#imagine my surprise when i found out that starting at 7 meant step off at 8 for dyke march
venusiancarbondioxide · 3 months
the combination of being raised by drum corps people (my mom and aunt and most of their friends were in dci; my grandma helped run an all-girls corps in the 60s and 70s) and being in marching band myself in high school has given me a totally skewed sense of when the fuck a person is supposed to arrive to anything even vaguely parade-adjacent. "march starts at 7:00" translates to "we step off at 7:00" to me, which means that i'm there at 6:30 at the absolute latest. frankly, if i'm there at 6:30, i'm a little late. if you're not there at 6:30, i think you're a little late. we're never going to get our instruments off the truck like this.
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book 7 part 5 thoughts!!
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If you’d like to watch a rough part-by-part summarized translation, please check out this archived stream!
Please note: this is NOT meant to be a summary or a translation; these are only my initial thoughts on the events that unfold. There may be details overlooked or misunderstood in this post, so PLEASE do not use this as a translation.
Starting off strong with some lore on magic! Teleportation magic involves breaking oneself down and reconstructing elsewhere. If the distance from point A to point B is too large and/or the caster is in poor health, the magic may fail or be difficult to perform.
Hmmm... Lilia is reacting very emotionally to the situation, but it is Baul that is (mostly) rational and reminding Lilia to keep calm. I'd anticipate it being the other way around, so that's quite interesting.
HUH... Even Sebek is staying calmer here than Lilia is; Sebek recalls training with Lilia and how they were taught that they have to stay calm to think and plan effectively in tough situations. Ironic that the old Lilia was the type to go against the advice he would later give and instill in his pupils. Again, it goes to show how much he has changed since then.
AH, BAUL'S BEING A TSUNDERE AGAIN 🤡 He's telling the kids to stay behind because the situation has changed... "Don't foolishly discard the life Lilia-sama protected", "humans shouldn't be fighting alongside fae anyway", etc. (And, of course, Silver's the one to step up and tell him fae or human, it doesn't matter and he still owes Lilia his life all the time.) NOW'S NOT THE TIME TO TALK, GUYS... MALLEMOM'S GONNA BE GAME ENDED
Weird sounds downstairs? SILBEK KICK DOWN THE DOOR and we find some chefs in hiding. adhbasvfvuvfqeilfe;o THEY MISTAKE SILVER FOR THE DAWN KNIGHT... More sussy behavior implying the Dawn Knight must be his ancestor.
They ask for brooms to transport the injured faster. Silver's negotiation skills come in clutch again, he convinces the chefs to direct them to the brooms even though it would be helping the fae, the humans' enemies.
Not Sebek's stomach growling now of all times... NOT SEBEK DENYING IT SO MUCH (it's okay, they get pity and some food from the chefs!)
Found a room full of birds; they seem to be for transporting messages. Silver feeds them some of the bread they got from the chefs. Wow, Sebek's actually being sneaky/clever (?). He tells Silver he's loved by animals, so time to use that now so they can use the birds.
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Bleh, we have another time-gated, character-limited map segment. Silver and Sebek take up 2 of the 5 slots. Again, the cards' health does not regenerate unless you land on a special square. Luckily for us, there is only a single path forward rather than a larger, sprawling map.
NO KIDDING, THE BIRDS HELP THEM FIGHT THE SILVER OWLS... Literally they're swooping in and tugging on the knights' cape and stuff... the squirrels nibbled away at their catapults' rope too... chucking rocks at them... THE BIRDS POOPED ON THEIR ARMOR TOO???????? Imagine training your whole life to put your life on the line for your home country, only to be literally shat on and defeated by woodland creatures...
Lilia: I hate children. Also Lilia: *rushes into battle to protect the children and gives them head pats for a job well done and asks them to be safe*
Silver continues to be a Disney princess!! They find some horses tied up and he's like "let's free them". Sebek drops some club lore; Silver is one of the better students in Equestrian Club when it comes to soothing the horses. True Horse Girl at heart, huh??
Silver and Sebek are surprised that what they learned in school is actually helping the in a "real world" sense. Man, I wish that was true of irl high school education too...
The Silver Owls recruited mercenaries from other countries to help them seize Briar Country's resources??? The others pitch in because they live in fear of a dragon attacking them.
They're going to teleport into the castle, but they can't teleport out since they can't guarantee the safety of Tamago-sama... They're going to use the underground waterways to escape!
There's a mountain range that protects another castle of the royal family, Black Scale Castle. Malleus's mom is currently in an unprotected castle, Wild Rose.
Wow, what a peaceful vista straight out of Sleeping Beauty. I sure hope it doesn't become tainted by blood being spilt and bodies dropping or anything craaazy like that/j
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DAWN KNIGHT INCOMING???? Silver's ring starts??? Going off??? When he sees the Dawn Knight...
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Heinrich reveal too! He seems like just as much of a scumbag as all the rumors say he is (he wants a dragon to ride, tells the Dawn Knight he's only good for his swordsmenship, etc). BRO JUST STRAIGHT UP SAYS HE WANTS TO TAKE MALLEMOM'S EGG AND RAISE IT TO BE HIS STEED... 💀 WTF THAT'S SO DARK
This asshole reminds me of Jack Horner from Puss in Boots 2: The Last Wish, who is another irredeemably evil man with a small face and a generally grotesque design.
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Heinrich is after the castle and some very powerful magestone called "Princess's Glow"? Not sure, did not hear the second word well.
He's giving them 30 minutes to send the princess out for a one-on-one duel with the Dawn Knight. If she wins, they'll retreat (I DON'T BELIEVE THAT FOR ONE SECOND).
NOT THE CASUAL FAE RACISM... Heinrich calls Mallemom a "witch". If you'll remember!! In book 6, Lilia says that mages were once called witches, but implied that those terms are now outdated and considered derogatory.
The Dawn Knight is like Silver! He tries to tell Heinrich this isn't right, but Heinrich tells him that since his father took the Dawn Knight in as an orphan, the Dawn knight "owes" them. It's a twisted parallel to Silver and Lilia's relationship (because Silver says he feels like he "owes" Lilia and has to repay him).
Okay, so to review the family tree??? The king of the human faction is sick and they want the Princess's Glow to heal him. The king is the dad of Heinrich and Leah; the king would also later take in the Dawn Knight. Leah and the Dawn Knight are in love.
Malleus's mom's official name is "Meleanor" (a location name is written in English with this)i. The castle's halls really resemble those in Diasomnia dorm (I think it's a reused asset). (Now that I think about it??? Didn't they also reuse the VDC backstage background for the eastern fortress?)
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SHE'S SINGING???????? A lullaby for her baby, it seems. Bruh... Malleus sang like a line from this lullaby before he game-ended everyone with his UM... HE REMEMBERED HER SONG FROM INSIDE THE EGG SHELL??????????
MALLEMOM REVEAL AW YEAH (she starts zapping Lilia with lightning lol; she's mad at Lilia for showing up late to defend her and her egg) SHE'S THE HOT GOTH GF
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OMG EGG REVEAL TOO... UNBORN MALLEUS... (The egg looks like it has blot running down it too, which is insane)
ADBLIsfiablfa IT'S SO WEIRD SEEING HER SIMP ON MAIN, she says he knows her unborn child will grow up to be a beautiful man just like her husband... (Sebek is practically sobbing from happiness that he gets to witness Meleanor name Malleus.)
The ear shape is really coming back to bite them; Mallemom noticed them and now her anger is turning to our group. She forces us to kneel with magic... Jafar energy fr
"Princess Glow" is the green orb in Mallemom's staff!
Lilia tells some embarrassing stories of the princess's tomboyish youth; "And though you always scolded me, you never failed to join me in my mischief" -- Mallemom to Lilia
She agrees to duel the Dawn Knight while the others escape with her child... Now Mallemom and Lilia are fighting because Lilia refuses to follow through with her order.
Lilia trauma time :)) "I can't lose both you (Meleanor) and Raverne (Malleus's dad)".
IT'S LIKE WE THEORIZED, LADS. Mallemom says that if anything happens to her, then it's up to Lilia to help Malleus hatch with the POWER OF TRUE LOVE... BUT LILIA THINKS HE CAN'T HATCH IT BECAUSE HE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND A PARENT'S LOVE
sdhbfbiyoaifofi Mallemom says that Lilia "also loves Raverne" and that those two spent more time together than a "married couple". You could interpret this as Lilia being bisexual or just as them being really good friends, as Meleanor never specifies if Lilia “loves” Raverne romantically.
Suddenly, Lilia's special card name makes sense! Lilia is the "Right General", and Raverne is the "Left General".
The weather shifted according to Meleanor's anger. Like mother, like son... This woman also quotes Maleficent so much...
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OOOOH we get to watch a battle between Mallemom (dragon form) vs the Dawn Knight. Mallemom uses all null/cosmic magic, just like Dorm Uniform Malleus. The Dawn Knight uses light type null/cosmic magic just like Silver does too!
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Dawn Knight face reveal?! He's basically Silver copy-pasted but long blonde hair. Dude's really out here looking like a Sonic OC recolor/j
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The Dawn Knight also has a crown-like ring on a chain. It's an item that was given to him by guardian fairies when he was young; there is no other like it.
YASASHII... The Dawn Knight notices our group has the egg and tells them to run. He doesn't want Heinrich to get his hands on it either... Crowley, takes notes 😭
UHHHHH SILVER'S CRYING AND SHOUTING... I think he realized that he's descended from the Dawn Knight, serving on the faction that's brought so much harm to his loved ones and home country. "Am I family to the enemy?!" His denseness is truly to his detriment here.
Uh-oh, Silver's being pulled into the "darkness" of the dream, thinking it would be better to just stay here than face reality... He's losing hope, DOING THE THING HE FORESHADOWED LAST UPDATE... IF HE EVER FALLS INTO THE DARKNESS, THEN PLEASE PULL HIM OUT... (Another map segment with Silver required; you have to find your way around in the dark.)
400 years after conflict, the peace treaty was signed between fae and humans. Wild Rose Castle is now left in ruins; the rumors say it is haunted. The diurnal fae casted a spell on Wild Rose to keep humans away.
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Uhhh so apparently after the war we saw, another conflict broke out for territory and the Silver Owls got their asses handed to them.
LILIA UNIQUE MAGIC REVEAL... HE CAN READ THE MEMORIES OF THINGS HE TOUCHES????? (Reminds me of "Dimensional Scream" from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of TIme/Darkness/Sky!) "Far Cry Cradle" is the name! We also get the chant: "As if it were a day. Everywhere I go, it will be in a blink of an eye."
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Silver was magically put to sleep for hundreds of years by some small (guardian) fairies?!?!?!?!?!?!? Because conflicts were still going on and his parents wished for him to live in a world free of war. When Silver meets someone who "loves" him, he will wake up from his magic-induced slumber. NOW THE BABY IS AWAKE AND CRYING
... Wait. Doesn't that mean. Silver is technically older than Malleus... since Malleus is only 178 years old and Silver's been sleeping for like 400 years????? OTL SILVER OLD MAN ERA??????
NOT (PAST) LILIA BEING TSUNDERE, he says he thinks the guardian fairies' magic is fading with time... he doesn't even consider that he'd ever love the baby...
"I'm not someone who deserves your love" - Silver, casually cuing all of our tears
Silver's hair was originally blonde; It became silver when he received a fairy's blessing (Lilia's). LILIA SAYS "May the Night bless you" and says that the day he found Silver is his new birthday. So the Dawn Knight has gold hair because it's blessed by a diurnal fae, but with silver hair like moonlight, Silver won't stand out in Briar Valley.
I CAN'T WITH LILIA, SILVER SAYS HE WAS NAMED THAT BECAUSE OF HIS HAIR COLOR IN A BIRTHDAY VIGNETTE... Yet here we see Lilia actually named him Silver as in silver moonlight to guide people in the darkness...
"Even if I have to give up my own life, I want to protect my child", that's a sentiment that both Lilia's princess and the Dawn Knight expressed. I think this kind of thinking probably helped Lilia put everything into perspective and better understand that humans and fae are actually very similar.
SILVER/LILIA HOME REVEAL, we're seeing some point later in time but before present day when Lilia is still raising baby Silver.
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Lilia is singing the same lullaby as what Meleanor sang for Malleus in the egg!! Malleus pays them a visit and still doesn't really seem to understand humans (HE SAYS SILVER LIKE A MONKEY????) but also helps watch baby Silver... He even hums his mom's lullaby for Silver, but cannot seem to remember where he heard the song before.
It's so weird thinking about how fae take 30 YEARS TO LEARN HOW TO WALK... What do you do for those 30 years, just lie on your back????? OTL
Oh, Lilia's understanding humans and fae a little better (around the time Silver starts to eat pureed foods). Both human and fae babies cry and sleep, etc. BHFABIYFVQIQEFL hE'S FEEDING SILVER RAT MEAT???????? Malleus has to have the castle prepare baby food for them...
WAHHHHH THAT ACRON BRACELET LILIA TREASURES IS SOMETHING KID!SILVER MADE FOR HIM... Squirrels helped him gather the acorns and woodpeckers helped him string the acorns together. The acorn amulet is meant to bring Lilia a long, healthy, and happy life (something Silver was told by forest fae). Even as a kid... Silver was hoping for Lilia's health... and now that I think about it, the acorn amulet is like a representation of Lilia's own deteriorating health over time... OTL
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"I feel like I can live a thousand years with this (amulet)..." LILIA EVEN KEPT IT ALL THIS TIME AND CALLS IT HIS MOST PRECIOUS BELONGING... shUT UP, SHUT UP IM CRYING
ASKHBLIDIBIFIA WE'RE SEEING THE RAINING SCENE LILIA TOLD US ABOUT IN ONE OF HIS BIRTHDAY VIGNETTES???!?!?!?!????!? It's the day Silver realized he and Lilia aren't related by blood...
God, there are so many of the map portions... This time, Sebek is the required character!
The rest of the gang are transported to the darkness where Silver is wallowing?? Sebek sees some of his own memories which intertwin with Silver's (since Baul sometimes took bare of Silver or visited Lilia). It's also confirmed that Lilia went to Sebek's dad to ask for advice on how to raise Silver.
Back then, Baul asked Lilia to train Sebek since he's part human (and therefore "weak" in Baul's eyes). However, Baul still values his grandson and wants him to have a good education 🥺 (Sebek's older brother also graduated from NRC??)
Lilia tore up his invitation to NRC???? But it was his friend Raverne who came to him with the invitation pieced back together and kept it safe for the future in case Lilia reconsidered. It seems like Raverne really is a diplomat; he stresses the importance of humans coming to understand fae + vice versa, and how it's things like learning a common language that can help bridge these gaps.
Lilia confirms that Raverne must have "become a star" by now BUT UNTIL I SEE A CORPSE I'M NOT BELIEVING IT
Sebek's trying to get through to Silver, who's slowly being swallowed by the darkness... HE UNVEILS HIS UM, "Living Bolt"!! "Thrust through the clouds, o' lightning!" It seems to summon a powerful strike of lightning, but I'm not entirely sure what it does because the visuals of the game are a little confusing??? (Like it shows a white silhouette of Sebek moving around, so it makes me think he can... control the lightning??? Or he... becomes lightning itself to move around??? DON'T QUOTE ME ON THAT.) Sebek says he hasn't mastered it yet so maybe even he doesn't know what it can do.
With Sebek's UM, he's able to snap Silver out of it!
THE GIRLIES ARE FIGHTING... There's literally a battle between Silver and Sebek, which resolves with Sebek smacking some sense into Silver. Sebek calls him an idiot and tells him to stop saying he isn't loved, because it's rude of Silver to be this weak when Lilia raised him to be strong (ie "IT'S AN INSULT TO LILIA-SAMA", "IF HE SAW YOU BEING THIS PATHETIC HE'D BE SAD", etc). Way to go with your words of encouragement... 100/10 motivational speaker, Sebek.
Silver realizes that he has had Lilia's love and support all this time... "It's true love", Silver says. The true love that his guardian fairies said would wake him from his sleep... 😭I really appreciate how it was Silver who first snapped Sebek out of his dream-induced despair, and now Sebek is doing the same for Silver.
WAIT THAT'S IT?????? THAT'S THE UPDATE???? ?? ??? ? ????????? 🤡 TWST really said, "I'm coming for everyone's throat and I'm taking no prisoners" AND THEN DIPPED ON US AFTER DROPPING SO MANY BOMBSHELLS... This is just the fate of every book 7 main story update now, isn't it???!??????!?
asidoavyfqevofb I know a ton of really exciting and shocking reveals happened this time around, but while my mind is still racing to process everything... the one thing that sticks out to me is "Ace is the only one without a UM now". IT'S SO FUNNY HOW HE THOUGHT HE'D GET HIS UM BEFORE DEUCE BUT HE ACTUALLY ENDS UP BEING THE LAST OF THE ENTIRE MAIN CAST TO GET IT................. .. . . . .. ....... .. .. . .. ... . . . .. THERE IS SOME CRUEL, SICK IRONY HERE.
I pretty much said all my other thoughts as they cropped up along with the corresponding story beats!! But overall, I loved learning more about the characters and their shared history. Part 5 confirmed many theories, such as the Dawn Knight being related to Silver (and not his ancestor, but rather his actual dad), Silver being put under a sleeping curse that requires true love to break, how Lilia came to raise Silver, etc. It also recontexualizes lore we already knew, such as how Silver got his name, the Zigvolt family's involvement with Lilia, and how Lilia changed from his old self to his current self.
khbhasdsbkuavuofafabf I ALSO CAN'T BELIEVE LILIA X MALLEMOM IS A THING, THAT WAS ONE OF THE MOST SHOCKING REVEALS THIS ENTIRE UPDATE😭 All this time we were joking about Lilia x Mrs. Spade... turns out, Lilia was into someone else's mom... HE'S JUST INTO MOMS, I'M CALLING IT NOW/j
I'm surprised that we didn't get to catch up with the Shroud brothers whatsoever this time??? Not a single peep about Ortho (who has 'woken up and is actively working to help everyone) or even Idia (who is still stuck dreaming)... I really hope the next update addresses how Ignihyde is faring, cuz I miss them and want to know how they contribute to saving the day!!
As book 7 progresses, it progressively calls the image of a spinning wheel into my mind... This is the case especially for the flashback segments we see, which shows us how the various members of Diasomnia are related to each other, and, by extension, their other family members. Lilia is raising Silver, the baby of an old foe. Malleus is visiting Lilia, who is implied to have helped hatch him after his parents died and/or went missing. Lilia asks Sebek's dad for help raising Silver. Baul asks Lilia to help mentor his grandson, Sebek. It really harkens back to the "individually, we're threads on a spinning wheel, but we come together to make something far stronger" line that Lilia dropped at the end of book 6, proving that the spinning wheel and the threads of Fate within it are an important motif for book 7 🥺
I'm fine.
This is fine.
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It's not fine
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sparrowrye · 6 months
Demi Demon || Alastor x Reader, A2 part 7
Summary: It’s been over a year since we were brought under Alastor’s watchful eye. We’ve unlocked our Demonic powers, discovered our own talents, and began building the Safe Haven with Charlie and co. Alastor seems increasingly interested in the power we hold as one and intends to use it properly.
Previous part
Part 7: new revelation
"I can't find him!" A woman burst through the doors. Her boots were barely on and she wore no jacket.
"Find who?" Althea asked, one wolf ear flicking at the sudden noise.
"Rodney!" She ran over to us and spoke directly to the healer. "We-we were arguing and he ran out but I thought he would come back."
"How long has he been out?"
The woman was hesitant, eyes jumping between all of us. Althea had to prompt her again, pressing that we needed to know as soon as possible.
"Since...since this afternoon."
Althea and I locked eyes. The sun was about to set which meant the boy had been out for hours in the freezing cold. "Which way did he go?" she asked.
The woman was in tears now, guilt probably pulling her heart in two. She shook her head in her hands as an answer. She had no idea.
"Where do we start?" Althea looked to me. I almost wanted to ask 'why would I know?' but I did in fact know. I had been on this land for two years now and ran or explored most of it.
"Either the shore or the forest," I answered.
"We don't have any winter clothes, though," Vivian warned. She was right. We had yet to make winter clothes for everyone since they only moved in the cold when going between warm buildings. Someone going out could get frostbite themselves before they found the boy.
I thought for a moment before an idea came to mind. "Find Husker. His magic lets him keep himself warm and he can fly along the shore."
"What about the forest?" Althea asked.
"I'll go. I can also keep myself warm and can move fast as a dragon."
"As a what?" Vilcin popped their head out from behind Vivian. I noticed by the looks on their faces that I had yet to let my friends know of my abilities. They mostly seemed surprised but I worried if there was a hint of anger at keeping a secret from them.
"I'll be back." I turned swiftly on my heels and out into the cold. The wind caught me off guard but I pushed the cold away and replaced it with warmth. I took a few steps in the shallow snow, some Humans having shoveled for easier walking, and jumped forward. My claws enlarged and it took a second jump for my whole Dragon form to come out.
I moved swiftly out of the haven and into the forest. It was much easier to maneuver through the forest with four feet. My tail whipped behind me and I felt a rush of adrenaline run through my veins. I loved running like this. I felt so free and natural, like I belonged doing exactly this.
A presence came to my mind and I instantly recognized it as Alastor. He seemed to wrap around my mind but not quite pass through my shields. I slowed to a trot and looked around for his stark red coat against the white snow, but he was nowhere to be found. Was he close?
I shook my head and picked up my pace back to a run. I had only so much time before I lost the sunlight. It was taking a lot of magic to keep my Dragon form, keep myself warm, and move as quickly as I could through the forest.
The sun was moving faster than me, though, and the forest became next to impossible to run through. I was forced into another trot to avoid running face first into a tree.
"You lack imagination." Alastor's voice echoed in my head. He was always saying those exact words. How could I use my imagination when my entire world has been grounded in reality and the limits of the physical body? I could only do so much.
I came to a stop and stomped my front foot. I wasn't going to return without this boy, dead or alive. I could manage to find him, assuming he even came into the forest to begin with and not the shore.
I took a deep breath to let out a sigh but stopped. I quickly let out the breath and took another huge one through my nose alone. I could smell something. It wasn't natural, nothing like wood or snow. It was something else—someone—else.
Bringing more magic energy to my head, I started taking short, deep breaths. I padded through the cold snow keeping my head close to the ground. The boy was young so he was shorter. If only it was light enough then I could see footprints.
I tried brightening the dark shadows, reverse shadow work, and watched everything brighten. I picked up the pace as I followed the boy's trail. He was close. The smell was getting stronger and the snow wasn't smooth - he had come this way.
Then I spotted him. He was laying on his side curled up against a tree. I sprinted over and slid to a stop. He had dug himself a little burrow in the snow but it did him nothing. His body was barely moving and his fingers were already purple.
I lifted his cold body into my arms and took flight. I kept the cold away and gradually pushed warmth into him. He wasn't dead but he was awfully close. I flew as fast as I could back to the haven and found Althea in the grand hall. She rushed him over to her hut, wrapped him in blankets, and immediately started attempting to heal him. The mother was hovering but fortunately Vivian convinced her to sit to the side with her.
"What about his hands?" I asked nervously, touching the poor boy's black tipped fingers under the blanket.
"Healing speeds up the process, it can't undo anything," Althea explained. She was bringing color back to his skin.
Surely that can't be right.
I pulled his arm out of the blanket and gently ran my fingers across his own. The mother was sobbing at this point and mumbling her guilts to our teacher.
I looked down to the boy's fingers. I remembered Lucifer, King of Hell, saying that magic was ever expanding and not constrained to the categories already set in place. Vox was obviously a new improvement to their type of magic. Surely I could do the same? Alastor himself said I had a lot of power.
Carefully and slowly, I imagined the black skin crawling away from my own hand and fading into the tips of his fingers. I was shocked to find it actually working when I opened my eyes. A surge of happiness filled me as I continued my work until the black had disappeared entirely. I watched one of his fingers twitch.
I did it!
Alastor's presence surged through my shields and his hand suddenly gripped my wrist, wrenching it up so quickly and painfully that I was spun around to face him. His eyes were narrow and I could see his black gums on his terrifying snarl. He was angry.
"How did you do that?" he demanded. My fingers were feeling funny from the death grip he had on my wrist. I could feel him searching my memories and I tried to pull my hand free to break the connection.
"Let go of me, Alastor." I met his sharp, cat-like eyes with equal anger. He was violating the peace we had managed to build these past few weeks. He was reverting back to his self that I first met.
I was pulled into the shadows and transported into the library. I stumbled back into the wall from the motion and Alastor chased me, slamming a hand on the wall beside my head and bringing his sharp teeth close to my face. "How. Did. You. Do that?" he demanded again.
"You don't get to treat me like this!" Still in my Demon form, I made myself a few inches taller and pulled my lips back in a snarl. It still felt much weaker compared to his yellow one but I wasn't about to drop the challenge.
"Answer me," he ignored my response, "how? You shouldn't have been able to do that."
"Well I did. You're the one who keeps telling me I lack imagination but when I use it you get mad at me."
"I want to know how. Explain it to every detail."
"Why are you so upset about this? Tell me that first."
"This isn't a negotiation, darling~" the name was anything but sweet, sending a chill down my spine that I repressed.
"You don't get to control me. We've been over this time and time again. You. Cannot. Control me!" I went to shove him away but he grabbed both hands at the last second. He moved them barely to the side and my momentum took me into him. He took advantage of my loss of balance, holding my hands far enough past his shoulders that I was leaning on his chest and craning my neck back away from his teeth. His breath smelled horrible.
Without warning, he invaded my mind and went through my memories. I brought my back foot up and shoved against his leg. His tentacles came up to keep me in place, his eyes seeing through me as he fished for his answer. I did the next best thing and brought my forehead to his teeth.
His ears pinned back, something I didn't know he could do, and jerked his head away. The tentacles reached up to my shoulders to hold me down further. So I went the magic route.
I closed my eyes and followed the connection, reaching into his mind this time. I barely got in when he withdrew quickly from my mind to shove me out of his.
"I told you-"
"Then don't search through mine!" I let Alcine, my shadow, free from my form and she towered on the wall behind me. She morphed into the dragon and attacked Alastor's shadow. She wrapped around him like a snake and held his face in her claws, ready to snap his neck.
Alastor's eyes widened at the loss of his shadow. They then jumped back to me, a smirk pulling at my lips. It's only been two years but I was already giving him a run for his money. Something in me had unlocked tonight and he was furious about it.
His tentacles suddenly disappeared and he shoved me against the wall by my neck. He leaned down close to my ear as my throat squeezed shut. "You have been gifted by the force of the universe that our fates our tied."
I put my weight on his arm and looked up at him through half lidded eyes. I put both feet against his leg but without oxygen I was useless. I tried using magic to fill my lungs but I felt him block me. My anger boiled from being unable to do anything.
