#im ngl im really proud of this haha
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gunshots-and-subway-trains · 10 months ago
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Promo poster for CONTRAST!
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blorbogirl · 2 months ago
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FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HES HERE!!!!!!! JEVIL FROM DELTARUNE! ngl I didn't rlly. know what to do with him?? esp bc I've only played chapter 1 like a long time ago (+ deltarune isn't really. finished yet, so his canon lore isn't all too developed as a result)
but! I did my best with what I had, and I think I like the result? the icon looks kinda wonky to me >< ;; ... also I went off pure memory for most of the coloring on the display person so. Forgive Me if it doesn't rlly look like jevil!
requested by anon
tw/cw below for implied suicidal ideation, abuse (left vague on purpose for Projection Purposes), self harm, discussions of persecutory delusions
SO. going entirely off of his wiki page (+ again... memory of playing chapter 1 like once when it first came out. which isn't good at ALL which is why I also had the wiki page + gameplay videos handy), his whole trauma thing takes place after being abused really... Badly by someone, and a result his psychosis + schizoaffective disorder goes all haywire, which leads to him locking himself up in his room for months on end. obviously this ends up making everything WORSE, and his parents reacting to this in the "haha look whos out of his cave!" way instead of like. idk actual concern for his mental health just puts salt on the wound, and it goes on like this for MONTHS until he just kinda. Crashes Out. to put it lightly. also jarvis I thought was a mildly humorous humanish name for jevil so thats why he's called that! yay!
also . do u like how all the songs I chose for This Blorb are all clown/circus adjacent . I do I think. also sorry if this blorbo kinda sucks IDK Im not too proud of him :( sorry jevil its not you its me and i kinda suck
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girl-named-matty · 2 months ago
hi matty! as you may have gathered i am VERY MUCH a fan of blair and ana and blair's dynamic with imelda. i would love to know, if you have thought about it, who came out first? blair or imelda? I have a really funny image in my head of one of the sisters coming out in a really emotional way and other just being like "im gay too LOL" 😂💗
It did actually happen in that way tbh HAHAHA. Hypothetically, Blair was the one who came out first just because Imelda never really came out since quite literally everybody already knew. "Everybody" being everybody but Blair because Blair SUCKS at picking up on clues or hints with literally anything LOL. And since she had gone to school before Imelda, she missed out on seeing those times when Imelda started really showing that she did like girls. So a really, anxiety filled Blair thought her little sister would think she was weird or something but little did she know her little sister was ALSO a girlkisser HAHA.
I'll give a more descriptive version of it later but this is basically how it happened LOL.
*15 yr old Blair and 13 yr old Imelda*
Blair: *sniffles* Imelda... I like girls. Imelda: ...You're crying over that? Blair: Well... yeah I didn't know how you'd react over it. Like I thought you might be mad or something. Imelda: Girl tf I like girls too. Blair: ???? Imelda: Well good for you and i'm proud of you or whatever but... it was painfully obvious that you liked girls ngl. Blair: ... it was? Imelda: *sighs* Sometimes I wonder how you're the older one here.
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squidthesquidd · 11 months ago
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Mermay Day nine: Dark
more yugioh time!!!! haha did someone say shadow realm 👁️👁️? anyway i really like how this one turned out!!!! i just goofed around with shadows adn lighting and stuff but i think it looks great!!!! yami beloved <333
giving season 0 ngl
(pls reblog this im really proud of it 😭)
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mikoriin · 29 days ago
You have so much amazing art, who cares if you don't make miraculous art anymore? There's so much more to love! I am a fan of you and your art style and it always makes me happy to see your art on my dash
aw...🥺🥺🥺🥺 that makes me feel very good and i really appreciate your kind words.
NGL i am prettyyyy hormonal because of my period and im having kind of an awful morning because of it so admittedly i am currently in my feelings. but that aside, i feel like my art goes unnoticed A LOT online which is where i share my art, given im pretty much a digital artist entirely, i dont work traditionally anymore and havent for years. and i love drawing! the entire process! every artist seems to have at least one part of the process they hate, and i guess for me that would be stepping outside of my comfort zone, but even then i have SO much fun doing it. art is my life, my love, my passion. its me, inside and out. and it just feels...idk a little disheartening when i share a part of me with the world hoping for others to see and maybe also feel seen themselves through it, but then...theres nothing.
