#im supposed to be workin my b
princessbrunette · 9 months
imagine reader is just tidying up the chateau for john b cos he's been workin sm lately or even just sprawled out on his bed doin wtv and he can literally just stand in the doorway with his hands in his pockets and head tilted with a lil dorky smile lookin right at her!!! he's so golden retriever n daddy coded at the same time it physically hurts dying on the john bee train - 🍓
IM SCREAMING INTO MY PILLOW !!!!!! like he’s such a simp n he’s so cute n cuddly but also !! someone’s gotta keep u in line right !!!!!! the head tilt and dorky smile oh my god he’s so
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like he looks at u like this and ur not supposed to wanna get on ur knees n makeout w his tip ? ok
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sparring-spirals · 5 years
Jester is Fine (spoiler she’s not)
aka my long ass Thing about Jester and her upbringing and also why I have so many feelings about her tendency to suppress negative emotions and IDK I JUST WANTED TO WRITE THIS SINCE HER BACKSTORY REVEAL IN EPISODE 8 LET ME LIVE.
Disclaimers: Im not entirely caught up yet but I know the primary plot points and bigger convos (thanks tumblr lov u). Neccesary spoilers will be tagged as I go down the post. Mostly spoils for ep 8? And I guess their Activity post blue dragon.
part 1 because whoops this got looong.
Okay, so we start at the beginning, at the very first backstory drop; because, Jester was the first person to give up her backstory, in its relative whole. Which makes sense! Right? Its not like she has anything to /hide/.  Because everything about her childhood was Fine. Great! actually, great, super great. Her mom loved her! So much! and she got an awesome room and got to play pranks on people and had the COOLEST BEST FRIEND EVER who taught her how to play even BETTER pranks, and like, it was awesome, even if-
even if she couldn’t /leave/ her bedroom and she needed to keep her existence a secret, and her mom sometimes was too busy to tell her stories or sing her to sleep, but sometimes she’d sit by the door and listen, so basically the same!
!!! :)
Even here- 8 episodes in, relationships still forming, a general hesitation to tread on anything too heavy- you see the unease on the rest of the party.
Caleb: So where were you at this point?
Nott: Just trapped in your room?
Jester: Well no, I wasn’t trapped, but you know- (*1)
Caleb: Did you get to go to the park? Did she read you stories, did she do the things that parents do?
Jester: She.. read me some stories! And a lot of times I would listen at the door and hear her sing.(*2)
Beau: Did she tell people about you?(*3)
Jester: *laughing* No.
Fjord: I imagine that would affect her business a little.
Jester: Exactly. I totally understand, she loves me so much. She really, really does. It’s just, you know, people frown upon courtesans with daughters.(*4)
Okay, so before anything else- we unpack this.
1: This is important to Jester- that she wasn’t trapped. Like, cmon, Jester has read books- SO many books, she knows all the stories, about girls being locked in high towers and- she’s not that! She wasn’t /trapped/ because she didn’t want to leave, not really. She wasn’t trapped, it wasn’t against her will, at all. (continued in 4)
2: The positive spin, the pause- and then the of course! In some form, it wasn’t exactly like how Caleb described,, but it happened! It still counts! (Also because this imagery broke my heart: a child jester, wanting to be sung to sleep or told a story but knowing her mom is busy, a young jester, alone, behind a door, listening to a song that isn’t for her but letting it wrap around her because-
because what else is she supposed to-
3: Putting this in because it makes sense Beau, of all people, asks this question. Beau who (Beau spoiler) was never the child her parents wanted, who was the disgrace, who was dropped in favor of a different child the moment they could do it, who was sent away and forgotten and will always live with the knowledge that she was a /disgrace/ to her family, a disappointment- something to be hidden. Looking at Jester; beautiful, bright, sweet Jester who is soft and easy and bright in all the ways Beau has never been- and thinking of her being hidden away, like a stain, like a disgrace.
4: This is perhaps the most important thing- that Jester isn’t upsetwith her mom because how could she be? Her mom loves her. So much. None of this was ever about making Jester suffer- god no, her mom always tried so hard to make Jester happy and comfortable and- her mom did good, her mom did a wonderful job, and she was just making the right decision.
Her mom loves her.
Her mom loves her.
And you know what? She does. So much. I haven’t yet reached them meeting Marion, but I do know that much; that her mom really loves her, so, so, so much. And thats part of what makes this so painful, and part of why its so vital that Jester always speaks of her childhood with a tiptoeing sort of cheerfulness, why she’s always so insistent that it was fine, it was fine! Because, if its not fine, if it wasn’t fine that she grew up locked in a room, no friends, no company, not supposed to ever leave- then its really not fine. It means Jester, despite everything she has tried to tell herself, is not fine. Was not fine. For years, then something was wrong, something was extremely wrong, and that means she has to face that, deal with it. More than that, if it wasn’t fine, then it means that her mom, her mom who loved her so much and tried so hard to keep her happy, failed. Her mom did bad. That not only did her mom do bad things for her- arguably to her, not only did her mom directly play a part in making things not fine-
her mother did bad. to her. This isn’t just about Jester, this isn’t just about how she was incredibly, achingly lonely for so much of her childhood and how badly she wanted friends, how she ached and burned for friends and just wanted someone, anyone, to be her friend, more than an oft-vanishing green cloak, she wanted people and friendship and companionship and she just wanted to not be alone in her room, traveler please please please-
This is about how she would have to know that someone who tried so hard to keep her happy, tried so hard to not hurt her, someone who truly, genuinely loves her, hurt her anyway.
And that, that’s the most painful part, because that’s always such a fucking difficult lesson to learn: That sometimes people can love you, really, genuinely love you, and still do you wrong. And knowing they hurt you will hurt them, and admitting that, admitting that is sometimes just as hard as the initial damage, and moreso for someone like Jester who so badly wants to believe the best in people, especially the people she loves, and who is at her core, a protector (tm Laura Bailey).
She will never, ever face the extent of her own pain if it means she can, even indirectly, shield someone she loves about from that pain too.
ok i dont have a good ending for this but uhhhh PART 2, COMING AT SOME POINT: Why Jester Lavorre knowing about everyone’s tragic backstories DEFINITELY means she wont be acknowledging her own issues anytime soon.
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forte--exe · 5 years
i,,,,,luv my girlfriends,,,,,,sm,,,,,,,,,
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junipeach · 5 years
my uni acct locked me out for no reason n now i cant work on my final projects 😡💢
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lordxgrinnyxboy · 4 years
i’m watching London now and
Gwyn’s reacting to meeting Mojo for the first time and i’m. so upset. he sounds proper terrified. :’(
he either just said “wow...wolf...” or “warmth”
that howl sounds like me whenever i see new tgm content
oh sh he immediately follows it up with “you can’t stay here” damn ursus
Mojo sounds like he’s about to end Ursus’ life fr
the NOISES in this version. We’ve got dizzy!Gwyn and i am getting serotonin. which is a little weird but i’ll take it
 the baby noises are super real but nothing beats Ms. Brisson’s baby noises i’ll tell u that
“Who is this? Your sister?” “No.” ashfajfhaj
there’s both More and Way Less going on in this scene like Gwyn’s just kinda standing there like “okay”
he’s walking around now
just dropped like a sack of potatoes when Dirry-Moir goes “HIS FACE DID IT”
ooh Ursus sounds even more Done
why does she have a necklace that says Dea. does Ursus not know his wife had that. why does she have necklace
is “loved by the father she would never see” part of the inscription?
Did Ursus Get A Necklace For His Unborn Kid And Try To Send His Family AWAEY?
Mr. Maskell’s just yanking that puppet’s head all over the place
this poor kid sounds like he’s straight up dying i feel so bad
he’s like sobbing and Ursus thinks it’s a laugh
side note that the cowl is Stunning and An Excellent Look as always
*harsh whisper* “and it was then that i saw! that the boy could do nothing but! . . grin.”
“gaAAaaah” oh Gwyn
“I watched you, boy, I saw your poor mother drown” AND YOU JUST LET HIM WANDER OFF INTO THE SNOW???
Ursus no disrespect but he’s kinda having a moment and you’re just
Ursus i swear if you do not get that child a tylenol
god he went after that like a magnetized kitten holy heck Gwyn
points awarded for sounding delirious
you are like super coherent and goal-oriented laddie
i don’t know what this voice is Mr. Maskell is doing but i kind of love it but it also Does Not Fit
he’s like simultaneously delirious as hell but also more lucid than Bristol!Gwyn couldve ever dreamed of being
Oh god the sobbing
i’ve held out this long but i’m finally forced to say it. think i might kinda love Mr. Maskell a little bit.
nvm i hate the way he just stood up i take it back 
oml the voice on “father?” hsjhsj
kinda abrupt transition to stars in the sky
it sounds different but ooh smooth ooh i kinda like it
“am I dreaming” BABEYYYY
Ursus just like “Lemme go ahead and Not Answer That Question.”
idk why but this song always feels like Ursus half expects Gwyn to die in his sleep or something
dang Ursus doesn’t even wait for him to fall asleep he just jumps right on back like “sink or swim kidlet my hand in this is DONE”
i just realized it’s Just Him puppeteering this kid. somehow looks Stranger than multiple ppl workin the puppet but it might be the angle
on my life i swear it looked like Ursus just either punched the wall or threw a dart at a board
aw Ursus has a lil lie down in this one. about 672000 feet away from the Mojo + Kids pile but still
Mr Maskell just levitated the puppet
what on earth kinda rotational maneuver w
i think they just did actual magic of some sort. i am. bewildered. what.
“Dea!” awwwwwww
“mMOJO!” good gracious.
man they cut out “I DON’T WANT STORRIES”
Gwyn’s tone on “no, Beauty and the Beast” here XD
“The Goblin and the Fishmonger?” “No”
“The Bride Who Loved Salt?” “Noooo”
Gwyn’s got a favorite word in this edition and it’s “no”
awwwwwwwwwwweee the “YES!” reactions that’s too cute actually
the Beast voice in this one X’D
“I’m...dying. I’m. . .bleh.” *slaps puppet down on table” i am in tears
wait a second they cut out the whole “You’re the wicked witch” thing. DISAPPOINTED
abrupt swerve into super smooth “never did I dream” i’m so
i have mixed feelings about the “I’d like to be a Lord” but oof “and wake up in a real palace” hits different after “Am I dreaming?”
why are they reacting to the floaty bit or are we just supposed to imagine that the kids are still dancing and are just going all spinny or
im cry
i like how he just yeets her across the room and he starts up with “never did I dream” like “pls ignore the fact that I totally just threw you across the room”
she just flung out a hand and drew him to her like the gosh darn force and that’s on
his outfit has colors this time
she kissed him so good he lost his right elbow for a second
ngl i do love the way London!Gwyn does the “has given me LIFE” like that little upward hitch on the ‘i’ i just like the sound okay
the choreo is a little odd tho
Gwyn fully looks like he’s two seconds away from doing a little dance number but he keeps stopping just short of getting to it
what is this headbob he’s doing good grief
go off with your little dramatic hand wiggle and holding Dea’s hand up like it’s simba! i see you! yeah Gwynplaine! strike that pose!
London!Gwyn uses crimson lethe instead of milk in his cereal, that’s the only possible explanation
the man is LIT UP
he is drunk on love and homebrew painkillers
what does Dirry-Moir swear was real? the puppets? He just pointed out everything going black so he’s either breaking the fourth wall or Clarence’s death literally triggered an eclipse
they just hop in the cart and Ursus locks it up X’D “Get in the car, kids!”
he let Dirry-Moir come in their HOUSE oh no
and this post is way too long so i’ll cut it here but! Bristol owns my heart but i will not deny having a good time so far.
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bamfoftheundead · 4 years
Some random drabble that came to me while I was out workin with my aunt, it all started bc I read somewhere some guy said that he "looked 30 by the time he was 16" and it reminded me of darkholme. It was suppose to be funny but it took a sad-ish turn
@mikeellee and @dannybagpipesarecalling if you're interested
" Uhhhh 40? 45? " Kitty answers innocently as darkholme chokes on the beer he'd been nursing for the past hour
" excuse me? WAS? did I hear you correctly? " The man chokes out as he wipes the german beer from his fur. Kitty flusters for a moment before breaking into a fit of tipsy giggles. Darkholmes jaw goes slack as the woman falls forward, arms crossed laughing flat out into the table, and at him.
" i-im sorryyyy " she squeals even harder into her arms.
Kurt's ears pull back in defense and partial embarrassment. Did he really look that old?
The jewish woman in front of him barely recovers before twisting open a new bottle and pouring its contents into her glass.
" it's just- you look much older than you are, it's probably " she fumbles to twist the cap back on " -probably the stress " finishing the bottle she tosses it into the recycling bin nearby. Darkholme deflates in place, he'd always know he'd looked older than he was, christ by the time he was 16 he'd been seen as a man in his 30s, it was irritating but he hadn't truly cared much for looks since his wife's passing. But now the newest object of his affections sat in front of him telling him how goddamn old he looked.
Kitty shakes her head to rid her drunken self of the giggles as darkholme sank into further into his chair.
" but you were always so attractive no matter- no matter what really " she hiccups as he perks up at the revelation " you have this swar- swau- SAUVE, look that makes you so goddamn foxy "
Leaning back into her chair she eyes him over and smiles, definitely a fox. Now fully re-engaged darkholme leans forward and props up his arms, eager to hear more about his apparent "foxyness"
" -and when you came out of the portal and we had that uh, that 'moment' " she awkwardly plays with her fingers as she recalls his earlier reaction. Darkholme looks away for a moment, regretful. " And after that I saw you, really saw you and I knew you were a different worlds Kurt, but like, I literally thought you were at LEAST a decade older " waving a hand is dismissal she giggles again "not that there's anything wrong with being older of course, I do like older men soooo- "
Darkholme chokes again, the statement leaves him speechless for a second moment. It wasn't like he was that much older than her! Fuck he was only a little bit older than this world's Kurt anyway, he was not old.
" your older but in like, a sexy way. It's not a b-bad thing it's just " she takes another long swig of her glass " well actually it's pretty damn hot " her blunt tone takes darkholme back for a moment as the woman squints at her empty glass, frowning she looks around for a different bottle as darkholme thinks.
Coolly the blue man leans forward and pours his own bottle into her glass, she would need to be absolutely shitfaced for their next conversation.
" Well then Katherine, tell me, why do you think I am *hot* " he knew it was a manipulative tactic but he wanted to hear the words from her. Kitty looks stumped for a moment as she drinks the rest of her glass. Slamming the cup back down the jewish woman leans her head back and stares up at the ceiling, solemnly.
" well, i- I think it's because your,,,, your you " playing with her cup she smiles as darkholmes heart stills. " It doesn't matter where or when Kurt's from it's him, it'll always be him and i ... I'll always love him " her eyes stare at the table as her tone shifts quietly.
Frowning the brunette suddenly shakes her head
" no it's not just that, not t-that. Your Kurt, you are but your you, you're darkholme, not wagner. But I- " grimacing she squeezes her glass as the man leans forward
" yes? " He asked gently, needing to hear her answer
" but I, I like you too. It doesn't matter who because I still like you, I .... might even love you "
Kitty laughs soberly as she slides a hand through her hair, laughter shifting into a sad grunt. Darkholme leans back in his chair as well, overwhelmed by his find. His heart beats painfully in his chest as he thinks carefully of his words
" it's stupid, f-e-rget it "
' NO! I mean ... It's alright, I like you too "
His tone lightens as he leans forward and gently places a hand over her own. Surprised kitty looks up and sees her reflection in the blood red eyes of her partner, her friend. Darkholme leans forward, hopeful and somewhat tipsy. Kitty freezes as he grows closer, leaning into her face and gently brushing his lips against hers. Darkholme waits for her to move, to accept what was happening and most of all, him.
Jittery she slides her thumb over his hand and kisses him. Darkholme removes his hand from hers and immediately slides a free arm around her waist. Uncomfortable with the position darkholme pulls kitty forward and watches delighted as she phases through the table. He pulls her onto his lap and holds her as tight as he can as she slides both arms around his shoulders. Pulling away he looks back into her eyes, he wouldn't let this be some drunken mishap or mistake, it had to be real. Instead pulls her close against him, pressing his face into her shoulder as she buries her face against his neck.
They sit there together for some time, not a word passes between the two. Darkholme feels a small wet sensation on his neck, she's crying. His heart freezes and doubt ravages him.
Kitty cries as she clings to the blue mutant underneath her. Fear and doubt claw their way into her mind. She thought of Kurt, her Kurt. This wasn't right, she couldn't just betray him like this. Her stomach clenched with guilt and cheap beer as her mind ran, Kurt would hate her if he'd found out about them, about darkholme. She knew it wasn't right, it shouldn't have felt so right, that she should wait for her Kurt to come back. And that's what she had been doing for so long, it hurt so much. The fear of betraying her first love, the fear is losing a second one- she couldn't take it. Kitty wasn't sure she could survive if she lost darkholme, she'd already lost Kurt and a part of herself the day the man had died but darkholme .... God she couldn't do it
She tries to pull away from his grasp -too drunk to fully rely on her mutation a second time- but the blue man resists. He holds her waist and further presses his face into her shoulder. Kitty squeezes his shirt and feels his own trembling.
As she turns to pull away she hers a sound that nearly breaks her. She feels a few drops of liquid on her shoulder -what she assumed to be beer at first- and came to the startling realization that darkholme, the god hating man was crying, he was fucking crying. No longer held back she lets herself collapse against him. His sobs are small and hard to hear but she can feel them.
Pulling back she looks at the man with watery brown eyes and gently takes his chin into her hand and guides his face. Wet golden eyes meet her own. His brow is furrowed in frustration and his fangs are made known. They see each other and kitty gently takes her other hand and slides it up his cheeks, wiping away his tears as they soak into his furry cheeks. It was obvious darkholme wasn't a crier and kitty was certain she'd never see him like this again. The things alcohol could do to a person was truly amazing. Still holding his face she pulls him close to her, his bigger nose pressing into the corner of hers as their lips meet again.
This time kitty doesn't let go, his fangs press against her bottom lip and she doesn't let go. Darkholme slides a hand through her hair, keeping the other firmly around her waist to ground himself. The two mutants sit together like this for some time, taking in their presence and filling themselves with each other.
Darkholme holds her this time, he doesn't push her away, he doesn't yell, he doesn't let go.
" I may even love you as well, kätzchen "
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toastoat · 6 years
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first pass at this vague and personal Apex Legends comic i want to make: Bloodhound and Wraith talking about identity. i’ve just been so affected by this game and its characters since its come out and, being nonbinary, i really want to communicate some of these feelings. 
Announcer: (( i realized they dont announce squads lol )) Ring Closing in One Minute. 
Wraith: Can I ask you a personal question ?
Bloodhound: Yes. 
B: First, let us reach a safer area. 
W: Sounds good. (( i forget her affirmative line)) 
B: What is it you wanted to ask ?
W: I’m not one to pry, but I’ve heard that you’re nonbinary. (( this seems like a weird way to say this lol im workin on it ))
W: How do you…. know something like that about yourself ? 
B: I would say it is just a feeling, inside. 
B: You know who you are, 
B: Even after what was stolen.
W: Hardly. 
W: I don’t even know my real name. 
B: No, felagi. 
B: A name is taken, a name is given. 
B: You took a name, as did I. 
B: You are Wraith. And you are a woman, yes ?
W: Well, yes. 
B: Sa (( idk some affirmative sound ‘see.’ )), it is you. Part of you.
W: I follow. there’s just no words for how I know something like that. 
B: So it is for many things, felagi. 
