#imagine if you have an annoying friend that you have a light rivalry with
scribefindegil · 11 months
My crackiest mp100 headcanon is that Shinra is not normally attracted to Reigen at all but IS very into Reigen-when-Dimple's-possessing-him, but since nobody ever tells him that this is what's happening it just haunts him for years.
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parkerluvsu · 1 month
Sorry if i'm asking for too much but girl we desperately need a full fic of cowboy!Art 🛐. Like Art seeing another cowboy approach you and him feeling so jealous and possessive even you're not his yet and him finally finding the courage to confess his love to you but you reject him or something and he starts working harder to get you to accept him 🧎‍♀️🛐
omg not asking for too much at all!!! tried to make this as long as i could but im just so bad at translating my thoughts to words so.. hope u like it <3 (also no i don't know anything about cowboys or rodeos so please forgive me)
PonyBoy (Art Donaldson)
cowboy! art donaldson x fem! reader
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late summer nights in july were always your favorite, the captivating sunsets and low-flying june bugs only adding to your enjoyment. usually, people in your small town could be found smoking or knitting on their creaky front porches on a pretty night like this but tonight was a special occasion, with every person who could manage the walk to the outskirts of town or snag a ride in the bed of a truck packed into the rickety seats of the outdoor arena, waiting for the rodeo show to begin. you near the entrance to the venue, tapping your foot anxiously. the most famous rodeo cowboy in your town, art donaldson, is facing another challenger from the next town over. of course you wanted your cowboy to win, there's always been rivalry between your two towns, and now that there was an outlet to outperform each other, both towns showed out for their cowboys.
art donaldson had been the talk of the town since he hit the scene a couple years ago, renowned for his skills and many trophies in rodeos across the state but especially popular among young women and men who found themselves extremely attracted to his strong frame and pretty blond hair. you never caught onto the craze though, thinking he was too good to be true. you'd been scorned a few times in your life by those pretty cowboy types, so you just leaned back in your seat and watched as fans of art crowded around the entrance where he would soon emerge.
as the lights dim over the arena the crowds roars become louder, the claps and woops of fans young and old echoing through the space. you almost have to cover your ears when the announcer yells at the crowd to settle down and welcome the challenger from the neighboring town. boos and yells now fill the stadium, as arts opponent preens at the attention coming from the crowd, tipping his obscenely huge cowboy hat at you, winking smugly. you roll your eyes, turning your head to the spotlight illuminating the entrance where art would soon emerge. the energy in the arena immediately changed when art entered the ring, and even you couldn't resist standing up and clapping and cheering for him like the rest of the fans in the crowd. you swore you felt his eyes on you when he was waving at the crowd, but you were just imagining it.. right?
the rodeo goes by in a flash, you're not surprised that art comes out on top in the end. he rides his horse in a celebratory circle around the ring, when he gets to your section your stomach drops as he tips his hat at you, a small smirk on his face. you look away, reasoning that he probably does this with every girl he sees, a big celebrity like him is sure to be a playboy.
exiting the arena, you looked for your car in the parking lot, lost in the sea of beat up pickups. not looking where you were going, you suddenly hit a wall of muscle, looking up, immediately annoyed before you notice a familiar smirk. "art.. art donaldson?" you step back, looking around for his roadies and drunk friends that always seem to follow him around. "in the flesh darlin'" he flashes that smirk again and you have to fight the urge to roll your eyes. "no offence but shouldnt you be like at an after party or something? you won today, im sure you'd get free drinks at any bar in town" you don't mean to stereotype him but.. he truly seems like the type to have a different girl hanging off his arm every night. he smiles, "parties ain't really my thing, actually i was hoping id find you out here". you look at him with raised eyebrows, wondering if he's got you mixed up with another girl. "see, well i saw you in the crowd, most people at these things just go crazy for me but, honestly you didn't seem too interested at all" he shrugs. you shake your head, hoping he's not out here to lecture you about his sport, "no, no that's not it.. i just don't exactly have interest in watching men preen themselves, i mean your opponent was being a total duche to me". he frowns immediately, "are you serious? jesus.. im sorry darlin' ill keep my eye out for him, wouldn't want you to get scared and never come see me again.." he trails off. you tap your foot on the ground hoping he'll get to the point soon. art catches your drift, "well anyway, i was wondering if you'd let me prove you wrong, im a little more than a famous cowboy yknow". you look around, almost expecting cameras to pop out and announce you were on some sort of prank show. "are you kidding?" he shakes his head. "listen i.. i don't doubt that you're fun or whatever but i don't date celebrities" you say matter-of-factly. he frowns, finally taking off his hat for the first time that night, letting you see his slightly sweaty blond hair, curled in the heat, "you're kidding. i promise, just lemme take you on one date-" you cut him off, pressing a finger to his lips, "i said i don't date celebrities. im flattered really, but i have my morals. goodnight ponyboy" he bristles at the nickname and you giggle, turning quickly and letting out a breath of air you didn't know you were holding. you barely register his call after you, "just gimme a call princess, ill prove you wrong!". you shake your head, finally making it to your car and shutting the door, placing your head on the steering wheel. that couldn't have actually just happened.. the art donaldson hitting on you.. you knew all the girls in your town would kill for a chance to be in your place, and they would never turn him down. driving along the winding roads to your house, you bite your lip, wondering if you made the right choice. shaking your head slightly you push the idea out of your mind, he's probably out finding another girl to flatter and take home. it was settled, you wouldn't think about him anymore. but as your head hit the pillow that night the last thing you thought of was that stupid smirk of his.
the rest of your week goes on like normal, repeating your routine every day, without thought of your weird encounter with art. it's wednesday, meaning the local farmers market is open. you grab your bag and head out into the world, immediately wishing you grabbed a hat to shield you from the sun. making you way down to the center of town, bustling with buyers and sellers of fresh food. you walked around the market, thinking about what you needed, you stopped at a peach stand to look at your list, not noticing who was next to you. "so we meet again sweetheart.." you recognize the drawl of the familiar cowboy next to you, letting out a deep sigh. "are you following me ponyboy?" you question, looking up at his blue eyes, shadowed by his cowboy hat. art shakes his head, chucking at you, and you hate to admit it but it's a very attractive chuckle. "no, 'course not, you turned me down remember? i know when im not wanted.." the way he says that, you almost get offended. "i- you know i didn't mean it like that, i just don't date celebrities, no matter who they are" you say, looking up at the now very confused peach farmer, looking between the both of you. you pay for your peaches and leave, and to your (partial) annoyance you hear arts cowboy boots against the gravel behind you. "can i ask you somethin'?" you nod, and art takes his place at your side. "why don't you date celebrities, just curious of course" you smile, shaking your head, he really won't give up, will he? "well, i guess i just don't think they're real, too good to be true yknow? most of the once ive seen are just total players, i feel like it's in their nature to be greedy and always want more. no offence obviously.." art nods along with what you're saying, truly looking like he's thinking about it. "geez, you're an expert on the topic aren't you? i would hate to find out you think of me that way, cuz i really aint that type of guy" art looks down at you, walking slowly to match your pace. "well.." you look him up and down, "you don't exactly have the presence of someone who likes to keep to themselves" art laughs, now letting silence seep between you as you make your way back to your home. arts quiet presence is surprisingly comforting for a showboat like him, if you closed your eyes you probably wouldn't even notice he was there. reaching the porch of your house you turn to face him, not sure what to say next. art takes off his hat, placing it on his heart, "let me prove you wrong. please, im begging you sweetheart, ill do anything you want me to do to convince you" your eyes widen, shocked at the sudden advance. "you.. aren't gonna let this go are you?" he shakes his head quickly, "not at all, no." you sigh, "you're very sweet art but.. i don't even know you-" he cuts you off. "then get to know me, i won't disappoint you darlin'" you weigh the options in your mind, the cons and the pros of the situation, with art right in front of you, you can't help but take a chance. "alright, alright. one date okay ponyboy? one." his face lights up immediately, placing his hat back on his head. "thank you, thank you seriously, ill prove you wrong about me" you nod at his promise. "i should get inside but.." he nods, looking almost sad at the thought of you leaving. "alright.. ill pick you up tomorrow at seven, does that work for you" he's eager, more eager than you'd expect, and you're flattered. you agree, heading inside and preparing for the next day.
one date turns into two, then three, the next minute you're seeing each other every night. most of the time art comes to your place, he tells you it's because he doesn't really have a permanent residence at the moment, but you know he does it just to get to know you better, peeking through your books and trinkets, looking for something to boost his knowledge about you. he cooks too, something you didn't expect from him at all, to his credit, he's absolutely proving you wrong, but you'd never admit that to him, he's too cocky as it is. he hardly ever talks about rodeo when he's with you, separation of work and pleasure he tells you, but truthfully he just doesn't want you to see him as that celebrity, he just wants to be art with you. and you let him be normal with you, spending lazy days in bed with him, not worrying about anything. you can't imagine your life without him anymore, he's there when you wake up, when you're preparing breakfast and going about your chores for the day, he's there, when you get in bed for the night he's certainly there too. he'd never tell you, but he thanks his lucky stars when you fall asleep in his arms, he shudders thinking about where he'd be if you turned him down. luckily, he'd never have to think about that anymore, now that he was yours, your ponyboy.
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palettepainter · 2 months
Some random muppet ideas
Work and commission stuff is keeping me pretty busy, so while I work on the next chapter of Fever in my free time here are some potential what if ideas I might explore in the future
-I think I mentioned this briefly at some point, but I like to hc that Darci becomes to the Moopets what Scooter was to the band in the original movie. Of course the Moopets don't travel around, so Darci isn't their road manager per say, but being a lot younger than the Moopets she has a stronger idea on what modern rock music is like and what sells. Darci doesn't really care about the whole 'mortal enemies' thing the Moopets (Poogy especially) have with Muppets, more so with Piggy and the Mayhem. She see's the rivalry more as entertainment, and if she ever chips in to add to it it's always in a teasing sense, never really outright mean or nasty.
At some point or other, maybe when both the band and the mayhem are hanging out at the Tavern, the two groups get into a small bicker which Liv politely excuses herself from. She spots Darci standing nearby, enjoying the show while sipping on a beverage, and goes to nervously introduce herself. It's infuriating how effortlessly good Darci is at getting under her skin, the playful jabs, mockery and teasing is far more effective then Liv would like to admit. The conversation ends with Liv a lot more ticked off then Darci is, who only smiles in light amusement at her. Liv despises the Muppets and Darci's stupid smug face
(Liv: We're going to DESTROY them.
Teeth: Okay- So, love the enthusiasm! But uh, mayhaps you should dial it back a little bit and, ya know, calm down-
- Penny and Floyd friendship. Floyd is constantly sassing Piggy, and despite knowing the consequences he still does it. By nature Floyd is a pretty sassy guy, and Piggy's reactions are especially funny (the part where he ends up ducking from being karate chopped or from a projectile being thrown at him is less fun), so I imagine Floyd would be sassy with Penny purely on second nature and half the time without realising. Penny and Piggy are quite similar, both for their love of fashion and everything high class, and while Penny considers Piggy a friend, she also thinks Piggy is....well, annoying. Penny doesn't envy Deadly's position as her right hand man and personal designer. She LIKES Piggy, but she doesn't consider Piggy to be in her close circle of friends. For example, if she was having a bad day, and had to choose between ranting to the band or Piggy, she'd pick the band.
Penny doesn't consider herself especially close to the band, but considering Liv works for them Penny is familiar with them. On more then one occasion I can see Penny stepping in to save Floyd from being throttled by Piggy on Liv's pleading request, which then leads to Floyd using her as a shield whenever he's running away from said diva. I can see Floyd amping up his sass metre when Penny's around because he knows Penny isn't going to karate chop him, the worst Penny does is roll her eyes with an unimpressed groan
-Penny becoming like an auntie to Gloira Estefan. Both being fashion designers with low bs tolerances, Penny and Deadly actually get along very well whenever the two have to work together. Being a close contact of Liv on the odd occasions outfits need altering or, as Piggy calmly refers to, a fashion calamity, Penny is called in for backup. Penny and Deadly are pretty much the others emotional and mental support as they sort everything out, then they gossip over martinis in one of the studios many lounge rooms which are prepared for the guest stars. When Penny learns of Gloria Estefan she's very caught off guard, and the first interaction went something like this
Penny: Deadly...
Deadly: Yes?
Penny: There is a baby penguin huddled on your foot..
Deadly: (looks down to Gloria Estefan who is happily huddled on his foot, sleeping)...I'm aware
Penny: It's sleeping
Deadly:...I'm still aware
When Penny learns that Deadly has pretty much adopted this teenie little bag of feathers, it's one of the rare instances in which Penny teases. Deadly, mister grumpy grouch has an itty bitty soft spot after all! Deadly responds by giving her a look as Penny takes at least fifty pictures of Gloria minimum. Whenever Penny visits the studio she's actually looks forward to visiting dear like Estefan, and of course teasing dear old Deadly. She picks up the auntie status both without realising and without Deadly's permission, but Deadly doesn't mind, now he has a babysitter
-When travelling on the road the band live off gas station sushi and take out, not the healthiest, but it's delicious. Their fridge at the shack is probably 95% junk food, and 5% vegetables they forgot where in there. Animal is the worst snacker when it comes to the band, so any food Liv leaves there she often labels, hoping that nobody will eat it. One of Liv's favourite junk foods is spicy noodles, so she's most definitely started keeping a small stash of them in the shack for the times when she stays over or just craving them. Teeth of course, can't handle spice, but I like to think Teeth doesn't understand how bad his tolerance is.
He likes to think and say he can handle spicy stuff, but he's wrong, oh so very wrong. Liv is aware of this, and so triple labels her spicy noodles so Teeth doesn't accidentally eat them. But of course, he does. He calmly reads and them rips off the warning sticky notes, cooks the noodles, and then proceeded to spit fire for the next twenty minutes. Liv came back to the shack to find Teeth wheezing and curled up on the floor with a spilt noodle pot laying on the floor
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grimescum · 5 months
im in the mood to yap so i chose to yap about hellsing ships. i dont partake in shipping usually but i still find them interesting to think abt
all of this is my opinion!!! i dont hate u at all if u ship anything i happen to not like or agree with. if you dont want 2 see someone being judgemental about something u enjoy (understandably so) feel free 2 scroll past
also no being annoying. questions and comments r fine but anything else jsut shut up
goated. there will never be anything better than girlboss x malewife im sorry
though i'll say i dislike the interpretation of integra where they tone down how badass and stoic she is just to make her. like. a little bit tsundere. u cant make the gnc couple gc like that fucka you
silly guy x silly girl will never not solo, especially when fucked up angst and cannibalism imagery is involved. heavily tied with alutegra for me
CUTE!!!! i dont see any fanart of this ship that i dont like. lesbians know what theyre doing and they do it well
don't take my lack of input as me disliking it or anything i just ship to project
cutie...... i see anderson as a big softie even if he's fucking crazy and scary and i greatly enjoy softie guy x serious gal. i dont see much angst potential though unless u bring alucard into the mix and make him jealpus as fuck
i also think the idea of alucard's master cucking him with his own arch enemy is hilarious so it gets a bonus point for that
love the rivalry, love the enemies to lovers, hate how often alucard is twinkified as if he isnt built like a pot of spaghetti. my biggest pet peeve is when people prettify characters and i happen to see this a lot w the content of it i stumble across
if someone makes alucard just as fucking wank looking as he is in canon i will gladly bring this up to a 9 or 10/10. stop being pussies u guys
read a very cute fluffy fanfic on this once!! i'm a little mixed about age gaps but as long as the younger one is a consenting adult i see no reason to freak out
good potential for angst with the age gap considered, though i dont think walter would date someone *that* much younger than him for the same reason. i think they'd be very sweet regardless of if they're friends or not
i have father issues so this ship will be getting an extra point
okay, this one i admit can be cute? i quite enjoy the silly normal girl x scary traumatized guy dynamic, but i personally dont like how sexualized a lot of the fanart is, or how they tend to baby-ify seras as if she didnt cannibalize a man. not much flavor here in my opinion. ive never been a fan of heavily heteronormative ships
love the girlboss x devoted malewife dynamic, dislike how the little content i've seen of it comes across as creepy imo. i can def see there being jealousy with how alucard is essentially integra's dog and gets all the attention while walter is just the butler... i dunno
more old men need to get bossed on girlstyle but alucard x integra still does this better i think
the jealousy to lovers pipeline never made sense to me as a jealous bitch myself but i suppose i can kinda see it since jealousy is not far from admiration... very interesting in the angst department, but i cant imagine how any romantic interactions with them would be like aside from light playful banter
as long as its not baby walter then i'm fine with it (girlycard x 14 y/o walter is 0/10 booo booo tomato tomato)
ive only seen this ship once, i can only assume its appeal comes from hot lady integra beating the shit out of enrico's annoying ass
snarky x serious is a very good trope but unfortunately i think alucard x integra does this better, AND with a romantic aspect that i can see. enrico also annoys me
i love the silly dynamic but because i dont feel much for either of the characters i really cant say
CUTE!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE the crazy girl x normal(?) guy trope, i tried 2 do that with my oc claudine actually!!
i dont dislike anything abt this ship i just wish there was more canon substance
i think its funny and also i enjoy their canon interactions... the 5 billion is mostly satire i'd put this along with the other ?/10 ships
whatever . i see people be very annoying about this ship and i'm aware not everybody is but it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.. same thing with andercard but the fanbase for it is a lot bigger so i'm more forgiving
i saw this once and i want to be thorough.. um . they are brothers . if thats ur thing then whatever but its not mine
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kachikirby · 6 months
imagine me kicking your door open and immediately making myself a sandwich without your permission okay OC ASKGAME GO 💫💌🕰️🍒🪄🧋for kurabe and/or fettuccine, or really any oc you think would have an interesting answer to these >:D
Hope you said hi to my mom when you broke in she's working from home today ;fajweiwa;ewaj
I love discussing Kurabe and Fettuccine, so I'll do them again, but I'll add Mikuto as well at least since I answered a few of these already for Kurabe and Fettuccine.
💫 - If they were to wish on a clockwork star, like Galactic Nova or Star Dream, what would they wish for?
Kurabe - A shovel and for Mars to show up so she can make sure he's dead this time or for the Organization is completely rid of corruption.
Fettuccine - Kind of depends on when she meets the star, but overall, both of her wishes would involve wanting Meta to be happy.
Mikuto - Honestly, I think his would be to get rid of his innate Crash Ability, since it's always at risk of triggering when he becomes angry.
💌 - How easy are they to befriend? Are they more of a social butterfly or a lone wolf?
Kurabe - Kurabe is in the middle of the road. She's a bit difficult to fully befriend, but she's not as standoffish. It's more likely that she will befriend someone than she is the one who is befriended. She is social but also likes her quiet time.
Fettuccine - Easy to befriend and definitely a social butterfly. She likes talking to people a lot.
Mikuto - Mikuto is pretty laid back so he's also very easy to befriend. However, due to people in the past keeping their distance from him due to naturally having the Crash Ability, you'd have to approach him first.
