#im not a writer if you couldnt tell
seaweedstarshine · 4 months
Late to the game as I’ve kinda been kinda non-here for a minute but I scrolled through the Dot and Bubble tag, and thought I wanted to write this post into existence.
There's this part in Doctor Who Unleashed where RTD says this:
“What we can’t tell is how many people will have worked that out before the ending. Because they’ve seen white person after white person after white person, and television these days is very diverse. I wonder, will you be ten minutes into it, will you be fifteen, will you be twenty, before you start to think, everyone in this community is white. And if you don’t think that — why didn’t you? So, that’s gonna be interesting. I hope it’s one of those pieces of television you see, and always remember.”
And I'm like. Yeah. But the reason this works even as well as it does is largely thanks to the work of the previous showrunner with the previous creative team, which was notably the first era to have any writers of color (amongst other firsts in terms of inclusivity in directors, composer, actors). While Chibnall fumbled whenever he tried to write about race himself, he did have the self-awareness to have Black and South Asian writers writing the episodes where race is the focus (and a female writer for the episode where sexism is a focus; my point is, he seemed to know his shortcomings).
I wonder what the current creative team looks like? (not really, but I wasn't 100% sure for all of them)
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To quote RTD:
“...before you start to think, everyone in this community is white.”
This is pretty non-self-aware, right? It's pretty “It is said, and I understand this, there was a history of racism with the original Toymaker, the Celestial Toymaker, who had ‘celestial,’ and I did not know this, but ‘celestial’ can mean of Chinese origin, but in a derogatory way,” right? (from The Giggle Unleashed) It's pretty “and I had problems with that, and a lot of us on the production team had problems with that: associating disability with evil,” right? (from Destination Skaro Unleashed)
—none of which are issues that should be overlooked, but think how much exponentially better they might’ve been addressed if he’d consulted with Chinese writers and wheelchair-using writers before going straight to giving the Toymaker weird fake accents and making Davros walk?
How many Black or non-white people do we think saw the Dot and Bubble script before it landed in Ncuti’s hands?
And this just keeps happening.
And like, from some of the shocked responses I've seen from white viewers to the ending of Dot and Bubble, maybe the episode's unsubtlety was needed? From the way RTD talks about it in Unleashed, the episode was written with a white audience in mind, Baby's First Microaggressions (where of course the microaggressions come from people who are pretty self-admittedly white supremacists). Ricky September, a more seemingly normal depiction of someone in the racist bubble of Finetime, seemed like an interesting element, up until the way he died.
The ending worked for me, because I do think the Doctor's reaction is true to how the Doctor would react. I just keep thinking of how much better the core themes could've been handled by someone with actual lived experience on the subject matter.
#dot and bubble#fifteenth doctor#rtd critical#anti rtd#ricky september#lindy pepper bean#dw negativity#racism#antiblackness#words by seaweed#not to be anti rtd. im just very critical. Anti RTD is just a tag which people use or block#every showrunner has their flaws but RTD is the only one self-righteously virtu signling over NOTHING. which is why im more critical.#plus the on-set sxual hrassment and what happened with Chris Eccleston etc. it vindicates me. idk. not tryna be a hater#ALSO dot and bubble is leaps and bounds better than any racism commentary I expected from Russell T Davies. so theres that.#can you tell I'm shy abt making long posts that someone is likely gonna be not happy about-#I usually search tumblr for posts to rb and talk in tags. but I couldnt find any posts about this this morning! tho I think ppl have since#etc its fine to critically appreciate imperfect media etc I do it all the time (as a Black fan) (who also thinks Rosa has Flaws) etc#I did see someone on twitter pointing out the hypocrisy of all white writers but twitter does not have space to talk about things#also love that The Church on Ruby Road has Mark Tonderai who became the first black director w The Ghost Monument. I love his directing#but that's the Christmas special. it is not part of this season. and honestly fr it's not close to enough#love the inclusivity in front of the camera. lets get some of that in the writing team NOW. it's hurting for it.#bring back Charlene James. can you hear me? was the best episode of Season 12.#the ep felt like a commentary on the “RIP Doctor Who” ppl under every official Doctor Who post? hence social media?#it does work best that way!! it just felt a little off of that way in rtd talking#idk im rambling. I did enjoy it tho. I just wish. but well.
