#im supposed to b workin
princessbrunette · 9 months
imagine reader is just tidying up the chateau for john b cos he's been workin sm lately or even just sprawled out on his bed doin wtv and he can literally just stand in the doorway with his hands in his pockets and head tilted with a lil dorky smile lookin right at her!!! he's so golden retriever n daddy coded at the same time it physically hurts dying on the john bee train - 🍓
IM SCREAMING INTO MY PILLOW !!!!!! like he’s such a simp n he’s so cute n cuddly but also !! someone’s gotta keep u in line right !!!!!! the head tilt and dorky smile oh my god he’s so
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like he looks at u like this and ur not supposed to wanna get on ur knees n makeout w his tip ? ok
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forte--exe · 5 years
i,,,,,luv my girlfriends,,,,,,sm,,,,,,,,,
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mueritos · 3 years
Gonna b vulnerable for a hot minute and post some journal notes i made to pin down how im feeling regarding my aromanticism *runs away*
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sparring-spirals · 5 years
Jester is Fine (spoiler she’s not)
aka my long ass Thing about Jester and her upbringing and also why I have so many feelings about her tendency to suppress negative emotions and IDK I JUST WANTED TO WRITE THIS SINCE HER BACKSTORY REVEAL IN EPISODE 8 LET ME LIVE.
Disclaimers: Im not entirely caught up yet but I know the primary plot points and bigger convos (thanks tumblr lov u). Neccesary spoilers will be tagged as I go down the post. Mostly spoils for ep 8? And I guess their Activity post blue dragon.
part 1 because whoops this got looong.
Okay, so we start at the beginning, at the very first backstory drop; because, Jester was the first person to give up her backstory, in its relative whole. Which makes sense! Right? Its not like she has anything to /hide/.  Because everything about her childhood was Fine. Great! actually, great, super great. Her mom loved her! So much! and she got an awesome room and got to play pranks on people and had the COOLEST BEST FRIEND EVER who taught her how to play even BETTER pranks, and like, it was awesome, even if-
even if she couldn’t /leave/ her bedroom and she needed to keep her existence a secret, and her mom sometimes was too busy to tell her stories or sing her to sleep, but sometimes she’d sit by the door and listen, so basically the same!
!!! :)
Even here- 8 episodes in, relationships still forming, a general hesitation to tread on anything too heavy- you see the unease on the rest of the party.
Caleb: So where were you at this point?
Nott: Just trapped in your room?
Jester: Well no, I wasn’t trapped, but you know- (*1)
Caleb: Did you get to go to the park? Did she read you stories, did she do the things that parents do?
Jester: She.. read me some stories! And a lot of times I would listen at the door and hear her sing.(*2)
Beau: Did she tell people about you?(*3)
Jester: *laughing* No.
Fjord: I imagine that would affect her business a little.
Jester: Exactly. I totally understand, she loves me so much. She really, really does. It’s just, you know, people frown upon courtesans with daughters.(*4)
Okay, so before anything else- we unpack this.
1: This is important to Jester- that she wasn’t trapped. Like, cmon, Jester has read books- SO many books, she knows all the stories, about girls being locked in high towers and- she’s not that! She wasn’t /trapped/ because she didn’t want to leave, not really. She wasn’t trapped, it wasn’t against her will, at all. (continued in 4)
2: The positive spin, the pause- and then the of course! In some form, it wasn’t exactly like how Caleb described,, but it happened! It still counts! (Also because this imagery broke my heart: a child jester, wanting to be sung to sleep or told a story but knowing her mom is busy, a young jester, alone, behind a door, listening to a song that isn’t for her but letting it wrap around her because-
because what else is she supposed to-
3: Putting this in because it makes sense Beau, of all people, asks this question. Beau who (Beau spoiler) was never the child her parents wanted, who was the disgrace, who was dropped in favor of a different child the moment they could do it, who was sent away and forgotten and will always live with the knowledge that she was a /disgrace/ to her family, a disappointment- something to be hidden. Looking at Jester; beautiful, bright, sweet Jester who is soft and easy and bright in all the ways Beau has never been- and thinking of her being hidden away, like a stain, like a disgrace.
4: This is perhaps the most important thing- that Jester isn’t upsetwith her mom because how could she be? Her mom loves her. So much. None of this was ever about making Jester suffer- god no, her mom always tried so hard to make Jester happy and comfortable and- her mom did good, her mom did a wonderful job, and she was just making the right decision.
Her mom loves her.
Her mom loves her.
