#im gonna be honest i had no idea how to reply to this one so i thought an image was worth 1000 words. so to speak
littlewestern · 8 months
You have the illusion of freedom you waste away working for a life you’ll be to old to enjoy and your kids won’t be able to either it’s a viscous cycle
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lholland14 · 2 months
Error: Name Unknown
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Pairing: Paige Bueckers x reader
Summary: When you vs the Paige Bueckers in her own game, but don't know who she is.
Warnings: Somewhat suggestive? Also, I have no idea who most of the UCONN basketball team is SORRYYYY I JUST FOUND OUT PAIGE AND IM OBBSESSED!! Also this isn't edited so if you find anything pls tell me and I'll fix it.
The annual Sport Swap, the day where all UCONN athletes show off their athletic ability by playing other UCONN teams of different sports in different games. The staff would randomly choose two teams to face off in a series of random sports determined by a spinning wheel. 
It was electrifying.  
It was your day, as someone who played soccer, this day was a chance to show off. You were a newer athlete, but that didn't mean you weren't popular, fans began noticing you after pulling of a 2 goal comeback and an assist against St. John in the last 15 minutes of the game winning 3-2. Ever since then you were highly regarded as the "Comeback Kid" of UCONN and was shortly named captain, even with that title though, Paige Bueckers was the one to watch. Winning award after award, game after game, heart after heart.
"Okay! Everyone gather around!" Your coach yelled into the clamouring locker room, "The competition is out and I think you're gonna be happy about it this year!" 
You and your teammates sprung out of the tightly packed locker room and into the meeting room with a slide show on titled "SPORTS SWAP". As soon as everyone was settled down your coach lectured you all on being good sports and how everyone is winners. 
To be honest, you had tuned out long before he had began talking. He finally garnered your attention when it was time to reveal who you were playing.
He clicked a button and he slide switch to reveal the highly anticipated words, "UCONN WOMEN'S SOCCER VS WOMEN'S BASKETBALL" 
Your teammates paled at the though of having to compete against the 6ft tall team of total hotties, you, however, didn't understand the fear. Being a younger player in a much more rigorous major you didn't get out much, in fact you never went out, or watched a lot of TV, including certain games starring a certain blonde haired girl. 
Your coach began ushering your solum team into the basketball court where the girl's basketball team was waiting to hear what sports you'd all be playing. The moment you opened the court's doors your team was welcomed with loud music, laughter and cringy dances by the basketball team. 
You smiled, but on the inside you hated it, you hated how cocky they were. You never met them, or seen or watched them, but you hated them. Their smirks and loud music in a dominant way to show that they simply didn't care. 
They knew that they would win. All you and your team was to them was dust on the pedestals. Tattered challengers  standing before gods, someone they could merely dismiss without a thought. 
Your blood boiled at this, and with a defiant look and steeled nerves you asked your teammates who the most famous one is out of the group.
"Paige Bueckers, she's the blond one with braids." Your friend replied staring heart eyes at the 6ft tall girl with piercing blue eyes. You simply rolled your eyes in response, earning a shove from the girl.
"Settle down everyone!" Geno yelled, "I'll be spinning the wheel soon to determine what sports we will be playing today." The basketball girl's screeched in response, yours remaining dead silent.
He began spinning the wheel landing on ice hockey (cue the groans), cheerleading (out of the corner of your eye you could see a younger girl joking rub shoulders with the blue blue eyed blondie you were told about earlier) and finally, basketball.
The final spin landed on basketball, you could visibly see your teammates hearts sink as the other girls erupted in screams. Geno turned to us in apology offering to do another spin, just as your teammates agreed to this you asserted a cold no.
He sighed, and told us to skate up.
You had to admit, it was pretty funny to see both teams just slide across the ice in various positions (none of them correct). Both teams not even bothering to play anymore, just running out the clock in order to show off their "skill". 
By skill you meant how long one could stay standing, and that record was held by a girl named KK on the basketball team, her record? 15 seconds. Other various skills included how many players one person could take out in the least amount of time currently held by you.
It just happened so fast, one minute you were standing hunched, arms sprayed out in hopes for finding balance, but instead finding the stomach of a certain blonde haired girl and the mouth of you teammate. Desperately needing balance you accidentally swung out and clutched onto the girl, effectively knocking your teammate onto the ground. However, Bueckers wasn't so balanced herself and began skating backwards due to the sudden force your body had. With each backward step you two knocked down three other played before tripping over a random 6'3 body.
Landing softly, thanks to girl whose shoulders you were clinging onto, whose hands are on your thighs that were currently straddling her waist. As you slowly lifted up your sweaty body from hers you felt the shock that came from unconsciously grinding on her abs after her shirt rode up. The shock sent waves of red onto both yours and hers face, breathing heavily you stood back up, and stuck your hand out to help the blonde haired girl. She sheepishly grinned in response, the cocky smirk wiped from her face and onto yours.
You didn't even notice the long forgotten puck sliding slowly into your goal.
Point Basketball team.
"Lets gooooo!!!" KK screamed the moment we entered the gym. As you continue walking to the middle of the gym you could feel the intensity of Paige's eyes at the back of your head. Was she really check you out? With your mind of occupied by the blue eyed beauty you failed to notice the pom poms set out by Geno, and because you're a tad dramatic ...you screamed, thinking it was a spider.
Both teams erupted in laughter as your teammates ran to help you up, heat rushing to your face due to embarrassment, not because you can still feel the heat of Paige's hands on your waist, and definitely not because the same girl was staring at you with a lopsided smile. 
"Well, I guess Y/n has volunteered her team to go first!" Geno clapped your coach's back with a grin, while the rest of your team groaned and walked over to the pom poms. After 20 minutes of practice, trying to choose a song and props your team was ready and rearing to go. 
With you donning ridiculous white sunglasses and a plastic poofy skirt, you took your place at the center of the gym. The moment the music Apple Bottom Jeans played you started dancing, only stopping when a teammate fell or was laughing too hard to continue, finally ending with the last pose, one hand on your hip and the other in the air with smug eyes and a goofy smile.
Honestly, Paige didn't know if it was hot or the most adorable thing she has ever seen. The way your curved hips swayed with the music, or how the skirt was showing off your ass perfectly. Your goofy smile and the way you were the first to help a teammate, either way, Paige Bueckers was hooked. 
Her teammates could tell too, the way she would just gravitate towards you, how she would look at you for approval when she did a move correctly, tripping over her feet the moment your eyes locked into her's. 
And thanks to your quick observational skills, point you.
Well, Point Soccer team.
The court was buzzing with excitement, with countless students coming in just to see Paige the basketball team dominate a team no one has heard of, but with your 5'7 frame and hidden skills you were determined to win. Unbeknownst to the basketball girls, your team actually played basketball frequently, practicing teamwork, communication and trick shots. Along with UCONN had offered you both a soccer and basketball full ride scholarship, but no one knew about that. 
After both teams came out it was clear to everyone who the audience preferred, the moment Paige came out the students cheered and you were pretty sure you could here girls begging Paige to fuck them. You'd be lying if you hadn't had that exact same though ping through your head at least once today. 
With you facing off for the ball against a someone named Aaliyah, you didn't even bother jumping against her 6'3 frame, instead opting to go behind her in order to steal the ball from KK. The moment the ball was in your grasp you hurled the ball towards the basket, and a loud buzzer played, signifying the bucket you just made. The crowd was dead silent, then cheered so loudly, you fell out of surprise, falling right into Paige.. again. 
"That was insane ma," She murmured against your eye, her hot breath fanning your neck causing you to shiver involuntarily. You just bowed your head in response to the praise, heat spreading to your face and to your core.
With the crowd not settling down anytime soon, you returned to your position. Nodding to your teammates in unison. You had a game plan, you had each others backs and you were going to win. 
With multiple well timed passes, a couple of threes and some insane dunks preformed by your team, you were well ahead of the actual basketball team. 
And they were pissed.
Paige was laughing and cheering and smiling, until, she wasn't. Until she started to get annoyed how you were beating her. She was the record breaker, you weren't. She was a god at this school, you, well you were a nobody.
After you had just scored a three that Paige thought was hot, she started guarding you more closely.
"Who are you?" You breathed out behind her body, trying to block you from getting the ball.
"Paige, Paige Bueckers" She managed to gasp out, her body was totally gassed from the earlier events.
"What? Are you famous or something?" You cocked an eyebrow that you knew would only agitate her more. 
"You could say that" 
With her momentarily distracted your teammate passed the ball to you in the final seconds.
"Really?" You smirked, "because you seem," throwing the ball in a no-look half court basket, the way you saw Paige had done in a video.
Just before the buzzer could signify the end of the game you put your hand on the back of her neck pulling her close, and whispered,
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bugboioli23 · 7 months
Swerve x Human!Reader
Disclaimer: I haven't written fic for a few years so my skills are gonna be a bit shit to be honest, any criticism is welcome and id love to hear what you guys think 💚
THIS IS 18+ - size difference, valveplug, oral sex, fingerfucking, doggy style, riding - 2911 words - AFAB reader but no pronouns are used
You and Swerve had been friends since you stepped foot on the Lost Light. Something about his chatterbox personality and sitcom-like humor had you beaming whenever you were around him. The best nights were spent perched on the edge of the bar counter, rambling for hours on end with Swerve. Tonight was one of those nights. It was after the doors had closed, the bar empty and silent aside from the laughter ricocheting from the both of you. 
“Really?!” You yelped, eyes wide in surprise as you stared at the grinning minibot.
“I'm telling you! You wouldn't believe the amount of mechs who come by here asking for you!” Swerve replied with a chuckle, shaking his helm in shared disbelief. “Not only that but they actually think they could frag you! I'm probably one of the few bots on here who could frag you full sized.” Swerve paused, face freezing for a second as he quickly backtracked on his statement. “I mean- not that we would- NOT THAT I WOULDN'T WANT TO- I'm sure you’d make a lovely frag- NOT LIKE THAT- I JUST MEANT- im sorry- ” Swerve seemed to shrink in on himself as he continued to mumble to himself anxiously.
Your face burned red at the idea. The thought of a bot being stuffed between your folds, trembling at the foreign sensation of the wet flesh of your cunt. You wondered about the anatomy that laid hidden under the panels of your metallic friends. How similar are you compared to them? Just how compatible are your species? You already had gotten an enlightening talk from Brainstorm about Cybertronian anatomy after you explained human anatomy to him. (For his holoforms of course. No other reason.) You knew what you could take, but the fresh reality that this could happen left blood rushing south. 
“Uhm…  ____? You good? I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable or anything. I should’ve kept my mouth shut, I’m sorry.” Swerve looked at you apologetically. His light pout and the puppy eyes you could barely see behind his visor brought forth images that made warmth surge through your body once more. How would Swerve act if you asked him to fuck you? He seemed like the type of Cybertronian who wouldn’t mind a little experimenting with humans. He seemed like the type to whimper; the type to beg. 
Heat flushed through your face as reality caught back up to you. You flashed him a bright smile and waved your hand dismissively.
“Don’t worry about me, I’m alright. Just thinking.” You glanced at Swerve, who looked unconvinced. “Hey, weren’t you and Blurr going to open a bar before you came here?” You asked out of nowhere, hoping to turn his attention onto something else. It seemed to work because he was already telling you about how Blurr was secretly his best friend. While the bartender was distracted, you let your thoughts turn back to the ideas at hand. You found Swerve to be adorable, the way he seemed to always work with a smile despite people talking poorly about him. His fascination with your species’ tv and music and how he would light up when you offered another film for movie nights. After tonight’s conversation, you decided it’s now or never to shoot your shot with him.
“Swerve?” You looked him up and down with a smile, interjecting his speech on Blurr’s latest record break. “Do you think fragging a human would be possible?” You spoke sweetly, letting your voice fall an octave to emphasize your intentions. 
“Uhm, wouldn't Ratchet be better at answering that than I would?” Swerve thought he was hearing things. In his mind there was no possible way that you just asked what you had asked. His head must've made that up. It had to be some kind of self inflicted auditory hallucination. The way you smiled softly and rested a hand on his arm before leaning closer must also be a trick of the optics.
“Swerve, darling. I asked you for a reason.” You replied coyly, glancing up at him with an endearing grin. He felt his intake hitch and a sliver of charge run down his frame. 
