#im so tired im so mad im so scared
captainimprobable · 11 months
It's almost the anniversary of Ezra's murder and it is so scary to know that there are people (people with over one million followers, and my former friends) praising his murderers. His murderer proclaimed in court that he killed Ezra because it was his birthday, and for his birthday he wanted to kill Jews. On that same day, in the same courtroom, his murderer's mother stood up and proclaimed that she was so proud of her son. Ezra should have just turned 26 this month. He'll be eighteen forever because of Hamas. But Jewish lives don't matter to yall at all. You want Israel to stop murdering civilians in Gaza? YEAH. ME TOO. That's not an act of defense. But to say that Israel shouldn't defend itself at all, that Israel should just step back and let hamas do its thing, because Israelis are just colonizers and their lives shouldn't matter? I wish you the heartiest of all fuck yous. I remember Ezra's funeral. I still have a recording somewhere of him wishing me a happy birthday in 2015. He was shot in the head on a school trip. Along with Ezra, another Jew and a Palestinian were killed in the shooting. Ezra's roommate, a boy who JUST turned 18, had to use his sweatshirt to try to stop the bleeding, but he was already gone.
It is a complete disgrace to Ezra's memory to downplay or PRAISE the terrorist organization that produced the man who murdered him.
But hey, they're just murdering evil colonizers, so it's fine!!!!!! I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you
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oneroomjestershow · 8 months
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Inspired by THISSSS post that made a lot of sense and made my brain shake so hard it melted, i wanted to try to assign my angel's favorites so i put them together!
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thinking that Ren could make friends with pokemon... one can just dream.,.. they're a menace
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persy-r-bozo · 1 month
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deoidesign · 6 months
I'm sorry if what I say is wrong in any way, I don't mean to offend you, it's just something I'm not completely sure about. Does Adam use he/they or they/them pronouns? I think I saw a post of yours where you said that Adam uses he/they, but it was a while ago and now I'm not completely sure (and I don't want to use the wrong pronouns)
I know you don't mean anything by it, but I am sad that so many of the asks I get start with people saying "I'm sorry, I don't want to offend you" or some variation thereof, followed by completely normal questions. I think I may have been responding too harshly to too many things and given the impression that I'll jump at people for being wrong...
But asking clarifying questions is always okay. I mean, it's also okay to be wrong and even offensive. What matters is if you learn from it when someone points out that it was wrong or offensive. I won't stop telling people they're saying something hurtful if they are, but I don't want that to lead people to be scared of me or something.
Correcting people is always just about correcting them, not hurting them. It's okay to need to be corrected, were all learning new things every day.
Anyways Adam uses he/they, you remembered correctly
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bea-beast2007 · 6 months
Victorias from a month ago
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w3t-c4t · 8 months
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Vent in tags.
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ghastbutlikegay · 15 days
dudes ive hit a point with The Horrors:tm: where im unable to convince myself that any of my friends actually like me
#vent#it's like. i think im a pretty solid guy#my negative traits dont define my view of myself etc#i understand that if someone doesnt ike me it doesnt mean im horible etc#but like. i am unable to believe that anyone wants to be around me#even if someone explicitly says they want to talk to me/want to hang out/enjoy my presence#im like hmm. well. sounds fake.#and again it's not like i think im an unlovable piece of shit or something#i just dont think anyone is being honest with me#like i rarely notice hints or subtext or passive aggression when people talk to me#but im simultaneously excessively sensitive and will be like 'wait do they hate me now' if someone sends like an all lowercase one word tex#because it's like. oh no what if they actually ARE hinting that they dont like me. etc#most of the time when i get 'god shut the fuck up' vibes theres not actually anything wrong#BUT because theres been so many times that i MISSED the 'god shut the fuck up' vibes#i automatically assume everyone is mad at me/doesnt like me/doesnt want t talk.