#Yamazaki Hiroshi
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miscellaneoustofu · 2 months ago
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Basketball bad boys, anyone?
Yeah, so these are my Kirisaki Daiichi redesigns. The uncrowned kings and their respective squads have all the fun potential and I intend to use it.
Kirisaki Daiichi and Hanamiya being the most slept on team for character design of them all because you can’t make a canonical “bad boy” team and not have them be emo, goth, and punk for the funsies. For the visual “pen egg chest qua” (je ne sais quoi). For the fun, stereotypical edgelord flair we all deserve to indulge in every now and then.
Makoto’s og design simply didn’t scream spider enough for me and I was tired of so many key characters having this longish, same shade of black hair (him, Himuro, Mibuchi, etc). Like, I know giving the black and brown a colored tint can subtract from the uniqueness of the GOM, but not even a little? So, yeah, fuck allat, I’m using desaturated colors every now and then.
I also loved drawing Makoto in some casual clothes and much needed drip. Villains are required to serve most. I wanted to draw the rest of them in some casual outfits because trust Kojiro and honestly all of them dress immaculately but life and time restraints. Maybe later.
Story wise, each player and Makoto maybe have their own reasons for turning to hurting others through basketball and I hope you catch some of the story threads I threw in. Whether or not they deserve or have the capacity to change is entirely up to you all with Makoto having the most potential to be entirely complex or cartoonishly evil (I like both). I’m a sucker for a bit of character complexity and things that leave room for interpretation.
Sometimes knb can be very black and white in its themes…
Well, let me know what you all think! Thank you, for everyone’s kind words and support. See ya!
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kirisaki-daichi-scenarios · 6 months ago
How'd you think kiridai, haizaki, imayoshi, nash and jason would use insta? (I know it isn't popular in Japan but still)
Hanamiya Makoto
his account used to be public but he made it private after getting fed up of having to delete comments like “you scumbag you broke my friend’s ribs rot in hell” from his posts which were just cute pictures of the kiridai cat (yes i’m bringing this ancient headcanon back) 
so now he only allows follows from people he knows and trusts which means literally just the kiridai team, imayoshi, maybe a couple classmates, and his mum 
and then within that circle, he has the other kiridai boys on his close friends list and they’re the ones who see the stories that ‘reveal his true nature’ 
like hanamiya sees that someone who played against him has made a post about their journey going through shoulder rehab (no guessing who gave them their shoulder issues), so he reposts that post to his close friends story with the caption “time for a round two?”
meanwhile the posts his mum sees are just pictures of the kiridai cat or pages from some books he’s been reading recently
(n.b. hanamiya’s mum very rarely uses instagram. she only uses the account to keep up with family members, and only made it in the first place because hanamiya had just made his and she wanted to make sure he didn’t get cyberbullied. 
meanwhile her son is the one who has been repeatedly suspended from instagram for bullying.)
Hara Kazuya
has a lot of accounts and if not for the fact that he has basketball and other hobbies he would be chronically online
so there’s one main account which has just a couple photos that make him look cool (a photo of him dunking, or him drumming with good lighting) and occasionally he’ll post a picture on his stories of the city under a dawn sky and a note of the time so everyone knows he’s out grinding streetball at stupid o’clock. 
the main account is his only public account and he only really has it so that, if anyone (family friends, basketball players from other schools) search him up, those curated posts are all they’ll see. he only posts that occasional story in order to see if anyone’s been stalking him.
then there’s the finsta which is what he’s most active on. he posts several times a week on this account and the posts are all either 1) shitposts and memes that make little to no sense, 2) pictures of fellow kiridai members at very bad angles, or 3) photos from matches that he wants to mock, like a picture of kiyoshi’s face in agony as his knee got broken with the caption “tfw tanaka-sensei sets a pop quiz.”
and finally hara has his assortment of troll accounts, most of which he uses to pretend to be a high school girl living in the general Tokyo area so that he can catfish classmates when he’s bored. 