“Oh.” He choked out, face tinted with the rush of energon. His cooling fans kicked on with just the mere suggestion of what tonight could entail. “I- I suppose we could- figure it out…” He grinned shyly.
“That’s a good mech.” You purred, wide grin never faltering as you hopped down from the counter. You sauntered out of the bar with a new sense of confidence, only pausing to gesture to him to follow before the doors closed behind you. Swerve had to take a minute to collect his thoughts before practically sprinting after you.
Your habsuite was uniquely modified for your species. Instead of a hard metal berth, you had a cushy soft bed adorned with a mass of plushies, pillows and blankets. Soft lighting glowed from lower points in the room instead of one harsh light from above. It had your special charm to it, and Swerve wanted to spend every moment he could in there with you. 
“So,” You started plopping yourself down on the edge of your bed, patting the spot next to you, “I’m going to skip all the pleasantries here, I want you to fuck me.”
Swerve let out a whine, feeling a surge of arousal flooding through his systems. His spike pressurized quickly, becoming heavy behind his panels with an embarrassingly loud thud. “Did you have to be so bold about it?” He hissed through clenched dentae as you gazed at him with desire. 
“I think it’s more fun to watch your reactions.” You hummed contentedly before climbing into his lap, “Can I kiss you? Would that be okay?” You spoke softly, but your eyes never left his face. Swerve nodded hastily, servos hovering above your body anxiously. His intake opened to start a flood of questions but you cut him off with a kiss, exploring the foreign texture of his pliable metallic face. The strange rubbery feeling of his glossa felt wonderfly new against the soft muscle of your tongue. You let out a soft noise of pleasure against his mouth before you were interrupted by a snap of panels retracting and an enticing pressure laying heavy on your thigh. 
“Oh- Slag, sorry I- you’re so- I wasn’t able to-,” Swerve began, but you pressed a finger to his lips as you looked down to study the new part of him. It was about 8 inches long, the red tip of it already leaking prefluids. It was mostly white, with a stripe of red along the underside decorated with biolights which pulsed needily. You trailed your hand lightly along the length, your fingers barely unable to touch around the girth of it. You looked back up at Swerve who was hiding behind his servos, face tinted pink with energon. 
“Listen… I know I’m not as big as other bots but please… don’t stop whatever you were planning to do.” Swerve mumbled shyly, peeking at you between his digits.
“Oh, hun. You don’t have to worry about anything. You’ve got more than enough for me to enjoy.” You smiled, sliding off his lap to kneel between his legs. “May I?” You asked, wanting to explore his anatomy further. 
He let out a shaky exvent with a nod and you ran your fingers along the grooves and panels of the Cybertronian anatomy. It wasn’t until you had gotten eye level with his spike that you had noticed his valve. It was dripping with transfluid and the hooded node was glowing a beautiful blue. You looked up at him from your position, eyes full of lust. 
“Change of plans. Lean back for me, I’ve gotta taste you.” You purred, firmly pushing against his midsection lightly as he rested his back against the wall of pillows. You gently pushed his thighs open and trailed two fingers against the slick folds of his valve, coating your fingers in the sticky substance. You studied your digits before popping them into your mouth. The pink fluid was metallic and sour, but addicting in a strange way. You wanted more. Spreading his folds with one hand, you delved into his valve. Swerve watched, entranced by the way you slid the flat of your tongue against him. The sensation made him let out soft groans, which encouraged you more. You took your other hand and gently circled his anterior node, ghosting the edges of it teasingly. Your tongue dove into his entrance and you felt the inner calipers twitch and throb with need. 
“Oh frag… you’re good a-at this. I’m- hnghh… I don’t have enough stamina for t-this!” Swerve whined as you moved the hand separating his folds and you backed away from his plush valve.
“Don’t worry, you are doing so good. Just lie back and let me take care of you, okay?” You cooed and went back to lapping at the transfluid that fell from his folds. One hand finally gave his anterior node pressure while your other hand went up to stroke at his spike lazily. The result of your combined actions had Swerve clawing at the sheets, his intake falling open as he gasped and mewled out so many words you couldn’t tell what he was saying until it was too late. 
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Warm fluid gushed over your face as he overloaded while you were still tongue deep in his valve. His spike throbbed in your hand as you felt more transfluid land in your hair and shoulder. 
“FRAG- Ah- hah…!” Swerve whined as his frame trembled through the aftershocks. “Oh slag im so sorry!” His visor came back online just in time to witness your mouth and jaw covered in dripping pink fluids.
You licked your lips and wiped your face with your shirt before taking it off and tossing it aside. “Hey.. hey no worries. It’s okay. You’re okay.” You kissed his cheek, patting his thigh softly. “You did amazing. I’m so glad I could make you feel good.” 
Swerve let out another high whine, seeing your chest bare before him. He slowly raised his servos to graze the flesh around your nipples. You sighed softly and raised your hands to press his servos more firmly to your skin. Swerve was still panting from his previous overload but he leaned in to press his lips gently against your sternum. His servos wandered up to press and massage at your nipples, circling them like you did to his node earlier. Your back arched, pushing your chest further into his servos as your mouth fell open softly. Swerve looked up at you, visor glowing with excitement and awe. “You’re stunning. I mean- frag, look at you, coated with my overload. Mine…” He breathed out, eyes trailing down your body to rest at your pants. He seemed to swallow before shakily continuing. “D-Do you still want me t-to..you know.. t-”
“I still want you to fuck me, Swerve.” You finished for him, moving your hands to swiftly undo the buttons of your pants, pulling off your undergarments at the same time and tossing them behind you. You grabbed onto his wrist and guided his fingers up towards your wet folds. Swerve got the hint and gently worked one finger into the tight heat of your cunt. He could feel the gentle pulse and pull of your walls around his digit, and he could barely imagine what it would feel like around his spike. After he felt you loosen up a bit, he slid in a second digit. You let out a gasp and a soft groan at the stretch, knowing that this was just the beginning if you wanted to be prepared to take his spike. 
Swerve gently curled and flexed his digits, exploring your sex thoroughly as his processor worked overtime to memorize which movements felt the best for you. His audials turned to max sensitivity to be sure he could hear every whine and murmur of praise that fell from your lips. He could feel the second rush of energon repressurising his spike the more he pumped his digits into you. You glanced down between the both of you to smirk at his array before leaning in and pressing another kiss to his jaw.
“Awh, look at you,” You cooed, lifting your hips up to grind the tip of his spike against your clit. Swerve let out a strained whine as his hips bucked up involuntarily. Your smirk only grew. “You’re such a pretty mech for me.”
“Hnf s-stop…” Swerve whispered bashfully, turning his helm away as energon rushed to his faceplates once more.
“I mean it.” You continued, slowly easing yourself down on his spike as you guided his gaze to meet yours. Swerve’s intake fell open and his spinal struts arched as your body enveloped his length. His servos flew to your hips when he finally bottomed out inside you. The heat of your cunt pressed upon every sensor and node on his spike with such certainty that he could barely concentrate on your words. 
“Hhoh fraggghh, how are you s-so- so-ooHHFRAG-” Swerve had started to speak but you decided that now was the time to lift your hips and slam yourself back down. You started to ride the mech like an animal, your hips popping up halfway only to quickly push him back inside. Swerve let out a chorus of moans and yelps as his servos twitched against the soft plush of your thighs, squeezing every now and then to ground himself. It wasn’t until your legs started to burn that you were reminded of something. You quickly stopped your movements and grinned down at Swerve as he abruptly gasped and looked at you with a beautiful expression of desperation. 
“Wh-why- why’dya stop?” Swerve asked, his speech slurred from the sudden absence of pleasure.
“Sorry, but I just remembered that you’re the one who’s supposed to be fucking me.” You pulled yourself off of his spike and he let out a pathetic mewl at the loss of your body. His pout was quickly wiped from his face when he witnessed you getting down on all fours and slyly shaking your hips at him. You turned to smirk over your shoulder at him as he gawked at you. Not another second had passed before Swerve was on top of you, his spike easily finding its way back into your slick folds. He started pounding into you, the weight of his body pressing down nicely on your back as he mounted you.
“Mnh, there you go, good boy Swerve.” You moaned out as his spike pistoned in and out of you, shoving your body into the mattress. Swerve was brought to a mindless ramble as your pussy sucked him in deeper and tightened around him.
“Ahfraggingprimusyouretight-“ Swerve whimpered as you clenched around him harder. Your body trembled as you felt his spike throb inside you. Swerve hovered over you, intertwining his servos over your fingers as he thrust into you rapidly. “F-Frag, ____ I’m not gonna l-last much longer-“
“Good, keep going. I want you to fill me with your transfluid. Overload in me like the good mech you are.” You grinned against the mattress, turning to look at him smugly, reaching down between your legs to rub at your clit. Swerve leaned down to mewl and whine against the back of your neck as he chased his own pleasure, pushing your hips further up with every pump of his hips. 
“Fuck, Swerve- I’m-!“ You felt your eyes roll back at the drag of his thickness against your walls and you let out a filthy moan as you hit your climax. You felt the slick of your cum coat his panels as your sex tightened  around him. The whimper that left his vocalizer was angelic as he let his spike empty itself within you. Thick ropes of transfluid coated your insides, the warm sensation of sheer fullness bringing you back down from your high. Your body continued to pulse around his spike, milking him of the last of his overload as he gave a few final lazy thrusts. 
The two of you lay there panting for a while before he slowly pulled out of you, watching in awe as his cum started to slide down your thighs. You slowly turned and sat up, feeling your combined fluids seeping out of you and onto the sheets. 
“Ah… that was… let me get you a towel.” Swerve gasped, stepping to the closet to grab a towel to wipe you down with, wetting it with warm water before gently cleaning you. He lifted and placed you on the other side of the bed, putting the used towel over the wet spot after cleaning and closing his panels. 
You stared at the red and white mech with unveiled adoration as he finally sat next to you again. You leaned in and peppered his face with kisses as he gently rubbed your thigh. 
“Swerve, you do know how to keep your mouth shut about some things, right?” You murmured sleepily, hoping the bartender could keep his mouth shut for at least a week or two before word got out that the human is a mechfucker.
“Uhuh, yeah. Definitely.” Swerve nodded with determination. You sighed with a small smile, already accepting that your next appearance in the bar would not be the same after this.
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hazelnutsforellie · 2 years
truculent | e. williams ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
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PAIRING— ellie williams x afab!reader
SUMMARY— archnemesis in the streets, fuckbuddy in the sheets (and on the table).
WARNINGS— smut (18+), language, sorta established fuck buddies, implied consent, jealous ellie, verbal top!ellie, sub!reader, fingering (r rec), oral (r rec), light overstimulation, dirty talk, choking, not proofread
WC— 3k
AUTHOR'S NOTE— this is my first post!! feedback would be appreciated so i can work on making my writing better :) ignore changes in tense i suck at sticking to just one (im working on it, swear). anyway, enjoy!
All of your friends, if not all of Jackson, knew that you and Ellie absolutely hated each other. They weren't sure why, or when it started, but it seemed that the two of you never clicked ever since you arrived to Jackson and made it your home.
It wasn't that you were complete opposites. In fact, you and Ellie were quite similar. Protective, quiet, attentive. Soft, sympathetic, affectionate. Maybe it was from your heads constantly crashing, wanting to take control over the other. Waiting for the other to just give in and stop the constant fight for the last word.
"I should probably head out soon," Dina advised as she picked up a card from the deck that laid in between you on the table. According to Dina, you were playing a very intense card game. "We can finish this game though. Got a four?"
"No," You replied with a sigh as your eyes scanned your cards, causing Dina to roll her eyes at you for not saying 'Go fish.' You continued, "I'm getting tired anyway. I don't even know how to play this game."
"I told you how. Twice," Dina shot back, playfully rolling her eyes with a smile when you stared at her with an honest expression. The two of you were sitting at your small round table, in between the kitchen and living room, that could be seen from the front door. Your back was facing the door, trusting Dina to keep an eye out for it.
"What do you know how to play?"
"Poker," You admitted flatly.
"Poker?" Dina couldn't believe you knew how to play poker but not go fish.
"Yes?" You answered, confused as to why she was confused.
Knocks erupted at your front door, causing you and Dina to fall silent and turn your heads toward it. Dina's confused expression grew stronger, and yours went from surprised to anxious. You knew exactly who it was, and you had no idea how you were going to get out of it without Dina finding out.