He suddenly let go and I fell on my tailbone, letting out a strangled gasp and high pitched noise. "No matter," he said, his cane appearing in his hand so he could lean over me, "I found my answer. For the time being, you are not to tell a soul what you did. It could mean worse things for both of us."
I watched him disappear into his shadows to who knows where. I retracted my horns so I could slam my head into the wall and punch the floor. I let out a deep yell and looked at Alcine on the wall. She had turned back into her elegant long hat outfit.
I pulled my legs up and wrapped my arms around them. He was always going to beat me. Two years felt like awhile but to him it was milliseconds. It would take me so long before I could match him on skill level. Why couldn't he just be normal? Why did he have to push and invade my boundaries?
I glared up into the dark library, my Demon side fully out. This meant I would have to go about this a different way.
"Since when do you willingly want to speak with me?" Lucifer Morningstar asked, closing the door behind the Radio Demon. Alastor spun to face the short king and placed his hands atop his own—better—cane.
"You have information only you would know. I came to retrieve it."
"Oh? And why would I give it to you?"
"I think you'd find it rather interesting what I'm about to tell you." He cocked his head to the side.
"And what is that?"
Alastor took a few steps to close the distance. "My soulmate healed completely frostbitten fingers."
"Why is that so interesting?" Lucifer kept his arms crossed. Alastor's eye twitched at the king's oblivion. He remained silent, waiting for him to figure it out himself. Indeed he did because his eyes widened and his arms dropped to his sides.
"She healed...that's not how Demon magic works," Lucifer said slowly.
"Precisely," the word rolled off Alastor's tongue. "She healed it. Who else wields such magic?"
"Well...that would be me, Lilith, and Charlie. And any and all Angels who—" It clicked. "She's...you think she's a..."
"A fallen Angel," Alastor finished for him. This man's mind worked so slow yet he was running all of Hell.
Lucifer started to laugh. Alastor watched, completely unamused by the behavior. Why was this so funny? This meant the Angels were losing more of them and allowing them to fall to the surface instead of Hell.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Lucifer wiped a tear from his eyes. "It's just...I find it hilarious that you, the Radio Demon, are soul bound to a fallen Angel."
"Why is that? She must've done something to earn such a banishment."
That made Lucifer go quiet. He put a hand under his arm and another under his chin to think. "Have you not seen her memories? Or has she been making sure you can't be twenty yards from her?" He smirked, knowing full well from Charlie what the status of their relationship was like.
"I have. She has no memories of Heaven, though. Hence why I thought a fallen Angel himself would certainly have more information." Alastor was trying to threaten Lucifer with a lack of knowledge, hoping he'd try to prove himself and give up the information willingly.
Lucifer didn't find it amusing, mostly hurtful, but he played the part. "Then she must be a child of a fallen Angel. It would explain why I didn't see a halo when I first met her."
"Excuse me?" Alastor tapped his fingers on his cane.
Lucifer ran his black hand over his smooth hair then pointed an inch above it. "Fallen angels have a faint outline of their halo above their head only I can see."
"She did not have one?"
"No," he shook his head, "but I can imagine she would have some Angelic magic if one of her parents were one."
Lucifer watched Alastor's expression intensely. "Why is this so important? What do you intend to do to her?"
"That is for me to know." He held his cane and arms behind his back as he smiled down at the King of Hell.
"I feel real bad for your soulmate." Lucifer's tone was somber as he crossed his arms again.
"You will envy us with time. Ta ta for now." Alastor slipped into the shadows.
Author's Note:
I'm back on a roll! Time for feelings!!!
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You Brought Your Worst and I’m Right Here - Chapter Ten: You've got it made
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Pairing: Gale of Waterdeep x female Tav
Work Summary:
After an explosive falling out between Gale and his academic adviser, Mystra, Tav is left to pick up the pieces.
Modern/College AU.
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Epilogue
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4921
Read on AO3.
Taglist: @mrs-kai-anderson @ang3l1te @missryerye
Taglist info
Previous Chapter
it's a big'un
News of Mystra’s arrest spread through the town like wildfire. Tav received numerous texts from friends and acquaintances asking if it was true. She kept tight-lipped about it. Gale was already the subject of enough gossip as it was, now that rumours of his relationship with Mystra were starting to spread.
Tav had no idea how it had gotten out, but it didn’t surprise her. The dean hadn’t all seemed that concerned about protecting Gale’s privacy.
It made her angry, but Gale just shrugged it off. “One way or another, people are going to find out eventually.”
Come Monday, Gale was called back into the dean’s office to discuss the situation. Tav waited outside, as she’d done before, her hands curled into anxious fists in her lap.
She had hoped for good news, but when Gale stepped out of the office, he just looked tired.
“What? What is it?” she asked.
“They’ve put her on probation while they investigate the issue,” he said.
“But…” Instinctively, Tav’s hand went to her throat. “Her arrest?”
“She wasn’t charged with anything. She’s got good lawyers.”
For the first time since Mystra had come to their house, her firing didn’t seem like a sure thing. Tav swallowed hard. Her throat still hurt every time she did so.
“Do you need a lawyer?” she asked. Although Astarion had alluded to legal consequences for the university, it was the first time Tav had considered it.
“My mother has been speaking to our family’s lawyer. I didn’t want to involve him in this but I may have to.” It was times like these that Tav remembered that Gale came from money. It was easy to forget when he was just Gale, the ridiculous, brilliant, handsome young man that she lived with, that he was also Gale Dekarios, whose family had a lawyer.
He slipped his hand into hers and squeezed. Handholding was becoming more and more common for them these days. It just felt natural. Tav didn’t quite know what to make of it.
“You ready to go home?” he asked.
The university was dragging its feet. As exam time drew closer, Tav found herself growing more and more agitated at their refusal to fire Mystra. She was still on probation, but she hadn’t even been suspended, which meant that she was still on campus.
Tav saw her sometimes, and she always felt an anxious twist in her gut whenever their eyes met. She couldn’t imagine how Gale felt.
She wished that she had done more than just punch Mystra in her face. It embarrassed her how easily the other woman had overpowered her, but Gale had told her afterwards that Mystra was a black belt, so it was no surprise. That was just another thing to make her anxious.
For the time being, her and Gale had agreed to forget about Mystra and get their heads down studying. Tav was pretty sure she would’ve failed all her exams if he hadn’t been for him forcing her to study with him. Even though chemistry wasn’t his speciality, he knew enough to ask her reasonable questions to test her knowledge, and to listen to her explanations of the concepts she needed to understand.
By her last exam, she was dead on her feet. Gale seemed much the same. He had been holding it together during exam season, but as soon as it was over, the façade cracked. She had pretended not to notice his tears as they curled up together in her bed watching a movie, but she took his hand between her own.
“I’ve been thinking,” he said as the credits began to roll, and then trailed off.
Tav’s eyelids were starting to get heavy, so she propped herself up on her elbow. “About what?”
“About applying for PhD programmes at different universities. I know I had my heart set on staying here but this place feels… tainted, now.”
Tav regarded him, trying to read his expression. The light in the room was dim, but she could still just about make out his features.
“It can’t hurt to look into other options,” she said slowly. “But I also don’t think you should let Mystra push you away from this place if you think it’s the best option. She’s taken enough from you.”
Gale huffed out a laugh. “Mystra was the main reason I wanted to study here in the first place.” Tav frowned, but said nothing. “I wanted to study under her. I did, and it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.” He shrugged. “But there are some pretty interesting programmes in other cities.”
Tav reached over and touched his face. His tears had dried, but she still swiped her thumb under his eye as if wiping one away.
“I’m proud of you,” she said. “For breaking away from her. And I think you should do whatever feels right to you.”
Gale caught her hand and squeezed. “It would probably mean taking a year out. But that’s fine. It might be good for me to live a little before diving into more academia. Thank you for believing in me.”
This year had been hard. A couple of months had passed since Gale had reported Mystra to the dean. To Tav’s surprise, she found Gale waiting for her outside her chemistry lab one Friday afternoon. He was practically vibrating with excitement.
“Gale? What are you doing here?”
“They fired her.” His face split into a grin.
“Mystra?” she asked, as if he could possibly be referring to anyone else.
“The very same.”
The laugh burst out of her suddenly, and then he was wrapping her up in his arms and lifting her off her feet. Other students were walking past and giving them the side-eye, but Tav didn’t care. Her heart was thundering in her chest.
When he set her down, she took a moment to catch her breath. He was beaming at her in a way that made it hard to.
“Why now?” she asked.
“I’m not really supposed to know this but about a week ago, another student came forward. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back.”
“God, Gale,” she said, grabbing his hands. “I’m so glad it’s over. We should celebrate.”
“Oh, I’m way ahead of you there. Wyll is getting the gang together and Astarion is sourcing the booze. You ready to go?”
“I need to drop my labcoat and glassware off in my locker, but then I will be.”
“Great, I promised I’d pick up some snacks from the supermarket on the way back.”
By the time the two of them made it home, Shadowheart and Astarion were fully in party set-up mode. They’d also clearly been pre-drinking, but neither Gale nor Tav commented on that.
“I need to shower,” said Tav. “I smell like acetone.”
“Really? I thought you smelt quite nice actually,” said Gale. She felt her face flush. Looking away from Gale, she caught Shadowheart’s eye, who raised her eyebrows at her.
“Text me when you’re done,” said Shadowheart. “I need help choosing my outfit.”
“Why are you asking Tav for outfit advice when I’m right here- Oof.” She cut Astarion off with an elbow to the gut and a look that Tav didn’t understand the significance of.
Once Tav had showered, it became clear very quickly that when Shadowheart said that she needed help choosing her outfit, what she actually meant was that she wanted to dress Tav up like a doll.
“I don’t see the point of all this,” said Tav as Shadowheart threw another dress at her. “It’s just a house party with friends. I’m going to be so overdressed.”
“This is a party for Gale,” said Shadowheart, grinning at her. “Don’t you want to dress up nice for Gale?”
Tav flushed. “Don’t make fun of me.”
“I’m not! He likes you! Haven’t you noticed the way he looks at you?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Didn’t you see what his ex looks like? I can’t compete.”
Shadowheart scoffed. “You didn’t see the look on his face when you punched Mystryl. He looked like he wanted to take a bite out of you.”
Tav’s skin felt hot. “You’re being ridiculous,” she said.
Shadowheart ignored her. “Try this. It really emphasizes your boobs.”
In spite of herself, Tav found that she had to agree. The dark blue low-cut dress hugged her curves flatteringly. She wasn’t the most self-confident person but even she thought she looked hot.
“Wear these.” Shadowheart tossed a pair of fishnet tights at her.
“Are you trying to turn me into a goth?”
“Goths are hot. Trust me. Gale won’t be able to take his eyes off you.”
Tav rolled her eyes, but sat down on the bed to start pulling her tights on. She had to admit that the overall effect was quite striking. She even let Shadowheart do her make-up, on the proviso that she wouldn’t lean too hard into her emo aesthetic. Shadowheart had cackled in response.
Gale first became aware that Tav had come back downstairs Karlach gave a long, drawn-out wolf-whistle. He turned to look at Tav, and almost dropped his drink.
She looked positively delectable in her figure-hugging, low-cut dress. She was blushing at Karlach’s attention, covering her mouth with one hand. For a moment, his mind conjured up an image of sliding his hand up her skirt, feeling those fishnet tights before he snapped himself out of it.
“Are you alright, Gale?” Astarion’s voice came from beside him. He looked very amused as Gale tried to pretend he hadn’t just been staring at Tav.
“I’m perfectly fine. Good, even. It’s a good day.”
“It could get better.” Astarion nudged him in Tav’s direction. Gale turned to scold him, but he had already walked away.
Gale drained his drink for courage, and then walked over to Tav, who was pouring herself a rum and coke.
“Hey,” he said, and then, with the strength of the alcohol swirling around in his veins, “I’d be remiss if I didn’t say that you look utterly, devastatingly gorgeous tonight.” He watched the colour rise in her cheeks with a sense of satisfaction. She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear; a nervous habit of hers that he’d noticed.
“You really think so?”
“Tav, you’re beautiful. If you’re surprised by me saying it now then I’ve been really doing you a disservice by not saying it often enough. So I’ll start now: you’re beautiful.”
“So are you.” She wasn’t quite meeting his eye, embarrassment evident on her face. Part of him wanted to take her face into his hand and make her look at him.
“You really think so?” he parroted back to her.
Admittedly, he hadn’t put nearly as much effort into his appearance tonight as she had, but the compliment still warmed him. He was only human, after all. He wanted to hear her say it again.
“Of course I do,” she said. “You know I do.”
Gale wanted to ask what she meant by that, but unfortunately, that was the moment that Lia, Cal and Rolan chose to arrive, and Gale watched Tav get whisked away into conversation with some of their friends. It was an hour before he caught up with her again.
She seemed pretty tipsy now. Her and Jen were spinning each other around on the makeshift dancefloor, where the coffee table usually stood. Their hands slipped, and Tav went careening off right into Gale. He’d seen her coming so opened his arms to catch her.
“Woah,” said Tav, grabbing onto his shoulders for stability. When she realised who she’d bumped into, her face broke into a smile. “Gale!”
Alcohol had loosened them both up. Gone was her shyness from earlier, replaced by a healthy flush on her cheeks.
“Hey Tav,” he said, and then he twirled her. She giggled, spinning back towards him until they were face to face again.
“How are you finding the party?” she asked.
“I’m just glad to be here with some of my favourite people.”
She wrapped her arms loosely around his neck. His hands found her waist and they swayed together. She looked up into his eyes contemplatively, her fingers gently playing with his hair.
“You’re my favourite person,” she said decisively. “Bar none.”
“Don’t tell Astarion. You’ll really hurt his feelings.” A second after the words were out of his mouth, he regretted them. She had been being sincere, and he had batted her compliment back at her with a joke.
The ball was in her court now. She just let out a soft chuckle. “Oh, he knows you’re my favourite.”
“He does, does he?”
“He has a sense for these things. He’s like a bloodhound like that.”
They had stopped swaying now. Tav was steady, and Gale realised his hands were gripping into the fabric of her dress. “Tav, do you want to go and get some fresh air with me?”
“Of course.”
Thankfully, there was no one in the garden. Gale needed to speak with Tav without everyone watching. He guided her to the side so that they wouldn’t be visible through the glass back door. As soon as they were out of sight, he took her hands.
“Tav,” he said, steeling himself.
“Gale,” she replied dreamily. “Lovely Gale.” She was looking up at him with such a pretty smile on her face. His face felt hot and his pulse was racing.
“There are things that I should say to you before I sober up too much and chicken out.”
She cocked her head to the side, but there was a flash of nervousness in her expression. “What is it?”
“Come and sit with me?”
There was an old picnic blanket draped over the back of one of the patio chairs. He shook it out and then lay it on the grass. Once he was sat down, he beckoned Tav over. She lowered herself onto the blanket, looking at him with a bemused expression. Gale lay back, gesturing for her to lie down beside him. She followed his lead.
“I wanted to look at the stars,” he said. It was a remarkably clear night. “This feels like the first night of the rest of my life. I wanted it to be under a canopy of beauty and wonder… With company to match.” He turned to look at Tav, who was staring up at the sky.
“It’s breath-taking,” she said. She turned her head towards him and their eyes met. Her knuckles brushed against the back of his hand, so he laid it palm up, satisfied when she took his bait and linked their hands together.
“It makes me think of the world beyond all of this. We’re graduating soon. I don’t know what that means for any of us. But I hope that we’ll have the opportunity to stay in each other’s lives.”
Tav rolled over to face him, so he rolled onto his side to meet her. They lay facing each other, fingers intertwined.
“Gale, what are you saying?” she asked in a hushed tone.
“Maybe I’ve got this all wrong. But if I don’t say it I know I’ll regret it.” He touched her cheek and her eyes widened. In the starlight, her eyes were bright and more beautiful than anything he’d ever seen. “I’m in love with you, Tav. I want to spend my life with you. If that’s not-”
He didn’t get to finish his sentence, because Tav was already kissing him. She propelled her body into his with such force that he was knocked onto his back, and she loomed over him, swallowing his every breath like he was the last source of oxygen on earth. Her hair fell in a curtain around both of their faces, making a tiny little alcove in the darkness just for them.
He gripped the fabric of her dress and she let out a little gasp, breaking apart from him. She scooped her hair to the side, grinning down at him with kiss-swollen lips.
“In case it wasn’t clear, I’m in love with you too,” she said. “I have been since first year.”
“Well, thank goodness for that.” She let out a little laugh. “I suppose I have some catching up to do. It seems that I’m the last one to realise.”
“It’s not like you to be so slow,” she said fondly, stroking his hair. He tugged her down for another kiss.
Somehow, his hand found its way under her dress, skimming up the outside of her thigh. He was reminded very suddenly that she was wearing fishnet tights, and his cock twitched at the thought of tearing them off her.
She shuffled closer so that she was half lying on him, her knee between his legs. With the weight of her body on his, the smell of her skin in his nostrils and the quiet but persistent moans of pleasure that kept falling from her lips, he was very quickly developing a problem.
“Are you hard?” she asked, skimming her hand up his torso.
“Sorry.” He broke away from her, and she leant back.
“Why are you sorry?”
“Because it’s taking all of my self-control not to rut against you like an animal right now. Hardly romantic.”
“And what if I want you to rut against me like an animal?”
Gale exhaled sharply. “You can’t just say things like that.” His erection was straining against the zip of his trousers and he was sure she could feel it.
“Why not?”
“Because you’re going to make me act in a most… ungentlemanly fashion.”
Tav sat up, and Gale mourned the loss of her warmth. “How about this?” she said slowly. “We both take a few minutes to get ourselves together, so we don’t embarrass ourselves in front of all our friends. And then you meet me upstairs in my room in ten minutes and take me in a most ungentlemanly fashion.”
“You’re incorrigible,” he said, and was rewarded with another kiss.
“You love me,” she said, and he couldn’t deny that. “See you in ten minutes.”
He watched her stand up and straighten her clothes and hair. Resolute, she went back inside.
Gale took his time folding up the picnic blanket and willing his erection to go down. It was a mean feat, because whenever he thought about Tav waiting for him upstairs, he felt his dick hardening again.
In the end, he settled for untucking his shirt so as to hide the evidence of his arousal. Unfortunately, Astarion was waiting for him just inside, leaning against the wall. He opened his mouth, but Gale cut him off.
“Don’t say a word.”
Astarion mimed zipping his lips.
No one else tried to stop Gale as he headed upstairs, although he did get a few sideways glances. At this point, he was too far gone to care.
He stopped off in the bathroom to give himself a once-over, brushing his teeth and re-applying cologne. When he was ready, he knocked on Tav’s bedroom door.
“Come in!” she called. He let himself in.
Tav was sitting on the bed, surprisingly primly, considering the circumstances. He was about to ask her if she was alright when she threw something at him.
The offending object hit his chest, but he caught it before it felt. It was red and lacy, and he realised with jolt that it was Tav’s panties.
“I took them off, since I figured I wouldn’t be needing them anymore,” she said, faux-innocent.
“Naughty girl,” he said. “Come here.”
He had expected her to stand, but instead she knelt, crawling until she was on her knees in front of him. Gale was on the verge of losing all his composure. She looked so pretty on her knees, looking up at him through her lashes, and with the knowledge that she wasn’t wearing panties, he was dizzyingly hard again.  
Her hands went to his belt buckle, but he stopped her, one hand on her cheek. “We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to.”
“Gale, I think it’s pretty clear that I want to. Do you want to?”
“Of course I do. You’re not too drunk, are you?”
“I’m barely tipsy. I’ve had, like, three drinks. Can I suck your cock now, or are you going to breathalyse me first?”
“You like to run your mouth, don’t you, angel?” he murmured. He cupped her face, his thumb tugging at her lower lip. “Just begging me to stuff my cock down your throat. Is that what you want?”
She nodded. He unhooked his belt, unzipped his trousers and pulled his cock out. Her eyes were wide and appreciative. He guided his cock towards her lips, so she opened her mouth.
The first touch of her tongue against him sent a shiver down his spine. It had been a long time since he’d had his dick sucked – Mystra was never interested – and Tav had pretty, plush lips for him to slide his cock between.
She guided his hand to her hair and began moving, trying to take as much of him as she could.
“Holy fuck, Tav. Can I-?”
She nodded. She put her hands on his hips, encouraging him to move. He grabbed her hair in a loose ponytail and began to fuck her face. Her fingernails dug into his hips hard enough to hurt, sending a jolt through him that made him realise that he was entirely too close to cumming, and he really didn’t want to cum until he’d fucked her for real.
He pulled back, a trail of spit connected her lips to his cock. She took a gasping, shuddering breath.
“Are you alright?” he asked, stroking her hair back behind her ears. “Was I too rough?”
“No, I liked it,” she said, but her voice was a little raspy. He helped her to her feet.
“If I ever do anything that you’re not comfortable with, or if you want to stop for any reason, you tell me, alright?”
“Gale, I want you to fuck me until I cry. I’m not asking you to stop.”
“You’re not inspiring a lot of confidence that you’re taking your safety and comfort seriously right now,” he said. She pouted at him. “If you want me to stop, say ‘red’, alright?”
“Fine.” She regarded him, cocking her head to one side. “Are you sure you want to do this? I know this is a big step.”
“Tav.” He crowded into her space, forcing her to look up into his eyes. “I’ve never wanted anything more.”
“Then take me, Gale.”
Something between them broke. He scooped her up and tossed her onto the bed like a ragdoll. She let out a squeak but before she had time to recover, he was on top of her, mouthing at her neck. She was practically mewling, her arms around his shoulders holding him against her.
His hands, spanning the width of her back, fumbled at the zip at the back of her dress. Once it was down, he tugged at the front, revealing her bra.
“Take this off,” he growled. She arched her back so that she could unhook it, and once it was loose, he tugged it off her, freeing her breasts. He cupped them immediately, thumbing over her nipples. She keened, toes curling.
His crotch and most of her lower body were being swallowed by the layers of her dress. As he sucked at her nipple, his free hand slid up her skirt and felt the soaking fabric of her fishnets.
“Fuck, angel,” he muttered. “You’re so wet for me.”
“Gale, I need you,” she whined, and how could he resist her?
He crawled down her body until he was able to bunch up her skirt. It was here that he got the first glimpse of her pussy, pressed up against the fishnet tights. This close, he could smell her. He was practically salivating.
“Are these expensive?” he asked, grabbing a handful of the tights.
“What? No.”
“Okay. I’ll buy you new ones,” he said, and then tangled his fingers into them and pulled until they tore.
Her pussy was uncovered now, bare and neglected. With both hands, he parted her pussy lips and listened to her gasp.
She tasted like salt and honey and sex. She was whimpering his name as he laved his tongue over her clit, lapping up her moans and her juices. It wasn’t enough. He needed her to scream his name.
He pressed one finger into her, and then two. She was tight around him, so he was careful to work her open, for fear of hurting her. She was barely coherent, thighs wrapped around his head, toes curling against his back.
He held her down as her thighs began to tremble, and he knew she was close.
“Gale,” she moaned, clenching around his fingers. He fucked her through it, sucking on her clit until she pushed him away. “If you don’t fuck me, I think I might explode.”
He relinquished his grip on her so that she could get up and root through her chest of drawers. At a glance, there were a few other items in the bottom drawer – lube, handcuffs, a couple of different vibrators – that piqued his interest, but that was for another time. He pulled his shirt off over his head and divested of the rest of his clothes.
She handed him the box of condoms and, while he put one on, pulled off her ruined fishnets. She let her dress fall down around her ankles and stepped out of it.
Now that she was standing in front of him, naked as the day she was born, a new kind of longing fluttered in Gale’s chest. He wanted to do this forever. He wanted to learn every little quirk of her body. He wanted to know how to make it sing, and he was willing to spend however long it took to find out.
He reached for her, but she held up her hands. “Nuh-uh. I was promised rutting like animals.”
Gale’s eyes felt like they would pop out of his skull when she crawled onto the bed on all fours, facing away from him. She looked at him over her shoulder.
“Are you going to fuck me, or what?”
He scrambled onto the bed behind her, hearing her chuckle lightly. He lined up his cock with her entrance. He was thick so he was sure it would be a tight fit. Still, he slipped just the head of his cock inside her and she keened.
“Fuck, Gale, you’re so big.”
Gale’s already sizeable ego was swelling with her praise. He moved slowly, stroking her back and playing with her clit as he slid inside her. It was hard to force himself to go slow, but he’d never forgive himself if he hurt her.
When he was fully seated inside her, she flopped forward, her face pressed into the mattress, and let out a long groan of pleasure.
Once he was sure that she’d adjusted to his size, he began to thrust. The little gasps and moans that tumbled from her lips were the hottest sounds he’d ever heard. He grabbed both of her arms and held them behind her back, and her moans took on a new timbre. She tightened around him suddenly, a surprising orgasm wrenched from her. She wriggled in pleasure, but speared on his cock as she was, she didn’t get far.
For his part, Gale found that he missed her face. He released her arms and flipped her over onto her back.
“Gale-” she started, but her words were lost in the moan as he plunged into her again.
He hooked his forearms under her thighs and folded her body in half, her knees almost reaching her ears. She let out a string of expletives, his name mixed in as if it were a swear word.
He leaned in so that his lips were beside her ear.
“You love this, don’t you?” he murmured. “Being my little slut? Being stretched out on my big cock?”
She nodded profusely. “I’m your slut,” she said. “I want you to use me as your fucktoy.”
Gale’s thrusts stuttered, his balls tightening. She grabbed his face and dragged him in for a panting, bedraggled kiss as he came.
“Fuck,” she agreed.
Later, Tav’s cheek was pressed against Gale’s bare chest, and her fingertips were tracing patterns into his skin. They were both on the verge of sleep when a knock on the door roused them both.
“Tav? Are you in there?” It was Shadowheart.
Tav sat up, pulling her duvet up to cover her chest. “Yeah, I’m in here.”
“I just wanted to check that you’re okay, you disappeared pretty early?”
“I’m fine, don’t worry about me.”
“Is Gale with you? I can’t find him.”
Tav hesitated. She looked down at Gale with a question in her eyes. He gave her a small nod. “Yeah, he’s here.”
Shadowheart let out a squeal of excitement, and then a voice that sounded suspiciously like Astarion said, “I knew it!”
“CONGRATULATIONS!” shouted Karlach.
“God, is everyone out there?” Tav whispered to Gale.
As if on cue, she heard Rolan say, “Alright, you’ve had your fun, let’s give them their privacy,” and Lia telling him to shut up.
Tav let out a sigh and dropped her forehead against Gale’s chest. “They’re the worst,” she said.
“The worst,” he agreed.
