#im sorry i actually really like seth
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kikis-writing-world · 2 years ago
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paradise-vine · 3 months ago
Hey, can I request a Seth lowell or Wise x reader? Like, them introducing you to their family/siblings
im so sorry i didn’t see your ask sooner, yes ofc!!
i havent played zzz in a while though since i had my first exam sesh of the year but ill do my best!
Introducing you to their families
cw: mostly fluff, seth doesn’t get along with his brother and he’s not exactly happy about it, that’s about it
Seth Lowell
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(I couldn’t find out if his brother had an actual name or not so I gave him one, if anything I’ll just change it later. also might be a little ooc considering i havent played a whole lot of the game so far)
So we know that he isn’t on good terms with his brother right?
So I imagine you meeting him would be an accident mostly
You’re both hanging out, walking down the street together, maybe having a coffee or something
When you hear a voice from behind you
“Hey there Seth, it’s been a while hasn’t it?”
You can hear your boyfriend groan before turning around to face a man you don’t recognize but who does look somewhat similar to him
“What do you want?”
The man’s gaze jumps from Seth to you, eyeing you up and down and smiling slightly
“I didn’t know you had a partner!”
Seth seems even less thrilled than he was before, an unusual look on him
“Yeah well there’s a lot you don’t know, and I’d honestly prefer to keep it that way”
“Aww come on little, aren’t you even gonna introduce me?”
The man turns to you, grinning, a stark contrast to your boyfriend’s current mood
“I’m Tyson, Seth’s brother, pleased to meet you!”
He extends his hand towards you, which you awkwardly shake
And this is the moment Seth decides he’s had enough of this and grabs your hand
“Yeah sorry but we have stuff to do.”
And without saying anything else, he drags you further down the street and away from him
He’s more embarrassed than actually frustrated however, embarrassed that you where forced to meet someone he doesn’t really want in his life at the moment
But it’s all good, he just hates that it wasn’t on his own terms that you got to meet his brother
Just give him a lot of affection to make him feel better because you know he’s not gonna feel super great after that happened
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I feel like you’d get to meet Belle pretty early in the relationship
Since they’re pretty close, are co-owners and let’s be honest there’s a high chance you two met either because you wanted to rent a movie or because you’re a hollow raider and in both cases Belle would probably be aware of your existence since day 1 or so
In any case, I think Wise wouldn’t do a proper introduction per say iykwim
I think you two would be hanging out in his room or in the store and Belle would just walk in and ask who is this?
And Wise just casually says “this is my partner (name)”, no fancy talk or anything
Just plain and simple
Belle would adore you though
You’re nervous at first, the usual ‘well what if she doesn’t like me, what if she doesn’t think im good enough for her bother’, shit like that
But she’s just genuinely happy her brother found someone
And if (what I personally think is more likely to happen) you and Wise aren’t dating yet when you meet, she’s giving Wise the Look™
She’s his number 1 wingwoman, rooting for you both as soon as she’s aware of your existence
Belle is a really chill person in general, you’re anxious for exactly two seconds before you realize there’s nothing to worry about
Overall Wise’s family is wayyy easier to meet than Seth’s lmao
hope this is good, it’s my first time actually writin x reader stuff so i hope you like it <3
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yonaioana · 8 months ago
Okay first of all! I loved that request where is God reader from ennead! So!
What IS relationship with Egypt Gods with reader? The God of festivals and happiness but real role is the God of freedom? So as I read that request it says that he DID have good relationship with them(I think) because he was in Egypt but not anymore? And they never talk anymore as he moved from Egypt where all god mostly where, why did he move away from them? Did he knew what will happend?
So my request is about male reader God of festivals and happyness/ God of freedom.
How would they react to seeing reader once more? But there is plot twist! The reader is not kinda happy about seeing them.( I love angst, dont mind me)
That all!
Heeey im back, im sorry I was gone all this time I moved, finished highschool and now im struggling to finish my first year of college but im back and im trying to get through my entire inbox and write for everything I missed, I will also update the masterlist with a few new fandoms. This is a short one i still had in my drafts. Kisses!!!
I guess that as the god of freedom and happiness ennead is not the best place to live. Since all the gods have to obey Ra and her kinda liking the suffering of everyone else cause she sees it as entertainment would not sit well with a god who's entire concept is boring to her.
I dont think that you would have beef with any of them other than Ra and maybe Osiris if you try to call out his bluff of being the victim and all that. You could have some trouble with Seth if you tried to opose him in his early years when he ruled Egipt but i dont think he is the kind to try and hurt other gods. Cause he tried to hurt Isis and Horus only because of some prophecy not because he really hated them. So my guess is that you either tried to vouch for someone who was in trouble or did something to upset Ra but she just pushed you aside and continued as if you were not there. Or you found out about some of the things Osiris did to Seth and you tried to tell everyone but because nobody really liked Seth they only listened to what Osiris said and called you a liar, ultimately pushing you aside. So you got sick and tired of them and left.
Anyway back to the present Horus and Anubis actually like you cause they're not as old as the other gods so either they were not born when you left or they were too young to remember. If we take the first route Ra will not be verry pleased to see you but if we take the second one Isis and Osiris are the ones in a sour mood.
Lets say that after you left you found yourself a village on the other side of Egipt where it was like a port so there was a big mix of cultures and instead of asserting dominance as a god you just lived among them helping out and being nice to everyone. Of course horus while searching for Seth could happen to accidentally find your little comunity and asks Isis about it wich leads to the others finding you and dragging you back to explain yourself and interogate you on the "where is seth" matter. While at first you were happy thinking they came to visit it was auickly shut down when chains apeared around your neck, wrists and ankles and you were being dragged away from your home and people back to ennead. If you knew about what happened to seth osiris will try to keep you quiet one way or another, gods forbid you helped him escape or helped him while he was on the run with resources and hiding from the others, in the I feel like horus will try to take you with him against his mom's dissaproval to help him heal seth emotionally with your powers
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justtwotired · 1 year ago
Im Vic, Can i please get something with colby? The reader would be a ex gf who runs into him when sam and him are recording a video and he asks if they could meet up after they are done recording. She says yes and sam goes back to the hotel leaving them alone maybe there are some sparks still there.
Hi! Yes, definitely! I’m sorry I posted like more then a month after your request, I’ve just been really busy with school and other writing projects of mine, but thank you so much for the req<3
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I laughed as Amelia made a joke about our experience a few hours ago in the haunted house we work at. I was packing my bag to go home while she was staying to give a tour of the house to some guests who where going to check it out and come back the next night.
“Hey, unheard your tour is being recorded for YouTube,” I commented and she smiled a bit giddy. “It is! I really can’t wait, this is actually so exciting, does my hair look alright?” She asked and I laughed.
“You look amazing, don’t worry,” I reassured and she winked at me in a flirtatious way, making me blow her a kiss. “We are such girlfriends,” she joked and I shook my head with a small laugh.
“Hey, wasn’t one of your ex boyfriends a YouTuber who recorded in haunted places?” She asked and I nodded.
“Yeah, he still is, I didn’t really speak with him anymore… sometimes I wish I still did,” I admitted making her wiggle her eyebrows at me. “Oh don’t look at me like that, it’ll never happen, I know it,” I sighed and she gave me a reassuring smile.
“It’ll be fine hun, if nothing works out you can always marry me,” she said and I gave her a look. “I’m sure your husband would love that,” I said and she waved me off.
“I’d dump him for you,” she said and I snorted, going to hit her arm but she quickly dodged and stuck out her tongue at me.
“What’s the name of the YouTubers coming here? I’ll look them up to see if they’re anything interesting,” I said, grabbing my phone.
“Oh, Sam and Colby,” she said and I paused, looking at her in surprise. “You’re joking right?” I asked and she shook her head.
“No, why?” She questioned and then her face hit with realisation. “Don’t tell me one of them is your ex,” she said and I nodded.
“Jup, Colby is my ex, and I think this is my cue to go before they arrive,” I said and she hid back a smile, making me glare at her.
Of course, as if the world hated me, we heard a car arrive outside, making me want to sink trough the ground right at that moment.
With a teasing grin, Amelia walked towards the front door and I followed her, not like I could escape now anyway, my car was parked outside.