Despite the fact you and Ellie are enemies, the two of you have a rather interesting nightly routine. Nearly every night, Ellie visits you. Not because you're friends, or because you want to have a casual conversation.
Somehow, the two of you found yourselves lusting for each other. A one and done wasn't possible. It was almost, almost as if the two of you fought just to have an "excuse" to "address" each other. Dina has taken note of the way Ellie watches you when you're not looking, mainly to admire and to protect you, in a sense. Dina didn't think of it as weird, though. She had a feeling she knew what was going on because of your suspicious behavior whenever Ellie is mentioned.
"Are you gonna get that?" Dina asks, raising a brow at your back since you were now turned toward the door, your upper body doing a full 180.
"Shit, yeah," You murmured, standing from your seat to make your way toward the front door. As you made your way over, you scratched the back of your neck, worried that Ellie was going to leave you to explain.
You pulled the door open to be met with... Ellie. There was a twinge of hope that it wasn't, for the sake of your secret staying hidden.
"Ellie," You said flatly, your eyebrows raising at the same time as Ellie's. As your eyes fell on her, her eyes fell on Dina. Both of you felt an instant panic. You both had the same look but for different reasons. Ellie was surprised to see Dina, knowing what situation she had at hand. She could feel her heart begin to race, and so did yours.
Luckily for Ellie, she had to go on patrol with you earlier in the day, and could use that to her advantage. Maria insists that it's necessary for you and Ellie to patrol together and try to make amends. The problem was, there was nothing to make amends for. You have clashed [for no reason] since the beginning.
"You have my knife in your bag from patrol earlier. Y'Never gave it back to me," Ellie lied on the spot, and you instantly felt relieved from her save.
"You sure?" You pushed, raising a brow. You were testing very shallow waters, knowing that what you were doing was going to make Ellie angry. Ellie was taken aback by your response, and Dina could feel the tension growing thicker.
"I gotta head out anyway, I'll talk to you tomorrow," Dina said, mainly toward you, before passing Ellie and making her way down your steps toward the road. Ellie watched as Dina disappeared out of view before turning her head to look at you.
Her eyes were stone cold, as if something had already pissed her off before she arrived. Her hair was messily put up in a half down bun, her loose hairs blowing against her cheeks.
She didn't say anything. Instead, she just backed you into the house without a word, tilting her head in annoyance.
"Why didn't you help me?" she inquired calmly. You weren't sure if it was a play, because normally, Ellie isn't as calm. You quirked an objective brow at her, backing up a few steps as she walked in.
"You handled it quite well--"
"Don't start," Ellie sighed, closing the door behind her with her back facing it. You heard the faint click of the deadbolt locking, followed by Ellie's footsteps. "I've had an awful fucking day, and I don't need you getting bitchy with me over a question."
You were used to Ellie's mouth, it wasn't anything personal. She swears more than a sailor.
"I was being serious... What's your problem?" you admitted, noticing the slump in her steps as she came in. She looked frustrated yet exhausted. You knew Ellie was serious too, you could tell that something upset her. It's not like Ellie would open up to you about it either, you just had to wait and see if she brought it up on her own.
Ellie didn't care to waste time staring and cut right to the chase, grabbing you tightly by your waist before walking you backwards, taking you by surprise.
"My problem?" Ellie snarked with her eyebrows furrowed, her grip tightening on your hips. The back of your thighs pressed against your table, and you couldn't see it, but you could hear all of the cards getting shoved off of the table, plummeting to the floor. "Don't act like you give a shit."
"Ellie--" you tried to speak as her slim fingers of both hands moved to the underside of your thighs, lifting you onto the table. You weren't opposed to what she wanted to do, it was a mutual understanding. The two of you never particularly said you were "fuck buddies," but you didn't have to since Ellie was at your house nearly every night, and was just as bossy as usual. On nights she doesn't show up, it's mainly to piss you off and rub it in your face the next time for waiting on her.
You weren't sure what to make of the situation. When you passed each other in the streets of Jackson, you would nudge shoulders, or send each other glares. But whenever you would find yourself in bed with her, you couldn't help but feel like she doesn't hate you based off her actions.
The pure definition of mixed signals.
"Try to keep your mouth shut, yeah?" Ellie cooed to tease you, her cold knuckles grazing on your tender skin from underneath your shirt as she unbuttoned your pants. "I know you can't help it, sometimes."
"You're the worst--" you groaned at her dirty comment, using both of your hands to stabilize yourself on the table. You were cut off by Ellie's lips aggressively slamming onto yours, her top lip fitting between yours perfectly. She quickly unbuttoned your pants and used her left hand to wrap her fingers around your neck, pulling you by it to kiss you harder.
Ellie rarely kissed you, not because she didn't want to, but because she didn't think you would like it. You use each other for sex, and hate each other. Why would you care for a kiss?
Truthfully, you did like it. You craved the touch, especially when she makes you feel so good, hence why you nearly always initiate it. When you do kiss her, she returns it. Unless it was a really bad day, then she's a stone.
"The worst makes you wet like that?" Ellie cockily shot back, her breath hitting your lips as her fingertips of her right hand grazed your slit through your underwear. You didn't even notice her finish unbuttoning your pants and slide her hand underneath. Your chests were nearly pressed together, Ellie's height slightly dominating yours from your sitting position.
If you weren't so lust drunk, you'd say you both looked pitiful. Firing piteous shots back in forth to act like you hated each other when you were actually melting into one another. Every time you slept together, that is.
"So cocky," you mumbled, not really caring if Ellie heard you or not. The pad of her ring finger slid up your clothed slit, sending shivers up your spine to your neck, where her other hand suddenly landed.
"Are my ears ringing or did you say something?" Ellie mocked your attitude, her grip tightening on the sides of your neck. You were speechless, caught off guard by Ellie's harmless aggression. You knew she wouldn't hurt you. Ellie has grown less hostile each time you've slept together. What you couldn't shake was how she would go right back to resenting you afterwards.
"That's what I thought," she purred, her fingers teasing the waistband of your panties before diving underneath. You shivered, feeling the cold fingertips of her ring and middle finger glide through your slit, a short breath falling from your lips.
You hoped Ellie didn't hear it, but she did. Of course she did. Your lips were right next to her ear since she couldn't stop herself from nipping at your neck, suckling your tender skin. Ellie tended to leave hickeys where she knew you would have to hide it carefully.
Ellie suddenly pulled away from your neck, her eyes casting down to your lower half as she began to tug at your pants.
"Up," she uttered, followed by you lifting your lower half so she could tug your pants off your legs while you hovered over the table. Then, Ellie's hands landed on your shoulders, pushing you down so your back was flat against the solid wood. Her fingers trailed from your arms to your hips, tugging your panties down your thighs just enough to give herself access to you.
"I have a question for you," Ellie said in a low tone, her middle and ring finger sliding up your soaked slit before sinking into you, causing you to let out pitiful moans while she spoke. "Dina. How long as that been going on, hm?"
Her fingers were sending waves of pleasure throughout your body, and you couldn't think of a proper response. "W-What?"
"Don't play dumb," Ellie muttered, her head slowly shaking in disapproval as she began to fasten the pace of her fingers thrusting in and out of you. "My god, you look pitiful."
Your moans nearly pulled one out of Ellie as she carefully watched your face contort in pleasure, feeling herself grow more soaked by the second.
"I've never slept with Dina," you managed to say between moans, not that it was Ellie's business in the first place.
"Bullshit," Ellie accused, curling her fingers inside of you. You slowly began to piece it together, and realized that Ellie knew Dina was at your house before she even got there. She just wasn't expecting Dina to still be there when she showed up.
"You don't own me," you snapped back, and Ellie's reaction surprised you. In fact, Ellie was just as surprised. Ellie took pride in being able to make you melt underneath her, no matter how much you claimed to hate each other. You felt her fingers halt inside you before you didn't feel them at all.
You whined, using your elbows to partially sit up. Ellie leaned down, her lower half pressing into yours while she stabilized herself with her left hand on the table. With her right hand, she held her fingers out not even an inch away from your lips, and she could've sworn she saw you shrink.
You knew what she wanted you to do. Without making her tell you what to do, you maintained eye contact with her while you accepted her fingers into your mouth, licking them clean.
"Oh, yes I do," Ellie cockily shot back for your snappy remark. Ellie believed she owned you, and it was easy to understand why. You proved her point for her.
She gave you a small smirk before she quickly sunk down, maintaining eye contact as she knelt before you so she was at eye level with your core. Her grip on your thighs tightened, pulling them further apart before diving her tongue between your slit, lapping up your juices before sliding her tongue up to your clit, flattening her tongue.
You weren't shy when it came to expressing how good she made you feel. Your hands flew to her auburn strands, fingers curling against her scalp. Pretty moans fell from your lips the moment her tongue made contact with your core. Your moans alone were enough to make Ellie cum at the touch when they're because of her.
"Oh, fuck," you whined helplessly as the tip of Ellie's tongue swirled around your sensitive bud skillfully. You could feel an orgasm creeping up on you at an abnormally fast pace. Ellie hummed against you, closing her eyes to savor you, her lips wrapping around your clit before suckling. "F-fuck!"
Ellie nearly moaned from how sweet you tasted, not wanting to stop until you were shaking. You bucked your hips into her face, causing her to wrap her arms around your thighs from underneath, tightly holding them in place.
"Please don't stop," you begged, running your fingers through her hair before fisting it, tipping your head back in pleasure. Of course, Ellie couldn't comply. She captured your sensitive bud between her lips, tenderly sucking one last time before pulling away.
"You taste so fucking sweet. This is all for me?" Ellie asked you, looking up at you with mocking doe eyes, using her right hand to tightly squeeze your inner thigh, her thumb rubbing tight circles on your clit as she continued to half-kneel in front of you. You were close, that was for sure. She could tell.
"Y-yes," you stammered through soft moans, still sitting up on the table with one hand behind you for stabilization, and one in Ellie's hair.
"Good," Ellie muttered with half of her mouth while she attacked your inner thigh with her lips, sucking and nibbling as she quickened the pace of her thumb on your clit. Ellie took every chance she got to mark you up, to remind you and anyone else who got to see those parts of you, that you were claimed.
Catching you off guard, Ellie shoved her tongue back inside of you, lapping at your juices like it was her first time. She wanted all of it, she earned it. Your moans grew much louder than before, desperate for that climax you had been waiting to reach.
"E-Ellie! Fuck," you cried as you laid back down on the table, unable to continue holding yourself up to watch Ellie work her magic. Your orgasm was creeping closer by the second, jumping ahead every time Ellie would give attention to your bundle of nerves.
The moment your legs began to tremble was when Ellie knew you were teetering over the edge, needing that one last push. The grip of Ellie's right hand released from your thigh before you felt two of her fingers teasing your entrance, sinking into your wet folds once again.
Ellie could hair a faint gush every time she pushed her fingers into you, leading her to occasionally moan against your clit. The combination of her tongue and her fingers was overwhelming. You were practically gasping for air, arching your back against the solid wood table. You had no time to warn Ellie before the knot in your stomach unraveled, your orgasm crashing into you.
Even though she couldn't see your face, Ellie could tell you reached your peak due to your staggered moans and how your thighs tightened around her face. Ellie didn't back down, continuing to suck on your clit to overstimulate you as you came down from your high, refusing to be wasteful.
"Oh my-- Ellie!" you cried between moans, trying to use the grip you had on her hair to pull her face away, the overstimulation ready to send you into another high. Despite the sensitivity, you knew you could keep going, but Ellie wasn't even allowing you to take a breath.
As much as Ellie would've wanted to keep going, you were driving her crazy and she was craving her own release.
Ellie's lips gently released from your sensitive bud for the last time before standing, using your thighs as leverage before she peered over you, seeing your flushed cheeks and rosy red lips.
"You made quite the mess," Ellie smirked, noticing the glistening drops of saliva and your fluids on the hardwood floor beneath you, just over the edge of the table. "Get up."
You continued to catch your breath as you sat yourself up, your eyes gliding up to hers. Ellie was also slightly out of breath, her chest heaving as she stared at you in hunger. Feeling you, tasting you, hearing you... it wasn't enough, she needed more.
You waited for Ellie to say something, but you were surprised when Ellie took your hand and started walking you away from the living areas, toward your bedroom. You followed closely behind to avoid tripping, knowing that Ellie only has one goal in mind.