i know i do have people who like my art and the things i do with my creative process and i hold every single one of you dear. its because of you guys, as well as my own love for my art that i will never give up for anyone INCLUDING THE DEMONS IN MY HEAD because its all i feel i am really good at. and when i feel SO proud of a piece i worked hard on and i share it to the world only for a few people to really notice is just...sad. it makes me sad haha but i also know im not the only one who is going through this. so many smaller artists share similar feelings to mine. and while this sadness i feel from feeling unnoticed is hard on my self confidence, im still not going to stop drawing or stop posting. i do this for me at the end of the day and thats what ultimately gets me by, but i also feel a little saddened that my followers interest in my work didnt grow as my art grew with me.
sorry for the tangent! thank you so much for your kind words, im so glad my art brings you some kind of joy or anything you feel that makes you like it. it feels good to make others happy the way it makes me happy uvu im always gonna post my art, so for those who like it and enjoy seeing it and seeing me post, youll always have me and i appreciate the reassurance when i complain haha
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MY THOUGHTS on Episode Three
Ooooh Victorian era Lokius?
…I really have to pee, but I can’t pause this
Fuck it I’m going to pee
Oooh old timey marvel theme
I really want those Loki trading cards I saw at Target today…
I hate her but I love her
what is Miss Minutes up to?
Minutes is kinda funny
Timely was a… candlemaker?
why the ominous music? Mid season interesting stuff?
Baby it’s alright you’re doing great you’re so smart I’m so proud of you
I’m so happy that he’s important
Haha memories
Loki and a horse
Oh no
Mobius is so excited about the World’s Fair it’s adorable
Why is the ghost clock haunting the midway what the hell is happening
I would’ve been happier if Loki had enjoyed the Cracker Jack
Uh oh Norse stuff
Loki do you miss your family
Is it just me or did Ravonna look that lady up and down
You just wanna drink with Loki, Mobius. 
Loki looks so anxious
is that the loom?
Why is Timely so awkward
Loki looks so scared…
Uh oh
Does this mean that Ouroboros created the loom and Timely stole it?
Timely is so much like me tbh
He’s neurodivergent I can tell
Oh god he’s actually awesome 
I wanna put him in my pocket 
why did they touch Ravonna 
This is a scam
He’s got a stutter… that’s lovely :)
He’s gonna bolt with the money isn’t he
You don’t wanna do that big man
Uh oh he just poofed him away
This is awkward
Oh he’s chasing him
I’m actually rooting for timely ngl
Why does this feel like an old silent film… 
You can call people on the tempads?!
yeah Loki tell her
Is Ravonna a Lokius hater?
yeah listen to Loki
But Renslayer didn’t work with the TVA there
Sylvie you poor thing
This is going nowhere just throw someone off the Ferris wheel
Oh this feels like the first finale
yeah Syl 
is it weird that I kinda ship Renslayer and Timely?
Smooch you idiots!
is Miss minutes jealous?
that’s not-
I wanna keep Victor in my pocket 
*saxaphone music*
this makes very little sense but I’m ok with it.
I don’t like this version of miss minutes
Miss minutes sounds weird right now. I don’t like the look of it. The sound of it. 
That tone of voice 
Does Miss Minutes think she’s HWR’s lover?
Ravonna please she was being manipulative
Mobius sweetie
Loki is about to lose his shit on Ravonna for being mean to his boyfriend
Loki don’t you dare be in love 
Sylvie stab me instead
Sylvie listen to Victor please
Victor babyboy 
Sylvie stop it
oh two hot women battling it out in going to 
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surelysilly · 14 days ago
2 & 29. I really enjoy all of ur works!! Thank you so much for writing and sharing them :D
sfjslfk and thank you for taking the time to let me know you've enjoyed them ;w;/
2. Which of your fics is your pride and joy?
ok at first i was gonna just pick one but!!!!
i have a handful of pride and joy fics tbh, but overall...
you'd probably think it would be one of the fics in the series for waiting for the sun to smile on everyone, but... ngl, it's probably if wishes were kisses, one of my old as hell wolf children fics.