hara has so many of these accounts that he’s created a cinematic universe of his own with elaborate storylines about the tumultuous friendships between these non-existent girls. they’ve become kiridai’s answer to d&d whenever the boys are bored.
plus these catfish accounts have now become strategic. several of the ‘girls’ are in talking stages, and even online relationships with, basketball players from other schools. this means that a) hara can get intel from the players and b) as soon as any important match comes around, he breaks up with/ghosts the guy, in the hope that it’ll make them place worse.
it goes without saying that it was hanamiya who invented this innovative technique of psychological warfare but hara’s the one who puts the hours in - to the point where it would be a little suspicious how well he can pretend to be a teen girl in love if not for the shit-eating grin on his face whenever he goes through his collection of screenshots of messages begging “her” to take them back 
(sidenote - can you imagine how well okamura would fall for this?) 
(i’m thinking of a yandere!okamura x catfish!hara fic…)
Furuhashi Kojiro 
has two Instagram accounts
account number one is the one his teammates/family/friends follow. it’s a private account that he doesn’t use very much apart from liking friends’ posts. he has a few photos on there, but mostly photos of scenery from holidays
account number two is public, with around 10k followers. it’s completely anonymous and no one irl knows he has it. this account posts quite regularly and every post is an aesthetic picture either of his plants or what he’s baked recently. and when i say aesthetic, i mean aesthetic: the perfect warm lighting and usually some berries or something framing the centrepiece of the photo. 
the captions are usually quite short and wholesome: “making melonpan can be difficult but i find the challenge refreshing” “when the days become stressful, i turn to these larch bonsai to remind myself to stand tall” “i am trying a new macaroon recipe. may it bring great riches.”
he’s also started posting some reels on this account, mostly timelapses of bread rising or plants growing etc
furu uses very few hashtags but somehow still gets super high engagement. his followers adore him and have collectively assumed he’s a fem lesbian living in the countryside somewhere with her beloved girlfriend. (furuhashi naturally never corrects anyone because he wants to keep it anonymous.) the comments are all “cottagecore queen” “i owe all my mental health to you” “the only unproblematic account on Instagram” 
so yeah, on instagram, furu is considered an angel
Jason Silver
this man has not posted a single photo where he is not shirtless
and his stories are like 30% videos from streetball practice and 70% thirst traps which he pretends he’s posting to show his gains... but everyone knows he’s just posting them to try attract the three women who followed him back
his following is around 50% ‘baddies’, 45% nba players, and 5% friends and a few streetballers that he’s played against before
(he follows very few streetballers because he thinks it’s beneath him to follow losers and see how they’re improving. he’s so good at basketball he has no need for that, duh.)
(in reality he has no need to stalk prospective opponents because nash does it for him.)
also actually headcanon that most of jason’s posts are videos of him breaking the hoop while dunking or just generally basketball action shots, because jason can’t pose in front of a camera to save his life
you can’t blame him really - that’s a lot of man to fit in one small lens
Haizaki Shougo
no profile photo, no posts: 100% anonymous account. man just uses his Instagram account to get material to jerk off too - pretty much every single account he follows is of an onlyfans model. (he would still be following some female classmates and kise’s ex girlfriend if not for the fact that they’ve all blocked him.)
in the end, haizaki has no friends to interact with and no aesthetic life he can post about, so why would be bother having a more social instagram
added bonus of the anonymous account is that he can use it to stalk others - and he does like his stalking. 
sometimes he stalks the gom’s accounts, and he tells himself it’s just to make fun of them being desperate for likes or looking pretentious, but really he gets a “what could have been” feeling from scrolling through all the photos (and it hurts -- especially seeing videos of them playing together like back in middle school.)
and sometimes haizaki stalks his fukuda sogo teammates. again, he tells himself it’s just to mock them, and he’ll see photos of them hanging out together and be like “what fucking losers who would want to be seen with them.” but there’s a little pang of loneliness in his heart all the same.