Epilogue will be up shortly :) No I will not apologise for squeezing Rolan (and Cal and Lia) in wherever I can. I lub him
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fredshufflepuff · 3 years
— anon’s request: ok so since i too am a whore for angst. how about the reader and rafe having a summer thing as a kook (maybe she goes to the pogue school but is a kook) and once she goes back to school, they drift apart and rafe gets jealous of her spending her time with the pogues. then maybe he sees her again at mid summers all dressed up and remembers he still loves her. please break my heart with this, im in need of a cry and then maybe put it back together with some fluff at the end? please
— warnings: fem!reader, brief smut (skip if uncomfortable), asshole!rafe for a good chunk of the imagine, language, angst, fluff.
— word count: 2,166
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IT all started when you bumped into rafe at the country club on figure eights.
you didn’t normally hang around that area, but you were hanging out with sarah that day—which meant eventually running into her brother.
she tried to keep you away from him, just because he had no filter and didn’t think twice before voicing his opinion, but sooner or later your interaction with the boy would happen.
“oh god” sarah mumbled causing you to raise your brows, a confused frown on your face as she signaled to look behind you.
you turned around not so subtle to see rafe cameron making his way down the grassy hill, a golf club in one hand and a can of beer in the other.
“hey little sis, when were you going to introduce me to your friend here?” the boy spoke, a small grin on his face at seeing her roll her eyes.
“i wasn’t planning on it, you know—considering how you’re an ass.”
a small giggle fell from your lips as rafe turned his attention back to you, the sides of his mouth curling slightly at your reaction.
“well since she won’t introduce me, i will” he said, his figure leaning over yours which was sat on the grass.
he tossed his most likely expressive golf club to the ground to extend his hand out to you, which you hesitated to take before slowly reaching for it.
“i’m rafe cameron.”
of course you knew who he was, everyone did.
“y/n y/l/n.”
YOU thought the interaction with sarah’s older brother was in the past, not having to see him again since you weren’t planning on going back to figure eight or the club any time soon.
but when you found yourself in his bed getting the absolute daylights fucked out of you, you knew right then and there that this wasn’t a one time thing.
“fuck rafe,” you moaned loudly, your head thrown back against the pillow as your eyes fell shut from the feeling.
he slide his cock in and out of your needy hole as you whimpered from under him, his toned body pressed against yours as you jolted from each thrust.
“m���gonna cum, flood this needy little fuck hole” he spat, his hand coming down to grab your face and force you to open your eyes.
“please, rafe. please fill me up” you begged, your little moans and pleads sending the boy over the edge.
as soon as he gave you permission to cum you didn’t hold back. it felt like your entire body had shut down as your head fell to the side.
rafe sent a rough thrust into your quivering body before emptying himself inside, making sure to keep himself as close as possible in order to not let any leak out.
“fuck,” he groaned in your ear, his body pressed against your small one as your hands came up to rest in his hair, pulling on it gently as his cum filled you up.
later that night you didn’t bother sneaking back out to your place, instead rafe suggested you actually stay—running you a hot bath before ordering take out.
it surprised you really, considering how you didn’t know what you guys were.
you both agreed to only be friends with benefits when this all started, but now you didn’t know if you wanted that or not.
you wanted something more with the blue eyed boy.
“what are we?” you asked while laying in his arms, the feeling of his breath trailing down your neck giving you comfort.
“friends with benefits.”
no hesitation was found in his voice. it was quick and sudden, just like your heart breaking.
you didn’t talk much with rafe after that night—leaving early in the morning to avoid further interaction.
rafe didn’t suspect anything though, knowing how busy you usually get with school and home life, but after that single day turned into almost a week, he knew something wasn’t right.
usually you’d be around the house or at the country club, but it felt like you were almost avoiding him.
when school started up that’s when things really started to hit for rafe. you were not only distancing yourself from him, but now you were hanging out with the pogues.
to him you had wiggled yourself into john b’s friend group, getting closer with everyone but mostly jj, the one pogue he despised more than the others.
it was the night of midsommars and you were preparing yourself to see rafe, your nerves seeming to skyrocket every time his name was mentioned.
“ARE you feeling okay, y/n/n? you’re all jittery” kie pointed out, her eyes locking with yours through the vanity mirror as you slowly brushed through your hair.
“i’m okay, kie— really. just nervous for tonight i guess” you shrugged, your response seeming convincing enough as she nodded.
“hey slow pokes! hurry up or we’re going to be late” jj called, pounding on the door making you and kie jump.
“fucking assholes” you mumbled.
MIDSOMMARS was something you always looked forward to.
the lights, the food, the beautiful dresses and people you got to meet—which was rare considering how almost everyone there were stuck up kooks who’s only personality trait was having money.
all except rafe.
he was different towards you, a lot different it was scary.
“jj, don’t get into any more fights, k?” kie sighed, licking the pad of her thumb before dragging it across his face—getting rid of the dirt that had formed there.
he didn’t say who specifically it was with—the fight—just claiming it was with some stupid kooks who didn’t know when to stop talking.
“yeah yeah” he mumbled, running his fingers through his hair before sending you both a small smile.
he picked up his tray and spun it on his finger before sending her a wink, a blush coming to kie’s face as she quickly looked away.
“soooo, you and jj....” you said, the girl’s eyes rolling as she playfully pushed you away.
“enough about me, what about you?”
“me?” you raised an eyebrow, “what about me?”
“don’t play dumb, y/n/n. i’ve seen you come back late with hickeys.”
you grabbed a glass of champagne from one of the waiters walking by and took a long sip from it, your eyebrows twisting together— “this is good, you should try it.”
kie was about to protest until the music started to kick up again, your favorite song playing making you gasp.
you quickly placed the glass on an empty table before taking her hands and pulling her towards the dance floor.
“let’s dance!”
unknown to you—rafe had been watching you ever since you stepped foot into the venue.
IT was almost one in the morning when everyone had left, you and kie sitting at one of the empty tables while you waited for jj to finish up.
you hadn’t had that much to drink, but you could say you were a little tipsy.
“ready to go?” jj asked while throwing his arms around you both, a sarcastic grunt dropping from your lips at the sudden weight.
“we were about to leave yo-”
“well, well, well...if it isn’t the golden trio” a familiar voice spat, your head snapping to the side as your eyes fell on the devil himself.
rafe cameron and his little minions.
“if it isn’t daddy’s money, dumb, and dumber” kie snapped back—referring to topper and kelce who were standing on either side of him.
“put your dog on a leash maybank before we do it ourselves” rafe threatened, only causing jj to break from your side and lunge at the boy.
“jj, stop” you said, grabbing his arm as kie yanked him back, “he wants a reaction.”
“i didn’t see you there, y/n. so quiet and small, hard to notice you.”
which was obviously a lie. rafe noticed you the second he walked into the stupid party.
“what do you want, rafe? getting bored at the country club?” you asked, your lips dropping into a fake pout.
“actually the country club is entertaining, unlike some needy bitches who can’t satisfy my needs.”
your face dropped as kie gasped beside you—jj completely unaware of what was going on but still pissed at the way rafe was speaking to you.
rafe’s face dropped slightly at the realization of what he just said, nothing but lies falling from his mouth as his eyes filled with guilt.
“fuck you.”
YOU didn’t remember much after that. just the events taking place of jj trying to throw another punch at the boys before getting dragged away by kie.
the poor girl was trying to control her hot headed friend while the other was on the verge of tears.
but you refused to cry.
in front of rafe or not, you would not let yourself cry over him.
all you remember is crashing at john b’s house and waking up with a massive headache.
your legs were draped over kie’s as the two of you slept on john b’s bed, the boys taking the couch in the living room.
light from the outside peeked through the curtains as your eyes slowly adjusted to the brightness.
your phone laid next to you on the comforter as your hands dragged it closer.
what you weren’t expecting was a shitload of texts from rafe.
rafe cameron: i’m really sorry
[sent 1:34am]
rafe cameron: y/n
[sent 1:34am]
rafe cameron: i didn’t mean anything i said
[sent 1:36am]
rafe cameron: i was drunk and wasn’t thinking
[sent 1:40am]
rafe cameron: please hear me out
[sent 1:41am]
rafe cameron: meet me at our place
[sent 1:49am]
rafe cameron: 7:30am
[sent 1:51am]
you groaned loudly while reading his texts, the need to throwup swirling in your stomach as you tossed your phone to the side.
you ran your hands over your face as you thought on what to do, biting your bottom lip in the process as you stared at the wall in front of you.
after what felt like an hour of pondering, you let yourself slip off the bed and grab your hoodie that was thrown on the floor.
you were going to see him.
‘WHAT if she doesn’t show’ rafe thought to himself as he sat in the sand, his eyes locked on the waves crashing in front of him.
he was stupid last night.
the boy made a stupid mistake that he regretted deeply.
he just needs to show you how sorry he is.
his head snapped in the direction of your voice, your figure standing a few feet from his as he then quickly stood up.
he dusted off his pants before nervously making eye contact, his throat suddenly drying up as he attempted to swallow what felt like a rock.
“y/n, i’m s-so so sorry for what i said yesterday. i-i didn’t mean any of it-”
“so what? i’m supposed to forgive you?” you cut off, raising an eyebrow as his mouth fell slightly, “what if it happens again?”
“i-it won’t! i swear it won’t. i was just drunk and jealous and really fucking stupid” he blabbered on, his hands shaking as he tried to defend himself.
“jealous?” you asked, your eyebrows furrowing together as he nodded his head shamefully.
“of you and that stupid pogue.”
he seemed to visibly retract from your words, his eyes narrowing as he bit the inside of his cheek.
“yeah, him.”
“so you acted the way you did...because of jj?” you slowly asked, his eyebrows knitting together as he stared at you.
“i didn’t mean it, y/n...” he frowned, his face dropping slightly as you waited for him to continue, “please give me another chance, i’ll show you how sorry i am—how much you mean to me.”
it was quiet for a good minute as your thoughts swarmed your mind for a response.
“y/n, please.”
another minute went by, the only sound coming from the waves crashing along the shore.
IT had been five months since you forgave rafe, and things were honestly going better than you had expected.
after that morning on the beach he took you out on a proper date—ending in him walking you back to your house and even stealing a kiss.
he even stopped starting fights with jj and the other pogues, wanting you to know that he was better than that.
“WHAT do you want to watch?” rafe asked while flipping through channels, one hand holding the remote while the other rested on the small of your back.
“m’not sure, you can pick.”
he hummed in response before clicking on some random channel, not really planning on watching it anyway.
he tossed the remote to the side before looking down at you, admiring your relaxed state with your arms wrapped tightly around his torso.
“you know i love you right?” he suddenly asked, his voice low and soft as he stared at you from above.
“why so gushy, rafe?” you teased, your own head angling up to see him better.
he was so beautiful.
“i’m not gushy,” he rolled his eyes, “i just wanted to remind you.”
you blushed at his words before nuzzling back into the crook of his neck, your lips kissing the delicate skin making him smile.
“i love you too, rafe.”
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🏷rafe cameron taglist : @jordynsharum
a/n: could you tell i didn’t know how to end it
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harfanfare · 4 years
I saw this post and I was wondering if you write Malleus' too, is okay for you to make that?
How to win a heart of Malleus Draconia?
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a/n: I started posting my writings here because I want to improve my English — so I technically wouldn't make this request. But! Someone on Wattpad (where I take requests) asked for the same thing, so I rolled up my sleeves and wrote this guide today in both languages. Enjoy~
1. Don't be afraid of him.
It is said that the first impression is the most important.
So when you first saw this guy walking through the corridor of Diasomnia, it was hard for you to get rid of that view from your head.
Illuminated both by the green magic flames set in the lobby, as well as by the moon, which eventually managed to break through the dark clouds and with a bright glow appear in the windows of the dormitory, he seemed... lonely and beautiful.
You shuddered as you took a step down the hallway and the dark-haired man turned to you. He measured you with his emerald eyes. And then you recognized him; all the conversations about the mysterious and fearsome Malleus Draconia flew through your head.
Everything told you to rush towards the hallway and run as far as possible, but a piece of you found it inappropriate. Or rather, no one would want to chase everyone away from themself... right?
When you realized you were looking at him for a while, you took a deep breath and nod slightly.
"Good evening, Draconia-san," you said quickly. After a while you added, "The moon is beautiful today, don't you think?”
 2. Smile a lot.
Today was a really wonderful day: the test was postponed, your favorite dish was given in the canteen, and for some reason, the last two lessons were canceled – your class had to make just a quick note about a topic and it took less than fifteen minutes.
"Something happened?" Malleus asked, seeing how almost in the jumps you walk past him. When you looked at him, he added, "You smile a lot.”
"I can stop smiling if you want," you made a sad face, but after a while, the corners of your mouth began to tremble uncontrollably and twisted up again. "Oops, I can’t. Today... it was such a good day... that I think I'm slowly using my life's happiness.”
"I didn't say that smiling is bad," he said. "You look so much better when you smile.”
"Oh," you sighed with apparent surprise. "Is it a compliment?"
"It’s rather a fact..?"
 3. From time to time visit him during club activities.
"Is this a class of the ‘Gargoyle research society club’?” with a deaf knock you opened the door. Malleus turned to you, making a break from browsing through the materials gathered in the library about the history of each of the gargoyles on the school grounds. And there were a lot of them.
"Yes," he replied briefly, getting up. "Do you need something, [Name]?"
"Not at all, my club don’t have a meeting today," you said, closing the door behind you.
You looked around: the room was as clean as ever, except for one desk, where were laid several huge volumes about statues in NRC.
“Are you here alone?” You said before you thought. You lowered your eyes to see Malleus nodding unconcerned slightly. You blinked several times trying to think of what else you could say. "This room... could be a secret base," that was the first thing that came to your mind. Malleus turned his head to one side, uncertain of your response.
“A secret base..? Why?”
"I have no idea," you admitted quickly. "But the very existence of a mysterious point is interesting, isn't it? Doing normal things, such as watching movies or just talking, seems more interesting in places like this,” After a moment of silence, you sighed. "You know what, this idea with the base is stupid”
"We can try," he replied with serious tone. You raised your eyes to see how he looked around the room. "But you'll just have to explain this idea to me in more detail. We can also tell Lilia, Silver and Sebek about it...” he smiled as if seeing your five together in his thoughts was a pleasure. "It will be surely... fun.”
 4. Get yourself a Tamagotchi.
"Look!" you spin a new key chain on your finger. You finally stopped and showed it to Malleus. "Now they are matching!”
A small electronic toy, in a dark green screen that, when it flashed, showed a virtual, pixelated animal. You were impressed with how good quality it was made, especially since you only gave the Shroud brothers a sketch of a toy that Malleus owned.
Your keychain was exactly the same, just a different color and with another pet.
Malleus pulled out his own device and put it on the table. He pressed one of the buttons and a small pet appeared on the keychain – a dragon.
"They can now be friends," you brought your toy closer to so-called Gao-Gao Dragon-kun.
"Do you think so?" He asked in a very surprised tone, but it sounded as if in a moment he were about to burst out with an inexplicably joyful and surprised laugh.
"Of course. Everyone needs a decent friend, no?”
 5. Gain the trust of Lilia, Silver and Sebek.
Lilia, one of Malleus' closest people. It is much more likely that you will meet him before Malleus. He will be very proud when he learns that Malleus has found a friend. If you become a taster of Lilia, in terms of his pastries, he will 100% like you, and at 20% you will leave the kitchen alive and well.
Silver, who has mastered the art of sleeping in any conditions. It's easy to get him into your plans, although with the craziest ones he will hesitate. Rather well-disposed towards everyone, he can cover for you when you are not in class— but he usually inadvertently falls asleep and both of you often have penal assignments after school.
Sebek, faithful to Malleus, if he doesn't like you, you won't have too many opportunities to stay by Malleus's side without a thunderous glances at you. He will recognize you if you will listen carefully to his monologues about his master and as a sign of your friendship, he will teach you by heart of all the titles and achievements of Malleus so far.
With this trio by your side, you can get a lot further than you might have imagined...
 6. Be a master in hide and seek.
You’d give your right arm that your breath was too loud.
You pressed your hands to your mouth as you crouched in the corner of the room.
From whose voices you already heard, you knew that Lilia had already found Sebek. This meant that you or Silver would still be helping cook dinner since Malleus didn’t come at the start of the game.
This may seem silly, but the ability to play classic games was one of the elements of the art of survival in Diasomnia.
It was thanks to games like ‘stone-paper-scissors’, hide and seek or tag that household chores fell on the shoulders of the losers. Lilia loved the idea, and there was always a proud smile on his lips when he saw his beloved children play together.
You heard the steps behind you and shivered.
Very slowly you turned around and looked up to see Malleus standing over you and wondering what you were doing, crouching in the darkest corner of the room.
Puns were also included in the survival pack.
Fearing that Lilia would hear your whisper, you put your finger on your mouth, asking him not to say a word. You put a begging eye into it – all but not cooking with Lilia. Not again.
Malleus nodded, recognizing the gravity of the situation, although he smiled.
Really, no one would want Malleus to be an enemy.
Or at least in such a situation.
 7. Do not hesitate to ask him for help with learning.
"In theory, you should focus on the space around you," Malleus pulled a wand in front of him. It flashed, and almost at the same time, a thin but incredibly strong protective barrier was created around him. “Weaker spells can be reflected. In turn, the stronger ones are better to block”
You nodded understandingly.
Defensive magic was not something easy to understand. Most depended on the person against whom the counter spell was being prepared. And there are countless people who walk on this Earth and want to start fights.
"Unique spells block or avoid physically," he continued. You nodded at every subsequent sentence, slowly feeling like all the lessons are eventually gaining transparency. “Using unique magic against unique magic, the stronger will win, both will lead to explosions or completely reduce.
He looked at you when you wrote down the last sentence in your notebook.
"I sincerely hope that you will only need this information in class," he said with a sigh. "If you need help, call me. I will come. I promise.”
 8. Sometimes be persuaded to wear extravagant clothes.
"Do you really think it suits me?" you turned around, looking at yourself from every possible angle in the mirror.
You were going to the theater in a few classes to see some era-related play that you've been discussing now in history lessons. Everyone, respecting the reputation, actions and achievements of theatre, dressed in their best clothes.
Malleus stood next to you.
He was already wearing a black and white outfit with green accessories. They all worked so well together and fitted him like a glove that you were sure that the whole outfit was made especially for him.
"Yes," he replied. "Everything you put on today suited you very well.”
Once again, with critical eyesight, you looked at the outfit, face and hair, before you quickly turned off the lights in the room and closed the door behind you.
Then you smiled at Malleus.
"We can go now," you said. You made your way through the portal to the main NRC building. "And... thank you for your help.
"My pleasure," he said. Under no circumstances was it just a polite formula. He really loved looking at you.
 9. Invite him to your birthday/party.
"Another break from school soon, huh?" — you muttered, leaning against the railing.
You took a deep breath and let the fresh, pleasant air refresh you.
"Are you going to home, [Name]?" Malleus asked. Green lights were still flying around him, so you guessed he’d just appeared here.
"I haven't decided yet," you sighed. "It would be nice to go home, but the break won't be very long... Ah, that's right!” you straightened up and turned to him. "How about spending another break together? As soon as I can, I will contact my family... although I cannot promise anything.”
Though he did not show it, Malleus' heart beat a little faster.
Spend free time? With someone? With someone he likes?
"Of course," he sounded less calm than he thought. He wasn’t often invited anywhere, even for the things he should have been on, so there was a lot of excitement growing in his body. "I don't see anything against it.”
 10. From "The Great Malleus Draconia-sama" to "Love".
"Ah, The Great Malleus-sama!" you sighed theatrically, taking from him a box of chocolates with a joyful smile. You could promise that because of this dark-haired boy here, you slowly become pampered. "Thank you for your generosity!”
Malleus frowned.
"The Great Malleus-sama"..?” he pondered, putting his fingers to his chin. "Did Sebek told you again to call me with this title?"
"No," you laughed softly at his reaction. "I did it out of curiosity. Maybe I could call you some cute nickname, hmm?" you smiled mischievously.
"For example?"
"By adding ‘-chan’ to your name?” you turned on your phone and typed something related to the nicknames. You started reading suggestions and struggled to hold back from laughing. ” ’Sunshine’, ‘star’, ‘flower’, ‘sweetheart’, ‘love’...
"I like the last one," he said, and the invisible force stung you to the ground.
"Would you like me to call you like that? Out of curiosity or out of love?" You laughed, but your cheeks were all red with blushes.
He smiled sincerely at your reaction.
"Hmm, I wonder..?"
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peakyblindersxx · 3 years
drunk in love - john shelby x reader
a/n: hello my loves :) here is the john fic that i'm personally really excited about bc i fucking love him & i hope you guys like it!! i'm taking requests if you guys want me to write anything in specific and as always, feel free to message me :)
love, abi xxx
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gif by: @deeptheon
prompt: you're john's secretary & he takes you on a trip.
warnings: nsfw!! smut with a teeny tiny bit of fluff if you squint, choking, power play, john being generally irresistible
There were many words to describe John Shelby. Cowardly was not one of them. In the short time you had known him, you had seen him fight god knows how many people, in countless bars across Birmingham. You had seen and heard stories of John blowing up buildings and setting bars on fire. And of course, there was the matter of his arrogance. John dripped confidence from his shoes to his slicked back hair. So cocky, in fact, that you almost wanted to tell him to shut up as much as you wanted to ride his face. Almost.
So, there you sat wistfully at your desk, sneaking glances of him in his office whenever you could. Not that you would even have a chance if you tried; you were his goddamn secretary. Despite the fact that he oozed arrogance, John was a good boss, who always approved your requests for days off. Sure, you were at his beck and call pretty much 24/7, but this also meant you had a front row seat to all the girls he fucked. The women were always stunning, making your hopes deflate even further. However, for the last month, there had been no women. You chalked it up to him finding some sort of girlfriend, so you kept your interactions with him as businesslike as possible. Deep down, through every meeting, phone call, and even just through the windows of his office, you drank in every second of John you could get. He was intoxicating; the smell of his cologne nearly brought you to your knees.
You snapped out of your thoughts, training your eyes back on the work in front of you and taking a drag from your cigarette. Suddenly, you felt a tap on your shoulder. It was Lizzie, a cigarette between her slightly pursed lips. “John wants you in his office. He doesn’t seem mad, but then again, who knows,” she stated. You stood, smoothing out your red pleated skirt and black blouse and quickly opening your compact to make sure your lipstick hadn’t smudged. “Thanks, Lizzie,” you replied, shooting her a smile as she made her way back to her desk. You made your way across the open office space to John’s office, knocking softly on the frosted window pane that read Shelby Company, Ltd in gold lettering.
“Come in,” John called out, his voice muffled behind the wooden door. You turned the doorknob and entered his office, shutting the door behind you. John sat at a tufted leather chair, puffing from a cigar, flipping through a folder. His suit jacket was abandoned on the velvet settee that sat in front of the fireplace, the gold chains of his sleeve garters glistening in the light. The glow from the fireplace glinted off of John’s profile, catching the frame of his jaw just right. You admired the way the light reflected off of the rings on his hands, making you want to feel the cool metal against your body. His hair was neatly slicked back as usual, along with his dark grey vest, white dress shirt, and tie, making him command the attention of the room.
“Lizzie said you wanted to see me?” You questioned, standing at the back of the room.
“Have a seat, Y/N,” John responded, gesturing towards the empty chairs that sat in front of his oak desk. You sat, crossing your legs and tucking them under the chair. John took another puff from his cigar, smoke billowing through the room. “I need to go to London, and
I need you with me.” You were a little surprised at this, since John had never asked you to go somewhere this far with him before.
“For how long?” You asked, taking a cigarette out and lighting it, your lipstick staining it a dark pink as you took a drag. John’s blue eyes bored into yours as he absent-mindedly flicked his cigar, ashing it into the crystal ashtray on his desk. It was almost as if he could read your mind and see all the filthy things you were imagining him doing to you. God, he was fucking irresistable.
“A week,” John replied, shooting his glass of whiskey as he stood, making his way to a locked cabinet and pulling out a wad of pound notes. He peeled a number of them off, making his way towards you and holding them out for you to take, leaning back against his desk facing you. “Buy yourself some nice dresses, eh? There’s going to be a lot of dinners, and I need you there to take notes.”
You accepted the cash, taking a long drag from your cigarette as your eyes met John’s. You couldn’t bring yourself to resist the urge to flirt back. “What’s your favorite color?” John seemed a little surprised at the question, but his normal confidence quickly returned as he smirked. “Black. I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning, eh?”
You nodded as he poured himself another whiskey, daydreaming about the way his rough hands would feel around your throat. “Is that all, Mr. Shelby?” You asked, black kitten heels tapping against the carpet.
John nodded, taking a sip from his glass. “I’ll see you at eight tomorrow.” You stood, turning to walk out of John’s office as you felt his eyes on your figure. As you closed the door behind you, you shivered in expectation. A week alone with John Shelby. How were you going to manage to keep your hands to yourself?
The rest of the work day passed quickly, and you headed to the nearest department store, choosing three different black dresses. As much as you hated to admit it, you wanted to look good for John. You wanted him to want you; to feel that longing that you felt between your legs every time his eyes met yours. You chose a longer formal black dress made of silk, a black sequined dress for a party, and the last, a short black dress with fringe that made you look almost like a burlesque dancer. You knew it was risky, exposing that much skin, but then again, John Shelby wasn’t a normal man. He knew what he wanted and he took it, never paying mind to what others thought.
As the rest of the night flew by, you found yourself tossing and turning in bed. No matter how many times you touched yourself, you couldn’t get the image of John’s smirk out of your head. You wanted him to bend you over right in his office, and you didn’t care who heard. You wanted him to take everything you had to offer. Eventually, you fell asleep, waking up to the sound of birds chirping loudly outside your apartment window. You almost jumped out of bed, blood pumping with excitement. You got ready, slipping on a dark purple silk dress with black tights and purple pumps, stuffing your cigarette case and pocketbook in your black handbag. You poured yourself a cup of tea, hurrying to get all your bags ready as you didn’t want to keep John waiting.
Right as eight o’clock arrived, you heard a knock on your door. It was John, smelling sweetly of cologne and wearing a freshly pressed black pinstripe three piece suit with a grey tie. His cap sat tilted on his head, and dangling from his lips was a cigar. He was a fucking vision to behold, and your head spun at the thought of the two hour car ride in close quarters that you were about to endure. The driver came in to take your bags, leaving John to walk you to the car. He held out his hand to help you step into the Bentley, your skin buzzing with electricity where his fingers touched yours. John closed the door, making his way to the other side and sliding into the leather interior while the driver finished putting the bags in the trunk and made his way to the driver’s seat, starting the engine and taking off.
John’s blue-grey eyes met yours as he puffed at his cigar, cracking the window slightly to let the smoke waft out. “You pack everything we need?” You subconsciously pressed your legs together, filthy images swirling through your brain as you managed to ignore them. “Yes, Mr. Shelby, I got the list you sent me for what to bring. Did you need anything other than that?”