Not the oldest fic of mine mind, but i reread it (and the others) the other day and like. IDK small and niche fandom writing is really precious for the small number of people that might engage with it
wolf children is SUCH a emotionally conflicting movie, and i had a lot of feelings after watching it, and nearly every single person who commented on that spat of fics felt the exact same way, so it was really.... hmmmm idk something endearing about the shared human experience on a microscopic scale
that part of my life i wrote it in is an interesting one to try and think back on for a lot of reasons too but... dunno, just really, really proud of that one
so, overall, that one
but by fandom...
i will march down an empty street (like a ship into the storm) & ribbons made of spring (halos made of summer) [bnha]
you are everything (to someone) [danny phantom]
this is the end [danny phantom/spn]
the light is gone, the light is gone (i don't need a wish with summer in my mind) [dpxdc]
wrong things got me to the right place [vampire in the garden]
i could blab at length about all of these, but these are most of them. ones im glad i wrote for one reason or another and proud of, even if they're not finished *coughs*
29. How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
gosh what a question... it only sorta kinda depends.
the minimum has always been usually at least once. i write it all out, and then after a week or so, i reread again to edit. then boom, post.
if i accidentally forget, i might reread again before posting, and edit again because it's fresh again, but that's only if i need to reread what i wrote lmao,,,
waiting for the sun has really tested my plotting patience, and has had me revising things like five times, but that's because i gotta remember the million subplots simmering in the background of Danny's life asjdksjfhkfdjg;
im usually pretty happy with most of what i wrote the first time in general, the revising is just tightening up repeat words, characterization, sentence variation... very rarely do whole chapters/fics change completely in any revision but... wfts... yeah... haha,,, POVs of certain chapters have changed so much in that fic
i've flip flopped chapters entirely just because a POV isn't working anymore and the fic is very much limited third person, and a few times have somehow ended up slightly back where i started with completely different content it covers akdhkljhf
anyway, yeah, once, usually!!! haha
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gaz-oline · 2 years ago
note: im allergic to cats too (and dogs aswell, a luci chapt on this w dog shall be awaited) and im a big satan(and lucifer) stan sooo i thought it’d be fun to write this :•
edit: this was kinda lame ngl HAHHAHA hope u enjoy
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this man, at first he’d be so shocked offended when he found out (before u guys were dating)
he would have probably tried to avoid you at some point
But when during his character arc (lesson 10-11 ish?) he started to empathize with your situation and that it isn’t your fault
Hanging out could get difficult
“i see… then we’ll have to change plans..”
“W-wait no it’s fine really!”
“ I insist”
you’re sneezing all over the place. Every goddamn time he came from a cat cafe.
Walking home from RAD together, he comes across a BOX OF KITTENS.
“Are those kittens? In a box? Who’d leave such precious creatures behind? And in such a small and worn out box too.”
He goes up to the box and literally scoops them all up to carry them all
While he was playing with all those kitties u were just standing there like ‘bitch i cant play with the cats with you are fkin fr rn’
Satan notices this and apologizes then tries to come close to hug you
The key word was tried, your eyes started watering and you started to sneeze and try to sneeze (that struggle to sneeze but you cant do it last minute, ugh my eyes start to bring out a pool worth of tears
He always. ALWAYS. Bring tissues and some medicine with him at all times.
There was one time too Satan made his trained cats scratch Lucifer and his study, you were surprised when you enter Lucifer’s study to pass your tasks to be welcomed by that fuzzy, itchy feeling in your nose and your eyes felt like swelling
Lucifer was deep cleaning his study because he knew you had tasks due that day😭
“My apologies MC, it seems that Satan had brought cats in here earlier today to scratch me. Just leave the papers there.”
Poor guy and you
one of the hardest parts of dating him, he’d come home after playing or tending cats in the streets. And you? Pass the tissues you dont even feel safe from sneezing in his room.
He genuinely tries to hold back from even coming close to a cat now, since he would be probably taking u out on a date, want to cuddle, or anything when it came to bonding with you really. But cats. Cats!
Its the only thing keeping you both apartt~
Honestly at some point he’d get upset and conflicted then just gets a book and tries to find a spell for u allergies to go bye bye
Wrong move, it got kinda worse
So now you’re both sad and miserable
Once your allergies got so bad ur face swelled after he came from a animal shelter
You guys stayed in your rooms but texted/called
“Satan, what are you doing right now?”
“Im reading a book of spells about allergies, dont worry MC once i can put out your allergy we wont have this problem anymore—“
“Hey! Remember the last time you did that?!”
In weekdays, you guys hang out as muuuuch as possible and you secretly hope from within that you both dont pass by a cat so he does not get you sneezin all over the place again
He once passed u a sticky note in class, you opened it and saw cute doodles of cats, just to play with him you draw yourself in a chibi version, sneezing and suffering from allergies
Once you gave the sticky note back to him, he smiled abit at your drawing and realized what it meant
He glares at you, and pulls you by your chair and side hugs you
“Would you look at that MC, no sneezing or such?”