Yamazaki Hiroshi
has had the same instagram account since he was 10 and he never deletes or archives any posts so if you scroll far down enough, you’ll find videos of pre-pubescent him and hara doing ‘parkour’ (literally just jumping over benches and off swings) or those chain posts like “share this with five friends or you’ll be haunted forever.)
zaki’s is a private account with a couple hundred followers - his teammates obviously but also family, cousins, some classmates, some of hara’s catfish accounts, and even a couple fellow high school basketballers from distant enough teams that they somehow haven’t realised that zaki is a member of the infamous kiridai. 
he posts semi-regularly and mostly just very normal, mundane posts - photos from family holidays, a tasty udon noodle bowl he had the other day and maybe the occasional streetball photo (typically with one of the kiridai boys in the frame instead of zaki – zaki’s not a huge fan of photos of himself)
zaki’s feed is mostly hara’s shitposts and also streaming clips from his various video games, and if you do ever see his account in the ‘wild’, it will be him backing up hara’s finsta after hara made a particularly outrageous comment somewhere
because a real friendship takes two people: Person 1 who just stirs shit up, and Person 2 who defends Person 2’s shit-stirring by cursing out every commenter who criticises them
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myriadlabrynth · 4 months ago
Misc Kiridai Random Ramblings/Headcanons
These were catching dust in my files. I wrote most of these years ago but never got around to posting them. I still agree with them for the most part.
Likes visiting second-hand bookshops since he tends to find more obscure novels.
May dabble in learning foreign languages in order to read certain works in its original language, in order to get the full, nuanced context he may not get from a translated copy.
Early bird.
A light sleeper.
Enjoys logic puzzles or games from time to time, things that get his mind working.
I’d like to think that Hanamiya and Hara tag-team with their respective committee positions, considering their “line of work” with the roughplay, I would think holding down both the disciplinary and health committee would be useful, at least internally at Kiridai anyway.
Huge fan of organic scented candles, (he can tell which ones use artificial scents); He frequently lights one up during the evening. He only likes ‘natural’ scents, none of those pungent dessert scented ones, though he doesn’t mind the ones that smell like toasted bread.
Early bird.
Prefers more  “monotonous” or repetitive work. The kind of tasks where he can work in silence and sort of zone out. He can just work in peace, organizing a myriad of books in the library or watering each of his flowers. The lack of inconsistencies or thought required is therapeutic for him. 
Enjoys going on early morning strolls through the park. Usually alone but at times, with his younger sister. The woodsy ambience is refreshing, especially when there’s the smell of rain from the previous day. The two of them are often drawn in by unwalked trails. He holds his sister’s hand whenever they reach unlevel ground that they have to climb up or down.
Occasionally falls asleep to videos of soothing sounds like thunderstorms or gentle water; doesn’t always need it, but if he’s feeling restless one night, it’s there.
He’s the type where something usually has to affect him for him to care about it, he’s not really one to put himself in other people’s shoes.
Dislikes mint chocolate ice cream, though he never tried it, just sounds disgusting(the type who think it’s like eating toothpaste(spoiler alert: its not))
A night owl.
Guilty pleasure is soap-cutting videos. He once tried to cut some soap himself, but long story short, it's a good thing he is part of the health committee.
One reason he enjoys music games at the arcade is because he loves the moment where he zones out/goes on auto-pilot but his fingers unconsciously play perfectly anyway(if you’ve played rhythm games, you know what I’m talking about)
My headcanon for Hara’s eyes changes a lot, but at the moment, I think Hara just has regular/average eyes. Originally grew his hair out for the sake of avoiding eye contact. He gets amused seeing people speculate just what exactly is underneath his bangs, when in reality, it’s nothing special.
A repeat from my intelligence analysis, but I do believe Hara’s grades don’t reflect his intelligence, and that he's way smarter than he let's on.
Sort of a Mom-friend, to an extent***. He’s a friend who worries too much and a tad of a stick in the mud, it’s why he isn’t good at scheming.
Night owl.
