#im not original ill steal things even from myself
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alcarian · 4 months ago
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listen i know ive already done this with Buff Catra but listen sometimes you just need to repeat some stuff
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midwestemoismid · 5 months ago
Do you ever love a character so much you sorta steal your entire personality from them,,
<autism rant>
Cuz like I'm obsessed with Nicole from class of '09, if sorta stolen my whole humor from her, Which isn't really a good thing because shes kinda a piece of shit, the game revolves around her being a horrible person or trying to kill herself or something like that, I'm not like as mentally ill as her, but my humor has evolved to be similar to Nicole and ive sorta had this not care attitude. I've also been really jokingly mean to one of my best friends (he knows its a joke, thats our humor) but I accidentally did that to my little brother and felt SO bad lmao,, (he said something very obviously and I loudly go "yeah no fucking shit bitch" then started apologizing profusely) This other time I was playing blooket w/ that same friend and I did something that made him eat a fake burger and I went really loud "have this fucking burger you fat ass bitch" and hje just stared at me like wtf,, and the other person on the call (who I just met) was SHOCKED.
i'm not a bad person,, hes okay with me making those jokes btw
well im sorta a bad person but i'm working on that
i sorta hate having obsessions over character because i want to BE THEM. and it sucks even more when theyre a horrible person--and when theyre a girl,, cuz like i want to de-transition and become a terrible person and chane my name to Nicole WHAT THE FUCK WHY I DONT KNOW and like i had an alt acc on tiktok where i used she/her and named myself nicole and it was like a class of 09 fanpage sorta. and like i dont wanna be a bad person nor do i wanna hurt people feelings or be addicted to drugs AT ALL but like NICOLE🙏🙏🙏
this always happens when i have some sort of obsession. i dont typically have favorites but when i do its like an obsession
and like one other problem with being obsessed with nicole is i accidentally obsess over mental illness and (stuff i shouldnt obsess over), wich is really bad and unhealthy.
I gain little obsessions over certain things, like right now im REALLY obsessed with a game called "bad parenting" and it's a really really sad game. I wont spoil it but its genuinelly depressing and made me cry. after i saw it i wanted to hug my dad and tell him i loved him for being a good dad. ive been listening to the backround song on repeat for a bit, i might even draw fanart of it idk,, but i feel like i shouldnt be hyper obsessed with it
as a kid i also was really obsessed with "salad fingers" wich had a sadish theme to it, i kinda forget the plot but i thought it was interesting and how the main charecter was kinda messed up.
I also really like "little miss fortune" wich was also really sad. again i dont remember the plot my childhood is sorta a blur and i dont remember it well
"Sally face" is another sad game i liked. not gonna spoilt it but i loved the supernatural bit and there was a lot of death.
I also really love horror movies, ESPECIALLY horror movies that go into psychology. Like for example, saw is pretty interesting because its cool to see if people would rather cut of an arm or die. I know it's fake but it's still really cool.
Theres a lot i find interesting but i dont wanna sound like im actually insane lol
This ran went in so many placed i forgot what the original post was about😭 took me abt 2 and 1/2 class period to wright
If you read this all, thanks! If you relate reblog or comment (or make a new post and tag me) and tell me what charecter you relate to/obsess over
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am-i-the-asshole-official · 2 years ago
to preface this im in my twenties and would never do this now but i still think its funny that i did this when i was thirteen. my sibling thinks its shitty that i find it funny so: aita for thinking its funny that i reposted art on deviantart when i was thirteen?
occasionally (emphasis on occasionally) when i would get bored i would pick a random furry artist with a big following (think griffsnuff), save a pic or two from their gallery, make a burner account, and upload the art with a really overblown stupid description, "original character donut steel" etc. the point was not to pass the art off as my own but to try and make it obvious that it was stolen. i would wait until a few people had noticed the account and commented on the original artist's page letting them know that someone was stealing their art, and then watch hate comments roll in. sometimes i would get it on it and make a journal post about it on my main account telling all my friends to go flame the fake account (but not let them in on the ruse). i think one time i even told the artist myself on my main account because it was taking too long for someone else to notice it. i would usually delete the fake account within a few hours and i dont think it ever lasted longer than a day. i thought this was fun for some reason and the only reason i stopped doing it was because someone threatened to get me ip banned.
thats the gist of it but ill make it very clear that i never did this to smaller accounts that were actually susceptible to having their art stolen because i knew that was wrong (or more wrong than what i was doing). i figured it was a victimless crime sort of thing because the artists id steal pics from had big enough followings that 1) someone was bound to recognize that the art was stolen, and 2) they could enlist their watchers to go flame the shit out of art thieves because harassment was strongly encouraged back in those days. i still think this is funny because i was thirteen when i did it and its a very thirteen year old thing to do. again, i would never do this now because i know its wrong, obviously. i just think its hilarious that i did.
to be clear i dont think my sibling is the asshole for not finding it funny (and i know i was the asshole for doing it in the first place), im just curious if im the asshole for laughing about it in retrospect over a decade later. thanks!
What are these acronyms?
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ramonathinks · 1 year ago
deleted all the post regarding this and this is the last thing imma say on the matter… even though ik nobody gonna pay attention to this post 😵‍💫
if you think me of all people would intentionally make a malicious or messy post that’ll make people send anyone hate then that’s on you, i can’t change the way anyone read the post but i do know that now several people have read what i said and didn’t find a problem with it. anons being messy bc they like drama and then taking the bait is not my problem! i have my anons off for this exact reason. people are bashing me and coming into my inbox because of anons; when i didn’t accuse anyone of stealing from me. i can’t control anons coming to anyone but ofc i wouldn’t want anyone receiving hate. the post said that I didn’t want to be accused of copying/stealing if i did write it because I did have a similar idea in my drafts from my first account. i told a number of 2 person when i first thought about it on my first account (in 2022) and only one other person a like a week ago.
im being accused and dragged over something that isn’t serious AT ALL, mind you. i didn’t think the post was shady and i still don’t. saying i didn’t want to do something to avoid being accused of copying regardless if the idea isn’t original and people did it before, i said i thought of it before and WISHED i did it when i thought about it because i don’t want to be accused of copying. this literally saying that i regretted not posting it…
and multiple people are saying i should’ve inboxed her when it wasn’t anything to inbox her for?? and before making a big statement using screenshots with my username and tagging me (knowing potentially that i could be sent hate) if anything she should’ve inboxed me to ask if it was any ill-intent because i would’ve told her straight up that it wasn’t. people are accusing me of victimizing myself and everything because of this while that’s literally not the case…
the post was in my drafts so how would she be copying me ?? and it’s from 2022 like why would i accuse her when she didn’t know about the DRAFT that i never posted about until now. like please use your brains.
