#im not sure who would win in a fight or a battle of wits. you decide
waitineedaname · 2 months
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aight im just here for a quick (had to come back to the top after i finished writing to say i say quick and then promptly write every single thought my mind is spawning) one because now my brain is functional instead of sleepy so i could read your response proper
i sure hope this read more works bc i only just realised i can apparently indeed insert these on asks and- yeah. i try to spare others' dashes when i can,,
(this was supposed to be short i swear, but your response also got my floodgates wide open 💦)
before the main rambly section i have to just say random or more specific teams good 👍 I've always been more on the casual side for teams, and still am, even if I do try to strategise a bit more seriously nowadays (i have no idea how "serious" that actually is, though. probably not very). very much a "win with the ones you love, not who people say are the strongest" person here, which naturally doesn't usually fit best in a competitive setting unless you learn how to do it really well, and I doubt I'm quite at that level, but hey, I try a little at least. in fact, I rather doubt I'd have even gotten to this point of slightly competitive if it weren't for my stubborn streak and *cough* my sibling learning a little bit. that's really what started it. suddenly losing every fight had me itching to catch up so that at least it was relatively even. that, and what I learned from that was actually really useful for a really specific game (battle revolution on the wii- the hardest battles on that are so much suffering without a strong team with strategy- well, i had the other game version so i didn't personally experience it, but i witnessed my sibling suffering against a water spout choice scarf kyogre that annihilated things terrifyingly well. my game's version of that fight was mildly kinder, but still rather tough), so, uh, yeah. somehow i ended up at the point of semi-serious but hopefully still mostly fun. ...I remember asking for help testing a semi-serious semi-fun team for an oc once and my sibling was facing my porygon-z with a jolteon. i'd given the porygon-z an iron ball and trick. it was glorious. moments when porygon-z can outspeed a jolteon (the reaction was wonderful :'D). so yeah, I love fun teams with a hint of seriousness :D anyway-
why do i feel like i am about to speed read pokespe all the way from the start again lmeo (i'll have to check the oras chapter since you've got me curious now, thank you :] ) also childe an unholy mix of red and gold holy shi- that sent me- apparently that got a tiny noise out of me bc someone asked if something was funny. okay. moving on,
didn't really expect an explanation of why it's the specific number of 5 for each of them, but that's so specific and so valid. i can totally see that, that makes a lot of sense to me?? i never really thought about it but 5 does feel like a more balanced number...
i also totally missed the note about nidoqueen maybe for childe?? i saw the others, just. not nidoqueen. but you're right, nidoqueen would fit. so now in my mind there's a war of who would be most fitting for that last team slot, because they all would fit,, pawmot is both adorable and looks like it could be a bit of a cute menace in battle (and i think that its secondary typing is fighting also fits, because, y'know, fighting-), luxray- i am biased towards luxray i can't quite explain it. luxray is cool and also in terms of delusion, well- the black fits. obviously more than that, too- i just can't quit think of how to put that in words though. gengar would definitely be cool to represent the abyss a lil, also because my word are those things speedy and they can be annoying in a fight. and, yeah, nidoqueen would fit too. it'd be cool both from the perspective of maybe abyss representation on his team and also you know? sometimes there would be like one pokemon on a seemingly type-specific team that just stands out? it'd be like that. i can't quite explain why gengar wouldn't give me as much of that vibe (maybe because ground and water are "further apart" as far as types go, in my mind).
zhongli- first of all, that's way too many options for my mind to sort through and ramble about, though that's possibly for the better??? although i am inclined to say bastiodon, claydol and torterra seem to fit the vibe better (drampa as a joke absolutely, though), but that's not a particularly thought-through response, just the impression i happen to be getting at this moment. also you're right,,,, the lack of suitable dragon types is..... painful, to say the least,,, i kinda have to wonder why there have to be so few- and i could be wrong, but the older generation ones would probably fit better than the newer generation ones, just from what little i've seen 😔 ngl, i struggle a bit with some of the newest gens' designs, probably just because they feel rather different to the ones i am used to, though
xiao- well. now then. silver vibes, huh- okay, i hadn't thought of that. i think i can see it, of course no mistreating his pokemon, yes. and i can definitely see him having an umbreon or mightyena. crobat and shedinja would also be cool though yes. a particular vibe. shedinja is just,,, funky, anyway. also small. ish. i love how xiao's team spot on your showdown there is simply called tiny. no poking fun, just... that's so cute,, though none of them really stand out more than the others to me... huh. if it was umbreon or mightyena, he'd have a majority of dark types. that's interesting.
i literally can't think of anything to say for what you said for the twins. im just sitting here nodding because- yeah. that all fits very nicely. it just fits so nicely. the matching duos. so so good. also childhood shared pokemon eevee,,, that's a beloved idea,, i love that a lot
and going straight to the battle formats, then. doubles for the twins really only makes sense now that you mention it. just- that's what'd be natural for them... really love your ideas on the battle formats for the others, too. ... childe doing triples sometimes just for the chaos is definitely something that would happen. oh and i absolutely have to agree with the ideas for him and the contests- he would. he just would. also, when it comes to contests, i guess it's not that different from- like, in his character stories, it mentions that one tiny bit about public performances, that he often watches them and even sometimes participates? it fits perfectly with that kind of thing. he would make top tier pokeblocks and/or poffins too i bet.
... i think i've hit the end of the response thought ramble. my word did that become like, 10 times longer than what i originally thought and intended,,,, *glances at time* I'VE BEEN WRITING THIS FOR MORE THAN AN HOUR AND A HALF??? why- why am i even surprised. any true ramble takes me so much time to write and (legit quickly) check but,,, what.
well then. 👍👍 thanks for your ramble, and uh, thanks for letting me ramble on your ramble?? fr though, if i ever ramble a bit too much, let me know,,, anyway, would love to enable you more on this wherever and whenever possible. as i think i already kinda commented before i passed out last night, looking forward to seeing the kamisato siblings and thoma for this au :D
hahah no worries, i can't see the read more on the ask so i guess we'll have to see if it works once this is posted
i welcome the rambles dw EDIT: well yours doesn't work, it seems. i shouldn't be surprised, this is tumblr, after all
you're so right, childe would make the meanest poffins and pockeblocks. tonia would pull up to school with the best-smelling pastries and everyone would be like where'd you get those??? where'd you buy them???????? and she'd make this proud pose n be like 'my brother made them' like it's some exclusive chic store or smth. watch her make an empire in seventh grade selling childe's poffins to her classmates lmao
i feel like most of the ground and rock types fit zhongli, it's only a matter of picking which works best. and i think there being no dragon types that match is probably to do with the only chinese dragon-looking pokemon being...............................gyarados..................... and the rest aren't anywhere near the same vibe. like half the dragon pokemon don't even look like dragons. vibraba would've been a perfect fit with its type but why does it have to look like a bug?? like i know why but still. also dragonair. everything in that line up to dragonair would be perfect if only the last evo wasn't such a departure from the previous two.
also there's definitely a noticeable difference between the newer gen's designs, but i think it was bound to happen. times change. and you're right in that it's probably just bc we're not used to them. i mean they do put out some banger designs sometimes so it isn't like the quality has gone down as drastically as some would say. or at all. and saying the later designs are bad just bc i don't like them would imply i like all the designs from the older gens without exceptions. which isn't the case.
anyway uh- yeah, the kamisato siblings + thoma piece is in the works, but it might take a bit what with the whole.... arranging all three of them + all their pokemon (which makes 15)
so------ thank you! always happy to get rambly comments hahah
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realm-of-rosie · 3 years
Can I- can I request something based on Zhongli's low HP 2 voice line? I can't help but imagine a fraction of who he was as Morax centuries ago seeping through his usually calm self during a battle and his s/o witnessing it first hand thinking it's kinda scary and hot. Any genre is fine, thank you for your wonderful writings, they all make my day.
✎ Checkmate | Genshin Impact
↠❗mild liyue arc spoilers, mentions of blood and injuries❗
↠ Zhongli × Reader
↠ Unidentifiable Genre | Scenario
↠ Requested by: Anonymous
↠ Before You Read:
🤨📸 caught your ass in 4k anon, but caught my ass in 4k too because i nearly threw my phone across my room when i heard it 😌 twice 😌
and im not the happiest with this because it looked better in my head and i couldnt word it properly :((
↠ Rules for Requesting | Masterlist
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liyue was burning and the archon was defenseless as he was. his now broken weapon was strewn far from his grasp while you held yours aimed right at his neck, grinning, "seems like this is another victory for me, rex lapis,"
he said nothing as his chest rose and fell heavily, the blood from the cut on his cheek trickling down his cheek until a low chuckle comes from him, "you've been training, impressive,"
"wanted to make sure i could take you down,"
"ha, well then, that makes everything more interesting,"
then he looks at you with a stare that sent shivers of fear down your spine and for a spilt second, his face was one belonging to a monster, not the gentle soul that governed his people with a soft while.
it reminded you of a face you saw in the darkeness of the woods many eons ago under the fire that devoured your village and the light of the thunderstorm raging in the sky. the face of the dragon that haunted both your nightmares and your grandmother's stories.
before you could stabilize your footing, he had launched himself onto you and you could barely kick him off before he could pin you against the ground.
this fight was more thrilling, more exciting and every almost move lit a fire in your gut. yours and his shared laughters and grunts and groans of pain and protest melded into the sound of the terrified people below and anyone who looked up would be met with the sight of a dangerous dance.
but at last, he had you pinned against the wall with his long fingers wrapped loosely around your neck, his face close to yours just barely enough to invade whatever sense of personal space you had, "checkmate, little bird,"
"now, now, don't look at me like that morax," you smirk, "i just might catch feelings for you,"
"thank you,"
"are you always like this?"
"only for you,"
"im honored," he deadpans.
"be honored that i let you win,"
"my good looks too much for you?"
you gasp in fake surprise, "it's like you read my mind,"
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fandom-blackhole · 3 years
Okay you have no idea how excited I was to see that you're open for requests! I love your Mando stories so could I please request my big boi Paz? I'd love to witness you do magic with prompts : 14 (bodyguard AU) and either 49 (fake marriage)/63 (mistaken for couple)/80 (green-eyed epiphany) *can you tell I couldn't decide* *I'm a Libra* *I do apologize*
Im honored that you love my mando fics and that you got excited about me opening requests 🥺💕Also, as a Sagittarius sun and moon, I relate on not being able to make decisions 😔, but I have a great idea for:
14. Bodyguard AU 
63. Mistaken for Couple
80. Green-Eyed Epiphany  
Pairing: Paz Vizsla x GN!Reader
Words: roughly 2k, woops
Send me some AUs/Tropes??
Note: So I just wanted to start this off with what I'm thinking about this mash-up, like whats going on and the situation. A little backstory/world building, if you will. So, im seeing this as after the tribe on Nervarro scatters after the fight with Grogu, Din, and the Stormtroopers. Paz is by himself and in need of work for credits, to both support himself and save up for when/if he is reunited with his tribe he can help rebuild and contribute. That leads him to a small midrim planet that is pretty divided. You are the head of the government, but there is a group of people who keep trying to kill you and harm your supporters because they want the "true ruler" to be in your place. Said "ruler" is part of a bloodline of radical tyrants that had been controlling the planet until around the same time the empire fell, their downfall resulting from being too involved with the empire. SO, the head of your defense team brings in Paz to protect you, because not only is he a big scary dude covered in big weaponry and armor, but also because you keep insisting that all the soldiers and guards should be protecting the people not you, so bringing in Paz was his little loophole. Now on to the story!
You were not happy with this arrangement, and you had told the head of your guard just as much. You didn't need a protector, it only showed your rivals that you were scared of what they were capable of, that they had the possibility to win this war they were waging. The man- the mandalorian that had been hired was unfazed by your indifference towards him, always just trailing silently behind you look just as menacing as mandalorians were said to be. It was easy to tell that he knew his way around a variety of weapons, it was easy to tell that he had been through battles and suffered their consequences. And it was easy to tell that this job seemed to be a bit boring for him. He didn't have any excitement, most days the mandalorian was stuck following you throughout the capital building, attending meetings that he could care less about, standing guard to your study as you paced around in thought. Nothing much happened, but as time went on and the war worsened and the threat of your rivals loomed over your head you started to notice that the mandalorian would do little things that shaved a little of your stress away, or would brighten you day if only a little. Little treats would show up on your desk, or cups of teas or caf just the way you liked them, walks through the garden would result in a vase of flowers- handpicked and cut with a sharp knife at an angle, delicately- placed in your room. The first time you broke down in front of him, the stress of loosing nearly an entire village not far from where you were to the grievous ways of your enemies broke you to the point of sobbing hysterically and the mandalorian surprised you with his gentleness, as he softly grabbed your arms and made you look up at him, his blue helmet staring down at you as he said, "You will get past this...you...you are a good leader, you care for your people more than yourself, and in the end, that is what will have you coming out on top."