And you know what? She does. So much. I haven’t yet reached them meeting Marion, but I do know that much; that her mom really loves her, so, so, so much. And thats part of what makes this so painful, and part of why its so vital that Jester always speaks of her childhood with a tiptoeing sort of cheerfulness, why she’s always so insistent that it was fine, it was fine! Because, if its not fine, if it wasn’t fine that she grew up locked in a room, no friends, no company, not supposed to ever leave- then its really not fine. It means Jester, despite everything she has tried to tell herself, is not fine. Was not fine. For years, then something was wrong, something was extremely wrong, and that means she has to face that, deal with it. More than that, if it wasn’t fine, then it means that her mom, her mom who loved her so much and tried so hard to keep her happy, failed. Her mom did bad. That not only did her mom do bad things for her- arguably to her, not only did her mom directly play a part in making things not fine-
her mother did bad. to her. This isn’t just about Jester, this isn’t just about how she was incredibly, achingly lonely for so much of her childhood and how badly she wanted friends, how she ached and burned for friends and just wanted someone, anyone, to be her friend, more than an oft-vanishing green cloak, she wanted people and friendship and companionship and she just wanted to not be alone in her room, traveler please please please-
This is about how she would have to know that someone who tried so hard to keep her happy, tried so hard to not hurt her, someone who truly, genuinely loves her, hurt her anyway.
And that, that’s the most painful part, because that’s always such a fucking difficult lesson to learn: That sometimes people can love you, really, genuinely love you, and still do you wrong. And knowing they hurt you will hurt them, and admitting that, admitting that is sometimes just as hard as the initial damage, and moreso for someone like Jester who so badly wants to believe the best in people, especially the people she loves, and who is at her core, a protector (tm Laura Bailey).
She will never, ever face the extent of her own pain if it means she can, even indirectly, shield someone she loves about from that pain too.
ok i dont have a good ending for this but uhhhh PART 2, COMING AT SOME POINT: Why Jester Lavorre knowing about everyone’s tragic backstories DEFINITELY means she wont be acknowledging her own issues anytime soon.
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junipeach · 5 years
my uni acct locked me out for no reason n now i cant work on my final projects 😡💢
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lordxgrinnyxboy · 4 years
i’m watching London now and
Gwyn’s reacting to meeting Mojo for the first time and i’m. so upset. he sounds proper terrified. :’(
he either just said “wow...wolf...” or “warmth”
that howl sounds like me whenever i see new tgm content
oh sh he immediately follows it up with “you can’t stay here” damn ursus
Mojo sounds like he’s about to end Ursus’ life fr
the NOISES in this version. We’ve got dizzy!Gwyn and i am getting serotonin. which is a little weird but i’ll take it
 the baby noises are super real but nothing beats Ms. Brisson’s baby noises i’ll tell u that
“Who is this? Your sister?” “No.” ashfajfhaj
there’s both More and Way Less going on in this scene like Gwyn’s just kinda standing there like “okay”
he’s walking around now
just dropped like a sack of potatoes when Dirry-Moir goes “HIS FACE DID IT”
ooh Ursus sounds even more Done
why does she have a necklace that says Dea. does Ursus not know his wife had that. why does she have necklace
is “loved by the father she would never see” part of the inscription?
Did Ursus Get A Necklace For His Unborn Kid And Try To Send His Family AWAEY?
Mr. Maskell’s just yanking that puppet’s head all over the place
this poor kid sounds like he’s straight up dying i feel so bad
he’s like sobbing and Ursus thinks it’s a laugh
side note that the cowl is Stunning and An Excellent Look as always
*harsh whisper* “and it was then that i saw! that the boy could do nothing but! . . grin.”
“gaAAaaah” oh Gwyn
“I watched you, boy, I saw your poor mother drown” AND YOU JUST LET HIM WANDER OFF INTO THE SNOW???
Ursus no disrespect but he’s kinda having a moment and you’re just
Ursus i swear if you do not get that child a tylenol
god he went after that like a magnetized kitten holy heck Gwyn
points awarded for sounding delirious
you are like super coherent and goal-oriented laddie
i don’t know what this voice is Mr. Maskell is doing but i kind of love it but it also Does Not Fit
he’s like simultaneously delirious as hell but also more lucid than Bristol!Gwyn couldve ever dreamed of being
Oh god the sobbing
i’ve held out this long but i’m finally forced to say it. think i might kinda love Mr. Maskell a little bit.
nvm i hate the way he just stood up i take it back 
oml the voice on “father?” hsjhsj
kinda abrupt transition to stars in the sky
it sounds different but ooh smooth ooh i kinda like it
“am I dreaming” BABEYYYY
Ursus just like “Lemme go ahead and Not Answer That Question.”
idk why but this song always feels like Ursus half expects Gwyn to die in his sleep or something
dang Ursus doesn’t even wait for him to fall asleep he just jumps right on back like “sink or swim kidlet my hand in this is DONE”
i just realized it’s Just Him puppeteering this kid. somehow looks Stranger than multiple ppl workin the puppet but it might be the angle
on my life i swear it looked like Ursus just either punched the wall or threw a dart at a board
aw Ursus has a lil lie down in this one. about 672000 feet away from the Mojo + Kids pile but still
Mr Maskell just levitated the puppet
what on earth kinda rotational maneuver w
i think they just did actual magic of some sort. i am. bewildered. what.