🕰️ - What would a Dreamy Gear version of them look like? What sort of accessories would they have? What kind of role do they play?
Kurabe - I did actually design a Dreamy Gear version of Kurabe! She's a tutor for aristocrats in the City of Light. She had also tutored Meta Knight in the past and is a bit of a mother figure to him. I can see her as someone Meta Knight goes to for advice during the story.
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Fettuccine - I didn't have a design for Fettuccine prior, but I did quickly sketch out one for this ask! For her backstory, she could be one of Meta's childhood friends in the City of Light. As for her role in the story, I had the idea of her being his fiancée that helps out with Meta Knight and Daroach's raid on Hugo's mansion. (Especially since she's a Limet and can shapeshift into one of the guards there)
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Mikuto - I also just came up with a quick sketch of his design in this ask. I imagine him being a laidback printer and newspaper delivery man that Kirby knows well. I haven't figured out how he could get with Kurabe in this AU.
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🍒 - Out of all of the Dream Friends [Kirby included], which ones would they get along with the most? The least?
Kurabe - Ok, Meta Knight is the obvious answer for one of the ones she'll get along with the most, but she would also get along with Kirby extremely well because he is her grandson. Outside of those two, she would get along with pretty much everyone, maybe Francisca would start a rivalry with her as another ice specialist.
I feel like she wouldn't get along with Marx or Magolor, but the two she would get along with the least are Susie and Dark Meta Knight. Susie because of the events of Planet Robobot and Dark Meta Knight because of the events of Amazing Mirror. But if I had to pick between the two, it would probably be Susie because she has not let go of the whole mechanization thing and has sworn to kill her on sight.
Fettuccine - Like Kurabe, Meta Knight would be the one she gets along with the most. Kirby is the second most because it's Kirby and he gets along with everyone, especially in the future where Kirby is her adopted son through Meta. I think the main difference between her and Kurabe is she might have a bit less tolerance for Dedede and find him loud and a bit annoying. (Kurabe's good friends with Dedede's father, so that's why she's fine with putting up with him)
But one thing her and Kurabe definitely have in common is that they would get along with Susie and Dark Meta Knight the least. Susie for similar reasons to Kurabe, she's mad at her for the whole mechanization thing. With Dark Meta Knight, it's a combination of the events of Amazing Mirror and, in later events in my AU, him taking baby Freya hostage to try and settle things once and for all with Meta.
Mikuto - He would get along with Meta Knight and Kirby the most. Maybe Kirby a bit more depending on how soon this is after he and Kurabe started dating, since Meta was a bit awkward with the fact that Mikuto would be his father. Mikuto is relaxed and laid back, so he'd get along with pretty much everyone. As for who he might not get along with, maybe Susie and Zan Par since I see them as a bit more punctual than others, and they would dislike how lazy he comes off as.
🪄 - Are they capable of wielding magic? Is it a learned skill, or is it innate? What sorts of spells can they cast? Do they possess any magical items or artifacts?
Kurabe - She definitely can use magic, but it's a weird in-between because of how magic works with puffballs in my series. The ability to manifest Copy Abilities without swallowing an enemy is magic that needs to be taught and trained, but just inhaling and swallowing is innate. Her specially is using runes for pretty much any elemental attack, but she is especially good with ice magic.
Fettuccine - For Fetty, magic is a learned skill. While she has SOME ability to use magic, it's not that strong. Usually, it's just simple things like paralyzing people. The only magic she cannot use at all is anything related to ice because ice is a natural weakness for Limets.
Mikuto - Because Mikuto isn't a fighter, he doesn't really know any magic. The closest is that he's a master of the Leaf Ability, but he's more likely to use it for defensive or entertainment purposes.
🧋 - Come up with a Kirby Café item themed around your OC! It can be a savoury dish, a drink, a dessert, or something else entirely.
I answered this for Fettuccine and Kurabe here!
For Mikuto, I'm thinking of a salad or maybe a green tea cake. Something with veggies or green tea in it since one of his main Copy Abilities is the Leaf Ability. Or maybe a vegetable curry that comes with an optional super spicy hot sauce to represent his innate Crash Ability.
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astrolovecosmos · 2 years
Mars in Scorpio vs...
This series focuses on conflict and the Mars Signs “against” each other. Because of this the series will explore some more negative topics and themes. Mars also covers a lot more than conflict such as attraction, energy levels, will, ambition, physical intimacy, competition, etc.
Scorpio vs. Scorpio
What if I told you the main hang up for these two is not intense, life-altering fights but stagnation or unmoving influences? Now... sometimes they will have soul-sucking, emotional, war-like battles but this may be the end of their battles rather than a regular occurrence. Both can be passionate, deep, sensitive, and stubborn. Their fights can be about will and who will yield first. There can be hot competitiveness. But they can easily fall into a cycle of guilt, blame, and rough, incomplete “forgiveness” or conflict resolution. In each other’s stubbornness and high walls they can fight over the same issues over and over again. Both highly value respect and loyalty and can connect on this. But each person can easily think the other is acting selfishly or stepping out of bounds. This is a pairing where they can see right through one another. Their intuition, emotional understanding, perceptiveness, and depth allows them to pinpoint the other’s weaknesses. But both need to be careful of driving each other crazy with worries or a wild imagination. They can get obsessive about one another, and this could mean about their rivalry. At the most extreme of things they can see each other as a nemesis. When at their best and if they love each other, each other’s embrace can feel fulfilling and maybe karmic or spiritual. These two may be the few who can understand the other’s intensity and sensitivity. But learning or growing together can be a challenge as both may want control, power, or guardedness. Both of them need to work on flexibility, openness, and letting go. 
Scorpio vs. Sagittarius 
These two may easily get annoyed with each other but larger fights might not be so common. Mars in Scorpio can admire Sagittarius’s honesty. But sometimes that honesty might poke the wrong spot for Scorpio and set them off. Mars in Sagittarius can admire Scorpio’s emotional strength, mystery, and willpower but they can easily feel smothered or overwhelmed by them. Mars in Sagittarius is quick, flexible, and spirited. The reason their fights might not blow up too often is because Mars in Sagittarius isn’t afraid to dip out on Scorpio, call them out, distract or even calm Scorpio. In Sagittarius’s combined bravery and flexibility they can stay steps ahead of Scorpio. Mars in Scorpio can also find Sagittarius to be trustworthy in the right setting. Because Sagittarius is so open Scorpio may let their guard down a little around them. Mars in Sagittarius wants to keep everything out in the open and upfront. Scorpio can tire of this quickly. Scorpio is private and takes a long time to open up to others. Scorpio will want to bring the fight into the dark and Sagittarius wants to drag it out into the light. Both have pros and cons, but this may be the center of many of their fights. “Agree to disagree” may not work for them after some time. Mars in Scorpio can hurt Sagittarius with jealousy or vindictiveness. Mars in Sagittarius can hurt Scorpio with their dagger-like insensitivity or any inattentiveness. They will need great understanding and respect of each other to keep the peace. 
Scorpio vs. Capricorn 
This fight can be secretly epic. Both will prefer fighting “in the dark”. They both may not want family, friends, the public to know about their issues. There can be control issues and power struggles. Both aren’t afraid to get dirty in their fighting. Both Mars Signs are high on the “how easily is anger access and expressed” rating. They tap into rage without hesitation (yes even restricted, cold Capricorn). Mars in Scorpio expresses their anger with vigor, Mars in Capricorn holds their passion or anger back intentionally. These two may be playing mobsters with how they can get vengeful, calculated, and grudge holding. Mars in Capricorn can keep their cool longer and is more adaptable than Scorpio. Mars in Scorpio has great intuition, and this can be their advantage. But there can be a lot of understanding and respect here! They see themselves in the other and their differences can be complementing. Mars in Capricorn can be Scorpio’s practicality, their rock, the one who has a voice of reason. Mars in Scorpio helps Capricorn to explore their depths, compassion, and caring. Through Scorpio’s emotional intensity Capricorn may actually learn to get more in touch with theirs. Scorpio can be soft but also tough and this can gain Mars in Capricorn’s respect. Physical intimacy may play a big role in their amends making. So can long, looong heart-to-hearts. 
Scorpio vs. Aquarius 
These two may speak a different language, metaphorically, when fighting yet still see the same anger in each other’s eyes. Mars in Aquarius can get vocal, hypocritical, controlling, and rebellious. Mars in Scorpio is passionate, controlling, possessive, jealous, and spiteful. Mars in Scorpio may be more reactionary whereas Aquarius more instigating, but this is not always the case. Fights may break out in differences of lifestyle and opinions. Mars in Aquarius is the intellectual realm and outward cooperation, interaction, and change. Mars in Scorpio is the emotional realm and inward analyzation, comfort, transformation, and power. The head vs. heart conflicts are real here. Mars in Aquarius can easily find Scorpio not too intense but too possessive or selfish. Mars in Scorpio can find Aquarius to be too detached and in this aloofness may see them as selfish as well. Scorpio can be moody and Aquarius unpredictable and between their stubbornness fights can be a tangled mess. As I mentioned they recognize the “anger” in each other. They can have understanding as long as they put pride and fear aside. Both can also be an attractive mystery to each other. With their combined extremeness and willpower they can make waves, giant ones. When they are through with each other in a fight there can be a lot of rebirth or newness to the relationship or selves. Mars in Aquarius can help Scorpio to be more independent and to explore and assert on the outside world with more confidence. Mars in Scorpio can help Aquarius get in touch with their sensitive side and to explore the internal self with confidence and strength. 
Scorpio vs. Pisces 
Pisces can be the dark horse if Scorpio tries to take them on. In turn Scorpio can certainly out manipulate or send a combative or toxic Pisces running with their willpower. Mars in Pisces can frequently evade Scorpio’s attacks and they can come back with slippery moves and comments. Mars in Scorpio will get frustrated at how hard it is to blame Pisces or pull the truth out of them. Mars in Pisces can find Scorpio to be too volatile, stubborn, or maybe out of control. They can have a lot of compassion and sensitivity for each other. Scorpio may be protective over Pisces and Pisces may want to take care of Scorpio or help them heal. Both can be suckers for a sob story and can easily be used by one another. Good communication is a must for any relationship or conflict resolution, for the two water Mars, trust and giving the benefit of the doubt can be helpful in keeping the peace too. This pairing can have a lot of drama but Pisces easygoing nature and Scorpio’s desire for stability, safety, and emotional connection can also keep the relationship running smoothly. Exploring each other’s emotions can be one of the most rewarding parts of their relationship. 
Find Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra. 
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Palm Springs - Leigh Shaw
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Summary: In Palm Springs, Leigh meets you. The season one finale re-imagined.
Warnings: (+18), smut, cursing, dom!reader, bottom!leigh, explicit language, explicit consent, brief mentions of harassment, fluff, brief rivalry dynamics, hopeful ending.
Words: 5.378K
Notes: My love, @abimess, this is my apologies for you. I kept mistaken "Wanda" instead of "Leigh" at some points in the writing, but it all worked out in the end. I hope you all enjoy the read, this is my first time writing for this character.
You threw the signed divorce papers against the passenger seat, ignoring the thick tears that welled up in your eyes.
Raising your hand, you turned up the radio and kept driving. Your cell phone started ringing the next moment, but you ignored it. It was probably Bucky or Steve calling to find out where you were after your little outburst at the company fundraiser.
Honestly, it wasn't your fault. You were handling it all very well, but Carol decided it would be a good idea to give you the divorce papers while you were surrounded by your closest friends, and that was the trigger. But now you were driving to Palm Springs, finally taking the damn vacation your ex-wife had put you through so much hell to get, but now, the seat next to you was empty.
It took a few hours to get there, since the complex is in New York, but you didn't care, having spent most of the way trying to understand how you managed to lose a woman like Carol Danvers.
No bags, you ignored the curious look one of the hotel staff gave you as soon as you pulled into the parking lot, smiling slightly as you took off your sunglasses and asked for directions to the front desk.
You frowned slightly as you were almost run over.
"Watch where you're going!" You shouted angrily at the driver, and the woman returned you the same angry look. Great, you've barely arrived and you almost died. This weekend was promising.
Stepping back, you waited for the woman to drive, not failing to give her a wry smile as she passed you. After this, you walked to the reception desk, and the area was quite full, which was normal for a weekend.
"Reservation in the name Danvers." You said to the receptionist after the greetings. He smiled as he checked the information.
"Valentine's suite, I see." He commented cheerfully. "Shall I prepare a second key for your partner?"
"It's just going to be me, buddy." You grumble, ignoring the uneasy feeling in your stomach. The man smiles awkwardly, but doesn't apologize.
After checking in, you go up to the third floor.
The room makes you sigh with disgust, the flowers and chocolates give you a headache. It takes ten minutes to find a chambermaid and ask her to remove all the decorations.
While your room is being cleaned, you decide to buy something to wear, since you didn't bring anything to spend the weekend at the hotel.
"Good morning." You mumble the greeting as you enter the gift store, your gaze wandering around.
"How can I help you, dear?" The saleswoman asks politely, smiling at you.
"I need something to wear for the two days I'm staying. It was a last-minute trip." You tell her, and the saleswoman looks surprised, but doesn't comment.
The woman eventually showed you the summer shirt section, and you sighed softly as you looked through the options. She walked away to attend to another customer, and you left your attention to the clothes.
A moment later, you picked out a few pieces and turned to talk to the saleswoman, only to run into the woman who had almost run you over earlier looking at the book section.
"You again." You let it slip not so low, attracting the woman's attention. She frowns for a second, and then she recognizes you. But before she can say anything, the saleswoman is speaking.
"Oh, you two know each other already?" She asks excitedly. "It's amazing how we can find friends here in Palm Springs isn't it?"
"We're not friends." You both inform at the same moment, and you squeeze your eyes shut slightly. The woman straightens her posture, pressing the book lightly against her chest as you switch the shirts on your arm. The saleswoman's curious expression prompts you to speak.
"Actually, she almost killed me." You say. "It was going to be quite a headline for this hotel. I'd be careful about the people you guys host around here."
The saleswoman looks at you with confusion, while the other woman lets out a dry laugh.
"You're the one who walked across in the middle of the street!" she defends herself. "It's not my fault if you weren't taught how to cross the street in school."
"Oh, so it's the victim's fault now?" You retort and the woman looks at you incredulously. A third customer enters the store and stares curiously at the argument, but the saleswoman is quick to gesture between you, smiling wryly.
"Oh come on, I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding" The saleswoman remarks and you sustain the annoyed look the other woman is casting at you. "There's no need for an argument."
"Of course not." The woman says forcing a smile, but her posture remains aggressive. "We are both civilized adults."
You bite your tongue to avoid another provocation, looking away from the green irises in front of you.
"Of course you are." The saleswoman says smiling, and then her gaze catches the shirts hanging from your forearm and she lets out a light exclamation. "Come on, I can finalize your purchase if that's all, dear."
You turn toward the cashier next, and it is only after you have paid for the clothes and are leaving that you see the other woman again on your way back, but she does not look away from the books to you. You couldn't care less.
In your room, you can't resist the urge to look at your phone.
Bucky has called five times. And Steve even sent you an email. You sigh weakly, feeling guilty as you catch a glimpse of Tony and Natasha's message notifications.
Your friends didn't care that you started crying in the middle of the meeting you were at because your ex-wife decided to bring a sensitive topic like the end of your five-year marriage to the table, but you were hating yourself for it.
At this point, you didn't even know what you had been crying about anymore. You and Carol had always had a difficult relationship, and since you got married, you began to wonder why you had done it in the first place.
You loved her so much when you first met her, and then everything gradually broke down. The lack of compatibility, the jealousy and possessiveness, and the lack of time. Carol was a soldier in the army, and you were a Shield special agent, and your jobs took up a lot of your schedules. But you knew that this was just another empty excuse. After all, your best friend, Natasha, was also an agent, as was her wife, and they made everything work properly.
Maybe things were meant to happen that way. That didn't mean it didn't hurt.
After taking a shower, you grumble lightly as you realize that you forgot to buy a bathing suit. And well, everything special about Palm Springs was the magnificent pools.
You figured the shorts and top you had would have to fit.
The pools were considerably more crowded than the rest of the hotel, and this was probably due to the current temperature.
You decided to buy a drink before sunbathing, realizing that most of the chairs were occupied.
The bartender was a pretty girl and smiled mischievously at you when her gaze fell on your collarbone exposed by the cut of your shirt, but you just gave her a half-hearted smile. Being newly divorced wasn't exactly the best scenario for flirting.
"What can I get you?" The woman asked as she rested her hands on the counter in front of her. You bit your lip thoughtfully, running your eyes down one of the menus left on the wood.
"Honestly, I don't know anything here." You say. "But I would like something sweet."
It takes a few minutes for her to prepare a drink for you, and you thank her as you accept.
As you sip a drink that tastes like strawberries and condensed milk, you look around the surroundings.
You frown slightly as you recognize the woman from the store, watching her sit in one of the chairs that has just been emptied in front of the bar. She doesn't notice you, but you notice her exposed legs, mentally scolding yourself for doing so.
As you take another sip of your drink, your tongue getting used to the sugary sweetness, a man approaches the stranger in front of you. From this proximity, you can hear the conversation, or rather the small harassment that he was doing.
Rolling your eyes at the stranger's clearly offensive attempt to approach the other woman, you force yourself to get up and walk over to them.
Well, Nat always said that you were a person with a natural talent for theater and you wish she were here now to see the little scene you caused.
Pretending to trip over the sunshade support, you made a sudden movement and knocked your entire drink against the man's collarbone, who let out an exclamation of anger and surprise as he stood up.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" You asked in a falsely guilty tone, forcing an expression of shock. Before he could say anything, you were already grabbing one of the towels left on the little tables beside the chairs and throwing it harder than necessary against the man's face. "Here, honey, clean yourself up."
The man blinked in surprise, and glared angrily at you for a second before muttering "whatever" and turning to leave. When he was already a safe distance away, you turned your face to look at the seated woman.
"Sorry about your book." You speak as you notice that the spilled drink has dripped a little on the pages. "But if you ask me, the ending sucks."
"Thanks, I guess." The woman mumbles not keeping her gaze on you. "I didn't need you to help me, by the way." She adds and you roll your eyes, realizing that the chair next to her got empty after your little commotion. When you sit down, she raises her gaze to you in disbelief.
"Who said I was helping you?" You retort. "I love throwing expensive drinks at strangers."
Your joke elicits a nasal chuckle from the woman, who softens her posture.
"If you want to lose money, I suggest donating rather than wasting it." She teases back and you bite back a smile, shaking your head slightly. When she opens the book again and leans her back against the chair, clearly deciding to ignore your presence, you copy the position, but stand with your arms folded across your chest and close your eyes, enjoying the warmth of the sun against your skin.
You are tired from the trip, and eventually fall asleep. When you open your eyes again, the woman is no longer there.
Since you have napped until the afternoon, there is no chance you will sleep early. You try to distract yourself with television, but most of the programs are pay-per-view and you have probably already exceeded all the limits that a Shield salary can afford, so you decide to spend some time on the activities included in your weekend bundle.