When Amelia opened the door, I immediately noticed the two of them and seemingly two friends. Sam was holding a camera and filming himself and another guy, then he pointed the camera at me and Amelia making our way outside.
His eyes visibly widened at the sight of me and he instinctively pointed the camera at Colby who seemed to be rather shocked when he noticed me.
“Hi, Amelia,” she introduced herself, shaking Sam’s hand and then Colby’s, followed by the other two who where apparently called ‘Josh and Seth.’
“Hey,” Same greeted me with a smile and opened his arms, making me pull him into a hug. We had become great friends after me and Colby became a couple, but when he and I broke up, I stopped contacting Sam as it was kind of a unwritten rule.
“Hi, it’s been a while,” I said with a small grin. I shook both hands of Josh and Seth, introducing myself, before turning to Colby who seemed lost in how to greet me.
With a small smile I opened my arms to invite him for a hug which he excepted, holding me tightly and resting his chin on my head, just like old times.
“I didn’t know you two where coming,” I said, taking a step back. “We didn’t know you worked here,” Colby said and I chuckled.
“Isn’t it a small world?” Amelia said, making Sam point the camera at her.
“You’re our guide then, right?” He asked and she nodded. “That would be me,” she answered.
“Do tell us about yourself,” Colby said and she shot me a nervous glance, making me give her a thumbs up.
“Alright, I am Amelia Cooper, I’ve been working at the -haunted house name- for about three years now and I’ll be your guide this evening,” she said and I smiled at her approvingly.
“Great, and you can introduce yourself aswel,” Sam then pointed the camera at me, making me chuckle.
“Alright then,” I said, telling the camera my name. “I have been working here for- I think for almost a year now, and I won’t be your guide for this evening because I am actually leaving, but I’m going to be here tomorrow night to receive you for your night alone,” I explained.
“Alright, great, let’s go inside then,” Sam said and shut of the camera. “I didn’t hear that you moved,” Sam commented and looked at me.
“Oh, I didn’t really, I just live with Amelia trough the week but I mostly go bakc home around the weekend, so I kind of live her, but I kind of don’t,” I said making him chuckle.
“Alright, sorry if I’m being clueless, but you know each other, because…?” Seth pointed a finger at the three of us a bit confused.
“Oh, ex girlfriend,” I pointed at Colby, making both Josh and Seth nod in understanding. “But, you guys can go inside to start the tour, I’m heading home because I think the cat will kill me if I am to late with feeding him,” I said making Amelia let out a noice of offense.
“Was that a jab at my cat?” She asked giving me a scolding look, I stuck my tongue out, making her chuckle. “I’ll see you later,” she waved and gestured at the boys to follow her, making her way back inside.
I wanted to walk towards my car but was stopped when Colby laid his hand on my shoulder. I turned to him with a questioning look.
“Hey, Uhm, I wondered if you wanted to hang out later tonight?” He asked and I felt heat rise to my cheeks, because it is actually something I really hoped he’d ask but I was to afraid to do it myself.
“Yes, sure, sounds fun,” I said with a small smile. “I’ll text you my address, you may pick me up when you’re done with the tour, we can head to the fair that’s in town,” I said, knowing he loves those.
He gave me an excited grin. “I’ll be there,” he promised and then followed his friends inside.
Later that evening, I got a text from Colby saying he was on his way. Amelia was home already and she told me he and his friends were headed back to the hotel first before Colby would pick me up.
It made sense, as they only had one car at the moment.
After about 15 minutes, there were knocks on the door and I quickly shot up from the couch and opened the door, finding Colby looking at me with a smile.
“Ready to go?” He asked and I nodded. “Of course I am,” I said and yelled a goodbye to Amelia before following Colby to his car.
“So, what have you been up to?” He asked as we were driving to the fair.
“Nothing much, just mostly working at the house,” I shrugged with a small smile. “I became interested in those kind of things because of you, you know,” I said, masking him give me a small smile back.
“I already hoped so,” he said, sending me a small wink, making me bite the inside of my lip, trying not to blush.
“And you?” I asked. “What have you been up to?” I liked at him while he kept his eyes on the road.
“Mostly just making video’s,” he admitted. “And of course a few party’s here and there,” he grinned slightly, making me chuckle.
“Yeah, I expected nothing less,” I gave him a look, making him give me a ‘guilty’ look back. It caused me to laugh and shake my head.
It was silent for a moment when we stopped laughing. It wasn’t really awkward, but not comfortable either.
“And uh,” he started. “Any new relationships?” He asked, a bit too curious if you ask me. Bit I couldn’t blame him, I’d been aching to ask him the same question after all.
“Oh, I dated about two guys between the time we broke up and now, but one was just a small fling and the other was a bit serious, but I eventually broke it off because he wasn’t really my type after all,” I admitted.
The guy I had been in a relationship with had been nice and all, but nothing like Colby, he was not what I was looking for and I had to break it off because it was unfair for him.
“What about you?” I asked, maybe a bit to intrigued, but what could I say, I really wanted to know if he had found better than me.
“Just a few flings really, nothing serious,” he admitted and looked at me. “Nothing like you,” he said, making me blush and smile rather proudly.
We eventually arrived at the fair and I immediately dragged him towards my favourite ride, making him laugh and tell me I was like a child, making me roll my eyes and whack his arm.
We stayed at the fair for multiple hours, and just like in the movies, he managed to win a huge teddy bear for me.
We eventually sat down somewhere to eat and I yawned as we sat at the table.
“Tired?” He asked with a chuckle and I nodded, combing a hand trough my hair. “I’ll bring you home, come on,” he stood up a reached out a hand, I took it and he pulled me up.
We threw away the paper cups and trays and headed towards the car.
He took my hand in his, making me look up at him with a smile, I’d missed how our hands fitted so perfectly together.
“Thank you, for tonight,” I said at the excit of the fair and he smiled at me. “I’m happy you wanted to come,” he answered.
“Can I be honest with you?” I asked and he nodded rather interested. “I really missed you,” I said, pursing my lips slightly.
“I missed you too,” he admitted with a low chuckle, I gave him a soft smile and looked into his eyes, I’d missed those eyes.
His eyes shot down to my lips for a second and I could feel excitement start to bubble in my stomach. I shot a longing glance at his own lips, making him grin at me.
He put up a hand and rested it on my cheek. “May I kiss you?” He whispered and I chuckled.
“Obviously,” I said, before standing on my toes and connecting our lips.
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shir0oos-thoughts · 4 months ago
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Sorry not sorry to any Knox fans but i needed to rant a lil bit
Be forewarned….this is a LONG one guys😮‍💨
When him and Tess were first introduced i was like “Oh well just as long as they don’t take too much away from the main story and are likeable” (BOY was I wrong😟)
Now don’t get me wrong he was a big help at the end of the book by helping transport the scepter. Also when Tess got fairystruck, anyone else thought “huh…that was…easy?” AND I GET IT the fairies were probs influenced by the interactions of humans (especially kendra) and were flattered by her costume as well as her age may have helped but it just all felt wayyy too plot convenient..
THEN they started getting their own chapters. Okay. Now im lowkey irritated bc could you IMAGINE if we got a RONODIN pov or one of Warren, Vanessa or Tanu? And i knoww its bc they’re cousins & are important secondary characters (even though the characters i listed are just as, maybe even more important) BUT WHEN I FINISH SETH’S CHAPTER I GET ALL EXCITED FOR KENDRA’S and then it’s one of theirs… (though the only thing saving it was Newel and Doren tbh) And I have to force myself to finish it bc i don’t wanna miss important details😔
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And this isn’t particularly referring to Tess mostly Knox being insufferable but the point still stands!
*ALSO when he killed Remulon (which he did do his big one with that so 👏👏👏) Shouldn’t he technically NOT have been able to use the unicorn horn since in theory it’s impossible to just pick it up bc it attacks the person with magical guilt?? If anyone has the answer to this lmk plz DID I MISS SOMETHING or is this just a plothole??😭
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ALSO also when he had the AUDACITY to TRY Seth (even if he was influenced by the crown) while he was “giant king” talking all that smack as if he didn’t injure Newel after being told how DANGEROUS the unforgiving blade was. And Seth just made him eat back up his words with barely any effort I KNOW THATS RIGHTTT I absolutely loved that scene😝
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…..And don’t even get me STARTED on the whole Ob“knox”ious joke….😕
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Overall he was helpful and can crack good jokes, when its not corny!! Just *REALLY* annoyingly boastful at times. Tess was tolerable tho. I would add more but this is already long enough as is lol.
