#im still crying from the AS A PERSON PANEL
atlaskrr · 2 years
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acid-ixx · 2 months
Dear author,
I love your batfam series SO MUCH. I like the way you describe the feelings, how you use the words, how the depression of Y/N was shown, and the thinking of Batfam when they realize that Y/N had been heavily neglectful. Every time I read this series again, I still feel the hurtful of it and it actually makes me cry a lot T.T. And I love that feeling. And the series makes me want to draw, even though I’m not good at drawing.
The first panel, I draw Y/N in my thoughts ( sorry if you feel uncomfortable) and Conner. This one is inspired from a manga called “ Veil”.
The second one, I draw some scenes from chapter 3 (I tried to draw the ways Y/N calmed themselves down, but I couldn’t 😭).
From your series, I’ve thought about ABO au, where Y/N is a beta, they can’t be marked ; so the yanderes ( romantic one) are more yandere, because they know that Y/N never belong to anyone.
Last thing to say, I VERY VERY VERY LOVE your batfam series and this is one of the greatest fics of Batfam I’ve ever read. I also very admire your hardworking and your inspiration about this series. But I hope that you also stay healthy because I saw that you’re very productive ( how you can write so fast but still focus on the details TvT). No words can reveal the love in my heart to your series.
Sorry if I either bother you or my bad grammar ( English not my native language, this is also the first time I do this ). Thank you so much because spending your time reading this piece of mine. I just want to express my feelings and thoughts about your fic. Hope you have a good day!!!<333333
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— masterlist !
a/n: the topic of a/b/o is written under this post. anyways, this comic panel is so absolutely brilliant and breathtaking omg... i love all the thoughts u have compiled here and i'm so sorry I wasn't able to reply to this quick enough 😭 but i appreciate this sm !! "even tho im not good at drawing" YET U SENT ME THIS !! i absolutely love everything about this don't say ur not good at drawing bec u are 😡
so like i said, don't be sorry if u draw the reader as female bec i portrayed them as gn so anyone can interpret them as any gender and it doesn't make me uncomfortable at all as long as i'm the one not being misgendered. anyways, veil is actually one of my fave mangas and if u ask me, i could say your relationship with conner is pretty much akin to that of veil's! which means conner is very touchy-feely with you and is uncaring of their status as a wayne and would rather... have you take his last name very soon, if you know what i mean hehe.
the second scene is absolutely heartbreaking even for me, especially the panel where your mom tries to comfort you by telling you it's all alright made my heart ache real badly because that's probably the last time you have experienced; the love of a parent that's soon taken away from you. your mom's last words would be reassurance, one that both comforts and disturbs you as the memory repeats itself over and over in you head like a broken record </3
and the abo au, for me personally (tho i never have written for it) is just going to threaten more angst with your family because not even your pack is willing to take you in and care for you. despite your hopes due to being a beta unlike your family who are comprised of strong alphas and resilient omegas, you are merely average in their eyes probably, average enough to be forgotten and discarded by a pack you had thought would take you in for you must be a misfit just like them.
yet despite the pain you had to endure for feeling unloved as a beta, it would also deepen your potential with conner as your love interest because although you could never be claimed by any past sweethearts, conner would always, and i mean always make a show that he loves you in a deeper, more symbolical way. he may not be able to mark you as your alpha, but a ring and an always protective hold on your waist paired with his scent and pheromones engraved into every piece of your clothing is enough to tell everyone to "fuck off, this one's mine."
and tysm for loving my fanfic 😭 even tho i have written it impulsively, look where it got now !! yes i am very productive but this is a mere product of my attention span and hyperfixations towards the dc storyline and no my health is very bad but trust me it's not from writing, it's more from me just being very ill every single day but im trying to take care of myself <33
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ponytailzuko · 1 month
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[ID copied from alt text: A digital 6 page fan comic of Miraculous Ladybug. The first page starts by showing Marinette in her daily life, her inner thoughts saying, "In the daytime, I'm Marinette. A normal girl, with a normal life..." before it cuts to her as Ladybug. She's sitting with her knees up to her chest next to Chat Noir, and her thoughts continue onwards saying, "...but I have a secret that no one knows yet." Ladybug deliberates before saying, "Hey, Chat Noir?" Chat Noir turns to face her before she asks, "Do you trust me?" She looks down as he answers, "Of course, my lady." Ladybug's hands clench as she thinks to herself, "The guardian entrusted me with a Miraculous... and the safety of the city." She's nervous as she asks, "Then, can you promise me something?" Ladybug thinks, "A superhero listens to her head. Personal feelings can't matter," as Chat Noir goes "Hm?" at her question. Ladybug starts, "Even if I ask- even if I beg or cry-" She holds his hand as she demands, "Promise me that you'll never tell me your name," the next panel cutting to show a faceless Chat Noir detransforming. Ladybug's eyebrows furrow in distress as she tacks on a "Please." Ladybug continues thinking, "After all, it's my job to retrieve the lost Miraculous... including the Cat." The comic ends with Chat Noir pulling Ladybug in for a hug. End ID]
finished that comic. i experimented a bit with it so im not sure how clear it is, but (shrug). im not working on it anymore so!!!
this is for my "everyone's an enemy" au where ladybug, chat noir, and hawkmoth are in a three way stand off trying to steal each other's miraculous. this is in the stage where ladybug and chat noir work together to defeat hawkmoth and they've become friends, but ladybug is still aware that she needs to retrieve chat noir's miraculous at the end of the day.
if you want a further explanation on it, the post with details can be found here.