After putting on a shirt to join the lobby, you take the elevator down and step out into the outdoor area, not surprised to find the place as busy as before. The difference is perhaps the lack of children because of the time of day.
You walk toward the bar and roll your eyes slightly when you notice the same man as before being loud and boisterous along with a small group partying near the place. But you ignore them as you sit down on the first stool you find.
"Well, if it isn't my knight in white armor." A female voice comments wryly beside you, surprising you mildly. You look at the woman with a raised eyebrow, but she is looking straight ahead.
"So you expect me to call you a princess? We don't even know each other." You retort in the same tone, and watch the woman bite back a smile, rolling her eyes slightly.
You stand in silence while you order a drink, this time smiling in the same way that the bartender smiles at you. While you wait, you can' t help but look over to the side.
"You know, I think I might need to get your name." You begin in a tone of false seriousness, not knowing why you want to pull conversation with the stranger, but doing it anyway. "Since I need to know who to sue for attempted hit-and-run."
The woman laughs lightly, and as she sets her drinking glass back down on the counter, she turns her body toward you, without getting up.
"The smart thing then wouldn't be to say my name, don't you think?" She retorts with amusement in her voice. "That way I avoid a lawsuit."
You smile in a corner, shaking your head slightly. You lean your arm on the counter, and it takes a moment for her to speak again.
"I'm Leigh."
"No last name so I can't find your ID, right?" You tease and she smiles, licking her lips for a moment. "Well, I won't tell you mine either then." You comment before telling her only your first name, and she laughs lightly. "May I at least know your profession? Or, I don't know, where you're from? I need that information to track you down."
You joke, and Leigh makes a thoughtful expression for a moment.
"I'm from everywhere actually." She says mysteriously. "Because I'm an international jewel thief."
You smile at the mixed tone of seriousness and playfulness in her speech, respecting her right not to want to tell you the truth, and acknowledging the identity she chooses to assume.
"Oh, really?" You ask joining in the joke. "And let me guess, your disguise happens to be as a fashion stylist, right? And you have a red motorcycle and deadly poison hidden in your lipstick?"
Leigh holds back her laughter, nodding.
"I can't confirm any of that information, actually." She says. "After all, a little incident happened and I wasn't able to finish the story."
You laugh at the teasing, taking a sip of your drink. Before the moment of silence lasts any longer, you ask if you can approach. When Leigh consents, you take the seat next to her.
"And what do you do?" she asks as soon as you sit down. You clear your throat lightly.
"I'm a secret agent, actually." You tell her and from the woman's expression, she still believes you are joking. You do not correct yourself however. "Lasers and villains, the whole story."
Leigh smiles, murmuring in understanding.
"And what is a secret agent doing in Palm Springs?" She asks next and you assume a dramatically thoughtful expression.
"I got a hint actually." You reply. "A jewel thief, fugitive from the government. I'm trying to gather information to effect her arrest."
Leigh fakes an expression of horror making you laugh.
"If I see anything suspicious, I'll give you a heads up." She jokes and you smile, enjoying the whole thing. Before you can add anything else, the small group next to the bar let out loud laughter and they attract your and Leigh's attention.
You frown slightly when you witness the guy from earlier whistling at one of the hotel staff, the people with him finding his little scene of harassment funny.
"I guess a drink in the face isn't enough for some idiots." You comment and Leigh sighs mildly. She looks at you at the same moment you look at her.
"Maybe more drinks will be enough."
That's how you end up doing a little mischief that involves distracting the stranger with comments about his muscles while Leigh approaches and manages to get the man's card. When you walk away, after she hands the bartender the hotel ID after ordering a round for everyone at the bar on the stranger's behalf, you were laughing.
"I'm beginning to believe your thief story." You amused comment as soon as you and Leigh reach the trail out of the bar area. She just smiles at your words. You clear your throat next. "I guess I need to show off my secret agent skills then."
Leigh looks at you curiously, but you just smile as you nod in the direction of the gardens.
You walk for a few minutes in silence, and you remember everything you have observed since you arrived at the hotel, and are able to find the small opening in the fence that you saw some staff members pass through in the afternoon.
"Please, milady." You joke as you make room for Leigh to cross the path first, and she rolls her eyes with amusement before doing so.
You end up in some kind of unfinished private garden, but one that is still very pretty.
Perhaps it is an area under construction for some kind of party, as it has a stage set up in the center and some folded chairs scattered about.
Your attention falls immediately to the piano that has also been set up high on the dark stage.
"How did you find this place?" Leigh asks as she looks around, and you walk past her to get on the stage, eliciting a giggle.
"Field study, of course." You reply with false seriousness. " A secret agent never goes anywhere without studying the whole place first."
Leigh murmurs in agreement, deciding to follow you to the stage. You take a seat on the piano bench while she remains standing in front of the organ.
"Do you have any requests?" You ask looking down at your fingers as she studies your face.
"Old Mac Donald had a Farm." She replies and you choke on a laugh.
"And I thought your taste in music was as good as your fashion sense." You tease causing her to raise an eyebrow.
"Is that your way of complimenting what I'm wearing?" She retorts but you just bite back a smile, moving your fingers across the keys.
You decide to play a melody that she may not recognize, but is exactly what you feel you should play.
When the first notes of " Spring - Ludovico Einaudi" echo in the room, Leigh looks at you in surprise, but you just smile.
It takes a moment for her to surround the piano, and to sit down next to you. You continue to play, enjoying the sound and concentrating not to misplay the notes.
When you make a particularly fast movement on the piano, Leigh looks at you impressed, but you just push your shoulder lightly against hers, smiling. Neither of you regains the distance from before, and you continue to play.
When you finish, you are silent for a moment.
"Where did you learn to do that?" She asks in her low, impressed tone as you both look down at your hands on the keys. You sigh slightly, moving your fingers away and placing your hands in your lap.
"I used to play when I was a kid." You reply. "Before I was a secret agent, of course."
Leigh smiles, biting her lips lightly. You look away from the movement, to her hands quickly.
"Let me show you." You whisper as you reach out your hand to hers. When she accepts, you position her fingers on the keys, and then fit your hand on top of hers. "You start like this."
The sound is far from perfect, and Leigh laughs every time she misses a note, so you don't really care.
You stay like this for a few minutes, until you can get her to complete five notes without making a mistake.
"See? You' re almost a pianist already." You comment with a smile, looking at her face. She mimics your movement, and you feel your heart skip a beat from the closeness.
You feel the tension build in the room, but before you can think of doing anything, a male voice is breaking the spell.
"Sorry, but this area is for employees only." Informs the young man from the hotel, seeming slightly embarrassed to interrupt. You and Leigh quickly walk away, standing up and muttering an apology in unison to the guy, who waits until you leave by the trail he guides.
When you reach the entrance to the social area again, the employee closes the gate, waving slightly. You and Leigh exchange amused smiles.
"So... what do you want to do now?" You ask the next moment, wanting to prolong the evening.
"I want to swim." She declares and you frown slightly, then shrug. You nod in the direction of the pools and you exchange a glance before starting to walk.
At the edge of the pool, you sigh slightly.
You exchange a look with Leigh, standing next to you, and then you laugh softly as you both begin to undress.
You can't resist the urge to look at her, especially since she jumps in first and you catch a glimpse of her body covered only by a bikini. Ignoring your uncompensated heartbeat, you jump into the water next.
It's a good thing the water was cold, because you are feeling your face and body heat up at the way Leigh looks at you.
Trying to lighten the mood, you swim around her, casually meeting her gaze again as she mimics the movement.
You laugh lightly when you realize that you are swimming in circles around each other, and decide to stop. Leigh swims in front of you a moment later.
"Hello, superspy." She greets you almost in a whisper waving her arms to continue on the surface in front of you.
"Hello, international thief." You speak back in the same tone, your gazes locked on each other.
You wonder if she would like you to break the distance, as her gaze has lowered to your lips for a few seconds. But before you can surrender to this urge, she takes a step back.
"I'm cold."
And then she swims away, and you wonder if you have taken the whole thing the wrong way.
Following her a little way back, you look for towels.
"Which floor are you on?" You ask as you reach the elevators, each with a towel around your body. You watch Leigh tighten her arms against herself slightly.
"Second." She replies half-heartedly, and you nod.
"Let's go together then."
She gets into the elevator first, and after she presses the button, you stand next to her, your back against the wall.
The tension is back the moment the doors close, but after the pool, you find it best not to take any action, not wishing to make Leigh uncomfortable.
You reach her floor a moment later, and when she doesn't leave, you hold your breath.
You risk a corner-of-your-eye glance at her, but she continues to stare straight ahead, sighing slightly.
Trying not to look like a complete mess, you wait for your floor to arrive.
The way down the hallway is silent, and despite your nervousness, you don't fumble to open your room.
Leigh enters first, and strides into the room as you close the door.
She stops in the center, her gaze scanning around for a moment before returning to you. You hold your breath, and then she lets the set of clothes in her hands fall to the floor.
You bite back a smile, mimicking the movement. Taking a deep breath, you do the same with your towel, and ignore the heat in your cheeks as Leigh's gaze descends to your body covered only by your underwear.
She removes the towel at your waist next, and you stare at her exposed legs for a moment before moving slowly toward her.
You smile shyly as you stop in front of her, and it takes a second for you to slowly lift your fingers to touch her, tracing the outline of her arm and watching her skin shiver.
"Everything okay?" You ask softly raising your gaze from where your fingers were touching to her eyes. Leigh sighs, shaking her head in agreement. You give her a short smile, placing your hand on her cheek, and watching her lean into the touch slightly. "Use your words." You ask in a whisper, your other hand repeating the motion of your fingers from before, even more slowly.
"Y-yes." She confirms half breathlessly. "And you?"
"Yes." You say, your hand reaching for the strap of her bikini. "I'm going to kiss you now, Leigh."
She nods in understanding, sighing heavily. You didn't correctly calculate how attracted you were to her, because the moment your lips touched, you felt your head spin and it was hard not to push her against the bed immediately.
You both sigh against the kiss, and you slide your tongue into her mouth next, your hand on her face running down to her neck, deepening the kiss even more.
Leigh seems hesitant to touch you for the first second, but then she gasps against your tongue, and brings her hands to your shoulders, bringing one of them up to the back of your neck and scratching the skin, making you sigh.
With the hand that was on the bikini strap, you use your fingers to pull the strap down, and with the other hand you repeat the movement on the other side. When the bikini falls to the floor, your hands go down to her waist, and you pull her toward you.
Leigh gasps at the contact of your breasts bumping together, breaking the kiss with a wet sigh, and you take the opportunity to move your mouth down her collarbone, enjoying the sounds you manage to get out of her whenever you bite her sensitive skin softly.
You lean against her to lower your kisses to her breasts, and when your mouth finds the hardened nipple, she arches her back, closing her eyes as her fingers force your head forward against her breast.
"Oh." She moans as she feels you suck on her nipple, your other hand moving up to give her other breast due attention, your fingers playing with the tip. " Oh, fuck, that feels good."
You smile against her skin, feeling your core tighten with the sounds you are tearing out of her.
When your hand on her waist moves down to her ass, squeezing the flesh and pressing Leigh's hips against yours as your mouth continues on her breast, she moans loudly as she throws her head back, shuddering against you.
It's enough to make you lose control. You need to know how she tastes.
Gasping, you move your kisses down again, and Leigh holds her breath as you get down on your knees.
You kiss her thighs first, while your hands pull down the fabric of her panties.
When the fabric falls away completely, you swallow dry, your gaze glazed on the exposed intimacy of the woman in front of you, your mouth salivating to taste her.
"I-I'm gonna fall." She comments shyly, and you notice how her knees are already shaky. You take a deep breath, forcing yourself to stand up.
You take Leigh by the hand to your bed, and she stands there, making you smile. You move forward against her mouth again, and she sighs, almost losing her balance from the intensity.
"Lie down." You ask between one kiss and another, making her moan softly. "Spread your legs for me."
Leigh gasps against your lips as you slip your fingers through her folds for a moment, before pulling away until she obeys. You bite your lips as you watch her lie down.
Before you join her, you remove the rest of your clothes. Leigh's cheeks redden, but you give her no time to register this, climbing onto the bed with your knee between her legs and kissing her again.
As she begins to squirm beneath you for more friction, you move your kisses down her body.
She closes her eyes when your mouth is at the level of her belly, breathing hard.
When your tongue touches her pussy, you both moan loudly. You are amazed at how wet and hot she feels, the taste filling all your senses. And Leigh bites her lips to stop herself from moaning out in pleasure when your tongue begins to move against her clit, sucking and licking her devotedly and making her whimper.
"F-fuck." She moans breathlessly, her hips thrusting into your mouth. "Yeah...right there... don't stop..."
You lift your hands to her thighs, holding her open. Your own intimacy pulsing from the way Leigh is surrendered to you and the sounds she gives you.
Keeping the strokes of your tongue as deep as you can and being sure to press your clitoris in return, you feel her pussy tighten and Leigh's body begins to quiver in spasms.
"I-I'm... close... fuck..." she begins to whimper disconnected words, long moans escaping her throat. It takes only two more strokes for her to come on your tongue, her moan loud enough to be heard in the next room, but neither of you care.
You drink all of her cum, enjoying the taste and feeling on edge, without even having been touched yet.
Moving up your kisses again, you deposit slow kisses against Leigh's skin, waiting for her to recover from her own orgasm.
When you reach her mouth, she kisses you back with the same intensity.
You just know you're not going to sleep early tonight.
When you wake up, your bed is empty. You are surprised by this, really.
The night was very good. Much better than any one-night stand you have ever had.
After getting dressed by finding your articles of clothing, you walk to the front desk.
It takes a few minutes to find Leigh, and you frown when you realize from the bag in her hands, the documents, and the car key that she is leaving.
"Wow, you weren't even going to leave a note." You tease as you catch up with her. She is startled by your sudden presence, but forces a smile.
"Look, I'm sorry..." she starts but you shake your head.
"No need." You interrupt by putting your hands in your pockets and shrugging. "It was just one night after all."
"Yes." She reaffirms what you say, staring at you. You hold her gaze, and a long minute later she sighs. "No, it wasn't."
You swallow dryly, watching her. She seems conflicted about something, her expression going from worried to guilty in a few seconds, and then she takes a deep breath and shakes her head before looking at you again.
"I can't." She says, and you sigh lightly. "I just... can't."
"It's okay." You decide to say, ignoring the way your stomach is flipping with nervousness or your heart is racing. "We are civilized adults, aren't we?"
Leigh smiles, and you watch her eyes water for a moment before she quickly hides her emotion. You feel the same way.
" This is a goodbye." Leigh says next, and you look away to the floor, nodding in understanding.
"Goodbye, Leigh. It was nice meeting you." You say as you look at her again, forcing a smile even though your eyes are watering.
She smiles, approaching to kiss your cheek close enough to your lips to make you shiver. She doesn't pull away immediately, raising her mouth to the height of your ear, she whispers "I left a note." and before you can understand what has been said to you, she is gone.
It is only at the end of the day, many hours after she has left, and you are already inside your car that you rummage in your pants pocket looking for the car key that you find the note.
It is a piece torn from the page of the book "Unmoored in milan", the paper stained with drink. In the corner, in cursive letters it is written. "to my favorite secret agent. Leigh Shaw, Los Angeles."
You smiled at the words, and as you were driving back to New York, you wondered how long it would take Natasha to find out Leigh's phone number.
Tag list> @imapotatao / @aimezvousbrahms/ @ensorcellme/ @helloalycia
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msblazer · 2 years
“Annoying Skin Suit”
Revenant x Reader
(Enemies to Lovers)
|Part 1|
1.5k words
Copy and pasted from my Wattpad new one shots book:
Wattpad: @Ms_Blazer
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Revenant x F!Reader
Where the reader is not afraid of the murderous simulacrum, who hates her back for it. They have a continuous rivalry on who would loose their minds first and finally snap.
Best friends: Natalie, Octavio
-possible spelling errors!
"Hey (Name)! Good job today, you did great." Anita patted your back. "Yes! You were fantastic (Name)!" Natalie beamed, her French accent could be heard very clearly." "Thanks guys, you both did amazing today as well."
You smiled back. The three women continue to talk about the match they won together while walking down the hall towards the main room to the other legends.
"Oh! (Name)? May I ask you something?" Natalie asked. You turned to face one of your beset friends while tilting your head. "You just did, but of course go on." Natalie giggled before asking. "Did you encounter you know who during today's match?" You nodded.
"Yeah I did actually, I saw him looting on his own so I decided to take that to my advantage. I knocked him down but-" You were cut off from your sentence when you felt a very rough shove to the shoulder. "Get out of my way skin suit." Natalie let out a little squeak and hid behind Anita slightly.
You looked at his back as he started to walk away. "Haha! Still salty about the match today hey? Imagine getting downed by an 'Annoying Skin Suit' like me!" (Name) taunted.
"(Name) I don't think that's a great idea- he's emitting smoke" Anita warned. Natalie was still behind Anita for cover. Suddenly Revenant spun around so quick it scared Natalie to the point she let out a scream of fear. Anita staggered.
(Name) raised an eyebrow at the simulacrum in amusement. "Sorry (Name), don't get yourself too hurt." Anita apologised as she ran after Natalie who had already taken off in the original direction the three of you were going.
"Lookie, it seems your little friends left you girlie..." Revenant slowly started to make his way towards you. "Did you really think by just knocking me down during that match was going to get anything to benefit you? Your status?"
"Yeah actually, surprise! I've got a tracker on how many times I've knocked you down 'Revie'." (Name) glared. Revenant growled. He has already lost his temper and now his patience was slowly decreasing.
"You better shut up before this ends worse for you than the other time I shot you down." "Try me asshole." Revenant's eyes turned into a blood red glow and he sprinted towards the smaller human. (Name) grinned and gave him a small wave before disappearing into thin air. Revenant missed his attack and started to look around for you.
He heard a laugh from behind him and quickly turned around to see you a couple of meter away from him down the hall. He rushed forward again.
Just before he could punch you, you appeared behind him in a flash and kicked the back of the abdomen part of his body, which was covered in leather. He let out a grunt and quickly turned in your direction.
You quickly teleported behind him again as his fist came towards you. This pattern continued for a few more seconds before his fist suddenly collided into your stomach mid air which took out the air in your lungs.
You get out a yell of pain and fell a meter down till your body collided with the floor. You saw Revenant about to raise his foot to kick you, you quickly rolled away. His foot still collided with your nose and you let out a groan of pain.
He didn't kick you hard enough to break your nose. The two of you saw the blood from your injury splatter onto the floor. Clutching your nose you got up quickly and turn to Revenant who still looked pissed but slightly...uncomfortable?
You felt the blood pouring down the hand that was clutching to your nose with light patters of the liquid meeting the ground below. You quickly mumbled a small "fuck you" before disappearing into the air leaving a light blue powder from where you stood.
The powder floated down, some mixing with the crimson blood on the ground where it turned into a violet purple colour.
Revenant growled and kicked a plant pot across the hall, shattering it in the process as he continued to make his way back to his own assigned room. As he walked he realised that you only lightly damaged some of the leather on his body.
