#imagine if they just decide to randomly drop a new movie on us
octoagentmiles · 2 years
new octonauts news soon like to charge reblog to cast 🔮✨🪄🕯️
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opossumloverr · 1 year
Just some silly lil headcanons to start of the summa❗️🫶🏾
None! all fluff up in here
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I would like to start by saying this man loves you very much and would drop almost anything for you
You need help with a school project? Big red is on his way, you don't know what shoes will match the outfit you picked, oh what a coincidence! he just so happens to have a matching pair of shoes that fits you perfectly, you just want cuddles? lock and loaded baby, come at him
I think I can speak for everyone when I say we all need a Raph in our lives
He protects you from his brother's teasing, even if it's just playing or goofing, he is NOT taking any chances.
He loves to scoop you up randomly, you'll get used to it don't worry
Very cautious when picking you up though, doesn't want his spikes to hurt you, he will feel mad guilty if he was the one who caused you even a little bit of pain, even if it wasn't attentional (please comfort the man)
Appreciates the little moments he shares with you, oh my gosh I actually have the perfect scenario, just imagine...
After a long day full of fun cahoots and mysterious adventures, you two finally decided to go home, you usually go your separate ways after a day like this one, but it was rather late at night, and New York lets the creeps roam at this time, so he offered to ride the subway train with you, even though you were a bit hesitant but agreed cause there's no way your gonna allow yourself to get mugged in the middle of the night and like I said it was late at night so the subway cart that you guys were on was empty, he did wear a Hoodie and mask, just in case, the ride was silent, no noises but the constant screeching of the train tracks, but other than that it was just comfortable silence, Raph was lost in his thoughts, thinking about how the next day will be and how it will end, will it be a good or bad day? or something in the middle; what's the meaning of life? and what happens after death? Where does your soul go to, to heaven? or is it just pitch black forever, will today be his last day-- suddenly, he felt a lightweight on his shoulder, the thoughts that were coming in like a rapid wave started to smooth down to a calm stream of water, he glanced down at your sleeping figure, apparently you thought it was a perfect time to take a quick power nap, how cute! he coos softly at you, loving how you're so comfortable and calm around him. god, he loves you so much ♡,
"I promise I will always be here when you need me, you're my everything, sweetie"
Sorry guys I just felt a little kooky at the moment
If you like to play fight he's totally down, doesn't fight too hard obviously, and lets you win all the time, what a gentleman
He'll hold doors open for you, push your seat out, and then push it back in, hell, he would even do that thing where a guy puts his coat on a puddle so the lady could walk through it even though she's fully capable of walking around it
Takes so many pics of you and him at places, and has a particular folder on his phone with pictures of you guys
When it's family game night or movie night, he always invites you, you are practically a part of the family so why not? (The others don't mind)
It's so common to find you in the lair with how much you go down there on a daily basis
Yall have to do lovely dovey things in a private area cause of his brothers (mostly Leo, his bitchass) constantly changing the mood
Likes it when you watch him workout, it motivates him so much, sometimes he uses you as a weight
Loves to give you piggyback rides for some reason
He likes pickles, LISTEN LISTEN, if you don't like pickles in your burger you'll pick them out and give it to him cause you know he loves em (THE OLIVE THEORY ♡)
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I GOT SOO MUCH MORE BECAUSE OF HOW MUCH I LOBE HIM BUT ILL KEEP IT INSIDE, FOR NOW, CAUSE ITS 5:08 AM RN 💀 sorry for being dead for 5 months, AGIAN, but imma be back on my grind now 🙏🏾 and I'll try to complete all of my 15 drafts 😓 and if you see any grammar mistakes, no you didn't.
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whatyourusherthinks · 6 months
Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire Review
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Yay more Godzilla!
Quick rundown on my thoughts of the Monsterverse: I haven't seen the 2005 King Kong movie but I don't know if that counts. I really don't like Godzilla (2014). Skull Island was much better, but had some structural problems. King of the Monsters is the best movie, and probably the second best Godzilla movie ever. (You all know which is the best.) And I watched Godzilla Vs Kong right before going to the theater to see this movie. It was pretty good.
Just like Saints and Sinners, I need to start with a full disclosure: I was somewhat intoxicated watching this movie. I can clearly remember what happened and comprehended the movie, which is why I'm still reviewing it, but I might be nicer than I would be sober. Probably not though, I think I've made it clear in my other reviews I love kaiju movies.
What's The Movie About?
Monarch (the scientists who watch over the giant monsters) receives a signal from Hollow Earth, and with an older Kong goes to investigate. Also Godzilla takes like 3 naps before turning pink and fighting Kong again.
What I Like.
This movie shifts a lot of the focus on the Kaiju characters, specifically Kong. And the physical performances are amazing. There are several scenes of just Kaiju communicating with facial expressions and mime, but you can still tell exactly what the movie is trying to convey and what the characters are thinking. I also didn't mind the human characters. All the humans in this movie (and in the last one thinking about it) are mostly one dimensional, but they have more entertaining personalities and interact in more fun ways. I didn't really like Bernie except when he and Trapper were flirting, but Brian Tyree Henry was really good. My favorite character was Jia, I love that they've kept a deaf character as one of the human leads. Not only that, but she's an adopted character in a happy family. I also liked her mom quite a bit. Anyway, I hope Jia continues to be in the movies. The Hollow Earth people were pretty cool, I liked how their civilization looked and all the crystal spears were cool as well. Of course, the action is awesome. Spoilers, but the finally is basically Godzilla Vs Kong but it's a doubles match and it's so awesome. Also, I joke about Godzilla being pink now, but the entire movie is super neon and colorful. And the Monsterverse should have been like this from the beginning, it's super fun. (Hem hem GODZILLA (2014).) The needle drops in the movie were weird, but I still really liked them. My manager said that the plot seems like it was written by a seven-year-old, and I agree. It's the bet thing about the movie. I'm not saying this to put the movie down! What I mean is it's quite imaginative with the worldbuilding until it randomly gets bored and decides everyone needs to fight a tree. Or that some giant monkeys need to punch each other. And I goddamn love it. Like Godzilla Minus One is obviously super amazing and a better movie in almost every regard to all of the Monsterverse movies, but it is nice to have a movie that just goes "Godzilla now fights a giant squid-crab" at the twenty minute mark for absolutely no reason.
What I Didn't Like.
I'm mixed on using conspiracy theories as world building. On one hand, the Hollow Earth is cool! But on the other, aren't you somewhat giving legitimacy to people who actually believe that stuff, which at best is lending credence to anti-intellectualism, at worst inadvertently supporting harmful ideas? The movie also clarifies that all Titans are supposed to be the same species, which I find to be really weird since about half of the titans look like lizards, a third look like bugs, and one of them is supposed to be the Loch Ness Monster. The movie also missed a great opportunity for a classic Godzilla callback but I won't say what it is because it's a spoiler.
Final Summation.
Just like all the other good Monsterverse movies, Godzilla X Kong is good fun! I'd say it's better than the last one but still not as good as King of the Monsters. I really like the new direction though, bright neon colors, ridiculous plots, and just plain cool moments loosely strung together is what these movies should have been from the beginning, frankly. Excited for more!
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I always knew I would become an addict
Everyone (or at least most people) think that addicts are just weird crackheads who deserve no respect or empathy of any kind. They also think that something that horrible would never happen to them. I guess I used to feel the same way towards them before I became one of them.
I always knew I would become an addict. For as long as I remember, I wanted to escape from my life. Whenever people who worked in rehab came to my school to prevent drug use and described all kinds of drugs, I started craving them. I've romanticized drug use for as long as I can remember. I used to see the ecstasy pills with smiling faces thinking: "I'm gonna try this when I'm older". Then I went home and researched about all kinds of drugs while craving them, wishing I could grow up faster so I could give them a try.
Obviously, I grew up with unrestricted access to the Internet. I was obsessed with pop culture, and something pop culture obviously had was a shitton of drug use. I remember spending hours in front of the computer watching pictures of Lindsay Lohan partying wishing it was me, at the age of 10.
I loved watching movies and, of course, if there's something teen movies have is drug use, whether it's weed, acid or cocaine. I couldn't wait to try them when I grew up. It all seemed so glamorous. I loved the film 'The Bling Ring' when I was 11 after watching it on theaters. And their lifestyle was just so glamorous! I wanted to be one of them, I wanted to listen to All Of The Lights by Kanye West while driving and doing cocaine at the same time. I just wanted to have fun. My life was so boring and depressing.
I was a straight A's student who was in extracurricular actives and was known by everyone as an avid bookworm. I used to speak in front of the entire school trying to promote reading to my classmates by recommending YA books that could get them into the hobby of reading. I used to have a lot of books under my chair in case anyone from my classroom wanted to read something. I remember calling it 'my library' and getting in trouble because of it, but I didn't care. I've always loved escapism, and maybe that's why I loved reading so much. I was kind of a very lonely girl growing up, so I used to imagine fantasy worlds while I was in class. I used to think that maybe if I did drugs they would come to life.
As I grew up, I stopped having as many friends as I used to. Everyone in my class randomly decided to just stop talking to me. I only had one friend, and she stopped talking to me and became friends with my bullies after I had to transfer schools due to, of course, bullying. I thought I wouldn't care but it fucked me up really bad.
I started watching more and more movies in a depressive episode where I didn't go to school for four months. All I did was drink Coca-Cola and spend the whole day on my computer.
Two of my favorites were Requiem for a Dream and Trainspotting. Most people (like my parents) thought that they were a hard watch because of the scenes where drugs fuck their entire lives. I thought the opposite. I used to think they were so glamorous and that it was a world I wanted to get into.
I went to school again and struggled with selective mutism, so I couldn't make any new friends, no matter how bad I wanted to. Everyone thought I was just the weird, quiet kid so I kept reading a lot to feel like I had a friend, even if it was just a book.I missed my ex best friend like crazy. I started reading novels by Jack Kerouac and Irvine Welsh, just wanting to go on a substance abuse binge thinking it would fix all my problems and make me happier.
My brother used to be just like me until one day he woke up and decided to rebel against my parents. He decided to drop out of high school and tried every single drug on Earth with his friends. I always resented him for that because I wanted a big brother who'd take care of me but instead I got a Tony Stonem dupe. I don't know if I wanted to be like him?
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Stray Kids Reaction | Cuddle Buddies But He Wants More [Request]
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Stray Kids x GN!Reader
"Chan, please...You know I'm always awake at the same time as you but this ridiculous," You laughed as you sat on the sofa in his studio, he'd invited you to work with him during the night since you would normally curl up on the sofa together to get him to sleep, normally you were the only reason he could even settle down for the night. 
"It's almost 6 am...You need at least one hour of sleep," You told him as you dragged him down onto the sofa, pushing him to lay down behind you before snuggling against him in the usual spooning position as he rested his head in your neck. 
"Good night Channie," You whispered as you got comfortable with his arm around your waist, 
"Good night Y/n, I love you." The room froze and your eyes shot open to stare at the wall in front of you as Chan wondered if you'd heard him. 
"You love me?" You sat up and turned to look at him as he stared up at you, swallowing the large lump that was in his throat. 
"I do...I have for a while," He admitted as he looked from you to your hands that were nervously playing with one another, 
"We can't...I mean you're always busy...We agreed that cuddle buddies would be better...You don't have to worry about being busy all of the time." He placed his hands over yours to stop you from fidgeting too much and he smiled at you,
"I'll make time for you as I do now...I can't keep being your cuddle buddy when I feel this way for you." You thought it over as you realised lately, he had been spending more and more time with you than usual and taking a lot more breaks than he used to. 
"W-We can try," You admitted as you snuggled back down beside him, he placed a small kiss on your cheek as you relaxed against his arms.
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No one would have expected him to be your cuddle buddy never mind admitting that he had strong feelings for you, you figured he liked you as nothing more than a friend. The two of you just sort of clicked with one another and cuddled since you both hated anyone else touching you besides one another, 
"So...If I asked you out, would you say yes?" He asked randomly one night when you were cuddled up together on the sofa in the dorms, you turned your head to look up at him, he wasn't looking at you. Instead, he was staring at the TV as it played a film the two of you were supposed to be watching, though now you were distracted by what he had just asked you. 
"Is that your way of asking me out? If so...Then yes," You said casually before snuggling against his chest, his grip on you tightened and he left a small kiss on your shoulder. 
"Good. Then we're dating." You smiled at the small exchange, although it wasn't anything huge and overly romantic it was the best feeling in the world to you, finally getting to date the guy you'd had a crush on for the longest time.
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"Oh look at him," Jisung teased as he walked into the hotel room he was sharing with Changbin to see him cuddling up to a pillow that was wearing one of your shirts that he'd stolen from you since they were going on tour. 
"He misses them, what's wrong with that?" Chan laughed as he stood watching Changbin, he was on his phone barely noticing the boys in the room as he scrolled through your photos together. 
"He's in love with them...He needs to tell Y/n before he can't control his feelings anymore," Jisung folded his arms over his chest and Chan raised his eyebrows at the boy, 
"What makes you such an expert on this? How do you know he loves Y/n?" Jisung pointed over at Changbin as he took in a deep inhale of your scent before rolling over and jumping when he noticed the boys. 
"Tell them. Message them right now," Jisung grumbled not wanting to listen to Changbin complain about how much he was in love with you and missed you the whole tour. 
"I can't just drop something like this over a message, I have to wait until I'm back so we can talk it through," He mumbled at Jisung who rolled his eyes, falling down onto his bed as he ignored Changbi while coming up with a plan to tell you himself that Changbin wanted more than being cuddle buddies with you. 
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Felix stared at you and Hyunjin from the door of the bedroom,
"What are you- Oh," Chan stopped as he saw you cuddled up beside Hyunjin, your head in his neck as you slept together. It had been a while since the boys had caught you together like this, Hyunjin must have asked you to go around in the middle of the night. 
"Has he asked them out yet? I know he's been wanting to." The boys left the room while talking to one another, not realising that you and Hyunjin were awake the whole time and pretending to sleep so they would leave you alone. 
"Hyunjin?" You sat up as you stared at him, he was turning redder by the second as he looked away from you. 
"Is what they said true? You've been wanting to ask me out?" He nodded shyly still not looking at you, he knew that when you guys started to cuddle together it was just as friends. Nothing more and nothing less, you would cuddle up to one another, finding comfort in being able to hold someone and someone holding you.