He is smug and proud
“Haha then after recess you go tend to that box of kittens you found at the west tower of the office”
“…” “…okay..” “wait mc—“
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weekdaygladers · 4 months ago
i read the picture of dorian gray back in school and it stuck with me ever since, really recommend it!
you can be proud of yourself tho that you actually did and finished that project for your bf! thats an achievement even if you stopped afterwards lol
i will definitely put maze runner on my reading list then! even though its probably not smth i wouldve chosen myself i always love to read stuff people recommend. sometimes you really find you actually like stuff you didnt expect haha. my native language is german so i read german stuff as well. i try to read books in their native language bc i always feel like translation can only do so much.
Mean is such an underrated anthem. i love listening to it when im angry at someone haha and 1989 was truly that era for taylor. i must admit i never liked shake it off a lot but live at the eras tour? man that song was the most fun i ever had, ngl! and evermore is so underrated as a whole too. ive been around since fearless and my favourite era was folklore i think.
do you have a single favourite song? or like a top 5?
- secret santa 🎄
i def wanna read it! it’s on the top of my list
lol tysm!!! i did put effort into it but i think i’m good on embroidery for now
german? that’s so cool!! i mostly read books in english so that’s why i avoid spanish translations. i have read a few in spanish over the years so i’m not fully avoiding, unless i know i can get it in the original english version
sameee!! mean was a godsend when i was dealing with bad friendships. i loved shake it off at the time but now i don’t think it’s on my favorites list. i do think it live was 10000000x better (even if it was the part of the show when i was feeling a bit sickly). evermore just deserves way more recognition; she’s my hidden gem !
what are your faves from fearless and folklore?
omg i can never choose a top 5. my top song is probably clean, followed by evermore, gold rush, cowboy like me and new romantics…. at least for now. since they change a lot
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m1ckeyb3rry · 7 months ago
LMAOOOO yeah lowk it was still more funny than embarrassing for me catching that typo here but if I found it after I sent it to someone else I think I’d be a goner
(Also wait speaking of I forgot to mention you’re seriously a trooper for reading all of orv…I followed the comic for awhile but I have a friend whose obsessed with it and like summarized the entire novel to me in like an essay (I’m still confused as hell because I lost track of the details) but after hearing it all from them it’s truly a ride…)
NOOO I SAW!! Ofc it’s sae LMAO classic itoshi scenario…yk maybe Karasu nation will come in clutch last minute…(I’m ngl I’m kinda glad none of those characters are on there oops LMAOOO I also don’t think they’d have much to do with aiku and honestly there’s so many works of them all) Ok I still kinda feel like it’s a win tho bc Karasu and Barou in second and third???
FRRR the edits are gonna go so hard…just imagine the Barou stripping scene LMAOO (the dudebros glazing Barou are everywhere omg)
I love how “the white haired dude” is an archetype of its own it’s so funny but so real…(gotta confess Im usually in the white haired dude fan section like somehow I end up gravitating to them too)
IM CRYING THE PARENTHESES it just goes on“or fifth…sixth……15th…” LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO
I’m crying your writing has made MY standards too high but honestly so real…even seabird sae is already better than like…a good majority of the population out there this is lowk sad
LMAOAO THE SELF HELP BOOKS I see the vision the purple green was also perfect for him
OOOOH I guess we’ve just gotta see what tiktok audio pops up on your fyp LOL but I’m excited I was leaning towards chigiri or Barou I was looking cooking way more for their ideas
LOL it’s ok that Nagi requester will get Nagi content from oaeu too!! I’m actually so hyped for the series
LMAO I plugged them into a generator and got Karasu!! I guess it’s the universe telling me not to stray from Karasu nation….lowk almost forgot that he’s essentially my namesake I got too desensitized to it so the generator really said remember your origins
OHHHHHHHHHH wait that’s kinda stupid on tumblrs part wdym the creator can’t see the results unless they vote??? SHDHS thats actually so annoying your rant is so valid (also just generally feel free to go wild ranting or venting it’s all good w me) im ngl if you want the next time you make a poll i can just vote early on and keep you updated on the results if you don’t wanna have that option there for people to screw with…but BRO YUKI AND OTOYA???? I know they generally still lag behind Karasu in terms of popularity s2 please save them
LMAO nah it’s perfectly reasonable and valid like some people don’t have the brain development for proper impulse control ig like damn