It was nothing compared to the damage you could do with your bare hands during any of the matches which confused him, yet he shrugged it off and continued to walk away.
You quickly reappeared in some random room. "Eep! (Name)!? You scared me half to death! Don't randomly appear like that!" Natalie yelped at your sudden appearance.
"Relax Nat, we've seen each other naked so even if you were doing something with Mr. Speed Devil I wouldn't care and just leave you two to do your thing" (Name) grumbled as she started to make her way towards Nat's bathroom.
"(Name)! That stuff doesn't happen! Stop making things up!" Natalie stammered. You let out a small "mhm" as you were about to open the door to the bathroom to find the first aid kit. "(Name) are you okay...? You're bleeding, wait where are you goi- wait! Don't open the door!" Too late. (Name) opened the door and saw a panicking Octavio inside. Thankfully fully clothed, minus the mask and goggles.
"AH! Aha- hOlA aMiGo! FiNe dAy iSn'T It?" He stuttered as he leaned on the sink counter. You turned around to Nat. "Like I said. I don't care"
(Name) made her way towards Octavio who was sweating from anxiousness. "Can you move?" You asked. Octavio moved away immediately. "Yeah, sorry amigo..." you hummed in acceptance.
You quickly took out the med kit from the cupboard. "(Name) do you need any help?" Natalie asked. "That would be great actually" (Name) finally let go of her bleeding nose.
You both heard Octavio let out a hiss sound. "Ow, that's gotta hurt. What did you do? Teleport into a wall?" Octavio joked. (Name) shook her heard. "No, it was-" you let out a hiss of pain as Natalie started to clean off the blood around your nose.
"As I was saying, it was Revenant" You answered. Octavio tasked. "Of course it was, that metal headed punk. I would beat his ass if he wouldn't kill me first with a simple glare" Octavio shivered. You let out a laugh which you immediately regretted as you felt the pain come back to your nose.
"GAH that hurts like a bitch..." You growled. Natalie was about to put on some alcoholic disinfectant. "Oh, HELL NO" You yelled as you saw her approaching with the piece of cotton that had the 'evil liquid' you referred it to in her hand. Before you could get up you heard Nat yell "HOLD HER DOWN" and you felt a strong pair of hands hold you down.
"NO. LET ME GO RIGHT FUCKING NOW. YOU AREN'T GOING TO PUT THAT SHIT ON ME." (Name) yelled. You could probably be heard down the hall by other people walking by. "I'll make it quick! I promise!" "Well will you hurry up amor?! She isn't that easy to hold down you know!" Natalie quickly began to disinfect some of the cuts.
The long yell of curses and shouts could be heard down the hall. A minute of yelling passes and it is quiet again.
"Jesus (Name)! One of the most skilled and someone with a large amount of endurance from bullets and a nearly broken nose, yet your most vulnerable to some alcohol disinfectant?! Seriously?!" Octavio exclaimed.
You sat up silently. The room was awkwardly quiet. Natalie began to put a bandage on your nose. You were still quiet the entire time. A few moments pass and Natalie finishes applying the bandage. "I'm an idiot." (Name) mumbled.
Natalie immediately began to comfort you "no you're not (Name)! Don't be so hard on yourself. Maybe challenging Revenant to a fight was stu-" Natalie was then cut off.
"I could have just had teleported away before you could but that evil liquid on me...GODDAMNIT." You huffed. Octavio started to laugh. Natalie began to giggle and you soon joined in laughing.
As the three of you bonded while playing a video game that Natalie had saved for Octavio for when he came over to her room and eating snacks together and laughing, you didn't notice a certain simulacrum listening in from the hallway while you got your injury treated.
He huffed and continued to walk away to where ever he was going.
Ahh! Here is part 1 finished! I had a lot of fun writing this one. I'm excited to write part 2. (Maybe even a part 3?) I hope you enjoyed reading this! Thanks for reading!
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desiredmalfoy · 4 years
Pairing: Draco x Ravenclaw Reader
Genre: fluff with very (I mean very) light angst.
Note: No Voldemort Universe. Seventh Year.
Word Count: 1.1k
Since I couldn’t post my Fred fic, here is a Draco one I wrote today. I honestly wrote this during my break after a random idea popped into my head. So I’m sorry if it’s not my best work.
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(Not my gif. Credit to the owner)
Draco protects his secret girlfriend in front of everyone after someone is mean to you. Ravenclaw reader x Draco
Your relationship with Draco was unconventional. You had been secretly dating him for a couple of months now. Both of you had decided it was best to keep it secret for the time being due to both of you running in very much different friend groups. You both wanted to make sure you were hundred percent serious before letting your friends in on your relationship.
Plus the both of you loved the adrenaline and risk of seeing each other is secret. The nights you spent together, bodies intertwined together just like your souls were now. Nights pressed against the walls of the corridors as you both attempted to not get caught in the dark of the night. Hair disheveled, breathing hitched, eyes glossed over with lust.
You were everything and more to him as he loved every detail about you. Completely infatuated with your intelligence and beauty. Intoxicated every time he got to hold you close. He wasn’t perfect, but you didn’t need him to be when you loved every aspect of him.
The rush of being with him was never ending. Your love for each other is indescribable.
It was no secret within your house that you shared a rivalry with a fellow Ravenclaw named Ethan Jacobs. The two of you could not agree on anything or even have a civil discussion. Always looking to outdo each other in any way. Better grades, better marks on exams, being in a professor's good graces. The two of you made anything into a competition against each other. Your conversations were always filled with snarky remarks. Just recently, you had beaten him out for top of your Divination class, which completely enraged him.
He had always known which buttons to hit to irritate you. Although you did your best to ignore him. As well as assure your boyfriend later that you were fine and you can handle an idiot like him. You had been dealing with him with him for years. Which usually stopped Draco from doing something drastic. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t send Goyle and Crabbe after him every once in awhile.
Until one day he took it too far.
This year, Ravenclaw shared Potions class with Slytherin. Which meant you were luckily placed in the same class as Draco. The two of you sent each other secret looks throughout the lesson. Or your hands would brush together when you accidentally grabbed the same ingredients.
“Who can explain to me the ingredients needed to brew amortentia”, Professor Slughorn addressed his class as he paced the room. “How about you Miss (y/l/n)?”
“To brew amortentia the ingredients to add are powdered moonstone, pear dust, peppermint, ashwinder egg, and rose thorn”, you responded with a proud smile.
“Very good Miss (y/l/n)! Prepared as always I see.” Professor Slughorn enthusiastically responded to you. You could hear Ethan mumble something incoherent at the remark. “Now who can tell me what it does? How about you Mr. Jacobs?”
“It’s a love potion that creates a powerful obsession but it doesn’t create true love.”
“Very good.”
“Which is the only way (y/n) could ever get anyone to even look her way.” Ethan added quietly as Slughorn walked away from him. That earned a snicker from one of his annoying friends. It was just low enough to be out of earshot of the Professor but enough for you to hear.
“Can you ever shut your mouth”, you turned around with an eye roll. “You know the rest of us are simply trying to learn here.”
“It’s true though. I mean look at you. Who would ever willingly love someone…no...something like you?”
The room grew uncomfortably silent. This argument was different from the rest.
“That’s enough”, Professor Slughorn finally spoke up.
“Merlin, anyone who would willingly love you must be under some sort of spell. Poor bloke. “ Ethan continued to speak, completely ignoring Professor Slughorn’s direction to stop.
“I know an annoying prat like you isn’t talking.” Draco sneered as he came closer to you and Ethan. Directly placing himself in front of you. You didn’t even have a chance to speak up.
“Stay out of it Malfoy. This doesn’t concern you.”
Draco was now properly mad at the situation. He wasn’t about to let some idiot speak to you like that.
“I’m not going to stay out of it if it’s in regards to my girlfriend.” A shocked expression graced your features. This isn’t how you imagined the school finding out about your boyfriend. But here he was defending you in front of everyone. Your heart swelled with pride and love for him. You grabbed his hand and gave it a slight squeeze.
“I reckon she has you under a love spell mate. Don’t worry, there are antidotes for it.” Ethan’s attempt at a joke only triggered Draco further. For him to even insinuate something so outrageous about you angered him.
Without warning, Draco let go of your hand and grabbed Ethan by his collar and lightly lifted him off the ground.
“If I so much here you’re still bothering her, I will make sure your life is miserable for the rest of your pathetic excuse of an existence.” Draco spoke quietly so the thrashing Ravenclaw was the only one able to hear the threat. Everyone knew Draco Malfoy kept his word. Especially if it was to protect someone he loved.
Draco let go of him, causing him to fall to the ground. Ethan scrambled to scout away from Draco while still on the floor. Fear coursing through his body and that same fear evident in his eyes.
Draco could only smirk and find joy in this. Someone so inferior learning their place brought an unexplainable satisfaction to him.
The class completely enthralled with the scene unfolding before their eyes.
“I apologize Professor for what you have witnessed. You’ll have to excuse us.” Draco didn’t even wait for the shocked Professor to even respond. He grabbed your hand once again and pulled you out of the classroom. He dragged you into another unused classroom.
“Are you okay”, he asked with worry lacing his voice. He grabbed your cheeks and tilted your head up so you were staring directly at him.
“Of course I am. How couldn’t I be when I have someone like you to protect me.” You reached for his cheek as your thumb lightly grazed his jaw. He leaned in and placed a sweet and delicate kiss on your lips.
“I think it’s safe to say everyone knows about us now.” He said as he pulled away from you. Hands long gone from your cheeks as he pulled you in close to his body.
“Doesn’t matter. Now they know who my amazing overprotective boyfriend is. They should be afraid.” You joked as a laugh escaped your lips. The vibrations of your joy jolting his entire body.
“They should be. I’m sure they’ll know what’s coming to them if they do.” He kissed the crown of your head and held you a bit tighter.
“You know I love you right?” You pulled away slightly from his body to look into his eyes.
“You tell me everyday darling.”
“Good. Never forget it.” You placed your head back on his chest. His embrace felt like home to you.
Taglist: @daisyyy2516 @id-kill-to-be-an-assassin @slytherinambitious @bonkybabe @phatcrackdad @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @instabull @gwlvr
Reminder: None of my work can be reposted anywhere. It doesn’t matter if you give credit, please do not repost!
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shadowsepiphany · 3 years
Anaxiphilia| 03| myg| jjk.
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Synopsis: Happiness in it’s complexity, was something you thought you had, back in college. Your best friends Jungkook and Yoongi, slowly became a big part in your life. But what happens when teenagers grow up to be rich and spoiled devils, hating each other and fighting for the only thing that has stayed the same throughout the years: you.
pairing: yoongi/jungkook x reader
genre: smut, angst, romance
warnings: mature content, sexual content, heavy language, love triangle (but not in the annoying way) rich and spoiled yoongi and Jungkook.
rating: mature.
word count: 3k
Series m.list | whole m.list
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Dated: 02.01.2020
Yoongi and I went to a friend's party yesterday and the news he told me is still hurting me in ways that shouldn't even display these emotions. He wants to marry her. He is already planning to propose.
It feels like he is trying to take her away from me and sadly, the friendship is starting to feel like rivalry, he is reminding me more of an enemy. He is smart, I have to admit, he is way smarter than me.
He knows what I feel for her and now, he is planning to end this. But I won't let him. I will start taking action. Especially because there is something telling me, y/n might be feeling this way too.
-jeon jungkook.
 You knew that it wasn't what you shouldve done. His eyes tired, hands twitching at the sight of you and blinking furiously, as if he was unsure of your presence being solely in his imagination. His hair, raven black, framing his still puffy face was prominent in his appearance and you were still trying to get used to it. His soft features were highlighted, his nose shining caused by the bright white light.
“Yoongi-” you stammered, hands clutching to your phone, grabbing it tightly as if it would save you from this situation. His breath quickened, eyes searching for something and you looked back at him, with confusion painting your face, before his still absent eyes stopped, gazing straight into yours.
“Did he hurt you?” His pupils were no where to be found, eyebrows knitted and body ready to explode, like a ticking bomb. You were taken back by his assumption, thinking about the source of his worries, your boyfriend, the sweetest man on earth before Yoongi came back in his life. How would he ever hurt you? 
“No, why would you think that?” Your voice was louder than you intended it to be and immediately you regretted raising your Voice at him. He takes a step back and motions you to come in, a sudden suggestion that surprises you and leads you to let out a sigh.
You could see how bright his apartment was, by only eyeing what the doorframe wasn't hiding anymore, it looked clean and big, ultimately it also smelled like vanilla, something rather unusual for the yoongi you know. The brightness of his Apartment left you lovestruck, the smell masking your worries as you tried to suppress your reason for stepping in front of his doorstep.
Who is the yoongi you know anyway? He is gone, grown up even more and he showed you this new side of him with every little thing that you've noticed whenever you two saw each other. His mimic was indecipherable, lips drawn into a tight line, mesmerising eyes twitching once again at your unreadable purpose.
“Are you gonna come in?” His voice is clear, expressionless but still inviting enough for you to nod and step into his apartment. Jungkook would have killed you for this, as Yoongi closed his door, you felt your heart wrenching for your boyfriend. But you are doing this for him.
“Yoongi, we need to talk.” The named person just stares at you, eyes resting a little too long on your neck, miserably gazing at you before he nods and motions you to sit down, on the opposite side of his table. The Chair made a quiet noise, but the tension in the air was so thick, every little noise would strike your senses.
“Did he hurt you?” The repetition of the question makes you huff and you cross your arms over the table. It felt weird and foreign to look at your ex-boyfriend again, bad blood still clear in his veins at you frowning at him, like you used to do. 
Despite looking like he wasn't able to get an ounce of sleep, he looked rejuvenated, a shining jewel with a reflection of your stressed self being even more visible then a mirror would display it to you.
“No.” You huffed yet again, sharp but not cold as you picked on your fingers, amidst his glare that burned holes into your physique. 
“I can hear you two arguing all the time, you know?” 
The honest tone was hiding his worry, gulping as he noticed that the tone was as bad in hiding as a child in a room without furniture. The opposite applied with you two: The air seemed full, stuck to the brim with distractions while you were unable to answer him in a normal way.
“It's complicated.” 
Your tone was unconvincing, Yoongi watching your every move with a slight sense of disapproval, the corner if his mouth showing down, eyes exhausted and hands unoccupied, 
His Hoodie was a deep blue, his eyes exhibiting you an even darker tone, like a color scheme, chosen with patience. 
“What do you want y/n?” 
His hair was messed up, you were unsure if he was trying to fix it by running through it, or if he was proving you how unwelcomed you were, at his own place where he was supposed to feel comfortable. 
“Why are you making it so hard for Jungkook? Can we leave things in the past?”
He shrugged and meanwhile nodded, two actions that were uncomfortably to mix, his inner fight now clearly visible for you, bricks starting to cripple, finally snapping, by standing up, chair falling loudly, your heart beating just as loud. 
“The past? Yeah, let's talk about this, shall we? Let's talk about the past!”
All these years spent in unison, Yoongi has never once raised his Voice like he did now, Veins popping out of his neck, dark range of vision focused on your figure, seemingly small and innocent, but he had another image in his mind.
“I can't believe you cheated on me. With my best friend out of all people. But what hurted me even more was that my best friend decided to fall in love with you, out of all people. You betrayed me and now, I'm the bad one? You're ridiculous, when are you finally going to grow up?”
Your eyesight was getting blurry but you didn't allow the tears to fall down, despite how much they tried to escape your perception sense. You decided to allure him, to watch every emotion flooding through his brain, to accept the fact that he was right. 
Human minds are exciting, but they aren't easy to decipher. Every mind tries to deny the fact that one may be wrong, memories suppressed and love the hiding spot for many, a hiding spot that crowns people with halos, even if the devil sat behind them laughing his grotesque laugh.
“I- I know. But Yoongi, I've never cheated on you.”
“Come on, what is cheating for you anyway? Where do you draw the line, my love?”
The use of your dead nickname, in a frightful kind of way, had you gulping hard as if you just swallowed a poisonous apple whole.  
“Don't answer, I'm going to tell you where I draw the line. Finding letters in his shoebox that were describing his undying love for you and you, you falling for his charm, in front of me.”
He was nearly sobbing, the process of once unspoken words being freed from his chest evidently hurting him like a million stitches, whilst he sat down again, his trembling legs unable to carry his raging body.
“Is that everything? I won't stop making it hard for him.” 
He seemed to be quick in building up his walls again, tears sucked in while yours were set free, you were unaware of it, but the salty taste was absurdly prominent on the corners of your mouth, whilst you nodded.
“Okay. Then get out now.”
Your steps were fast, his guiding to the door more of a burden than a grace, your blood pumping as he stopped you quickly, only to whisper one last thing.
“By the way, maybe you should check the Shoeboxes too. I think he is hiding something rather interesting.”
Before you could answer, his door was shut and the breeze of the wind, caused by an open window was the only thing you could feel, numbness spreading through your body.
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“Why the shoebox?”
Namjoons fingers present themselves as prominent, his veins clearly imprinted in his honey toned skin, as he took another bite of his lunch, the forks noise echoing in your senses.
He was dressed in a beige Hoodie and black Jeans, a cozy combination and you realized you have never seen him this casual, despite the conversation being anything but a daily talk between coworkers.
“It's a long story. Jungkook used to write letters, but never send them away. He stored them in a shoebox.”
Your memories, clear in your head, are starting to become corrupt and deceitful. Yoongi screaming and fighting Jungkook, a white, open shoebox, filled with traitorous letters, ripped and disowned from their privacy. 
The night was something, your head tried to suppress, the only thing that was somehow stuck in your mind was the feeling that creeped up your whole being: you felt adored, something that yoongi took away from you, maybe unconsciously. 
“Well, will you search for it? Or is your ex boyfriend just bullshitting you?”
His eyes were sparkling, caused by the white light in the tiny cafe you were seated in, chairs uncomfortable and tables placed way too far out of your reach, you had to drink your coffee in a unconventional way, but this didn't bother you, your head occupied with issues that wouldn't even fit in this cafe, if you could grab them. 
“I trust Jungkook. Besides, what could he hide that would fit in a shoebox?”
You were chuckling, but Namjoons mannerisms were showing you that he didn't believe you  finding this amusing one bit, arms crossed and mouth slightly opened, as if he could name you millions of things that a shoebox could hide, but held himself back. 
He could never hurt you, not even with words, his nature wasn't made for that and both of you knew it. 
One thing was sure: you needed a plan. Maybe, it would be a good thing to move again, if that would help with your relationship that you could feel dissolving like sand. You gulped hard at the thought of losing Jungkook too, a thought that had never crossed your mind before, as Jungkook had always been so loving to you, but it is possible.
“y/n, I wanna ask you something. Please be honest.”
His white shirt fluttered, caused by someone opening the door of the cafe with loud noise and your heart sank, your gut never disappointing you, recognizing the well dressed man as the one that threw you out of his apartment earlier, his eyes sinking amidst of eyeing your now small appearing figure, you could glearly see him gulping and eyebrows sinking, melting into the line of his nose.
“Namjoon, what are you doing here in Daegu?” 