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my-castles-crumbling · 10 months ago
hey, cas
so, i kind of wanted to rant a bit, but theres a few things in here i know could get people riled up so honestly im a little nervous sharing this. i also want to preface it by saying that i am NOT hating on any fics i name here, they are just well-known examples and fics that the fandom hold close
as a fic writer myself, i love adding my own little headcanons to characters. sometimes theyre hcs ive seen from someone else and loved, and other times ive thought of them myself. in the latter case, ill often then see that someone else thought of it too, which is really cool!
but then there comes the hcs that people see and think "oh! thats from x fic!" for example, if you bring up dyslexic remus to most marauders fans, theyre gonna talk about atyd. ive never read the fic myself, its not my taste, but ive heard a lot of things about it and it does honestly sound like a great fic so genuinely no hate towards it. but i hc remus as dyslexic and i did so before learning that atyd has dyslexic remus, and any time i consider putting that hc into one of my fics all i can think about is that people will see it and talk about atyd. maybe theyll say i was copying or stole the idea. maybe theyll compare the two and decide the way i depict it isnt as good. maybe ill end up accidentally using a similar or the same thing for remus to have aiding him, for example a spell or something one of his friends do, and ill be told im plagiarising, and i absolutely hate that.
another example is best friends brother. its such a well known fic in the fandom that anyone who writes anything similar is going to be compared to it. or crimson rivers; anyone who writes a hunger games au (even if its not even remotely similar to cr) is going to be told theyre trying to copy. i love both bfb and cr but i wish people could accept that two writers can have the same idea without copying or trying to recreate/steal it
one of my current ongoing fics has the same central trope as another big fic in the fandom (i dont want to reveal which, because i dont want to risk being de-anoned) and i went out of my way to avoid reading the big fandom fic until ive finished writing my own because im so terrified that if theres even a single vague similarity i might get called out and told im copying
i want to say im just being paranoid, but i cant. i hate that the fandom has come to the point where authors have to bring something out that absolutely noone has ever done before ever just so that they dont get told theyve taken the idea from someone else. even if they had, its perfectly normal and fine to be inspired by an idea to make it your own! obviously actual plagiarism is not okay and should be called out, but theres a difference between plagiarism and just having a similar idea or hc
going back to my original point (because this was where my frustrations with this started) i hate that dyslexic remus will always be seen as an atyd thing, when it isnt. again, no hate to the fic or the author, this isnt an attack on them at all, its just unfortunate that the fandom has kind of taken it so much as canon that anything will always be compared to it, if that makes sense?
tldr: let me have dyslexic remus without telling me im copying atyd! let me have him use magic or have his friends do little things to help him without telling me i stole it from atyd!
sorry about that cas haha, i realise its a bit long. it just really really frustrates me to no end, yknow?
Yes, I can definitely see what you're saying. I think if something is inspired by another fic (i.e. you read CR and then you're like...oh, I wanna write a Hunger Games AU) it's good to give credit where it's due by saying "inspired by x." But in a fandom with thousands of fics, the same ideas are bound to come up even without having read other fics. If people accuse you of copying and you genuinely haven't, I would just let them yell. People are always going to have negative things to say, you know?
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skyartworkzzz · 2 years ago
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Heres my replies Ive tried more than 3456789 times sending, hope it didnt spam or smtng and the site was actually trolling me 😭:
OKAY SHIT FIRST OFF THANK U SO MUCH!! Rlly appreciate ur support,,! 😭💜
NOW, My Personal guide for begginer artists:
1. Try to copy arts u find online or even from medias u enjoy! (comics, cartoons and etc)
On each drawing u copy u will notice u have learned smtng new! So from there, try to draw an image by urself without any reference, and once u have an idea of how the artstyle u want works Personally, Id copy many anime images with similar art styles to then try and make pieces of my own!
NOW ITS IMPORTANT TO NOTE: it is not wrong to redraw images for PERSONAL and LEARNING purposes. What Would be wrong of u is to post it around claiming that You were the original creator of the image and not crediting the original one/the artist responsible for it
So as long as u aint stealing anyone's work, ure fine!
2. Use guidelines and shapes when drawing!
They are very important when beggining to understand anatomy! Ofc u dont have to draw All the lines detailed-ish, but at least to an extent in which u can see what is going on
So les say for example u want to draw a human body: u will have to understand that the top of the head is a circle, that the neck has a cone-ish shape, that the chest follows the form of a ribcage and so on It may vary from artist to artist, but if ure struggling to draw smtng specific, try seeing a shape on it to then make ur job easier! The body has to become a literal puzzle to ur eyes
However, I will advise u to plz not let these limit u. Indeed, as a begginer u have to learn how normal anatomy works, but its totally fine to change that depending on what artstyle u choose!
DO NOT WORRY IF UR ART DOESNT LOOK AS RECOGNIZABLE ON EVERY PIECE, I myself have only learned this recently and seen many other artists getting unmotivated cuz of this, but consistency truly does not exist. Whatever u do with ur art is nothing but ur RANGE. Its all the knowledge u have on it which makes u produce many pieces in different styles, and that is awesome!!
As an artist, u will always be learning smtng new, and what u learn cannot be un….learned (if that word exists IUSDNJKADLS) so its bound to show in ur work
NEVER STOP DRAWING!!!! Like Ive said beforehand, u are ALWAYS learning smtng new!! Everything u draw is progress!
So no matter how bad u may think the things u do look, just remember that theyre likely looking MUCH better than the thing u drew yesterday
Art takes time to reach a level in which u feel comfortable and proud with how u do it, so its important to be patient and keep on practicing if u rlly want to get better at it!
Since u are a begginer, and if u have the time/motivation, Id suggest doing a doodle here and there to start picking up the habit to draw often. It is much easier to learn and less tedious once ure used to it and, ofc, enjoying it!
HOPE THESE ARE HELPFUL,,,, once again, they are based on my own experience thus far and some things I wish I knew back there………
AS FOR THE AU: ILL ANSWER THAT IN MY NEXT POST CUZ TUMBLR IS BEING A BITCH, amma ping u for my response if u dont mind so heads up,,,
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bitemeb4ck · 29 days ago
For the nature and animal themed asks <3
1. Rose
2. Bee
3. Paws
4. Mouse
5. Tulip/flower
6. Hatching chick
7. Deer
8. Tiger
9. Bush/plant (behind the screen, I like to stare at your account and stuff..)
10. Worm (original and reversed)
11. Scorpion
12. Cricket
13. Dog on a leash (original and reversed)
14. Dog face (original and reversed)
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“🥀- I want to lock you away from the rest of the world.”
