#im totally normal about grantaire
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hanhwrites · 10 months ago
I need him to know
Later edit cuz I was tired when I wrote this: Kyle Adams plays Grantaire exactly how I imagined him in the brick and listening to the songs. He's that good
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crow-collective · 1 year ago
Being a whore for symbolism the idea that “the cynic and the idealist will be the last to die, and when they do, at the same time, they will be holding hands" (les amis/les mis) makes me want to throw up. The idealist (Enjolras) convinced that he has just killed a group of boys for nothing. The people did not rise and he has failed. Yet the cynic (Grantaire) who had never believed that the revolution would succeed followed the idealist into death anyways. The cynic shows the idealist that he did not fail. The cynic is the idealists hope. The cynic knows they are doomed from the start but he follows the idealist not because he known they will win but they believe it is worth it. The cynics life is worth the idealist dream. They (Enjolras and Grantaire) die united, holding hands because they did not lose. The cynic showed the idealist that the fight was not in vain. He (the cynic) believes and so will others. The idealist showed the cynic that although they were doomed they did not lose. They die with hope, power, and a smile. They die together because without the other they would be nothing. Together they are everything. They are the revolution.
(not proofread at all)
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hazardsoflove · 3 years ago
grantaire is such a special character to Me
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grantwilson · 2 years ago
two emojis means two random tangents
when i was in ninth grade i had a history teacher named mr klein. he was a big fan of showing us movies instead of actually teaching. one such film was les miserables, starring liam neeson and uma thurman. around this time there was a new version of the same story being made, this one starring hugh jackman and anne hathaway. for some reason i decided to go see it. from there i found and joined the surprisingly active les mis fandom. i got into other musicals (mainly well-known ones like wicked/rent/phantom of the opera, but i also liked next to normal and catch me if you can because of aaron tveit, who played enjolras in les mis, gabe in n2n, and the main guy in cmiyc. frank abagnale jr? im almost positive that's his name) but les mis has a special place in my heart. i've decided that instead of two topics, im just gonna keep talking about les mis for a while. so the main reason why so many young people (such as tiny baby 14 year old me) like it so much is. well ok the main reason is bc it's very good. the other big reason is les amis de l'abc (enjolras, grantaire, combeferre, courfeyrac, jean "jehan" prouvaire, joly, bossuet/l'aigle/lesgles, bahorel, and feuilly. marius gets included sometimes but he doesnt count). are they minor characters? yes. are they prettyboys? yes. and enjolras and grantaire are like, not canon in the sense of "they are explicitly in a relationship in the book or its adaptations", but it was 18something and victor hugo couldnt just tell us that these dudes were in love. what he could do was compare them to achilles/patroclus and orestes/pylades, "you believe in nothing" "i believe in you", they DIED HOLDING HANDS, etc. also im almost positive that he literally says that grantaire loved enjolras, at least. the other amis are all queer as well but especially enjolras and grantaire. i have like 6 different versions of that book. i should read one again. that sounds like a great idea and i bet i would be totally normal. if you've read all of this i am platonically kissing you on the mouth
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cumbercookiebatchs · 4 years ago
Les Amis Talk About Their Least Favorite Foods | Amis Talk
Uploaded May 05, 2019
Everyone else: I don’t like this food because I once had a bad experience with it.
Courfeyrac: Broccoli reminds me of a toilet brush and I refuse to engage with it.
Cosette: I’m vegetarian so I generally keep an open mind about new foods.
Also Cosette: Here’s an alphabetized list of every single food that I hate and why.
Feully is the only one in this video that deserves rights
I’ve never seen so many fully grown adults get upset over BROCCOLI
Grantaire Makes Brownies | Les Amis De L'ABC
Walk me through this: On try week Enjolras sung R's favorite song and now Grantaire is making brownies, Enjolras' favorite dessert. And you expect me to believe they’re not in love?! IM DUMB NOT BLIND
“Anyone who doesn’t like brownies is a monster” okay wow I feel attacked
OMG I'm living for Eponine going off on Montparnasse in the background, we love to see it
Listen I’m not saying that Grantaire made this brownies specifically for Enjolras but… no wait that’s exactly what I’m saying
Grantaire: “Today I’m going to be making brownies”
Enjolras: “Oh my sweet lord”
It’s a crime that we didn’t get to see Enjolras react to this immaculate creation
We Show You Our Favorite Room in Our Homes | Les Amis De L'ABC (From Home)
Everyone else’s home: Normal, sleek, clean. Jehan’s home: Has 11 potted plants everywhere.
Someone please stop me I just spent twenty minutes crying bc Courf and Ferre and Enj live together
Okay why does everyone have such fancy houses when they live in Paris???