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fox-guardian · 3 months
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[ID: A three-page doodle comic of OP, a person with glasses, hair in a bun, and wearing a bathrobe, sitting at a table drawing on a tablet with earbuds in. They are smiling calmly with notes next to them reading "listening to the sam playlist" "like 30 songs in". They reel back suddenly, confused. A note reads "country jumpscare". They calm back down again. "Oh it's about a breakup" they say. Their expression shifts to fear. "Oh." is written in larger bold text. The last panel shows them standing up, leaning on their desk, crying with "AAAA" behind them in giant letters surrounded by question marks with boxes of lyrics floating around them half-faded out. From left to right, top to bottom, they read:
"Oh, that'll have to do
My other half was you
I hope this pain's just passin' through
But I doubt it"
"And I'll dream each night of some version of you
That I might not have, but I did not lose
Now you're tire tracks and one pair of shoes
And I'm split in half, but that'll have to do"
"No, I am no longer funny, 'cause I miss the way you laugh
You once called me forever, now you still can't call me back"
"And I am terrified of weather 'cause I see you when it rains"
end ID]
i cannot emphasize how out of place this song feels in the playlist up to this point genre-wise, and it's been feeling like a "this is what sam would listen to" kinda playlist the whole time so im. hello?? hello. god please fucking hello
edit: oh yeah the song is Stick Season by Noah Kahan
edit edit: in my sleep deprived state I forgot to add my disclaimer that I suck at identifying genres. I have been told this song is Folk. not country. my point still stands it was Very Different from Everything Else.
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jbird-the-manwich · 3 months
I was talkin to a friend about covid yesterday and like... I haven't seen a lot about it lately but talking about it got me thinking about how absolutely fucked up and freaky, in hindsight, my last bout of covid was, like... if you've not had it/been asymptomatic, I love that for you, but like... seriously. do still be doing the masking if you can, avoid crowded places with poor ventilation as you're able, try to keep a handle on not letting strangers breathe directly on you, etc. I got the shit last year, before thanksgiving, KEPT it till this spring, (long covid) and it fucking sucks.
Like. It SUCKS. it SCARY sucks. I had nausea, chest pain, tachycardia, extreme weakness and fatigue... like... I had OG-covid, back in 2020, and another couple bouts in the years since then, but that last one? that particular Covid was not fucking playing with me.
That shit tried to kill me. I had a fever so high I was having delirium. I didn't experience any weird horniness, like in the meme, personally, but I did have weird SCARY neurological symptoms, I was so nauseated I wanted to die, the fever (which was recurrent, and intermittent, at 104f, for *months* off an on) had me acting fucking weird, I'd get nauseus, then super aggressive and fighty, had episodes of extreme confusion, not being able to remember simple words and phrases, (I don't mean standard adhd either I mean I could barely talk coherently at times, when I wasnt fucking losing my shit rambling about nonsense) random crying spells, tremors, inability to stay awake, It affected my memory, my ability to walk, and still affects my basic levels of strength and ability to do shit.
for real the shit is serious. I went to the hospital and my tachycardia was so bad the nurse pulled my sister aside (who is not authorized to receive any information, btw) and told her not to let me leave the hospital because they thought I was going to have a heart attack. Cuz my heart rate was so fucked from the fever. I was fucking holding on to walls and shit, could barely walk, I was taking phenergan so consistently it straight up stopped working, and I'm negative, now, but like... I lost 20 lbs by the end of it. No shit. from 151 to 129. and I'm still not entirely better.
I'm still having memory issues, I barely remember the last year aside from bits and pieces, and the fatigue is fucking unreal. like. I was *stout*, pre-covid, and had a pretty solid vocabulary, and now I feel like half my brain is missing. my energy levels are on the upswing, but that's taken months, and I'm still not half as strong as I was before I got that last round last year, so like... I know not a lot of people are masking, and very few people are still talking about it, out and about, but like... seriously. it is real. It is fucking debilitating. it can affect your goddamn brain.
Do try to avoid getting that shit. I would not recommend it. As diseases go? It's a total bitch. wear a mask if you can. I was a *very* fit, quite strong 30-something, built like a brick shit house, and I lost almost *all* of my muscle mass, and it feels like I got *extremely fucking dumber*. I had projects I was working on, and I don't remember how they were supposed to go together. in the span of less than a year, cuz fuckin covid set up in my (vaccinated) body and was like "oh, I think I'll stay". So yeah. not a hot news topic, right now, anymore, but... for real. It is still there, and it will fuuuuuuuuuck your whole shit up. I am *still* having to have blood panels run, pretty much every doctor I see is just like. "huh. Well that's... pretty shitty..." And I mean im very lucky. I'm alive and mostly undamaged, barring a couple things, but yeah. It is for real still a thing and will totally wreck a whole ass year, if it takes a mind to, so... try to avoid it, where you can. Get vaccinated, if you're not, wear a mask, if able, and don't listen to the people that aren't taking your safety into consideration in their rationale for not taking it seriously as a potentially debilitating disease, particularly if you have any kind of pre-existing risk factors, including previous covid infections. I don't wanna scare anybody but like... the shit is real and it will lay you low, is, I guess, is the point I'm trying to make.