I wouldnt mind if you did.. worlds so mean to me ya know, being in your presence and nobody else’s could potentially fix me!! I would never leave you ..
“🐝- I want to sting you with my love.”
Hehehehh, we were just pretending to be bees weren’t we… But !!! I would be so happy if you did.. id make sure to return the stinger too!! Sting you back so we can BOTH be eachothers loves…
“🐾- I want to leave a trail into a trap for you to fall into.”
You could just point at the trap and just tell me togo it and id do it, no questions asked <3
“🐁- I want you to capture me.”
How would you like to be taken?? Id love to write some scenarios and maybe act them out in the future if you wish <33 but id capture you and love you and show you how happy i can make you!! :D
“🌷- You are the most beautiful thing I've ever laid my forsaken eyes on.”
Me?? Beautiful??? Baby, i cant tell if you’re lying or telling the truth, because you’re so pretty it makes me feel unworthy of you.. Im so ugly, i could never believe im the most beautiful thing you've ever seen!! You on the other hand.. i could eat you whole and treasure you like a dragon with its coins..
“🐣- You make me my true self.”
YOU make me feel like my true self <33 You make my world brighter in every way, and have single handedly improved me in so many ways. My life was awful without you. I don’t want to go back to a world where i am hurting because I KNOW I wont be able to survive without you. You make me feel me.
“🦌 - I want to be your prey.”
Oh baby, if you were my prey, I would pounce and hunt you down like a bird and a cat. Grab you and hold you close to me forever. Or maybe like an aquatic animal and a parasite, slowly taking over you without you knowing or being able to remove me.. maybe <3
“🐅 - I want to prey on you.”
I’ll be the best prey you’ve ever had!! Id run away from you, try and get you to chase, then eventually give up and let you have your way with me. Whatever you desire <33 maybe ill even try and intimidate you, but then fail and fall to my knees for you..
“🪴- I spy on you from behind the bushes. (or in this case. behind the screen)”
Im so glad you do!! I dont want to spend a waking minute without you looking at everything I do!! I want you to see my posts, I want you to watch everything I reblog or like, everything.. maybe ill even give you the password for this and let you post on this account to prove you’re real and have my stuff…
And also, I wouldnt mind if you watched me behind bushes.. I want you to know everything I do, list it all down, steal my clothing when im not watching and keep it just so it can smell lime me.. oh the thought of you stealing my clooothess!!!!
“🪱- I want to gut you. You'd look so pretty with your guts all spilled out.”
Aldhwksjwlwk <33 Wouldn’t I??? Id let you stare at me and my guts, picking them up and wrapping them around me or yourself. You’d look so pretty with my blood on you. Lick it, taste it, take bites out of them, anything you want. Everything i have is YOURS !!
“[Reveresed]🪱- I want you to gut me. I’d look so pretty with my guts all spilled out.”
Only if you’d allow me, of course!! I wouldn’t mind just staring at your organs and watching them spill out.. maybe lap up the blood from the floor if you start walking or it starts going everywhere.. But you’d look so handsome!! And it would be pretty intimate.. seeing my darlings insides ? Thats like a confession on its own !!
“🦂- Poison me.”
Mm.. maybe not death poison, but definitely some kind that can knock you out and i can have you for myself.. or i’ll poison you with my love and you’ll be addicted with it!!
“🦗- You’re never getting rid of me.”
I’d hope not <3 ..
“🐕‍🦺- I want you on a leash.”
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! I’d be so cute on a leash !! Pull on it, take me for walks, choke me with it .. WHATEVER !! I would wear a custom leash, one with my name, or a store bought leash that doesn’t even come with a name.. anything, anything, ANYTHING
“[REVERSED]🐕‍🦺- I want to be on a leash.”
If you were on a leash, I’d drag you anywhere I could !! The store, my house, anywhere .. Just please tell me if its too tight or if its too loose, i dont want you feel uncomfy or have easy access to leave me..
“🐶- I want to be your pet.”
I would give you all the love you wanted and needed.. I’d keep you close by me, wrapping myself around you when I sleep, feed you treats when you did something good.. I’d be such a good owner, I promise!! Id make you feel so special :3 !!
“[REVERSED] 🐶- I want you to be my pet.”
I wouldnt mind if i was.. id be loyal, i wouldn’t go to anybody else if they came over!! Id wrap myself around you, never leave your side, and protect you whenever something happens. Just promise to take care of me and ill take care of you 10x more..
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royalwriteroftheuniverse · 2 years ago
The beginning of the end of Lloyd Lloyd Hanson origin story.
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COMMENTS welcome its still a Work in progress. Reblogs are welcome working on a larger peice im thinking it might go this way or maybe another way. So I need feedback
Trigger Warnings 18+ as always just incase there is mention of Lloyd getting aroused once just one sentance violence, kidnapping. Guns being shot and manipulation. No reposting or publishing elsewhere or translating you are responsible for what you read.
Immediately following the events of The Gray Man
Lloyd stood frozen at the sight he last time he saw her she was...
"Meg but I thought you were-"
"So did I looks like we were both reserected. Happy Easter. We've got work to do" she shoved files in his hand. Not amused at him or the situation.
Lloyd stood there speachless by the only women who could do that to him. Who turned him into....by breaking his heart. Alive breathing and she looked good.
Years ago when Lloyd had begun his training.
Lloyd: copy that you're clear I have eyes you get to-
He felt steal against his head
Lloyd's head dropped
Then the gun lowered "bang"
"You're dead Lloyd What are you doing?" He didn't respond "What. Were. You. Do.Ing."
" I was covering my p-"
" No You were trying to get killed," she held her her hand for the ear peice. "Give it to me.:
He bregrudegedly agreed.
"You need to look out for yourself because trust me no one will be covering your ass in the field. It may be all friendships bracelets and kumbayas now but out there no one care trust me."
She blows a horn two long one and two short signaling a reset on the field.
"Again We start from the top" she emphases to Lloyd
"I don't care . Just as much as you hate it its boring for me to go over the same stupid simulation point out the the same issues. I mean how many time do I have to fucking say it Lloyd. No one will come for you. No one will rescue you you go on there and your partner will do the same thing you go down they continue. When will you start to fucking trust me on this. It's not boy scouts"
The frustration rose in the chest as she finally fired the gun at three trunks.