John shook his head no, putting out his cigar in the ashtray. A comfortable silence settled over the two of you as the car rumbled along over the brick roads.
“What’s your favorite color?” You looked over at John in surprise. He must have understood your confusion as he added, “You asked what mine was. I want to know yours.”
“Red,” you replied, fumbling for a cigarette, and when finding one, striking a match to light it.
John’s eyes fixed on your dark red stained lips. “Red, aye?”
Your instincts got the better of you. “Is there a problem with that, Mr. Shelby?”
“Call me John,” he said, words muffled by the cigarette in his mouth that he was lighting. After he finished, he took a drag, fixing his eyes back on you. “And, no. The opposite, actually.”
You weren’t brave enough to ask what that meant, so you let silence take over once again. Maybe later, when you had had a few drinks in you. What the fuck were you doing?
Finally, the dirt roads underneath once again turned into cobblestone, and you knew you were in London by the smell and smoke that hovered over the city. The Bentley rolled to a stop in front of a massive factory building, stretching blocks long. You could hear the yells of the workers from inside the car. John reached for his gun, loading it and affixing it back into his holster.
“We’ve got a meeting first, then dinner. Driver’s going to drop off our bags at the hotel. C’mon sweetheart, and stay by me. Who knows what these fuckers are going to pull around here,” John said, opening the door and reaching his hand out for you to take. You blushed at the pet name, taking John’s hand as he quickly whisked you off the street and into the building, up a flight of stairs where two men directed the two of you into a meeting room with a large table and dark leather chairs. John sank into the chair at the head of the table, and you slid into the seat next to him, taking out a notebook. Before you had any time to even write the date, John’s hand was on your waist, pulling you close to him. Your skin prickled with goosebumps at the proximity.
“If anybody pulls a fucking gun, you get behind me. You understand?” You nodded, crossing your legs at the ankle as you tried to focus your thoughts on something other than how fucking amazing John smelled. John’s hand left your waist as the door opened, the men whom he was meeting with entering the room. The meeting was uneventful, John successfully closing the deal with these men, who you found out were the Chinese. The driver picked you both up out front, taking the two of you back to your hotel to get changed for what you found out was a French restaurant in London’s downtown. The hotel room was a suite with two rooms, one for you and the larger one for John. You decided to wear the short black dress with fringe along with black fluffy kitten heels, and when John walked out of his room, the first word out of his mouth was “Fuck.” Your cheeks blushed a bright pink as John’s eyes traveled down your body.
“You look amazing.” John held out his arm for you to grab, leading you into the car as you took off. It didn’t take long to reach the restaurant, passing through busy streets packed with people of opulence. As John held the door for you to walk in, you almost gasped in amazement at the massive gold chandelier that hung from the ceiling. The waiter led you and John to your table, and as John pulled out your chair for you and walked around the table to sit at his, you almost couldn’t believe you were here, let alone with John Shelby, one of the biggest and by your standards most certainly the most handsome gangsters in Birmingham. Yet, there he sat across from you, looking fucking delectable in a dark grey three-piece suit and black tie.
The dinner was amazing, time passing quickly as the two of you fell into conversation. John Shelby was funny, you realized, and at the heart of it all, sweet. Soon, a glass of wine turned into five, and the driver eventually dropped the two of you back off at the hotel, as the other customers had complained about the raucous laughing coming from your table. You burst into the room giggling, John following close behind, as the two of you flopped onto the velvet settee, knees and shoulders brushing.
“God, you’re fucking pretty,” John said, eyes locking with yours. Your jaw almost dropped as your cheeks turned pink. “What?”
“You heard me,” John said, lighting a cigarette. “You’re fucking pretty.”
You stared at him, alcohol fueling your confidence. “Then why don’t you do something about it?” The words spilled out of your mouth. John wasted no time in pressing his lips against yours roughly, picking you up and setting you on the bed. You moaned into his mouth as he pressed himself against you, feeling his cock hard against your lower stomach, earning a grunt from John as he ripped off your dress, sending buttons flying across the room. You opened your mouth in protest, but John beat you to it. “I’ll buy you three new ones, yeah?” He questioned before running his hands down your hips, a finger slipping underneath the waistband of your black panties. Goosebumps ran down your skin and John chuckled, pressing a kiss to your inner thigh.
“God, you look so pretty all spread out for me. Better than I fucking imagined,” he said, pulling your panties down your legs and rubbing his thumb in circles on your clit. Your body jolted in response. “John,” you panted. “Oh fuck John, please don’t tease me..”
John grinned up at you, pushing one finger in you slowly. “What do you want? Tell me, darling.”
“Your mouth, John, please,” you gasped, squirming for some sort of relief. John responded by licking slowly up your cunt, flicking his tongue in circles around your clit before returning his attention to your pussy, his right hand rubbing your clit. You cried out, back arching as you pushed against John’s mouth. You felt him growl in response, vibrations pulsing throughout your body and sending you over the edge and you came all over John’s face. You attempted to catch your breath as John stood with a boyish smirk, wiping the back of his mouth with his sleeve before discarding his clothes, his large cock standing at attention against his taught stomach muscles.
“God you taste good,” John rumbled, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “I think I’ll have you tomorrow for breakfast too,” he grinned. You laughed in response, John cutting that laugh short by running the head of his cock up and down your dripping cunt.
“Sir, please,” you whined, eyes widening when you realized what had just left your mouth. Before you could apologize, you felt John’s hand wrap around your throat.
“You going to be a good girl for me, hmm?” John’s blue eyes bored into yours.
“Yes, sir,” you whimpered, crying out as John entered you at a ridiculous pace, covering your mouth with his. He kissed like a starved man, hungry for everything you had to give, and you gave it gladly. John’s cock bumped up against your g spot with every thrust as he fucked you, your moans echoing throughout the hotel room.
“Your pussy is amazing,” John groaned as he fucked into you relentlessly. “Fucking mine now, yeah?”
You nodded, unable to form the proper words as John chuckled darkly. “Pretty little thing, can’t even talk when I’m fucking you this good, hm?” Your only reply was a moan as John gripped your throat tightly, causing you to see stars.
“That’s right, sweetheart, come all over my cock,” John crooned as you reached your release, continuing to fuck you through your orgasm. You cried out as John fucked you even harder, eyes locked with yours. “Mine,” John grunted, hips snapping flush with yours as he continued to thrust inside of you, your pussy squeezing around his cock as you neared your second orgasm.
“I want you to come in me, sir, please,” you begged, hands clawing at John’s back. John groaned in response, fucking you at the fastest pace he possibly could as your cries echoed off the walls before eventually releasing inside of you, falling onto the bed next you as the two of you caught your breath. John slung an arm around you, pulling you close to him as he locked his eyes with yours.
“I meant what I said, you know.” “What did you say?” You asked, brow furrowed with confusion.
“That you were pretty,” John said, sitting up to grab a cigarette and light it, his blue eyes glistening in the light of the fireplace. “I’ve thought about you more than I’d like to admit.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. “And I’m not just drunk,” John continued, eyes meeting yours again. “I think I’m in love.”
“Me too.” You couldn’t stop the words from coming from your mouth. John followed them with a deep kiss, pulling you on top of him.
“I’m gonna fuck you until the sun comes up,” John grinned as you laughed, covering your mouth with his.
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endgametike · 3 years
Deja vu
Liam Dunbar x reader
Y/n- your name
Y/m/n- your middle name
“She’s real !” Liam insisted “I know she is, it wasn’t a dream, okay ? She felt real...”
“Liam, I think I would know if I had a sister.”
“Exactly, I think I would know if Scott had a sister. Besides, you can’t even give us a name.” Stiles added
“okay, I might not know her name....yet. But I promise you guys, she exists. And I’m gonna prove it to you.” Liam walked away frustrated. He knew you were real, he felt it. But he couldn’t remember your face, your name, anything about you. It was driving him crazy.
“Y/n! That’s her name.”
“Who’s name, Liam?”
“Your sister ! I remember her name. It’s Y/n. We need to find her. Scott, I think I loved her...”
“I believe you.” To everyone’s surprise, it was Derek who spoke. “I found a drawing in my bedroom... none of you can draw. It was signed y/n/f/l.” Scott nodded.
“Liam, you’re going to travel through your mind.” Lydia said, looking at the beta.
“So, how exactly does this work?” Malia questioned.
“Liam just needs to follow every step I say.” Lydia said, preparing everything she needed to use.
“Are you sure it is going to work?”
“No. But that’s our best chance.”
“As you relaxe, imagine you’re sitting in front of a Tv”
Liam looked around, as he recognized the place. He was at the school. Lydia continued guiding him through the process . Some memories of you and him started playing. He walked out off the classroom, walking to his locker. As he opened it, he started remembering you.
“Liam, right ? I’m y/n McCall, I’m so sorry about my brother. But what he did yesterday, he was just protecting you.”
“He kidnapped me and now he says I’m his brother or something. I think your brother is crazy.”
You chuckled. “That’s debatable. Tonight is a full moon, just be careful.”
Suddenly that memory became a blur and turned into another.
“Liam calm down, you can do it.”
Liam roared at you as you stepped back.
“Liam, you’re a good person. Focus on that. Damn it, focus on my voice. I know you don’t wanna hurt me.
Liam transformed back into his human form, crying.
“Did I- did I hurt you?” Liam asked, looking at the floor, while tears fell down his face.
“You didn’t Liam! You fought it. I’m so proud of you...” Liam hugged you while you told him it was going to be alright.
“hey, can we speak in private ?”
“sure.” Liam lead you to an empty classroom. “So...I wanted to ask you something. And you can say no, obviously. It’s your choice. I just feel like we are connected somehow and I wonder if you would like to go on a date with me? Again, you don’t have to accept, I get it if you don’t want to. It was a stupid idea and”
“Liam.” You interrupted him “I would love to go on a date with you.”
“Oh great. Awesome. Perfect. Huh, 9 pm?”
“Make it 8.” You smiled and kissed Liam on the cheek.
“It was a great date Liam. And thank you for bringing me home.”
“Of course. We should do it again.”
“Definitely.” You smiled.
“So, bye I guess.” Liam started walking away back to his car.
“Liam wait! Are you seriously gonna leave without kissing me?”
“Oh god, I was hoping you’d say that.” Liam turned around and ran to you, kissing you.
“I’ll go get it Scott!” You went downstairs and opened the door. “Liam hey! What are you doing here at 7 pm? With flowers? And chocolates? Scott’s birthday is only 4 weeks from now.”
“I- actually- these are for you. But I need to talk to Scott first.” Liam came in and and called Scott. Scott walked downstairs to where you were.
“Liam, what are you doing here? With flowers and chocolates ? I told you my birthday is only in a month.”
“Yea, that’s not why I’m here. Here goes nothing. I wanna date your sister.” Scott looked confused at Liam. “I mean... I like your sister. She’s such a good person, she’s beautiful and smart and an absolute badass. I love being around her and I wanna protect her from everything bad on the world. I want her to be my girlfriend, I wanna be able to walk hand in hand with her on the street. I wanna cuddle her and see movies with her. I’m asking for your permission...” Liam looked at Scott with hope in his eyes.
“Alright buddy, but treat her well or else I’ll kill you.”
Liam laughed but then looked at Scott who didn’t look like he was joking. “Oh, you weren’t kidding.” Liam then looked at you and kissed you.
“Liam I think you’re forgetting something...”
“No, I’m pretty sure I remembered everything I wanted to say.”
You laughed. “You forgot to ask me if I wanted to date you.”
“Oh of course. Y/n Y/m/n McCall, do you wanna be my girlfriend?”
“No.” You said simply, trying not to laugh.
“No? Well this is embarrassing, I guess I’m gonna go then...”
“Liam. I’m kidding. Nothing would make me more happy than to be your girlfriend.” You kissed Liam.
“Ok, I think that’s enough. Save that for when I’m not in the same room as you.”
“Of course. I should go, but I’ll see you tomorrow at school.” Liam kissed your cheek and started leaving.
“Liam ! Leave the flowers and the chocolates!”
“hey y/n, are you ready for the ga-“
“What? Do I have something on my face ?”
“No, it’s just, you’re wearing my shirt.”
“Oh yea, I thought you’d like me using it for the game, to support you. But I can wear something mine, if it bothers you...”
“No, no, I absolutely love it. You look gorgeous.” Liam kissed you and you fell on the bed, laughing.
“We’re gonna be late!”
“I don’t care.” Liam kissed you again smiling.
“Liam, I can see them. They’re here, they’re gonna take me.”
“Only if I let them.”
“Liam, there’s nothing you can do. You have to let me go.”
“I’m not leaving you! Stay behind me. Where are they?”
“Liam you need to go!”
“I said I’m not leaving you, it’s not up for discussion.”
“Liam, I love you. I love you so much. You made me the happiest girl in the world this past few year. And I’m so proud of the person you’ve become.”
“No! Y/n, this isn’t a goodbye.”
“It’s a see you later. Remember me Liam. Remember how I much I love you and how much I know you love me.” You got taken away by the ghost riders, leaving Liam alone with tears falling from his eyes.
“I love you too.”
Liam came back to reality. “I didn’t love her.”
“What ? What do you mean Liam?”
“I didn’t love your sister... I was in love with her. We have to get her back. Now! We need to do something, we can’t just leave her there! Why are you all just standing there? Do something ! She needs us! She needs her friends, she needs her brother, she needs me! She’s counting on me and I- I forgot her. I forgot her... How did I forgot her? Please don’t let me forget her again!” Scott hugged Liam.
“Liam, we didn’t tell you because we didn’t want to get your hopes up, but when you were remembering Y/n, some kind of portal opened up and we saw her...but it closed straight up after it opened. So, we think that if more people remember her, then the portal might be open long enough for her to pass through it and come back. We think this might help us, Malia, Mason and Liam are distracting the ghost riders while we do this. We don’t have much time. We’ll start with me and we’ll use Scott as a last resort. We need him strong if we need to fight the ghost riders.”
“Let’s do it.”
After Lydia tried nothing happened, she remembered you, but not enough. Then it was Stiles’ turn.
“Still nothing.” Liam said. “It won’t work.”
“It’s my turn now. Don’t take me out until the portal opens.”
“What if it doesn’t open at all?”
“It will.”
“Guys, Scott is staring to freeze, we need to get him out of there.”
“No! The portal hasn’t opened yet!”
“Liam, he’s gonna die !”
“I said no!” Liam roared at Lydia.
“Guys, look ! It is working. Scott just needs to hold on a little more! C’mon buddy.” After a minute you were finally able to walk through the portal. Liam ran to you and kissed you, while Lydia and Stiles helped Scott.
“You remembered me!”
“I should have remembered you way sooner. I’m so sorry. I’m never letting you go again. I love you.”
“Y/n ?” Scott ran to you and embraced you tightly in a hug.
“Scott ! I missed you so much! Are you an idiot! You could have died inside that thing!”
“I would gladly die if it meant bringing you home.”
You hugged Stiles and Lydia.
“Guys, not to ruin the moment but the ghost riders are here. We held them back as long as we could.” Malia said as she entered the room.
“Let’s fight then.” You said.
“Hm not you. You’re gonna hide and rest.” Scott said.
“I’m with Scott one this one.” Liam agreed with him.
“It’s so cute you actually think I’m going to hide.”
“Yup, that’s definitely the girl I fell in love with.”
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Bundle of joy [Sirius Black x Reader] ['What they call home' OS] - Requested
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Title: Bundle of joy Pairing: Sirius Black x Lestrange!Female!Reader Word count: 1.4k Published: 9 May, 2021 Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore Summary: When you realise there’s a little baby growing in your belly, it terrifies you. Both you and Sirius had a rough childhood and now that there’s a new life inside you, your ability to raise a child concerns you, especially as you’re in the middle of a war. Notes: Part of the series What they call home, but can be read separately. Request: [x] by Anonymous
"Because I love Drama and the Lestrange X Sirius so much - Could you do an extra OS where Lestrange tells him that she is pregnant? Before that she is very distant (Generally afraid of the pregnancy and afraid of becoming like her parents as a mother) and often met a healer from the Order to ask what she is allowed to do/ not to do. 😊 (Of course only if you have time to do it)"
Bingo: [x] This is part of my Make me feel Bingo Card by @girl-next-door-writes​​
Square filled: Fix it fic
Harry Potter Characters Masterlist | Masterlists
Make me feel Bingo Masterlist
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It’s been 2 weeks. 2 whole weeks since you found out. 14 days exactly. 336 hours, 20160 minutes, 1209600 seconds. However you kept calculating, it still felt like forever. There was no doubt, no way to avoid the inevitable. As you walked out of St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, you were trying to grasp the idea of having a tiny human growing in your belly. A life that you were to nurture for the next 7 months within you. You were supposed to be happy, full of life, planning creative ways to tell all your loved ones. But how could you. The only thoughts that came to you were anything but positive. Your parents made your life a living hell, your bothers were death eaters and as difficult it was to admit it, you were one of them, even though you didn’t agree with their views.
How were you supposed to raise a child when the only examples you have been taught were how to hate? How were you to raise a child when you didn’t even know how to hold one? But most of all, how were you to tell Sirius, the man who meant more to you than anyone in your life? Children or family for that matter never came up in your conversations. You just couldn’t imagine walking up to him, stating your findings as simple facts. The man would have gotten a heart attack.
You were seated in the kitchen of Grimmauld Place with a steaming cup of tea in one hand and an enchanted polaroid photo of a tiny smudge that barely even resembled a baby just yet. You jumped in your seat as you heard the entrance door open and quickly hid the photo in your pocket. It wasn’t the right time, you weren’t ready to tell him just yet.
Sirius walked towards the kitchen, halting in the doorway, peeking in the room to catch a sight of you. “Hello, love,” he called with a soft smile across his face. As he approached you, his steps felt heavy and uncertain. But it was no surprise to you. “Are you feeling alright?” He asked as he stepped beside you and hinted a small kiss on the top of your hair, but once again, just like you have done many times before, you pulled away from him.
“I’m— I’m good,” you replied with a faux smile, trying to stop him from worrying, but you knew he realised your distant behaviour. He kneeled beside your chair, getting hold of your hands, holding them gently, drawing little circles on your knuckles.
“I know something is wrong. I know you are trying to hide something. If you are not ready to tell me, that is fine, but please don’t lie to me,” he pleaded with you as he left a small kiss on the back of your hand, reassuring you that he was ready to wait for you to open up.
“I just need you to give me a bit more time,” you whispered, your breath shaky and uncertain as you squeezed Sirius’ hands.
“As long as you need,” he offered you a sweet and genuine smile as he let go of your hands and cupped your cheeks, kissing you on your lips. His mere touch always made you feel safe, as though nothing could ever hurt you. But you knew in that moment that you were more afraid than ever.
“I wish that was true,” you sighed heavily, averting your eyes. “I’m scared, Sirius,” you exhaled, leaning forward and placing your forehead in the crook of his neck.
“Love, what are you afraid of?” He asked in confusion, running his hand through the back of your hair, trying to sooth your worries.
“Will I be like them?” You asked, earning a questioning humming sound from Sirius. “Like my parents. Will I be as horrible as them? I’m their blood after all,” you heaved a heavy sigh, your breath hitching as tears started escaping down your cheeks, soaking Sirius’ thick coat.
“Where is this coming from?” He asked, stunned. “You are nothing like your parents or your brothers. You are one of the most beautiful people I have ever met, both inside and out. And if you don’t believe me, ask yourself, have I ever lied to you? As far as I’m concerned, I have not. You are nothing like your family. Can you please tell me where all this is coming from? You are making me really worried,” he pleaded with you as he hinted a small kiss on your temple.
“Do you really think I’m nothing like them?” You asked as you leaned back to look into his smoky eyes, needing reassurance.
“Anything but, love,” he replied with a soft smile, hoping to cheer you up, earning a small smile from you.
“Sirius— erm, I was thinking— what do you think about children?” You tried to bring up the subject as softly as you could. If you could, you could have delayed the inevitable, but as he kneeled in front of you with a worried look across his face, you knew you couldn’t leave him in the dark any longer.
“Children?” He asked with a deep frown across his brows, your question catching him off guard. “I like them, I guess. I mean I have a really good relationship with Harry, Ron and Hermione and it seems little Teddy likes me too,” he chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.
“And what do you think about having your own child?” You questioned, feeling your heart took on a faster pace, your palms sweating in your nervous state.
His eyes widened, your question surprising him. “What— what do you mean?” He asked stuttering, but you just bit on your lower lip and let your head fall forward whilst playing with your fingers. “Hold on a minute, do you mean— as in you and me— are we going to be parents?” He asked with a shocked expression, lips widely parted, eyes growing round. You weren’t sure what to say, how to say it or what would be the right words to use, so instead you nodded. “Is there going to be a little you and me— a miniature us running around?” He repeated as if needing further reassurance, he didn’t misinterpret your gesture.
“Yes— there is going to be a little one running around in approximately 7 months,” you replied with an awkward smile as you placed your hand on your belly, with the other reaching for the photo in your pocket. He took it from you, his face turning pale for a second, realisation hitting him hard, before his lips started curving up into a small smile.
“That— that is absolutely brilliant,” he began to chuckle as a wide grin spread across his face. “Just imagine what a handful he or she is going to be,” he laughed.
“Are you not afraid?” You asked.
“Of what exactly?” He furrowed his brows.
“Of us not being good parents? We are both from families that do not have a good record in providing a loving home,” you voiced your concerns.
“Not at all,” he smiled proudly. “If anything, we know best what we were missing and what we would like to do for that little one. We can use the lack of love we had as an advantage, because now we know how important it is for a child to be brought up in a healthy, loving family,” he took your hand in his, gently squeezing it.
“But Sirius, we are in the middle of a war,” you retorted, still unsure of your ability of bringing up a child.
“We are in the middle of a war now and we were in the middle of a war over a decade ago. You can’t stop the circle of life because of evil people. Don’t think about all the negativities. Think about the fact that I love you, you love me, and we will have a beautiful bundle of joy who we will love just as much,” a content smile spread across Sirius’ face. “At least little Teddy will have a playmate,” he chuckled playfully as he pulled you up into a standing position and sneaked his arms around your waist. “I love you and I already love that little ankle-biter more than anything,” he whispered into your ear.
“I have no idea how I got to be so lucky to have you,” you replied with tears filling up your eyes.
“Those better be happy tears,” he raised a questioning brow, his foolish smile still plastered across his face.
“Only,” you chuckled as you cupped his face and pulled him down to meet your lips halfway. “I love you so much,” you breathed against his lips, before you closed the gap between the two of you once again.
Notes: If you enjoyed reading this little piece, please don’t forget to leave a like, comment and/or reblog. Your opinion matters and gives us motivation. Thank you ^^
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eternally-writing · 4 years
tour troubles | jjk
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genre: fluff, angst
rating: G (no swearing or sexual content)
pairing: Jungkook x reader
theme: idol!au, boyfriend!au, one-shot
word count: 1.8k
warnings: none
Synopsis: When surprising your boyfriend Jungkook on tour doesn’t quite go as you planned, it’s up to you now to help cheer him up.
banner by me!
After a grueling 6 months apart,  you were more than happy to be in MetLife Stadium watching your boyfriend live out his dreams on stage. The Map of the Soul Tour was no joke; Jungkook was practicing all day and performing all night, and combined with your final exam season passing by it left little time for you to talk to each other.
Finally wrapping up the school year, you got in touch with Jimin to see if he could help you plan a surprise visit for Jungkook on one of their final tour stops.
All of the members had become like family to you, but it's no secret that aside from Jungkook you are closest with Jimin. He was like the older brother you never had, and you always ran to him whenever you needed relationship advice or a good hug.
As you watched Jungkook on stage you noticed his smile falter sometimes as he would be slightly out of position or dance off beat. You could only pick this out because you had spent hours in the practice room dancing with Jungkook. 
You and Jungkook had come together because of your shared love for dance. He had first asked you out inside a very sweaty-scented Big Hit practice room, almost half of your dates ended with some form of dancing, and whenever one of you was frustrated you could always find the other teary-eyed, lying on the marley floor of a dance studio. You had always been there to whisper words of encouragement in his ear when he was feeling down, and you wished nothing more than for her voice to reach the stage at the moment.
Soon enough, the concert came to an end and you were flashing her pass to the backstage security guard to get to see the boys. Despite your  uneasy feeling watching the concert, you couldn't ease the butterflies in your stomach at seeing your boyfriend for the first time in months.
Ever since you had planned this, you spent your nights imagining exactly how Jungkook would react: whether he would hug and kiss you first, stay frozen on the spot in shock, or start crying right away. 
As you stepped into the Big Hit dressing room, you were instantly greeted with several smiling faces. 
I didn't take you long to do a head count and realize that there were only 6  boys standing in front of you, and that your boyfriend was nowhere to be found. 
Making eye contact with Jimin, you saw the softness in his eyes as he motioned for you to come closer so he could explain. 
“He’s not feeling well Y/N, and none of us can get him to talk about it. We’re so worried. I swear I’ve only gotten like 2 words out of him tonight, and I even tried to make a nutella sandwich for him to cheer him up. I’m sorry this isn’t what you had planned, but can you talk to him please? For us?” 
You took a deep breath before pulling back the curtain divider in the dressing room. Your nerves catching up to you, you considered just turning around and telling the boys you would surprise him at their next concert instead. 
You had dealt with Jungkook being troubled and frustrated more times than you could count, but you were worried you had lost her touch after being apart from him for months. 
Your mind also flew the other way. How many times has he felt like this after a concert and never told you? When he said "It was fun I'm just really tired now" after every concert was he truly feeling like this? 
With that, you pushed forward because you knew that you had to be there to support Jungkook today, even if you couldn't be there for all the other times. 
The sight that greeted you behind the curtain was not a pretty one. 
Jungkook was staring blankly at the monitor in front of him, dark fringes of his hair matted against his sweaty forehead, tour hoodie zipped up completely with the hood on, and worst of all, his eyes were clearly puffy and swollen, with tinges of red coming through from underneath his makeup. 
Jungkook barely even glanced your way as you sat down an ample distance away from Jungkook on the couch. It was clear from his lack of surprise at your appearance that one of the boys (probably Jimin) had probably told him about your surprise visit earlier in an effort to cheer him up after the concert, but even that could not get him out of this slump.
 Of all the scenarios you came up with for how Jungkook would react to your surprise, somehow this one never crossed your mind. 
You turned your focus to where Jungkook was staring - a TV monitor replaying video footage from tonight's concert. You watched as his eyebrows stayed furrowed as he glared disapprovingly at himself for making even the smallest of mistakes in the video, almost wincing as the TV monitor continued to play the footage.
"Do you want me to help point out things in the video?"
Jungkook didn’t even move a muscle.