But Im curious on other people’s thoughts on him🤔
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sivyera · 1 year ago
i dont know if you take request s but i really need this one i havent found anyone doing it. i really need headcanons with cullen their mate being turkish (like her english is good but like classical turkish things yk being angry at the smallest things, making fun of everything, being very kind and welcoming but looks so serious all the time and please if you can make her pretty as a valpire). its ok if you dont take requests 💗. and im sorry if i couldnt express myself english is not my first language.
hi! i tried my best and i add other islamic countries because i don't know if you wear hijab or not and i also wanted to give some love to my ladies with hijabs so there are some parts with hijab in every character, i hope you like it because i put a lot of work in it!
Twilight characters dating islamic reader
ft. carlise, emmet, rosalie, edward, jasper, alice, jacob, seth, paul, bella
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a/n: guys i'm not from islamic country so i apologize for any mistakes, i don't want to make anyone upset nor angry, it is also not really good because i don't know much about this culture so... i tried my best, hope you like it!
⤷ Carlise Cullen
-Carlise would love your constant switching emotions. at one time you are calm, kind, welcoming to everyone and a lovely wife and then out of the sudden you trip over your dress and you are now yelling over the whole house, then mumbling something in turkish (your native language) underneath your breath that no cullen understands and Carlise is just smiling while looking at you.
he'd want to know about Turkey (or other islamic country) and what is it like, i belive he visited Turkey (or other islamic countries) but just for two weeks max so... he didn't really explored the culture and he wants to hear you speak about your homeland and family and stories, he just loves it.
he'd love to see you cook your favourite food or some traditional meals or snacks from your childhood because he wants to educate himself about your country, but he cannot eat it which makes him kinda mad, about the educating; he'll also search some Turkish (or other islamic country) words and when he's feeling really flirty, he'll tell you something in turkish to impress you
if you're wearing a hijab, he'd be again very respectful and if anyone did you wrong, he'd have your back and be right next to you glaring and "politely" telling the person to fuck off
⤷ Emmett Cullen
-Emmett would love to tease you just to see you being mad. he will poke your belly a bit or (gently) kick your feet so you trip over and when you are being all angry, again mumbling something in your native language probably something how you gonna kill him and all, he's just there laughing on the ground.
sometimes he would get confused because you look so serious at all the time and sometimes you talk with serious, stone hard face without even realizing it, so if you tell him a joke with dead serious face he'd stand there blank look on his face, yk yk.
you can use it against him, because when you are really mad he's scared of you. and you are the only one he listens to.
he'd love to try and eat every single food you have in Turkey (other islamic country) or snacks or drinks, but because he's a vampire he cannot so you are just telling him what each food is like and what's inside etc.,, he can listen for hours to this
if you're wearing a hijab he'd definitely would use it for another teasing, like gently tugging on it or placing bananas on top of your head yk.
⤷ Rosalie Hale/Cullen
-Rosalie have always found islamic women so pretty. she always thought that they are the most beautiful women on earth, just their energy made her feel some kind of way...
so she is considering herself extremely lucky to date you, like really. she even thinks that you are more beautiful than her, which shows how much she actually love you.
she also has bad temper so when you are mad on the smallest thing, she's mad with you just because
sometimes people say you two are siblings because both of you have your serious face all the time, when people say that both of you are mad, you "yelling" on that person and Rosalie growling under her breath ready to attack this person
but when she sees you looking out of window, calmly breathing with sun rays slightly touching your soft features, she smiles to herself while being glad that she has you
if you're wearing a hijab, she'd want you to teach her how to make it and then she will do it for you. she'd find you even more beautiful because she can just look at your pretty clear face without hair in it and admire you.
⤷ Edward Cullen
-Edward reads a lot so i believe he knows a lot about your homeland and culture but he lied to you and told you that he never heard of it so you have to tell him about it, so he can hear you talk.
he didn't realize how many interesting thoughts he'd hear, i mean at one time he can hear you thinking about that pretty nail polish you've bought and after few minutes he hears some turkish (or other islamic language) words without knowing the meaning and then english words where you say you messed up that nail polish.
he'd probably could speak with you in your native language because he hears so many words (thoughts) in your native language so that he remembers them and know the meaning.
he'd play for you on piano some turkish (or other) songs he has found on the internet just to impress you and it was such a romatic gesture.
he'd be really interested in music at your homeland because it would make him feel more close to you.
⤷ Jasper Hale/Cullen
-Jasper is "old" cowboy so you two just somehow clicked. somehow there was a chemistry that just mixed your vibes and made a perfect couple yk.
he'd sneak into your room at night and listen to stories from your homeland and then he would tell you some stories from time when he was a human.
Jasper can feel your emotions so if you are tired of your bad temper just tell him and he will calm you whenever he feels that you are getting angry.
that's why you two are such a perfect couple, because you help him control his thirst and he helps you to control your emotions, so both of you are focusing on different things that doesn't involve you which means you are even calmer
you two agreed on that you are gonna pull out the "in pain face" card whenever one of you is feeling uncomfortable so
if you're wearing a hijab, Jasper would make sure no one makes you uncomfortable even more because people at Forks are not used to seeing women wearing a hijab and some kids at school can be pretty mean...
⤷ Alice Cullen
-Alice knew that her mate will be from Turkey (or other islamic country) so she had some time to get ready. she read something on the internet and she borrowed some books from Carlise or Esme about islamic countries so she could be prepared
she was very opened and VERY interested in your homeland and your traditions, so she would want to know every single detail! because she didn't wanted to disrespect you, not even the smallest
sometimes she could see when you will become angry, so she either wants to see you angry because she thinks you look cute or she will do anything to prevent it, depends on her mood
you two are the definition of sunshine x grumpy, because Alice is always smiling and kind and loving... you on the other hand are also kind and loving but your face looks like a stone so you kinda scare Alice's bullies away
Alice would be really interested in your traditional dresses just because she likes fashion and she likes to talk about it. so you two will lay in bed, you holding a photo of you in you traditional dress in your hands and she pointing at each suture and decoration
if you're wearing a hijab, she would love to style it for you or put cute stickers on it (if you let her)
⤷ Jacob Black
-Jacob would LOVE it! because when you are angry you cringe your nose in such a cute was, he's not scared at all he finds it funny because there is no way you could beat him.
he would be very protective because sometimes you and Paul argue which can lead Paul to shift so Jacob is here to protect you in that case.
but your welcoming and loving side is his favourite. when you treat him like a puppy, yeah really. when you stroke his cheek while saying "good job, baby" when he fixed his bike, his pupils will go bigger and he will follow you around like a puppy.
he'd eat everything you make, like everything. so when you started making you traditional food and snacks (with Emily's help) he ate it all and then say how much he liked it.
he will crave your both initials into a small piece of wood and gave it to you as a good luck charm, and when you asked him what's his lucky charm he answered with simple "you".
if you're wearing a hijab he will make sure that it's clean because there is a lot of wolf hair around the house.
⤷ Seth Clearwater
-Seth will also love when you are angry but because you look so hot! so he will just stare in awe and then take you to his room and kiss you all over
he will also start stare fights, like who can last longer without blinking but he will always lose and laugh at your serious face.
he can become really protective when someone is disrespecting you, and by that i mean he'll go feral if someone slightly disrespects you he'll tear them apart. he maybe looks cute but he's a real monster in his wolf form, to you he's just a big puppy
he will eat every traditional snack that you can offer, some small candy your grandma made when you couldn't sleep or some salty chip your mother fried when you wanted, he will eat it ALL.
when you cuddle with him, he will put his face into your neck and breath in your scent because that calms him down, knowing that you are here with him, safe
if you're wearing hijab he will make sure no one touches it or no one is making you uncomfortable with questions because if yes, oh lord...
⤷ Paul Lahote
-Paul again finds you anger sexy and cute at the same time so it depends if he's in a heat or not, and if you say you get angry at the smallest things well then you two will do a lot of cardio...