You knew it was going to be a long night.
a/n: i hope you enjoyed my first smut on this account :) pls feel free to send requests and share some love!! ೃ⁀➷
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gingerlee-holds · 3 months
I feel bad for popping a request in ☠ anyway
If you're feeling up to it, perhaps ler Todoroki x lee Reader (bc me and reader insert are inseparable /j) from MHA? Length, perhaps 900+ words if possible? But I'll be grateful for anything haha, I also don't want to force you to write more if you're not feeling inspired i'm gonna be honest here I haven't watched MHA in a long time ☠ and I have no idea what scenarios would be realistic because he's,, Todoroki,,
Personally i'm a sucker for evil/more intense tickles because I wish I was ticklish but if that makes you uncomfy do feel free to ignore :)
oh hush, you!!! i love requests, so thank you so so much!! i just hope this is somewhat what you wanted heehee- enjoy!!! i have a huge crush on this dork so that creeps in- also the reader's quirk is whatever you want it to be, cuz its not mentioned- also also!! im really really sorry if i fuck the names up cuz from what i know of the show, Todoroki is the family name, so Shoto is the given name but i could be totally wrong
i just wanna say that i really really like writing the rambly bits from Shoto about the book-
the reader is sorta a brat lol
Like Poetry
Words: 2,334 Pairing: Ler!Shoto, Lee!Reader Warnings: lotta fluff!!! not proofread!!!
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You groaned as you entered the common room. Mr. Aizawa’s personal training was brutal today, and you were not looking forward to feeling how sore your muscles would be tomorrow morning. Sighing, you grabbed one of Sato’s cupcakes from the counter and flopped onto the sofa, confident it would be unoccupied. It was about seven in the evening on a Friday, which meant everyone was either in their rooms or somewhere around town. 
You huffed into the mattress before gasping at the sound of a page being turned. Looking up, you saw you were about a foot away from, in your mind, the strongest student in your class. He was sitting with perfect posture, reading a book with yellowed pages. On the coffee table sat a mug filled with tea.
Shoto Todoroki didn’t look up from his book at you. If he knew you were there, he didn’t show it. He silently read, seemingly fully absorbed. You sat upright, shaking off the embarrassment of almost landing on him, of all people. 
You cleared your throat and gobbled up your cupcake in one bite, setting the wrapper down next to his tea. Still, he didn’t move. Raising an eyebrow, you poked him in the side to get his attention, and the surprised gasp he gave made you giggle. Shoto looked at you, brow furrowed in annoyance, but his face soon softened when you smiled and waved.
“Hi!” you said chipperly. 
He nodded politely in return. “Hello, Y/N. I’m sorry I didn’t hear you.”
With a chuckle, you shoved his shoulder. “No worries! Whatcha reading, bookworm?”
Shoto tilted his head. “I’m not a worm.”
You sighed and repeated your question without the tease. You loved that your classmate was so adorably literal. 
“I’m reading this book of old poetry. I don’t remember where I got it - it feels like my family’s always had it lying around. I decided to read it today since everyone’s out.” His voice was calm as he spoke.
You were somewhat interested in the subject but mostly just wanted to hear him talk some more. It was so rare that he spoke. “Anything good in there?”
“I found this one that I liked,” Shoto said before flipping back a few pages. “Rain on lemongrass. / Ash trees weep o’er their lost sun: / Their light and love, gone.”
The poem made you hum in thought. “What’s it about?”
“Well, isn’t it obvious?” he asked. Taken on its face, it was an insulting question, but you knew Shoto was genuinely unsure whether to explain it. You shook your head in reply. “The poem is about heartbreak. A woman falls in love with someone, and suddenly, that person has to leave. The woman feels like she has nothing left as she cries into a world that has bigger concerns than her. Soon, perhaps, her love shall return, the sun re-emerging from the clouds, but there’s also the possibility that she doesn’t last until then, and the wind blows her over. Ash trees symbolize grief, so perhaps they may never meet again. The lemongrass, evoking a cheerful memory, is smothered under the rains that hide her beloved.” Suddenly, he looked up from the page. “Sorry, I didn’t realize I was rambling.”
You scratched your head. “How did you get all that from just three lines?” You didn’t mind, of course. He was cute when he rambled. To your great surprise, he let out a soft and sheepish smile. 
“Well, I suppose I have too much time on my hands,” he said, looking away. You smirked and poked his side again, giggling at his surprised reaction. Shoto let out a muffled yelp and jumped, glaring at you suspiciously and rubbing his side. “Quit that.” 
“Sorry, Icy-hot! Can’t be helped!” You held up both your hands in mock surrender.
“Hm,” Shoto mumbled, looking back to the book. “This book was written entirely by hand. See? This character is slightly different here, here, and here,” he continued, pointing at different parts of the page. “And from what I can tell, its publication predates quirks, hence why they are not mentioned. If they had quirks, you would think there’d be a suggestion of their existence, no? Yet there’s nothing. For all intents and purposes, it seems like this book is a remnant of a simpler world.” His expression looked distant as if his mind were a hundred miles and years away. 
You leaned back, folding your arms behind your head. “Sounds dorky. Maybe you should tell Deku! I’m sure he’d be all too interested,” you chuckled, then looked over. If he heard your comment, he gave no sign. He must still be lost in thought. Looking down at his side, you saw it was perfectly exposed. You were pushing your luck. Then again, what is a hero if not someone who tries their luck? You pursed your lips together and quickly extended your hand to poke Shoto’s side again. 
But he was faster. As if expecting your reckless act, he set his book down and grabbed your hand before it made contact in one fluid movement. “You don’t listen, do you?”
“I do my utmost to avoid doing that, yes,” you said, giggling nervously. His grip was firm, giving you no delusions of escape. His hand was chilly, as if Shoto was threatening to encase your whole arm in ice at any moment. You tugged slightly.
He didn’t let go. “No, you need to learn this lesson.” Somehow, that was among the scariest things you’ve ever heard, right alongside the speech of the hero killer and Mr. Aizawa announcing an extra homework assignment before the summer break. Shoto pushed your legs toward the end of the couch, pinning you to his chest with both hands held behind you. You shuddered as Shoto said, “Now, learn well.”
Since both your hands were stuck behind you against his torso, you couldn’t defend yourself whatsoever when he descended both hands onto your stomach. You erupted into bright, bubbly laughter and kicked your feet like that would do anything to help. All that went through your head was repeated, ‘Oh, fuck, that tickles!’ 
You heard Shoto’s hum of approval from behind you as he clawed his fingers over the thin fabric of your shirt. “Interesting,” he mumbled to himself. 
“ShIhihihihIt! ShohOhOHohotoHoHoho!” You shook your head and thrashed all you could, but it didn’t matter. Shoto was stronger, and he would make sure you knew it. 
“Yes, Y/N?” he asked casually.
“STohohoHOAhaap!!” It didn’t have a chance of working, but it didn’t hurt to try.
“No.” Shoto’s clawed hands squeezed around your stomach in circles, taking a moment to dwell on your extra-ticklish lower stomach, which he took delight in exploiting. If you didn’t know any better, you would even say he enjoyed it as much as you were. 
“NohOHoHOhoHT TheheHEherre!” you pleaded helplessly, throwing your head back to give your torturer the best puppy eyes you could… although they were far less effective than you had hoped since they were quickly squeezed shut in uproarious laughter. 
“Here? Right here, yes?” Shoto released a flurry of pokes on your lower stomach as if he wanted confirmation.
You nodded and hiccupped, doing all you could to contain the blush that bloomed on your face at the sound of his cooing hum. Mercifully, he gave you a break, and you panted for breath against him. “Shihihitt…” you giggled, squirming in his grasp to get the ghost tickles off your tummy. 
“Here,” Shoto said, and you turned to see he was holding up his mug for you. Gratefully, you took a big sip of the refreshing tea, smiling a little at the warmth of it. It was strangely sweet; you had expected Shoto to only like the bitter teas, but surprisingly, the flavor was somewhat sugary. As if reading your mind, Shoto said, “It’s chamomile. It helps me relax.” He took the mug from your mouth and set it back on the table. 
Shoto cleared his throat. “Now,” he began, “Have you learned your lesson?”
“Is my release dependent on how I answer that?”
“Then… Never!” You madly giggled as you attempted to escape his grasp before quickly regretting it. He had you suitably pinned, and to further reinforce his lesson, you realized with terror that he was rolling up your shirt to your ribs. “Wait, Shoto-!”
Your tormentor didn’t give you time to finish. Without fanfare, his hands descended onto your exposed tummy. Instead of clawing around, as he had done before, he was using quick scribbles, which, coupled with his cold fingers on your bare skin, was maddening. 
“SHohOhoHOTO!” You had no idea you were so ticklish! By the looks of things, it seemed like he had been in tickle fights before, and from how badly he was wrecking you, he was used to winning them. 
He hummed in thought as your thrashing weakened. “Your belly button is incredibly ticklish,” he observed. It was, to your dismay, very accurate. It didn’t help that his cold finger was heightening the feeling!
“PLehEHehEHHEase! MeheHEheheercyy!” you squealed out, kicking and bucking like a horse.
“Goodness, you’re dramatic. It’s only tickling, Y/N. If anything, this should build your endurance. What if the League captured you? I doubt you’d last a minute before you spill everything you know if they knew this weakness of yours.”
Why did he have to be so monotone with his teasing? He sounded so casual as if he were still explaining the history of that old book - only he was speaking over your hysterical cackling. He was a fast learner, too: he was pretty adept at locating the spots that got an especially wild reaction out of you and cruel in punishing them.
Shoto’s fingers increased in pace while always keeping one wiggling about in your navel. “I know,” he said, “I get it; you’re very, very ticklish. Now calm down.” You could hear the smile in his voice. He was having fun! “I wonder… you’ve inspired me to write my own poetry! Let’s see…” He paused to think, unfortunately not slowing down the tickles, making you yelp and shriek. “Ticklish cutie / Squealing on the couch with glee / With a cute tummy,” he slowly said as if writing it down. With a gasp, you felt him do just that, writing down the poem on your belly with the tip of his fingernail. 
You turned beet-red as you threw your head back, your laughter turning silent. You had long since begun crying with delight, and tears rolled down your cheeks in rivers, but he didn’t stop until you started coughing. With a chuckle, he released you, and you panted for breath. You didn’t move from his lap, and Shoto didn’t seem to mind. He gently placed a hand on your forehead, tilting it toward him. 
“Are you alright?” he asked gently. You nodded with a smile, which he returned. His smile was inviting, like a sunbeam on a winter’s day. He slowly helped you sit back up and handed you his mug again. You eagerly gulped it down. The tea was warm and sweet, and when you finished it and set it back on the table, you realized that Shoto wasn’t too different. 
“Thank you, Shoto,” you said softly.
“For the tea?”
“Yes,” you replied, “and… for the tickles. It… helped me unwind.” You looked away and rubbed your neck shyly. 
“You’re welcome, Y/N. It was fun for me, too. I don’t think I’ve ever heard you laugh like that.” He smiled again, a small treat like candy. “It’s nice to see you so carefree. You’re usually a ball of nerves,” Shoto admitted bluntly, making you sigh and nod in agreement. 
You basked in the silence for a bit before both of you suddenly looked up. That was the unmistakable sound of… And right on cue, the word ‘mumble’ began to figuratively float across your field of view. At its origin, you and Shoto saw Izuku madly scribbling in his notebook and mumbling about something. You swore you caught the words “ticklish,” “stomach,” and “squeals.” 
Behind Izuku, standing in the hallway, were Ochaco, Denki, Tsuyu, Mina, Eijiro, and Kyoka. The first two desperately attempted to quiet Izuku, to no avail. You sat bolt upright, glaring at the unwelcome audience. 
Eijiro broke the silence with a playful swat to the back of Izuku’s head. “You got us caught with your nerd shit, Deku,” he joked, making the green-haired hero look away backfully. 
“That was adorable!” Mina grinned, pointing at you. “You made a bunch of noise, so we wanted to check it out!” 
“You’d better erase what you wrote, Deku.” You spoke calmly but in a way that gave no misapprehensions about your seriousness. 
Ochaco looked over Izuku’s shoulder. “Doesn’t look like he’s gonna do that.”
“Midoriya,” Shoto spoke up. “Be sure to write that they couldn’t use their quirk while being tickled.”
You gasped at the betrayal. “Don’t you fucking dare write that, Deku!”