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confusedspaceotter · 25 days
I know I will probably upset a lot of Joongdok shippers but the reason I don't ship them romantically is because what these two have is wayyyyyyyy past romantic love, their entire existence is because of each other do you know how fucking insane that is??? they literally cannot exists without each other
dokja wouldn't survive without twsa(mentally and later physically) and yjh wouldn't survive without dokja being the oldest dream(the whole universe wouldn't exists), not to mention when yjh was drifting in space is reading orv that kept him going??? get the fuck out off here-
also ofc the story wouldn't complete without hsy writing twas and orv for dokja, subsequently creating yjh and orv its what kept him going when he's drifting though space for like a bajillion years trying to bring dokja back again
They are literally cosmically interwoven into each others existence to a point without one of them the universe would fucking cease to exist
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koipalm · 1 year
sv inuyasha au
“...Maybe you should have waited before barging in.”
“How was I to know!?” Shen Yuan screams from his high perch. His foot slips and he scrambles for a better grip on the rock as Liu Qingge makes an aborted motion forward. He’s currently hanging from a ledge, where a particularly pecky raven demon had dropped him after seeing him in her nest. What, it wasn’t his fault he was there, was it? It was just that one of the little chicks was going to swallow one of the jewel shards and he wanted to get there before it transformed!! Liu Qingge and Luo Binghe might not have had any qualms against killing a baby, but he very much did, thank you!! His morals haven’t deserted him completely yet!!!!
Nevertheless, he’s left hanging from an increasingly perilous ridge as his skirt flutters in the wind. Really, that’s just the cherry on top, huh? Not only is Binghe off fighting the engorged mother Raven (who just had to inhale the Jewel shard) so he can’t jump up and grab him, but he’s going to be flashing Liu Qingge of all people. Ah, what a fantastic day.
Looking down, he can see Liu Qingge averting his gaze hastily, probably in disgust. Shen Yuan promises it’s not his fault, okay?? His sister bribed him into cosplaying for her before he came here, and it’s not like he has another change of clothes on him!!
Visibly gritting his teeth, Liu Qingge shouts up at him without looking, “You’re going to have to jump!”
“I AM NOT JUMPING!” Shen Yuan all but screams. “I will splatter on the ground, Liu-shidi! I am not some godly demon that can just land on his feet!!”
He can see Liu Qingge roll his eyes. Bitch!?
“I will catch you!”
“How are you going to catch me without looking!?”
Shen Yuan braves another glance down, but the vertigo makes him dizzy and he grips his bloody fingers tighter on the slim ledge.
“Just-” Liu Qingge cuts himself off when he looks up again, a rougher flush lighting up his handsome features, before shaking his head resolutely and staring up at him again. “Just trust me, okay? I’ll catch you. I promise.”
Shen Yuan squeezes his eyes shut. Oh god, his heart is beating even harder!! Why does he trust this fighting-obsessed idiot? Is he really going to do this? Just… let go and trust Liu Qingge to catch him? He risks another glance down, only to see his Liu-shidi staring at him, flushed and brazen and faithful.
Oh, god.
Another breath, and he lets go.
A small scream escapes his throat before it’s smothered by the rushing air. His stomach is left behind, and he curls up like a pill bug in the air, awaiting impact. His breath is torn out of his chest by a sudden collision from the side, and strong arms wrap around him, pressing him firmly into Liu Qingge’s chest.
He can feel Liu Qingge hit the ground, skidding to a stop on one knee as he holds him tighter. Liu Qingge pants into Shen Yuan’s ear, huffing out a pained groan.