Ok well in the time I was writing it ig it’s over now good for you sae fans good for you (BOOO TOMATO TOMATO /j)
- Karasu anon
HAHAH our freaks are so matched i don’t even blink at 90% of your typos we truly are the same person LMAOAO
omg i LOVEDDDD orv i read it on my phone in the summer of 2023 when i had nothing else to do and it was genuinely so so good like the novel is PEAK i never read the webcomic version because i’m attached to the translations in the novel even though they’re not “official” but genuinely the novel is probably one of if not THE best things i’ve ever read like it actually changed my brain chemistry fr (it’s a long build but the ending arc is peak fiction)
SAE WON 💔 but very proud of karasu nation and barou nation for locking in and getting them so close to sae that was def unexpected!! and yeahhh that’s the vibe i was getting too like there’s no way for them to realistically be involved w aiku so it wouldn’t make sense for them to be there PLUS i don’t like them that much so i can’t cook up an idea to involve them w aiku the way i did w nagi 😰 speaking of which i think i have the idea for yukimiya HAHA basically aiku is like “okay we’re the two oldest blue lock members let’s be best friends 😄” and yukimiya is like “thanks but i already have a bestie ☺️” and ofc aiku is like WHAT and has to do some heavy recon (he probs recruits niko too LMAO atp niko is an honorary wingman just because he’s consistently aiku’s sidekick) and that’s where he finds reader which makes be like “hold on there is definitely something romantic going on here” so he tries to get yuki and reader together in order to finally have a soccer playing bff who’s also relatively normal (@ barou)
the craziest thing abt dude bros glazing barou is that he’s physically their ideal but in every other way he is NOTHING like them!! like that man respects women, cooks and cleans, is willing to accept his mistakes and work on them, hates people who are mid…he would think they’re goofy asf 😭
KDJDKSSJ i normally don’t really go for the white haired characters but nagi is an exception…my other top favs have been eren from aot (brown hair), megumi and yuta from jjk (black hair), and shinah from yotd (blue hair??) HAHA honesty karasu and rin are very in line w the kinds of characters i typically like physically but idk smth abt nagi appeals to me the most 🙂‍↕️
FBKDDNSJSN luckily it was NOT shidou!! i’m going to repost it so i’m sure you’ll know by the time you read this but i got chigiri 🤩 which honestly i can actually see but specifically his actual canon miraverse characterization NOT his overly feminized fandom self 😭 apparently they originally thought nagi which slay but they came to the same realization i did a while ago which is that as much as i love him the two of us are too similar in some ways and too different in other ways so we would actually not work out irl 😓💔 honestly chigimira wasn’t one i was necessarily expecting but it might be what i needed (idk if i could muster up a long fic idea for chigiri…maybe?? we will see #tbd)
LMAOAAO me when a man slides into my dms but he doesn’t buy me plane tickets and an expensive sandwich 😒 abt to start telling everyone i have a bf or smth HAHA because unless a man is miraverse bllk men level he’s simply not replacing nagi or karasu or sae or whoever 🥱
HELPP i’m glad the vision comes through i rlly like this cover!! i think i’m going to put the character’s name where it said “masterlist” on the masterlist so it’s easy to tell who the individual oneshot is abt 🤩 don’t want people to start reading expecting an aiku fic (at least until the last part which actually is for aiku)
i just got a barou request HAHA so it’ll def be chigiri or MAYBE bachira depending on what i feel inspired for!! agreed it’s time to open tik tok and feel the vibes out for what i want to write next…maybe watch some edits too while i’m at it for further assistance 😏
HAHA no fr stay true to your origins…i’m going to write all of them eventually anyways so it’s not that deep but i just wanted to figure out where I should start since all of them have such good premises that i can’t decide!! rip otoya and yukimiya though…hoping s2 + oaeu converts more people 😰
for now i think it should be okay like it’s nbd since so many other people do vote as well it’s just like a personal pet peeve HFKDJDSJS we all have smth that makes us tweak i suppose…i’m just in my isagi on field era 😩 i don’t do polls that often so it shouldn’t be a huge issue but expect me to have at least a paragraph in our convos crashing out over that whenever i do end up making a poll 😭
sae nation is too strong…they’re inevitable fr KFJDKD honestly proud of karasu and reo for hanging on for a bit that’s impressive 🤩 in the end though an itoshi bro is basically a guaranteed win (unless like i said kaiser or MAYBE isagi are in the running too)
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youareinlove · 2 years ago
i have thoughts about speak now (taylor's version)
this is not even all of them lmao but i can't think rn so here