"Hyunjin...Don't ignore me," You whined, poking his sides until he started laughing and fidgeting around on the bed not being able to stand getting tickled.
"Yes! Yes it's true," He groaned, rolling over onto his side to face you properly he knew this conversation was going to come out eventually he just wanted a little more time to prepare himself for it. 
"So ask me then," You nudged him a little as you stared at him, giving no indication as to how you felt about the news of him wanting to ask you out. 
"Will you go on a date with me? A real date, not just cuddling in the dorms?" You could see how nervous he was about asking you but you decided to pretend to think about it as if it hadn't been on your mind since the moment you and Hyunjin grew close as friends. 
"Sure." You laughed softly, snuggling back down beside him and wanting to go back to sleep again.
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Jisung had been acting skittish since you got to the dorms earlier that night, it was almost four in the morning when meant you would have to leave soon enough and he knew that but neither of you had cuddled since you got there. The two of you had been best friends for years and lately, you'd grown to cuddle almost every minute of the day, your form of affection was touch and so was Jisung's. He would cuddle with you whenever he could, never wanting his feelings to get in the way but lately, he couldn't stop them. All he could think about was asking you to be his, every minute of every day and he was finally going to do it.
"I should go before Chan comes back from the studio..." You knew you weren't supposed to be there and if the leader of the group found you Jisung would be in trouble and you never wanted that. 
"Wait-" Jisung reached out his hand and you took it, running your thumb along his knuckles as he nervously looked at your hands together and he knew it was now or never. 
"Go out with me...I want more than this...More than just cuddling or hugging whenever we need it," You were shocked at the sudden hit that he wanted you to be more to him than a friend and you couldn't speak, racking your brain for the words to say to him. 
"Forget I said it, you clearly don't feel the same." He rushed out shaking his head and without thinking about it you grabbed his face and kissed him on the lips. 
"I'd love to go out with you." You whispered before getting up from the sofa, 
"I'll come back tomorrow, promise." You whispered before sneaking out of the door to go home before Chan caught you together.
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It was no secret to the boys that you and Felix were cuddle buddies, you were always around the dorms whenever Felix needed you or when you needed him. Neither of you could fall asleep without the other so they'd all gotten used to coming home from work to find you waiting for Felix. 
"You guys still aren't dating? How long has it been now?" Minho laughed as he walked into the dorms to find you and Felix cuddling one another on the sofa as you faced one another. The colour drained from Felix's face as the question left Minho's lips, you stared at him waiting for him to confirm what Minho was talking about. 
"You know they'll never date, Felix is too scared to say anything," Jisung laughed from the dorm room as you sat up on the sofa still holding eye contact with Felix as Minho narrowly escaped the room as Felix began stumbling over his words, the boys had been teasing him about telling you how he felt but he never would have imagined them doing it. 
"You like me?" You questioned as you took his hand in yours, linking your fingers together as you waited for him to say something, 
"I do," He whispered and you smiled, leaning forward to kiss his cheek softly. 
"Good, I like you too," You admitted before going back to cuddling him on the sofa and watching a movie.
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There was no denying that Seungmin had one of the largest crushes on you but he was never going to do anything about it, he didn't want something to spoil the good thing that was happening between you. You had been best friends since you were kids and cuddle buddies for a year now, you were always able to make his bad days good within a matter of seconds, he didn't want that to go away because he had a crush. 
"It's not just a crush, Seungmin you're clearly in love with Y/n," Jeongin said as you walked into the dorms, you stood back not wanting to interrupt them, 
"It doesn't matter if I'm in love with them, they'll never feel the same way for me." He mumbled as you felt your heart sink, without another thought about it you walked over to him and hugged him from behind. Kissing him on the shoulder as you snuggled your head into his back, 
"Who said I wouldn't?" You whispered as Jeongin smirked, he knew you'd be coming to the dorms soon and decided that it was down to him to get Seungmin's feelings out in the open so you would finally do something about it.
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Jeongin had known for a while that he wanted to be more than your cuddle buddy but he never knew how to tell you that so he let it continue on, 
"I bought everything we're going to need for the next three nights," He said as he walked into your apartment, your bed was in the living room as you looked up at him. You'd just had major surgery on your knee so using the stairs to go to your bedroom wasn't an option, you weren't allowed to do much for yourself and as your best friend Jeongin put it upon himself to be your caretaker for the time you healed. 
"Jeongin, you didn't-" He shushed you by handing you your favourite ice cream and going to put on your favourite movie, snuggling up beside you on the sofa as he made sure you were cuddled up enough and warm. 
Within an hour you were asleep in his arms and he was watching you sleep peacefully, 
"I love you Y/n...You don't have to know this...I just needed to tell you even if you're asleep right now," He pulled the blanket over you to make sure you were warm enough before he smiled, 
"I love you too baby bread," You whispered as you opened one eye to look up at him, he was blushing deeply as he realised you weren't asleep. 
"Get some sleep," You whispered as you reached up to kiss his jawline and snuggling down beside him.
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Tagline: @taestannie​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @minholuvs​ @sw33tnight​ @acciocriativity​ @that-anxious-bisexual​ @mwitsmejk​
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notmrskennedy · 3 years
Bites and Bullet Holes
(Spencer Reid x Female leaning but sorta GN! Reader)
Summary: Spencer, during college, was bitten by a dog. Working a case involving dogs brings back old memories and friends...
W/C: 3,384
Warnings: Dog bites, bullet holes, bad writing? 
A/N: Guess what I found y’all? I haven’t edited it one single bit but I hope it goes over well anyway. When I was working at the kennel I kept having anxiety over one of my kids getting into a fight so I made this. Be a little extra gentle with this one. 
As he leaned over the victim, he made the mistake of thinking about you. Spencer thought he’d gotten over it. The whole randomly thinking about you thing—the thing that’s happened too many times before. He’d chalked it up to you being best friends 15 years ago. Told himself that it’s normal to miss your friends from college. 
But over a dead body? This was new. 
Though he supposes the dead girl could’ve looked like you in another timeline. There’s facial structure similarities—at least to you 15 years ago at 19. She’s been strangled with her dog’s leash and there’s some unspoken quality about her that just…jerks him into nostalgia over you. 
(You are probably the one that got away, but if he’s being honest, you live in DC. He could go see you right now if he wanted to.)
Morgan leans over Spencer and points at the dog leash. “It had to be someone she knew if the dog went off with our un-sub.”
Spencer nods, fidgeting with the 15 year old scars on the inside of his wrist. Whether or not Morgan noticed, he thankfully doesn’t press. Spencer is having enough trouble stamping down that knee-jerk reaction to think about you, let alone if Derek thinks to point out the magical, ‘hey weren’t you bitten by a dog?’
Spencer doesn’t remember the incidence well enough to comment. He wonders if you do. 
“We’ll have to check shelters for the dog,” Spencer remarks. “3.3 million dogs enter shelters every year in the US.” 
Morgan nods, pulls off a glove, pulls out his phone. Spencer looks around the park. Behind the police tape are plenty of people walking their dogs. The sorts of breeds that you’ve gushed about 15 years ago. His brain knew too much about dobermans, shepherds, mallinois—he could even hear that pretty little gasp you had when you’d point out a particularly well trained monster of a pet. 
Spencer wonders if you ever did anything with your finance degree, if you even ended up finishing college at all. You’d come close to dropping out over calculus—he hadn’t been around long enough to help you through the even harder stuff. This wasn’t the first time he’d wanted Garcia to look you up, but it was the first time he’d considered it. 
“Music to my ears, mama,” Morgan laughs into the phone and Spencer tunes back in. 
“I’ll get that puppy BOLO out,” Garcia chirps back. Spencer can imagine her wringing a fluffy pencils through her fingers. “We’re going to find this doggie and make sure that psycho didn’t get him too.”
Spencer smiles despite himself. Penelope would’ve liked you. 
JJ sets coffee down in front of his stack of files. She smiles, gracefully sits down next to him. Spencer tries his best to ignore her insistence. Tries to ignore the ever prominent eye contact screaming ‘We’re going to talk about something uncomfortable!’ 
“So, Spence,” she says, pausing for his attention with a sip of her own coffee. He looks up for half a glance before going back to the files. He doesn’t know why, but he’s sure there’s something in this stack of work the first victim had brought home with her. They all knew the un-sub, he had to be somewhere. 
“Spencer,” she says more insistently. He makes the mistake of looking up, of letting her place a hand on his. She gently turns the wrist over and pointedly glances towards the teeth marks. “Are you doing okay?”
He opens his mouth, but decides some things are better kept to himself. He thinks about saying that no, he wasn’t alright, that being plagued by thoughts of the first-love-of-his-life is haunting him more than the dog fight. 
That he can see your face in each of these victims. In their dogs. In the places they died. 
Dogs didn’t like him. They never did. The dog bite wasn’t the big deal out of the altercation. 
JJ won’t understand, so he offers her a truthful smile and says, “I’m okay. Seriously. More than 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year. I’m not special.”
JJ nods. Spencer goes back to his files. He forgets to hide his lovesick agony. JJ forgets not to notice. 
It’s 4AM and he knows he’s remembering it wrong. That the dog hadn’t been that big. That the teeth hadn’t really gotten him that bad. The bright red devil eyes and thousand yards of slobber were more than grossly incorrect. 
He sits up in bed and forces himself to remember the parts that were real. How real you had been. Before and after. 
Your car had broken down as you were leaving for work—already late—and you’d begged him for a ride. Promised calculus homework on your boss’s couch and only having to let the dogs out. No shit. No bleaching crates. No nothing. Just you, him, and some calculus homework. 
He’d caved. Now, running his hands over his eyes, he laughs at how obvious he had to have been. A skinny little 19 year old pimple of a boy majorly crushing on the first person to pick him out of a crowd and decide they’d be friends. The first friend who’d forced him to a tailgate at a football game. The only person he’d do absolutely anything for. 
And it was just like you promised. Your cute little nose wrinkle. Your horribly frustrated glares. Your over dramatic ‘I’m dropping out!’s every fifteen minutes. And it’d been great until you both heard a thunderous snap of a wooden fence and the wildest, most murderous howling he’d ever heard. 
You’d both bolted for the door, scrambling to get through the gates into the back. There’d been a moment of calm. Another beat. Another. And…you both had stumbled around the corner to find the next door neighbour’s dog, broken chain, trying to kill one of the kennel’s dogs. 
There had been no moment’s hesitation on Spencer’s part. He’d stupidly rushed forward, lodged his hand between the neighbour’s mutt and the sweetest dog he’d ever met. He’d yanked her free from the mutt’s jaws, only to find his own wrist dragging along the teeth. 
(He realised later that he’d always had a propensity to run head first into danger. No calculations needed.)
There’d been two beats for the dog to process it’s chew toy was in Spencer’s arms. To process that Spencer made a better victim. That Spencer’s throat and limbs were softer and easier to tear. Thankfully, he’d scrambled back enough that when the dog launched, it didn’t catch flesh. It chomped on air. Less than three inches from him. 
Fangs. Tightened lips. Black gums. Slobber. 
The mutt could be equated to Stephen King’s The Sun Dog. Always hesitant to process his trauma, it’s the one book—gifted by you during a Halloween birthday for him—that sits untouched on his bookshelves. There’s too much of you in the inscription in the cover. Too much of that horrible mutt in the pages. 
The next part of the night blurred in his memories. In his near perfect memory, it blurred. Trauma, right? 
You’d screamed. You were in front of him. You had the dog’s chain in your hands. He was running. The dog was heavy in his arms. His arm stung. You were screaming. He should’ve gone back. 
Five god-awful minutes later, you’d come into the house. Limping. Clutching onto your arm. You’d taken one look at Spencer running his wrist under the tap and forgotten about your own injuries. Despite the blood dripping off your arm. Or the quiet yelp every time you stretched. You’d barely taken ‘I’m fine, you’re the one bleeding’ as a reason to not bandage him up first. 
The only thing that calmed down the dream every time he had it was the memory of holding your hand while you got stitches. How your face pinched with the pain. How you’d said, ‘next time, it’s your turn to take the bullet.’ How he’d smiled and promised. 
Spencer watches the clock tick by and decides it’s too late to go back to sleep. Hotch’ll be up in an hour. No need to delay his start. Women were dying. Women you would’ve been friends with.
“Okay, crime-fighters, I found our connection,” Garcia chirps over the speaker phone. “All of our victims attended very specialised dog training courses at a facility just outside of DC. The owner said they’d send in one of their trainers to talk to you. Should be there anytime now.”
“What kind of specialised training?” Emily asks. Spencer feels like he should be contributing, should be processing any of this, but his head is pounding. He doesn’t have a hangover, but god does it feel like it. 
Garcia hums as she types. “It’s a military facility. Awww, they’ve got puppy pictures on their website!”
“Right, right. It’s a top notch facility and oh! A bunch of the FBI dogs graduate from there. I wonder if they get little caps and gowns and—“
“Hey, baby girl, the trainer’s here. We gotta run,” Morgan interrupts, though he’s all smiles to stare at whomever is plaguing his interest. 
There’s another squeal of please get puppy pictures before the call cuts and Spencer finally has the self preservation to look. And god does he look. 
15 years has made no difference on your skin and he can’t believe he’s not staring at you from across a lecture hall. The only indication you’ve changed is the nervous smile you’ve plastered on and the dog at your side. Every fun fact about german shepherds instantly crosses his mind and he can’t help but drop his jaw a little further. 
It sinks to the floor when you spot him and wave. You wave. At him. In front of coworkers. 
He’s out of his seat before he can stop himself. That easy smile reserved for movie nights falls back into place on your lips. Twinkles in your eyes. 15 years haven’t passed. Maybe he needs to check for pimples again. 
“Y/n,” he croaks and the same time his name leaves your lips. The dog at your side stands and you correct the gesture with a harsh word in what he’s sure is German. 
“FBI, huh?” Your eyes trail over every inch of him, crossing your arms in a relaxed, familiar kind of way. “I expected more math, Mr. I Like Derivatives.”
“The shepherd there doesn’t look like finance either, y/n,” he teases back like no time has passed. Like he doesn’t immediately feel incredibly guilty for ditching you for the academy. 