After that night, something changed between the two of you. Instead of following behind you silently, you started walking beside the mandalorian, in meetings instead of letting him stand silently behind you, you started asking his opinions on the battles or if he had any suggestions to help combat. The two of you got closer, and you weren't sure when, but eventually you found yourself calling the mandalorian a friend, and you liked to believe he thought of you as one as well, he at least trusted you enough that he told you his name, which you only used in the private of your quarters or study during your late night talks. When you started to show signs of the stress becoming too much, or that you were nearing another breakdown, he would gently lead you away from whatever you had been doing. More times than not he lead you to the gardens and sat you down as he would tell you stories of his childhood or of his people and culture. One evening, he went as far as to set up a little spot for you to relax and eat a little snack with tea, to give you time away from everything, to give you a break from holding your home on your shoulders. It had been nice, and it helped you clear your thoughts, the gesture had you smiling fully for the first time in months, and it was one that was not quick to fade. As thanks, you had asked Paz what you could do, to which he only replied, "Seeing you smile is enough." So you did, you smiled at him and gently reached out and placed a kiss on the cheek of his helmet.
The smile Paz had gifted you stayed for a few days, your people noticed the happiness and it it seemed to affect all of them, each person growing their own little smiles. Melancholy still hung in the air, but you felt like you had the energy and will power to deal with it now. But as all good things must end, this happiness was ripped from you, when the head of your guard rushed into a meeting with the delegates of the planet, his face was crumpled in worry and he whispered apologies as he reluctantly handed over a letter addressed to you. Your heart pounding, you opened the letter only to freeze at the sight of a photo taken of the moment that had only radiated happiness until now, staring down you only saw yourself pressed close to Paz’s form with lips pressed against his helmet. The moment now felt tainted, and you felt sick to your stomach, the happiness that was shown in the picture gone, only replaced with pure terror. Glancing at the man stood before you, he took the picture and flipped it before handing it back with a somber look. On the back, in deep red ink and scratchy handwriting read:
Now, do you really think courting a mandalorian is going to protect you from your death by my hands? Ill make sure to kill him in front of you so you have to watch as he falls.
Yours loving,
The True King
You hadn't even realized you were shaking, nor breathing heavily, until a gloved had reached into very and took the note away from you. You watched as Paz looked the note over before passing it back to your head guard. He told him something, but you could not hear as your eyes started ringing. Gently Paz helped you stand, before leading you away from the meeting. You didn't care where he was taking you, at that moment you couldn't think straight, couldn't get past the thought of, how did they get so close to take a photo without anyone noticing?
After the letter had been delivered Paz took care to never leave your side, he became more overbearing and involved with planning your schedule. No longer were you allowed in the gardens, or outside for that matter, for the time being, Paz only really allowed you to go to your quarters, your study, and the meeting room. You didn't fight him, too tired from the lasting conflicts and worry over what would happen next. A month went by, and everything quieted, the attacks stopped, and it almost felt like your enemy had gone into hiding. You didn't relax though, the note still whispering in the back of your head. Paz found himself often sleeping in the chair beside your bed, after too many nights of having been awoken to you yelling out his name and finding you rushing to his room to reassure yourself that he was safe.
Then it happened. You knew the quiet was only leading to something, but you weren't prepared to be a woke in the middle of the night to Paz scream to you. It had been the first night you had been able to fall asleep and stay asleep without nightmares of Paz’s death, but you were only thrown into a different nightmare as your eyes few open and you saw Paz fighting off an attacker. You yelled for you to run, and as you hesitated he only growled your name and told you to go, so with a heavy heart you did, you ran. All around the capital you could seem fires burning and hear your guards fighting with silhouettes your tired eyes could not make out in the low light of night. You did not know where to go, only letting your feet carry you, only stopping when you were out of breath. Looking around, you found yourself in the garden, feet from where you gave Paz the soft kiss, the memory still churning out a small amount of happiness, but quickly turned sour once more when the grinning face of the man you loathed most in the world stood from the bench hidden in the shadows.
"My dear, I was hoping you'd come here. I know you are especially fond of the gardens, most certainly this area."
"What do you want Alun? Why wouldn't you stop this fighting? People, my people, our people are suffering!"
He scoffed and turned to look at the city burning around you both. "The people deserve what they are getting for forgetting their true leaders. And you for forgetting what you once were."
"Stop this. You are doing nothing but destroying the planet!"
Alun turned to look at you, small smile curling onto his hate filled face. Slowly he reached out and placed the rose he had picked behind your ear, the thorns pricking your skin, one digging in enough to make a drop of blood run down your ear.
"When I have control again, and we are again together, things will go back to the way they were. I promise you, love. You just need to stop fighting me."
Disgust formed on your face as you stepped back, "We may have been engaged before you fell, but I never loved you. I was forced into that position by you and your father, and I do not regret being apart of how he and you fell from grace. I will never stop fighting you."
"Oh, but I love you, and I will have you, my love."
"Not if I have any say," a voice growled from behind you. Whipping around, relief flooded you at the sight of Paz marching towards where you stood. He was covered in blood from fighting, but seemed like he was uninjured himself much to your relief. But he seemed angry, livid almost as he pushed you behind him, standing toe-to-toe with Alun. "If you want them, you will have to get through me, and I will not stop fighting until my dying breath for them," Paz’s words settled into your chest, warmth flowing through you as the next few second moved in slow motion. Paz reached out, before Alun even had a chance to grab for his weapon. Paz lifted him like a rag doll to his height, making direct eye contact, before growling out, "because I love them, and you will never have them."
And with that said, Paz simply slammed his forehead into Alun's forcefully knocking him unconscious, then carelessly dropping him to the ground where he laid unmoving buise already forming on his forehead. Paz then turned to you and reached for you, but you simply flung yourself onto him. "You're okay, i was so worried, I didn't want to leave you, I was so scared that something would happen and that Id...."
"That you'd, what cyare," Paz whispered as he held you close, arms wrapped around you as if he'd let go and you'd disappear. Looking up and into his helmet's visor you were quiet for a moment, before speaking up softly, "I love you too... I thought I'd never get to tell you that I loved you."
Gently, Paz pressed his forehead against your own, before whispering, "You don't have to worry. I'll always be around to protect you. And," a teasing note coming out in his voice making you smile, "You can tell me how much you love me anytime you want. As long as you don't have anymore previous fiancés out there professing their love to you. I don't think I could hold back from ripping off their heads like I did just now."
Giggling you shook your head, "No more love professions, I promise. Only yours matter."
Everything Tags: @mysticalgalaxysalad @phoenixhalliwell @moodsare @perpetual-fangirl900 @night-snows00 @dumbass-simp-for-fredweasley @stargazingthenightaway @meabravo @just-here-for-the-moment @masteracewindu @litakino
Paz Tags: @bunny-fairy @elinedjarin @shellyc9 @blackmarketmummy @djarin-junk
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ancientwastedlores · 4 years
Undone by “Darling”
REQUEST (from @november-solarstorms​): Celebrating another year of this earth being braced by Tom Hiddleston's presence! Lol. Might I make a prompt request? I feel as though it would be interesting to read from Loki's POV to explore the dynamics between him and a human female who is just as intelligent as he. She has a sharp wit and even sharper tongue. Her sarcastic and clever nature enable her to out-banter Tony Stark, the king of snark himself (may he rest in peace). But she is also just as flirtatious and salacious. She never blushes, never falters, and is incredibly clever. You can decide the nature of their encounter. Really im just in it for a good game of cat and mouse.
A/N: Okay, I had SO MUCH FUN writing this!! And yeah, this will run a bit longer than my usual fics lol. Also, there IS a Loki POV, just keep reading thaaanks <3
WARNINGS: none. 
Undone by “Darling” 
17 hours and 6 white chocolate mochas later, it was finally ready - an upgraded version of Corvus Glaive’s glaive, this one spec-ed out to your fancies and requirements. It was a beast, and definitely not something Nick Fury would ever let you play around with, even if you made it. 
Satisfied with your work, you remove your safety goggles and grin at Stark, who is working on his own weapon he scavenged from the Black Order. 
‘I’m done!’ you say triumphantly, causing him to look up and groan.  ‘How did you finish before me!?’ he lowers his glasses and looks at your weapon.  ‘I’m smarter’ you say.   ‘I went to MIT’  ‘And I didn’t, yet here we are, both in the same lab’. 
He shakes his head, not unlike a petulant child, causing you to laugh. 
‘How far along are you?’ you ask.  ‘Still running diagnostics’.  ‘Still!?’  ‘Have you seen the size of his hammer?’ he gestures to Cull Obsidian’s chain hammer on his work table, but the innuendo doesn’t escape you and you grin at him. He facepalms. ‘Y/n, for god’s sake...’  ‘You’re just tired, or you’d appreciate the joke too’. 
You stretch your weary body and let out a deep breath. You’d test the weapon out tomorrow, but for now, you need a nap. 
‘Take a load off, Stark. Hammer’ll be there tomorrow’.  ‘Oh, you’d like that wouldn’t you...’ he puts his goggles back on and get to work. 
Loki’s POV: 
Humans are surprising, but I always knew that. I never thought them boring, even if my brother says I do. Humans are of so little power but such incredible resilience that it’s frankly astonishing. I am inclined to believe that sometimes resilience is just stupidity... in most cases, I am right. But that’s not to say I haven’t come across some truly brave people. 
Take the Avengers Tower, for example. 
Just in here, you have Y/n, a brave soldier with the mind of an intergalactic scavenger, and I do mean that as a compliment. She’s awfully clever, she can build better than Stark, and has a track record of finishing every mission to perfection and before time. And then you have the Super Soldier Steve Rogers, a big muscled, big hearted idiot who often mistakes challenging our enemies for bravery and morality. 
The two couldn’t be more different, but they get along like siblings. Not siblings like Thor and I... better adjusted, perhaps. 
They sit in front of me, talking about some mission while they play Chess. Her moves are quick but calculated, his take more time because he’s more interested in telling his story than playing the game. 
‘...so there I am, no weapons, no shield, bang in the middle of the Serpent Citadel...’ 
He’s a good storyteller, I’ll give him that. But not as good as Y/n. She paints quite a picture, full of delicious gory details and horribly dark jokes. 
‘Steve, you have to pay attention, you’re losing’ she says.  ‘Yeah, I don’t actually know how to play chess, I just wanted you to listen to my story’. 
She looks up at him, almost offended. ‘STEVE...’  ‘Cool, I’m gonna go wrap Stark into a game of Battleships and tell him about my fight with Copperhead’. 
She laughs as he leaves the room, and she puts the chess pieces away. 
‘We could play?’ I ask her.  ‘Is the God in a mood to lose?’  ‘Over confidence isn’t attractive in anybody’. ‘Oh darling, neither is telling someone what is and isn’t attractive’. 
She’s never called me that before, and in the context it should seem cutting, but it isn’t. ‘Darling?’  ‘Problem?’  ‘It’s quite a term of endearment to set someone straight’. 
She says nothing. 
‘Cat got your tongue?’ I tease her. She only smiles and continues putting the pieces away neatly. Stark’s chess set is gold and black, all individually carved pieces. The pawns are all Iron Man suits, but that’s to be expected. She handles them with the care Stark would. 
‘I mean...’ I continue, ‘honestly, if someone heard, they’d never let you live it down’. 
And she carries on, unbothered. 
‘Y/n!’  ‘Oh dear, look at you come completely undone with just one term of endearment’ she comments, shutting the chess set. ‘Whatever would happen if I held your hand?’ 
The very thought of it seemed to drain my brain of blood. I unwillingly glanced at her hands, working the lock mechanism of the box, her blue veins prominent. 
‘Cat got your tongue?’ she asked. 
I stood up, the human emotion of embarrassment becoming too familiar for me. ‘I’ll have to see you at lunch’.  ‘Sure, darling’. 
Oh, I hate how she’s enjoying this. 
The next day, Y/n booked a training room to test out the Glaive, and Stark had a rusty but working chain hammer. Steve insists on trying it out anyway, and now our breakfast is being spent on discouraging him from doing that. 
‘Guys... if nothing else, I’ll still have my shield. Let me test it out!’  ‘Y/n’s glaive cuts through Vibranium, you know that, right?’ Stark says.  ‘Y/n wouldn’t do that’. ‘Oh yes she would’ Y/n says nonchalantly as she sinks her teeth into a bacon and egg sandwich. 