Unpopular opinion: Feuilly is by far the most relatable one
I totally didn’t cry when I realized this means Enjolras and Grantaire don’t live together. Yup. Totally. Didn’t cry AT ALL
Why is Cosette the most regal looking creature of all time?
Combeferre getting excited over his book collection is so cute OMG I love him so FUCKING much
1 Like = 1 investigator to know who tf is behind Joly's camera
Grantaire speaking italian gets me going like nothing else can
Shout out to Eponine for having a junk drawer like any other regular person
(Les Amis are youtubers AU)
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probably-enjolras · 6 years ago
Hey so I know you used to do lots of headcanons for people and this is really specific and you can totally just ignore it but I was wondering if you could write some Enjolras headcanons with Enjolras having progressive hearing loss (also he's trans cos that's practically canon at this point). Thanks ~
i’m sorry this took a while to answer, i’ve a) been very sick and b) just finished the semester and had like 4 finals in one week WHILE sick so that was fun. i’m still sick but i REALLY wanted to write something les mis related and this will be a wonderful warm up
BEFORE I START: I am not d/Deaf/HoH in any way, though i do have some friends who are and i studied d/Deaf/HoH culture while in my ASL class so all my information about this topic comes from them. Please PLEASE P L E A S E correct me if i get anything wrong, i know how it feels when people misrepresent what i go through (im chronically ill and disabled) and i would never want to hurt anyone through my writing. I did some research on progressive hearing loss when writing this, so i hope i do it justice.
(also i kept the “sign language” vague because i only know american sign language and while i know it’s similar to french sign language because that’s where it stems from, i’m not confident enough to say ‘french sign language’ instead so now this headcanon can be applied to both the us and france)
Enjolras started to lose his hearing when he was around 10 years old. At first, he didn’t realize what was happening. He noticed he was starting to struggle discerning specific words in conversation with his friends, and his teachers were getting frustrated with him when he didn’t realize he was being called on. 
He started to lip read unconsciously to help but it wasn’t until Enjolras couldn’t hear the bell to dismiss class, which used to be so loud he would get spooked if he was concentrating, that he realized he needed to get his hearing checked. When going to the doctor, it was determined that he was having bilateral hearing loss with no specific cause as to why. Enjolras got fitted for hearing aids soon after. 
Combeferre and Courfeyrac did their own research into what they should do to help, and started learning to tap on Enjolras’ shoulder to get his attention, and to slow down their speech. Once they meet the rest of the Amis, they teach the others what to do.
Joly and Enjolras bond quickly when they meet, mostly joking about the little things completely abled people do, with Joly talking about experiences with his cane and Enjolras bringing up stories of times people didn’t realize he’s HoH.
Grantaire changes his normal arguing style, because he and Enjolras still get into debates, but he’s much more clear in the way he talks and makes sure to keep his head up so Enjolras can see how his lips are moving when he talks. Though, with those two it’s not difficult to keep their eyes on each other. 
Enjolras has a lot of dysphoria around his body, but sometimes he gets nervous about his voice because he doesn’t know exactly how it sounds to other people and he gets worried it sounds more feminine than he can hear. 
Enjolras works hard to get sign language interpreters to rallies and protests, and advocates for closed captioning and interpreters in schools, as well as offering sign language classes in schools
He also takes out his hearing aids sometimes when he really just doesn’t want to deal with anyone. courf thinks it’s hilarious (my friend does this to me sometimes, if he thinks im rambling too much, he literally just takes his hearing aids out)
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grammaticalmustaches · 8 years ago
1, 2, and/or 6?
Aaahhh thank you so much for this!!
For reference the ask meme was ‘send me a number and pairing to write a fic about.’ the pairing in all of these is found family bc i know what im about and u didnt specify fandom so i picked les mis, taz, and voltron.
Sorry this is so long
1) things you said at 1 am
How’s art? Eponine’s message reads. She sent it earlier that day when he was busy moving in. He knows she’s asking ‘how’s college’ but Grantaire doesn’t know yet. So far it’s just an empty dorm room.
He has to send a reply. Keep it casual but still let her know how things are. Gross as ever, he types.
His hand hovers over send. He looks at the digital clock in the corner of his phone. 12:59. It blinks. 1:00 AM.
He erases the message and goes to bed.
How’s art? Eponine’s message reads.
Grantaire looks around his dorm room. It’s still empty. He threw his bags in the closet and never unpacked them. He hasn’t even bought any books or art supplies yet. He doesn’t feel like he’s moved in yet, like he’s really started this ‘adventure.’
I’m don’t know if this is right for me, he types.
His hand hovers over send. His clock blinks 1:00 AM.
He erases the message and goes to bed.
How’s art? Eponine’s message reads. Grantaire’s thumb brushes over the message.