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lynn-tged-posting · 10 days
tged webtoon ep 159 spoilers and thoughts below the cut yep just the usual
JAVIERS FACE LMFAO "wow. these people are so weird. thank god im the only normal person here" jesus christ this entire estate is insane /aff
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also i think im required to inform that i sent this panel to some of my irls because they're also civil engineers, and i asked if they recognized any of this and they said "oh god yeah"
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so we can pleasantly confirm that the adaptor/artist are still referencing real civil engineering stuff!
while we're still here at the start of the ep/my thoughts i do wanna say, the whole "ugly" gag is getting. a little too well worn
it is really well drawn! the artist is very skilled at drawing exaggerated expressions and its always fun to see, but i think this is like the third or fourth time now that this has been used, and i think my brain is just tired of the repeated schtick. i dont hate it, but the funny has moved on for me
i really hope that in this next arc we see a return of a devilish or conniving lloyd, rather than silly "ugly" expressions; its funny when he looks stupid but id like a better balance, which means i want more instances of him looking cool and smart as hell!!!
of course these words will. probably fall on deaf ears its not like i can message the artist/adaptor directly lmfao but yknow its the thought that counts i guess. actually i might be using that phrase wrong not sure
ANYWAY ANYWAY verkis looks so pretty here,, i like that he confirmed lloyds intentions w the jewel of truth . truly a man who wants to do Nothing thats so real of him me too bud
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IT MAKES SENSE THAT LLOYD PUSHING HIS MANACIRCLES TO THE LIMIT WOULD BE THE LAST PUSH HE NEEDS TO BECOME A HIGH LEVEL SWORD EXPERT and now hes suffering the consequence of not dealing with this earlier </3 get overstim'd idiot shouldve taken a break before this happened bozo!!! /j
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i really really REALLY love how the text and the effects were drawn in these panels and the following ones (thats three reallys!!!)!! the visual echo and then the sudden sharp jaggedness, it really shows how much OUCH and impact it has and i really really love it YEAHHHH PUT LLOYD THROUGH THE WRINGER YEAHHH YEAHHH
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no seriously wow he's so pretty ALSO THE FUCKING. HAND POSE IM CRYING
also its really really fluffy nice that javier helped lloyd with getting used to his senses! though they couldnt really do anything abt his insomnia
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i had heard that some really cute moments got cut from the novel in this little timeskip here which is like awww i wish we got to see it like, that short bit with the "ugly" gag could have been replaced with the moments from the novel and itd still fit the episode length! at least i think
(like i was told that lloyd gets called "good boy" by javier. like. WHAT. WHAT. GOOD BOY??? GOOD BOY??? AND THAT GOT CUT?????? GOOD BOY!?!?!?!? i told my irls abt this and we collectively had a stroke i wish it made it in bc javiers face when saying that and lloyds reaction wouldve been PRICELESSSS)
oh but also back to talking about javier helping lloyd out, i think its really really cute,,, i know its not explicitly said or shown but i want to think that javier is able to repay the lullaby in a sense by doing this. i really like that javier not only depends on lloyd, but lloyd depends on javier too, and they can rely on each other. thinking about that makes my heart warm and my feet kick and then i start giggling like a maniac
anyway few month timeskip and lloyd u look tired as hell im so sorry buddy
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though honestly i really like how he looks in this panel for some reason HAHAHAHA idk him just looking grumpy and tired is fun bc u dont really see it that often u usually see him being silly or evil more so this is a nice panel to have heehee
disgruntled tired sleep deprived engineer now aint that the realest STEM experience ever,,, shaking ur hand lloyd i get u i understand
AND THEN THE END OF THE EP HI RAPHAEL the angel arc!! i guess!! idk the names of these arcs
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i wonder how he'll try to enforce this,,, and i wonder how lloyd will get out of it,,, like did tkobai ever go over the angels and what they do? does lloyd know about them?
i did see pics of what he looks like from the novel and we were SO robbed of very pretty long wavy hair, it seems the artist just chopped it all off,,, uueueueueuee
i posted abt this on twitter already but my singular cope is that we actually just havent seen the rest of his hair and its just in a ponytail and its like really really thin and we'll see the rest of his hair soon trust <- copium pumping
and a bonus little illustration, happy chuseok!!!
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thats all from me!!!!!!! IM REALLY EXCITED TO SEE WHERE THIS ANGEL ARC GOES and whether or not lupellan and wrot,,,, whatever his name was are going to interfere also,,, triple clash!!! also if he'll ever overcome his insomnia,,,
see yall next week :3
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woah-uhuh-uhuh-uhuh · 11 months
haptic nerve blocking easter eggs
idk if these are obvious or not but I want to point them out so here you go!!! dont mind the self indulgence djsflkds
(also to everyone who rbed and or left nice tags. I love you. ;_; im going to happiness cry im in genuine SHOCK from the attention that it got in 1 night what the fuck literally what the absolute FUCK im going to explode. aaawuwuhfhfdh /pos ;____; )
SQUIP speech bubbles are based on 「Japanese quotation marks」 when I could finagle it
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2. Michael's glasses, eyebrow, and pupil hidden in the girl sitting at the front! As well as his hair and headphones in the border.
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On his left headphone, I used R instead of L because A) I flipped the panel after drawing it [as you can see from the alphabet lol] and B) I didn't want to use L and risk it looking like a speech bubble that says "L" lmao.. Later on page 5, I labeled Michael's headphones again hoping to prompt you to go back to this part in page 3 and look for his face OTL
Also as someone pointed out, Jenna and Brooke are in the left part of this panel, plus Rich in front of the alphabet (and in my mind, Jake partially covered by the speech bubble lol). And as many pointed out, you can see Michael's dialogue in the bottom of this panel too.