“Oh come on,” you huff, “you really think that I was cut out for an office job? I lasted six months.”
And before he can warn you, even think about warning you about the team that’s slowly creeping up behind him, they are all suddenly there. Very keen on knowing the ins and outs of how you know Dr. Spencer Reid. 
“Reid, you gonna introduce us?” Morgan smirks, clapping a painful hand on Spencer’s shoulder. You busy yourself with petting the dog at your hip, looking everywhere but Morgan’s insistent gaze. 
“Guys, this is my friend y/n from college.” 
JJ raises an eyebrow at the lack of explanation, but plows ahead with introductions. Takes charge of guiding you to an interview room. Gets through the entire interview without once asking about your relationship with him. 
Morgan watches Spencer rubbing the scars and makes the leap. “You okay, kid?” 
Spencer breaks from staring at your face as you talk about getting your start in Germany—Germany—and swallows. This was fine. It’s okay to tell his friend—his brother—about the story he’s never really talked about. 
“I stupidly put myself in the middle of a dog fight,” Spencer grits out, flexing and un-flexing his fingers. Every scar burns and he can’t help but stare at your smile again. “Y/n saved my life. She choked out the dog, Morgan, before he got a hold of me. Left the hospital with 12 stitches.”
“Oh,” was his all too helpful response. They both turned back to the interview. How everything jovial about your entire countenance shifted once JJ started mentioning the victims. 
“Look, Agent Jareau,” you say, leaning dangerously far away from the conversation, “They are—they were really smart women with some dangerous dogs. I don’t know—I just—there’s a lot of sickos out there.”
Every profiler within a 20 mile radius can hear the change in tone, can hear the fear. Spencer knows a lot can change in 15 years, but he thought for sure you’d never become a serial killer. He doesn’t know if it’s all his years in the bureau or if he’s still too attached to you, but you don’t seem like the killer. Not like JJ seems to think so. Sure, you’re terrified, but the dog you have is nosing your arm. Giving you big ole puppy eyes. Spencer doesn’t think a serial killer can pour that much into a relationship with an animal. 
“What do you mean?” JJ clocks the movement and switches to a maternal type of body language, tone. “Is there something going on?”
Your hand pauses on the dog’s head, and it noses your hand into action. “I, uh, just got a weird letter two weeks ago. It wasn’t—it was just weird. Off-putting.”
“Right before the first victim,” Spencer mutters. Weird letters indicated stalking. Victims with you as a central point meant stalking. Stalking meant you were probably next. Oh, god, you were next. 
JJ stretched a hand across the table and took yours. “You’ll get through this. You’ll get through this, y/n.”
Spencer didn’t know what to do with his hands. It was so much worse than normal. Should he stand? But what should he do with his hands because crossing them seemed too defensive? Or should he just sit down? But where? And was that rude?
Instead, he just took the cup of tea you offered and followed you like a lost puppy. Granted, it was your house and he was definitely lost. He also felt vaguely at home—there were a decent amount of bookshelves by his standards and even more mismatched furniture than he had. The house was well cared for and when you sat him down on your couch, you swept away a stack of training manuals, all sporting worn covers. 
Was it wrong to feel like he was settling onto your old apartment couch for movie nights?
You puff out a breath of air and lean your head dramatically into the back of the couch. “So, since you’re my FBI escort, is it wrong to ask if you still like cheesy 90s movies?”
He shakes his head. Grins. “You still have Legally Blonde?”
You just giggle as you head for a stack of movies. You strike up some conversation as you rummage and he knows he’s hooked all over again. It’s going to take weeks to get over you again. It’d taken months the last time, and he feels slightly less attached this time. But did he really think it would take more than a simple question about the latest thing he’s read? He wishes he knew you better, just as well as you seem to still know him. 
Though by the end of the movie, you’ve both returned to your college days. Practically curled into each other’s side. You still have horrible commentary about the movie, peppered in with Spencer’s annoying movie trivia. If it was anyone else, he figures, he would’ve been kicked out long ago. 
You still distinctly smell of vanilla, flailing the scent around as you move closer and further and closer again. You wear enthusiasm with your whole body and if you aren’t turning rapidly between facing Spencer and the movie, how could you possibly begin to explain correctly? 
Your shoulder keeps a constant pressure against his, your knees half over his thigh. There’s too many instances of hollering and laughing that you grab onto his knee to steady yourself. If this hadn’t been a protective detail, he might’ve lost his mind. 
Thank god for focus. Work. Work. Work. Not your hands on his knee. Definitely not your smile as you declare your affection for scented resume stationary. Totally not how hot it’s getting under your too affectionate gaze. 
“Spence, I really missed this,” you whisper, nudging your shoulder with his. “I know it’s weird to be thrown together after 15 years, but I—I missed you.”
“I—“ missed you too; fell in love with you in college; think I love you now. 
But there’s no time for heartfelt declarations when someone’s incessantly banging on the door. Spencer’s got half a mind to get the door for you, holster his gun, focus on keeping you safe. The banging doesn’t soften as he calls out that he’s on his way. If anything it gets worse. 
And it should’ve been the first red flag of the night. 
Spencer opens the door and thinks very loudly, “why the fuck do I always run headfirst into danger?” 
Their un-sub, a buzzcut that looks more Army that not, shakes a pistol at Spencer and demands to be let inside. There’s only so many ways to defuse the situation, so he back ups, tucks you behind him. Their un-sub winds a little tighter, shaking like one of those monkeys with cymbals. 
“McLaggen?” you whimper behind Spencer and the Army man fires a shot into the floor. You grip tighter onto Spencer’s shirt, digging in your fingers dangerously close to his skin. 
The buzzcut is red, boiling over with rage, words bubbling out of his throat. “Y/n, I just can’t stand to see you with them. You never notice me. You’re always working, so I thought I’d get your attention. Cut the competition. I just—you mean so much to me, y/n. You mean too much.”
Spencer is sure he won’t remember this day accurately as he pushes you just a little further behind him. He’s about to do something so incredibly stupid. Dear lord, why the fuck is he like this? And he lunges. 
The gun’s trapped in both of their hands. There’s one more bullet fired—at the ground he’s sure. There’s a squeak of fear. Just enough of a distraction. One more ounce of weight thrown around. One more lasting punch. McLaggen lands on the floor. The gun skitters away. McLaggen groans as he’s handcuffed.
You gasp and he realises immediately that he’s bleeding. That he’s on the floor. That there is a bullet lodged in his thigh. Again. 
One string of swears later, you’re on the phone with 911. Yes, he’s shot. Yes, there’s another in handcuffs. No, I’m not a whore, send the damn ambulance.  
You take his hand as he lays there, much like he did in the hospital 15 years ago. Unlike then, you’ve got tears pricking at your eyes. You’re sniffling like a school girl, and he’s not sure if you’ve said that aloud. 
“Spencer!” You wipe a stray tear. Squeeze his hand too tightly. “Why the hell, you freakin’ moron, did you take a bullet for me?”
He laughs, bubbling up out of his chest before he can stop it. You are too pretty to be this upset at his laughter. You are too lovely to be worried about him. To still be worried, like nothing has changed one bit. 
Every inch of him is trembling. Blood loss and bullets are bitches.
“Y/n,” he wheezes through dry lungs and more leg pain than he remembers there being, “I promised.”
You blink your eyes. What the hell are you talking about, Spencer Reid, you absolute idiot?
“I promised I’d take the next bullet. In the hospital.” He grins, groans as he moves to drag you into a hug. “I’m a man of my word, y/n, and I promise that if I keep the leg, we’re going out. Properly.”
“You’re lucky I like you,” you grumble into his ear and squeeze his neck tighter. If the paramedics don’t bother to pull you off, who’s to say you won’t stay like that forever? Attached to the loveable, danger prone idiot, who traded dog bites for bullet holes?
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anxiouslyfred · 3 years
Created Holidays
for @dukexietyweek‘s final prompt of holidays
Summary: Remus used to create random holidays and get all the Dark sides celebrating them, but even though he tried to do the same when known, the holidays have stopped except for the ones on a normal calendar.
Today Virgil is going to change that, with Shelob’s birthday
Warnings: spiders, telling offs
One thing Virgil had missed since being accepted and welcomed with open arms as soon as Remus was known to Thomas was the holidays, the celebrations, whichever you wanted to call them. It wasn't that the Known sides didn't celebrate things, but that everything was on a calender, predictable and in order. There were no mornings when you could come down to a bizarre breakfast and banners declaring 'Shelob's Birthday' or 'Cheese Rolling Day', or any manner of things Remus decided needed to be celebrated from films, stories, or random news articles Thomas might read.
He'd loved it when there was a 'Frozen day' weeks after the family movie night they'd shared, because it felt like the holiday were coming back. Except after 2 months Remus had stopped them all over again. He'd reduced them at first until they had just gone, and Virgil had no clue what could be influencing or controlling his friend to this extent.
Perhaps they weren't holidays with the traditions and history that Christmas or Halloween came with, but they were fun, and just a way Remus got his family to spend time together. That had been for a few years something Thomas wanted, that Patton had always been trying to encourage. Themed games and meals would only help with that, even if it came randomly rather than planned for weeks if not months in advance.
Still, Virgil knew something must have been said or done to stop Remus bringing his holidays out for everyone to share in. Whether or not he still held them in the imagination or his room was something Virgil kind of wanted to find out.
More than finding out though, he wanted them back, and if Remus wasn't going to do it, then Virgil damn well would. They deserved to bring their family time out from the hidden spaces of Thomas's mind and into the common areas, not matter what the light sides wanted.
With that in mind he began to plan, and felt some dark joy in deciding which holiday he'd like to bring back for them all. Patton would forgive him for it, surely?
The first thing to make any of the other Sides suspect there was something different about the day was Patton's scream followed shortly after by his door being slammed.
It woke most of them up, and got the ones already awake quickly leaving their room to figure out what was happening, only to freeze in their doorways.
Virgil had only added a few spiderwebs and strands of silly string along the hallway, but in increasing density going down the stairs. It was only in the main common area that his decorations really took over, but before anyone other than Patton had seen them a delighted scream was ringing out.
“Shelob's Birthday!” Remus couldn't have moved faster if he was shot from the gun, but at least he stopped without throwing Virgil to the floor when tackling him into a hug. “Can't believe we haven't celebrated Shelob's birthday in so long. Better make this the best one ever. Hobbitsy Tacos and Limbus Bread for all.”
Virgil grinned, going to reply before a cough got his attention from the stairs.
“Remus, as I've stated before, there is not time enough in our lives to indulge in your-” Logan cuts himself off when Virgil starts hissing, eyeshadow darkening and growing down his cheeks.
“You don't have time for a family day, Logan? Yet when Patton suggests or simply decides to make a big dinner and insist on a family meal you drop everything for it unless there's a specific deadline to meet.” Virgil ground out, arms tightening around Remus, and moving them both onto the sofa.
Logan adjusts his tie, shifting uncomfortably in his spot. “That is not what this is. This is a nonsensical situation that has no reason to be celebrated beyond a whim of-”
“-Me! I did this because frankly following a strict calendar of celebrations is too many traditions and not enough family. Remus has always known how to bring our little family of Dark Sides into something fun to do with holidays and I was wondering why that had stopped when he was more than willing to include you all as well.” Virgil wished in that moment he could silence the others as effectively as Janus could, but talking over them to lecture their horrid behaviour would work.
Roman popped up then, seemingly having delayed reacting to the screams from 10 minutes before. “What the heckity heck, guys! A Prince needs his beauty sleep, and Remus I've told you a million, nigh a zillion times before that these-”
“That what? That you and Logan are the assholes responsible for Remus stopping trying to bring his family together? That you're the reason our random holidays stopped being created? Are you taking the blame for that, or should the next one play on your fears rather than one of the characters I loved reading about?” Virgil turned his glare to the other Creativity even as Remus pulled away to grab Janus and start cooking in the kitchen.
Neither Logan or Roman seemed willing to argue their points with Virgil combatting them so easily, clearly in defence of Remus. They share a glance though, silently frowning at the decorations around the room and remembering what had roused them that morning.
“Before you try to say I'm excluding Patton because of the nature of the event, I've already sent an apology to his room, as well as an explanation of what's happening; Specifically that I'm trying to bring something Remus loved to share with all of us back.” Virgil huffed out, catching the look. “Bad enough that you already try to treat him like a disease that shouldn't be listened to, you had to try and take away his version of family holidays as well.”
There are arms back around his waist before he could decide on whether they needed to apologise or just stay for the rest of the day. Remus nuzzled into his neck before twisting around Virgil to look at his face. “Games now?” He asked.
“Yep, games time now. What should we play to properly celebrate Shelob's Birthday?” Virgil smiles, posture completely relaxing as he turned away from Logan and Roman, leaning towards the coffee table expecting some type of game to be summoned to it.
Remus leaps over the back of the sofa, but remains wrapped around Virgil as an Operation game forms on the table, with the character looking distinctly dwarven. Janus is soon to join them, staring at Roman and Logan expectantly, although just what he's expecting they can't decide.
“Sit. Play. Some of these should be right up your alley, Roman. Everything is Lord of the Rings and fantasy or pure spider themed.” Virgil orders after a second.
Through the day's games and snacks, Virgil had pulled Remus onto his lap, suggesting things they could do from previous times they'd celebrated Shelob's Birthday. They remained like that through attempts at cats cradle, passing the patterns made between their hands, and barely shifted apart when Janus declared the meal was done and brought out a pie that looked like it had spaghetti for the lid.
After the lecture from the morning neither Logan or Roman wanted to bring up the intimacy enough to ask about it though. As it stood they focused on doing a few things to include Patton in the day even while he was remaining in his room, too unsettled by the decorations to actually join in. It seemed to be the right choice to make since Virgil's warning and protective glares reduced as they carried on joining in with the holiday.
It was when they were all just relaxing after Janus over-ruled Remus's latest game suggestion that Logan finally had to ask, “So why did you decorate to such an extreme? I know you wanted to have Remus creating nonsensical family holidays again, but he has never decorated since becoming known more than a banner, and a few strings of decorations.”
“If there's one thing you need to know about Remus, it's that when he's accepted others have rejected a suggestion it takes nothing less extreme than a battering ram and a cheerleading squad to convince him otherwise.” Virgil snorted, shaking his head. “And there was no freaking way I was doing something that noisy, but decorations that are impossible to ignore? Well I saw how you all reacted to my room and I'm pretty good at it.”