Lloyd. Steped back a little.
"Oh yea I dont have a training gun oops she says dryly. " Crushing his earpiece with her bare hand it both terrified Lloyd and turned him on.
She turned her back and walked away and Lloyd caught up and put his hand on her shoulder which she grabbed, twisted and held him securely with his hand behind his back
"Don't do that."
"How do you know?"
"I was like you then I spent six fucking months in a terrorist camp in the hills. partner was dead mission failed and HQ knew. They heard. And I waited for my rescue and no one came I got myself out. Then I found out there was no failed exfil there wasn't even an attempt at one. As far as they were concerned I was K.I.A. in an unscantioned operation."
She took a shaky breath
Then through gritted teeth "I am trying to help you here."
She let go and he turned around rubbing her wrist.
"I love you Lloyd. I do. But you're going to get killed out there unless you listen to me. Because he was alive"
"My partner"
"Alive and fine he didn't even care while he knew I was-"
Her head dropped.
He stepped slowly to her
Then in a caring voice- slowly lifting his hand to her shoulder
"Did they?"
"Don't" she said softly with a tear escaping for her eye.
"I dont want to be going to your funeral Lloyd because I didnt do my job." She sniffled.
He looked her over- this confident badness chuck just gone. Her eyes down. Her shoulders rolled forward slightly
"You won't. I'll listen. I promise you. When were on a mission together."
She looked at something else on the ground. As he stepped closer
"When because ill pass training. I'll never leave you behind I'd rather be there with you. Than to live without you."
Thier faces were closes her breathes uneven as she then threw her arms around Lloyd's neck
Promise me you won't tell anyone what I just told you. I never told anyone- her breath shaky
"I promise" me wispered in her ear as he rubbed her back.
"Come on" she sniffed "Lets go get another ear peice for you." She went to while her tears off when Lloyd did it for her.
"What did I say about getting too close? "
"It's more fun to see the fear as you kill them. Not that you ass."
They did then things were reset.
Everyone was reset as meg and the other trainers and supervisors sat at the command center
"Well that was evil." One commented
"That was fun" she laughed
"Tears were a nice touch."
"You can send my Oscar to my office."
"And you don't feel the slightest bit of sorrow for him?"
She breathed in slow. "No. " She smiled "he'll thank me one day well not thank me my grave stone. I'm thinking I want one of those infinity flames. But trust me if I needed a heart transplant he'd give me his. Bit of a shame though- might have made someone a good husband." She says with an indifferent look
"Oh yea you look so broken up." A handler rolls thier eyes.
"Hey I train him to be a ruthless killer I've done my penance and I'm back on the field and Meg is dead."
What do you all think
@nana1000night @sapphire-rogers @sparklybarbarianninja @patzammit @hawkeyes-queen
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fuck-customers · 3 years ago
a fuck coworkers
my store is a small one, only four of us plus the manager, although we need at least one more person. but of the four of us, the two guys do almost no work at all. one is much worse than the other though. while they both spend 90% or more of their shift )after the manager leaves) sitting in the backroom playing on their phones, the one guy will at least come out if the door buzzer goes off a lot to see how busy it is. the other guy does not budge. at all. for anything. no matter how busy it is i am stuck on till alone all night with no break and barely a chance to sit and rest because if there is no customers in the store, then i have to be facing and filling and checking over stock to keep the store looking decent. both because it makes it easier at the end of the night to try to not let it get too bad but all so because we have a theft problem and LP/head office gets pissed if we dont keep things faced because it's harder to tell if things have gone missing. there is at least one person stealing 60oz bottles of hard alcohol, which i dont even know how they are hiding bottles that big without being seen. but it seems to happen when its busy because there are blind spots i cant see from the till (and that is the aisle where things are missing from) but i can't leave the till to see whats up or ask people if they need help etc. and the guys will not leave the backroom to do that or to watch till. like i just really don't want to be the one getting in shit when LP ends up getting involved because they decide i wasn't doing enough even though i am the one doing EVERYTHING already. beyond that, it is just so fucking aggravating to be in physical pain at the end of every shift because someone has to make sure things are getting done while he just sits back there. and we both get paid the same wage. like how they still have jobs is beyond me. but its because the manager doesn't want to fire them because they show up to work reliably but why fucking bother having them when they do no work? if it's especially miserable in the store (busy, in pain, customers being endlessly rude and/or creepy) knowing they are back there doing not a god damn thing makes me want to scream (as does most aspects of the job but this makes it even worse). i just want to cry some days. this was just supposed to be a whatever job until i got something related to my education but it's taking longer than i thought and when i quit the liquor store originally to finish my degree i never thought i would have to be back here.
this isn't even a minimum work for minimum wage thing. this is a no work because i can take advantage of my coworkers and still get paid thing. there is only ever 2 of us on at a time. like i am so close to saying to the manager like i am not going to be rushing around stressing about getting stuff done because he wont do anything. if it doesn't get done it doesn't get done and you can talk to him about it. im so sick to death of doing the work of at least 2 people every fucking night. she knows the guys are awful but keeps telling the two of us who do the work to 'pick our battles' but everything is a battle and its brutally unfair to act like we are in the wrong for being upset. she will write them up and tell them off if things are really bad but they dont care and dont change because they know that she won't ever fire them. and i don't want them to be fired, i want them to do their share of the work.
from now on ill just have to say sorry i did everything i could with the time i had, if anything wasn't done take it up with the dickheads sitting in the back because they should have been working too. im not going to kill myself over this garbage job that barely pays my bills. but also i am terrified to not have the job and not be able to pay my bills so i am killing myself (and my knees and back and mental health) by being here and working hard.
the less lazy of the guys also isn't that impressed with the other guy but it's borderline hypocritical considering how little he does himself. however he's a nice guy and he did take the till when the one creepy regular came in. if only because he happened to come out to the front at the right time and recognize him from my description. certainly grateful for that.
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skunkes · 3 years ago
its like generally the anthropomorfisation (big word AUGH) of the animals i wanna use? for example my friend rly likes cows and i wanna make a cow furry oc for them but i cant for the life of me make the thing have.. cow features ??? do you know what i mean? ;-; i feel the same way u do abt my humans if it helps hdunsbdd (im cow anon now incase i keep coming back tysm for taking the time to reply!!)
oh i get yu! I think it takes some time to get there depending on how your brain works, i had to mold cow al into looking actually cowish in nature over a year or so of drawing him not very cow like
(+ also studying actual cows as well as other ppls stylizations. even today ill see a dif way someone stylizes bovine furry snout and steal it for myself)
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the good thing is there's a few good resources for drawing creachers (depending on the creacher) but ppl rlly rlly rlly like cows a lot recently, so theres cow every day and cow every hour twitters, as well as happy cow gifs subreddit. lots of cows at different angles for you to access!