You couldn't believe his words, the tone striking deep into all of your organs as his presence spread through your body like poison. Another stitch was placed in your stomach as Namjoon, your only friend that shouldn't have been involved in all of this, the only one that should be an outsider, hugs your ex boyfriend tightly, like they were brothers. 
How could this happen to you? This seemed like some sick game.
“I moved here a while ago. Look at you! You're glowing you bastard!”
Namjoons Face was decorated with deep dimples and his swearing only scared you even more: they probably know each other even better than you feared they would. Yoongi's eyes were trying to avoid your gaze, you could feel his precise act of trying to find everything interesting but you. His black suit was slightly out of place, something white underneath being clearly visible, flashing you like a bright light, a dark hair strand falling into his face, it was messy and still, he looked like a true professional. 
“You could've told me. You know I live here.”
Suddenly Namjoons eyes were averted at you, following Yoongi's change of plans to eye you, take you in deeply, as if he forgot everything he learned about manners. You swore you could see a little grin in his actions, his hands buried deeper into his pants, amusement and anger mixing in his stomach.
“y/n! meet my friend yoongi! We haven't seen each other since high school, but we were best friends back then.. oh god how time flies, right?”
The taller one was sitting down and motioning Yoongi to do the same as he sat down a little more on the side than before, leaving the smaller one no choice but to sit beside him, causing him to stare right into your face.
Your heart was beating out of place, lips trembling as he opened his own, hand raising and leaning slightly over the table. 
“Nice to meet you. My name is Min Yoongi.” 
You knew the person in front of you even better than you knew yourself, the pressure of his hand on yours displaying how nervous he truly was about this situation, your confused gaze making his feelings even more prominent.
“Y/N.” You answered shortly, wanting to keep the facade up, as Yoongi was obviously trying to do the same by nodding, as if he didnt use your name already in countless different ways.
“Y/N here was telling me about a problem before you interrupted us yoongs.”
Namjoon was gazing at you slightly, as if he was asking about your permission to tell his old friend about your issues and you felt sweat escaping almost all of your body parts as you tried to avoid the situation, eyes on Yoongi while answering.
“Yeah yeah, but that would bore your friend. We can talk about that another time.”
“No. Go on, tell me, I'm sure it's not that boring. You should always speak about problems and I can give good advice.”
He is teasing you. His grin was wide and his feet were now suddenly hitting yours two times, your state being worsened by his devilish behaviour. Mouth slightly opened, eyes glancing at you as if they were mocking you, you felt imprisoned by his direct speech. 
But you were willing to fight back.
“Yeah sure. I was just telling Namjoon, that my ex boyfriend is being a pain in the ass. He won't leave my boyfriend and me alone.”
Now you could feel your grin growing as his disappeared at the same time, eyes now glaring as if he was challenging you into something important. Namjoon was nodding along and you couldn't help but feel sorry for him not understanding the situation at all. 
“That sounds like a problem. Why is your ex boyfriend mad? What happened?”
It was as if you were fighting over who got to keep the grin, yours disappearing again as your mind was wandering along answers to choose. But it was useless, as Namjoon was stepping into the conversation, his extroverted nature feeling left out.
“I didn't catch that either. I think her boyfriend, Jungkook and her ex are friends.”
“used to be.” Yoongi interrupted him, his hand curling into a fist as he almost blew his cover, his feelings taking control over his body, the need to lessen the confused eyes on him making him nervous.
“I mean, are they still friends? If he took his girl.”
Namjoon was satisfied with his fast correction as he nodded and looked at you, with apologetic eyes, he knew that the situation was uncomfortable for you, without really knowing why. Your hands were trembling slightly and your nods were merely even worthy of expression.
“He didn't take me. It was my decision, after months of being separated from him. You know, it hurt, he left me because of some stupid accusations.”
Yoongi's chest was raising, his breath deep and strong, as if you just threw a knife at his heart.
“Namjoon, did you just say her boyfriend's name is Jungkook? “
Your ex boyfriend was facing away from you, his glowing skin being a heavy contrast to his dark suit, his nose sucking in a deep breath once again, eyes completely on Namjoon as said person nodded. You felt a weird energy from him, as if he could sense something being out of place, his fingertips were making rhythms on the table, vision averted at your empty coffee cup. It wouldn't be such a reach to think he was catching onto the situation, as he was an incredibly intelligent person.
“There's a Jeon Jungkook working for me. Is that him, y/n?”
You couldn't answer, mouth as if it was glued together, tongue aching, so you only nod slightly, his amused face already showing you what he was about to do.
“He is a dick. How are you keeping up with him?”
“I'm sorry, I have to use the restroom for a second.” 
Namjoon stood up, his steps fast and arms swinging harder than they usually would. Now the games were over, he was obviously suspecting something and the tension was unbearable for you.
“What was that yoongi? Why did you do that? Why are we pretending to not know each other?”
He only shrugged his shoulders, playing with a button on his suit, eyes down and eyebrows raised amidst continuing to ignore your questions. He lost the sparkle in his vision, the amusement in his expression and the elegance that surrounded him when he stepped into the tiny cafe was gone completely.
“Did it really hurt you?  When I left, I mean.”
Was he being serious? 
The Button was now hanging, opened, but left alone and his hands were knocking on the table, impatiently.
“Yes. But that's the past now isn't it?”
“Tell Namjoon I will call him. I'm sorry for today by the way.”
And he was gone.
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Taglist: @moonchild1 @pleasegivemearemedyyy @marslena @roundbuttonsuga @illnevertrustmyselfagain @kookxin
104 notes · View notes
astaroth1357 · 4 years
request: an MC thats very good w playing games or like,,, is proficiently skilled in all game categories or smrhn
alsp hi xander i love ur writing
and can i giv u a kith? if so: mwah 😚
Well I hate to tell ya, sweetie, but I’m not Xander. I’m Jazzy. Hello! I can see why you’d want something written by Xander, though. He’s mad talented (better at this than I am quite frankly) and he’s on the list of people I wish I could write as well as. I guess we can both take a moment to be sad that I’m not Xander… *sigh*... to be Xander… 😔
Oh well, I am who I am and I don’t begrudge that fact. Meanwhile, I’ve wanted to do more shout-outs so everybody go read @sevendeadlymorons! If you’re not… I mean… why not? He’s more than worth your time. In the meantime, I hope I can entertain you despite my not-Xanderness.
Brothers React to an MC Who’s Good at Games and Stuff 
Honestly couldn’t care less about the MC’s game proficiency in most cases. So they’re good at games? Good for them, he’s sure they’re happy.
But when they’re playing against him on the other hand…
Well, Lucifer may or may not be skilled at whatever game you set him on (he’s a very quick learner so never underestimate him), but he’s whole new levels of competitive when he wants to be. ESPECIALLY if he already thinks he’s hot shit at something.
Video games? Not his forte. Table top games? One word for you: Chess.
Lucifer believes that he can and will whip pretty much anyone’s ass in chess. That includes Satan, Solomon, Levi, and even Diavolo. He is at grandmaster level.
So imagine his shock, no, his disdain to have lost a game of chess to the MC… The moment they said "Checkmate" he stared at the board in front of them for a solid five minutes trying to work out where he went wrong…
And he wasn’t having that.
He and the MC now have regular chess matches in which he wins some and loses some so the tally stays pretty evenly tied. Really it’s all good fun... (but if they think he’s going to let them go home when he’s on a losing count, they’re Dead. Wrong. He’ll drag them back to down just to play chess with him until the score is right again. He DOES NOT lose, you hear? 🤨).
Guess who’s found his gambling buddy?? 
No, really. He and the MC can make a KILLING at a Poker or Blackjack table! He’s never seen anyone better at poker than they are!! They have nerves of steel and give nothing away, so he’s lost more than a few hands to them before...
Even past the casinos, they’re perfect for making bets on! He once arranged a Devil Cart competition between the MC and Levi and took bets around RAD for who’d win...
Naturally, everybody assumed the Devildom’s resident Super-Otaku would win hands down, but the MC had this insane last minute save with a blue shell and pulled ahead in the last lap!!
He was like, the only person that bet on the MC and he got soooo much money that MC found HIM crying and hugging a bag of Grimm after the match…
Any time they win a game that gets him money, he’ll treat them like royalty for the next week. Man knows not to bite the hand that feeds him!... and creditors at bay... 😬
It may get slightly annoying that Mammon won't stop telling them about gaming competitions where they can get him more prize money, but hey, at least he's supportive, I guess.
Oh they are either his best friend or mortal enemy… Sometimes both in the same day.
Our boy hates losing, can't stand it any better than Lucifer, you KNOW the second he knows there's someone out there who even has a chance of beating him, he gets serious. This is not a "friendly rivalry," MC.
When they’re playing any game against each other, he'll call them by their gamertag/online persona to keep himself focused (yes, even if they’re playing Monopoly). They can't be his MC right now, they gotta be the person he's going to beat...
He's NOT opposed to dirty tactics to win, either. Saying things that will get them mad or flustered mid-match? Check. Using his tail to distract or tease them? Check. Just being a general nuisance/annoyance in game for the hell of it? Guilty as charged!
He's both a sore winner AND a sore loser, so unfortunately MC, you really can't win here... He'll be obnoxious regardless of the outcome.
However… when they’re on the same team, it's really something special. They don't just destroy the competition, they bulldoze over them like an armored tank barreling through rush hour traffic!
These two are legends in the online gaming community and have even started a streaming channel on the side. Sometimes your worst enemies also make the best allies... Who knew? 🤷‍♀️
Is surprisingly impressed by their gaming prowess. Are they just supremely skilled or incredibly lucky, you think…?
That being said, he's not the biggest gaming man on the planet so he's not too competitive with them one way or the other.
When Satan plays a video game, he usually goes for story-based, single-person experiences anyway so it's not like he could compete with them even if he wanted to.
That being said, they do share an informal challenge of sorts when it comes to puzzle/detective games (a not so guilty pleasure of his). He likes to try and beat the levels first, so when they start playing a new one they'll both compare time spent and scores.
He even enjoys playing those Devildom-style AR murder mystery games with them! It’s pretty cute to watch Satan get into it, he dips into his inner Levi and cosplays as some of his favorite TV drama detectives for the occasion and insists they dress as his co-star (best just go along with him. It’s not a bad time, even if they have to carry around an old tobacco pipe for a few hours).
Good at games? That sounds dangerously like they're another Levi… 🙄 What about party games? Oh oh, or drinking games??
Actually scratch that. How about ANY game while drunk? That sounds pretty fun doesn’t it??
Like Drunk Truth or Dare!! Oh that's a favorite of his… 🤭
To be fair to the MC, the booze does diminish their skills somewhat (because that's kind of what it does in general) but not by all that much… It's pretty impressive.
He once challenged them to a game of Drunk Twister figuring that they'd be too unsteady to actually win for once, but no. If anything, the alcohol must have numbed the stretching pains because they bent over him like a pretzel!
Not that he was complaining or anything… 😏
He likes to take the MC to parties where he knows a game or two will be played just to show off to the crowd and brag that they’re HIS lovely, talented human! You go, MC, beat that competition to a pulp! 😌
Sports count as games too, right? Well, they aren't half bad at those either.
Beel found it surprising that he found a human who could actually keep up with him. His brothers rarely want to play practice games with him anyway so it’s pretty exciting to have a sports partner at home!
He likes to ask the MC to help him train with practice matches or to go over certain moves or maneuvers he’s having trouble with. It’s not uncommon for the brothers to come home and find the two of them tossing a ball around in the front yard or something.
And the both of them on the same team? Forget it. It takes the dream team of Lucifer and Mammon (who aren’t just arguing with each other for once) to even come close to a challenge for them.
He also enjoys playing the occasional video game with them, though he treats it a lot like playing with Levi and just assumes he’ll never win unless he gets lucky - which does happen from time to time.
He doesn’t mind losing that much as long as he’s having fun, and if nothing else he can always win against them in an eating contest… He’s got those on lockdown. Come at’em MC, he’ll pack away an entire fridge before you’re done with your first plate. Try him.
So Belphie enjoys a good game or two - video-based or otherwise - it comes with the lazy-bastard territory. He may not be as skilled as Levi, but he can hold his own in some genres.
But he’s given up on beating the MC looong ago.
Do you know how much practice it would take? How many hours that he would have to use?? The hours where he could be napping instead???  Yeah, no thanks. They can continue to be the reigning Super Smash Devils champion for all he cares.
Buuuut even he has to admit, it’s pretty relaxing to watch the MC play something in the background... There’s a certain sort of satisfaction to watching someone who’s good at a game just play it straight through.
If they’re set up in Levi’s room or the Common area then Belphie may come over, set his pillow up on the floor, and watch them play. He may even throw in a comment or two like, “You missed a health pack,” or “Better save now,” but other than that he likes to just let them do their thing.
The MC has had many an all-nighter with Belphie spectating until about 4am or so. Then he’s dead to the world and they have to work out how to get his not-exactly-light demon ass onto a couch…
Or they can just leave him faceplanted and snoring on the floor. Up to them, really cause he did it to himself. 🤷‍♀️
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Go Go Karasuno: An Old Rival (Pt 1)
Warnings: swearing, light teasing 
Word Counts: 7,000+
"Keishin you asshole" you shout for the end of the court. God how you despised Ukai Keishin! The man was the bane of your existence at Karasuno High. He was always one upping you. Always one step ahead. He always got the praise while you remained in his shadow.
"Calm down Y/N! I'm just teasing you. I promise I'll be quiet during your serve this time" Keishin says as he smirks at you through the net.
"You say that every time asshole, yet we continue to have this discussion" you say with a huff.
 You are annoyed and honestly just fed with with him. You didn't even want this practice match but of course, a lot of the girls had crushes on the boys team so you felt like you had to join. Even thought you couldn't stand Keishin’s big ego clogging up your breathing room.
"Just serve Y/N. Ignore him" one of your teammates shout.
 You take a deep breath, tossing the ball up to serve.
Serving required the utmost concentration for you. You didn't know how people could effortlessly serve with background noise and people cheering. You hated that. You're teammates knew it and so did your coaches. Most of the time you didn't have to worry about noise, but when you were playing the boys team, you knew you always had to worry about something.
"Just do it already" you hear a voice shout as your hand smacks the ball in front of you causing it to barrel towards the net.
"Aye net ball" Keishin yelled from the other side of the court as he snickered at you.
"I'm seriously gonna kick your-" you start to say as your teammates gather ground to stop you from commit a felony.
"Alright that's enough" Coach yells from the sidelines "lets wrap it up."
You sigh as the boys high five each other, celebrating their victory. You line up with your team as you prepare to thank the boys team and shake hands.
You approach the net, extending your hand to Keishin while looking down.
 "Better luck next time Y/N. But hey I can see the improvement. Just try getting it over the net next time" he smiles shaking you hand as you continue to stare at the floor.
Anger. You are so mad that he beat you again.
You sulk to the sidelines as you begin to dry off with a towel and drink your water.
"Will I ever be as good as him?"
Flashback ends
8 years. 
8 whole years have passed since you last seen Keishin or any of the Karasuno Alumni. Now you find yourself standing at the gates wondering how fate brought you here.
It wasn't like your memories of High School were awful. You got good grades, played volleyball. You were even the captain of the girls team your 3rd year. For all intensive purposes, you loved High school. 
 You just hated Ukai Keishin with a passion. Sure you realized your teenage hatred of the man was petty. Of course it was. It was almost 10 years ago but yet you couldn't forget the man. There was just something that irked you to no end about him and you were glad your past 8 years had been Keishin-free.
After high school, you traveled to Toyko for school. After graduating you worked in Tokyo in a corporate office. You loved the job a lot. The city life was right up your alley. The people, the shopping, the nightlife. Everything. Not that you necessarily partook in those activities but you enjoyed the options. You had friends, your whole life was in Tokyo.
It's not like you wanted to be back in Miyagi. It wasn't by choice you were here.
 You're parents had left after you graduated high school, following you to the cities. Unfortunately, when your grandfather got sick, you were the only one who could help. 
Your parents both had prior commitments with work and you didn't have family in the area. You're job allowed you to work remotely. It was both a blessing and a curse. You were only going to be in town for a few weeks. Just to get your grandfather and grandmother settled in a senior living center. 
 Your parents had offered them to move in with them in Toyko but your grandfather would have none of it. He was as stubborn as they come. He hated the idea of "the big city". Your grandmother didn't really mind anyway but she wasn't going to leave your grandfather as long as he was living so you just gave up.
So how does that bring you back to Karasuno you ask? 
Well a few of your fellow alumni had found out you were back in town. I'm talking Takinoue Yūsuke and Shimada Makoto, both former classmates as well as former volleyball players. You knew they were friends with Keishin but you never minded them. They were always nice to you and treated you kindly. Sure they joked around with you but they never pressed you like Keishin did. So imagine your surprise when you showed up to Shimada Mart with your grandma in toe only to find Makoto stocking shelves.
To say you were shocked wouldn't be entirely accurate, I mean his name is on the store. You just figured he had moved on. When he invited you for drinks with Yusuke, you accepted. 
 Not once did the conversation turn to Keishin which you appreciated. The men knew of your rivalry well. It almost seemed like neither of you had moved on from one another.
They had talked about the boys team and how amazing they were. You still enjoyed volleyball talk and even played on a small team in Toyko on the occasional weekends. They told you about their neighborhood association and how they were playing a match with the boys of Karasuno. They mentioned needing a setter to which you immediately perked up. You didn't ask questions, not even thinking about why they needed a setter.
You figured since the conversation avoided Keishin that he was no longer in the area. You knew of his families store but also knew that he probably didn't live around here. You offered your services as a setter for a practice game. The men looked at one another, nodding in agreement. You figured what could be the harm. You got to play volleyball and kick some kids asses.
It would be a lot of fun.
Keishin finished up his shift at his family store leaving it to his mother to tend while he attended practice. He hadn't thought much high-school since he graduated honestly. He was happy in his life.
He had good friends, a solid family support system and of course, he was the head coach of the Karasuno boys volleyball team. He walked to practice as he's thoughts drifted. They often did. He'd light a cigarette, think about things and by the time he finished, he was at the gates to Karasuno. He had scheduled a practice match tonight. He knew the neighborhood association lacked members but the Karasuno boys were always willing to fill in. 
For some ungodly reason, his thoughts drifted to you. He hadn't thought about you in years.
That was a lie. A complete lie.
He actually thought about you often and how he was a complete and utter jerk in high school. He would never admit he had a crush on you back then but he did enjoy your little rivalry the two of you had. He always thought you were a great setter but he always strived to be better. It was just how he was. He knew his little crush would never amount to anything. You were way smarter and way more attractive. You had life goals and he strived to stay on the volleyball team. He hadn't dreamt of leaving Miyagi. He knew he wasn't college bound. He knew he'd always be here but you, you always dreamed of more and he admired that.
He thought you were probably some rich lady by now with a husband and a family. He laughed because he imagined your husband staying home while you worked because that's just how you were. You were strong and independent. You never settled.
Keishin entered the gym where the Karasuno boys were practicing.
"The neighborhood association will be here in 10 minutes" he yelled.