Paul, like every other shape-shifter will eat everything! if it's from you then TWICE of everything! he then uses the energy and calories to his wolf body which makes him even stronger than he already is!
he's also very possessive and protective, like a LOT! especially if it's a guy that's bothering you, he will beat him up like crazy i can tell
if you cup his face into your hands and kiss him "hard" on the lips, he will melt into you. he loves when you surprise him with kisses and affection...
he LOVES when you talk to him in your native language, call him baby in your native language and his full attention will be on you, he will come to you as soon as he hears your voice; put his hands on your waist and just stare into your eyes
if you're wearing a hijab he'll ask a lot of questions about it and then growl at everyone who starts talking about it, even at Sam
⤷ Bella Swan
-Bella would be shy from the start so she will just look at you with blank stare without knowing what to do because you were fine few minutes ago, now you are yelling at some ladybug that scared you.
but she will get used to it and then just giggle at you, she will also learn few turkish (other islamic language) words just to impress you but it will take her a bit more time to really say them to you
she will love to hear you stories while you're playing with her hair, she will lay her head on your lap and just close her eyes, listening to your calming voice telling her some fairy tail that you grandma used to tell you while you're stroking her hair
she will try some candy or sweet snacks from your country and some good meal that's not spicy, because i feel like she's not really a fan of spicy food
she often does some movements with her face like with her lips or eyes or eyebrows and she finds it so fascinating that you can stare at the tv with serious face... wow...
if you're wearing hijab she will look at you while you make it and how you tug your hair perfectly inside, gorgeous.
i feel like this is so bad, i really hope you like it!
-love, sivyera
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stabbyfoxandrew · 8 months ago
just any aftg fics you’ve enjoyed in the last month or so!!! im not picky, they can be whatever ship whatever au or content :) curious and in the mood to read something new……
okay! :D gonna go grab some stuff from my ao3 history. cut because it got long
game changer by peaceoutofthepieces
andreil come to visit kevin in his new apartment and he feels weird about it. but then...
Scrambled by klovnen
kevin gets a concussion!! so sad so good. his bfs take care of him. <3
it's worth a little blood to get your arms free by wyverning
kevin and neil start fucking around but they both really want andrew! (i haven't finished this one yet because it wasn't done when i read it but it is not and i'm hyped to see what happens)
If We Gotta Go (Gotta Go Tonight) by queer_lovebot
andreil teach kevin how to drive and it's so sweet TWT <333
stuck between your teeth like cotton candy by memeyoozi (vernonsgf)
this one is (for now) a two part series!!!! it's pre-kandreil iirc and the second part is MORE of kevin going insane because he's in love with andreil? i need to reread this one. but this writer is amazin
teenage dream by kevjean
kevin comes to california for a visit and he's packing! jean sucks the strap (it's pink/ i'm glad you're not colorblind) it's amazing i have a bouquet of flowers for ao3 user kevjean!!!
Caretaking 101: When to Surrender a Sweatshirt by williams_strawberries
mein gott... i've been thinking about this fic for months. andrew thinks neil's about to run away but he's actually built himself a nest for his heat in the tower's basement. it's soooo TwT you'll see what i mean go read it. (no actual smut, just has the abo elements!)
i only need the working of my hands by allyasavedtheday
AMNESIA ANDREW!!! the man who remembers everything forgets what's most important. and has to re-learn who neil is. showstopping... amazing increbdile <- so good my stupid ass forgot how to spell!
once in a lifetime by kevjean
jeremy is a popstar and kevin is his biggest fan! they fuck backstage and it's glorious!!! GLORIOUS!!! ao3 user kevjean... i love you<333
Baby Pink by noNic02
ok. this one... made me insane(r). it's not for everyone for sure... but kevin and seth are secretly fucking and kevin wears allison's clothes (kevin is having a lot of gender thoughts in here too... an egg...)
a detachment and a passive disinterest by memeyoozi (vernonsgf)
not sure where to put this one... kevin is in heat and needs dicked down. nicky volunteers! hooray! but also kevin wants andreil so bad he's insane! (they're all insane your honor) but it's so good? ty sister dayurno for showing me this...
sorry for the terrible formatting i've never really done this before? (i don't think anyhow?) anyway! go read all these okay! ❤️
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summercosmos · 10 months ago
Fablehaven Pokemon AU; pt. 1 (Kendra)
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what i have worked out so far:
Kendra as an aspiring pokemon researcher; she and Seth are sent to Fablehaven (daycare/sanctuary) to help out their grandparents
the main point to that is to get them some field experience with a variety of pokemon. you can't get the full experience of pkm handling as a city kid!!!
child labor laws in the pokemon universe are extremely dubious, but still, Kendra and Seth don't really work Work like Dale. they get the menial jobs, i.e, grooming, feeding, and occasionally training pkm
this works out great for Kendra!!! she gets to see (and register in her pokedex) all types of pkm while also learning all about their behavioral patterns
I can't really see Kendra as a big fan of battling; she has the occasional friendly battle when prompted, sure, but her team selection is in no way geared towards competitive strategies
they are just Her Little Guys 🙁
absolutely a fan of contests. those are basically the equivalent of idols for the teenage girls in the pkm universe
obligatorily i have to make most of her team fairy types but i think she'd enjoy the occasional water and grass type
NOT immune to magical horse propaganda! her biggest little-girl wish was a galarian ponyta
the Sorenson are all the way over in Unova unfortunately . sorry kendra no unicorns for you
(she doesn't Know)
Kendra drifts more toward defensive pokemon — the ones that can take a hit and hit back harder
speed isn't much of a priority (leafeon & rapidash as the only outliers)
she spends her time differently depending on the pokemon. swimming with azumarill, going on runs with leafeon, making the psychic horse read Jane Austen, etcetera
team! from oldest to newest
Azumarill: azurill is a fairly easy pokemon to raise — that's why it was the first one Kendra ever trained, a gift from her parents. high friendship comes easy after a few months, and a marill quickly evolves into Azumarill. they so sunbathe together by the edge of the pool
Leafeon: originally an eevee, given as a graduation present for trainer's school. it only evolved after Kendra was already in Fablehaven — there was most definitely a mossy rock in the middle of those woods. they make a good match! leafeon as a species don't enjoy battling all that much
Altaria (Raxtus): same old story of dragon egg raised by fairies except this time they were actually fairy-type pokemon. methinks Raxtus was a wild pokemon who took a liking to Fablehaven as a sanctuary, and upon interacting with Kendra, took a liking to her as well. technically, Kendra hasn't caught him, since a pokeball would restrict his ability to wander around, but Raxtus always comes back to hang out or to help with anything important, so! they're besties. also he mega-evolves bc that's about as close as a can get to canon Kendra's battery abilities.
Galarian Ponyta: remember when i said she wouldn't get to have the unicorn bc she hadn't ever been to galar. well. SOMEONE who does a fair amount of traveling may have ACCIDENTALLY stumbled upon a wild ponyta and decided to catch it and bring it back all the way to unova upon hearing Kendra did very much wish to have one. who would do that though haha. loser behavior (→→→→→ bracken ←←←←←)
Decidueye: originally a dartrix Seth caught in a ranger mission (will elaborate on this. eventually)! they got along fine but this whole evolution line is unbelievably prissy. they need one grooming down daily at LEAST. it was simply not feasible for Seth to take care of it especially since rangers spend most of their time with their partner pokemon only. so Kendra kinda takes care of it unofficially. when it evolves they start practicing archery together. yay
this au has been gnawing on my brain for a while now and im happy to share my genius. seth should be next!
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thesupreme316 · 2 years ago
Could I have some of your favourite wrestlers reacting to the fem!reader heel turn
I GOT U (sorry for how long it took me)
Pairing(s): Hook x Fem!Reader (Platonic?), Eddie Kingston x Fem!Reader (Platonic), Darius Martin x Fem!Reader (Platonic), Dante Martin x Fem!Reader (Platonic), Daniel Garcia x Fem!Reader (Platonic?), Samoa Joe x Fem!Reader (Platonic)
Summary: How would these men react to you turning heel?
Word Count: 849
Supreme Speaks: hiiiii, I might do these reaction scenarios more often cause this was fun to write (so please send in more). To @hookerforhook sorry that this took me so long but its here neow. Also I hope everyone is doing well and please remember that you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: slightly proofread, gifs are not mine, i repeat gifs ARE NOT MINE
Taglist (if you wanna be a part of it, lemme know): @hookerforhook @hooks-martin @sheinthatfandom @wwenhlimagines @triscillal
To the locker room and the AEW fans, your character was a very talented wrestler but always saw the good in people. Which often leads you to be hurt physically and emotionally. So after one too many broken hearts, you decided to turn heel.