3. Vague silhouette of Michael's face in the border of page 3
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4. In PE, the biggest yell in the background is "Get him!" implying they're telling Michael to get Jeremy or vice versa (because of course, everyone else can still see Michael).
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(Also: the Michael progression of page 3 is kind of "oh, maybe he's ignoring me because the teacher's teaching?" to "come on dude this isn't funny... but I guess we're opponents and he's trying to score this goal...?" to "okay, everyone's slacking off right now including Jeremy so why isn't he responding, is he dead? Am *I* dead?!"
I imagine the final page is when Jeremy's walking out of school; Michael kind of realizes what's happening and tries to hold Jeremy still so he can't walk away again and so he has to acknowledge him. And throughout, the touches get progressively more personal from a tap on the shoulder, the back, grabbing arms, touching hair, and then a full body hug.)
5. Finally, as a stretch: in the last page, I omitted Jeremy's mouth partly because I couldn't draw a mouth that conveyed this emotion strongly enough (lol), but also as a bit of a reversal of Michael being "muted" by the squip - Jeremy is visually "muted" upon finally being forced to acknowledge him. It's a stretch because Jeremy literally talks in this panel lol (unless he's just thinking, I guess).
OK thats pretty much it bye sdlkfjdsfkdjsf
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ohwormwood · 2 months
random thoughts i have while playing isat pt. 7
[woe, spoilers be upon ye!]
opened the game and immediately went "im gonna make odile question my sanity!!!" but of course when i enter the house Siffrin decides to turn the scripted tutorial enemy into bean paste and ruins the run--
anyways. this panel will haunt me
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i. i dont even know how but. I beat the king without him ever getting a chance to make his first attack. i just kept spamming slow and two jackpots later he was dead. i didn't even knoiw that was possible.
after a bit of fucking around i decided that i was gonna move on to act 5 and promptly burst into tears
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update: i accidentally posted this too early dont look at me
sat and cried through the entirety of the party's interactions in act 5
screaming crying throwing up
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even the king took one look at this dude and was like "are you good man like, you can take a rest before we do this you're literally about to topple over"
that post where odile says the oven copypasta during the mal du pays scene has permanently altered my brain and i literally laughed out loud when this line appeared
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i haven't talked about it before but. a while ago i made a concept for a game based off the backrooms and omori, and odile talking about someone who is forgotten may not exist is the basis for the entire game's plot, it makes me want to go back and flesh it out a bit more!!!
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i am deadset on the idea of making an edit with mirabelle's reflection craft but it's an uno reverse card
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simultaneously in my brain: an edit where the sound mirabelle's reflection craft makes is the metal pipe meme
i am. such a fucking sucker for sickfics. i cannot get enough of them. act 5 has enough sickfic tropes to make a million spinoff fics on its own, it brings me life and i love it dearly
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this line sends me into orbit every time i see it
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odile attacking siffrin. hurts so, so so badly on an emotional level for me. Because like??? i get it. i get it and it sucks and she obviously doesn't want to, but she's scared. But siffrin is even more scared in that moment, and the immediate association of that pain with being hated by odile hurts me so much.
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they're so soft and squishy and cute in this image i c a n t
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incoherent WAILING. this. this image. this image just about broke me. THEYRE SO HAPPY and RELIEVED, IT HURTS,,,
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the tone shift to talking to the party afterwords is still so funny to me HJBDFBSBFH like lookit him. hes so smol. so silly.
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we're kidnapping bonnie guys it's official
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my honest reaction to this line: LESBIANS??????
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and then she hits me with:
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more silly guy siffrin,,,,, my favorite
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bonnie and odile clapping for isabeau confessing will never not be funny but ALSO it implies the bonnie knew about Isa's crush. and i for one personally believe that they picked up on it from Odile's relentless teasing of Isabeau as the #1 Isafrin shipper
mirabelle: wait you had a crush on sif?????? and i didn't know????
my roommate, who is ace: this is the aroace experience for real,,,
literally all of the second interactions with Isabeau had me and my roommate SCREAMING
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siffrin: i kissed you once,,,,
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the words "im being perfectly normal about this" is something i say on a daily basis so i relate to this wholeheartedly
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LIKE???? HOLY FUCK SIF JESUSSSSSSSSSSS CHRIST???? how did isabeau not implode on the spot from that look bro howwwwwwwwwww
annnnd scene!
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i will continue playing to get some of the different loop endings and i totally plan on doing two hats in the future!!! so im not quite done with this game yet i just got impatient in act 4 and i needed the Emotional Catharsis of Act 5
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sunnnfish · 2 months
prev prez mention in 2024 how we feeling
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i genuinely cannot express how much im physically reacting to this. nearly hyperventilating. shaking. crying. sniffling. laughing. yelling. chills. its so dire for me. im dying badly. soooooooo badly. IS HE FUCKING SHIRTLESS IN YHE FIRST PANEL ????? AND SHIRAHAMA IS THERE ? WAKING HIM UP IN THE GODDAMN MORNING ?? <-thoughts of a person who makes things up for fun. still though. anyways biggest fucking win of the century for me and my friends HE STILL HANGS OUT WITH PREV PRES AND HANZAWA. IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 2024. THEY REGULARLY GET ICE CREAM AFTER SCHOOL ????? IM GOING TO [remembers killing myself is the myself killer] die from circumstances out of my control. ha ha ha hahhahhhaahhha hahaaaaaaaahhahhahhhhhhhhhhhhh hahah hahh hhhha ahahah ha ha ha ha haaaa . prev pres in fucking 2024 How am i feeling. How Am I Feeling. ? im feeling simultaneously over the moon and six feet under. like my heart has jumped straight out of my chest . prevpreshanzashiro so fucking REAL ? HARUSONO SHOU ? genuinely what yhe actual fuck. harusono shou. im quickly becoming incoherent ive gotta. Go. thank you so dearly for bringing this to my attention dear anon i love you
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The Same People (3/5)
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
Drive folder - AO3
In which Tsubomi perfectly executes a special move, among all the other things that are happening.