As she does, the yolk runs down her fingers. She makes a sound at the inconvenience and sets the sandwich down, then grabs a napkin. I’m hardly ever crude, but the energy it took not to take her hand and lick off the yolk myself could burn every star in the galaxy. 
Captain America scrunches his nose at her remark, severely offended. 
‘In any case, that shield barely covers your giant body. It will force Stark to make you a new one’.  ‘What do you care about his giant body’ Stark says.  ‘It’s America’s ass, Tony’ she takes a sip of her iced coffee. Steve blushes, and Tony rolls his eyes. 
The training facility is magic, of course, somewhere between a mirror dimension and Wanda’s reality powers creating a safe cocoon inside the building so no one can be harmed. Y/n hardly trusted anybody to fight with her except Thor, but given the nature of Corvus’ Glaive, she knew magic would be required. 
And so she called me. 
After getting into my battle armour, I stepped into the facility, equipped with my sceptre and the teachings of the witches of Asgard. 
She whistles as I walk in. ‘Trying to distract me from killing you?’  ‘Are you?’ I ask. She’s dressed in a black bodysuit, details of purple in her belt and weapon harnesses.  ‘Why yes, I am. Glad you noticed’. 
The glaive is on the floor, and she stomps her foot on one part of it so it swivels up and neatly places itself in her hand. She smiles. 
‘Try to keep up. I’m not just looking for eye candy in a training partner, darling’ she says, getting into battle stance. 
With nothing left to say for the second time this week, I aim the sceptre at her and the stone at the end glows. 
She charges and I shoot at her, but she spins the glaive and creates a shield which absorbs the energy. 
She continues to charge at me. I shoot again, and again the glaive takes the hit. Not a scratch on her. 
Once she comes closer, she simply places the flat end of the weapon against my chest, sending me hurtling back into a wall. 
She spins the glaive and laughs. 
‘Compliments of Wakanda. It absorbs any hits and charges up with kinetic energy’. 
I get up on my feet. This is far from over. I create multiple illusions to surround her, all of them brandishing knives, Chitauri tech, and sceptres. 
‘Damn, suddenly my whole evening has opened up’ she says, looking around.
Even my clones look around at each other puzzled. 
‘Come on then, who’s up?’ she spins the glaive around. ‘One at a time or all at once, baby’. 
They charge at her, and I expected her to fight them off at once... instead she plants the staff on the ground and ducks, and a semi-circle shell grows from the top of the staff, down to the floor... like a mini fortress, completely impenetrable. It could, no doubt, continue to take hits and build up kinetic energy, so I call off the clones. 
She gets up and retracts the shell. ‘Nanotech’ she grins at me. ‘The whole shell sits in a disk. It can withstand bombs and even a moon’.  ‘Is there any tech you haven’t adopted?’  ‘I’m an intergalactic scavenger, aren’t I?’ 
I stare at her, horrified. Can she read minds? 
‘Maybe I can. Or maybe I heard you tell Stark when he was complaining about me finishing my weapon first’. 
‘Also, darling, you’re awfully predictable in your fighting’. 
She picks up every trick and tech she sees, so beating her is less about weapons and more about cunning. 
No problem. Cunning is my specialty. 
‘Ready now?’ she asks.  ‘Mhm’. 
She takes a deep breath to ready herself, her eyes shutting slightly. Once they open back up, she stares in shock. 
In my Jotun form, I give her my most menacing smile.
She cocks her head to the side, studying my icy blue skin. 
The illusion I cast of myself approaches behind her, dagger in hand. Once it’s close enough and I can almost taste my victory, she raises the glaive and in one swift motion, sticks it into its abdomen. 
The illusion disappears into green light. 
‘Cute’ she remarks. She points the glaive at me. ‘What else you got for me?’  I shift back to my Asgardian form and sigh. ‘You win’. 
Y/n laughs and lowers her weapon. ‘Oh darling, I won the second you walked in wearing all that leather’. She winks at me, then walks out of the facility. I feel a blush creep to my face, much against my will. 
‘Maybe you should stick to your guns, Tony’ Y/n says, ‘Fancy suits is it for you, chain hammers may be overshooting it’.  ‘Is that what they taught you in the back alley you learnt ironmongery from?’  ‘Yes! Do you want their number, I’m sure they’ll have a spot on the waiting list for you’. 
Ah. Y/n’s relationship with Stark seemed more like mine with Thor. While they banter, Steve and Natasha tear up from laughing. I wouldn’t go so far as to call this domestic, but it certainly is comfortable. 
‘Come on, the glaive can’t be that good, right Loki?’ Stark asks. 
The company looks at me expectantly. ‘To say her weapon isn’t good enough means to insult your own tech, Stark. Everything about it is founded on your theories’. 
‘So technically, it’s my brain that made the glaive so cool’ he tells Y/n.  ‘Yeah, you could say that. The glaive comes from the same mind that manufactured Captain America’s dinner plate’. 
Steve doesn’t find that one funny, but Natasha does, sending her into peals of laughter. 
‘Oh whatever’ Tony huffs. ‘I’m going back to the lab’. 
He stands up and Y/n grabs his arm. ‘Aww Tony, I’m just kidding!’ she pats his hand, ‘Look, you’re a brilliant inventor, we all have our slow days’. 
He sighs and nods, and holds her hand. ‘Thanks... I guess I’m just not in my element, you know?’  ‘Yeah...’ she keeps patting his hand. 
And the feeling of domesticity creeps in. We really are all a family. Y/n smiles encouragingly at Tony, and Tony seems more relaxed. 
‘So, you want me to get you the number of that ironmongery, or...?’  ‘OH FOR...’ he snatches his arm away and storms out of the room, with Steve and Nat losing it all over again. 
Ah this was so fun!!!!!!!! I hope you guys liked it <3 
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chainunited · 3 years
Hi i’ve been playing genshin way too much so i have some ideas for like. a genshin meets linked universe au where they all travel through teyvat and they have visions n stuff
I’m basing it off the ideals of the archon aswell as how characters with visions align with that of the chain
That being said, spoilers for genshin and all loz gams ahead!
Sky- Geo (Order/Contracts)
Odd since sky literally rode on the winds via his loftwing on his adventure, but He was already apart of this huge plan in the making set by Hylia long ago. Go defeat Demise, tailor the Master Sword, not to mention post adventure technically becoming the first king of hyrule and siring the royal line
I’d imagine his kit being Similar to albedo, with a sword and his skill being creating little floating island structures from out of the ground. His burst would be the same as his skyward slash, except after slashing it unleashes a densely controlled earthquake. The perfect support dps
Legend- Anemo (Freedom)
This was tough, but I think Anemo fits very well for him the more i think about it. Anemo is wind, and the archon himself lost someone he cherishes. Naturally everybody who possesses his vision will fall to this fate one day or another. He already has twice. First with his Uncle, second with Marin. He’s free from their ties, but never forgets.
His kit is unique. His skill is based off his wit, so dodging creates a shield that bursts when hit (similar to Beidou). His burst grants this ability for the whole team on a 3 charge basis. Very good support dps aswell and good for reactions.
Hyrule- Dendro (Wisdom)
I def see him having this since he’s very street smart (He’s a wandering traveler, no time for proper education!) and he’s already designated healer of the group. Thus he possesses a very rare element in the group, as if he didnt stand out already. 
He fights with a sword still, sure, but his genuine kit comes from him using his vision like a catalyst, with the thing swirling like a book would. Literally dendro barbara with his kit tho, Elemental skill creates a pollen feild that helps heal allies when he attacks, and his burst Is flora manifesting itself in his friends wounds to heal them for more. Healer #1
Twilight- Hydro (Justice)
From the moment of his adventure, he had a duty, it just got more furry and world saving as time went on. So, naturally his sense of right and wrong landed him with a vision he didn't even understand how to use. So he just doesn’t use it until he has to.
If he has to not use his sword, he’ll rely on making one out of water that he can hold. His burst is literally just him using his hydro sword to do everything in his power to just. kick ass. He doesn't use it that often. Would make a great physical dps tho.
Wild- Electro (Transcience/Eternity)
Tough again, but i think electro is the best for Wild for 2 reasons
His past self is different from his self now, yet they are the same. With the electro archon, she too was like this in a way. 2 different people, same alias.  Link from before represents eternity, forever fulfilling his duty as personal guard for Zelda and keeping himself quiet. His focus needed to stay forever sharp if he were to continue. Now, with little to no recollection of how he was, he can be free and live in the everlasting moment. His willing silence was just him not wanting to talk, not for his duty.
Because of Urbosa, his elemental skill sends a lightning strike down at enemies when he snaps his fingers, then attacks with his sword.  For burst, Like in HWAOC, His sword glows with purple electricity and smites whose ever in range. Combine this with all his usual shenanigans you can do in his game and it can be very deadly. very. deadly.  Good main dps
Wind- Anemo (Freedom)
This was so easy it was practically a win/win if i chose this HDHDH
Wind lost the King of Red Lions, someone he needed to travel with and bonded, and has the literal windwaker. So even outside this world he could manipulate wind to a certain extent. Likes to use it in non-battle situations, to atleast get a taste of what its like to soar like he did on the sea. Naturally hes very excited about windgliders also when he finds this out. 
Uses a sword still, but uses his actual windwaker as a catalyst. He points the baton in a certain direction, and it swirls in that spot. If he focuses long enough, he can send himself up into the air for some wild damage like venti. His burst is like the travelers, sending a small dense tornado in the direction of whatever's coming. Good for swirl effects
Time- Electro (Transience/Eternity)
Once again, easy pick, ESPECIALLY if im going with my “Fierce Deity literally lives in his head and has the option to front in time of need” Headcanon. 2 totally different people, same alias kinda. (FD kinda lives in his body now too so he has to share the name.)
Time’s elemental power is much more toned down, and really has to focus to get a good electro hit with his claymore. His burst Is like Razor’s, Manifesting FD into this electro form and fighting along side him.
If FD was in front, the power would be much more potent, perhaps on the level Baal’ has it. It’s not like his old powers, which he rather prefers, but its better than nothing. His elemental allows him to create electricity that procs on hard hits much like Baal, but his Burst sends down lightning from above like Sara. Also a good main dps
Warriors - Pyro (War)
Wars? Wars has passion. Wars has what it takes to lead an army...and set his cape on fire by accident. Especally now with his new vision which he uses...admittedly abit too much. No fire for tonight? No problem. Smithy cant bend his sword right during smithy? A little sizzle wouldn’t hurt.
It mainly comes from his sword, which drips flames like water does on a pole.  He uses his elemental skill to strike a seering blow to enemies. His burst Is much like a mix of albedo and bennetts, A slash downward sends shockwaves fo heat and flame towards enemies. Good support!
Four- Adaptive
Four, unbeknownst to the chain, has a choice between the 4. Why you might ask? Depends on whose fronting. So, to cover this up from the chain, He collectively goes with the notion that he’s “adaptive” as said by the locals, which is extremely rare.
Green- Pyro, for his dedication
Blue- Geo, for him being forced into this shit
Red- Dendro, for his sweet nature
Violet- Cryo, for his introverted mopeyness.
All of these channel into his sword for a hard hit, and all elements come together to create this powerful amalgamation of elements plummeting towards the target.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 3 years
Protea (Part 14)
“Kaz been tellin’ me some wil’ stories, girl.” Mohi grumbles. “Do ya wanna ‘splain what might’a made ‘im think ‘em up?”
“What stories?”
She thinks that Mohi is only humoring her. She knows good and well that Azula is aware that she knows exactly which stories have been told. “Them ones ‘bout this,” she gestures to the palace, “bein’ yer birth home.”
Azula fusses with the bandages wrapped around her wrists.
Mohi swats her hand, “quit fussin’ wit that.” For a kind moment, she thinks that Mohi doesn’t believe Kaz at all, she wouldn’t be so rough with her if she did.
Azula shrugs.
“I know yer lyin’. I ken tell. Ken always tell wit’choo. Yes, I ken.”  The woman frowns. Azula has come to know that frown so well. And it usually comes with a stern scolding and, had she gotten into a tussle, a mildly sturdy swat.
“I live here, Mohi.” She says. There’s no sense in drawing it out. Maybe she can get away with just that.
“I wanna see yer fire.”
“I can’t right now.” She gestures to the bandages.
“Ain’t take no hard werk ta hol’ yer hand out ‘n make a lil’ fire. Zenyul was doin it as a baby.”
“You already know what you’re going to see.” Azula resigns.
She nods, “what we got that ya ain’t got here?”
“I only just got my memories back.” She says as though that explains anything.
“Then why ya still stick around? Ya only have ta show them yer fire.”
“I don’t have people who care about me here.” She answers the first question. “I wanted to stay with you, Kaz, and Zenyul.”
She is taken aback when Mohi gives her a good swat. “Then what ya playin’ games for, girl? ‘Specially them high stakes games.”