With a glance, Denki, Kyoka, and Tsuyu replied simultaneously, “Oh, he’s already writing it.”
With a growl, you shot from the couch. “You’re fucking dead, Deku!” Your classmates yelped with shock and ran down the hall from you, stifling their giggles. 
Eijiro, egging you on, tossed back over his shoulder a snide, “Now you’re sounding like Katsuki!”
“Oh, I’ll make Katsuki look like a fucking bag of pop rocks when I’m done with you idiots!” Your threat carried no heat since it was filled with giggles. You couldn’t help but laugh at the ludicrousness of the situation, smiling fondly at how much you loved your friends.
And behind you, on the couch, Shoto grinned with pride as he picked up his book to continue reading. He was glad he had been allowed to be so affectionate with someone for a chance. Absent-mindedly, he picked up his mug of tea for a sip but sighed disappointingly at the lack of tea inside. Maybe he needed bigger mugs. 
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qoqurt · 4 months
𝜗𝜚 ⋆ BIRTHDAY .ᐟ (ethan’s version)
just a small blurb for mr ethan edwards bc roro ( @wintfleur ) let me know that today was his bday .. so a little commotion for him actually … takes place BEFORE luke moves to jersey and a little after he daisy and ethan get together ok <3
read about daisy, ethan and luke | au masterlist
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liked by dreagraves, jackhughes, and others
tagged : lhughes_06 , rutgermcgroarty , entersteller
daisydoodledoo i literally blocked ethan for this bc i wanted to post my gift for him without him knowing ++ it’s literally 11pm im a HUSTLER 😮‍💨 (ft. luke watching — he signed the card dw!!) shoutout to stella and luke and rutger for reassuring me that the gift is good 😭 there’s more but i’ve decided not to add it here :3
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trevorzegras and tell me why rutger is tied up in slide 2 🤨
daisydoodledoo icl i couldn’t tell you .. i was writing the card one minute and the next my ribbon went missing
entersteller i’m just a girl ok ☹️ he needed some nice ribbon !!
lhughes_06 are you planning to give him to ethan or …
rutgermcgroarty and if she was 😽
dreagraves the build a bear frogs 🥹
daisydoodledoo luke thought it’d be silly if we dressed them up like him and i for ethan actually LOL so i made them clothes
dreagraves you make me sick (that’s so cute shits)
jackhughes shoutout luke for just sitting there
lhughes_06 i just breathed 🙄
davidungh blocking 1/2 boyfriends is actually crazy
daisydoodledoo if you don’t shut the fuck up ur next 🥰
lhughes_06 added to their close friends story .ᐟ
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edwards.73 replied to your story ‘where are you guys going without me 💔’
ahndaesee replied to your story ‘BACKSHOTS 😮‍💨’
lhughes_06 who want backshots 😼
ahndaesee replied to your story ‘no but srsly wtf how did i forget the damn cake 😭 can’t believe we had to walk back’
mark.estapa replied to your story with ‘where is she scrambling off to now’
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rutgermcgroarty added to their story .ᐟ
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ahndaesee replied to your story ‘he hasn’t a single clue does he?’
rutgermcgroarty ‘i almost blabbed but luckily stella changed topics before i could’
ahndaesee ‘good. ur off the hook for now ig 🙄’
🎵: glue song — beabadoobee
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liked by lhughes_06, stellahughes, and others
tagged : edwards.73
ahndaesee ethan on film for ethan day 📸 .. but in all seriousness, happy birthday to one of my favourite guys in the whole world. 🩷 i’ll never stop being thankful for the way you make me smile till my cheeks hurt. love you to the moon and back, ed.
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📍edwards.73 thank you pretty girl ❤️ i love you
ahndaesee 1/2 of my boys 🩷
edwards.73 speaking of which where is he
ahndaesee 🤫
edwards.73 what does this mean
davidungh cakes and candles ethan 🎂
ahndaesee cakes and candles…
davidungh am i not allowed to wish my brother in law a happy birthday
lhughes_06 too late :)
edwards.73 brother in law thank you 🥰
lhughes_06 happy birthday pretty princess ❤️
ahndaesee edwards.73 found him
edwards.73 thanks lucky 🫶🏻 i love you
pshoon2002 happy ethan day !!! 🥳
stellahughes you know the relationship is good when sunghoon approves 😭
ahndaesee EL OH EL ur so right 😭
edwards.73 lhughes_06 we made it 🥹❤️
lhughes_06 feeling real grateful rn 🥲
stellahughes u did him justice daisy 🥰
edwards.73 are you calling me ugly
stellahughes and if i am
ahndaesee you and your bf are really the same
rutgermcgroarty and if we are 🥰
lhughes_06 im gonna be honest im a bit afraid
dylanduke25 is your boyfriend single
_alexturcotte asking for a friend
ahndaesee no.
lhughes_06 double no.
ynaniu happy birthday ethan!! 🫶🏻
_quinnhughes 🥳🎂
luca.fantilli daisy can you be my photographer too
ahndaesee $30 per hour flat rate with $30 service fee:)
edwards.73 added to their story .ᐟ
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lhughes_06 replied to your story ‘happy birthday e ❤️ i love you :)’
luca.fantilli replied to your story ‘that cake n pasta look so good.. hope u saved leftovers’
ahndaesee replied to your story ‘love you birthday boy ❤️’
stellahughes replied to your story ‘my gf looks so good here 🥰 tell luke to hop off pls!’
jackhughes replied to your story ‘i hate couples 🙄 happy birthday though 🥳’
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note from mei ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ happy ethan day everyone !! i hope everyone likes this .. it’s so long (i’m very sorry)
pookie tags : @lovings4turn @iceflwers @wintfleur ( owner of stella hughes oc )
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itzsana-kiddingmenow · 3 months
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𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙨: 1.7k
𝙖/𝙣: BWAHAHAH IM BACKKKK 😈😈😈 hope you guys like this one
𝙩/𝙬: pirate!au, mentioned minsung ehhe
𝒍𝒆𝒆: jisung
𝙡𝙚𝙧: minho
𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕: @someone-who-loves-kpop-saranghae @jeonginsdiary @leeknowstan33 @v--143 @wereallgonnadieonedaybutnottoday @inkytornpagess @lajanaa @a-wild-seungberry @channieissocute125 @soap143 @seungsluvv @skznccmlee @moony-9 @sunny-117
𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠! 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐞? 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐮𝐛s 🐾
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Jisung groaned quietly. His back was killing him, who knew hiding in a barrel was so bone-snappingly painful? 
He needed to execute this correctly. One wrong move and it’s all over. 
Earlier, Jisung had noticed a group of pirates near the dock, and watching greedily at the amount of gold and food they were stocking up on, he had the golden idea of sneaking onto their ship. 
With his luck, he’d be able to convince them he was a member of the crew already, and manage to make away with said gold and food. Pirates were supposed to be ugly, dumb brutes, weren’t they?
Jisung felt his barrel hit the ground with a rather painful thud, and after assuring that there was no one around, he popped out the top and crawled out, wincing when his back cracked from the movement. 
He just had to mingle with the crew. Shouldn’t be too hard, right? 
Hannie gasped as he heard two voices behind him. 
“Oh, and then he—” A boy with pretty puppy-like visuals paused right in the middle of his sentence, and Jisung had to bite his tongue before he dropped to his knees in front of the man. 
He immediately snatched back the comment he had thought about pirates being ugly and dumb. 
The boy next to the first one had a sharp jawline and narrowed eyes, which were currently looking him up and down. 
“Are you…the new crew member?” The first boy asked. 
“Um…yes.” Jisung replied, eyes widening. 
“Well, then come with us. We’re gonna go eat.” The second boy caught him around the wrist and dragged him down the stairs to a room. 
Instead of a bunch of smelly, unhygienic pirates Jisung had expected, he was suddenly face to face with a bunch of frankly, really handsome men. Well, that beats that stereotype at least. 
The man who Jisung assumed to be the captain stood up, smiling gently at him. “Ah, you must be the new member.” He walked over and took Jisung’s hand in his. The stowaway noticed how small the man's hand was. “I’m Minho, the captain of this ship.”
“I’m Jisung.” Jisung finally looked at the man’s face, and his breath was almost literally taken away from him. “Wow…you’re pretty.” He mumbled aloud. 
Minho grinned at him. “I can hear you, sweet thing.” 
Jisung felt blood rush to his face in astonishing quickness. “O-Oh, I'm sorry...It’s just—” 
“No, no, don't apologize, it's okay. But I do have to give you the proper welcome, so follow me, please.” 
“Ooof, new guy? Good luck, dude.” A boy with long, blonde hair shouted. 
Jisung felt his blood go cold. ‘What welcome? I don’t know how to do anything…’
After some walking, they entered a room in the underside of the deck. 
Minho sat him at the edge of an extravagant bed Jisung could only assume was his. His eyes widened in fright. 
Minho suddenly darted his arms towards the boy, and he flinched, throwing his hands over his face and breathing in heavily. 
Until he felt hands cup his cheeks. “Hey, hey, I’m not gonna hurt you, sweet thing.” Minho reasssured in a low voice. “Don’t be scared.”
Jisung felt bad. So bad. He had practically fallen in love with the captain of a ship he was never supposed to be on, just cause he couldn’t handle his greed. He had to fix this.
“Um…Captain?” Jisung looked up at him. 
“Call me Minho. You’re cute, so you get special privileges.” Minho smiled his cute smile and booped Jisung’s nose. 
“Minho…uh—Can I be honest? You won’t…hurt me?” Jisung stuttered. When the older nodded, he continued. “Um…I….snuck on here. Onto this ship…I never wanted to hurt you or anything, I swear!!” Jisung babbled on in a panic, frantically squeezing his own shirt hem. 
He felt a lump in his throat and everything felt overwhelming. Jisung didn’t know why he felt the need to please this man, he just needed to. 
Jisung heard the older tsk, and he suddenly began to sob, feeling as though he had disappointed him. 
Minho’s eyebrows furrowed, and he mentally slapped himself for being so stupid. “Hey…hey, please don’t cry, darling. I’m not mad.” He cupped the younger’s cheeks again. 
“You…y-you aren’t?” Jisung looked up at him with watery eyes, pink lips in a small pout. Minho was startled at the sudden and frankly, very strong urge to kiss them until they were red and swollen. 
“No…no, but I still have to give you a proper welcome into our crew.” Minho decided his little welcome would be the best way to cheer the younger up. 
After instructing the boy to lay on his bed, Minho reassured Jisung that nothing would hurt before suddenly flopping on top of the boy and grabbing his arms, to which Jisung screamed and thrashed underneath the older. 
Minho rolled his eyes. Jisung was still convinced he was gonna hurt him. Luckily, Jisung was small, small enough that he was easily able to overpower him and slip his hands through the metal fastening on top of his headboard and tighten it. 
Jisung yelled when Minho managed to stick one foot into bottom strap, and he gave up when the other went in on the other side, knowing he couldn’t escape. 
Jisung whimpered when the older slid a leg around his hip, sitting comfortably on his lower belly. The weight was comfortable. 
Min reached down and suddenly…pulled Jisung’s shirt up? 
“H-Hey, what are you gonna—AH!!” He squealed when a finger dipped in his belly button for a second. 
“You’ll see.” Minho smirked, scribbling a hand up Jisung’s very stretched out side. 
Jisung squeaked and tried to angle away from the hand, even though he knew he was completely immobile. His eyes widened in horror. ‘No, he wouldn’t.’
‘Would he?’
Minho, meanwhile popped a bottle of baby oil, pouring some right into Jisung’s belly button and watching him flinch, and spreading more along the boy’s sides. 
Fingers gently traced along his sides, and Jisung threw his head back, a high-pitched whimper escaping him before he sealed his lips. 
“Hmmm…you’re trying so hard, aren’t you?” Minho mused, moving towards the center of Jisung’s belly and watching the corner of his lips upturn slightly. 
“Mmmhmhm…” Was the response the older recieved. 
“Oh?” Minho noticed a tiny smile on the Jisung’s face, eyes squeezed shut. He looked adorable. “Is the tickling too much? Is the lil baby about to break?~” He teased in a baby voice, clawing up and down Hannie’s sides in the most gentle movements. 
Jisung let out a strangled noise at the change in ministrations, twisting side to side and kicking his legs frantically behind Minho. 
“I know you’re ticklish, just break already and let’s make it enjoyable for the both of us.” Minho groaned. 