(semi related but im so happy the smunk every hour twitter is like. active. just snagged this new ref today)
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other than that i kind of just wing it t_t bt i did learn a lot from this little ref by mcmadmissile. keeping that in mind + a ref of The Animal close by if i cant visualize the angle (cow snouts are especially hard!!! what is up with them jdgfhk).
Seeing how other ppl stylize stuff helps a lot too!! (but then it still also helps to know how the original animal looks. like i give my cow al a nose bump and lips for characterization, he also doesnt have the bump on his head where the horns wld be bc i dont want his hair/head to Look too big etc so using just my work for help wldnt be Too Great esp since id draw any other cow character visually different....ykwim)
sorry i cant be of much help t_t im still learning and its more "adjusting parts until it looks right" vs "i have a very clear idea of how to sketch and structure and piece a furry face together before i line it :)" its literally luck atm 😭
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defiantdreemurrs · 2 years ago
bussyween, part three: halloween iii - season of the witch (1982)
last we left off, michael myers got his ass wrecked by dr loomis in a hospital and laurie strode stared off into a camera. clearly the next place you would go following this is to completely erase the previous two films, turning them into popular fiction in your new continuity, and write a story completely unrelated to the other films in your series. right? this time on bussyween, were gonna look at 1982s halloween iii: season of the witch, directed by tommy lee wallace.
let me completely undercut the sarcasm in the opening paragraph of this by saying i dont think the decision to pivot to an anthology series was a bad decision. i just thought it was funny. i actually think the direction behind halloween iii was a great idea at the time, i feel like endlessly bringing back michael myers would have made the series just like every other slasher film series that continuously brought its main killer back thru the most idiotic and contrived of reasons.
wonder how well that turned out for em.
no my only real problem is with the actual movie itself. ill be up front and say while i found this movie fun and enjoyable i didnt find it particularly good.
for starters, the premise itself is kinda goofy. ancient celtic magic allows the movies villain to use endless amounts of halloween masks to murder children by turning their heads into bugs and snakes. its a silly premise that i actually do really like but its executed almost laughably. for what is ostensibly a horror movie it really wasnt even that scary.
now, in all fairness, i had had this movies plot spoiled almost rotten for me. which i feel like was a bad thing for this one because unlike the first two movies, its not actually that different reading or hearing about it vs actually watching it. those movies i knew what would happen and roughly when, but the way its presented makes it still feel scary when it happens. this movie meanwhile did not have that effect.
i feel like this is because a significant amount of this movies "scares" are either incredibly underwhelming kills (minus the woman who gets a drill piercing into her skull, that one is good) or are just aspects of the mystery that have already been spoiled for me, thus ruining them. universal demanded they include a number of slasher conventions such as a high kill count and plenty of sex, which while i dont have a problem with these elements in a vacuum, they really dont fit what is otherwise more of a mystery thriller than a slasher movie.
the music as usual is excellent, and the sound design is a step up from the at times silly sounding synthesizer sounds heard in parts of halloween iis score. none of the previous halloween themes return for the new score, it is entirely original, but there is a moment of the original 1978 halloween score used in the film to incredible effect. i wont spoil it because i want someone reading this who hasnt seen the movie before to see it for themselves but it happens about two thirds of the way thru the movie.
the acting in this movie, though, much like the execution of the premise, leaves a bit to be desired. there are some returning cast members playing entirely new roles, as well as other carpenter collaborators who didnt originally appear in a halloween film. some of them do alright, but leading man tom atkins feels way too goofy for a role like this. our villain, however, played by dan o'herlihy, could not have been better casted or acted. absolutely steals the show in just about every scene hes in.
i dont have as much to say about this movie as i did the last one, im not sure if thats because im writing it while high after having written the last review while having just seen the film today. maybe i should be giving myself some room to think about each film before writing about them. but ultimately i dont really care cause im doing this for myself anyways. overall i feel like halloween iii earns its rep as just kind of a weird film in a weird place in its series, and i can understand why audiences back in the day reacted poorly to it. regardless its a fun movie that id absolutely watch again and enjoyed for most of the wrong reasons entirely.
next time on bussyween, its the start of everyones least favorite subset of the halloween movies, halloween 4: the curse of michael myers. so stay tuned!
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luymani · 3 years ago
HI KADE IM BACK FROM THE DEAD FR 💯 anyway now its UR TURN TO ANSWER QUESTIONS that i def did not steal from u ……
1. what makes u laugh the most?
2. what’s one song that’s stuck in ur head rn?
3. whats ur fav holiday and why?
4. do u like rollercoasters or not?
5. what’s smth (or a few things) that bring u comfort? like an item, series, character, etc
but ofc to be original ill add some bonus questions 😋:
6. if you could be anything for a day, what would it be?
7. what would u sing at karaoke night??
8. list two pet peeves!! (or icks ig??)
HAVE FUN ANSWERING im going to spam ur notifs now <3
i truly apologize for taking so long i just kept procrastinating on these answers 😭
1. MY SISTER she’s probably the funniest person ik. and its extra funny when we make jokes and laugh so hard that no sound comes out of our mouths . but sometimes she’s mean to me 😒
2. TONDEMO WONDERZ i cant stop doing the dance to it either. and gee by girls generation is also stuck in my head
3. ok for the aesthetic i like valentines day but like. literally nothing happens for me on that day. i like christmas the most tho bc the Feeling of it brings me a lot of comfort… also i just like getting gifts and money
4. it kinda depends on which rollercoaster but for the most part i do like them!!! but for some of the scarier ones i’m like. crying and closing my eyes and chanting to myself but i still enjoy them in a way idk
5. DENKI OFC no explanation is needed
all of the prsk charas and ships i like (theres too many to name)
OH some comfort songs: everybody talks by neon trees, this side of paradise by coyote theory, a guy that i’d kinda be into from bmc, i want you by mitski, and merry go round of life from hmc
one comfort item is my designated hugging pillow i literally can’t sleep without it. where am i supposed to put my arms
madoka magica is a comfort too and i realize it’s one of the least comforting shows but. it is for me
and i feel like anytbing that i find nostalgic is comforting to me
6. i would be a cat bc….. i like cats
7. usually when i do karaoke w my sister we try to sing prsk songs (even tho we don’t know japanese so we’re just struggling)
sometimes me and my friends sing showtunes when we’re at filipino parties and we embarrass ourselves but it’s ok we’re having fun
8. WHEN PPL COUGH OR CLEAR THEIR THROAT OBNOXIOUSLY LOUD i can’t express how much i hate it. also i dont like hypocrites
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ratherbefangirling · 3 years ago
hiya! May I get a BTS ship? please and thank you! my personality type of INJTA-A and I'm a Gemini! Year of the Tiger!
