#images speak words
starry-eyes-love · 1 month
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Sometimes you have to straighten your crown, dust yourself off, and keep on walking for where your happiness is. While still telling some people to kiss your A$$.
Raise that middle finger and just be YOU 💙🐺
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archaicden · 1 year
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oh, heart of mine,
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snaggletoothedbastard · 7 months
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he <3
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profesionalpartyguest · 11 months
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littlewestern · 8 months
You have the illusion of freedom you waste away working for a life you’ll be to old to enjoy and your kids won’t be able to either it’s a viscous cycle
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pencap · 3 months
Crayon, love, broken
i loved yellow as a child drew endless smiley-faced suns and crescent moons with three stars and big golden sunflowers.
in every row of coloured pencils yellow wore down to the nub first and in every box of crayons yellow snapped into broken pieces first.
sometimes love is like that: greedy and all-consuming and childish
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Heya! Was this the piece you were talking about?
Seems to be from someone going by seyorrol
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styllwaters · 9 months
Fun Vivere 44 fact: One of the biggest inspirations for the look of the Knight sophonts were actual medieval knights! Specifically knights on horseback - I really enjoy the silhouette of cavalry and how the horse and rider work together as one unit.
Jousting in particular has always been cool to me, and the horn on the pikes is very much derived from the long lances they use.
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kinokoshoujoart · 4 months
Winter Thanksgiving with the DS:Cute bachelorettes (bkmn valentines day)💘
Witch Princess / The Witch
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What, is this for that Thanksfest thing? How so very thoughtful of you. Just you wait, you’ll be getting some payback in Spring!
Leia / Lettuce
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“Whoa! This a Winter Thanksgiving present?
But wait, I thought… aren’t you s’posed to give this kinda thing to boys…?
…Nah, never mind, I’m happy to take it! And you can look forward to gettin’ something from me in the spring!
Harvest Goddess / Goddess
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My my, what do we have here? A Winter Thanksgiving offering? Oh, you shouldn’t have.
Well, I just might give you a little something in return when Spring comes around~
Keira / Kilala
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… … … … … … … … …
… … … … … … … … …
… … … … … … … … …♪
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beaft · 8 months
had the same feeling once i realized ppl literally meant they're seeing images in their heads. pretty crazy how different we could all think and not realize. hearing is the only sense i can imagine so the way you and I process information must be completely different in shape and there was a high chance we would never realize
the fact that in all of human history no two people have ever had the same experience of the universe just makes me go crazy if i think about it too long. your consciousness is a completely different shape from my consciousness! i will never know how you see red and you will never know how i see it! fuck!
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shslskaterboy · 1 year
Personal pegoryu hc is that they are a hands-in-back-pocket couple instead of a hand holding couple if only because ryuji’s adhd ass always uses his hands to speak, so holding them will last like 90 seconds tops
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deus-ex-mona · 1 month
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seems like she’s just a mob character… she’s still really cute though~~~
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jetskibubbles · 1 year
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what the fuck is 🥺? use your words. i don’t speak bottom.
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ratcandy · 3 months
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she's just outside your view
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sippin-n-watchin · 2 months
uh yeah about that
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astraystayyh · 10 months
it's been nearly three months since we went through an earthquake and each night when i go to bed i still feel the bed shaking underneath and i have to stand up and stare at my lamp to see if im just imagining things. i didn't even realize that the earthquake, which lasted for a mere minute, affected me this much until this started happening. so i can't even imagine the psychological repercussions that people in Palestine now face
to wake up to the sound of bombs everyday, to know that nowhere is safe, that there is nowhere to hide, to go to sleep not knowing if you'll still be alive tmrw, to write your name on your arm so that ppl would be able to identify you. all of this will leave such horrible horrible mental scars on all Palestinians i can't imagine the fear and the dread and the anxiety they must feel rn. my heart breaks for all of them it's horrible all of this is
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