#im not gonna survive s2 actually
captain-flint · 2 years
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backdraft-bimbo · 1 year
i’m so glad this season is described as “just vibes” with less spiderwebbing plot-lines. the only part of GO i was interested in (and this might just be my Gay Agenda talking) was crowley and aziraphale. i had little interest in any of the other characters just because the relationship between those guys and actors was so strong and well crafted; it made anything else seem mundane. i skip through the whole adam and anathema and witchfinder arcs during rewatches just because they’re not all that interesting; not in comparison.
i’m so excited for this season because they Know what we want as fans and are willing to put it to screen. and personally i can’t wait to see michael and david explore intimacy in a way that we not only didn’t expect (queer media trauma is real folks) but also just assumed we’d never actually get. most people were used to the bare ass minimum until indisputable and thoughtful queer media started coming out.
this sounds so cheesy but it shaped me into a better person, getting to see queer people be intimate on screen. it normalized something i’ve been trying to manifest my entire conscious life (no literally) through fan works and especially fan fiction.
additionally hollywood loves thin and traditionally attractive people. ofmd and good omens have totally turned that on its head and i feel like there’s a greater appreciation and acceptance of normal bodies being represented on screen. this is just speculation but i suspect michael sheen and rhys darby specifically never had a fandom advocate so hard for them at such a life stage. and i feel really happy that they do get to experience that as a demographic (older people) that often gets told that they lose their value because they’ve aged, and thus become less marketable.
you see this when people draw the boys all skinny and hot and young; something i’m not gonna write to the president about but it’s clear that people depicting them to fit the hollywood standard is a reflection of their own perception of beauty. so i don’t care for all this talk about “oh that outfit is so ugly!” or “his beard is weird” because LMAO my outfits have been ugly! if i had a beard, i would make questionable fashion choices! (personally i love crowley’s looks, they’re goofy and fun and fit the vibe of the show, i think it’s pointless even arguing about their personal aesthetics so long as they fit the context and their characters. david tennant can’t always be a smoking hot twink, guys. let him be silly and goofy for my heart’s sake please).
i guarantee if crowley and aziraphale end up kissing and it’s not the most Perfect queer standard camera angle, folks are gonna complain about it, because everyone on screen must be Pretty and Profitable but also Realistic and Relatable. bit of a double standard, no?
that’s why i love that david and michael get to be praised for their physical appearances and i’m no middle aged man but it feels like a door has opened in a way? in myself via the barriers of insecurity and dysmorphia, as well as in some widening sectors of queer society, because it shows that nontraditionally attractive queer people (aka people without abs or a perfect jawline, aka me lol) are fully capable of loving and being loved and being HAPPY and accepted. it makes me so so so joyous. anyway there’s my rant; y’all know i ain’t sleeping till s2 drops tomorrow. i’m HYPED!!!
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syn4k · 4 months
also uh while i'm writing something in this era of s2. are we ever going to talk about that time at the very end of the season that tucker literally murdered a bunch of defenseless children that were the last of what remained of ianite at mianite's behest and the only reason that any survived was because jordan and martha agreed on something for once in their goddamn lives and worked together to hide one where tucker couldn't find it? because im gonna be real right now: what the fuck was that. What the actual fuck. It didn't even lead to anything. Ianite wasn't even revived afterwards so narratively it was all for nothing anyways. Genuinely, what the fuck man.
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demadogs · 1 year
ok i MAY be crazy reaching rn but im listening to the st soundtracks and i just noticed something interesting.
there is a very specific line in california dreamin that i never realized applies so much to the show.
“you know the preacher likes the cold. he knows im gonna stay.”
i just rewatched season 2 and “he likes it cold” is a huge reoccurring fact. it was the key to disconnecting will from the mindflayer.
and i know there is big meaning to this song choice compared to others bc some GENIUS on tiktok that i cant find now :( made an edit to this song with the final scene bc they realized that EVERY LYRIC IN THE CHORUS FORESHADOWS EXACTLY HOW THE SEASON ENDS!!!!
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all the leaves are brown
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and the sky is gray
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i’ve been for a walk on a winter’s day
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i’d be safe and warm if i was in LA
i’ve always been obsessed with this revelation but the verse about the church had always tripped me up. until now.
“stopped into a church i passed along the way, well i got down on my knees and i pretend to pray.”
the church might represent will “stopping” in the upside down and pretending to pray could refer to s2 will being a super spy. his “pretending to pray” was spying back on the mindflayer, saving hopper, and using morse code to talk to everyone. he was pretending to still be the mindflayers slave and betrayed him.
“you know the preacher likes the cold. he knows im gonna stay.”
in this case i think vecna is the preacher. he likes it cold. “he knows im gonna stay” could reference the fact that will was in the upside down the longest. barb died right away and brenner in s1 says 6 people total were taken. why was will the only one that survived? why did vecna hang on to him instead of just killing him immediately? the lab even went to the effort of faking wills death so they’d stop looking for him!! vecna knew that will would stay. but why?
i dont even really have a conclusion to this. the only thing is if this is correct and was intentional its very focused on s2 and the mindflayer and their connection so maybe it could mean that in s5 will might be in a similar situation as s2.
all of this could be WAY outta line and its actually just a california bop that the duffers wanted to use. but “the preacher likes it cold” really got me thinking. i used to hear that verse and try to decipher what the church line meant that i completely disregarded the blatant “he likes it cold” reference.
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melodyfsoul1 · 11 months
Just spent over an hour crying over the Loki S2 Finale, and still havent recovered, but here I go anyway with my Reaction/ Review
*Loki S2 E6 Spoilers ahead*
Okay so... before watching the episode I wrote down a couple things that I did NOT want to happen/ but knowing myself, and my luck with my characters, figured that was exactly what would happen....
and turns out... I was correct....
Back in Infinty War I feared/ predicted that Loki was gonna die in the first 10 min in a stupid way where he wouldnt be able to show off his powers... and we all know how that turned out...
For this season finale, all I hoped was that Loki, for once wouldnt play the self sacrifical lamb, and find a way where he didnt have to lose Mobius and his new found friends, where he would be not alone...
So.... yeah.... about that....
Now to the Review/ Reaction:
God I was so scared
"Glorious Purpose"
The title alone had me tearing up.... we really came full circle back to S1 E1 and the fact that they started the recap with 2012 Loki too...
1 min 30 in and I'm already pausing, THE INTRO IS BACKWARDS, thar was so cool
So we all knew Loki would have to go back and try to safe everyone
Then Loki trying to learn everything OB knows to be prepared to help, but it would take time, makes sense
WHAT?! They really did that, good thing Loki has that long Life span...
