#im tired XD
bakawitch · 5 months
Au, where on a journey to visit Atem, the Yu-gang and Ryou somehow end up in the shadow realm. They get rounded up by a furious Zorc who goes on about a monologue featuring the horrible acts of atrocities he's going to commit against them until he's suddenly interrupted by a very angry tkb.
They get into an argument that gives the Yu-gang enough of a leeway to make an escape back into the shadows. After some time, tkb finds them and explains that due to a technicality, he was able to take some power away from Zorc and make it his own because he went to Hathor and he was able to get his and Zorc's deal recognised as a marriage contract. Hathor overwrote the terms a little, and basically, as long as tkb stays "married" to Zorc, he is considered a minor deity, and Zorc can not raise a harming hand against him. After a brief discussion, he helps them get back to the duat.
Stuff happens, it turns out that Atem isn't in the afterlife and Yugi freaks out. They get back to the world of the living, and Ryou recruits tkb to help them find the pharaoh in exchange for his worship.
Did I mention that this is a gravityshipping au, and Zorc gets cucked? XD
Malik eventually enters the picture, and he is basically the catalyst that kicks off the relationship. There's also a thing where tkb can't really leave the shadow realm, so they have to get creative with their dates.
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yueiyun · 5 months
DH sitting on my shoulder: Go to class today.
DF perching on the other, whispering in my ear: God is dead, yet you cling to false idols. Why yearn for His grace when none but yourself can give it?
DH: What.
DF: smacks him with his tail.
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Well, that's not nice.
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Now I'm even more confused...
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thedeafprophet · 1 year
-Play Fallen London -Post about it on a blog -Mr Fires -????? -Profit
Mr Fires let me hit because I Profit
or somethin. i dont know
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frozenhi-chews · 6 months
Right now I'm mentally flopped on top of a snoozing Starlo. Feeling how he breathes and gently tracing shapes into his arm and shoulders. I wanna listen to his heartbeat and breathing so bad-
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hacked-by-jake · 2 years
Hey Ho
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synchronisticism · 1 month
I'm Junieee welcome to my BLOGUE :DDD (yes that is my sona down there loll)
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Soo I use other gen tags too like (*religion, *politics, *sports, *game, *TVshow, *hobby, etc) the asteresques meaning i will use the name OF said thingy if its relevant
Forgot to mention i use (lalalala + *subject) for my text posts and (junie channel + *subject) for my video posts but i almost never video so :b
I tag for stuff i think is NSFW (but not pr0n) & or violent with (cw violence, cw suggestive). Stuff thats triggering I use (tw SA, tw ____phobia, tw racism, tw abuse, etc) but its only tell, never show ( - -)7
Also I put artists screennames in reblogs. Hope that drives traffic back 2 them IDK
I have OCs and talk abt them alot (my icon is actually art of one from my old blogue. His name is Kreyden :3)
Send me an ask if you need sumthing it's nbd
Yes that means art or writing or drafting or photography or NFT or W/E i won't be using it & I dont trust you if you do >:/
Thanks for reading if anything is hard to see lmk!!! <33333 IMMA GO TUMBLE NOW.
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kayit-z · 4 months
Another deathduo x solangelo drawing bc I LOVE it (gracias joly, beso tu cerebro)
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* EXTRA, not deathduo but a idea that a got:
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Little explanation about this drawing:
Notes: q!missa and q!spreen are canonically brothers (younger and older). They were living together with q!roier, he and missa wanted to open a taqueria
Basically, on the very fists days of the qsmp, spreen killed missa's cat, roier and roier's dog, because devil rubius dared him to. When roier told missa about it, he said that spreen could never do that and that it was roier's fault their home was falling apart. They had a fight, which ended with missa leaving him alone.
It happened before the egg adoption arc and never got a conclusion :(
I feel like not a lot of people outside de Hispanic community know about the lore between roier, rubius, spreen, quackity and missa (la traición del taco/the taco's betrayal (??)) That's why I felt the urge to explain it
Also! There's this amazing animation with eng subs that portraits it perfectly *chef kiss*
I know it's not identical to the pjo scene but missa and roier's fight gave me almost the same energy
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mayvora · 1 month
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something something I win
mumbo with the wings here
and false here
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ywpd-translations · 25 days
Ride 786: Acceleration at full throttle!!
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Pag 1
2: Now
3: Do I go?
4: Soon
How's your condition, Manami?
Mhh, if I had to say
5: I'm in perfect condition
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Pag 2
1: Hakogaku's Manami went ahead for the first day's mountain!!
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Pag 3
1: Seriously!? What's with that speed!?
He took advantage of the right curve where the group was stretched out!!
He accelerated in an instant!!
2: He's really gonna climb!? The Sky Prince!?
Does gravity not work on him only!?
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Pag 4
1: Soo
That guy is so fast!
Waa is he so light!?