“Dea!” awwwwwww
“mMOJO!” good gracious.
man they cut out “I DON’T WANT STORRIES”
Gwyn’s tone on “no, Beauty and the Beast” here XD
“The Goblin and the Fishmonger?” “No”
“The Bride Who Loved Salt?” “Noooo”
Gwyn’s got a favorite word in this edition and it’s “no”
awwwwwwwwwwweee the “YES!” reactions that’s too cute actually
the Beast voice in this one X’D
“I’m...dying. I’m. . .bleh.” *slaps puppet down on table” i am in tears
wait a second they cut out the whole “You’re the wicked witch” thing. DISAPPOINTED
abrupt swerve into super smooth “never did I dream” i’m so
i have mixed feelings about the “I’d like to be a Lord” but oof “and wake up in a real palace” hits different after “Am I dreaming?”
why are they reacting to the floaty bit or are we just supposed to imagine that the kids are still dancing and are just going all spinny or
im cry
i like how he just yeets her across the room and he starts up with “never did I dream” like “pls ignore the fact that I totally just threw you across the room”
she just flung out a hand and drew him to her like the gosh darn force and that’s on
his outfit has colors this time
she kissed him so good he lost his right elbow for a second
ngl i do love the way London!Gwyn does the “has given me LIFE” like that little upward hitch on the ‘i’ i just like the sound okay
the choreo is a little odd tho
Gwyn fully looks like he’s two seconds away from doing a little dance number but he keeps stopping just short of getting to it
what is this headbob he’s doing good grief
go off with your little dramatic hand wiggle and holding Dea’s hand up like it’s simba! i see you! yeah Gwynplaine! strike that pose!
London!Gwyn uses crimson lethe instead of milk in his cereal, that’s the only possible explanation
the man is LIT UP
he is drunk on love and homebrew painkillers
what does Dirry-Moir swear was real? the puppets? He just pointed out everything going black so he’s either breaking the fourth wall or Clarence’s death literally triggered an eclipse
they just hop in the cart and Ursus locks it up X’D “Get in the car, kids!”
he let Dirry-Moir come in their HOUSE oh no
and this post is way too long so i’ll cut it here but! Bristol owns my heart but i will not deny having a good time so far.
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bamfoftheundead · 4 years
Some random drabble that came to me while I was out workin with my aunt, it all started bc I read somewhere some guy said that he "looked 30 by the time he was 16" and it reminded me of darkholme. It was suppose to be funny but it took a sad-ish turn
@mikeellee and @dannybagpipesarecalling if you're interested
" Uhhhh 40? 45? " Kitty answers innocently as darkholme chokes on the beer he'd been nursing for the past hour
" excuse me? WAS? did I hear you correctly? " The man chokes out as he wipes the german beer from his fur. Kitty flusters for a moment before breaking into a fit of tipsy giggles. Darkholmes jaw goes slack as the woman falls forward, arms crossed laughing flat out into the table, and at him.
" i-im sorryyyy " she squeals even harder into her arms.
Kurt's ears pull back in defense and partial embarrassment. Did he really look that old?
The jewish woman in front of him barely recovers before twisting open a new bottle and pouring its contents into her glass.
" it's just- you look much older than you are, it's probably " she fumbles to twist the cap back on " -probably the stress " finishing the bottle she tosses it into the recycling bin nearby. Darkholme deflates in place, he'd always know he'd looked older than he was, christ by the time he was 16 he'd been seen as a man in his 30s, it was irritating but he hadn't truly cared much for looks since his wife's passing. But now the newest object of his affections sat in front of him telling him how goddamn old he looked.
Kitty shakes her head to rid her drunken self of the giggles as darkholme sank into further into his chair.