Little about me, I am 5'3, green eyes and a brunette. I am actually colored blind, with my blues greens and purples, so I 100% think my eyes are blue. But Ive argued with the eye doctor before, and they've said they are "most definitely green". I am rather opinionated and confrontational, I am not scared nor shy away from standing up for someone. Ill speak my mind when it's appropriate, I've learned that sometimes it's just best to save your breath and your words. I love older music, 20s 30s all that jazz, and even jazz it's self along with other genres. Im not much of a TV shows kind of person, I sometimes watch some shows on HULU, but I'd rather be outside doing something visiting new places. I have taken painting as a hobbie, I love to go on trails and LOVE TOO COOK MORE THEN ANYTHING. Plus I like to take photos. Am also a huge sarcastic dick, that it has gotten me in trouble at times. And sometimes I don't even realize I'm being a said dick, I am rather honest and blunt. I'd rather someone get an honest opinion that comes from myself, from a good place then from someone that wants to do harm an be a bully. Cuz sometimes it's not best to sugar coat things, cuz then how are you supposed to grow?
I'm an extrovert but sometimes need to stay in to charge but not always. I'm rather loud at times, and am not afraid to dance in public if I see others dancing or shout compliments across the street if I like someone hair color, clothing etc. Or even just go play on the playground or just have some fun regardless of what others think.
The oldest of 4 kids, so I have a mothering side to me with others that are younger then I or even older. I'd use to skip school and steal food or other necessities for my siblings. I really did put their own needs before my own. So I really took the roll of the second parent, and sometimes it makes it difficult to find others that relate to such a thing.
Though I am rather hard on the outside, I am very much soft (though it doesn't come out often) on the inside. I can be rather quiet, and reserved, I'm rather nice and people have told me I'm great with conversation and a great listener. I'd be the first to approach someone if they look uncomfortable or are shy at a large event, but I'd be the LAST to do karaoke.
I do have four pets, three rescues beside one that I did buy. I love nature, and I work a lot to be able to provide for my pets. Can't have them with no toys or treats or not looking their best. Same with my siblings, I buy them a lot of things, and make sure they have what they need.
I'm sorry this was so long! But thank you and have a great day!
Hey @animesllut666,
You sounded wonderful, manifesting a great week for you.
The person I ship you with is Jungkook.
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Magic, wasn't a word foreign to you any longer born in the slums picked up by a passing magician who could sense great levels of mana* in you when you tried to steal from them. In your defence you belonged to a not so well to do family and tried to save your lunch money by stealing any food you could find or going hungry.
Now as a high level witch working in the government things were different. You could cook all the food in the world. Buy all the original Music instead of replayed discardes pirated ones. Not only could you provide for your family, you also were a proud owner of your pets who you spoiled to your hearts content.
You were enjoying your normal day off when you recieved the summons. Jin was at the hospital. Jin or Kim Seokjin was your benefactor, the magician who you had stole from who had later become your guarantee.
You rush to the healers tower. You find Jungkook there, your arch rival and his guarantor Namjoon who was Jin's close friend.
"What happened?" You ask.
"He overworked himself to a near mana deficit."
You gasp. Mana deficit could have killed a wizard of lesser calibre. But Jin was no lesser wizard infact he belonged to the division called bull proof knights. <pls don't kill me>
"Does anyone have a mana reserve that we can provide Mage Jin." The healer asks.
Jungkook volunteers. You have always been envious about his high level of mana... among other things.
You and Jungkook had come around the same time. Always competing. You remembered the wide innocent looking doe eyes and introverted boy. Over the years he had become an a prankster and a tease. You remembered the day you had completely removed him from your life. The day he was taken as a member of bps. How him and Jin grew closer almost like brothers.
Jungkook can barely stand as he comes back the healer advises bed rest. It's decided Namjoon would stay with Jin and you'd drop Jungkook home.
"Cant" He whimpers and collapses without giving you his address. With no other choice you take him home.
Jungkook inhales the scents of delicious food. Licking on his face wakes him up and he finds himself with your furry buddy.
"Ah, you're awake would you like something to eat?" You ask.
He nods you set the table for the two of you. You've prepared porridge for him and a hearty lunch for yourself(to treat yourself for facing such a difficult situation nicely).
While you think he'll leave he decides to stay over you're secretly glad you don't have to stay alone with your thoughts that will drive yourself crazy with worry.
You both sit and work on your documents at the dining table. At night you sit under the stars sharing hot chocolate.
"I kinda hate you." You confess.
"'I know."
"Who even says that?"
"You don't hate me you hate loosing to me."
"I guess that's true."
The night passes and things get better. In a few days Jin is well enough to work. Life is back to normal. Except you're kind of in love with Jungkook and he's in love with you and you're kind of crazy for each other and it's just like magic.
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Mana - magic level indicating aura
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askamnesiamoonjumper · 4 years ago
🌙Au explanation/blog rules🌙
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Welcome! this post functions as a basic tldr of the plot with links to the master post and mostly functions as a faq post
Under the cut you will find my au my hat game obsessed monkey brain made known as the Amnesia!Moonjumper au (lovingly referred to as a!au)
!!🌙I would suggest look at this before going forward🌙!!
🌙ask box is open! MoonJumper is available for asks!
🌙look at the masterpost please-
(Proshippers get of my lawn)
anyway here we go:
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🌙What’s the au about?
The au itself is centered on moonjumper and their struggle with the amnesia of their past before they died, plus him adjusting to life in subcon/outside the horizon and learning about how his magic works.