Jisung stubbornly shook his head, impressed with himself at how long he was holding out. 
“Let’s try and get some laughter, yeah?” And a finger was swirling on the outer rim of his belly button. 
Jisung snapped his eyes open with a loud squeal just as it went into the sensitive button, twisting as loud cackles rang around the room. “NOOHOHOHOO!!” He shrieked. 
“Awe, finally! Your laugh is adorable~” Minho smiled fondly at the squirming boy. 
Jisung tensed and pulled at his restraints, desperately bucking away from the finger but failing. “YOUHU CAHAHAHANT!! Please please—CAPTAIN!!” Jisung screamed, the fingers slipping up his shirt and finding the skin of his underarms. 
“Nonono…I said you can call me Minho. Didn’t you listen?” 
Jisung shook his head desperately, kicking out behind the older. 
“No?” Minho frowned, moving his hands back to Hannie’s lower belly. 
“AGH!!” Minho flinched. 
“StahahaaaHAHAAAHAHAAA!!” Jisung dissolved into more messy laughter.
“Awhhh, the little baby can’t handle it?” Minho cooed, and Jisung hated the way his face burned a bright red. 
“Shuhuhut AHAAHAHAHAP!!” He screamed, tugging at Minho’s restraints. 
“How informal, don’t you think?” Minho mused, grinning evilly as he undid the rest of Jisung’s cloak buttons. 
“Noho…no….please—CAPTAIN!!” Jisung cried when more oil was spread along his armpits. 
Minho tsked. “I said, call. Me. Minho.” 
Fingers scribbled everywhere, over Jisung’s armpits, along his rib cage, his belly and sides. 
The room exploded into sound, boisterous squeals and cute squeaks, along with the loudest begging in between laughter that Minho had ever heard. 
“PLEASE PLEHEHEHEHAHAHAHA!! MIHINHO PLEASE NOHO—!!” Jisung arched his back. It was unbearable, too much. 
“You’re so ticklish, it’s actually insane.” Minho hummed. “So, you wondered onto here, but now I’m gonna ask you something.” He casually asked, fingers only continuing their torturous movements that seemed to have Han in stitches. 
“Will you stay with me? With us?” Minho paused. 
Jisung caught his breath, eyes sparkling with tears. “Wha…Whahat??” 
Jisung shook his head. “wahait…I cahahant—STAHAHAHAAAAHAHA!!” He tensed with a scream when the cruel tickling only continued. 
“Hmmm…I’m gonna have to break you some other way…” Minho reached his hand back and squeezed around Han’s thigh with one hand, reveling in the howl of laughter poor Jisung let out. “Bad spot?”
He continued tickling with one hand, reaching into his bedside drawer with the other and pulling a hook out. 
Jisung’s eyes widened at the sight. The end was…dull. 
“Everyone I’ve tried this on have broken immediately, and I’m sure you’ll break too.” Minho slipped it onto his hand. “Every pirate needs their hook, hm?” 
He dangled it righttt over Jisung’s belly button, and the younger’s eyes widened when he realized what the captain had in mind. 
“Wait-wait-wait…Minho please…please don’t. I really can’t take anything in there!” Jisung sucked his tummy away from the tool, anticipation welling up in his stomach. “I’ll seriously die! Nono—NO!!”
Minho dipped it into the button, scratching around with the blunt tip as poor Jisung fell apart completely, emitting a high pitched wail before descending into loud, screechy cackles, tears spilled down his cheeks, and Minho smiled fondly at him. 
“All it took was a little tiny tip to make you lose~” 
“PLEHEHEHEHEHEASSEEE!! MIHIHIHINHOOOO!! I CAHAHAAHANT TAKE ITT!! AGH—STOP MOHOHOVING!!” Jisung pleaded, muscles tending rapidly as he frantically screamed. 
“Nowww…will you stay or do I have to use this on your ribs too?” 
“PLEHEHEHEHEASE!! IHIHIHILL STAHAHAHAY!! I PROHOHOMISEE!!” Jisung was plunged into silent laughter. Minho slowly let up. 
“Fine, fine. Poor baby.” Minho cooed, unbuckling the restraints and wiping the boy’s hot tears. 
Jisung preened at the attention, sighing contentedly when a small kiss was placed to his nose. 
“We’ll set up your room and stuff later, right now, just…stay with me?” Minho gave him a hopeful expression. 
“Okay…Will I be safe here?” Jisung asked with a small worried expression. 
“I’ll protect you with my life. After all, that’s my duty as your captain.“
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fartquen12 · 3 months
~Daryl's Girl~
Yandere!Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Trigger warnings: yanderes (obviously), mention of weapons, abuse, unhealthy relationships, kidnapping, overprotective Daryl.
During the apocalypse Daryl meets the love of his life... and it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.
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You woke up out of your bed. Another day, another terror and to be honest you weren't very excited. You had found another group of survivers to hang with until you were on your feet again. Atleast thats what you thought. You felt sad knowing you'd leave... you had kind of built a bond with these people. You climbed out of your tent to see Hershel's farm an old man who had agreed for you all to stay with him until things were better. You zipped up the tent and stood there to take in the sights of the farm. The apocolypse was depressing but seeing horses galloping and cows grazing the fields made you forget it all for a minute...-
"Shutup Daryl thats a horrible idea!" Yells out Rick.
Rick and Daryl fought a lot... you never really payed any attention to the two considering the argument was always about something irrelevant.
"Everyone come over here!" Rick shouted.
You sighed as you ran over to Rick and the others who were standing around.
"Everyone, me and Daryl have to head out to the city... we need another person... any volunteers?"
You, Rick, and Daryl were all sat against the wall hiding from walkers.. you were in a building on the bottom floor. There was walkers in the stairwell and surrounding the whole entire building. You sat horrified looking at Rick for any instructions. No one trusted you with a gun.. not even a pistol considering you took off one of Glenn's balls with one...
"RICK.... RICK..... RICK!!!.... RICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shutup mahn we got walkers walkin' around all over here." Daryl yelled in a whisper.
"I wasn't even talkin' Daryl that was you." Rick replied in an annoyed tone.
"SHUTUP RICKY!" Daryl yells.
"dayummm..." You whisper considering how loud he was.
"HUH!?" yells Daryl.
"you know why don't you go ahead and brush your teeth emo boy." Rick replies.
"I thought we were buddies Rick." Daryl replies before knocking Rick out with the head of his gun and grabbing your arm.
"DAMN BOY THE HELL YOU DOIN!!!!" You yell at Daryl.'
"SHUTUP HO WE GOIN!" Daryl yells shooting through the walkers and throwing you into his truck and speeding off
"WHERE ARE WE GOING!!" you yell.
"SHHH..." Daryl says
"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!?!?!?" Daryl yells pulling over and slamming the brakes.
"I said I needed to shit." You say letting out the fattest most juiciest dear diary diarrhea ever.. I mean it was so juicy and stinky!
"DAMN GURL U SMELL LIKE THE COWS!" Daryl yells giggling and driving off.
well that made daryl very angy and he whipped out a whiner and knocked you out.
You woke up in some random room.
"you 'wake?" you hear daryl say.
"Im fahtin." you say crying.
Daryl rolls his eyes and uncuffs you.
"Your mine and you can never leave." he says.
You look down and see your clothes have been changed..? You see a mirror in the room and as you look in it daryl says
"You like?"
you are wearing a shirt that says "Daryls property" on the front and "Daryls Girl" on the back.. you begin to die of cringe and start crying laughing and fall on the floor.
"CRINGEEEEE!!!" You yell. You then run up to Daryl and kick him in the balls and just as you were gonna leave you realise the door is locked...
"uh oh..." you say. You whip around and Daryl is standing next to you with a gun.
"If I can't have you... no one can." He says pointing the gun at you.
*farts loudly*
"what the-" daryl says.. and in this moment it gives you just enough time to grab his pistol aim it at his head and *SHOOT* but the kickback on the shitty gun aims it at his balls instead of his head and you shoot off not one but TWO balls off his ballsack. you grab his balls off the floor and shove em in yer pocket.
"more for my collection fuck it up." you say skipping over daryl who is crying and holding his non existant balls on the floor. However once you bust down the door... you see you are still on the farm and the whole group is there saying "PRANKED YOU!!" but daryl comes stumbling out crying and saying
"fuck you guys."
You felt so bad you had to shoot shane in the balls and grab up his balls to feel better about what happened...
You threw the balls in a jar and added some water you found on the floor (probably shanes wener or pee pee water) but you added it to the jar and chugged it for what you call "ball power"
you run out and steal someones horse.....
"YOW FOKER GET ON GET ON FATASS!!" you yell and the horse begans to gallop and kick and buck
"YOU ACTIN LIKE RICKY YA BUTTFUCK!" you scream biting ur shirt.
You run out into the city and gallop over walkers and shit... but shortly.. with every gallop this horse is throwing you up and down and with every throw you are shitting out so much poop and the walkers are smelling it and-
you wake up to shane in your face with his poop in one hand and a shovel in the other-
"I HAD AN ACCIDENT MOMMY." he says handing you the shovel.
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utahlive · 2 years
This ask isn't directly for Wilbur or the blog, but rather the person who runs this. A bit of an ooc ask about world building and expanding this universe since I'm invested
Are we as the audience perceived as people in this universe watching this show/documentary about Utah at our homes, sending in questions via telephone. Or are we just random people that show up in the gas station and keep coming back one by one at random times to talk about the "Dabi cosplayer". (I'd like the imagine the second one; just a but of faceless people pressed up against the glass outside asking the weirdest questions. Fits the vibe)
Do you, the owner of this blog, have a part to play in the universe? Are you the director to the show, a main camera man, or something else.
The fanart that's made for this blog, I'd like to imagine it's—again—just faceless people running up and slapping drawings they make on the convince store windows and running off, leaving the producers and Wilbur with it. Stuff like that :]
Im gonna be honest I said I was gonna do author q&a today specifically so I could answer this ask because I feel weird just answering it willy-nilly
I tend to be... pretty bad at storytelling. I always get wayyy too into my own head, and things get so complicated to a degree where only I can understand whats going on, which is something im obviously trying very hard to avoid. However I don't wanna sacrifice the story I want to tell, so I'm just doing my best here.
One of the biggest limitations right now is that I'm just struggling to explain exactly how the world works/the translation between "Utah" and irl/us. The biggest ones are time and what exactly is being aired, because obviously it doesn't take one whole day to answer two questions, but I don't have the energy to answer more than two q's per day. And of course the 'film crew' arent actually filming Wilbur while he's sleeping or anything like that, but it's hard to tell the story I want to tell without having scenes like that. Im hoping that things will get smoother as we go, but for now I've just been making it so that episodes that dont have 'transcript's in them aren't filmed (or have "artist rendition" notes), and lets say that even though its been over a month of answering questions for us, it's only been two or three weeks for wilbur.
As for what you guys are, you're viewers who are calling in from home! Kinda like a radio show. No one is physically showing up to the store or his house (that would be really funny though). I did have some scrapped ideas that I may bring back later about the film crew, but for now "they" dont have any deeper place in the story. I'm the camera man, I guess! I've been imagining it as just some guy with a camera in one hand, a headset to listen to calls, and a little paper pad to write down answers.
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There are 886 asks in the inbox right now! Not all of them are asks, some of them are just comments about whats happening (which I love, I <3 hearing what you guys think) but unfortunately I can't answer all of them. I have a general outline so whenever I do pick story/plot asks, its ones that fit that outline, and every other time I just try to be funny.