The fact that all the characters realizes sth was off with Loki but MOBIUS is the one to stop and talks to him, and Loki telling him to trust him.... my heart
OH MY GOD ITS WORKING?! And Timely survived too? Did not expect that
I have never seen Loki this relieved/ happy but at the same time sad and exhausted before...
But of course its never that "easy"
No matter what, the infinite amount of branches will always detroy the loom, so the moment a timeline branched everything was doomed from he start... Ah yes Marvel and their existential dread...
Loki going back to before Sylvie killed He Who Remains, trying to convince her not to kill him.... and of course she says he has to kill her if he wants to stop her...
God Loki's Emotional Damage....
Of course Loki cant
HWR COULD HAVE STOPPED TIME THAT THE WHOLE TIME!??!! The fact that he figured Loki has gone through this whole scene before and still just watched
He knows about time slipping...
He paved he road
He planned this
Him and Loki had this conversations before
"We die with the dying, we are born with the dead"
That is such a sick quote :0
Its basically Loki vs HWR forever, and Loki knows he will always lose... but still wants to try... kudos to his determination
And of course Loki cant bring himself to trade lives... not Sylvie's, not his friends and not the multiverses...
Loki goes back to the first time he talked to Mobius...NOOOOO not the Throne talk, why does this feel like a final good bye talk.... I HATE IT
Though S1 E1 Mobius having a chat with S2 E6 Loki is such an interesting concept
He wants to find out how they chose who lives and dies... ("Who lives, who dies, who tells your story" huh? Sorry but I had to make that Hamilton reference XD)
"You're not gonna find comfort in the TVA" - Mobius to Loki
BUT HE DID, LOKI DID FIND COMFORT, IN YOU MOBIUS, Im gonna cry ... the TVA was the first place where Loki could just be himself and he found friends there too
Also Mobius might be the only comfort character who actually gives comfort (and isnt just an angsty mess who hasnt had a happy day ever)
Mobius telling the story of a hunter who couldnt kill a kid, which caused more death, loosing sight of the bigger picture
So he is talking about himself right? And of course Renslayer was the Partner
Mobius telling Loki they have to chose a burden and live with it... that it leaves scars.
Theres this sinking feeling again
I dont know what to think of Loki & Sylvie's final talk.... Loki has an idea?
Cant he ever be happy?! Is there any Loki, in any universe who actually gets to be happy?!
The fact that Mobius was the first to notice and that him and Sylvie immediately followed Loki, tried to talk him out of it
Loki looking back, saying he finally knows what he wants
It looks like an End of Time Aesthetic Version of his Ragnarok Outfit wih the Cracked Kintsugi helmet
Ngl at first I had no idea if he was using his powers to manually destroy, change or preserve the branches.... or weave them together
Oh and to be clear I was crying during like the whole last 20 min of the episode because that was just too many emotions at once
Also can we talk about how freaking cool looking the shots of Loki with the new Helmet and the branches being his cape, were?!
The throne... Oh god the remains of HWR throne...
*starts violently sobbing*
Poetic, Ironic and Heartbreaking, all at the same time
Like, is it extremely cool to see him use his powers to his full potential? Yes definitely.
Were the cinematics beautiful? Yes of course, it was gorgeous, tho the moment I realized he was making Yggdrasil, I started bawling my eyes out, because "You go Loki, show us what you can do"
But I also felt my heart break because Loki is now at the end if time, chose to have to watch over & protect the multiverse, all alone, forever.... (can he leave that place?)
Like this is the very same Loki, who just, 1 episode ago, admitted that he is terrified of being alone, who just wants to be with his friends. L1130 is a Loki who was actually happy and had friends, a place where he felt safe because he could be himself. And he gave EVERYTHING up to give EVERYONE ELSE a chance at life, a life he might not be able to take part in... he can watch, but we dont know if he can interact with them....
I literally talked about that in my reaction/ review from last episode. Sylvie & Loki are both selfish, which is ironically a very human trait (them being gods and all), but unlike Sylvie, Loki would actually give up everything to safe others, which is exactly what he did.
And I know Comic Loki, God of Stories, wrote himself out if the Narrative as well, out of the Story, to look behind the curtain, have a talk with the beings behind everything, but that Loki also had Verity, he had a friend outside of everything, he had someome to talk to, a friend. Verity is one of my fav characters and I would have loved to see her Comic Version too in the MCU, but I saw B-15's Name was revealed to be Verity Willis, so thats is cool Easter Egg :D
Back to Loki, I honestly cant tell which Loki has it the worst... I always thought the main Loki dying to Thanos had it the worst, but he sth akin to a life and he got the chance to mend his relationship with Thor before he died his heroes' death...
Now L1130, in the worst case, is damned to spent eternity alone, the very thing he is scared of, being without his friends, forced to watch from afar as they live life without him, when all he wanted was to be with them... that is unless he can just leave the place whenever he wants to (if the branches allow it I guess?) But if it turns out that he cant leave that place/ or interact with anyone, without everything going down immediately, then I would argue that this Loki's life is worse than the other's death... and I cant believe Im describing Infinity War Loki's Death as a mercy...
Back to the ep...
AFTER?! Right theres an after
The TVA is still intact, with a new leader ship and everyone working together, B-15, OB, Casey and even Ms Minutes is helping?
Mobius looks so sad doing his job though...
Hes gonna LEAVE?! He wants to experience his own life on the timeline, huh... Loki did promise that to Don... and M is going for it, thats sweet actually
Renslayer got sent to the end of time, Alioth waiting for her, well then
Mobius seeing what his life used to be is so sweet, likes how perfectly imperfect is it
Sylvie visits too?
"Its weird Loki's not around" she says and I start bawling my eyes out again, now thats just salting the wound.... at least they remember him
He is smiling, but he's crying too
Is there ANY Marvel Movie, or Show where Loki doesnt cry?!?! My freaking heart...
Look I know this ending makes rational sense.... and it was defintely epic, and we finally got Loki at his full potential, and yes, Loki being finally recongnized as one of the most powerful MCU characters is cool.
But personally, on an emotional level, that ending is somewhere between bittersweet and absolutely heart breakingly dreadful, because Loki didnt want this, he didnt want the throne, he only did this to save his friends, he gave up his own happiness and I hate it... I know he is happier knowing his friends have a chance at life and that he chose this, but there wasnt much of an choice with HWR....
I just hope that Loki learning to control time means he can at least visit his friend, pop in from time to time, because if him leaving the throne/ the branches means everything could come crashing down, then thats just sad...
And what does that mean for the teased Loki & Thor Reunion?! WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT?! We didnt even get an end credit scene?!
Anyways, I'm gonna rewatch the season the next couple days and go through some theories and head canons and see whether that will change my opinion on the ending, but we'll see.
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raeygina-george · 3 months
@gxlexii @knightzp (this one's a bit long sorry) my link click s2 reaction!