You took the silence as a yes, and pulled a pen and the closest thing you could find to paper, a napkin, out of your purse to write on. 
Working as a dance teacher had taught you more than a couple tricks about how to give constructive feedback, and you were a firm believer in the "give 2 compliments and then 1 thing to work on" approach. However, you knew the issue with Jungkook wasn't that he was truly bad at dancing, but rather that he was way too hard on himself for the smallest details that the audience wouldn't even notice - so she threw in a few more compliments than usual. Unsure of how Jungkook would react to seeing the list, you still threw some of those very nit-picky details on there, knowing that if he was still frustrated he would throw the list out all together if he thought you were just coddling him. 
And so you both sat together in front of that grainy TV monitor, in complete silence aside from the sound of your pen scratching against the napkin.
June 10, 2020 MOTS:7 Tour Feedback Report for Jeon Jungkook ( by Y/N)
- match angle of arm placement in Black Swan Opening Choreo
- footwork on DNA ending choreo could be cleaned up 
- the ARMY at the corner of the screen during Euphoria had the biggest smile when you looked at her. I think she’s gonna remember that moment for the rest of her life. 
-  I like the way you wink at the camera during So What! Gave me butterflies babe. 
- could add more energy into the last Fake love chorus ( hot bod btw!!)
And the list kept going on and on as you diligently focused on the screen and writing notes, taking occasional glances at your silent boyfriend.
Upon glancing over your shoulder and seeing your list, Jungkook smiled at your thoughtful and sweet comments. 
All of sudden, a wave of consciousness and realization washed over him. 
He finally has the girl he loves in front of him again after months apart, and instead of cherishing his limited time with you he was spending it watching himself dance, which is what he had already spent the last 9 years of his life doing. Most of all, you never let your smile falter once in front of him, even though he knew you may be upset with his response to your surprise, and you went along with whatever he wanted to do - even if that meant watching a very very low-quality video of his performances on a loop. 
Grabbing the napkin gently out of her hands and placing it on the table, Jungkook cupped your face and looked gently into your eyes. 
"Thank you",  he said softly, as if not wanting to startle you with his sudden character change.
In your head there was absolutely no need for Jungkook to be thanking her for anything she was doing.  She knew dating an idol would have its challenges, and she made a promise to Jungkook that she would be by his side through it all, even if that included rewatching Euphoria on loop. 
It was now your turn to sigh. 
“There’s nothing to thank me for babe, it’s just me. I wanna be here for you when you’re like this - I didn’t just date you so I could be there to celebrate your Billboard #1s and daesang sweeps, I’m here for these moments too.”
Jungkook further eliminated the space between you both by wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his chest. In that moment he realized that maybe all he needed was you. That all these hurdles he had been facing alone would have been much easier if he had just let you in on his problems.
“I just feel bad Y/N, I haven’t even seen you for months and the first time I see you I’m like this? I’m sorry.”
The gears started turning in your head. Batting your eyes overdramatically at your boyfriend, you smiled. 
“Okay how about we make a deal then babe?”
Jungkook looked at you curiously and let you carry on. 
“From now on, every time you feel like this you come to me okay? We can figure this out together, but I can’t help you if you don’t let me in,” you expressed, grabbing his hands in yours.
“Also, if you felt like making it up to me you could buy me some ice cream? It’s not the same when I eat it without you,” you joked.
Jungkook’s melodic laugh vibrated through the room. 
“Just ice cream? You’re selling yourself short babe. I’d buy the whole world for you, my love.”
As you emerged from behind the curtained section of the dressing room, hand in hand with a smiley Jungkook ( a stark comparison from how he was a mere hour early), you were greeted with Jimin jumping up and cheering loudly upon seeing the maknae.
Unable to contain his excitement, Jimin ran towards the two of you, chiming “you did it Y/N!! You brought back our maknae!”  
“Good to see you smiling, Jungkookie,”  beamed Jimin as he stepped forward to ruffle Jungkook’s hair. 
Jungkook chuckled and looked up at his hyungs. 
“I think I owe you all some ice cream. Ready to go? It’ll be treat.”
If his hyungs weren’t already excited to see Jungkook feeling like himself, now they were ecstatic. And you definitely felt the same way as well. ♡
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If you liked this, please interact/follow! Thank you for reading ♡
- Emily
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fanfic-archive · 3 years
Meeting the Baron (1/7)
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Chapter 1. Berlin, Germany 
Summary: A call from your friends, Sam and Bucky, has you packing a bag and flying to Berlin. Maybe they should have mentioned something about the criminal that Bucky broke out of prison, the same man who was locked up after breaking up the Avengers. Maybe they should have mentioned what you were getting yourself into.
Word Count: 2172
The coffee you sipped at was bitter but if you weren’t going to get any sleep, you might as well fuel up on caffeine for the day. At least you got a few hours of sleep under your belt, and that was all you could ask for these days. You were just about to cross from your kitchenette to the couch until you heard your phone ringing.
With a sigh, you picked your phone up from the kitchen counter, becoming curious when you saw Sam’s name on the caller ID.
“Hey, what’s up?” you answered the call, heading for your couch.
“Hey, did I wake you?” Sam asked, pretty sure it was the early hours of the morning where you were.
“Nope” you sighed.
“I’m with Bucky-” he informed you, being interrupted by the other man.
“Hey, Y/n” Bucky’s voice was able to be heard in the background, making you chuckle a little.
“What trouble have you two started now?” you asked, knowing this call couldn’t be because of anything good.
“Nothing…well, we didn’t start it. We could use some help, another pair of hands and all that, do you think you could meet us?” Sam asked, but you could hear that he felt a little bad about it.
“Yeah, of course. Where?” you were always happy to help your two friends, even though the tasks were rarely easy.
“Berlin” Sam stated, making your eyes widen.
“What the hell are you doing in Berlin?” you asked, raising your voice slightly.
“It’s a long story, do you think you can meet us?” he asked again, clearly this was something that he had to explain to you in person.
“Sure, I’ll get there as soon as I can. I’ll let you know when I’ve landed” you shook your head at him, even though he couldn’t see it.
“Thank you.”
“No problem” you hung up the phone and looked around your dimly lit apartment. Should you pack a bag? Because it looked like you were heading for Germany.
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After arriving in Berlin, Bucky sent you the location where you were supposed to be meeting them and you headed straight there. You met the two men in some form of garage, greeting them both with a friendly hug, before they filled you in on everything they had been up to. Which was much more than you had been expecting.
“…and you went in there alone?” you asked in disbelief. Sam and Bucky had just finished filling you in on their visit to Zemo and explaining exactly who Zemo was, it was a lot of information to process in one go. And after all of that, you couldn’t believe that Bucky went to speak with him alone.
“I was fine” Bucky assured you.
“And he wants to break him out” Sam added, bewildering you even more.
“After all of that, you, of all people, want to break him out of prison?” you asked Bucky, eyes wide. When you got a call from Sam, you knew it couldn’t be good, but this was beyond bad.
“Let me just walk you through a hypothetical. Can I walk you through a hypothetical?” Bucky asked.
“What did you do?” Sam asked accusingly.
“I didn’t do anything” Bucky defended himself but neither of you were buying it.
“Go on then, hypothetically?” you sighed, letting him continue.
“The weakest point in any system isn’t the software, the hardware, it’s the meatware. The human element. Now, in this lock up, it’s nine to one, prisoners to guards. And if two prisoners start fighting, then the protocol says four guards have to respond” Bucky informed you both.
“So why would two prisoners randomly start fighting at that moment?” Sam asked, squinting at him.
“Who knows? There could be many reasons…but the point is, these things escalate. Lockdown procedures would have to be initiated, and with all those bodies flying around left and right, wouldn’t be hard to slip down a hallway or two. And if the fire alarm got tripped while the prisoners were being separated, someone could use the chaos to their advantage” Bucky finished, not liking the look on your or Sam’s face.
“I don’t know the guy but I’m guessing all that would be bad” you looked to Sam.
“Oh, it would be bad” Sam nodded.
“In that case, I don’t like how detailed this hypothetical is…” you turned back to Bucky, just wanting him to tell you that all of that truly was a hypothetical.
“Yeah, I don’t like how casual you’re being about this. This is unnatural. Are you…and where are we man?” Sam cut himself off to ask the question that both of you had been wondering. Why were you here and what was going on?
As if on cue, the sound of a door opening and closing got your attention, making you all turn in time to see a man approaching. He was wearing a prison guard uniform, which seemed suspicious after Bucky’s little speech.
“Bucky…?” you asked without talking your eyes off of the man, wanting him to explain what was going on.
But Sam seemed to recognise the man from the way he reaction, Bucky had to get in front of him and stop him from approaching the man. “I didn’t tell you because I knew you wouldn’t let this happen” Bucky explained to him.
They quickly made it known to you that this was the Zemo they had been telling you about and, after a little bit of convincing, you and Sam agreed to trust Bucky on this. If he could deal with working with him, so could you.
“So, who is your friend?” Zemo asked, looking to you expectantly.
“Y/n” you told him simply.
“Baron Helmut Zemo” he introduced himself as he held his hand out for you to shake.
You were unsure at first but decided to just step forward and go to shake his hand, but Sam was quick to intervene. “Ah, none of that” he pushed your arm down and pulled you back to his side, shooting a glare at the criminal.
“Apologies” Zemo nodded, seemingly unphased by Sam’s reaction.
Zemo led you all through into another room and pulled a switch, the lights flickering on overhead to reveal a warehouse filled with vintage cars, all of which you were sure were expensive.
“So, our first move is grand theft auto?” Sam asked sarcastically, seemingly unimpressed.
“These are mine. Collected by family over the generations” Zemo informed the three of you.
“Oh, so you’re like…rich-rich” you commented without thinking, more to yourself than anything. But the three men had heard and looked at you, Sam and Bucky seeming unimpressed but Zemo had the smallest of amused smiles on his face. “What?” you asked when you noticed the men looking at you.
“Yes, I supposed you could say that I’m…’rich-rich’” Zemo nodded, using your own term, and you just nodded in response. “I’m a Baron. My family was royalty until the Avengers destroyed my country” he explained as he opened the door of one of the cars and started grabbing his belongings.
“Royalty? So, he really is like…proper rich-rich” you murmured to Sam, they failed to inform you of these details.
“Will you stop?” Sam looked down at you.
“I just wasn’t expecting it” you defended yourself with a small shrug, making him chuckle a little.
More importantly, you also hadn’t expected the criminal to be so…attractive, especially after just getting out of prison. That was another thing that took you by surprise, a part of you hoped that he would turn out to be annoying or rude, otherwise you could see yourself liking this guy.
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The next thing you knew, you were on Zemo’s private jet being filled in on the details of Madripoor and the person you were supposed to be meeting there. Zemo had also informed you that he had arranged a place to spend the night, in order to prepare for the meeting tomorrow evening.
It was a small safe house by the looks of it, located in the backstreets of a rouge city, you couldn’t imagine Zemo ever staying here for long, but it would do for now. The four of you were in the main room, a lounge and a kitchenette, talking about the plan.
“Right so, you’re going in as you, Sam as this Smiling Tiger guy, and Bucky as…as the Winter Solider. Where does that leave me?” you asked, cringing a little at the thought of Bucky having to pretend to be that, it can’t be easy for him.
“Unfortunately, I do not have an identity for you to steal but it will be easy to make one for you” Zemo assured you but the three of you were still wondering what he had planned.
“I have a fake ID guy if you need him” you joked, earning a slight glance from Sam before he looked back at Zemo.
“Not necessary. You will pose as my date” the Baron informed you.
“No” all three of you responded at the same time.
“It is the only unsuspicious way to get you into the meeting without having an important name” Zemo sighed, trying to convince the three of you.
“…fine” you gave in after a moment of consideration. How awful could that actually be? And if he tried anything, you would break his hand. You would be fine.
“You don’t have too; we can just meet up with you after” Sam assured you.
“There is no way I’m going to sit around while you two go in there. It’ll be fine, what’s the worst that could happen?” you insisted. You did not fly out to Germany and then to Madripoor just to sit around and wait for them to come back.
“I thought you weren’t supposed to say that” Bucky commented.
“…oops?” you responded, making Bucky laugh a little to himself.
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At some point, you all had decided to get some rest, though you doubted it would come easily. The meeting was important and you all had to be ready, and that meant being well-rested, no matter how unlikely it was to happen.
Unsurprisingly, you found yourself wandering back to the main room when you couldn’t get to sleep. A little more surprisingly, you found Zemo sitting on the couch but neither of your friends, you assumed that they were still somewhere else in the safe house getting some rest.
You ignored the man, heading straight for the kitchenette to get yourself a glass of water, but he wasn’t as dedicated to ignoring you. “Sleeping problems?” Zemo asked from the couch, watching you get a drink.
“Just jet lag” you lied without looking over at him.
“You were not an avenger” Zemo observed as he stood from the couch, walking over to you.
“No, I wasn’t” you nodded.
“So, forgive me for not being familiar with you” he hummed.
“You’re forgiven. I’d rather you not know my name than know everything about me like you do the others” you confessed, finally turning to him, glass in hand.
“I never said that I don’t know anything, I’m a quick learner” he informed you, sounding sure of himself.
“Sure, whatever that means” you mumbled, taking a sip of water.
“So, how do you know Sam and James?” he asked.
“I was just friends with them” you answered honestly. You weren’t an Avenger, you weren’t a superhero, but you were a capable friend that they trusted.
“Just a friend who would risk going against the US government because of a phone call” Zemo hummed, acknowledging that you were doing a big favour for your two friends.
“Eh, what has the US government ever done for me?” you joked dismissively. This time Zemo didn’t respond, he just looked at you, tilting his head to the side slightly. “What are you doing?” you questioned, feeling like he was analysing you.
“Learning” he answered quietly, with a small shrug.
“Look, my friends called me for help, people are dying, and John Walker is Captain America. I’m just trying to help out before things get any weirder” you told him, placing the glass down and planning to leave.
“How heroic” Zemo sarcastically commented.
“I’m no hero, I know how you feel about them” you folded your arms over your chest, you weren’t in the mood to have this discussion.
“Ah, so, you do know me” he smirked a little, having assumed that you didn’t really know who he was.
“Sam and Bucky filled me in. I don’t care, as long as you’re helpful” you shrugged.
“I am” he promised with a nod.
“Good” you nodded back.
“Goodnight, Y/n” Zemo gave you a small smile before turning and leaving the room.
You couldn’t decide what to think about the Baron. You didn’t have the history with him that the others had but you hated what he put them through, but something about him just seemed…oddly likable. The sooner this whole thing was over and things went back to normal, the better.
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Broken flowers.
The lovely @ben-c-group-therapy who asked for this: 
<Hello, me again. I’d love to request some angst with a fluffy end. Miguel or Nick where reader is due to marry another man. The man and reader are at the alter and he just says he can’t marry her and leaves her there. He hadn’t given any clue he would do this. No cold feet. You stand shocked before leaving quickly. So Miguel or Nick was in the audience and they come to find you. Fluff. Comfort. Eventual sparks?? Idk. I can’t get the idea out of my head lol. Thanks so much!>
I decided to do Miguel for you this time. I really hope this is what you were looking for, I really enjoyed writing this. I love Miguel’s soft side when it comes out to play so I tapped into that and slight Sex and City movie vibes.
Warnings: Being left at the aisle angst with a fluffy happy ending. Very very light swearing.
WC: 2227 
Enjoy x
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You had never been this excited in your life as you were when your dad walked you down the aisle to Alex. You had both picked the Santo Padre country club for your wedding and reception. Everything looked better than what you had imagined it to be. Your eyes were set on Alex from the moment the doors opened stepping through them, but he didn’t look happy so you just put it down to him being nervous. As you got to the front seats you stopped waiting for your mum to stand up taking your other arm to walk you to the alter. Your eyes caught your best friends over your mum’s head, who was sitting next to her, a tear running down his cheek, Miguel mouthed “You look beautiful” and you gave him a wink back.  
The ceremony had run smoothly up until the vows when the priest asked Alex to take your hands and to repeat after him, when you heard him mutter “I can’t”. You looked at the priest who was shocked at his reaction and you squeezed Alex’s arm with your free hand stepping a little closer,
“Babe it’s ok, you’re nervous”
“Y/N, I can’t. I’ am sorry. I can’t”
Your heart shattered when he pulled away from you and he walked out of the chapel leaving you standing there alone, your flowers dropped out of your hand landing on the floor breaking off the stems scattering around the bottom of your dress. No one knew what to do or what to say to you, but you heard the whispering that was getting louder and louder.
Tears welled in your eyes and you just ran. You felt Miguel grab your arm, but you pulled away from his grip and ran straight out the side door. You ran and ran till you got to the edge of the grounds to a man-made lake with a fountain in the middle, you dropped down under a tree in the grass and you sobbed till your whole body was shaking, letting out a loud scream.
Miguel had rage bolting through him at what had just happened to you. You guys had been best friends since high school. You had grown closer and closer over the years, being close with Emily when he got married and you had been there for him when he got divorced. You were one of the only people that never shied away from him, even when he took over the family business, knowing what he was, what he had become and what he did. Other than his mother, you were the most important woman in his life.
You were both brutally honest with each other telling each other everything, other than talking about the Galindo business dealings that you wanted to know nothing about and he knew what you thought about him taking over the business because he was so much better than a Cartel Boss, which weirdly made you closer. His family business never changed your friendship with him and you had inside joke’s when he went over the border and about his yellow rain coat that you had heard rumours about. If either of you were unbalanced or needed someone to tell you to get your shit together, you went to each other.
If you hadn’t felt the way you did about how Miguel delt with things, he would have had Alex in his church pew and would have been in his yellow rain coat making him pay for what he had done to you. Miguel got Marcus to take your parent’s home and stay with them in case they needed anything, Nestor got everyone out and on their way, Paco went to grab all your things from the hotel room you were meant to be staying in that night and then went to get your luggage from your apartment to take it all to his place and he sorted out the reception.
After he spoke to the manger coming to an agreement, he grabbed a chilled bottle of wine that was sitting on one of the tables and started to walk around the grounds looking for you. It wasn’t long before he saw you and his heart broke at you sitting there alone with your dress fanned around you and your shoulders slouched over.
You were looking out over the lake, the sun setting slowly and you tried to work everything out in your head. You didn’t know what happened or why Alex did what he did. As far as you knew everything was fine, he was excited to marry you and start a family. You had both decided that you would stay in your own apartment the week leading to the wedding and move the rest of your things over to his house once you were back from your four-week honeymoon, split between Cabo and Cancun. You had heard from him every night that week so, you were confused at what had happened not being able to put a finger on why.
You were pulled out of your chain of thought when you heard footsteps in the grass, but you didn’t turn around till you heard his voice and he sat down right next to you,
“Mi alma”
You looked over at him, a soft sweet smile on his face and he handed you the bottle of wine after opening it for you. You looked into his eyes for a moment, tears running out of yours and his filled with tears. Miguel put his hand on the back of your head pulling you towards him kissing your forehead. You both sat there, passing the wine bottle between each other watching the sun disappear, the warm wind hitting both of your skins,
“Didn’t see that coming” you muttered taking a sip from the bottle.
“He showed no sign he was going to call it off?”
“No. He told me last night he couldn’t wait to marry me. What a fucking joke” you took another sip of wine.
“Want the rain coat?” Miguel looked down at you with a grin. It was the first time since what happened that you had smiled and had a little giggle. You lent into him, Miguel’s arm going around you, rubbing his big warm hand up and down your arm and you rested your head on his shoulder “Today shouldn’t have happened Y/N, he’s an asshole. You deserve to be treated like a queen” he lent his head on top of  yours and you sighed into him.
“I have to cancel the honeymoon and the flights. Can I use your phone?”
“No” Miguel sat up away from you and you frowned your brows at him “You’re going on that trip; you have been looking forward to it. I’ll change his ticket into my name. We’re going and we’ll have a great time”
“What would I do without you?” you lent over kissing his cheek “Can I have your jacket?”
“Of course”
Miguel shrugged it off handing it to you. You reached behind yourself tugging down the zipper of your dress. Miguel reached over pulling it down the rest of the way, his breathing hitching slightly when your dress fell open to your smooth skin. You pushed the top of your dress to your chest and took one arm out of the straps at a time. You put Miguel’s jacket on and you stood up, the dress fell off you pooling at your feet. You pulled his jacket around yourself and done up the buttons stepping out of the dress, his jacket on you like a short dress,
“You better get home and pack. Flights at 7 am” you smiled down at Miguel before you started to walk away.
“You’re going to leave your dress here? You loved that dress”
Miguel jumped up catching up to you, putting his arm around your neck,
“I don’t want the reminder Miguel, of what was meant to be. I’ am absolutely heart broken, but it’s done, we need to move on”
Eight weeks later
Miguel was surprised and proud at how well you handled the situation, he not handling his marriage break down anywhere near as coolly as you and when you found out the real reason why Alex did what he did, you went for run instead of breaking down. He never pushed you to talk about anything, he waited till you came to him to talk and he held you while you cried. Some night’s you walked into his room crying, he held you while you feel asleep, sleeping in his bed and other nights you were fine. He talked you into moving in with him so you weren’t by yourself and you had organised movers so that everything would be at Miguel’s when you got back.
It was the third week of the trip that you noticed a shift in Miguel and how he treated you, but you didn’t want to pay attention to it so you pushed it away trying not to think about it, but your feelings changed towards him as well. Since you had been back from the trip and getting on with life as best you could, it was getting to the point that you didn’t know if you should step over that line, if you said something and it was all in your head that would be years and years of trust and friendship broken, but you couldn’t live under the same roof with someone that you had feelings for, them not knowing.
When you had been getting messages from him during your day, you smiled at your screen and your tummy filled with butterflies. Miguel was excited to be coming home to you every day and his mind drifted to you most of his day, but the day he knew he had to say something was the day he came home and you were in the kitchen. He had seen you cook and bake too many times over the years to count and the apron you wore, he had bought it for you one Christmas.
When he walked in and the music hit his ear drums, he smiled to himself and walked around till you were in his eye sight. He saw the oven on, by the scent flowing through the house you were cooking your chicken pasta bake and you were leaning over a tray of cupcakes with a piping bag icing them. He smiled to himself and knew at that point he was falling in love with you. He watched on for a while, grinning at how natural it looked for you to be in his kitchen. You sensed that someone was watching you, looking up after you iced the last cupcake. You met Miguel’s eyes and you both grinned at each other, you both stood there starring till heat swept over you.
You reached behind yourself undoing the apron and sitting it on the counter. You started to walk towards him, Miguel matching your steps your eyes not leaving each other’s. You were just about to him when you stopped, he copying you and you were both breathing heavy,
“You feel it too” Miguel whispered, more a statement than a question.
“Yes. I have for a while”
“That night in Cabo?”
You couldn’t take your eyes off each other, almost like a test to see who would crack first. It wasn’t  long till you had your answer and it was both of you, it was like a magnet pulled you both together. Your arms went around his neck and his went down to wrap around just under your behind, lifting you up off the floor. Your lips met, meeting together like a puzzle, you felt like lightening had struck you and you knew he felt it too moaning into your mouth.
You both titled your heads and allowed the kiss to deepen. Miguel walked you both to the counter, sitting you on it not breaking the kiss. You spread your legs for him and he moved between them, your arms loosened around his neck and your hands went to his bearded cheeks. Your lungs started to burn and you broke the kiss, Miguel smiling up at you,
“We’ve been friends for a long time” your hands ran down from his cheeks and stopped on his chest “You know there is no going back now”
“I don’t want to go back anywhere. Y/N, you’re my best friend. You are the only one that knows me amor, takes me for me, holds me accountable for my actions and you keep me grounded. You are the only one that has ever loved me no matter what”
“As always, you always know what I’ am thinking and say first” you both laughed and you tapped his chest with your hands “I want this, so much. But can we take it slow? It’s a big step for us and it’s the first relationship we have both been in since-“
Miguel curled his pointer finger under your chin and tipped your head back, his other hand going to rest on top of your other one,
“As slow as you want, as fast as you want. We are still the same people, the same friends, we are just falling in love” Miguel peaked your lips.
“And it feels absolutely amazing.”
Tags: @beccabarba​ @alwaysachorusgirl​ @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo​ @ben-c-group-therapy​
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lin-nin · 4 years
Tribulation & Tenderness - Chapter 12
Ship: Main Technoblade x Reader, some Dream x Reader Plot: You're a princess in a Kingdom suffering a years long famine. In a     desperate attempt to help your people, you accept one simple offer: Marriage to the crown prince of a neighboring kingdom. Anything to help your people survive. Surely it can't be too bad, can it? Chapter List: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Disclaimer:   Cross-posted on Wattpad (discontinued) and Ao3. This is based off of everyone's CHARACTERS. I do not write fanfic based off the actual people.
Chapter 12: Called In Favors
< | Previous Chapter The weeks had blurred together once you had properly settled into your new home. Your days were spent often either reading something you found in the library that wasn't at your castle, or training with Techno. The training had been rough on you, horribly so. Bruises were blooming all over your body, especially your back. Despite getting better on your feet and with your response time to Techno, he never failed to knock you down at least a dozen times before calling it a day. It was frustrating, but definitely served to motivate you.
The boys had taken to watching you sometimes, with Tommy and Tubbo cheering you on. Wilbur would sometimes call out advice from the sidelines, and it was something you were thankful for. Beyond the training, you often met with Eret to go over wedding plans. The two of you had grown extremely close over the weeks, swapping stories as he fussed over your dress. You appreciated his friendship like no other, extremely content to have made a proper friend.
The wedding was only a couple of days away now, and you were giddily pacing around Eret. He laughed at you, moving to grab your arm to stop you. “Relax, pacing isn’t going to make them show up any sooner,” He murmured, and you couldn’t help the impatient way you twirled.
“I know. I just miss them and want them to hurry up,” You practically whined, toying with the sleeves of your dress. Dream and George were supposed to be showing up today, and staying for about a week. Excitement coursed through you the moment you had woken up, the excitement blatantly clear in your eyes.
“You miss them, don’t you?” He gave you a soft look and smile, letting go of your arm to let you pace again. 
“Always. It’s not as bad as I thought it would be, but I still miss them. George is my brother, I naturally miss his guidance. Dream is my partner in crime, we’ve always been joined at the hip. I feel lost without him by my side.” You paused by the window, peering out at the courtyard. Tubbo and Tommy were squaring off, pointing swords at each other. It was always interesting to watch them fight, how seriously they could take it, swinging as if they had the intent to take a limb off each other. Only to turn around a few moments later and tackle the other and laugh, as if they weren’t practically at each other's throat. It was endearing in a sweet way.
“I see. I suppose your restlessness would make sense, then.” He wandered over to stand beside you, watching Tommy and Tubbo as well. The two swung their swords at one another, practically anticipating one another’s movements. You yearned to have the added danger of sharp objects in your training. While you did enjoy the hand-to-hand, it wasn’t nearly as exciting as what you were watching.
