#fallout oc interview
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ruby-static · 1 year ago
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Trying to get out of another art funk- so I thought it’d be fun to make a little outfit redesign for my goofy (and horribly stressed out) cowboy mad scientist, Riley. Without fail, this nerd is a joy to draw.
I didn’t want to stray too far from the original look, but wanted to go for more of a fitting mechanic vibe with the jumpsuit. So far so good, in my opinion.
Bonus doodles:
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simplegenius042 · 1 year ago
WIP Wednesday & OC Interview(s)
Tagged by @nightbloodbix & @josephslittledeputy and @g0dspeeed
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @inafieldofdaisies @shallow-gravy @strangefable @strafethesesinners @corvosattano @carlosoliveiraa @adelaidedrubman @minilev @ladyoriza @josephseedismyfather @trashcatsnark @chazz-anova @snake-in-the-garden @cassietrn @softtidesworld @wrathfulrook @onehornedbeast @voidika @henbased @vampireninjabunnies-blog @florbelles @direwombat @derelictheretic @deputyash @dephellseed @deputy-morgan-malone @skoll-sun-eater @fourlittleseedlings @afarcryfrommymain @titiagls @megraen @starsandskies @la-grosse-patate @cloudofbutterflies92 @thewanderer-000 and @i-am-the-balancing-point + anyone else who wants to join. Here's my taglist if you want to continue being tagged or not.
Got a WIP for The Thorned Crown of Iron Thrones and three OC interviews for The UnTitledverse, Far Cry The Silver Chronicles and A Radioactive Calamity of Love, Bombs & Gore. You can find these under the cut.
WIP for my House of the Dragon fic, The Thorned Crown of Iron Thrones, a fic set in my Life, Despair & Monsters series, following the tragic dynasty of the Targaryens as shown in House of the Dragon... but taking all of that and making the situation 1,000 times worse. This fic stars the original cast PLUS my original characters; Corvus Targaryen, adopted son of Viserys I and Aemma, good with the blade, though socially awkward fellow who only sets out to be a knight or if he gets his way, a maester (or alchemist, either one), and trying to keep the peace between the Blacks and the Greens, with Caecilia "Cecil" Targaryen Royce, daughter of Daemon Targaryen and Rhea Royce (after an aggressive and drunk consummation filled with scratches and bruises from both sides), who like her mother, absolutely despises her father (though this is not reciprocated by him), is out to help her cousin Rhaenyra keep her claim to block Otto's plans and spite her father, and lastly a down-on-her-luck ex-assassin woman who currently calls herself "Okkotsu", who through means unknown, becomes the paternal figure Aegon II Targaryen never realised he wanted, better than Viserys ever will be. There's also Sir Enigma Malvolio (Director of the Ruins of the Midnight Rise), Yan-Kain (second-in-command of Aggravor's Chapter of the Occult), and the Court King (main antagonist and pissed off people have forgotten about him). Note that this WIP is still under heavy construction, and things may or may not change. Below is a snippet of Rhaenyra convincing Corvus to join in on a fun time at a tourney... on a day where everything goes wrong:
Corvus eyed his sister with a reluctant frown, dimmed violet eyes looking into a vibrant purple. His hand remained anchored to the darkwood table, the vials and tubes and bags full of liquids and substances ready to be used as ingredients to sate the curiosity of a student of alchemy.
He gave glance to Rhaenyra's companion, hoping Alicent could save him from the young dragon rider's expectant gaze. However, the Hand's daughter stared back with polite brown eyes and a slim smile that refuted his silent plea to be saved, leaving him to make a futile attempt at fending for himself against his younger sister of all people, which he knew would conclude into an inevitable failure.
"Surely... surely you could do without my presence at the tourney?" Corvus spoke up, voice soft and uncertain, "I'm no fan of such events. I wouldn't want to bring down the mood. Perhaps... it would be best I remain here, where mother is? The maesters could require an extra pair of hands should she go into labor."
Rhaenyra seemed to think his words over, but her face hardened, determined. She grabbed hold of his arm, grip firm but slack, eyes widening as the candle light reflected off them, unfairly sparkling the purple rings. Lips formed into a soft smile, as she pleaded at him with her gaze.
The older dark-haired boy's resolve wavered as his pale skin involuntarily flushing at the contact. He tried to avoid Rhaenyra's wide smile, her eyes and swore upon the Old and New Gods that he tried to ignore the gentleness plea of her voice. But his younger sister knew all the ways to get him to comply to her demands, and just as a dutiful if awkward older brother would, he'd follow her anywhere, just as Father and Mother tasked him with.
And once Baelon is born, I may even be able to convince them to allow me to become his personal guard, should I continue to knighthood that is.
Looking to Alicent once more, searching for her opinion, Rhaenyra's companion merely gave a small shrug and encouraging smile. Exhaling out a light sigh, he looked down to his white-haired sister and gave his response.
The word was simple, but it granted him an opportunity to see a triumphant grin from his little sister, her excitement genuine. Even when the years had been hard to swallow, especially with Mother's condition, he was glad his sister still hadn't lost her fiery spirit.
"C'mon now! We must bid goodbye to mother and join father at Keep's gates. We shouldn't keep him waiting," Rhaenyra exclaimed, pulling Corvus along behind her back towards the spiral staircase, as Alicent joined them with the shake of her head.
Both Rhaenyra's brother and companion briefly glanced at one another, incredulous gazes connecting as they are both, yet again, pulled along by Rhaenyra.
Corvus was nervous at the prospect of the vast eyes of Lords that would be watching their every move at the tourney. It made his stomach coil at the though of that much attention, with his sister's popularity and his own unpopularity.
Alicent must have noticed this, and stated aloud, "I think it will be quite a good day out. The skies are clear, and the sun warm. The tourney should be able to go on uninterrupted."
Rhaenyra piped up, adding, "I'd even say it will be fun. So no need for such gloom, dear brother."
Corvus simply nodded in reply, shoving away his nerves at they reached the top of the spiral. A visit to mother wouldn't be so bad, he thought.
And three OC interviews below:
Far Cry The Silver Chronicles (featuring in Silva's Hope and Ain't It A Joy?)
Name: Alexander Khaos
Nickname: Alexander doesn't like to use nicknames.
Gender: Male
Star Sign: Cancer
Moral Alignment/Personality: Lawful Neutral.
Height: Either 5'10 or 5'11
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Nationality/Ethnicity: British (with Asian descent)
Fave Fruit: Dragon fruit
Fave Season: Winter
Fave Flower: Peony
Fave Scent: Fresh morning air, burning wood.
Coffee, tea or HC: Black Coffee.
Average Hours of Sleep: 8 hours
Dog or Cat Person: Dog.
Dream Trip: Finland.
Favorite Fictional Character/Real Person: He'd say Jacob Seed, but it's actually Stan Lee.
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: None.
RANDOM FACT: Alexander picked up a Southern accent... it's still unknown why he chose to do this exactly.
The UnTitledverse Name: Joaquin Cobalt
Nickname: Jackie.
Gender: Trans-Male
Star Sign: Leo
Moral Alignment/Personality: Neutral Good.
Height: Either 5'4 or 5'5.
Sexual Orientation: Ace.
Nationality/Ethnicity: Australian.
Fave Fruit: Oranges
Fave Season: Autumn
Fave Flower: Lily of the Valley
Fave Scent: Library books or Old Musuems
Coffee, tea or HC: Went from coffee to tea.
Average Hours of Sleep: 8 to 9 hours.
Dog or Cat Person: If he had to choose, a cat person, but he leans towards reptiles like turtles.
Dream Trip: America (and then he changes it to Germany).
Favorite Fictional Character/Real Person: Stephen King.
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: Three.
RANDOM FACT: Joaquin's name is pronounced "jack-a-win" because that's how a young Lisa insisted it was pronounced when she first saw the name. And well... it just stuck.
A Radioactive Calamity of Love, Bombs & Gore
Name: Arcane Urias
Nickname: None.
Gender: Male
Star Sign: N/A
Moral Alignment/Personality: Either Neutral Evil or Chaotic Evil.
Height: 7'6
Sexual Orientation: N/A (due to being a Displacement (name for entities manifested from unnamed Dimensions), he has no known concept of sexuality. He does (and continues to try to) conceive offspring with anyone capable of getting pregnant only to use as powerful pawns for his evil deeds).
Nationality/Ethnicity: N/A (though he can take the human shape of anyone not just his main form)
Fave Fruit: Hates fruit.
Fave Season: Summer.
Fave Flower: A dead one.
Fave Scent: Ash.
Coffee, tea or HC: None.
Average Hours of Sleep: He will rest/meditate for an hour or two, only to conserve energy.
Dog or Cat Person: Bobbit Worm.
Dream Trip: He wouldn't mind Antarctica.
Favorite Fictional Character/Real Person: N/A
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: N/A
RANDOM FACT: There’s only been three individuals Urias has cared for in his entire existence; his brother Mathias “Mason” Talos, his student (a Lich named) Aggravor and lastly his hyper-fixation, Discord (aka the Mad God/Kin of Carnage). Urias has no love for his children (Ortega “Ore” Brantley and Marissa “Ress” Bishop) due to them having the “human element”.
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irradiatedrosegarden · 2 years ago
Wip tuesday (monday?)
thank you @sirmanmister for the tag! this is also my first tag on here :D uhhh, I'm going to leave this as an open tag! if you see this, feel free to join in :3
Piper pulled a chair up in front of the couch, pen and paper in one hand, dented cardboard box in the other labeled "Fancy Lads Snack Cakes." Flynn scoffed when Piper held the box out to her, taking one of the small cakes gingerly.
"I remember seeing these in the store," she remarked, sniffing it cautiously while Piper watched eagerly. "Never was allowed to buy them."
"Rules? Vault rules?"
"Strict parent rules," Flynn corrected with a humorless smile, taking a bite of the cake. Her eyes widened. It was sweet and flaky, a little dry, but the frosting almost entirely made up for how stale it was. She took another bite, stuffing the entire cake into her mouth and licking her fingers after, about to reach for another when she looked up and saw how Piper was staring at her. "What?"
"Nothing, nothing. Here." Piper gave her the entire box, smiling when Flynn held it in her lap almost protectively. "You like those?"
"I mean," Flynn blushed, "it's, um, good. For something over two hundred years old."
"Ah, now there's an interesting topic. You're from a vault, right? How would you describe your life inside?" Piper's eyes were gleaming, leaning forward with her pen at the ready, clearly prepared to absorb every single thing Flynn said. This would be fun.
"Yep," Flynn nodded, her own eyes taking on a mischievous glint of their own. "It was just me and a thousand guinea pigs. They turned . . . carnivorous." Hancock snorted beside her. Piper's smile faltered.
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vault81 · 1 year ago
OC Interview
I was tagged by @orionlancasterr to do an OC Interview! So here is Jacks! (though I may edit this later with more of them)
"Oh- you uh wanna interview me? fuck it why not! ask away!"
"I go by Jack mainly, but I guess you want 'ma 'government name'"
He starts biting down on his lip while his eyes scan the room
"I think it's Jack Andrew Cooke, ha! It's been a hot minute since I had to remember that one! Not used that since the G.O.A.T! exam!"
"My nickname? most folks just call me 'courier' or 'six' but back east people did start calling me 'the lone wanderer', That one doesn't exactly roll off the tongue like the other two though."
"I'm a male! or man! dude works too!"
star sign:
"Uhhh what's my what?"
After being told what a star sign is, he begins counting on his fingers to work out when exactly his birthday is and what that'd make him, breaking out in a bright wide-eyed smile when he finally figured it out.