“You used Patton's scream not only to get everyone's attention and figure out which of us convinced Remus to stop but also to make the point you enjoyed them.” Logan observed after a moment thinking through his words.
Virgil rolled his eyes, “Der.”
“And he's gonna help me make wonderfully unnerving decorations for my next holiday, aren't you, Aragog?” Remus piped up, wriggling back so his hair was tickling Virgil's chin.
“We better decide what it is early then, make sure I decorate for the right holiday.” Virgil replied, nuzzling his head down for a split second before getting dragged off upstairs. “Thanks for a great holiday. I guess we're heading to sleep now.” He called back at them, laughing as his arm was both yanked and bounced ahead of him.
There wasn't much planning done when they made it to Remus's room though, since the easy affection Virgil had finally allowed himself to show was now being reciprocated with wild lips meeting his, and bodies pushing each other against the door.
“Holiday planning can wait, We've got a better date.” Remus rhymed, beaming when Virgil just nodded.
At the end of the day, Virgil liked the fact they had the random family holidays back, but even more than that he loved his new boyfriend.
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marksloan · 3 years
woah, can you tell us what happened with your dad and aunt? and how buzzfeed wanted to help? i am so curious
oh lord this is a story and a half. i can't believe i've actually never spoken about this before??
if you want a story about a messy family, buzzfeed unsolved being like aight yeah this is sus we want to help out, and my dwindling sanity, this is all going to be under the cut~
also side note, i have receipts of most things because we were terrified that my dad was going to gaslight about everything which, eventually, he did. we also knew that a lot of things were going to be deleted off of the internet for reasons we didn't know, so this is why i have a lot of shit just lying around omg. i literally sat here and watched every piece of evidence get deleted as i refreshed the page so this is the best i can do
TD;LR: we found out that my dad had a secret twin sister and he did everything he could to hide her from us alongside her mysterious death.
a few years ago, i started doing ancestry so i could find my family history and one thing lead to another and i found out that my aunt on my dad's side had also made a tree. while going through the birth records for births in the same area/time frame as my dad's birth, i found that there was a second kid listed under a mother with the same last name AND maiden name (because they list both the father and the mother's last name) alongside the same area code. this was super weird because neither name is super common and it was just a little too weird.
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(name blocked out because ohhh boy this is supposed to be a sensitive family issue LMAO)
(here's some receipts of me messaging a friend on facebook because this whole situation is insane and i feel like i need to back myself up bc not even i'd believe myself omg)
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flash forward to me going onto my aunt's family tree and finding out that she'd listed this random woman as my dad's twin sister. beyond sketch. we have never heard of this random woman and, when i mentioned it to my mother a few weeks later, she had no idea about it either, although, after a few days, she did recall a conversation she'd had with my uncle (my dad's older sister's husband) when my parents had just started dating. she said that he'd made a comment about my dad and just jokingly said 'oh, it's like a twin thing' and, very confused, my mum had played along. she hadn't thought much about it until i was sat there showing her screenshots of some random woman on my aunt's family tree. basically, she was fairly sure that it was right just from the genuine vibe of that side of the family, they're ex-military and very secretive and we've always got the feeling that something was a bit off.
she told me not to mention it to my dad and like a dumbass i did. i told him about the random woman on this family tree and he was PISSED. he told me that it was wrong and that 'it was easy to get lost and find the wrong people', despite being an account that was actively linked to his older sister's facebook account, and i decided to drop it. my dad can make your life hell when he wants to and i just left it alone.
but then my sister got involved oml. she picked right where i left off during quarantine in the summer and immediately dove right into this twin sister mystery. she discovered that this woman had died in the 90's, right before my parents got together, right in the vicinity that my dad's family moved (which, if you remember, they're military so they basically moved around the uk a lot. for someone who was originally was born in the north of the uk to randomly turn up and die in the most specific, random southern town was more than a coincidence.) however, my sisters ability to investigate extended a lot more than I did; she actually messaged my aunt over facebook and asked about this mystery woman that.
it didn't go well.
at the same time, she started tweeting about it on twitter and jokingly started saying 'oh maybe buzzfeed unsolved would be interested?'. this all happened around a week after aria uploaded his first(?) video investigating his father's best friend disappearing. i'm not sure what drove my sister to message aria but she eventually sent him a message on instagram and he (somehow???) responded and was very interested in helping us with our little family mystery.
this is what he sent my sister in response to her DMS.:
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basically, this woman was impossible to trace. she only had a birth certificate and a death certificate, which in itself is very weird because in the uk you can at least follow people around the country with the regular census.
when my sister messaged my aunt we noticed that my dad was getting a lot of text messages constantly while he was out in the garden. we were deadass sat there listening to his phone just ping over and over. so my sister (like a stan twitter psychopath) decided to reset her twitter password, of which was linked to my dads phone and ended up actually going through his text messages.
i can't find the sc (my sister got a new insta account and it's what she sent me all the scs through) but if i remember rightly she sent him a message that was like: they're asking about [insert nickname for the twin sister] what should i say? and my dad I SHIT YOU NOT answered with i'll handle it. like I'm sorry sir is this an action movie? ur a taxi driver not james bond sit the fuck down.
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f(he also, notably, lied to us and said that his sister had all of the family photos ~~~ imagine the way my ass fell out of my stomach when i read these text messages.)
we mentioned aria to my mum and explained how he might be able to help but she was very against it. instead, she took me and my sister out for dinner when quarantine eased (cmon eat to help out) and sent my dad a thick ass paragraph. i can't remember what it said for sure but there was something like 'do you want to be remembered as a liar by your kids because they're either going to find out the truth now or after your dead? its your choice xoxo'. god I'm so excited for the therapy I'm going to need in twenty years about my trust issues.
basically he admitted that it was true, but only over text message. he didn't give us any information, nor will he admit it in person or even speak about it. we know nothing other than the fact that this woman caused a lot of family drama and probably trauma and that they refuse to talk about her due to something she did to my grandmother (who as you can tell from the ancestry sc above, is long deceased.) basically this whole thing was a shit show and eventually aria agreed that there were too many messy factors, mental health and privacy etc.
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there's a lot more involved surprisingly that i had to condense into this post but hopefully that explains it a bit. like i said, i'm beyond excited for this to cripple my ability to trust my family and men in particular and i'm just so excited for the therapy I'm going to need!
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dowoonie-namjoonie · 4 years
Day6 Finding Out You’re Pregnant
A/N: I don’t own these gifs, this is all just for fun, please enjoy. Also, fellow mydays I know I’m loyal to Sungjin...but Wonpil! He’s sooooo cute, alright thanks for listening to my ted talk read on!
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Everything seemed normal today, finally Sungjin had a night off from work, so he decided to spend the whole day with you. It was a wonderful surprise, usually your husband would spend 24/7 writing and composing songs for the planned comeback, but today he was chill. Half the day both of you went to the mall, Sungjin got you some new heels for a formal dinner a few nights away, then he got both of you some well deserved ice cream, but at the end of the day was spent on the couch. On the couch, cuddling together which you both rarely did, watching a romantic comedy. It seemed Sungjin really wanted to spoil you today with things you liked. 
Your belly was full from just eating a delicious dinner, so when your stomach began to twist in pain you just assumed it was gas or something. Then, half way through the movie, the pain started to grow. It didn’t feel like gas anymore, instead you felt like throwing up the pork you had just eaten. 
“You okay,” Sungjin asked, concerned that he was making you uncomfortable. He noticed awhile ago that you were moving around a lot, an uncomfortable look plastered on your face. 
“Yea, um...just feeling a bit...-blerg!” 
Quickly, you covered your mouth as you felt bile rise up your throat. Flying off the couch you made your way to the bathroom, begrudgingly filling up the toilet with vomit. Sungjin followed close behind, even holding your hair. 
“Dear god,” you whined, sinking against the wall next to the toilet. 
“Honey,” Sungjin cooed, stroking the back of your head with comfort. “Are you not feeling well?” 
“I guess...,” you started, confused on why you randomly you just got sick. That’s when it hit you, lately you’ve gained weight but you assumed it was your increase in appetite, piecing it together your realized you’re late. “Oh my god!” You squealed, covering your mouth with the thought you’ve just had. 
“What is it,” Sungjin asked, kneeling down in front of you. He took your face into his hands, worried that there was something wrong with you, it was clear on his face. 
“Honey,” you smiled, putting a hand on top of his, rubbing it gently. “I think I’m pregnant.”   
“What?” Sungjin’s reaction was monotoned like you’d expected. His eyes were wide with shock as he searched your face trying to see if you’re lying or not. “Are you sure?” 
“Yes, yes! My periods late, I’m gaining weight, my feet are swelling, now this...” 
“I um,” he let go of you, shocked at the sudden news. “I guess you’re right.” 
“Honey,” you crawled over to him, grasping his arm to see if he was mentally okay. “Are...are you okay?” 
“Of course,” he sighed with content, the news just hitting him. A bright smile washed over him, “I’m gonna be a dad!”  
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It was perceived that Jae didn’t want kids, so as you held the positive pregnancy test in your hands you didn’t know how you were going to tell him. Jae and you have been dating for three years now, everything was going great for both of you. At some point you’d even expect a ring on your finger. But now that you’re pregnant, you’re not sure who happy Jae would. 
You sat on the cool tile of your bathroom floor, millions thoughts running through your mind. This was the last thing you needed right now, Jaw as going to be home any minute now, tired from another day of work. 
Right on cue, Jae shimmied the front doors lock, your body tensed as you heard the echo from the bathroom. 
“Babe,” he yelled, kicking off his shoes in the outcove at the front door. “I’m home.” 
Going further into the shared house he didn’t see you anywhere, instantly growing confused at where you could be. Did you go out and you just forgot to mention it to him? Wouldn’t be the first time. 
“Babe?” Jae noticed the shut bathroom door, which was never shut. It was a system you both had, leaving the door open met it wasn’t occupied or smelly to go in. Softly, he knocked at the door, slightly you flinched at the action. “Are you in there?”
“Y-Yea,” you stuttered, trying to not put him off or give any indication you weren’t okay. Jae knew better, he could hear in your voice that cracked tone you had when you were crying. 
“Why are you crying,” he asked, a reassuring smile on his face. Even though you couldn’t see it, it still gave the same effect on you. “Can I come in?”
Gosh, you so desperately wanted to say no, pick yourself up, and pretend that nothing ever happened. But, that wasn’t fair to Jae. Gently, you pushed yourself off the ground, placing the pregnancy test on the sinks counter, then unlocking the door without a word. Instantly Jae came through the door, he was right, you were crying over the sink trying to hide your face from him. You hated when he saw you like this. 
“Babe,” he cooed, coming over to you at the sink. “What’s going on, do you wanna talk about it-What’s that?” 
You placed the test on the sink so he’d have access to it. It was another form of not telling him yourself, rather you’d want the test to tell him. “Is that a...pregnancy test?” Jae picked it up, with cation of course, he knew you had peed on it already. Refusing to meet his face, you didn’t quite see his reaction at first. “Two lines means?”
“It’s positive, I’m preg-pregnant Jae,” you muttered, head still down faced to the sink.  
“Ok...,” he dragged out, placing the test down back on the sink. Turning his attention on you which, mind you, was needed greatly. Jae went up behind you, placing his head on top of yours since you were much smaller than he, his arms wrapped around your waist a comfortable warmth rushing through you. “Everything’s going to be okay,” he tried calming you down, holding onto you tightly. 
Jae may have not known why you were crying, but he thought it was better not to pry the answer out of you. “Well, we’re going to have a baby,” he started, rubbing your tummy lightly. “Guess we should finally get married too. What do you say?” 
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Younghyun and you have been trying to get pregnant for awhile. Both of you have been married for four years now, with no luck of children your way. Nothing you did got you pregnant, but it seems luck struck the both of you. You had been late this month so you were suspicious that you might be with child. While Younghyun was at work you went to a local pharmacy, grabbing a pregnancy test off the shelves. Long story short, the pregnancy test was positive, and you’ve never been happier.
You made the most over dramatic plan you could to tell Younghyun, your idea fell on a gift to give him. With haste, you ran to the store grabbing all the things you needed to make this “gift”.
After that, you put all of it together, placing it into a polka dot bag. Due to your excitement, you decided to go to his work than wait for him to come home. You took a bus there since he was using the car, the whole time your leg shook with anticipation as you held onto the gift sercurly.
When you got to the front desk of his studio you asked the woman there for Mr. Kang Younghyun. She instantly recognized you, this wasn’t the first time you’ve been to his office, sometimes you’d come over to eat lunch with him.
Anyway, the woman gave you a visitors pass, so you walked to his office. Opening up the door to reveal Younghyun, you could only assume he was composing a song at the current moment. He sat in his seat, playing the bass and every so often writing down what he played on a sheet in front of him. He was so entranced that he didn’t even notice your arrival.
“Brian,” you raised your voice, grabbing his attention. Your husband was shocked to see you since this was a surprise visit.
“Love,” he wholeheartedly smiled at you, glad to see his beautiful wife. Just who he wanted to see since he was having a hard time with the song he’s writing. “What are you doing here?”
Younghyun went over to you, yanking you into a soft, chaste kiss. He wrapped his arms around your waist holding you close, you would do the same except you had a gift in your hand. “I was in the neighborhood,” you joked, pecking his lips once more. Even if you are married to him, no matter how much you kiss you still get flustered by it.
“Oh really?”
“Yes, and I decided I wanted to give a gift to my loving husband.”
Younghyun’s eyes glowed with admiration as you held the present up to his face. You were just the best, in his time a need you came to make him feel better.
“What’s the occasion,” he let go of you so he could open the present with more room.
“Nothing,” you bit your lip, lying of course, but you wanted him to figure it out himself. Younghyun discarded the bag pulling out a jar of-
“Pasta sauce?” 
He looked confused rightfully so, you saw not to long ago a pregnancy surprise with Prego sauce. 
“Not just any sauce,” you smiled, inching him to figure out what you were doing. 
“Now with...10% more cheese,” he laughed, reading the jars facts. 
“No,” you whined, walking over to him. “What’s the name of the sauce?”