" but you were always so attractive no matter- no matter what really " she hiccups as he perks up at the revelation " you have this swar- swau- SAUVE, look that makes you so goddamn foxy "
Leaning back into her chair she eyes him over and smiles, definitely a fox. Now fully re-engaged darkholme leans forward and props up his arms, eager to hear more about his apparent "foxyness"
" -and when you came out of the portal and we had that uh, that 'moment' " she awkwardly plays with her fingers as she recalls his earlier reaction. Darkholme looks away for a moment, regretful. " And after that I saw you, really saw you and I knew you were a different worlds Kurt, but like, I literally thought you were at LEAST a decade older " waving a hand is dismissal she giggles again "not that there's anything wrong with being older of course, I do like older men soooo- "
Darkholme chokes again, the statement leaves him speechless for a second moment. It wasn't like he was that much older than her! Fuck he was only a little bit older than this world's Kurt anyway, he was not old.
" your older but in like, a sexy way. It's not a b-bad thing it's just " she takes another long swig of her glass " well actually it's pretty damn hot " her blunt tone takes darkholme back for a moment as the woman squints at her empty glass, frowning she looks around for a different bottle as darkholme thinks.
Coolly the blue man leans forward and pours his own bottle into her glass, she would need to be absolutely shitfaced for their next conversation.
" Well then Katherine, tell me, why do you think I am *hot* " he knew it was a manipulative tactic but he wanted to hear the words from her. Kitty looks stumped for a moment as she drinks the rest of her glass. Slamming the cup back down the jewish woman leans her head back and stares up at the ceiling, solemnly.
" well, i- I think it's because your,,,, your you " playing with her cup she smiles as darkholmes heart stills. " It doesn't matter where or when Kurt's from it's him, it'll always be him and i ... I'll always love him " her eyes stare at the table as her tone shifts quietly.
Frowning the brunette suddenly shakes her head
" no it's not just that, not t-that. Your Kurt, you are but your you, you're darkholme, not wagner. But I- " grimacing she squeezes her glass as the man leans forward
" yes? " He asked gently, needing to hear her answer
" but I, I like you too. It doesn't matter who because I still like you, I .... might even love you "
Kitty laughs soberly as she slides a hand through her hair, laughter shifting into a sad grunt. Darkholme leans back in his chair as well, overwhelmed by his find. His heart beats painfully in his chest as he thinks carefully of his words
" it's stupid, f-e-rget it "
' NO! I mean ... It's alright, I like you too "
His tone lightens as he leans forward and gently places a hand over her own. Surprised kitty looks up and sees her reflection in the blood red eyes of her partner, her friend. Darkholme leans forward, hopeful and somewhat tipsy. Kitty freezes as he grows closer, leaning into her face and gently brushing his lips against hers. Darkholme waits for her to move, to accept what was happening and most of all, him.
Jittery she slides her thumb over his hand and kisses him. Darkholme removes his hand from hers and immediately slides a free arm around her waist. Uncomfortable with the position darkholme pulls kitty forward and watches delighted as she phases through the table. He pulls her onto his lap and holds her as tight as he can as she slides both arms around his shoulders. Pulling away he looks back into her eyes, he wouldn't let this be some drunken mishap or mistake, it had to be real. Instead pulls her close against him, pressing his face into her shoulder as she buries her face against his neck.
They sit there together for some time, not a word passes between the two. Darkholme feels a small wet sensation on his neck, she's crying. His heart freezes and doubt ravages him.
Kitty cries as she clings to the blue mutant underneath her. Fear and doubt claw their way into her mind. She thought of Kurt, her Kurt. This wasn't right, she couldn't just betray him like this. Her stomach clenched with guilt and cheap beer as her mind ran, Kurt would hate her if he'd found out about them, about darkholme. She knew it wasn't right, it shouldn't have felt so right, that she should wait for her Kurt to come back. And that's what she had been doing for so long, it hurt so much. The fear of betraying her first love, the fear is losing a second one- she couldn't take it. Kitty wasn't sure she could survive if she lost darkholme, she'd already lost Kurt and a part of herself the day the man had died but darkholme .... God she couldn't do it
She tries to pull away from his grasp -too drunk to fully rely on her mutation a second time- but the blue man resists. He holds her waist and further presses his face into her shoulder. Kitty squeezes his shirt and feels his own trembling.
As she turns to pull away she hers a sound that nearly breaks her. She feels a few drops of liquid on her shoulder -what she assumed to be beer at first- and came to the startling realization that darkholme, the god hating man was crying, he was fucking crying. No longer held back she lets herself collapse against him. His sobs are small and hard to hear but she can feel them.
Pulling back she looks at the man with watery brown eyes and gently takes his chin into her hand and guides his face. Wet golden eyes meet her own. His brow is furrowed in frustration and his fangs are made known. They see each other and kitty gently takes her other hand and slides it up his cheeks, wiping away his tears as they soak into his furry cheeks. It was obvious darkholme wasn't a crier and kitty was certain she'd never see him like this again. The things alcohol could do to a person was truly amazing. Still holding his face she pulls him close to her, his bigger nose pressing into the corner of hers as their lips meet again.