How you turn heel is completely up to you so choose your adventure (I also included examples). You either…
Attacked your teammate after losing another tag team match (Bayley on Sasha Banks)
Attacked your good friend due to you being jealous of them (anyone really)
Didn’t allow your tag team partner to tag you in the match, making your team lose (Tbh I could find an exact moment but Layla on AJ Lee)
Attacked the referee and your opponent after losing the title match (Michelle McCool on Maria/Becky Lynch on Charlotte)
You got offered a better deal by the rival team and decided to take it (Seth Rollins on the Shield)
Eddie Kingston
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This man would be so calm about it
*after you attacked your friend* “Well, they had it coming”
Would not see you differently
In fact he would just be happy that you’re whooping ass and you’re not taking any shit from people
Still keeps it 100 with you about things
“If you attack them from behind, then you’re a coward. But if you hit them in the face, then you’re a real one”
In his eyes, you’re not a heel but you’re not a face
You’re just a person going through emotions and decided to let them out
Eddie understands you cause no one is truly/fully on one side or the other
I think Eddie would just say as long as you don’t hurt him physically or emotionally, then you’re good
Overall…Eddie is happy you chose violence as your answer
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It’ll definitely surprise him
He didn’t take you one for being a heel
But isn’t mad at the idea
Silent with his opinions 
But tbh I think he would believe the whole 180 change with you is hot
“You look very good…Almost too good.” 
Will tell you that he likes the aggressive yet playful mood you display in the ring now
Loves the change in ring gear and theme song
Will wear your new merch in instagram pictures
Honestly, might inspire him to turn heel himself
Overall…Hook loves to see this new attitude within you
Samoa Joe
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He would automatically smirk and congrats you  
“Welcome to the dark side”
I genuinely believe he would become a fan of you
Constantly reference you or just show his support on twitter (cause that man is a menace)
Gives you tips on how to appear more of a threat to your opponents
I believe that this Joe would become a mentor
100% would teach you the Coquina Clutch
Will laugh when you embarrass your opponent
“I taught them that! I did that!”
Overall…Samoa Joe would be that supportive father who’s just happy you joined him
Top Flight (Darius and Dante Martin)
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OKAY HERE ME OUT….they are all for it IM JUST SAYIN-
At first, Darius and Dante would be sad about it
Would be more saddened at the fact you have to stand across the ring from them instead of next to them
But will recognize that you are happier and are getting a lot more credit and camera time because of the turn
Will put your overall happiness over how they feel
Will still hang out with you behind the cameras (obvi)
Helps you decide on new moves or highflying moves you can do
Will hype you up backstage as you kick ass
“Kick her in the face Y/N!”
Will post pictures of you with the caption “We stan with Y/N”
Overall…Top Flight will be so supportive of you no matter what
Daniel Garcia
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Would immediately offer you a spot in JAS (please decline…)
Like Joe, Daniel would also reference you in tweets
I would like to believe that he would also start flirting with you 
Just full on rizz game on 100
“I may not be a photographer, but I can picture us together.”
Like Hook, would also believe this new attitude of yours is hot
Makes fun of your opponents and taunt them backstage (in effort to get you to join JAS, again say no)
Will also make fun of you (lightheartedly) and compare you to him
Will retweet you and start a banter with you just for shits and giggles
“So you think you can take my place as AEW’s favorite child?” “You were never anyone’s favorite.” “Take that back!”
Overall…Daniel would become infatuated with you and is happy for you
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candlemouse · 6 months ago
Warrenessa Fablehaven Edits
except we do not have significant footage and I am not an editor so it's actually me just writing out what I would do if both of those previous statements were not true
Is this insane? Yes. Was my train delayed by 40 min today w/no service? Yes + might be related
Italics are lyrics. Small is my reasoning or film direction! Click below for more
imgonnagetyouback - Taylor Swift
I see this one from the perspective of Vanessa after the betrayal / falling in love again.
I can feel it comin', hummin' in the way you move / Push the reset button, we're becoming something new
Here, the song kind of hits the beats on the syllables of "we're becoming something new," and I would have like those flashes of them from the earliest form we see them, to the betrayal, and to Zzyzx and after. Highlight maybe Vanessa winking at Warren. She would have done this. Or the other way around
Say you got somebody, I'll say, "I got someone too"
I would use the Sphinx + Vanessa here (not Errol bc I don't really interpret their relationship as meaningfully romantic) and maybe Elise bc tbh when I first read these books as a kid, I thought they were together. But, no, Kendra just wonders if Warren thinks she's pretty. That was enough for me when I was 8 though lol. Also could put Dougan in. Not that I think him and Warren have a relationship but bc I think it would be close enough
Even if it's handcuffed, I'm leaving here with you
Leaving the Inverted Tower, when Vanessa is bound by rope, but a clip where she looks at Warren?
Bygones will be bygone eras fadin' into gray (fadin' into gray) / We broke all the pieces but still want to play the game (oh) / Told my friends, "I hate you but I love you just the same" / Pick your poison, babe / I'm poison either way
This last half of the bridge is just so perfect for them I don't even need to elaborate! Pick your poison? Have both scenes of battle between them + kissing!
The Promise - When in Rome
This would be a short edit about longing!
I'm sorry but I'm just thinking of the right words to say / (I promise you)
If you listen to the song, the syllables hit harder/slower/something different after "right." So the beginning is like a couple second scene of them interacting but after "right", on the syllables, there's jump cuts between them. Maybe times when they've been at odds.
I know they don't sound the way I planned them to be / (I promise you)
Now, im using made up footage so ideally here I would use a scene from my warrenessa fic where he talks to her (in the dungeon) after the inverted tower battle, but a shot where Vanessa's Face is framed by bars
And if I had to walk the world I'd make you fall for me / I promise you, I promise you I will
Clips of Vanessa on her field trip w/Seth + the satyrs, literally traveling the world (an outcome is that she sees Warren again)
I will, I will
Here, I would use footage of Vanessa sitting on the beach alone at the lighthouse and Warren sitting down and joining her. It would be a shot from the back with the ocean in front of them and you can't see their faces. This will be a scene in my fic but also could be plausible bc I bet if Fablehaven was a TV show they would show the confrontation between Warren/Vanessa on lighthouse beach instead of just hinting at it. At least in my ideal world
Soft fade to black with the music fading (as the 80's loved to do)
The Black Dog - Taylor Swift
I see this one from Warren's perspective immediately after Inverted Tower betrayal.
I move through the world with the heartbroken / My longings stay unspoken / And I may never open up the way I did for you
Sad clips of Warren -> flashback clips of them being cute in the Knights. I really thinking of them every time I hear that last line. Bc will Warren ever open up like that again after betrayal/deception?
And all of those best laid plans / You said I needed a brave man / Then proceeded to play him / Until I believed it too
Flashback clips again of the Knights era w/Vanessa being strong/kind etc to Warren. She's acting! An actor. This fits so well guys u don't even know
And it kills me / I just don't understand... / How you don't miss me / In the shower / And remember / How my rain-soaked body / Was shaking
"And it kills me" -> scene of vanessa handing Warren the sword in Inverted Tower and then for lines after: Ideally a rain kiss scene! (But I don't know of one) Other scenes work as well
Do you hate me?