(link click spoilers ahead!!)
-i love the way the animation style is shifting to show the chaos and confusion!!!! it looks SO good and conveys emotion so well
-lex u were right this opening is AWESOME
-at first i thought captain qian was possessed by Future Cheng Xiaoshi but i guess his eyes are just naturally yellow adkfjskd
-i knew lu guang would survive ❤️❤️❤️ but DAMN the plot is thickening
-the ending is cool too...... the first season was already so good but the second is really ramping it up so far asjfkjsk
-i love qiao ling
-the pink haired person looks really interesting... I'm excited to see what's up with them
-oh god the???? the episode with the pink haired girl's family??????? what the fuck???
-"if i could have forseen all this, i wouldn't have let you experience all this pain" Hello??? (quote from lu guang)
-every time i go "wow this is intense" it just gets more intense.....
-every time i watch the opening i love it more somehow. im obsessed with it, like the song & animation is so good. i imagine it'd be really hard to write a song that sounds good played both normally and in reverse, so im thoroughly impressed
-lu guang just got kidnapped 😭 bro just can't catch a break
-i think cheng xiaoshi is my fav. i like basically everything about him and i wish i had his hair askfjskdkdk
-OHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! the pink haired girl is actually the pink haired boy!!!!!!! that makes a lot of sense haha
-if any of the main 3 get hurt badly again im going to cry
-NOOOOO LI TIANXI!!!!!! cmon i really liked her 😭😭😭
-at one point during the final fight scene w/ captain qian my brother stopped by, said "i hope they get hit by a train" and left. like. hello?
-okay. okay. yeah. fine then. alright. whatever. sure. yeah. fine. okay. sure
-im just gonna like. go cry. the entire last episode was definitely Something
-i Really like it when character's fates are basically set in stone but they bite and kick and scream and fight for a better ending where everyone can be happy
-i really like Everything in this show actually. it aligns with my preferences so well askfjskd
end review: im chewing rocks im banging my head against the wall. head in my hands. i will never be the same
this show was amazing. if u guys have any other recommendations, feel free to send them my way!
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nanamis-bigtie · 1 month
u always have the correct opinions thank u for validating my feelings on the jjk fandom thing lmao i feel like its quite obvious the people who are only in fandoms when and because theyre popular because the fics dont have life to them and its very....i hate to say generic nsfw and also they quickly move around at any given chance lmao
but yeah i agree its nice that like jjk fandom feels a little better and that most of the people who were only into jjk cos gojo hot and it was super popular when s2 was coming out are gone i no longer feel like i have to watch what im doing or writing bcos someone who has never seen a certain kink before is gonna give me grief and say 'character would NOT do that' like.....
anyway sorry thats just a whole lot of nothing to say thank u for agreeing and putting what i meant into actual words HAHKJGFD (also i hope ur anxiety goes away and you have an amazing rest of ur vacaction with ur partner!!!! <3)
Haha, we do seem to agree on many things!
And I'm absolutely not using your ask as an excuse to whine about how glad I am to not be super and 100% into jjk creatively when S2 was still airing cause gods, I wanted to throw hands like 3 times a day, and I breathed with relief when Nanami finally died because I had so enough of collective whining mixed with discourse around the famous hair pulling scene where there seemed to be agreement that Nanami could never into BDSM because BDSM is abuse and he is a good boy and hey let's quickly imprint on any dude with suit available to morph him into a fanon Nanami replacement 🤢
Now to only survive S3 and all those clowns crawling towards Higuruma.
(Thank you! I already feel a little better and I hope it only continues so once my partner is awake and able to talk my stupid ass into good behavior lol)
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intergalactic-garbage · 2 months
i see you've chosen to be into red dwarf today, which i've never heard of, so i'm currently working out from your posts what it even is at all
my guess went from fiction podcast to musical (a la starkid) to somewhat low budget tv show (made no later than 2007 and likely in the 80s)
it seems fun! and i'm also having fun with my lack of understanding of what it is so it's your call whether you want to tell me or just laugh at my guesses :)
hiiii monarch! i love the phrasing "whats this mf gonna reblog today *spins wheel*" :D <3
red dwarf is a sci-fi comedy sitcom from the uk, which aired some time ago. it's something i used to watch with my dad (still do sometimes) - we have all the series on dvd in czech, and the dub holds a special place in my heart.
as do the characters! the cast features dave lister, last human whos accidentally survived an accident that killed everyone else on the spaceship, wakes up 3mil yrs later, and is only accompanied by rimmer, his former insuffrable roommate (now in the form of a hologram), cat (guy who is from a race that evolved from lister's cat which he sneaked on the spaceship (and the reason why he got sent to stasis for 3mil yrs)), totally flamboyant and very stupid mf (i love him), holly (the ships sarcastic ai interface) and kryten (servant robot who learns to be more human and rebel against his programming).
the cast all have their insufferable qualities that make them so very human. lister is just a guy. hes very punk subculture guy who just views the world through very common sense, likes to poke fun at rimmer, and is gross at times :D but very much is the one to be the voice of humanity and just. empathy. real. rimmer is a horrible know-it-all whos a terrible coward and loves to pesk everyone around him (and drop the blame for things he did to himself on everyone else). he has 97 illnesses and isnt allowed in most public spaces
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(this is a hannibal meme but applies to rimmer too well.) hes very autistic coded, his parents hated him, is obsessed with becoming a great world ruler/hero/whatever, and terribly in denial of the fact that hes just sabotaging himself in becoming that. also frequently made fun of for not having a lot of sex with women, but it all just comes of as him being gay and horribly horribly in denial about it.
basically, rimmer was only revived as a hologram to be a companion to lister, and was picked to be the person who was best fit to be listers companion for an eternity in space from every person on the ship of red dwarf (which is said to be big like a small city). which idk but if you ask me thats pretty gay.
the sort of core of the show is the banter of them two, and them being polar opposites in a way, but also, despite how annoyed they are by each other, clearly caring about each other.
the third character is holly, the ships ai with iq in the thousands, who exists to provide info on the ship and have sarcastic remarks. sometime in s2 he switches gender and becomes a woman. dont remember why or how. but then she has this horrible haircut
the fourth character is cat. hes stupid, cares about himself, dresses in flamboyant suits (my personal fashion icon), but never to such an extent that hed become actually unlikable. theyre all kinda annoying but that makes it so good :D the fifth character, who joins the cast sometime in s2 is kryten, android who is their maid. hes very kind and caring and they slowly actively try to disrupt this programming, so he can lie and rebel and just. im soft abt it
the entire show is enjoyable bc of the characters and the fact they all share a single braincell, and the setting allows fun sci-fi shenanigans to happen. like a manifestation of their worst aspects in the form of a planet, a version of earth where time is in reverse, and all that jazz - but it all really serves as a setting for the characters and the bits :D despite all that, often theres a deeper thought underlying the eps, like theyre often on the verge of death, or discussing the morality of something. it's all just very british.
and ahhhh i just love them all they have zero braincells and the humour is so special to me<33 and thank you for asking!!! im literally so happy someone asked me about this :3 also please if theres anything that didnt make sense to you or want to ask further about please do <3
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modkatisbacc · 2 months
ModKat Re-reacts to Ninjago: Episode 9
Now you may be wondering "Where are the other episodes?" Well my friends, they were on my old account by the same name. "Why did you delete your old account?" Because *Gestures at all the other weird things I do* its kinda what I do best. i started doing episode 9 before I deleted the Blog but a lot of things have HAPPENED in the show since then.