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nor/mal (jk. he/they/xe)
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I was typing out the whole story and reasoning behind the pictures I chose but it was getting way too long (because I ended up going down a rabbit hole). Basically I found an old blog from 2010 where a girl had posted a picture of her room, it was a very positive post so I didn't think it would be offensive to use it (also there's a comment from 2016 on the blog post asking if the image can be used as reference, no reply, the author of the blog has not logged in for years). The bathroom was made in the Sims 4/I used pictures of my own dorm bathroom
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smoked a blunt in the woods and thought about cwilbur's character arc a little too hard
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im shy 👉👈
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fucks me up that people continue to think about this blog after liking/reblogging
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leunfer · 1 year
hello delusional yuritshou (fem ritshou) person here asking your fem ritshou hcs… im obsessing over them rn lmao
(/nf ofc)
(i might be the other anon who talked about how much they loved your fem ritshou doodle page but i’m gonna be honest, i don’t remember)
hi there fellow delusional yuritshou person 🤝 thank you for this ask i'm always happy to talk about them, even tho i'm actually not sure what to reply JDSJD tbh i don't have many hcs that are specifically yuri (they could work for regular ritshou) but here are some random thoughts i've had about them if that works for you:
ritsu is canonically popular with girls so fem ritsu obviously still is too. her fangirls give shou the stink eye
shou absolutely hates being called cute like she gets so annoyed if anyone does, but if it's ritsu she forgets how to breath
this is a common ritshou trope i think but i like the idea of them sometimes sneaking out together, often at ungodly hours, and doing random stuff: one day they'd hang out at the park or take a walk in the city, other days they go exploring the woods or abandoned places etc etc. sometimes shou teaches ritsu how to use her powers during these outings and ritsu would get very obstinate when she can't manage to do something. one day she tried so hard that she ended up fainting and shou had to carry her home (and def stared longingly at ritsu once she left her on her bed)
i've also been thinking about this sports au that i didn't post here...DHFHGH basically their teams train in the same sports centre, they caught each other's attention and try to impress the other when they notice they are looking (shou on purpose, ritsu unconsciously)
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they're both very competitive and have an ego, as they'd be one of the best players on their teams, if not the best. ritsu is used to people trying to approach her but she always acts disinterested, however that suzuki girl is being hard for her to ignore...
andd that's all i can think of as of now sorry if i went a little insane but they won't leave my brain </3 that said if anyone has any hcs for them PLEASE drop them in the comments or even send me an ask if you wanna do it anonymously i wanna hear other people's thoughts as well!!
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psychodani23 · 3 months
Billy Loomis x Reader
A/n: Havent watched scream since i was a little girl but had an idea to write based off a dream i had and Billy seemed like the right fit. If you dont see billy as the right fit then you can either imagine a different slasher/character or request the same imagine but with a character of your choosing
Lately you havent been feeling like yourself you're overworked and just dont have any motivation to do anything like eat, drink, move out of bed. Unbeknowst to you, your best friend Billy Loomis has been really worried about you which everyone knows is out of character to him. Only Stu knows whats really wrong with you and he's been trying to get you to open up about your feelings to Billy but you know he doesnt feel the same way. Billy doesnt treat you the same way that you treat him and so far he's been really oblivious to all the hints you've thrown his way to try and hangout together alone. He always invites Stu to tag along and if Stu bails or says no Billy doesnt wanna be anywhere near you. You dont know what you've done to upset or offend Billy lately but it's really making you miserable and you're crying evrytime you try and feel better and see him hanging off some girl laughing and smiling and twirling their hair.
*knock knock knock* You're confused and get up to answer the door but you regret it as soon as you see Billy and Stu standing there in front of you. "What the hell are you two doing here?" you ask "well you werent answering your phone or replying to any of our texts so we decided to come over and check on you" Billy quetly says "Did you ever consider that maybe i just wanted to be alone? I'm not in the mood to have you two here right now please leave" "yeah thats not happening" Stu says "why not?" you ask him "Because Bily dragged my ass out of bed to ome here and im getting sick and tired of you two pining after one another now for the love of god either tell each other your feelings for one another or so help me i'll take everything you each hold dear and lock them away or burn them" Stu says
You and Billy look at each other in shock. Billy looks like he's gonna kill Stu then he looks at me softly. "He's right. I need to tell you how i feel about you. I'm in love with you and i've been scared to tell you because im afraid i'll mess it up and hurt you and i never want to do that" Billy tells you "Billy i love you too. To be honest i've been down in the dumps because i thought you didnt like me as a friend anymore. Everytime i asked you to hangout you'd always invite Stu along and the times that Stu didnt want to you'd never come over. I wanted to use that time to tell you how i feel and Stu always declined your invite because he knew what i was trying to do. He's been trying to get me to tell you i love you since i found out you were both ghostface" you tell him. Billy looks shocked at your confession then softly smiles. "i've loved you since you found out about us too. You never looked at us as monsters and always helped us in new ways to set up traps around the house so the kids we wanted to kill never got away and you were never afraid to get your hands dirty along with us" Billy confesses
You both look at each other and smile "FOR GODS SAKES KISS" Stu shouts. You both jump and laugh at Stu but do as he says. Billy softly touches you as if hes afraid you're not real. You close the gap between you and kiss him deeply. "Alright now thats all sorted lets order takeout and watch horror films all night" Stu says. He ruined the moment but you all couldnt care less. "Yes we havent done that in forever and you both owe me stu you owe me cuddles and food and you Billy owe me cuddles, kisses and a date" you say to them both. Stu opens his arms for a big cuddle and you dont hesitate to jump into them and tell him what you want to eat. You open your arms for Billy and he cuddles you too and you kiss him on the cheek "How about Friday i pick you up and take you somewhere special?" Billy asks. You smile and say "Yes" then you both share another kiss before settling back down on the couch and enjoying your night with your two favourite boys
A/n sorry if its rubbish. I just got back into writing I'll probably end up rewriting this at a later date
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OK. UM. first of all, hiiii! <3 ok lemme just gush a lil bit:
2. god, i don't even have the slightest idea of how tennis works, but this is just so????? like?????? you know. and i kinda get how the play goes?? YOU'RE AN AMAZING WRITER GOSH.
3. i actually remembered most of the characters?? considering there's a lot of em, this is practically a miracle. again, you're goddamn amazing. i dont know how. maybe the pace is great, but definitely THE CHARAS ALL HAVE PERSONALITY/DEPTH??? like, i actually even remembered the side charas!!! mike, thalia, diego, felix, that cool ass girl in that shooting game, etc. umh just perfecto.
4. THE TENNIS MATCHES ALL FEEL SO SATISFYING!!! <3333333 omg. i feel like WUOOOOOH u know. i feel so cool playing a cool talented mc omg im loving it (i play a i-win-everything type of mc becuz im a perfectionist with a fear of failure) the matches me on edge in my seat oh gosh <3 and when u win it somehow just go WOOOOOOOH again!!! AAAAAA<3
5. aw, and of course, my beloved rivals to lovers rayyan <3333 *sigh* the slowburn.... (hes actually my first & only one. i go: ohhh tension!?!? and make a run for it. um, if it's ok to ask, is there a lot of content in the romance area as of now or in the future? like, replayability in terms of romance? im sorry if this is rude, i didnt mean to, i suck at words & i wont ask that again.)
6. FOUND FAMILY YAY! FOUND FAMILY YAY! <33333 (we genuinely lack those in the if community pls.) soulmates w/ sam. ride or die diego. very reluctant ride or die G (imma be honest, his name is just so hard so my head for some reason just go Guacamole 😭). aww tobin u very big cinammon roll ill protect u. shenanigans. & others too many to name honestly.
7. help this is just so good i had to force myself to sleep at 3am for a 7am lecture and i sat in the front rows and i put my head on the table and the fricking professor called me out ohmygod- BUT IT WAS WORTH IT GODDAMN!! ILL DO IT AGAIN IF I HAVE TO! HA! i cant wait for the next update- i'm gonna have this fic in my head for the next week oh pls noooooo. (no pressure tho. u do u author! take ur time!!! ill be here to support u, whoo!)
8.ALL IN ALL, I LOVE IT I LOVE THIS I LOVE EVERYONE I LOVE YOU AUTHOR *runs over & hug you w/ consent* <333333333333
ok. um. that's not it but if i continue it's literally gonna be an essay so i'll stop.
author. i will die for this fic. ahaahahahah. if i may ask, what's ur fav IFs? (i really, really love this one so im kinda hoping maybe u have similar taste in IFs eheh. again, im sorry if this comes as rude or insensitive.) oh uh & if my long rambles bother u, i won't send it again sorry.
<333 okok. take care of urself, dont forget to eat healthy, drink water & good sleep. have a nice day :D
Wait. I think I might have missed replying to this I am so sorry!!! It gave me so so much joy. Maybe I subconsciously did not want it to leave my inbox haha.
1. And 2 -> THANK YOU!
3. Gosh this is such a great thing to hear. There are a looot of characters, and I definitely worry sometimes that it gets to be too much, but I think the IF is getting long enough for me to give enough-ish screentime to each character... though it takes me a while to cycle back to different side characters. I cant believe you remembered the cool ass girl in laser tag! :)
4. AWESOME to hear! 🥰
5. Yup, being a character driven IF, there will be a lot of romance (or friendship) beats / moments in the IF (which is already true now). The next couple of chapters will follow the same mix of sports, school and romance / hanging out, so you should already have a sense of how much romance there'll be (it'll just keep unfolding / developing for each of the RO routes!)
6. Hehe found family is my fave trope to insert in stories as well.
7. Hahaha aww oh no fictional college life is catching up to your real college life!!
8. HUG YOU BACK (with consent)!!🤗🤗
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i wish i had the energy and eloquence to fully and properly get into the family therapist mikey thing tbh it’s so hard to just. explain what i MEAN. 
(ftr i am an adult who does regularly touch grass. i understand interpretation and ymmv on characterization. i understand the catharsis of vent art and vent fic and projecting issues onto characters to process them. i don’t read through stuff i’ve found issues with and then seethe about it, i keep scrolling or hit the back button and find something else. 
i am still gonna talk about trends i’ve noticed and things that i don’t get or that rub me the wrong way. please don’t come into my posts about my personal thoughts and opinions to, however well-meaning or politely, judge me for expressing them. consider doing what i do and keep scrolling. i won’t engage with that. i would ask that no one else engages with that in replies or comments.
i also legit don’t Get tone indicators just ftr. they elude me.)
bc so much of the draxum moral realignment stuff was mikey being motivated largely by what mikey wanted. he wanted to see barry as family, he wanted barry to become part of the family, he wanted the story of their mutation to be less uh. objectively crummy.
now, mikey’s wants in that area served as a CATALYST for other development, him pursuing that (often very hamfistedly and despite many objections) wound up paving the way, but it was ultimately in the spirit of his personal desire. which ftr im not criticizing that’s very much part of the character.
he brought draxum to the big hidden city day out because it was a Family Event and he personally considered draxum family. splinter and draxum kinda coming to a truce, splinter reconciling that his mutation (despite the horrific trauma and long-lasting impact of it) was still what gave him his sons who he loves more than anything, that was all splinter and draxum. mikey’s action of bringing barry along was a catalyst, he was able to speak to his own feelings about it to splinter when it came up, but he wasn’t sitting there going “tell me how that makes you feel and we’ll talk through it” yknow?
and it’s the same with the dr feelings thing with donnie, which is arguably as close to Playing Therapist as mikey gets on screen. bc that was just a very Extra way of confronting donnie about the shelldon stuff. like. that was mikey inserting himself into the situation so he could give his personal opinion about how donnie was messing up, just with a sweater and a powerpoint. like. an intervention i guess. if donnie hadn’t gotten the picture from the slides he was probably all lined up for a dr delicate touch meeting.
which like, was also not being donnie’s therapist as much as a once again very hamfisted way of addressing something that mikey felt in the right about?
i’m wondering if maybe what i picture when i hear about a child having to play therapist for the family isn’t the same as what modern fandom means by saying it. because i picture like, what steven universe went through. which was practically singlehandedly, as a child, walk a bunch of adults through their own grief and insecurities and shortcomings with unending patience and support, to a point of pushing all his own needs and emotional issues aside.
where steven seemed convinced there were things that he wasn’t allowed to express or outright things he never got to learn to express, mikey is probably the most emotionally open and honest of all the brothers. he feels more outright sheltered. 
especially where his big brothers are concerned. the entire episode about his first solo mission he was chafing about being unnecessarily overprotected by raph. there’s a lot tied up in his relationship to raph if we take what the creators said about them growing apart as they’ve grown up into account. 
so i guess for me, in my understanding of the trauma of playing therapist at a young age, i can’t really reconcile what canon gives us with the idea of any of the other brothers or splinter (who is notably emotionally disconnected from his sons at series start) genuinely dropping their issues on his lap. 
but in that vein, for as much as he’s emotionally open and honest, i’m sure there are also insecurities and issues that mikey doesn’t express. or. that canon for some reason just decided to not dig into in any of the episodes that actually got made.
but ohhhhh that’s a whole separate can of worms.