Transition where old flashback Warren cuts to sad Warren. You know like where they're in the same kind of position so the transition is like seamless? I've watched too many edits
Was it hazing? / For a cruel fraternity I pledged / And I still mean it
Fraternity -> Knights of the Dawn (I mean like oh my gee yes!!!) This part could have the audio of like Warren reciting the pledge (or Kendra when she was being initiated) underneath
Old habits die screaming
This has the iconic huge like drums or whatever so I think jump cuts of various clips of vanessa + Warren would be perfect, and it's all the really dramatic, big scenes
Six weeks of breathing clean air / I still miss the smoke
Since the song gets quiet, the scenes get "quiet." Clips of mundane things like Warren pouring coffee, waiting at baggage terminal (in GotSP), stuff like that. Also I wrote a fic with this title about Warren too 🫣
Were you making fun of me with some esoteric joke? / Now I want to sell my house and set fire to all my clothes / And hire a priest to come and exorcise my demons
Clips of Inverted Tower Battle, on house we have establishing shot of Warren's cottage, and clothes had a shot of the knights of dawn garb
Even if I die screaming
Warren falling through the air half-dead in inverted tower battle scene
And I hope you hear it
Cut to Vanessa watching him fall and pierce the big cat
Honorable mentions:
guilty as sin by tswift (can you tell a certain album came out when I started writing the warrenessa fic?
bite the hand by boy genius (this is quite literally the title of the vanessa fic. for good, good reason!!!!)
and ofc iconic "always an angel never a god" audio from boy genius's "not strong enough" as well
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softpine · 1 year ago
I just remembered you haven't seen Twilight but I'm going to ask anyway! Do you know what teams your characters would be? Like team Edward or Team Jacob? Oh! Actually I'm also curious what Fandoms would they be in? I recent realized im a Bielieber
oh i have seen the first twilight movie!! i just wasn't a fan. but it was my best friend's favorite series so i do know a lot about it! was anyone actually team jacob? he's like gale in the hunger games. the only reason anyone would actually prefer them is because they're Not the main love interest (sorry to any galeheads out there...)
anyway now i want to imagine what fandoms each of them would be in, so:
🎭 caroline: well, she's a great artist and a monster fucker.. i don't think i have to spell out what she was doing online fjkjsdsj and she loved comic books as a kid, so i feel like at the start of the MCU madness she was really hype and then she got more and more angry with the state of things
💬 beth: she's written some star trek fanfiction more highly researched than her master's thesis and she loved nsync because what is a baby dyke without her emotional support boy band / comphet crushes
🎸 danny: music is the obvious answer, but i'm not familiar with musical history so i can't go into detail 😭 but his dad introduced him to bob dylan and taught him how to play guitar, then he learned piano, then he taught himself how to produce his own music from scratch. this was in the 90s btw so it wasn't very easy to learn. also he used to seriously follow skateboarding
⛅ mikaela: she loved old school country music from female artists like tanya tucker, reba mcintire, loretta lynn, etc. she's less interested in modern country but she looooves shania twain. and she's worked nights (first as a bartender, then a nurse) for most of her life, so she got really into daytime soaps
🌲 asa: he's literally the only one on this list where i'm like...... stumped. he doesn't pay attention to anything online, celebrities, music (he'll listen to whatever), movies (doesn't care), could never commit to watching a whole tv show, etc. he's very floaty and daydreamy? lmao he just doesn't have the headspace to get attached to fictional media like that
🎥 finn: we know he's always been a harrison ford fan boy and in any universe where he survives past the 80s he's a huge nirvana fan!! (if he and jules had a son, they would've named him kurt... he's deeply serious) he's also read every stephen king book that came out while he was alive. he was a big reader in general, particularly horror
🧸 stevie: canon seth rogen super fan, has seen every adam sandler movie (every last one of them) and i knowww she knows the fnaf lore... as soon as she finishes a show/movie she likes to find the weirdest fan art to terrorize her followers. also loves musicals and wants to see cats on broadway someday (a girl can dream)
🎀 elaine: she loves following celebrity news but she watches them like animals in the zoo; ie. she's observing from afar, she has no personal stake in them. she's a frequent flyer on gossip forums like fauxmoi. she was on the ground floor of lipstickgate and was SEATED for dramageddon. and she had a serious twilight phase
🎨 jada: SOMEONE on this list had to get assigned supernatural... i'm not saying it just to say it, i really think she would connect with (early seasons) sam what with the dead mom... fear of losing their humanity... having powers they don't understand... a hot girl manipulating them to use their abilities in sketchy ways... yeah. i'm sure she has favorite contemporary artists (painters specifically) that she'd be able to talk about on end but sadly i don't know anything about that world 😭 oh and she's kind of obsessed with hate-reading booktok books to feel alive
🏈 casper: sports count as fandoms and i don't want to hear a word about it!! his team is the patriots but he's kind of a fairweather fan (maine doesn't have an nfl team so he doesn't have that state loyalty factor). miley cyrus is his problematic fave forever but he's kind of a pop girlie in general
💋 coco: in high school she was a speedcuber if that gives you an idea of what we're working with here.... she grew up with pokemon, naruto, dragon ball z, she collected trading cards, etc. she still likes anime and video games and stuff, she just doesn't have the time to get invested like she used to, and it makes her sad because it reminds her of her late best friend liam. she makes time to play fortnite and minecraft with his little brother and she plays other games on twitch sometimes. has done a LOT of cosplay. she's a huge nerd basically
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dompler · 3 months ago
frankly so sick and tired of people acting like vivziepop is devil incarnate and is forcing people like patrick stump and weird al yankovic to work with her. it's not that your fave "doesn't know the drama" it's because they actually have critcal thought and a brain. sorry
like, im not even a particular fan of viv herself but i think the standards people hold her to reek of misogyny and it's just "fine" to do "because it's vivziepop" and it's really gross?
like everyone massacred hazbin hotel (and viv) for having the sir pentious joke about being assaulted at the sex club; but it's totally fine to post seth macfarlane cartoons (a man who makes an active effort and point to joke about sexual assault in both family guy & american dad- a man who has marge simpson getting raped by glen quagmire on screen and fought to keep it in the show) and nobody will bat an eye. people will call you based for posting fg/ad! (and i KNOW because i POST american dad!)
idk it feels wrong to constantly punch down at an easy target and her properties. if hh/hb were just shows made by fox or comedy central or any other adult animated channel people wouldn't care. there are so many adult animated cartoons that get produced yearly and handle their topics so much worse, but people hold viv and her work and her fanbase to such an unobtainable standard and not only is it sick , it's scary how normalized it is and i can't understand how nobody else sees what i do??
and I'm not even trying to say she isn't problematic, she did do questionable behaviors in her early work, i have seen the snake drawing; there's questionable age gaps in some zoophobia dynamics, i know! but i also know when you spend so much of your career being documented online , stuff you don't align with anymore from when you're young does stay up, even if you delete it.
i for real just don't understand what the difference is with vivienne/hellaverse and other properties like family guy, other than one property being a decades long tv phenomenon (created by a man with ties to multiple people in Hollywood, who was able to get his cartoon revived more times than most people can get theirs picked up) and one having started/being hosted on youtube. idk.
it's such a weird double standard to have.
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doodlegraveyard · 1 year ago
Hey I wanted know about your version of the ancestral and to know the timeline of when they destroyed domino
Hi, @seth-the-whalelord, i am sorry because oh gosh i have a LOT to say and you prompting this means im not gonna be able to think of anything else ahhhh. OK so like. lets ignore how in general the timeline is really fucked up (flashbacks with the company of light and Griffin and Faragonda's relative ages are very confusing) but lets just ASSUME, path of least confusion that Domino got iced exactly as many years ago as is appropriate based on Bloom's age (I actually haven't decided if i's scaling the girls ages up slightly yet.) So basically it got destroyed when Bloom (and all her other peers in her age range here) were babies. That’s a BIG event to happen in relatively RECENT HISTORY and I have issues about how I want to make it clear that this is an event that has affected basically every world in the magical universe. BUT LETS PUT THAT ASIDE LETS TALK ABOUT THE WITCHES.
So my issue is the Ancestral Witches are meant to be these, hugely ancient beings formed at the beginning of the universe. But, they never… felt…. That cool to me? They’ve existed for all of time but it took them literally until what 15-18 years ago to get at the Dragon Flame? Despite the fact that it seems like pretty common knowledge where it is?? And the fact that they later named them and then the backstory with Griffin working with them and Valtor… that was before they got banished so to me it seems like they shouldn’t need the proxy of someone working on their behalf, like they do when they’re guiding the Trix… That feels to me like big powerful witches and villainesses and definitely big bad material but not like the unspeakable ancient things that I imagine when you say OLD AS TIME ELEMENTAL EVIL, you know?