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is it normal to feel sick (like actually nauseous) when you see someone criticizing your favourite writer/artist/fandoms because it makes you feel bad for liking it
is that normal
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unfortunate--moth · 2 months
Oh no, I get it. To be real, I haven't actually read one in a while, because I get extremely attached to characters sometimes, so much so that I sometimes sort of embody that character? Like, if I've binged an angsty longfic, I'll sometimes take on personality traits and fears from the protagonist for like a good 6-24 hours, which was extremely NOT helpful sometimes.
Once binged a fic where the protag was deathly afraid of water for various trauma related reasons- guess who struggled with their shower, 16 hours later?
So yeah, if I imprint too much onto a character in an angst fic, it messes with my mood a TON.
- Milgranon
its like actually insane. i feel like i become part of the story. funnily enough though i feel like. so emotionally disconnected from my own writing. i like. use my own experiences and emotions and stuff when i write, because that makes it easier for me to write characters. but like ive only ever felt emotional from my own writing twice. once with my ocs and secondly with your stupid face, actually. the beach chapter.
its a bit weird how i can connect to a story more when its not my own writing. but im realizing that i do enjoy hurt/no comfort when its my own self writing it and its my ocs. i uhh used to rp alot with my friends. its a little embarrassing but we'd make these elaborate death game stories and we would plot out who would die and what the mystery would be. and i always had a blast writing my own character's deaths. because my friends got attached to them. and even though my friend's ocs deaths would be amazing and impactful, they never made me sad the way a fic did. they still made me like. sad. but i never felt it as deeply.
its a little weird. i dont really know why it felt less personal even though it should be more??? stories just hit different i guess.
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tears0fsatan · 1 year
i've never seen a character embody a wet, sopping cat quite like ballister does .he is so pathetic and silly i love the lil villain coded gay ^. .^ ੭
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tallytals · 8 months
i want to never watch bsd ever again. i am clicking start on the next episode.
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Positive Peacemaker post Peacemaker stealing Mitchell Black’s identity so bad that in suicide squad 2021 it is now canon that Chris was the one with Mitchell’s costume and HE was the one in LAW is the funniest fucking thing ever to me. He took that mans entire life
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hella1975 · 2 years
a couple weeks after i turned 17 i realized im the age u were when u started taob and decided i need to step up my writing game lmao
basing your improvement on other writers isnt good! it might be good to give you a feasible easy-to-compare target but if it's something that gives you insecurity then you'll just start translating 'good writing' as 'not mine' and that'll take a long time to unlearn, much longer than simply improving at your own pace x
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silhouettecrow · 11 months
365 Days of Writing Prompts: Day 308
Adjective: Kind
Noun: Crow
Definitions for those who need/want them:
Kind: having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature; used in a polite request; (of a consumer product) gentle on (a part of the body); (archaic) affectionate or loving
Crow: a large bird with mostly glossy black plumage, a heavy bill, and a raucous voice; (derogatory) a woman, especially an old or ugly one; the constellation Corvus; the cry of a rooster; a sound made by a person expressing triumph or happiness; a member of a North American people inhabiting eastern Montana; the Siouan language of the Crow
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kings-highway · 1 year
cranity's art for In The Woods Of Japan has been my phone lockscreen and background for lile 2.5 years now since they made it and for 2.5 years ive lived in constant fear of someone recognizing it, not as that specific fanart but as the characters exclusively bc of the imagined conversation of:
someone: oh!!! hey, is that Haikyuu? that looks like oikawa/ushijima/kuroo/whoever.
me: ha ha yeah
someone: I love that show! Ive never seen that art before lol he's being chased by a bear why?
me: ha ha yeah its funny
someone: did you draw that? its really good
me: no :)
someone: why are you trying to leave the room
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sodascribbles · 2 years
im sorry to all the wips ill never finish. like y'all deserve better
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minarcana · 2 years
i have been receiving and reading daily poetry emails for quite literally every day of my adult life. yet somehow every time i seek to compile collections of quotes for people, there is a solid 70% chance a line from andrei bely will creep in there, a man who normal english-speaking people have never heard of and who i obsessively read every single one of his works i get my hands on.
i feel like both of these are if not individual red flags, at least yellow ones, and they are both things that make me go "fucking of course you write urianger, you weird little fruit"
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tempestbeauregard · 2 years
I wish The L Word Gen Q would figure its shit out ffs.