"Yes coach" the boys yelled in return as they continued to warm up for their practice game.
"Suga I'm going to need you to set for the association again tonight" he said. Sugawara Koushi nodded as he went back to warming up with the spikers. Takada Ittetsu, Karasuno’s faculty advisor and other coach, soon came bounding into the gym as he often did. He was always racing around it seemed like. 
 He had meetings, papers to grade and other things teachers worried about. Keishin laughed at how different him and Takeda were yet they made a great coaching team.
"Alright guys the show is here" a voice shouted from the doors as they were thrown open.
Keishin sighed, placing his head in his hand. 
"Takinoue you talk to much" Shimada rolled his eyes as he smacked Takinoue on the shoulder walking over to Keishin.
"I've got Suga warming up for you guys" Keishin said to Makoto.
"Ahh no need tonight man, we've got a setter" Shimada said as he rested his hand on Keishin’s shoulder.
"Huh?" Keishin questions and the doors flew open. His eyes and the eyes of the rest of the teams eyes flew to the door.
Keishin froze
"Damn I see they still haven't fixed these God forsaken doors. It's been like 10 years damn" you said as you switched from your street shoes.
Everyone was staring at you.
"Hello everyone" you smile as you wave, still not noticing the long blonde hair coach on the sidelines staring holes in your head.
The boys bowed to you as you smiled.
 You turned your body to walk to Shimada as you begin to speak "you should have told me-" you stop making direct eye contract with Keishin, your mouth dropping open.
"Keishin?" You say shockingly
"Y/N?" Keishin said equally as shocked.
"Oh whoops" Takinoue looks at you laughing awkwardly "I guess we forgot to mention the little detail that Keishin is the Karasuno teams coach ha ha"
Shimada's eyes went wide as he waited for you to speak.
"Yes you forgot to mention that LITTLE detail" you speak sharply as you whip your head to both Shimada and Takinoue.
Keishin is still frozen.
You're here? Why? How? And your setting for the Neighborhood association? Oh dear God!
"Long time no see Keishin" you speak directly as you look at him.
He thought you were beautiful then but now you looked spectacular! His brain and heart were thinking and beating at 1000 miles per hour yet no words were formed from his mouth.
Gosh this was awkward.
Shimada and Tokinoue watched in wonder.
 Everyone did.
 The Karasuno team could sense the tension between you two.
"What's with coach I've never seen him this quiet" Tanaka Ryunosuke whispers to Nishinoya Yu.
"No clue but it's making me nervous" Noya said in response.
You wanted for Keishin to speak only to be met with silence
"Well ok then" you clap your hands together "I'm here to set so let's get this show on the road."
You walk towards the practice jerseys as you slip one on. Everyone seems stunned but nobody says anything. You look back at everyone as they awkwardly go back to their tasks.
Takinoue walks up to you as you start stretching. You glare at him.
"This is all your fault" you say sharply as he puts on a practice jersey.
"Don’t expect any sets today" you growl as you walk to the sidelines talking with your new team for the evening.
The boys welcome you with open arms. Ennoshita Chikara, one of Karasuno's wing spikers greats you with a bow.
"Umm miss would you mind if we practice a few sets before the game starts?" He asks pleasantly.
"Oh please call me Y/N! And of course! I'm a new setter to you so I totally understand wanting to get comfortable" you smile as you walk towards the net.
Keishin is still staring. You're sure his eyes dried out by now from not blinking.
Ennoshita describes his ideal setup to you as you are mental notes. You remember a teammate who had a similar style so you try to adjust what you can.
 Ennoshita throws a ball to you as you set perfectly for a kill.
"Nice kill" you say with a smile. Ennoshita blushes.
"That was a great set Y/N! I don’t think I've hit a ball that confidently in a long time" he says with a smile as he rubs the back of his head.
"Well thank you but I'm a bit rusty. The ball drifted a bit too much towards the net for my liking. I'll adjust" you say with a smile as the next teammate tosses to you.
“She hasn't changed a bit” Keishin thinks to himself.
He always thought you were too hard on yourself in high school. He admired you but you were always trying to do more. He knew you didn't really like him but he didn't actually know the reason. He just thought you found him to be annoying.
Keishin snaps out of his thoughts as he blows the whistle. Everyone lines up, thanking each other for the game as they proceed to their spots.
The game goes on for a while. You see Kageyama Tobio and Hinata Shoyo’s quick and your eyes sparkle. You knew that move had to be a shocker to almost anyone playing against them. You learned to never underestimate a player. You knew the smallest players were out the most dangerous. But you had to admit that even the quickness and trust the duo displayed was phenomenal.
During a break, Kageyama asked if you'd observe his technique. You felt honored as you knew the boy was a prodigy. He was a quick thinker on the court and adapted well. You could also tell he was a lot like you were. He was hard on himself and always strived to do better. You observed the infamous "falling toss" that just stopped mid air. It was amazing to see. You'd never even dream of being able to pull something off like that.
Honestly it seemed like a “Keishin” move to you. You laughed as you thought about all the times you rolled your eyes at his ridiculous sets. He was always trying to outrun the blockers. Always trying to open the paths for his spikers.
"That tosses was phenomenal boys" you smile as you applaud their efforts. They both bow as they disperse and continue their training. 
Your eyes met Keishins again.
Honestly we're you really going to ignore him this whole time?
“It's been almost 10 years Y/N he's probably matured” you think to yourself as you gather the courage to approach the coach. Then again this was Ukai Keishin we were talking about. The asshole who constantly made it a mission to get under your nerves in high school.
When the second practice match started, you were you to serve. Keishin smiled to himself thinking about the cute look you got on your face as you prepared to serve. It made his hard warm. You didn't fail to notice his smile but you're thoughts automatically drifted back to high school. You hated that smile so much.
You prepared to serve as suddenly you heard someone clear their throat. You missed the serve completely, hitting a net ball. Keishin snickered to himself.
“Man you really hadn't changed all that much” he thought as he was thinking about how much you hated missing serves.
Your neck snaps to him as you glare "I know you did that on purpose" you spit at him.
Keishin just smiles "Y/N you really think I'm out here to mess your serves up?"
You definitely hadn't changed.
You huffed as you glared at Keishin as he smirked.
Shimada and Takinoue looked at each other. Part of them was hoping they would see you chuck a ball at Keishin while a part of them wondered how you two had managed to ignore your feelings for each other for so long.
The game ended as the boys cleaned the gym and thanked you for the game.
Keishin watched as you took off the practice jersey. Your shirt lifting, exposing your tummy bit to reveal your smooth skin. It was now or never .
"Umm hey Y/N, thanks for helping out" he says as he approaches you
You continue to wipe the sweat from your forehead as you take a drink of water. "No problem. It's a great team you have here" you say while avoiding eye contact.
Keishin wished you'd just look at him. You really didn't still hate him did you?
"Well I’m off" you say as you wave and smile to the team and the association. You quickly move to the gym doors, replacing your shoes and walking away.
"You sure blew that one" Shimada snickers behind Keishin.
"She really had no clue I was the coach?" Keishin looks at Shimada.
"Not one clue" he says in return "besides this provided so much entertainment." He throws his head back laughing as he walking towards the gym doors.
“Wyou blew this one Keishin” he thinks to himself as he sighs taking a seat in a folding chair.
He really did blow this one.
taglist: @axoxtxhxh​
175 notes · View notes
stanzoeywade · 3 years
Tiptoe - Poppy x MC
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Taglist: @somewillwin @uhh-the-green-thing @jmojellybae @simp-pony @made-me-deep-blue @uselesslesbianfr @it-lives-in-braidwood-manor @belvoiresqueenbee @alexlabhont @samanthadalton @crazzyplays @sparring-hyena @baexpoppy @cloakanddaggerthings
Summary: Poppy and MC meet in summer and they were dating but broke it off, not related to free falling dhaisja don't ask about ch3 idk either.
A/N: uhm hi I've been a ghost for like months lol but I heard from a little birdie that queen b is coming back in September and I'm so ready to clown for my wife Poppy again. Based on song below which is a bop. I also did not check my spelling or grammar I die like a dumbass. My one braincell would like to thank u all and Gabi for this fic 💗
There's hardly anything in this world that captivates you, until you see her. Her flawless skin, her blonde hair and those deep chocolate orbs that you just want to stare at and drown in forever. Who knew such a beauty existed? It boggles you to know that the Min-Sinclair heiress is perfect. One might say that you're jealous but deep down you know that's not the case. Jealousy? No, it's not jealousy, you're enthralled by her. It's not even because of how fucking gorgeous she looks, it runs deeper than that. There's just this weird sense of kinship that you feel when you look at her. She's more than the ranking, she's vulnerable and actually cares, something you saw when you went to the animal shelter.
The way her eyes sparkled when she saw the rescue animals, the way her mouth curved into that gentle smile. Who knew the queen bee of Belvoire had a heart? Her vulnerability is further shown when you realise that the golden girl of Belvoire has her own scars, her pride a by-product of the hurt caused by family and so called friends.
Having seen the forefront of it all, Belvoire is cutthroat. Everything matters, the clothes you wear, your family name. It's a free for all, no one cares who gets burned, low blows exchanged, it's all a big mind game and those who fall under pressure lose not just their reputation but everything they have worked for. But apart from all of that, she's still the first thing that makes you smile.
It's damning, the way your mind and heart races at the thought of Poppy. The way her eyes light up when she flashes that gentle smile, where one look is all it takes to make your knees weak and the blood rushing up your cheeks. You've never seen such a beauty, her smile is like a soft ray of sunshine, warming you up. However, she's also as mysterious as the moon, especially since she acts so sweet and the next minute she's as cold as ever. It's enough to give you whiplash.
Such gentle and delicate features, yet her personality is as fiery as the sun, I guess it's true what they say, the sun is beautiful yet staring at it can become painful.
It's confusing as to why Rosie's fallen so hard for Poppy, they've been rivals from the start, with each other's goal to come out on top. Things have definitely changed after the night they slept together, Poppy's words have no actual bite to them. If she were brave enough Rosie would've called Poppy out on it, but she's so confused on where they stand that she doesn't want to risk this newfound "friendship" if one can even call it that.
It suddenly hits Rosie like a brick. 'Wait, has Poppy been courting me in her own weird way or am I imagining shit?' She becomes more confused as Poppy seems to stare at her longer than she ever did, sometimes Rosie would meet eyes with Poppy who seems to have a longing stare as if she has so much to convey yet has no courage to do so. Sometimes it gets to the point where Poppy blushes after she realises that both of them have been staring at each other for too long. Both of them being a flustered and blushing mess, looking away as if they've been burned from getting too close to a fire.
Most people in Belvoire would argue that its not longing and wistful glances that the two are exchanging, they'd say that those were intense glares formed from the ongoing rivalry that the two have established in public, but anyone who personally knows Poppy and Rosie would say differently. There's also an ongoing bet between the students of the school. Some argue that Poppy and Rosie are secretly dating whilst the rest argue that they absolutely loathe each other and the ongoing stares are to intimidate each other to give in and leave Belvoire.
Zoey and Veronica are secretly in cahoots in which they bet that the two are definitely dating or in Veronica's words "those two are definitely fucking" which earns her a fond smile as well as a roll of the eyes from Zoey. Chloe suspects something between Poppy and Rosie, considering they genuinely don't seem to put energy behind the insults they throw at each other. She doesn't think that the two are lovers but she definitely thinks that they're secretly friends.
It's not until Veronica sees Rosie wink at Poppy when she thought nobody was looking, and she was certain that the blonde would glare at Rosie but imagine her surprise when Poppy flirts back by winking back. In which she's all too excited to text Zoey about. "Omfg bitch, you won't believe what I saw today, like holy fuck the two gays were flirting when they thought no one was looking." All she gets in response from Zoey was "show receipts pls."
Rosie can feel herself falling for Poppy, both of them know that things have changed. Neither seem too interested in fighting and when they do argue, it's all for show, after all no one knows that they're secretly pining after each other. She suddenly remembers how they met.
Being relatively new to New York, Rosie was eager to meet new people and what better way to start off than hooking up with strangers from a random bar? After all, the city was big and it's been a while. As soon as she arrived someone immediately caught her attention. One Poppy Min-Sinclair, dressed to the nines, she was definitely Rosie's type. Not really expecting anything Rosie struts towards her, in hopes of beginning a conversation.
At first Poppy seemed uninterested, scoffing and she felt a presence near her. She didn't really want to deal with anyone considering they're usually just random guys who wanted to hook up in the bathrooms or worse they're drunk as fuck trying to flirt with her. However, imagine her surprise when she looks at the person that dared to sit by her. Poppy would be lying if she said that the girl in front of her wasn't her type. She seemed sweet, and had a gentle smile. It was also a bonus that the girl seemed to know how to dress herself.
When their eyes met, there was this lightning spark that just fit into place, the two had chemistry. It was undeniable, the two just knew how to push and pull. The banter was there, so was the attraction.
Poppy wasn't shy about showing her attraction, obviously checking Rosie out, which earns her a low chuckle from the other girl. "At least buy me dinner first before you undress me with you eyes?" said Rosie with mirth dancing around her eyes, whilst Poppy just laughs, soft and languidly slow. At which point Rosie knew she was screwed, the blonde in front of her looked like she just walked out of the runway, and her laugh was definitely something Rosie wanted to hear more of.
She's pulled out of her epiphany once Poppy speaks, voice sultry and pulling Rosie in like a siren. "My name is Poppy Min-Sinclair, and I do what I want sweetheart." The confidence she exudes is shown in her voices. It's addicting the way the blonde presents herself, every move calculated and poised. Every word that leaves her lips is deliberate and elegant in her own unique way. If she was in her right mind, Rosie would've been terrified by how enraptured she was by this girl in front of her.
Rosie wasn't one to back down from a challenge therefore she decides to tease the girl in front of her. "Is your name supposed to be important? I've never heard of it. Anyways, since you've introduced yourself so nicely, my name's Rosie." Poppy just raises an eyebrow at her semi-surprised that the other girl hasn't heard of her. "Sorry babe, the whole world doesn't revolve around you." said Rosie with a cheeky smile and wink and before Poppy can retort Rosie finishes off by saying "but it definitely should revolve around you, I mean look at you, you're mesmerising."
If it were any other person, Poppy would have definitely rolled her eyes and walked away, but Rosie seemed to mean it. The other girl definitely looked like she wore her heart on her sleeve, and it was just so damn endearing that Poppy, against her usual M.O., she decides to stay and talk to the other girl. 'She looks cute enough, but if she's gonna be annoying then I'll just ditch her later.' thought Poppy.
Both women were intrigued by each other, and one thing led to another. Before they knew it they were together in a hotel room. Neither of them cared about who made the move first, all they knew was that they had to have each other one way or the other.
Despite her pent up desire and lust, Poppy still cared about her reputation, after all even if she was on break it didn't mean she can be careless, plus she didn't exactly want to expose Rosie to Belvoire's dirty laundry, the girl seemed nice enough and Poppy wasn't about to mess with this girl. Sure she's a fucking bitch but that doesn't mean she wants people to suffer because of her unless they've wronged her or any of her friends in some way. She's petty but she's not that petty.
God knows Belvoire is a shithole.
They're definitely closer than what should be conceived as acceptable, considering Rosie is literally one step away from kissing Poppy. Not like either of then cared considering they were too focused on each other to pay attention to their surroundings. It's only when the bartender coughs that the two pull away from each other as if taken out of their seemingly lulled state.
Rosie's about to say goodbye, considering the blonde seems like she's torn between leaving or staying, but she's caught by surprise when Poppy yanks her arm back. "Where do you think you're going, little lamb? I didn't say I was done with you yet." The way it was said was enough to make Rosie shiver. The way the Min-Sinclair heiress said it so confidently, it didn't help that she looked to be the epitome of lust and desire at that moment, but from then on Rosie knew she was fucked, both literally and figuratively.
Before she knew it she was pulled into a car headed to the nearest luxury hotel, which just so happens to be a presidential suite at The Ritz. Rosie didn't show but she was shocked. She knew the girl was rich, I mean come on her clothes are fresh off the runway and the blonde exuded power and wealth. But this was like a bucket of ice water being dropped on Rosie's head, this was definitely something she wasn't expecting.
She's taken aback by the inside of the hotel suite, she expected it to be fancy, but nothing could prepare her for the plush king sized bed, as well as the overall layout of the room. It looks like something straight out of an IKEA magazine, Rosie can't help but think.
"Well, are you just going to stand there or are we actually going to fuck?" says Poppy. Rosie is taken aback from how bluntly Poppy put it. Speaking of which, the blonde girl is already half way through removing her clothes. She couldn't help the gasp that escapes her as she gawks at Poppy and the way her body looks so perfect, unblemished milky white skin that looks so soft, all Rosie could think of is leaving marks in her wake. She licks her lips in anticipation as Poppy gives her the come hither gesture, and Rosie is immediately lured in, like a moth drawn to a flame.
Her hands immediately raise up, helping Poppy out of her clothes, until all that remains is Poppy's underwear. Her eyes scan Poppy's body and out of the corner of her eye she can see Poppy's satisfied smile. Rosie is pulled in, her body pulled in flush against Poppy. Her eyes dart over to Poppy's lips as she leans in to kiss Poppy. A hand covers her mouth as she hears "Not yet Hughes, it's unfair if I'm the only one in my underwear."
Rosie's ears are definitely bright red at this point and she's pretty sure that her whole body is flushed, but she gives Poppy a show as she takes each article of clothing slowly, piece by piece as if testing Poppy's already short patience. As she takes her blouse off, Poppy's staring at her so intensely she can feel her legs wobble. The look conveying an unspoken promise. It's enough to make her a little self conscious, but her confidence is regained as soon as she sees how flushed Poppy is. It also helped that she saw Poppy gulp, looking at her like she's the only thing in the world. "See something you like, Min-Sinclair?" she can't help but tease and the blonde rolls her eyes.
"You were doing so well until you started speaking. Just get your ass over here. I'm not used to waiting for things I want." said Poppy. Rosie struts over to Poppy.
She's immediately back at Poppy's side, the Min-Sinclair heiress looking her up and down which makes Rosie nervous as the way Poppy stares is intense. Her doubts are quickly quelled as she's soon tugged harshly the collar. Poppy pulls her in roughly for a kiss, as their tongues dance and weave against each other, battling for dominance. They both step forwards towards the bed, and the noises that come out of Poppy is irresistible and music to her ears. She sounds incredible and Rosie can't get enough and with a flick of her tongue Poppy is putty in her hands.
They both fall towards the bed, Poppy ending up under Rosie. They pull away quickly to catch their breath, and Poppy's eyes are blown so much so, her pupils are dilated like a cat ready to catch its prey. Her lips parted and bruised, taking in oxygen as if all of her breath has been taken away. If Rosie thought she was in charge, she's got another thing coming. Their position is switched, as Poppy expertly flips them over, landing her on top of the other girl. Rosie ending up with her back against the bed as Poppy straddles her. "You're a good kisser, Hughes." she says and Rosie smiles mischievously "I try." she replies.