Personal notes under the cut. This takes a lot of words to describe so I made a separate post with the comic and the full ID here.
i dont have nearly the artistic experience or training that some of the other mob psycho fancomickers have so this is taking me 4ever. but im proud of it!
needs be mentioned that at about the time tsubomi is kicking a tree mob is doing this:
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[ID: two panels from the mob psycho comic. mob tears up, then starts crying hard, tears streaming down his face. end id]
id like to think this reaction still make sense in context of this here comic im making but u tell me
this part went from 4 to 5 pages as i was penciling it and as ive been thinking thru part 4 its gone up to 6 pages, so, i mean, its probably not gonna be out until late may if were keeping it a bean. i hope you like it anyway! and i hope you like this!!
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nopko · 4 months
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Even if Denji is THE person that should be used to death and violence, even in a world that's burning to the ground, but an Idol cheating makes the news, DENJI is still the one showing care and concern for someone's death that's became like seeing a dead rat on the side of the road for other people
Im going to cry, im in the 'denji is actually a kind person but his environment, trauma and flaws constantly hold him back' camp but this chapter shows it so clearly...
Also love that when Asa talks about 'helping' denji or 'giving him a normal life' his face is obscured or outright blocked by the dialogue *
She isn't doing it for denji, not that she doesnt 'care' for denji, but it clearly comes from a savior complex rather than a genuine want to help denji
And its self-destructive, for the both of them
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I can't get over this panel too
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Fujimoto you're cooking good fr fr
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turrondeluxe · 1 year
Hey ik on that "equally distribute the horrors" post, a lot of people were talking about Mikey needing horrors (tbh he deserves some, they all need equal rights to the horrors.), but I've never seen anyone even talk about the horrors for Raph? Maybe that's just me and my web experience tho. (If you have any examples of Raph dealing with the horrors pls list them, my cousin ((who also says Mikey needs more horrors, at least)) and I are desperate)
ah that's probably because i specified mikey in the tags because im a mikey enjoyer who is followed principally by more mikey enjoyers teeheee
but huh
i guess i understand what you mean
in terms of Raph Horrors™ we have
mmmm i unfortunately won't include every single horror from every single tmnt iteration out there. there's too many for me to remember all the specific raph horrors from each of them rn so i'll just list some random ones off the top of my head 😺
Feel free to add more to the raph horrors list! lol
- Raphael gets progressively demutated and basically reverts to a normal turtle for a while
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(the panels of when this was happening were actually very emotive and made me cry) he does say this when he's back to normal which i find very funny tho
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90's movies
- Raph gets beaten the fuck up and then gets thrown trough a skylight. He's then placed in a bath tub while he heals (Leo is the one who never leaves his side on this iteration)
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- Nearly injures Mikey greatly with a metal tube because of anger (He feels really bad about this and i def think this moment never truly left his brain ever)
- Getting kidnapped by footbots, getting interrogated by Hun
- All the fights with shredder or karai/all the injuries gotten in all the fights with shredder or karai
- Same As It Never Was Raph
- Watching his injured older brother get thrown to a window and watch said older brother heal from his wounds
- Seeing himself as the shredder/ thinking himself as the shredder
- Got his home raided countless times
- Getting separated from his younger brothers + dad in one of said times and waiting alone in the surface without knowing if his family even made it out alive
- Witnessed dad get disintegrated
- Brainwashed (actually getting infected with a digital virus but eh). Him and his brothers are foot ninjas for an unspecified amount of time (maybe days). During this, shredder sends the brothers to the most mortal/difficult missions in hopes that they die under his command.
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- Getting thrown into the future (Raph is the one brother who hates this event the most lmao)
- Witnesses older brother get kidnapped and blames himself for it
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2011 IDW
- Raph gets separated from his family before mutating. Spends years homeless and by himself before his brothers find him again (this forever makes raph feel that even if he's with his family. he somehow doesn't belong)
- Right after getting mutated he spent some time being cared by Buck (blind homeless guy that is the first person ever/parent figure that's nice to Raph). Watches Buck get beaten to death. (Possibly. Buck did survive but i can't remember if he did die because of his injuries. still. traumatizing to raph that was still fairly new to the world)
- Forced to be family warrior/protector (he doesn't want this, he just wants to be a farmer man 😔👊)
- Witnessed shredder stab Casey (Raph's bestie/first ever friend that he relates to)
- Had to fight against brainwashed brother (Foot Leo)
- Witnessed Donnie's corpse (would def fuck u up if you feel like the protection of your family is your responsibility)
- Gets kidnapped and experimented with/tortured
- Dad dies, rip 🕊️
- Losing Spike (he literally stayed 15 years underground with only his family for company. spike meant so much to him)
- Watching mikey get hurt because of his bad leadership literally made him freeze up and not know what to do at all
- The whole scene of splinter letting his brothers insult him. what the hell 💀
- Fighting his (brainwashed/hypnotized?) dad
- Cockroach mutant
- Watching his older brother get thrown trough a window (the sequel). And watching said older brother be extremely injured.