She opens her mouth and closes it again. She could blame habit, but she has been Snapdragon for too long the habit to have come back so naturally. She had been so freshly conflicted. She doesn’t think that it was a game at all, she would have been much more careful, more analytical, would have had a strategy if it had been. Truth be told she is certain that it was fear. Fear of being alone all over again. Fear of losing everything again.
“It wasn’t a game.” Is all she says. It was fear and confusion and a healthy dose of haunting past failures. “I didn’t want to lose you. You lost a lavish home and a stable lifestyle for me. I found a way to fix it and it would have worked if I hadn’t gotten caught. There are enough people who want nothing to do with me...”  
“Ya royals ‘n nobles go ‘n make everythin’ so complicated. I wouldda given ya a good yell ‘n then sent ya ta git us a good meal.”
“Is more upset ‘cause ya ain’t think ta bring home none of that royal grub.” Mohi rubs her hands over her face. “That’s all ya had ta do. Swipe a snack every now ‘n then.‘Stead ya go ‘n steal from yer own treasury. Jus’ coz ya got yer upper class knowledge back, ain’t mean ya gotta git rid’a ya common street sense. Royals ain’t very smart.”
Azula isn’t exactly sure what sort of noise she makes but it is of the aghast, offended variety. “I am…people know me for my cunning.”
“I ain’t one’a them folks.” Mohi shrugs.
More to herself she mumbles, “I’m the smartest person I know.”
“‘Cause yer surrounded by dumb folks.”
Azula blinks.
“Ain’t the same thing ta know politics ‘n know folks.” Mohi declares. “Ya ken win all the battles ‘n war games ya want, ya sure can’t figure out how  ta treat other folks.”
She knows how to treat other people, she swears that she does…
“Folks ain’t like a lair. ‘S hard ta talk ta a liar.”
“I had to…”
Mohi shakes her head. “Wha’cha had ta do was trust us. Ya ain’t had ta lie.”
She feels queasy. Trust. It’s always trust. Snapdragon had innocence and naivety and the trust that came with it. Snapdragon would have just told Mohi outright, just as she had when she’d broken into Iwaken boys’ home.
Her throat knots, it could have been that simple. She fights to keep her eyes from getting misty. She doesn’t think that it is working very well. “I’m not good at that.”
“Ya are, ya jus’ ain’t know it.”
Azula furrows her brows.
“Ya think too much. That’s the problem wit ya royals. Ya keep thinkin’ ‘n thinkin’ til’ things ain’t make a lick’a sense anymore. ‘N then ya wonder why things are so difficult. Sometimes things are simple.”
“This isn’t. I already know how people react to me. They don’t like me.” She sounds like a child. “Everyone leave me.”
“Was ya lyin’ ta them?”
“Them folks who left ya. Did ya let ‘em in ta begin wit?”
Azula swallows.
“Can’t no one be ya friend if ya don’t let ‘em. Snapdragon was so earnest, no one could hate her. ‘Cept them folks who look down on everyone.”
“I like being Snapdragon more, she’s easier to...to love.”
“Then be Snapdragon. ‘N I ain’t mean for ya ta keep pretendin’. Ya go ‘n be honest like Snapdragon. Ya go ‘n take the best bits ‘a both’a ya. ‘N ya put them bits tagehter.”
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mirageofthecrystal · 3 years
FFxiv 30 Day Writing Challenge - Day 15: Thunderous
thunderous (adjective)
relating to or giving warning of thunder.
very loud.
very powerful or intense.
Faiolan stood before Brande, who looked over his pupil with a critical eye. Just beyond this chamber awaited the impatient spectators of the Bloodsands, wishing to witness an exciting bout play out before them, where the winners were not only those who excelled in combat, but those who properly placed their bets. And it was the duty of men and women such a Brande, who drilled and trained the next generation of combatants, to ensure each fight was just as thrilling as the last.
"I hope yer ready for this, boy, and that you remember ye aren't goin' out to fight like some hoity-toity knight. Yer a gladiator now, which means ye'll use whatever ye have to to come out on top. They've got high hopes for ye out there. Put you up against a real bastard of a fighter, a Sea Wolf called Silver Hill. Takes his name quite literally, decked in shinin' silver armor and about the size of a small bloody hill too. Favors the hammer of all things, and the one he's got is about the same size as he is. One wrong move, and he'll splatter ye into a puddle o' yer own blood 'n' guts. Every bone in yer body'll be like dust, yer organs vaporized into liquid, yer skin keeping it all in a neat little sack so it's that much easier to clean up when yer done. I've seen 'im fight once or twice before this, and that's all it took: one strike, and the fight was over. But yer light on yer feet. I'd say ditch the shield, since the damn thing won't do you any good anyhow. Best to be quick with that blade of yers. Probably go for the legs, slow 'im down. This'll be a battle of attrition. Every swing o' that big hammer's gotta take a lot of energy, and so long as you dance around him, ye shouldn't have a problem. And if ye DO have a problem... I'll make sure they name the stain after ye."
"Not much of a pep talk," Faiolan lamented, but Brande was done speaking his piece. "At the very least try not to embarrass me. No gladiator I have ever trained has lost their first match. Do not be the one to break that streak." With nothing left to say between them, Brande departed to spectate the match, leaving Faiolan a moment to prepare himself. He left behind his shield, checked that his armor was closely fitted and properly secured. He checked the sharpness of his blade, and when the portcullis at the end of the passage began to rise, he marched toward the growing light and the thunderous cheers.
The sound of the crowd was almost deafening as the sound of their screams broke upon his ears. His heart raced wildly in his chest, and even moreso when his opponent came upon to the field opposite of he. Silver Hill was indeed a towering figure, and Faiolan wondered if perhaps he was the child of an actual mountain and would eventually grow into one himself. Some in the stands exploded into ferocious praise at his approach, but there too were those who endeavored to see the new blood of Brande's win the day. They were both announced, but Faiolan's focus was on his opponent. He heard their names from above, but heeded not what else was said. He drew his sword, Hill hefted that hammer of his, and the two faced one another. Sand crunched beneath Faiolan's feet, reminding him somewhat of the Coerthan snows. With a bloodcurdling roar better fit for a beast, Silver Hill charged with hammer in hand... and was surprisingly fast for someone of his size.
Faiolan's surprise at this almost cost him the fight. He jumped to the side at the very last moment, Silver Hill bringing the hammer down into the ground. A burst of sand flew up from the impact where a moment before stood the Elezen. With incredibly strength and dexterity, Silver Hill hefted the hammer back up and swung wide, Faiolan jumping back and out of the second strike. One wrong move, Brande had said, and the battle was over.
Getting behind Silver Hill seemed to be the best plan, but the way the Roegadyn swung his weapon with reckless abandon, that seemed impossible. No amount of maneuvering seemed to provide an opening, and Faiolan did more dodging than anything else. And therein lay the key that Brande had hinted at earlier: to wait for Silver Hill to tire himself out. The best defense was an onslaught of offense for this particular fighter, and Faiolan only needed patience.
He envisioned Silver Hill as a dragon, a lumbering hulk of a thing with its claws seeking to tear flesh from bone and leave nothing behind to bury. Deftly dodging each assault meant that he would survive for another moment, bringing him closer to victory inch by inch. To the crowd, however, it seemed more of a dance than a fight, with Silver Hill providing all the entertainment and anticipation of a soon-to-be squashed opponent.
At last, Faiolan saw his opponent falter, albeit slightly. As his hammer came crashing into the wall behind Faiolan, his strength slipped for a mere second. Before he could retrieve the weapon and resume the attack, Faiolan slipped past him and slashed at the back of his left. With another tug of the hammer, Silver Hill pulled it free, but the exertion and weight of his weapon caused his knee to give out. Faiolan slashed again, this time at the other leg, but was beaten back again when Silver Hill threw his weight behind the hammer so thoroughly that the blow spun him around, the hammer making a full revolution that came but a hair too close for Faiolan's liking. Silver Hill was not deterred, for now he knew the Elezen's strategy. It took a very precise slash to strike at the weak points of his armor and the back of his legs, and he had suffered far more dire wounds.
However, both Faiolan and the crowd saw that despite Silver Hill's adrenaline driving him to stand and resume fighting with familiar fervor, his movements were much slower. He was struggling to force his legs forward and back, to and fro. Thus began again the dodging dance, though Faiolan was occasionally offered the opportunity for a quick slash at the side, or a thrust at an arm outstretched in overreach. Silver Hill grew more and more furious, allowing him to further ignore the wounds that were beginning to stain his armor with blood. Another successful strike, yet another slash that would be death by a thousand cuts, and Silver Hill's rage reached its apex. He launched the hammer through the air at Faiolan, the Elezen easily moving out of the way, only to experience the anger of Silver Hill firsthand.
Weaponless, Silver Hill used his fists instead, smashing one great blow into the side of Faiolan's head that sent the Elezen reeling. His sword dropped him his hand as the world around him spun out of control. It was not a deathblow by the hammer, but it was quite a formidable strike. Another wave of cheers and applause from the camp of Silver Hill, while those who had gil riding on Faiolan's victor clenched their teeth and jumped up from their seats. He recovered from the blow, but Silver Hill quickly landed another against his chest, robbing him of the air from his lungs. He caught sight of his sword, just out of reach. He had no hope of standing up to Silver Hill at his own game, for it would be as futile as punching an actual hillock.
Silver Hill drove him backward, striking several more times and almost removing Faiolan from the fight. He must have cracked a rib or two by now, his head throbbed, and blocking the blows were akin to a hammer striking an anvil, if that anvil were made of flesh and bone. Silver Hill delivered quite the haymaker, and Faiolan dropped to the ground to avoid it. This seemed to place him in a position most precarious, on the ground and at the mercy of Silver Hill. Silver Hill hefted himself upward, breathing deeply of anticipated victory before bringing down a pair of mighty fists. Faiolan rolled out of the way, swiping his sword from the sand after strategically falling to the ground just beside it. Silver Hill's fists slammed into the dirt, allowing Faiolan to jump to his feet, drive the blade through the back of Silver Hill's knee. He pulled the blade free, but Silver Hill was still intent on fighting. Faiolan responded by stabbing him through the inside of the elbow where was left space between armored plates so the arm could bend. Silver Hill swung his other arm vainly, but Faiolan stepped back a single step to avoid, bringing the blade at last to rest at his opponent's throat. And just like that, he had won his first match upon the Bloodsands. The first of many battles to be fought for the glory and gil of those whom believed themselves his betters.
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kewltie · 4 years
im entertaining a pro baseball au with bkdk on rival teams (one a former champ and the other a new powerhouse who had arrived on the field), set up by the media as each other's nemesis, until izuku got traded to katsuki's team and now they're force to work together and win a champ with this riff raff baseball team that had never gotten very far.
they're childhood friends. izuku grew up in katsuki's shadow—who is hailed as a prodigy, a one of a kind pitcher that come only every few gens but katsuki worked super hard to get where he is. izuku is actual the real genius but it's overshadowed by his insecurities and lack of confidence . so while katsuki shines ever brightly in the spotlight, he never forget that izuku is the only one to hit his fastest pitch and he got a mind like a machine that steer katsuki's pitching right into in glove every time because worse than getting a hit off Katsuki's pitch, he's a catcher who make katsuki feels invincible. Undefeated.
in their younger years they were a battery pair that dominated the lil league until Katsuki's warped superiority/inferiority complex broke them up because he was terrified that izuku would outshine him one day, ppl would start to see Izuku's brilliance, and that he wont need katsuki anymore. he left izuku for the bigger and better stage while izuku floundered helplessly wit out him thinking he wasnt good enough for katsuki. he dreams of being in the pro league with kacchan; it was both of their dreams to follow their idol--All Might, the no. 1 baseball player in Japan—to the biggest stage of their life. they were supposed to go pro together but katsuki went first and then racked up champions and champions with an all-star team as their starting pitcher, while izuku watched katsuki shut down the other team from his couch.
he thought that should have been him out there with kacchan so he trained everyday, dumping all his money into those batting cages because even if he got no team izuku still dreams. If he can’t have katsuki as his pitcher than he’ll do the next best thing, face against him as a batter. Changing position is not an easy choice to make, while izuku may be genius (though you wouldn’t know it by the way he’s shyly steps up to the plate) but even better than that he’s a hardworker. it's there that all might found him, discovered this diamond in the rough and took him under his wings because izuku was always meant something bigger than this cage. with all might's help izuku gets better enough to be scouted in an mid level pro team and it's there he get to stand on the same stage as katsuki even if they're on diff teams. katsuki's team may be a championship team with all its accolades so far but izuku is izuku. he's always beaten the odds; it's in him.