This time kitty doesn't let go, his fangs press against her bottom lip and she doesn't let go. Darkholme slides a hand through her hair, keeping the other firmly around her waist to ground himself. The two mutants sit together like this for some time, taking in their presence and filling themselves with each other.
Darkholme holds her this time, he doesn't push her away, he doesn't yell, he doesn't let go.
" I may even love you as well, kätzchen "
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toastoat · 6 years
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first pass at this vague and personal Apex Legends comic i want to make: Bloodhound and Wraith talking about identity. i’ve just been so affected by this game and its characters since its come out and, being nonbinary, i really want to communicate some of these feelings. 
Announcer: (( i realized they dont announce squads lol )) Ring Closing in One Minute. 
Wraith: Can I ask you a personal question ?
Bloodhound: Yes. 
B: First, let us reach a safer area. 
W: Sounds good. (( i forget her affirmative line)) 
B: What is it you wanted to ask ?
W: I’m not one to pry, but I’ve heard that you’re nonbinary. (( this seems like a weird way to say this lol im workin on it ))
W: How do you…. know something like that about yourself ? 
B: I would say it is just a feeling, inside. 
B: You know who you are, 
B: Even after what was stolen.
W: Hardly. 
W: I don’t even know my real name. 
B: No, felagi. 
B: A name is taken, a name is given. 
B: You took a name, as did I. 
B: You are Wraith. And you are a woman, yes ?
W: Well, yes. 
B: Sa (( idk some affirmative sound ‘see.’ )), it is you. Part of you.
W: I follow. there’s just no words for how I know something like that. 
B: So it is for many things, felagi. 
W: I suppose. (( True. ))
B: Come. Let us hunt. 
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dirtycar-remade · 5 years
idk anything abt ur ocs (im sorry ;_;) so could u give me a briefing? :oc
wahhh sure but just know i have a lot so im not gonna talk abt all of em!! ill uhhh talk abt 3 “stories” i guess. also gonna put it under the cut cuz its gonna get loongg
first one is legend hunt n its my baby project. its a webcomic ive been workin on for.. fuck like 4 years now? still havent started drawing it cuz i keep on rewritin it n redesignin its characters but basically its abt a group of characters lookin for iconias (one of the kingdoms) great hidden treausre. heres a toyhouse page for it but not everyone is on it yet. abt the characters now!!
first ones julian, hes the main protag. hes half fairy half human n the prince of iconia tho he ran away from it at the beginning of the webomic for reasons i cant get into yet! hes kinda the opposite of a perfect prince, like hes often grumpy n very self concious n can b an asshole if he needs to, he hates lying but does it kinda a lot. hes super flawed but also super fucking depressed but god he gets sooo much better as the time goes on n im SO proud of him.
next one is jaspar. hes from the elossa kingdom n is the captain of the royal guard here tho he never really wanted that job, he got it cuz his father retired. he looks like ur stereotypical knight cuz hes tall n muscular n has a sword but hes such a SOFTIE. hes like the softest character in this whole thing. hes not really a coward but he does get scared easily n he doesnt really like fighting all that much. hes very sweet n kind but also gets distracted suuper easily n tends to speak before thinking first. hes also julians looove interest
then theres pumpkin whos my favorite in the entire webcomic tbh. cant talk much abt her past but i feel like ppl r gonna call her #problematique n r gonna hate her cuz shes a rude female character like what?? how dare she b a loveable asshole. i just KNOW ppl r gonna call her a bitch fdhghfh but anyway ya shes tired shes kinda mean but shes also very caring, shes just kinda done w everything. her n julian hav a lot of similarities which is why they get along so well.
next up is licorice theyre pumpkins familiar. theyre the youngest of the main cast, theyre only 15! theyre very into fashion n make up n like to experiment w their appearance, theyre also veeery hyper. they switch a lot between their human form n their cat form (which is a maine coon kitty!). theyre honestly a bastard but i love them theyre feral
n last main character is elyon! hes pumpkins best friend n “neighbour” n by that i mean he lives in a tree house near pumpkins tree house! hes blind n hes an archer. he has a twin sister who has lots of bde n is a lesbian icon. elyon is the last main character i came up w/ so i dont talk abt him a lot but basically hes just very chill but also very protective of his belongings n friends n house n stuff. hes chill tho.
n ok this is already fucking long SO ill b quick abt the other two things, 2nd story is a dnd “campaign” i was plannin to do but it changed to a rp im writin w my gf! its set in the fuuuutuuure n i cant really talk much abt it cuz i dont want my gf to get Spoiled for the plot but its got a cowboy, an emo twink, two whole murder girls n lots of idiots
n last story is just kinda a wip rn, i draw these characters a lot in school cuz theyre supposed to b in a kinda simplified style. its abt angels n demons n ppl n its also furries cuzzzz furries easier to draw. i have a height chart of the main characters i did in ms paint lol so ill just,, put it here
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letgraysonsheart · 5 years
Hiya! Can I request prompt 6 with Dick and My Boy? My Timmy :D (they're all my boys, but tim is my Boy 😂😂) Thank you if you can do it, and don't worry about it if you can't!