“Prego,” he looked at you, really trying to figure out why pasta sauce was his gift. He didn’t even like red sauce that much. 
“Jesus Bri, I’m pregnant! Prego-pregnant! Get it!” 
“Love,” he dropped the sauce, thankfully he didn’t break it. He grabbed you hard, giving you a bear hug, littering your face with kisses. “Are you actually? Is this a joke?! This would be a mean joke?!”
You shook your head, laughing at how anxious he seemed. But man, was he so ecstatic about a baby. “I can’t wait to meet her,” he calmed down, placing a hand on your flat stomach. For a moment he imagined you with a big pregnant belly, you were his life and so was this baby.   
“Oh,” you giggled, kissing his cheek lightly. “What makes you think it won’t be a boy?” 
“Oh, I just know. Ah...” he sighed, pulling you into a more gentle hug this time. “We’re having a baby...” 
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You found out this morning you were pregnant, expertly hiding it from Wonpil through out the whole day. You wanted to tell him in a different way, so most of the time you spent today was on unique ways to announce it. 
Two months ago, you and Wonpil finally got hitched. The wedding was grand and the honeymoon even grander. Wonpil knew how to make you feel special without a doubt. Of course, you hadn’t expected to get pregnant so quickly, but that’s because of the lack of protection (if you catch my drift). 
At the end of the night, Wonpil decided he wanted to shave his face. More like he needed to, his stubble was poking through and JYP wasn’t exactly a fan of that look. They always made him shave it, not that you minded. 
As he was getting rid of his facial hair, you snuck past him into the bathroom with a blue, dry erase marker in your hand. 
“Oh, Y/N,” he looked at your through the mirror as you stood behind him. Bouncing on your heels in excitement. “Do you have to go to the bathroom or something...don’t worry I won’t look.” 
Even though you and Wonpil are married now, he still get’s shy and blushy about certain things. “Actually babe,” you started, uncapping the marker. “Can you solve this riddle for me?”
“Right now?”
“Yes, right now.”
“Ok,” he smiled, face lathered up with shaving cream, but he stopped just for you. 
With the marker you drew on the mirror, the first thing you wrote was “there’s”. Wonpil raised a brow, but let you continue, then you wrote a “a me.” 
“There’s a me?” 
“Not done yet,” you muttered, writing the word “baby” right in the gap in the E. 
Wonpil questioned the riddle, reading it in his head trying to decipher. 
“Read it outloud, that might help,” you giggled at how cute Wonpil looked when he was thinking. He bit his lip in frustration, sorta mad at himself that he couldn’t figure it out. 
“There’s a me baby? There’s a me...” 
“Where’s the baby?” You asked, leaning against the wall. 
“In me,” he questioned again. “There’s a baby...in me...There’s a baby in me? Is that the riddle?” 
“Think about it,” you simply said, Wonpil looking at you without a clue in the world. 
Then it clicked. 
“OH, you’re serious! There’s a baby in you,” he exclaimed, grabbing your hand. You shook your head vigorously, smiling at the sudden enjoyment. “I can’t believe your pregnant! I would kiss you right now, but I don’t wanna get shaving cream on your face!”   
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This was all Dowoon actually, he started to have his suspicion about you being pregnant when you ate a whole jar of banana peppers. You hated spicy food so seeing you randomly craving a whole jar of it was a odd thing to see. Dowoon, this sweet man, didn’t want to freak you out and force you to take a test. After all, this was all so sudden for him too. 
Dowoon proposed to you a few weeks ago, he’d always said he wanted to get married at the age thirty, but he decided to break that rule just for you. There was no doubt in your mind, this was the man you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. Now you weren’t even married and expecting a child. It may sound selfish, but he just needed to know. 
After practice, Dowoon had gone to a convenience store, buying the most expensive test off the walls. He wanted the results to be the best they could be. He had to admit though, it made him red in the ears while trying to figure out what test was best. 
When he got home, he was met with you standing directly in the doorway waiting for him to come home. Lately, you’ve been more clingy with him, it was definitely a new feeling to have you attached to the hip. A few days into the clinginess he started to get used to it, gladly accepting the spontaneous need to cuddle. 
“How was work Dowoonie,” you held your arms out, expecting him to whisk into a hug with you. Dowoon, instead, stood there with a freaked out look on his face. 
“Was work bad?” 
“Um...it was fine, but-Y/N, I need you to do something for me.” 
“Alright,” you spoke suspiciously. Taking into notice how fidgety he looked, nonetheless he held out the plastic bag in his hand. Confused, you took the bag, opening it up to a pink box. “A pregnancy test? What’s this about?”
“You’ve been acting different lately, not a bad different but...different. I think you might be...you know, pregnant.” 
“Does that freak you out,” you asked, gulping afraid to hear a negative response. 
“Yes-I mean no...I don’t know! Are we really ready to have a baby?” 
“Well...is anyone really read to have a baby?” 
Lovingly, you took his hand, interlocking your fingers with him rubbing the back of his hand with your thumb. “I might...have some news for you then?” 
“I may have already taken a test...and I may have already known I was pregnant for a day or two.” 
“What!” Dowoon looked shocked, a look a disbelief riddled his face. Hey, you felt very guilty that you hid this from him, but come on! This was a hard thing to talk about in general. “You didn’t tell me?” 
“I tried,” you sighed, rubbing your temples with one hand. Dowoon obviously looked upset which broke your heart, the last thing you wanted to do was hurt him. “Don’t be mad.” Cooing to him, pulling his arm gently, placing your head into his chest wrapping your small arms around his frame.
“I’m...I’m not,” he muttered out, giving up and putting his hand in your hair. Softly, running his hands through it. 
“We may not be ready,” you started, squeezing him lightly. “But we need to try, for our baby.” 
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domesticmail · 4 years
hold tight a little longer just in general vince as a boyfriend? maybe about how you met too? pls? 🤍 ily!!!!
@celestialblae ALEA I WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR YOU. you have my ENTIRE HEART, i think you’re an incredible person and i literally want to give you the world
okay so i was just doing some vince hcs with @ryanellis - thank u corwin for helping me!!! i love u akjsdhskdah
he says “i wuv you” when he’s tired because it’s the cheesiest line he can think of and because the smile you give him, the exasperated one, or the one that says “i love you, you’re so dumb,” is his favorite look in the world
sometimes when neither of you are doing anything, he’ll come up to you and squish your cheeks and do babytalk
“awwww it’s my baby!! sweetheart!! the cutest girl in the world!!” & each time you’re sitting there like “vince i love you but let go of my face”
he is a GOON for pda. he will touch you and kiss you and love on you whenever he wants, and other people are not gonna stop him
nose kisses. randomly tickling you. resting his hands on your hips or your thighs. 
the man’s love language is TOUCH. he is all about physical intimacy, having you close to him. even if he’s just side-by-side next to you, or is just tapping your leg, he likes to know you’re near him
when he streams, you’ll sit on the floor with your back up against his desk, because a. you’re out of the way, not tangled between his legs, b. the stream barely shows your legs, so you’re not being exposed to the camera, and c. you can just put a pillow down & be super comfy, so you can occasionally poke his leg & make dorky kissy faces at him for fun! (also so he knows you love him)
pls imagine waking up next to vince and just being draped over his bare chest with his arms wrapped around your torso
if you wake up before him, you pepper kisses all over his bare chest & neck, waking him up
if he wakes up before you, he runs his fingers through your hair and murmurs sweet things in your ear to wake you up
or he does other things with his hands, other things that make you late for work because you’re a little busy wrapped up in the sheets, falling apart at your boyfriend’s touch
NOW how you met (again i can’t thank @ryanellis enough, i couldn’t have done this part without her!!)
you’re the only girl on your high school varsity ice hockey team, and your team is rivals with vince’s 
at first, playing with him is like playing with any other guy: he chirps you constantly about being the only girl, makes some funny jokes, and doesn’t ever have the balls to check you because he doesn’t want to hurt you
until, that is, a teammate of his makes a sexist comment on the ice.
you don’t say anything back, just exhale and ignore him, until minutes later, when you check his ass into the boards as hard as you possibly can
after that, vince’s chirping is more like,,,,,,,aggressive flirting?
he’ll check you into the boards and then smile and say “hey cutie, having a good time?”
you shove him off of you, but you can’t admit that it’s kind of endearing
eventually, when you graduate & decide to get your college degree, he’s moving on to pro hockey, but he still wants to see you
so he asks you out
& you agree to go on a date.
he takes you to a park to look at the beautiful trees blooming!!
after the walk, he pulls out two movie tickets & asks if you want to go see a movie?
you OBVIOUSLY say yes, because the movie is a cute new romcom that’s just been released, and surprise surprise, you’re actually quite the romantic
another hill i’ll die on: vince’s favorite move is the pretend-yawn-so-he-can-put-his-arm-around-your-shoulders !!
at the end of the night he takes you home, gets your number, and kisses you gently on your parents doorstep bc he's CHEESY
bonus: he doesn’t name drop u on any streams but he CONSTANTLY gushes about you!!!!!! he loves to talk about all his favorite things you do and how beautiful you are and how you could definitely kick his ass if you wanted to but you don’t and that’s what makes him special
i hope u liked these alea!!!!! sorry i went totally overboard, i told u i used to do headcanons, i can just go on and on about the little moments because they’re so ADORABLE kjhfksdhkjsdgh
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solar-pxwered · 4 years
A List Of Norman Reedus Movies/Shows I Have Seen And My Opinions On Them
1. The Boondock Saints
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The Best. A classic. Bloody and inappropriate and if I remember my count correctly, contains 194 “fucks” or variations of it (this movie certainly illustrates the diversity of the word). Terrible Irish accents. A KICKASS soundtrack. Willem DeFoe crossdressing. Dropping toilets on people’s heads. Over the top action sequences. Cheesy dialogue. Campy as fuck. I freakin’ love it.
2. The Boondock Saints 2: All Saints Day
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Some people didn’t like this one as much as the first one, and I admit that I wasn’t as fond of the new detective in this one as I was of Smecker...but, overall, I really enjoyed it and I drove 2 hours to see it in theaters. I love Romeo more than Rocco. The humor was on point. It was nice to see the original actors for Doc, Dolly, Duffy and Greenley. There was more terrible Irish accents, another KICKASS soundtrack, cheesy dialogue, over the top action sequences, still campy as fuck. I freaking love it.
3. The Walking Dead
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Cannot even describe how much I love this show. I have ALWAYS loved zombie related shows and movies so this show was right up my alley from the very beginning all the way back in 2010. I watched it religiously every Sunday. I adore this roller coaster ride of a show and I especially adore Daryl, Carol and Jerry. This show has it all: Comedy, drama (hella lots of that), tragedy and triumph...and it never fails to pulls me in and hold my interest.
4. Mimic
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Honestly, I saw this a LONG time ago and I hated it because...well, because I have a cockroach phobia, ok?! Don’t judge. Norman’s part was pretty small, not one of his lasting impressions on me.
5. Six Ways To Sunday
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This is a weird one. It’s about an overly innocent 18 year (played by Norman) who gets involved in the Mob and develops an alter ego that’s violent and his complete opposite. There’s murder, prostitutes and good ol’ fashioned mother-son incest and it wasn’t a movie I suggest for the lighthearted or anyone with those sort of triggers. 
That being said, I watched the whole thing and didn’t hate it. It was just uncomfortable...as seems to be a theme with Norman Reedus movies.
6. Dark Harbor
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This fucking movie...
Ok, so, I’ll be straight with you: I really enjoyed this dumbass movie. It had me guessing right up to the very end and it took me on a very strange ride along the way. 
If watching someone sexually feed a woman a poisonous mushroom, lots of dark eyed staring scenes or Norman Reedus making out with Alan Rickman is your thing, then go for it. 
7. Let the Devil Wear Black
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It’s modern Hamlet. What else is there to say? If you like Hamlet, you’ll like this movie. If you like pre-car accident, baby face Reedus with the black hair, you’ll like this movie. I liked it.
8. 8MM
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You know what the best thing about this movie is? Nicholas Cage. He steals the damn show no matter what movie he’s in and no one can even deny that fact. Norman’s part in this one is pretty small too but I liked this movie anyway because...well, Nick Cage. Enough said.
9. Bad Seed
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I honestly can’t remember how this movie ends, all I remember was that it wasn’t at all how I expected it. I liked this movie because it’s a psychological thriller and that’s my most favorite genre of all time. The movie’s premise is a guy suspects his wife of having an affair and comes home one night and finds her murdered so he goes after her lover (Reedus) to try and kill him because he believes he was the one who killed her. It’s a cat and mouse chase sort of thing...now I need to rewatch it because I can’t, for the life of me, remember how it ends.
10. Gossip
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Ok, no JOKE, this is the best movie I ever randomly discovered and I can’t believe how many people have never heard of it! It’s got some big names in it (Lena Headey, Norman Reedus, James Marsden and Kate Hudson to name a few).
It’s a psychological thriller/mystery drama in which three friends start a rumor at their school as a social experiment for their class. The rumor grows, however, and suddenly it’s out of their hands and spiraling out of control. People start getting hurt, reputations get dragged through the mud and then it escalates to the point of someone losing their life. The three main characters {Reedus, Headey and Marsden) try to figure out the truth behind the out of control rumors and discover more than they ever imagined, or ever wanted.
I HIGHLY recommend this movie. I really, REALLY do. The ending is one of the best twists I’ve seen in a LONG time.
11. The Beatnicks
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This movie is so weird. It’s like...it’s just really weird. It revolves around two beat poets who find a magic box that somehow magically helps them get good at being poets but it’s like...an evil box and so they decide to only use it once and then get rid of it. Yeah, it’s a weird movie. Not my highest suggestion.
12. Blade II
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Ok, if you’ve never seen the Blade Trilogy then I just don’t even know what to tell you. 
My favorite of the three movies, Blade 2 gives us the glorious Reedus character of Scud, the pot smoking, horrible-shirt-wearing, mechanical genius and Blade’s sidekick. Not only is he precious and adorable, the movie in all is enjoyable and has a fun rave-esque soundtrack. 
The one thing I hate? *SPOILER ALERT* Scud’s scummy betrayal.
13. Tough Luck
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This is another one of those movies that I liked but it’s just so freaking weird. 