Another thing: Arcadia. We have a direct counterpoint to “the first witches” in “the first Fairy who flew”. I actually like how vague her existence is and how strange and uncanny she looks. She almost comes across as a minor goddess, or someone who has basically ascended to demigod hood. I think one of the reasons I like her vibe over the ancestral witches is… she seems so… separate from reality and above what’s going on in the mortal planes. She waits for the Winx to come to her, instead of meddling/ the AW are pretty much exclusively into getting the trix to meddle for them. Or building a boy (Valtor) to do stuff for them. Idk. That said im actually not how im handling Arcadia or the existence of the water stars at all im just thinking ab the contrast of how they’re presented. Basically even when they’re spooky shadowy crone figures the witches strike me as beings of the material rather than an old-as-time type set of entities.
Anyway making the first witches these ‘’’’first creatures of evil’’’’ really fucks with the limp ‘well, not ALL witches are evil’ assertion that the show tries to make (but also doesn’t remember half the time). Like, that can definitely be the NARRATIVE that gets pushed, and I do think that the Ancestral witches themselves should be properly evil big bads, but you can’t build the worlds universe on ‘witches were invented to be evil, and fairies are meant to good’ and then benignly go ‘oh not realllyyyyy. I mean MOSTLY but not really. You know. Not the 2 witches we like (one of whom becomes a fairy)’. That can be the story a lot of people believe, but you cannot build it into the literal history of your world setting and then turn around and ask the audience to think otherwise.
I think what makes most sense to me is that Belladonna, Liliss, and Tharma are the names of the last INCARNATIONS of the Ancestral Witches but not the original/actual identities.
I think they were just witches once. Not quite from the beginning of time but from a long, long, long time ago. They had names no one remembers anymore, and names before that. They were witches who garnered such power that they wrote their identities into the flow of magic itself, who unmoored their spirits from their selves so that when they died they did not truly die. Basically, they’re Liches. I like the idea of the Witches recurring in history, reappearing as different women across the eons as their spirits find new lives to subsume. It’s not a bloodline (even though the trix call themselves the AW’s ‘direct descendants’ - unless Belladonna, Liliss and Tharma all fucked and had children, and each of the girls could directly trace their ancestry back to them… first of all why, how, wouldn’t families keep that an awful secret because presumably being related to the people who tried to kill dragon god and nuked the fairy Vatican would make their lives DIFFICULT - despite that language I always assumed they were kind of styling themselves as spiritual successors (which.. might be the literal opposite of ’direct descendant’ but what can I say that’s the vibe I always got) I think, in my version of things, they’re… sort of like their successors. ( I have them style themselves as Inheritrix - Hence, Trix) but well, really the Trix are really more like… Vessels. Or, they will be, when they’re strong enough.
One of the big reasons Witches are looked down on is that there’s this pervasive cultural sentiment that they’re greedy and power-hungry. They Want what they don’t Have, they will Take what Is Not Theirs. This has a little bit to do with the way I conceive of the concept of positive or negative magic - not dark and light but more like electric charges or polarity. Fairies (+) generate magic, and Witches (-) absorb magic from outside sources. I think there’s actually a very important place for Witches in the magic ecosystem, and both fairies and witches have a part to play in keeping balance. The ancestral witches represent the worst extreme of witch dysfunction. They take so much that they cling onto life, stealing the lives of other witches through generations. They refuse to be swept away through the river of time, to return to the flow of Magic, to take their part in the cycle.
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brightlotusmoon · 1 year ago
Hey there, big fan of you and your fanfiction and I just need to get this out and “vent” about this to someone, and I feel like you may be the only one to understand and validate this opinion lol.
In the tmnt 2003 series it just ANNOYS ME so much on an unreal level how Mikey gets treated by the show writers. One that really annoys me is just SAINW and the good genes arc. Good genes for obvious reasons, we were robbed basically of that whole thing by them changing Donnie to be mutated instead of Mikey, but I never saw anyone mention SAINW’s potential before.
I CONSTANTLY see the statement “Mikey adds nothing to the team” and its just because THEY NEVER SHOW IT!! THATS WHY!! His role is supposed to be the heart and the glue that keeps the team together. The one that brings light in their dark ass lives. They had the perfect opportunity to do this in either good genes or SAINW and they blew it. Everyone knows Donnie has a role to play, so why not let Mikey be teleported to that future instead and have him be the one out of time. It just makes so much more sense to have that, to actually SHOW people the role he plays in the team and family. He could still even be a badass in that episode if they wanted, but just let him and his audience have that moment of realization in his importance. It could have worked for Good Genes too!! I just dont get why they barely let Mikey do shit or have any angst moments when others get plenty of it. And yea I know Laird was in control of the whole thing and Don was his favorite so that obviously means angst nepotism but still. Its just frustrating to see how people wont look at the bigger picture to see how important he really is. Its just UGRHHHH!!! Its even worse that 2003 is most peoples goto for the franchise whenever 2003 themselves rarely did Mikey any justice!! Its like I have to resort to fanfiction instead of canon because they actually just GET IT more than the writers do. Like I feel like Im going insane on this topic to the point Im ranting to my therapist about it because of my ocd compulsions and reassurance seeking includes this shit.
Im really hoping mutant mayhem will be different since Seth Rogen’s favorite is Mikey, so hopefully he will actually do him justice; with his works being Invincible and The Boys, im having high hopes for the writing capabilities of him. Here is to hoping if that it is the case then MM becomes the status quo.
Sorry for the rant, this has been on my mind for fucking ages and I feel you might be the only other one that I can say this to lol.
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Awww, you remind me a little of me back in 2016 when I started this Tumblr as a literal storage place for ideas on exploring Mikey's psychology.
We DO have to resort to fanfiction! It's actually been that way since the late 90s. Uh. I helped start it. Got diagnosed with ADHD, looked at 2003 Mikey, went "guys hear me out" later got diagnosed autistic with the help of the people who coined neurodivergence, looked at 2003 Mikey and his brothers again, went "Sure, it's all of them!" and sat on it for years before writing it here.
In that time, there cropped up some writers who just really preferred to play with his silly side more than the rest of him, especially after 2012. I think we're going to cycle around to more 03 fanfiction pointing out Mikey's unspoken skills beyond mouthy, crafty, irritating, or weird.
That reminds me, I have a chapter to write from Leo's viewpoint on that.
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spookfished · 11 months ago
media roundup february
hi everybody :3 i didnt really read a lot in february i was busy 'doing school' and 'looking for employment.' sad! i have spring break coming up so im planning on using that time to read a bunch (and also apply for more jobs -_-) this post and previous can be found on my neocities!
revenant gun by yoon ha lee: the last book in the hexarchate series, starting with ninefox gambit. (slightly edited from my discord review, SPOILERS INCOMING). in machineries of empire, there a disconnect between what the audience craves and what the book is willing to give them-- for example, things like Whats up with the calendar + the hexarchate, why did jedao do all that, etc. this works in the books favor (imo) by increasing tension, creating a sense of discovery, and avoiding clunky exposition.