the 1st season izuku entered the pro, his team finally made it into the playoffs in many years but was knocked out by 1st seed team--Katsuki's team. it was a bitter feeling but to stare katsuki down on the pitch and getting a hit off of him like back in the old days felt amazingly good. katsuki had won against izuku and his team but it wasnt a total shut out either. in the last game izuku managed to to hit 2 home run off of katsuki's fastball and that's 2 too many. izuku is terribly awkward and shy in front of the media but when he step on that plate--he's mean and vicious. Eyes on the prize and the gauntlet is thrown. To chase a victory is in his blood as much as katsuki’s.
katsuki may have won but he felt like he lost the fucking war because izuku is here in front of him now and he cant get rid of him even if he want to. they were bound by some fucked up twisted fate that kept them tied together and meet like this once more. with that 1 series, izuku secured his place as katsuki's rival as the only handful of batters who can get a homerun on katsuki. in the next season, izuku made the playoffs again and lost to katsuki AGAIN but this time it was a hard fought fight that could go either way as the entire nation watched with bated breath. izuku and katsuki's team clashing was the most hype series in the playoffs even more than the grand finals. even their regular season games were watched by so many ppl. they were both stars of the their respective teams and they have a history so THE MEDIA ATE IT UP.
in izuku 3rd season, at the playoff once more he finally at last knocked katsuki off his perched in front of a stunned crowd and a glowering katsuki. they would eventually go to win the championship but nobody can forget that rainy long day when katsuki and izuku met up against each other on the field that last so long it felt like an entire year had passed between them. the grand finals was great between izuku’s team and another ace but it was the bitter, hard fought semi-finals battle between katsuki and izuku’s team that was etched into everyone’s memory.
that lost cut katsuki deeply. it was his first time not making it to the finals and to see izuku winning it all was such a bitter feeling. he started to slipped as his obsession with beating izuku grew. his pitching became erratic and uncontrollable. his pitching staff and catcher doesnt know how to fix him. it all came to a head when he had to face izuku again in the regular season and ofc izuku knew right away something was off with him. katsuki's team lost that match up and after the game, izuku reached out with concern.
"it's your shoulder isnt it?" he asked as though he didn't already know.
katsuki rebuked him right away, but it burned in him that even with all these ppl surrounding him it's only izuku who noticed that his shoulder was the source of the problem. izuku knew him better than anyone even now. katsuki eventually had to tell the staff that he blew his shoulder in the offseason while training and it didnt heal right. so he was benched to recover but even when he did... it was like he wasnt ever the same again. his pitching was off, lacking its usual explosive speed and power.
his team started to use him less and less and they didnt even make it to the payoffs in DECADES. the loyal and fanatic fanbase turned against their star even tho it wasnt Katsuki's fault, pushing to trade him out for a better, newer, and younger pitcher as though there were anyone better than him but katsuki was considered old news and izuku was the new face of the league as he won a back to back championship and mvp title. so katsuki himself pushed to be traded off to another team so he can start over and prove to his doubters than be can reach to the top with ANY TEAM.
they send him to the bottom of the league--U.A. a team of troublemaker players who are all talented but eccentric enough that they cant fit anywhere else. with this new team who finds katsuki's abrasiveness interesting rather than annoyance or something they have to put up with, they start to make a sort of family out of these misfits and katsuki slowly learns to rely on his teammates and not take on the world just by himself because he may stand alone on that mound but his team got his back to make sure he would never fall. they're good for him and hes good for them!!
 though they still have much to learn about each other, but they managed to beat some of the top teams in the regular season with their sheer guts. even tho they didnt make it to the playoffs this season, katsuki didnt feel bitter at all he knows there's a next year and a next year. There’s hope still for them. they’re growing and improving with each win/loss. Losing DOESN’T FEEL LIKE A PERSONAL BETRAYAL ANYMORE. It’s a measure of one’s growth.
Izuku's team consistently outperformed everyone now that katsuki isnt posed as his rival because he's in a diff league (west vs east) now so they rarely meet up in the regular season but izuku misses that edge, that feeling of being cut by Katsuki's fastball, and to stand on same the field with katsuki but more than anything he wants catch Katsuki's pitch, to be a battery again with KATSUKI so TO THE SHOCK OF THE ENTIRE WORLD izuku didnt renew his contract with his 3x championship team but chose to sign up with U.A. at a heavily discounted price because he wants to win WITH katsuki!!
the thing is he'd been following katsuki all his life. katsuki was the one who taught him baseball, followed him into the lil league, middle school, high school, the pro, and then followed in his footsteps to take the champ, so it should be no surprise that he would eventually follow katsuki to his new team.
"aren't you tired of being in bakugou's shadow?" his general manager asks. "dont you want to stand separate from him? with us you can go so far, midoriya."
izuku shakes his head. "im not in katsuki's shadow. he's paving the way and telling me to hurry up and come to him."
it's always the case with them. katsuki runs and izuku gives chase, but somewhere along the way they both have to stop. U.A. is that destination and the day izuku arrives on u.a.'s homestand he feels it in air--the electricity, the tension, and new beginning.
katsuki's eyes are wide as he spots izuku standing on the field of his team. anger and bitterness flickers hot and heavy in his chest. he storms over to izuku and demands to know wtf is he doing here DOESN'T HE KNOW THIS IS KATSUKI'S TEAM? but izuku just smile, sweet and soft.
"i'm here to be your new catcher," izuku informs him, rocking happily back and forth on his heels.
katsuki bristles. "not happening," he hisses.
Izuku raises his brow. "why dont you try me out first then." he quirks the corner of his lips up in amusement. "or are you afraid?"
katsuki eyes narrow because izuku knows him. KNOWS WHERE AND HOW TO PUSH THEM. it's like back in the playoffs again when they're facing each other. katsuki can read him just as easily izuku can too and it made their battle exhilarating, like dancing on the edge of a blade but sometimes he wonder what if it would be like not to have izuku's blade pointed at him but have him at his back instead. he should know because they were that once. together as one and it was a pairing unlike any other. no other catcher clicked the way izuku had and to have that again.
Katsuki grits his his teeth and nods. "get your gear," he says, "and i'll show you who is the one you should be afraid of."
izuku is an excellent batter. strong grip, good shoulder and arm, and there's power behind his swing, but he's an even better catcher.
he got good eyes to see ppl's move before they even do it. it's how he was able to shut down other pitchers as a batter because he read them all like a book, spending hours going over their specialize pitches and habits but he has never find a pitcher that pitch the way he wants them to. only katsuki gives it to him because katsuki holds no barred when he throw, he puts everything on the line and izuku wants that. he earnestly wants to receive all of katsuki's feelings. like he had in their past. izuku steps back as he watches katsuki gets on the mound.
it feels so right to crouch down, his gloved hand forward to receive katsuki's balls, and the fire of katsuki's eyes on him the entire time.
"give me everything you got. your best yet," he orders over the field.
katsuki snarls. "shut the fuck up," he says, and throws.
the balls slide right into izuku's glove like the turn of a key, the fit of a jigsaw puzzle, like a pitcher and their catcher. perfect just like izuku's imagine it to be. the impact of it knocks izuku back but the ball is right in his glove. right where izuku wants him to throw.
"that was beautiful kacchan! i knew you can do it because with you here with me, we can do anything, even conquer this entire world," he declares with a certainty that startles even katsuki. he's grinning so wide and proud like katsuki's pitch was made for him and--
katsuki reaches out and pulls him into a forceful kiss because he looks so beautiful it hurts to watch, because in the end it was always about them. deku. Izuku. he has been waiting for a long, long time for izuku to get here. to stand on the same field as him and to have izuku catch his pitch. even when they fought each other in the regular seasons and the playoffs, where one side always win and the other always lose, he thought one day they would both share the same fate, same side and katsuki and izuku will taste victory together. they can, and now they will.
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romace-tea-cup · 4 years
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Imagine being a Rose Quartz goddess and being mated to felix volturi Part Two
Felix POV. ************************************After seeing the newborn and witnessing her true potential , Jane decided to confront the leaders being Victoria and Riley . We then asked a newborn " Where are your creators ? " and he showed us at an old house near by , it looked abandoned so we decided to go in to clear a few things up with them about the army . When then opened the door and we noticed no one was in there , Jane was not convinced however she then ordered them to stop hiding because we will find them sooner or later , after those words they did just that . Riley was nervous i noticed , he stared at me like if i was the devil or something . Jane then stated " What is the purpose of your army ? Im sure you are aware of all the attention it has brought to the other covens and the humans , who we should maintain our secret hidden from " victoria then stated " Yes im aware of the attention it had gotten , we are trying our hardest to maintain a low profile , the purpose of our army is to defeat the Cullen's in a brutal fight coming up " that caught Jane's attention , i looked over her and she seemed some where convinced to keep this army alive so we end the cullen's . " I see , you have a five day limit for your army to fulfill its purpose " riley then questioned " And if the army where to end the cullen's , what will happen to us ? " jane then stood silent for q moment and said " That will be up to Aro , he would be delighted that the coven would be dead but you have brought attention to our kind " he then nodded . Alec then spoke out " We wanna question , Who is the girl with the pink long hair ? " Victoria then stiffen up and riley questioned a very stupid comment " Oh y/n ? She is a beauty isn't she ? " jane then got a bit irritated but managed to keep her cool " We witnessed some strong gifts that girl has , but it appears she has escaped " Victoria then said " She did not escape , she leaves at night to buy herself some clothes she is not a threat to out kind due to the fact she does not consume any type of blood " i then got a bit irritated because they wanna lie in our faces " I suggest you stop covering for your army , vampires need blood to survive , don't try to make stupid remarks " she then got defensive and said " But i am not lying ! That girl i don't know what the hell she is but she is no where near a damn vampire ! She does not consume blood of any kind and had some kind of sword and shield she summons " Riley then said " It's true , from the moment she was turned we witnessed many strange situations with her from her hair length changing and her hair color changing . She had never consumed blood and as a new born she has never been feeling thirsty of any kind " I then realize they are telling the truth , jane then scoffs and says " You have a five day limit , may the best win " we then retrieve and i start to wonder what the hell is this girl ? Jane then says " They were telling the truth " we then look at her and alec said " Ill make a cal to master aro to inform him about our little discovery " I then start to think poor girl she is gonna get eaten alive out there in the fight .
Y/n 's POV
I walked around many blocks , i tried on clothes that i absolutely adored . I then bought a couple of things and i picked bree and diego something up . When i was arriving Riley pulled me inside the cabin where him and victoria normally stay at .
Riley : What did you do ? How do they know !?
Y/n : Let go ! What the hell are you talking about ?
Victoria : The volturi , they saw you , they came here and asked about you .
Y/n : who are they ? I don't even know them .
Riley : They are the ruling coven , they creat laws and they kill those who break them . It just so happens that they saw you and witnessed your powers .
I then stare confused and then i remember , those people with cloaks ! It was them !
Y/n : a new born was gonna attack me so i used my sword and shield and i ended him and i burned him with my third power i discovered .
Victoria : Third ? Just what we fucking needed . The little princess has a third fucking power .
Y/n : This is your fault i did not ask to be turned !
Victoria : I never knew you would be a freak !
y/n : GLADLY !
i then shot them a flame of fire that misses them and they are scared of me .
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Riley : Go train with the rest , we need to be ready for the battle .
Y/n : but -
Victoria : Now !
She grabs my arm and they kick me out of the tiny house and i just march my way to my usual hiding spot and deliver the gifts to bree and diego , they loved them that they hugged me tightly . Diego managed to disappear moments later ... He said he was gonna go ask victoria something but he never came back . I wonder what happened to him ...
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legion1993 · 4 years
title: Rebellion
Pairing: dean x reader
abo 2020 sq: alpha challenging alpha
fluff 2020 sq: thunderstorm
word count (optional):
summery: not telling
created for @spnabobingo​ @spnfluffbingo​
normal… what was normal… what did you ever know about normal… you were an alpha, your pack already had an alpha one of you had to go… 
you and Dean had been friendly rivals from the get go, but when you presented as an alpha he didnt know what to think… 
you both had to grow into the roles, reach your 21st birthdays before the council of wolves would have you both fight for the rite of Alpha, where the looser would become an omega… no two alphas can co exist in one singular pack… 
you were one of those types of wolves whose breeding had not been thourally instilled… you had always been told that you would one day have to fight for the rite to lead the pack.
 to be the one that makes all the calls for every single decision that the pack needs to make. Dean and you were hanging out the night before this tragic event would take place…
 Dean: “when you presented as an alpha i was shocked… my friend was an alpha… the girl that i have a crush on is an alpha…”
 dean now realizing what he said was now looking at you with slight amounts of plotting anad seduction written clear cross his face. he didnt want this event to take place either… 
YN: “what if you claimed me? would they still make us battle for the alpha rite?” 