It’s a psychological drama where a down on his luck con artist, Archie (Reedus), tries to rip off a carnival worker and gets caught. As punishment, he’s hired to work at the carnival  to pay off the debt. He gets involved in a scheme to murder the owner’s wife, but falls in love with her in the process.
Things go to shit. He gets the short end of the stick. More plots and lies develop. It’s all twisted until the end and the answers fall into place.
I really like this movie, it’s one that I kept and still have my copy of. 
A word of warning though, never leave this movie on your movie shelf for your father to find and watch while you’re away at college, resulting in your mother calling you and asking you why you have such a nasty movie. Because the sex scene at the end is OUTRAGEOUS. I mean, it is the FUNNIEST fucking sex scene I have ever seen in my life and I can’t ever watch it without cringing and laughing. My mother, however, didn’t think it was funny at all and my father was too shocked to even form a sentence.
I highly suggest this trippy as hell movie.
14. Octane
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Ok, to be fair, this movie is actually alright, although Norman’s character gets the shittiest death possible. I mean, imagine dying because some psycho vampire kisses you and bites your tongue out. That’s one shitty death.
But, overall, this is a good thriller. Johnathan Rhys Meyers plays the villain and he’s always pretty quality. The story is basically a teenager has a disagreement with her mom and gets picked up by this drugged up, blood sucking, vampire wannabe cult and indoctrinated joining them. Her mother joins up with a tow truck driver (Reedus) whose daughter was also kidnapped years ago and who has been hunting the cult down ever since. 
It was a cringe filled, yet interesting, movie and I didn’t hate it.
15. John Carpenter’s Cigarette Burns
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This is John Carpenter....OF COURSE I liked this one. 
I won’t say what it’s about because that would ruin the story, but it’s part of an anthology and John Carpenter loved Norman’s role so much he STILL talks about it today and suggests Norman to people in the industry.
It’s a good one if you’re into horror shorts or anthologies or the genius of the legend that is John Carpenter.
16. A Crime
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I had completely forgotten about this movie until I started making this post, but now that I remember...I REALLY liked this one!!
This is a pretty sad one, but it was very good and Norman’s acting in it is absolutely wonderful. His character’s wife was murdered and the suspect was never found so his neighbor, who really likes him, creates a fake culprit so that he can finally get some closure. 
This is a good one. I suggest this one if you’re in the mood for a strange sort of romance movie that has underlying thriller tones.
17. Moscow Chill
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I remember watching this one, and I remember enjoying it, but I honestly can’t remember anything about it except that it’s a Russian film in which Norman plays a computer hacker who gets hired to hack into a Russian bank and gets caught and put in prison. But I honestly can’t remember what happens in detail.
If you like foreign movies with hacking and subterfuge plots, then give it a try because I do remember enjoying it while I watched.
18. Red Canyon
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This one is kinda fucked up. Imagine Daryl Dixon mixed with Breaking Bad mixed with Deliverance and you’ve pretty much got the story...
A brother and sister return to their mother’s hometown to settle things and put their horrible past behind them...but upon returning they end up reliving the nightmare all over again.
It’s a good thriller/horror watch, but there are scenes of sexual violence so if that’s not something you can handle, then don’t watch this one.
19. Hero Wanted
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This. Is. A. GOOD. Movie.
Cuba Gooding Jr. is the lead and he does an AMAZING job. Gooding’s character is a garbage man who falls in love with a girl who never takes any notice of him. To get her attention, he stages a heist in which he is supposed to jump in, save the day, and win the girl...only the heist turns out to be real and he is shot and the girl is also shot in the process. He sets out for revenge and gets in way over his head.
Norman’s part in this isn’t very big...but HOLY SHIT, was it impactful. His character didn’t have a lot of screen time, in comparison to a lot of other people, but he had a solid backstory and reason for being involved and MY GOD did I cry about it. This was actually the first movie of his I watched AFTER discovering Boondock Saints and it solidified my love for his acting abilities.
A very good watch. Highly suggest.
20. Messengers 2: The Scarecrow
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This one is pretty ok, actually, as far as lame horror movies go. 
The plot is simple: Blonde, beardy, corn farmer Norman gets slowly driven insane by the haunted scarecrow in his field that he thinks putting up is a good idea for some damn reason. He starts to get more and more violent and rapey as time goes on until his family is forced to take up arms against him.
It’s not bad. Second part in what I THINK is a trilogy? I’ve only ever seen the first two. If you like horror movies then this one is a good watch. As I mentioned though, there is an attempted rape scene in this one so just be aware.
21: Pandorum
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It’s an alien movie. Astronauts run into a species that is stronger and hungry for tasty humans. Shepard (Norman’s character) doesn’t make it out alive. If you’re not in the mood to see Norman get LITERALLY gutted or other characters get nommed by aliens, then don’t watch.
If you ARE, then go ahead and watch, because it was pretty alright.
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peachiekoo · 4 years
JJK Drabble || Bruises
Imagine Jungkook and Y/n first kiss not being how they expected it
Paring: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 853
Posted: October 20, 2020
Disclaimers: Swearing
Author's Note: Hi! I've decided to write some drabbles for now since I can't really use my laptop. You can probably tell I've gotten inspiration from this beautiful fic I read last night called Love Alive by @jamaisjoons !
Please read it, I 11/ 10 recommend
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"So... you like me?" Jungkook ask you curiously
Looking off to the side and back at him in an "obviously" manner you answer, "Yes?"
"Okay so we like each other?" he inquired.
"Yes, Jeon, I like you, you like me! Why are you being complicated?" You say muffling your voice as you stuff your face into your palms at the last part.
You can see his cheeky smile through the cracks of your fingers. He's doing this on purpose.
Oh, how you wish the smack the dumb grin off his face right now.
"It just doesn't feel real," he explains. "All this time I pinned after you and now you finally like me? It's weird."
Sighing, you look at him.
You feel bad for not returning the feelings back sooner. You feel worse remembering that you didn't even know he liked you until five months ago
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5 Month Previously
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You, Jiyeon, Jungkook, and Jimin were all your house, having a normal kickback just watching Netflix.
Often, You and Jimin would openly flirt, not with any special meanings, just all for jokes. You would've assumed everyone got that by now... well except for Jungkook. You could see the annoyance on his face every time.
But maybe this day was different for him.
Resting your head on Jimin's Shoulders as he snuggled you close. Paying no attention to anything but the movie currently playing before Jimin pressed an innocent kiss to your temple.
"Can you not?" Jungkook blurts.
"Not what?" Jiyeon asks, caught off guard.
"Not you, him," he said, lacing with annoyance.
"Stop what?" Jimin says genuinely curious about what he was talking about.
"Kissing her, you fuckface!" he exclaimed, shooking everyone in the room.
"Woah, relax. You act like this is brand new." Jimin resorts.
"Why did it even begin? Do you like her or something?"
"Not in that way, we're just close," Jimin explains.
Not knowing what to say you just sit and watch.
"So you just randomly kiss and flirt with girls?" Jungkook questioned.
"No! It's just-"
"I like her yet you don't see me just randomly kissing her. What's your deal?" Jungkook barks back before Jimin fully gets to defend himself.
The silence that happened after was thick.
"Jungkook," you say sitting up. "You like me?"
"Was it not obvious?" Jungkook asks.
"No?" you answer slowly.
Jungkook looks at you dumbfounded.
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"You never told me why you were so mad that day you know." you point out.
"What day?"
"The day you told me you liked me. You got so mad like, I know you would always get annoyed but that day was super different." you acknowledged.
"Oh, maybe because it was right after I told Jimin I liked you. I thought he was trying to take you or something but he told me it was out of habit so I got over it." He reveals.
Smiling over how sweet he was, you scoot closer,
"You're cute you know that?" you chirped.
"I know," he states with a smirk.
Oh, how you hate that cheeky smirk. Sometimes you just wanna slap it right off his dumb little face. Or maybe kiss it?
Maybe he had superpowers that could allow him to read your mind, or maybe you were just staring a bit too hard on his lips.
You felt his hands slowly wrap around your face as he took a good look at you and you swear you can see the glee twinkling in his eyes.
You closed your eyes and just waited for him to bring you closer.
And then you waited
Waited even longer
Still waiting.
You finally decide to open up your eyes to him still holding you as he looks at you, a slight red tint overlaying his features.
"Kook?" you call out to pull him out of his trance.
Blinking a few times, he drops his hand from your face.
"Did you just get rejected?" you can help the little frown that covers your face.
"If I'm being honest, I'm a bit nervous," Jungkook admits.
Trying your best to stifle a laugh you scoot closer, "Have you never kissed before Jungkook?" you wondered
"No! No- I," Jungkook stutters before sighing. "I've kissed before but," he looks at you. "they weren't you. I need our first kiss to be memorable, like-"
Before Jungkook could even finish you charged at him and gave a kiss but a sharp pain from your head emerges and the painful groan Jungkook lets out tells you you're not the only one who felt the pain.
"Y/n, did you just..." Jungkook perplexed as he feels the new knot present on his forehead.
You're currently doing the same as him but you look more embarrassed about it. Since it was you that did it.
Jungkook freezes for a bit before he looks at you and lets out a contagious laugh.
You start laughing too, although embarrassing it was pretty damn funny.
"I know I said I wanted our kiss to be memorable but I didn't mean it involving both of us with matching bruises."
"Omg, shut up, I am begging you."
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© peachiekoo — all rights reserved. reposting or modifying of any medium is not allowed. translations not allowed.
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pparkersz · 4 years
and they were roommates | p.p [1/5]
summary: Ned’s really good friend Y/N is being evicted from her apartment and is in desperate need of somewhere to stay. When Ned finds out about her dilemma, he proposes to Peter they let her move in, and despite his hesitance, he agrees. Y/N gladly accepts Ned’s offer but upon moving in realizes that her new roommate Peter Parker was hiding something. A Spider-man Roommate/College AU. (masterlist)
warnings: fem!reader, swearing, aged up! peter parker & co.
a/n: hi everyone! i’ve fallen into the hole of p.p x reader fics and am inspired to start a new blog dedicated to fic writing. i’m excited to share this short series with you all. please feel free to send in any one-shot requests. :)
Y/N was in trouble.
With a groan, you let your head drop with a hard thump on the wooden table.
It wasn’t the kind of trouble most people would expect from a college student like forgetting to turn in an assignment before a deadline or sleeping in, and missing class one too many times.
No--this was the kind of trouble that your mother warned you might run into when you decided you were tired of living in the cramped dorms of Colombia University and that you wanted to move into an overpriced and even more cramped apartment with a flakey roommate.
Aria, said flakey roommate, decided last month that she no longer was interested in living with Y/N you had spent the last few weeks desperately posting ads on Craigslist and the campus bulletin board for a new roommate.
Just as you’d imagined, most people that replied on Craigslist were creeps and the few from school that responded to your poster decided last minute that the apartment was not to their tastes.
Despite working many, long hours at the closest family-owned café Bugle Beans for the last three years of your college life, Y/N did not have the money to pay rent and utilities on her own.
Your landlord had tried to be understanding but he’d been kind for long enough.
“I warned you that we don’t give extensions, kid,” he’d sighed to you earlier that morning. “I’m giving you a week to move out or you’ll find all your things outside.”
“I’m fucked,” you sighed into your hands. “I’m so fucked.”
“Like fucked fucked?” A teasingly inquisitive voice suddenly came from your right, startling you out of your miserable stupor. “Or I’m going to possibly fail out of a class and hurt my GPA fucked fucked?”
You lifted your head and couldn’t stop the genuine, small smile that crossed your face. “More like I’m going to be homeless in a week fucked.”
Ned Leeds, your only confidant on this huge campus took a seat across from you, gaze switching from teasing to concerned. “Y/N, what the hell?”
You bit your lip, lowering your hand to rest on your crossed arms. “I still haven’t found anyone to replace Aria and I can’t afford rent. My landlord’s giving me a week to pay up or get out.”
Ned winced beside you, patting your arm comfortingly. “Yeah, the city landlords are ruthless, and trying to find a roommate that’s not a psycho is even worse. I’m sorry.”
You blew out another sigh. “Don’t I know--”
“Y/N!” You jumped at the sound of Ned’s suddenly excited voice. “I have an idea!”
“Do tell.”
“Peter’s ex-girlfriend MJ moved out from our loft a few months ago and we’d been meaning to find a third roommate for a while now. It hasn’t really been a priority but it’s about time we try to find someone.” Ned’s brown eyes were shining excitedly as he wiggled his eyebrows at you. “We need a roommate, you need a place. What do you say?”
For the first time in a month, you felt a small burst of hope in bloom in your chest.
“Ned, you’re serious?”
“As a heart attack, kid.”
“Ned Leeds,” you almost sobbed, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I owe you all the free coffee and cookies in the world.”
Ned snickered, rubbing your back softly. “I’d have to talk to Peter but I’m sure he won’t mind.”
You pulled away and gave him a watery grin. “Let me know as soon as you can, please.”
“I’ve got you, friend,” he winked, getting up from the spot next to you. “I’ll text you tonight. You better start packing.”
“I just don’t think it’s wise right now, Ned.”
Peter Parker repeated this to his best friend for what seemed like the hundredth time that evening.
“Peter, she’s the best, I promise--”
“I’m sure she’s lovely,” the brown-haired young man interrupted, putting down his highlighter and looking away from his notes. “It’s just--with the whole Spider-man thing I don’t think it’s a good idea to have someone new here, man.”
At Ned’s crestfallen expression, he felt a sliver of guilt creep up.
It wasn’t necessarily that he had something against Y/N. He’d met her briefly a few times and Ned always spoke highly of her since they’d been randomly partnered for a project their freshman year.
“Pete,” Ned’s voice was desperate. “She got evicted from her apartment and has a week to come up with almost two grand or find somewhere to live. She doesn’t have many friends in the city. She needs us.”
Peter swallowed hard before releasing a sign. He couldn’t argue with Ned about that and his own conscience wouldn’t let him rest if he knew that someone was potentially going to be left homeless.
But he was hesitant.
He’d gotten used to not having to hide to anyone his superhero persona and the thought of having to be careful around someone new in his own home was not appealing to him.
When MJ moved out, he and Ned had decided they would eventually find a new roommate but there was no rush. Mr. Stark had kindly left a nice fund for Peter that helped them out with rent for a while and they’d fallen into a nice routine just the two of them with MJ occasionally coming over for movie night.