WARNING: There WILL be spoilers for up to Ninjago: Dragons Rising S2 P1.
Also, sorry for the picture quality, it was actually better on my phone but now im using my laptop.
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What were they going to do if he Didn't Survive all this because he had plot armor? Did THEY know he had plot armor? I mean they know he's the Grandson of the FSM, so maybe they did. But then again I take my Ninjago Canon into account and I SHOULDNT-
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Lloyd has been through so much,,, look at u go u funky little guy.
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Still crying that Clutch was name dropped like... like he was never even supposed to be in the series. I still haven't watched his movie... one day..
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I wonder how much Lou knows about Elemental Masters. In like... all of my AUs, Lilly always dragged him along and he experienced things first hand. But,,, what does he know in CANON?
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And, as of the Merge, people just Live Here.
Garmadon,,, Voice,, Handsome.
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Use. The Bell. Son. I dont know why but that is the funniest delivery ever, and its also funny when a parent and child duo are voiced by the same person, thank you, Kirby.
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And WHO decided that one of the fangs of the devourer would be used as a TROPHY? What if someone with ill intent found this out Long Before!
Also as someone who has suffered many twisted ankles, what... what are you doing sit down. Your pain tolerance must be crazy, sure, but it aint gonna heal with you jumping around like that- (Edit: 7/26/24: I... I twisted my ankle yesterday, but got lucky it doesnt hurt that baad LMAO Also what do u mean half the episode has been in my drafts for several weeks no it hasn't)
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Dang Scales thinks they're good. I mean three out of the four never learned how to dance or anything and they're much better than me SO.
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(Insert Dragons Rising Questions Here) But also... Where is it? The Administration is *here* right? What happened to this portal when the merge happened? Is that why they're able to send people back to other realms? They found a way to like use that source to teleport to other realms? How Does It Work. Also I know its guarded, but if its daytime the Craglings wouldnt be an issue, so... Its not guarded during the day. Why not.
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He literally only does this to be an annoying brother. Just a little push shove, dramatic entrance. Wu here looks so shocked by the vortex, My man you've seen crazier.
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They got these suits and promptly only used them for an hour tops. Maybe less.
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My headcanon is that this man right Here Knows A lot more than he ever let on here. Like There Is A REASON he was so adamant. Can we at least get a confirmation that the parents are okay. We don't even need to see them just a lil thumbs up.
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*Points* You had a bad word on your paper mister, I remember the Post. The funniest thing I've never noticed.
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And those specific butterflies can stay away since they seem to be nearby when someone is either about to die or be in big trouble.
(At Zane's funeral, landed on the bike in s7, if I remember correctly, The butterfly in Tick Tock)
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Its time For you to do this again in DR Cole.
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Man really was straight up willing to kill Lou for a distraction. Also he ran under there before he potential kicked in, so he can deal with a lot of stuff Falling on him. Interesting to know.
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True Potential Shots pretty... Very Pretty...
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Can I just say that... These four mean so Much,,,, to me... Look how happy they are.
Ninjago Episode 9 Rewatch Done! I should be uploading these at least three times a week? Maybe more if I... Feel Up To It. I love doing these, and I am sorry that the others are lost. but we Are Back! These wont be going anywhere!
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gizkasparadise · 11 months
watched the last ep of arthdal! overall, a lot better than i thought it was going to be:
ladies doing it!!!! karika, taealha, nunbyeol, and tanya were all great in this ep
a lot less people died than i thought :'D
the sun's out gun's out reveal of eunseom being aramun was hilarious to me, but ALSO in that vein i think the most intriguing thing about s2 was the sort of manufacturing of myth--the show might have been a lot better if it stayed more grounded in that regard (characters having to rely on information and wit to stay in front of the story) vs. the actual mysticism/deus ex machina that routinely happened
you're gonna give me a saya villain arc where lee joon gi gets to go full unhinged-!!!
also i guess thank god he decided to wear his highly reflective necklace that day otherwise?????
im still laughing at how yangcha/tanya shippers got fed this season. tanya when her dad dies: omg no dad sad :(; tanya when yangcha is threatened: I WILL CUT OFF MY HEAD RIGHT NOW DONT TEST ME
(also hello im converted, yangcha/tanya were the best ship this season i said what i said)
loved that taealha's big Character Journey was realizing that she has to respect the power and influence of myth even if she doesn't believe in it, as the most consistent skeptic throughout the series
overall i'd give the second season a 6 or 7/10. acting was good, and there were a few really great moments, but too much focus on ago tribe, tagon's ridiculous survivability in the backhalf (rip), funky pacing, and them not knowing really what to do with saya after all that s1 build up killed it for me. taealha and tanya were also really underused this season (although last 2 eps did some work to rectify that)
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oh-cramity-its-amity · 3 months
Oh shit there’s a new one okay. I thought the most recent was liek a week ago. Imma watch that rq
Okay I watched it I’m going feral I’m just gonna yell my opinions in yr inbox rq don’t mind me
Did they actually kill all of the fucking council memebers. They wouldn’t right. There’s no way <in denial. But no literally I will sob if they’re all dead. It looks like Mel is dead from mommy abassarda (🤤) seeking revenge and stuff. Would they kill golden boy and viktor tho? Unlikely. I’m also assuming Caitlyn’s mom is dead for that trauma
“you finally got the name right” I’m going to vomit
I know this is not an original opinion at all but I really hate the outfit 😭. Why does she look like that. What happened to my vi with her good outfits. Maybe it’s supposed to be symbolic that it doesn’t fit her but like
Istg if jinx dies I’m cutting off every riot persons heads
I’m a little mad they’re cutting it off at 2 seasons but it makes sense ig :/ I’m just like my lesbians. Why
YES! omg. i absolutely dont mind at all 😭. i was losing my mind!!! literally just WHAT.