"I'm a libertarian! Oh- Arcade say's I'm wrong, apparently it's 'Libra', close enough in my book."
personality type:
"My personality type? uh, I'm a nice guy, I guess? I can be a bit dense sometimes, but I try not to be mean or rude.. wait, that's not what the question means does it?"
"The last time my height got checked out, I think I just shy of 6'3? no wait! Arcade is around my height! and he's 6'3 I think? so yeah! I must be!"
"Uh- hold on, lemme check my compass.."
He tries to stop himself from laughing, as if he just made the funniest joke in the world
"Bahahahaha! d'ya get it?! orientation, compas- oh okay I guess It wasn't as funny as I thought... uh- I suppose you could say I'm into guys, always have been I suppose.."
"American! I'm sure 'liza said we had some Scottish in us too, Wherever that is!"
favourite fruit:
"Hmmm I'm gonna say Watermelon! They didn't grow 'em often down in the vault, so when they did, it was always for a special occasion! I haven't found anything out here that compares to them yet!"
favourite season:
"Winter! I absolutely hate the heat- yeah I know I live in a desert whatever! But I just love when it gets freezing, wrapping up warm in front of a fire and getting all cozy! and the snow! I love snow!"
favourite flower/scent:
"Lavender, I think it's just for the smell really. It reminds me of home, 'specially Old Lady Palmer! she used to smell like that when she'd come and babysit us! It's just become a comforting scent I guess, If that even is a thing?"
A smile crosses his lips as he closes his eyes, softening as he briefly relives those early years of his childhood
coffee/tea/hot chocolate:
"I'm gonna go with hot chocolate! I don't like how bitter coffee can be, besides It messes with my stomach, so I can't really drink it anyway!"
average hours of sleep:
"7-8 hours I'd guess.. used to be I'd be getting 'round 9-10 but we're always on the move these days so I've gotta be up early!"
"Although good luck waking me up! I sleep like a brick!"
dog or cat person:
"Dogs! Dog's all the way! One of our first adventures outside of the Vault me and 'liza found a dog! he kinda just kept following us around, think his owner died or something, we ended up calling him Dogmeat!"
He smiles, looking down at his pipboy, a picture of a blue heeler smiling away while it gets a bath is on the screen.
"'course we had to give Dogmeat away when we left D.C, he was getting old by that point, so it was best for him. Besides, he's in good hands with Moira!"
dream trip:
"My dream trip? ya'know I don't think I really have a 'dream trip' never had a place that I've been dying to go! guess you could say I've always been about the journey rather than the destination."
favourite fictional/real character:
"Hmmm.. think I'm gonna say The Mechanist! what's not to love about a dude with a robot army?! I mean yeah he was a villain but rule of cool overrules I think!"
"Ya know that reminds me I actually met 'The Mechanist' a coupla years ago.. fought a 'gal dressed up as The Antagoniser, but I'll save that story for later!"
number of blankets you sleep with:
"I actually don't sleep with a blanket most nights, my body runs too hot! I end up overheating under those things, Arcade compares me to a human furnace, so he ends up hogging 'em all!"
random fact:
"I'm actually allergic to some types of medicine! my eyes get all itchy and swell up! mainly ibuprofen that does that one... I just pop a anti-histamine and I'm right as rain though!"
Jack jumps to his feet stretching out all his limbs and gestures to the door
"Now, was that all? I got a few errands to run for the Followers over in Freeside!"
Since I'm not too sure who to tag (idk who else has done this or not) I'll just leave it open for anyone who else who wants to do it!
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ssivinee · 1 year ago
❇︎Subtle Vivacity❇︎
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BEBE! Bada Lee x OC Team! F Reader: The competition was growing in intensity every single minute that passed. Bada felt like a nervous wreck for the most part, but not because of the competition. It was because of you.
Word Count: 4.1k
Note: I literally haven't posted a fic in so long, my bad guys🫡. but I'm back! AND THANK YOU GUYS FOR 600 FOLLOWERS. IT ACTUALLY MEANS SO MUCH TO ME🥹.
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Lia Kim strode towards the opposing side with a mission in mind, picking Mina Myoung as her no-respect dancer. You stared at the two, already envisioning the scene that was about to unfold. The details of the two old best friends having a fallout were no secret, and as you watched, the feeling of skepticism surged within you. 
As a dance teacher, you weren’t a stranger to young students having bad blood. But these were adults. People who could’ve worked it out behind the scenes, yet here they were, about to battle it out. And you just knew it was gonna be a shitshow.
The crews were absolutely hyped, their excitement filling the fight zone. However, your expression contorted, a grim gaze settling on your face, conveying a different feeling amidst the enthusiasm.
“This match-up is finally happening,” Yoonji says, and Rena of Tsubakill held her hands together, almost hoping for a good match.
“I understand having disagreements, but I’d be highly disappointed if they let their emotions get in the way of dance,” you told the camera during your confessional interview.
Dancing should be fun and full of expression that anyone can enjoy, but your expectations come low with this match-up, as you find your eyes fueling bitterness.
“You seem to have a lot of complaints.” “It’s not that I had complaints. The title of chief choreographer at 1MILLION. I wonder if you earned that solely with your effort.”
“It’s not like I stole it from anyone,” Lia Kim points at herself, her face showing off a slight arrogant feeling. As Mina talks, you begin to space out. The hostility in the air was something you didn’t want to hear.
“This feels like a waste of time and a waste of a battle,” you mumble, but Emi hears it, nodding at your statement. “Maybe they should just have a fistfight to duke it out,” the sub-leader jokes, and you laugh, lowering your head to conceal your reaction.
The battle begins, and as you watch, you can’t help but roll your eyes, eyeing the interaction in disdain. Mina couldn’t properly respect the battle, walking around and almost paying little to no attention to her old friend. She then approaches her opponent, and the two almost hit each other.
You scoff with a laugh, “They can’t be serious right now?”
Some dancers found it cool or scary, but you weren’t entertained, not at all. The rest of your crew could clearly be seen staying seated on your bench with looks of disgust. “Doesn’t look like Doyennes is enjoying the show,” Minah points out to her leader, causing Bada to look over in your direction discreetly.
She stared at your crew, seeing the repulsed faces. Your eyes looked bored yet stern as you watched the two dancers battling it out.
“They look fucking crazy,” you mouth silently, telling yourself, but as if Bada becomes the best mouth reader in the world, she understands as her eyes grow wide at your words.
Your eyes roll back as the battle ends, the scene that occurred leaving a sour taste in your mouth. “Should’ve just fought each other,” Bell says, and the rest just nod, not even having the energy to talk after that.
After a few other dances, the ace battles were about to begin. You find yourself turned around, delegating with your crew. “It's either you or Serena,” Athena says, and the other girls nod. You look over at Serena, your youngest, having the most wins and battles despite not showing everything she’s got.
“You think you’ll be up for it?” You question, and everyone looks at her as she gives you a determined nod. “Well, that fixes it then.”
Serena had gone up and challenged every single ace but wasn't chosen once. When it was her turn to pick, it was only between Waaxcky and Baby Sleek, one more hesitant than the other. Your youngest gives the two a friendly smile, “I’ll go with Baby Sleek.”
As if the whole room freezes at her choice, silence engulfs everyone but your crew, who cheer. “This one's gonna be good,” you hear Maya say as she and Bell giggle from behind you.
You stand up behind Serena, arms crossed, as she starts off hearing, “ZOO” by the artists of SM. The song choice has you smirking as Serena’s innocent eyes transform into an intense gaze. Your eyes glide to the right, staring directly at Bada, who you knew helped choreograph this song. Her eyes didn’t leave the younger dancer, probably wondering how she would dance to the song.
As the pre-chorus hits, Serena moves her body, hitting every tick she can, isolating the upper half of her body. She then goes on her knees, hitting dime stops as the chorus comes up. 
Just like a zoo!
Serena acts like an animal crawling on the floor as she bounces back up, hitting a move that feels almost impossible. She bent her back, showing her face upside down to Baby Sleek, then slid black down smoothly head first.
You were hyped, only showing a smile and little jumps at the tricks she pulled. 
The crowd was gradually getting into it, some cheers filling the air as Serena continued to showcase her dynamic moves. As the second verse approached, she switched to a more fluid style, transitioning between smooth waves and sharp pops. The versatility in her dance style was apparent, and the spectators were captivated by the unexpected yet impressive performance.
Baby Sleek, on the other hand, appeared a bit taken aback, her usually confident demeanor showing signs of uncertainty. The complexity of Serena's routine seemed to catch her off guard. Bada observed from her seat, a raised eyebrow indicating her surprise at the unfolding scene.
As the music reached its climax, Serena unleashed a flurry of quick footwork, perfectly in sync with the beats. The energy in the room heightened, and even those who initially doubted Serena's choice were now nodding in approval.
The final beats of the song echoed, and Serena struck a powerful pose, her eyes locking with Baby Sleek's. The room fell silent for a moment before erupting into cheers. Your crew, especially, erupted into joy, proud of Serena's stellar performance.
Bada's eyes were fixed on you, a subtle acknowledgment of the skill displayed by your crew's youngest member. Serena bowed to Baby Sleek, offering a smile, a gesture that carried sportsmanship.
As Serena returned to your crew, you gave her a nod of approval, “Good job. You killed it.” The younger dancer beamed with pride, her eyes gleaming with accomplishment.
The judges held their cards, and when the results were revealed, it was a unanimous decision in favor of Serena. Other crews had a go, even leading into the crew battles, but they finally revealed rankings for the no-respect battles. The show continued with all the groups having a crew dance battle. The day was now about to end with the rankings of each crew.
The crew rankings were announced, and Doyennes had taken second with ten wins and three losses. So when the girls retreat back to their rooms, they cheered. The adrenaline still lingering in everyone's veins.
“We killed that shit!” Maya squeals and Bell is seen hopping by her side, full of excitement. “If only I didn’t lose twice,” Athena grumbles, and Emi adds, “And if I didn’t lose once.” You shook your head at the girls, “Your battles were both against Wolf’Lo members. They’re tough to beat in battles. You guys did good regardless.”
“People should’ve danced against me more during the ace battles,” Serena mumbled as the other girls were cheering and trying to hype the other two up. You look at the youngest, knowing that look of disappointment anywhere. “Chin up, baby. You did good,” You tell her, taking a seat beside the young dancer as you rest your arm on her shoulders.
“Besides, they were scared of you out there. Take some pride in that,” You told her in Korean, and she smiled a little, feeling better at the words of encouragement.
The Korean was something that only you two bonded over the past few months, and Serena learned a lot from you. She knew you viewed her as your younger sister, and she also saw you as her older one.
“We’re gonna kill this competition,” Serena says, suddenly becoming bold with her words of choice. “We’ll show them who the Professors of Dance are,” You tell her, a confident smirk painted on your face.
Suddenly, the monitor turned on, and everyone saw Daniel. “Here we go again,” you heard Emi voice out. “Street Woman 2, the 1st battle, no respect, battle with the worst dancer. Did it help you figure out the other crews? To try and secure your ranking or go up in the ranking, here’s the next mission you’ll have to face soon.”
Everyone sits up except you, leaning back and relaxing on the sofa, almost knowing what the mission would be. “Your next mission is… the Class Mission.” You smile at the words. The mission where leaders had gone viral multiple times for their pieces. Safe to say you were excited, but you held it in, wanting to hear what the songs were first. 
“In the class mission, the elite members of each crew will be assigned to four classes. The leader class, sub-leader class, middle class, and rookie class. Each class will finish a dance video.”
“These are gonna be hard, but I know my girls are capable enough to hold their own,” you said in your confessionals.