He and MJ were still good friends, having parted on good terms, so she was still around often.
He supposed though that they’d just be crossing the bridge he’d been much too comfortable to cross a lot sooner than he wanted.
Clearing his throat Peter gave Ned a nod. “Let her know the empty room’s hers if she wants it.”
Ned let out a breath of relief, giving Peter a grin. “You’re the best Pete. I promise I’ll help with covering for you if it comes down to it.”
Peter shook his head with a smile of his own, punching Ned lightly in the arm. “I’m counting on it, Ned. It’ll be like old times.”
“It’s been a while since I’ve cooked up a good story, eh?” Ned snickered as he remembered the various times he’d have to come up with excuses for Peter’s absences, suspicious behavior, and abnormal disappearances. He reached for his phone immediately opening up his messages. “I can’t wait to tell, Y/N.”
“Let her know I’d be happy to help her with moving in.” Peter offered quietly, turning back to his notes.
“Will do. “ Ned responded distractedly, typing away rapidly on his iPhone.
Peter raised a hand to his chin, rubbing it in thought. He didn’t like to call it his tingle, but he’d be lying if he said it wasn’t telling him that this might just be a bad idea.
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pagesofcursive · 4 years
board game night: clue edition
nyx and juni throw a game night monthly. it was juni’s idea, of course. they make dinner for everyone, and sometimes they watch movies after the board game! nyx is the one who picks clue because she Loves clue. they invite everyone, even dawn
this takes place in what I imagine is a modern day college au, as they wouldn’t know what clue was in canon. in this, nyx and juni have a little apartment together, and violetta and aster have been dating for a few months. for the purpose of this scenario, nyx and dawn have reached a peace, but aren’t extremely close (I did this because I wanted to include dawn, so don’t read into anything-)
tora is So Pumped although she’s never played the game or watched the movie; she just loves board game night despite rarely winning. 
lynn hasn’t seen the movie but clue was one of the few board games at her orphanage and she played it often, so she’s very good. 
dawn agrees with nyx on one thing and one thing only- clue is both the best movie and the best board game to ever exist. she doesn’t always show up to game night, but she’s determined to Beat nyx this time (and she also is there to have fun, but that’s lower on the list of priorities)
they start the game before dinner and the movie
only six people can play the game, so lynn suggests that one of the couples can team up. she doesn’t even finish her sentence before violetta and aster immediately stop holding hands, and they both say “not it!” at the same time
nyx and juni are obviously happy to be a team because it gives them more time together, but vi and aster are just too competitive. they love the playful rivalry that breaks out during games (“how can one of us win if we’re on the same team?” “exactly, aster!”) 
lynn has to explain the rules for close to fifteen minutes because nyx and dawn keep jumping in to elaborate about the game and to say random trivia. lynn is explaining Directly to tora since she’s the only one who’s never played, but she keeps getting distracted and zoning out
lynn: okay, tora, do you understand now?
tora, snapping back from thinking about how much chocolate she could eat in thirty seconds: understand what
and then they all have to pick what game pieces to be, which is an ordeal, of course,
miss scarlet: aster chooses this one because of the color and because miss scarlet is the only part of the movie she remembers (aster watched half of it when she was five and then got kicked out of the movie theatre)
mrs white: nyx and dawn almost Fight to the Death over this one. sorry to anyone who believes otherwise, but mrs white is the absolute best character, and nyx and dawn agree with me on this. the crisis is averted because juni suggests that she and nyx can be the yellow piece
mrs peacock: lynn likes the color blue (“female peacocks are actually called peahens, and they camouflage with nature so they are mostly brown- none of this bright blue color-”)
mr green: tora likes the color :D she also really didn’t want to be the colonel because of military associations (I haven’t discussed this part of her past yet) 
colonel mustard: juni and nyx take this piece (see above) 
professor plum: violetta’s never seen the movie and loves purple, so she chooses this guy (“can I name her lady lavender instead?” “no”)
once the game finally starts, they quickly find out who’s a good player and who is... terrible. 
tora is absolutely awful, but she is having a lot of fun! she’s horrible at hiding the truth, so everyone knows all of her cards almost immediately. she also forgot that she had to take notes in order to find out the details of the murder. tora eventually realizes that she hasn’t been playing the game right when dawn mentions something about how she has a superior way of organizing her notes. (“...organizing what?” *collective sigh*) oh well, she’s not going to win, but she absolutely loves the game. 
nyx and juni are sitting close to each other. nyx is taking notes while juni is in charge of the cards. they decide on their moves by whispering to each other. nyx has a very good system for taking notes, but she only shares the system with juni, who is almost drops the cards a few times because she’s excited during the entire game.
violetta and aster sit at opposite ends of the table, but they end up bantering so much that nyx and dawn put aside their differences to rearrange the seating so that the Rivals can sit next to each other. this results in cuddling as they play the game- but, make no mistake, they are still Locked in Combat. 
dawn is good at the game. she and nyx are just about evenly matched, since clue used to be the only game they could agree on, so they played often. she’s very proud of a new technique she’s using to take notes, and so dawn boasts about it for a bit. (not too much though; she knows that she’s on Slightly Shaky ground with the group because of her past, so she doesn’t want to push it) 
lynn is also a very good player. she takes diligent notes and watches both the board and people’s facial expressions like a hawk. 
aster and violetta became too distracted by flirting with each other, so they fall behind in the actual game. so it comes down to nyx/juni, dawn, or lynn.
nyx can see in her cousin’s eyes that she figured out the answer, but she and juni have their turn before dawn. they have the weapon and the room figured out and narrowed it down to two options for the person. nyx tells juni to pick randomly, so they go with mr green. mr green with the candlestick in the library is their final answer, and it is correct! 
nyx and juni triumphantly kiss and then hug each other
dawn comes very close to flipping the board
tora, confused: I was mr green, but I didn’t murder anyone, I swear! 
dawn, deadpans a quote from the movie: you didn’t do it
violetta and aster are somehow disappointed that neither of them won and at the same time relived. they just want to cuddle for the rest of the night. and, luckily for them, they can do that while watching the movie! 
the movie is a hit with the group. juni makes popcorn while nyx sets up the movie, and then they all just crowd into the little living room to watch. nyx and dawn keep quoting the movie while the movie is playing, juni cries for almost every single death, and tora gets distracted halfway through and starts to take pictures of the game pieces doing different things (and she also takes pictures of everyone watching the movie). at the end of the movie, everyone agrees that it was one of the best movies ever made. <3
taglist: @apocalypsewriters, @jstrjk, @pretend-im-normal, @augustwrites49, @morsmordre-is-writing, @helen-the-bear, @vivian-is-writing
contact me (through reblogs, asks, messages, or anything) if you want to be added or taken off of the taglist! <3
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friiday-thirteenth · 4 years
guys im bored hear abt how i broke my arm. TW for broken bones, dissassociation, vomiting, drugs and needles. Also this is like. Therapy. Idk.
weird thing about it was that i was feeling intense happiness, because I’d just confirmed my classes for the next year and i was jsut. Really happy.
So i did this little twirly thing??? idk. Anyway, my ankle went out under my, i put my hand back and crack.
I know there was a definite seperation between the before and after of this. Like, the adrenaline made it feel like I was aware of everything.
After I fell, and after the crack, I stood up fast. I didn’t realise my wrist was fucked until I saw it - and it wasn’t a compound fracture, the skin was still unbroken. But it looked fucking nasty. It was supposed to be held straight, but the wrist was shifted.... up. And it was floppy, but I could control it if I wanted to be in immense amounts of pain.
I started walking over to my P.E. teacher. I said his name once, really loudly - and then he didn’t hear me, so I kept walking. I was cradling my wrist against my body at this point, and I just needed to move. It helped distract from my pain at that point.
When I reached him and he saw my wrist he was like fuck. He didn’t say it, but I could see it, and he said, “ Okay, we need to get you to the sickbay and call your parents.”
Okay, this happened before that when I was walking over. One of the people who was around me had walked beside me and was asking questions, and I straight up said, “Ruby, if you don’t walk away right now, I will either scream or burst into tears and scream, please go away.” I couldn’t handle anyone being near me.
Then when we were walking off the turf (where we were doing P.E. that day, as opposed to the gym.) one of the guys saw my arm and was like holy shit and I’m 99% sure I just looked at him with a really worried look. My face was going white I’m pretty sure, which is weird because I’m naturally flushed quite a lot of the time.
We had to walk up stairs. That fucking sucked. The pain was fine whenever it wasn’t jolting me, and we were walking fast, so you can imagine how I was trying to be very careful.
I’m 99% sure I was terrified that I was going to tip over again, and that would’ve hurt. I was just focusing on staying on my feet.
We got to the office/sickbay and they sat me down. I made myself get my retainer out of my mouth because it was.... foreign. I was going to - I’d say have a panic attack, but I’m not sure that’s the correct name for it - do something bad if I kept it in, because there was something already wrong with me and I just couldn’t handle it.
Also I asked if I could swear. Like, “Um, would it be okay if I, uh, swore?” and the person in there with me looked at me like wtf child and said i could.
Later, one of the teachers who’d walked by told me that they had no idea I had that filthy a mouth on me. Swearing helped a lot.
They made me put my wrist in this makeshift sling thing, which made me want to fucking cry. They sent someone to get my bag, and I told them to leave as soon as they’d gotten it, because I couldn’t handle any of my peers seeing my like that. probably because I felt extremely vulnerable.
I never swore at anyone. I can remember not wanting to, because I didn’t feel that they deserved it? Like, I didn’t want to take my pain out on them. Very strange.
They didn’t give me any panadol or nuramol or nurofen (pretty sure that isn’t how you spell it but eh). I can remember that, because they said that it might react badly to whatever drugs they gave me in the hospital.
When my mum got there, we went over to the car and I put my seatbelt on myself bc im independant like that, before I rolled my head back and scream-said to my mother to hurry up please I feel like I’m dying. Because she was talking to my teacher.
At that point I was being a melodramatic shit, because my pain level I think? was a four, unless I moved my arm, then it jolted into a six.
Anyway. I sung/murmured hamilton songs really fast as we drove the like, five minutes to the hospital because that helped distract me from the pain.
When we got to the hospital and the emergency room, we ended up waiting like 20 minutes which were all hell. My dad came at one point and I told mum he needed to leave because I couldn’t handle having him there. Not for any bad reasons, just that I fucking hated dealing with people and if I had to deal with him I’d cry.
I didn’t cry at any point during this, which was weird. I didn’t like that.
Someone gave me two panadol or something, which didn’t help in the least. They got mum to fill out an acc form - I can remember her asking me things. The pain was bad, like a constant throbbing that was there. I’m pretty sure I started not being there at some point during the time I was waiting. It was easier than dealing with it all, because there were people staring at me and my arm and I wanted to scream at them because none of them were as bad as me and why the fuck are you staring at me.
Anyway. When the nurse came - she was really nice - she got me into a room and to sit on a bed, and then we waited for what was maybe half an hour? There was an old guy dying or nearly dying in the room beside mine and I felt like.... weird because of it. It didn’t feel right, that he was dying.
When they got me a doctor - after me scaring the shit out of a nurse who I thought was a doctor  (i still cringe at the memory) - he ws really nice. He was wearing a haiwaiian shirt and was supposed to be going home, and I was quite lucky that they’d caught him as he was leaving.
They got me on some nitrous oxide to calm me down, or to take the pain away.
Now here’s where thigns get a little less linear, I think.
I can’t remember when they put the I.V. in, whether it was before or after the x-ray. The x-ray was hell, because they made me put my munted arm flat on the cold surface of whatever the fuck they were using for the xray. I had dropped the nitrous oxide tube thingy out of my mouth at that point.
The nitrous oxide was nice. It made me feel tired, and when the dude stuck the needle in my arm and then put the I.V. in, I didn’t care about it. I hadn’t been worried before, perse, just uncomfortable because of the whole broken wrist dealie.
Anyway. X-rays. They said I’d broken the tip off my radius. Then the I.V. Then they got an anathesiologist to come in and explain what was going to happen to me.
This whole time they’d explain exactly what they were going to do, because I asked. A lot. I needed to know what was happening so that then I would know what was going on and that was jus tme reiterating what I’d just said ahaha
Anyway. He explained the options, and in the end they decided to give me ketamine.
For those who don’t know, ketamine is a horse tranquilizer. Its also fucking nasty, coming back up from it.
Mum signed a waiver stating that the hospital wasn’t responsible if I died or something.
This was because, as they explained, ketamine shuts off a part of the brain. If too much of it is used, then you die because it shuts off your breathing, your heart, etc. They had shit that would stop that, if anything bad happened. They put electrodes on me at one point. At least, I think that’s what they were called.
They also might’ve upped the dosage, because what could’ve happened was that they fucked up setting my arm the first time, and they had to cut it out and redo it. If they’d redone it, I’d’ve had to go into theatre.
The whole time this was happening I was terrified I was going to out myself to my mum. I have an odd track record of saying weird shit randomly while I’m in pain.
Ketamine also takes you into a dreamland, which is why drug addicts can get addicted. You basically lucid dream, but way more intensely than normal, if you’ve ever ahd a lucid dream. Or it can take you into an absolutely hellish nightmare scape, if you aren’t thinking good things when you go under.
I had neither. I didn’t even know I’d gone under. What happpened was that they put the ketamine in the I.V., and a minute late I was out.
It felt like blinking. When I opened my eyes, it was like in movies where they blink and its a new scene each time.
Blink. They were moving me to the x-ray. My head ached. My eyes wouldn’t focus. Someone was talking about their car.
Blink. They were moving my arm.
Blink. They were moving me back to the room I’d been in.
Every time I moved my head, it just. It was on another side. I couldn’t focus my eyes for three quarters of an hour. I felt tired, and sleepy, and like shit.
Thye got me to sit up at one point. I nearly vomited. They gave me a pill. It was chalky and the taste was nasty.
When they got me to move from the bed to a chair, I vomited.
I hadn’t eaten for longer than six hours, at that point. It was bile coming up. It burnt my throat. I couldn’t stop.
When I forced myself to breathe again and stop vomiting, they gave me water and left me for a minute. They had people they needed to get in the room, I think, so I was trying to move. They got me into a chair in a bit that was in between the x-ray room and where I’d been. Mum talked with someone else who was there with her daughter.