- Leo 3 month coma
- Brainwashed via worm that ate all the way through his skull and into his brain
- Dad dies, rip 🕊️ the sequel (this happens quite a bit in the series) and hil being in the front row of how splinter gets mortally wounded and then thrown off the roof
- Fighting his family while brainwashed
- kidnapped and being put into an oven to die (and would have died if leo didn't go ham and destroyed his enclosure)
- Witnessed someone kill himself while he was actively trying to prevent it
- Witnessing the death of both two little brothers
- Witnessing older brother nearly die. Again (Again. this happens quite a bit in the series)
- the whole mutant bomb apocalypse holy shit
theres def more that im forgetting mb
- Home gets raided, the sequel
- All brothers get kidnapped except for him
- BROKEN SHELL BECAUSE OF SHREDDER AND HE JUST KEEPS GOING???? please..............take one second to rest THATS YOUR SPINE
- Eldest sister syndrome
- The fucking bunny plushie that I've forgotten the name of (his siblings were so mean for no reason at all that ep 😭)
- Rise shredder
- Having to forcefully remove his family from deathly situation even if it meant leaving a beloved family member behind (he prob blames himself about karai ....augh)
- Kidnapped/taken hostage (?)
- Kraang Brainwashed
- Having to fight younger brother while brainwashed
- Apocalyptic Kraang Future
The last ronin
- Died for literally no reason at all . fly high king 🕊️
Mutant mayhem
- Getting kidnapped (quite violently too)
- Milking Machine
- Getting shell cracked from being squished too hard
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The Last Ronin 2: Re-Evolution Issue #1 LIVEBLOG
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Okay so Casey Marie's muscles are something I'm never going to get over. SHE LOOKS GOOD!!!!! Her getup is feeling a little too reminiscent of a cape-wielding superhero for my tastes to be honest - I really loved the more practical outfits she wore in TLR Lost Years, especially in issue 4 when she was running the training mission for the kids. But ah well, I'm sure this will grow on me. It may not be practical (edna's law of no capes is coming to mind, also PLEASE TIE YOUR HAIR UP WHEN YOU'RE FIGHTING GIRL!!!) but it's very cunty anyway which I appreciate
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Straight up thought she killed this guy - what was that sound effect if he's still able to walk??? I fr thought she snapped his neck
IDK if we needed a whole 8 pages of punching and kicking to exposition dump what we kinda already knew from what's been shown in the lost years (esp the lost day special) but IT'S FINE IG... NOW ONTO THE BABIES
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GIGGLING KICKING MY FEET. We're ALREADY getting the leo-v-raph adjacent dynamic with these two and I'm living for it. if one of them drops a stone cold 'fearless leader' jab i will lose my shit
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HI? HELLO, EXCUSE ME, MIND-TALKING? PICTURES IN HEAD? ARE WE A FAMILY THAT LUCID DREAMS OR SOMETHING?!?? I DON'T REMEMBER THIS BEING SOMETHING THEY COULD DO?? every new speech bubble here is like a punch to the gut, wdym telepathy wdym secret lair wdym honouring everything master splinter taught you???? (although i'm proud that when this panel dropped on news sites i was immediately like THAT ISN'T THE KITCHEN FROM LOST YEARS. turns out it was a Secret Lair TM)
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Seance -- TURTLES COUNT IT OFF!!
not gonna screenshot the whole backstory but they're basically doing a telepathic puppet show explaining the backstory and it's pretty much the mirage origins with a bit of extra tlr flair. as always it HURTS ME seeing the turtles dying so thanks for that tlr2 :'')) icb these kids watch a mind movie of their uncles dying every fucking night. yall are messy
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SOBBING AND CRYING,, I WISH YOU'D ALL HAD THE CHANCE TO KNOW HIM TOO!!!!!! I WISH YOU'D GOTTEN TO KNOW ALL OF THEM!!!!! (tlr splinter doesnt count tho because hes a dick)
there was a cool sequence of them rooftop hopping n stuff but i wont cover it bc we already saw it in a bunch of news articles weeks ago
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i just did the SHARPEST INHALE. casey marie you and your beautiful muscular arms have aged like the finest wine
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YI NO!!!!!
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lmaooo moja is JUDGING your taste in women u two
lots of text... blah blah blah jobs, crimerates, blah blah... jiro in pig uniform jumpscare.. casey marie i thought u were going to fix him :(((
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dude that first issue was wordy but the kids were ON POINT. they were so fun!! their dialogue is fun and they kick ass.
i loved yi announcing the punishment for casey while the others were like NOO SHE DIDNT MEAN THAT DONT LISTEN TO HER. we're getting more of their personalities and it's great!! it was a nice throwback to issue 2 of lost years when they were cleaning - yi refused to help because of how strictly she was following instructions. im picking up that she might be neurodivergent but i did get that from the lost years too - only doing things within strict instructions, getting frustrated at teaching odyn chess, not because of him playing horseys with the knights but that it was Against The Rules Of Chess - and now not picking up on some social cues. It's nice to see!! I love her very much, but it feels like besides rehashing the origin story she took a bit of a backseat to the other three.