Dean: “i have no idea but why would you…” 
You now were kneeling in front of him, looking straight into his eyes as he smiled… 
YN: “cause im in love with you… i cant see myself being with any one else for the rest of my life… its you Dean its always been you…” 
Dean: “what makes you think they would be okay with any of that? i mean they always taught us to be fierce and reveered… but if we told them we were in love wouldnt that technically be grounds for execution…”
 YN: “i dont care i mean if you pin me and then wait for the 5th strike of thunder, i would technically be omega and then you just claim…. wait a second… what if you claimed me during the fight like we rebel… but this would have to be done between the 2nd and 5th lightning strikes…”
 Dean pulled you into his lap and smiled as he planted a soft and gentle kiss to your lips… the idea of rebellion during this most fantastic event would go down in history as the first alphas challenge to go through rebellion… 
 staying in that grove it was peaceful not to be around everyone else… the pack was getting a little annoying what with everyone getting stuff ready and betting on who woul win the event…
 quite frankly you and Dean were quite happy being together in that grove… that is till the sky darkened… when it darkened you both werent disturbed right away but then the council guard bursted through the clearing…
 they grbbed you and Dean seperating you both from eachother dragging you guys back to the arena where the event would soon take place… you and Dean fighting the guards began immediately trying to claw your way back to eachother… but they stuck you both in the cages beside one another leaving you both alone… 
YN: “dean…” 
Dean turned his attention to you and moved closer to your cage… 
Dean: “im so sorry about this YN… if we were smart we would have ran away from all of this… self exile type thing… we could have started a pack all our own and no one would have ben able to stop us…”
 Dean was now holding your hand as you were his through the cages you both plotted schemed and trying to make sure you were on the same wave length before the guards would come back and take you both into the arena and force this ceremony upon you both… 
YN: “as long as we stick to the plan we should be good.. the plan should work…” 
Dean: “YN, what if this rebellion thing doesnt work?”
 YN: “then you need to take the rite, become the alpha… knock me out and claim the alpha spot… you deserve it more than i do…” 
Dean: “i will ensure it doesnt come to that, if we stick to the plan we will reign forever together… i will claim and mate you during this shit show if i have too… just to prove a point…” 
You smiled blushing as you both continued to hold hands trying to stay calm that is till the guards actually came through the door… they once again pulled you both away from eachother…
 ~The hardest thing to do is to be forced to fight the one you know you are meant to be with…~ 
They dragged you both in electronic chains to the arena… they tossed you both into the opening and made their ways out of the arena… it began to thunder and rain, but you got up starring at Dean who could only stare at you with love reflecting in both of your eyes… 
Dean: “we wont do it…” 
YN: “we wont participate in your sick games…”
 Dean: “this council is blinded by the traditions of old.. if they took one moment if any of you took a good look at my relationship with YN anyone would see that we love eachother and have for years… today when we were in the grove, we almost mated… we wanted to.. but if none of you are gonna listen to reason right now then maybe this will change your minds…”
 You stood to your feet as Dean did the plan now fully in motion… the chains that bonded both of your hands fell to the floor. The crowd of people who obviously not listening to reason, had to witness this entire charade to ensure that no one ever questioned you guys judgement again…
 Dean: “you wanna be alpha i dont think so…” 
YN: “your the love of my life but the rite of alpha is my birthright…” 
Dean: “bring it on babe!” 
You lunged straight at him knocking him on his ass before you could fully vault over him and land he grabbed hold of your foot and swung you to the ground, you flipped over and for the next little bit it was counting the lightning strikes… 
One strike was when you became the pinner again… strike 2 was deans dominance, strike 3 was you then when strike 4 hit, dean had you pinned he switched positions so you were on your knees and he was standing… 
 Hjs hands turned to claws, his teeth to fangs his voice deepen to the deepest you had heard it in the longest time… 
Dean: “at last i am gonna be the only alpha in this god damn fucking pack…” 
Dean pulled your head to the side exposing your neck as he was about to intact the final part of the plan… but the council members watched this play out and had a few things of their own to say… 
Council member 1: “no…” 
Council member 2: “is he gonna do it?”
 Council leader: “guards get down there and stop them…before he claims her…” 
The guards got down there but it was too late for as soon as they entered, dean sunk his fangs into your neck and claimed you… the entire council was shocked, the leader was angry, the people who had raised both of you were shocked but happy for the 2 of you… 
The guards backed away careful not to get too close for they all knew that once your claimed the one who claimed you would go wild trying to protect you… Dean pulls back as the 5th bolt strike…
 he lets out a huge earth shattering roar… this made every single omega and beta in the entire arena submitted, your body became putty in Deans arms… you were conscious but you knew who your mate was.. 
 Dean shifted back to normal, scooped you into his arms and walked both of you out of the arena and into the medical area… laying you  a bed he goes to get the first aid kit. He comes back to sit behind you to patch you up… 
 Dean: “well rhe plan worked… or so it seems…” 
YN: “i feel strange my body is reacting to your touch more than it did before…" 
Dean: “I love you YN! Now shall we go walk through the streets back to search of a place that we may soon call our own…” 
You stretch slightly still feeling strange you nod getting up back on your feet. Dean held your hand, both of you walked out of the medical area, feeling the eyes of many upon your forms. 
 The council blocked the exit from the arena… you both were not sure what to do, but if they followed the laws no one could be able to hurt either of them… 
Council leader: “you both violated the event, the sacred rite set out in the laws of our forefathers, we are ashamed but since you both want to defy the laws i guess we have no choice… either you guys send yourselves into exile or by the laws of the forefathers and marry then consummate the marriage, it would be by that act of marriage that you both would not be shunned by the entire pack… the choice is yours but your families have wanted to see you both for a little bit now… go to them and make known of your decisions to us soon…” 
Dean and you stood tall and watched the guards and council members move away from the door allowing you both to exit. You both then head to find your families. Knowing that soon your decisions would come into the light…
your mom: “we are all on the same page about what happened at the arena, but we want you both to know that whatever decision you both…”
Dean: “we love eachother very much and i think i speak for both of us when i say that we just want to make a life together for ourselves, we only did what we did during the rite cause we thought the council would see reason…”
his mom: “we know that i know you both will be very happy together… we also have something that we hope will help… we recently purchased some land close by, there is a structure on the land, the deed is in your names. Your father's are already moving in some of your stuff, and they are just finishing the glossing on the bed frame, they also got a mattress and built a bunch more furniture its the perfect place combining what the both of you are. we are all very proud of the wonderful people you both have become and really proud of how you both stood up to the council. they are steamed but once they learn of your decision things will get easier i promise...”
You hold tight to Deans hands and smile slightly as you begin to speak...
YN: “mom and mom in law if i can call you that. can we level with you slightly? we want to get used to being bonded then decide for sure what we want to do... but we know one thing for sure we will not abandon the pack...”
Dean: “YN is the best part of me as i am of her... what she has said is as it shall be.. i assume that the council grilled you guys for information after the entire ordeal... look we know that we put you guys in quite the pickle... but right now we need you guys to not tell the council any of what we have spoken... we will head out now as dads have returned, im sure you both can have them understand why we didnt stay...”
Dean winks at your moms as they nod watching you and Dean get up from your seating and walking out the back door. the most difficult part of growing up is knowing when to leave home and start a new life with someone you love.
this is exactly what you and Dean were doing... this is exactly what was happening. as you and dean followed your moms carefully laid out instructions it led you both straight to the house that your parents had put so much work into...
Dean: “the outside structure is amazing! i can see what they mean by it is a unique combination of both of us... now after you my dear...”
the last concious thought of both your minds was walking through the door of the house, everything after that was a blurr... neither of you would remember till mornings light... but thats a story for another time...
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lookbluesoup · 5 years
Fallout OC Interview
@robobrainmurdermysterytheatre and @quinndecker214 tagged me to do this LITERAL AGES ago! Thanks for this and IM SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG it got lost in my drafts I hope it was worth the wait //shot I TAG @nuclearvessel @ronqueesha @tarberrymentats @wild-w4steland-snip3r @daddyfuckinlonglegs @saltsealed @thewookieruns No pressure!!
Choose an OC.
Answer them as that OC.
Tag 5 people to do the same.
1. What is your name? Nathaniel Christian Wright. Maiden name Ronan, if, aha, you like fun-facts.
2. How old are you? You know I lost count somewhere after 240?
3. What do you look like?
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4. Where are you from? Where do you live now? I was born a good ways South of here, spent most of my childhood there. Moved to Boston... before the War. Now I stay with Piper in Diamond City between work, got an infield view and everything! Never would have bet on that the day I woke up in the Vault. I guess life’s funny, hunh? I - ...I’m glad to be there.
5. What was your childhood like? Oh, nothing special, really. My Pa was ex-military, a chaplain. Ma stayed home to tend the house, and raise rambunctious sons. She was - good. I wonder sometimes whether she’d be proud of me, out here.
6. What groups are you friendly with? Are you allied with any factions? Well, I am K i n g of the Castle - a-hem, I mean, General. Yeah, just General. (//Ronnie distantly yells something about the joke not being funny the 80th time)
[[There are rumors of Nate being a leading Railroad Agent, but he absolutely would not admit to that in a casual interview xD]]
7. Tell me about your best friend. Deacon? Hah! What can’t I tell you about him! He’s got a two-dozen kids. Twelve wives. One’s a ghoul. He’s also a synth, but you didn’t hear that from me. Has an extra toe on his left foot. Those sunglasses aren’t a fashion statement, they’re glued to his face. Horrible accident, really. Inoperable. He can speak five languages, including Zetan. I swear, it’s all true! But, ah. He’s a good friend. Better than he knows.
8. Do you have a family? Tell me about them! My son, Shaun, lives here at the Castle. I wish I could bring him to Diamond City, let him make friends with the other kids, try to give him something of the life he might’ve had before the War. But I’ve got enemies. The Minutemen have enemies. Comes with the job. It’s safer for Shaun to be here, out of the limelight. And also, you know, with a barracks full of guns ready at a minute’s notice if there’s trouble. My men are family, too. Hell, I feel closer to the people here than I did most of my own blood in the old world. There’s also my butler, Codsworth. And Natalie, Piper’s little sister - well, she may as well be my little sister, too. But hey, keep that one off the record. Nat’d never forgive me.
9. What about a partner or partners? I’m a happily tethered man, bound for life to one kickass reporter, Mrs. Wright. You may have heard of her. 
10. Have you ever heard of The Brotherhood of Steel? What do you think about them? [Nate seems more guarded] Yeah, I know them. That graveyard across the channel used to be their airship. I wish it had ended differently, but... well, war never changes.
11. Who are your enemies, and why? I suppose that’s a natural follow-up question. Well, most of the Raider gangs will attack on sight. Gunners, too. But we’ve managed to clear a pretty safe stretch between major towns over the past year. Since the Minutemen have established a pro-synth stance, more than a few settlements shut their doors on us. Lost a fair number of volunteers. But no violence so far. Other than that... the remnants of Brotherhood here aren’t fond of me, personally. Why? We parted on bad terms. Lets just - leave it at that. Anyone else out here can tell you the story. There are Institute survivors, too. We tried to get as many noncombatants out as we could the day it fell, but it was a battle. It was messy. A lot haven’t forgiven me for turning on them. [sighs] ...Can you blame them? The Minutemen have kept a running list of Courser sightings since then. So many still aren’t accounted for. Keeps me up at night, sometimes.  
12. What about The Enclave? I’ve heard rumors. None of them good. 13. How do you feel about Super Mutants? Tough bastards. I wish we could help them. I know they don’t all go crazy, and Virgil was making progress on a cure. But I haven’t seen him in years. We’re not - really on speaking terms.
14. Have you ever fought a Deathclaw? More than once, and never unscathed. Not bragging! It’s the truth. Take a look at this, [he rolls back his sleeve to show a massive scar running over his upper arm] Piper and I got pinned down, lizard gutted me and nearly lost me an arm. Also? Ruined my best flannel shirt.
15. What’s the craziest fight you’ve ever been in? Bunker Hill. What a hellscape. Between the Railroad and the Institute, things were hot enough. But somehow the Brotherhood found out, too. It’s a wonder Bunker Hill wasn’t razed to the ground. My Courser escort was killed in a Railroad ambush and the synths we were after escaped. I barely got out alive.
[[Nate actually killed X4-18 and helped the synths escape, but that’s another Railroad secret :’D]] 16. Do you like fighting? No. But I’ll do what I have to to stay alive and protect the people I care about. 17. What’s your weapon of choice? A modified radium rifle. I was a sniper back in my army days, it’s what I’m trained in. But if the fight does get close, this gun’s versatile enough to still be useful. Wish my loadout back in Anchorage did that. I’m fond of the laser musket, too - but you only get one shot, and then everyone will know exactly where you are. Strategically it’s too limited.