W: I suppose. (( True. ))
B: Come. Let us hunt. 
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dirtycar-remade · 5 years
idk anything abt ur ocs (im sorry ;_;) so could u give me a briefing? :oc
wahhh sure but just know i have a lot so im not gonna talk abt all of em!! ill uhhh talk abt 3 “stories” i guess. also gonna put it under the cut cuz its gonna get loongg
first one is legend hunt n its my baby project. its a webcomic ive been workin on for.. fuck like 4 years now? still havent started drawing it cuz i keep on rewritin it n redesignin its characters but basically its abt a group of characters lookin for iconias (one of the kingdoms) great hidden treausre. heres a toyhouse page for it but not everyone is on it yet. abt the characters now!!
first ones julian, hes the main protag. hes half fairy half human n the prince of iconia tho he ran away from it at the beginning of the webomic for reasons i cant get into yet! hes kinda the opposite of a perfect prince, like hes often grumpy n very self concious n can b an asshole if he needs to, he hates lying but does it kinda a lot. hes super flawed but also super fucking depressed but god he gets sooo much better as the time goes on n im SO proud of him.
next one is jaspar. hes from the elossa kingdom n is the captain of the royal guard here tho he never really wanted that job, he got it cuz his father retired. he looks like ur stereotypical knight cuz hes tall n muscular n has a sword but hes such a SOFTIE. hes like the softest character in this whole thing. hes not really a coward but he does get scared easily n he doesnt really like fighting all that much. hes very sweet n kind but also gets distracted suuper easily n tends to speak before thinking first. hes also julians looove interest
then theres pumpkin whos my favorite in the entire webcomic tbh. cant talk much abt her past but i feel like ppl r gonna call her #problematique n r gonna hate her cuz shes a rude female character like what?? how dare she b a loveable asshole. i just KNOW ppl r gonna call her a bitch fdhghfh but anyway ya shes tired shes kinda mean but shes also very caring, shes just kinda done w everything. her n julian hav a lot of similarities which is why they get along so well.
next up is licorice theyre pumpkins familiar. theyre the youngest of the main cast, theyre only 15! theyre very into fashion n make up n like to experiment w their appearance, theyre also veeery hyper. they switch a lot between their human form n their cat form (which is a maine coon kitty!). theyre honestly a bastard but i love them theyre feral
n last main character is elyon! hes pumpkins best friend n “neighbour” n by that i mean he lives in a tree house near pumpkins tree house! hes blind n hes an archer. he has a twin sister who has lots of bde n is a lesbian icon. elyon is the last main character i came up w/ so i dont talk abt him a lot but basically hes just very chill but also very protective of his belongings n friends n house n stuff. hes chill tho.
n ok this is already fucking long SO ill b quick abt the other two things, 2nd story is a dnd “campaign” i was plannin to do but it changed to a rp im writin w my gf! its set in the fuuuutuuure n i cant really talk much abt it cuz i dont want my gf to get Spoiled for the plot but its got a cowboy, an emo twink, two whole murder girls n lots of idiots
n last story is just kinda a wip rn, i draw these characters a lot in school cuz theyre supposed to b in a kinda simplified style. its abt angels n demons n ppl n its also furries cuzzzz furries easier to draw. i have a height chart of the main characters i did in ms paint lol so ill just,, put it here
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letgraysonsheart · 5 years
Hiya! Can I request prompt 6 with Dick and My Boy? My Timmy :D (they're all my boys, but tim is my Boy 😂😂) Thank you if you can do it, and don't worry about it if you can't!
Dick is acting weird. More weird than usual. He’s laid like someone just straight up dropped him on the couch. A foot is hanging off the side, his head is leaning on the armrest, and he’s got one of his one arms laid up over the back. It’s a.. peculiar position, even for Dick. It doesn’t look like a comfortable one either.
“Timmy! My boy!” he says, when their eyes meet - again. They already said hi when Tim tumbled into the living room on his way to the kitchen for a midnight snack mere seconds ago, so the second greeting confuses him. He also had expected no one else to be awake, least of all Dick. 
The elder always seems eager to grab some shut-eye whenever he has the chance. And yet instead of being asleep in his own bed, Dick is here, with him, in the living room at 4 am. 
He sweeps his eyes over the room, looking for.. well, anything that can explain this. There is half a bottle of store-bought water sat on the corner of the table. Its placement, aligned with his brother’s head on the couch, informs him of its owner. Other than that, there is nothing out of the ordinary. Besides how said brother is acting, that is.
Dick is currently holding his arm above his head, elbow locked in a straight position. He is staring at it with a far too serious and intense expression. His fingers are spread out as far as they go, and the hand is swaying slightly in the air.
“Seeing something interesting?” Tim asks, trying to be cautious.
Dick doesn’t seem to be listening to him, even if he hums as an answer.
Well, his little snack will have to be postponed.
Tim sits down in the chair beside the couch Dick is occupying.
“Did everything go alright on patrol?” Tim knew his brother and Bruce had been working together tonight, not really a rare occurrence but still - slightly out of the ordinary. It was a case that bled both into Blüdhaven and Gotham, and both of them had been too stubborn to give it up. Hence, the team-up.
“Yea, kicked some sweet ass,” Dick replies, a grin has replaced the serious look from before. His brother has let his hand fall beside him and is turning on the couch to lie on his stomach. He rests his chin on the armrest and meets Tim’s gaze. There is something weird going on with Dick’s eyes. His pupils look blown wide, and the surrounding white has a hint of redness to it. Perhaps he’s drugged? But then Bruce wouldn’t have let him leave the cave, not without supervision at least.
Maybe Dick had tried to hide it? It would certainly not be the first time. But no, it’s not possible. There is no way Dick being drugged to the point of whatever this is, would have slipped past Bruce.
“Where’s B?” Tim feels newfound worry creep up his back. What if Bruce hadn’t been there for it to slip past him? What if something had happened, and Bruce had gotten hurt and Dick had been too out of it to help him?
“Down in the cave, workin’, didn’t finish up the case,” Dick answers. Tim can’t catch his eyes now, as they are darting all over the place. They also seem to be dropping, like Dick’s eyelids are becoming too heavy for him.
“Did you get drugged or something? Poison Ivy?” Tim asks as Dick reaches out for the water bottle. He stops with his hand mid-air, looks at Tim, shakes his head and laughs before grabbing it. The laugh sounds sad and wrong. Dick brings the bottle to his mouth and opens the sports cap with his teeth, which, okay, and takes a small sip. This whole interaction is weird.
So it’s not drugs, not anything Dick knows about at least. Dick is smart. He would’ve known if he’d been drugged, wouldn’t he? He always has before. Dick’s always been good at knowing his own body and when there is something wrong with it. Perhaps from too much past experience.
At least he’s drinking water. 
Maybe Dick is just sleep deprived. Tim knows from experience, both with himself and his brothers, that it can get you quite loopy. It is 4 am after all, even if it’s not the weirdest time of the day to meet someone awake in this particular house. Maybe he should go and get Bruce, or call Jason and ask if he’s ever encountered Dick like this before.
As his eyes fall upon the still not settled water in Dick’s hand, he feels how dry his throat is. One of the reasons he hadn’t joined Bruce and Dick tonight had been that he was coming down with a cold. He also has some actually important projects for school next week. They’re only important because of the many earlier projects he has blown off in favor of Bat-business. Now the year is coming to an end, and it doesn’t matter how smart he is if he’s got nothing to prove it on paper. He would rather not spend his next few days finishing them while sick, only to get less than a satisfactory grade. Bruce had not been impressed by Tims prioritizing either, so yeah - Tim was off for the night anyway. And the next one. Probably the next one after that too.
Dick had at least stopped by his room and thrown some cough medicine at him earlier before leaving with Bruce, while also promising Tim that “yes, we will be fine, you worrywart. Get some rest, you don’t look too good.”
Now he was doubting if they really had been fine.
“Do you mind if I get some of that?” he asks, once Dick hangs the hand, still holding the bottle, over the armrest. A few drops of water hit the floor. Dick looks at Tim with a confused expression until Tim points at the bottle.
A grin spreads over his brothers face, “why, yes of course!” he says as he somewhat stretches his hand with the bottle out. Tim has to lean over half his upper body out of the chair to grab it.
He lifts the bottle while bending his head back. He presses the bottle to squirt some of the water into his mouth, the less contact he has with what Dick’s mouth has touched the better. He goes to swallow when -
His brain yells, “WHAT THE FUCK” and also “this is NOT water”. None of which he actually manages to say. He is too busy hacking his lungs out, together with the burning liquid. There are tears in his eyes. It’s not only because of the hacking but also because he somehow has managed to get whatever it is into his poor eyes. How did that even happen! It stings so much. He can barely see Dick in front of him, his brother reduced to a colored blob.
When his coughing finally has calmed, and he can see something through his eyes filled with burning liquid and tears, Dick is sat upright on the couch. He is staring at him with an expression that holds both surprise and amusement. There’s something wet on his face and oh - Tim might have spat whatever it was that tried to poison him, directly into Dick’s face. Dickface. Hah. It only serves him right.
“What is that?” he asks exasperated. Dick looks at him, and then the bastard goddamn bursts out laughing while trying to dry his face with the sleeve of his sweater.
“Vodka. I thought that much was obvious.”
How Tim was supposed to know the clear liquid, filled in a normal water bottle, was vodka, goes way past him, but it explains Dick’s weird behavior. Jesus. There’s a lot to unpack.
Tim is about to say something, planning to chew his brother out because his eyes are still stinging and so is his poor throat. He is then going to figure out why the idiot is drinking vodka straight out of a water bottle post patrol in the first place. It’s quite concerning since Dick usually never drinks. Sadly, before he even has the chance to voice his dismay at his brother, he’s interrupted.
Because that is, of course, the moment Bruce decides to step into the living room. Oh boy.
Thank you for your request! I hope you liked it! and since i wrote it in like one sitting im sorry for all grammar mistakes 
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orcelito · 7 years
thinks about the fact that breath of the wild is only 9 days away for me now , 
thank u God,
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th-inprogress · 3 years
3/12 food shame log!
B: egg whites, spinach, onion w szns omelette w 1 Kraft single and 20g of grape jelly lmao also a bowl of f1 cereal w almond milk blue berries and walnuts and a cup of coffee (almost 600 💀💀)
L: Black beans and walnuts, clémentines walnuts blueberries and almond milk ( 309)
D: asparagus and tuna/egg white patty shit lol and a glass of wine 😛 (241)
Total: 1141
I have to say the reverse binging stuff went p well. I did good on tiering myself down throughout the meals but I didn’t even do it intentionally it was just natural??? Like I just picked stuff that I had to make that sounded good and ate it lol and somehow even w the glass of wine my dinner was low cal af and I have like the slight urge to eat a snack but I know I’m not going to you know? Like I’ve regained my control again
I’m also supposed to start my period today or tmrw and I’m high key hoping she just doesn’t come lol I was feeling cramps earlier but I couldn’t tell if it was digestive pain or period pain so idk. I don’t remember when I stopped getting my period last time I relapsed but it’s another weird validation for me so fingers crossed. I was 125 yday but Tw gross! my bowels were workin ot this morning so maybe it was all just binge weight and I’ll weigh myself after a couple more days of restricting and find out I didn’t actually gain at all.
Im going to plan out all my cal intakes for the week tmrw w the food I have on hand and do my absolute best to not buy any more and not go over 1 because I can’t afford to and 2 because I need to get back on track. I lost 2 weeks to this binge cycle and I absolutely cannot continue to live like this. I made so much progress last month but I have so much to look forward to next month and to be where I want to I need to exert the tiniest bit of self control, stop bingeing and stop letting myself live like I can just eat and eat and have no repercussions. I have places to go I have shit to achieve and it all starts with me being better than this like I know I am! sorry for the long post except I know y’all aren’t gonna read it lol but this is my weekly pep talk to myself. set ur clocks forward and all that jazz it’s time for a new week!
0 notes
thelifetimechannel · 6 years
Tumblr media
ROXY: frigglish! ROXY: wait ROXY: ur name is rly jaspers right? JASPERSPRITE: that was my first name yes JASPERSPRITE: but i remember you calling me the second one JASPERSPRITE: i am happy to see you again! JASPERSPRITE: now both my people are in the same place ROXY: im so sry about killing u on accident ROXY: that book was rly fuckin big ROXY: y some1s gotta write books big enough 2 kill small animals idk ROXY: i nvr asked 4 my bookshelf 2 b loaded w weapons of mass destruction ROXY: i aspire 2 b the deadliest thing in my household not some jokers book of card tricks JASPERSPRITE: its ok JASPERSPRITE: i am back alive now JASPERSPRITE: and roses mother gave me a nice funeral ROXY: did i ROXY: i mean ROXY: did she ROXY: good 2 kno some things dont change even across universes JASPERSPRITE: that was you wasnt it? JASPERSPRITE: another version of you JASPERSPRITE: you smell like her but also different! ROXY: thats xactly right ROXY: like her but also different ROXY: i wouldve given u a funeral if i couldve ROXY: but since ur alive again now its nbd ROXY: theres no1 2 bury after all those boss battles which imo is a good outcome ROXY: xcept 4 jakes busted up corpse but i think that got burnt up ROXY: disregarding how lava actually works bc its mad inconsistent here along w most other facts of life JASPERSPRITE: we can have other celebrations! for living people instead of dead people ROXY: yup ROXY: those are better anyway ROXY: in december were gonna be balls deep in bdays ROXY: striders alone are gonna run us out of wrapping paper ROXY: do u think rose would knit dirk and hal a get along sweater if i asked her 2 ROXY: and how long would it take them 2 mutually destroy it in a rare show of cooperation and good will ROXY: which would make the whole experiment worth it in expended labor actually ROXY: u gotta TRICK em into workin together it wont happen otherwise ROXY: like herding cats ROXY: no offense JASPERSPRITE: i like when rose knits! JASPERSPRITE: i could play with the balls of yarn and chew on it until she told me to stop JASPERSPRITE: then i would find something else to play with until she caught me doing that JASPERSPRITE: there are so many things im not supposed to chew on JASPERSPRITE: but they are usually the most fun 3: JASPERSPRITE: human people just dont understand ROXY: cats nvr change huh ROXY: i missed u frigglish ROXY: i mean jaspers JASPERSPRITE: i missed you too roxy :3
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flippinoptimist · 7 years
> Vel / Sawbones, pt 1
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asklucapony · 7 years
hey wassup hello, i got tagged by @jiangthepony ( arigathanks btw!! )
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 (no) blogs you want to get to know better.
Nicknames: Koin!
Star sign: Aquarius
Height: 5′2″
Time right now: 5:14 PM
Last thing you googled: ‘leo fire emblem’ //.... i look at him at least 3 times a day
Song stuck in my head: Paradisus-Paradoxum covered by apocrypha //  its been more than 2 weeks and i still love it so much, FUCK im moshing so hard to it r/n
Last movie I watched: I think it was sinister? its the movie where a bunch of families get dead or smth.
Last TV show I watched: im rewatching parks and rec r/n!!!
What I’m wearing right now: a big ol shirt and shorts with bunnies on them. im relaxing chillaxing all cool. shooting some b-ball.
When I created this blog: 2015 but originally it was first opened in 2011 or smth.
The kind of stuff I post: my cool ponies , sometimes asks like im supposed to be posting
Do I get asks regularly?: it depends on how active i am!! thanks nyall!
Why did I choose my url: because luca is he name bro.
Hogwarts House: a sneaky snake
Pokémon team: my team in moon is a primarina, lycanroc, ninetales, gengar, salazzle, and lilligant!! they’re all girlies too.. i love them! they’re probably really weak LMAO
Favorite color(s): white, uh grey... anything pastel LMAO
Average hours of sleep: it used to be terrible, im workin to get my full 8 hours now! :^)
Lucky number: 4
Favorite characters: punpun and aiko from oyasumi punpun, izaya from drrr!!, prompto from ffxv, zen from mystic messenger.....nozomi and dia from Love Live, gudetama...shiro and keith from voltron aaand i like stahl, leo, lonqu, flannel and niles from fire emblem 👀💦💦💦 and counting.....
Dream job: something with animals definitely, or a character designer. either of them would make me so happy to be alive.
Number of blankets I sleep with: 1
i tag uhhhh @ask-astralnight @ethmoiids (idk if u did this already..) @ask-kashme @ask-schizopony and anyone else who would like to!! : )  ///but u dont have to ; ) 
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rurounidrift · 8 years
Jan 11 Blurr’s Horror Stream - I Am Not a Serial Killer
Drift helped zip-tie people together.
Also, he finally gave Blurr the coordinates to his alternate and Ratchet, so Blurr can pass them on to Tarn to kill.