“Do you think Techno will let me fight with my dagger any time soon?” You mused, turning to look at Eret. He hummed, shrugging slightly.
“He’s probably going to try and make sure your hand-to-hand is nearly perfect before he lets you actively touch your dagger.” You pouted at that, huffing a little.
“That’s boring, it gets so repetitive. Not that it isn’t useful, of course it is. I was just hoping to learn to use a weapon much sooner.” You grumbled, moving away from the window. The ballroom had most of its decorations up, leading to it feeling like a completely different place. You ran your fingers along the table, tracing the grain on the wood.
“It’s good if you’re finding it repetitive. He might actually let you use your dagger soon. Ask him about it later,” Eret laughed, following behind you. As he did, you could hear Tommy yell obscenities at Tubbo, making you shake your head. Loud as ever.
“He better. Wonder if he’ll let me show off for Dream and George.” You gave a crooked grin. You could already imagine the frustration on their faces as you trained. Your training sessions were nearly daily anyways, and you hoped that Techno didn’t choose today of all days for a day off. You really wanted to show off and make it known that you could hold yourself in a battle. Especially with Techno.
“He’s cocky when it comes to his fighting, he’ll want to show off. You won’t even have to ask him.” You couldn’t help but grin at that, eyes alight. Good. You really wanted to be able to see how the two would react. You had a rough feeling on how Dream would react, but you really wanted to see if he would be proud after all of it was said and done. After all, learning to fight from literally nothing wasn’t a small task.
“Good! That’s all I ask for the time being. I’ll ask about my dagger later, then.” Eret only gave you an amused look, watching you return to wandering around the room. You were just incredibly eager to see your brother again. Even though it was for your wedding, a thought that had your stomach flipping. You still had trouble picturing it as your own wedding, despite the fact you had helped through every single step of it.
“It’ll probably have to wait until after your marriage. It’s already bad enough you’re all bruised up before the wedding, we don’t need any cuts showing up,” Eret teased and you huffed, acutely aware of how it would look. Neither George nor Dream would be pleased about the bruises on your forearms from blocking hits from Techno. Not that you cared too much what they thought about them. You were happy that they were there because it meant you were learning. You were improving on top of it, too. You had to be.
“I suppose I can be okay with that. After the wedding I better be using my dagger, or Techno is gonna have a few problems.” You settled your hands on your hips, puffing out your chest.
“Somehow I doubt you could give him very many problems.” Eret’s laugh was contagious, easily breaking through your initial pout.
“Maybe I could, you don’t know!” You wandered to stand beside him, peering as he messed with some of the decorations, making sure they sat as he wanted. “Do we need to do a final dress fitting?”
“No, the only thing you need to do is take it easy and prepare yourself for your wedding tomorrow.” Eret reached over, patting your shoulder. You huffed. You had been antsy the entire time, wanting to make sure everything was perfect. While it was an arranged marriage, it was still your one and only wedding. You were going to make sure things were perfect for it. As much as you could, anyways.
“That means do nothing until George and Dream get here. Who knows when that’ll be,” You whined, dramatically leaning against him. He laughed, head shaking.
“Realistically? Anytime soon. Didn’t the prince say they were planning to leave early morning?” You nodded at the question, craning your head towards the main hall. They would be arriving soon, and it caused excited butterflies to swirl around your stomach. Eret noticed, pushing you gently towards the door. “Go wait for them before you wear a path into the floor.”
You didn’t need to be told twice, grinning thankfully at your friend as you took off towards the door. The morning sun beat down on the ground outside, and you giddily went to the same spot Philza, Tommy, Tubbo, and Wilbur had stood for your arrival. You rocked back and forth on your heels, staring down the stone path expectantly. As if they would appear if you so much as blinked.
“You seem excited,” A voice mused from beside you. You yelped in surprise, jumping a little. Techno stood beside you, looking down in amusement at you. When the hell had he snuck up on you? Were you really that focused on Dream and George’s arrival?
“I am, I missed them,” you replied, turning your gaze towards the path again. A fond smile was painted on your face, eyes bright with excitement.
“They should be here soon. The carriage was seen pulling into the capital not too long ago.” The words only fuelled your excitement, and it took everything in you to not start pacing again. You really were restless with the excitement, the movement felt like the only way to expel it. Other than being able to hug George properly. You simply continued to rock on your heels, excitedly listening out for the sound of them. Under the assumption you didn’t see them first.
You heard the steady pace of horse hooves before you saw the carriage, though you stood on your tip-toes. You grasped onto Techno’s arm for balance as you craned in an attempt to see. From your peripheral you could see him look at you, that amused smile on his face. His hand covered yours on his arm, allowing you to properly look for the carriage as it pulled up.
You were practically bouncing when it came to a stop, fingers curling into Techno’s arm. You didn’t even care who came out of the damned thing first, you were going to hug them. Techno laughed as you stared, watching the door open with such eager anticipation. You launched yourself away from Techno, throwing yourself at the man who stepped out of the carriage.
Arms wrapped around you, a startled laugh ringing in your ears as you were spun around before your feet returned to the ground. “Good to see you too.” You pulled back a little, grinning at George fondly.
“I missed you so much,” You held onto him tight, not wanting too much to part.
“It’s been a rough few weeks, hasn’t it?” He reached up to ruffle your hair, much to your protest.
“Did you miss me too?” Dream’s voice called as he stepped down onto the stone. Excitement lit up your face as you untangled yourself from your brother.
“Dream!” You called excitedly as you threw yourself at him next. He picked you up as your arms wrapped around his neck, holding you tight against him. “Of course I missed you, idiot. You never replied to any of my letters.” You buried your face into his neck, relishing the familiar scent of fresh linen and roses, as well as the sharp tang of metal. It was comforting to smell it again.
“I was busy with a few things, but I promised I read each and every one of them,” He assured you, hands squeezing your waist. Techno cleared his throat from behind the two of you, and you sheepishly pulled away from your friend at that. You offered Dream a gentler smile, turning to offer it to Techno as well. The same look he had given Dream back when you set off in the carriage, except it was a little more off putting now that you could actually see his facial expression. The down tilt of his mouth, the way his eyes were narrowed. It was enough to make you take a few large steps back from Dream, closer to Techno.
“I’m glad to see you made it here safely. I take it the trip was okay?” Techno mainly addressed George as he spoke, and you wandered back to his side. Standing between George and Dream held a different feeling than it had previously. George followed when Techno moved towards the castle. His hand settled in the middle of your lower back to guide you, an action that made heat rise to your cheeks. You were used to him resting a hand on your back, but it was always between your shoulder blades.
“It was, thank you. Have things been fine here?” George upheld the conversation, and you just let the two of them talk. Between the hand on your back and the heated stare you could feel burning holes into you, you didn’t think you trusted your voice at the moment.
“I’ll let you show them around. Come to the courtyard when you’re finished,” Techno addressed you, hand finally moving away from your back. You missed the touch just the slightest, but met Techno’s pointed look evenly. For training. He meant to meet him there to train. A smile blossomed on your face as it clicked.
“Alright, I shouldn’t take too long.” You watched him leave towards the courtyard, but not before he narrowed his eyes at Dream once more. It was going to be a long week, wasn’t it? You tried to ignore it, focusing instead on showing them around.
“He’s much less intimidating without the mask,” George mused, and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“He’s only intimidating when he wants to be.” You led them towards the east wing, entirely forgoing the west wing. It was mostly just servants quarters and work rooms, so truly Dream and George didn’t need to know too much about it. You informed them as much, too.
“Where’s your dagger?” Dream questioned as you lead them into the dining hall, causing you to look at your hip. You hadn’t been wearing it since you never used it yet, and taking it off during training was just an extra step you didn’t care for.
“I haven’t learned to use it yet, though I’ll probably start learning to use it after the wedding.” You grinned bright, and George made a sound of disagreement.
“I still don’t think you need to be learning to fight. Surely you won’t be in a position where Technoblade can’t protect you.” You shrugged, leading them down the wings and pointing out various rooms.
“I don’t think I will be put into the position, but it doesn’t hurt to have the knowledge should it be needed.” You led them up the stairs next, heading towards the rooms they would be staying in.
“Just don’t get yourself hurt. I don’t want to get a letter about that.” Dream gave you a pointed look and you laughed, head shaking. 
“I won’t! I take good care of myself!” You defended, watching them examine the rooms. When they were satisfied and returned to your side, excitement bubbled in your stomach. This meant you were closer to training, all you had to do was change and head to the courtyards.
“Going to come with me to the courtyard?” You asked with an excited smile, heading in the direction of your room. 
“I don’t see why not. You seem awfully excited.” George raised an eyebrow and you grinned, peering out of the windows as you passed the ones that overlooked the courtyard. You could see the training patch from here, and you could very clearly see Techno on it, across from Philza. Both had swords drawn, practically dancing around each other and calculating the others movements. They moved with a sense of clear familiarity, around both each other and their blades. It wasn’t the first time you had seen Techno train using his sword, but it always enraptured you every time.
“I am.” Your voice was soft as George and Dream also glanced out the windows to see what you were looking at. Just in time for Techno to knock Philza’s sword out of his hand, the weapon bouncing along the ground. His shoulders heaved, a cocky grin on his face when his uncle raised his hands in defeat. He sheathed the sword, hand raising to wipe sweat from his brow. He’d clearly been training from the moment he’d been out there.
As if aware you were watching his gaze tilted up, looking towards the window. More specifically, towards you. He gave a grin your way, hand raising in a small wave which you couldn’t help but return. He raised his eyebrows, almost as if a silent question on if you were almost done and you couldn’t help but nod excitedly. From beside you, Dream huffed, especially at the smug smile on Techno’s face. You didn’t care, simply moving away from the window to move to your room faster.
“I have to change, but then we can go to the courtyard.” You practically ran into your room, eager to change into your pants and boots as opposed to the dress. You eyed the exposed bruises on your forearms, knowing full and well the reaction you were about to get. You slid out of your room, grinning up at George and Dream. “Okay, so, I may be about to go train-” You slowly started, warily eyeing their reactions. George made a noise of protest, eyes going wide. Dream shot a hand out, grabbing your wrist and lifting your arm up. The dim lighting in the hall illuminated the bruises of varying shades, as well as the scowl on Dream’s face.
“This is what happens when you train? You’re covered in bruises!” Dream demanded and you flinched a little, slipping your arm from his grasp.
“It’s from blocking hits, it’s not like he’s trying to hurt me,” You grumbled, sidestepping the blonde. The look on his face had made you uneasy, and you didn’t want to look at it. You just wanted to get to the courtyard. 
“You don’t know that! There’s no telling if he wants to hurt you or not!” Dream persisted from behind you. You took a breath, pausing on the stairs and looking at him.
“Dream, I am absolutely fine. You’ll see.” You didn’t give him too much time to react, darting down the stairs. You didn’t want a lecture- you wanted to train. You wanted to have fun. You could hear the two following behind you, as well as George’s soft muttering. Presumably he was reassuring the taller, but you didn’t care to listen to what they were saying.
The warmth of the sun was definitely welcome as it hit your skin. It was a familiar feeling, and you couldn’t help the eager grin on your face as you looked to Techno. He offered you a faint smile as he messed with his hair. He tugged it back, looping it into a loose bun. You raised an eyebrow at it, coming to stand across from him. “Taking this seriously enough to pull your hair back?” You questioned, swinging your arms across your chest in a stretch.
“I have to show your brother how much you’ve improved, don’t I?” He shifted, taking up a fighting stance once more. You naturally fell in line, mimicking his stance. George awkwardly stood to one side, Dream watching with a glare and his arms across his chest. Back behind Techno stood Philza, curiosity clear in his gaze. He hadn’t particularly watched the two of you train in the past, so it seemed now was the time he picked. Tommy and Wilbur were sat on the ground at his feet, watching with varying curiosity and interest.
You rolled your shoulders, before charging at Techno as you often did. You didn’t even have to think too much anymore, feigning to one side and shooting a hand out to clip his side. He had made sure very early on you learned to use your size to your advantage. That showed here as he turned, moving to hit you. You narrowly blocked the hand with your arm, jumping back as his foot shot out. The hit would have landed on your calf had it landed, and you were kinda thankful it had missed this time.
He didn’t relent on you as you danced on your toes, exchanging hits evenly. You stumbled when his hand passed your face, making you dodge to your best ability. You swung a fist out in retaliation, and he easily caught it. He swung it, pinning the arm behind your back. One hand moved towards your neck, hovering as if he had a knife. If he did, the blade would be very near your neck. Blood rushed in your ears, the adrenaline pumping. You were effectively trapped and defeated.
"I think I win this round," He murmured against your ear, and the blood rushed to your face. You were suddenly very aware of the way your back pressed to his chest. You were also vaguely aware of Tommy making disgusted gagging noises from the side.
"It would seem so," You managed to say back, voice barely short of a squeak. He unhanded you, allowing you to slip away from him. Your heart thundered as you took up your spot once more, looking at Techno’s family. Philza had this bemused look on your face, whereas Wilbur looked almost bored and Tommy looked disgusted. Your ears flushed and you focused in Techno once more, hands raised.
"Fight me," Dream's voice interrupted as he stepped into the middle of you and Techno. You blinked up at the blonde, turning to look at George. George had simply shrugged and you looked back towards Dream. Techno had stepped around him, an almost agitated look on his face.
"I was under the impression you didn't want her fighting?" He levelled Dream with a glare, which Dream only seemed to take in stride. Your stomach twisted anxiously, eyes darting between the two men.
"I don't but clearly you're going to teach her anyways." The way venom practically dripped from Dream's voice was worrisome, a trait you had only seen in him once or twice before.
"Well her future is here, so I think it matters more what I want and what she wants." He inclined his head, looking at him down the bridge of his nose. Tommy had leaned over to whisper to Wilbur, glancing at the two uneasily. Techno's fingers had twitched towards one of his swords, and it seemed like Dream was thinking similarly.
"Hey, its fine! I'll train with him! It'll be good to fight someone I'm not familiar with!" You exclaimed as you moved forwards, slotting yourself between them. You pushed at both of their chests, hoping to diffuse the situation. Dream gave Techno a smug smirk, and Techno simply sighed with a nod.
"Fine," He relented, taking a few steps back. He stood beside Philza, looking none too pleased.  You stepped back from Dream, returning to your spot. You could, at the very least, spar with him. So long as it kept the situation from escalating. He didn't wait for you to be ready like Techno often did, instead going straight for you.
You spun on your toes, yelping and dodging out of the way from the hit aimed towards your stomach. You rebounded from the initial shock, spinning again to smack your heel against his thigh. The slight wince that crossed his face immediately brought satisfaction bubbling up, a smile on your face. You weren’t given much time to celebrate the hit, though. You had to react fast, meeting each hit with your own. You winced a little as he struck your wrist, cursing under your breath.
His hits and timing were a lot less forgivable than Techno’s, having an edge to him that you were never quite prepared for. Your eyebrows knitted together as you punched at his shoulder on his bad side, knocking him off balance. His hand shot out, grasping onto your wrist and dragging you down with him. You yelped in surprise, his back slamming into the ground. His body padded you're fall, a small thing you were thankful for.
You weren't given too much time to contemplate the next course of action, getting thrown off of his chest. He rolled the pair of you over, leaving you pinned to the ground beneath him. His hand moved, mimicking as Techno had earlier. Like if he had a knife it would be pressed to your neck.
"I win," Dream whispered and leaned down, smug smirk still on his face. You huffed beneath him, shoving slightly at his hand at your defeat.
"Alright, you win. Now get off of me," You grumbled. You pouted a little and pushed at his shoulder, ignoring the way the smugness vanished. He complied, getting off of you and allowing you to sit up.
"You still have a lot of work to do." His voice came from above you, and you rolled your shoulders. You glanced up at him, raising an eyebrow. 
"I haven't been training that long, of course I still need to learn." You placed your hands up under you, moving to push yourself up. Before you could, Techno’s all too familiar hand came into sight, offering to help you. He had inserted himself between you and Dream, a frown tugging at his lips. You easily took his hand, allowing him to pull you up. You stumbled as he did so with a little more force than necessary, colliding into his chest with a squeak.
"She did fine. She's not some delicate flower who needs you to keep her thorns clipped." He hardly seemed bothered by you being pressed to his chest, only seeming focused on staring down Dream. You carefully pulled away from Techno’s chest, though you continued to linger by him.
"I never said she was,” Dream spat, causing your nervousness to rise.
“Dream-” George started, moving to grab his friend’s shoulder.
“You didn’t say it explicitly, but your actions said it well enough.” You raised a hand, gently pressing it on Techno’s upper arm.
“Techno-” You murmured softly, moving to push him away. The two glowered at each other, though Techno did allow you to move him. You ushered him towards his brothers, glancing back at Dream nervously. Whatever tension was between these two was quite dangerous, and you didn’t like it. “Dream, maybe you and George should go to your rooms for right now.” Your voice was tense, unsure if the blonde would listen.
“She’s right, Dream.” George’s voice was low as he moved the younger back. For a moment, it seemed like he was going to refuse. Dream pushed George off of him, turning and heading towards the castle. George shot you an apologetic look, chasing after him. You breathed a sigh of relief, rubbing your face.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what got into him,” You apologized to Techno, who finally looked to you again.
“What a dickhead,” Tommy chimed, a frown on his face as he looked towards the castle. You sighed, not even knowing how to respond. 
“Is he always like that?” Wilbur raised an eyebrow at you, drawing your attention to him.
“Not usually. He’s never done any of that before.” You turned back to Techno, watching him closely. His brows were furrowed, irritation sparkling in his eyes.
“Enough about him. We need to keep training you. Philza.” Techno turned towards his uncle. The older man walked forward, raising an eyebrow. “Go tell Ranboo I need a favor from him. Keep an eye on him,” He muttered softly, eyes cutting towards where Dream had left. Philza followed the gaze and nodded, leaving Techno’s full attention to focus on you. 
“Round two?” You questioned softly with a smile, eager for distraction. As Philza left towards the castle, Techno took up his normal stance and motioned for you. Sparring was better than dealing with whatever dramatics Dream had, and easier than wondering what this favor was that Techno called in from whoever Ranboo was.
Next Chapter | >
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dottielovegood · 3 years
ASMR - Chapter 7
Elriel fanfiction
Since this is the last chapter, I just want to thank all of you for reading and reblogging and leaving such sweet comments. It really warms my heart <3
Note: There will be some explicit sexual content in this chapter. If that's not your cup of tea, you can skip the part written in italics.
About this fic:
Azriel can’t sleep Elain has an ASMR channel Match made in heaven (or you know, on youtube..)
You can find chapter 1 here, chapter 2 here, chapter 3 here, chapter 4 here, chapter 5 here and chapter 6 here.
Read this fic on AO3
One year later
Azriel had just returned home from his morning run, the scent of freshly baked bread greeting him when he walked through the door.
Home. This was his home now.
It hadn’t taken long for Azriel to fall in love with Elain. Part of him probably fell in love with her before they even met. After that first date, he returned to her apartment every day. He told her that he just wanted to help her, but they both knew that he couldn’t stay away. At first, Elain had told him that he didn’t have to come over. That she didn’t need the help. So the next day, he didn’t show up.
Her apartment had never felt as lonely and empty as it did that day.
The next day when he came to visit, she had pulled him down on the couch and made out with him for a good half hour. Maybe more.
They had been like desperate teenagers, going to both first and second base. Elain wanted to go further, which meant that Azriel had to be the voice of reason.
“Not when you’re hurt,” Azriel had said.
Elain had just rolled her eyes and pressed her lips to his again.
Azriel chuckled to himself at the memory as he walked past the green couch and into the bathroom. Elain had already gone to work. She was delivering flowers for a big wedding, so she was going to be away for most of the day.
It was perfect, because it gave Azriel plenty of time to prepare.
After his shower, Azriel walked into the small, but homely, kitchen and made himself a sandwich. He would never get enough of Elain’s baking. If she ever tired of selling flowers, she could just open a small bakery instead. Her bread was the best bread in Velaris (he was definitely not biased…)
As he took a bite of the warm bread, his mind drifted back to the first time she had ever baked something for him. It was a loaf of sourdough bread that she had brought to his apartment two weeks after their first date. Azriel smiled to himself as he remembered the big smile on Elain’s face when he had opened his apartment door that day.
It was her first time at his apartment, and she hadn’t told him that he was coming over.
She hadn’t even told him that she was up and walking again, so imagine his surprise when she was outside his door, wearing a goddamn sundress that reached her mid-thigh. He had been too stunned to speak.
“I come bearing gifts,” she said and held up the bread. “It’s my special recipe.”
“You can walk,” Azriel answered, feeling stupid as soon as the words left his mouth.
She laughed. “Yes. I can. Are you going to let me in?”
Azriel moved away from the door and let her into his apartment. He was suddenly very happy about his nervous cleaning habit.
Elain stepped into his space and did a little twirl. “You have a very nice home, Azriel.”
“Thank you,” he said. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. The yellow dress complimented her skin so well. She lit up his apartment as if she was his personal sun.
God, she was gorgeous.
Azriel took the bread from her and put it on the kitchen counter, which she was now leaning against. “So, should we try the bread?” Azriel asked, even though he really wasn’t in the mood for bread.
He was in the mood for her.
A small smirk played on her lips. “I did not come here to eat bread, Azriel.”
Azriel’s mouth was suddenly very dry. “So, why did you come to visit then?”
She took a step towards him. “Because I’m all better now,” she said and wiggled her right foot. He understood the innuendo. She took another step, and then another, their chests almost touching.
His palms were sweating. Was his apartment always this hot?
“Are you sure you’re okay?��� he breathed.
“I’ve been okay for days. You’re just overprotective.”
He couldn’t deny that.
“You don’t want to wait a while longer? I don’t want to hurt you.”
It had taken all of Azriel’s strength and willpower to say those words. He wanted nothing more than to rip that dress off her body. To put his lips and his tongue all over her skin.
“If I wait any longer…” she gently pressed her hands against his chest. Azriel almost stopped breathing. “I might go crazy. And you will be the one to blame.”
Azriel let out a shaky breath.
Elain stroked his chest and moved her hands slowly downwards, over his abs. She was looking up at him through her eyelashes, an innocent but playful smile on her lips, “Besides, don’t you want me to see your meat banjo?”
Azriel snorted, every single feeling of anxiety and nervousness leaving his body. “Fuck. Don’t ever say that again. That’s the worst dirty talk I have ever heard.”
Elain laughed. “Well, at least I got you to loosen up.”
She sure was right about that.
Azriel slowly moved his own hand up, over her arms, until he reached her neck. Gently, he cradled her face in his hands. That beautiful face that he could look at all day and never get tired of. “Are you sure?” he asked again.
“Stop asking stupid questions and just kiss me already.”
And so he did. He leaned down, gently pressing his lips to hers. He wanted to go slow. Wanted to be gentle. But Elain had other plans. She fisted his shirt and pulled him closer, opening her mouth for him. When her tongue teased his bottom lip, he decided to just let go. He moved one hand to her neck, angling her head to where he wanted her before claiming her completely. As he kissed her, he slowly walked her backward until her back hit the wall. He placed one hand on the wall next to her head, the other still in her hair. She had moved her hands to his hair, gently tugging it. He shivered and deepened the kiss, needing to be even closer. She tasted so sweet, like sugar and sunshine.
Elain’s hands traveled to his chest again, and then lower until she could stick her hands underneath his shirt. When her nails scratched his stomach, he thought that he would go crazy with need. With want. He had never wanted anyone like this.
“You should take this off,” Elain panted against his lips and tugged the hem of his shirt.
Azriel gladly obliged. In a swift motion, he reached behind him and pulled the shirt over his head. He leaned in again, already missing the taste of her lips, but she put a hand on his chest, stopping him. Her eyes went to his chest, his abs, drinking him in. He had never felt so desired before. When her fingers started tracing the swirls of the tattoos that covered his upper body, he felt a familiar shiver run down his spine.
“I like these,” she murmured, biting her lip playfully.
“Hey, my eyes are up here,” he mused, which earned him a sweet laugh. He wanted to bottle that sound up and keep it for a rainy day. She met his gaze again, and the hunger he felt was mirrored in her eyes.
They were really doing this.
He leaned in once again, and this time she didn’t stop him. He kissed her greedily and let his hand fall to her thigh, his fingertips gracing her skin just below the hem of her dress. His other hand was still in her hair and he tugged it gently, but firmly, forcing her to head back slightly. Azriel moved his lips to her jaw, leaving sweet kisses there.
“You are so goddamn beautiful, Elain,” he whispered before letting his tongue taste that sensitive spot just below her ear. She let out a whimper and the sound went straight to his aching cock. He was so hard, it wasn’t even funny. When she pressed herself against him, he knew that she could feel the proof of his arousal. He slowly kissed his way down her throat while moving his hand up her thigh, under her dress.
He could feel her part her legs for him, showing him what she needed. He smiled against her skin. “So fucking soft,” he murmured and licked the column of her throat.
“Azriel,” she moaned. “Azriel, please.”
He chuckled. “Please, what?”
She dragged her nails down his chest, not stopping until she reached his pants. “Please, I need you to touch me.”
“Hmm.” He kissed her again, her lips red and swollen and begging for more. “I’d rather taste you,” he said against her lips. He felt her breath hitch, a shiver running through her body.
“Please,” she whimpered again.
“So impatient.” He was teasing her, and he could tell that she liked it. “Where do you want me to taste you?”
“God. Anywhere. Just… please.”
Azriel pressed his lips against her throat again. “As you wish.”
He took a step back, his eyes never leaving hers as he kneeled before her. Her hands were curled into fists at her sides, her breathing heavy.
He reached for her feet first, helping her out of her heeled sandals. He didn’t want her to fall over again. Then, he let his hands travel up her calves while he leaned in and pressed a kiss to her knee. And then the other knee. When his hands found the hem of her dress, he looked up with a purely male grin. Without saying a word, he started pushing the dress up her thighs, over her hips, until he could see the white, lace underwear she wore underneath.
Azriel almost became religious at the sight of the damp spot on the thin material.
“Hold this for me.”
With one hand, Elain grabbed the dress, her eyes totally focused on his every move. Gently, he pressed a kiss to her covered sex.
“Can I take these off?”
“Another stupid question,” she said, her voice shaky but playful.
Azriel snickered and slowly pulled her panties down her legs. Her wonderful, gorgeous legs that he wanted to spend hours between. He tossed the underwear somewhere behind him, not really caring where they went because she was standing in front of him, bare and so, so wet.
He kissed her inner thigh and placed his hand behind her right knee. He lifted her leg and placed it over his shoulder, giving himself access to her.
He could feel her eyes on him. “So wet,” he murmured and kissed her inner thigh again. And again, but this time closer to where she needed him.