Yunno what i was gonna put my thoughts in the tags but now I'm just gonna put it on all here cause it's a lot.
Like to go from a semi decent season which was 2 to go to this mess in season 3 like what? Who told them a one year time jump was a good idea?
What happened to dani getting arrested? That's jarring to have that happen then all of a sudden a year later oh gee everything hunky dory 'I work as what an assistant to Alice' like what? Like okay w/e
I can understand maybe separating dani and gigi for some drama and have dani have her fuck around phase cause God knows she kinda deserves it after what Sophie and Finley did to the poor girl.
I effin loved Dani and Gigi in the second season their relaintionship was so fucking healthy i was surprised the L word could pull that off to be honest. It was refreshing.
I also understand having bette and tina finally having their send off cause honestly they had their time like hello the entirety of the original show and most of the first 2 seasons of this new one. Like don't get me wrong I love em but they had their time I want to see new characters and new drama. Like they have their daughter have her character go have some fun yunno.
I still love Alice she deserves to find her person after Dana. I have no complaints for Alice her storylines are always fun. That's probably leishas' doing too.
Also keep it up with Carrie, she's eccentric and funny. No complaints from me when it comes to her stuff.
And yunno I do love Tess and Shane but yunno Shane is gonna Shane like its expected at this point I'm surprised she hasn't gone like hey I should be in a open relationship maybe and like maybe tell my new partners I'm not good at being monogamous' but yes drama good for show maybe down the road whatever. Also jamie Clayton could step on me and Id say thank you. That woman is gorgeous she deserves to have amazing storylines cause she delivers. And fuck all the Terfs that said Shane should be with a real woman and she'd never be with a trans woman. Eff Terfs Jamie is a real woman more woman then any of those terfs would ever be. Also I think it's refreshing to have a role for a trans woman that doesn't revolve around her being trans.(not trying to speak for everyone, but I thinks it's nice...anyway)
Don't even get me started on Sophie and Finley. Just bleh their whole thing not for me. I do give kudos for them doing a addiction story line and going there. I'm just not a fan of them. When I watch the seasons over again I fast forward through all their stuff*shrugs*
I also hope that picture in their main poster for the show showing Dani and Finley is just all it is cause if they have Dani and Finlay together I will log off the show and not watch the show anymore cause blech no just no please god. Not all Lesbians have to sleep together!
Anyway thank you for coming to my Ted Talk and sorry for my word vomit.
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letterstotheclouds · 10 months
Will you be remembered?
Laying in the water, staring up at the sky
It's the only thing you can do
Only thing that ever makes sense
The clouds forever passing by
With no regard for the pain and terror you feel
You see everything and everyone
The things you must do
The people who are important
You let them drift past
Without even trying to grasp at the coattails
Why must you stay in your head?
When you're six feet under
You will still be looking up at the sky
Wondering why you were a ghost in your own life
You'll try to scream and claw at your coffin under the dirt
Knowing that it's too late to change what you've set in stone
But still hoping that if you made enough noise
Someone will finally hear you and see you
Tear through all the dirt and splinters
Just to hold your cold body
You used to cherish the silence
Couldn't stand to feel the touch of someone
When you knew your own touch would never be welcome
Now all you know is the deafening quiet of your casket
The loneliness that has set in for good
And you will suffer the regret of your phantom existence
The water has pulled you under
You know there aren't any ripples
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mooooonnnzz · 1 month
This is kind of cringe but can you write a fic or make a headcanon list of Stan/Fords daughter getting a partner and how the dads would react? I love your work btw it's great!
2010 Toyota Corolla
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Stan + Ford HC's of their teen getting a partner!