The found family dynamics formed of the characters is also a big player in plot, specifically the one between mj and hatkid, mj and snatcher, basically just a bunch of dadjumper/moonparent + snatcher moonjumper sibling indulgence lol
you’ll find losta angst here folks get ready to cry (but fr theres lots of tw topics later but specifically some later chapter go into dark stuff, ill tw everything when that chapter actually happens)
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🌙Things to know about the blog:
-the au is post game
-Vanessas curse dlc is non canon because the au was made before it came out but the lore stuff that was in VC is canon (aka the curse magic/ability itself is canon to a!vanessa)
-M!anon is not allowed sorry
-no nsfw based asks please that’s weird bro- (though suggestive jokes are fine just yk don’t cross boundaries)
-no shipping unless specified
-the au has lots of hcs/backstories for characters I’ve made myself so even though the au is canon leaning most things are just my own original ideas ^^ I mean it’s not called an au for nothing lol but yeah basically just expanding on the og characters/info we have of them(plus some stuff from Shane frosts versions of the characters are used as some inspo too it’s a number of things lol)
-anons/askers are portrayed as dwellers (though will be replaced by other npc characters in any non subcon areas ex if they are in the metro the anons will be the cats or alps will be nomads etc)
🌙 “what should I do if I want to use your art for a pfp or post it somewhere else? Etc”
IF YOU DO ADD CREDIT (or ask first!) But Yes that is fine BUT JUST DONT STEAL MY ART!
🌙 “can I voice/dub your comics/fic/au?”
YES YES YES, i would love to help out too! ive done dub editing before and i love voice acting too so I have some experience, I would die on spot oml that would be so cool😭
🌙 “am I allowed to make image descriptions of your posts?”
I would do it myself but I’m really bad at describing things (theres a reason im a comic writer first and NOT a fic writer lol) so I’m gonna leave it to the people who are good at it and actually have experience...
🌙 “can I write a fic for your au?“
🌙 “can I make fan art/animation/comic/animatic etc?”
Ofc! Yes!!
🌙 “can I write a song/music for this au”
🌙”is this a comic?”
yes! ...and no? its a comic yes! But some events later on will be shown without comics, such as drawings or fics or still frames with dialogue wrote under the post or maybe some animation etc etc its mostly a comic but sometimes breaks that format when it needs to (either if I don’t feel like drawing a full comic for a scene OR a full comic won’t be enough for a scene etc you get the idea)
EDIT the au has now been converted to a half comic half fic! So this is sortof half right now?
🌙who is the mun/mod?
my name is grace! Just a kid who thought way too hard about unimportant details if this game and made an au about it lol, my main is @gracebeth3604!
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I tried to list as many fan content/faq things as I could think of but if there’s anything else you can think of just ask! please @ me so I can see Anything y’all make I would love it!
if one of y’all ever catch someone stealing my art without credit please lmk asap!
oh! And if anyone needs to know one of the characters pronouns ill be happy to let you know (seeing as a lot of them use they/them or different pronouns from their canon/cut character counterparts)
like I said earlier PLEASE check the Masterpost bc half of the art on the blog is just drawings/non canon stuff the Masterpost is really good for if you need to catch up with stuff in order
The blog is a big passion project thing so it’s not the best most amazing writing at all times and definitely not the most organized (especially seeing as it’s still my first time running a big story blog) so excuse that;;
but yeah that’s all have a good day!^^
-mun grace
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arhvste · 5 years ago
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okay, okay, i know i said i post no requests or updates on a saturday night BUT one of the boyfie hcs have been stuck in my head and i couldn’t help myself whoops
summary - the library is one of the last places you want to be but the day you finally encounter the pretty boy of the school oikawa tooru, you suddenly find yourself thankful for having homework to complete - fluff
this is for @totorosleaff​ i love and appreciate you a lot <3
warnings - none
internally screaming you stared down at the papers scattered across the table you were sat on. you felt like you’d been slaving away with a pen for hours upon hours when in reality you had only arrived 2 hours ago, including all the breaks you took inbetween.
you wanted to scream at the amount of assignments you had been set, you couldn’t blame anyone other than yourself though. you weren’t a total slacker but every time you tried to complete work at home, you’d find yourself distracted by the unspoken calls and pleas coming from netflix begging you to binge all the studio ghibli films they’d put on there. today you finally decided it was time to finally pay a visit to the dreaded library and to your surprise you were managing to get a lot done; you still weren’t enjoying yourself though.
staring down at the papers, you noticed you needed a book related to the module you were studying. you clicked your tongue silently cursing yourself for forgetting to bring your own material. 
you quietly stood up and wandered around the tall, towering maze of bookcases, eyes scanning for the genre and title you were looking for. after a good 10 minutes you finally found the section the book you needed was supposed to be left in. your eyes danced over all the books until you finally spotted it.
4 shelves too high for you to reach.
“why do the library advertise borrowing books when they put the stupid things too high for you to take anyway?” you quietly muttered under your breath as you looked around for a small step ladder or stool. no luck.
despite the situation being utterly hopeless, you still attempted to the for the book. balancing on your tip toes and stretching your arm as high as it would go, your finger tips skimmed the base of the 4th shelf. just a little more stretching surely.
your fingers lightly touched the spine of the book you needed. you mentally praised yourself as you got ready for one last stretch in order to finally grab the book and make it yours. 
a hand reached over the top of your head, pulling the book out effortlessly. shocked you spun around with a glare plastered across your face.
“i don't know if the stretching and balancing was obvious or not, but i was clearly struggling to get that book so it’s only fair i get it”
you heard a small laugh from above you as your eyes widened.
“it was the cute little grunts and whines that made it obvious you were struggling”
there towered the well known setter and captain of the boys volleyball team, oikawa tooru. your mind went blank as he smiled down at you, book still firmly in his grip.
“you’re lucky i, your knight in shining armour, happened to notice you or you have never gotten the book or back to your work.”
his silky voice brought you out of your trance as he place the book into your hands. 
finally looking up at him, oikawa gave his typical closed eyed charming smile at you. that was until he opened his eyes and got a clear view of your face. his smiled dropped as a genuine look of interest replaced the smile he previously held.
sure, there were pretty girls around school, hell, he even had pretty girls approach him outside of school, but you? you were something else. he’d never seen such natural beauty before. his eyes glittering as he stared into your own, he felt like he was staring into a million constellations when he looked into your eyes. how had he never seen you before?
“yeah? well thanks, uh, oikawa? yeah, no thanks for that”
you gave a small, confused smile as you turned away to make your way back to your table.
you felt your wrist being gently grabbed as you stopped yourself from yelping when you got pulled back slightly.
“whoops! s-sorry! i just wanted to ask, what class are you in?”
“oh yeah! you’re in iwa-chans class aren't you?”
“iwa-chan? oh, iwaizumi-san? yeah i am”
“he never told me there was such a pretty girl in his class”
“probably because he’s not shallow and doesn't care”
“um ouch? am i not allowed to compliment ones physical appearance?”