2: reeee
3: He suddenly got away!! Dammit!! Chase him!! Go!!
No, there's no one who'll be able to chase after him!!
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Pag 5
3: Except for the Mountain King!!
4: Hakogaku number 13 jumped ahead, teh!!
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Pag 6
1: I'm going to accelerate at full throttle!!
2: Onoda!!
3: Onoda-san!!
4: Onoda-san!!
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Pag 7
1: Onoda-san's cadence is going up!!
5: Onoda-kun!!
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Pag 8
1: Go with all your might!! Will-power injection!!
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Pag 9
1: Okay!! Thank you, Naruko-kun!!
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Pag 10
1: I'm going!!
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Pag 11
1: Aaaaaaagh
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Pag 12
1: Mountain King went ahead!!
He's so fast, what's with that speed!!
With his cadence I can't see his legs!!
2: Everyone, really, thank you so much for sending me out
3: I got this at the supply point earlier, a cold bottle of water!!
4: Leave him gaping this time!!
I'll use the old one
Okay!! Thank you!!
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Pag 13
1: He's so fast!!
2: Run with all your heart
4: Don't worry about what happens behind
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Pag 14
1: Imaizumi-kun, Naruko-kun, Danchiku-kun, Kaburagi-kun, Rokudai-kun – everyone pushed my back...
3: It's the Mountain King!!
Just now Hakone Academy passed... is he chasing him!?
It's Sohoku's Onoda!!
His legs' rotation is incredible!
They're both so fast!!
4: Mountain King chasing Manami...!?
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Pag 15
1: It's intense!!
2: Oi, those two just now!!
That's right, they're last year's finalists!!
And the finalists of the year before too!!
3: Seriously... they're already... going out now...!?
For the “mountain” of the first day of the Inter High, those two....!!
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Pag 16
1: It's a destined battle!!
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Pag 17
3: I got scared....
4: Suddenly Hakogaku got here... and it's Manami, too!!
I got scared, but then he stopped accelerating...!?
5: Wahahaha Manami Sangaku isn't worth fearing!!
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Pag 18
1: I was on alert because he caught up with me at lightning speed but then he quickly lost pace!!
That means he worked too hard and reached his limit!!
2: Coming here on your own was a mistake, Manami Sangaku!! Wahahaha
I'm IitsukaYorimasa from the prestigious Fukuoka Josei!! Climber!!
3: I thought about it!! And my nickname will be “mountain shogun”!!
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Pag 19
1: And this mountain will be my home, my “castle”
Manami, today I'll get your “neck”!!
2: Sorry but could you please be quiet?
3: I'm listening
To the sound of cheering, and the swaying of trees, and the chirping of the cicadas
5: And mixed with all of this, I'm listening
6: to the sound of wheels
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Pag 20
1: Wahahaha, wheels!? The sound of wheels!?
I don't hear it, I don't hear such a thing!! That would mean that there's someone else who's catching up!? Someone like that...
2: No way, wahahaha
4: I hear it
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cakesmelons · 9 months
yeah like i thought. the comic will be coming out TOMORROW.
but i got done lineart for all 7 pages and have started working on coloring. in the mean time here's your sneak peak
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secretmellowblog · 11 months
It’s odd how lots of writers basically turn Inspector Javert into Claude Frollo?
In the original novel Javert is not obsessed with Jean Valjean. It is not his life’s goal to capture him. He is a police officer who is bad because he is a police officer; he’s bad because he’s just doing his job, and his job is to enforce cruel violent bigoted inhumane laws. He reunites with Jean Valjean by coincidence and just seems mildly annoyed by it. He doesn’t care at all about Jean Valjean any more than he would care about literally any other criminal in the world (until the barricades, which is the first moment when he does develop complicated emotions for him.) Javert isn’t bad because he is obsessed with Valjean— he is bad because he is a cop, and as a cop it is his duty to be mindlessly cruel. He is indifferent to Jean Valjean on a personal level. He is not obsessed, he’s an authoritarian.
But Frollo!
Frollo is a character who has a deep personal obsession with someone, pursues them relentlessly out of that personal obsession, and then uses the law as an tool to abuse them. Frollo is the one who makes it his life’s mission to capture some random person who did nothing wrong and use the full power of the law to torture them for his own gratification.
I kinda don’t understand why it’s so common for Les Mis adaptations and stuff to turn Javert into Frollo by making him ~personally obsessed with Valjean~ and ~making it his life goal to catch him.~ It severely undercuts the novel’s political message about the evils of the prison system, and also just makes Javert a far shallower and less compelling character. It makes him evil in a way that isn’t even interesting to read and has nothing very valuable to say.
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rapidhighway · 2 years
sleepy sooo sleepy
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zaziki1412 · 5 months
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Things I drew to piss off Gosho part 3
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wirbelwi · 2 months
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fareehaandspaniards · 7 months
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