⟡ 1,5k words
⟡ gender neutral reader!
⟡ guys i think im going through a writers block can u tell
⟡ i was doing so good too omg
⟡ i couldnt figure out a title so i used a song i was listening to ths is a song i swear
⟡ cute lil simple hc of of the oldmen!!
⟡ if u wanna be added to my taglist dm or comment!
⟡ i might like take a two day break from writing to get it working again ngl
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♡ Stan is extremely protective of you. He never shunned the idea away of you having a partner, but he never really encouraged it. He told you that it was “a waste of time,” that finding a partner at such a young age isn’t really necessary until you’re older. You didn’t bother protesting against him because at the time you hadn’t found your person yet. But when you did, you couldn’t lie and say you weren’t nervous to tell Stan about it. You knew he wasn’t going to be overly mad, but he was going to be slightly against it knowing his views on you having a partner.  “Dad?” You nervously fidgeted with your fingers. “Yes, pumpkin?” You inhale, mustering up all the courage to tell Stan. “I have something to tell you…” You draw out. Stan’s face lightly drops, already having a feeling of what this “something” is. Pausing his TV show, he loudly gulped. “I’m dating someone!” You blurt out. Stan stares at you for the longest time, the gears in his head turning as he processes what you said. “You? Dating?” He sits up from the couch. “I need a moment…” 
♡ After he recovers from the initial shock, he’s bombarding you with questions, such as; “Who are they?” “Do I know them?” “Are they smart?” And so on. You had no problem answering his questions and he had no issue giving you questions with how rapidly he shot them at you. Whenever you answered his questions, you could see the wrinkles in his forehead deepen the more you open up about your partner. This was definitely going to take some time for him to get used to. “Thank you for at least telling me, pumpkin.” He says after finishing up the whole Q&A.
♡ Meeting your partner was a must before he’d allow you to hang out by yourselves. When they came over to the shack, Stan had this whole gruff persona. He didn’t show much emotion and when he did, it was to show his distaste for what your partner said. “How long have you known [Name] for?” He interrogated, flashing a bright light to their face. “For a year now, sir.” They responded, shielding their eyes from the shining light. “Sir? I like that.” He mumbles to himself, scribbling +1 point on a notepad. When he turned over to you, he gave you a big thumbs up and a crooked smile. You couldn’t tell if it was going well. “Why do you want to date them?” Stan raised a brow, tapping the pencil on his chin. “Because I fell in love with them, sir.” Stan let out a loud “hmm,” and scribbled down, ‘very straight to the point’ on the note. After the interrogation was over, he ripped the note and gave it to your partner. “This is your score.” He said. “I guess you did good.” 
♡ He pulled your partner into a room and had a serious “talk” about something you didn’t have a clue about. But when they came out of the room with a horrified look on his face while Stan was proudly smiling to himself, you had a tiny idea of what he said. They turn around to Stan and Stan twiddles his fingers, his other hand sliding across this neck threateningly. “Dad!” You smacked his arm. 
♡ Even after Stan approved of your partner, he still wasn’t fully swayed by them. Whenever they’d be over, Stan would send death glares behind their back when they weren’t looking. But you would always catch them and when you did, Stan would sheepishly smile at you and make a heart gesture and point at your partner. He only ever came around them when Stan noticed them staring at one of the monster tourist attractions. “Whaddya lookin’ at, kid?” They began explaining how interested they were in the craft of making these grotesque monsters and Stan was more than happy to tell them the process. “Glue and staples come in handy, kid. I’ll tell you.” 
♡ It wasn’t after that, you’d find your partner and Stan creating all kinds of monsters while cackling and talking. Stan saw you walk in and his face brightened up. “Pumpkin, look at what they made! It is disgusting.” He pointed a glue covered hand to the little ugly statue of a half chipmunk and fish. “Oh? Isn’t this something…” You poke at the monstrosity. “Isn’t it amazing?” Stan laughs, impressed with your partner's handiwork. “Oh, yeah. This is amazing.” You plainly said. “I’m going to leave you two be…” Conversation erupted between the two while you walked away with a big smile to your face. 