“Stop teasing me,” she whined, her entire body stiff from anticipation.
“As you wish.”
Azriel let the tip of his tongue taste her, and at that first lick, he knew that he was done for. He licked her again, his tongue parting her folds. She tasted so fucking sweet, like honey and musk and Elain. He couldn’t get enough. He moved his hands to her ass, pulling her closer. Elain moaned and moved one hand to his hair when he let his tongue tease her clit. He did it again. “Azriel, oh god,” she moaned, and that was all the encouragement he needed. He ate her out like he was a man on death row, and she was his last meal. Honestly, if he died and the last thing he ever tasted was her, he would die a very happy man.
Elain was moving her hips, trying to get his tongue to just where she wanted him. Needed him. Azriel moved one of his hands to her entrance, teasing her there. Slowly, he pushed one finger inside.
He moved the digit in and out of her a few times before adding a second finger.
“Fuck,” Elain breathed. The tugging on his hair was almost painful now, but he didn’t care. He didn’t care about anything but the taste of her. The sounds she made.
He curled his fingers slightly, making sure to reach just the right spot. When she made a sound that told him that he had definitely found her spot, he moved his mouth to her clit. He flattened his tongue and licked her a few times before closing his lips over the bundle of nerves, gently sucking it. When he added his tongue once more, he knew that she was just seconds away from her orgasm.
She was moaning and moving her hips, almost fucking his face. He loved every single second of it. When she came, she let out the sweetest sound he had ever heard and he felt her pulse around his fingers. He made sure to lick up every drop of her pleasure. He didn’t move from her until she tugged his hair, silently asking him to move. With one last lick, he got back to his feet.
Elain’s breathing was heavy, her skin flushed. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
Elain pushed herself off the wall and flung her arms around his neck, pressing her lips against his. She moaned at the taste of herself there.
“Bed,” Azriel growled against her lips, and he could feel her smile.
“So greedy,” she teased.
Azriel didn’t answer. He just bent down and picked her up, hooking her legs around his waist. Since the bed was basically in the same room as the kitchen in this studio apartment, he didn’t have to walk far. He put her down at the edge of the bed and she scooted back until her entire body was on the bed.
On his bed.
He had dreamed of this.
But this was certainly better than anything his imagination could ever make up. Her dress was covering her again, which certainly was a shame. Azriel took a step toward the bed, ready to rip that dress off her when she motioned for him to stop.
So he did. He stopped, even though every cell in his being was telling him to go to her. To taste her again.
If she wanted to stop, he would.
But her eyes were not asking him to stop. No, her eyes were focused on the bulge in his pants. He almost laughed as she bit her lip.
“I showed you mine.” That fake innocent look was back on her face. It was the cutest thing he had ever seen.
“Well, come and take what you want,” he said, his voice thick with lust.
She looked like the cat that got the cream when she crawled towards him.
Azriel thought that he must have died or fallen asleep because this was all of his dirty fantasies coming through. But no, this was all real because when she reached for his belt, he didn’t wake up.
And when she unfastened the belt buckle and the button, he didn’t wake up.
And when she lowered the zipper, he didn’t wake up.
And when she grabbed the edge of his boxers and started sliding them down, he was so fucking glad that he didn’t wake up.
Azriel was holding his breath, suddenly feeling a bit self-conscious. He was standing as still as possible, trying to not make a sound. He was unable to look away from her hands on him. And when she freed his cock from his boxers, she finally met his gaze, a smirk playing on her lips.
She grabbed the base of his cock, her eyes going back and forward from his cock and his face. It almost made him laugh. Her hand barely fit around him, which made him feel weirdly proud. Her dainty hands looked so perfect on him.
She leaned forward before he could even register that she had moved, and when her tongue slowly licked him just below the head of his cock, he almost came right then and there.
She grinned and did it again. That little vixen.
Azriel put his hand over hers, the other hand under her chin. He moved her head until she was looking up at him again.
“Enough playing,” he growled.
“I agree.” With a wicked smirk, she stroked the length of his cock once before leaning back on her elbows again. “So, how do you want me?”
Elain laughed as Azriel basically pounced on her. They were just a tangle of limbs and lips and desire, and somehow in that frenzy, he was able to remove both her dress and her bra.
He groaned at the sight of her breasts. “You are perfect.”
She was underneath him now, and he couldn’t help but kiss his way down to her breasts. He let his tongue play with one nipple while his fingers teased the other one. Elain was moaning and writhing underneath him, her hands tugging his hair again.
“Enough playing,” she said, echoing his own words. Azriel couldn’t agree more.
Azriel lifted his head and placed a soft kiss on her lips. He reached over to his nightside table for a condom, but Elain stopped him before he could even open the drawer.
“I… I have an IUD. And I’m clean. If you are…”
“I’m clean.” Azriel blurted out.
They stared at each other for a moment. “Are you sure?” he asked her. Honestly, he was very proud of himself for being able to form words at this moment. He was even more proud of the fact that he had remembered that condoms existed.
“I’m sure,” she whispered. “I want to feel you.”
Those words were his undoing. He kissed her again, their tongues tangling together as he placed the tip of his cock at her entrance. He didn’t ask any more stupid questions.
Slowly, he pushed inside her. Elain moaned against his lips, urging him to go faster.
When he was fully sheathed in her warmth, they both stared at one another in wonder. Or at least, that’s what Azriel felt when he started moving again. She felt like heaven. Like a dream. She was everything he had ever wanted.
With his lips pressed to her throat, he groaned, “You feel so fucking good,”
“You’re so big,” Elain said, meeting every thrust. “I love it. I love it so much.”
Azriel dragged his teeth along her throat, eliciting a sound that sounded like something between a whimper and a moan from her. It was glorious.
Elain wrapped her legs around his waist, letting him know to fuck her deeper. Harder.
He did whatever she wanted.
When her words stopped sounding like words again, Azriel reached a hand between them until he found her heat. With two fingers, he started teasing her clit as he fucked her.
“I’m so...so close, Azriel. Please.”
If there was one thing Azriel knew, it was to never change the pace when a girl was close. Even though he was seconds away from his own release, he forced himself to hold off until she came again. With every thrust, he could tell that she was getting closer.
Elain’s breathing became erratic, and then, he felt her clench around his cock. She threw her head back into the mattress, her lips forming a silent ‘O’ as she came for him a second time.
With a few more thrusts, Azriel was right there with her, spilling into her.
He rolled them over to keep from crushing her beneath him. She laid on his chest, both of them catching their breaths. He was still inside her.
“That was…” Elain started.
“I know.”
Azriel could barely speak. Barely think. His brain was just empty and happy.
“You’re really good in bed,” Elain said and kissed his jaw.
Azriel couldn’t stop the laugh that bubbled up. “Well, thank you. So are you.” Azriel placed a kiss atop her head.
She snuggled closer, nuzzling his neck.
They stayed like that for a while, just enjoying each other’s naked company. Azriel never wanted to leave the bed. They could stay there and fuck forever, right?
After a few minutes, Elain moved to sit up. When Azriel hugged her closer, she just laughed. “I need to…”
She didn’t have to finish the sentence. Azriel understood. He pointed to the bathroom.
When Elain returned, she sat down next to him on the bed. He was lying with an arm behind his head, a blanket covering his nether region.
She looked at him with a teasing smile. “You know... you’re really good at finding the bald man in my boat.”
Azriel had to drag a hand over his face and take a deep breath in order to not lose it completely. “Fuck. That’s awful,” he laughed. “I think we need to ban that synonym list from your dirty talk.”
She laughed and leaned in to kiss him. It turned into a lazy kiss, which turned into Elain straddling Azriel, which turned into another round of sex.
They didn’t sleep much that night.
Even now, a year later, Azriel still thinks back to their first time now and again.
It was an amazing first time. Never in his life had he laughed so much with a sexual partner as he did with Elain. Sex with her was hot and sexy and wonderful, but it was also fun. Just like their relationship. Since that first date, Azriel had fallen more and more in love with Elain with each passing day.
Their relationship had moved fast. After two months, Azriel was practically spending all his time at Elain’s place. After three months, they said ‘I love you’ for the first time. After seven months, he sold his apartment and moved in with her. Everything just felt so right.
And now, exactly one year after their first date, it was time for another milestone.
Azriel had prepared for this day for a few weeks. It had to be perfect.
He had contemplated doing it in front of people, maybe at a restaurant or in her flower shop, but that just didn’t feel right. They were both very private people that didn’t like attention, so he had decided against those options pretty quickly. Instead, he had planned for something more intimate. More them.
A few minutes before she came home, he made sure that everything was in order.
Clean apartment. Check.
Her favorite wine in the fridge. Check.
Her favorite food from her favorite restaurant. Check.
His computer was fully loaded. Check.
The headphones worked. Check.
A bouquet of dahlias on the kitchen table. Check.
After living with a florist for months, he had finally learned the meaning of different flowers. He had also learned that Elain didn’t care about such things. But when he learned that that yellow dahlias represented commitment between two people, it felt like the perfect flower to give her. It didn’t hurt that she really loved dahlias.
Azriel was pacing the apartment, unable to sit still. He had never been this nervous and excited in his life. A few minutes after six, he heard someone move outside the door.
This was it. This could be the start of the rest of his life.
He opened the fridge and grabbed the wine, opening the bottle at the exact moment she stepped in through the door.
“It smells amazing in here,” she called out as she walked into the apartment. “Is that what I think it is?”
“If you think it’s food from Sevanda’s, you would be correct.”
Azriel poured two glasses of wine. Elain walked up to him, embracing him from behind. “What have I done to deserve such a treat?”
“Can’t I just treat my girl? Do I need a reason?”
Elain kissed his shoulder and stepped back, letting him turn around. “No, I love it.”
“Wine?” He handed her one of the glasses of white wine.
She sipped the wine and looked around the apartment. “Clean apartment, food from my favorite restaurant, and wine? Either you have done something stupid, or you must really love me a lot.” She winked at him and leaned against the kitchen counter.
“The latter would be the correct answer.”
She smiled at him, and it was one of those smiles that could light up his entire life. He smiled back, his heart almost beating out of his chest.
She looked over at the table where he had placed his laptop. “Can I help you set the table?”
Azriel shook his head. “Not yet.”
She eyed him suspiciously. “What are you up to, mister? You never leave your computer lying around like that.”
This was it. This was the moment he had been waiting for.
He felt sick with nerves.
“Well, I have something to show you before dinner.”
She raised her eyebrows in question. “Have you found another one of those cute animal videos?”
Azriel chuckled. “Something like that.” He gestured for her to take a seat at the table.
“You need to wear these,” he said and handed her the headphones. Elain looked at Azriel, asking herself what this was all about. She was curious to find out, so she reached for the headphones. They were the noise-canceling ones that she usually wore when she edited her ASMR videos. Before she put them on, Azriel opened his mouth to say something, but he closed it again, almost as if he was unable to form words.
What was going on?
“Azriel?” Elain asked, humor in her voice.
“I… Well, I have something to show you, and I want you to watch the entire video.” He seemed nervous. What on earth was he going to show her?
“Should I be scared?” she teased, hoping to ease some of the tension in his shoulders.
He leaned in and kissed the top of her head. “I don’t think so,” he said, his lips pressed to her hair.
She turned her head so he could place a kiss on her lips too. He tasted like mint and wine. Clean.
He motioned for her to put on the headphones. “Ready?” he asked, and she could have sworn that his hands were shaking as he leaned over to press a button. The computer screen lit up, and she was met with...Azriel’s face.
She looked at him questioningly, but he just pointed at the screen. “Just watch.”
And so she did. She pressed the play button, not knowing what to expect.
On the computer screen, Azriel leaned closer to a microphone that was placed on a table in front of him. She recognized that microphone. It was her Blue Yeti.
“Hello, Elain,” video-Azriel whispered. “I know that this is a bit weird, and I know that I’m not as good at this as you are. But please, bear with me for a few minutes.”
Elain had to bite her lip to keep herself from grinning. “You made an ASMR video?”
She looked at her boyfriend, and he was definitely blushing now. “Just...just keep watching.”
She returned her focus to the screen.
“A little bit over a year ago, I saw this odd video on Youtube. It was a girl, whispering into a microphone. I had no idea what I was watching, but that night I slept like a baby. The next day, I couldn’t get her out of my head. Flower Girl ASMR, she called herself. That day, I was at work and Rhys and Cassian were bugging me, as usual.” Video-Azriel rolled his eyes, which made Elain laugh.
“They asked me to describe my type, my dream girl, and I couldn’t stop thinking about you, Elain. When I imagined my dream girl, I saw your face. We had never met, yet I still dreamed about you.”
Elain had stopped breathing.
“I didn’t think I would ever have a chance with a girl like you, but then you asked me out on a date,” video-Azriel smiled at the memory.
“Exactly one year ago, we had our first date. Never in my life had I felt so comfortable, so at peace, with another person. I could be myself with you. I knew that you were special from the very start, and when we kissed that night, I could feel it in my bones that I was meant to be with you.”
Elain hadn’t realized that she was crying until she tasted the salty tears on her lips.
“The week after, I couldn’t stay away. You were constantly on my mind. And then you showed up at my apartment in that fucking sundress,” video-Azriel shook his head and chuckled. Elain remembered the dress. It was her yellow sundress. She knew exactly what kind of reaction she would get from him when she put it on.
“After that night, I knew that I was in love with you. And ever since then, I have fallen in love with you every single day. You are the light in my life, chasing away the darkness. You are my happiness and my dreams. Everything you are made of, I am made of too. You make me want to be a better man. I never want to go a day without making you smile.”
Elain was sobbing at this point.
“Elain, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to grow old with you and buy a house with a garden where you can grow flowers. I want to give you everything you’ve ever wanted. The only future I want is a future with you.”
The video was ending, and Elain hadn’t noticed that Azriel had moved until she looked up and found him next to her, kneeling on the floor. With a shaky breath, she took off the headphones and placed them on the table. She turned around to face the only man she had ever truly loved. He was holding a small velvet box with a ring inside. Elain could barely see the ring through tears clouding her eyes.
“Elain,” Azriel started, his voice thick with emotion. “I love you. You are every dream I have ever dreamt. Elain, will you marry me?”
Elain nodded, unable to get any words out at first. She cradled his face in one palm, tears still running down her face. “Yes,” she whispered. “Yes, yes, yes.” She fell to her knees in front of him, needing to be closer. She had never been happier.
Azriel felt his own eyes tear up as Elain kept whispering yes, yes, yes.
She didn’t even look at the ring, she just leaned in and pressed her lips to his. Azriel thought that he might burst from happiness. Elain kept saying yes as she kissed him.
Yes was Azriel’s new favorite word.
When they had both stopped crying, Azriel took Elain’s hand in his and slid the ring onto her finger. It was a perfect fit.
“It’s beautiful, Azriel,” she whispered, another tear running down her face. Azriel cupped her face and caught the tear with his thumb.
“It’s a Toi et Moi ring,” Azriel explained. He looked at the two stones held together by a band of white gold. One diamond, one sapphire. “The two stones are supposed to symbolize two souls coming together.” He swallowed, hoping that she would like it.
Elain was looking at the ring in awe. She had never seen anything so beautiful.
“These are our birthstones, aren’t they?”
Azriel nodded and brought her hand to his lips, kissing the ring.
“How did I get so lucky?” Elain sniffled.
“I’m the lucky one, Elain.”
With one hand on her neck, he pulled her in for a kiss. It was sweet and slow; unhurried.
They had all the time in the world now. Just the thought of being able to kiss Elain for the rest of his life made Azriel all warm inside. He was truly the luckiest man alive.
Later that night, when Elain had fallen asleep with her head on his chest, Azriel lay awake just listening to the sound of her breathing. It was the sound that lulled him to sleep every night. Just being near Elain was like ASMR for his soul.
Azriel couldn’t believe that his insomnia had led him here; to the woman of his dreams. If it wasn’t for his inability to sleep, he would never have found her ASMR channel, which in turn meant that they would never have talked. The thought made Azriel hug her even tighter. Elain let out a content sigh and snuggled closer.
Never in his life had he believed that he could ever be this happy. He had always thought that he was supposed to walk with darkness and shadows for the rest of his life. Yet here he was, happy and content; his life so full of love and light.
And it was all thanks to Flower Girl ASMR.
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
~ 𝕋𝕒𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕡𝕚𝕔𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕖𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦 ~
Part II
© sailorhyunjinz 2021; Rights Reserved
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All picture rights to their respective owners.
ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥: Photographer!Hyunjin x fem!model!reader, model!bestfriend!Felix, barista!Seungmin, agedup!straykids, fluff, character driven story, stranger to lovers, summer!au, mentions of death/passing away, mentions of injury, slight angst, mentions of self doubt, mentions of bad economy. 
𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 4.6 k 
ℕ𝕠𝕥𝕖: lmao if anyone is wondering why the cafe is open at night; it actually exists! most commonly found in korea but hey this fic doesnt have a set place so just imagine that it’s a cafe that works 24/7 ALRIGHTY? 
If you have any feedback I’m more than happy to receive it! <3
Taking pictures of you - MASTERLIST
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“What do you think this means? Why does he want to contact me?”
You anxiously paced around the living room, Felix sitting on the small grey sofa, his soft brown eyes going from left to right, following your distressed figure.
“Maybe he just wanted to talk to you directly, make it feel more personal you know?”
Felix sounded unsure of his own answer as he tilted his head questioningly, his gaze still glued on you.
“But why does he want to know me personally? Does he do this with every model?” You bit your lip as you thought, stopping hastly before running to the kitchen and grabbing the water bottle from the day of the photoshoot. 
“y/n! What are you even...” Felix abruptly halted his sentence before widening his eyes at your intentions.
“Surely you’re not actually gonna call him?” he asked in surprise.
“I should at least find out what his motive is! I can’t just ignore the poor boy can I?” you held the water bottle tightly in your hand, removing the plastic wrapper with the number scribbled on and observed his delicate handwriting.
“He seems...strange, to say the least. He rarely talks to people during events and is only ever interested in anything that involves his work.” 
Felix knew since he himself was a model. The two of you met during a casting in the earlier years of your career, both being youthful teenagers with dreams and slightly puffy cheeks, babyfat that eventually got away and revealed your hidden features. The day of the casting Felix injured his foot causing him to fall when walking in front of the hawk-eyed judges. Your heart ached when you saw his desperate figure on the cold floor, he was just like everyone else in that frigid casting room, just a youngster with a dream. You passed the audition, smiling as you accepted a blue clipboard with papers from the judges, feeling everyone’s eyes drilling into your back with jealousy. Moments later, after night had fallen over the big city, you found Felix hunched over a small step of stairs meant for the fire escape. 
“H-hey,,,uhm, are you fine?”
You hestitated speaking to the quivering boy, his hands covering his face as tears dripped of his chin. 
“W-what do you care?!” he spat towards you, his attitude making you want to leave but you felt to guilty to do that, after all he was simply upset and not actually mad. 
You inched closer to his cowered body and sat down next to him on the hard stone steps. You looked at him in guilt. You had passed the audition but how were you any better than him? Softly, you put your hand on his shoulder, patting it a couple of times and letting the dark haired boy cry out, his sobs echoing in the dark stairway. He leaned into your touch and you ended up hugging him in silence for what seemed like hours. 
Times change and here he is. Signed to a highly respectable agency and catching flights left to right. Nothing more made you prouder than knowing that he didn’t give up on his dream.
“Felix! He’s not strange... maybe he’s just shy?” you tried to defend Hyunjin but realised how defensive you got over somebody you barely knew.
“Shy? In this line of work?” he furrowed his eyebrows, glancing at the white wrapper in your hands. “I’m not sure...what if he’s interested in you in that way?”
Your heart almost jumped out of your chest upon hearing Felix’s words. 
“You mean r-romantically?” you cleared your throat, feeling butterflies in the depths of your stomach. 
“Well...that will never happen, don’t wanna ruin your career, right y/n?”
Your gaze fell onto the white wrapper in your hand as your heart started beating faster. 
“R-right y/n?” He coughed as you grabbed your phone and started typing in the digits, glancing over at the wrapper and pressing accordingly. 
“Y/n, are you crazy? What if he actually has romatic interests in you? That could ruin both of your careers especially since he’s a world famous photographer that has every girl wrapped around his finger because of his looks.” Felix spoke bitterly, looking at your phone screen and then back at you with heightened eyebrows. 
“I’ll guess I’ll have to find out, Felix” 
“Ok but do that after I leave, I don’t want to hear you talk about him anymore and also be careful. You never know whats brewing on the inside in people like him” he said while rolling his eyes.
“What you wanna eat then bestie?” you laughed as you threw your phone onto the couch and made your way to the pantry. 
Hours later Felix was waveing at your from the other of the door, you waved back at the freckled boy, smiling at him. 
“Be careful with that dude!” he yelled as he walked down to the flight of stairs, his voice echoing in the old apartment complex. 
“I will, mom!” you laughed at his cute consideration before shutting the heavy door. 
Silence broke out once the door shut, leaving you alone in the apartment yet again. You dragged your feet on the light laminated floor, making your way to the couch where your phone was buried underneath a multitude of pillows. 
“Where did I put that number”. You searched for it, finding your phone and the wrapper wedged between two seat cushions. Sitting down, you landed with a thump on the soft couch, the blue light from your phone emitting onto your face as you typed in the number yet again. A big lump was situated in your throat, your hands shaking as you sent a message to the number. 
[y/n] Hi! It’s y/n, it was a pleasure working with you. 
You stared at the message you sent before cursing to yourself. 
“Why the fuck did I write that? He’s gonna think that I’m some sort of weirdo, can I ever do anything ri-”
A pling from your phone erupted in the living room, catching you off guard. It’s probably not him, why would he reply so fast?
You were wrong, it was him.
[Hyunjin] Hello! It’s Hyunjin, hope you weren’t too surprised at me leaving my number. I’m just happy that you decided to reply. 
You gulped as you typed. It didn’t seem like he’d ever done something like this before. 
[y/n] No, not at all! Did the pictures turn out well?
[Hyunjin] Oh, you haven’t seen them? 
[y/n] My manager usually shows them on the date of the release...
[Hyunjin] How about this, we meet up and I’ll show you the pictures beforehand. We’ll keep it a secret from your company. 
M-meet up? This soon? A million thoughts passed through your mind in an instant, your mind zoning out while your eyes were glued on the well-lit screen that displayed the messages. You were curious about the photos but also about him. Wanting to know more about the blond boy and his abrupt ways you replied back, fingers shaking while moving over the keyboard.
[y/n] Sure, when and where?
You didn’t have any work to do anyways so why not solve the mystery called Hwang Hyunjin?
[Hyunjin] 2 PM, tomorrow
An adress was attached to the message which led to cafe you used to work at, not to far from your place. You placed your phone beside you and looked up at the white ceiling, sighing heavily. Maybe Felix was right, it’s strange to meet someone you’ve only met once, especially since he’s met countless of models just like you if not even better. The thoughts consumed too much of your energy and you ended up falling asleep on the couch, chest heaving peacefully. 
The sudden vibration of your phone woke you up, the sun shining through the window as you grabbed your phone, light straining your eyes. 
[Felix] I’m 100% sure that you messaged that dude, right?
You laughed before typing through squinting eyes, laying down on your back.
[y/n] What if I did? 
[Felix] You’re insane 
[y/n] That’s my charm, Lixie~
Putting the phone away you slowly sat up, looking around the sunlit living room as if you’d never seen it before. Rubbing your weary eyes, you yawned before thinking ‘breakfast!’
Without even taking one step to the kitchen your phone vibrated once again. You lifted your eyebrow at the signal but ignored it for the time being, thinking that’s it’s Felix pestering you about your desicion to talk to Hyunjin. After you made a bowl of porridge and quickly washed up in the bathroom you grabbed the phone, wanting to scroll through your socials but what you saw on your home screen made the spoon of porridge that was on it’s way towards your mouth stop.
[Hyunjin] Slept well?
You’ve met him once and he’s already asking such a question? But something made you believe that this isn’t how he normally is. He’s hiding a type of shyness underneath those bold messages and actions. This Hyunjin isn’t the one that you’ve been described, this is a different Hyunjin. 
Your mind was blank. What do you even reply to that? In search for answers you texted Felix, knowing he wouldn’t give you a good answer but at least some emotional support. 
[y/n] Lixie, what does one reply to the question “Slept well?”
[Felix] You don’t, you pack up your things and you leave.
[y/n] You dickhead
[Felix] That’s my charm y/n~
If you could punch someone through the screen you would punch Felix. Returning back to the message that Hyunjin sent you, you quickly typed something down and sent it. 
[y/n] Yeah, fine! Everything well with you?
[Hyunjin] Yes, it’s fine. See you later then, y/n
The porridge infront of you had cooled down, now being a sloppy mess of oats with a spoon slowly sinking into the substance. You stared at the message before your gaze returned to the breakfast bowl. This wasn’t going to be an easy day. 
The clock ticked as your stomach was filling up with butterflies, one by one. 
“This is a casual meeting not a date, y/n” you mumbled as you tapped your foot, standing infront of the multiple racks of clothing in your slightly stuffy walk-in closet. You rarely wore even half of the clothes. Most of the pieces were sent by companies or given to you after photoshoots, this being both a blessing and a curse. 
Your hand gravitated towards a white blouse with puffy sleeves because it reminded you of him. You shook your head wanting to get the thought out of your head. You hated that you cared so much about him but at the same time you knew why. Because he ignited a feeling of longing. A feeling called love. 
Snatching the blouse from it’s hanger you digged through your drawers and fished up a pair of beige colored wide pants. You glanced at the brown watch on your wrist as you stepped into the pants, pulling off your pyjama top in one swift motion before putting on the flowy blouse. You looked in the mirror, combing through your hair with your fingers and reaching for a pair of pearl earrings that rested in a small tray infront of the mirror. Turning around, you observed the shelf that displayed the dozens of shoes in your possession, all while tilting your head and putting on the small pearls. Varnished heels would be good, right? Stretching out your arm to grab the heels, your gaze feel on your watch. As usual, you were going to be late and you hoped with every bit of your mind that Hyunjin wouldn’t find you rude. With the heels on you grabbed your purse, throwing in your keys that were decorated with keychains off all shapes and sizes as you staggered out the door. 
The breeze hit your face as you made your way down the street, the heels clicked against the broad stone sidewalk making both women and men turn their heads. Lucky for you, Hyunjin chose the cafe where you happened to know somebody working at. 
That somebody being your friend Seungmin. 
You see, when you were just starting your career money was an issue. Your family wasn’t well off and when you set out to find your calling in the big city without a stable job your family was worried to say the least. You moved into a small apartment that more looked like a mouse burrow than an apartment. Holding a bag of trash you went down to the lobby of the apartment complex, the trashcan reeking as you lifted the lid and quickly threw in the bag, bending your spine backwards with a disgusted look on your face. Walking back you accidentally knocked down a paper that was resting on a corkboard by just how fast you walked passed. The light yellow paper landed infront of your feet, halting your movements. You picked it up.