18. How do you survive? Your wits, your charm, your skills, brute force, some combination? (a.k.a. what’s your S.P.E.C.I.A.L?) My winning charm, of course! [winks] And trekking all over the Commonwealth keeps me fit for when folks aren’t so interested in talking. Piper keeps the luck for both of us. I’m - pretty sure I’m cursed, actually.
S(6) P(7) E(8) C(11) I(7) A(5) L(2)
19. Have you ever been in a vault? What do you think about them? I suppose I should be grateful, really. If not for the Vaults, I’d have died two centuries ago. I’d never have met Piper, or taught Shaun to play baseball. None of this... none of this at all would have happened. [grimaces] Don’t get me wrong. Vault-tec was fucking insane. The things they did to people in some of those Vaults-? I was uncharacteristically lucky. There’s a reason they call me the Sole Survivor, and it’s not from winning some tv game show about living on an island.
20. How do you beat all the radiation around here? Has it affected you? My Pip-Boy has a Geiger counter built in so I can avoid the worst of it. But sometimes it can’t be helped. I always keep Rad-Away and Rad-X on hand. Other than that, I bring the old vault suit to wear under my clothes if I know exposure’s inevitable. It helps a little. Piper likes to tease me about that, but somehow I think she prefers me with hair and less than six limbs. Plus, my ass looks great in blue. Her words. Not mine. Yes, you can quote that.
21. What’s your favorite wasteland critter? The radstags, no doubt! [motions to Legs Washington] Look at those little extra arms wiggling around. Adorable.
22. What’s your least favorite wasteland critter? Yao guais. They are way too stealthy for something that big. I dunno what they’re eating up in Maine, but Far Harbor was full of them. Big, grumpy ones. And look, have you ever tried to outrun a bear? Don’t.
23. How do you feel about robots? I like the ones that aren’t shooting at me! Codsworth and Ada are friends. Isabel’s eyebot, Sparks? Adorable. I even got this hat from an old Sentry named Ironsides. Those Rust Devils and their junk bots though? I try not to fight them without a lot of backup. Got ambushed by a Succubus once. Not a good time. At all.
24. How many caps do you have on you right now? Why, you planning to rob me? Kidding. About 200, which is a lot for me generally speaking.
25. Nuka Cola or Sunset Sarsaparilla? [Suddenly excited] Wait, does Sunset Sarsaparilla still exist?
26. Do you do chems? Aside from Med-X when I’ve been shot? Not if I can help it.
27. Do you ever think about the Pre-War world? Not as often as in the beginning, but it does happen sometimes. I’ll have dreams where I’m back in my old life, and it’s always... disorienting.
28. What’s your deepest regret? What would you do differently? There are - a lot. I’ll admit it. Sometimes I wonder, if I’d only just - hm... Well. To be honest, I’ve been trying not to linger so much on what I’ve done wrong, and focus on what I can do right for the future instead. Piper taught me that.
29. What’s your biggest achievement? Or what do you hope to achieve?  I’ll always be proud to call myself Mr. Wright. If I can be half the man Piper tells me I am, I’ll consider it a life well lived.
30. What do you want for the future? For yourself? Your friends? The world? Geeze, you could give my wife a run for her money with a loaded question like that! I want... a future where folks don’t have to be afraid of monsters coming after them in the night. I want synths to have a fair chance at living their own lives, as who they are, without pretending. I want Shaun to - be able to grow up. For myself? Everything I need is right here already.
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HI i would love a MATCHUP. im an inxp aries, but people who dont know me yet always think im a pisces because im really chill... until you get to know me. then you know im off the wall, love mischief and humor and have a wit sharp as a razor. im really perceptive to peoples emotional states and really supportive, but i dont try to be pushy if they really seem like they dont want to talk about it. im also prone to mood swings and depressive episodes myself, and i get angry easily (1/3) 🦄
when i get angry, i get ANGRY, but i try my best to not take it out on anyone, though, and have a tendency to withdraw. usually im angry at myself, anyway! but with some patience i can be coaxed out of withdrawal without too much fighting. for all my excessive brightness, i have a dark streak a mile wide. i love dark and creepy things, and sometimes this seeps into the way i show my affection! (im a bit of a sadist, this also helps.) (2/3) 🦄
all in all, im full of many contradictions. i have great social skills, but socialization wears me out. i know like 4 languages, but have a hard time connecting to people. im really sweet and cuddly, but im grouchy! im an artist and a scientist. i can be yuor angle or yur devle. but really, all in all, im full of a lot of love and i really just want to be something good in the world, even if life hurts. i want to make it better. what do u think? (3/3) 🦄
I match you with...
You’re the kind of person that feels something so strongly that you can’t stop and hide it from the world. You’re an empath, through and through. You take the feelings from everyone and just feed it to yourself whether you like it or not, it must be rather hard at times to feel so many ways all at once when things are going on but you do your best with it. It’s a habit of yours to pull in your feelings and push yourself out when you cannot ignore the steam of fire any longer. It can be a... way to live, that’s for sure. Bouncing back and forth between the extremes until you wiggle to every corner of the board. 
You need someone who is patient with you, and gentle. This lends you well to someone like Yoosung or Saeran. In the end, I leaned more towards Saeran as he is the one who will understand you the most. He knows what it feels like to have twenty feelings pinging in the back of your head. He doesn’t get mad when you’re mad and you both simmer down together by trying to combat those thoughts in a healthy way. There are times when you may push him too hard and he may snap at you but these fights are always squashed before they get too far into themselves. 
You’re not a lot like him but you’re able to draw this intensity out of him that nobody else ever has. You can tease him and taunt him all you want but you’ll pay for it greatly as he likes to be in charge. That battle may not be one that you will win but who knows? Most of all, he’s just happy to curl up with you when you crawl into his lap. 
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A Hidden Pain - Part 16
Original request from @purplekitten30​: Could you please write a Bucky x reader where she works as the teams assistant? She’s got a violent bf but no one knows about it until he assaults her at one of Starks parties. Bucky steps in and kicks his ass. He helps her move out of her place to live with him since he’s got his own floor at the tower.
Note: I genuinely cant believe this request is still going! I thought it may have been coming to an end but then another idea struck me so I guess I’ll continue until it either comes to a natural end or you all get bored <3
Bucky x Abused!Reader Words: 1,579
Disclaimer: GIF used is mine <3
A Hidden Pain Masterlist
Part 1| 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16
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He was trying to be his usual self, attempting to make a joke out of what was actually a serious situation, but there was still a big part of him that was deeply concerned for his friend. Whether Steve admitted it out loud or not this whole thing wasn’t just about you and Bucky anymore….it was about you, him, AND Steve.
“She’s been through so much already, more than anyone deserves to, and so has Buck. They need each other. I refuse to take that away from either one of them.” He unwrapped the support bandages that had been around both of his hands and threw them into the bin nearest to him, his eyes only now looking over at Sam. “…and I sure as hell won’t allow you to either. It doesn’t matter how I feel after that time I spent with her….what matters is that she’s happy.”
“I’m serious Sam. Just drop it. That year she only had me is over now. Well and truly.”
                                       * * * * * * * * * * 
The sun was barely even creeping through into the morning sky but already you were wide awake and sat at the breakfast table - not that you could even stomach a single mouthful of the cereal in front of you, instead it just sat there becoming a sorry mess. You had barely slept that night and your constant tossing and turning had started to disturb one of the rare restful nights Bucky had...this was the day you had been dreading.
They were moving Josh to a different facility out of state.
You should have been happy at the thought of him no longer being in the same building as you, that there would be hundreds of miles between you, but the bad feeling gnawing away at your stomach wasn't allowing you to have a more positive outlook. For a long time, Josh had always been one step ahead of you so what if-
"Nothing is going to happen today."
Your ever-growing paranoid thoughts were interrupted by only the second voice in your life that radiated calm and collected enough for you to feel it yourself, even if it was just temporarily. A soft smile lit up your fatigued face as you turned in your seat to face him.
"I wish I could be as confident as you are Steve, but I've just got this horrible feeling..." At the mention of it you felt your stomach tightening even more. "...I know he's going to be far away but at least when he was here, I knew where he was. Being hundreds of miles away he could escape, and I wouldn't know until, well, until he found me."
Steve's facial expression contorted into a slight frown as he took a seat in the chair next to you, his hands immediately encompassing yours as he squeezed them gently.
"He will not get away; do you hear me? Buck will be there, and hell would freeze over before he let that man escape. He won't even be able to so much as blink without him knowing about it."
You knew his words were supposed to comfort you but knowing that Bucky was going to be anywhere near him again made you feel sick to the stomach. He wanted to make sure he got to where he needed to be but that didn't make you feel any better about the situation.
"Steve..." There was a tremble in your voice as the emotional battle inside of you started to spill out. Your grip on his hands tightened as though your sanity depended on holding onto him. "...wh-when will all this be over?"
It was impossible to stop the tears now but before a single one trailed down your cheek you found your face buried in the super soldier's firm chest as he pulled you into an almost crushing hug. His own heart seemed to beat just as fast as yours, his breathing off its usual rhythm, it was breaking him seeing you in such distress, but your own emotions were too heightened to notice.
"Just let it out [y/n], I'm here, it's okay."
The words Sam had spoken to him in the gym a few weeks back played out in his mind as he felt you heaving with your sobs.
“You know, for a super soldier you are SUPER stupid.”…
…”Just tell her.”….
He shook his head almost violently to get the words out of his mind, wishing that they had never been spoken in the first place, he hated that he would never be able to have you in the way that he wanted but having the odd moment alone with you was all he needed….making sure you knew you were loved and looked after was all he needed….Sam’s idea would just have to be erased completely.
His lips pressed down onto the top of your head, a hand travelling up into your hair, as a single tear fell from his own eye.
“You’re safe with me and you always will be.”
                                       * * * * * * * * * *
If looks could kill Josh would have been dead ten times over with the stare he was currently receiving from Bucky. They were sat at opposite sides of the van to each other with guards on both sides and despite still being within arm’s reach the little cretin still wasn’t as close as Bucky wanted him to be….he wanted to feel his neck crushing underneath his fingertips; wanted to see the life escape his eyes, the least he deserved after everything he did to you was to die solely and painfully at the hands of the men who truly loved you.
Anyone else would have been scared out of their very pants if they’d had an ex-assassin staring at them in such a way, especially one that had murdered hundreds of people over the decades, but Josh didn’t so much as flinch. There was  twitch though, right in the corner of his lips, as they slowly contorted into a malicious smirk – even now, with nowhere to go except a cold dank cell for the rest of his life, he refused to show any kind of remorse for the things that he had done. If it wasn’t for the guards Bucky would have made sure he was incapable of showing that nasty little smirk of his.
“They really did a number on you didn’t they?” If he couldn’t do anything to him physically then he was at least going to try and get into his head. “They saw a pathetic piece of scum like you and used you without you even realising what they were doing.” Now it was Bucky’s turn to flash a wicked smirk. “Where are they now huh? Your new friends? Ah, yes, that’s right….they’re feeding you to the wolves because they have no more use for you.”
He leaned himself closer, clasping his hands together on top of his knees, the road grew a little bumpier and yet not even this caused his stature to falter. His eyes remained locked on Josh.
“They got you to do their dirty work and not only did you lose [y/n] but you lost your freedom too.”
It was only your name that gained any kind of reaction out of Josh, a sadness enveloping his eyes as he swallowed down hard at the lump that had formed in his throat. It was the only bit of emotion Bucky had ever seen in the man and it took him by surprise far more than he would have liked, lowering his defences ever s slightly, and it was in that very moment he witnessed just how quickly his emotions could switch as a more sinister look took over the sadness that had once been so evident.
“Oh I will never lose [y/n], trust me, I have taught her far more about this world than you and your pathetic superhero friends ever could and it won’t be long before she realises what side she needs to be on……” The van slowed to an unexpected stop causing the guards to look towards the front where the driver was. “….the side that always wins…..” His handcuffs fell to the floor with a loud thud reminiscing that of the moment an escapologist would succeed in his escape. “….the invincible villains.”
Before he, or any of the guards, could do anything to react a blinding white light incapacitated every one of them before a deafening explosion rang out around them, ripping the vehicle apart.
                                       * * * * * * * * * *
Your emotions had finally overcome you as the sun began to make it’s way into the sky. although he hadn’t fallen asleep himself he had stayed with you, his arms never once leaving you as he kept you wrapped inside a protective cocoon. His blue eyes watched closely as your chest rose and then gently fell back down again, making sure you were having the restful sleep you needed, having to fight hard to stop his feelings from growing.