“In each class, there will be one main dancer to be the protagonist in each video. The main dancer will get extra points, stand at the center of the video, and direct the dance video. Individual scores will be given out in the class mission. The points will be distributed differently in each class. The three fight judges will rank the dancers of each class from 1st to 9th places.”
“So we have to stand out regardless of whether we're the main dancer or not?” Maya questions, and you nod. 
Daniel explained the rest and the benefits that Wolf’Lo gets, and then the leaders began picking which dancers to put in which class.
You sat in another room, thinking hard about the next decisions you were about to make. One person from your crew would have to sit out, and 2 positions were already set in stone for the crew. You are in the leader class, and Emi is in the sub-leader class. So, who were the next choices? 
“I have to be smart about this,” you mumbled as the camera rolled and recorded each name you wrote down on your paper.
When thinking about the rookie class, you didn’t think of the least experienced member but the most youthful one, so Bell was your pick. You then contemplated the last three, Serena, Athena, and Maya. You wanted to put Serena in one of these classes, knowing she was such a strong dancer but Athen and Maya seemed to be a duo that worked like yin and yang, so you opted for the two instead.
“Joined by the best producers in South Korea, here are the songs for the class mission.”
“Oh, we get to hear them now?” Bell states, almost jumping in her seat like a rabbit.
The first song was the Dynamic Duo’s ‘Smoke.’ The crew listened and grinned as they stared at you. “The songs are totally your style, Lo,” Emi yelled, and everyone agreed and you sat there, only nodding your head as you listened to the song. It was aggressive and hip, something you were fond of hearing. “I can definitely work with that.”
Then Crush popped up on the screen, and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes, not being too fond of the artist. Ehem, with the things he’s done in the past that we don’t talk about.
It was then time to show ‘Click Like,’ and as much as you weren’t fond of the guy, you hated to say that the song was groovy and easy to listen to. “It sounds sexy as hell,” Emi says, almost pondering. It wasn’t exactly her strongest suit, as contemporary was storytelling, but she knew she could make it work somehow.
When ‘Swipe’ and ‘Twerk’ were revealed, you felt a weight come off your shoulders, knowing you picked the right girl for each class for sure.
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It was finally the day to choose the choreography for each song and you danced in your designated hideout, doing some final markings for the dance. As the headphones settled comfortably over your ears with bass-boosted music, you didn’t hear the knock on the door. 
Bada peaks her head in, volunteering to get you as every other leader was in the fight zone, already preparing to present their dance. The leader of Bebe didn’t want to intrude and seemed like she was scoping out the competition; however, she couldn't resist gazing at you.
You weren’t facing the door, but Bada felt the immense aura you exuded, the power in your motions clearly pronounced even if you weren’t going all out.
You flaunted remarkable control over your body, a trait Bada undoubtedly possessed. Yet, there was a distinctive quality when it came to your interpretation of dance. The way she clearly saw your muscle flexing, the change in dynamics in certain parts, the way your blonde hair danced with you.
Safe to say, she felt a bit intimidated watching you.
After what felt like forever, Bada decides to step in, tapping your shoulder. You look over, seeing her with a friendly smile as you slip the headphones onto your collarbones, “Everyone else is downstairs now.” Your eyes somewhat widen at the words, and Bada finds your bewildered face adorable. Your siren eyes practically turned into large innocent bubbles.
“Oh god, I’m sorry. Did I make you guys wait for too long?” You ask, settling your devices onto the table as you pat your clothes down a bit. “No, we were gonna start in ten, but I just wanted to let you know,” Bada tells you, not wanting to admit that she basically spent three of those ten minutes staring at your dance. 
“Well, thanks for letting me know,” you tell her, then sipping on your water. “Let’s go down now?” You question, and she nods, moving to the side to let you pass. She closes the door for you. “What a gentlewoman,” you tease, and Bada’s cheeks go pink, making you chuckle at the flustered sight.
As you guys make your way down, you see all the leaders seated on the floor, and the two of you decide to sit next to each other on the rear end. Halo then goes first, and you stare at the dance with dull eyes. She made it work, but as a collective team? It didn’t suit a group performance, or any of the other leaders for that matter.
The feedback was lethal, which was expected in this class. It felt like a barrage of bullets targeting each dancer as they showed their pieces. Nob, Funky Y, Mina, Lia, Kirsten, and Akanen faced the same feat, everyone having more unfavorable things to say about their dances. You stayed quiet for the most part until it was only you and Bada left.
Deciding to go next, you stood on the walkway, rolling your neck a bit. Other crews watched in their hideouts and couldn’t help but compliment you over and over again even if you hadn’t started yet. 
“God, how can someone look so cool?” 
“Doesn’t she look like a Barbie?”
“This mission was probably a piece of cake for her.”
As you began, Bada expected highly of you from what she had already seen from her sneaky preview and you didn’t disappoint. You played it smart, and the choreography was easy to follow. It would appeal to the audience, and Bada knew, with a face like that, you were stealing everyone's hearts as they watched you.
The movement of your hips were fluid, and each move connected perfectly with power and energy. 
This had Bada feeling nervous.
She believed that you and Kirsten were her biggest competitors but for different reasons. Kirsten was a dancer who had the most unique style amongst all the leaders, making any dance her own.
You, on the other hand, were the most similar to her, but almost felt like a better version. You were taller, had more experience, excelled in advanced styles of dance, won competitions, and worked with several global artists.
At this point, you were the only one to look out for.
You ended up blowing out a flame on your pointer finger, and Bada wanted to clap for you but held back. “It definitely felt the coolest as of right now,” Funky Y said, “but I think only some of us can pull this off.”
“This is a dance I would like to do, the power, the fluidity, dynamics. It was entertaining to watch,” Kirsten says, and you nod at her, appreciating your friends feed back. For the most part, everyone said similar things.
Then it was Bada’s turn, and as soon as she began, you knew the fight would be tough. Bada seemed to embody the song perfectly, and it had you smirking. ‘I’m so fucked,’ was what you thought. The tall leader was the definition of charisma and charm, and it irritated you a little bit.
It was a competition, and you were admiring a competitor. 
In most cases, you’d be okay with this, but seeing how you and Bada almost mirrored each other in a way didn’t sit well in your mind. It felt a little unsettling, not realizing the similarities until the she danced.
“While watching Bada, I could find no flaws,” Halo says. That’s when a lot of the compliments were rolling in, and somehow, the two of you were now in the same boat. The votes were evenly split, four for you and four for Bada. Then Mina brings up a point that the choreos chosen seemed to be easy to steal.
That somehow caused a stir for people to reevaluate their decision, but in the end, Bada ended up taking the crown. You pat her on the back, “Congrats.” “Thank you,” she bows at you.
"Your choreography is fun... just don't get too comfortable now," you playfully tease, but she senses a hint of seriousness in your words. "Don't worry, I'm not. I can't be, especially with you in this competition," Bada teases back, and your eyebrow raises at the playful tone.
You held a sly smirk. 
Let the fun begin.
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It was now time for the leader class to perform, and you stood beside Kirsten as you waited for your turn. “You ready for this?” Kirsten whispered to you, leaning in a bit. “Always am,” you confidently stated with a smile.
The first group went first, but your attention was fixated on Bada the entire time. You marked the routine as the song played, but your eyes couldn’t stray away from her alluring figure. As Bada rolled her hips, you couldn't help but let out a low groan.
How could someone be so sexy? Bada could quite literally just stand there, and STILL look that good.
As your group took the stage, you casually fixed your hair into a low ponytail. The music started, and during the lighter parts, your expression changed, and your thumb flick signaled the beginning of what promised to be an extraordinary performance. You seemed lost in your own world, drawing everyone's attention with captivating expressions.
You danced with an approach that seemed like a mix of Bada and Kirsten. The power and force were Bada’s style, but the usage of space and foot work were similar to Kirsten.
It wasn’t “their style” but while watching the two practice for a bit, you brain picked up certain portions that you liked from each. The group finishes off and you and Kirsten pose with your left hands on your back, the hand interpreted lighter and its flame, and a little reverb to the movements.
The announcement of a reaudition brought a momentary sigh. Akanen and Bada performed first. Despite Akanen's skill, Bada's towering presence seemed to overshadow her. The tall dancer felt like a lion on that stage, and everyone had to be wary of it.
When it was your turn, dancing with Kirsten felt like a trip down memory lane. The camaraderie and playfulness between you two filled the stage with an energy echoing the past. Both leaders strategically occupied the space, ensuring every eye was fixated on them. Bada, in particular, watched you intently, her gaze never wavering.
You two work so well together, Bada thought. She wasn’t sure if she felt jealousy bubbling within her or anxiety. You and Kirsten were just too good to overlook. Bada would’ve liked to put the two of in your place to show who the better dancer is amongst you three.
But seeing how all these interactions with you… it felt like you were putting Bada in her place without even trying.
The duo of you and Kirsten ended and cheers, screams, and yells could just be heard. Yet when they hear Shownu speak again, the fight zone quiets down.
The announcement of a reaudition between you and Bada sparked more excitement. Speculations about the impending battle buzzed among the crews. "This battle is gonna be intense," Harimu exclaimed. Baby Sleek pondered on the similarities between your dancing styles, a sentiment echoed by Halo, who had a front-row seat to the choreography selection.
As you and Bada stood in the middle of the stage, the energy was electric, ready to set it on fire. The music played and the synchronization of your movements to each lyric showcased a dance battle that promised to be nothing short of thrilling.
Light it up.
As you and Bada approached the flickering flame, there was an undeniable intensity in the air. The atmosphere charged with electric energy as the two of you prepared to unleash pure power onto the dance floor. The crews, judges, and Daniel could sense that something extraordinary was about to happen.
As you both simultaneously blew out the flame, the movements displayed the grand usage the two of you had on your bodies. They were aggressive, energetic, and filled with intensity that seemed unreal to everyone else as they watched on the sidelines.
Your chemistry with Bada was visible, and as the two of you danced side by side, it felt as if the entire room was witnessing a performance by a duo that had been seamlessly engulfed in dance together for years.
The synergy between your movements was more than just coordination; it was a shared language, a non-verbal dialogue that spoke volumes about the connection you shared. The dance floor became a canvas, and each step, each gesture, painted a vivid picture of unity.
The unfolding scene was hypnotic. The onlookers were drawn into a trance as they heard the resounding echoes of your footsteps and witnessed the unparalleled control you both had over your limbs. So when the two of you ended the performance, both facing the judges as you both blow out the flame, you heard the clapping around you, everyone acknowledging the two of you as amazing dancers.
As the judges discussed, the decision felt like it could go either way. Many of the crews pointed out that both of you should just be the main dancer instead, end of story. You peer over to your right, feeling Bada’s ansty movements, as she couldn’t stand still. 
“No matter who wins, you did amazing,” you whisper, leaning into her ear as you pull her into a side hug, gripping her waist ever so slightly. Bada’s body heats up at the feeling of your breath on her ear, and she feels even more nervous. 
But now, it was because of you. 
Your large hands felt warm, and your slender fingers wrapped on one side of her waist, a sensation she didn’t know she needed. Before Bada could respond, the three judges sat back down, and Shownu brought the mic up, “The main dancer we chose for this class is…”
The anticipation seemed to tighten its grip on Bada, making her almost oblivious to her own actions as she subconsciously held your hand. You glanced down, a slight smile playing on your lips as you met her gaze. The announcement of "Bada" prompted a heavy sigh of relief from Bebe's leader.
You clapped, pulling her into a genuine hug. "You were insane," you mumbled, planting a kiss on her temple, feeling honored to engage in such an intense competition.
Monika, beginning to explain the challenging decision, expressed, "You two felt like one person dancing on stage. I still can’t wrap my head around it, in all honesty. The choice ultimately came down to who we felt fit the song better, and that was Bada."