♡ “I like that kid.” Stan says, a pleased look on his face. “Oh, I can tell, Dad.” You roll your eyes playfully. “Hey! They’re a great person. Perfect fit for my little [Name].” His fingers reached out to pinch your cheeks. “Oh, stop!” You push his hands away. “I’m just messin’ with ya, pumpkin.” Anything will and can make this old man laugh. “You might as well steal them from me.” Stan’s perked up. “Really?” He overplayed his excitement. You send him a dirty look while he barks out in laughter. “You’re gross.” 
♡ He never really thought of you ever dating anyone. Romantic partners didn’t exist to him considering how terribly alone he is. The only thing he ever said about you dating was; “Uh, yeah?” and carried on with his work and that was a good enough answer for you. Ford found out about your partner when he walked in on you and your partner cuddling on the couch. “[Name],” He clears his throat awkwardly, pointing at your partner. “Who is this?” You introduce your partner to Ford and he’s genuinely speechless. “Since when?” He whispers to you after pulling you aside in the kitchen. “Since like, last week?” Ford’s jaw falls open. “And you never thought to tell me?” You shrugged. “I asked you and you said you were okay with it.” You tell him. “When?!” 
♡ He would be so awkward around your significant other. “So…What is your name?” He’s tugging at his turtleneck, silently dying from how silent this whole exchange is. It takes him a lot of time to warm up to them, a lot of hangouts with the three of you together so he could be comfortable with them. He also uses this as an advantage and studies how they treat you and what they should improve on to make you happier. At the end of the hangouts, he’d slip in a note in their pocket. “If you want to stay with my child, you need to read the note.” He didn’t mean for it to sound menacing, but it was unfortunately received like that. “[Name], I think your dad hates me.” 
♡ Like Stan, there’s an interrogation but it’s not as serious as Stan’s. Ford would have called them over and told them to sit down. He begins asking questions and writing down their answers. “What are you hoping to do with [Name]?” Your partner blushed. “To marry them hopefully.” Ford nodded his head. ‘Disgustingly cheesy.’ He wrote it down in big words. “If I ever wanted to conduct experiments on you, would you allow me?” You jump in at the mention of that. “Okay! I think they’ve answered enough questions, Dad!” 
♡ He deep cleans the areas where you and your partner hugged, kissed and cuddled in. “Dad, what are you doing?” He has a mask and a plastic protective layer of armor around him. “I’m cleaning all the gross teenage bacteria!” You had to walk out after that.  “Is this something you’re seriously going to keep up?” Even though Ford is the smartest man alive, he has trouble understanding the true nature behind relationships. “Yes, Dad. This isn’t a one time thing and we’re over. It’s a relationship.” 
♡ Oddly enough, they bonded over their shared interest in researching the wonders of Gravity Falls. You’d often find them outside, Ford kneeled down to the ground, inspecting something while your partner has a notepad in hand, printing down whatever Ford is telling him to write. “Hey, what are you–” “SHHHH!” You looked at them with a confused look. “We need to be utter and total silence.” Ford held out a finger while he whispered notes for them to write. “Why though?” Ford pointed at a sleeping little fairy that was blanketed in a leaf. “Leave the fairy alone!” Ford opened his mouth to argue back, but his nose twitched and before he could react he sneezed, blowing the little fairy away. A silent tiny scream could be heard. “That was awesome, Mr. Pines!” Your partner held a hand out for Ford to high five but Ford was too sad to high five them back. 
♡ “Final opinions on them?” You ask. “They aren’t too bad. They could be a good research partner.” You smile. “Just don’t take them from me.” You say, nudging him gently. “Wouldn’t dream of it.” 
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Taglist: @boredwithlifeatthispoint, @lovexsage, @teddycricketdream, @theilluminatidragonqueen, @raventeen @cedarmoonzz, @katharine3000
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