Dick is acting weird. More weird than usual. He’s laid like someone just straight up dropped him on the couch. A foot is hanging off the side, his head is leaning on the armrest, and he’s got one of his one arms laid up over the back. It’s a.. peculiar position, even for Dick. It doesn’t look like a comfortable one either.
“Timmy! My boy!” he says, when their eyes meet - again. They already said hi when Tim tumbled into the living room on his way to the kitchen for a midnight snack mere seconds ago, so the second greeting confuses him. He also had expected no one else to be awake, least of all Dick. 
The elder always seems eager to grab some shut-eye whenever he has the chance. And yet instead of being asleep in his own bed, Dick is here, with him, in the living room at 4 am. 
He sweeps his eyes over the room, looking for.. well, anything that can explain this. There is half a bottle of store-bought water sat on the corner of the table. Its placement, aligned with his brother’s head on the couch, informs him of its owner. Other than that, there is nothing out of the ordinary. Besides how said brother is acting, that is.
Dick is currently holding his arm above his head, elbow locked in a straight position. He is staring at it with a far too serious and intense expression. His fingers are spread out as far as they go, and the hand is swaying slightly in the air.
“Seeing something interesting?” Tim asks, trying to be cautious.
Dick doesn’t seem to be listening to him, even if he hums as an answer.
Well, his little snack will have to be postponed.
Tim sits down in the chair beside the couch Dick is occupying.
“Did everything go alright on patrol?” Tim knew his brother and Bruce had been working together tonight, not really a rare occurrence but still - slightly out of the ordinary. It was a case that bled both into Blüdhaven and Gotham, and both of them had been too stubborn to give it up. Hence, the team-up.
“Yea, kicked some sweet ass,” Dick replies, a grin has replaced the serious look from before. His brother has let his hand fall beside him and is turning on the couch to lie on his stomach. He rests his chin on the armrest and meets Tim’s gaze. There is something weird going on with Dick’s eyes. His pupils look blown wide, and the surrounding white has a hint of redness to it. Perhaps he’s drugged? But then Bruce wouldn’t have let him leave the cave, not without supervision at least.
Maybe Dick had tried to hide it? It would certainly not be the first time. But no, it’s not possible. There is no way Dick being drugged to the point of whatever this is, would have slipped past Bruce.
“Where’s B?” Tim feels newfound worry creep up his back. What if Bruce hadn’t been there for it to slip past him? What if something had happened, and Bruce had gotten hurt and Dick had been too out of it to help him?
“Down in the cave, workin’, didn’t finish up the case,” Dick answers. Tim can’t catch his eyes now, as they are darting all over the place. They also seem to be dropping, like Dick’s eyelids are becoming too heavy for him.
“Did you get drugged or something? Poison Ivy?” Tim asks as Dick reaches out for the water bottle. He stops with his hand mid-air, looks at Tim, shakes his head and laughs before grabbing it. The laugh sounds sad and wrong. Dick brings the bottle to his mouth and opens the sports cap with his teeth, which, okay, and takes a small sip. This whole interaction is weird.
So it’s not drugs, not anything Dick knows about at least. Dick is smart. He would’ve known if he’d been drugged, wouldn’t he? He always has before. Dick’s always been good at knowing his own body and when there is something wrong with it. Perhaps from too much past experience.
At least he’s drinking water. 
Maybe Dick is just sleep deprived. Tim knows from experience, both with himself and his brothers, that it can get you quite loopy. It is 4 am after all, even if it’s not the weirdest time of the day to meet someone awake in this particular house. Maybe he should go and get Bruce, or call Jason and ask if he’s ever encountered Dick like this before.
As his eyes fall upon the still not settled water in Dick’s hand, he feels how dry his throat is. One of the reasons he hadn’t joined Bruce and Dick tonight had been that he was coming down with a cold. He also has some actually important projects for school next week. They’re only important because of the many earlier projects he has blown off in favor of Bat-business. Now the year is coming to an end, and it doesn’t matter how smart he is if he’s got nothing to prove it on paper. He would rather not spend his next few days finishing them while sick, only to get less than a satisfactory grade. Bruce had not been impressed by Tims prioritizing either, so yeah - Tim was off for the night anyway. And the next one. Probably the next one after that too.