Loves trying out international cuisine. Won’t tell anyone, but he enjoys a mukbang here or there(which piques his interests in non-Japanese food)
His tolerance for spiciness is out of this world.
Huge dog person. Tries to resist waving at every dog he passes when he is hanging out with the rest of Kiridai, though he occasionally caves in, earning a snicker from Hara(who doesn’t mind greeting the dogs)
Being the youngest sibling means that he takes great pride whenever he is older than someone. As shown when he called Kuroko a brat, even though Kuroko is only a year younger.
I get "I may be an idiot, but I'm not stupid" vibes from him.
***In Kurofes, Fujimaki actually says “... mother-like/like a mother” when describing the way Yama scolds his friends and is like the "straight-man" of the group, so is it even a headcanon lol,
He sleeps because he can/wants to sleep, he doesn’t stay awake if he doesn’t need to be. The ending shot in season 3 which showed Kiridai at the park, shows Seto yawning, probably because it was a casual outing, aka something not that important. We’ve seen Seto where he is perfectly awake, if it's something he deems necessary. 
Not really an early bird or night owl.
His body knows when he HAS to get up, so the way someone tries to wake him up doesn’t matter. He doesn’t budge when Yamazaki kicks him because he knows he’s not a starter. On the flipside, he wakes up immediately when Hanamiya just calls out to him, because he is being added into the game, so he has to get up.
Sleep pranks don’t work on him, like drawing on his face. He’ll wake up before it happens. (Hara is on the team so of course he has to be aware)
Similar to Furuhashi, in his frequent walks, he likes treading through unknown territory.
He prefers basic espresso coffee, but doesn’t mind if there’s a dash of chocolate or even peppermint if he’s feeling adventurous(overly sweet drinks that are like 75% cream/chocolate/whatever are a complete no no though)
Not a headcanon but I still can’t believe it's canon that Seto plays online games.
I was reading the stats again and its still kind of funny that kiridai has a better teamwork stat than even shutoku and yosen (which makes sense but I will never get over kiridai's team synergy)
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chisecco · 2 years ago
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i am still attached to these losers. wow.
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August 04: Happy Birthday Hiroshi Yamazaki (Kuroko's Basketball)!!!!
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whydoyouaskmethis · 7 months ago
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Ogata used forest pic as his zoom background...
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redsamuraiii · 11 months ago
Golden Kamuy | Official Trailer | Netflix 19 May 2024
A Russo-Japanese War veteran, Saichi Sugimoto (Kento Yamazaki) goes to Hokkaido to search for gold which was stolen from an Ainu tribe. He encounters an Ainu girl named Asirpa (Anna Yamada), whose father was killed by those who stole the gold. An unlikely alliance is formed between the two, as one searches for gold and the other searches for vengeance. 
Meanwhile, Tokushiro Tsurumi (Hiroshi Tamaki) of the Imperial Army is also searching for the gold for his men who risked their lives in the war but left unrewarded by the government. Toshizo Hijikata (Hiroshi Tachi), an escaped prisoner who was the vice-commander of the Shinsengumi that fought against the Imperials, also wants the gold to realize his own ambitions.
War erupts in the winter cold of Hokkaido as the battle for gold begins.
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anamon-book · 1 year ago
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クリティーク10 [特集]戦争状態論 青弓社 表紙写真=山崎博、デザイン=鈴木尭
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seekingshelt3r · 2 years ago
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the boys as bodyguards
dedicated to absolutely no one. sure this is an asks blog - does that mean i have to actually answer them? i know i know bad admins bad admins whatcha gonna do whatcha gonna do when they come for you but i had a dream ages ago now that involved bodyguards, tsunamis, and also a shit ton of murder. don't ask. anyway, it got me pondering. and then it took literal months to write this so i figured i'd post what i've got so far, and maybe i'll update with the rest of the boys later, depending on how well this does/how much time i have
hanamiya makoto
hanamiya’s the package deal
he’s the chief advisor; he’s the doctor; he’s the bodyguard; he’s the sniper. just a right hand man in every way possible.
