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calumaai · 1 year ago
Retroactive WWHWI - Jazzelle Intervention
What is the subject or area that you intend to investigate? What is the precise question that you will be addressing?
Whilst my question was “How can queer digital spaces become safe locations of fugitive coalition building and knowledge sharing to serve a wider range of marginalised identities?” I knew I wanted to change my questions and the intervention was in part to inform that change.  
Jazzelle is an early success story within current digital conceptions, having used their image and markedly queer style to create a career in fashion and the arts. Jazzelle has gained notoriety and commercial success sharing their artwork and identity digitally across large user networks, which lead me to want to discuss the concept of Queer Digital Spaces and how they saw digital interactions. 
Why was this research of value to you - and the world?
I believe that marginalized people with large digital networks (influencers) can be seen as alternative pedagogues of the digital, dispersing theory and praxis through their art and lives in real time without media intervention, silencing or co-option. Whilst lots of my research looks into how platforms coopt the social engagement that is fueled by these interactions and sharing, the individual act of sharing between creator and audience does fall within pedagogical theory, whilst the larger environment is still oppressive. 
Investigating this body of knowledge, which is often looked over due to its location of being digital and from a marginalized source, will be of value as it will uncover new knowledge. I hope to be able to form stronger research questions by discussing with experts, which I can use to excavate these unknown digital territories and networks further. 
How will you accomplish your intervention in practical terms? What will be your methodology, management strategy, and schedule?
This intervention took a lot of scheduling to make happen, due to Jazzelles schedule. It was rescheduled 3 times in 3 different countries before we managed to meet in London. It ended up being in the evening at a bar, although i was not drinking. 
My methodology was to first bring the main themes of my research to jazzelle in form of an interview/conversation. I tried not to lead jazzelle too much in how i phrased the questions however due to the nature of the conversation and Jazzelles reluctance to discuss before we met i feel my research was quite prevalent within the framing of the conversation. After 45 minutes of discussion i asked jazzelle to draw their image, which we then reflected on, looking for ways they had visualized parts of our conversation through the drawing. 
Overall, i think i need to obscure my research a little to stop leading the conversation down roads of current knowledge. I got concerned with trying to prove my research had value, rather then using it as a jumping off point to discuss new thoughts. 
What are the positive implications and potential if you achieve this mastery? How will this position you (and your stakeholders) at the end of the course?
I believe that there were many positive outcomes to the intervention, it helped me get unstuck from my research, and understand that impact digital networks from someone who has mastered them. I also believe that Jazzelle took away some positive moments from the conversation, getting to see their work and life online in a new way. The progression from open sharing to a more closed off and private take on their network is indicative of a more guarded and nuanced understanding of our interactions with the digital landscape. I hope that this intervention is the first step in uncovering a deep knowing and conscientization of 
our digital seles and what being online really means.
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rozugold · 2 years ago
Hello friend!!
Apologies for the wait it took me to respond to you — I only just checked back in with my ao3 account and noticed your comment, and since you don’t have an account yourself I’m unsure if you’d see my reply. So here I am, plaguing your inbox with it instead! I do hope it isn’t a bother, haha.
I was really very happy to see your name again. Admittedly I’ve saved all the incredible artwork my fic received over the course of my writing it, but yours genuinely have a very special place in my heart as some of the first and last I ever received. I still recall opening my inbox and seeing the notification the first time; it was so surreal to me that people would draw anything based on my works. Your art of Tommy and Techno sitting back to back, as well as your art of the forest trio at the end, serve almost as mental book-ends for me; I return to them often just to admire it, and to remember how happy it all made me. I can hardly believe it’s been more than two years, goodness.
I was also shocked to hear you may be putting together a playlist—if you would be so kind, I would love to know what songs might be on it! At your leisure of course, and only if you feel like sharing it, the thought alone is more than enough <3 thank you kindly for all of your support, truly, and once again for your gorgeous art. The memories have gotten me through many a dark day.
- Que (WWHWI)
HELLOOO QUEEEE it’s so good to hear from you again :D!!!! And yeah I should really get on getting an account already, it would probably make things a lot more convenient. BUT account or not you’re always welcomed to plague my inbox :]
And waaa I’m happy that you still like the fanart I made! I’m glad it’s stuck with you as much as your writing has stuck with me. SPEAKING OF WRITING I forgot you had so much of it??? Once life settles down a bit im definitely gonna make my way through them, so don’t be surprised if you see my name in the comments later on eheheh
AND YES PLAYLIST!! OK if I’m gonna be honest, the reason I started making this is because of god of war sjshSJDHD Every time I get into new media it only gives me ideas for the old media I’m trying to escape /j Two years man, and still these blorbos live in my brain rent free
I’m gonna ramble about each song now >:D warning spoilers for if you hadn’t read the fic!