When his own eyes started to surrender to the world of sleep your body shot upright as a horrified scream erupted from you. If the residents of Stark Tower hadn’t been awake already then they certainly were now as your scream continued on without you taking so much as a breath.
 Something was wrong.....something was really wrong.
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the--sad--hatter · 5 years
It's ok if you don't want to answer this but I was wondering what you take meds for? I know you have said you have mental health problems and that you take antipsychotics but I wanted to ask why. Im not trying to be rude or nosey, it's just that I look up to you quite a lot and i have problems as well. Finding out you had to take tablets made me feel a bit better about taking my own. I always felt kind of ashamed about having to take antideppresants but not so much now I know you take stuff too.
I don’t mind answering this at all, especially if someone can relate to it. This is probably going to be a hell of a wordy response though, and may be triggering for some people to read, so proceed with caution guys. 
The story of my mental health is a really long one, and goes back quite far. It goes back to when I was a fetus actually. 
My mother was a drug addict, who used while she was pregnant with me (my dad was unaware of this), and as a result I was born with minor ‘defects’. My lungs didn’t form properly, and a part of my stomach tubing is malformed (We’ll come back to that). During labour, I tore the womb on my way out and nearly killed my mother. 
The trauma of that, as well as her own mental health and addiction issues made it hard for her to bond with me. It’s worth noting that my mum was 19 when I was born, but my dad was 32. They were married about a month before my birth and split up three days later. 
They shared custody for the first year of my life until something went down, but I’m not sure what, and my father took full custody. 
He was a good dad in his defence. He loved me, and did anything he could to keep me safe and happy. But when I was 18 months old, he met another woman and eventually married her. 
My stepmother didn’t want me as a part of her family, but put on a good show for my dad and the rest of the world. Behind closed doors though, she physically and mentally tortured me. The stuff she did to me was vile and it left me quite damaged. 
Because of the stomach deformity, I am prone to vomiting. I was also starved on a regular basis by my stepmother, which left me quite malnourished. I was deathly afraid of her, so when I was sick I didn’t tell anyone because I was afraid of being punished for it. Eventually, I was found out, and my stepmother managed to convince people the vomiting was why I was so skinny. I don’t have a fucking clue how it was never mentioned that I have a hiatus hernia and that’s why I was sick, it was in my medical notes, and I found out when I was 13. 
This kind of stuff continued throughout my childhood. My stepsister had a son when I was 9, and she didn’t really want him, so I had to take care of him. My grandfather died and my granny was very ill, so our living room was turned into a bedroom for her. I nursed her, raised a baby (who called me mum the first time he ever spoke) and all the while I was beaten, starved and tortured. I couldn’t handle it and tried to kill myself when I was 11. 
Because of the suicide attempt, I was put into a childrens home. The abuse could never be proved because the only witness was my stepsister, and she had often joined in so she wasn’t inclined to back me up. My dad decided that he wanted to take his wifes side, and not mine. 
Being in care was not an easy thing, and there was other kinds of abuse to be suffered. Eventually, I snapped. I became incredibly violent, to the point where I can’t excuse the things I did. I would snap, and the people I hurt weren’t always the people trying to hurt me. I hurt innocent people. 
As is the norm, at 16 I was tossed out. I lived in hostels for a while until I managed to get an apartment/flat, but it was in a small town quite a way from the city. I was unable to get help for my mental health, and I declined rapidly. 
That was when i started blacking out. Sometimes it would only be for a few minutes, sometimes it would be for longer. The longest was three days, three days I lost. I once came back to myself while holding a knife to my own chest. I often woke up covered in blood, wounded or miles away from my home. 
That was when I got put in a psychiatric ward where I ended up for a year. 
After being released, I moved 600 miles away to be close to my boyfriend, because he loved me. It was an idiotic thing to do of course, and I quickly learned that once I was there. 
Then my dad had a breakdown, and in the process reached out to me. He ended up on the same ward I had been on and it made him realise the depth of his mistakes. He admitted he knew what had happened to me as a child and he felt guilty. I forgave him, because I’ve fucked up enough in my life to not hold it against someone who truly wants forgiveness. 
My dad got better and moved away from my childhood home, and got a divorce. When he found out I was in an abusive relationship, he drove to England and got me and brought me to live with him. 
I live alone now, and it’s been years since all this happened. But the damage is done, and the wounds aren’t bleeding anymore but they are scarred. There’s much more to it, so much more. There’s the years of self-harming, the singular traumatic events, the betrayals, but I’ve told you the bare bones of my story. 
I could tell you all my diagnoses, list all the damn acronyms, but it wouldn’t explain anything. I struggle to say present in the world, and not disassociate. I have severe anxiety, depression, sleeping problems, paranoia... It’s not exactly shocking.  
What I can tell you is this. I saw my first psychiatrist when I was five years old. I have been seeing them since. I have been to every kind of therapy, taken so many different drugs. It doesn’t always help. But I knew a girl, call her Emily. She was a couple of years older than me, and so much worse. The stuff she had been through made my childhood look idyllic. I had to take her to hospital more than once, I had to talk her off the ledge, pin her to the ground to stop her hurting herself when “they” were trying to get her. 
Emily has a husband and a daughter now. She posted photos on Facebook a couple of weeks ago of her trip to London Comic-Con, her little girl dressed up as Belle. Emily got better. Emily fought for it, she made it, she won and she keeps winning. 
This battle I’ve been fighting my whole life, it IS winnable. 
Take your meds anon, and don’t be ashamed of it. We all have our demons, and they aren’t comparable. We all have our struggles, we all have our own battles. Don’t waste time or energy feeling bad for needing to take a pill to help you fight your fight. If you have a vitamin deficiency, you take vitamins, and if your brain doesn’t produce quite enough serotonin, you take an antidepressant. 
Strength, true strength, is in admitting you need help, be if from a therapist, a pill or a friend. There’s not a single person in the history of humanity who didn’t struggle with something at some point. We are not infallible, we are not unbreakable. Our beauty comes from the way we piece ourselves back together. I’m still working on that part, and I can’t wait to see what I’ll be when I’m finished. The excitement for what i can one day be is far more important than any shame I might feel from needing to take some medication to help me get there. 
Like I said, we all have our battles, and in a battle, you need a weapon. Think of the medication like a blade, stabbing at the demons in your head, and by taking the pills, you’re picking up the sword. 
Don’t be ashamed. Be brave, be beautiful and fight. You’ve got this, and I can’t wait to see what you become one day. 
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crispclown · 5 years
kurogiri hcs
i just have a lot of kurogiri thoughts....
- in canon mostly because i really like the theory that he's an ex-ua student who used to be friendly with aizawa and yamada before his quirk pretty much failed him during a battle and instilled the thought of "never let someone chase an unachievable dream" in aizawa afterwards. he was in a vulnerable position during that time and afo, who seems to watch the ua tournaments and realized kurogiri's quirk had the potential to be incredibly useful to his organization, swooped in similar to how it was with shigaraki and with careful manipulation pretty much became in kurogiri's eyes his savior who helped him realize how horrible the hero society is and gave him a second chance at redemption via villainy. because of this he feels a strong sense of debt towards afo 
- since he hasnt seen what an ass afo is yet he'd do almost anything afo would ask of him without question.
- to add onto the above of being an ex-ua student thats also one of the reasons he constantly has his mist on. i personally believe he does have a normal human form underneath going off how 1-a pinned him down during the ua rescue center scene. having his mist contantly at the ready helps be more prepared for all the sudden unexpected situations villains can fall into as well as disguise him from both media attention and anyone who might recognize him (old friends-) given the fact he's considered legally dead.
- the only people aware of his well. origin story is afo and some of his trusted higher ups who assisted in readjusting kurogiri to their group and pushing him to further his quirk abilities to do what he can do now
- kurogiri never really thought of telling shigiraki about since to him that backstory doesn't matter as much as helping him grow as afo's heir and as kurogiri's adopted son
- the reason kurogiri got into bartending was because when he first joined and he and afo were trying to figure out when he;d fit best kurogiri just sort of realize afo tends to drink A Lot. with all his quirks, its hard for afo to be killed by more normal means like alcohol poisoning and some of them had the side effect of needing a Shit Ton before afo could really get drunk
- so kurogiri just ended up helping fix afo's drinks and over time it morphed into learning how to bartend
- his loyalty to afo s pretty much the only reason kurogiri originally started taking care of shigaraki. afo knew how loyal and steadfast to him and took advantage of it to give him the job of raising/babysitting shigaraki. tbh i don't think kurogiri was fond of shigaraki since the beginning and probably acted more like a butler/robotic towards him at first before the unrelenting Parental Instincts tm kicked in one day after almost a year of looking after him and suddenly realized "oh fuck this is my son"
- during the year of lowkey awkward parenting he was internally having a crisis since in my mind he never really ever thought of having kids during his time as a hero in training so suddenly having the responsibilty of looking after one you know nothing about and is already pretty grown vs wanting to please afo who trusted him enough with the task made him p conflicted during the time
- thankfully(?) afo was the most active in shigarakis life during the beginning years so kurogiri didn't have to have his crisis while being a single dad as well. as shigaraki got older afo just started to withdraw more when he thought shigaraki and kurogiri were getting along well enough and weren't about to fight/betray him any time soon
- if the lov ever decided to break their assosiation with afo, kurogiri would likely still go with lov to make sure shigaraki and crew stay safe and that none of them get too hurt. despite that, he'd still retain quiet loyalty to afo due to his blind faith in him and would probably keep him updated if asked, thinking of it as a "father knows best situation"
- for the lov to be able to have his Total Loyalty, really the only person who could sway him would be shigaraki himself. as much as he feels like he has a debt to afo, shigaraki has pretty much become his own son in kurogiri's eyes (which he likely wouldnt outright admit-) and anything he'd tell him about afo would pretty much be the only stories kurogiri couldn't bring himself to cast doubt onto
- honestly in general shigiraki is pretty much the only one besides afo that he's willing to listen and consider anything he says. everyone else he might listen to but internally there's a possibility hes not really listening depending on the topic. like above, sometimes he thinks he just knows better though he is willing to admit whenever he's wrong
- mild projecting but besides shigaraki his favorite that he won't outright say is his favorite is toga. besides yknow the murdering which tbh doesn;t really bother him, he pretty much sees her as a a+ daughter and is just "lmao your lost" at her family. the only thing he doesn't like about her is when she goes out of her way to aggravate shigaraki or when she starts killing people suddenly and it throws off lov's plan
- he takes great pride in looking nice and presentable and while he might be willing to wear more casual clothes in his rare free time, he refuses to wear clothes like those free tshirts you get at events or his pjs outside his room.
- lowkey passive agressive about s o m e people not wearing socks t o m u r a. or not wearing long enough pants like arent your fucking ankles cold?
- kurogiri does also enjoy being a gentleman to go along with his professional aesthetic since like. just cause youre a villain doesnt mean you gotta be a dick yknow? too many heroes do that anyways (@ endeavor then perish)
- can swear but unable to around children 
- (shigaraki once heard him say fuck when he thought he was alone and its haunted them both ever since. neither of them talk about it)
- he's a villain so like. he doesnt feel bad about killing people or watching them get killed. he was literally willing to murder 13, all might, and 1-a and only didn't because renforments arrived. during their first meeting with toga and dabi, his concern was less about shigaraki killing someone but the concept of shigaraki killing someone who could be useful to their cause. if shigaraki had weighed the options and told kurogiri "yeah im gonna kill them theyre useless", kurogiri wouldnt have seen anything wrong with not stepping in again when shigaraki does so. 
- the only people he would feel bad for killing would be very young children since they remind him too much of how shigaraki used to be. parents of said children have a 50/50 chance depending on how they act
- kurogiri does try to let shigaraki be a grownup tm since hes like. 21 and make his own decisions but he really does have a habit of babying him since hes seen all the stupid shit hes done and said since he was like 5-6 and it all flashes in front of his eys sometimes
- for all the members who Can drink legally hes memorized their usual drinks by now. some of them (magne, twice, spinner-) probably use this to look cooler to recruits but everyone else Knows
- purposely says things like “the pokemens" in front of the younger members to set their fight or flight reflexes off
- video games are basically the only thing he really keeps up to date with pop culture wise tbh. whenever someone pulls him into playing one with them, he just acts like an old man who doesnt understand how to use controllers and lets them win to be nice. if he wanted he Could Destroy Them
- kurogiri doesn't dad anyone who doesn't want a dad figure showing up. he'll still do things like make sure they're being as safe as a villain can be and act as a mediator but otherwise they won't get much witness much dading unless its directed towards someone else
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