i mean, he’s not literally your right hand man: he’s the leader of a team, and often it’ll be one of his men there next to you at events, but he’s always supervising or coordinating or collecting intel
ie he’s dedicated to his job. he does like engineering spider’s webs after all.
having said that, he’s also an uncontrollable prick
he’s the best at giving you advice, both in terms of navigating high society and in terms of actual business advice, but is he going to give that advice without slipping in a snide comment about how you should really know all this by now? when you tell him to make sure to take a break some time, is he going to stop himself from saying “maybe if you weren’t so incredibly useless on your own, i’d be able to.”
and sure maybe he’s breaking the universal declaration of human rights with what he does to the people who dare to try harm you, but you don’t know about that
need to know basis type beat
you don’t even have access to the full floor plans of your own property, which includes a basement you’ll never know about, let alone step foot in. hanamiya keeps that information very close to his chest.
gotta make sure his employer has plausable deniability
gotta make double sure that you don’t find out about half the things he does - from the ways he sources his information, to his very dodgy organised crime links, to the number of people that have sadly lost their lives in the name of “fuck it, you’re pissing me off” - because he hates when you bang on about bullshit like “laws” and “morals”
after all, if everyone followed your beloved laws and morals, then you’d have no need for his services
as he always tells you, he’s just your pet necessary evil
yamazaki hiroshi
i reckon he only got into the bodyguard business because he spent his childhood wanting to be a samurai but, well you know, that’s not really a job opportunity anymore
what it does mean though is that he’s all about bushido: mastering his work, bravery, honesty, etc - and above all else loyalty to one’s employer
on a random thursday afternoon, he’ll tell you, completely nonchalantly, straight face, “i would die for you if that’s what it takes. on my life, i’ll always keep you safe.”
you’re staring at him like wtf and/or trying to stop yourself blushing, but he thinks that’s a completely normal thing to say cause he’s just following bushido
of course, late one night, he’ll wake up realise how weird that came across and he’ll spend the next week trying not to blush whenever you talk to him
just like the time he spent a week kicking himself after you walked in on him training, shirtless and rather sweaty, and when you told him he should take a break, he said “but i need to train so my body can be at its best for you”
again, at the time that sounded very reasonable, serious, and totally bushido to him. it’s only later that he’s freaking out in his room like why in god’s name did he say that.
but hey that’s bodyguard!yamazaki for you. a little weird, a little socially inept, but loyal to a fault
haizaki shougo
can you imagine the number of jobs that this man has lost for sleeping on the job?
he’s only got his current gig looking after you because his prices are cheaper and you were getting desperate to find someone in your budget
he’s a ...uhh… unique bodyguard? in the sense that he’ll get you out of harms way eventually, but "eventually" is the key word there
haizaki actively ignores intel that a certain location might be dangerous, because he really just wants to get into fights. sure you might get in the way occasionally, maybe even get some nasty bruises, but hey you get what you pay for.
you want a good bodyguard, save up some money, idiot.
literally the only reason he got into being a bodyguard is so he can beat people up legally (and because he got dishourably discharged from the military); he doesn’t care that much about the whole ‘protecting’ side of things
he’s also the type to ditch you the minute a better paying job comes up (possibly combat work as a mercenary). however he’s not as cold-hearted as he may seem, and he’ll happily spend a day of leave breaking into your penthouse
so that when you return in the evening, he’s there sat on an armchair, grinning smugly, “man your security’s turned to shit since i left.”
shortly followed by, “miss me?”
jason silver
jason’s the quintessential bodyguard, cause, after all, having a very muscular 6’11 man follow you everywhere you go isn’t exactly subtle
but he’s recognisable for other reasons as well.
like the fact that he’ll accompany you to formal balls, and he’ll be the only man there with an undone tie - it’s such a massive argument trying to get him to wear an appropriate suit instead of his usual hoodies and sweatpants, that can anyone blame you for not having the energy to insist he stops undoing his tie as well?
he’s also not exactly one for professionality. like you’ll be minding your business, trying to network, and suddenly you’ll hear a wolf whistle by your ear and a “wouldn’t mind me a bit of that”
“jason, that’s the ambassador to norway. we’re having her over for dinner next week, so, with all due respect, shut the fuck up. and whisper next time, for heaven’s sake! what if someone had heard you?”