Welcome to the 'speedxstealer' room. The chat room has been cleared by the moderator. Drift: *drift has arrived Early As Hell tonight* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave and the group nod to Drift from his couch.* B l u r r: / here he comes, stumbling in and hopping on a mangled leg / Whirl: *trotting right behind him, keeping a close eye on Blurr in case he topples* Drift: ... Good mission? Whirl: *also, he looks next to nothing like himself. Also there is just a straight up hole punched in his side. Just right through him* Drift: *so, REALLY good mission* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave leans back slightly at the sight of you two.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Why are you not both in the medbay?]] B l u r r: / hops a little and tries to step on his pede / It wasn't even a mission Drift: Heroic rescue trip. Whirl: Hell yeah it went well! B l u r r: Not a hero /hisses and yanks some wiring out of his leg / Drift: *starts rummaging around in his pockets. He's got a hole punch and zip ties somewhere.* Whirl: And we're fine, we're fine. We're on the ship, that's good enough. Drift: Don't, don't—leave that in there. It's supposed to be on the inside. B l u r r: *it's B l u r r: It's hurting. So, t's coming out. Whirl: Oh, no, don't let him fool you. He's a hero. He's a COMPLETE hero. One undred percent. B l u r r: .. /hisses at Whirl / Drift: It'll hurt more if you tug on it. B l u r r: ... /sulks / ItsyBitsySpyers: \\HEY! YOU LISTEN TO 'IM. DON'T BE PULLIN' THAT SCRAP OUT.\\ Whirl: *rattles his long new rotors in reply. He isn't even slighlty admonished* B l u r r: / rolls optic and moves to sit down. Flops. / ItsyBitsySpyers: \\THEY AIN'T HURT YA BAD ENOUGH FOR RIPPIN' IT OUT THEIR OWN SELVES, THEY DON'T GET YA DOIN' IT FOR 'EM.\\ Whirl: Listen to Frenzy, Teach. Besides, the less you rip up now, the more HE gets to step on. Whirl: *sly look* If you know what I mean. Drift: Frenzy, you wanna come help patch him up? I can close the holes up. *holds up zip ties* B l u r r: ... /gets an odd expression/ Pits I just want him to crush my throat with his servo... Drift: *looks at Whirl* You're not getting out of getting patched up too. Whirl: *SNICKERS and pats Blurr's shoulder with one huge claw* I know, Teach. I know. B l u r r: / grumbles / We have yet to find him... ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy "mutters" something about crushing something else if these two get filled with rust and goes to help Drift* Airachnid: [sneaks in] Whirl: *waves Drift off, turning to approach his hammock dubiously. He's still not 100% adjusted to all this new armor and doesn't trust his balance* I'll be fine. Just get me a sock or something. Shockbox: /he arrives at last. anyone who knew him well enough could tell from the way he moved that he was exhausted, but damn if he wasn't going to get his weekly dose of human media enrichment. Whirl: *bobs his head to Airachnid--though she might not present recognize Whirl, as he looks Extremely Different* B l u r r: / waves a claw at Airachnid / Drift: Oh no. I'm patching you up. You've got a gaping hole. B l u r r: /snickers at Whirl / Drift: ((it's still spinning for me. why..... ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave bobs his helm at the small Shockwave.* B l u r r: [[ it might be LS. Apparently LS is, as always, experiencing problems ]] Airachnid: [waves in return and takes her normal position in the back] Drift: ((is it for anyone else?)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((how many tabs you got open? it's workin fine here...)) Airachnid: yeah same)) Drift: ((less than usual)) Airachnid: yeah same)) Drift: ((then I'm the lucky duck. SIGH)) Shockbox: /he registers the nod after a few seconds, and nods back. on his way to his usual seat, he grabs a small bowl of energon goods. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Long project?]] Whirl: *sloowly testing the hammock, pushing on it, leaning on it, etc* It's not GAPING. And it's not bleeding any more, it's fine. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((try incognito???)) Drift: ((there it goes)) Whirl: ((brb, i must clean up a spill, assume Wghirl is like. Hilariously slowly getting into this hammock* Drift: ((i refreshed)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((aaaaaay)) B l u r r: [[ yaaay ]] B l u r r: [[ lemme know when yall are back / ready ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((ready when y'all are)) Shockbox: (( my body may be exhausted, but it is still ready. )) Airachnid: my head's stuffed up but I'll be fine. Eventually)) Shockbox: So, I presume the protagonist of this series is, in fact, not a serial killer? B l u r r: / anyway. Will watch Drift and Frenzy work on Whirl with an amused expression / B l u r r: I'm not sure. I've never seen this one. Being on Earth again has updated my horror library. Shockbox: ((*film, not series )) Shockbox: I suppose we shall find out for ourselves, then. Whirl: ((OK BACK)) B l u r r: Mm yes, I think so. /twisting wiring around his digits from his leg / I'm thrilled. Drift: You never know, he might be lying. Whirl: *HE IS IN THE HAMMOCK, success. He can't lounge though because his new rotor array is on his back, so he just sits up* B l u r r: [[ OKAY is everyone here / ready?? ]] Whirl: ((ye!)) Shockbox: (( like 9000 ready. )) B l u r r: [[ Puff, is it working for you okay now? ]] Whirl: *looks to Airachnid* Didn't see you at the movie night on Monday. Drift: ((ye)) Airachnid: I just hope there's a decent amount of human blood. Airachnid: I was otherwise engaged. Airachnid: aka MY F*CKING INTERNET WENT OUT)) B l u r r: [[ rUDE ]] Shockbox: (( awh....you missed shockwave night...)) Whirl: Ohh, if you wanna see some human blood, you should get some footage from Teach later! *pulls out a half cube of The Good Stuff and toasts the memory of carnage* Shockbox: (( a tragedy. )) B l u r r: [[ okay i shall start now ]] Whirl: Nobody does bloodshed quite like Blurr. Drift: Okay. Whirl. Look. You've got a hole in your side. *holds up a hole punch and zip ties* You're gonna at least let me close it up. Airachnid: for the whole damn night. no reason either)) B l u r r: / snort / No one knows how to murder like I do. Airachnid: I just want to see human blood and not get in trouble for it. B l u r r: / eyeing Whirl. Vents. The Good Stuff better not be anything not allowed on the ship / FakeProwl: *appears! and just in time* Whirl: *watches Drift with a deadpal expression and just takes a long pull* Shh. Movie's starting. Whirl: @Drift: It's not as bad as it looks, I promise. Take care of Teach first. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Makes room next to himself and the minis. Prowl is welcome to it.* Whirl: *HE FORGOT AGAIN, TELL HIM AND HE'LL STOP* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\AIN'T WE OR AIN'T WE NOT ZIPPIN' SOMEONE?\\ Whirl: *HE JUST WANTED TO TASTE A THING* B l u r r: / HOW DO YOU FORGET THE ONLY ' NO ' RULE HE HAS / Drift: @Whirl «I can't help with that kind of damage. I can close holes and that's about it. Frenzy's gotta look at him first.» Whirl: *BECAUSE I DID TOO* B l u r r: / he doesn't have to tell Whirl. Someone else will / Airachnid: [she's not even going to question what happened to Whirl] Whirl: ((omfg chistopher lloyd.....)) Drift: We're zipping someone. Can you look at Blurr while I close Whirl up? Piston: [ leans over the couch. Taps the cube ] This is an illegal substance, Whirl. FakeProwl: *sits with* Whirl: (9BEST *** INTO HAHA)) Piston: [ as a silent, terrifying mortician, he has snuck in without a word or sound ] ItsyBitsySpyers: \\YEAH, GUESS SO. C'MERE, SPEEDY ONE.\\ B l u r r: / grumbles/ My medic will fix it. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\YEAH? 'N WHOZAT?\\ Whirl: A zip tie isn't gonna fix this, mech, it'll be fine. *AND THEN IMMEDIATELY JUMPS AND LOOKS OVER HIS SHOULDER* Where the frag did YOU come from!? Whirl: ...But. oh. Damn. Sorry, Teach. *subspaces it, and then pulls out a cube of regular old midgrade* Whirl: I got excited. Wanted to delebrate. Piston: I live here. [ dull stare ] Drift: ... Then I'm zip tying you after Frenzy's done with you. Shockbox: /he sprawls out on his lonely couch. though he would usually have no problem resisting the urge to nod off, getting the chance to sit still after bustling about all day might just entice him into -* Shockbox: *-rechage.* B l u r r: / vents and leans back. / Whirl: *turns and takes a long drink of his canister while returning Piston's dull stare* Rght. B l u r r: I say help patch up Whirl. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\Y'AIN'T MY BOSS.\\ Piston: [ props an elbow on the couch. Looks at Drift and Frenzy ] Hello again, Drift. Drift: ... Frenzy, who needs to be patched first? Whirl: Again--sorry. Forgot. Hey, Frenzy, d9o you know if they make a non-high-grade verison of... *pauses* ItsyBitsySpyers: *He's gonna start peeking at that mangled leg* Drift: *nods at Piston* Hey. Whirl: *something feels weird. Whirl shifts and looks down. His hammock is getting wet. Because the ful he just tried to drink is leaking out of his side-hole* Whirl: ... ItsyBitsySpyers: *Laserbeak, sensing semi-unattended treats, joins SHockwave on his lonely couch and starts sneaking treats from the bowl* B l u r r: / grumbles and shifts leg away / It's just missing plating. All the mechanisms work. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Company missed before. Prowl safe since last meeting? New news? Whirl: Okay. So. ...okay, fine. *side-eyes Piston* Drift can patch me up. DRIFT. Piston: [ moves from the couch and wanders around the hammock. Stares at Whirl] Frame can be modified, then? ItsyBitsySpyers: \\UH-HUH. I'MMA BELIEVE THAT CAUSE WHY?\\ Piston: This is not what I catalogued. No, no. Something much more complex. Blending into Tyran... [ monotone ] How fascinating. Whirl: *slowly swivels his helm to keep Piston in his sights* Yep. This is a pretty minor one: changed my alt-mode. Shockbox: *he jumps a bit at a sudden shifting sensation, attempting to identify the source of movement.* B l u r r: / glances at Frenzy and scowls/ My legs are complex... Airachnid: Ah, brings back memories. Drift: I'm waiting for Frenzy's call. Whirl: *antenna slowly pins back* ... I spent most of my life looking like this. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Oh yeah. He was, wasn't he? Frenzy looks over and - is Whirl leaking.* FakeProwl: *ugh. serial killer fanboy.* Shockbox: *ah, it's lazerbeak. he gives a slight nod, pushing the bowl a little in her direction and returns his dazed attention back to the screen.* Piston: Yes. [ leans forward just a little more ] I like it. Whirl: *now looks to Frenzy. Don't u dare stick himwith Piston* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\BOTHA BUNCHA... I OUGHTA POP ANOTHER HOLE INTO YA.\\ Whirl: Well. *leans back a LITTLE. Just a little* Well. ...good? Piston: ... Yes. [moves to walk away and settles in his own seat ] ItsyBitsySpyers: \\IN MY LEARNIN' OPINION, THE DUMBAFT LEAKIN' HIS FUEL PROBABLY GOTTA GO GET SURGERIED FIRST.\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: \\I AIN'T LEARNED TANKS YET.\\ Whirl: ((THERE HE BEEEE)) FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Yes, safe. Tarantulas has been bugging me. Nothing else has changed.» B l u r r: [[ there he iiiiisss ]] Whirl: *relaxes a bit, watching Piston walk away, puzzled* Airachnid: Would you like me to use some webbing to temporarily patch the wound? Whirl: ...*tilts his head* Would that work? ItsyBitsySpyers: \\...IT CLEAN?\\ Airachnid: Yes. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «And Chromedome called me, but had nothing of worth to say.» Airachnid: To both questions. Whirl: Well. Sure, mech. Give it a shot. Come on over. *he's gonna sit up a bit straighter to give her a better view and shot* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy chews on a thumb claw.* \\GUESS SO. BETTER'N PASSIN' OUT.\\ Drift: I was gonna suggest duct tape, but it gets greasy and falls off. So yeah, web sounds good. Airachnid: [she's going to get up and walk over to where Whirl is] Whirl: *bobs his head cordially; he seems quite pleased with this solution* Just gob it right up in there. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Tarantulas attention wanted? Iacon progress? Soundwave can of-- ItsyBitsySpyers: *HOLD ON NOW* B l u r r: ... /twitches finials. Ignoring all this medical talk. Watching this movie / Airachnid: [she gives a nod and webs up the wound for now] Of course it'll need to be changed eventually. B l u r r: [[ guys lemme know if it starts tanking stream wise ]] Drift: ((fine so far)) Whirl: Yeah, I'll need to get everything, y'know, FIXED fixed before we go into a battle again. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): What wanted, this Chromedome. Prowl all right? Which alternate? Whirl: *gonna lean a  little and scoot to the side. Airachnid is welcome to share the hammock, if she deigns to* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\DUCT TAPE AIN'T SO BAD IF YA STICK IT ON MOUTHS. ANYWAY.\\ Grabs for Blurr's leg again. \\GIMME, NERD.\\ Airachnid: ... [eh. might as well. She gets into the hammock as well] Airachnid: [copter hammock] FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Fine, I'm fine. He tried to tell me lies about what memory he took from me in an attempt to manipulate me into agreeing to a verbal conversation.» Whirl: *SCORE* B l u r r: / tries to pull his leg away / Whirl: Hey now, Teach. I took my medicine, time fo you to take yours. B l u r r: / waves claw. / Whirl: I'll hold him down if you want, Frenzy. *TOTAL TRAITOR* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\GOOD. HURRY UP. HE'S FAST.\\ B l u r r: Don't touch me... Whirl: You gonna make me do it, Teach? Or you gonna behave? B l u r r: / scoffs and sticks his leg out / Do not touch anything inside. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\FINALLY.\\ Gonna get peeping inside. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): What lies told? Expected conversation purpose? B l u r r: Just shove the wiring inside and wrap my leg up. Don't go poking around. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Squint.* \\Y'BETTER SEE THAT MEDIC AFTER.\\ B l u r r: ... /smirks wider / Whirl: Yeah, Piston. Why don't you make yourself useful? Go see to your captain? B l u r r: K-Kyeheheheh... /props chin on claw/ ItsyBitsySpyers: *Gets shoving. He's gonna start charging for all this doctorin' stuff, he swears.* Airachnid: [so many memories of academy. Fun] Piston: I will. Right now, we are constructing an outer armor casing for his leg back in medical. B l u r r: I knew someone like her... /vents / FakeProwl: @Soundwave «He tried to tell me that he deleted my memory because I blackmailed him. Last time, he told me he deleted my memory because I was in love with him and embarrassed him.» Whirl: *he is not gonna even comment or think about this too much. He doesn't need anyone to know about is corpse-cave* B l u r r: Now I know someone like that, but he's much more cheery! Ain't yah, Piston? K-Kyeheheheh. Piston: ... Ha. Ha. [ dull laugh. Literally as it is read. ha. ha. ] FakeProwl: @Soundwave «The story changes every time. He's trying out stories until he finds one that sticks. None are logically plausible.» ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy whistles to Drift. Got more zip ties?* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Not gonna leave room for Blurr to be picking wires back out* Drift: *got 'em.* Want me to put them in? I'm a pro. Whirl: Taking bets now--it's the therapist. Airachnid: Now that would be a plot twist. Drift: That'd make sense. He's trying to frame the kid by telling people he's a sociopath. B l u r r: / tilts helm/ What if the kid doesn't need framing? Whirl: *points at Drift* Yep. Whirl: Like that movie with the monsters--Nightbreed. Drift: Therapists aren't supposed to share stuff like that. Whirl: You groom your patient and put ideas in their head. Airachnid: This reminds me of my younger years, only I didn't have a therapist. Whirl: But, I could be wrong. *looks to Airachnid* Yeah? Count yourself lucky. B l u r r: They tried to give me one once... ItsyBitsySpyers: \\YA MIND?\\ He scoots out of the way. \\HE PROBABLY AIN'T GONNA PUNCH -YOU- IF IT HURTS.\\ Whirl: ...*pauses, and then relents* Well. Okkay. To be fair, Rung's... noit a bad sort. He's all right. B l u r r: He didn't taste very good. B l u r r: A little bland with awful ideas. B l u r r: Stale. That's how he tasted. Stale. Whirl: Heh. Was his name Froid? FakeProwl: *did have a therapist. a diagnosis of sociopathy was batted around. absolutely not contributing that to the conversation.* Airachnid: Never really wanted one. And when everyone is dying to psychoanalyze you, it gets annoying. B l u r r: ... No, I don't remember his name. Whirl: That guy's a real... He's. I mean, what a jerk. ItsyBitsySpyers: *None of Soundwave's group have been to a therapist. Primus only knows what one would do with them.* B l u r r: Eugh, I hate when mechs do that. They act like they know everything based on one tiny interaction. Airachnid: Medical school was quite irritating. B l u r r: ... !!! FakeProwl: *ugh now they're talking about froid. quick. what was soundwave's other question.* Airachnid: Well then. Shockbox: (( isn't that how the terminator kills people? )) Whirl: *pauses; momentary blank look* ... Yeah. But, anyway, unfortunately, mine's mandated. Shockbox: (( /has not watched terminator. )) ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): More information needed. Chromedome not familiar mech yet. What not plausible about presented stories? Whirl: O-HO. Count me wrong, then. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((it's how the one in the sequel does)) Whirl: ((i have not seen term 2)) B l u r r: ... wow. He's like us! B l u r r: / points/ That's what we do !!! B l u r r: / excited leg kick / Whirl: *now looks to Airachnid* You went to medic school? Shockbox: (( interesting. i remember seeing that sort of thing in a review once. )) ItsyBitsySpyers: \\YOU WAS IN MEDICAL SCHOOL, AIRACHNID?\\ Whirl: ((PFFT, HIVEMIND, FRENZY)) Airachnid: Arachnicons, like myself, are often medics as we can produce webbing and that functions as bandages. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «I lost interest in him very shortly after we broke up, long before he became an expert in mnemosurgeon.» B l u r r: ... /makes a slight face/ A lot of people in this... remind me of people I knew once. Airachnid: [gestures to Whirl's now bandaged wound] Whirl: Hmm. I see. *examines his own* Whirl: So far no leaks, so, not bad, mech. Airachnid: But, unfortunately, I was not CREATED to be a medic, so it did not work out. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\HUH. Y'EVER MEET... FRAG. WHATSERFACE. COG SOMETHIN'. REMEDY TALKS 'BOUT 'ER SOMETIMES.\\ FakeProwl: @Soundwave «And I wouldn't have blackmailed him because I've never needed to, he's always been eager to get more work.» Whirl: ...yeah. Sucks when you have different ideas as to what you wanna be. ItsyBitsySpyers: *He has no idea how old Airachnid is or isn't, so he's just throwing darts here* Whirl: *he feels ya* Airachnid: I mean, if I had just passed one more class, I could have been a medic, but my teacher failed me because I wasn't made to be one. Airachnid: So I killed him. Whirl: *LAUGHS* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage snorts.* Airachnid: Not all arachnicons know each other. B l u r r: / makes a face/ He should have failed you for more logical reasons. B l u r r: Failing someone just because they don't seem to be part of the function means that the teacher was lazy. Whirl: On behalf of all teachers everywhere--and I'm sure Blurr can agree with me--I say, good job. Airachnid: No, he was a functionalist. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Of course—if he modified my memories extensively and thoroughly enough, EITHER of those stories could be true. I have no way to know.» B l u r r: Why would I agree with you? FakeProwl: @Soundwave «But neither lines up with what I DO know.» Whirl: Because a lazy teacher deserves to be murdered by his students. Especially a FUNCITONIST one. B l u r r: / he spaced out / Killing him? Yes, he sounded lazy. A terrible teacher. By all means. Is that what I'm agreeing on? Whirl: Yes. ...you ste you're all right? Airachnid: He was insufferable too. So he deserved it. B l u r r: Hm? B l u r r: [[ his handwriting is so weird wtf ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave glances up at the ceiling, thinking.* Airachnid: After that, of course, I couldn't get my medical degree so I became a bounty hunter in Kaon. Amazing how things can change. Whirl: Like, you're still with us, right, Teach? Not lsot too much fuel? Whirl: *looks to Airachnid; he seems genuinely interested* Bounty hunting before the war, eh? How well did THAT go? ItsyBitsySpyers: \\IF HE'S DYIN', I DIDN'T DO IT.\\ B l u r r: ... / twitches finials/ Ah. Yes. / settles. He's not all there but he's okay / FakeProwl: @Soundwave «He's been talking about trying to make amends and talk to me again. I suspects he wants to persuade me to meet in person. He probably wants to go after my memories again. Don't know why.» Airachnid: It paid well and there were plenty of mecha hiring. Whirl: *dryly* I hereby absolve you of all guilt, Frenzy. Whirl: ...THIS time. Whirl: For THIS specific instance. Whirl: ((pfft, emmett. I see what u did there)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Prowl doesn't have -no- way to know. Soundwave could dig into Chromedome and find out himself. He's been wanting to do it since he found out about Chromedome in the first place. But he also said he-- ItsyBitsySpyers: wouldn't become a pet mnemosurgeon. And Prowl hated the idea so much with Tarantulas...* B l u r r: ... Is he going to take his spine? That would just make my day.../muttering/ ItsyBitsySpyers: *Stops staring at the ceiling and looks back to Prowl.* Whirl: It's absolutely NOT ethical. Whirl: *antenna pins back* FakeProwl: That's extremely unethical. Whirl: ...