Poppy's quick to kiss Rosie again, as if she's her only lifeline teetering her to the world. Every kiss shared feels like sparks flying, the intensity and passion leaving them both breathless. It's not like Rosie's gonna give in and let Poppy top her, she quickly pull Poppy by the waist, bodies completely flushed against each other before rolling over so that their position is once again switched. This time Rosie comes out on top.
Before the other girl can complain, Rosie's quick to shut her up but trailing kisses from lips to her neck. Poppy smells like fresh cherries and vanilla, which for some reason is very fitting. After all cherries are sweet but the fruit itself can be dangerous, however there's a hint of danger. After all cherries do have cyanide in the seed. The whimpers and moans that come from Poppy's mouth are sensual and spurs Rosie on even more. She can't get enough of the blonde.
She can feel Poppy's nails taking across her back, and she's sure that those are definitely going to leave marks, not like she minds considering she's too far gone from the sound of Poppy's moans and whimpers.
Rosie looks at Poppy and she can't help but admire how beautiful Poppy looks under her, eyes half lidded and chest heaving. "You look better when you're quiet, Princess." said Rosie, but instead of reporting Poppy just pulls her back in and their lips are clashing against except this time its rough. Poppy pulling and tugging at her hair, while leaving small nibbles on her lips. Rosie knows that her lips are going to be all sorts of red and bruised the next morning.
Rosie's hand finds their way to the waistband of Poppy underwear, and she can feel the wet patch. She slides her hand inside and moves her fingers to find Poppy's clit, where she rubs small circles, and she feels the blonde jolt from the sudden contact and Rosie is about to apologise until she hears Poppy's breathy moans. "I swear to god, if you stop I'm going to fucking kill you." whimpered Poppy.
Rosie just smiles against Poppy's skin as she continues teasing Poppy until the other girl is a panting and whimpering mess. "I need your fingers inside me Hughes, stop fucking around and actually start fucking me." It's said so desperately Rosie finally grants the blonde her wish and starts pumping her fingers in and out until the blonde cums, back arched away from bed and a loud and filthy moan is all the can be heard. Rosie helps the other ride out her orgasm by cooing gentle words and leaving kisses that are definitely going to leave marks on the Poppy's unblemished skin.
The casuak hook up turns into dates and outings, and both of them start to catch feelings for each other. As much as it surprises Poppy she genuinely enjoys the time that she spends with Rosie. The other girl always making sure to make Poppy smile. It doesn't help that Rosie had this weird way of knowing when Poppy was upset or stressed in which she'd always do something to help the blonde feel better. Rosie's become a constant, a home away from home in a sort. Always there even on Poppy's worse days, not giving in even when Poppy's relentlessly cruel and bitchy. If she weren't so fucking smitten Poppy would have thought that Rosie was a Saint considering how patient she is. However, she refuses to confess her feelings to the other girl first, after all she's a Min-Sinclair and they don't confess ever. People confess to her.
They're both stubborn, therefore they both refuse to even acknowledge their budding feelings for the other. Though there have been too many times where Poppy has gotten jealous when people stare too much at Rosie, though it's reserved and usually subtle. Poppy quietly stakes her claim by always having some sort of physical contact with Rosie. It could be something as simple as a hand on Rosie's forearm or wrist. But the real warning comes from her passive aggressiveness when others get too close to Rosie or the glares that are given if anyone is dumb enough to try and flirt with the other girl.
It's not like Rosie is any better. Whilst Poppy is subtle with her jealousy, Rosie is not. She's always quick hold Poppy's hand as if to signify that the blonde is hers and it's even worse if anyone ignores that. She becomes more physically affectionate. She hugs Poppy as if her life depends on it. There's also been a few times where if Rosie's patience was tested she'd get really jealous and the next time they're intimate she always leaves marks where no one but her or Poppy knows. It's also when she becomes quite dominant in the bedroom and it genuinely entertains Poppy so much so it's become her second favourite past time. The first definitely being their intimate moments.
It gets to the point where both of then get so frustrated they confess how they feel that the same time, which becomes one of their inside jokes considering they both felt like idiots for not confessing their feelings sooner.
However, it's not like summer lasts forever and both of them end up breaking it off, since Poppy actually likes Rosie and she refuses to put her through the shit that goes on in Belvoire. "It was fun while it lasted, Hughes, but I'm sorry. I have to go back and I'm not sure I'll ever see you again." said Poppy, voice cold as ice as if the whole thing didn't matter. Poppy would be lying if she said that it meant nothing, considering she's never been happier. The other girl definitely had a special place in her heart but as they say if you really live someone you have to let them go. She might be cruel but she's not about to fuck Rosie's life up by involving her in the stupidity of Belvoire, she deserves better. Maybe after unibersity she can find Rosie and they can try again.
Rosie's quite sure that she's never going to find anyone that makes her feel the way Poppy does, but she's not one to make things more complicated. "I'm glad I met you Poppy Min-Sinclair, it's been fun while it lasted. Maybe someday we can meet each other again."
Imagine her surprise when it turns out that Poppy attends Belvoire, both of them shocked to see each other again. The only difference being that Poppy seems much colder than the one she met before. Her eyes didn't have that shine or hint of mischief. It looked too detached. "What are you staring at?" said one of the girls following Poppy. Her eyes widened in surprise as the person her roommate Zoey warned her about was Poppy. She's barely acknowledged by Poppy as she just walks away without a word.
Things start to get more complicated as both of them are put against each other, as they compete for the top spot. It's not like Rosie really cared about the fucking thing, in all honesty she didn't even want to compete with Poppy but it's not like she had a choice considering no one cared that she didn't want to compete with Poppy. It gets to the point Rosie avoids Poppy altogether, not really wanting the unsolicited drama with the other girl.
It becomes even worse when rumours start that th reason why the two girls avoided each other like the plague was because Carter was cheating on Poppy with Rosie, and this gets blown out of proportion during the football game in which the screen shows a poorly photoshopped photo of Rosie and Carter kissing.
The way Poppy looked at Rosie broke her heart. Poppy looked tired and upset. She looked like she was betrayed and worse of all the look was directed at her. It's made even worse when Poppy wordlessly looks away, tears on her eyes as she runs to get away from the stadium.
Things change when Rosie chases after Poppy. It's the first time she sees Poppy cry, and it breaks her heart because how can she be so foolish. This was the person she fell for, and it sucked because she was the reason why Poppy was upset.
She approaches Poppy carefully, and as soon as she's noticed. Poppy's eyes narrow into a glare. "What do you want Hughes? Haven't you done enough already?" she yells, her voice full of venom. The words sting, but Rosie marches on, as she apologises. "I know I'm the last person you want to see, but I wanted to say I'm sorry. You didn't deserve all of that." She reaches out to try and comfort Poppy but she stops as remembers that she's the reason Poppy was crying in the first place. They both stand there in a tense silence, both not wanting to speak until they both say something at the same time. "Why didn't you tell me that you go to Belvoire?" they both say in sync.
Rosie lets Poppy speak first. "If you said that you were going to be attending Belvoire, maybe things would have been different." she says and this catches Rosie's attention. "Different how?" she asks and Poppy looks at her eyes softening as she says "I would have admitted that I was falling for you."
That's how they got back together.
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minor-solemnity · 3 years
Pairing: Tom x oc/reader
Tom and oc go to the slug club yearly galla and oc is the loud Gryffindor 2nd in class and her and tom have been nemesis for long but the sexual tension is real and then tom sees her dancing with potter ..
Slughorn is like “ahh two of my favourite students” and he introduced them to a lot of people and a little girl spills something on tom and oc defends the girl and slughorn is like why dont you help him change oc ( as tom had some injury and was drenched and couldn’t change on his own ) and when they fight all the way to his dorm and she only agrees because slughorn tells her to and then when she helps him out of his shirt there is a lot of sexual tension and then kiss or maybe have sex in his dorm
And in the end she ends up sleeping on his bed and he like sees her face glisten in the moon light and is like fuck i like her even though he was trying to convince himself he didnt care abt her throughout the party ? And in the morning she is like well you slytherins have great beds you rich aristocrats or something and he just laughs and kisses her and malfoy is like well who would have thought the slytherin ice cold king and the Gryffindor lioness
I dont know feel free to change it up and if you donr want to then thats ok too it would mean a great deal to me if you write it no pressure tho..( going anon because i am shy )
~ red
Heyyy so I took a few liberties and this is gonna be a two parter because I have zero chill apparently but I hope you like this, Red! 
Next part will be up in a day or two :)
Never Gonna Give (You Up) Pt.1
You smile up at him as innocently as you can. You know you shouldn’t bait him. You know you’re being immature. You know that if this night descends into one of your usual verbal sparring matches you won’t be impressing anyone, let alone Christella Beaufort. But something about him brings out the worst in you. Makes you feel slightly wrong-footed which in turn makes you want to push and needle until he reacts.
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You take a moment to marvel at the decorations for this year’s Saturnalia party. Every year, Slughorn seems to set himself an unofficial challenge to out-do himself with more elaborate designs. This year, the theme is clear: gold. Just lots and lots of gold. From the tablecloths to the chairs, to the golden snowflakes that melt into nothing a couple of feet above your head, to the floor which has been charmed so that whenever you take a step you leave a shimmering footprint in your wake. It’s bright and festive and you can’t help but smirk at the thought of Tom Riddle being stuck in a room full of Gryffindor colours. 
Speaking of the devil, you spy Riddle talking to Slughorn and one of the Ministry officials that often grace Slughorn’s get-togethers. You don’t particularly want to go over and talk to him, but you do want to make yourself known to Slughorn and find out if he managed to Christella Beaufort on the list this year. She’s the Head Curse-Breaker at Gringott’s, fiercely independent, highly intelligent, and so tenacious she had singlehandedly opened the door to witches wanting to go into the profession. In short, she’s your idol.
“Come on, Potter. We’ve got pleasantries to make and hands to grease.” You grab Fleamont’s hand who you’re attending the party with (as friends - you’ve made it very clear to him that you’re not interested in finding out whether his skills on a broom translate off the pitch). With that, you stride over to the drinks table where Slughorn and Riddle are chatting, Fleamont stumbling after you, his hand still locked in yours.
“Professor,” You greet Slughorn with a warm smile, “I have to say, you’ve outdone yourself once again. I’m particularly fond of the colour scheme this year.”
“Ahh, my dear girl, how lovely of you to join us!” Slughorn cries jovially. He pats your shoulder and you watch as his eyes slide to your hand, which is still clasped around Fleamonts. And (not that you care) you notice that Riddle’s eyes are also fixed on your intertwined hands. You let go of Fleamont’s hand and it has nothing to do with the frown that’s now marring Riddle’s brow.  He casts a fond (and slightly calculating, truth be told) eye over the three of you. “My three best students! First, second, and third.” Your smile turns strained and over Slughorn’s shoulder, Riddle’s charming smile turns smug.
Slughorn introduces you to the Ministry official - a boring looking man who you promptly forget the name of but who Fleamont seems entirely taken by. Before you know it, Potter has abandoned you to talk shop with Slughorn and Mr Ministry and you’re left with Riddle.
Just. Lovely.
At least there’s champagne. The other professors might disapprove but in all your years of Slug Club Saturnalias, Slughorn has never once skimped on the champagne. You reach for a glass and look at Riddle with a critical eye, searching for any imperfections. Frustratingly, you can’t find any. Riddle is, as per usual, the most handsome man in the room. Pale skin, impossibly dark eyes, refined features and cheekbones as sharp as his tongue. Metaphorically speaking. Though the idea of Riddle with a forked tongue is enough to make you snort into your champagne flute. 
Riddle’s attention snaps to you and he raises an eyebrow, unimpressed, impatient, annoyed with you already and making absolutely no attempt to hide it. “Did you find something amusing?” 
“Oh, no. I was just taking in your general appearance,” You say, waving a handle vaguely towards him. You smile up at him as innocently as you can. You know you shouldn’t bait him. You know you’re being immature. You know that if this night descends into one of your usual verbal sparring matches you won’t be impressing anyone, let alone Christella Beaufort. But something about him brings out the worst in you. Makes you feel slightly wrong-footed which in turn makes you want to push and needle until he reacts. It doesn’t help that the rivalry you’ve had with him since first year has only become more intense and heated as you’ve gotten older. 
His eyes narrow and he drags his gaze across your body. The moment stretches and your cheeks flame as his eyes follow the nip of your waist and the curve of your hips. Your mouth goes dry. Because this is another thing that you hate about Riddle: he never fails to make your stomach swoop. By the time he raises his eyes back to yours, his expression is one of ironic amusement. “Colour me impressed,” He murmurs, angling his body ever so slightly towards you and you have to force yourself not to take a step back. “You actually look… passable this evening.”
You should walk away. You should find one of the fancy people that you’ve been desperate to meet since your invitation arrived a month ago. 
You don’t.
You stay and bicker with Riddle, throwing increasingly caustic taunts and jibes at each other whilst you sip champagne and pretend that you’d rather be anywhere else. You realise about twenty minutes into a debate about Minister for Magic Spencer-Moon’s policies (you rather like the pro-muggle legislature he’s attempting to pass and Riddle thinks you’re being horribly naive) that Riddle is still here. Which, well, obviously he’s still here; he’s talking to you right now in that same condescending tone he uses to tell students off for staying out past curfew. But he doesn’t have to be. Riddle is as ambitious as you are, more so, even. So why has he spent most of the evening with you and not sucking up to the many rich and talented witches and wizards in attendance tonight?
You glance around the room, suddenly aware that it hadn’t even occurred to you to leave. You’ve been so wrapped up in your conversation that everything else had just sort of… faded away. For reasons you are unwilling to examine too closely, you feel yourself grow warm. Riddle is still talking, gesturing animatedly with his champagne flute, looking horrendously handsome and like… oh Merlin, he looks like he’s enjoying himself. And that is… Well, quite frankly, that’s enough to make your brain grind to halt from shock.
You’re saved from your inner turmoil by Fleamont who appears at your side and wraps a hand around your waist. Riddle’s expression shutters. He looks at Fleamont’s arm around your waist and sneers and, for reasons beyond your grasp, you have to bite your tongue to stop yourself from explaining that Fleamont is just a friend. Fleamont, oblivious as always, grins and asks you to dance and you can’t bring yourself to look at Riddle as he leads you away to the dance floor. 
Fleamont is a good dancer. You suppose this is to be expected from the heir to one of the oldest pureblood families in Britain. You imagine that he learnt to waltz before he learnt to walk. You try to focus on the dance, on the way that Fleamont spins you around the room causing your dress robes to fan out around you in an elegant circle but out of the corner of your eye you can see Riddle watching you. He’s subtle about it, you’re fairly sure that no one else would notice, but even as he makes conversation with a wizard you vaguely recognise as Ensio Kiimamaa, widely regarded as the leading Potions Master in contemporary wizarding society, his eyes flicker to where you’re dancing with Fleamont. 
You’re really not sure what to make of it.
The dance ends, and Fleamont makes a show of bowing and offering you his arm, which you take with an exasperated laugh. “Let’s go talk to Kiimamaa, I hear he’s thinking about taking on apprentices next year.” As little as you want to go near Riddle for the rest of the night, you can’t think of a good reason to object, so you nod begrudgingly and walk over, trying to convince yourself that the trepidation you feel is a result of being introduced to Kiimamma and not because of the way Riddle’s looking at you.
You make your introductions and Kiimamma begins to explain his latest discovery: a highly acidic venom harvested from the Icelandic water-dwelling vatnaormar. He produces a vial of dark liquid, uncorks it and passes it around the three of you. “It’s highly dangerous to touch, but I’ve found that a sniff of it can induce heightened concentration and focus - I hope to find a way of incorporating it in a potion that’s safe to drink.” 
Riddle holds the uncorked venom delicately between his fingers, raising it up to the light to observe the venom and then time seems to speed up and slow down all at once as you watch in horror as two things happen almost simultaneously. 
First: A little girl, who you assume to be Kiimamma’s daughter, shakes free of Slughorn’s hold on her arm and bounds over, waving her arms excitedly before losing her balance and crashing into Riddle. Second: the uncorked vial slips from Riddle’s fingers and the venom arches in an elegant curve through the air before it splatters across Riddle’s chest.
The effect is immediate. The venom tears through Riddle’s dress robes in almost no time at all and his skin begins to burn, leaving awful red and pink welts on the pale skin of his chest. The little girl starts wailing and Slughorn and Kiimamma start flapping their hands.
Riddle’s eyes flash in pain and anger and embarrassment and he completely forgets his usual charm and grace as he rounds on the girl. Before he can start yelling at her as he so clearly intends to, you step forward and place your hand on the girl’s shoulder. “It was an accident, Riddle. She didn’t mean to.” You say and then add in a low tone so that only he can hear, “She’s his daughter. Don’t fucking yell at her.” His gaze snaps to yours and there’s a moment when you think he’s going to yell anyway before his jaw clenches and he gives you a single tight nod.
“Riddle, my poor boy, you must go to the hospital wing. Not to worry, I’m sure Madam Montague will be able to sort you out in a flash.” Later, you will be able to appreciate Slughorn’s ability to sound jolly in even the direst of circumstances. Right now, you just find it rather insensitive. Slughorn turns to you and with slightly pleading eyes asks you to escort Riddle. Try as you might, you can’t think of a good reason not to, so with a vaguely helpless glance to Fleamont, you grudgingly nod, scowling at the ground in annoyance.
You loop your arm through Riddle’s and he stiffens under your touch. You repress the urge to roll your eyes and begin to make your way out of the room, ignoring Riddle’s laboured breathing and the slight trembling of his shoulders. It’s only as you get to the door that you notice a tall, dark-haired witch with a jagged scar crossing the length of her face steps out of the floo. Christella Beaufort, the one person who you had wanted to meet tonight has arrived and you’re not going to get to even say hello.
(part 1) (part 2)
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dinthehottotty · 4 years
Catch Me If You Can
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Summary: Din finds new meaning to old words.
Warnings: Straight, unadulterated, violently disgusting fluff. It's gross.
A/N: translations at the bottom. No editting.
Those five stupid words got him everytime. They always stirred a childish rivalry between the two of you and he hated it. He was well and grown, those insignificant words should have no effect on him.
But they did.
From the time you were both foundlings it burned him. Not because you were faster than him, because he managed to grab you everytime, but the fact that it always worked on him. He idly wondered if that's why he was so drawn to bounty hunting. Had you trained him to chase?
Often times, when he's flying through the endless streaking that is hyperspace he thinks about you. Hyperspace is to you as visiting the armorer is to his parents. The whirring of hyperspace makes him dream of you saying that like some sick nightmare.
He remembers the first time it's said to him, a couple weeks after he was rescued. He'd seen you, both of you young enough that you hadn't sworn the creed. He remembers you watching him with excited eyes and sneaking over to him when all he wanted was to cry again over the loss of his parents.
"It's easier not to think about it," you'd told him, "and when you do, think about the good things." It had surprised him. He'd never spoken a word, he quickly discovered you were a foundling yourself, rescued only a short time prior. You'd eased him a bit, accepting his quiet nature with your chatty one. He thinks often of your cheeky smile from youth. It's hard to imagine what it looks like now, all he sees when you laugh is just the endless times as children he saw your grin. How you stayed so upbeat he didn't know.