i dont know if they did or not to be honest?? i remember seeing people discuss about them killing the members, and they debated about them killing champions. i dont think jayce is dead?? hes a champion. and if arcane is canon to LoL lore then like he wouldnt be?? not too sure about everyone else but i dont think the champions are dead or will die. cassandra however- i think fandom kinda considered her dead for a good majority of time. i dont know league lore so dont take me seriously 😭. BUT- i dont believe jayce is dead. idfk if viktor is, mel potentially. hmm... IM SURE like someone survived... they wouldnt do that to caitlyn... come on... kill her mom and then her childhood friend...? thats... ykw kinda on brand for the emotional turmoil.. BUT COME ON.
again- dont think they killed any champions but everyone else... yeah... probably rip. :(.
wondering how this is going to affect caitlyn tbh too. how is she going to handle herself. is vi going to comfort her?? uh... WILL WE FINALLY FUCKING GET A KISS?? istg anyway.
the "my sister is gone" had me like wanting to literally go insane because OUCH!!! someone please save vi from this turmoil 😭. shes gonna be put through it and IM not ready.
the red jacket was HER :(. i think its kinda a metaphor too like u mentioned about her not belonging on the team and feeling uncomfortable but then again the LoL players *were* clowning on the discourse of people being upset over vi being a cop. I DO LIKE THE GOGGLES THO. those r sick. but the outfit? girl what did they do to my favorite lesbian. who is she.
dont think jinx is gonna die thoughhhhh.... i mean... why would she... die... they wouldnt... right? ...right??
please i just NEED them all to be okay i cant do this!!! /lh but also /srs. i do need them to be okay. IK I SIGNED UP FOR THIS BUT OW.
honestly im a little shocked about it being just 2 seasons too but i think its good just because of how long it took between 1-2. i have maaaad respect for the people working on it. swear as long as we get a physical release of the season season too ill be down. first we had news about s1 getting a physical TO A FUCKING TRAILER... we are eating SO good this week.
short and sweet though. tbh im sure theyll be able to tell what they need to cause 45 min per an ep. doesn't seem that surprising. but still 2 seasons is crazy. AS LONG AS THERES NO CLIFFHANGERS ILL BE FINE.
i justttt need caitvi in s2. i need them to kiss. i am not asking for a lot. need them to kiss and for literally jinx, and several people to NOT die.
anyway whoops. thanks for sending me your thoughts aaaaa
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jackiietaylor · 2 years
unpopular stranger things opinions/hot takes 👀
omg thanks for sending this and giving me a reason to share my opinions 👀 this got really long because i have a lot to say apparently
first of all, i genuinely love and enjoy this show and that seems to be an unpopular opinion recently? like i was shocked when i logged on after watching volume 2 and everyone on my dash hated it because i loved it. and i love all the other seasons, too. yeah obviously there’s some parts i don’t like and things i would change but overall i still think it’s really good. but yeah mandatory “i do actually really like the show” before i start complaining about some things
s1 > s4 > s3 > s2
i don’t understand the obsession with character death. not as in i don’t understand why people don’t want characters to die but i don’t understand the constant need to talk about how characters are “definitely” going to die. no main character has been killed off throughout the whole show and yet pre-s4 no one would shut up about characters dying. also after the reaction to eddies death i think the duffers are gonna be too scared to kill anyone off lol
on the other hand, killing el off/not giving her a happy ending would be the single greatest mistake the show could make
el’s side plot in s2 is one of the highlights of the show for me. the lost sister will probably forever be my favorite episode of the show. ive never understood the hate it gets. im really hoping that kali comes back in s5 and helps fight vecna
el is the only Main character. there are obviously many other characters that are leads but she is ultimately the main character. the entire show revolves around her and her plot(s).
nancy has some of the best development in the entire show. ive seen so many people say she has no development outside of the love triangle and i find that so surprising because she’s changed soo much. her entire journey to wanting to be a reporter directly stems from her not being listened to and her desire to do something about barbs death. everything about her current character stems from that specific moment and we’ve seen throughout the seasons how that’s progressed and shaped her into and i think because of that development, she’s pretty much the only character with a defined ending (career as a journalist)
mike has done like one thing wrong in the entire show and im so unbelievably tired of people acting like he’s the villain. he’s a 14 year old who doesn’t know how to perfectly express himself sometimes. people need to leave him alone
steve & robin and el & max have the two best friendships on the entire show and anyone who says otherwise is wrong
hopper should’ve stayed dead. his death was perfectly written in s3 and reviving him brought nothing to the plot. it wasn’t even explained how he survived, he was just there. it wasn’t well thought out or well written, and overall it just wasnt necessary. they ruined what was ultimately a beautiful send off (the speech to end s3) for a cheap plot twist that had no payoff.
(also i don’t like hopper because he gave brenner el’s location in s1, fully intending that he would kidnap her again. it’s unforgivable regardless of what his reasoning was and i hate that it was never brought up ever again)
going off of that, the entire russia plot is the worst written part of the whole show. it could be scrapped entirely from s4 and the season would lose nothing
stranger things is blatantly obvious about what ships are gonna end up together at the end of the show
jancy is just a truly terrible ship all around. jonathan hiding in a bush to take pictures of nancy through a window while she was taking her clothes off is soo unbelievably creepy and unforgivable, and it’s terrible that it was just dropped with no consequences whatsoever for him. he doesn’t even actually apologize! he says he shouldnt have taken the picture, but when she asks him why he took it in the next episode he says it was just a nice picture and then starts lecturing her about how she’s gonna end up miserable like her mom?? they should’ve never got together after all that. and then there’s all the bullshit in s3 when he undermined the misogyny she was facing at work and didn’t believe her at all which just further proves that they shouldn’t be together! and then she forgot he existed for most of s4 anyway
i want nancy to end the show single so bad
robin/vickie sucks lol. stranger things is probably the only show that has me rooting against the lesbian character ending up in a relationship. vickie is sooo boring and has absolutely no personality! even suzie’s random family members got personalities in s4! im tired of being told to accept the bare minimum just because a show is adding a random throwaway gay character. vickie serves no purpose in the plot and id rather not waste the extremely limited time left in the show developing robins relationship with a complete nobody when her friendships with pre-existing characters should be the focus. also every single one of their scenes featured steve in some capacity which was very annoying
steve and nancy actually have such an interesting dynamic as characters but specifically as exes. personally, i do not think they should get back together, but i think what makes them interesting is why they shouldn’t be together. obviously their first breakup is because of their different reactions to barbs death. their relationship was never going to make it past that. barb died because nancy brought her to steves house, she died AT steves house, and died while nancy was alone with steve. there was never any coming from back that, not while nancy hadn’t processed her grief and especially not when steve was trying to convince her to forget about it and go to a party. but they’ve both grown as people since then, and they’re still not going to work. steve wants a big family, nancy is career-oriented to the point that she will do anything to succeed as a journalist. nancy doesn’t want the suburban, nuclear family life. they are fundamentally mismatched when it comes to what they want in life and i think exploring THAT aspect of their dynamic is so much more interesting than just shoving them back together