"The two of you, being tall dancers, feels like you’ve started something revolutionary," she continued, and both of you bowed, smiles etched on your faces.
After the competition, you found yourself alone in your hideout, taking a moment to rest. A knock interrupted your light nap, and you welcomed Bada in with a smile. "What’s up, main dancer?" she greeted with a chuckle. "I saw the lights still open in here and just wanted to make sure everything was okay."
"That’s sweet of you," you replied, sitting up. "But I’m fine. Just wanted a little break before heading out." Bada suggested heading out together, and you agreed, ensuring you had everything before leaving.
As you walked together, Bada broke the silence. "The way you dance… It’s so entrancing." You smiled at her. "Dance has been the only thing I’ve known for years, Lee, so I’d hope it feels like that."
“Maybe you can teach me one day?” Bada asks, her face full of mischievousness, but she is being literal.
Who wouldn’t wanna learn from the famous Lotus?
In Bada’s mind, you were someone that people wanted to be. Maybe she wanted something more out of the lessons from you, but only time could tell right now.
Bada had expected you to just laugh and shake off the idea, but while walking, you look at her straight in the eyes, not breaking any eye contact as she sees a smirk on your plush lips.
“When the show doesn’t take up our schedules, I’ll take you up on that offer.” You wink, walking away, into your car, leaving Bada standing there a bit distraught.
Well… I’m screwed, Bada thought while walking away, hands covering her eyes as she shook her head, trying to calm down her flustered self again.
You were dangerous for her, and it felt like you could possibly be Bada’s downfall in this competition.
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mingiatz · 1 month ago
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Summary: Harin lands a job as a publicist at KQ Entertainment, thanks to her friend Hana, but working with idols—especially Seonghwa—proves more challenging than expected. Seonghwa, known for his fleeting romances, is the last person she wants to be drawn to, especially when she’s dealing with the fallout of her own toxic relationship. But as their professional and personal lives collide, unspoken tension and unresolved emotions surface.
Pairing: Park Seonghwa x OC (Harin)
Trope: Idol x Company Staff
Genre: Romance, Angst, Slow Burn, Push & Pull Dynamic
Featuring: ATEEZ (being menaces), Hana & Emilia (From previous stories), OCs
This Series will have multiple Chapters with around 4000 words. I hope you like it. Please be kind this is my first Fanfiction and English is not my first language. (I am open for constructive criticism). I will try to upload a chapter everyday.
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Chapter Twelve
Seonghwa’s POV
Seonghwa had been looking forward to a rare, quiet morning.
Ateez had a free day, which meant no rehearsals, no interviews, and—most importantly—no unnecessary stress.
Or at least, that’s what he thought.
Until the front door of the dorm swung open so hard it slammed against the wall.
Seonghwa flinched, nearly dropping his phone as he sat up from the couch.
Wooyoung, who had been lounging nearby, grinned immediately.
“Damn, Sophie. If you wanted to see me that badly, you could’ve just called.”
Sophie ignored him completely as she stormed into the dorm, her eyes locked onto Seonghwa like a missile.
Before Seonghwa could even ask what was happening, Wooyoung dramatically placed a hand over his chest.
“So forceful. I like dominant women.”
Sophie snapped her head toward him and shushed him aggressively. “Not now, Wooyoung.”
Wooyoung smirked. “You can shush me all you want, but I like a woman who takes charge.”
Sophie shot him a look. “Keep talking, and I’ll take charge of kicking your ass.”
Wooyoung blinked—then grinned even wider. “Damn. I think I’m in love.”
Seonghwa groaned. “Wooyoung, shut up.”
Hongjoong, who had just walked in with a cup of coffee, eyed the situation cautiously.
He raised an eyebrow at Sophie. “I assume you’re here for work?”
Sophie scoffed. “Please. If I were here for work, I’d be wearing my professional PR face.” She gestured to herself. “Do I look professional right now?”
Hongjoong studied her carefully. “…You look like you’re about to murder someone.”
Sophie nodded. “Exactly. And guess who the lucky guy is?”
She turned back to Seonghwa, crossing her arms.
Seonghwa exhaled slowly.
Because whatever this was about, he knew it wasn’t going to be good.
Seonghwa barely had time to process why Sophie was looking at him like she was ready to strangle him before she stepped closer, arms crossed, her glare sharp enough to cut steel.
“Do you have any idea how miserable you’ve made Harin?”
Seonghwa’s stomach twisted.
Of course, it was about her.
Before he could respond, Wooyoung leaned toward Yunho and whispered loudly, “Wow, she’s really passionate. I think I like her even more now.”
Sophie shot him a glare without even turning her head. “Wooyoung, I swear to God—”
Wooyoung smirked. “Deny it all you want, but I can feel the tension between us.”
Sophie rolled her eyes before snapping back to Seonghwa. “I don’t even know where to start with you.”
Seonghwa exhaled sharply, rubbing his temple. “Sophie, I—”
She cut him off. “No. You’re going to listen.”
Wooyoung made a low whistle. “Damn, that’s hot.”
San nudged him. “Dude, you’re going to die.”
Sophie ignored them both. “Do you even realize how much of a mess Harin is because of you?"
Seonghwa swallowed hard.
Did he realize it?
Had he been actively trying not to think about it?
Also yes.
Sophie didn’t give him time to answer. “She spent weeks trying to convince herself she was fine, but she’s not. And do you know why?”
Seonghwa clenched his jaw. “…Because of me.”
Sophie narrowed her eyes. “Damn right, it’s because of you.”
Wooyoung snickered. “I think I just fell harder.”
Sophie turned to glare at him, and this time, she took a threatening step forward. “Wooyoung, if you don’t shut up, I will make sure your stylist ‘accidentally’ misplaces all your favorite outfits.”
Wooyoung gasped dramatically. “You wouldn’t.”
Sophie smirked. “Try me.”
San and Mingi burst into laughter, while Yeosang just shook his head in amused disbelief.
Hongjoong, who had been silent, finally cleared his throat. “Okay, but Sophie… why are you here?”
Sophie turned back to Seonghwa, expression dead serious. “Because someone needs to knock some sense into him.”
Seonghwa straightened. “I don’t—”
“Yes, you do.” Sophie’s voice was firm. “You care about Harin. Everyone knows it. Even she knows it. But instead of proving it to her, you let her walk away. What the hell are you doing, Seonghwa?”
A tense, suffocating silence.
And then, Wooyoung—of course—chose that moment to mutter, “She’s kinda sexy when she’s mad, right?”
Sophie whipped her head toward him so fast that Wooyoung actually flinched. “Shut. Up.”
Seonghwa barely registered their banter.
Because Sophie’s words were still ringing in his ears.
What the hell was he doing?
Sophie let out a frustrated sigh. “Look, I don’t care what kind of reputation you had before. I don’t care how many people you’ve been with, or how many times you told yourself you weren’t built for relationships.”
She stepped closer, her voice quieter but sharper. “You can’t fool me, Seonghwa. You can’t fool any of us. This isn’t just some meaningless thing for you.”
Seonghwa felt his throat tighten.
Because she was right.
Harin had never been just another fling.
She had never been temporary.
And maybe… that was exactly why he had been so scared.
Sophie studied him for a second before sighing. “You know, I wasn’t planning on liking you again.”
That startled him. “What?”
Sophie shrugged. “When Harin told me everything, I was ready to hate you. But then I remembered something.”
She tilted her head. “My sister trusts you.”
Seonghwa’s breath hitched.
Sophie nodded. “Emilia told me you’re one of the most loyal people she’s ever met. And trust me, my sister doesn’t trust just anyone.”
Seonghwa swallowed.
Sophie crossed her arms again. “So, tell me. Are you going to prove her right? Or are you going to let Harin think she was just another name on your list?”
Seonghwa felt something shift inside him.
Because he realized—this wasn’t just about fixing things with Harin.
This was about proving to her that he wasn’t the man she thought he was.
That he was serious.
That he was done running.
Seonghwa took a slow breath. “What do I need to do?”
Sophie finally smirked.
“Now we’re getting somewhere.”
Wooyoung leaned back in his chair, smirking. “Damn, this is kinda hot. Sophie, if you’re still single—”
Sophie grabbed a napkin and threw it at his face. “Shut up, Wooyoung.”
Seonghwa barely noticed.
Because for the first time in weeks, he knew exactly what he needed to do.
And he wasn’t going to waste another second.
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Harin’s POV
The email came early in the morning.
Harin sat at her desk, sipping a cup of coffee that had already gone cold, when her inbox pinged.
Subject: Department Transfer Confirmation
Her breath caught.
For a moment, she just stared at it.
This was it.
The official confirmation.
She had told herself that transferring to Xikers’ PR team was the best decision. That it was what she needed.
And yet…
Her fingers trembled slightly as she clicked the message.
Dear Harin,
Your request to transfer to the PR department handling Xikers has been approved. You will officially begin your transition today. Please coordinate with your new team leader for further instructions.
We appreciate all the work you have done with Ateez and look forward to your continued contributions to the company.
KQ Entertainment PR Department
Harin exhaled slowly.
It was done.
There was no turning back now.
Then why did she feel like she had just made a mistake?
She clenched her jaw and pushed the thought aside.
This was the right choice.
Seonghwa had done nothing to stop her.
No apology. No explanation. No attempt to prove that she was wrong about him.
And wasn’t that the clearest answer of all?
He had let her go.
So now, she had to move on.
She straightened her back, closed her laptop, and stood.
It was time to start over.
Walking into Xikers’ PR office was like stepping into another world.
It was smaller than Ateez’s team but just as fast-paced.
People were already moving around, discussing schedules, drafting press releases, organizing upcoming promotions.
Harin barely had time to settle at her new desk before someone handed her a stack of documents.
“Here’s the media monitoring report for Xikers’ last comeback,” a team member, Jihoon, said. “We need to go through any negative press and flag potential issues.”
Harin nodded automatically. “Got it.”
“Oh, and here’s the breakdown of fan engagement analytics,” another colleague added. “We have a meeting in an hour to discuss new strategies.”
Harin took the files, sat at her desk, and got to work.
She barely looked up for the next few hours.
Because that was the only way she knew how to cope.
Drown herself in work.
Lose herself in reports, statistics, emails—anything to keep her mind from wandering back to Seonghwa.
Anything to stop herself from wondering if he even cared that she was gone.
By the time she glanced at the clock, it was well past lunch.
Her inbox was overflowing, her eyes ached from staring at the screen, and her hands were sore from typing nonstop.
She hadn’t spoken to anyone outside of work matters.
Hadn’t taken a break.
Hadn’t let herself think about anything else.
But the moment she stopped, the moment she leaned back in her chair, it all came rushing in.
She had spent the last few weeks convincing herself that leaving Ateez’s team was the right decision.
That walking away from Seonghwa was the only way to protect herself.
But if that was true…
Why did it still hurt?
Why did it feel like she was waiting for something that never came?
Because deep down, she had expected something.
She had expected him to fight for her.
To show up. To say something. To do anything to prove that she had been wrong about him.
But he hadn’t.
And wasn’t that the answer?
She clenched her fists, forcing herself to take a deep breath.
It doesn’t matter anymore.
She was in a new department, with a new team, focusing on a new group.
Seonghwa was part of the past now.
And she had to stop looking back.
So she turned back to her screen, buried herself in work once more—
And ignored the ache in her chest.
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Disclaimer:This is a work of fiction. The characters, events, and scenarios in this story are entirely fictional and not intended to reflect the real lives of the members of Ateez or any other individuals. This fanfiction is purely for entertainment purposes.