Dick had at least stopped by his room and thrown some cough medicine at him earlier before leaving with Bruce, while also promising Tim that “yes, we will be fine, you worrywart. Get some rest, you don’t look too good.”
Now he was doubting if they really had been fine.
“Do you mind if I get some of that?” he asks, once Dick hangs the hand, still holding the bottle, over the armrest. A few drops of water hit the floor. Dick looks at Tim with a confused expression until Tim points at the bottle.
A grin spreads over his brothers face, “why, yes of course!” he says as he somewhat stretches his hand with the bottle out. Tim has to lean over half his upper body out of the chair to grab it.
He lifts the bottle while bending his head back. He presses the bottle to squirt some of the water into his mouth, the less contact he has with what Dick’s mouth has touched the better. He goes to swallow when -
His brain yells, “WHAT THE FUCK” and also “this is NOT water”. None of which he actually manages to say. He is too busy hacking his lungs out, together with the burning liquid. There are tears in his eyes. It’s not only because of the hacking but also because he somehow has managed to get whatever it is into his poor eyes. How did that even happen! It stings so much. He can barely see Dick in front of him, his brother reduced to a colored blob.
When his coughing finally has calmed, and he can see something through his eyes filled with burning liquid and tears, Dick is sat upright on the couch. He is staring at him with an expression that holds both surprise and amusement. There’s something wet on his face and oh - Tim might have spat whatever it was that tried to poison him, directly into Dick’s face. Dickface. Hah. It only serves him right.
“What is that?” he asks exasperated. Dick looks at him, and then the bastard goddamn bursts out laughing while trying to dry his face with the sleeve of his sweater.
“Vodka. I thought that much was obvious.”
How Tim was supposed to know the clear liquid, filled in a normal water bottle, was vodka, goes way past him, but it explains Dick’s weird behavior. Jesus. There’s a lot to unpack.
Tim is about to say something, planning to chew his brother out because his eyes are still stinging and so is his poor throat. He is then going to figure out why the idiot is drinking vodka straight out of a water bottle post patrol in the first place. It’s quite concerning since Dick usually never drinks. Sadly, before he even has the chance to voice his dismay at his brother, he’s interrupted.
Because that is, of course, the moment Bruce decides to step into the living room. Oh boy.
Thank you for your request! I hope you liked it! and since i wrote it in like one sitting im sorry for all grammar mistakes 
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orcelito · 7 years
thinks about the fact that breath of the wild is only 9 days away for me now , 
thank u God,
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th-inprogress · 3 years
3/12 food shame log!
B: egg whites, spinach, onion w szns omelette w 1 Kraft single and 20g of grape jelly lmao also a bowl of f1 cereal w almond milk blue berries and walnuts and a cup of coffee (almost 600 💀💀)
L: Black beans and walnuts, clémentines walnuts blueberries and almond milk ( 309)
D: asparagus and tuna/egg white patty shit lol and a glass of wine 😛 (241)
Total: 1141
I have to say the reverse binging stuff went p well. I did good on tiering myself down throughout the meals but I didn’t even do it intentionally it was just natural??? Like I just picked stuff that I had to make that sounded good and ate it lol and somehow even w the glass of wine my dinner was low cal af and I have like the slight urge to eat a snack but I know I’m not going to you know? Like I’ve regained my control again
I’m also supposed to start my period today or tmrw and I’m high key hoping she just doesn’t come lol I was feeling cramps earlier but I couldn’t tell if it was digestive pain or period pain so idk. I don’t remember when I stopped getting my period last time I relapsed but it’s another weird validation for me so fingers crossed. I was 125 yday but Tw gross! my bowels were workin ot this morning so maybe it was all just binge weight and I’ll weigh myself after a couple more days of restricting and find out I didn’t actually gain at all.
Im going to plan out all my cal intakes for the week tmrw w the food I have on hand and do my absolute best to not buy any more and not go over 1 because I can’t afford to and 2 because I need to get back on track. I lost 2 weeks to this binge cycle and I absolutely cannot continue to live like this. I made so much progress last month but I have so much to look forward to next month and to be where I want to I need to exert the tiniest bit of self control, stop bingeing and stop letting myself live like I can just eat and eat and have no repercussions. I have places to go I have shit to achieve and it all starts with me being better than this like I know I am! sorry for the long post except I know y’all aren’t gonna read it lol but this is my weekly pep talk to myself. set ur clocks forward and all that jazz it’s time for a new week!