overall the show is so much more enjoyable when you don’t care about ships <3 please disregard everything i just said about the ships <3 but seriously the main focus of the show is not even remotely centered on the romantic relationships and watching the show without really caring about that aspect of things is way better
this isn’t a hot take about the show but more the fandom: a lot of the dynamics do not exist at all in the show the way some people think they do. most obvious example is el and will, who both are wayyyy closer to at least 3 other characters than they are to each other. this isn’t just limited to stranger things, it happens in most shows, especially ones with a found family element (ex. agents of shield) but people tend to forget what the dynamics actually are and then project their opinions onto the characters
semi-related and not really a hot take but if i had to choose underrated/non-existent dynamics to explore in s5, i would choose: lucas and el (connection to max), nancy and el (both on the show since s1 but have barely spoken, both the only people to know vecna’s full backstory firsthand), and nancy and mike (siblings who both probably think they’re only children at this point because they never interact with each other)
also related to fandom but it’s so clear that so many people either have not watched the show or just don’t anything remember what happens in the show when they post shit. and that’s way there’s sooo much mischaracterization everywhere
this show has way too many characters and it’s resulted in a lot of them having nothing to do for entire seasons. look at the california group from this season. they spent the entirety of episodes 5-8 driving around in a van with nothing to do. even joyce, who was one of the main main characters in earlier seasons, felt like she was just kinda there this season. part of it is the way they divide the plots, especially geographically this season, but the other part is just not having anywhere near enough time or plot spaces for all the characters. it’s unfortunately probably only gonna get worse in s5 because they have to somehow wrap up every characters individual plot in addition to the greater shows plot
and my hottest take is that will is severely overhyped sorry. he’s just not that interesting of a character and i really don’t understand that obsession with him? i mean he’s a fine character and he hasn’t really done anything wrong but there are so many other characters that are actually involved in the plot that i find way more interesting, relevant, and better written. like he was barely in s1, s2 was more about things happening to him than him actually doing anything, and s3 and s4 he didn’t do anything. hopefully s5 will give him something interesting to do but for now i just don’t see it
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boysdontcryboycry · 1 year
this post is pretty metaphorical and almost entirely nonsensical. sorry
thinking again about dustin's s2 mindflayer analogy falling apart when hopper asked how to kill it. thinking about how will the wise is a wizard but mike (who is pretty much never wrong about anything) (except for calling el a mage when mages are npcs and she doesn't even really have mage powers she's much closer to a wizard leaping between schools of magic but also manifestationgate 👁👁? cuz this sure descibes her before she broke out of the lab
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) called will their cleric. how vecna's curse is literally necromancy in the form of draining a person's life force and how henry should have died from the radiation burns he got traveling between dimensions or disintegrated like jason was by the gate opening in the creel house but didn't because he just necromanced like thirty people. and how the mindflayer isn't actually a mind flayer but a tool and the physical representation of the hivemind that henry is the brain of as the actual dnd mind flayer and so henry is a paradox in that he is both the mind flayer and the undead (lich? zombie? both? who knows!) that can resist the mind flayer's thrall oops i started reading about thralls and having revelations
billy was DEFINITELY a thrall, and will was well on his way before being blasted out of it by the power of love and seventy space heaters. i think the shadow is like a physical representation of the thrall and plugs you into the telepathic network and is also possible to expell Like A Demon so they could do a quasi-thrall that was reversible?
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the rest of the flayed in season 3 i think were somewhere between ceremorphs and (reverse?) oblexes? possibly because ceremorphs henry wasn't really looking to make more mind flayers and ceremorphs ? he was just looking to kill? the hive mind. let me be coherent in a different paragraph (although i will say oblexes were introduced just over a year before season 3 came out as the creation of a make-a-wish kid and thus the similarities might've been a happy coincidence)
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ceremorphs. illithid tadpoles injected into beings to eat their brains and take over their bodies and either become mind flayers themselves or become some other ceremorphized being that either was a subset of the hivemind to boost psionic ability or to find new victims to become food/members or other stuff idk etc, or in special cases becoming a being powerful enough to split from the control of the elder brain and start their own colony. the flayed in s3 get their faces sucked by tentacles a lot like will in s1, when the tadpoles were first deposited. they certainly look like corpses whose brains are currently being devoured from the inside.
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anyway i don't think henry was particularly looking to make more mind flayers at this time partially from his fixation on el and will and also thinking pretty much the entire planet isn't worth it and they don't deserve the power and are better off as food and then as a biomass in his meatflayer that we still don't really know the end goal for? and so their orders were to munch the brains and then destroy the host body! yummy chemicals! the meatflayer ALSO could've been his attempt at literally physically creating his own elder brain. tadpoles plus nutrients plus hivemind shadow particles plus biomass? all the makings of a big ole brain ready to stew in some brine in a deep dark cave with lots of tunnels oh yeah that's why they were digging the tunnels
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also btw besides ceremorphs a super rare tadpole will birth a super powerful mind flayer whose job it is to split the colony and move somewhere else and to become a new elder brain :)
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and so im gonna black out cuz i can make absolutely anything about rosegate and the mind flayer "deities" ilsensine and maanzecorian just SCREAM rosemary and dick wheeler respectively, bro just trust me (go read their wikis), even dick's glaring abscence from the narrative as maanzecorian "died" and yet survived and his principles still being followed also .
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mike wheeler knowing things he absolutely shouldn't check.
so like im convinced there is a (metaphorical?) elder brain underneath the creel house that tadpoled henry on move-in day (running from the bathroom?) and he became a ulitharid and is now splitting off to form his own colony with an elder brain under the library that may or may not be a brainstealer dragon. this bitch tadpoled tiamat
also if time travel is your thing Illithids Are Your Bitches
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i completely lost the plot of this post
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300iqprower · 1 year
So we know your views on the J rank up
What about Karna's?
well to partially restate another post im probably gonna make later:
WHY DID THEY NOT GIVE HIM ANY SURVIVAL TOOLS?! "ah yes. 10% more crit damage on this glass cannon who IN canon is supposed to be near invincible, this is exactly what's needed" WHERE IS HIS ARMOR???
They were cowards for not making the batter 30-50% scaling, especially if they aren't even gonna fix the actual issues with his kit like his S1 being useless now that every boss has immunity, his terrible uptime on his S2, and his complete lack of survival tools despite his lore explicitly stating he's supposed to be insanely hard to even scratch.