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darkrpfinders · 6 months ago
Hello! I'm a 19yr old guy looking solely to rp with other 18+ people, due to personal comfort. Not necessarily looking for nsfw roleplay, im okay with nsfw but not really for it being the main focus. When i say "nsfw," i mean sex lmao, gore and blood and so on isn't a problem for me.
I heavily prefer rping canon male fandom characters against other canon fandom characters, but i'm open to roleplaying against OCs. In terms of shipping, i heavily lean towards M/M, but I'm also down to rp non-romantic interactions.
I'm a fan of longer responses for rp, i appreciate at least a couple paragraphs for my rp partner's response. I myself tend to be incredibly wordy and often exceed discord's word limit, but no pressure to write as much as i do.
Some fandoms I'm currently interested in:
The Boys
Hannibal (NBC)
Interview with the Vampire (show or film)
Call of Duty
Fallout (new vegas, 4, the show)
Detroit: Become Human
Netflix MCU (the punisher, daredevil, jessica jones)
Like this post if you're interested, and i'll dm you!
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d3l1c4t3s0vl · 10 days ago
Check pinned if:
We have roleplayed together.
We have swapped oc info.
We have an ongoing rp together.
Your interested in role-playing with me.
Your invested in my ocs storyline.
Your genuinely into these fandoms:
The arcana [visual novel from dorian]
Arcane. [Series]
The walking dead [series]
Marvel [mainly loki, bucky, Deadpool, and Matt murdock and venom]
Baldurs gate 3. [Game]
Fallout [show and game]
Tales of the smp [yt series. Mainly the masquerade episode.]
Interview with the vampire [TV series]
your a rp blog of:
Steb [arcane]
Sevika [arcane]
Silco [arcane]
Valdemar [arcana]
Scar [arcane]
Singed [arcane]
+ anyone from the fandoms listed
Your a mutual
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doumekiss · 3 months ago
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My Personal Favorites of 2024
(as always considering only new to me stuff, and not necessarily things that were released in 2024)
2023 - 2022 - 2021
Books (Fiction) :
1 - The Brothers Karamazov
2 - Tress of The Emerald Sea
3 - The Queen's Thief Series
4 - The Travelling Cat Chronicles
5 - The Remains of The Day
6 - Project Hail Mary
7 - The Saint of Steel Series
8 - The Idiot
9 - Barrayar
10 - Crooked House
11 - The Martian
12 - Wise Child
13 - Crime and Punishment
14 - Poor Things
15 - The Midwife's Apprentice
Books (Non-Fiction)
1 - Secondhand Time : The Last of The Soviets
2 - Entangled Life: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds & Shape Our Futures
3 - Welcome to The OC : The Oral History
4 - Why We Get Sick : The New Science of Darwinian Medicine
5 - Say Nothing: A True Story of of Murder and Memory in Northern Ireland
6 - The Ancestor's Tale
7 - Every Man For Himself and God Against All
8 - SPQR : A History of Ancient Rome
9 - Thinking in Pictures : My Life With Autism
10 - Outlaw Marriages: The Hidden Histories of Fifteen Extraordinary Same-Sex Couples
11 - Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly
12 - The Art Thief: A True Story of Love, Crime, and a Dangerous Obsession
13 - Extinctions: How Life Survives, Adapts and Evolves
14 - Unruly: A History of England's Kings and Queens
15 - The Woman in Me
Comic Books/Mangas/Manhwas
1 - The Apothecary Diaries
2 - Shadows House
3 - Sherbet Above The Sea of Fog
4 - The Sleeping Dead
5 - Kieta Hatsukoi
6 - Smoking Behind The Supermarket With You
7 - Garlic & The Vampire/ Garlic & The Witch
8 - The Greatest Estate Developer
9 - Goodbye. Eri
10 - Erio and The Electric Doll
11 - Pumpikinheads
12 - Black Paradox
13 - Call
14 - The Depth of the Sky
15 - The Prince and The Dressmaker
1 - Becket
2 - The Remains of The Day
3 - The Night of The Hunter
4 - Dicks: The Musical
5 - Encounters at The End of The World
6 - 12 Angry Men
7 - Creep
8 - Creep 2
9 - Shiva Baby
10 - The Ghost and Mrs Muir
11 - Challengers
12 - Sarah, Plain and Tall
13 - Late Night With The Devil
14 - Anatomy of a Fall
15 - Next Goal Wins
TV Shows (Live-action)
1 - Interview With The Vampire
2 - Fallout
3 - 911
4- Ghost (US)
5 - We Are Ladyparts
6 - Abbott Elementary
7 - Game Changer
8 - Deadboy Detectives
9 - Ordeal By Innocence
10 - Extraordinary
11 - The Boys
12 - Servant
13 - The Creep Tapes
14 - Guy Montgomery's Guy Mont Spelling Bee
15 - St. Denis Medical
TV Shows (Animation)
1 - Dungeon Meshi
2 - The Apothecary Diaries
3 - Sousou no Frieren
4 - Moral Orel
5 - Shadows House
6 - Handa-Kun
7 - Dandadan
8 - Ranma 1/2
9 - Smiling Friends
10 - Jibaku Shonen Hanako-Kun
11 - Paranoia Agent
12 - Link Click
13 - Inside Job
14 - Monster
15 - Home Movies
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marksbear2 · 10 months ago
So this an update!! I added more things and such with new rules.
keep in mind these are not ALL OF THEM
The boys
We are who were are.
What we do in the shawdows
Jujutsu Kaisen
Hunter x Hunter
Chainsaw man
Marvel,DC, and XMEN
Interview with the vampire 2022 one
Nine perfect strangers
Stranger things
Top gun maverick
NBC Hannibal
criminal minds
The Witcher
bullet train
fight club
Call me by your name
Altered carbon
Kick ass
Heartbreak High
Young royals
Don't hug me Im scared
The black Phone (Only Vance and The grabber)
Mysterious skin
The summer I turned pretty
Doom Patrol
White collar
Bullet train
American gigolo
The umbrella academy
Top Gun
Teen wolf
The quarry
The witcher
Breaking bad
On my block
I write for like thousands of fandoms so I maybe can't remember them all just add the fandom from the characters they are from. I can honestly write an OC x reader I don't mind at all
I don't have many boundaries. Just nothing that's too weird to write. Like on my blog I don't care much about something crazy or weird or something out of this world crazy.
I definitely don't write for female readers. Or incest and just lots of things that other writers don’t write.
So the reader is mostly he/him he/they or they/the, ftm(Trans)
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londonhalcyon · 7 months ago
Fic Writer Interview (20 Questions)
This tag game passed by twice, once in January (because apparently this post has been sitting in my drafts that long) and again several months later, so forgive me for not remembering who to tag! These questions seem fun, so if anyone wants to join, feel free to say I tagged you!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
20 at the moment, with plenty more WIPs.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
480,895 words and counting.
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Not counting TMW bonus content, the top 5 are:
The Mad Witch (758 kudos)
"The Scarlett Cauldron" (77 kudos)
"Fear Itself" (76 kudos)
"The Most Powerful Witch" (72 kudos)
"Piper's Best Worst Day" (57 kudos)
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! I love engaging with my readers and other members of the fandom. Every comment always makes my whole day. Life gets busy sometimes, so I don't always have the time to respond to every single one, but I definitely see and appreciate all of them!
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Usually my fics have fairly hopeful endings, but "3 Years Ago," a pre-canon Murdered: Soul Suspect fic might fit the bill. Sometime in the future, it has the potential to be topped by "Will of the People," a Fallout 4 WIP that revolves around the Diamond City anti-ghoul riots.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
My Secret Santa fics, "It's Not the Fall" and "Flawed Phials," definitely have the fluffiest endings!
7. Do you write crossovers?
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I get rude or condescending comments on occasion from people who don't know how to hit the back button and/or are unfamiliar with fandom etiquette, though nothing actively malicious. The one time I received a transphobic/homophobic message in response to TMW it was private (if it was public, I would have deleted it; I don't give a platform to that kind of thing at all), and honestly I hope that person is in a better place now because they really didn't seem okay at the time. I'm fortunate that the vast majority of my readers and mutuals are such wonderfully amazing and kind people.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, BUT, before you get too excited, not in The Mad Witch. Smut is by definition graphic, and TMW has a Teen rating that shall remain unchanged.
The smut scenes I've drafted so far (F/F and F/M) are for my Rosemary Reaper series (post-canon Fallout 4 WIP). Those fics will all be rated Mature, so while not overly explicit, they'll definitely be spicier than TMW. Maybe I'll share a snippet sometime if there's any demand for it.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of?? I have long since deleted my Wattpad account, so my fics should only be on AO3. If anyone ever finds one of my fics elsewhere in the wild, please let me know.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not, which is probably for the best. I would like to make some heavy edits to the beginning of TMW when I'm done with it.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not a fic, though I have co-written a short fantasy story with a friend, with him writing for one POV character and me for another. We agreed on major actions and story beats, but we each kept a major secret that we didn't reveal until after we had written our individual parts. It was a lot of fun (though we were both painfully unskilled at the time).
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I don't know if I really have one. I have ships I enjoy and characters I like to pair with OCs, though nothing I feel properly obsessive over. This might be a consequence of primarily writing for video game fandoms. But I do have my default game romances: Merula in HPHM, Piper in Fallout 4, Marcurio in Skyrim, etc. I'm also a sucker for unrequited love interests, like Serana in Skyrim and Aveline in Dragon Age 2. The ANGST.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I never want to say never because I'm currently 83,435 words into the last fic I said I would never write. But there are two fics that I'm almost certain I will never finish, which I'm kind of sad about: my post-canon Murdered: Soul Suspect longfic, A Certain Darkness, and my RWBY OC team longfic, DSRT.
I made it just shy of 200,000 words into A Certain Darkness before I had to drop it. My writing skills ended up surpassing the progress I had made, and by the time I realized how many characters, relationships, and plot points were just straight up bad, I had written myself into a corner. I do love Joy and Angel so much, a medium/ghost duo with way more homoerotic tension than my closeted teenage self ever intended. Maybe one day I'll gut the story, drop the characters into a different setting, and make it something original. One day.
DSRT ran into a similar problem, though fortunately I only ever wrote the first few chapters. I could probably reattempt it if I really wanted, but with the overwhelming number of WIPs I already have, it's hard to imagine finding the time. I do miss my team of teenage idiots: Dustin, Saul, Rosemary, and Talos. It was supposed to have a really tragic ending too, which I don't often get to write.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I often receive compliments on how human I make my characters feel, which is the highest honor anyone could give. I've been told my dialogue frequently flows smoothly too.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Conciseness. Why is this post so long omg.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Do it carefully and with necessity. Maybe a character is bilingual and blends languages, so it's part of their characterization. Maybe a password or spell needs to be said in another language because it's old or pretentious. It can work, but it can also be easy to mess up. I personally avoid writing dialogue in languages I don't have a good grasp of, or I try to consult other people if I do (not Google Translate, which sucks).
There's also the matter of if the POV character even understands the language being spoken. If they don't, then I don't write the language out (unless it's a phrase the character is going to learn later on). In these instances, it makes more sense to write something like, "The man muttered a phrase in a language she didn't recognize," or "She fired off something in Spanish, the words too quick to catch."
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Star Wars the Clone Wars, baby! I was like ten or eleven. Never published, but my worldbuilding for that longfic (a saga, more like) was insanely elaborate. Alas, another story for the WIP graveyard.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
Eventually, I want to get back to my Skyrim WIP, which includes a main Dragonborn/Marcurio ship. Maybe even with a little Dragonborn/Serana infidelity on the side (which Marcurio absolutely does not deserve, the poor guy).