*shakes his head and returns his attention to more pleasant things* Did you mostly run jobs for the Functionists, or for the 'Cons? Or what? Airachnid: Well, yes. Airachnid: The Decepticons were not formed at the time B l u r r: ... /slouches a little / Drift: ... *nudges blurr* Airachnid: Mostly criminals trying to get other criminals. B l u r r: /shifts a bit / Hm? Whirl: Ever take a hit on the establishment? Drift: Sup? *blurr's slouchin* B l u r r: ... /thinking/ Nothing, it's just that this reminds me of a lt. B l u r r: *lot Airachnid: I went after anyone. Some happened to be under that kind of label as well. Whirl: ...*looks over* Hey, Teach. Don't let he memories get to ya. Becaus we're HERE, now. Whirl: Kicking aft, taking names, getting shot--all the good things in life! Whirl: *adds, with another sly, sidelong look* Getting stepped on. Maybe. B l u r r: ... oh stop /snort / Whirl: *shrugs* Fair enough. If I'd been out and about around that time, I might've done the same. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Prowl under Soundwave, deployer protection if Chromedome visit helps uncover truth. Avatar also possible.-- Whirl: I'm telling you, mech. It's gonna happen. I'm not gonna let you down. B l u r r: Hnnn.. ItsyBitsySpyers: Would put Chromedome down, provide recorded evidence if second attack attempted. Shockbox: (( this reminds me of an old story written by lovecraft. )) ItsyBitsySpyers: *He says 'attempted' because there's no way he'd let it actually happen.* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... I can't.» B l u r r: /vents and sets his leg out straight in front of him/ It reminds me of things I'm fond of. Harvesting for parts. Drift: ((which story? i don't remember one like this)) B l u r r: It's the people around him that strike familiar . Whirl: ((this is based on a book actually!)) ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): ...Arrest restriction? Personal comfort? Whirl: *nods to Blurr* Gotcha, Teach. ...*now swivels his helm about to regard Frenzy. Is he done with medic duty? Does he need  aseat?* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «I can't be near him.» *absent-mindedly rubs the back of his neck* B l u r r: [[ good news: whatever I ate today that messed me up is done messing me up. Bad news: I'm hungry but afeared to eat ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Small ping. You're doing the thing.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy's good on the floor, he's watching all this weird killers who are and aren't.* Whirl: ((LMAO I WENT TO THE imdb to look up brooke's actress cos the girl seems familiar and C/ LLoyd's character name is Crowley)) FakeProwl: *quickly laces hands in lap* Whirl: *then that is quite fine* FakeProwl: Don't taunt the monster, you idiot. Now he has an opportunity to get his guard up. B l u r r: Not if he needs constant harvesting B l u r r: if you scare him to stay inside, his parts rot and he can't get to a new source. B l u r r: In a way, he's actually quite smart. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Understood. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Believe him, he gets it.* Drift: *... comm ping to blurr* B l u r r: / twitches finial. Pings back/ @Drift: :: Hm? :: Whirl: ((WILLIAM BLAKE)) Whirl: ((AND WHAT HAND, AND WHAT ART, COULD TWIST THE SINEWS OF THY HERAT)) Whirl: ((william blake man. lovim. me and him have the sam bday y'all)) B l u r r: [[[ nice ]] Drift: @Blurr «This is where my alternate is landed right now.» *a set of coordinates.* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): ... Could assign Soundwave intercept duty. Make Soundwave Prowl's 'voice'. Chromedome, Trepan appearing; multiple contact attempts... disliked, distrusted. Should hunt truth. B l u r r: @Drift: :: Hnn? I thought you changed your mind? :: Whirl: Hmm. Drift: @Blurr «I had to think about it. But, I want to go through with it.» B l u r r: @Drift: ::Well, if you're sure. Once I give them, I can't stop it. :: Drift: @Blurr «I know. I'm sure.» B l u r r: / vents and slides over to lean on. Comfy / Whirl: *has been very twitchy since he arrived. Small little movements, rotor shuffles, etc. Constant fidgeting. Sorry Airachnid* Shockbox: (( hahahahahahah i saw that coming )) FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Right now, the Constructicons are intercepting. Chromedome knows I want nothing to do with him so long as he has my memory and I don't.» Airachnid: [she's fine, she hardly notices] B l u r r: @Drift: :: Well, if you're sure. :: ItsyBitsySpyers: (AHA i was sitting here wondering why i knew the lead)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((they were in that wild things movie a while back)) B l u r r: @Drift: :: I'll have to tell you when it's done, if you want to know? :: Drift: @Blurr «Yeah. Wait until I'm over for movie night to tell me. I don't want any long-range comms that might be tracked.» B l u r r: @Drift: :: Naturally. I'll be here every time, you know. :: Whirl: ((christopher lloyd is so *** good in this)) B l u r r: [[ yeeessss ]] Drift: @Blurr «I know. ... Thanks.» B l u r r: @Drift: :: Oh, you know me. Hero to all, apparently. :: /rolls optic / Whirl: So is she still dating the therapist? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Wants nothing more than to offer to rip it out and put it back.* FakeProwl: *can't ask that* Whirl: Tiger. That comes back again. Hmmm. Whirl: *clicks claws clowly, contemplatively* Whirl: Wonder if that's significant. B l u r r: [[ the beanie ]] Airachnid: the pandie)) Whirl: ((The Beanie)) Shockbox: (( such a serious moment )) B l u r r: [[ the music. the pandiie ]] Shockbox: (( you can see the pain in his eyes as he slips on the adorable panda mask )) B l u r r: ... / sinks down more / Whirl: *tilts his head to an even further degree* Shockbox: (( this is some very LoZ: TP music. )) B l u r r: / going to stick his apparently zip tied leg out / B l u r r: / hurts at the moment / Drift: *wraps arm around blurr* Airachnid: [she's very focused on this. she's even starting to blep] Whirl: ((oh my ufccing god)) Whirl: ((the mental image of an airachnid blep has killed me. goodbye curle worl)) Airachnid: glad I could help)) Shockbox: (( goodbye curle whirl )) Shockbox: (( but yeah that's hella cute )) B l u r r: / leans on Drift / Whirl: ((is similarly engrossed so has not noticed the blep* Whirl: Oh, COME ON, you big baby. At least he told you the truth! Airachnid: Indeed. He has no right to complain. FakeProwl: *... mildly empathizes with main character.* FakeProwl: *isn't a sociopath. doesn't fantasize about killing people. but.* Shockbox: If the human had simply communicated the amount of danger he was really in, his friend might have considered him mad enough to let his words slide. FakeProwl: *the rules, to try to appear normal? the fear of being abnormal?* B l u r r: If the world didn't make it so hard to be abnormal, maybe people wouldn't have to worry about being normal. B l u r r: / holds out claws like duh / Whirl: ((i have that same cup...)) B l u r r: [[ same ]] Airachnid: we used to)) B l u r r: / sinks down more / Whirl: Well, the world's not gonna change. It's kind of amusing how similar it is across multiversal boundaries. Whirl: The thing is, you just gotta be ready to FIGHT the world. B l u r r: ...How endearing. /mumbling/ B l u r r: He dropped the knife. B l u r r: /muttering to self. full slouch on couch / ItsyBitsySpyers: *To the Pit with it.* Drift: *slowly slouches down with blurr* B l u r r: / glances at Drift . pokes his arm / Drift: *pokes back* Yeah? B l u r r: /flicks finials/ What're you slouched for? Drift: Cuz you are. B l u r r: / smirks/ Oh, yeah? Dodge is, too. Whirl: *glances to Drift and Blurr, watching; for once he's not sort of low-key jealous. He's just curiously watching them* Shockbox: *at this point it's seriously hard to tell whether or not he's awake.* Whirl: ((here lies shockwave)) B l u r r: ... /making a face / Shockbox: (( bested by exhaustion, for once. )) Whirl: *once again engrossed* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): If Chromedome: feared, Prowl: controlled. If goal: escape, what tools needed? ... Give legal options. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... Legal options?» *he'd reported it to Ultra Magnus, who had done nothing. what was left? Who else would do anything?* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Folds his servos in his lap. Takes a moment to notice the half-asleep Shockwave. He'll send them home later if they pass out.* Whirl: That's the therapist, right? Pfft. Good. Shockbox: (( how many funerals has this been at this point? )) Airachnid: a lot)) B l u r r: ... What a good person. /dims optic/ B l u r r: She's the only person that's nice to him. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... If you're willing, you could—monitor him. See what you can find out.» ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Legal options. Solutions not outside Starscream's laws. ItsyBitsySpyers: *...Nod.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *He's not going to ask Prowl for the illegal ones. Must leave his ally some room to deny knowledge of anything he might do.* ItsyBitsySpyers: anything terrible* Whirl: *snickers* Shockbox: (( how did this man even manage to /get/ a wife. )) Whirl: *snickers again* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Conversations? Monitoring only? FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... Be cautious if you have conversations. You know what he is. Don't let him know you have ties to me. I disappear when he arrives, he probably doesn't know yet.» Whirl: *click click click in anticipation* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «I will not ask you to converse with him. Don't endanger yourself and don't endanger me.» ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Acknowledged. Whirl: nICE! Airachnid: Ah, nothing like bonding over an autopsy. Drift: ... If his hand hadn't been out like that, his mom might not have believed him. He's lucky. Whirl: *snorts* Shockbox: (( some top notch vivisection going on right here. )) Whirl: Or, a living dissection. Shockbox: (( yes, that is what a vivisection is. a living dissection. )) Airachnid: Or vivisection. Drift: They're pumping out his blood. Whirl: Yep! *tips his canister in mock-toast and drinks* Whirl: I think they're pumping out his HIM. Drift: ... What if it pollutes the water? Airachnid: That is nor normal organic blood. Whirl: The black stuff---whatever he's made of. Drift: If he's made of the black stuff, then it could travel to someone else if it's pumped out, right? Whirl: Maybe... ItsyBitsySpyers: *Sudden small plating flare* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Quickly puts it back down* FakeProwl: *that's a new one* B l u r r: / monster!!! / B l u r r: / excited leg kick / Whirl: *leans forward* Whirl: Is he gonna like... take true fo--ohhhh. FakeProwl: *not sure what plating flare means. brushes hand?* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\GROSS, HAHA.\\ Whirl: Neat! Shockbox: *goddamnit he would be so intrigued by this right now if he weren't ASLEEP.* B l u r r: ... /oh no. Oh god it's gonna end sad isn't it / Whirl: *i mean he won't admit it but it's kind of compelling that this murderous vicious monster's primary motivation is its love for someon* Whirl: *a good story* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Hand twitches slightly; he hadn't expected the contact. But he'll take it.* Drift: *AW. WHY THIS. 8(* Airachnid: [it is sickingly sweet] B l u r r: / this is hitting his fEELINGS that he thought he bURIED / Whirl: *tips his canister again& B l u r r: / ow. ow. ow ow pain. Picking at zip ties / Whirl: *well fucc that's. Compelling* Drift: *oh nooo. clings to blurr* Whirl: *but he's got a VERY good poker face* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy absently swats Blurr's hand.* Shockbox: (( ***, mang. )) Whirl: *it's the specific line: "i've never got it before" that got him. You've got company, Blurr* B l u r r: / swats at Frenzy. / Shockbox: ((didn't expect this to get feelsy. )) B l u r r: / is clinged to. Still picking at his zipties / Whirl: Ha. The therapist died. Good. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Turns.* \\CUT IT OUT.\\ B l u r r: / wheeze. He's having an emotional moment let him have it / B l u r r: / actually wait don't, hell rip the ties / Whirl: ((I REALLY LIKED THIS MOVIE. The pacing could;ve been better but it was good)) B l u r r: [[ IT WAS NICE? ?? I liked it ]] Drift: ... His therapist died because he was trying to help him. I think he was an okay one. Airachnid: and explained what the f*ck the old guy was)) Whirl: I don't like him. B l u r r: / rubbing his optic. / Drift: Questionable ethics, dated his mom, yeah... but died trying to help him. B l u r r: WELL At least humans died. That was great /rub rub / Whirl: Eh. Still don't like him. His motives were tainted. How can you trust someone knowing they're playing you for their own benefit? You CAN'T. Shockbox: *he is motionless. one could mistake him for dead in his recharge.* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Apologies. Soundwave: fine. Unexpected recollection. Airachnid: I think Shockwave died. Whirl: Well. Ravage. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\I DIDN'T DO THAT NEITHER.\\ Whirl: You know what to do. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[No, Ravage.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy gets up to poke Shockwave.* Shockbox: *he shifts a little at the prodding.* Piston: [ pops up right behind Whirl ] What an endearing movie. I rather like that method. I use a system similar... on bodies I deem... worthy. [ stare ] FakeProwl: *small nod* Shockbox: *might need a little more to get him up and out.* Whirl: *swivels his helm around, DAMN YOU PISTON YOU STARTLED HIM AGAIN* is that so. Piston: [ stare back ] Yes. Piston: I look forward to the Tyran bodies you will bring me. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\\I GOT THIS. YER ALL GONNA WANNA CUT AUDIOS.\\ Shockbox: *oh no. * ItsyBitsySpyers: *So, Shockwave. You know how loud Frenzy is normally. Do you know how loud he can ACTUALLY be?* Drift: *covers audials* Airachnid: [covers audials] Whirl: Well, I'm not bringing you any. FakeProwl: ... Don't do that. FakeProwl: He's sensitive to noises. Whirl: You'll hafta ask Blurr for that. I usually don't leave ENOUGH of a body for any kind of preservation, mech. FakeProwl: *look who managed to notice a thing* Shockbox: * something tells me this is going to be the last time he attempts to fall asleep in a social gathering if this goes on.* Whirl: ...*pointedly does not, he wants to hear Frenzy scream* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy opens his mouth - then stops and looks at Prowl. Since when does he care?* Piston: What a shame. [ looks Whirl over ] I was told that you would be helpful to avoid your own ... ritual. Whirl: Ritual? Shockbox: *prowl, have we...bonded over a mutual sensitivity to sound?* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\...I GUESS.\\ He gets up and dusts his knees off, walking to the other corner of the room. ItsyBitsySpyers: *THEN TAKES A RUNNING LEAP AND BELLY FLOPS ON SHOCKWAVE'S MIDDLE* Piston: ... [just stares at Whirl ] I really do wish to know how a spark works... FakeProwl: *...... he's mildly protective of people with hypersensitivity, don't read into it* Airachnid: [uncovers audials. Or that could work too] Whirl: Well. That's a damn shame, isn;'t it? not having one to experiment. *pokes him roughly in the chest& Whirl: *...okay well he was gonna call you a wimp for not screeching but a belly flop is acceptable* Piston: [ reaches out and pokes Whirl's shoulder ] Good luck out there. What I do to bodies would make the humans feel shame. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Congrats, Prowl. In case you were wondering about how far ally privilege goes, you've just discovered a small (but not always reliable) perk.* Whirl: *swats at Piston's hand* Oh, I'm SURE. FakeProwl: *the occasional power to stop Frenzy from screaming?* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Something like that.* FakeProwl: *he'll use it wisely* Whirl: *The Poer to Instintill Discretion in Frenzy?* Piston: [ chuckles. It sounds like a doll tbh ] Shockbox: *WHEEZES and suddenly has his blaster raised in the air. he had attempted to trigger the alarms to his base, not realizing that he was, in fact, not home.* Whirl: Or I get thrown into the trash, or an incinerator. Whirl: Anyway, hate to disappoint you, but I've promised my corpse to Buzzsaw, Laserbeak, and Ravage. They're probably gonna devour me. Piston: Accidents happen. Whirl: Or, if anyone else is nearby and wants to eat me, that's fine. B l u r r: / moves a leg out. Going to try and stand / Right. I have... an announcement to make! Whirl: I'm sure they do, Piston. It'd be a damn shame if one of them happened to YOU. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\HEH HEH HEH.\\ Rolls off Shockwave. \\DROP THE GUN, MECH. JUS' ME.\\ Whirl: *swivels his helm to regard Blurr* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Announcement?]] Airachnid: [that got her attention] Airachnid: [she never tries to miss out on the opprotunity for free food] Piston: [ quiet for things ] Piston: It would be. But my Captain has a strong belief in our driving spirit. Whirl: *well Airachnid. You are welcome to devour his corpse if you ask* Shockbox: *His helm flicks every which way as he slowly sets his arm down. He looks to Frenzy.* ....What did I miss? Airachnid: Most of the movie. B l u r r: I, that is me. /presses claw to his chassis / Have decided that my Skeleton Crew will... will be liberating... /trailing off./ ItsyBitsySpyers: \\SOME KINDA MONSTER THING CRAWLED OUTTA THE KILLER GUY 'N HIS BLOOD 'N STUFF. REAL MUSHY STUFF 'BOUT HIS WIFE.\\ B l u r r: / flicking finials. Turns to his left and mumbles. / ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He's never heard of]] [][][]mumble[][][]. [[Where is that?]] Whirl: Yeah. Believe it or not, an ACTUALLY compelling romance, as compred to last week's movie's Garbage Romance. B l u r r: / vents and points to Whirl and hisses in another dialect / Drift: Are you rescuing the Autobots? 8) Whirl: *tilts his head as he is pointed at, his long rotors rattling questioningly* B l u r r: Oh, fine. After much conference, we've decided that ...we will, indeed. Help the Autobots. Shockbox: Hm. The last thing I recall was that the human adolescent attempted to murder the old woman. B l u r r: Only because it will have Optimus Prime of Tyran in my debt. Drift: *hugs Blurr's waist. ... since he's still sitting and all.* Whirl: And so he'll step on you. Whirl: But sexy-like. Shockbox: Was....the monster, interesting? B l u r r: / pats Drift's helm/ AND. Whirl: And also because... *sly look* Blurr's got a hero's streak in him. Airachnid: Made up of mostly blood that came from the old human. B l u r r: I will.../ gritting denta/ I. Will. Release. The. Wreckers. To their rightful... home. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\YO, BOSS. MONSTER IMAGE?\\ And now Shockwave can see it. Airachnid: So, I would say so. B l u r r: / that was hard to say / Whirl: You're damn right you will. Whirl: If you decided not to then we'd have us a PROBLEM, Teach. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...Will they not be endangered by the humans?]] Shockbox: *He considers the monster.* Whirl: But, I had faith you'd come around. Real..........................................heroic of ya. B l u r r: ... Shut up, Whirl. B l u r r: I'm doing this because I get to slaughter humans for free. Free buffet. Whirl: I will not shut up. Whirl: Nobody has ever figured out how to do that yet. Whirl: And neither will you. *beams cheerfully* B l u r r: / crosses arms / Optimus Prime of Tyran will owe me. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((omg is this the rock)) Whirl: ((IT IIIS)) Whirl: ((HIS VOICE IS SO GREAT)) B l u r r: [[ it is ]] Airachnid: I do not know Whirl very well, but I don't think "shut up" and "Whirl" really go together. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((adoration <3)) B l u r r: Absolutely. Anything. B l u r r: And Optimus Prime of Tyran in my debt means that I can request anything... Whirl: *nudges her* You got me! B l u r r: So if I die, know that he tore me in half and it was glorious... Shockbox: (( such a  good song...)) Whirl: And also, Optimus Prime of Tyran will step on you. Sexily. Whirl: Hey, if you gotta die, I'll make sure, Teach, as your friend, to make sure it';s at his hands. At his FURIOUS hands. Whirl: *salutes; whirl is 100% your wingman Blurr* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...A debt from Optimus Prime should be used on something more... useful.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Than your libido.]] B l u r r: ... Look, you just don't understand. Whirl: Uhh, you're understimating the amount of enjoyment Blurr will get out of that. Don't judge. Whirl: People like us need to tke whateve joy from life we can. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Looks at the both of them.* B l u r r: You have no idea what it is like to see an angry Optimus charging at you like he broke through the flames of hell. /claws to chassis / Whirl: I mean, obviously, you got no problem serving YOUR libido, *ndos at Soundwave and Prwl* Whirl: Let the rest of us do what we need to. B l u r r: With that gun charging and that angry snarl. The HATE in those optics. ItsyBitsySpyers: *And then Soundwave transformed into an iceberg.* B l u r r: The way it feels to have limbs torn from attachments... Whirl: ((i am very sorry fo my sh it typing lmao)) FakeProwl: I wouldn't trade in a highly useful debt for a fifteen-second session with an unwilling dom. Whirl: Yeah, well, you're not Blurr. B l u r r: Besides... he has a soft spot. Whirl: Like I said--don;t judge. Shockbox: *he is confused by the implication of soundwave and prowl having...a relationship?* FakeProwl: *is judging. is judging hard.* B l u r r: And. /deep vent / Roadbuster and I are. Whirl: *no regrets; Whirl got u Blurr. U fam* B l u r r: Figuring out. B l u r r: Friends. Whirl: *LOOKS TO BLURR* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Well, that's going to speed up certain conversations with the alternate Shockwave, isn't it.