« Searching for barista assistent »
The pay wasn’t too bad and neither were the working hours and so you folded the paper and went back into the apartment, smiling as you thought that this was the moment when everything changed. 
And it did. Seungmin became one of your first friends in the city, right after Felix came into your life. You have very fond memories of that cafe. Working late nights with Seungmin, drinking coffee to stay awake through the late hours. 
“What’s your dream, y/n?” Seungmin asked on one of the first days, still not knowing who you were and what your goals in this big city was.
“I-i want to become a model” you muttered underneath your breath, scared that he was going to belittle you and crush your dreams into nothing but fine powder.
“I believe in you, y/n” he said in a low voice, wiping the counter, not making eye contact as you stood on the other side. 
Silence overtook the empty cafe, the low humming of cars on the road being the only noise that was heard before you cleared your throat, looking down at your shoes and leaning against the counter.
“Thank you Seungmin, that means a lot” you said before the silence took over again. 
You swore you could’ve cried right then and there. Hearing those words when being in such a vulnerable situation really did mean a lot to you. His words stuck with you and in every interview where the interviewer asked about what you want to tell to aspiring models you always said those words. “I believe in you.”
The neon pink open sign in the window was brightly lit, the silhouette of people sipping on their lattes and chatting could be seen from the outside of the reminiscent building that was covered in hops. You stepped in, your heels making a loud clicking noise on the dark walnut colored wood flooring.
“How can I hel- y/n!!” Seungmin looked up at you, standing infront of the espresso machine as steam was billowing out. The other co-workers gave you a glance before returning to their tasks. 
“y/n! I haven’t seen you in so long, how are you?” he asked, you had contact on the phone but didn’t meet each other too much due to different schedules. 
“Minnie! I’ve missed you!” you squealed out as he walked through the low wooden gate that seperated the working area from the rest of the cafe. Seungmin pulled you into a hug, warmness emitting onto you as your bodies touched. 
“I’ve been good!” you continue, smiling as you pulled away from the hug seeing Seungmins waist defined by the strings of the apron wrapping around him, a kitchen towel hanging from his shoulder. 
“But I have to tell you something, Seungmin” you say quietly making the dark haired boy tilt his head in question. 
“I’m meeting Hwang Hyunjin here in about 5″ you say with a smirk, knowing Seungmin would be jealous.
“Wait,,, the Hwang Hyunjin?!” he said a bit too loudly, alerting the customers before he turned to them with a embarrassed smile, bowing his head in an apology. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
“He was the one that suggested it, I couldn’t help it” you answered to which Seungmin’s eyes widened.
“H-he knows about this place?” He was stunned as he looked into your warm eyes.
“Yeah? Such a coincidence right? I was sur-” Your sentence was cut short as Seungmin’s breath hitched and a cold breeze hit your back. You turned back and there he was. 
His presence shined in the relativly small rustic cafe. A white t-shirt and black slacks decorated his well toned body, a long leather coat draping over his shoulders as his black boots shined perfectly. Multiple silver chains hanged around his neck and the rings from last time were boldly placed on his lanky fingers. The blonde boy is tightly gripping what looks to be brown leather computer clutch. 
He waved awkwardly and you smiled sweetly his way, playfully hitting Seungmin whose mouth was wide open, looking at the dashing boy. Hyunjin walked over to you, the other guests staring and some of them already picking up their phones to capture this moment. He looked oddly stiff, mannerisms totally different from how you saw him last. 
“Hi Hyunjin! uhm,,, this is my friend Seungmin, he works here.” you said, trying to initiate a conversation but only earning a wide eyed expression from Seungmin before Hyunjin spoke. 
“Nice to meet you!” he smiled, his eyes forming into half-moons.
Seungmin snapped back to reality before bowing slightly, his eyes twinkling and his ruffled hair landing infront of his deep brown eyes.
“It’s an honor to meet you, mr Hwang” 
Hyunjin chuckles slightly at his cute gesture.
“Your cafe seemed charming” was the only thing he could response before looking at you and blushing. 
“2 americanos, Minnie” you said, momentarily glancing at Hyunjin before staring down at your heels. 
“It’s on me” Seungmin leaned in to whisper in your ear to which you giggled and looked at Hyunjin’s confused expression. You pointed at a table in the corner of the cafe with your chin, signaling to sit down.
As you walked over to the cedar table you couldn’t help but to wonder about his duality. He seemed so comfortale last time, talking to you with no problem and being as bold as to leave his number but now he seemed like a young school boy that wanted to ask his crush out. You started to understand what Felix meant by “people like him”. 
You sat down on one of the wooden chairs with steel details, the only thing seperating you from Hyunjin being the light ash table. He pulls out his computer, clicking away as you observe his perfect features. His concentrated eyes were fierce but had a soft gaze, his plush pink lips being soft, perfect for kissing you thought as your eyes drifted to his adams apple that bobbed everytime he swallowed.
Before Hyunjin could show you his screen Seungmin came over, shyly placing the drinks on the table and striking his sweet smile your way to which you laughed inaudibly until he went back behind the counter, observing the action from afar. 
Hyunjin cleared his throath nervously as he turned his computer to show you the colorful photos, looking at your judging gaze in reassurance as he sipped on his americano. 
You were amazed. The photoshoot seemed simple when you modelled but no one could have ever guessed that by just looking at the photo. It had a touch of charisma. The angles, the lighting and the editing made this originally plain photo look dimentional while still having a youthful touch with the pastels.
“W-what do you think?” He said, looking at the screen as his ring finger flicked through the pictures, pressing on the right arrow key on the keyboard. 
“It’s amazing, no wonder you’re so famous” you said while grabbing your americano without lifting your gaze from the enticing photos. Heat rose to Hyunjin’s cheeks upon hearing your words. Sure, he’d heard it before but not from you. Not in that cute, geniune voice that ringed through his ears like music. 
“Thank you y/n” he said, his gaze drifting over to you. He was stunned from how beautiful you looked in the cozy ambiance of the cafe. A wall plant descended down behind you as your eyes twinkled when you caught eye contact with the blond boy. Everything he wanted to do right now was to capture your beauty, make this moment last forever. 
“Earth to Hyunjin” you said, giggling as his gaze froze on you, feeling your heated cheeks get even hotter. 
“Uhm,,, s-sorry, wanna get some sneak peaks from other photoshoots?”
You nodded excitingly, feeling special but also questioning why he treated you so specially. He was shy, theres no doubt about that but it almost seems like he trusts you. You move your chair closer to him, wanting to see the screen properly before you notice Hyunjin shifting awkwardly in his seat, not used to being this close to you. 
“H-here are some I took last week, another one of mr Styliz many projects” he smiled timidly before taking another sip of his beverage. 
Once again you were amazed by his talent but what caught your attention even more was how undressed the female model was, her curvy body being covered by nothing more than a short glittery dress with a plunging neckline, displaying her cleavage. In her hands there was a delicate red bottle, decorated with art deco lines.
“What was the concept?” you asked, curious of this sensual vibe that emitted from this photo. 
“Something along the lines of elegancy. It’s for Aurora Perfumes”
He namedropped the famous brand in the most colloquial fashion, seemingly an everyday occurence for him. 
“Y-you worked for Aurora? That’s,,, wow” you were speechless as Hyunjin quietly giggled at your reacting, waveing his hand in the air in disagreement.
“I don’t like to b-brag about my career so hopefully I don’t come across that way” he said, almost worryingly. 
“No! Not all, it’s really impressive, your entire career is.”
Your sweet voice made his heart flutter, never before had he heard compliments sound this pleasant. 
“Why did you become a photographer?” you asked, your curiosity bubbling over as he looked at you with his penetrating brown eyes. The mood suddenly got cold. Hyunjin took a deep breath, exhaling loudly from his nose as you sipped on your coffee. 
“I’m an only child and therefore I spent a lot of time with my grandparents when I was younger.” 
You knew this was going to be a sad story, you bit the inside of your cheek, regretting asking that question as you thought that it might be too personal but judging from how Hyunjin’s words spilled from his mouth you believed that he felt comfort telling you.
“They had photoalbums stacked up in their attic which I flipped through for hours, observing their youth and innocence and seeing how time fled by. When I got my first camera I was overjoyed, taking pictures of everything around me and putting them up on my wall, acting as if my room was an art gallery.”
He smiled when talking, his voice turning mellow as he reminisced. 
“But when my grandparents passed away,,, I noticed that I didn’t have any photos of them nor of my friends or family which made me feel disappointed. I had spent so much of my time trying to capture beauty when beauty was infront me.”
Shivers ran down your spine as his sugared voice ran through the words. Hyunjin looked nervously down on the table and you did the same, not knowing what to say or how to comfort the blond boy. 
“I-I’m sorry for your loss” 
That was the only sentence you could muster to say but Hyunjin glanced at you, his dimples appearing as he smiled. 
“Why are you sorry? No one usually asks me that question so it feels nice to get it off my chest.”
You nodded shyly as silence erupted in between the two of you. 
“It really was a pleasure working with you y/n, I would like to have you modell for me again” he blurts out, trying to put an end to the painful silence.
“Y-you what? B-but my manager hasn’t told me anything ab-”
“No, just the two of us.”
You went quiet, not believing your ears. A photoshoot, the two of you? Isn’t that practically a confession? Your dazed mind seemed to wander off to places far off, imagining the tension that would be looming over the both of you. Felix sure as hell wasn’t going to like this but you didn’t care. Hyunjin seemed comfortable with you, talking as if he’d known you for years and now he was asking you to modell for him? Saying no to this opportunity would be a crime.
“S-sure, when were you thinking?”
“You free tomorrow?” Hyunjin says, leaning back in his chair and spreading his legs comfortably, looking up at you through a curtain of blonde. 
“Yeah,,, sounds great!”
A smile crept up on your face as heat rose to your cheeks, feeling everything and nothing all at once. In this moment you didn’t care about the shutter coming from the guests phone cameras. You just cared about him. 
The next half an hour went by in a blur. In that short time you probably covered half of the conversational topics on this earth. Hyunjin laughed as you told him about your childhood.
“That’s so cute y/n”
“Well it wasn’t cute in the moment but now I can laugh at it” you laughed with him, stroking a piece of your hair behind your ear. 
“I think you’re cute y/n” 
“Of course I was cute when I was little” you roll your eyes at him, tears prickling in your eyes from laughter but when you glanced at Hyunjin he wasn’t laughing, he was simply observing you. 
“I think you’re cute now” 
You froze. All these things he’s saying made your heart beat faster than ever, a nervosity that couldn’t be described with words.
“You too” you exclaimed without thinking to which Hyunjin glanced at you with a grin. He coughed before streching his arms.
“Time to head home?” He said, packing up his computer. 
“Yeah, I have something to do” you said looking at your watch, knowing very well that you had absolutely nothing to do for the rest of the day except for anxiously thinking out every potential scenario that could occur tomorrow.
“Meet me at my studio tomorrow at 5 pm”
You nodded carefully, knowing exactly where his famous studio was.
“Don’t tell Bangchan I showed you the photos” he laughed mischievously, looking a bit like a ferret. 
“Alright, alright I won’t even though I really want to tell him how good of a photographer you are” you said cheekily as you stood up. The both of you headed towards the wooden door with glass panes, flashing a wink towards Seungmin that had his eyebrows heightened, amazed from how the little cafe lit up with two attractive people walking side by side. 
Outside the sun beamed, the bustling of the city and high skyscrapers stimulating your senses. 
“Guess I’ll see you tomorrow Hyunjin”
You scratch the back of your neck nervously as you speak before remembering something.
“Oh! Do you have a concept in mind?”
“Wear whatever, I’ll think of a way around it” he said. 
“Mhm! See you tomorrow!”
“Text me when you’re home, ok?” 
That sentence made your heart flutter and before you could embarrass yourself by saying anything stupid he waved, his rings shining in the sunlight. Turning around, you promptly started walking back home.
Your heart thumping, your thoughs scattered, your mind dazed. 
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@vogueinnie @that-anxious-bisexual @putmetogetheragain13 @hyunsluvv @lawleighette @meow-minho @minaamhh @ohmysparkle @hwangi @rindomo​ @fleeingreality @nycol-ie​ @jisungsplatforms @p0t4t0don14ll
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194 notes · View notes
strawberrypaul · 3 years
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request: "if you're still in the mood to write.... maybe something cute about going to miami with john and the boys in '64? 💗" okay i'm so sorry if this didn't turn out the way you imagined. i just started writing and got carried away and it might not be super "cute", it has some angst but also fluff. if this is nothing like what you asked for, please let me know and i will do my best to write something else <3
word count: 3.3k oops
pairing: john lennon x f!reader
warnings: accidentaly angsty, mild verbal abuse (?) not really tho, arguments, achohol, annoying men at the pub and probably bad grammar and typos.
summary: john comes home from the studio and can't wait to tell y/n some great news; they're going to miami! but y/n is unsure and that causes some conflicts.
7 p.m. Since it’s August, and the end of summer has begun, when you lifted your head from your book and turned to look out the window - you could see the sun already setting. The entire sky was a perfect blend of warm oranges, purples and blues. The sunrays’ vibrance and warm colors seemed to find their way straight to your heart and a smile slowly showed up on your face.
It was hard not to fall in love with evenings like these. The living room was dark, only the light from a floor lamp in the corner of the room and a couple of candles lit up the room. But it was nice, cozy even. Right next to the couch’s arm rest stood a little wooden side table with a record player on top of it, softly playing “Love me Tender” by Elvis Presley - a classic choice. Everything was at peace and you were content, the only thing missing was John. Sure, you supposed you enjoyed a bit of you-time every now and then but you would be lying if you said you didn’t prefer to be alone with John. He was your partner, and your safe spot. As an all-the-time-busy woman you didn’t get the perks those other housewives got; You didn’t get to spend all day at home and you didn’t get to make dinner for your husband when he got home from work. But the thing was, that’s not what you wanted anyways. You enjoyed working, you enjoyed running errands all day, and most of all you enjoyed getting home after a long day at the office and cook dinner together with John.
With all these beautiful thoughts passing your head you found yourself missing John a lot more than just minutes before. When was he going to come back from the studio? He left at seven this morning, he’s been away for over twelve hours now. But right as you turned your head away from the clock on the wall, to dive back down in your book, the front door flew open. And with it, John came storming in. Hastily he tried to rip off his coat, throw off his shoes and started to unbuckle his belt. You simply stared at him in disbelief. Maybe you took back what you had said earlier about not enjoying time alone in complete silence. What the hell was the hurry about? Now John had rushed to your shared bedroom and you could hear him rummaging through the drawers. You shook your head and put down your book to stand up and walk over to the bedroom door frame. Crossing your arms over your chest you continued watching him throw out clothes from different drawers, waiting for him to even notice you.
“Care to say ‘Hello’?” you spoke up with a slight annoyance. His head shot up to look at you with wide open eyes, it was like he froze for a second. He let go of whatever he had in his hands to walk over to where you stood, opened his arms to embrace you. With a kiss on your head he let go of you.
“Of course, of course. Hello, dear. I’m sorry.” he hastily said. Just as you were about to ask him what on earth he was doing, making the bedroom a complete mess, he opened his mouth to speak again.
“We got great- no, fantastic, news today! You won’t be able to believe it, we’re going to Miami!” he said with excitement, face lit up with joy. “They’ve already got it all figured out with flights and hotel. And the best part; you’re coming with us!” John almost burst with excitement at this point. He waited for you to jump in his arms cheering. But you didn’t. And in no time John’s facial expression completely changed. He now had a confused look on his face. His brows were furrowed and his eyes filled with questions. He took a step back from you in an attempt to understand why you weren’t just as frantic as he was.
“Love, what’s wrong? We’re going to Miami!” he asked. You sighed, letting go of a heavy breath you didn’t know you had been holding. Your shoulders fell as you looked down on your feet. Fiddling with your fingers, you were unsure of what to tell him.
“I- uh… John, I can’t go to Miami” you started, eyes still on the floor.
“What do you mean you can’t go? You always talk about how you want to go on vacation to all these different places” he said in confusion. “Besides, it’s only two weeks” he stated. You didn’t know what to tell him. Two weeks. That’s a long time, you thought for yourself. You thought about your parents, and your job. You visited your parents about every other day, they lived nearby and since they were getting old you felt a responsibility over them. You have helped them get groceries and run errands for a large number of years now, you couldn’t just leave. What if something should happen to them, like an accident and one of them needs to get rushed to the hospital? Anxiety rose inside you as horrible thoughts crossed your mind. And work, you couldn’t just leave work behind you for two weeks. Not even for two days. Working in an office meant piles and piles of paperwork every day. You couldn’t imagine what your desk would look like when you got back from Miami, if you went. No, you simply could not go with them. You walked over to the bed and sat down. You sighed once more before you started to explain to him.
“I can’t leave my parents here, or work. You know that.” you said looking up at him with doe eyes. “What if something happens when I’m not here? No one will be there to help. And work, I will have sky high piles of paperwork on my desk when I return” you continued.
John let out a loud sigh, he sounded almost frustrated? He started walking back and forth in front of you and you stood up. Placing a hand on his shoulder you started saying “John, I’m sorry but I just-” but you got interrupted immediately.
“No. Stop. I don’t want to hear your excuses. You’re just being ungrateful. I arranged a vacation for you, to bloody Miami, and you say you can’t go because you won’t be able to take care of your adult parents for two weeks?” he snapped unexpectedly.
Your jaw dropped. Did he just say that? No, unacceptable. You would not let anyone talk down on things you held close to heart, and especially not your parents. You felt your face heat up with anger and your body fill up with adrenaline. This was not gonna be pretty.
“You did not just say that…” you started, still in disbelief. “How dare you say that?!” you spat, raising your voice at him. “Don’t you dare talk down on my parents! You know damn well how special they are to me. They have helped me so much in my life, they gave me the childhood every child deserves. The very least I can do to return the favor is to take care of them” you were almost shouting at this point, tears had begun streaming down your face. “But I guess you don’t understand that, you don’t have your parents” you muttered and you regretted every word of that sentence the second they were said.
“What did you just say?” John began quietly. You frantically shook your head. “No… no, I’m so sorry John. I didn’t mean to say that” you tried but it was too late. “Did I hear that right?” he raised his voice. “You’re standing there, shouting at me for ‘talking down on your parents’ and then you proceed to add that you assume I don’t understand because I don’t HAVE any parents?” he, too, was shouting now. “Do you hear yourself right now?” he asked angrily. You didn’t answer, you were in chock. You had to admit you were a little scared even. “I said, do you hear what you are saying right now?” he repeated with a military-like voice. You couldn’t handle this, you had to get away from this situation. You quickly grabbed your purse and wallet, put on your shoes and grabbed a coat, stormed out the front door and one second later you were gone. You didn’t know where you were going though. You couldn’t go to your parents house, you didn’t want to bother them having to explain what had just gone down. Your only, and best, friend was away on vacation, so you couldn’t escape to her house either. Ha, ironic, you thought to yourself.
You were just walking with no destination. You passed a pub, stopped, took a few steps back and decided to have a look. You entered the bar and was greeted by the smile of a middle aged man standing behind the bar. He was holding several bottles at once, making drinks for the people sat on the bar stools in front of him. You simply smiled back to him and took a seat on a free bar stool.
“What can I get for a lady like you?” the man asked politely. You gave him a fake smile. What was ‘a lady like you’ supposed to mean?
“I want a glass of whatever the strongest alcohol you have in store” you answered while straightening your back. The man looked surprised but then nodded, immediately getting started on your drink. One moment later the drink was put on the table in front of you. “That’ll be £4 then” the bartender said, still with that ridiculous smile on his face. You started digging in your wallet for some money as a male voice was heard behind you. “I’ll pay for that” the man said. You turned around to see who this man was and when you looked up you saw a tall man with slicked back hair, wearing an expensive-looking suit. He looked like the typical red-flag-guy. You’ve met a lot of those in your life, so you knew one when you saw one. You shook your head telling him you had money of your own, but thanking him for his kindness. “No, no, I’ll pay. A lady like you shouldn’t have to pay for her drinks” the man insisted, a distasteful grin showing up on his face. What’s it with all these creepy men and saying ‘a lady like you’, you thought. At this point you had almost finished your drink, but that man was not going to give up on you any time soon. You were getting tired of his ‘but you’re such a pretty lady’ and ‘I bet you I could treat you better than your man at home, I mean, why are you at a pub alone anyway?’ bullshit. You took a last sip of your drink and slammed it down on the table, catching the people around you's attention. “Fine, you can pay for my drink” you said monotonically. “But don’t you ever call me a ‘pretty lady’ again”.
Grabbing your purse you stood up and walked out the door. You had had enough. With a fast pace you instinctually started walking back home. After a few minutes of walking you felt a wave of fear wash over you. The anxiety kicked in and suddenly you were crying. You were not far away from home when you started running for your life. And as if things couldn’t get any worse, rain started pouring down. What was wrong with these men?! Can’t they leave a woman alone? The adrenaline made you run faster than you thought was possible but you suddenly stopped when you realized you had reached your front door. Your first instinct was to just open the door but you soon got reminded of what had happened before you left. So instead you took a few deep breaths and gently knocked on the door while trying to pull yourself together. But as the door opened and a man you deep down loved so dearly stood in the doorway with a tired smile, you lost it. You ran into his arms and to your relief he put his arms around you and held you close to his chest. Hearing his heartbeat immediately calmed you down and you closed the door behind the two of you. John helped you out of your clothes and into new warm ones. He made you a cup of tea and sat down beside you on the couch. He did keep a small distance though.
“I’m so sorry, John, I really am. It was a horrible thing for me to say” you shuddered, still cold from the rain. You could hear a quiet sigh come from John.
“It was, yes. But I forgive you, y/n” he said calmly, nothing like how he had shouted at you only hours ago. “Besides, the things I said - that was not okay. You’re never ungrateful, and I know how much your parents mean to you. I’m sorry, really sorry” he said and looked down to his feet. You could tell he was ashamed of earlier. But you were too, and you were going to forgive him. You stroked his cheek with your cold hand and made him look at you. “I forgive you, John. And I know, I shouldn’t worry so much about my parents. They’re adults and can take care of themselves just fine. I just feel guilt over not giving them the love they deserved when they gave me everything as a child. I guess this is my way of saying ‘thank you’ to them”. John took your hand from his cheek and held it in his. “You don’t need to explain, love. You’re too good for this world, and what you’re doing is more than enough” he told you. John’s words hit you like an arrow in your heart. It was like his words were the only piece missing in the puzzle that was your life.
Squeezing his hands you looked up into his beautiful hazel eyes, and you breathed out. “I want to go with you to Miami” you said. John’s eyes shot open and a smile appeared on his face. “What?” he said, surprised. “I said, I want to go with you to Miami” you laughed, knowing damn well he heard you the first time. John jumped up from the couch, his hands still in yours as he pulled you up with him. He grabbed you by your waist and spun you around. When he put you down, you were laughing so much your stomach hurt. John placed his index finger under your chin to make you look at him, and when you did, he pulled your face closer to his and kissed you right on your lips. It was a kiss of pure happiness and you couldn’t help but smile like a child on christmas. This was love, if anything.
John broke away from the kiss and inspected your face for a moment before speaking. “Well, we better get to packing then. The plane is at nine tomorrow morning”. You let out a giggle before giving him a peck on the lips, typical John.
The next morning you were woken up by a loud knocking on the door. You rubbed your eyes trying to see anything in the bright bedroom. You were looking for the clock on the bedside table and after trying to see what time it was you successfully read 8 a.m. You put the clock back on the bedside table and as you were about to lay back down you were hit with realization. 8 a.m?! The plane to Miami was leaving in an hour! Oh no… this was not good. You turned your head to look at John, who was of course still fast asleep. You shook his shoulders and gently patted his cheeks a couple times. He let out groans and mutters, letting you know he was at least half awake.
“John, wake up! It’s 8 a.m, if you don’t get out of bed in ten seconds we’re going to miss the flight” you informed him while getting up to open to see who was knocking on the door. Looking through the peephole on the door you saw three men with matching outfits and similar haircuts. Knowing exactly who these three men were, you opened the front door, preparing yourself for the worst. Through the door stormed George, Paul and Ringo. They immediately rushed into the bedroom to find John sitting on the edge of the bed, rubbing his tired eyes.
“Why’s it always you John?” Ringo asked irritably.
“Go on, out of bed you go” said George while pulling on John’s arms to help him.
Paul simply stood in the doorway with crossed arms and a smile of disbelief on his face. “What were you two up to last night? This room’s a bloody mess” he laughed. John didn’t. “Shut up” he simply replied.
You were in the hallway packing the last few things for your trip. The only thing everyone waited on now was for John to get dressed so you could leave for the airport. You had called your parents the night before, telling them about your trip. You were nervous but struck by relief when your mom basically begged for you to go. She explained how they could take care of themselves, besides, you were not going to leave them forever. It was only two weeks after all. “I’ll come over and water your plants every few days, alright?” she had said over the phone. A smile had made its way to your face and you answered with an “Alright, mom”. It had been quiet for a while as your mom spoke again “Just don’t miss us too much, okay, honey?” she sounded almost concerned. And as a wave of sadness washed over you, you said “Can’t promise you that, mom”. You said your goodbyes and hung up.
As you came back to reality after reliving the memories of your conversation with your mother from last night, John, Paul, George and Ringo stood in front of you in the hallway with sweet smiles. You smiled and nodded before opening the door. You let the four boys out of the house and before closing the door you took a last peek inside. Why was it so hard to leave home? you sighed for yourself. Maybe it was the separation from what you loved most that gave you this extreme anxiety? You didn’t come up with an answer and your thoughts got interrupted by a car honking at you. You quickly turned around to see Paul’s hand waving at you, signaling for you to get in the car. You mouthed a “I’m coming” and turned to the front door again. Crouching down you lifted up the doormat and stuck a key under it, in case your mom should stop by.
Exhaling deeply you got up and started walking away from the house. You stepped into the car and sat down next to John. He grabbed your hand and squeezed it lightly, giving you comfort. “It’ll be alright, darling. It’s only two weeks, remember?” he whispered so only you would hear him. You didn’t look at him, afraid you would break down again, but you smiled and stroked your thumb over the back of his hand. You were so grateful to have a man like John in your life, and not one of those obnoxious men at the pub. He knew how to treat you the way a woman deserves, and for that you loved him more than words can explain.
The car started rolling and you looked over to John to meet his eyes. He smiled and quietly said “Let’s go to Miami”. A broad smile soon appeared on your face as genuine happiness filled your body. “Yeah, let’s go to Miami” you replied, putting your head on his shoulder and closing your eyes. Yeah... maybe it wouldn’t be so bad?
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