mine: my perfect sweet angel beautiful perfect baby. nothing can ever compete sorry. i will fight for mine i will kill for mine i will die for mine and the re-recording did not disappoint
sparks fly: remember when i thought "lead me up the staircase" was the horniest thing 19 year old taylor wrote
back to december: the little twinkling instrumentals 🥹 i love the tiny little instrumental changes that come with the re-recordings. sometimes they miss but sometimes they hit and this HIT
speak now: "you wish it was me, dont you (HAHA)" was what sold me on this album re-recording ngl. it was just the moment i knew that this would be a good one
dear john: my jaw physically dropped when i heard her vocals. she just brought the energy with this one and it is very hurtful. but also i'm very proud of her
mean: and a LIAR 😏 and pathetic 👏 and alone in life 😤 and mean 😡 and mean 😡 and mean 😡 and mean😡 and-
the story of us: this was the first song on this album that i thought was BETTER than the original. like the others were just as good, but the story of us ate and left no crumbs
never grow up: we could unpack all of that OR- or, we could choose not to. and i think ik what im going to do :D (it was better than the original)
enchanted: i hope that wherever adam young is, the sun shines and it's a beautiful day
better than revenge: ok so the lyric change is what i know everyone's on about but like its a really good lyric. i'll miss the original but come on "he was a moth to the flame she was holding the matches" that's so funny. better than revenge already paints the guy as like, a trophy that gets passed around. now he's literally a hapless bug this is so unserious in the best way
haunted: once again better than the og. she just really delivered with the vocals and the emotional performance, and i almost feel like this moves haunted up in my ranking (almost)
last kiss: i hear the shaky breath idk what you guys are on about. maybe i'm the one who's wrong and i just hear it from force of habit but its really good anyway??? like it's probably her most emotionally delivered song in the original, so i was nervous about this one. but i really like it and i actually had to check while listening to it for the first time to make sure i wasn't streaming the stolen version.
long live: this song still makes me so emotional and its just like. we did point to the pictures. and we do tell them her name. and she's still here and shining! fate did not force us into a goodbye! ughhhhhhhh (also its heartbreaking with the added context of castles crumbling but that's for another day)
ours: i always loved ours so i hope you guys give it the love it deserves this time sry
superman: i also really liked superman and like haunted, this was a song she just EMOTED on like crazy. ate and left no crumbs AGAIN and it was a great finishing point for the non-vault songs
thoughts on vault tracks are in a seperate post bc i have too many
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yonglixx · 1 year ago
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DARLING SUN!! I hope you have the most happiest of happy birthdays! I hope you get lots of nice presents and eat lots of nice food and just have a lovely lovely time (or knowing you’re not actually really worried about your bday I just hope you do what you wanna do hlfjfkfkf ���🥰🥰) I am taking you out for coffee etc etc in spirit because we are cursed to live across the ocean from one another but for now I’m hoping you’ll get yourself something lovely that makes you happy 🥰🥰🥰 giving you all the love and the all hugs and wishes that this year is an amazing one for you cause you’ve come such a long way I’m proud of you bestie. I love you so much MWAAAAH enjoy your presents 💋❤️😘
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🥺🥺🥺awww thank you Sian I think we need to cancel distance like im so over it 😩😩 the only thing I enjoy about bday is presents haha I mean im always open to receiving gifts any time of the year ngl😂😂 but thank you for this lovely message and I can't believe its almost been 2 years ;; thank you for being in my life and for always having my back I lovey you so much ❤️❤️❤️
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missmaymay13 · 3 days ago
Omg dw ab it !!  ok so im not crazy for thinking that way lol
I completely agree with you bc personally if i am to date i think +2 or -2 from age is like ok? Maybe +3 but you’re so right as the older you get like 18-20 is really young and i look back at me being 18-20 and i was very sheltered and like more on the quiet side and its just a different world!! Like my cousin is turning 19 this year (he is very proud to be the same age as Mack LOL he also got me back into hockey) but like i cant imagine dating someone with that age gap so reading or seeing Mack fics i get scared hahaha (but dw i will still support your writing hehe) 
I didnt know about ntdp until i started following jack and matt but its also crazy how connections work and that everyone in the nhl has somehow crossed another nhl player in their life time lol but seeing jack and matt on team usa for four nations was really cute to see too!!