But when he'd dried his tears you begged him to play and he had. "Catch me if you can!" Was shouted and so began his rage because you flashed a devious look over your shoulder as you ran.
You dared him to try.
Then it continued.
Catch me if you can, as you were trained to fight and he'd chase you across the training fields. In the middle of brawls, you'd call it out and he'd immediately turn to chase. It was purely instinctual. How you found him that one time on some outer rim planet, magnitizing trouble his direction, he decided you were bad luck. You'd weezed it as you both sprinted from an unidentifiable creature that was ready to tear you both limb from limb. He'd punched the back of your helmet for it when you were both in private (and you found it hilarious as he shook his knuckles free from pain).
It turned into a joke you'd say. Because he might be faster than you but he always have to push himself to keep up with you. It was competitive but effortless on your part and that brought out the childlike indignation he buried down. You pushed all the buttons in the perfect sequence to rile him up. He hated it. He dreaded it.
You'd appear in the furthest reaches and the most annoying manner, sneaking up on him to whisper it like it was the funniest thing. Swooping in to steal his bounties at the most inconvenient times. He never understood it. You'd catch them just before him and dump them at his feet like a lothcat dropping a womp rat on its owners doorstep. Smug and proud.
You'd jibe him with those five words whenever you could. Some of the most difficult, dangerous bounties that could yield a mighty reward and you'd just... hand them over like it was nothing.
It frustrated him to no end. But there was nothing in the world that felt better than sacking you to the ground, he swears. He loved to win against you, even if it felt like you let him. He always second guesses himself when it happens because you laugh! Like it's all in the fun.
You snare him everytime with that line and he knows he's lost. You were a fierce warrior and honestly he was glad you didn't bounty hunt often. If you did he wouldn't have even half the credits.
You swore the creed before he did. Earned your signet before him. Won a blaster before he did. It was endless chasing and even when you lost he could never understand just why you seemed to enjoy yourself so much. He could never tell if you were a rival or a friend but deep down he always hoped it was just an annoying friend.
He felt like it was a waste of your talents for you to transfer to the covert under medicine instead of mercenary work. To be honest, though he had seen you work, fingers flying effortlessly. They were steady, even when covered in blood.
He tried to tell himself that he was just too exhausted from the last bounty to not clean up his newest wound. A few shallow stabs that he'd acquired in the scuffle of a twi'lek that refused to give in. Din had closed it with an emergency cauterizer but it was mess and awkward, especially the one on his hip.
The excuses kept rolling in his head of what he'd tell you on why he didn't just clean it up himself before he realized he couldn't stop thinking about your modulated laugh or the lightness of your gloved touch compared to his. (He was fully aware of how hard you could hit and was always amazed by the delicacy of your gentle touches.)
It was after he left the Cantina, delivering bounties, collecting rewards, internally punching Kreef, that he finally just admitted he missed you. He missed the only person he might call his friend.
Din is aware that this will be the third time in the last two months that he's sought you out in this manner. That it's becoming a habit instead.
So he tries not to limp to badly to the convert. When he reaches the medical room he feels disappointed that your armor doesn't catch his eye at first. You'd probably been requested on a mission, somewhere important.
That is until he spots you half hidden behind a curtain, hunched over another mandalorian and focused intensely on whatever was under the bandage you were staring at.
He'd seen you do that. You were evaluating. You'd stand still as a droid, thinking about whatever wild random thoughts came out of your head. Another thing that marveled him. You were so creative, always looking for a different way to do things, just for the fun of it. It frustratingly worked in your favor but he thinks it's got more to do with stubbornness than good logistics.
He shuffles that way, and if you notice, you don't acknowledge him as he sinks awkwardly into one of the chairs. He keeps his weight off his hip.
"There is an avaliable baar'ur on the otherside, vod." You murmur without looking up. You'd noticed him, however not noticed it was him.
"I'll wait," he rumbles and your head jerks up in response. He likes it more than he cares to admit because your straightening and evaluating him instead of the man on the table who is no doubt glaring at him. Din thinks it's one of the many that float around and boast for your attention.
"Did you get stabbed again?" You demand.
"Not deep." Your laugh flutters about and then your turning back to your current patient who relaxes as your finally return your attention on him.
"If you want an excuse to see me just ask, you don't have to hurt yourself to do it. Just stop by, bring me some shig." You say and begin to pick up tools. When you remove the bandage Din sees a healing wound. You were checking up on him.
"I'll remember that." He can feel your grin through your helmet.
By the time he was settled on the table for examination, you were already hovering over him. He shifted onto his good side, rolling toward you as he jerked his tunic up. He had to unclip his belt to lower his pants enough for the wound on his hip to show.
You were forced to ignore the glorious dark trail of hair beginning to peak out from the top of them.
He very nearly sighed in relief as your hands carefully braced over either wound and prodded gently. It makes his heart race. "Maker, Din," he could hear you hiss minutely. "Do I have to board your damn trash ship in order to keep you from doing this shit to yourself? I'm giving you bacta."
"Don't need it. And my ship is not trash." He grunts, making you twist your helmet toward his.
"Or'dinii," you grunt lowly. Maybe he was a bit of a moron. "I'm taking your cauterizer away." Finally, you draw away and begin to pull out supplies to clean and dress his wound.
"So I'll just bleed out next time?"
"It'd be a mercy." Din smiles under his helmet as you begin gently cleaning his gashes. You knew by this point that he also refused the local anesthetics by now. He couldnt feel your hands the last time.
Din relaxes against the table, calmed by your presence. "Do you want to stop by for dinner tonight?" You prompt him.
"I have bounties to hunt."
"Tell you what, have dinner with me tonight and I'll help you catch your next few."
"I don't need your help."
"Sure. Sure. I mean, you're totally up to catching me right now." Din feels the spike of emotion in his chest and groans in annoyance.
"I have caught you everytime, wounded or not," he growls. "Were not children anymore." He doesn't expect you to lean down to his helmet. It startles his heart into a sprint as you rub your thumb affectionately over his hip bone. What game was this? All he can see is his helmet reflecting in yours.
"If you haven't realized that I enjoy you chasing me at this point, I may have to spell it out for you, Din." Your threat has a mocking to it that pisses him off more, but he's tense under your thumb stretching to the inside of his pelvic bone. It's taunting, teasing.
"What's the point?"
"Maybe you'll have to try again and find out."
And you rose back to work silently on his wound, letting him mull over your words and over think the tension.
Finally, he's patched up properly and sits up on the table. "What time are you done here?" He asks.
"Twenty minutes ago."
"Why didn't you say anything."
"Doesn't matter, does it?" You make quick work of cleaning up your supplies. "So dinner?" You demand. Din grins under his helmet.
"Fine." He relents, climbing to his feet.
"Good. Oh, and Din," you lean close, backing him into the edge of the stone table your hand presses into his chest plate. "Catch me if you can." Before you take off like there's blaster fire.
You let him catch you this time, right in the entrance to your quarters. He tackles you through the curtain and you roll across the floor, laughing all the way. Clearly, you're enjoying as much as you did playing tag or hide and seek as kids. Despite the bite of pain in his wounds he wrestles your arms to the ground on top of you.
"You like this?" He demands, half amused.
"Yeah, you were the best part of my life when we were growing up, it brings me back, you know?" He tenses when you casually admit that. And the silence hangs heavy, only heavy breathing and the tap of beskar chests heaving against each other.
Then he headbutts the helmet to yours. "I... I think about your smile a lot... from when we were kids." You shift slowly under him, legs framing his hips.
"It's strange isn't it? That we've known each other so long and we don't look anything like we did the last time we saw one another." Your voices lowered.
"We... we could see each other again," he finds himself suggesting. You gasp quietly underneath him.
"Like... like leaving the covert?"
"If you... if you wanted. But..." he hesitates, trying to remember how annoying you were supposed to be. "What if we got married?" He feels more nervous than he ever remembers feeling.
"Okay," you whimper, sounding as breathless as you feel.
"Okay?" He finds himself repeating. Your helmet nods frantically against his.
"Yes, okay!" And he's letting you go of your arms when you sound like your ready to sob. He kind of likes the sound of the beskar armor sliding against more beskar, but suddenly he's exhausted and all he wants is to sink into your warm embrace unhindered. Only rumbling bellies reminding the both of you to detangle.
His jump to hyperspace was welcomed this time. His brain swimming around you, his Riduur. His love. His best friend. He could embrace the thoughts of you in hyperspace.
Navarro darts out of view and he settles back in his seat, a pleasant sort of soreness filling his body from his eager activities you'd both participated in. He just wished he could have seen your face after the ceremony, but there wasn't enough time.
"Hey, Din," he hears you call from the doorway of the cockpit. But it sounds different, lighter. You weren't wearing your helmet. A thrill of excitement filled him for a split second. He soaked up a moment before he slowly pilots his chair about.
You weren't just not wearing your helmet, you weren't wearing anything. It stalled his brain to see the shy but mischievous smile as you casually lean against the doorframe. He knows the tightened nipples are due to the cool air of his ship and he takes in the face he's been imagining for nearly three decades.
You smile up at him, mocking him. "Catch me if you can," you murmur softly, but there's no motion to run. Din smiles behind his helmet.
There's no rage this time. Only thrill and awe at the face he's imagined a billion times and how he still couldn't have gotten it right. He reaches for his own helmet lifting it off his head to see his spouse for the first time since they were kids.
Baar'ur - Medic
Vod - Brother, sister, comrade
Shig - a hot, tea like beverage
Or'dinii - Moron or fool
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I just realized I need you
This is my entry for Thominho Week 2021, Day 5 “ He’s my what? ”
Characters: Thomas x Minho
1945 words
Tags: High School Au, Modern Au, Rivals to lovers, fluff, humor
Summary:  “He’s my what now?” “Your tutor”
Note: It was supposed to be poster yesterday, I’m sorry :( Hope you like it!
You can also read it on AO3 and ff.net
Minho couldn't believe what Miss Paige just said. It couldn't be true.
"He's my what now!?"
"Your tutor, Minho" she repeated, already exasperated. "Because you were sick for few weeks and your implications as the track team captain, you have fallen behind my class. I know you're a smart kid and normally have very good grades, so I'm doing you a favor. Thomas is only going to help you get back on track."
"I don't need help! Especially not from him!"
"Yes you do. Thomas is the best student in this class and the only one qualified to help you catch up." She sighed. "I don't care what's going on between you two, but you have to get over it. Be mature! It's okay to need help! Besides, Thomas already agreed."
"Yeah, probably just to mock me…" he whispered.
"Sorry Miss Paige. And thank you for your help."
He left, knowing it was futile to argue further. Closing the class door behind him, he went to his locker to get his things before going home. Unfortunately, the only person he didn't want to see was apparently waiting for him in front of it.
Ever since the brown-haired boy got transferred at Glade High School, it had become a nightmare for Minho.
The boy was brilliant, he couldn't deny it. But he was so brilliant that he became top of the class, stealing that title from Minho. Even worst, the kid was also a very good runner and could rival the captain of the track team.
Their rivalry started like that. It was always who had the best grade. If one did a better time during practice, the other would hear about it for days. It wasn't exactly hating each other, and Minho hated bullying since he had been a victim of it back in elementary school, it was more of a you-are-annoying-please-get-out-of-my-life type of thing.
And now, Thomas was going to tutor him. It was the biggest hit at Minho's ego. The worst scenario that could have happen. He was glad he had a teacher that cared about him and his grades and was indeed worried his few weeks out would affect his grades, but he would have liked anyone but Thomas to help him.
Perking up at his arrival, Thomas smirked, indicating a sarcastic comment was about to come. That was another annoying thing about the white boy, he was practically as sarcastic as Minho.
"So big boy needs some help in physics?" he teased.
"Slim it" he replied, too furious to come up with a comeback. He opened his locker door harshly, not sparing a glance to the other boy, and took his things.
"It's normal you know" Thomas added in the same mocking tone, "You can't be good at everything."
Minho slammed the locker door shut, before furiously glaring at the other runner.
"If you say another remark, you can say goodbye to your face, pretty boy."
"Oh, so you think I'm pretty?" he teased before he was taken by shirt by his captain "I'm joking! Calm down big boy!"
Minho released him with a huff. He went towards the exit, wanting to get away from the snarky kid as fast as possible.
But he followed.
"We should starts today" Thomas commented. "We have an upcoming test soon, so…"
"Listen, do you want my help or not?"
Minho groaned in respond. "Okay, fine. Let's go to my house."
They arrived shortly at Minho's house. The way home was… awkward. Thomas had let his sarcasm behind and Minho was still mad, so both didn't talk during the bus ride.
Taking his keys, he opened the door for both of them.
"Mom, I'm home!" he said, as usual, hoping she wasn't actually home.
A head popped up from the kitchen. "Welcome home swee- Oh, who is that?"
"That's Thomas" he said, rolling his eyes, because of course, luck was on his side. "He's gonna… help me."
"Nice to meet you" the brunet said politely.
"Nice to meet you too Thomas" Minho's mom smiled. "I'm glad Minho has such good friends."
"Mom, we're not-"
"Do you guys want something to drink? Or something to eat?"
This was getting frustrating. Minho had wanted to avoid all that. His mom tended to be a bit too friendly sometimes.
"No, it's okay, thanks mom."
Before Thomas could say anything, he took the boy's arms and led him upstairs, going straight to his room.
He closed the door behind him, hoping his mom would leave them alone.
He threw his backpack onto his bed, sighing in defeat. This was hell.
"You like One Piece?" Thomas said, breaking the silence. He was standing near Minho's bookshelf, looking at Minho's ever growing One Piece manga collection.
"Yeah…" he replied, blushing slightly because it wasn't something he liked sharing with others. "I've been a fan for a while now."
"Same" the brunet said, turning to Minho with a smile on his face.
"For real?"
"Yeah, I really like adventure stories, and humor, and yeah, One Piece is just really good…"
That was the first time he saw Thomas have a real smile on his face. It was normally always a smirk or a grin. Never a genuine smile. This was weird and he didn't know how to process it.
"I agree" he smiled back. "One Piece is really good." And then he added "Who's your favorite character?"
"I like Robin…"
That made Minho smirk "Because she's hot?"
"No slinthead, I'm gay. I just like her humor" he argued back.
Then realization hit him. He just outed himself. "Oh shuck, damn it, I-I, sorry, I just-"
"Hey, calm down pretty boy" Minho interrupted him before he could panic. He was a bit taken aback by the sudden revelation that his rival was not straight, but he knew out stressful it could be to come out. "It's okay, no need to be sorry. I'm bi, I know what it's like…"
"You're bi?" Thomas asked, as if he couldn't believe it.
"Yeah. I just never told anyone because it's none of their business."
"Oh… uh, well… yeah, I understand that…" Thomas went to scratch his head in embarrassment. "Sorry, I… I don't out myself like that normally…"
"It's okay, shank, don't worry about it."
"Yeah well… thanks."
That was awkward. But it did made Minho sympathize a bit with Thomas. Maybe the shuck-face wasn't has bad as he thought.
"So hum, what about you? Who's your favorite?" the other boy said, wanting the change this conversation.
It was now Minho's turn to blush. "It's, hum… It's Chopper…"
Thomas's eyes widened again, this time in amusement. "Really?
"Yeah… he's… cute" he explained, which only made his rival laugh.
"Oh wow, a big boy like you like cute things, I could've never guessed" he teased.
"No need to be embarrassed about it, it's okay too like cute things" he said in the same sarcastic tone. "It just means that like Robin, you seems dark and intimidating and have a weird sense of humor, but you still have a good heart inside."
Minho threw a pillow at him "Would you slimt it shuck-face!"
But that only made Thomas laugh even more and tease his captain during the whole time he was tutoring him.
Surprisingly, those tutoring session weren't as bad as Minho first imagined.
Besides his mom often interrupting them to ask if they wanted snacks, time alone with the other runner was actually enjoyable. When they were taking short breaks, they often talked about the new One Piece chapter that came out, or talked about theories and which villain was the best. They also talked about track and running in general. Minho learned that Thomas actually started running after his mom passed away. It helped him during a time when he needed it.
More and more, they were opening to each other and soon, they started being friends, which surprised everyone at school when they started greeting each other in the hallway, or even eating lunch together.
"I guess we were a bit like Zoro and Sanji" the brown haired boy once said during one of their break in tutoring. "We fought and competed against each other, but we didn't actually hated each other."
Minho laughed at that "Yeah, I guess you're right."
They were laying down in Minho's bed, watching funny moments from the One Piece anime. They had just finished the tutoring session that has become more of a homework session since Minho did caught up with the class. But it seemed they both didn't really want to stop this regular thing they had, so no one said anything and just kept doing their work together, while taking breaks and chatting after they were finished. Even once or twice Thomas got invited to eat dinner with Minho's family.
Their relationship evolved so quickly, Minho couldn't even understand how they didn't become friends sooner. Being with Thomas was just so natural. They had so much in common and it was so easy to trust him. He had been blinded by his ego, that was the only explanation.
As the brunet was laughing besides him at one of Luffy's weird antics displayed on the phone Minho was holding, he realized he need that. He needed a friend like Thomas. And Miss Paige putting him in his life like that was probably the best thing that could have ever happened to Minho.
And when the brunet turned to face him, with a smile that could illuminate the world, something stirred inside of him. And as they stared at each other, tension suddenly filled the room. Without any of them understanding how it happened, their mouths were on each other's and Minho was on top of Thomas, pressing him into the mattress.
The kiss was far from soft and innocent. It was desperate, months of suppressed feelings finally unleashed. It was intense, a reminder of how much they needed it.
"Hey boys, do you- OH!"
They separated each other as fast as lighting. Minho's mom was by the door, a surprised look on her face.
"Honey," she then said "you could have told me Thomas was more than a friend, you know I would have accepted that!"
Minho groaned "No, it's not like that-"
"Don't you trust you mother anymore?" she said with the same sarcastic tone Minho often used. Thomas now knew where it came from.
"Mooom, please…" The Korean was now as red as a tomato. Thomas quite liked the sight.
"Anyway, Thomas dear, are you staying for dinner? I want all the details about your relationship with my son."
He was hoping Thomas would say no. That he would say he had to go. But he only grinned in respond. "Yes of course, thank you for the invitation."
Thomas just couldn't resist embarrassing Minho even more.
"Great! I'll let you boys to your thing, have fun!"
The runner let himself fall back into his mattress, groaning. The boy besides him only laughed.
"So now were a thing?" Minho asked him. "We've only kissed once and we're a thing?"
Thomas moved into now boyfriend's arms before answering "Well, I guess. If you want to. I do want this. I really like you, you know. I think I've always have. Do you want this?"
When did this boy became so soft and adorable? When did his golden eyes started looking at him with so much love and adoration? When did he start falling for him?
"Yeah, I do. I… I need you in my life" he finally admitted, which was met with the cutest smile he had ever seen.
"Good that."
I couldn't help but add I little bit of One Piece in this one, sorry for those who don't know One Piece.
Thank you for reading and I hope you liked it!
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