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I mean, I have to say The Mad Witch, don't I? That fic is where my community is, where every time I post a chapter I have a ton of people who get excited about it with me. It is the story I think about constantly, that I have spent literal years writing and daydreaming about. No matter what I've written before or will write since, this will be the defining fic in my journey as a writer.
That, and I have a special fondness for "Case by Case." I just think it's neat.
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necronatural · 8 months ago
Here's my review of the ANN Ryoko Kui interview
No one asked but the visceral reaction people had was just so funny I'd like to have some clarity in how I view it from my personal perspective
-An opener to get to know Ryoko Kui personally that whiffed hard because the manga did not come from the mind of someone who likes to cook and experiment with food
-A question about Ryoko Kui's favourite dish. As she had such an empty answer for the previous question and many had heard of Ryoko Kui's picky eating this question is like a slow motion train wreck. It was popular to talk about but most people still wouldn't have heard about the picky eating thing so this is a good thing to have in an article
-The only truly, intrinsically unforgivable question: "OBVIOUSLY you like TTRPGs". Ryoko Kui will not stop fucking talking about CRPGs. The main party was conceived of as a Wizardry OC party. She constantly absolutely nonstop makes references to Wizardry. I'm going to get a headache that there was a possibility of asking her if she has ever played Fallout 1 and the interview is just so uneducated on her creative influences that this opportunity slipped through their fingers. This question makes me want to microwave my own eyeballs so I don't have to watch someone whiff this bad
-Baldur's Gate 3 isn't going to save that. I can't believe the followup question wasn't about CRPGs. Does the interviewer know what a CRPG is? I genuinely have to ask
-Pretty good softball question about worldbuilding.
-Tapping into the most interesting aspect of the main character by asking about personal influences in crafting such a person
-The follow-up about the idea of a 'perfect monster' really feeds into her "I made it up" perspective of her worldbuilding and more of her personal influences. It paints a picture of her process that I find really similar to my own and that's neat :)
-This is like, the most artisanal fucking question about disability and identification you could POSSIBLY do and I'm not kidding. Lead with the scene that caused the most discussion. Refer to the readers who relate to this deeply autistic experience in their fight. Ask if this resonance was on purpose. Circle back to the Laois-Toshiro conflict, the real root of the interaction. I think it's like...the west, specifically the US, has this really bizarre individuality and fascination with tidy little boxes to fit into, so it's incredibly disarming for a lot of people that she like...answered the main question. Laios is written as a relatable, accessible character. Those autistic experiences you mentioned hindered his ability to interact with Shuro, but Shuro was hindered from engaging with Laios by his own burdens. She talks about this inability to weigh each other's circumstances causing strife. Which is pretty straightforward! But people wanted the validation of the little box. Doomed question but not a whiff
-The Laios question was so well-crafted and meticulously designed to communicate to Kui why the question about the fight left such an impact, but the Senshi one is like the TTRPG one; just assuming shit of her that is obviously not the case. If I wrote this I would comment on the dichotomy between Senshi's very obviously silly and non-erotic panty shots and the incredible care she puts into illustrating him as handsome and cool (i.e. that chapter cover) in serious moments. It is a miracle of fucking god this whiff ended with us obtaining such a funny and direct answer and Kui found the influence interesting to bring it into the interview but it's still awful form to ask this
-The question about Marcille's outfit is really neat! I think it's cool to get confirmation on its roots, and the mother/baby influences really make you think
-Mediocre question about farcille. Again, there wasn't a lot of care put into this and the shipping seems more important than curiosity about how she views the intensity of her own writing. This question did not whiff & gave us something interesting but you really can't help but be annoyed when you're more interested in why she wrote them that way and not if Kui blesses your OTP
-Ending it on the Izutsumi question ties into the interview also ending I like the pacing of it and leaves me thoughtful and reminiscing on the series. Good one
It was simply mid. 💔
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prpfz · 8 months ago
!!! not looking to replace anyone, just an outreach for more potential partners !!
Hi there, I’m looking for a partner to rp Interview With the Vampire. I’m a 24f lit/novella writer looking for anyone 18+ to play Lestat against my Louis. Season 2 absolutely destroyed me, and I’m in need of something filled with just as much pain and adoration as the show itself. ⚰️🩸🌇
I want their reuniting at season finale to last, and to write about how they rebuild their lives together. I want to flesh out their grief over losing their child, and the fallout of the life of lies Louis has lived with Armand. I want to see the damage that so long spent in isolation has done to Lestat, and watch both of their mental health slowly improve now that they’re back together ( oc not entirely, this is still Loustat and they’re still very toxic no matter how much love is there ). 
That being said, I love dead dove themes, and would completely welcome things getting worse for each of them individually mentally before they get better. I would want plot and smut in pretty equal measure, with layered in fluff, angst, and hurt/comfort. Obsessive love/stalking/cannibalism as a metaphor for love/unhealthy pedestals and power dynamics are also things I enjoy, though not necessary if you aren’t into it, especially since the characters will likely both be worn down and not quite themselves while this takes place, given what their reunion was like.
There’s so much time these guys have to make up for, and even though the way things will go for them during Season 3 is still kind of unknown, I think there’s so much potential for where they left off. Please like this if you’re interested, and I’ll reach out!
Leave a like, and anon will get back to you!
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shivunin · 13 days ago
Ok, more whump prompts. It's all together, but for whomever you'd feel best:
6, 17 and 49.
Go on, I have tissues and chocolate at the ready. <3
ooooh!!! sorry for the delay on this, it took me a minute to decide who to this write this for. It wound up fitting perfectly with some Lenore backstory things I've had bouncing around in my head for a while c: This really wanted to have a happier ending later in her life, but I have refrained to keep it whumpy haha. It will probably be a longer fic someday!
For 6. Guilt/Blame, 17. Manipulation/Gaslighting, and 49. Lost, here is Lenore's terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad breakup:
Dying Star
(Lenore Ingellvar/Edeline van Markham (Rook/OC) | 2835 Words | CW: Toxic/manipulative relationship)
“When we’re in love, we’re alive You’re the envy of the sky Every ember wants to ride the supernova But I fear you’ll see the day when I’ve endured all I can take I won’t bend, but I will break under the weight.” —Jesca Hoop, “Pegasi”
Lenore would have to get used to being around people someday, she decided. 
Well; that wasn’t precisely what she meant. The wine had gone to her head, had made precision difficult. It did make socializing easier, though, for which she supposed she was grateful. 
“—which was why I rather thought the osteology of the specimen ought to take precedence. My professor, on the other hand, went on and on about the personhood of the spirit and not the provenance of the skeletal structure. I can’t imagine thinking so narrowly about that sort of thing, can you?” 
Lenore made an indistinct noise, sipping again from her cup so she wouldn’t have to think of something to say. Her conversational partner had introduced himself at some point, she supposed, but she hadn’t really been paying attention.
Edeline had come in at the same moment, had met her eyes, and had then vanished into the assembled Mourn Watch candidates. Lenore had lost sight of her pale hair almost immediately, but she had not forgotten the sneer on her sometimes-lover’s face. 
Final assessment grades had been posted today. It looked like Edeline had finally found the cost of stealing Lenore’s work. The wine sat sour in her otherwise empty stomach, climbing the back of her throat. It would end tonight. It had to end tonight. She’d hesitated before, but enough was enough and she’d had enough. 
There was half a cup left, but Lenore downed it all in one gulp. 
“Terribly sorry,” she told the human—oh, what was his name?— “but my friend just rushed past looking ill. I need to check on her.”
“Course,” he said, immediately turning to the nearest unattached person, and he’d already launched into a repetition of the same story before she’d managed to make her way into the crowd. 
This townhouse was narrow and crowded, its low ceilings holding all of the early summer heat that already suffocated the city. It suffocated her, too, clinging to her skin as she navigated the crowd.
Slowly, Lenore wound her way through her peers, who adopted affectations of superiority or casual devil-may-care disinterest. All of them were on edge; final assessments were a large factor in which of them would be joining the Watch, but they weren’t everything. Tomorrow, the panel interviews would start, rather like the defense of their final research projects only more free-form. The majority of them dreaded it. Lenore was among them. 
Edeline was not downstairs, nor was she in one of the upstairs bedrooms. Lenore had half-expected to find her there with her hands up another girl’s blouse. She’d done things like that before when Lenore had made her angry, when she’d wanted to prove a point. She was a spiteful creature, Edeline; there had never been a day when Lenore had not known it to be so. Still, she had thought that she was exempt once. She knew better now. Whatever the fallout for this particular transgression would be, it was better to get it over with quickly. 
There was only one place left to look. 
Lenore left her cup in a bin by the kitchen and slipped outside. At once, the headache pounding at her temples eased; the garden, such as it was, still managed to be cooler and quieter than inside had been. A soft breeze twined between her legs, bared under her soft, short skirt. There were only a few other people in this yard, with its half-dead rosebush and its drooping tree. Lenore scanned them, wondering if she’d somehow missed her roommate’s exit, but of course she hadn’t. 
Edeline sat on a bench in the corner, her hand on the half-bare thigh of a woman Lenore had seen in passing at various Necropolis symposia. Lenore pressed her lips together, annoyed, and found a chair near the back door. She didn’t watch them; she already knew what she would see. Edeline touched her the same way, after all. Next, she would bend her head and nip at the woman’s neck. She would edge her hand higher, grazing the space between her legs with a thumb or forefinger. 
Why should she bother to watch? It was all rote by now anyway. As soon as Edeline realized she was here, she’d send the woman packing so they could argue. The woman, having served her purpose, would probably lie awake and wonder what she could do to be touched like that again. 
Just like Lenore had, after the first time. 
A wisp darted through the courtyard, as they sometimes did when many necromancers gathered in one place. Lenore reached out to it and it murmured at her softly, circling her shoulders. A wisp of Purpose; she should have expected as much on this night of all nights. She smiled at it, more than half-drunk, and hummed the first few bars of a waltz. It didn’t dance for her; she had less luck with her voice than with her instrument. Still, it lightened a little of the dread in her heart before it buzzed away again. 
The others in the garden were a couple, likewise too occupied with each other to pay attention to them. Probably fortunate. This was going to be ugly. 
“Excuse me,” the almost-stranger said, nearly tripping over Lenore on her way to the stairs. Red was smeared over her chin, her skirt was twisted halfway around, and her pretty blouse was untucked. Lenore did not judge her for this; she’d been found in worse places in a more disheveled state than this over Edeline. 
The woman’s eyes, though—unfocused, pupils expanded, full of wanting—those were not something she wanted to look at directly. 
“Did you think it was your turn next?” Edeline asked from the other side of the courtyard. Lenore sighed and rose, stumbling a little on the uneven cobblestones. Her head felt bad, wrong. She shouldn’t have had the last of that wine, she supposed. It had seemed like a good idea at the time. 
“No,” Lenore said when she’d drawn closer. 
The wind dragged pieces of her hair over her forehead. She tucked behind her pointed ears again, trying to keep herself as presentable as possible. 
“Is that a first for you, saying no?” Edeline wondered aloud. She was leaning back on the bench, palms braced on the edge behind her. Her legs were spread slightly, pale thighs reflecting the scant moonlight. 
Once, Lenore had told her she looked like starlight. Edeline had laughed. It hadn’t been a fond laugh. 
“You’re always begging me for it,” Edeline went on, rubbing excess lipstick away from her chin with the heel of her hand. “Even after you fucked me over today, I still thought you’d be panting after me. Don’t tell me you’ve finally grown a backbone, little bird.”
She hated when people called her that. Hated it more when Edeline did.