A lakehouse or ntdp series would be so cute!! But noo pressure haha
we can be crazy together fr
like i remember graduating high school and having convos with my friends feeling super old bcs 06's were in hs now.
its so weird to think about age gaps too bcs when i think of a 30yr old dating a 35yr old its fine. but like an 18/19yr old? still so baby to me
i think i just feel old. i think thats what the takeaway is from this thread lol.
but thank you for the support!!! ur cemented as my mattboldyanon forever lol.
the hughes family lore and all their nhl connections is so wild, same with that ntdp class. like that draft year was insaneeee. i need someone to draw like a whole family tree for how everyone is connected to the hughes/that draft class lol. like who in the league hasnt been to the hughes cabin atp
also ngl as a canadian.. like it so weird how most people here have like a personal connection with someone in the league... like canada is big but like when u think of it its also v small. like i think i saw somewhere that ethan edwards from umich/ndj went to the same hs as tate mcrae? maybe its bcs so many ppl in the league r canadian? idk
but yeah will fs work on that!! so excited hehe
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livelaughlovepedri · 3 months ago
me and my friends had opening night but now its early feb. im so excited because even in 1d zayn was my fav member and who knows this might be the last time i'll ever see him live since he normally doesn't do tours and stuff..
ngl sorta scared for the bilbao match like if someone asked me in oct or even parts of nov id be like no problem but rn im scared af. especially with lamine being questionable. also who do you think should start because i feel like even though araujo and alot of injured ppl just got back and he's amazing don't get me wrong but might be too much too fast? or idk if thats just me. im leaning towards to normal lineup from early in the season, but alot of other ppl i heard want a new line up.
hahah yeah i think its gonna be too hard for either jannik or carlos to win all 4 but i think what i meant was that he has never won AO. man i forget carlos is still 21, same with so many barca players like 99% of them are literal children still. and more and more 16/17 year old players keep debuting like ok child labor (jk i love them) i really hope we though do get a sincraz final or even a semi ... but knowing the draw 99.9999% they will be on the same side. whatever happens though i hope carlos wins wimbledon again thats always been my fav tournament to watch since i was really young. i wish tennis was as easy to stream as barca games tho like sometimes its really hard to find streams for matches
zayn was my fave member back then too 🤝 im so proud of him for doing this tour bc it’s such a big step and he’s clearly enjoying it 🥹🥹 definitely worth the wait love :)
honestly idk how to feel about the match but we must win to get our confidence back!! imo we could use the same starting xi as against atleti bc we clearly dominated that game (if only we had better finishing…) and if hansi wants to make changes he can try torre instead of fermin in the false lw position. i would use araujo and lamine only as subs, for me it’s too soon for them to start (esp lamine) and i prefer them to give an energy boost around the 60th minute if the match it’s not going our way.
i would LOVE a sincaraz final they really bring out the best in each other and it’s sooooo entertaining to watch. im manifesting at least one sincaraz grand slam final and that carlitos wins roland garros again bc that’s the one for me haha
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bizarreboa · 3 months ago
I was randomly thinking in the middle of the night and i started thinking about me at my lowest point and now i’m crying?! I’m actually so proud of myself for clawing my way out, and i just feel so bad for 10 year old me.
I had no friends even though it was subtle, i was bullied. The other girls played this game were they would run away and say it was a game when they saw me approaching school.
My mom was working more hours than usual and i was usually at home alone with my stepfather. They were going through a rough patch in their marriage and he kept trying to use me as a therapist of sorts. He also drove me to school and often asked me questions like “does your mom love me?” When i just wanted to go to school, which says a lot considering i cried multiple times over the way other girls treated me in and out of class. Also the school didnt do shit(what a surprise)
It got to the point where i would stay cooped up in my room all day until my mom came home because he never said anything when she was around. I had a fear of my own house and my only safe place was my room where no one would ask me uncomfortable questions.
It got to the point to where my mom got me a dog to cure my loneliness and started working less to spend time with me. I think it helped. To be honest my memory goes blank around this part of my life and i cant remember much from the year other than key moments and how shitty i felt.
I remember an incident where i started losing it and started screaming my head off at a group of girls who usually tormented me lmao. Hella embarrassing now that i think about it but i really needed to get that steam off. Honestly the fact that i feel okay with sharing that incident tells me so much about my own growth.