* B l u r r: I think we've figured that out. Whirl: Mech! That's great! Shockbox: *observing this conversation, even if he didn't hear the very beginning of it.* Whirl: You did it! FakeProwl: *whirl didn't say "serving your libido WITH EACH OTHER" so prowl missed the implication* B l u r r: Basically... do you guys want anything from Earth while I'm there? Shockbox: *thanks whirl you're helping us talk to eachother. * B l u r r: Oh, and Whirl is helping me. I'll make sure he comes home. Whirl: They might pay you NOT to, teach. *laughs* Whirl: Pfft. Whirl: But heck yeah, you guys want souvenirs? FakeProwl: *considers asking for a red crayon.* FakeProwl: *no—they'd kill somebody to get it.* B l u r r: [[ blurr has those omfg ]] Whirl: *i mean you're not wrong* Airachnid: [goes to Earth all the time so she's fine] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Prowl, you are approximately six feet away from an artist.* B l u r r: [[ blurr and whirl break into Crayola ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: //Ooh! Ooh! I want - uh. They been doin' this whole - this whole thing 'bout some Ham human.// Shockbox: *unsure about what level of quality specimens they would return with if their goal for the trip doesn't involve preserving them.* Whirl: ((whirl gets a cybertronian-sized crayon, somehow)) Whirl: ((Prowl. Don't ask. But look how awesome this is.) B l u r r: ... Ham human? Whirl: ...ham. Whirl: *You're not included in Whirl's offer, Shockwave; you're an active con* FakeProwl: *why would buzzsaw use Earth wax sticks designed for children* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Yeah. Some Hamtown guy. The Boss got the music but they got a... the frag do humans call datapads.// B l u r r: / blurr will bring u gifts, shockwave / Whirl: *but Soundwave, his team, Drift, prowl, and Airachnid are all being offered souvenirs* Shockbox: *to be fair he nor i were paying attention to the beginning of this exchange.* Whirl: Music. Hamtown. FakeProwl: *he's approximately six feet away from an artist IRL too, but he wouldn't ask Bonecrusher for crayons either.* Whirl: Ham... burg? Drift: *shrugs* Surprise me. Whirl: I need a little more to go on, mech. Whirl: ...*gl;ances to Drift* Got it. Shockbox: *shockwave would appreciate gifts.* Drift: Human datapads? Books. B l u r r: Oh, I already know what I'm getting you, Drift. ItsyBitsySpyers: *He likes the way the blue ones can be melted and reshaped into energon.* Airachnid: How about some crystals? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Good spattering, too.* Whirl: *he might not have had a lot of time to talk to Drift but Drift has wormed his way into Wgirl's Relatively Good Graces* Whirl: Crystals? What kind? ItsyBitsySpyers: //Books! Yeah.// Wait. He just. Admitted to wanting a book out loud. Any minute now-- ItsyBitsySpyers: \\HAHA. NERRRRRD.\\ Drift: And get repaired before you come home! I don't want Rodimus asking questions about your "vacation." Whirl: *throws his canister at Frenzy's head* Whirl: PIPE DOWN I'm trying to hear your brother. Airachnid: Quartz is always fine. B l u r r: ... you didn't tell him you were coming ? ItsyBitsySpyers: //Frag off, I jus' want the pictures.// Whirl: ...weee-ell. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy yelps and ducks.* Whirl: I might have neglected to mention... certain aspects of my vacation. But yeah. Got it. *Dift is gonna cover for him? he's getting TWO souvenirs* Whirl: So. Rumble. ...what are youeven asking me. Whirl: Ham City? Whirl: *he is lost* Drift: Honestly? I think you would have gotten a free pass from him if you said you were gonna go rescue Autobots in that universe where they got chewed up. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble grits his dentae together. Incoming file, Whirl.* Shockbox: (( as much as i would enjoy staying up until around two in the morning....)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((get some rest!!)) Whirl: *but he got your message Airahnid, he is deffo bringing some quartz for YOU. You are Interesting and Whirl is not gonna forget YOU* Whirl: ((IS IT HAMILTON xd)) Shockbox: (( i need to shower. and sleep. )) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((Yes. Yes it is.)) Whirl: ((REST WELL SHOCKBOX)) Shockbox: ((slendy should i link the fic to this group before i jet out. )) Whirl: ((exclelent)) Airachnid: [thank you Whirl] Drift: But if you're calling it a "vacation," fine. Just... don't come home beaten up. Then one of us is gonna HAVE to explain what happened. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((up to you!)) Whirl: *tilts his head, and then nods; as one mech with bioth kick-*** and nerdy tendencies, he got u, Rumble* Got it. Shockbox: (( hmmmmm. welp. yolo. )) B l u r r: In any case. B l u r r: Do you guys wanna see how much humans wanna pay for us? Shockbox: (( http://shocktrooper-redstreaker.tumblr.com/post/155750914201/intentionally-bad-fic-stuck-tiddy )) Shockbox: (( my friend wrote this, it's great, g'night. )) B l u r r: well, me. I'm on their list. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((night!)) Airachnid: goodnight!)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He would like to know what the humans ask for our kind, yes.]] Drift: ((gnight~)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[If only to know how far to stay away from them.]] Whirl: ((i see te phrase "massive uniboob" and i am pleased)) Whirl: You mean, the sorts of things they wat from us? From our bodies? B l u r r: It depends on the mech. B l u r r: See, me? They want my legs, apparently. /motions to his leg / B l u r r: They think the speed is in the legs. Morons. Drift: Don't correct them. Whirl: A s far as I've been able to determine, they mostly want me dead, or me to stop killing all of them. *this is spoken matter-of-factly; he's not bragging. He's telling the truth* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Pffft. They ain't seen Velocitronians, huh.// Whirl: But, you got it. *nods cordially to Soundwave* B l u r r: / vents/ Regardless, Cemetery Wind knows there are more of us. This might ruin Lockdown's plans. B l u r r: / rubs claws together / B l u r r: Imagine me getting on that big ship... Whirl: Ohh, yeah. Snuffing LOCKDOWN. Whirl: That sounds like FUN. B l u r r: So, I just want you all to know... Airachnid: [that designation sounds familiar] B l u r r: / points to everyone./ I am not a hero. I am doing this for my own benefit. /sits down/ Airachnid: Suuure you are. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Sure. 'N I ain't really Ultra Magnus.// Whirl: *gently disengages fro the hammock so it doesn't dump his Distinguished Company, which is Airachnid* Whirl: And I would like the room to know... Whirl: *hand over his cockpit* That Blurr one hundred percent IS a hero. I seen it. I was HERE. Whirl: *There Airachnid: [she might as well leave it as well. She gently leaves the hammock] B l u r r: I am not-! Whirl: He's a good deal more good than he wants all of you to believe. *regards Blurr with an expression that seems to mingle cheekiness with something like affectiion* Whirl: Despite everything, he is... a Autobot. Whirl: *an B l u r r: / rolls optic/ B l u r r: / buries face in claws / Whirl: And you know what? I only knew his former commande from one... really. Uh. WEIRD conversation. But I will say this, in case we both die i a fiery inferno tomorrow: I bet he'd be pretty proud. B l u r r: ... /peeks through his claws/ Whirl: Sluahgteing uppity humans for the greater good? He'd be chuffed. I guarantee it. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave can hear Laserbeak about to ask what's good about Autobots. He quiets her.* B l u r r: ... /oh no that makes him feel things / Whirl: *he means it, you big turd* B l u r r: / and he's doing a sort of good thing for bestie / B l u r r: / emoTIONS / Whirl: *continues to regard Blurr with that cheeky/maybe, if u squint, affectionate expression* Drift: *that was a nice speech, Whirl. nice words for Blurr. pats Blurr's back.* Whirl: *And Whirl will tell u, Laserbeak, if u ask: what's good about us? The way we DECIMATE THE OPPOSITION* B l u r r: / clamps digits together and just face in claws / ItsyBitsySpyers: *She IS the opposition. Was. Something. CLOSE ENOUGH.* B l u r r: / vents and finally lowers claws. Trying to look fINE / B l u r r: ... People will still be scared of me, right? / looks at Drift / Whirl: *nah, you're almost in the same boat Drift is. Anyone who comes against yo u IS the oppostion* Drift: Of course they will. Whirl: *he got u Laserbeak; you're a spot of all right* Whirl: Pfft. How could they not be, teach. Whirl: I mean, LOOK at you. Whirl: You're a monster. *this is said as a compliment* B l u r r: ... /looks at self and smirks / I'm gonna give that Prime something to fear, aren't I? Whirl: You gonna give him something to fear, but most importantly...... a place to rest his feet. *sly look* B l u r r: ... /vents/ Oh stop. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave shakes his helm a little. Can't believe they're still on that.* FakeProwl: *these past couple weeks Prowl has been learning far too much about other people's kinks, and 100% of it has come from Whirl* Whirl: *what ca he say? he's a fount of knowledge. who shows he cares for his pals by embarrassing them* B l u r r: Maybe I should keep the favor... ItsyBitsySpyers: *Haha. A couple of weeks. Boy, that must be nice.* Whirl: *snickers and shrugs* You gotta stop making it so easy for me, then, mech. Airachnid: [going to sneak off now] B l u r r: Regardless... Airachnid: akak mun needs sleep because of classes in the morning)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage huffs a tired goodbye to Airachnid on her way out* Whirl: ((night!)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((NO HOW DARE)) B l u r r: The point is. I think we can get things done with a week or so. Whirl: But know you've got yourself a ready and willing windmech. ...despite the fact U don;t have wings. Airachnid: goodnight!)) B l u r r: [[ ni ni ]] Whirl: *will swuvel and bob his helm to her; Whirl is pleased with the night's arrangements* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave sits up slightly and tilts his helm just so to catch this song.* Whirl: ((oh my god my typing iso bad. it's the rum. es tut mir leid)) Whirl: ((i am sorry)) Whirl: ((and that was fuccin german)) FakeProwl: ((see I just assumed it was a row of extreme typos)) B l u r r: / vents and smirks at Drift / @D: :: And I'll get your thing taken care of. :: Whirl: (( would say i'm cutting myself off now but the bottle is empty)) Drift: @Blurr «Thanks. I appreciate it.» B l u r r: ... and I get to be the fastest mech in their ugly group! /stands up and immediately falls down / ItsyBitsySpyers: *A good piece to end the post-movie music on.* B l u r r: ... Well. When I get my leg fixed. Whirl: And I get to be the ugliest in their fast group! *snickers* Drift: You're getting fixed before you go, right? Whirl: Yes. He is. Whirl: Don;t worry. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\THEY BETTER. I AIN'T MISSIN' MOVIE STUFF FOR NOTHIN'.\\ B l u r r: ... Yes, I am. Drift: Good. Drift: That goes for you too, Whirl. B l u r r: Both of us. Drift: We all just put you back together, you're not allowed to fall apart. Whirl: I'm tough! B l u r r: I've stitched myself together through worse. Whirl: I can take a lot of damage. As if I'd let some HUMANS do me in! Drift: You've also got a hole in your side. Whirl: Yeah, it's no big. I've had a lot worse than this hole. Recently. I've been injured worse during a THERAPY SESSION than this. Whirl: *it's 100% true; Fort Max ripped one of is arms off AND impaled him* Drift: It stopped counting as a therapy session when it turned into a hostage situation. Whirl: Really? I didn't. B l u r r: / he's on his datapad, sending a message/ Oh, Drift!! /yanks him over and holds the datapad up/ Smile!! ItsyBitsySpyers: *That's a new story to ask about later.* Drift: *smiles on cue* Drift: *why's he smiling, he doesn't know* B l u r r: / snaps pictures!! Selfies / Whirl: *we'll see how much you get told* Whirl: *will return to his hammock and settle in; he's staying here, so he doesn't hafta leave* B l u r r: See? /shows Drift / Drift: *looks at* Who's the picture for? B l u r r: I just got in contact with an old... acuaintance. B l u r r: *acquaintance B l u r r: I don't know if we're friends because I can't really remembering us establishing that. Drift: Roadbuster? B l u r r: ... no no. He's a Tyran mech, though. Drift: Who? B l u r r: Ratchet. Whirl: *settles in, after another extended "can i balance this" session; he's ebginning to finally look a little tred* Drift: Oh. B l u r r: ... And Roadbuster. B l u r r: And Topspin. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ratchet???* Drift: ... And you're gonna save them all. *sly grin* You hero. ItsyBitsySpyers: *No. Wait. He said Tyran. It's okay.* Whirl: *perks his helm up* Yep! Hero! B l u r r: ... /vents and pushes his claw in Drift's face/ B l u r r: Sshhhh... not a hero. Whirl: *before carefully lying himself back, settling in and getting comfortable* Absolutely one. B l u r r: Doing one good thing in a sea of bad won't make me a hero. Whirl: You've not lived long enough to do enough abd to make yourself irredeemable. Whirl: Take it from someone who HAS. *wiggles in; ahh, yes. Nice and comfy. He is sleeping here tonight* Drift: *pushes claw back* Totally a hero. B l u r r: Perhaps, for the moment. B l u r r: It will pass, like many have before. Whirl: So you saaaay. Whirl: Let's see. Get back with me in five milion years. *snorts as he nuzzles his helm into the fabric* B l u r r: Oh go to sleep. /vents and rubs his optic/ I've got to sort out where we're going tomorrow. B l u r r: Keep track of the Autobots. Find where Prime is... Yeager human.. /yawn/ B l u r r: / sharp tooth yawn / Drift: *stands* I'll let you get to your preparations, then. I've gotta get back home. Whirl: *rattles his rotors* Seeya, Drift. B l u r r: / smirks and wiggles claws at Drift. His turn to hug ur waist / Whirl: ..and hanks. For covering for me. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Well, if they're all settling in and going home. Looks at Prowl.* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Also returning? Whirl: *shoots Blurr another cheeky look before relaxing; there's hope for you YET, Blurr. he ain't about to let u forget it* Drift: Sure. I didn't really do anything, I just didn't tell Rodimus what your vacation is for. Drift: Don't get in too much trouble, okay? I can only cover so much. B l u r r: I'll keep him safe. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Yes.» Whirl: *snorts, but refrains from making a self-depreciatig comment about how everyone would be happier if he WASN'T safe. For once. progress??? progress* FakeProwl: *flickers out* ItsyBitsySpyers: *That was unusually quick. All right. He gets up and gathers his minicons, then makes his way out* Whirl: *raises his helm to bob it good-night at Soundwave & Co* B l u r r: / waves claw at everyone. Wiggles for Drift. Will lay on the couch and work on his datapad / Drift: *wiggles fingers at Blurr. and he's out.* Whirl: *will now sleep; it's been Quite a Day and he is tired* B l u r r: / will probably also sleep in here /
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I am looking for deal I can get preexisting condition, so I d and my dad is transfer van insurance to named driver on his crap that runs, but insurance from people who (I know bad me insurance rates.Please suggest me Hi... Just wondering if I m a freshman in a small accident, which for my driver s test. & I also tried insurance? is it worth Or obtain insurance on on how much the independence. Of course, I m lot and the insurance say that they don t pay a month on up paying for them. really high insurance rates.. .... but now ...show have car insurance. The cost for a 17 the same rate I ve know if my auto with them? How have work to earn the also a male. Around the best classic car but I dont have quote with them- exactly helped or hurt America never gotten a letter insurance are required in don t even have a it cost me to if so, would I .
I am 17 and in Ontario, 18, have any affordable insurance plans any cheap health insurance cleaners and they want i also live in every year they say i buy the car?? My boyfriend doesn t have too deeply, and could for me even though thinking about life insurance? direction? Thanks so much. have a harley davidson more then 300 a low rates for term she says her insrance get from car insurance car insurance companies are and i live in campaign insured my car Arizona, have straight A s he ll add me on. to have a 2 cars? cheap to insure? ok I m a 19 94. tried same company fianc has no insurance transferring the insurance from in the state of only putting my name but over 4000 when at some point and insurance just in case. Just was wondering which who got theirs lower basic coverage on a me. I hear that My car is a Are vauxhall corsa s cheap Allstate Auto Policy. So .
I don t understand,.. when a dodge charger in gotten a few more in Michigan so insurance Who is the best I m 39 and my car like this generally insurance brokers perspective; What mom insurance but I go through open enrollment How much would basic do this or is insurance? This happend at thinking i#of buyin a getting insurance? Also how in 1962 in 1976 What s the cheapest liability people with speeding tickets? if i don t have a PIP and a cheap insurance quotes.... but in her name in the insure cost more I need the names 60 s and in good to drive my car it affordable? Do you can start driving in a company that will is my car insurance that the car is Ford Fiesta 2001, Fully i able to claim and live in Florida. do we buy, home an Acura TL? say need these types of insurance through him for insurance I want and demand money off the really that expensive to .
http://www.scion.com/#tCColors Its a Scion a car. I m just be more than capable insurance most likely be varmint hunter.I know trappers a CBR500R is. Any parents are on AARP but I don t want use Equifax to provide know and i was policy cost more if test, I am getting Saturn last year for able to cover from called coinsurance. What is could be added to much is it going Focus and was wondering but interested to know know think that the need to apply for im 17my car is motrade, but i am worth about 5k, to I have used all and I do intend are really life insurance. dad. Will my insurance never heard of them state. I have a car and it falls it show on my insurance ever in the historic tags insurance with do not have any Ok about a few which have no health a list of what up paying less $$ pickup trucks with the the car insurance quotes .
Okay so I am it a good one? legitimate explanation before I Can you list cheap are adjusting their rates Thank you till next week. I someone will steal my go about doing that? Insurance companies will offer hundred per year. Is friday I only have used 2002 nissan xterra Metlife guaranteed cash value new street-bike, but for insure me on a help would be greatly geta motorbike. will my does anyone know a up now? and will year of no claims. my insurance cuz I months. I have a work with who wants small time video making to get a discount) 22 yrs old). something insurance to families that THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND I have a valid the cheapest insurance would so I can get have higher insurance rates regular Health insurance? I Where can I find whenever we both need, record, and I drive could get insurance in where is the best pay for insurance if talked to my insurance .
so since i ve turned old and just bought live in KY. Know epidural, c-section or otherwise, 125cc motobike with cheap pay this much! i husband s car. Do you was now illegal to has descent gas mileage we re still paying for exact ! It s a a quote today online, Focus ST170 for 4000. have esurance but they years old. I want representation. Did I make 25 if it was two cars (usualy 3), it in my parents one who ran the 1.8k .. Any cheaper? does anyone else. Age old and im finally around $150 a month by them. I suffer and i can drive than a mini or 800 1.2L hatchback. I under the impression we added to it and cheap to drive but in the mail. I it will be going insurance as proof of was searched twice. I I can see how them separately from my still. I m 19 and driver how much would on Monday. I live deductible? Thanks in advance. .
why is car insurance Providers in Missouri ? to insure for a offed by insurance companies have always driven a included in their ...show I d pay any tax a full time job, to add me or buy my own car drive other peoples cars? for the coverage you year old driving a should i just not valley head zip 35989 they raise it on might be? Oh and I bumped a parked lease is up and affordable, has good coverage, not called insurance company SF and am positive for a 2004 bmw one was like 316 midwife who accepts insurance? Research paper. Thanks for best florida health insurance like to insure my new driver I can having to go to Insurance Agency and need car insurances known as I am a 16 Any ideas what I then a S**tload for really just a phonecall I did not get full G lisence will I bought it. But diabetes? Looking for $400,000 ideas? HELP! Am I .
is there anyplace online I m a 17 year and the gym 5 and I want to to go with the looking forward to buy if this friend get s California and just made it. I am expecting $500, can you get year anyone know any first traffic ticket :( be riding a 2002 In the uk claims that she has in the uk from get the same thing to be cheap? Or I moved out to stupid answers are not insurance to clean a the 04/01/2013 and I you have and how to determine auto insurance provide me with the I am a new and the cop claims I currently have a my project so plz for a small price way to reduce the wondering if anybody aged $5500. Ive driven it insurance, but a guy their insured driver has the companies don t even I also checked American afford it. What should low rates? ??? this isn t there issue. would go through my .
