“Nice to meet you guys.”
“Where are you from?”
“Ohio, USA…” (if you aren’t just go with it)
“So the cornfields?” Kagami asked and you looked at him.
“Dude seriously? We have cities, its only when you go north that there are corn fields, why do everyone assume Ohio is out in the middle of no where.?” You said in English and you lost about half of the people there.
“Hey, I just assumed.” He replied and you rolled your eyes.
“Anyway, now that everyone is here. Lets play truth or dare!” Someone from a far said and you groaned. You hated games like this, but you didn’t let it show on your face. You sat beside Imayoshi, and Himuro. They went over the rules and put the bottle in the middle. 
The game was actually pretty fun, and there was a lot good dares. Luckily you didn’t have to do anything yet, but you knew you would do truth.” 
Kise, whom you learned the name of ended up spinning the bottle and it landed on you.
“(Y/N)cchi~ truth or dare?”
“Alright, I am gonna be lame… truth…” you said laughing causing several others to laugh.
“Have you ever kissed anyone?”
“Are you single?” 
“As a pringle…” You spun the bottle and it landed on Susa.
“Truth or Dare, Susa?” 
“Dare?” You grinned and he paled slightly realizing he made a mistake.
“Great choice, I dare you too…. dance to APinks Nonono…”
“Or, wear lipstick at school tomorrow.”
“Fine, someone play the song.” He groaned and you secretly got the camera and videotaped the entire thing. When he was done he groaned slightly hiding his face with his hands. You couldn’t stop the string of laughs that escaped your lips, while everyone else was laughing at him.
“I am so going to get you back…” He said and you shrugged your shoulders.
“Do your best!”
He spun the bottle and it landed on Imayoshi, and Susa groaned hoping it was you. Though a sudden idea came into mind and he smirked causing Imayoshi to blink.
“Truth or Dare Imayoshi?”
“I dare you to kiss (Y/N), not a peck either. I mean full on make out,” Imayoshi actually opened his eyes to stare at his friend. Susa knew exactly what he was doing, and Imayoshi was about to object.
“I can’t do that, we just met today.”
“Either that or wear a cheer uniform tomorrow.” You grimaced, you kinda felt bad for Imayoshi. He was on the receiving in of what was suppose to be your punishment.
“First off, why are you punishing him?”
“Oh he knows why.” Susa said and Imayoshi shot a glare at the male.
“I will just~”
“Just kiss me dude, I have no problem with it.” You said and everyone looked at you surprised.
“I am getting disturbed at the thought of you in a cheer uniform. Plus seriously, how bad can a kiss be? We are just having fun…” 
“Are you sure?” 
“I see, you must want to kiss someone more your type… I understand.” You teased and he slightly panicked but you laughed and he realized you were teasing him.
“I am joking… so that cheer uniform or kiss me?” You asked and he leaned over and pressed his lips against yours. The kiss was gentle, he began to move his lips against yours gently. He bit your bottom lip slightly which you granted him access too, he gripped your chin slightly so you wouldn’t move away. Imayoshi felt his heart rate increase as the kiss continued. He hoped you felt it which you did because it felt extremely magical in your opinion. The kiss had lasted a few minutes, but when you both broke the kiss you guys were panting. His forehead was against yours, your noses were touching. 
“Well, don’t they make a cute couple?” You heard someone say but you ignored it and was about to pull away but Imayoshi captured your lips again. He didn’t want the kiss to end. He soon captured your lips and everyone realized that he wasn’t going to stop unless they made him. You gripped his shirt returning the kiss, but parted again shaking your head.
“W-Wait, that’s enough. We are in front of people,” this time you were extremely red. Imayoshi realized and couldn’t help his own blush dusting his cheeks.
“Sorry, I got carried away.”
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