First is Cave by Cody Fry! I wanted an instrumental to start it off and a song to represent the explosion of Manburg; I think this song serves that purpose well!
Half-Mast by Branches is a song I use in my other dsmp related playlists to represent Doomsday but it works so well in this context
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^ this bit especially reminds me of Tommy and Wilbur ;;;;;
Casualty by Hidden Citizens & Tash is just absolutely perfect for Tommy. The scene of him screaming out in grief surrounded by the rubble that used to be his home- waaa it’s so good, both the song and scene
Sorrow by Sleeping at Last is for Tommy slowly learning how to live after the explosion (or at least learn how to function again :[ pobrecito..)
The Corner Dwellers by The Vocal Few is a Techno and Tommy song! It simply reminds me of them :’]
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To Forgive or to Kill by Bear McCreary was chosen mostly for the title and the fact that it was from the God of War soundtrack skdhdhdh Incase you’re unfamiliar with the game, this song plays during a scene where one of the main characters is debating on whether to forgive or kill another character but ultimately realizes that she can’t do either. So naturally I thought this song would be good for when Tommy saves Schlatt from Technoblade! I’d like to have more instrumentals in this playlist but we shall see,, I’m very picky when it comes to instrumentals skdjddj
Carnivore by Bear Attack! Ok I might replace this song with something else later since it reminds me of c!Tommy and c!Dream’s relationship more than Tommy and Schlatt’s from WWHWI. But it’s works for now! Something to represent their first argument chat after the whole getting locked up bit
Marble Floors by Vian Izak & Juniper Vale is here to sorta represent Tommy longing for his life before the explosion and when he still had Tubbo.
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^ also just,, this bit.. Ow
Drown by Seafret is for when Tommy gets blown up by the creeper. Just that scene where it starts off as a dream sequence then slowly twists until he’s suddenly shocked back into reality— GOSH it’s so good. And then the crisis he has afterwards when he bandages himself up, it’s probably my favorite scene. It’s so well done and makes me feel so much ;;;;;
Battling Life by The Dunwells is for Technoblade!! (And a little for Tommy too, now that I’m looking at the lyrics again) Gosh, the man gets injured but he doesn’t let that stop him from taking care of things and taking care of Tommy. You captured his perseverance and stubbornness perfectly :’]
Blood Upon the Snow by Hozier & Bear McCreary! Here I go, to shamelessly smoosh two of my interests together again skdhdj This song is also for Technoblade but more for his exhausted god-ness you characterize him with. (Atleast I think he’s a god in WWHWI? Or is he just a well known champion? Immortal? My memory sucks, I’ll have to find out when I reread it) This song is just super cool and reminded me of technoblade and is part of the reason why I started making this playlist skdjdjjd
Brother by Kodaline… what is there to say? They’re brothers :’’] BUT ALSO WHILE SKIMMING CHAPTER 15 EARLIER I FOUND THIS LINE: “"Stay here," he said to the man who'd long since become his family…” HELLO?? EXCuse me while I go sob
Sirens by Oliver Daldry, I may be wildly misinterpreting this song for this playlist but SCREW IT it reminds me of them okay
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This repeating lyric serves as a little nod to the fact that this is an au. How Techno, Tommy and Schlatt would have all been strangers in this world if certain circumstances didn’t lead them to eachother
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This bit reminds me of Schlatt @ Tommy, I don’t think he ever outright asks for forgiveness but in time they both find some peace with eachother.
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All three of them are so different from eachother but they still care for eachother :’]
The Cave by Mumford & Sons acts as a sort of summary of this story to me! I imagine the first verse is from Techno’s pov, the second is from Tommy’s, and the last is from Schlatt’s.
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This bit changes meaning depending on the pov. For Techno it’s him taking care of Tommy, ‘changing his ways’ yknow, or atleast adding the family role to his list of titles.