“shit, is it a crime to like some nice tits in this economy?”
and when you glare at him, genuinely furious, he grins, puts his hands up, and says, “sorry, sorry. forgot you don’t like me having eyes for anyone else, boss.”
but don’t get me wrong, jason’s not all evil contra to fujimaki’s propaganda
he is an incredibly good bodyguard - those animal instincts really help him out when it comes to getting you out of a sniper’s line of sight, or saving you from a bullet, or just assessing a room for potential entry points. and he packs a mean punch if anyone tries to try something on you, a solid ko.
no one’s getting past him essentially
the only problem is that it’s incredibly difficult to thank jason for saving your life, cause the last thing he needs is an ego boost or feeling like you owe him.
“seriously jason. i don’t know how i can ever repay you.”
“usually the payslip’s enough,” he smirks, “but you know that little lady ambassador-“
unsuprisingly, he’s not invited to the dinner.
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myriadlabrynth · 4 months ago
Pairing Dynamics of Hanamiya + Kiridai
Inspired by how in the “best pair” ranking in Kurofes, it specifically said that there were a lot of votes for pairs involving Hanamiya and the rest of Kiridai. So I’m just gonna ramble about them with some headcanons.
Furuhashi - Hanamiya
My most favorite
Everyone in Kiridai isn’t too fazed by Hanamiya’s anger. At least his “baseline anger”, cause we’ve seen even Furuhashi being surprised by Hanamiya being especially angry. 
 But I just love Furuhashi’s overall cool-collected demeanor to Hanamiya’s short fuse in particular.
The side eye the side eye the side eye
My favorite genre of images (the anime versions are cute but I think I prefer the manga ones overall)
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When Hanamiya was first building up the starter lineup and sizing up the team members, Hanamiya acknowledged Furuhashi’s skills as a basketball player but  was especially drawn in by the dark aura Furuhashi gave off and the glint in Furuhashi’s dead-eyes, with Furuhashi being the most eager to give rough play a try.
Other players were reluctant about it, but Furuhashi was all in at the start.
 Hanamiya was impressed by how much of a natural Furuhashi was at it
And also amused by the way Furuhashi purposely acts obtuse about it when confronted.
Furuhashi is the most onboard with it and is willing to try any “new methods” Hanamiya suggests, including the “finger snaps” ones.
They have a mutually beneficial relationship. Hanamiya benefits from Furuhashi’s willingness to participate in his methods, and Furuhashi gets to satiate his sadistic needs.
Furuhashi is a comforting calm presence for Hanamiya. 
Though he can be a tad annoyed with how Furuhashi doesn’t really mince words or will call out his bullshit without hesitating (with the same monotone voice lol) Source: The Kiridai epilogue.
Seto - Hanamiya
Self explanatory but still sweet.
Canonically understands Hanamiya the most.
Seto’s the one person in the group that Hanamiya can in some way, let his guard down 
Not overtly sappy but since Seto’s the one who can come close to understanding Hanamiya’s mind, Hanamiya is more willing to drop a pinch of vulnerability.
With Hanamiya’s “Did you really think I’d say that, idiot?” moments, Seto can catch on the times where there was some truth to Hanamiya’s “lie”
I like to think Seto and Hanamiya had a similar first interaction as Imayoshi and Hanamiya did back in junior high, where Imayoshi was the first to catch on to Hanamiya's fake goody two shoes act (see chapter 6 of Replace V).
Except unlike Imayoshi, Seto was never condescending. And Seto’s reason for catching on wasn’t based on some cynical belief like “there’s no such thing as a good person”, Seto’s just not stupid.