i want to know more about why uno said being a rebel was moja's 'thing', since she didn't seem to be any more rebellious than the other three in this issue. we didn't get any unique interactions between her and casey marie which is what i felt was lacking from lost years but i wonder if this is hinting towards a more turbulent mother-daughter dynamic with them... I REALLY HOPE SO!! her and uno butting heads in a leo-raph way is very fun - i don't mind one or two prior group dynamics leaking into the new turtle siblings because they're all so different from the original 4.
uno seems to be taking on slightly more of a leader role than moja so i think he won the title of fearless leader. which is fine, i think it'll be fun to see and he's definitely less of an asshole now than when he was growing up in lost years. still picking on odyn a bit but seems to snipe at moja just as much. even when he was commenting on yi's storytelling he didn't make fun of her, though - i think she may have inherited the 2k3 don ability of being Completely Unbullyable.
i was really pleased that odyn felt more involved!! i feel like he took the backseat a few times in lost years - it was fun seeing more of his personality shine through! he and yi seem to get on the best, and i giggled at them rolling their eyes at moja and uno's raph-leo schtick. i didn't expect him to TURN TO FUCKING STONE THOUGH, so i'm nervous about that. WHAT DOES IT MEAN? WHO DID THIS TO MY BOY? IS HE GOING TO TURN BACK NEXT CHAPTER OR IS HE OUT OF COMMISSION UNTIL THE END OF THE RUN??? (if it's the latter i'll be a bit annoyed - don't take odyn away from the equation please!!)
I do wonder if by introducing casually that they can PSYCHICALLY CONNECT, the turtles will use that as a technique to reach odyn's mind to make sure he's still in there and piece together what's happened to him. i mean, their casual telepathy has gotta be some sort of chekhov's gun right?
and shit.... april was so fucking mad casey took the babies out so she's going to EXPLODE when she finds out what happened to her baby boy, her beloved favourite, her baby odyn :''(( im giggling rubbing my hands together waiting for the fallout but also if she cries i might cry too. speaking of april, she seems to be working on a new project and i saw nano particles mentioned - are we going to have a roninverse version of nano in this run???? I NEED MY ROBOT SON
as always, casey marie... u have aged like fine wine. u are stunning. disappointed that ur still believing that jiro can do good as a cop when their entire police force and government is corrupt as fuck. just feels very naive of her. i'm excited to see her break down at the concept of losing odyn - in fact i need everyone to mourn this beautiful kid. they tell us so much that shes a super clingy helicopter mom and i am picking up on the strict part, but it would be nice to see more of her just... hugging her kids. holding them. i get why she didnt in this issue but id love more mama casey squishing their cheeks and kissing their foreheads.
i have zero fucking clue what's going on with odyn. im wondering if it's somehow related to nano, or to whatever project April is working on - she says it's to do with clearing the tunnels, but I''m not convinced. who knows, there might be some ulterior motive happening.
Anyway, that's the end of my liveblog!! thanks for reading all the way to the end... go read it wherever you read ur comics!!!
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riverpookie · 1 month
Can you tell us about your interpretations of the yellow green team and their shadows? Your art is amazing btw
HI HELLO sorry ive only seen this now lol
yes of course! anon be aware of a lot of yapping HELP #certifiedyapper
Okay so like we already know that shadow rider exists so i dont rlly need to explain that ,, so heres shadow stealth blazer and bamboo
stealth goggles seems to be pretty anxious thru the manga (it got better for him in vol 16 btw!), but he is still a kind guy and he tries his best to help his team (and his teammates) by how much he can! he is also a kind of an airhead lol, rider mentioned how he basically never uses his toxic mist in the last page of the team monarch vs yg team chapter(s)
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there are more examples but i’ll not get into that
so i like to picture shadow stealth goggles having a cocky personality, he is also very competitive and NEVER forgets to use his toxic mist!!!!!!!!! 🙄 he is also very mean towards shadow rider LMAO (shadow stealth goggles still likes airsoft btw like how shadow rider is still obsessed with his gold dynamo HELP)
okayy blazer now! honestly blazer is kinda hard to characterize since she has the most least appearances from yellow green team ☹️
blazer is known to be very optimistic and supportive, shes like the most happiest character from yg team HELP😭 this is (kind of?) a headcanon i have for blazer’s personality but i like to picture her as also a kind of an airhead who doesnt understand sarcasm most of the time like shes DEADASS saying this with a straight face😭😭😭💀💀💀💀💀 (context in that panel goggles pointed out that rider’s pants are sagging)
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for shadow blazer, i like to imagine her as being very serious and selfish, she dislikes her teammates a lot ESPECIALLY bamboo hat #doomedyuri she is also very sarcastic
(ANOTHER HC I FORGOT TO MENTION but i hc blazer being a bookworm so like how i mentioned before with rider and shadow rider both being obsessed with their gold dynamo roller so does blazer and shadow blazer with books)
finally the last one we got bamboo hat yippeee
sooo bamboo hat seems to be pretty cold-faced, serious and sarcastic, but she is still very emotional which is such a cool personality for a character ngl! bamboo is so underrated ugh (for the emotional part she is seen to be crying at the end of the team monarch vs yg team match 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 girl why u crying its not even that serious)
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for shadow bamboo hat i like to picture her being like. emotionless but smiley (does this make sense?? sorry im not rlly good at explaining stuff) and she would NEVER get sarcasm. so whenever shadow blazer will tell her a joke she’d take it genuinely
(as i mentioned beforeee, since bamboo is a wood carving hobbyist, so is shadow bamboo! awesome sauce)
other shadow yellow green team stuff id like to mention:
instead of shadow rider being the captain, shadow stealth goggles kinda just replaced him on his own so shadow stealth is basically the captain of shadow yg team (the co captain is shadow blazer btw!)