For Tommy it’d be him taking care of Techno, “finding strength in pain” and learning to move forward despite everything that’s happened
And for Schlatt it’s for him rushing out to help Tommy and Techno during the final battle. Man doesn’t even hesitate :’D
Gosh and just the line “I’ll know my name as it’s called again”. All three of them grew into people they never thought they’d be!! And despite a huge part of their lives is shaped from tragedy they’re okay in the end. It was far from easy but they’re okay. And that’s just so comforting yknow? This story is so comforting and beautiful and raw and I just love it with all my being ;;;;;
Wow that was long and a little all over the place lol!! I’m still working on this playlist as I go but that’s all I have so far :]
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galaghiel · 3 years ago
Hi there! My name is Que — I'm the author of WWHWI <3 I just wanted to pop in to your ask box to thank you. I noticed you don't actually have an ao3 account, so I can't be certain if I've been able to communicate my gratitude, haha. The art you did of the scene between Tommy and Schlatt (chapter nine, I believe?) was almost plucked directly from my brain, and I think about it all the time <3 Thank you kindly for your support! :D
HI HELLO OP HI QUE!!! Omg thank you so much aaaaaaaaaaa i love your fic so much op its one of the fanarts that i'm most proud of so i'm very happy that you like it :DDD
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rozugold · 3 years ago
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A little thing for the fic ‘What World Have We Inherited?’ finale!! It was an amazing journey o7
(First piece I made for this, almost a year ago ;;)
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rozugold · 4 years ago
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We can never have nice things here
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rozugold · 4 years ago
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Some happy moments from the most recent chapter of What World Have We Inherited?
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rozugold · 4 years ago
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Here’s a thingy based off a fic called “What World Have We Inherited?”
An AU where Wilbur succeeded in blowing up L’manburg during the festival, leaving no survivors other than Tommy and Technoblade...
(It’s really well written but very angsty so if that’s your taste I definitely recommend it ;;)
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rozugold · 3 years ago
Just out of curiosity, my friend, what's your favorite scene from your protégé Tommy AU so far? Something you'd like to see in writing, maybe. Theoretically. *Ahem*. For no reason in particular. (Also, your protégé Tommy and WWHWI Tommy can form a shaky hands, bandaged arms club! :D haha!) - Que, WWHWI
Phewww I am composed, I am a normal person. Anyways to answer your question it has to be the Tommy and Tubbo scene leading up to their hug and Tommy’s breakdown. (Because I’m a sucker for characters who bottle up their feelings until it spills out in the safety of warm arms)
I’ve probably said this before but Tommy was absolutely terrified in this scene. He’s desperately holding on to the anger of being betrayed to use as strength to steady his hands. But his anger is embers to a dying flame, being drowned out by the horrifying prospect of killing his best friend. And then Tubbo hugs him, the first time he’s been held in months. Tubbo reassures him and welcomes death with open arms (as long as it’s Tommy) For Tubbo to put his trust in Tommy despite what he’s become and what he was about to do just breaks what little composure he had. I don’t know how well I portrayed it in the comic but Tommy absolutely just wails after he drops the sword. His feelings are a mix of shame and relief as he rambles out apologies and just clings to Tubbo’s warmth after feeling cold for so long. (Until he’s cruelly ripped away from it once more)
Sksjshsj I’m not a writer but you can tell I had many thoughts about that scene :’D
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rozugold · 3 years ago
Hello friend! You may want to check out ao3. Specifically for something by the name "Necessary Sacrifices", since Tumblr won't allow me to send you links. It may help to add your name to the search bar, but please let me know if you can't find it <3 — Que (WWHWI)
Aaaaaaaaaa im gonna plop it here if it’s alright!
Im in shambles hhhh but also the line “Dream poked his head — and one arm — around the corner” made me snicker out loud sljddjk
I just ahhdkdjdk your writing style is so good and I kept getting lost in the feels of everything and the way you expanded on their dialogue (And the way Dream’s bravado and extraness is described made me really happy skdjdk he’s such a jerk) And also!! The hug part made me 🥺!!! out loud!! Like aahhgg my heartttt!! That’s exactly how I imagined it in word form hdjhddk it’s so cool!! ALSO the brief scene of what happened after Dream intervined Tommy’s attempt HURTED!!! I welcome that bit as canon to this au because it destroyed me hhhh Thank you Que, im gonna gently hold this and cherish it forever ;;;;;
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rozugold · 3 years ago
Hey there! Um, so this may be a bit strange, and forgive me if it is. But I'm the author of WWHWI, Que, and I just wanted to send you an ask here because I noticed you don't have an ao3 account. I wanted to thank you sincerely for all of the absolutely gorgeous art that you've sent to me — it always absolutely made my day to see it, and I'm blown away by your art style <3 Thank you kindly for your support! :D
AAA HIII!! Thank you for writing such an amazing story!! Im glad you like my art :D!!
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