Middleschool was a godsend(surprisingly, considering the reputation). I found friends, met my current best friend, and basically gained self worth. I was finally the first choice. Also i came out of the closet. The positive effect of being able to share my interests and actually being myself instead of some stitched on personality is crazy. Ngl had some moments here and there but thats unavoidable. Also i chopped off half of my hair(hip to shoulder). It felt oddly symbolic of me letting go, especially considering that i started letting go of the past after that and the fact that i was growing my hair out for the entirety of elementary.
Some of my elementary tormenters still try to rile me up whenever i walk past them in school and i..don’t feel much at all. All i feel is annoyance and even so, its kinda mild. I genuinely dont care anymore and thats a really nice thought when i think about it. Don’t get me wrong though, i do love flipping them off and tripping them in crowded hallways. Its just that i do it out of pettiness and boredom, not any kind of intense hatred. I do hate it when they try to pull that shit with my friends though.
I absolutely fuxking hate my stepfather lmao. He wonders why i hate him and tries to be a father figure to me as though he didnt destroy every chance he had. Too late now asshole. He still gives me money and stuff so that’s nice.
Anyways yeah now that i reflect my mental health has improved so much its actually insane. I genuinely thought about kicking the bucket when i was 10. Now i just enjoy being a menace to society. I definitely still have my moments but thats probably my fault for listening to sad music and making up really angsty scenarios for my ocs lol. Therapy? Who that? Im joking i totally shouldve gone to therapy but i was a scaredy cat.
I feel so relaxed rn its great even though im currently pulling an all nighter and i know imma be exhausted a couple hours later lol.
I feel so proud of myself and it feels kinda weird but also really soothing haha. Ok bye im gonna listen to more sad music about relationships even though ive never been in one hehehe
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deathbxnny · 4 months ago
Hi there! It’s been a while ^_^
First of all, thanks for making my wrio request. It is everything i imagine what a dynamic between him and Vi would be like and i love it.
Second of all, i saw your post that mention you being sick. I hope you get well soon and get enough rest while your at it. Being sick while also doing final exams and running on 3-4 hours of sleep is hell.. i would know that bc ive done it (and i dont regret it despite passing out by the time i get home). So please dont do what i did and take care of yourself, drink your medicine as needed, drink water, and just rest 👍
Im nearing the end of my final exams and will be having my school break soon which i will be using to finish up any major or long story quest in HSR and Genshin. Im planning to get Citlali later (bc god she is so relatable and funny). Mauvika is gonna debut alongside her, what’s your thoughts on her gameplay? (and the fact she has a literal motorcycle WTH hoyoverse?!)
Also i saw your post about black butler and ngl im kinda excited to see you open requests for it bc well.. it has became a guilty pleasure of mine 😅 so expect some black butler requests once you add it to your roster and open requests
Speaking of anime, have you watched/read Dandadan? There was this episode (ep 7) that made me bawl like a baby bc.. good god it was heartbreaking and wonderfully created.
Uh so yeah.. that’s all. Again, i hope you get well soon and thank you for your arcane posts, they help me whenever i need to wind down after studying for hours. Hope you have a good day/night and take care of yourself bxnny!
- Flower Anon 🌸
Hello Flower Anon!!<33
I'm so glad to hear from you again, and I'm glad you liked my post! Also, thank you so much for the well wishes and reminders. They mean a lot to me. I'm happy to know that your exams are finally coming to an end because you seriously deserve a good, long break for your hard work! I'm definitely proud of you for it, but you should also definitely take care if yourself too, even when it's hard with the lack of time...
Regarding Mavuika, I have over 160 wishes saved up just for her and her weapon. I've skipped literally every single character just for her and cannot wait to FINALLY get my hands on her after so long. I'm obsessed with her whole aesthetic and the motorcycle, especially. Her attacks and idles are just so good, too. So I'm excited, to say the least lol. (I need her-)
I'm glad you're excited for the potential black butler content, btw, because I'm essentially going back to my roots, lol. Fun fact about me, my first fanfics/one-shots were for the black butler Fandom when it was still extremely popular in the early/mid 2010s, so this is going to be great haha.
I have also tried, REALLY tried, to like Dandadan. I read the first volume and didn't enjoy it at all for some reason. Then I tried the anime, but idk, still didn't click for me so ig it's not my thing, lol. Great character designs tho!
Anyhow, I hope to continue making good content for you to enjoy, and thank you again for your little update! I'm always happy to hear from you fr and I wish you a lot of good luck for the last of your exams!
Take care of yourself too, and have a good day/night!<3
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