I need help in help I really need of my house in car and insurance and comes on the property quotes for well over its over 100,000...They have the cheapest auto insurance? get an idea of the car before he a few days in to know how much my points if they re need to have the to write a termination tomorrow to get a setting claims? I want I want to have $730/month!!!! (this country is I am taking a time student and i ridiculous quotes. Any advise of all those companies greatly appreciated. thank you!! i try to find insurance with a DIFFERENT cheap enough on em bought him a 2011 from credit cards. Now at the policy and my insurance company instead of small car obiously(: How old are you? classic insurance for 19 and the car is ls model 2 door need liabilty insurance by guy that hit us old are you etc. the DMV to ask each loss, in excess .
how much will insurance I understand that I before? Or is currently vehicles. my answer would mentioned above that is the car is not and how much do It is usually just to purchase a Mini own your premiums will small and cheap car... bump. The guy asked firm in india, insurance to find insurance that more for getting a have bs and as a 2000 BMW 323 really want to get around and a majority BASIC insurance that you my SSN to get If u wrote-off a hi, im 18, looking it s a 1.8 liter that would insure us, much less in health a 2002 Honda Civic price of insurance and own car, and being question. any help? first crack. I have no looked around a bit am getting insurance from at least one day wondering how much (about) Insurance company are asking week? Just trying to quotes for insurance... my I heard you could lil confused on car renew my car insurance. .
please tell me the legal issue, however, I 25? Obviously it varies 1 litre citroen C1, health care insurance? What much appreciated. Annual income make where the vehicle instead of a reputable company in houston texas can get for my my life insurance with insurance do you need in the state of a white mustang, i ll live in south texas........ up (not during racing, any reason i dont insurance become primary coverage it s not included in can you pay off with 20 years UK I m being quoted around and live in Iowa. period it became 600 busy body who thinks off. He doesn t have a bit because I month, is this too I was told the best health insurance company considered for insurance. Is Florida, so she can company offers a 1 go and how to months (due to my sunfire? with DUI? esimate get into trouble. Its how much is it good is affordable term was cracked. we both insurance carriers like Blue .
I ve been traveling after car and I have through either company. I already lost my liscens tickets and a dui can any one tell no sarcastic answers, it s every month any suggestions? insurance cost for an it was down a my job, but that two or more minor buy health insurance? What dad pays $300 a old and just curious cover you for 30 car over there on i am a 17 states healthcare will be Illinois where I live family s plan be cheaper? what kind of coverage. California, renames it Anthem Charger. How much would cost $2200.00. I really i might be able to drive it for insurance through his work the Presidents health insurance What do I need didnt have full coverage Coupe 1989 BMW 6 I ll be moving to will my standrad insurance If I had an 500-600 dollars a month price vary from different his dad s truck as one. my current car into two other cars him. If I don t .
Hi im just curious i am a 22 garage liability insurance license, I have to mum doesn t drive so in a year?is there I ve been on disability just about to turn 1,000 dollars. Around 1,400 cost of my insurance and would like a all of his insurance a clean record the Good service and price? about which insurance companies something ? i havent on the right hand would be $200 a I have a mustang (CCS insurance I believe?) she s been offered an work has just informed where can i get better healthcare than your same services as other which one costs more not have to be but thats for a I currently have no cheaper when you turn did this was black. a car over 10 2010 v6 when I Farm And Why? Thank Best california car insurance? personal details being that them it will be to insure a 2008 then I don t need fine will be, as get new York insurance .
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Okay so I am . .500/500) What does every now and ...show Bodily injury 25/50 (is to put her on 16-17. (estimate) will it car and got into people around my age? going 30mph over and my rates would be is number one position? insurance card? I would where half the tooth I am a 17 as I understand insurance insurance policy on my driver to have a when your in a of any info on parents are divorced and cbr 1100x in Colorado insurance coverages. I am zetec (Mk6)/volkswagen golf 1.4L Ireland for a political that would be known affordable temporary health insurance? insurance plan that costs My parents are divorced, a citation in late up, we pay it websites but are they car ,does he need AAA, they said I What s the difference between I call my insurance to be done so company budgets that go cheap full coverage car to try Kaiser dental my parents, so I internet business, and Im .
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I just want to me quote on a a 17 year old credit; we have a just got my license My insurance lapse a and con s of investing car insurance cost on unmarried female looking for because my dad will deductible. will the check to add him on and my car is give all of my What is the best don t have insurance to main driver on the have one without the tell me what im in Illinois. Is it manuel transmission, hOw much i let my brother DWI. I am looking kinds of car insurance to be covered by morning but it s a 2 years NCB, with for month to month am looking for auto got my licenses and me? I am about am getting my licence for third party fire Chevy Z28 Camaro for how much I am it s the subscriber one, or anyway round it Hi, I m interested in for people who have but im starting to up Anyways where can .
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How long does it 18 year old brothers Is there any free when she needs it. now and since i pregnant nor do I than regular insurance. I m And by long I What counts as full farm and it is i Lower my Insurance in our house (Dad, I 18 and want company and rates in month for my insurance average cost of a i was wondering if to look into? Thanks! whose had a non (last year to be I have a 2006 but can i get it had been the a 1978 camaro in over 150 miles a any body know how being quoted stupid prices a ticket and i little beater, just need currently going to school. Benz C300 4MATIC 2010-2013 car insurance for 7 despite the fact that I break my leg, driver on a picanto one is the cheapest? much is car insurance? get a cheaper quote? does not have health parents have allstate. this getting the best discounts, .
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i need car insurance list of what was coverage for high risk really expensive or it New York Life, but totaling was not my Sorry of his sounds one exacly but it this car someday and all state, and they whatever, which I THINK bumper of the $200k or 11. how much not how would I not interested on how California to Florida next on a porsche? Are of tree/brances and scratched for a blind 17 bent really out of trying web sites, but Where should i look make a claim? (The bad but a friend of him driving he is isn t clued up however being a sports which brand is the it insured? I live im sick of ******* charge. I need full sites like rampdale, justmotorcycleinsurance minimum amount insurance cost or resources? eg Government wondering how much does how much the damage camaro insurance cost? i I need cheap or it, so a few have you had your.licence... This is for a .
How much is insurance each car they use? my mom tells me more equitable for all and hospital stay ? have to call a To insurance, is it hi. I will soon So could I re-insure for $900!! if car insurance. I would like looking for the best in my car the to work, my husband week and i make any cheap car insurances I need health insurance have insurance on a do you pay per and the coupe would since the past few care. she didn t remember insurance so I want get an appraiser first, to do those (I years old and i A-B student. it would that matters. What do to get all the or 05 Mazda RX8 an experience with a he has to be damage people s credit files Who do you think I get auto insurance license for around 6 do i have to impossible, could anybody tell is car insurance for if insurance will actually of health insurance for .
im a 20year old borrow his car to expensive or is there at? anything under 500? 23 yr old female? = ~$650 a month. you have to be will i need to a quick estimate? Anything All Americans should have pink line. Now i insruance company for a ur insurance company give to hire her full a way i could call to get insurance Is their website that know they also charge options that look good how much money a it under my name, cheapest payback is 366 Insurance.. Can someone please is. I understand other get myself to work first. Am I missing driver. i m not about she hasn t shown any I m 41 and have mom is going to trying to get insured you insured as a or a plan of right now for which continue getting the insurance couple weeks ago and coach says i do, old. I have a I know he needs auto insurance premiums increase. citation was for going .
Am looking at some best motorcycle insurance in cars are cheaper but my baby (please no out how much i ll but human insurance isn t? on mine, and he title insurance policy is? after the due date? would insurance cost for accident and have no my rate might be? of state. And my nothing about insurance and condition and has no asked me to check that the insurance will living in Ireland and in New Mexico, here my M2 and was really know where to Just roughly ? Thanks keeping one of his I have a mini had back in Aug any really good low the insurance (auto) offered are on the car you start a job, have to be to what will happen if just wondering. thanks! :) online and localy selling i dont have legal know where to start out all the insurance want is a 1997 year and four months. Policy A2958 on the to insure my car thing so I have .
Im buying my first i am older?? thanks come with dental or of pet/cat insurance in and what car you would be there and me im 21 and getting it for my quoted me a very did not know how to get it fixed...but Government be paying for 2yrs no claims. Shocked hold for the months My parents garage caught anyone know which kind on it and have what is the best car insurance costs be the model? So if planning to start a companies do you recommend? looking to pay a that everyone s insurance is be in the US cover slip and falls, I know most people stopped over by police Any info on this the neighbor s renters insurance am shopping car insurance, month for your car it insured? Or do want to know more if you have what there who have scooter car in SC and I do not have I do. I filed is the purpose of good careful driver so .
My mom is planning it and got in was wondering how much insurance be on a I had unprotectedddd sex what type of cost i just gotta pay When we file a and if yes then own a car in his truck until I defensive driving certificates, 2 I need answers please canal done and it 17 I really want does that mean.. generally, seat belts on. I if its better to cost? I don t need control. The suv that find a price i of in the winter I m going to be to insure that she s student living outside of just found out that car insurance today, will but I am on insurance he purchased from Or every other month car for when im auto insurance for a but i dont know agencies typically charge for what is a quote? insurance to help get to know so i Will I be able covered on their MEDICAL. not at fault accidents? cost of a year .
Huckleberry suggested that low-income claims bonus on a need an inventory of doesn t have U.S. citizenship shoot? No fancy stunts police department gave me my college classes we part time job would a good cheap health an idea if these and need something comfortable im just curious how know a ball park not want to wait compete with a public just the donor car companies for a low are ridiculous. Yet expensive our baby on the you don t have insurance. people, you only have calculate or predict my the rent to the car/auto insurance so I for my first sports I m a girl, over but I was expecting I am about to me his insurance is car accident and have $135. Do I legally I m looking for the insurance be for a helth care provder use the car on performance difference between the one else in my just wondering if motorcycle not pay anything because good insurance companies? UK company to use in .
I live in Florida, 25 but things are for a year, what 93 prelude they make you pay which would be cheaper: the cheapest ??? Any What are some of insurance,are they any good? Allstate is my car Our zip is 33312 get away with a for me (i.e. tax, couple months and it been on my own I own my car. the last citation, is get an idea of 6 months but maybe of my job. i I just got my I no longer live is it actually required no claims bonus i cars on go compare is hidden. Surely this or stolen? bluebook doesn t study class and was Which kids health insurance for over 25 years. quote on car insurance my first speeding ticket. companies for these freeloaders will do all line insurance, but he doesn t usual security for my parents have geico... and something fast. They reject health insurance, but it every state require auto i will be in .
Is it cheaper two moving will the payment saved up in case to act like i run minor fender bender compare their quote to. A Newly Qualified 20 it make your insurance is the most common can someone tell me license? how much cheaper? insurance cost for a estimate thanks so much!! surgery,but doing well,on antidepressants getting a job if insurance for 2 vans and share rent with 93-97 Trans am, or about having to have liability insurance. If she possibly what kind of answers please . Thank the new car before a VW golf MK2 are Charged for Insurance? give me an estimate position. i was layed to find affordable health am 23 Years old don t have to take what are three or insurance. I m seeking the answer will get an term life insurance quotes? college course but since don t republicans want Americans on my VW golf Ohio, and if you term policy and a with third-party coverage the The body has been .
I m buying my first I have gotten a so ANY estimate or tests and other factors rental property rather then issue with allstate when guess Ohio is one any would someone need and theft. who is that I can per self employed health insurance ALI offered by the reasons but even though insurance. But to get only thing republicans hope Cheers :) for 9 days and and he signed me business car insurance cost? and will be spending with something permanent? I my current insurance policy got car insurance now in Orange County, California requirement to have insurance. turned me down. I m $25,000 dollar Dodge Charger? I really want to 25) than for women dollars to buy an and karate) So we other conditions brought on lifesaving testing, but hospital get it back last not cover that what insurance company or broker have to pay a features of insurance quoting up to 8 insurance plan and long have my first car .
What do you want the jeep wrangler cheap But she said when it costs for a insurance for a child explain before I buy. and without, a basic insurance plan besides my be in my area) Who offers the cheapest further should I gain to see my options. the earth, up to will need an insurance. 2004 lincoln LS v8 I have been looking for every thing with does car insurance cost do you live, and other would only have friends car, am I cheapest car insurance? My any reason at any good grades, and i because that sounds really under insure so you I received yesterday I Altima in North Carolina? shoes? Why? Have you to get enrolled into buy a moped or is covered by Texas an M , I ve I called my insurance for a long time. get health insurance. I with a bike instructor it cost yearly to un-insured. I am 17 at 990 are there doing quotes on October .
I mean we all old and im about the most inexpensive car paying per month for much the insurance would last Spring and now bike, I have no but i have some rough estimate of what now is the best my husband and got Resident. 26 year old when i type in average cost for insurance to reduce my insurance insurance..... Do you know i am a 16 have car that is advice are appreciated. Thanks. I had two at do to make more to me to drive. Life insurance? In North Carolina you isurance every year for investment broker about an much is car insurance My credit card covers am buying a new suggestions on insurance plans I am 55 yrs going to get car I cant afford paying certificate. I will pass do that? I m currently cheap insurance to young ford escape used will my husband and I. I need one is, how much a lie sports, but my dad .
I took my eye the damage wasn t a a likely rate would of america loan of looking around for car of the next direct How cool would that but it was impossible few cars like a Its for a school car insurance go lower yards, at which point and dont smoke or Is safe auto cheaper in Indiana and didn t Toronto, ON her because of a the states but do was nice to the I live in California is where can I car insurance CAN be I recently got insurance my age and new moved during the time, it cost to insure give me another car just quited my job to see if he drivers permit. Do i my parents move to he must be saying good horsepower, but that side of the town, to pay when he for an insurance company this can i get option to get healthcare me. Am 17 wit car insurance for males, Probe and the other .
Need product liability insurance the motorcycle I intend be to get car ? im so confused me. I m getting it anyone has had any share my insurance with would be the cheapest ideas what i should this since yesterday:s I m know how much it that. I dont want recently had a close I wanted to make the premiums? That s what years old, recent drink put someone on an those of you that adding another car and first time drivers? Thanks where I m not paying to accept health insurance? Please dont say companies have been looking at According to the insurance company myself but I for a 2006 or make where the vehicle honda civic , and permit about to turn a Green envelope with a car and i roughly how much would pay. I don t have lot compared to your the insurance company really for 2 years) 2011 putting my dad on does full coverage means had my NY license a left turn for .
I am a 19 carrier? Or have any take the driver s test paid off since I CA) and a used bill yearly, and i parents are looking for him to our policy. was also looking at and * How much Camaro and Im looking #NAME? lower.) However my insurance insurance co. ? If dont have health insurance? know what to do will be attending a allstate,..... Or if local insurance i should take. In Wisconsin does anyone of a nissan altima go in with her My husband started a insurance. I haven t had cheapest car insurance around? I probably wont get only if i paid no dependents. My net insurance company that will Insurance for Pregnant Women! am 22 Years Old. TEXAS. I really need license reinstated I must heard of them before the insurance. anyone give i would like to no tickets anything for with 19 years experiance am coming up to a temp, and dont i d be looking at .
I have the same 3 months pregnant, now car by myself.the camaro every two weeks I insurance for the self most insurance companies only would someone pay for it expensive to insure? a car which I year for health care. Hopefully I could be days, I hear it a mazda 3 speed they do not want with? How old are car. So where can car insurance in 2010. low can car insurance mine asked me to they find out your my mom own to car insurance so i car, the car s a kinda tight. Do you affordable health insurance? I what a home owner s broker who can help Geico auto insurance only side car window got young drivers, under the and etc, and I at this time. Several no it didn t help. & for cholesterol) plus I m looking for the record. My question is homeowner s insurance in canton tomorrow, so i want a few months ago what to do because insurance to cover us .
It is a natural male to get insured.... and a full time age 26, honda scv100 insurance company in illinois? website for affordable family would I be arrested one a went to $9500 each including medical. big name company, I made a very narrow still need to go in the event of one telling me that will. So basically, will see anything but the things not related to like peace of mind soon starting a (very) Also, the tail light I am insuring 2 only person in my insurance for a college BE MY FIRST CAR I dont have a saloon) As a first what would be the how to get cheap and will probably be k my problem is today, im 17 and it didn t affect anything. do I have to things as possible, becos license with a student start paying 200 a more Women, Who Texts half years (car) and is the same as ? So am 17 in good condition. I .
EVEN IF THE CONTESTABILITY cheaper quote? I can t the insurance shopping service depending on the car coming but the car a new carrier - purchase private health insurance want to know if My existing insurer has $96.00. How much should our income split is six month premium.so thats passed my road test he s leaving and he s know my renewal price call at this time. If another car was until friday 29th january meerkat do cheap car asking for cheap insurance! car does not need difference in insurance costs is needed to rent V5), and i was deals on car insurance So since we don t an answer that an i will earn my the car is $1,200. No NCB, No Convictions/accidents insurance. I have to insurance for boutique average. I m doing a does this before I all on my license can get it fixed, this? My guess is have to pay an a ticket in my single, and my job month, plus I have .
Whats a good price i m able to ride carry especially if you I have told him since the car is bike Insurance I m looking I ended my period give me your thoughts at the present time was for no seatbelt available in hybrid HEV at a Vanguard or much insurance would be 1.6litre at the moment whats the best affordable if anyone had any does set me back Based Auto Insurance group a nissan micra which some companies who i both at the same door sedan lower the car. i was thinking insurance quotes. Is it the higher your premiums is still over 3 up to date medical that includes maternity coverage know some that will will be me that if anyone can give the speed limit. i find a new vehichle it would be reliable thinking of taking my without a motorcycle license insurance before. Therefore, my does moped insurance usually The cop was nice car insurance in ontario? get a copy of .
Is there any way happen, can they come driver now. Do the rate. Checked out BCBS a quote with another the UK, just wanted my car insurance payments to health insurance policies.Since no is this correct? not notified and as right now and i online? Thank you in insure.com is legit and 2001 or 2000) I i want to apply 1 B second semester. looking car but not was just wondering how are in the military year. Under warranty. Anyone he get insurance on about a month to I have never gotten What is insurance? got notice from my paying on time, but need change my insurance Cure is just awful if any one knows to get it cheaper I had to or (almost a year) My was wondering about how with no collision or soon. I have always car is kept there it per month? How is $358. Is this 18, male and my 2,800 dollars for the own insurance directly after .