since yellow green team get along very well while all of them being very different and unique from each other, shadow yellow green team are different here. bc of how different they are from each other they just DONT get along and NEVER get along which costs to a lottt of fights ☹️
shadow rider thinks shadow stealth and him are friends when in reality shadow stealth doesnt care about the other shadows 😭
shadow bamboo is obsessed with shadow blazer and shadow blazer tries to avoid her
shadow bamboo considers shadow rider as her best friend
shadow stealth and shadow blazer argue all the time!!!!!!111!!!!
shadow stealth and shadow bamboo make actually a pretty cool duo ngl
okay thats it thank you btw! 🙏 sorry for any grammar mistakes btw rnglish is not my first language/its like 12am here HELP
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mana-jjk · 3 months
jjk manga and future spoilers !!
if you haven’t read anything from the recent exhibition or seen some manga panels out of context, this is a spoiler xoxo
anime only and fellow fans living in delusion look away and choose happiness
me getting ready to forcefully drag characters into the afterlife because i physically cannot handle the thought of nobara sitting alone, waiting for her friends:
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y’all don’t understand, she’s been lonely for so long and now that she finally had people who loved her SHE GOT RIPPED AWAY !! i am on my hands and knees, how DARE YOU GEGE !! i have been living in denial since that dreaded chapter but confirming it?? no.
i am the type of found family crazy that if one person dies, everyone needs to die so they can reunite in the afterlife and be happy together. living on?? i don’t think so. i stg if any of the second years get taken out, i’m annihilating the rest of them, just watch me.
thinking about how maki, toge, and yuuji might have been with her in purgatory for a split second before being revived.
thinking about toge not wanting to leave her alone because that’s his little underclassmen and she shouldn’t be alone IM CRYING IN THE CLUB
thinking about how yuuji might have felt a split second of relief to be with her and junpei, only to get dragged back into the reality where the blood on his hands never dries.
thinking about maki having to leave mai and nobara waiting for her while she tries to finish what they started and she’s in so much pain i physically cannot.
the other adults getting ready to pass on but nobara is waiting because everyone she loves is still on the other side. At the very least she never has to see another funeral.
SHE DESERVES TO BE IN A SLICE OF LIFE ANIME !! these kids make me so sad, i think about how tired they must be. they’re so little and they’ve experienced nothing outside of blood and death, i need them to be happy.
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fluffenough · 1 year
Furbbs appreciation post: for a friend who left the fandom and changed my life (please read)
thank you for all the love on the recent photos of chiffon and latte ;w; if you see this i just want you to know im holding all your tags and comments close to my heart and sobbing from joy
both were customized by my precious friend @furbbs in 2018... furbbs is long inactive in the furby space but did some of the most gorgeous, in depth and unique customs id ever seen.
i decided to make this post so i can remind people of the incredibly talented person i get to call my friend.
furbbs was one of the first (if not the first) i saw skin an 05 and boom.
they are safe, but i cant pretend i do not miss their presence in this space. i hope to keep their incredible work alive through my photography!
they had to leave due to health issues.
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like this WIP they posted... i dont even know how they did this level of detail with dye! 2012s weren't very popular then, either. (Credit)
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This sweetie of theirs, too! In general, they did things with dye I STILL cannot comprehend. They'd done custom plush and fursuits before, so I suppose that's how they were so intuitive!
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This "confetti baby" custom dyed snowball by them is still unbelievable to me. Genuinely amazing. (Credit)
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Latte originally had a custom "furbucks" apron they made. He has a "scent pouch" inside that smells like hazelnut and coffee made from candle melts. (Credit)
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aurora was originally a dalmatian furb and was dyed to my liking to look like a cloudy sky. he has so much detail on his eyelids that can't be seen right now as they got stuck open in transit. (Credit)
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they even custom made the hair tuft aurora has :") its several fur panels sewed together as dye wasnt working. my heart... (credit)
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obligatory mention to my boyfriend (@tiedyefurb)'s custom furby, prince, also made by them. the level of detail is insane
they bought a lot of suspiciously cheap furbies for my boyfriend because he dreamed of owning an angel furby and one was included. the overall price was $12/furby.
the furbies were full of dead bugs, even under their eyelids and in their robot parts. they had dead bug poop in them, they were... really gross.
out of love and perseverance, despite having intense toy empathy and the process being upsetting, furbbs cleaned them all thoroughly. me and my bf have 5 furbies from the lot, 3 customized by them
when i got chiffon, my sun bleached crystal baby, customed by them they let me make so many changes and i made them start over and add little details so many times. i wish id known how special the experience was in the moment
i... cant express how much furbbs means to me and how much joy their craft brings. i think most people probably dont know of them and the thought made me sad. so i wanted to remind people of my precious friend.
if you knew furbbs, consider adding a comment or addition. if you didnt, consider giving their blog a look. maybe rb if you want!
if you read this far, thank you. i want people to remember furbbs time in our community.
(im not crying ur crying)
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