And of course, Hanamiya addressing Seto by his first name….cute
The crumbs we got in the 10th anniversary disc were honestly so cute, so glad we got to hear “Kentaro” from Hanamiya again.
Yamazaki - Hanamiya
This one is cute to me. I love how chill Yamazaki is with Hanamiya
He just has this grin whenever he interacts with him
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Hanamiya is put off by Yamazaki’s abrasiveness and honestly had some doubts about adding him to the starting lineup, with him being either reluctant or too obvious with the roughplay when he gave it a try. He had some concerns about Yamazaki being too much of a goody two shoes.
But his basketball skills were enough, more than enough even. 
Especially with Hanamiya clearing putting more focus on the team’s “foundational skills”, post-Seirin v. Rakuzan, which I believe Yamazaki has the most of (aside from Hanamiya himself)
Hanamiya has mixed feelings overall about Yamazaki, but had eventually grown accustomed to this presence, enough to a point where it would be odd if he wasn’t there.
Even though Yamazaki can be a pain in the ass who enjoys pushing his buttons a bit too much.
Hara - Hanamiya
Sad we don’t really have much canon interactions between them. I believe it was just in the manga, where Hanamiya yelled at him and Yamazaki, but even then it was moreso at Yamazaki.
Mentioned this in a prior post, but Hara and Hanamiya tag team with their respective positions in the Health and Disciplinary committees
Holding these positions allows the Kiridai basketball club to keep the rough-play hush hush from the school, as they can circumvent any reports that may come in.
This goes with my headcanon that they practice their rough play on the third-string players, and some of them want to report them. But are met with threats from both Hanamiya and Hara.
Like Furuhashi, Hara was eager to participate in the rough play. But less for sadistic reasons and moreso to piss off people. Either way, this made things easier for Hanamiya.
Hara teases Hanamiya like everyone else but is loyal to him (and the rest of the team but probably wouldn’t admit it.)
When Hanamiya needs “something done”, Hara’s the one he’ll ask. And Hara would normally comply without question.
I completely subscribe to Hara calling Hanamiya “boss” or “sir”
Although Hanamiya can be annoyed by them, having to reel them in at times, both Yamazaki and Hara are comforting presences in their own way. He doesn’t realize it but he needs their spunk to balance things out.
He would realize  this if the two of them were gone for a while, and it becomes “annoyingly quiet”.
“Can’t live with them, can’t live without them” kind of thing.
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takmiblog · 4 months ago
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Hiroshi Yamazaki
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hiroshipuppy · 7 months ago
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save him..
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nanoko857 · 6 months ago
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"In the studio, however, I depended on Minami Takayama, who plays Conan, for just about everything. She caught me up on anything I didn't understand or had missed in the story so far; thanks to her lectures, the recordings went smoothly. In the beginning, Ran Mouri and Kogorou Mouri didn't appear with Ai, so I spent my time as Ai with Conan and the Detective Boys for a while.
Then one day, I came into the studio to find that my usual seat was occupied by Wakana Yamazaki, who plays Ran. And she was talking to Minami like they were the best of friends! Wakana and I are good personal friends now, too, but…I wonder why I felt so defeated at the time. Ah, so that was never my seat to begin with… It's been hers for years…
Belatedly, I became painfully aware I had joined a series that had already been running for a long while, so I sat down silently in a chair far away, although I made sure it was within the pair's view (very immature, I know). But Kenichi Ogata, the voice actor for Professor Agasa, called out to me, "Ai-kun, I saved you a seat." He had already entered the studio and put his belongings on the chair next to him. And Ikue Otani, who plays Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya, exclaimed, "Ms. Haibara, Ms. Haibara!" and sat down beside me, too, so I had the doctor on my right and Mitsuhiko on my left. This pleasantly warm seating arrangement continues to this very day."
- Megumi Hayashibara, The Characters Taught Me Everything: Living Life One Episode at a Time (2021)
(Translated by Jenny McKeon & Nathaniel Hiroshi Thrasher)
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whydoyouaskmethis · 4 months ago
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