#even trying to say 'usually im wrong about people being mad' is extremely difficult#bc im like. fully convinced ive been right every time#and that everyone has just been lying t me#this has been a thing since like. age 14+ for me#but lately it's gotten worse#and like im scared to even dm a friend a meme because they might be mad (they literally sent me a song rec earlier. i have no reason to#assume theyre mad. except when i got the messages i was like 'oh no what if this has a hidden meaning')#it's one of those things where like. my anxiety medication works really well#but this is the flavor of anxiety thats inspired by past experiences#s even if i try to tell myself there arent any signs that theyre mad/annoyed/whatever#i immediately think 'but ive been wrong before.'#and then that same loop stops me from asking. because asking either annoys people or they lie to me about it#idk idk idk im tired#even if i did ask i wouldnt believe any answer other than 'yes im mad/annoyed/whatever'#including if they add 'i just need to be alone right now' or 'yes but not at you' or 'yes and i need to cool off'
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ableedingpromise · 28 days
This isn't fair at all
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glacierbash · 10 months
thinking about that one post about "he's a girl to me" or whatever. and that has me thinking about heavensward so much. and also stormblood! kinda just ffxiv in general but I feel the later expansions have this issue less but ESPECIALLY like. estinien, aymeric, and zenos when compared to the actual women in the expansion. it feels to me like the women of the expansion are by and far overlooked by people for the sake of the men and that general "he's so girl to me" contributes to it. Like there ARE women right there you know. like there are very very very good women just a few feet to the left. you can talk about how girlie estinien is to you but like. ysayle is right there. you can talk about how babygirl zenos is but also. there's fordola. you know that right. like you can enjoy the women too. it's ok.
and ofc genuine actual transfem headcanons are SO fucking good. I love them so much. keep going. But like that post has said, when it's only men in the fandom being treated as "he's so girl" (AND NEVER WOMAN!!!! ALWAYS GIRL!!!!!) it gets really really fucking tiring.
i love estinien! I really like Zenos! I get it! And if they are your favorite characters and you want specifically content about them and to make content specifically about them that is FINE!! but also, holy shit is it exhausting when it's like 99% about them and not a single glimpse towards the women of the story. yeah ffxiv's writing has a huuuuuuge fucking issue with women. and also.
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bare1ythere · 11 months
I was trying to clean my keyboard because I realized that I had not cleaned under the keys even once in the almost 10 years I've had this computer and I took a couple keys off and then realized I couldn't get them back on. I can't figure it out no matter how hard I tried and the whole time I was just terrified that my parents would be mad at me. I don't think I've felt that in a while
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placeinthisworld · 7 months
it’s almost peak
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arcadequeerz · 6 months
the fact that people in power in this country care more about acting as if queer people are any risk at all to kids, instead of how often school shootings happen- makes me sick.
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kinetic-elaboration · 8 months
The university decided that the weather was bad enough that they should encourage us to go home early but not so bad they'd close the whole thing down (why not? because they're stingy fucking bastards is why not classes aren't even in session, every school in the area closed early, and it's a period of like... 2-3 hours at issue), and I'd already submitted my time sheet because I'm a responsible employee, so my supervisor said she'd send it back to me and I could edit it--because again I have to use leave even though I left early because it was literally a fucking rain and wind shit show out there and not just for fun--but she still hasn't. And I'm so tired. My whole body hurts. I just can't handle this anymore. I need a nap. But I can't nap because I have to fix my fucking time sheet which is due in 20 minutes but I can't edit it because it hasn't been kicked back to me and I hurt so much.
I feel like I should wait it out to six and then figure whelp she forgot and it's too late now, deadline passed and then just put my measly fucking 90 minutes of leave on my next time sheet even though I should have just been given the time because you know what we're all gonna die eventually and this is the stupidest FUCKING shit to be nickel and diming people on. WHO CARES WHO CARES WHO CARES if I'm paid for a whole day when I went home 90 minutes early. You literally already own my whole soul.
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howlingdemon13 · 11 months
I do not know how I could possibly be the result of my parents…
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piesa2 · 10 months
just very very frustrated about everything today
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ankhisms · 11 months
every day i am fighting for my life against myself in my brain
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