The star drop being doubled is nice I guess? Lancer stats + his not garbage hit counts mean he gets some use out of it but his 1 hit buster cards are gonna hurt even more now. Even then if they wanna give him that insanely high scaling star drop rate, why the hell did they give him that ludicrous star bomb? AND ALSO STOP DOING THAT. THAT'S SUPPOSED TO BE WHAT MAKES MOZART SPECIAL YOU PRIVILEGED JACKASS. MARY ANNING WAS ONE THING BUT THIS IS BULLSHIT.
Overall it's just a worse version of what I gave him IMO and/or TBH. and what I gave him was literally the absolute bare minimum hence why it was only even counted as a .5 of a rank up in the total count.
...cool name change tho! I know it doesn't have an official one yet but this is one of the rare times I hope they just straight up use the fantranslation for the official one. "Almsgiver's End" is such a raw title.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 5 days
AYO MODEL ERA MIRA?? CONGRATS!!! Hmu if you ever make one of those subscriptions like Chris Prince I’ll come to your meet and greet (don’t scam me) LMAO
the get possessed part actually has me sending the process is insane LOL im just imagining you getting into the zone like “mmm yes I love flirting with women I am that top dog im a super sexy defender yes that’s me”
IM CRYING THE SHOE THREAT??? Thats literally Barou just throwing the shit Nagi and chigiri left around the floor back in their faces it matches him sm….shoeliver is truly the best duo name ykw is funny when I first typed liver it autocorrected to lover (even though liver is a word….) LMAO truly meant to be
HAAH snuffy the only responsible adult so real no it’s ok mikages stubble grew into that full beard from stress and aging dw abt it yk when you get to the wedding arc you should design wedding invitation graphics (if you want LOL) I bet they’d go hard
STOPP I lowk forgot Nagi’s the love interest for a second uuhbdjsns no swerving no swerving…..but slightly sweaty rolled up sleeves Karasu….but REAL AEGISLASH TAKE ME TOO SHSHSH
Barou’s too underrated people are missing out on his potential omg (and I’m not even talking about in soccer LOL)
Wait speaking of how far are you from 1k rn I lowk forgot…just trying to see the odds of that pokemon event coming true if so I’m fr going to start brushing up
FR what’s worst is the people I see theorycrafting and analyzing saying Nagi’s gonna get kicked out and I’m like are we reading the same series here??? Like GUYS cmon let’s use our brains a little please I’m begging…..I’m crying “I forgot I liked chigiri” LAMOSAOSK yeah it does suck though because a big majority of his fans feminize him like crazy (esp when they ship him with Kunigami and turn him into a damsel in distress) yeah I think the move is just stay away from the crazy twitter side of the fandom LOL
IM GONE THE SPONGEBOB LFMAOAO stop the Barou edits go too hard wtf…but NO PLEASE KEEP THEM COMING LMAOO I appreciate all the content and lowk my fyp lost its way I don’t get much bllk there as I used to so I need this
DHSHSHS FR bro “can I say something controversial” and it’s just straight facts because people are fr just setting themselves up for disaster and like doomposting like guys cmon…..as if we didn’t all survive whatever the hell was going on in jjk s2 animation too (some scenes were so bare bones but we all lived)
SWOLE ERA Barou would be proud first it’s the graphic now this LMAOA out of curiosity what’s your go to routine?
- Karasu anon
YESS MODEL ERA INDEED dw if i do become famous i’ll be like yukimiya and expose scams not create them like chris prince 🤩 jkjk it’s really not for anything huge HAHA so no fame or scamming for me quite yet…tbh i only applied on a whim (i happened to have the photos they required for the application on hand [one of then was my linkedin pfp though icl] so i was like why not) ngl i was surprised when they emailed me back and told me they added me to their book but yk yolo!! might as well try it and see what the vibes are
HELPPP repeating my aiku affirmations while i work on the oaeu…“i am a rizz lord…i hate italian people…women want me fish fear me…i’m the goat” HAHA have to get in the mindset fr
shoeliver my magnum opus number one bllk ship name number one duo etc etc no one can compare!! PLEASEE barou is so mom coded it makes sense i can def see him threatening to throw his shoes at his kids nagi zantetsu chigiri when they’re being annoying/misbehaving HAHAHA
wait wedding invitation graphics would actually go crazy i don’t even think either wedding is ever shown in the epilogue (because of all of the time skipping) but maybe a side story of snuffy just dealing with everyone’s messes at either the tullireo or nagiy/n wedding might be in order sprinkled amongst the epilogue chapters 🤔 either that or i’ll make barou funeral invites but that’s more morbid…
AEGISLASH PLEASE ASSIST KARASU ANON AND I IN GOING ON A DOUBLE DATE W (still alive not possessed) BAROU AND KARASU POKÉMON AU VERSION 😭🙏🏻 nah because the visual is insane karasu’s face card is too lethal…reader’s crazy for not falling in love with him immediately ‼️ like girl you don’t even meet your actual man for an entire arc you’re telling me you don’t have the teensiest crush on karasu until nagi arrives in all of his lazy pajama wearing glory??? /j (mostly abt nagi wearing pajamas he’s a little better than that) nah but me personally the moment i see him taking care of his little baby birds i’m folding LMAOOO karasu with his fletchling would genuinely cause me to malfunction (wait imagine tullia gets him to babysit the pokémon she breeds when he has free time so his alternate clothing style is him in a white t shirt [so we can see his glorious biceps] jeans and a green apron with the black falconer’s gloves as usual and we just get a scene of him walking around bottle feeding a baby pokémon while talking on the phone about official gym business HFJSKSJD i fear i need him)
nah because barou is too underrated for what he brings to the table!! hoping we see a rise in barou nation after s2 as well although if not we’ll def see his non-dude bro fanbase (because lbr all dude bros love barou) expand after nel is animated he looks GORGEOUS in the game against bm!!
i’m like 60ish followers away but randomly the number will go down so i could not tell you how long it’ll take before i reach 1k 😭 i also might post the event a bit early just so people can be prepared for it HAHAHA we’ll see if i even do pokémon!! maybe i’ll end up with smth different who knows i’m very indecisive unfortunately so i probably won’t know until the last minute what i’m going to do
when people think nagi will leave the manga and be kicked out for good i’m like ah yes the character with his own spin-off is definitely the one they’re axing HAHAAH nagi + rin + barou are the only ones besides isagi that i can say for sure will be relevant until the end just because of the nature of their dynamics w isagi and the way their characters are written 😭 NAH BECAUSE I STAY FORGETTING CHIGIRI HIMSELF IS ACTUALLY COOL he can’t help his stans yassifying him/using him as an excuse to hate on other characters…wait also this is a pet peeve of mine but whenever people call chigiri a princess unironically i’m like 😟🤨 because i am 100% sure that the other blue lockers do NOT mean it as a compliment necessarily LMAOAOA like chigiri straight up gets mad when people who aren’t his friends/close teammates call him princess/missy (depending on the translation) i’m pretty sure it’s meant to be an embarrassing/teasing nickname not a nice one (karasu and otoya using it should be MORE than enough proof for that theory)…chigiri official arts have set the fandom back one million years they overly yassfiy him bro is simply NOT like that in the source material!!