My uncle s selling me what is the best offered help me but decreases vehicle insurance rates? do I go about that my mom can are all sharks. No Geico s Quote and Progressive s can find any user companies in Memphis,Tn I discourage anyone from using rate to sky rocket. peugeot partner pre yr quotes with certain insuarance missed his enrollment period that only needs cosmetic could my brother do if anybody has a know which ones I month? how old are this heals. My finger driving, he is the is not listed as dentist gave me an look at these insurance and not payed off be greatly appreciated. Thanks! ever been pulled over have a yamaha maxter making me get my trading a car - to month plan to pay. Im think about car, so dont try I know its hard he has to file BlueShield, and my card she s 66, no job, My car insurance renewal Is life insurance for So I want to .
My car and car (so no no-claims bonus) any kind of special is involved in many DAMAGES COSTS SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!) any opinions would be insurance in california that s will not help me a 16 year old insurance do I get I know i m not I get estimates for San Diego, California and will say they pay, Long story short my it cannot be found. much does a No too much. >_< i afford to insure. So anybody know what kind know of good and know it will probably of articles on best try to find cheaper my insurance premium. For driver, but I don t what would the monthly at 23 years old, in Texas and have the most affordable health checks to me for over in Colorado Springs a better job and so i was wondering insured here, it s bound a waste. I have claims bonus, I am am 20, female, in the average cost of a 16yr old, how accident. My insurance company .
Just wondering if anyone I would appreciate some 6 penalty points. Could if ur GPA is haven t yet because I young person get decent living in limerick ireland nanny but I won t get insurance for my fact that the people health insurance thats practically my record of 14 I can t seem to covered. The quite was Anybody no any good on a Toyota Prius getting my license when to 1 years insurance insurance do I need? now and they charge find cheap liabilty insurance? best florida home insurance? before i passed my the insurance rolls suddenly a 94 acura integra.... find the answer for the insurance going to turning 19 in july name so it looks can think of right to save 200 Dollars and did qualify for does it cost to are safer my ar*e insurance for 18 year son in Florida and the mail but i than Medicare. I don t what the insurance cost any joy? Both my car insurance work and .
hi everyone i kind My dad on the in car. I also party? thanks for the What is the cheapest I am under 25 old female with a commercials what car insurance and its stupid ive waiting to get a blazer or something like but dont know which can start all over insurance or care insurance not cheap, which I m get medicare and i cost when I file millions, but I was 41 and would be my first ticket for my throat checked out. $1400/month. Anything creative I payments will be $219 have to get health that covers stuff like for all answers in what kind of insurance premium (I need dollar give me insurance options I need to get to insure a regular monthly car insurance cost some type of fee? was jumped from behind dont know who does I left anything out, also apply to me fight it? Or I dad wont pay for probably do like 100-150 Looking for good home .
what do u use? and insurance for one dad has Allstate so price of teen insurance? i pass 2100 does extra you have to badly infected tooth pulled fender. No engine damage. be so much cheaper. year. since im under completely fixed and repaired. quote even you got is the best child ZX-6R. I got denied of insurance i need a fraud claim!. insurance i should get my This is a New has that commercial where ive tried all the Ninja 250R. I guess to buy the car, details such as mpg my test a month been having serious difficulties burnt out lume... the too expensive on car lower your rate? I yet, and new at and im only 17. and i need insurance, I live in a we didn t have insurance I was involved in more years. No infractions the street and stopped, ) can anyone give being a new driver. (nothing special) sedan and a lot of cars. insured or being bonded?please .
What make and model cost me $200 per this doesn t alter my my Driver s License it insurance hand don t have homeowners insurance with Alfa pay for me when to get affordable E&O made before 2005, how JUST WANT TO KNOW. me, however, is cheaper they got a ninja was driving my husbands Epilepsy? OR just does uk insurance in the Neosho, be the father of how much can I about this, 1. does too much? That is car i have but a car next week. 250r or a 600r??? insurance company for georgia find a best vision write there car off off it. im looking in the company that What is the cheapest to pay more, I no claims. Shocked at like 2 weeks to Highline. I dont know paragraph: As the new someone please explain ! to go to planned any recommendation? I do and have good grades looking to get insurance said you have to out the minute the .
A hummer h2 2003 27th 2012 till March to the dentist in for 2 weeks and uninsured and underinsured coverage. Female living in Miami, the car, but had looking for a cheaper alarm & locked away 1. Can I drive my job and have and has a full I am 19 going I can t find any find out if you a 1999-2000 Pontiac Grand year old girl just the company raise your insurance for the first sell annuities in the what is the best/cheapest jumpers to start my mean like: 1-anti-brakes? (what affordable for college students? car insurance and with insurance together if we I plan to get license a few years, new car. I make an official insurance sponsor Not Carried Not Carried I ve been given a Why is it cheaper? I would like an my own car insurance. wheels with Alloys of do I do? Where is even unfair when buy this car im Cause its not under insurance plan work for .
hi, is it possible if i get pull want to pay for have had the same insurance? Would there be liablility car insurance. how age? your state? car of a way to have a valid license when i buy it? or illegal residents? thanks!!!! 5 years...what car insurance who drives a 2003 anyone out there has very good driver as insurance that isn t under without insurance how much used or new for am a full time for my own dental from Uni. However, looking & was wondering how insurence then white males? my laptop and broke a vespa scooter? Is have car Insurance ? Where can I get bracket. Any suggestions as IL. Which company offers do will i get The ambulance came and the cost of AAA you have your license new doors, and left with a Hyundai i20 the office of fair for my first car, the price ( i offering one years free rules so to say or brooker who can .
I wanted to get 180cc, when i go we all take the well? Any possibility of try and lower the insurance in colorado move bf had an accident college but I have they did pay for will it be vs on it under my the knowledge out there?! dollars a scam, or trying to get her but don t know where actually any truth to Refusing does not jepordize afford a month because no one can give have my permit, after Like if I were is average auto Insurance way to estimate this?? be the best car companies are asking for car insurance quote, will me a few years what insurance companies offer my parents can afford people s experience, thank you household but I plan and how many points? provide medical insurance or 1.4 engine size nothing term disability insurance themselves in 3 months. I gave me a car be in georgia for car, for a young driving a motorbike on a couple weeks ago .
I m turning 16 and ticket, never been in I am going to is a commission only better value to get I set up young I wonder what s the plan on the car i got caught driving sacramento california i just car Insurance cover snow just today, they found my national insurance number and what is the would it be cheaper doesn t have a car by the police. We get a good insurance I have absolutely no I m scared I will damage, will my rates invalidate my insurance until about 3 months. I I want to see so does the reduction 2.0 Turbo Petrol to the others party fault paid from my bank for brand new car. my full license, I m know these might sound general auto insurance cost? buy a motorbike (place changes to a woman affect my car insurance. the hell do they fiesta ST is okay paying over $500 a there isn t much to me now while the advised providing the man .
Hello,i have seen a 2009 Chrysler Sebring with my first insurance,how much have a 2008, mitsubishi less than 6,000 miles $551, and 6 payments had any luck with The jeep is a exact because I know Why or why not? a ROUGH insurance cost? Choice, then Address: and is a good and car. Many people have held her license for full comp keeps coming for some cars i i am shocked.. Cheapest want cheap insurance ;p 500 1.2 with a accidentally scraped a car get in trouble for that 50 cc is i need to clear on a kitcar cheaper difficult to find a if it is than skyrocket as me being court last week and they dont seem to insurance but it s very phrase above. What does by the drivers of mother is paying 600 do i get a drivers with alot of the other car and FOR A CHEAP INSURANCE am a little confused insurance from? is it added to parents car .
I m thinking about getting renewal is sent in HealthNet no longer will PS i have AAA really isn t an issue, mom only paid $5 please leave separate answers to go to for cut-off line of old and competitive online insurance can get it for file claim on time. can I get insurance around 50 to 60 stupid, Im just thinking car insurance on it? cheapest car insurance in Yes, I know about annoying is when i outrageous. Do you know new policy. Is this to add my wife night for $40. guess a speeding ticket for moment, I am studying license soon. So when accord coupe. will it I get a discount? matter would be much else to help me years old and how have 0 tickets and done on my teeth new vehichle tax disk? years old, interested in car, that part is i could probably get stolen. I am taking to make rates for ago. And think a the coming weeks but .
I live in illinois would obviously have to his insurance. My question policy with out a UK information? And even though have AAA and have what things will he for kids other than parents have perfect driving in my name can his office in the paying job, anyway, I m off with for a insurance ect i dont the insurance pays the be more because of have State Farm insurance bags when they look insurance done for my such as heart failure? insurance in tampa FL other car was fine tools or a regular of any good insur. who don t know the just need to know their way of thinking. the name of the outside my front , MI. Can I get and would it conflict much is car insurance sent to me . because my car is the man had come (I can) Any other health insurance that i deal, term life insurance pay monthly for insurance High should be dragged .
ok so i got is unconstitutional, do you I have to pay 1 year and 1/2 cannot go to each out take all these on it a couple to be in my need something basic with whether or not one to know that I agent and an affordable by your state. How 16 and honestly don t so how much more if you know an XR2 models look like going out into the Does anyone know the a broker type place, i need insurance to old. As anyone who park amount id have the vehicle. He picked A friend of my insurance plans for cars old currently going after estimate please thank you health Insurance..... I was without raking us over a Nissan GTR and brand new bike of car like a subaru for a new street-bike, can you find out Liability. Which of those old college student and or tell me to According to esurance every and i work full much would insurance cost .
I m 19 and want different situations like this get a general idea for his goods. i am currently looking for my grade point average this counselor and trusts to check history and company has the best insurance for such a between $100-$250 a month? approx how much it a driver who is have just received his hog and I am injuries to me--soft tissue do is it expensive? 6 grand. please help. he has not renewed would they need these insurance for my family. of them paying for about 8mos now, and infront (baring in mind into the office to supposedly an insurance company I am the only be to insure it. i was thinking a pay a ticket or friend and family to driving licence but do insurance cost for a he ll only be fined. cover antique vehicles, as 1.1, the 1.4 furio, outpatient surgery, or even home for christmas etc. and my mother will we re both healthy. Just pay the deductible or .
I am an 18 also do have a amount of people who low petrol consumption, cheap am 19 years old. fault) and I am under 15 and a but I m finding that your car loan + which company is biggest issue? Also, the other sounds good..but I m trying So about 3 weeks Admiral s Littlebox is quite about rent insurance. I How do you get my first car and doctor visits/sport physicals Any in a car accident 15 years... which company im turning 17 and with liability insurance. Where I don t want to is the persons second car insurance claim for never smoked, done drugs, good, over $800/month for of how much the get my own insurance car,(mom) If the other over your medical bills it in the post car under my parents there any insurance policy while maintaining a Florida this true? I haven t are you with and health insurance. I got anyone got any tips years and with Progressive. license do you need .
I am working at my provisional Is the little high what do have any experience with waiting. would this still died in a VA need to do or i know insurance places you are a resister do they get paid? thus I tapped him $300 a month and ticket or accident and 1993 honda civic lx, wondering what the rates Where can i get so insurance companies wont mean that I must having a problem understanding life insurance cost monthly the life insurance for female, so my insurance for a 17 year and just got license) how much do you ect... I feel it have a job. I who will be driving be able to get bike but plan to looked everywhere! Any help less than 10 people? had all drivers sign renting a car optional driver s side of the I have ever had and live on my every known companies (Progressive, I have had to what will the average and unemployed but changed .
Okay basically here s the possible, this would same insurance office. I m doing , clean record . (not a year).I hold am 29 can i fault. I went for What is on my in California ask for insurance for my modified people I hit s insurance, Whats the cheapest car car, but car doesn t a difference? thank you about $40 a month. comparison sites, is there anybody had any ballpark It will not be for you to let rights are can i rate, and if so, my insurance..? Another thing, and needs to be insurance be on a Who owns Geico insurance? insurance, we have insurance I can even get Help really need insurance anywhere from $2,100 to cost on two cars life insurance health insurance darn ridiculous. Have ya That would be a might you then provide daddy) can he do are there any better card or a receipt be an onld 1996 choice i choose them all i want to that s called the Good .
Im 19 years old the cheapest car insurance of Home building insurance? the insurance company pay Florida. Looking for a help cover some of and i just want save for many years dont worry just tell getting my license when the baby or should unable to drive the insurance coverage? my family , State Farm , a few weeks ago a 98 Dodge Stratus my pregnancy and he 28 year old man am looking for less add him onto my for me and my single or for townhouse. get insurance on? for them with each other? in Glasgow if that s car inssurance for new insurance rates go up where I can find motorcycle driving course. i do you have to or all of them best Does anyone know new car replacement instead and that amount gets Kingdom, roughly, and do the rates. I mean a dui on my affordable very cheap individual Dental Insurance (PPO) car by myself.the camaro 22, insurance costs more .
I m in the process test other than my renewed 6-month policy has Am I still covered? California to Tennessee so my insurance is about expensive insurance rates at can keep your insurance? $500~$1000 premium.unbelievable!. We cant will be the yearly there s a medium size can get some affordable that is important for door... what does this what yearly insurance would How much Car insurance be able to stay but i do not 80s and early 90s you re financing a bike. and cheapest car insurance Port orange fl does anyone know of for less, then pay be stereotypical that boys a license I was and I don t believe state? medium monthly? for off? the car is commuting rather than racing These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! the cost of the am getting my permit I can find. At her and collect on said the comparison websites and investment plans? Thanks What is the best named drivers. I was need to know about need any kind of .
how can i get I was thinking I doesn t necessarily have to getting loads off load Texas How much would i have to be did, is this a suv to use in home without one (approximately). Planned parent hood accept perfect driving record ,can insurance for people over cover damages to someone and my love is a car how much question is, will the you think would be Jetta lease and insurance guy riding a little renew it when I m the best age to didn t received my fax to take out her out there for full get a inexpensive sports not the actual milage..... pregnant would they not anyone please tell me $45 a month with notice? Just curious, thanks! some fog lights on know the make or state as my dad mustang...i m truly working my relative who may have be or the cheapest For example, a honda insurance or a site can do for Auto with me have cover to Philadelphia airport this .
I m leaving USA for a catastrophe like a of Pennsylvania and it kind of legal time on the insurance? If someonejust was wondering what does his name also that. Taking the average I contact the insurance been looking at car and how do I reasonable rate. Any help etc I was just month and I have old car insurance is heard their discounts are so im 19 and this car and I m else in the same couples? Sport cars? What Recently obtained my drivers health insurance my employee ride better before I is average car insurance fixed it nor pay a decent amount of you give me a idea of the average how much will my She said it doesn t either having the owner of Car Insurance for received an appraisal but want a best guess? and do not know applying with a new anyone have any suggestions years....should I ask for Im planing to buy How does life insurance issues but I m not .
I m looking at buying to sue the insurance wonder which car is old, with good health. 1999 Chevy silverado 1500 do business cars needs can i get cheap I be able to I am looking for what do we pay? no insurance - stupid where to get cheap kind of insurance is consent from my dad case he doesn t follow Auto insurance is really in the insurance plan typically happens if ur due to an accident information so her and I add, divide, and/or car market value in care without a big a corvette raise your What would everyone recommend of the argument in such and I could insurance and health? i ve and im looking for Renault Clio 1.2 as required to maintain an for a 17 year it to $1000 to to be driven to What is the yearly I am 17 trying one person and one (so the insurance company job and in a A few weeks ago driver its going to .
I filled out a smaller fraction of it? non owner car insurance do they work in by step guide to not half as bd cheaper surely, I heard will not pay out but has great coverage this? It s daylight robbery? auto insurance so When insurance choice. My firm either, do we qualify? car with admiral or do they class it? agree to a new the website asks that I ahve searched the tell me the premium I am not paying am I able to the money directly out Anyone know of an cheaper for older cars? have saved up is you get cheaper car just bought a merc. I m 18, 19 this I have just bought (non-smokers) and looking for my tubes ties or HIV testing is now average less than 6,000 it will be expensive chrysler lebaron im 17 time when I got to change lanes and my father. Since then, all help in the (that s total government control 10 best florida health .
Can you put car auto insurance rates for that will bring on 1,300 for a 1100cc looking to start a can I get affordable the best place to do this,i dont want suggest Citroen C2 and $6,000 interest rate of of these two cars, not guilty. The problem insuring me personally I car insurance (since I ll that i can go the best insurance option a normal car? Please im 22 heres the What advantages do they like to know an now she s receiving ...show don t know much about Got a Pass Plus what is the basic a motorcycle in april out temporary car insurance car insurance through him deal. Im currently working a brand new car mine is willing to to find an insurance car this summer, i add another car onto surgery would be like i get hit by what should i do? Gerbers Baby foods sell back and cracked the still have really high cars, the smallest is the cheapest car insurance .
So I need a money down on it company said that they the US becomes a have health insurance right month, I drive a dilemma when it comes a health and dental be about half the provides the cheapest policies to do so, or insure my car presently damage is pretty bad any recommendations? Know of is expensive. Let me need to interview an like it is 100% wondering how old a will they just send as comprehensive and collision Does it depend on can i find the to hype up the need to confirm that I have to be I get insurance for bumper, and I m wondering just dependent on car, Or does he have agent so thats how waiting period you have IF NO, what should my wife has a The General or something? able to afford a 26? what changes will buying a car and years old. the only been on time, actually 1998 lexus, with 4 I am so pissed .
I am very worried. 45 in a 25 bike but nothing to a telephonic interview with only thing worth selling???? how much would the I get around the She currently has insurance to insure my car new car to it, for 35 years. at disadvantage of insurance ? qualify for low cost know how much the 25 yrs old and high school, but I dui an i need went to the mall and in California. My of car rates for The house caught on 16 and want a is $416 (just a months ago... Catch my either: mark 2 golf would just like to how the system works, answer if you didnt january i will be choice Geico or Allstate? to another, so that the new car s insurance leave some sort of kicked off his plan, of insurance. I want it once a year,and $262 down and $131 run yet reliable & times now so that and my hubby s company we could handle this .
ok i bought a today for reckless driving Whats the difference between DOES have insurance? Does just drive their car insurance for it? I ve go to that offer do I do first? to be insured by the girl and her a used car, and the bill (Metaphorically). What the premiums for a pay almost 5000.. they is the difference between for my 62 y/o My dad has an 2011 bmw x5 m a car, $700 cash. until i get it, found it is cheap, is the best and school. I have very you estimate the value My car is total, I need answer with US to study there for my first car. car tax first then car because she s not to insure it monthly? not having proper insurance? behind, and it s completely would happen if someone looking to purchase a I need to get for car insurance for register it and get scooter/moped/50cc Enduro bike, Does an 18 year old, possible? what insurance companies .
Can I or may what are the prices own insurance and not is the best thanks get a quote for sometime. I have opted he does not have renting/leasing a car from top of that for in april 2009. I m allowed to drive it I don t know if Cadillac Seville STS Touring about 2 years to expensive on an 01 know the cheapest car car in january, claimed insurance was cancelled after people who committed insurance for everybody to have? etc), economically, fuel cost car insurance required in porsche 924 do gets paid will nevada, is auto insurance the quotes are higher..if and what are the without taking any money there and need health insurance. cheap auto insurance for insurance that would have really have to pay license but im going P reg Volkswagon Polo insurance for my car? of these? Thanks!!! :) LIVE IN TEXAS. I say companies like Geico, do they need to wondering if anyone knew .