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hi!! no need to reply since this does not pertain to writing or your stories (though there all SO GOOD!!) but i’ve been trying to get my account off the ground for a while now after loosing my old one (i had a following but i wasnt active for like a year before i lost it 🥸) if your willing to share any tips i’d appreciate it so much! if not that’s okay too! regardless you are so talented and i love your work! xx
hii!! aw omg you’re so sweet, thank you!!🫂
okay so this might sound completely pointless and annoying, but I have honest to god no idea how my account does so well, it’s a genuine shock to me as I never thought anyone would read my stuff
so im not able to say specifically what helps, as I have no idea how
- but for me, I think consistency, posting a good solid amount definitely helps. I went through a stage a while back where I wrote all the time so that helped (but don’t tire yourself)
- I think knowing your audience helps as well, like knowing what they like, if you have more of a fluff following and what they like specifically or if they’re more into smut, like what kind and how. also some writers are known for their angst while some are known for their headcanons. so I think maybe a specialty helps. I have more of a smut following, I have some feral bitches (I say with love) in my inbox, so i rarely get angst, (which is good bc im not good at it)
- this might sound utterly stupid, but I think have fun with it, post things bc you enjoy it and are proud of them, and hopefully that confidence will attract some attention etc
- make things clear and easy to see, idk if it’s just me, but if I can’t see clearly what it is im gonna be reading, I’ll probably won’t read it- so I think that helps
- broaden out who you write for, or be open to write for other people (if that suits you ofc) or a lot of the time, some writers have a decent following bc of one character who they write really well. like some are known for strictly writing one character and they do it so well, but also, some that write for a few and still do it really well. I guess it just depends on how comfortable you are with other characters (but don’t exert yourself)
- reblog and share other peoples stuff (feedback and stuff), and I feel like you get good karma from it, like you’re thanked for being so nice I guess
- be flexible (within reason) make sure it’s not too much for you
- might be corny as shit, but be yourself or if you’re not comfortable be what you want to be, and be how you wish to be interpreted
- also I think making sure you come across friendly helps make you more approachable and easier to talk to. I feel like a lot of the time people are scared to talk to mutuals (dw I am too) but making sure that it’s clear that you’re kind, definitely makes it easier
sorry if these are too much or not enough, or wrong😭 but hope these help!! if you anything else you can message me💌
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rozugold · 2 years
Hello friend!!
Apologies for the wait it took me to respond to you — I only just checked back in with my ao3 account and noticed your comment, and since you don’t have an account yourself I’m unsure if you’d see my reply. So here I am, plaguing your inbox with it instead! I do hope it isn’t a bother, haha.
I was really very happy to see your name again. Admittedly I’ve saved all the incredible artwork my fic received over the course of my writing it, but yours genuinely have a very special place in my heart as some of the first and last I ever received. I still recall opening my inbox and seeing the notification the first time; it was so surreal to me that people would draw anything based on my works. Your art of Tommy and Techno sitting back to back, as well as your art of the forest trio at the end, serve almost as mental book-ends for me; I return to them often just to admire it, and to remember how happy it all made me. I can hardly believe it’s been more than two years, goodness.
I was also shocked to hear you may be putting together a playlist—if you would be so kind, I would love to know what songs might be on it! At your leisure of course, and only if you feel like sharing it, the thought alone is more than enough <3 thank you kindly for all of your support, truly, and once again for your gorgeous art. The memories have gotten me through many a dark day.
- Que (WWHWI)
HELLOOO QUEEEE it’s so good to hear from you again :D!!!! And yeah I should really get on getting an account already, it would probably make things a lot more convenient. BUT account or not you’re always welcomed to plague my inbox :]
And waaa I’m happy that you still like the fanart I made! I’m glad it’s stuck with you as much as your writing has stuck with me. SPEAKING OF WRITING I forgot you had so much of it??? Once life settles down a bit im definitely gonna make my way through them, so don’t be surprised if you see my name in the comments later on eheheh
AND YES PLAYLIST!! OK if I’m gonna be honest, the reason I started making this is because of god of war sjshSJDHD Every time I get into new media it only gives me ideas for the old media I’m trying to escape /j Two years man, and still these blorbos live in my brain rent free
I’m gonna ramble about each song now >:D warning spoilers for if you hadn’t read the fic!
First is Cave by Cody Fry! I wanted an instrumental to start it off and a song to represent the explosion of Manburg; I think this song serves that purpose well!
Half-Mast by Branches is a song I use in my other dsmp related playlists to represent Doomsday but it works so well in this context
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^ this bit especially reminds me of Tommy and Wilbur ;;;;;
Casualty by Hidden Citizens & Tash is just absolutely perfect for Tommy. The scene of him screaming out in grief surrounded by the rubble that used to be his home- waaa it’s so good, both the song and scene
Sorrow by Sleeping at Last is for Tommy slowly learning how to live after the explosion (or at least learn how to function again :[ pobrecito..)
The Corner Dwellers by The Vocal Few is a Techno and Tommy song! It simply reminds me of them :’]
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To Forgive or to Kill by Bear McCreary was chosen mostly for the title and the fact that it was from the God of War soundtrack skdhdhdh Incase you’re unfamiliar with the game, this song plays during a scene where one of the main characters is debating on whether to forgive or kill another character but ultimately realizes that she can’t do either. So naturally I thought this song would be good for when Tommy saves Schlatt from Technoblade! I’d like to have more instrumentals in this playlist but we shall see,, I’m very picky when it comes to instrumentals skdjddj
Carnivore by Bear Attack! Ok I might replace this song with something else later since it reminds me of c!Tommy and c!Dream’s relationship more than Tommy and Schlatt’s from WWHWI. But it’s works for now! Something to represent their first argument chat after the whole getting locked up bit
Marble Floors by Vian Izak & Juniper Vale is here to sorta represent Tommy longing for his life before the explosion and when he still had Tubbo.
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^ also just,, this bit.. Ow
Drown by Seafret is for when Tommy gets blown up by the creeper. Just that scene where it starts off as a dream sequence then slowly twists until he’s suddenly shocked back into reality— GOSH it’s so good. And then the crisis he has afterwards when he bandages himself up, it’s probably my favorite scene. It’s so well done and makes me feel so much ;;;;;
Battling Life by The Dunwells is for Technoblade!! (And a little for Tommy too, now that I’m looking at the lyrics again) Gosh, the man gets injured but he doesn’t let that stop him from taking care of things and taking care of Tommy. You captured his perseverance and stubbornness perfectly :’]
Blood Upon the Snow by Hozier & Bear McCreary! Here I go, to shamelessly smoosh two of my interests together again skdhdj This song is also for Technoblade but more for his exhausted god-ness you characterize him with. (Atleast I think he’s a god in WWHWI? Or is he just a well known champion? Immortal? My memory sucks, I’ll have to find out when I reread it) This song is just super cool and reminded me of technoblade and is part of the reason why I started making this playlist skdjdjjd
Brother by Kodaline… what is there to say? They’re brothers :’’] BUT ALSO WHILE SKIMMING CHAPTER 15 EARLIER I FOUND THIS LINE: “"Stay here," he said to the man who'd long since become his family…” HELLO?? EXCuse me while I go sob
Sirens by Oliver Daldry, I may be wildly misinterpreting this song for this playlist but SCREW IT it reminds me of them okay
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This repeating lyric serves as a little nod to the fact that this is an au. How Techno, Tommy and Schlatt would have all been strangers in this world if certain circumstances didn’t lead them to eachother
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This bit reminds me of Schlatt @ Tommy, I don’t think he ever outright asks for forgiveness but in time they both find some peace with eachother.
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All three of them are so different from eachother but they still care for eachother :’]
The Cave by Mumford & Sons acts as a sort of summary of this story to me! I imagine the first verse is from Techno’s pov, the second is from Tommy’s, and the last is from Schlatt’s.
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This bit changes meaning depending on the pov. For Techno it’s him taking care of Tommy, ‘changing his ways’ yknow, or atleast adding the family role to his list of titles.
For Tommy it’d be him taking care of Techno, “finding strength in pain” and learning to move forward despite everything that’s happened
And for Schlatt it’s for him rushing out to help Tommy and Techno during the final battle. Man doesn’t even hesitate :’D
Gosh and just the line “I’ll know my name as it’s called again”. All three of them grew into people they never thought they’d be!! And despite a huge part of their lives is shaped from tragedy they’re okay in the end. It was far from easy but they’re okay. And that’s just so comforting yknow? This story is so comforting and beautiful and raw and I just love it with all my being ;;;;;
Wow that was long and a little all over the place lol!! I’m still working on this playlist as I go but that’s all I have so far :]
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quickdeaths · 10 months
name — Bryn
pronouns — She/Her.
preferred comms — Discord for sure! I'm on Discord basically all the time and I try to be pretty responsive to things. If you unlock the secret friendship tier, I will also bother you with memes/ship inspo/random conversation/etc. but even if you don't want that, it's got a big window and a search bar so it is infinitely better for plotting than anything else. That said, I do tumblr IMs too, if necessary.
name of muse — quickdeaths.tumblr.com/muses there's a lot of them take your pick
experience in RP — I started out 17-18 years ago on the forums for a D&D webcomic. Eventually I checked out of that scene, bounced around LiveJournal, had a cup of coffee in Gaia Online, and then came to Tumblr around 2012ish. Was pretty off-and-on here until 2015, and I've been part of the furniture here ever since. I've done a few things on Discord and through Google Docs since, but I think for better or worse, I'm just Here Now.
best experiences — Meeting my girlfriend will always be #1! We met here on tumblr and even though she doesn't RP as much anymore, I'm always going to be thankful for the things we wrote, and how RPing together helped us become friends, and then girlfriends. After that, all the things I've done with people that were long-term and plotted, with mutual investment. I've been doing this long enough now that even people who've left or who I fell out with, I still have a lot of fondness for those stories, as well as the long-term stories I'm doing now.
pet peeves / dealbreakers — The number one ultimate pet peeve for me is people dropping threads without personally notifying their partners. Not everyone lurks on dash, and it's easy to miss posts, and when people say things like 'gonna drop some of my drafts,' it's easy to feel like you've been put in a limbo state. Hiatuses are one thing but dropped threads like that just drive me crazy. Super long wait times on replies (I'm talking like, consistently 2-3 months or more) are rough for me too. Lack of communication as well, especially when it comes to choosing a muse(s) to write with.
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — Angst > fluff > smut for me. I'm an angsty bitch and I love the drama. I like drilling down into character flaws and weaknesses and forcing them to Go Through It and confront things they don't super want to confront, so I'll probably never get tired of writing angsty stuff. I like fluffy stuff too, but a bit more sparingly just because sometimes I think it can get a little circular. Smut... to be honest, I'm not against writing it if a plot calls for it and it makes sense for characters but I've had a handful of rough experiences in the past with people, and it's an area where I'm not very confident as a writer. You will never see a spicy sideblog from me though, I will simply put it on dash like a shameless heathen.
plot or memes — plots plots plots. Honestly, I would never do memes at all if it weren't The Culture here on tumblr. I never know who to send for, or from, when it comes to multimuses, I worry that the ideas aren't interesting and can't sustain long replies, and they don't usually inspire me. Plotting is great because you can figure out a dynamic, whether there's any preexisting knowledge, maybe a general direction you want things to go, etc. Almost everything I've loved doing has come from plots, but I'll still be offering both forever.
long or short replies — have you seen my blog i should be locked up and the key thrown away. I have lost the ability to write a reply under 5 paragraphs and with Certain People Who Know Who They Are I get up to like 8, 10, 12, occasionally some deeply unhinged 33 paragraph drabbles. I don't even have a good excuse really, it's just what feels comfortable for me to write. It lets me do all the inner world stuff that I use to round out my characters in a scene and contextualize them, while still (hopefully) having enough action and dialogue to respond to.
best time to write — It depends. Late afternoon/early evening is probably best, but later evening is fine too. Sometimes I will start a Particularly Ambitious Reply late late late and get too tired to finish it, and then finish it when I get up in the morning, and that seems to work for me too.
are you like your muse — Not really, I don't think? Although I guess that's for other people to judge. I try to give all my muses traits that I can relate to on some level, or at least one thing that feels connective between us, but I honestly think I'm too boring to be a very good RP character. I think Rio is probably the character I'm most similar to, but even then, I think it's more superficial similarities like hobbies than much else.
Tagged by: @more-than-a-princess Tagging: i will fill this in later, if you are seeing this post then i forgot to fill it in and that means it is a runabout, you can steal it, no one will ever know
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