THE SPONGEBOB HAD ME CRYINGGG lowkey what if i said me though 🤔 jkjk…unless??? OKAY YAYYY I WILL KEEP SENDING YOU SILLY LINKS AND EDITS HEHEHE today i will offer you a nagi + chigiri edit because it feels thematically appropriate to the convo LMAOO
no because people fr have such rose colored nostalgia tinted glass bruh jjk s2 was lowkey really bad at times too?? truly bllk is not as horrible as everyone is making it seem it honestly in terms of coloring and art style alone has a lot of depth and vibrancy and life i think people need to relax a bit like this isn’t violet evergarden things will not be perfect and that’s okay!! it’ll still be fun if you go into it just to enjoy it for what it is
LMAOO i’ve been going to the gym for a while but i never lift heavy enough to get swole i will leave that for my bfs 🤩 i start off on the treadmill for anywhere from 10-30 minutes depending on what i’m doing…if it’s an answering asks on the treadmill kind of day i’ll go at the 6 incline at a 2.5-3mph pace until i’m done clearing my inbox (usually 30ish mins plus or minus 5) and if it’s a day when i just want to be in and out i do a 15 incline at a 3mph pace for 10-15 mins!! after that i lift weights but nothing crazy/above 50lbs 😭 i’m not trying to be jacked so i’m not trying really hard to hit a PR as long as i feel like i worked out!! some of my fav exercises w weights are squats, romanian deadlifts, and the lateral pull-down machine!! after lifting i’ll do yoga to stretch out the muscles i used that day 😄 i go to the gym like twice a week and then horse riding once a week so i work out in a dedicated way only 3x per week and the rest of my steps come from walking around in general HAHA
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imy2 · 9 months
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2-2 oooo hi hector , didnt realize he'd be so soon •
oh damn goodbye mack. should've expected that was this ep w vasquez comin in... ughh the way murphy looks when addy's staring at him :/// •
2-3 "woahh don't be so negative; worry is poison - that's why you don't crap right." lmao random dude, too real •
"you are not the boss of me -.- she is." one of my fav murphy lines •
ok i regret not taking notes last eps so recap of what i rmbr then onward.. rc2-4 z weed lol • rc2-5 nvr noticed b4 that they call this ep aka lucy zombaby - makes sensee , but s1 zombaby is true zombaby in my heart. lucy's lucy :p ... ugh serena was so pretty this ep.. even looked cool as a zombie • rc2-6 gb4n lucy.. also cassandra :(( </3 • rc2-7 sketchy n skeezy were here again .. • rc2-8 i thiiink it was this ep that this happened but if not close enuff.. warren said to murphy, "the time is coming where you're gonna have to decide what side you're on - and when that time comes, remember which is trying to help u survive n which wants to eat ur brains." ooo i never noticed how good of a line that is bc well warren which side is which! half the zombies dont care abt murphy atp and yall r takin him to be experimented on .. hmmm • rc2-9 this is always a fun ep • rc2-10 idt docs cool aop in this ep... • rc2-11 addys hotelwoman moment :') • rc2-12 oo the zeroes.. warrens sooo pretty •
2-13 murphy savin warren, hell yeah. murphy listening to warren, helll yeahh. again warrens gorg.. hector n doc n murphy all also look cool .. el camino B) 10k w slingshot - also cool •
2-14 lmfao doc pre-z(beginning of z actually) "oh jeez, sorry, didn't mean to intrude! -- what a minute, what did i just see.. larry and his gay lover? it's funny he never mentioned him.. 2 patients wrestling on the couch? .. it's a damn zombie! hang on larry!" lol him pullin a joint from his beard .. • •interlude ... i used to say i wish i had a beard all the time as a kid 9-like12, love that for me..idt id want one now, i do wish i had more body hair tho man my arms n legs look hairless basically -.- my brother used to always comb his hand thru his thick ass leg -.- #jealous .. also hairy stomachs r so hot -.- anyways.. i also need to do smth diff w my headhair like sooo bad. its been like 6yrs since ive had a haircut its badd. i wish i cld do a cool haircut but my hairs thin n straight so.. no cool cuts look how i'd want them to w/o stylin n i cannot put stylin effort into my hair everyday.. i need a genius to tell me wtd w my hair basically! but im scared of goin anywhere..
also on subject of gender(re my feelings abt my hair) i've been kind of (aka when i rmbr to lol n when it dsnt feel awk) tryin to speak in a deeper pitch .. i hate when my voice sounds as high as it does smtimes :/ also.. well nvm 4now •
"why me? i don't want to be shit. this is all some terrible mistake. i just want to crawl off and die like everybody else. why me? what did i do? where is my mercy?" murphy n mercy (n me) i said it! •
omg pre-z murphy looks so different n cool. & postal fraud man.. he shld be pissed •
"if you were really my friend, you'd help me." "but i'm not your friend." ... "they're gonna hurt me. you know that, right?" "i won't let that happen." •
2-15 "i did not spend three years fighting my way across 10,000miles of zombie-crazed america just so i can be a blood bag for a few billionaires." hell yeah •
bye vasquez .. hey hector.. hey(almost) kaya n dr. sun :-) aww lucy.. •
•s2 done.. overall rating.. 3.5/5 .. i didnt rate s1 brb.. 3/5 .. huh kinda surprised s2 came out on top •
3-1 hi red.. hi the man... •
ooo i nvr noticed the red details -right b4 walking up there's red cloth in a basket, then - redofc, 5ks keychains, warrens bandana, 10ks socks n bandana n shirt stripes, docs suspenders n sunglasses, cassandra's jacket, addy's shirt n jacket tassels .. very obvious, cool .. then just blue murphy. interesting. enuff red down the line tho •
"got a name?" "10,000. but everyone calls me 10k." "10,000? that's a number, not a name." ... ''so what's ur name?" "red." "that's not a name, that's a color." - wait lol, "you asked me my name, that's my name" red u did it to him first •
3-2 • intros.. s1 was 3bullets, s2 was 2bullets-chomp, s3 was 3bullets+spin .. fun stuff •
now murphy got red pants this ep.. after they first reinforced blue by only showing shirt/skin/hat.. interesting •
ahh murphy wanted warren to go w him so bad :/ "seriously roberta?" .. "ttfn" •
3-3 got a fun screenshot from this ep .. terrible quality ofc.. •
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3-4 10k off the bridge n merch khs .. fair enuff•
3-5 tbh the way reds been here so far(aka e1 n now) is so weird.. •
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