however in the two sequels it expands not just to what the audience wants but also what they like. care about? some big examples are the weight of the remembrances* and less cheris, but also stuff like jedaos focus. which isnt bad like i like jedao. but like, if you Dont you sure do get a lot of him. also did anyone actually like brezan sorry. hes fine like for example with the end of a memory called empire, when the protag (forgot her name sorry) loses her brain buddy, it feels like a second coming of age almost--her brain buddys been a crutch but now she gets to stand on her own (albeit as a changed person, with brain buddys influence). vs cheris who kinda starts to feel like a cameo character who literally fucks off for nine years??? there is also a sort of ongoing sense of "these sacrifices for the greater good are ok (if sad) and these are not" whihc ngl sometimes feels pretty arbitrary to me. and given that machineries of empire focuses on like the Littlest most downtrodden people it really is wild yhat we dont see a lot of civilian life? anyways i enjoyed it and i think its worth finishing out the trilogy but it wasnt as satisfying as i could have hoped (ALSO NINEFOX GAMBIT IS A REALLY FUN SOLID READ. I LIKED IT A LOT)
*the rememberances are a set of ritualized tortures that create a power structure that literally powers a lot of the empire's technology. this is a very cool concept! a big part of jedao and cheris' rebellion is about making a place that Doesnt have to run on torture. except that like, besides the intellectual knowledge that Torture Is Bad as a reader i didnt really feel that invested in this? like we only get to See a remembrance happening midway thru book 3. im not like advocating for torture porn or anything but it seems weird to have that be the focal thing when neither cheris nor jedao had any scenes where they were affected by it (and so the audience didnt have anything like that either). idk it kinda just stood out to me. like yes i care about these characters but why should i care about This specifically
hexarchate stories by yoon ha lee: an anthology set in the world of machineries of empire, expanding the world and fleshing out some stories. this was pretty solid! theres a wide range of stories and lengths, and i liked the variety :3 its like a little charcuterie board. (yoon ha lee's bias for shuos jedao really stands out here though..) its kinda essential reading to me imo though bc otherwise the ending of revenant gun isnt that satisfying :| lol anyways once again if youve read ninefox gambit check it out! spoilers for the whole series tho
exordia by seth dickinson: hard scifi about agency, impossible choices, and how they shape you. also, international geopolitics! like ninefox gambit, exordia demands your attention and concentration. you kinda have to read it at a time when you have brainpower to spare. however, exordia rewards everything that you put into it :3 i ended up learning so many random facts during this book… like AGL meaning above ground level. i feel like i need to read a book about democratic confederalism now also. a couple of my other friends read this book and got lost in the large cast and intricate web of events--i didnt have as much of an issue but u might need a piece of paper or sth. exordia is a book that's dense enough to feel like three books, and that can be good or bad. seth dickinson has this really spare, concise prose that leaves a lot to your imagination but also like. can sum up a person or situation in just a couple sentences? and that leaves a lot of room for the reader to investigate which i like :3 hm what else to say…. i really liked clayton (clayton!!!!) but i found erik super annoying ymmv. the ending kinda leaves you at a loss which i honestly kinda like? like yeah obv a sequel would be nice but i like it the way it is. anyways not for the faint of heart but id still recommend<3
accidentally engaged by farah heron: f/m romance aww so cute <3 really nice contemporary romance which tosses together a bunch of tropes--arranged romance, fake dating, baking together--into something that actually works really well! the two leads were very charming and i liked reading about the good food. i liked the way the protagonist's almost-stereotypical portrait of a loving but strict south asian family (am i allowed to say this) gets fleshed into a group of honestly kinda bizarre people that love her and that reena can genuinely connect with. yay family! overall, not especially memorable to me personally but still enjoyable. rec if youre into contemporary romance
last breath: the limits of adventure: realistic fiction (?) about what it feels like to drown, die of dehydration, fall from a cliff, etc. lots of research, very thorough! (well sometimes they live and sometimes they dont). an expansion of this absolutely fantastic article about hypothermia. honestly none of the stories quite live up to this one imo but this is still a really solid and exciting read! i couldnt put it down! although it does have a touch of the orientalism that you get from like, a lot of extreme sports circles lol. i would definitely recommend reading the article, and maybe read the book if it especially interests you.
video games:
pokemon legends of arceus: a pokemon game set in the past that breaks the mold by letting you dodge roll. my opinions here coincide pretty closely with the dunkey video, which is that this is a really fun game that is also literally half finished. controls are clunky, story is paper thin, graphics are fucked, overworld is extremely empty but its also just very fun?? it took over my life for like two weeks and i missed class???? anyways i would not get this at full price but if you can borrow it from a friend its super interesting to experience. im looking forward to the kalos one :3
slay the princess: a horror? romance? visual novel about saving the princess, slaying tbe princess, and everything in between featuring the vocal chops of that one magnus archives guy. dudeee this is so fun! i think its very kind to the guy inside of me who is Embarrassingly Anxious about any and all video game choices that can like, affect the narrative. lmfao its fun to fit in a couple runs or two between other things, but i did start losing track of what previous paths id taken after a bit of a gap. however!!! i would definitely think about playing this game if you like visual novels or Narrative or Loops! or girls who kill lol theres a free demo if you want to try it out
velocipastor: action movie about a priest who turns into a velociraptor to punish the wicked!!!! so fucking cool a lot of love put into this (low budget) movie made me so sad i dont speak cantonese (? at least i think thats what it was) watch this with friends
Gato by nobonoko: really fun 80s synth jazz? album written by two fictional gay furries. no wait come back ok this is one of those things i got recommended by youtube and then actually listened to it a bunch of times its just very soothing and nice :3 ive been listening to jazz pretty much my whole life so i have a huge bias. also im a sucker for fictional bands eg splatoon… also the art is so cute?? those two guys?? its hard to pick a favorite song but i think i like the titular gato! also theres a bunch of other stuff made by the same two artists
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option by Crosses: i totally forgot what the genre for this is but its like when metal guys are like i need to have a song for my metal wedding. song recommended by neil -_- anyways very sappy im fond of it nonetheless. i definitely did think it said "can you promise me to the grave"
Roy by Idles: from british rock band idles new album tangk! im going to be honest i did not like this album as much as some of the other ones by idles, but thats ok! hmm when i play this song out loud during crew shifts i feel embarrassed. but i really like seeing how idles' vocalist's voice has evolved over time! the way hes branched out into more melodic and belty stuff over time is very fun. the prechorus + chorus are very fun to sing along to as well :3 its just a fun song
anyways if you read any portion of this thanks as always :3 what else to say.. i made pandesal recently and its been my only successful bread that i can remember. go me! anyways see you guys in a bit
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otsukare-katsukare · 4 months ago
So I came across this blog and found it quite interesting. I also agree with a lot of it. I like hearing your opinions on things as well, especially these particular topics. So I was wondering - What do you think?
hello to you! very glad you came to my blog and liked my opinions. thats all i can ask for as a tumblr user. your link doesnt go to a specific post but judging from the discussion on your blog im guessing youre asking my opinion on sami's potential involvement in the bloodline story and whether roman should apologise to him or not.
(sorry if this is not at all what you were asking. i ended up writing an essay here im afraid.)
i have my own general opinions on what my ideal face turn for roman would have looked like and it's already quite different in reality, but the general gist is yeah, an apology to sami would be, like, thing one. at this point, however, with kevin's heel turn, i just dont know. the way it's played out till this point my heart just doesnt want sami anywhere near roman, because unlike jey, sami really does not have any good reason to go back based on family ties. and roman should not want him back, either. from roman's POV sami was the first brick to fall in his family falling apart, and he betrayed him when he gave him so much. and as far as sami's concerned, the best friend/soulmate that he literally betrayed roman for is currently at his lowest emotional point because his two other closest friends have sided with a man who was his sworn enemy for three years and terrorised both him and his loved ones. for sami to go to roman now, no matter what the guy says, would just feel so cruelly thoughtless to kevin. but very on brand for wwe.
but there was a world where i was completely on board with the 'sami forgives roman' narrative, if roman had come back after losing the title completely alone and ostracised, for the first time in his life. his bloodline scattered, abandoned by his wiseman, justifiably hated by nearly everybody on the roster, and no gold to make him feel better about everything. if he spent some time as a desperate and pathetic heel, trying to win back his old family members using his old gaslighty tricks that don't work anymore, taking on opponents who he'd been mowing through before with the help of the numbers game, but who now smelled blood in the water and got their vengeance, only getting sparing wins. slowly learning what he'd put everyone else through and starting to feel genuine remorse - in that scenario, i would have actually loved to see sami be the first of roman's victims to see him as a genuinely changed man and accept the olive branch. not joining his bloodline (concept should just not exist at this point) but being his optimistic and forgiving self that sees the best in people. in this scenario, roman asking for sami's forgiveness in the first place would also make more sense, as he would realise that he's no longer entitled to his family just on the basis of blood, and that with sami, the wounds arent as deep, and maybe sami could help him be a better person.
(in this fantasy scenario seth is also involved, and the first person who actually reconnects with roman again. cause the shield bond is binding and what happened at wm40 finally buried the last of the resentment between them. but he cant make roman better the way sami can.)
unfortunately while i think this would be a good character arc and story, it is not a good wrestling story, formally. there's no way that people werent going to cheer vociferously for roman, and that's kind of all that matters at the end of the day with this medium. they just happened to make a story with the bloodline that's a bit too nuanced and genuninely fiction-esque for the wwe formula. ah well. but the way things are now if sami goes back to roman without roman apologising then i'll stand by kevin whatever he decides to do in reponse including but not limited to apron powerbombs.
thanks for asking me my wrestling opinions! if this is in fact what you wanted to hear, if not, then i hope it was of interest anyway.
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