The cast was big and white, because of the type of break. It was heavy and they put me in a sling when I left. I was able to walk straight. They’d been concerned I wouldn’t be. I’m pretty sure I thanked everyone who’d helped, if I saw them.
Mum took me to get subway. Then we went home.
My sibling had broken their arm around about a year and two weeks before I’d broken mine. Their’s had been the two bones in their lower arm. They’d had to go into theatre for it and have trauma around it. My parents won’t get them to go to therapy and they won’t go willingly
When I got home, they had a panic attack or some shit and started screaming at me when I was short at them. Fuck them for that.
I went into a room and started messaging my friends. i videocalled them and showed them my arm. i was acting all stupid and weird about it by being really silly and stuff. I didn’t feel like any of it was happening, even though I knew it was. At some point I found out I had the electrode thingies still on me. I pulled them off.
People were so concerned about me, it was weird. I ended up responding to them individually as opposed to not. Someone thought that it was a joke and that everyone was lying about it. I gave them a play-by-play and they believed it then.
Even weeks after it happened, it still felt vaguely not real. The first time I cried about it was seven days after, when I tried and failed to make homemade macaroni and cheese.
I learnt that the chunk of bone beside the wrist - the one down at the top of the ulna - had completely seperated from the rest of the bone.
All the wrist bones and muscles had pulled back, which was my wrist had been so weird.
Everyone who helped me was really nice. I’m glad that they were nice, because I got told later about doctors who were bitches and were in the emergency department. Also got told that ketamine was really fucking weird for them to be giving me.
I got prescribed Tramadol. Mum and dad wouldn’t let me take any of it. my sibling had been prescribed it when they’d broken their arm. they’d taken it. Apparently tramadol can put you in a depressive state.
i don’t know what would’ve happened to me if I’d taken it at that point. even before the arm my head was in a bad place. I’m better now though.
I pushed through the pain on panadol.
I broke my arm on a friday. saturday, sunday, I spent at home. Monday I went to school. Felt like passing out at some point.
Yeah, that’s basically what happened when I broke my arm
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sixmapleleafs · 4 years
drunken confessions // frederik andersen
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Summary: When you show up at Freddie’s door in the early hours of the morning, you end up letting something slip that you normally wouldn’t.
2:47 am. Freddie groaned at the clock on his oven as he made his way over to his couch, slouching down rather dramatically. The bright lights of the Toronto skyline never failed to take his breath away as he stared at them through the big windows of his apartment, ignoring the tv that was playing some random show. He never usually had trouble sleeping but for some reason he just wasn’t able to calm his mind tonight, eventually he had dragged himself out of bed to grab some water and decided that maybe watching something would tire him out enough that he would get some rest at some point tonight. However, he had been mistaken as his thoughts kept turning back to the 5’2 red head that had somehow managed to steal his heart even though she barely spoke when they first met. He had met her when his close friend and teammate Auston had started dating one of her roommates and best friends. Freddie never thought he could fall for someone like her but he did, and he fell hard.
She was not his usual type that’s for sure but in some way that was one of the things he found most attractive about her. She was shy, like really shy, at first he thought she didn’t like him but one night when him and some of the other maple leafs had headed over to her apartment in the suburbs, away from the fast paced lives that they led, the boys had asked her roommate if she didn’t like any of them, apparently they had also noticed how she never really spoke around them, leaving most of the talking to the three girls she shared an apartment with. Her roommate just laughed, knowing from experience that her minimal appearances whenever they were at the apartment, and the lack of words she had spoken to them was definitely not because she didn’t like them but simply because she was shy and had trouble opening up to and trusting new people. She explained to them how she would slowly get more comfortable around them and they should just give her some time to open up, she had also thrown in a few details about how this lack of social confidence came from the tough experience she had at school.
And sure enough as time passed she would make more appearances when the boys were over and she would sit with them whilst they drank and watched movies instead of making up some excuse about how she had to be up early or still had some lesson planning to do. Freddie learned that she was a Grade 4 teacher and he could tell from the way she spoke about it that she loved her job, they had only had a handful of proper conversations but the ones they did have were meaningful and he often learnt a lot about her and found himself opening up to her in ways he didn’t usually do. He knew from the second he realised he had feelings for her that she was not going to be just another girl he slept with, that if he was to ever make a move then it would last a while, possibly until death did they part. He had tried to convince himself that simply being her friend was good enough, but he couldn’t help the burning feeling of jealousy when he saw her with Willy or Mitch or even Morgan who she seemed to have much closer friendships with.
Her roommate had noticed how he would often glare at them when they got too close or made her laugh, and how he would always somehow end up sat next to her at movie nights or brunch. Of course she had told Auston who found it hilarious that the goalie had fallen for the quiet girl who seemed so far from his usual type, but when Freddie had told him to shut up and ignored him for a week, he realised that it was serious and so he started to invite Freddie to things without the rest of the boys and even “randomly” mentioned all the impressive things Freddie had achieved in his career, in an attempt to wow her into falling in love with him. Freddie groaned at the memory of Auston shamelessly telling her about how Freddie had set a new team record for wins by a goaltender in a season and how he had turned bright red when she had congratulated him and told him how amazing he was.
A small knock on his door brought him back to reality making him furrow his eyebrows in confusion. Who the hell was knocking on his door at 3 am?
To say you were drunk was an understatement, you couldn’t remember a time in your life when you had ever drank this much alcohol. You never usually drank so when you did, you would only need a few drinks before you were properly drunk, but tonight you had definitely had more than a few. Your friends had dragged you out to party, claiming that since you were on summer vacation you couldn’t use your usual excuse of it not being a good idea to try and teach thirty 9 year olds whilst hungover, so they were able to drag you into the city for a night of partying and you convinced yourself that it would be a good time to drink away the terrible feeling of liking someone who doesn’t like you back. You had promised yourself at the beginning of the night that no matter what you would forget all about Freddie but now here you were, at 3 am, the most drunk you had ever been and knocking on the door of the apartment you only been in a few times.
You saw the look of confusion on Freddie’s face turn to one of concern as he looked down on you from his staggering 6’4 height, simultaneously making you feel very small and vulnerable in your drunken state. You smiled innocently at him, clutching your shoes in one hand and your phone in the other. “Hi” was all you said still smiling as he looked at you confused as to what you were doing on his doorstep at 3 o’clock in the morning. He could tell you were drunk, and even though he was confused, part of him was glad that you were here with him now instead of with some random guy.
“Come in” he said moving aside so you could enter his apartment, and you did happily dropping your shoes by his front door and stumbling like a fool. You felt his hands on your waist steadying you and you were suddenly very aware of the short black dress you had borrowed from your roommate. “What happened, I didn’t think you were a party girl” he said making you laugh as you turned around to face him, although you hadn’t realised just how close he really was to you so you ended up with your face almost hitting his chest. You stepped back blinking a few times as you suddenly felt dizzy, you steadied yourself by gripping onto his arms, fangirling internally at how muscular they felt.
“My friends made me go” you said quietly looking up at him, “I lost them and I didn’t know where else to go.” That was a lie, you were literally standing in the same building as Auston Matthews’ apartment and you were only a few blocks away from Willy and Kappy’s place who were some of your closest friends now. The truth was, you just wanted to see Freddie. “Can I stay here? Until I’m not so drunk anymore?” You asked hiccuping gracefully, and he knew that there was no way he was going to let you out of this apartment until you were fully sober and he knew you would be able to get home safe.
“Of course, come on you need to sleep it off” he said turning around and trying to guide you to his bedroom, he can just sleep on the couch he thought to himself, but you weren’t having any of it.
“But I’m not tired” you said crossing your arms over your chest and pouting like a little child which brought a quick smile to Freddie’s face before he remembered that you really needed to sleep no matter how cute you were.
“Y/n” he sighed, “you need to sleep or you’re going to feel even worse tomorrow” you knew he was right deep down but that didn’t matter to you as you huffed out dramatically, you wanted to spend time with him, hell you really wanted to kiss him and do a lot more than that, not sleep. So you did what any self respecting drunk person would do, you sat down on the floor in protest. He chuckled loudly, it echoed through the apartment and the sound brought a smile to your lips. He shook his head as he reached down, slipping one arm under your knees and the other under your back before lifting you off the floor almost effortlessly causing you to squeal out in surprise. Not exactly the way you had imagined him carrying you into his bedroom but it was good enough for now. He dropped you down gently onto his massive bed causing you to frown at the loss of closeness between the two of you. He walked over to his closet and pulled out a simple black t-shirt before making his way back over to you.
“Do you think you can get changed by yourself?” He said calmly, you just shook your head with a cheeky grin on your face.
“I think I might need some help” you said wiggly your eyebrows suggestively with a giggle, Freddie rolled his eyes at your unexpected answer, not being able to keep the small smile from forming on his face.
“Sit up” he said motioning for you to pull yourself up, his hands quickly found the zipper of your dress pulling it down slowly and letting you slip your arms out of the sleeves, he grabbed the shirt from beside him and placed it over your head so you wouldn’t be completely exposed to him as he pulled the dress the rest of the way down. You kept your eyes on him the whole time, smiling at how he was taking care of you. Once you were clothed in just his shirt and your underwear he pulled the covers back from his bed and motioned for you to lie down, he pulled the covers over you tucking you in. As he went to leave, turning off the lamp that lit the room, your small voice made him turn back to you.
“Freddie” you said quietly, “can you stay with me...until I fall asleep?”
“Sure” he said causing you to grin widely as he sat down with his back against the headboard, you scooted closer to him resting your head up against his thigh and snuggling in as close as possible to him.
“You’re really nice Freddie” you said yawning, “that’s why I like you so much” Freddie smiled, reaching down to play with your hair as you slowly got more and more tired.
“I like you too y/n” he said honestly even though he know that wasn’t what you meant. You only saw him as a friend and nothing would change that. He was caught of guard by the dramatic huff that came from you as you said.
“No you don’t, not the way I like you. You just like me as a friend...” you sniffled slightly as the tears pricked your eyes as you got closer and closer to falling asleep. Freddie looked at you in shock, there’s no way you could mean what he thinks you mean, is there? Before he could reply, he heard soft snores coming from you as he looked down to see you were passed out. He smiled at how cute you looked and leant down to press a kiss to your forehead.
“You have no idea how wrong you are...”
You groaned loudly as you opened your eyes, immediately being hit by the strong rays of sunlight. You snuggled deeper into the bed as the pounding headache started, you breathed in deeply but shot up faster than light when you realised this was not your bed. Once the dizziness had subsided you looked around the room which clearly belonged to a man but even though you had racked your brain for answers, you had no idea where you were. Oh my God, did I sleep with a complete stranger? The door to the bedroom swung open and the person that entered the room made your jaw drop. It was Freddie fucking Andersen. He smiled when he noticed you were awake and sat up in his bed.
“Morning” he said handing you a glass of water and some painkillers. “How are you feeling?”
“Like I’ve been hit by a truck” you said quietly as you took the painkillers, you were desperately trying remember how on earth you ended up in his bed in nothing but his shirt and your underwear, as if he could read your mind he said.
“I’m guessing you don’t remember much of last night?” You shook your head not daring to look him in the eye.
“I didn’t do anything embarrassing did I?” You asked silently praying he would say no, you had a terrible feeling in your gut that you had said something you weren’t sure he would’ve wanted to hear.
“No, just staged a protest on my kitchen floor about how you didn’t need to sleep and then when I finally got you into bed you made me stay with you until you fell asleep...” he said drifting off in thought at the end, he was debating whether or not to tell you that you had confessed your more than friendly feelings towards him the night before.
“It sounds like there’s more to that then you’re telling me” you said groaning as you flopped back onto the bed dramatically, you already knew where this was going. Freddie laughed as he sat down on the bed beside you pulling back the duvet you had used to hide your face so he was looking at you. He sent a small smile your way hoping that would calm your nerves a little but it was no use, you knew exactly what your drunken self must have confessed to him, alcohol had a tendency to make you very loose lipped.
“You shouldn’t be so nervous, you don’t know what I’m going to say” he said as he motioned for you to sit up so you were closer to him. You hesitantly sat up, the painkillers already working their magic with your headache.
“I think I do...and I um oh my god...I’m sorry I shouldn’t have come here and bothered you” you said stuttering like an idiot as you turned bright red under his stare. You stood up quickly, making you wobble slightly as you were still not even close to being recovered from the hangover, Freddie’s shirt was huge on your short frame but to Freddie it was the hottest and cutest thing he’d ever seen. He reached out, pulling you into him by your hips so there was almost no space between you two, the massive height difference between the two of you meant that you were looking directly into his eyes as he sat on the bed.
“Did you mean it? When you said you liked me more than a friend?” He asked quietly, his face turning a light shade of pink as he remembered what you had said. You nodded slowly looking down at your feet as you blushed much more obviously than him. His fingers found your chin lifting your head up to look at him. He just looked into your eyes, moving his hand to your cheek and stroking it gently with his thumb as you stared back at him searching his face for any sign that this was some sick joke him and the rest of the team were playing on you. You were half expecting them all to jump out of nowhere and laugh at you.
“It’s so embarrassing, I’m so sorry...” you said quietly looking down again, as usual your mind went straight to the negative, thinking that by liking him you had somehow insulted his entire existence. But instead of laughing at you or making fun of you he just pulled you closer by your waist and kept his hand gently on your cheek as he said.
“You have nothing to be sorry about, I’m just glad you let me know I wasn’t the only one” your head shot up impossibly fast at his words causing him to smile as you stared at him in disbelief.
“What?” You were confused why he wasn’t rejecting you, he was Freddie Andersen the Toronto Maple leafs saving grace and you, well, you were just you. Before you knew it he was guiding your head towards his and connecting your lips in a sweet kiss, it took you a second to recover from the shock but your eyes fell closed and you hands found their way to his hair as he pulled you even closer again, his hand moving to back of your head to deepen the kiss even further. You pulled away when you ran out of air, your cheeks red and a smile on your lips as Freddie looked back at you with the same smile.
“Um...I don’t know what to say” you said as you both smiled at each other like idiots.
“How about yes?” He said as you looked at him confused. He laughed a little before tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
“Do you want to go out some time and get dinner?” He said smiling even more. You just nodded your head quickly before he pulled you into another kiss.
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