“I didn’t fuck you over,” Lenore said. She sat on the barrel to Edeline’s left instead of sharing the bench. The wood was rough under her legs, but she ignored the discomfort. It wouldn’t be for long.
“Sure seems that way,” Edeline hissed, abandoning the pretense of calm. She leaned forward all at once, abruptly pushing herself into Lenore’s space. She’d unbuttoned her blouse three buttons—or maybe the other woman had—and it hung open enough that Lenore might have seen all the way down it if she’d cared to look. 
She didn’t. Care, that is. It had been a while since she had, sometime after Edeline had done this the second time. Once, she had thought that this was probably love. In all her life, she’d never found an appropriate metric by which to measure such a thing. Pleasure, a warm body next to her when she slept, a calculated amount of encouragement; these things had been close enough to look like love for a while. 
Edeline had disabused her of the notion long ago. There was nothing left in Lenore capable of caring anymore. Not for Edeline. Not like that. 
“Do you know what my father will say when I tell him what you did?” Edeline asked, voice low and dangerous. Lenore sighed, eyes half-closing. 
“Your father.”
“Yes, Ingellvar, my father. Some of us have those, you know. They dragged you squalling from of a tomb, but some of our parents actually wanted us. Mine will be very unhappy to hear how you misled and manipulated me.”
Lenore snorted; an ungraceful, ugly thing. She didn’t try to hold the sound in. 
“I don’t know what you could possibly tell him,” she said. 
All at once, she was tired. Tired of how they’d spent these last two years. Tired of Edeline’s games. Tired of being alone even when they were in bed together. Tired of doing two assignments for every project so Edeline had something to steal. Tired of working as hard as she could to earn a place among the ranks of the Watchers while Edeline drifted upwards through the force of her name alone. 
“You think you’re clever?” Edeline huffed. 
When she took Lenore’s face in her hands, it was gentle, tender, more careful than she’d usually bothered with even when she’d taken Lenore to bed. 
Two years. Two years of this. 
“You can still fix this,” Edeline said, her eyes dropping to Lenore’s lips. Oh, how Rook hated that the sight of it still made her skin tingle, too tight, too untouched, even after everything. “You go to them, tell them you took my work and left your own in its place. I’ll keep you with me. You won’t even have to work that hard; you’re already so good at making me feel good.”
No. Such a short word. Lenore tried to make herself say it now. Her hands were loose in her lap, fingertips brushing against each other. 
“You know you’re my favorite,” Edeline whispered. Her thumb brushed along the lower curve of Lenore’s bottom lip. She shivered a little; couldn’t help it. Wished she could. 
You’re my favorite, Edeline had told her that very first time. Lenore’s chest had stung with the fresh tattoo, the air had smelled of ink and blood, and Edeline had sunk to her knees before her as if in obeisance. 
What a fool she had been to accept. 
“No,” Lenore said. “No. I won’t do that.”
Edeline’s grip tightened on her cheeks, not quite enough to hurt. Her eyes were hot, tight at the corners. Her hair, pulled tightly back in some elaborate style, all but glowed in the night. She was the most beautiful thing Lenore had ever seen, sweet like sugar and arsenic. Lenore had long wished she’d known about the poison before she’d tasted that sweetness.
“No?” Edeline leaned forward and kissed her, taking her time. Her mouth was so soft, tasted so familiar. Any passerby might have thought the embrace, the kiss, was a sweet one. 
“You only made it this far because of me,” she murmured against Lenore’s lips. One of her hands found Lenore’s loose hair and she stroked it gently, root to tip, precisely as she knew Lenore liked. “You would be nothing without me. People like you, dear—they only exist to make life easier for people like me. Why keep pretending, hm?”
She traced Lenore’s teeth with her tongue, looking for a way in. Lenore pressed her teeth together until her jaw ached. Her hands lifted from her lap and found Edeline’s shoulders. Slowly, firmly, she pushed the other woman away. 
“No,” she said. 
Edeline gave a short, sharp laugh. She wrapped her hands tight around Lenore’s wrists and cast them away from her with force. 
“You’re never going to make it,” she said, face twisted. “I’ve seen your work. Read your reports. It isn’t going to be enough to get you in. All of this—your childish tricks, your petty defiance? It will all be for nothing. You might be a mortalitasi, but you’ll never, ever be one of them. Rest assured, Ingellvar, I will make absolutely certain that you’re assigned to the nastiest, most tedious backwater I can dig up. Some day, when you’re a shriveled old thing, alone and pathetic and loveless and forgotten, you will look back on this moment and you will regret making me angry. Count on that, Rook.”
There was plenty Lenore could say to that. For instance, if her research was so mediocre, why had Edeline needed to steal it? She might have told Edeline that she had never hated the nickname as much as Edeline did, that hearing it now bolstered her instead of shaming her. She was already ashamed enough of all the rest—of wanting Edeline still, even though her touch made Lenore feel sick. 
“I have proof,” Lenore said, and stumbled when she stood. The world spun around her, revolving several times before it settled itself back into the right shape. “Do whatever you want.”
“When we get home—” Edeline spat, but Lenore was already shaking her head, already backing away. 
“I’m already gone,” she said. “Nothing left there for me. Signed out this morning.”
Had, in fact, made sure that the person in charge of assigning housing had been there to watch her pack all her things away and confirm that her half of their rooms were clean and in good repair. She knew all too well what would happen if she’d left that to chance. When Edeline got home and ripped the place to shreds, the blame for it would not fall on Lenore’s name.
“You—” Edeline stood, clenching her elegant hands into fists. “You fucking disgust me.”
“Yeah,” Lenore said. Her face was wet. She hadn’t noticed until now. “I know.” 
What more was there to say? She was disgusted at herself, too. She wanted someone to hold her and tell her it would be alright. She couldn’t think of a single person she could ask to do so. 
That was enough, she thought. 
Without saying anything more, she stumbled back toward the house. Elbows caught her as she shuffled through the assembled throng. The air choked her, wrapped its hot hands around her throat, bodies corralling her when she needed to leave, to breathe. By the time she made it through the front door, she was half-mad with the desperation to be free of it all. Lenore dashed away from the house with no direction in mind. 
The streets of Nevarra’s capital wavered and turned before her, as if they were like the Necropolis and had decided to reorient their paths and walls. Her head spun and ached. The shadowed streets seemed strange and frightening to her, though she had lived here all her life. 
By the time she collapsed onto the steps of a wayworn library, gasping until her throat was raw,  she was thoroughly lost. Her nice shoes were newly scuffed, her dress thin and smudged with dirt, and she couldn’t see through the blur of her tears. Lenore wrapped her arms around her knees and sobbed like a child, lost and alone and afraid, the world made strange and clear all at once. She could not bring herself to despise Edeline, so she despised herself instead. 
She knew precisely how long she spent there, for the clock in the courtyard before her ticked each moment away. Each tick was another moment wasted, another moment lost to this, and each of them was another little weight on her heart.
It was after two when she finally unwound herself and tried to clear her cheeks of salt. There was no home for her to go to now; she had packed all her things away into the Ingellvar tomb, which nobody ever visited but her. She supposed she might as well go there tonight, find her rest inside the tomb where she’d been abandoned as an infant. She could feel the pull of the Necropolis even now, even here in this strange corner of the city. It was a lodestone pulling her back; had been, ever since she was a child. If she could go nowhere else, she could always go there. 
Her breath came unevenly, caught in her throat. She shook her hands out and called for a wisp to light her way, for she did not think she could make this journey alone tonight. One came readily enough; Purpose again. Perhaps it had been shadowing her all along and she hadn’t noticed. 
“Hail the eyes of the dead,” she whispered to the spirit, her voice sounding like she’d dragged it over all the cobblestones she’d passed to get here. “There’s nothing for it, my friend. I might as well go back. There’s not much of a forward, is there?”
You will regret this, Edeline had told her. A funny thing to say. She already regretted all of it. 
That didn’t mean she hadn’t done the only thing she could. 
Purpose made a soft, solemn noise, whirring around her outstretched hand, and hovered some small distance before her. 
Exhausted beyond words, Lenore loosened stiff muscles and gathered herself at last to follow.
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poppyandzena · 1 year ago
What cause the fallout between Poppy and Courtney? I noticed that Zena and Poppy have deleted the interview videos they did with Courtney. What happened?
You would have to ask Courtney herself for a more accurate account. Honestly PZ were being annoying and creepy as fuck consistently but it came to a head when Courtney didn't want a bot on her server that ranked age roles--not because she didn't want to moderate by age, but because Poppy heavily implied that the age roles were to denote who is "free to flirt with."
Poppy tried to squeeze in furry porn into the chat and I have seen with my own eyes how Poppy talked about how her OC/DID Alter Penny has hallucinogenic vagina secretions, in a channel that is sfw and was in the presence of minors.
Needless to say, Courtney got fed up and everything fell apart and Poppy thought it would be smart to talk about her sexual encounters with Courtney to her mod group of like 20 people, telling them she had Courtney's nudes.
Courtney got mega-pissed and threatened to come over and beat up Poppy for violating their consent, and Poppy turned around, censored screenshots for her benefit, and pinned the abuse on Courtney.
Poppy also tried to groom Courtney with sibling incest fetish porn around the time of their first stream collab.
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mingiatz · 1 month ago
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Summary: Harin lands a job as a publicist at KQ Entertainment, thanks to her friend Hana, but working with idols—especially Seonghwa—proves more challenging than expected. Seonghwa, known for his fleeting romances, is the last person she wants to be drawn to, especially when she’s dealing with the fallout of her own toxic relationship. But as their professional and personal lives collide, unspoken tension and unresolved emotions surface.
Pairing: Park Seonghwa x OC (Harin)
Trope: Idol x Company Staff
Genre: Romance, Angst, Slow Burn, Push & Pull Dynamic
Featuring: ATEEZ (being menaces), Hana & Emilia (From previous stories), OCs
This Series will have multiple Chapters with around 4000 words. I hope you like it. Please be kind this is my first Fanfiction and English is not my first language. (I am open for constructive criticism). I will try to upload a chapter everyday.
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter |
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Chapter Fourteen
Seonghwa’s POV
Seonghwa had never felt this kind of dread before.
Interviews, performances, live broadcasts—those were easy.
But tonight?
Tonight, he was walking toward what felt like his final chance.
His final chance to tell Harin everything, to convince her that he wasn’t the man she thought he was.
And yet—he wasn’t sure if it would be enough.
Because after everything?
Why would she believe him?
He had let her go once. He had pushed her away. He had stood by in silence while she walked out of his life.
And now, after the disaster of a confession he had slipped out in front of millions of people, what was she supposed to think?
Would she even listen to him?
Or had he already lost her?
The thought made his chest tighten painfully.
And for the first time, he let himself consider the possibility that after tonight…
Harin might not be his to love anymore.
By the time he reached her apartment, his nerves were shot.
He forced himself to breathe, to steady his hands before he knocked.
A few seconds passed.
Then, the door creaked open—
And there she was.
Harin stood in front of him, barefaced, hair slightly messy, wrapped in the softest-looking sweater and a pair of sweatpants.
She wasn’t dressed up, wasn’t guarded, wasn’t wearing the professional mask he had seen her hide behind so many times before.
She was just… Harin.
Real. Unfiltered. Beautiful.
And something inside him broke.
Because in that moment—he knew.
It wasn’t just infatuation.
It wasn’t just guilt.
It wasn’t even just the fear of losing her.
He loved her.
Completely. Painfully. Unquestionably.
And he didn’t know how he had gone this long without realizing it.
Harin didn’t invite him in.
She didn’t soften, didn’t give him the warmth he had once been used to.
She just stood there, arms crossed over her chest, eyes sharp as she spoke.