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thelifetimechannel · 6 years
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ROXY: frigglish! ROXY: wait ROXY: ur name is rly jaspers right? JASPERSPRITE: that was my first name yes JASPERSPRITE: but i remember you calling me the second one JASPERSPRITE: i am happy to see you again! JASPERSPRITE: now both my people are in the same place ROXY: im so sry about killing u on accident ROXY: that book was rly fuckin big ROXY: y some1s gotta write books big enough 2 kill small animals idk ROXY: i nvr asked 4 my bookshelf 2 b loaded w weapons of mass destruction ROXY: i aspire 2 b the deadliest thing in my household not some jokers book of card tricks JASPERSPRITE: its ok JASPERSPRITE: i am back alive now JASPERSPRITE: and roses mother gave me a nice funeral ROXY: did i ROXY: i mean ROXY: did she ROXY: good 2 kno some things dont change even across universes JASPERSPRITE: that was you wasnt it? JASPERSPRITE: another version of you JASPERSPRITE: you smell like her but also different! ROXY: thats xactly right ROXY: like her but also different ROXY: i wouldve given u a funeral if i couldve ROXY: but since ur alive again now its nbd ROXY: theres no1 2 bury after all those boss battles which imo is a good outcome ROXY: xcept 4 jakes busted up corpse but i think that got burnt up ROXY: disregarding how lava actually works bc its mad inconsistent here along w most other facts of life JASPERSPRITE: we can have other celebrations! for living people instead of dead people ROXY: yup ROXY: those are better anyway ROXY: in december were gonna be balls deep in bdays ROXY: striders alone are gonna run us out of wrapping paper ROXY: do u think rose would knit dirk and hal a get along sweater if i asked her 2 ROXY: and how long would it take them 2 mutually destroy it in a rare show of cooperation and good will ROXY: which would make the whole experiment worth it in expended labor actually ROXY: u gotta TRICK em into workin together it wont happen otherwise ROXY: like herding cats ROXY: no offense JASPERSPRITE: i like when rose knits! JASPERSPRITE: i could play with the balls of yarn and chew on it until she told me to stop JASPERSPRITE: then i would find something else to play with until she caught me doing that JASPERSPRITE: there are so many things im not supposed to chew on JASPERSPRITE: but they are usually the most fun 3: JASPERSPRITE: human people just dont understand ROXY: cats nvr change huh ROXY: i missed u frigglish ROXY: i mean jaspers JASPERSPRITE: i missed you too roxy :3
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flippinoptimist · 7 years
> Vel / Sawbones, pt 1
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asklucapony · 7 years
hey wassup hello, i got tagged by @jiangthepony ( arigathanks btw!! )
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 (no) blogs you want to get to know better.
Nicknames: Koin!
Star sign: Aquarius
Height: 5′2″
Time right now: 5:14 PM
Last thing you googled: ‘leo fire emblem’ //.... i look at him at least 3 times a day
Song stuck in my head: Paradisus-Paradoxum covered by apocrypha //  its been more than 2 weeks and i still love it so much, FUCK im moshing so hard to it r/n
Last movie I watched: I think it was sinister? its the movie where a bunch of families get dead or smth.
Last TV show I watched: im rewatching parks and rec r/n!!!
What I’m wearing right now: a big ol shirt and shorts with bunnies on them. im relaxing chillaxing all cool. shooting some b-ball.
When I created this blog: 2015 but originally it was first opened in 2011 or smth.
The kind of stuff I post: my cool ponies , sometimes asks like im supposed to be posting
Do I get asks regularly?: it depends on how active i am!! thanks nyall!
Why did I choose my url: because luca is he name bro.
Hogwarts House: a sneaky snake
Pokémon team: my team in moon is a primarina, lycanroc, ninetales, gengar, salazzle, and lilligant!! they’re all girlies too.. i love them! they’re probably really weak LMAO
Favorite color(s): white, uh grey... anything pastel LMAO
Average hours of sleep: it used to be terrible, im workin to get my full 8 hours now! :^)
Lucky number: 4
Favorite characters: punpun and aiko from oyasumi punpun, izaya from drrr!!, prompto from ffxv, zen from mystic messenger.....nozomi and dia from Love Live, gudetama...shiro and keith from voltron aaand i like stahl, leo, lonqu, flannel and niles from fire emblem 👀💦💦💦 and counting.....
Dream job: something with animals definitely, or a character designer. either of them would make me so happy to be alive.
Number of blankets I sleep with: 1
i tag uhhhh @ask-astralnight @ethmoiids (idk if u did this already..) @ask-kashme @ask-schizopony and anyone else who would like to!! : )  ///but u dont have to ; ) 
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