He wants to reply. He keeps meaning to reply, but it’s complicated.
It’s not that complicated. Gavroche doesn’t need anymore him and Ep is getting bored of him. Neither has said it but he could hear it in their voices the last time they spoke. They’re the only two people really in his life and they both have one foot out the door.
It’s lonely, he types.
His clock blinks 1:00 AM.
He erases the message and goes to bed.
How’s art? Eponine’s message reads.
I wouldn’t know, all I do is sleep, Grantaire types. His grip on the phone is too loose and it falls from his hands. He looks at it lying there on his bed, screen still lit up. He doesn’t have the energy to pick it back up. All he can do is stare at it until the screen turns black.
Finally, finally, he moves his arm and picks his phone back up. He turns it on. The clock blinks 1:00 AM.
He erases the message and goes to bed.
How’s art? Eponine’s message reads. It’s from a week ago. He can’t respond now it’s been too long. She hasn’t sent any more, meaning she hates him for not responding and has found new friends who actually answer her texts like normal human beings.
No. That’s, that’s just not true. Eponine cares about him. Grantaire looks up from his phone. Somehow he met a triad whose humor aligns perfectly with his and one of them, Joly, insisted they come over and help him unpack so he could finally feel at home. His dorm doesn’t look as empty any more. Some of his artwork is hanging on the walls and Musichetta is laughing at something Joly said while hiding in his closet. He doesn’t know why.
It’s growing on me, he types.
He looks at the digital clock in the corner of his phone. 12:59.  It blinks. 1:00 AM.
“You good?” Bossuest asks when he spots Grantaire checking his phone.
“Yeah,” he replies. He hits send. “Just don’t want to sleep.”
2) things you said through your teeth
“Say it,” she says.
“Never,” he says.
“Say it!” she demands, voice raising in pitch.
“You’ll never get me to say it!” he shouts back.
“I’ll tell Cap’nport who really turned all our food into key lime yogurt,” she says.
Taako bares his teeth the way the animals taught him. “Lup has better hair than me,” he grits out.
3) things you said under the stars and in the grass
“You know you don’t have to be, like, a superhuman, right?” Keith says standing awkwardly in front of Pidge’s work bench.
“Well it’s not like I can just be human,” Pidge says.
“No you really can,” Keith replies.
“In this economy?” she jokes and Keith’s lips quirk up in a smile.
“Go to bed, your robots will still be there tomorrow,” he says.
“Sure,” she says, “but the world might not. This job is bigger than me, I can’t just stop.”
“You’re so tiny!” Lance jokes, poking her in the side. She pokes him back with a screwdriver. He grunts in pain, then says, “Like a ferocious little kitty.”
“Why are you messing with me?” Pidge growls.
Lance drapes himself over her workbench. She pokes at him with her screwdriver again but he pretends not to notice. “You’re too tiny to work this hard,” he says. “You need to sleep so you can grow big and strong like me.”
“I’m not small,” she says, “And I don’t need to take a break.”
“We have a bit of time to relax, why don’t we spend the day together? Just us girls,” Allura says. Allura saying work needs to stop is enough to make Pidge look up from her project. Allura’s got bag under her eyes large enough to connect with her cheekbone stripes and she’s wearing her dress like she dares the universe to make her to change back into her battle suit.
“Yeah, you could use a break,” Pidge says.
Allura scowls at her and says “We could both use a break.”
“I’m not done yet,” Pidge says. “There’s too much left to do.”
“Doesn’t it ever get to you?” Hunk says. He’s been leaning on her workbench philosophizing for half an hour now. Pidge would much rather he got back to building with her. “I mean, the universe is just, so huge, and we’re just specks.”
“I never feel like a speck,” Pidge says. If anything she feels too big, stretched out. She considers telling Hunk this but doesn’t want to encourage his melancholy.
“I think you’re pushing yourself too hard,” Shiro says, standing in front of her workbench. She keeps working. “I’m worried about you.”
“There are less than ten people working to protect the entire universe from total domination,” Pidge replies. “I don’t think I’m pushing myself hard enough.”
“You’re just one person, you know,” Shiro says, “And people need breaks.”
“I’m not just one person,” Pidge says. “I’m me and everything I invent.”
“We made it,” Matt says.
Pidge closes her eyes and smiles. She feels a tear slipping out of her left eye and it makes her feel vulnerable and out of control so she squeezes Matt’s hand. He squeezes back and when Pidge opens her eyes she can still make out the stars above them and the grass around them through her blurry eyes. She looks up at the whole universe, lying safe on her own planet.
“I finally feel small,” she says.
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crow-collective · 1 year ago
rip grantaire you would have loved take me to church buy hoizer
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