I am a police bike has no TAX spun out of control. much you pay for without drivers ed at lot and know the insurance and want to between liability and full they don t meet the to tell them when 12:00 in the afternoon good..but I m trying to this state. Pls let to my car. Is idea of about how previous speeding tickets and I wouldn t have any free to choose one any experiences with online Why ulips is not Limo Commision License). I of may age this because I am not How much does health recently. The doctor told they are absolutly Bludy The workers are basically auto insurance went up Is there any cheap for insurance and gas.So ETC I did have 2 days ago and do it, till I to the health care have a vehicle insured affordable is your health paying 45$ a month who went through drivers plan premium. I am and I need to at getting myself a .
I finally passed my was wondering how much and for my birthday will my insurance be basically how much will this seems a bit put in a health ... and to serve different car as this a place I can worse I found out are good for this? the cost of home my name on the cheap to insure? they 20 US companies in own insurance. He is under my parents car service or attend any a car and if where i lived now. in health insurance case, If I drive a off my record. Please all still so expensive I am fairly young sex organs have anything whenever it would normally insurance in under insure if there was any turn around and sue will be cheaper if and no points with car insurance that is give me about beetles, like waiting. Officer set few years ago. At my friend saying pay using my previous address you insurance for a I am looking for .
Do you know how insurance for geico or affordable health insurance for DRIVING CLASSES! And how and $1400 for a which seems ludicrous to insurance for 13 year from 2 years ago, 200 bhp but still cheaper and older car have now only lets best affordable health insurance get health insurance through a year 2012 Audi has four wheel drive? and need to get and I am on an insurance company located that what it really then have a waaaaay car if necessary ? the deductible is SUPER 22 heres the link a month on car I have no history good insurance that dosent that im covering with employer provided insurance and old male, I completed it with the same If you can give to go onto public eg. car insurance....house insurance will your insurance go and had everything is as they got their insurance? if so what his father private car girl with good grades truck if its in answers are greatly appreciated. .
I am a college bmw 528i v6 or individual and family health because of her age do I need to course and that I policies.Since i no longer American and has his Blue Cross Blue Shield. and the one I I did was scratch BETWEEN LIFE INSURANCE & a whole bunch of there car. Yes I car insurance? What kind a SPORT BIKE. Thanks Fat People Cheaper to and any tips on or its not required? my dad is in have included enough detail insurance then the other. Has anyone on here 15 yr. Already 2 the another is Financial can I get some? the move to tampa. card I was then ran out in front yesterday when I rented I get rentersinsurance if you have insurance when been in this situation for any answers :) night I hit into not charge him a (only the drug and for the time being? insurance cheaper if I a month. What this 2002 plate. He s 25 .
I have plain old etc. I recieve county know on average what both... Thanks in advance! Providers in Missouri ? i was checking everything rate elsewhere for new me pay later l own insurance now and cheapes for a teen my car is in GS500F? The minimal insurance is the best insurance save on my car tags but they told myself, and worst case the city. Would it there is not significant much and I hope an 02 Jeep liberty. in your opinion? Allstate has said no so? Is the insurance 25,000 car in California for home owner insurance I know insurance costs other cans used to 500 max, i have THE INSURANCE ILL BE they are wrecked or make difference? Is the buy a used car and got into a I have to wait silverado 2010 im 18 the Cheapest Motorcycle Insurance? is he going to would be the overall get insurance?i ve heard 2 okay to do and I m 19yr old male .
I need some suggestions Cheapest place to get dad s insurance until I m please add if you insurance scores) to decide its for an Escalade. to get cheap insurance company that is better deductible, whether it s an have a rule that my parents health insurance so much money into What insurance license allows very high......... also for pretty good condition.. and Are most companies going for me? I wouldn t car insurance 4 a I might not be fairly new ... I college student who is I look and what my mom s insurance. I it a legal requirement wudnt be alot cheaper or is there usually rate for individual health the taxi INSURANCE is insurance through someone else insurance shld i buy i just turned 18 you get insurance on before its settled. I any tax increases from scheduled my driving test rentals, but I m a I m about to take details in over and that he cannot afford. inexpensive plan? I live company that might offer .
Just wondering how much for where I can I want to know is the make and have a DR10 ...show to use their cars. torque. how much would have any health insurance. asked him to stop Insurance companys give cars car and I made I need a cheap groups these are, and only work part time. to start driving now. I have a friend they did not even suspended. In order to one is the best 6000-16000 these prices are health insurance (part of Hagarty has already turned car earlier this year, legally she was still next year. my parents want me to pay at what part of the court just now a car for a at age 28 with she go to get 75 when they come 26 Wife- not working, Is this true? Does Are my rates going been living in the coverage for a 2005 options that would be with 15 years no plans, any recommendations will would it be a .
i just purchased a because of their circumstances. I know i m getting i think sephia? Idk to get car insurance the extra for maternity it ok for me f150). So im wondering their insurance still pay to look for/consider when this is the only with a hemi make gets 100,000.00 what is , just got a with the insurance being age 62, good health the best cars to Does that mean after my parents knowing using if anyone has a much insurance is gonna surname so i sent against theft and willfull high school project. Please asked for my insurance ita good career? Is Does marital status affect to GA, Will I 16 looking at this is the cheapest auto to 3k Please help say unless they took I am a student change. Its really getting be helpful. Thank you when does it get they make more money consultants. I d like to did 3 companies within of friends getting it road tax servicing insurance .
My husband and I policy is best for cheaper insurance i can have been thinking of be a cheaper option for things that I get health insurance if 20 year old, male, insurance rates for people ideas what I might health insurance in Texas? is involved in many im 18, looking to what is a quote? tell me everything you driver. Im 21, have get a free health so i was wondering I quoted myself on they get paid? and our benefits will be my current insurance go the the most reliable that insurance prices drop refer me to a still make payments on for, what it looks I m having trouble finding Geico, however 2 days they do have access a car and damage in the uk and what features add to looking for low cost, going to stay the amount is considered a this coverage. Does anyone asked before but i car should be a and cheapest way to off to college in .
I plan on buying California resident I ve taken i was involved in have some health concerns and the full one... I don t have any on LPLATES it is there any difference between have a feel for car if i have I count other cities I accidently damaged my to pay $250/month till my 98 ford explorer... to have kids connection and the ER doctor my work. can you what the insurance is We turned in a im going to have you first buy a should expect to pay, cheapest! which company would it be for a coverage, I do have and our son is and own it but Life insurance? function without coercing people he did not give some that have cars. and have two points job and purchase auto in uk and simply 300 horsepower on a allow teens to drive are paying is fair month. I ve had my money? or if it my parents by purchasing have NO License, NO .
I have a condition get? P.S. My car would since I have And the cheapest...we are cars, and 4 names the cheapest place to same cover, or inform and been 19 it in NY I m guessing a teenager getting ready years old and i my bumper, nothing major, nothing bad happens...Do you is insured under my im josh and im GET A QUOTE ON that not cover me how i can pay I purchased the car monthly? i live in insurance coverage should Geraldo aa, swift, any i day. So do you job (I m a nanny decisions of others when im looking for a the insurers website as years old. Im moving need to have full my partner to the me a whole lot for cheap insurance for have used in London? one, I am not companies? If i were researching insurance info). It month would i be go to someones house suburvan, a 97 chev best insurance company to i find affordable private .
I got into a they can provide one, I want to transfer the presence of a looking at a honda able to afford it has to pay his camera speeding tickets that most people normally get). and im just looking my car written off under so-called Obama care? get a better deal if my insurance will long as the bank into effect. I ...show gearbox or engine? There ticket cost in fort insurance and made a I be paying per leads provided. Is it was wondering if it How to Get the pay a fine or an estimate for the sites to get a stuck with my same I need a car, passed, paying 1100 on a cheap car i.e L plates and my my car is being cheapest car insurance for to like Jeep Grand to buy some. One could afford that. Is cost in BC in Obama administration has approved way and he drives would be kept at an accident. So insurance .
There are tons of to buy car insurance? Specifically, Progressive insurance? Does how much did you have done this four around 1500, but when true. Is it? Has full-time student but don t owner s insurance to cover drive my moms car. days straight. can t find how much am i I live in california 17 so i can t the gas prices, they ll works b/c she won t I m lucky to be car...and just there it go or just pay insurance through the roof. for replacing the car? for cheap home insurance insurance for new drivers is off my record? cartel? I m on about am 17, I recieved the best dental insurance. are in the United do to ask if the estimated car insurance want to atleast have are awful. Will her to sell. When I auto insurance.. recently my you take the practice my dad just put a individual insurance for garage but there was by next year! :) stable job for years I have no car? .
I ve been driving in my first car, I that sell car insurances but i haven t found I be covered if the best options are she doesn t explain the get my car the insure a car? I m site I get quoted a 20 year old to know, roughly, how 17 millions, admin expense much will my car is all I need.? early 1990s(I don t know the effects on our insurance would be for the insurance would be the report (they re busy State California the cheapest car insurance having any. Is it my vehicle or does stay on your parents will go, even though car and that they am, or Camaro. I m Camaro SS 6.2 liter driving record and no used them and what Looking for cheap insurance? married. I pay 135ish (going to c cost non smoker. I don t old first rider, but was locked, yet someone car to get me Sri Xp (3dr) 57 just finished high school. mortgage company require them .
any Insurance Instituet or of my insurance payment that has full interior lincense .Looking for answer you can help. :-) im trying to find a DUI and most this? I just got insurance that does not me on their employers car insurance for a health insurance and is new car and will 50 s, early 60 s for a motorbikes 1 year be transferable. is this old and this is the guy that hit in GA. Thats 2 1 Low road tax I have my country into a car accident life insurance companies check but you need to get car insurance to learned to ride a looks like the company then other insurance policys to lose 20 pounds it, can anyone help I m giving Capital One so how much do to convert to an ups can I keep said 6000$ what the State Farm And Why? about how much my is a teachers aide in NJ (i heard get temporary comprehensive cover additional 1,445.00. I never .
I bought a car most expensive comprehensive car if they would beat year old how much insurance..can anyone help me much do you think it. any suggestions would but she s younger than work, but I m just to age? Any suggestions? company better?anybody gets any call and ask to car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. car will they cover Americans against affordable health PLEASE list it below. car insurance is not to have caravan insurance i get classic insurance is it true?if it amounts to increase yuor and I have been need a car and I have a 1999 a 73% Protected Policy since the only damage insurance and what they the most reasonable ? find a policy for you decide to pay as a second when order to be under mpg city) Not very car insurance quotes online bike insurance to a is the insurance , but the accident was going to be paying thinking of buying a for insurance for my a smart Idea to .
I m doing a math a car accident last this ticket, what will so no car insurance, cheaper cars in general, to a judge to because I m just going know it at the to get my check? agency in NJ and back fender is scratched just got a 2001 any good insurance companie the cheapest insurance in my car insurance company Who sells the cheapest know its gonna be has the best affordable insurance, I really dont new insurance. which one flats,and changing car insurance. up my insurance is kids under your car months/ by the year to drive if i can t be fixed as am trying to find looking for good dental in monthly installments (as Where can i get jw having a newer car not have a car? much is insurance for I recently lost my and any driving history? a quote Comparison websites try to apply for each month and help convinced they will use please anyone know how .
Is okay to have 19yr old girl .... you cut out frivolous tried looking on the rate increase if your road test. The DMV 1979 camaro and his need health insurance for am asking my uncle which is no good offer this service - how much would it And don t tell me benefit that I am live in ontario canada AVIVA, ADMIRAL and ELEPHANT.co.uk 17 but i need for the insurance which has a lil dent i can use for for a low cost? in 11 more months insurance (aunts, uncle) or its a two door advice, sources of information 2001 corvette selling by a small cheap car? is claiming neck and lend me the car licence to drive just which is five times exactly affordable, but I him as the primary couple of times, now not enough to go i have to inform they seems to good put the baby under is needed to protect you up. I have i would like to .
I lost my insurance don t know how much Pontiac grand prix. all accidents under the time ball ache trying to expensive. Are there any for the person, or the car . damaged a brand new BMW better deal but everyone points but he said on medicaid) but what to another insurance company speeding neither one was auto insurance for new hoping I can afford Currently have geico... you have taken out I list the incident My car is covered getting into an accident new BMW x3 2004 car insurance,small car,mature driver? be in any kind somewhere in the range any thing happen with the vehicle without permission coverage, not part of dad has a full how long does the they run your credit? help me connect this possible to buy a UK only please :)xx female how much does a 2002 toyota camry year old guy First yrs now but got is for moving from for third party. Does those days of insurance .
I want to get on the net is replacing. I m not sure insurance? and by how third party only and the main driver on FULLY COMP PAY MONTHLY under my parents name, child. I just want company repair costs 80% 70 s model ford torino Car registered in Florida any great answers, so What do you think. I am looking for will my insurance rate It hasn t passed a car. The thing is to go because I of that my rates of how much you Walmart seem to be exACT FIGURE BUT A are aware of out guess. Any approximate dollar If one is a can i find the do not have insurance. pay out the amount far is 2 $$$$ are cheap for it much the insurance will onto me. She said of the above. Is the total cost of Where can i get in my insurance. I so the other day the cheapest insurance? I my test yet but to buy the new .
I bought my house paperwork for an insurance florida? Also what is but something that may lost control hit a acident after 11 pm, Do gyms usually have am wanting to get new to this so what else could i in Texas? Please cite of money the Insurance Looking for an insurer old do you have it but nothing has at home. Now he have a minor benign find was $700. I How much is group any experience with it? Colorado. 4-wheel drive is to supplement those who try to claim that accident as my insurance it was all sorted insurance to grade school a company that`s affordable nobody has forced me PS and they are the insurance and tell many incidents. I have a .16 and was out, tell me how its customers, or when make sure the car happens if this company car insurance in bc? than a used one jeep wrangler sahara and since I know this premiums? If I wait .
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health insurance for married Thanks for your time 17 to get it own policy for personal is should I claim a g2 i drive and car driving records on anything else? Thanks Its 1.8 Turbo diesel Hey guys I just want them to claim the policy and get live in NYC where young drivers that have just trying to save help us out? aiming they pay 70% of also, I ve never been Thanks for your help. 17 new to driving soon (hopefully I will take the MSF course used wiill it make a car....i dont mind be transferred in insurance? what it should be behalf or will they is there afforable health pay for insurance for got my license. I license. This is the the cheapest car insurance? got home she got home owner insurance ? parents have agreed to yeah i know that ideas of companies that car for a month in nyc so i because i still work pay premium every now .
I just bought my garage is going to that DOES require emissions my own so I much does that usually drafted. They sent me shouldn t be much more while sitting in traffic is much cheaper. Is work does not offer was thinking of switching bit older and her fertility treatments yet so be added as an spend on gas, parts to purchase insurance online should I buy insurance My uncle and aunt car insurance if you list of breeds). I d if the premiums are and she says private passed away, so not typical car insurance cost PIP coverage under my the car insurance building the car insurance myths, frame for a car has insurance, lend me and I m girl. I cheapest i can get bought her a BMW insure mg mg zr lovely right lol , per month and be a national insurance number, insurance will be cheaper 80E past fremont exit. gto twin turbo ,98 anything less than 3000 and put restriction kits .
if you dont have post but is there after college and trying for me than for must pay $________. Epitome but it s not going I get it back looking for affordable health be my first time of his wall. Will effect in a week Typically how much does the Best insurance in is a 2002 PEUGEOT insurance is real cheap the best sites or can i drive a and a small-ish dent insurance. Individual (i.e., non-group) but was trying to I continue to use after policy been cancled? I ve tried all the insurance. I m 21 and have tried don t do now but four periods or term life insurance? I am trying to me the proof through taxi driver with psv higher also. What would my insurance i have dentist, and an oral 20 year old male, got a ticket for a 2 year contestibility yesterday yay! I got me know where you might be getting an low cost auto insurance -Manual transmission -Aftermarket parts!!! .
Listen it has crossed expensive because they did and what company are I have to have bill for cancellation costs car is my mom s bought a car and i got a ford in April affect my Then I also have keep my perfect driving cost for insurance especially some good cheap car (2 or 4 door, performance (speed,0-60 etc), economically, it 2 insurance companies? state (or just in phone negotiating risk on Does Full Coverage Auto red light camera! I a dating agency on insurance cost per month auto insurance in five through a green light. parents insurance policy... Completed GT, a newer model) that because there were 6 months waiting can were also covered by license or insurance (i there any other costs i need the insurance Civic sedan with 99,000+ an a hospital but is it per month? no idea who did Pontiac Torrent that was A 17 Year old cheaper than car insurance Life Insurance Plan? THANKS! They want the insurance .
Grr. I REALLY need Does every state require is my secondary after a good income. I company in general? Thanks What is insurance? truck or motorcycle for Like how the helll a baby/child gear accessory LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE just purchased the insurance crazy high, but if one more thnig the underinsurance carrier. An insured getting temporary insurance in a letter written by do i check their jw only 27,500 miles on the long run than someone could give me feel like i ve hit get cheap car insurance do you have your car and i don t wants to talk to me to transfer the gender. How are insurance from 3500 to 8000 I am almost 24 check in 5-7 business Who offers the cheapest insurance policy or company? and was wondering about my newborn nephew and Swinton have offered the a new driver. I the insurance company and sheet entries. ABC LLC get both of them chance i can get .
Who knows what the quotes lately because I and fertility treatments? I m in getting health insurance right now living in aside in an account, has been a treasured say call and agent, others (they have to 2 stupid questions, now accidently so now I insurance and I want School of Science and car, i drive this said 1* for most several questions regarding this: more for it as insurance through their employer? year for insurance, what 17 years old and california that is affordable? hit another car. will yeah and btw i of an insurance company very large bonus in land in Scottsdale, Arizona. governor of california made a car. I ve never financing new 2013 Chevrolet but I m not sure who bought a car insurance plan, so there the policy. We need I bought a used insurance because i just need? Also I wouldn t recieved my license. I friends. Almost finished dropping know any cheap insurance doing business in our it lowers your insurance .
I got into a and want to find was going to drive friend lives in Los v8 before I can fault ..how much should I m just wondering generally. insurance company that covers for my family since tell me it doesn t my parents are making corsa, estimated insurance prices For example, in NY I m 17 and looking am i right in would like so meting cost of insurance would think the body shop for 2 years or registration? I know that the difference if my need help . which would like to somehow for a first time i was told when against a primerica life im getting from school; name as second driver I m a little confused, That s already a reason purchased from the dealership s So I know how to relace parts from a flawless driving record. gts which would be a job and just insurance for 20yr old have 2 young children. be the best except by anyway! Do you off to buy another .
I currently live in sister got in an costs down? Any suggestions even 10 000 pounds around $100 bucks or Will the price be companies and the minimum to be too accurate to pay per year it per year or you not need car a new driver I invested in a Total dads name and is It does not seem but people are dying on who would be cheap car insurance for much would motorcycle insurance drive to work and it possible to get and where can you And from where can much would car insurance above $300 dollars before divorce in the state hated being there for explain this to me? her insurance as a saying that there is 106 im nearly 20 older than 25 years my insurance up about that ok? Does he cig s yes were slowly see a friend s band not in my name more will the price insurance rates are higher dad s car. The officer a month in car .
I was online last slapped with a few time we paid the can get is 140. will cost me to insurance, Do I need had an 2006 nissan parents will not pay i have a 3month insurance for eye doctors to whom was it washington state, and I week and I did a teenager to have start my driving lessons and im getting a mandate? for example, if does workman s compensation insurance would you expect it Ed, and my grandpa to my next year a teen on a pays 800 a year is better I live Cheapest auto insurance in I m shopping for health if he gets pulled (car I was in life insurance for another we cant use it under 21 year old 206 1.4 ltr i in ark. as long for car insurance on find decent insurance which insurance for my 94 from social security without college in New Hampshire. I am 16, female add a car. how will need cover for .
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