#i love liushen btw. if you couldnt tell
koipalm · 1 year
sv inuyasha au
“...Maybe you should have waited before barging in.”
“How was I to know!?” Shen Yuan screams from his high perch. His foot slips and he scrambles for a better grip on the rock as Liu Qingge makes an aborted motion forward. He’s currently hanging from a ledge, where a particularly pecky raven demon had dropped him after seeing him in her nest. What, it wasn’t his fault he was there, was it? It was just that one of the little chicks was going to swallow one of the jewel shards and he wanted to get there before it transformed!! Liu Qingge and Luo Binghe might not have had any qualms against killing a baby, but he very much did, thank you!! His morals haven’t deserted him completely yet!!!!
Nevertheless, he’s left hanging from an increasingly perilous ridge as his skirt flutters in the wind. Really, that’s just the cherry on top, huh? Not only is Binghe off fighting the engorged mother Raven (who just had to inhale the Jewel shard) so he can’t jump up and grab him, but he’s going to be flashing Liu Qingge of all people. Ah, what a fantastic day.
Looking down, he can see Liu Qingge averting his gaze hastily, probably in disgust. Shen Yuan promises it’s not his fault, okay?? His sister bribed him into cosplaying for her before he came here, and it’s not like he has another change of clothes on him!!
Visibly gritting his teeth, Liu Qingge shouts up at him without looking, “You’re going to have to jump!”
“I AM NOT JUMPING!” Shen Yuan all but screams. “I will splatter on the ground, Liu-shidi! I am not some godly demon that can just land on his feet!!”
He can see Liu Qingge roll his eyes. Bitch!?
“I will catch you!”
“How are you going to catch me without looking!?”
Shen Yuan braves another glance down, but the vertigo makes him dizzy and he grips his bloody fingers tighter on the slim ledge.
“Just-” Liu Qingge cuts himself off when he looks up again, a rougher flush lighting up his handsome features, before shaking his head resolutely and staring up at him again. “Just trust me, okay? I’ll catch you. I promise.”
Shen Yuan squeezes his eyes shut. Oh god, his heart is beating even harder!! Why does he trust this fighting-obsessed idiot? Is he really going to do this? Just… let go and trust Liu Qingge to catch him? He risks another glance down, only to see his Liu-shidi staring at him, flushed and brazen and faithful.
Oh, god.
Another breath, and he lets go.
A small scream escapes his throat before it’s smothered by the rushing air. His stomach is left behind, and he curls up like a pill bug in the air, awaiting impact. His breath is torn out of his chest by a sudden collision from the side, and strong arms wrap around him, pressing him firmly into Liu Qingge’s chest.
He can feel Liu Qingge hit the ground, skidding to a stop on one knee as he holds him tighter. Liu Qingge pants into Shen Yuan’s ear, huffing out a pained groan.
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