“not when you tell every other girl that”
“incorrect. im polite to other girls, but im an honest man, and i honestly think you are gorgeous”
you snickered at this. was THE oikawa tooru really trying to flirt with you in an isolated library isle?
“well, i honestly need to get back to my work now so... i guess it was nice meeting you? thanks for the book”
“let me work with you!”
you turned around again and stared at the brunette.
“i hate it here, i can’t focus please let me work with you”
you dramatically sighed and grabbed his arm.
“well since you did come to my rescue, i suppose i can offer a seat at my table for the poor boy in front of me”
“you’re literally sitting alone”
“you a stalker or something?”
oikawa laughed quietly and allowed you to lead you back to your table, covered with books and papers.
“i’ll go grab my stuff, i’ll be right back”
oikawa left and you glanced his way as he quietly meandered his way 3 tables over. so he wasn't a stalker, he wasn't sat to far originally, he would've seen you were sat alone.
“finally understand that i wasn't stalking you yes?”
“shut it, we’re in a library don’t talk to me”
you smiled, no ill intention behind your words as the setter took his seat opposite you, laying his own work out across the table. he hummed in amusement as he settled down and got back into his own work.
before you knew it, the two of you were deeply immersed in your own pieces of work as you hastily worked through your assignments, you both stealing glances at each other when you thought the other wasn’t looking and engaging in small conversation with oikawa from time to time.
“okay but what's your favourite film?”
“any studio ghibli one”
“if you had to pick?”
“howls moving castle”
oikawa’s eyes twinkled as he learnt more and more about you, enjoying the little comments and questions you’d ask each other. you also found oikawa was nothing like you’d heard. iwaizumi had mentioned to you that ‘shittykawa’ was “annoying and insufferable” but you found oikawa’s company particularly comforting.
finally completing your work, you felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders.
you stretched and sighed quietly in happiness as a lazy smile spread across your face. oikawa looked up and put his own pen down looking at the material he’d produced over the past 3 hours.
“we’ve been here forever” you whispered looking around the now increasingly empty library. the sky had been painted a dreamy section of colours as the windows allowed the pinks, yellows and oranges in the sky, cast a soft golden light through the hall.
“it felt better working with you” oikawa smiled so genuinely it made your heart warm.
the two of you packed up your stuff and headed out together. the two of you walked beneath the picturesque sky. oikawa had a soft smile painted across his face as he looked at you. 
being the gentleman he is, he walked you home after insisting he was raised with understanding it was polite and responsible to do such a thing. giving in, you allowed him to walk back to your house, conversation flowing as you walked. when you finally reached your house you turned to him and smiled.
“well, this is me, thank you for walking me home oikawa-san, i’m glad we both got our work done. well, see you around school i guess.”
you smiled politely and turned to go into your house until his voice made you halt.
“hey, y/n-chan?”
“would you wanna study together more often?”
“like study dates” you teased at him.
“i wanna take you on real dates too, only if you’ll let me of course”
“...i think i’d like that. my knight in shining armour.”
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kingspadille · 4 years ago
Reasons to read my Supernatural Fanfic (even If you don't like Supernatural)
- Mental illness; none of the main cast is neurotypical. Sam for example has CPTSD. The others are hinted at, from ADHD to autism. Hours of research was put into making sure the symptoms are correct (as well as being an autistic man with ADHD)
- good writing for Women; I know how to write a badass for a woman since I was born one! None of the woman in this fic are seen as anything but human, just as the men are. Though sexism is touched upon it's not a focus. (No offense Supernatural, but y'all sometimes don't know whatcha doin' with woman hah hah!)
- Gender; the main character is a symbolism of Jesus and is transgender. He is open about this! I also have a handful of other trans, non-binary, and gender fluid characters. I am trans myself, so writing for them was so much fun
- The Judas to my 'Jesus' is a corrupted doctor that was loosely based off Norman Bates, he's got a shadow that's incredible powerful and uses a golf club as a weapon.
- Weapons; most of the main cast have normal household objects for weapons. The main character has a baseball bat with iron nails, another uses a wrench, etc etc guns are used occasionally but they're not the focus.
- The internet; Let's be honest, the internet is a big thing! The main two characters have to make a Twitter in an attempt to dismiss whatever videos, pictures and clips people get of them/the paranormal as well as trying to help people however they're able. That is, until it becomes too much.
- The Supernatural; all the monsters, people and creatures of the Supernatural are beefed up heavily. A darkness is eating away the planet and making everything incredibly powerful. Now the paranormal can grow wings, tails, claws, etc in the overworld making it harder and harder to fight them.
- The angels; all the angels sport real names from all sorts of different texts. They are real angels, they do not appear in the original show! I made sure of that. The main character is Chamuel, for example, who's the archangel of love and war. This being said, the darkness also makes the angels more powerful. Giving them huge wings, letting them use their grace as though it's a superpower. Only downside? The darkness weakens their ability to heal, teleport, etc the longer they stay on Earth.
- the demons; just like the angels the demons are more powerful. Horns, claws, tails, they use them all to their advantage. The demons also misgender/dead name the main character as a way to break him down and steal his soul.
-Dean x Cas; though Dean is dead he returns (though he's still dead) and is "married" in a sense to Castiel. This is insanely important to the plot. He watched Abel (his AFAB son) through the "water of life" and is incredibly frustrated with his inability to help.
-LGBTQ+ ; Abel, the main, is transgender. Chamuel is gay. The rest of the cast are also LGBT in some ways, ace, pan, bi, etc etc these are only touched upon if mentioned as well. I want to stress that its very natural
- Research; I've put hours and hours into this, from learning everything I can about demons, angels, etc etc, to talking with people from different cultures I made sure things are as accurate and appropriate as possible.
- POC; I try to keep the cast diverse and make sure that culture isn't ignored. Again, hours went into these characters!
- Main characters are very gay for each other
- artwork: I've been drawing the characters, scenes and covers for everything!
- Cryptids; they in it! Why they're not in the show is puzzling but they're definitely in this. From ones we all know (Jersey devil for example) to more unknown one's (Ozark Howler) I love them and had to include them!
- IM A GOOD WRITER; this isn't to toot my own horn or say anyone is a bad writer but I'm a good writer, I keep things interesting! Im also very open to critism, comments, questions and concerns.
-please read my fanfic I'm insanely proud of it and all I've done for it! People commenting on it makes my entire day!
There's plenty more!
Please consider making my entire life by reading and reacting to my fic. It's my life!
Can be found here:
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