“What the hell was that interview, Seonghwa?”
Seonghwa exhaled slowly.
He should have expected that to be the first thing out of her mouth.
He had barely survived the aftermath of his accidental confession, but this?
This was worse.
Because it wasn’t Twitter blowing up or the PR team panicking that bothered him.
It was the fact that Harin had seen it.
That she had been watching.
That she had heard the words leave his mouth.
And now?
Now, she was staring at him like she was waiting for him to disappoint her again.
He swallowed hard. “I didn’t mean for that to happen.”
Harin raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t you?”
His jaw clenched. “I mean, not like that.”
She scoffed, shaking her head. “Then tell me, Seonghwa. Tell me what exactly you meant when you said you ‘might’ have someone.”
Seonghwa rubbed a hand over his face, exhaling harshly.
There was no getting out of this.
And maybe…
Maybe he didn’t want to get out of it.
He met her eyes, finally letting go of the last of his hesitation.
“I messed up, Harin.”
Her arms tightened around herself, but she didn’t say anything.
So he kept going.
“I messed up because I was afraid.”
A flicker of emotion passed over her face, too quick for him to catch.
But it was there.
She was listening.
“I’ve never… I’ve never loved someone before.”
The words hung between them, vulnerable and raw.
Harin’s lips parted slightly, but she stayed silent.
So he kept going.
Because if he didn’t say it now, he never would.
“I didn’t know what to do when I realized I was falling for you. I wasn’t ready for it. And instead of handling it like a decent human being, I did what I always do—I pushed you away.”
His voice turned quieter, almost bitter. “I told myself it wasn’t real. That it would go away. That it was just temporary.”
He let out a soft, humorless laugh.
“But it wasn’t.”
His eyes met hers again, desperation creeping into his voice.
“It never was, Harin.”
She blinked, looking at him like she wasn’t sure if she wanted to believe him.
So he gave her the truth—the whole truth.
“I loved you before that night we spent together. Way before.”
A sharp inhale from her.
But still, she said nothing.
So he took a step closer.
His voice was barely above a whisper now. “And I think… I think I was already in love with you before I even realized it myself.”
Harin’s throat bobbed.
She looked away for the first time, her composure cracking—just slightly.
And Seonghwa felt it.
The shift.
The possibility.
Because for the first time since she had left, he saw it.
She wasn’t running.
Not yet.
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Harin’s POV
Silence stretched between them.
Seonghwa’s words hung in the air, raw and exposed, waiting for her to do something—say something.
But Harin’s mind was a mess.
He loved her.
Long before they had spent the night together.
Long before he had even realized it himself.
He loved her.
And he had been afraid.
Just like she had been.
Her chest tightened painfully.
Because she had convinced herself that Seonghwa was the one who ran.
That he was the one who let fear win.
But hadn’t she done the same?
Hadn’t she pushed him away just as much as he had pushed her?
Hadn’t she left instead of giving him the chance to explain?
The realization hit her like a wave—she had been running, too.
Her throat felt dry as she finally found her voice.
“I pushed you away, too.”
Seonghwa’s brows furrowed. “What?”
She swallowed hard, voice quieter this time. “I told myself that I knew you. That I knew how this would end. I never even gave you a chance.”
She looked up at him, eyes searching his.
“I was scared, too, Seonghwa.”
His expression softened—so much that it nearly broke her.
Because after everything, after all the pain they had caused each other, he was still standing here.
Still looking at her like she was something he didn’t want to lose again.
And suddenly, she couldn’t take it anymore.
She kissed him.
Not softly. Not carefully.
Like she had been holding back for far too long.
Like she was done fighting this.
Like she had already made her choice.
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Seonghwa’s POV
For a split second, Seonghwa couldn’t move.
Couldn’t think.
Couldn’t breathe.
Because after everything—after all his mistakes, all his fears, all the ways he had almost lost her—
She was kissing him.
And then, he moved.
His hands came up, gripping her like she might disappear if he let go.
Her fingers curled into the fabric of his jacket, pulling him closer, deeper.
It was messy, urgent, not nearly enough.
But it was real.
It was her.
When she finally pulled back, she was breathless, her forehead resting against his.
Her voice was barely above a whisper.
“I don’t know how to do this.”
Seonghwa closed his eyes briefly, exhaling.
“Me neither.”
A small, broken laugh left her lips.
And then—her fingers brushed against his cheek.
Soft. Lingering.
“But I want to try.”
His heart nearly stopped.
And this time, when he kissed her, it wasn’t desperate.
It was a promise.
The first thing Seonghwa became aware of was warmth.
The second was her.
Harin was curled up beside him, her breathing slow and even, her body relaxed in sleep.
And he?
He was completely bare beneath the sheets.
So was she.
The realization sent a slow, aching warmth through his chest.
Last night wasn’t a dream.
It had happened.
The confessions. The kiss. The way they had finally let go of everything holding them back.
And now?
Now, she was here.
With him.
Still his.
He shifted slightly, careful not to wake her, letting himself just watch her.
The way her hair fell over the pillow.
The soft rise and fall of her breathing.
The way she was completely at ease beside him.
For the first time in weeks, he felt like he could breathe again.
Like everything had finally fallen into place.
He hadn’t lost her.
And as his fingers brushed over the bare skin of her shoulder, he knew one thing for certain—
He wasn’t going to make the same mistake again.
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Harin’s POV
The first thing Harin noticed when she woke up was the emptiness beside her.
The warmth that had been there—gone.
Her heart dropped.
For a split second, she lay completely still, staring at the space where Seonghwa had been.
Had she been stupid to believe this meant something?
Had he just—left?
A sharp sting settled in her chest.
She swallowed, trying to push away the lump in her throat.
Seonghwa had said he loved her.
Last night… last night had been real.
Hadn’t it?
Her fingers gripped the sheets as she forced herself to sit up.
But just as she was about to let panic consume her—
The smell of food drifted into the room.
Her breath caught.
Slowly, she pushed off the covers and padded out of the bedroom.
And when she reached the kitchen?
She froze.
Seonghwa stood at the stove, shirtless, hair a mess, flipping pancakes like he had been doing this his whole life.
The sight was so painfully domestic, so unfairly perfect, that she didn’t even think before she blurted out—
“I love you too.”
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Seonghwa’s POV
Seonghwa nearly dropped the spatula.
Slowly, he turned, heart pounding.
Harin stood in the doorway, wearing one of his shirts, hair messy from sleep, eyes wide like she hadn’t meant to say that out loud.
But it was too late.
She had.
And now, she looked horrified.
“…Did I just say that out loud?” she muttered.
Seonghwa’s lips slowly curled into a smirk. “Yeah.”
Harin groaned, covering her face with both hands. “I hate myself.”
Seonghwa chuckled.
He set the pan aside and crossed the kitchen in just a few steps.
When he reached her, he gently pried her hands away from her face.
“Say it again.”
Harin bit her lip, eyes flickering away. “No.”
He grinned. “Harin.”
Her lips pressed together stubbornly.
He leaned in closer, voice lower now. “Say it again.”
She let out a dramatic sigh, but her cheeks were burning.
And then, finally, she met his gaze.
“I love you, idiot.”
Seonghwa exhaled, his forehead dropping to hers.
He had waited so long to hear that.
And now?
Now, he was never going to let her go.
Seonghwa wasn’t sure when his feet had finally started moving, only that his body felt lighter than it had in weeks.
The night before had been everything.
It had started with doubt, fear, and the weight of a confession that could have gone horribly wrong.
But instead, he had woken up beside her.
And she had told him she loved him, too.
Even now, as he approached the dorm, a quiet warmth spread through his chest.
She chose him.
And he was never going to take that for granted again.
As soon as he stepped inside, however, that warmth was interrupted.
“Well, well, well. Look who finally decided to come home.”
Seonghwa barely had time to blink before Wooyoung appeared in front of him, arms crossed, smirking like he had been waiting for this moment all night.
Sophie stood beside him, looking up from her phone, and Wooyoung immediately turned his attention to her instead.
“Hey, gorgeous. Did you miss me?”
Sophie blinked, expression unimpressed. “Did I what?”
Wooyoung grinned. “I think you did. You don’t have to admit it, though. I know it must be hard for you.”
Sophie let out a slow breath. “You know what’s hard? Tolerating you.”
Seonghwa sighed, rubbing his temples. “Wooyoung, do you ever turn it off?”
Wooyoung ignored him. “Sophie, babe, we have this natural tension between us. It’s electric.”
Sophie gave him a deadpan stare. “The only thing electric will be my taser if you keep talking.”
Wooyoung’s grin widened. “Oh, I love it when they threaten me.”
Seonghwa groaned.
“Can you flirt with Sophie later? I literally just walked in.”
“Hey, I can multitask.” Wooyoung turned back to Seonghwa, eyes sparkling with mischief. “So? How did it go?”
At that moment, the rest of the members filtered into the living room, as if they had been summoned.
Mingi plopped onto the couch. “Oh, perfect timing. I was just wondering how our emotionally constipated hyung managed to fix things.”
Yeosang leaned against the wall, arms crossed. “Did you cry?”
San smirked. “No, no. The real question is—did Harin make you cry?”
Seonghwa let out a slow breath.
He had walked into an ambush.
Seonghwa ignored them.
Or at least, he tried to.
He made his way to the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle, but Wooyoung was right on his heels.
“No escape, hyung. We need details.”
Hongjoong raised an eyebrow from where he had settled onto the armchair. “Did you two talk things out?”
Seonghwa took a slow sip of water. “Yes.”
San threw his hands up. “That’s it? That’s all we get?”
Mingi narrowed his eyes. “That’s not all that happened, though. I can tell.”
Seonghwa stayed quiet.
But unfortunately for him, he was dealing with Ateez.
And they could read him too well.
Wooyoung’s eyes suddenly widened. “Oh. Oh my God.”
Seonghwa sighed. “No.”
“Oh yes.” Wooyoung clapped his hands together. “You totally spent the night with her.”
Seonghwa rubbed his forehead. “This is why I didn’t want to say anything.”
Yeosang smirked. “He didn’t deny it.”
Mingi leaned forward. “Was it passionate? Romantic?”
San grinned. “Did you finally drop the brooding act and tell her you’re in love with her?”
Sophie, who had been silently sipping her coffee, cleared her throat. “I think the important question is… did she love you back?”
The room quieted slightly at that.
Because, joking aside—that was what mattered.
Seonghwa let out a breath.
And then, a small smile tugged at his lips.
The members stared.
Even Wooyoung—who lived for teasing—paused.
Because the last time Seonghwa had smiled like that?
Mingi whistled. “Damn.”
Hongjoong chuckled. “Guess we’re really down another single member.”
San sighed dramatically. “Man, first Mingi, then Jongho, and now Seonghwa? This is unacceptable.”
Yeosang smirked. “Well, at least Wooyoung still has Sophie.”
Sophie choked on her drink. “Excuse me?”
Wooyoung beamed. “See? Even Yeosang knows we’re meant to be.”
Sophie shot him a glare. “I will literally throw you out of this dorm.”
Wooyoung waggled his eyebrows. “Kinky.”
Seonghwa groaned. “I hate all of you.”
San nudged him. “No, you don’t. You’re just in love and don’t know how to function properly yet.”
Seonghwa rolled his eyes, but he didn’t argue.
Because maybe they were right.
Maybe he didn’t know how to function properly yet.
But for the first time in a long time?
He didn’t mind at all.
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Disclaimer:This is a work of fiction. The characters, events, and scenarios in this story are entirely fictional and not intended to reflect the real lives of the members of Ateez or any other individuals. This fanfiction is purely for entertainment purposes.
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